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Teaching Techniques and Strategies in Foreign


 Presented by

Dr. G. Sakinah Abdur-Rashied,

Assistant Professor of 

Modern Foreign Languages

Jackson State University

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Teaching Techniques and Strategies in Foreign


Best Practices in Foreign Language

Teaching and Learning

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 M ethodologies in Foreign

 Language Teaching  Grammar-Translation Method (1890-1930)

Cognitive Approach (1940 ± 1950) Audio-Lingual Method (1950-1960)

The Direct Method (1970)

The Natural/Communicative Approach(1960 ± 2000)

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 M ethodologies Continued 

Total Physical Response/TPR (1960± 


The Silent Way (1960 ± 2000)

Suggestopedia (1960 ± 2000)

Community Language Learning/CLL:

(1960 ± 2000)

Total Immersion Technique

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Grammar Cognitive

Translation Approach

Use of dictionaries

Grammar explanations

Exercise drills

Little opportunity for second-languageacquisition existed

Introduction for the first

time of the four skills



Reading Writing

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  Audio-Lingual Dire

 M ethod   M ethod  Audio tapes and lab

Mimic native speakers

Dialogues recited andMemorized

Repetition and


Transformation and


Discussion in the



Accuracy in

 pronunciation and

oral expression

 became the main


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 Communicative Physical 

 Approach Response

Tracy Terrell and

Stephen Krashen says Acquisition-focused

approach progresses

through three stages:

1. Aural comprehension2. Early speech production

3. Speech activities

TPR founded by James

Asher  Language and body

movement are

synchronized through

imperative commands

Kinetic movement vs.

rote memorization

Speech is delayed

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The Silent Way

Introduced by Dr. Caleb

Gattegno of Alexandria,Egypt

Production beforemeaning

Color-coded phonetics

 No pronunciation model

Ability to draw studentsout orally

Teacher takes a back seat Small group or round-

table required

 No textbook, syllabus in

initial phase The silent way truly gives

students a spoken facility

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Suggestopedia  M ethod 

Based on the Bulgarianmedical doctor, hypnotist,

 psychology professor Dr.

Georgi Lozanov and histechniques of superlearning This

Avant-garde method is sub

conscious & subliminalmelodic and artistic

Background classical or 

Baroque music

Soft lights, pillows

Cushions on floor 

Low/no stress focus

Maximizes naturalholistic talents

Low/no stress focus

Breathing exercises to

lead into the ³alpha state´

Derivative Programs

1. Donald Schuster (SALT)

2. Lynn Dhority (ACT)

3. Suzuki Method of 

Music learning

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Community Language

 Learning/CLLDesigned and elaborated by

Charles Curran

Eases the learner intogradual independenceand self-confidence inthe target language


1. S = Security to foster student confidence

2. A = Attention or aggression (involvement and


3. R = retention and

reflection (what isinternalized andultimately reflectedupon)

4. D = discrimination (thelearner can now

discriminate throughclassifying a body of material, seeing howone concept interrelatesto another previously

 presented structure)

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Total Immersion Technique

This technique in foreign language pedagogy³immerses´ or ³submerges´ the student directly

into the target language from the first openingday or hour of class. There are basically twotypes:

1. Effective ± begins in hour one wherein the

teacher speaks the foreign language slowly,clearly, and uses understandablecomprehensible cognates( pictures/photo/TPR 

2. Ineffective ± begins in hour one wherein theteacher speaks rapidly at native speed as if thestudents were residing within the target culture.

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Strategies in Foreign language

 Learning and Teaching Definition of Strategies:

1. Wenden and Rubin (1987) defines strategies

as«´any set of operations, steps, plans,routines used by the learner to facilitate theobtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information.´

2. Richards and Platt (1992) state that learningstrategies are ³intentional behavior andthoughts used by learners during learning so asto better help them understand, learn or remember new information.´

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Strategies Continued 

According to Rubin (1987) there are three types of 


1. Learning strategies

2. Communication strategies

3. Social strategies

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 Learning Strategies

Cognitive Learning


Steps or operations

used in learning that

require direct


transformation, or 


Six main cognitive


1. Clarifying/Verifying2. Guessing / Inductive


3. Deductive Reasoning

4. Practice5. Memorization

6. Monitoring

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 Learning Strategies Cont¶d 


Related to the processof participation in aconversation and

getting meaningacross or clarifyingwhat the speaker intended

Social strategies

Those activities that

learners engage in to

 be exposed to and to

 practice their 

language knowledge

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Teacher Role in Strategy

Training  Teacher should learn

about students

1. Interests

2. Goals

3. motivations

4. Learning styles

5. Purpose for learninga language

The most importantteacher role in foreign

language teaching isthe provision of awide range of tasks tomatch the needs of allstudents possessing

different learningstyles, motivationsetc. (Hismanoglu)

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 Application of Techniques

Language masteredmore meaningfully

when instructorsutilize:

1. Sounds

2. Patterns

3. Gestures4. Symbols

5. And multimedia

Computers and

interactive multimedia

learning are creatingmeaningful learning

environment in

foreign language

 pedagogy (Jacobs,1992)

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Techniques continued 

Good teaching means

that the teacher must:


e knowledgeable indiscipline

2. Show enthusiasm

3. Emphasize concepts andcritical thinking

4. Encourage questionsfrom students

5. Be caring tostudents(Ali, 2005)

Creativity and Art as aconstructivist techniquewhich allows student to

make personaldiscoveries throughstudent centeredlearning: with thefreedom to choose how

to learn, what to learn,when to learn, and to

 become an activemember of thecommunity of learners

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 E  ffective Teaching and  E  ffective Learning Process

Teacher Student

Planning and stategies



Promote thinking skills

Technology integration





Group Work 

Attitude & perception

Critical thinkingWillingness to learn

Cooperative learning

Goal orientation

State of the mind


Reason application


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 Factors  E  ffecting Learning Outcome

Student¶s attitude

Learning environment

Student¶s interaction

Learning instruction

Teacher¶s attitude

Social environment

Classroom management

Student-teacher interaction

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Techniques of Positive Teaching 

Storytelling + surprises

Use reasoning

Use communications

RelevancyUse left-right brain


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Techniques of Positive Teaching Continued 


Using fewer facts

Media integration

Emphasize Concepts


Encourage questions

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 Learning Process

Motivation Engagement Group Learning

Learning Process

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Faryadi, Q., (2007). Techniques of Teaching Arabic as a ForeignLanguage through Constructivist Paradigm: Malaysian Perspective

Hadley, A. (2001). Teaching Language in Context, Third Edition, Heinle

& Heinle PublishersHismanoglu, M. (2000). Language Learning

Strategies in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. TESLJournal Vol. VI, No.8, retreived August 8, 2009.

Lozanov, G. (1999). Methodologies in Foreign Language Teaching: a brief historical overview.

Pufahl, I., Rhodes, N. & Christina, D. (2001). What We can Learn fromForeign Language Teaching in Other countries. Center for AppliedLinguistics.

Richards, J. & Platt, J. (1992).Longman Dictionary of LanguageTeaching and Applied Linguistics

Wenden, A. & Rubin, J., (1987). Learner Strategies in LanguageLearning, Prentice Hall.

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