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Page 1: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Birkbeck College Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number: 8384

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Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report

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Page 3: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Prepared by Capita Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding

Birkbeck University of London

Staff Survey 2019

Background In May 2019, Birkbeck College launched its staff survey, to provide an opportunity for employees to feedback on their experiences in working for the College and to highlight issues they feel should be addressed in the future. The survey was designed by Birkbeck (in conjunction with Capita Surveys and Research) as an online survey, with an option to complete the survey on paper or over the telephone. The survey was distributed on 15th May 2019 and closed on 7th June 2019. Capita Surveys and Research processed and validated 827 completed survey questionnaires from Birkbeck staff: this gives a response rate of 66% based on the 1,255 staff invited to participate. Capita also processed and validated 64 responses from Teaching and Scholarship staff: this gives a response rate of around 12% for this group, based on the 524 staff members invited to participate. This report presents the results for the Teaching and Scholarship staff group.

Presentation of results Frequency data - This format provides figures for the number and percentage of respondents to each individual question, encompassing all response options, for example a count and percentage would be given for each of ‘Agree’, ‘Tend to agree’, ‘Tend to disagree’ and ‘Disagree’ It should be noted the sum of the total responses throughout this report may not be exactly equal to 100% due to rounding.

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Page 4: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Prepared by Capita Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding

Frequency Data

Question Block 1: My Job

Question Block 2: Working with colleagues and making improvements

Question Block 3: My Manager/Assistant Dean/Principal Investigator

Question Block 4: Birkbeck Senior Leadership

Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Question Block 6: Dignity and respect

Question Block 7: Communication and finding information

Question Block 8: My work experience and wellbeing

Question Block 9: Staff performance and development

Question Block 10: Working conditions, health & safety and pay

Question Block 11: Change

Question Block 12: Overall Satisfaction

Question Block 13: Your Comments

Question Block 14: About Your Role

Role-Specific Additional Questions

Question Block 16: Research

Question Block 17: Teaching/Learning Support

Question Block 18: Research/Teaching/Learning Support/ Administration

Question Block 19: Professional and Support Staff

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Question Block 1: My Job

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I am clear about what is required of me in my jobQ1‐1

66%38Agree 59%38

33%19Tend to Agree 30%19

2%1Tend to Disagree 5%3

0%0Disagree 6%4

Total: 64 58

My job gives me a sense of personal achievementQ1‐2

66%38Agree 55%35

26%15Tend to Agree 27%17

3%2Tend to Disagree 9%6

5%3Disagree 9%6

Total: 64 58

I feel part of BirkbeckQ1‐3

Agree 17%11

Tend to Agree 30%19

Tend to Disagree 33%21

Disagree 20%13

Total: 64

I understand how my role contributes to the Mission and aims of BirkbeckQ1‐4

60%35Agree 27%17

24%14Tend to Agree 34%22

12%7Tend to Disagree 22%14

3%2Disagree 17%11

Total: 64 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 5

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Question Block 2: Working with colleagues and making improvements

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I am satisfied with the support I get from my colleaguesQ2‐1

Agree 33%21

Tend to Agree 32%20

Tend to Disagree 17%11

Disagree 17%11

Total: 63

In my department, people are willing to help each other even if it means doing something outside their usual activities


Agree 38%24

Tend to Agree 37%23

Tend to Disagree 11%7

Disagree 14%9

Total: 63

I feel my department contributes to the success of BirkbeckQ2‐3

Agree 61%39

Tend to Agree 30%19

Tend to Disagree 3%2

Disagree 6%4

Total: 64

In my department I am encouraged to look for ways to improve the way we do thingsQ2‐4

Agree 22%14

Tend to Agree 31%20

Tend to Disagree 22%14

Disagree 25%16

Total: 64

I am confident that I will get feedback on my ideas or suggestions for improvementQ2‐5

Agree 19%12

Tend to Agree 25%16

Tend to Disagree 25%16

Disagree 30%19

Total: 63

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 6

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Question Block 3: My Manager/Assistant Dean/Principal Investigator

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

My manager provides me with feedback about my performanceQ3‐1

Agree 15%9

Tend to Agree 31%19

Tend to Disagree 21%13

Disagree 34%21

Total: 62

My manager gives me recognition for work done wellQ3‐2

Agree 21%13

Tend to Agree 23%14

Tend to Disagree 21%13

Disagree 35%22

Total: 62

My manager keeps me informed about things I should know aboutQ3‐3

44%25Agree 23%14

23%13Tend to Agree 29%18

26%15Tend to Disagree 29%18

7%4Disagree 19%12

Total: 62 57

My manager is approachable if I had a problem at work or at homeQ3‐4

Agree 39%24

Tend to Agree 19%12

Tend to Disagree 18%11

Disagree 24%15

Total: 62

My manager in my opinion, deals fairly with everyone for whom they are responsibleQ3‐5

Agree 36%21

Tend to Agree 36%21

Tend to Disagree 12%7

Disagree 17%10

Total: 59

My manager deals with poor performance effectivelyQ3‐6

28%16Agree 19%11

32%18Tend to Agree 36%21

37%21Tend to Disagree 24%14

4%2Disagree 21%12

Total: 58 57

My manager involves me in decisions that affect me in my area of workQ3‐7

Agree 25%15

Tend to Agree 18%11

Tend to Disagree 20%12

Disagree 37%22

Total: 60

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 7

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Question Block 3: My Manager/Assistant Dean/Principal Investigator

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I am satisfied with the support I get from my managerQ3‐8

42%24Agree 34%21

28%16Tend to Agree 15%9

25%14Tend to Disagree 32%20

5%3Disagree 19%12

Total: 62 57

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 8

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Question Block 4: Birkbeck Senior Leadership

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

The Senior Leadership Team sets out a clear vision for BirkbeckQ4‐1

Agree 6%4

Tend to Agree 42%26

Tend to Disagree 10%6

Disagree 11%7

Don't know 31%19

Total: 62

I believe that the Senior Leadership Team responds to the views of staffQ4‐2

Agree 5%3

Tend to Agree 13%8

Tend to Disagree 22%14

Disagree 22%14

Don't know 38%24

Total: 63

The Senior Leadership Team is sufficiently visible to staff or within the organisationQ4‐3

Agree 3%2

Tend to Agree 21%13

Tend to Disagree 18%11

Disagree 35%22

Don't know 23%14

Total: 62

The Senior Leadership Team communicates well and keeps staff informed of important issues


Agree 5%3

Tend to Agree 39%24

Tend to Disagree 23%14

Disagree 18%11

Don't know 16%10

Total: 62

I believe that the Senior Leadership Team is committed to equality and diversity at Birkbeck


Agree 16%10

Tend to Agree 34%21

Tend to Disagree 7%4

Disagree 16%10

Don't know 26%16

Total: 61

The Senior Leadership Team has a good understanding of the pressures faced by staffQ4‐6

Agree 5%3

Tend to Agree 13%8

Tend to Disagree 23%14

Disagree 32%20

Don't know 27%17

Total: 62

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 9

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Question Block 4: Birkbeck Senior Leadership

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

The Senior Leadership Team manages and leads Birkbeck wellQ4‐7

14%8Agree 6%4

45%26Tend to Agree 31%19

10%6Tend to Disagree 18%11

14%8Disagree 21%13

17%10Don't know 24%15

Total: 62 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 10

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I believe Birkbeck has an inclusive environment which promotes tolerance and freedom from discrimination


53%31Agree 34%21

36%21Tend to Agree 36%22

10%6Tend to Disagree 20%12

0%0Disagree 10%6

Total: 61 58

I feel Birkbeck acts fairly with regard to recruitmentQ5‐2a

23%13Agree 20%12

55%31Tend to Agree 48%29

11%6Tend to Disagree 22%13

11%6Disagree 10%6

Total: 60 56

I feel Birkbeck acts fairly with regard to career progression/promotionQ5‐2b

13%7Agree 3%2

52%29Tend to Agree 32%19

25%14Tend to Disagree 32%19

11%6Disagree 32%19

Total: 59 56

I feel Birkbeck acts fairly with regard to…Q5‐3


Agree 39%24

Tend to Agree 35%22

Tend to Disagree 5%3

Disagree 8%5

Don't know 13%8

Total: 62

(b)   ...race/ethnicity

Agree 40%25

Tend to Agree 19%12

Tend to Disagree 10%6

Disagree 13%8

Don't know 18%11

Total: 62

(c)   ...nationality

Agree 38%23

Tend to Agree 28%17

Tend to Disagree 8%5

Disagree 8%5

Don't know 18%11

Total: 61

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 11

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I feel Birkbeck acts fairly with regard to…Q5‐3

(d)   ...disability

Agree 32%20

Tend to Agree 24%15

Tend to Disagree 11%7

Disagree 6%4

Don't know 26%16

Total: 62

(e)   ...age

Agree 39%24

Tend to Agree 27%17

Tend to Disagree 10%6

Disagree 6%4

Don't know 18%11

Total: 62

(f)   ...sexual orientation

Agree 42%26

Tend to Agree 27%17

Tend to Disagree 5%3

Disagree 2%1

Don't know 24%15

Total: 62

(g)   ...religion or beliefs

Agree 37%23

Tend to Agree 24%15

Tend to Disagree 5%3

Disagree 2%1

Don't know 32%20

Total: 62

(h)   ...pregnancy and maternity

Agree 23%14

Tend to Agree 16%10

Tend to Disagree 11%7

Disagree 3%2

Don't know 47%29

Total: 62

(i)   ...paternity/shared parental leave/adoption leave

Agree 19%12

Tend to Agree 13%8

Tend to Disagree 10%6

Disagree 5%3

Don't know 53%33

Total: 62

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 12

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I feel Birkbeck acts fairly with regard to…Q5‐3

(j)   ...caring responsibilities

Agree 20%12

Tend to Agree 20%12

Tend to Disagree 8%5

Disagree 7%4

Don't know 46%28

Total: 61

(k)   ...marriage and civil partnership

Agree 29%18

Tend to Agree 19%12

Tend to Disagree 3%2

Disagree 3%2

Don't know 45%28

Total: 62

(l)   ...gender identity

Agree 33%20

Tend to Agree 20%12

Tend to Disagree 5%3

Disagree 2%1

Don't know 41%25

Total: 61

I am aware of the equality and diversity policies and initiatives within BirkbeckQ5‐4

31%18Agree 25%15

28%16Tend to Agree 48%29

34%20Tend to Disagree 16%10

7%4Disagree 11%7

Total: 61 58

If I needed a reasonable adjustment because of a disability, I feel my needs would be metQ5‐5

Agree 21%13

Tend to Agree 60%38

Tend to Disagree 13%8

Disagree 6%4

Total: 63

Do you use the nursery facilities at Birkbeck?Q5‐6

Yes 2%1

No 98%63

Total: 64

If available would you be interested in using any of the following types of childcare at Birkbeck?


Nursery – day time

Yes 14%9

No 86%55

Total: 64

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 13

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

If available would you be interested in using any of the following types of childcare at Birkbeck?


Nursery – evening

Yes 14%9

No 86%55

Total: 64

Primary school childcare – evening

Yes 11%7

No 89%57

Total: 64

Half‐term holiday childcare

Yes 16%10

No 84%54

Total: 64

Easter holiday childcare

Yes 3%2

No 97%62

Total: 64

Summer holiday childcare

Yes 8%5

No 92%59

Total: 64

Christmas holiday childcare

Yes 3%2

No 97%62

Total: 64

Do you provide unpaid, caring support to a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without your support?


Yes 16%10

No 84%53

Total: 63

Is there any particular support Birkbeck could offer to support carers?  (Based on people who provide unpaid, caring support to a friend or family member ‐ from Q5‐8)


Yes 67%6

No 33%3

Total: 9

Have you felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months?Q5‐10

7%4Yes 17%11

93%53No 83%52

Total: 63 57

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 14

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Who or what was responsible? (Based on people who have felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months ‐ from Q5‐10)


Senior colleague(s)

Yes 82%9

No 18%2

Total: 11

Peer colleague(s)

Yes 18%2

No 82%9

Total: 11

Junior colleague(s)

No 100%11

Total: 11

Staff from outside your department

Yes 9%1

No 91%10

Total: 11


Yes 45%5

No 55%6

Total: 11

Staff from the Senior Leadership Team

No 100%11

Total: 11

Staff from other organisations

No 100%11

Total: 11


No 100%11

Total: 11


No 100%11

Total: 11

College policy

Yes 18%2

No 82%9

Total: 11

Working environment

Yes 18%2

No 82%9

Total: 11


No 100%11

Total: 11

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 15

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

In the past 12 months I have felt discriminated against at work because of one or more of my protected characteristics: (Based on people who have felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months ‐ from Q5‐10)



25%1Yes 36%4

75%3No 64%7

Total: 11 4


0%0Yes 9%1

100%4No 91%10

Total: 11 4

Gender reassignment

No 100%11

Total: 11

Marital and civil partnership status

0%0Yes 9%1

100%4No 91%10

Total: 11 4

Pregnancy and maternity

0%0Yes 0%0

100%4No 100%11

Total: 11 4


0%0Yes 27%3

100%4No 73%8

Total: 11 4

Religion or belief

0%0Yes 9%1

100%4No 91%10

Total: 11 4


25%1Yes 9%1

75%3No 91%10

Total: 11 4

Sexual orientation

0%0Yes 0%0

100%4No 100%11

Total: 11 4

If you felt discriminated against in the last 12 months, have you discussed this with anyone? (Based on people who have felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months ‐ from Q5‐10)


Yes 55%6

No 45%5

Total: 11

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 16

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Please indicate who you have discussed this with: (Based on people who have discussed feeling discriminated against ‐ from Q5‐13)


My line manager

Yes 33%2

No 67%4

Total: 6


A contact in the HR department

No 100%6

Total: 6


A trade union representative

Yes 50%3

No 50%3

Total: 6


A Dignity at Work & Study Contact

Yes 17%1

No 83%5

Total: 6


A colleague

Yes 67%4

No 33%2

Total: 6


Family/a friend

Yes 50%3

No 50%3

Total: 6


Professional advice outside the College

Yes 33%2

No 67%4

Total: 6



Yes 17%1

No 83%5

Total: 6


Have you made a formal complaint or raised a grievance? (Based on people who have felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months ‐ from Q5‐10)


25%1Yes 10%1

75%3No 90%9

Total: 10 4

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 17

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Question Block 5: Equality and diversity

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

If not, why was this? (Based on people who have not made a formal complaint or raised a grievance ‐ from Q5‐15)


Resolved informally

Yes 11%1

No 89%8

Total: 9

Issue or behaviour stopped

No 100%9

Total: 9

Nothing would happen

Yes 78%7

No 22%2

Total: 9

Unaware of procedures

No 100%9

Total: 9

Concerns about being viewed as a troublemaker

Yes 89%8

No 11%1

Total: 9

Concerns about confidentiality

Yes 33%3

No 67%6

Total: 9

Possible victimisation

Yes 56%5

No 44%4

Total: 9

Time required to report

Yes 22%2

No 78%7

Total: 9

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 18

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Question Block 6: Dignity and respect

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Are you currently being harassed or bullied at work?Q6‐1

0%0Yes 3%2

100%58No 97%62

Total: 64 58

Who is the person responsible? (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)


Senior colleague(s)

Yes 100%2

Total: 2

Peer colleague(s)

No 100%2

Total: 2

Junior colleague(s)

No 100%2

Total: 2

Staff from outside your department

No 100%2

Total: 2


Yes 100%2

Total: 2

Staff from the Senior Leadership Team

No 100%2

Total: 2

Staff from other organisations

No 100%2

Total: 2


No 100%2

Total: 2


No 100%2

Total: 2


No 100%2

Total: 2

What form does this harassment and bullying take? (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)


Excessive criticism

Yes 100%2

Total: 2

Selective application of rules

Yes 50%1

No 50%1

Total: 2

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 19

Page 20: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 6: Dignity and respect

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

What form does this harassment and bullying take? (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)


Threats about job security

No 100%2

Total: 2

Setting unrealistic deadlines

No 100%2

Total: 2

Singled out for unfair treatment

Yes 50%1

No 50%1

Total: 2

Unwelcome looks or remarks

Yes 50%1

No 50%1

Total: 2

Patronising language

Yes 100%2

Total: 2

Physical harassment

No 100%2

Total: 2

Sexual harassment

No 100%2

Total: 2

Exclusion from work‐based activities

No 100%2

Total: 2

Other, please specify

No 100%2

Total: 2

I believe that I am currently being harassed or bullied because of my: (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)



No 100%2

Total: 2


No 100%2

Total: 2

Gender reassignment

No 100%2

Total: 2

Marital and civil partnership status

No 100%2

Total: 2

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 20

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Question Block 6: Dignity and respect

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I believe that I am currently being harassed or bullied because of my: (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)


Pregnancy and maternity

No 100%2

Total: 2


Yes 50%1

No 50%1

Total: 2

Religion or belief

No 100%2

Total: 2


No 100%2

Total: 2

Sexual orientation

No 100%2

Total: 2

Have you discussed this with anyone? (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)


Yes 50%1

No 50%1

Total: 2

Please indicate who you have discussed this with (Based on people who have discussed being harassed or bullied ‐ from Q6‐5)


My line manager

No 100%1

Total: 1

A contact in the HR department

No 100%1

Total: 1

A trade union representative

Yes 100%1

Total: 1

A Dignity at Work & Study Contact

No 100%1

Total: 1

A colleague

Yes 100%1

Total: 1

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 21

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Question Block 6: Dignity and respect

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Please indicate who you have discussed this with (Based on people who have discussed being harassed or bullied ‐ from Q6‐5)


Family/a friend

Yes 100%1

Total: 1


Professional advice outside the College

Yes 100%1

Total: 1



No 100%1

Total: 1


Have you made a formal complaint or raised a grievance? (Based on people who are currently being harassed or bullied at work ‐ from Q6‐1)


No 100%2

Total: 2

If, not why was this? (Based on people who have not made a formal complaint or raised a grievance ‐ from Q6‐7)


Resolved informally

No 100%2

Total: 2

Issue or behaviour stopped

No 100%2

Total: 2

Nothing would happen

Yes 50%1

No 50%1

Total: 2

Unaware of procedures

No 100%2

Total: 2

Concerns about being viewed as a troublemaker

Yes 100%2

Total: 2

Concerns about confidentiality

No 100%2

Total: 2

Possible victimisation

Yes 100%2

Total: 2

Time required to report

No 100%2

Total: 2

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 22

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Question Block 7: Communication and finding information

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I feel adequately informed about the key issues affecting my academic department or professional service department


Agree 19%12

Tend to Agree 30%19

Tend to Disagree 22%14

Disagree 25%16

Don't know 3%2

Total: 63

I feel adequately informed about the key issues affecting BirkbeckQ7‐2

Agree 17%11

Tend to Agree 35%22

Tend to Disagree 25%16

Disagree 21%13

Don't know 2%1

Total: 63

In my experience, communication is effective within my academic department or professional service department


24%14Agree 17%11

38%22Tend to Agree 28%18

22%13Tend to Disagree 28%18

16%9Disagree 25%16

0%0Don't know 2%1

Total: 64 58

In my experience, communication is effective between different parts of BirkbeckQ7‐4

5%3Agree 6%4

14%8Tend to Agree 16%10

33%19Tend to Disagree 17%11

16%9Disagree 30%19

33%19Don't know 30%19

Total: 63 58

In my experience, information about the different activities and responsibilities of other departments in Birkbeck is easily accessible


Agree 3%2

Tend to Agree 17%11

Tend to Disagree 23%15

Disagree 31%20

Don't know 25%16

Total: 64

On the whole, in my experience, communication in Birkbeck is effectiveQ7‐6

14%8Agree 9%6

41%24Tend to Agree 39%25

28%16Tend to Disagree 27%17

12%7Disagree 22%14

5%3Don't know 3%2

Total: 64 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 23

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Question Block 8: My work experience and wellbeing

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

My motivation at work is generally highQ8‐1

Agree 48%30

Tend to Agree 33%21

Tend to Disagree 10%6

Disagree 10%6

Total: 63

I am satisfied with my current role and level of responsibilityQ8‐2

45%26Agree 21%13

26%15Tend to Agree 35%22

16%9Tend to Disagree 29%18

14%8Disagree 16%10

Total: 63 58

I can decide on my own how to go about doing my work, as appropriate to the job needsQ8‐3

Agree 37%23

Tend to Agree 46%29

Tend to Disagree 13%8

Disagree 5%3

Total: 63

I feel I have a reasonable work‐life balance at BirkbeckQ8‐4

45%26Agree 24%15

26%15Tend to Agree 45%28

17%10Tend to Disagree 21%13

12%7Disagree 10%6

Total: 62 58

I am able to take regular breaks on most daysQ8‐5

Agree 31%18

Tend to Agree 44%26

Tend to Disagree 17%10

Disagree 8%5

Total: 59

I am struggling to cope with my current workloadQ8‐6

Agree 7%4

Tend to Agree 23%14

Tend to Disagree 36%22

Disagree 34%21

Total: 61

Birkbeck is interested in my wellbeingQ8‐7

Agree 5%3

Tend to Agree 26%16

Tend to Disagree 48%29

Disagree 21%13

Total: 61

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 24

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Question Block 8: My work experience and wellbeing

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I feel stressed by work at BirkbeckQ8‐8

5%3Always 5%3

16%9Frequently 23%15

69%40Occasionally 58%37

10%6Never 14%9

Total: 64 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 25

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Question Block 9: Staff performance and development

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Have you been employed by Birkbeck for over a year following completion of probation?Q9‐1

84%49Yes 89%55

16%9No 11%7

Total: 62 58

Have you had an Academic Review or Progress and Development Review (PDR) in the last 12 months? (Based on people who have been employed by Birkbeck for over a year ‐ from Q9‐1)


Yes 16%9

No 84%46

Total: 55

If yes, did you find the Academic Review or PDR useful? (Based on people who had an Academic Review or Progress and Development Review (PDR) in the last 12 months ‐ from Q9‐2)


16%8Yes 67%6

6%3No 33%3

78%38Did not have one 0%0

Total: 9 49

In 2017 the question was filtered on the question "Have you been employed by Birkbeck for over a year following completion of probation"

I am confident that I could access training and development to perform my roleQ9‐4

0%0Agree 14%9

0%0Tend to Agree 30%19

0%0Tend to Disagree 27%17

0%0Disagree 29%18

48%28Yes 0%0

52%30No 0%0

Total: 63 58

In 2017 the question used a Yes/No scale and is shown for comparison

I have sufficient discussions to review my work and/or learningQ9‐5

Agree 6%4

Tend to Agree 21%13

Tend to Disagree 35%22

Disagree 37%23

Total: 62

I have access to appropriate development and support to help my careerQ9‐6

0%0Agree 8%5

0%0Tend to Agree 21%13

0%0Tend to Disagree 24%15

0%0Disagree 47%29

45%26Yes 0%0

55%32No 0%0

Total: 62 58

In 2017 the question used a Yes/No scale and is shown for comparison

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 26

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Question Block 9: Staff performance and development

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I am actively looking for another job, or new employment, outside BirkbeckQ9‐7

Agree 28%17

Tend to Agree 25%15

Tend to Disagree 13%8

Disagree 33%20

Total: 60

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 27

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Question Block 10: Working conditions, health & safety and pay

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I feel fairly paid for the work I doQ10‐1

19%11Agree 5%3

33%19Tend to Agree 22%14

22%13Tend to Disagree 38%24

26%15Disagree 35%22

Total: 63 58

I have a suitable work space (including temperature, lighting, work station etc.)Q10‐2

25%14Agree 10%6

37%21Tend to Agree 16%10

25%14Tend to Disagree 24%15

14%8Disagree 50%31

Total: 62 57

I feel safe and secure in my working environmentQ10‐3

55%32Agree 35%22

40%23Tend to Agree 55%34

3%2Tend to Disagree 2%1

2%1Disagree 8%5

Total: 62 58

I am satisfied that any concerns I might have about my health and safety at Birkbeck would be taken seriously


Agree 39%24

Tend to Agree 30%18

Tend to Disagree 20%12

Disagree 11%7

Total: 61

I am sufficiently aware of my health and safety responsibilitiesQ10‐5

Agree 30%18

Tend to Agree 48%29

Tend to Disagree 16%10

Disagree 7%4

Total: 61

Do you know how to report accidents and incidents?Q10‐6

36%21Yes 24%15

21%12No 37%23

43%25Not sure 39%24

Total: 62 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 28

Page 29: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 11: Change

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Change in my department is well managedQ11‐1

22%12Agree 7%4

36%20Tend to Agree 36%22

36%20Tend to Disagree 38%23

5%3Disagree 20%12

Total: 61 55

College‐wide change at Birkbeck is generally well managedQ11‐2

11%6Agree 3%2

45%24Tend to Agree 24%14

38%20Tend to Disagree 52%30

6%3Disagree 21%12

Total: 58 53

I have been able to cope effectively with changes at Birkbeck within the last two yearsQ11‐3

Agree 16%9

Tend to Agree 52%30

Tend to Disagree 21%12

Disagree 12%7

Total: 58

I feel there is adequate support to help me prepare for changeQ11‐4

Agree 9%5

Tend to Agree 23%13

Tend to Disagree 45%25

Disagree 23%13

Total: 56

I have seen positive changes at Birkbeck within the last 2 yearsQ11‐5

Agree 7%4

Tend to Agree 26%15

Tend to Disagree 33%19

Disagree 34%20

Total: 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 29

Page 30: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 12: Overall Satisfaction

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Overall I am satisfied working for BirkbeckQ12‐1

Agree 25%16

Tend to Agree 41%26

Tend to Disagree 17%11

Disagree 16%10

Total: 63

Overall, I feel Birkbeck is a good place to workQ12‐2

48%28Agree 33%21

41%24Tend to Agree 37%23

10%6Tend to Disagree 19%12

0%0Disagree 11%7

Total: 63 58

I feel valued by BirkbeckQ12‐3

24%14Agree 16%10

29%17Tend to Agree 25%16

26%15Tend to Disagree 34%22

21%12Disagree 25%16

Total: 64 58

I am proud of Birkbeck’s Mission and ethosQ12‐4

Agree 65%40

Tend to Agree 26%16

Tend to Disagree 6%4

Disagree 3%2

Total: 62

Would you recommend Birkbeck to a friend as a place to work?Q12‐5

Yes 62%38

No 38%23

Total: 61

Would you recommend Birkbeck to a friend as a place to study?Q12‐6

86%50Yes 83%52

7%4No 17%11

7%4Don't know 0%0

Total: 63 58

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 30

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Question Block 13: Your Comments

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019


Please note below the most important thing that you feel could be improved at Birkbeck: What theme would you say your comment is related to?


Communication 9%4

Equalities 2%1

Facilities / Environment 2%1

Feeling Valued / Supported 30%13

Job Satisfaction 2%1

Job Security 7%3

Management ‐ Immediate / Local 5%2

Overall workplace culture 16%7

Pay & Benefits 14%6

Senior Leadership Team 2%1

Training, Development & Progression 9%4

Total: 43

Please note below the best thing about working for Birkbeck: What theme would you say your comment is related to?


Equalities 5%2

Facilities / Environment 2%1

Feeling Valued / Supported 7%3

Health and Wellbeing 2%1

Job Satisfaction 44%19

Job Security 2%1

Management ‐ Immediate / Local 2%1

Overall workplace culture 19%8

Relationships / Co‐operation 9%4

Role & Responsibilities 7%3

Total: 43

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 31

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Question Block 14: About Your Role

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019


Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding

What is your School/Department/Professional Service Department?Q14‐2








School of Arts

School of Business, Economics and Informatics

School of Law

School of Science

School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy

Professional Services Department

Professional and Support Staff ‐ School

No response selected 0%0

Total: 61

Page 32

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Question Block 16: Research

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Birkbeck places sufficient emphasis on the importance of all staff being able to carry out high quality research


19%6Agree 9%3

22%7Tend to Agree 19%6

9%3Tend to Disagree 9%3

16%5Disagree 34%11

34%11Don't know 28%9

Total: 32 32

Research excellence is valued in my department/SchoolQ16‐2

31%10Agree 29%9

34%11Tend to Agree 16%5

3%1Tend to Disagree 6%2

0%0Disagree 13%4

31%10Don't know 35%11

Total: 31 32

My department enables me to develop my research career effectivelyQ16‐3

16%5Agree 7%2

13%4Tend to Agree 0%0

10%3Tend to Disagree 10%3

23%7Disagree 60%18

39%12Don't know 23%7

Total: 30 31

I have sufficient opportunities to consult with Birkbeck colleagues about my researchQ16‐4

17%5Agree 0%0

10%3Tend to Agree 10%3

7%2Tend to Disagree 17%5

27%8Disagree 45%13

40%12Don't know 28%8

Total: 29 30

My department offers good mentoring opportunities to develop as a researcherQ16‐5

Tend to Agree 3%1

Tend to Disagree 17%5

Disagree 45%13

Don't know 34%10

Total: 29

There is a good infrastructure for research in BirkbeckQ16‐6

17%5Agree 4%1

20%6Tend to Agree 21%6

7%2Tend to Disagree 4%1

7%2Disagree 29%8

50%15Don't know 43%12

Total: 28 30

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 33

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Question Block 16: Research

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Birkbeck places sufficient emphasis on recognising research excellence in academic promotion


20%6Agree 10%3

13%4Tend to Agree 14%4

3%1Tend to Disagree 0%0

10%3Disagree 17%5

53%16Don't know 59%17

Total: 29 30

There is effective IT support in my department or School to support my researchQ16‐8

10%3Agree 7%2

23%7Tend to Agree 14%4

10%3Tend to Disagree 21%6

10%3Disagree 14%4

48%15Don't know 45%13

Total: 29 31

I receive effective support and guidance from my department or School in making applications for external research funding


13%4Agree 4%1

3%1Tend to Agree 0%0

7%2Tend to Disagree 11%3

23%7Disagree 46%13

53%16Don't know 39%11

Total: 28 30

I receive effective support and guidance from the Research Office in making applications for external research funding


13%4Agree 0%0

3%1Tend to Agree 3%1

7%2Tend to Disagree 17%5

17%5Disagree 31%9

60%18Don't know 48%14

Total: 29 30

I have confidence that Birkbeck will prepare effectively for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF)


20%6Agree 7%2

17%5Tend to Agree 10%3

0%0Tend to Disagree 7%2

7%2Disagree 14%4

57%17Don't know 62%18

Total: 29 30

Do you have a research mentor?Q16‐12

8%3Yes 9%3

92%35No 91%30

Total: 33 38

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 34

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Question Block 16: Research

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

If no, would you like a research mentor? (Based on people who do not have a research mentor ‐ from Q16‐12)


13%4Yes 54%13

48%15No 46%11

39%12I would like more information 0%0

Total: 24 31

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 35

Page 36: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 17: Teaching/Learning Support

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Birkbeck places sufficient emphasis on the importance of all staff being able to carry out high quality teaching/learning support


37%20Agree 18%11

33%18Tend to Agree 32%19

9%5Tend to Disagree 20%12

15%8Disagree 28%17

6%3Don't know 2%1

Total: 60 54

My department enables me to develop my teaching career effectivelyQ17‐2

30%16Agree 17%10

30%16Tend to Agree 16%9

17%9Tend to Disagree 12%7

17%9Disagree 52%30

7%4Don't know 3%2

Total: 58 54

Teaching excellence is valued in my departmentQ17‐3

35%19Agree 22%13

37%20Tend to Agree 24%14

7%4Tend to Disagree 19%11

15%8Disagree 25%15

6%3Don't know 10%6

Total: 59 54

Teaching excellence is valued by the CollegeQ17‐4

Agree 15%9

Tend to Agree 34%20

Tend to Disagree 17%10

Disagree 20%12

Don't know 14%8

Total: 59

Birkbeck offers sufficient opportunities for me to effectively develop my teaching careerQ17‐5

24%13Agree 12%7

20%11Tend to Agree 12%7

28%15Tend to Disagree 21%12

19%10Disagree 49%28

9%5Don't know 5%3

Total: 57 54

I have sufficient opportunities in my department to develop and enhance the way I teach and/or develop learning support


19%10Agree 10%6

37%20Tend to Agree 16%9

24%13Tend to Disagree 22%13

15%8Disagree 47%27

6%3Don't know 5%3

Total: 58 54

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 36

Page 37: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 17: Teaching/Learning Support

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Birkbeck places sufficient emphasis on recognising teaching excellence in academic promotion


15%8Agree 3%2

11%6Tend to Agree 5%3

11%6Tend to Disagree 21%12

19%10Disagree 40%23

43%23Don't know 31%18

Total: 58 53

My department encourages innovative approaches to student assessment and feedbackQ17‐8

30%16Agree 9%5

41%22Tend to Agree 22%13

7%4Tend to Disagree 21%12

9%5Disagree 34%20

13%7Don't know 14%8

Total: 58 54

Birkbeck provides adequate technologies, resources and training to support digital education


20%11Agree 10%6

43%23Tend to Agree 28%16

9%5Tend to Disagree 16%9

7%4Disagree 26%15

20%11Don't know 21%12

Total: 58 54

I have sufficient opportunities to attend externally run learning and teaching events, seminars and conferences


13%7Agree 11%6

13%7Tend to Agree 14%8

23%12Tend to Disagree 19%11

29%15Disagree 44%25

21%11Don't know 12%7

Total: 57 52

I believe that support and development for staff in relation to teaching, learning, assessment and feedback should be provided at Birkbeck by…


Lunchtime seminars/workshops

Agree 52%28

Tend to Agree 22%12

Tend to Disagree 9%5

Disagree 17%9

Total: 54

Late afternoon seminars/workshops

Agree 45%25

Tend to Agree 39%22

Tend to Disagree 4%2

Disagree 13%7

Total: 56

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 37

Page 38: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 17: Teaching/Learning Support

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I believe that support and development for staff in relation to teaching, learning, assessment and feedback should be provided at Birkbeck by…


Online materials

Agree 67%36

Tend to Agree 20%11

Tend to Disagree 6%3

Disagree 7%4

Total: 54

Online videos

Agree 60%32

Tend to Agree 25%13

Tend to Disagree 6%3

Disagree 9%5

Total: 53

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 38

Page 39: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 18: Research/Teaching/Learning Support/Administration

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I believe that teaching is shared in a fair way across the departmentQ18‐1

19%10Agree 12%7

35%19Tend to Agree 24%14

9%5Tend to Disagree 15%9

6%3Disagree 14%8

31%17Don't know 36%21

Total: 59 54

I believe that administration is shared in a fair way across the departmentQ18‐2

13%7Agree 7%4

24%13Tend to Agree 12%7

13%7Tend to Disagree 12%7

6%3Disagree 12%7

44%24Don't know 58%34

Total: 59 54

I believe that time for undertaking research is allocated in a fair way across the department


7%4Agree 2%1

11%6Tend to Agree 5%3

6%3Tend to Disagree 5%3

7%4Disagree 18%10

69%37Don't know 69%38

Total: 55 54

I believe that study leave for research is apportioned in a fair way across the departmentQ18‐4

7%4Agree 2%1

11%6Tend to Agree 5%3

2%1Tend to Disagree 7%4

9%5Disagree 15%8

70%38Don't know 71%39

Total: 55 54

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 39

Page 40: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 19: Professional and Support Staff

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

I have sufficient opportunities to discuss my work with colleaguesQ19‐1

0%0Agree 18%7

33%1Tend to Agree 18%7

33%1Tend to Disagree 37%14

33%1Disagree 26%10

Total: 38 3

The administrative processes, or systems, that I use are generally effectiveQ19‐2

0%0Agree 25%9

67%2Tend to Agree 42%15

33%1Tend to Disagree 19%7

0%0Disagree 14%5

Total: 36 3

I have the equipment necessary to do my jobQ19‐3

67%2Agree 20%7

0%0Tend to Agree 34%12

0%0Tend to Disagree 29%10

33%1Disagree 17%6

Total: 35 3

I have the information that I need to do my jobQ19‐4

33%1Agree 20%7

33%1Tend to Agree 49%17

33%1Tend to Disagree 20%7

0%0Disagree 11%4

Total: 35 3

In my experience, work is generally distributed fairly within my area of workQ19‐5

33%1Agree 15%5

33%1Tend to Agree 35%12

0%0Tend to Disagree 21%7

33%1Disagree 29%10

Total: 34 3

I understand how the Contribution‐Related Pay Awards policy applies to meQ19‐6

0%0Agree 6%2

67%2Tend to Agree 11%4

0%0Tend to Disagree 29%10

33%1Disagree 54%19

Total: 35 3

I feel valued by the academic staff I interact withQ19‐7

Agree 21%7

Tend to Agree 35%12

Tend to Disagree 24%8

Disagree 21%7

Total: 34

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 40

Page 41: Teaching and Scholarship Frequency Data Report Delivering ... Teaching... · Teaching and Scholarship Staff – Frequency Data Report Staff Survey 2019 August 2019 Project Number:

Question Block 19: Professional and Support Staff

Birkbeck College ‐ Teaching and Scholarship: Staff Survey 2019

2019 2017

Birkbeck encourages Professional and Support Staff to develop and progressQ19‐8

Agree 18%6

Tend to Agree 12%4

Tend to Disagree 24%8

Disagree 45%15

Total: 33

There are sufficient opportunities for career development or progression for me at Birkbeck


0%0Agree 6%2

67%2Tend to Agree 6%2

0%0Tend to Disagree 28%10

33%1Disagree 61%22

Total: 36 3

Prepared by Capita Surveys and Research Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundingPage 41

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