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  • 8/6/2019 Teacher Guide Fmipa v114


    Lingkungan Kuliah Berbasis Web:


    Muhamad A. Martoprawiro

    Penciptaaan web-based learning environment di diharapkan memberi sumbangan terhadappengembangan kualitas pembelajaran di FMIPA. Peningkatankualitas ini dapat berupa peningkatan proses belajar mahasiswamelalui peningkatan interaksi belajar antar-mahasiswa dan dengan

    pengajarnya, peningkatan akses ke sumber belajar (ebook, Internetresources, dll.), peragaman kegiatan belajar, dll. Peningkatankualitas pembelajaran juga bisa berupa terjadinya interaksi salingmengisi antar satu mata kuliah dengan mata kuliah lainnya,melalui materi pembelajaran yang bersifat terbuka, di sampingmenguatkan keterkaitan antara kuliah prasyarat dan kuliahlanjutan. Dalam jangka panjang, situs ini dapat menumbuhkankompetensi Fakultas MIPA ITB untuk membagi prosespembelajarannya bagi universitas lain melalui distance-learning atauonline-learning. Distance-learning yang baik hanya dapat muncul jikasistem tersebut telah secara menahun dan berkelanjutan

    dilaksanakan oleh suatu fakultas atau program studi sebelumditawarkan bagi universitas lain. Bisa dipertimbangkan pula agardalam perjalanannya, bahkan sebelum ditawarkan sebagai suatusistem pembelajaran jarak jauh, sistem tsb. dibuat terbuka,terutama akses terhadap materi pembelajarannya, sehingga dapatterjadi umpan balik yang menerus dari komunitas ilmiah danpendidikan, yang tak terbatas pada lingkungan ITB.

    Moodle memiliki beragam fitur yang memungkinkanterjadinya pengintensifan proses belajar, peragaman (diversifikasi)kegiatan belajar, peningkatan efisiensi belajar, dll. Fitur yangtersedia mulai dari yang sederhana seperti forum diskusi kuliah,

    tes online, pengumpulan berkas tugas, hingga wiki-based workgroupwriting yang memanfaatkan kemampuan sistem untuk meng-hasilkan e-book dengan puluhan penulis setara dengan kemampuanyang diterapkan pada free-encyclopedia terakhir, misalnya, memungkinkan pengembangan kegiatanpenulisan buku atau tulisan lain secara bersama oleh mahasiswapeserta kuliah. Pengajar setiap saat dapat melihat rangkumankegiatan yang dilakukan setiap mahasiswa, dalam berbagaitampilan.

    Pada implementasinya, perlu dibuat sistem yang memung-

    kinkan proses pengembangan yang berkelanjutan. Pada sistem ini,dosen perlu diberi keleluasaan untuk memusatkan perhatiannya

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    pada pengembangan materi ajar, interaksi yang konstruktif denganmahasiswa, dll., dan tak terlalu dibebani oleh hal-hal yang bersifatteknis administratif. Dengan demikian diperlukan staf pendukungyang memusatkan perhatian pada sisi-sisi administratif dan teknisdari pemeliharaan dan pengembangan sistem (yang selanjutnya

    kita sebut administrator). Sebagai contoh, setiap awal semesteradministrator mempersiapkan berbagai mata kuliah yangditawarkan pada semester tsb., beserta nama-nama dosen yangakan di beri hak untuk mengembangkan online-learning untukmasing-masing mata kuliah. Tim administrator juga berperanuntuk membantu dosen dan mahasiswa jika mengalami kesulitandalam memanfaatkan sistem tersebut.

    Sebelum Moodle dipilih, pada tahun 2004 telah dilakukantinjauan yang cukup menyeluruh terhadap berbagai open-source

    packages untuk membangun kuliah berbasis Internet, antara lain:ATutor (, EduPlone (,

    CourseWork (, di sampingMoodle ( Dalam beberapa tahun terakhirhingga saat itu, open-source packages sudah berkembang cukup jauhsehingga dapat bersaing dengan produk komersial seperti WebCTatau Blackboard. Saat ini, Moodle yang berupa program "opensource" bisa dikatakan telah setara atau bahkan lebih kuatdibandingkan dengan program komersial yang disebut.

    Selain dapat digunakan sebagai sistem pembelajaran onlinesecara mandiri (tanpa ketergantungan terlalu banyak padaperangkat lunak yang lain), dengan Moodle setiap dosen tetap

    dapat memanfaatkan kebiasaan yang selama ini dilakukannyadalam pengembangan materi e-learning. Moodle dapat menjalan-kan peran mengorganisasi hasil-hasil yang telah dikembangkanselama ini. Bagi mahasiswa, penggunaan Moodle akan sangatmembantu, karena pendakian learning curve pada pembelajaranonline menjadi tak terlalu tajam ketika berpindah dari satu matakuliah ke mata kuliah berikutnya.

    Halaman-halaman berikut diadaptasi dari Teachers Manualdari Moodle yang bisa dibaca langsung lewat sistem yang di-bangun di FMIPA (, dengan dileng-kapi catatan-catatan tambahan yang dirasa relevan.

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    Lingkungan Belajar FMIPA

    Using Moodle(Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)

    Teacher Manual

    These pages is a very quick guide to creating online courses with Moodlethat has been setup at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesITB as Lingkungan Belajar FMIPA. It outlines the main functions that

    are available, as well as some of the main decisions you'll need to make. Itis adapted from Moodle Teacher Manual, with additional info specific foracademic staffs at the FMIPA ITB. The online version of this manual(though not identical with this version) can be accessed at http://courses. (Click Teacher Manual on the left).

    Sections in this document:

    1. Getting started

    2. Course settings

    3. Uploading files

    4. Setting up activities

    5. Running the course

    6. Further information

    Getting started

    This document assumes your site administrator ([email protected]) has set up Moodle and given you new, blank courseto start with. It also assumes you have logged in to your course

    using your teacher account.If you have not logged in, open the Moodle course web site (at

    the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB, the address is Click login in the upper rightcorner of the screen, type in your username (Nama Pengguna) andpassword, and then click Login.1 You will see the courses that areunder your responsibility on the lower left of the screen. Click oneof the courses to view/edit the course, or click logout (Keluar) onthe upper right corner of the screen after you finish working withthe course web site.

    1 For the first time login, your password is your email user and your password is theconsonant characters of your username. You can change your password later.

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    Here are three general tips that will help you get started.

    1. Don't be afraid to experiment:

    feel free to poke around and change things. It's hard to breakanything in a Moodle course (Lingkungan Belajar FMIPA),and even if you do it's usually easy to fix it.

    2. Notice and use these little icons:

    - the edit icon lets you edit whatever it is next to.

    - the help icon will provide you with a popup help window

    - the open-eye icon will let you hide something fromstudents

    - the closed-eye icon will make a hidden item available

    3. Use the navigation bar at the top of each page

    this should help remind you where you are and prevent gettinglost. The navigation bar is started to be viewable after you clickone of the courses. Click any phrase in the navigation bar to goto other parts of the course.

    Navigation bar. Click FMIPA (in the picture above, it is BelajarKimia, as the picture isfrom Moodle system at Chemistry ITB) to go to the front page of the Lingkungan BelajarFMIPA with all your courses listed, click KI1211 to the front page of the current course,etc.

    Course settings

    The first thing you should do is look under the "Administration"(Administrasi) on your course home page and click on "Settings..."(Pengaturan...). Note that this link, and in fact the wholeAdministration section is only available to you (and the siteadministrator). Students will not even see these links.

    On the Settings page you can change a number of settings

    about your course, ranging from its name to what day it starts. Iwon't talk here about all these, as they all have a help icon next tothem, which explains them all in detail. However, I will talk aboutthe most important of these enrolment password (SandiPendaftaran) and the course format.

    You should remember the enrolment password (SandiPendaftaran) and give this password to your students, as they haveto fill in this password when they visit your course for the firsttime. Of course, you can change this enrolment password throughthe Settings page. Specific suggestion for FMIPA ITB lecturers: givethis password to your students at the first week of your course, and

    ask the administrator ([email protected]) to create aforum called Diskusi Materi Kuliah, even if you have not develop


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    your course web site. Your students will still be able to use theforum to discuss the course materials among all participants ofyour course. You can also give the password to other people thatyou wish to allow them to view your course as guests.

    The course format that you choose will decide the basic layout

    of your course, like a template. Moodle version 1.5 has manyformats - in future there will probably be many more (please sendideas to [email protected] or [email protected])

    Here are some screenshots of three sample courses in each ofthree formats (ignore the different colours, which are set for awhole site by the site administrator):

    Weekly format:

    In this format, you can put your weekly course activities in boxesthat represent course weeks. The view of this format can be seen inthe previous page, or in a blank course at the Faculty ofMathematics and Natural Sciences course web site, the view of thisformat will be similar to the picture below. It is suggested that atthe top screen (before the first week section), the course-web at the

    FMIPA ITB has two general forums: Forum Berita and Diskusi MateriKuliah, and one resource: Materi. The second forum is designed to


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    be the most usable forum that all students and their lecture discusscourse materials. You can use the forum by clicking the forum icon,or add more activities to this page by clicking Turn Editing On(Hidupkan Mode Ubah) button at the upper right of the screen (see:Setting Up Activities below).


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    Topics format:

    Note that the weekly and topics formats are very similar instructure. The main difference is that each box in the weekly formatcovers exactly one week, whereas in the topic format each box cancover whatever you like. The social format (see next page) doesn'tuse much content at all and is based around just one forum - this isdisplayed on the main page.


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    Social format:

    The weekly format is adequate for most of the courses at the

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB, so that all thecourses have been setup in weekly format. For some courses, e.g.Seminaror Tugas Akhir, other formats may be more appropriate.

    See the help buttons (Bantuan) on the Course Settings page formore details.

    Uploading files

    You may have existing content that you want to add to yourcourse, such as web pages, audio files, video files, word documents,

    or flash animations. Any type of file that exists can be uploadedinto your course and stored on the server. While your files are onthe server you can move, rename, edit or delete them.

    All of this is achieved through the Files link in yourAdministration menu (on the left). The Files section looks like this:


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    or in one course at the Department of Chemistry ITB:

    This interface is only available to teachers - it is not accessibleby students. Individual files are made available to students later on(as "Resources" - see the next section). However, as said before, forall courses at the FMIPA, we suggest that you create at least onedirectory that will be accessible by students, i.e. Materisubdirectory. In this workshop, it will be shown how to create thefolder and how to setup the condition that any files you put in

    Materi subdirectory can be accessed by your students. To upload

    files, click Upload file button, or click Materi first, then Uploadfile, if you want your students to be able to see those files.


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    As you can see in the screenshot, files are listed alongsidesubdirectories. You can create any number of subdirectories toorganise your files and move your files from one to the other. Forexample, in the case of the courses at the suggested FMIPA ITBcourse, any files that you upload to root directory can only be

    accessed by the teacher, but if you put them inMateri subdirectory,your students can access.

    Uploading files via the web is currently restricted to one file ata time. If you want to upload a lot of files at once (for example awhole web site), it can be a lot easier to use a zip program tocompress them into a single file, upload the zip file and then unzipthem again on the server (you will see an "unzip" link next to ziparchives).

    To preview any file you have uploaded just click on its name.Your web browser will take care of either displaying it or

    downloading it to your computer.HTML and text files can be edited in-place online. Other files

    will need to be edited on your local computer and uploaded again.If you upload a file with the same name as an existing file it willautomatically be overwritten.

    A final note: if your content resides out on the web then youdon't need to upload the files at all - you can link directly to themfrom inside the course (see the Resources module and the nextsection).

    Setting up activities

    Building a course involves adding course activity modules to themain page in the order that students will be using them. You canshuffle the order any time you like. One important note: even if youdo not set up any additional activity modules, you and yourstudents still can use two default modules that are provided to allMoodle installation (Berita Terbaru and Upcoming Events onthe right side of the screen). At minimum, your course-web willbecome a supporting site to your classroom activities. Sure, the

    additional modules, including those that are put in each week, willmake your course web site a real online course.

    To turn on editing, click "Turn on editing" (Hidupkan ModeUbah) under Administration. This toggle switch shows or hides theextra controls that allow you to manipulate your main course page.Note in the first screenshot above (of the Weekly format course)that the editing controls are turned on.

    To add a new activity, simply go to the week or topic orsection of the screen where you want to add it, and select the typeof activity from the popup menu. Here is a summary of all thestandard activities in Moodle 1.0:


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    An assignment is where you set a task with a due date and amaximum grade. Students will be able to upload one file to satisfythe requirements. The date they upload their file is recorded.Afterwards, you will have a single page on which you can vieweach file (and how late or early it is), and then record a grade and acomment. Half an hour after you grade any particular student,Moodle will automatically email that student a notification.


    A choice activity is very simple - you ask a question and specify achoice of responses. Students can make their choice, and you have areport screen where you can see the results. I use it to gatherresearch consent from my students, but you could use it for quickpolls or class votes.


    This module is by far the most important - it is here that discussiontakes place. When you add a new forum, yu will presented with achoice of different types - a simple single-topic discussion, a free-for-all general forum, or a one-discussion-thread-per-user.


    Each journal activity is an entry in the whole course journal. Foreach one you can specify an open-ended question that guides whatstudents write, as well as a window of time in which the journal isopen (weekly course format only). A general rule of thumb is tocreate one journal per week. Encourage students to writereflectively and critically in these journals, as they are onlyavailable to them and you. Afterwards, you will be able to gradeand comment all the entries for that week or topic, and studentswill receive an automatic email informing them of your feedback.Journals are not designed to be continually added to - if you needto do that then add more journal activities.

    ResourceResources are the content of your course. Each resource can be anyfile you have uploaded or can point to using a URL. You can alsomaintain simple text-based pages by typing them directly into aform.


    This module allows you to design and set quiz tests, consisting ofmultiple choice, true-false, and short answer questions. Thesequestions are kept in a categorised database, and can be re-used

    within courses and even between courses. Quizzes can allowmultiple attempts. Each attempt is automatically marked, and the


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    teacher can choose whether to give feedback or to show correctanswers. This module includes grading facilities.


    The survey module provides a number of predefined surveyinstruments that are useful in evaluating and understanding yourclass. Currently they include the COLLES and the ATTLSinstruments. They can be given to students early in the course as adiagnostic tool and at the end of the course as an evaluation tool (Iuse one every week in my courses).

    After adding your activities you can move them up and downin your course layout by clicking on the little arrow icons ( ) nextto each one. You can also delete them using the cross icon , andre-edit them using the edit icon .

    Running the course

    There are some big plans to extend this document into a morecomprehensive tutorial. Until then here are a few ideas:

    1. Subscribe yourself to all the forums so you keep in touch withyour class activity.

    2. Encourage all the students fill out their user profile (includingphotos) and read them all - this will help provide some contextto their later writings and help you to respond in ways that are

    tailored to their own needs.3. Keep notes to yourself in the private "Teacher's Forum" (Forum

    Pengajar, under Administration). This is especially useful whenteam teaching, such as inKimia Dasar II A orKalkulus.

    4. Use the "Logs" link (Catatan, under Administration) to getaccess to complete, raw logs. In there you'll see a link to apopup window that updates every sixty seconds and shows thelast hour of activity. This is useful to keep open on yourdesktop all day so you can feel in touch with what's going on inthe course.

    5. Use the "Activity Reports" (next to each name in the list of all

    people, or from any user profile page). These provide a greatway to see what any particular person has been up to in thecourse.

    6. Respond quickly to students. Don't leave it for later - do it rightaway. Not only it is easy to become overwhelmed with thevolume that can be generated, but it's a crucial part of buildingand maintaining a community feel in your course.


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    Further information

    If you have any particular problems with your site, you shouldcontact your local site administrator

    ([email protected]).If you have some great ideas for improvements to Moodle, or

    even some good stories, come over to and join us in thecourse called "Using Moodle". We'd love to hear from you, and youcan help Moodle improve.

    If you want to contribute to coding new modules, or writingdocumentation, or papers, contact me: Martin Dougiamas orbrowse the "bug tracker" site for Moodle, at

    Finally, remember to use the help icons - here is an index of allthe help files in Moodle.

    Thanks for using Moodle - and good luck with your teaching!Thanks also for implementing the installed Moodle at for your courses.

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