Please tick the box to continue:

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W. Richard Stevens, Network Programming, Vol, I, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall PTR, NJ, 1998.

W. Richard Stevens, Advanced UNIX Programming, Vol, I, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall PTR, NJ, 1998.– Links to Richard Stevens books;

John Shapley Gray, Interprocess Communications in UNIX -- The Nooks and Crannies Prentice Hall PTR, NJ, 1998.

Web Other resources about UNIX programming:– Brief tutorial on C and UNIX programming– Source code from textbook (Network Programming - Stevens)– link to Stevens - UNIX programming book;– UNIX Files Systems and I/O programming – guide;– HP-UX man pages

onlinedocs/B2355-90682/B2355-90682.html (system calls)

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UNIX ArchitectureUNIX processes, threadsUNIX program developmentSystem calls – fork, exec, etc.

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UNIX Features

Portability Multi-process architecture (multitasking) Multi-user capability Ability to initiate asynchronous processes A hierarchical file system Device independent I/O operations User interface: Shell; selectable per user basis

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UNIX Standards

System V Interface Definition (SVID), AT&T Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments

(POSIX), based on SVID, IEEE ANSI C, American National Standard Institute ANSI/ISO C++ Standard (draft)

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UNIX Implementations

Solaris - Sun Microsystems– SunOS (later called Solaris), Solaris 2.x based on SVR4

HP-UX, Hewlett-Packard, SVR2 Linux, Linus Torvalds, free distribution, PC-based AIX, IBM, similar to SVR4 IRIX, Silicon Graphics, SVR4

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Multi-process/Multi-user architecture

Virtual Machine– timesharing OS

– process, process quantum, process states

Kernel, base OS– manages all HW dependent functions

– users have no direct access to it

System Calls Interface– service routine performing user requests

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UNIX Architectural Overview

Hardware Architecture

Kernel UNIX

System Calls Interface

Shell’s Executable Programs

pipe, filters Commands

Applications Network Applications

DBMS Utilities

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UNIX Kernel - model

Process Memory File System I/O Services Mgmt. Mgmt.




System Call Interface (Library Routines)

Scheduler Device Drivers I/O Buffers

User Processes



Process Memory File System I/O Services Mgmt. Mgmt.

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UNIX Kernel Kernel - low level functions

– Process representation, scheduling, dispatching– Memory allocation and de-allocation– Interrupt handling– Low level device control– Disk Mgmt., data buffering– Process synchronization and IPC (Inter-Process Communication)

Kernel - services level– Maps user-level requests with device driver actions– A user system call is translated to a call of the kernel routine, providing that

requested service– Type of Services:

» process creation and termination» I/O services» UNIX file system services» terminal handling services

System Call Interface level– A user mode process is translated into a protected kernel mode process– Now, program can call kernel routines

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User Processes level

User processes running:– shells

– Unix commands

– utilities

– application programs

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UNIX API - system calls UNIX API are called by

– C library functions and

– C++ standard classes

Example: iostream class

API set to perform:– determine system configuration and user information

– file management

– process creation and management

– inter-process communication

– network communication

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User Process (User Mode of Execution)

Kernel mode of execution

UNIX API’s level

an API is invoked

API executed

in protected mode

API execution


Context Switch from user to kernel mode

–more overhead than library functions, for the same task

–I/O lib.functions are buffered

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UNIX Processes – APIs

A process may create sub-processes– fork();

A process may terminate– exit();

A process may put itself to sleep temporarily– sleep(20);

– pause();

– wait();

Processes– synchronization mechanisms

– communication mechanisms

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UNIX Threads

Multiple Processes - concurrency at OS level Multiple Threads - concurrency at process level

– thread = flow of control in a process

– multiple threads (stream of instructions) are executed within the same process

– threads share code & data (address space)

– threads have their own execution stack, PC, register set and states

– context switches are avoided

– efficient mapping on multi-processor machines

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Process - a program in execution– process - active entity

– program - passive entity (binary file)

Address Space - list of memory locations from where a process reads/writes (code/data/stack)

Set of registers (PC, SP, ...) Process Table - linked list of structures associates w/ processes System Calls - interface between OS and User process

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Process Control Block (process attributes)

Process State – new, ready, running, blocked, terminated

Process Image Map Pointer Process ID

– assigned at process creation

Program Counter (PC) – address of next instruction to be executed

CPU Registers (saved process context) List of Open File Descriptors I/O Devices Attached CPU Scheduling Info (priority)

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Process Image Map (simplified)

Proc. n

Proc. 1Process Image

Process Table

Text/Code Segment

Data Segment

Stack Segment

Process Control Block

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Process Memory Map

High Address

System Memory Map

process 0process 1.....

process i....

program text segment

initialized static data

uninitialized static data



argc argv; environment

System Process Info.System Stack

User addressablearea


Low Address

UNIX Data Structures

u area


Kernel code

Low level device drivers

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/* Display Segment Address Information


#include <stdio.h>

extern int etext,edata,end;

void main(void) {

printf(“etext: %6X\t edata: %6X \t end: %6X \n”, &etext, &edata, &end);


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Process States

New - process created ( Ex: fork(); ) Ready - process is waiting to be assigned to processor (inserted

in ready queue) Running - instructions are being executed Blocked - wait for events to occur (inserted in queue) Ex: wait();

pause(); Terminated - normal/abnormal termination (exit();)

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Process Model




RunningUser Mode







RunningKernel Mode

System Call


InterruptInterrupt return

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Context of a Process– process state (defined by it’s code)

– value of u-area

– values of registers the process uses

– contents of user and kernel stacks

– is associated with process image map

Context Switching– system executes a process in the context of the process

– when the kernel decides to execute another process, it does context switching

– kernel saves enough information such that it can later switch back to the first process and resumes its execution

Mode Switching– moving from user to kernel mode

– kernel save information to return to user mode

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User mode– processes in use mode can access their own instructions and data;

NOT kernel or other process’s code or data

Kernel mode– process can access system(kernel) code and data and user addresses

– Kernel is part of each process

– Kernel executes on behalf of the process

P1 P2 P3 P4

Kernel Mode

User Mode




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Context Switching

P1 P2

Save state in PCB1

Reload state from PCB2

Save state in PCB2

Reload state from PCB1


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Switching the CPU to another process by saving the state of the old process (PCB) and load the state of the new process (PCB)

Pure Overhead Performance Bottleneck Avoid Overhead of Context Switching by introducing new



Context Switching

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Compilation (ANSI C)

cc -o file file.c


Man Pages

man cc

man <sys_call> , example: man socket

man <shell_cmd>, example: man ps

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Process - system support Fork system call Process states Exec system call Exit function Background processes Parent-Child Synchronization (wait)

More about UNIX Processes

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A fork system call:

pid_t pid;pid = fork();if (pid ==-1)

{ /* fork failure, no more entries in process table*/ }

elseif (pid==0){

/*child process*/ }

else { /* parent process */ }

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Fork - System Call

The user process calls fork(); Store system call parameters

– arguments, return address, local variables) into the user stack.

Call corresponding kernel service– execution of a trap instruction

In kernel space save:– parameters, return address and local variables for kernel routine

Execute kernel routine Normal Return

– cleans-up kernel stack

– switch from kernel to user mode

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Fork - System Call

Successful return from system call: parent and child processes:

– share same text segment

– identical data segments

– identical user & kernel stack segments

– same user structure

parent normal return – restores return address from user stack

child “pseudo return”– restores same return address as the parent from its user stack

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Parent Process

Child Process

File Table

i-node Table



Open FilesCurrent Directory

Open FilesCurrent Directory

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Process information

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

pid_t getpid(void);

/* get current process ID */

pid_t getppid(void);

/* get ID of the parent of the process */

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pid_t pid;

static int x;


pid = fork();

if (pid < 0 ) { perror(“fork failure”); }

else if (pid==0)




printf(“process %d: x=%d\n”, getpid(), x);

What value(s) are printed for variable x?

Race Conditions

Race Condition

-cannot predict if parent or child will run first after fork()

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

fork(); printf(“A\n”);

fork(); printf(“B\n”);

fork(); printf(“C\n”);


Comment on the above program output.

Race Conditions

Race Condition

-cannot predict if parent or child will run first after fork()

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

int i;

for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {


printf(“PID=%d i=%d\n”, getpid(), i);


printf(“PID=%d i=%d\n”, getpid(), i);


Comment on the above program output.

Race Conditions

Race Condition

-cannot predict if parent or child will run first after fork()

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

int i;

for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {

if (fork()==0) break;

printf(“PID=%d i=%d\n”, getpid(), i);


printf(“PID=%d i=%d\n”, getpid(), i);


Comment on the above program output.

Race Conditions

Race Condition

-cannot predict if parent or child will run first after fork()

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

int i;

for (i=1; i<==3; i++) {

if (fork()>0) break;

printf(“PID=%d i=%d\n”, getpid(), i);


printf(“PID=%d i=%d\n”, getpid(), i);


Comment on the above program output.

Race Conditions

Race Condition

-cannot predict if parent or child will run first after fork()

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Process States

Initiated - fork() Ready-to-Run

– in ready queue for CPU access

Running– process quantum

Blocked– sleep(n); /* deterministic delay */

– pause(); /* non-deterministic delay */

Terminated– exit(int status);

Shell command:ps [options]

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#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

void main(void) {

static char buf[2];

if (fork()==0) strcpy(buf,”A\n”);

else strcpy(buf,”B\n”);




Comment on the above program execution

Race Condition

-cannot predict if parent or child will run first after fork()

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Exec - System Call

#include <unistd.h>

int execl(const char *file, const char arg0,

.. , const argn);

int execv(const char *file, char *argv[]);

the process executes the the binary code from file if failure return -1 if success does not return

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File test1.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

int i;

for (i=1; i<=3;i++)

if (fork()==0) { /* process child */

execv(“/bin/ps”,”ps -el”);


else { /* process partent */

printf(“Parent: %d\n”,getpid());


} cc -o test1 test1.c test1

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File test2.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

int i;

for (i=1; i<=3;i++)

if (fork()==0) { /* process child */



else { /* process partent */

printf(“Parent: %d\n”,getpid());



cc -o test2 test2.c

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File child.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <unistd.h>

void main(void) {

pid_t pid;

printf(“Parent: %d\n”,getpid());



cc -o test2 test2.c

cc -o child child.c


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Exit - Function Call

#include <stdlib.h>

void exit(int status);

status - parameter returned to parent process status=0 - normal termination status# - abnormal termination Effects:

– close all open file descriptors

– notifies the parent (by signal)

– return status info to parent

– if parent no longer exists then PPD:=1 (is adopted by process init)

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_exit - System Call

#include <unistd.h>

void _exit(int status);

status - process exit status code status=0 - normal termination status#0 - abnormal termination Effects:

– terminates a process

– closes all open file descriptors

– deallocates all process data and stack segment

– process becomes a zombie (it is no longer scheduled to run)

– init process clean up process table slot

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_exit - System Call

#include <iostream.h>#include <unistd.h>int main()

{cout << "Test for _exit" << endl;


return 0;

}% g++ -o test test.c; testTest for _exit% echo $status0

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wait - System Call

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>

pid_t wait(int *status);

returns -,1 if failure (check errno)– no unwaited-for child process

– interrupt signal

returns the child PID, is success synchronization:

– parent waits for a child to terminate

– if more child-processes, waits for any

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waitpid - System Call

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>

pid_t waitpid(pid_t p, int *status, int opt);

Return value - a child process ID or -1 Argument pid_t p - a child PID

-1 waits for any child (same as wait)

0 waits for any child in same group w/ parent

>0 waits for child process with this PID=p

<-1 waits for any child with GID = |p|

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waitpid - System Call

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/wait.h>

pid_t waitpid(pid_t p, int *status, int opt);

Options valuesWNOHANG - do not block if status cannot be obtained

WNOWAIT - keep process in wait status

WUNTRACED - wait any stopped child process

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Parent-Child Process synchronization

#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/wait.h>void main(void) {pid_t pid; int i, status;for (i=1; i<=3;i++)

if (fork()==0) execv(“child”,”child”);else

printf(“Parent: %d\n”,getpid());while (pid = wait(&status) && pid!=-1)

printf(“Child %d is done\n”,getpid());exit(0);}

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Parent-Child Process Synchronization (by priorities)#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/wait.h>void main(void) {pid_t pid[3], p; int i, status;for (i=0; i<=3;i++)

if ((pid[i]=fork())==0) execv(“child”,”child”);

else printf(“Parent: %d\n”,getpid());

for(i=0;(p=waitpid(pid[i], &status,0)&&p!=-1;i++) if (p!=-1) && (errno==EINTR) printf(“Signal Caught: %s\n”,strerrno(errno));


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Processes Hierarchy

Pid=0 swapper









fork - by initexec gtty

fork - by initexec gttyexec loginexec sh


ls -l

fork - by shexec ls

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Shell Processes

Execution of a Shell command – [fork] new process

– [exec] command

– [wait] shell waits for child process to terminate

ps -al

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Background Processes

Shell does not wait for child process to complete Returns prompter immediately

sleep 30 & shell: [fork] [fork] [exec]

– shell child exits immediately after the second [fork], returns prompter

– shell grand-child [exec] the command in background

– it is adopted by process init

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Errors API

#include <stdio.h>

void perror(const char *s);

#include <errno.h>

int errno;

#include <string.h>

char *strerror(int errnum);