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Page 1: Tasks in Happy Family

Internship In Happy Family

Peggy Yeh – 05/13/2015

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•  Company Introduction •  Market Trend •  SWOT Analysis •  Business Modal Canvas •  Quality Assurance Intern Assignment •  Conclusion

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Partner with

Group Danone

Fastest Growing Organic

Food Company












2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Jessica comes

onboard as a partner

Happy launches in 5 Gourmet Garages

Happy enters baby set with Happy Bellies

Launches Gluten free

Identified the “True

Alternative to the Jar” and

launched pouch

Named Target

Vendor of the Year

Wins Fastest Women-

Owned / Led Companies &


Shazi creates business plan in business school

Happy Family Overview

Danone confidential information. For internal use only. Subject to the Espionage Act of 1996.

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Happy Baby Products

4  Danone confidential information. For internal use only. Subject to the Espionage Act of 1996.

Pouches Yogis

Yogurt Puffs

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Target Customers

•  Upper-mid class parents •  At least one young child (Ages 0~6) •  Computer literate and use social media (HF promote heavily through social media)

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The US Market

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Chinese Market

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European Market

•  Strict Baby food regulation

•  Danone already has baby food companies in Europe

•  EU Market uncertainties

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Danone confidential information. For internal use only. Subject to the Espionage Act of 1996.


Partnership  with  Danone  Global  food  sourcing  ability Use  social  media  to  promote  recipes  and  events

Weakness Lack  of  unique  packaging

System  IntegraAon   Less  schedule  flexibiliAes

Opportunity Organic  market  is  growing Increasing  Household  disposable  income Greater  awareness  and  interest  in  organic  foods

Threat More  compeAtors  entering  

organic  food  market Organic  food  priced  higher

SWOT Analysis

Trend  People  spend  more  on  their  children  

Computer  literate  parents  using  social  media    online  shopping      

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Business Model Canvas Key  Partners •  Growers •  Food  produce  brokers •  Contractor  Factories •  Retailers/Distributers  


Key  Ac9vi9es •  Purchasing  ingredients   •  Planning  and  execuAng  

producAon  schedule

•  Preparing  promoAonal  strategy  for  using  in  social  media  (receipts,  first  100days  and  so  on)

•  Planning  and  test  markeAng  product  extensions

Value  Proposi9on High  quality,  tasty  and  nutriAous,  organic  baby  food  that  meets  all  safety  and  product  cerAficaAons.

Customer  Rela9onships Affinity  groups  communicaAng  through  the  use  of  social  media  and  the  website.  

Customer  Segments Middle  to  upper  social-­‐economic  families,  who  have  at  least  one  infant  or  young  child.  

Key  Resources •  IdenAfying  farmers  that  

can  supply  high  quality  organic  food  

•  Developing  co-­‐manufactures  network

•  Managing  overall  consistence  and  quality  of  the  products

Channels •  Distributors •  Online  stores •  Club  stores  

Cost  Structure Products  Expenses •  Packaging •  Contract  manufacturing  fee

OperaAng  Expenses   •  Storage  cost   •  Delivery  cost •  MarkeAng  and  promoAon  expenses

Revenue  Streams Selling  food  for  babies,  toddles,  and  young  children  including  puffs,  yogis,  and  pouches. (From  0  to  2,  2  to  4,  and  4  to  6  year-­‐old  children)

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Quality Assurance Intern Assignment

•  Building Ingredients Specification Database

•  Collecting additional documents (certifications/

process information) for each supplier

•  Analyzing Customer Reviews of Baby Food Makers

•  Comparing Sustainable Farmer Standards

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Collecting additional documents for each supplier

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Sustainable Farmer Standards

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Management  Quality  



Global  GAP  

Fair  Trade  

Unilever  SA  Code  


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Comparison of Standards

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Conclusions & Recommendations

•  Market Opportunity – Organic  Market  is  fastest  growing  – Food  Safety  is  the  greatest  concern  in  China  

•  Supplier Quality Assurance – Should  Create  a  CerAficaAon  Database  – Should  Create  a  Supplier  InformaAon  Database  

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Dannon confidential information. For internal use only. Subject to the Espionage Act of 1996.