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Unit 18 Evaluation

To start with we were given the option to make either a bottle of water, cereal bar and a gum. We could not make out mind up at first, but then we thought it would be easier to advertise a gum rather than a bottle of water.

Overall I’m happy with how this unit has gone to start with we had to, we had to come up with a name for our advertising company. Which we decided on to be WorldAd and the slogan was decided on to be advertising the world.

We then had to decide on a name for the gum we had many idea some of the first ideas were Nebula, Turbo and Limitless. We then came to the decision we would use the name outbreak for our gum because we thought it would fit better for our target audience of 11 to 40 and sounded like a chewing gum name. We decided on the slogan ‘unleash the flavour’ because our gum is full of flavour and represents that idea well in a slogan.

To start with we made 3 adverts: web banner, magazine and bus advert.

Web Banner Magazine Advert

Bus Advert

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This was our main advert

We choose this font because we thought it was a better font to match our target audience, of teenagers and old people who want to be different.

We used the slogan, ‘unleash the flavour’ because our gum is there to be unleashed because its taste is so amazing. It was in white so it stands out against the background and grabs our audiences attention

We used the metal the black metal effect because metal is tuff and we wanted to get this message across without gum that it is tuff and is for people who are craving a different gum.

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The creation of my bus advert

This will be a setup by step guide of what tools and process I used to make my print advert

We still used the same consistent set up through out of white on black background. To show how professional our product is.

We made our prezi appealing, by now using too much text. Also making all the content relevant thorough out.

We kept the look of our prezi slick and modern so it appealed to our wide range audience of 11 to 40. We made it slick by using a bold colour scheme of white on black, which is a very modern look

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1. To make the background we took a picture of a fire off the internet. I clicked on, image, Adjustments and hue/saturation this changed the fire to a blue colour for our background. I did this in Photoshop

2. Then using Illustrator I made the logo using the line tool, I then filled the lines with white paint using the paint bucket. I then placed the logo into Photoshop were I positioned it in the left 3rd and resized it.

3. I then made the box of gum. I made a box by using the line tool. Next I took the logo I had made previously and clipping masked it to take the main background. I did this by right clicking on the main background and clicking on clipping mask. Then selected the logo layer to be clipping masked. Then right clicked on the logo layer and increased the outline on the logo. After that I made the black metal looking metal, the original colour of this was silver I changed the colour by using the colour replacing tool, to change it to black. For the grey circular shape in the bottom right corner I took a picture of the moon and using the brightness and contrast tool I made it darker them using Ctrl+ left click I re positioned the image to fit the box of chewing gum. I then placed all the logos and packaging on the background to finish my advert.

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I’m pleased with my final results I feel this product went well with all the different effects and features in my advert. I think I could have done better on the content on the advert such as adding a release date or were you can buy the chewing gum. But overall it did go well.

Cinema Advert

I edited many parts of the advert. Burt I am going to explain how I edited the last 7 seconds.

1. I did so by finding a downloading a smoke which runs across the front of the packet. The smoke was originally grey but I a gusted the hue so it is now blue.

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2. I placed the packet of gum on layer 1 and made it 7 seconds. Then I a gusted the opacity of smoke and placed it on layer 2 so it went across the screen. The smoke only lasted 5 seconds so the gum packet appeared for 3 seconds. Creating a sense of suspense and advertising our product.

Overall I think this part of the unit went, because our peer assessments all said that our product matches our target audience, also I think our advert looked very professional, because of all of the different shots we used at different angles and levels of zoom. To create a busy advert with lots of detail and suspense.


I think we all worked well as I a team with little or no problems. I think that the intro scene was ok but could have been better with a little bit more filming which would have made it clearer what our advert was from the start but still our advert was very popular because our peer assessment showed a very good reception. But we would edit out the action scene at the start because it would be deemed unsuitable to be shown before 9 o’clock.

I think I made a very good contribution to the team, as did everyone else in the team. I was the main actor in the advert, but also doubling as an editor and 3rd camera man for the shots I was not in. We all worked as a team to decide the camera angles as a team and how the video would be edited. The jump scene at the end of advert, was done by our stunt double Harry, because it became apparent that my feet would not fit on the ledge that I had to jump off because my feet are so big. So Harry then put on my coat and he played my character in that scene. I think this worked really well because it has not been noticed unless mentioned by us. We could have tried filming this scene better on a green screen, but we had tried doing this before in enough project but this was not so successful because the green screen is a bit small for the fall.


A lot of people like our presentation and advert, but they thought that are target audience was slight off. People thought our target audience should be a little smaller and for teenagers, because it was an exciting and fun advert. We took this all into consideration, but in the end we think the 11 to 30 years is the best audience, because we wannted to widen our target audience to as many as possible so this age bracket works well. We also had a comment that we did not face the front all the time so we will make sure this will not happen next time by learning our presentation better. I would rate our performance throughout at about 95%.

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