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In the business world, the first step to great results is good communication. The approach described in Talk Lean is based on a highly successful business training programme – the ‘Interactifs Discipline’ - which will enable you to develop your communication skills in order to achieve clarity, purpose and effectiveness. It’s all about acquiring the disciplines and reflexes which will enable you to say what you really mean in a way that everyone will respond to.

In Talk Lean, you’ll learn how to:

Begin meetings and conversations in ways that are succinct, effective and grab your audience’s attention

Listen and respond during meetings to maximise both productivity and empathy

Close meetings in positive ways that lead to great results


Say what needs to be said

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Extracted from Talk Lean: Shorter Meetings. Quicker Results. Better Relations published in 2013 by Capstone Publishing, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ. UK. Phone

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Copyright © 2013 Alan Palmer

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Chapter 7: Don’t just listen with your ears!What you will have acquired by the end of the chapter:

An appreciation of the barriers to listening effectively and of the potential costs of ineffective listening in terms of comprehension and productivity; and an understanding of how best to overcome those barriers.

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One of the reasons why listening is so difficult to do well is because it seems so deceptively easy. You just open your ears and listen, right? In fact, we all have reflexes and instincts which get in

the way of effective listening, but in order to control and counter these, we first need to be aware of them.Much of the advice and training given to people about listening (typical examples include “Look at the speaker directly”, “Avoid being distracted”, “Smile and use other facial expressions”, “Adopt an open and inviting posture”, “Encourage the speaker to continue by saying things like ‘yes’, and ‘uh huh’ ”) could more accurately be described as advice on how to make the other person believe you’re listening to them, rather than on how to actually listen to them. And advice on what you need to do to be able to “put aside other thoughts” is noticeably thin on the ground.Suggestions like those above are often grouped under the title of “active listening”, which, in addition to all the leaning forward and looking the other person in the eye, also involves “repeating back to the other person what you’ve heard through paraphrasing”. This can certainly be an effective way of demonstrating that you’ ve listened, but if your paraphrasing is inaccurate, it’s an equally effective way of demonstrating that you haven’ t listened.

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And even when “active listening” DOES demonstrate conclusively that the speaker’s words have been heard, the effect can be far from positive. I experienced this recently when I called an IT helpline. I explained my problem to the technician at the other end of the line as follows:

“I’m really frustrated because my computer’s connected to the router but I still can’t access the internet. There’s an exclamation mark on the connectivity bars at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen”.

The technician had probably been trained in “active listening” because his initial response down the phone was:

“So, if I understand correctly, you’re saying that you’re connected to the router but still can’t access the internet and you’re seeing an exclamation mark on the connectivity bars?”

I had to bite my tongue not to reply “Congratulations! You understand English!”. The technician had demonstrated to me beyond all possible doubt that he had listened to what I said. But I was still frustrated. What was missing, crucially, from this demonstration of “active listening” was some sign that he had not only heard what I said, but had also actually done something with it.Imagine instead that the technician had said something like:

“Hearing how frustrated you are, I tell myself I’d better help you get rid of that pesky exclamation mark on the connectivity bars pretty rapidly!”

Or“Hearing your description of what’s happening with the connectivity bars, I’m confident that I know what the problem is and that I can solve this pretty fast”.

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I would still have had the proof that I had been listened to. But I would also have been reassured that I was not just talking to an articulate parrot or to some sophisticated voice-recording software. I would have known instead that I was talking to someone with a brain, capable not only of listening to information and repeating it back, but also of processing that information. I will describe the principles behind such responses in Chapter 8 .To see how easy it is NOT to listen effectively, let’s look at another simple example. Imagine that you recently had a meeting with a client, Jim, to pitch some new product or service. You detailed the numerous bells and whistles which make your product or service so compellingly attractive and left the presentation/documentation/samples for the client to go through in detail. A week or so later, he invites you back for another meeting and starts by saying:

“I’ve been looking at your documentation. It’s very interesting, but at first glance I think this is a little bit overengineered for our needs. And officially all our budgets are frozen until the end of the year”.

I have an obvious technical difficulty in using this example in a book because you didn’t actually listen to the above speech; you just read it on the page. It’s much easier to read effectively than it is to listen effectively. And because you read the speech, you also have it available in front of you to refer back to.But if you HAD been listening rather than reading, then I am 99.9 per cent confident that what you would have heard and responded to would have been that the product or service is “over-engineered” and that “all our budgets are frozen”. I say this with no claim to specific knowledge about how you, dear reader, process information, but simply on the basis of what happens in seminars when I or my colleagues ask participants to listen to a short speech like the one above and then to respond to it as if they were in the meeting – and 99.9 percent of them say something like: “Why do you think it’s overengineered?” or “Why are your budgets frozen?”.

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The next chapter will cover effective and productive ways of responding in situations like this. But for the moment my theme is listening. And in my view someone who responds to the above speech by saying “Why do you think it’s over-engineered?” or “Why are your budgets frozen?” has not listened effectively to the other person – and just as importantly, they haven’t listened effectively to themselves either.There’s lots of stuff happening in the client’s short speech, some of it potentially positive, some of it potentially negative, much of it rather ambiguous. Ambiguity is a constant in much of what you’ll hear from other people in meetings and conversations because of the, by now familiar, difficulty which humans have in “talking lean”, in being both candid and courteous – but the ambiguity is often missed. What people on the receiving end of a short speech like the one above are most likely to cling to and process are the negative aspects – because these are what trigger the strongest emotions. The biggest barriers to making this important sale seem to be the overengineering and the frozen budgets. These are consequently the elements in Jim’s speech which will push your emotional buttons most forcefully.Human beings are likely to retain from a conversation primarily – and often solely – the things which have the most emotional impact on them, the things which cause a shot of adrenalin to start coursing through their veins and which crowd out other information. A related mechanism determines that we can all remember exactly what we were doing on September 11, 2001, but most of us probably don’t have a clue what we did on September 11, 2000 or September 11, 1999 because, frankly, not much happened. Those of us old enough can remember what we were doing when we heard that John F. Kennedy had been shot, or John Lennon – but we can’t even remember accurately everything we did last week.

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Emotion is the first thing which gets in the way of rigorous listening. The second is analysis. In your client’s speech, you’ve heard things which appear to militate against you making the sale, so you start to analyse what you’ve heard and to think about how you’re going to respond and counter-argue. When you hear “over-engineered”, you probably start to tell yourself that you disagree, that you’re confident you can demonstrate that’s not the case, but that in order to do so you need to understand the client’s reasons, so that you can then counter them one by one.When the client’s finished speaking, you therefore tell yourself that, as a priority, you’re going to need to find out why he thinks your product/service is over-engineered. Whilst you’re doing this analysis, your attention will not be properly focused on the rest of the speech.You will probably only hear “our budgets are frozen” – more doom and gloom which you will also start analysing and wondering how to counter.If you refer back to what Jim actually said, things aren’t quite as black or white as they first appear. He hasn’t said the product/service is over-engineered, he’s said “at first glance, I think this is a little bit over-engineered for our needs”. He hasn’t said the budgets are frozen; he ’s said “officially all our budgets are frozen until the end of the year”. He’s also said that he finds the documentation “very interesting”. And although he appears to be saying a number of things which sound negative to you, he’s nevertheless invited you back for a meeting rather than sending you an email or just ignoring your calls.The leitmotif running through this book is that people find it very hard to be direct without being brutal so they often take a roundabout approach and try to soften the impact of their words. It’s entirely possible that this is what’s happening here and that what your client means is that the product/service is way over-engineered (and consequently over-priced) and that he has in any case no possibility of finding the necessary funds – he just hasn’t found the words to say that to you without risking hurting your feelings, so he’s added a few meaningless phrases to soften the blow.

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It’s also possible that something entirely different is going on. Perhaps your product/service is exactly what the client’s been looking for, but he doesn’t want to appear to be too keen because he thinks that if he claims that it’s over-engineered there’s a chance of negotiating the price down. He also knows that there are always ways of getting round budget freezes, but he will need some creative help from you in order to do that.And of course between these two extremes of black and white, there are an infinite number of shades of grey. At the moment, you just don’t know. The client is anchored in the realm of the unsaid – and so, if your response is “Why do you think it’s over-engineered?”, are you.Listening effectively, and by doing so equipping yourself with the raw material which will allow you to respond effectively, involves two distinct steps: (i) listening accurately to the other person’s words and then (ii) listening accurately to yourself, to the impact which those words have had on you. Let’s look at each step in turn.

Listening to the Other PersonBefore you can respond to statements like “I think this is a little bit over-engineered for our needs” in a way which will give you the best chance of achieving your desired outcome you first need to have properly heard the statement in its entirety.How can you listen more eff ectively and hear what the other person actually says, rather than retaining only the things which make a strong emotional impact on you? How can you avoid instantly applying your analytical faculties to a phrase you’ve just heard, with the consequent risk of completely missing the next phrase?

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The answer is to TAKE NOTES. This may appear to lack the characteristics of a “miracle solution”, particularly if, as I suspect, you already take notes in a meeting. But bear with me because I will suggest changes to the way you take notes which will radically improve your listening.In a meeting (as opposed to, say, a student lecture theatre or a school classroom) taking useful notes consists of writing down what the other person actually says rather than your synthesis of what was said. At school or in college, you learned to apply filters when you took notes, to carry out instant mental editing which allowed you to “focus on the essential”, to “stick to the facts”, to “cut out the padding”. You have probably retained this learning and now apply the same approach to note-taking in meetings. In order to listen accurately in a meeting, you need to remove those filters. If in a meeting you try to take down “what’s really important” or “just the key ideas”, then inevitably you will write down only what appears to be really important for you and just the ideas which are key for you – and you will probably miss much that is important for the other person.If you’d been taking notes in a traditional way in the meeting example above, there’s a strong chance that you would find yourself jotting down “over-engineered” and “budgets are frozen”, because these seem to be the key points, the things which appear to be most critical TO YOU in terms of making (or probably not making) your sale. It’s highly probable that you would completely miss “it’s interesting”, “at first glance”, “a little bit over-engineered”, “officially”, “until the end of the year” because you’ve dismissed this as so much blah-blah.It’s entirely possible that what the client means by “At first glance” is “This is hard for me to say because I don’t want to disappoint you”; it’s also possible that “At first glance” means “We haven’t actually had time to read the documentation very thoroughly yet”. In either case, the fact that the client has chosen to say: “At first glance” makes it important.

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The order in which people speak and the words they use aren’t the result of pure coincidence. The order of a person’s speech reveals the way in which the thoughts came to him or her, at that moment and in that context.Rather than applying filters and writing down what seems to be important for you, try instead to write down what the other person actually says, in his or her order and in his or her words. At a minimum, try to write down the other person’ s first words.This will generate a significant change in the way in which you stock information. If you don’t take notes, or if you take notes traditionally and only write down “the key ideas”, you will stock information in its order of apparent importance for you. If you write down what the other person actually says, you will stock the information in his or her order. The fact that the client started his response by saying “It’s interesting” doesn’t mean that’s the most important thing he’s going to say; but the fact that he said it, and when he said it, are surely significant. If you’ve written down the other person’s words, you will have a huge amount of raw material to help when you respond.I warned earlier that it is difficult to conduct an exercise on listening in a book. You can’t actually listen to a speech in a book, you can only read it and you will have it available on the page in front of you to refer back to, which makes it much easier to retain. If you write down the other person’s words in a meeting, you will enjoy exactly the same benefit. So don’t just use your ears for listening – use your hands too.A frequent objection to the simple recommendation of taking notes in a meeting is that it’s very difficult to do so at the same time as focusing properly on what’s being said. What people who raise this objection generally mean is that it’s difficult to take notes at the same time as analysing the information and thinking about how to respond.

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This is a phenomenon which I often see in meetings: the person being addressed adopts a listening posture (see “active listening” above) but as soon as the speaker has finished, the listener pays only lip-service to what was said (“OK . . . ”, “I hear what you say . . . ”, “I see where you’re coming from . . . ”, “That’s a good point . . . ”) and then takes the conversation off in a completely different direction, demonstrating conclusively that he or she HASN’T really listened. If writing down what the other person is saying prevents your brain from using the time to analyse and formulate your next response, so much the better. Your next response can only properly be formulated on the basis of what the other person has actually said and what you’ve therefore written down.Taking notes of what is being said not only gives you richer raw material for constructing a response, but it will actually give you more time to think about your response. If you don’t take notes, then you’re probably looking the other person in the eye to demonstrate how attentively you’re listening (or pretending to listen, including pretending to yourself ) and because you’re looking them in the eye, as soon as they stop talking you’re obliged to jump in and respond. You can’t keep looking them in the eye and say nothing because that will make both of you rather uncomfortable.If, on the other hand, you’re alternating between looking the other person in the eye and looking down at the page on which you’re taking notes, then when they stop talking, you’ve got more time to look down at your notes and to formulate a response based on what was actually said.(A practical hint: experiment with different writing implements to find one which allows you to take notes fastest. I’m most comfortable with a propelling pencil. Use an A5 note-book rather than A4 – or divide your A4 into two columns with a line down the middle of the page – so that your hand doesn’t have to waste time moving back and forth across the whole page.)

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Listening to MyselfAs well as listening to the other person in a meeting, it’s crucial also to listen to yourself. By this I don’ t mean listening to your own voice, but listening to your head, to what is now happening in your brain as a result of the words you’ve heard, to the thoughts and ideas which those words are now causing to be formed inside your skull. Those thoughts and ideas will also be influenced by the tone of voice that was used when the words were spoken – and by the facial expression which accompanied them (so use your eyes when you ’re listening as well as your ears and your hands). There are many different intonations, emphases and gestures which Jim might have used when he said: “It’s very interesting but . . . ”. Some of them may have suggested genuine interest to you, or a total lack of interest, or you may have found it difficult to interpret the words one way or another.Now that you’ve taken notes, perhaps you’ve underlined a few words because they’re the ones which have triggered a thought or an idea in your mind:

“I’ve been looking at your documentation. It’s very interesting , but at first glance , I think this is a little bit overengineered for our needs. And officially all our budgets are frozen until the end of the year”.

Looking down at your notes, there are all sorts of things which could now be going on in your head as a result of Jim’s words. There’s ambiguity in there; there’s stuff that Jim hasn’t said clearly and stuff that he may be thinking but has left unsaid; there are elements on which you probably need more information; there are areas where perhaps you have a hypothesis as to what’s going on but need confirmation; maybe there are possible solutions which you will need Jim’s help to identify.For example, looking at the first phrase you’ve underlined, “It’s very interesting”, you may be wondering what has led Jim to start with a positive, despite what follows next.

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Is he genuinely interested or is he just trying to soften the blow before saying no? Perhaps the way he said these words suggested to you that the door is still open – or perhaps that the door was being firmly slammed. Maybe you’re telling yourself there’s a paradox here which you need to resolve because on the one hand Jim is signalling interest in your product/service but then he seems to be finding excuses not to act.Looking at “at first glance”, perhaps you’re wondering what Jim means by that; or perhaps you’re telling yourself that he hasn’t yet had a chance to read the documentation fully and that if he will only allow you to go through it with him in more detail, he may yet share your view that the product/service perfectly meets his requirements.Looking at “a little bit” over-engineered, perhaps you’re wondering what exactly Jim means by that. Does he think your product is 1 or 2 per cent over-engineered, or is he using understatement to soften the blow and actually thinks that it’s at least 50 per cent overengineered?Perhaps you’re telling yourself that “a little bit” means it may not be difficult to close the gap and to provide something which exactly meets Jim’s needs. Perhaps you disagree with Jim’s assessment and want to be allowed to explain why. Perhaps you’re wondering what would happen if you did agree to re-engineer and to close the gap. Perhaps you’re wondering precisely what you’d need to do to resolve the over-engineering problem to Jim’s satisfaction.Looking at “officially all our budgets are frozen”, perhaps you’re asking yourself what has led Jim to add the word “officially”, rather than just baldly stating “all our budgets are frozen”. Perhaps, hearing the phrase “officially all our budgets are frozen”, you’re telling yourself that “unofficially” there’s probably some leeway. Perhaps you’re wondering exactly what you’d need to do so that “unofficially” some budget did become available.

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Perhaps, looking at “until the end of the year”, you’re telling yourself that it sounds as if you can do a deal as soon as the new financial year opens.Perhaps overall you’re wondering what led Jim to call the meeting. If it’s just to say no, he could quite easily have done that by email or over the phone. Perhaps you’re telling yourself that since he DID call the meeting rather than sending an email or making a call, then, after all, this is the opening round in a negotiation.These are just some of the things which might now be happening in your head as a result of the notes you took which allowed you to listen accurately to what Jim actually said in the meeting. And now that you’ve identified what’s going on in your head, you’re ready to respond.

Chapter Summary• Listening, despite appearing deceptively easy, is difficult to do effectively because our emotions

distort our view of what was actually said and because we’re already busy analysing and formulating responses whilst the other person is still speaking.

• Rigorous listening involves disengaging your analytical faculties and engaging instead your writing hand, to note scrupulously what the other person says. Writing down what the other person says in his or her order, and using his or her words, helps to obviate the pernicious effects of emotion and analysis on listening – and provides rich raw material which will greatly serve the productivity of the meeting.

• Rigorous listening also involves listening to yourself, to the thoughts and ideas which the other person’s words – and the way in which they were said – generate in your head.

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About the AuthorAlan Palmer was educated at Oxford and INSEAD and has spent most of his career working for advertising agencies and management consultancies in London and Paris. He has worked for Interactifs, a coaching and training company, since 2004, running seminars in the UK, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, the UAE and China. He runs the UK operation of the business.

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Say what needs to be said


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