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    .__.-. -._ |\ `. \ `--.`-' `-' \_)\ ________|\ \ \ _ ______ _____ `-. .-.___ `._ /___ __|/\ `-| | | ___/ / ____| -'_ (_ o `-'/ \ | | / \._| | | |__ | (___ ___ ___ .' _\ \ ( | | / /\ \ | | | __| \___ \ /\ \\ | \ \_ |/ | |/ ____ \| |____| |____ ____) | | \/ | |-- (_`-./ / |\ |_/_/ \_\_____/|_____/|_____/,-'/\___/ | _,',-' ,' |/ _____ ___ _______ _____.'__/ __ _____/ ______/ _____ ____//__ | | | | /__ _/| ___/| \/ | __ \| ___/ / ____|__ ___/ | |--| |-- | | | |__`-| \ / | |__) | |__ | (___ /| | | | | |___ | | | __| | |\/| | ___/| __| \___ \,'/| | | | | |____| |_.| | |.' | |____ ____) |/ | | | | |_____/|_| |_|_| ,-|_____/|_____/ |_| \| `-' `.__,' -'--'

    Thanks to DomZNinja for the logo!_____________________________________________________________________________||

    Tales of the Tempest (import)/// Nintendo DS //// FAQ/Walkrthough / By WishingTikal / wishingtikal[at]gmail[dot]com

    (with help of squidlarkin for translations, thankies =3 )

    Please subscribe for more Tales stuff:


    ||-- version 1b --** THIS IS A BETA VERSION **

    Last Update: Added the Quick Walkthrough

    ~~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~~__________________________________________________| /| 1. About \| /

    | 2. Game Basics \| 2.1........Using Menus /| 2.3........Equiping gear/titles \| 2.4........Switching characters /| 2.5........Cooking \| 2.6........Battle System /| \| 3. Quick Walkthrough /| \| 4. Full Walkthrough /

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    | 4.1...........The Journey Starts \| o Fern Village /| o Port Naliss \| o Black Forest /| o Reda Town \| 4.2...........The Rescue Mission /| o Janna Capital \| o sewers /| o cathedral undergrounds \| 4.3...........The Two Gates /| o Yaska Town \| o Northern Gate /| o Eastern Gate \| 4.4...........Ruins Of Sand /| o Laurus Village \| o Leymon City /| 4.5...........Through The Tempest \| o Algam Forest /| o Sansa Village \| o Laurus Village /| o Janna Capital \| 4.6...........Traveling Back And Forth /| o Bognam Forest \| o Adelhabith Village /

    | 4.7...........The Last Voyage \| o Mount Area /| 4.8...........(Optional Dungeon) \| o Leymon City /| \| 5. Lists (not complete) /| 4.1 Items \| 4.1 Techniques /| 4.3 Bestiary \| /| 6. Disclaimer \|_________________________________________________/

    _____________________________________________________________________________||1. ABOUT

    Tales of the Tempest

    This game is part of the Tales series and is the first to be developedspecifially for a handheld system (DS in this case). The game was made byDimps (not the actual Tales Studio staff -- aside from the sound department),so this may explain the missing Tales feeling. It sold decently in the firstweek due to the Tales name, but the game was harshly reviewed by game critics

    and hasn't been selling well at all. You can import it for extremely cheap,and you might want to, since it's definitely not coming out of Japan.

    The FAQ

    The first thing I'd like to confess is that I don't know Japanese. Whoops.Why this FAQ then? Well, Tales of the Tempest compelled me to write a FAQ.It's not the greatest Tales game, it's not even a great RPG, but I felt itstill needed a walkthrough. That being said, I did my best regardless of the

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    language barrier, and I'm aware the FAQ does not cover everything I wouldlike it to cover. I wanted to make a walkthrough for it, which I did, butthen I realized it wouldn't work out, because I didn't even know names of allitems. I still wanted to share the walkthrough however, so I still decidedto try and complete the FAQ. It resulted into this. If you want to help withnames of items, you can e-mail me at the address at the top and bottom of thepage. Just don't e-mail me about Japanese stuff, chances are I won't have theanswer ;]. I welcome constructive criticism. If you want to help this FAQ bebetter, feel free to.

    Just keep in mind that this isn't a translation guide, but a walkthrough.


    Tales of Symphonia 2 Wii FAQ/Walkthrough:

    Tales of Symphonia GCN FAQ/Walkthrough:

    Tales of Phantasia GBA FAQ/Walkthrough:

    _____________________________________________________________________________||2. GAME BASICS

    2.1 Using Menus~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~

    Main menu icons

    From left to right. Left-most being first, right-most being last.

    Fist icon: ITEMSSecond icon: EQUIPThird icon: TECHNIQUESFourth icon: STATUSFifth icon: SYSTEM

    Overview of main menu

    (character portraits at top)


    Each category has its own sub menu. The last icon is always "Back".




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    When you select an item, you will normally get three options for itemsthat can be used outside of battles. Items used inside of battles willonly have the two last options available.

    First option: USESecond option: DROPThird option: DESCRIPTION


    "Recipe" has its own sub-menu.










    "Equipment" has its own sub-menu.












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    In other words, to save the game, select the last option, then the firstone and select an empty slot. To load, go with the third option. You canonly save at a save point or on the world map.

    2.2 Equipping Weapon, Armor, Accessories And Titles~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~

    To equip gear, go in the Equip sub-menu (second icon).Select the first option, Equipment. The second option is to change titles.Once you've selected the Equipment icon, you'll get three more icons tochoose from. The first is weapons, second is armor, third is accessories.Select one of these. Now the cursor will be over your characters.Choose a character. The cursor will move back to the list of weapons,armors or accessories that you have. Select the gear you want to equipand choose the first option to equip it. The second option is to tossaway the item and the third is to look at the description of the item.To unequip gear, simply equip something else.

    Simple, right?

    2.3 Switching Characters and Assigning Commands~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~

    This one is more complicated.

    Choose the fourth icon in the menu to access character Status. The cursorwill be over your characters, so move it down to select a sub-menu. Thefirst one is Formation, the second one is Commands.

    Commands are simple:you can choose how you want your AI controlled party members to fight fromthe list. I would recommend leaving it at default however, since the settingsare already perfect, in my opinion.

    1. Action - Leave it up to AI - Be aggressive - Scatter - Balance - Be careful - Protect others

    2. Tactics - Leave it up to AI - Attack same as player - Attack different from player - Close range attacks - Long range attacks - Strong offensive - Weak offensive

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    In Formation, you can move the cursor on the grid to select where you wantyour characters to stand when a fight starts. Healers should be kept at theback and attackers at the front or middle. Here again, the default settingsare good.

    From the Formation screen, select the first (and only) icon in the sub-menuright over the grid. This is where you change your party members. The numberson the left are the order the characters are in the party right now. Simplyre-organize them in the order you want in the space at the right. The firstcharacter will be the one you control in battle and only the first threewill participate in battles.

    Last lesson of the day: press SELECT outside the pause menu to switchbetween the characters currently in your party.

    2.4 Cooking~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~

    To cook in Tales of the Tempest, first open the menu and select the firstoption: Items. Choose the second option in the sub-menu (Recipes). Anothersub-menu -- choose the first option again, Cooking. Select the recipe youwant. If you have all the necessary ingredients to cook it, you'll access

    the cooking screen. If this screen doesn't show up when you select arecipe, then you don't have all the ingredients.

    The cooking itself is quite simple and should be self-explanatory. Thegame will have an arrow pointing you in what direction you need to movethe Stylus to cook. The time limit is shown in the top-left corner ofthe screen.

    2.5 Battle System~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~

    You'll recognize the 3-on-3 battle system from Tales of Rebirth, if you'veimported that too. You can set your characters to three different lines,and move in between them to surround the enemy or escape from an ambush.

    So how do you move from a line to another? Simply, double click UP or DOWNon the directional pad to switch lines.

    You can also set your main character to AUTO, MANUAL or SEMI-MANUAL. To doso, press SELECT during a fight. In Auto, your character will be controlledby the computer. Note that all the other characters are already AIcontrolled unless you're playing WIFI with friends, in which case they willbe controlled by the other players.

    By pressing certain combination of buttons (B, B+UP, B+DOWN, B+LEFT/RIGHT),you will be able to perform Techniques. To set the techniques to thebutton shortcuts, select the third option in the main menu. Techniques alsoinclude healing spells for your healers. The techniques that appear yellowin the list are combos; you can only pull them off by performing the righttechniques in the right order.

    During fights, you can press X to bring up the item menu to use items, butyou cannot order CPU characters to perform a command (such as healing).You absolutely need to set the command to a shortcut so the character can

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    use it by himself/herself.

    As for the beast transformation, only Forest and Caius can use it. You'llget that new option for the battles right before you reach Laurus. You canonly transform when your HP is below half, and your TP is at least 80% full.In beastman form, TP will be consumed gradually. You will return to normalform when your TP reaches 0. To transform, select the last move in Caius'Techniques list and use it during battle with the corresponding buttonshortcut.

    Hope this helps.

    _____________________________________________________________________________||3. QUICK WALKTHROUGH

    The Quick Walkthrough is for people who don't want any storyline details and

    just want to get through the game quick without collecting all hidden itemsand such. It can also be used if you're stuck. Otherwise, I would recommendusing the Full Walkthrough.

    a) Fern Village

    - After the intro, go to the church for a cutscene- Back outside, walk up to the well for a cutscene- Try to exit the village and a cutscene will ensue- After the cutscene, head outside and battle a foe- After the fight, walk up to Rubia and battle a second foe

    - Once on the world map, walk north to a lone house- After the cutscene, head back to Fern Village

    - Head up to the church for a cutscene- After the cutscene, enter the church and examine the bodies- Go back outside for a cutscene- You can return to the church for another cutscene- Try to leave the village and fight two guards

    - On the world map, go back to the lone house- Return to Fern Village to talk with Scarlet

    - On the world map, follow the south path to Port Naliss

    b) Port Naliss

    - Head between the houses behind the save point to find Rubia- Talk to the man outside the item shop to receive a Fish

    - Back on the world map, walk north past Fern until you reach Black Forest(****Black Forest can only be entered during daytime****)

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    c) Black Forest

    - Take the right path for a chest and the left path for a fight- After the fight and cutscene, defeat the skeleton- After Tilkis and Forest have joined, exit south- Go right at the fork to find Key of Eleusia- Leave the forest by north entrance

    - On the world map, go northeast to Reda

    d) Reda Town

    - Give the Fish from Naliss to a man next to the church to receive 1000G- Go sleep at the inn for a cutscene- When you're ready, leave the town to meet back up with the party

    - On the world map, walk all the way to Janna

    e) Janna Capital

    - Go to the inn and talk to the innkeeper for a cutscene

    - Back outside, go right for another cutscene- Head over to the cathedral and talk to the guards twice- Head back across the bridge for another cutscene- Go to the port for yet another cutscene- Return to the inn- Re-enter Janna during nighttime and go to the port

    - Make your way through the sewers and fight a boss

    - Inside the cathedral, solve Puzzle 6 (see full walkthrough) for a cutscene- Solve another puzzle to free Forest and head out north for a cutscene- Save your game and head outside the cathedral- Defeat Albert, then leave Janna

    - After the cutscenes, walk west on the world map and enter Yaska

    f) Yaska Town

    - Go to the inn for a cutscene- Leave the town to be back on the world map

    - Start walking north until you encounter Albert- Defeat him, then continue walking to the north bridge- Keep walking north(west) in new area to reach Northern Gate

    g) Northern Gate

    - Go upstairs to second floor and talk to the man in top-right corner- Go in the room at the right and talk to the priest to receive a Book- Leave the Northern Gate

    - On the world map, travel east to the Eastern Gate- Defeat Rommy, then enter Eastern Gate

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    h) Eastern Gate

    - (optional) Deliver the Book to the guard, then go back to the NorthernGate and talk to the priest to receive 3000G- Talk to the guard at the left of the weapon shop to go into the desert

    - Walk south along the shore to Laurus

    i) Laurus Village

    - (optional) Bring back a Sand Lily from the desert (only appears on world mapduring nighttime way east of Laurus) to the little girl in the inn- Talk to the man standing at the left of the village's entrance for scene

    - On the world map, walk to the very center of the desert to find Leymon

    j) Leymon City

    - Enter the library and head upstairs- Defeat Lukius

    - Head back to the Eastern Gate- Defeat Rommy

    - Walk north to the red dot at the top of the world map

    k) Algam Forest

    - Make your way through the forest and defeat the ogre- Enter Sansa

    l) Sansa Village

    - Watch the cutscene, then head back through the forest and all the way backto Laurus

    m) Laurus Village

    - Defeat Torth as Forest, then sleep at the inn- Head out to the world map and defeat Albert- Head back into town and take the ship to Janna

    n) Janna Capital

    - Head inside the cathedral and defeat Lukius- Head down and go through the door at the left of the hallway- Defeat the Pope, then go back to the room with the save point- Leave the cathedral to fight foes on the bridge- Leave Janna and defeat the boss

    - Travel all the way back to the Northern Gate- Go through door in Northern Gate leading into the forest

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    o) Bognam Forest

    - Make your way through the forest and defeat the ogre- On the world map, travel west to Aldelhabith

    p) Adelhabith Village

    - Talk to the woman at the village entrance- Talk to the old man in the first house on the left- Go the inn and talk to the man in the pub

    - Walk back through the forest or take the ship to a nearby village andreturn to the world map section where the Northern and Eastern Gates are- Head up to Mount Are, located somewhere between the two Gates, at thevery top of the world map -- a path leads up the mountain

    q) Mount Are

    - Head up the mountain and defeat Rommy- Make your way to the top of the mountain- Save your game and enter the castle

    - Defeat the King

    _____________________________________________________________________________||4. FULL WALKTHROUGH

    The Full Walkthrough is for people who want to know storyline details anddon't want to miss hidden items. It covers long dialogues, (and obviously,spoilers) so if all you want is to get through a point quickly or are stucksomewhere, you would be better off with the Quick Walkthrough.

    Note: Boss battles are not covered due to their simplistic nature.

    (Notice: The walkthrough is full of wrong item names and I'm aware of it.I'll try to have it fully corrected within the next few updates.)

    (1) ~~~~~~~~~~ The Journey Starts ~~~~~~~~~~


    (, / /___,) /(_/ern Village

    Caius enters. His father, Ramrus, reminds him of his promise to take hisfriend Rubia to the forest. Caius uses the opportunity to ask his father totake him on his next business trip, but his father refuses. He promises himto take him one day, but not now. Caius leaves, disappointed.

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    You can now walk around the village and there are a few items to collect.In the house right besides Caius', examine the jars on the right wall tofind a |Flare Bottle| and the dresser on the left for a |Lemon Gummy|. Nowhead back outside and enter the shop on the left. Examine the chest on theright wall for |Red Shard|, the small chest on the end of the counter for|Guard Bottle|, the dresser on the right wall for |Orange Gummy| and thebarrel at the left of the counter for |Apple Gummy|. When you're done, gonorth and enter the church.

    Fern Item Shop____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|| | ||[] Apple Gummy | 30G ||---------------------|------||[] Orange Gummy | 40G ||_____________________|______|

    Rubia is inside. She's concerned about Caius, who seems perturbed. She knowshe had a fight with his father again. Caius tries to walk away, but Rubiaholds him and asks him to be more courteous to ladies. She then reminds him

    she won't be there anymore next year when she leaves for Janna. Caius triesto do like it doesn't bother him and wishes her luck.

    Back outside, walk to the well in front of Caius' house. Scarlet will stopCaius and ask him if he had a fight with Rubia. The two deny it and Rubiateases Caius. Walk south to exit the village. A knight collapses at theentrance of the village. Caius recognizes the armor from the Knight's Unit.The knight informs them he was attacked by monsters. He is taken to thechurch. While Caius is alone with him, the knight regains consciousness andentrusts Caius with the Pensient to deliver to Janna. Obtain Pensient.

    Caius remarks that the crystal resembles the stone from the pendant hismother gave to him. The two stones start to glow. At the same time, the

    village is attacked by monsters.

    Before leaving the room, examine the chest at the right of the bed for|Red Shard|, the bookcase left of the bed for |Apple Gummy| and the vase atthe left of the table for |Sage|. Then go through the door to be back in thechurch. Examine the alcove in the wall at the left of the altar to find an|Elixir|. Save at the save point (X for Menu, far-right option, then firstoption, select slot 1 or 2, then left option for 'Yes'), then head outside tobattle an enemy (Press A or use the Stylus).

    After the fight, walk up to Rubia. Caius wants her to stay in the church, butshe wants to fight. Win the next battle with Rubia's help, then you'll besurrounded. Caius's dad turns into a werewolf and defeat all the monsters,

    saving the village. Villagers arrive and think he's with the monsters, tellinghim to go away. Caius defends his dad but nothing does. Rubia's dad comes andsends everyone home.

    Ramrus explains to Caius that he's a wereman from Leymon, of which only ruinsremain, and that he is not his real father. Caius is shocked. Ramrus is aknight who was at his mother's service. Caius' mom was the last of the Leymonroyal family, but she disappeared. She and his real father may still be alivesomewhere.

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    The next day, Rubia comes in, warning Caius and Ramrus to run away. A villagerbetrayed them and reported them to the church. The churchmen arrive to arrestRamrus. He hurries Caius and Rubia to escape while he distracts them.

    You'll now be on the world map. Go north to find a lone house.


    Abandoned House

    Caius is worried about his dad. He asks Rubia to stay hidden there while hegoes back to the village. Rubia wants to come with him, but Caius convincesher to stay.

    After the scene, re-enter the house. Examine the chest for |300G|, the shelvesfor |Tent| and the haystack for |Poison Charm|. Save outside the house. If youneed items, a merchant is selling some next to the house.

    Merchant____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|

    | | ||[] Apple Gummy | 30G ||---------------------|------||[] Orange Gummy | 40G ||---------------------|------||[] Dark Bottle | 250G ||---------------------|------||[] Holy Bottle | 250G ||---------------------|------||[] Panacea Bottle | 150G ||---------------------|------||[] Tent | 750G ||_____________________|______|

    Now head back to the world map and re-enter Fern Village, north of yourcurrent location.


    ________) (, / /___,) /

    (_/ern Village

    Head up to the church. Rubia's dad tries to defend Ramrus, but the HeticPrecursors want to send him to jail where he will be condemned. Rommyinterrogates Ramrus about the knight from earlier. He's looking for somethingthe knight had on him. Ramrus insists that the knight was already unconsciouswhen they brought him in. Rommy sends Lukius to check, but the knight hasnothing on him. Ramrus pleads Rubia's dad to stop defending him, but too late.Rubia's mom then comes in and dies by the hands of Rommy too. Rommy suspectsRamrus' son to be in possession of what the knight had on him. They decide to

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    go after him and Rubia.

    Once they're gone, enter the church and examine both bodies. Rubia's dad willtell you that Ramrus is being taken to Janna. Rubia's mom will tell you tolook after Rubia.

    Save and go back outside. Rommy tells the villagers that Ramrus is the one whokilled Rubia's parents. Return inside the church for a quick scene where Caiuspromises to protect Rubia. Now try to leave the village and defeat the twoguards at the entrance. On the world map, head back to the abandoned house.

    Caius informs Rubia of the capture of his father and the death of her parents.Rubia refuses to believe it and runs back to the village. Go back to Fern andScarlet will cheer you up and give you an Orange Gummy and a Tent. She alsolets you know that Rubia went to Naliss Port.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Head left and follow the road to the south, according to the compass. Caiuswill make a fire camp along the way. After this, continue straight ahead tofind a treasure chest containing |Life Bottle|. Then go down to the shore andenter Port Naliss.


    __ __)(,|\ | | \ |) | \ |

    (__| \| aliss Port

    Go between the houses behind the save point to find Rubia. She tells Caiusthey wouldn't let her on a ship. The two agree to save Ramrus and go toJanna by the Black Forest, even though it's dangerous.

    Before leaving, go to the item shop and talk to the shopkeeper at the rightto receive a new recipe. Talk to him a second time for a second recipe.

    Naliss Item Shop____________________________|ITEM |PRICE |

    |_____________________|______|| | ||[] Apple Gummy | 30G ||---------------------|------||[] Orange Gummy | 40G ||---------------------|------||[] Dark Bottle | 250G ||---------------------|------||[] Holy Bottle | 250G ||---------------------|------|

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    |[] Panacea Bottle | 150G ||---------------------|------||[] Life Bottle | 400G ||---------------------|------||[] Tent | 750G ||_____________________|______|

    Naliss Food Shop____________________________ ____________________________|FOOD |PRICE |FOOD |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Bread | 10G |[] Shrimp | 60G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Rice | 20G |[] Cheese | 30G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Chicken | 40G |[] Lettuce | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Beef | 70G |[] Onion | 30G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Tuna | 70G |[] Egg | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Salmon | 50G |[] Red Spice | 70G |

    |---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Squid | 30G |[] Black Spice | 70G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Examine the food on the right of the counter to find a |Mixed Gummy|. You canfind |Panacea Bottle| on the left of the counter too. In the same building,go left to the inn. Enter the only room and examine the chests beside the bedsto find |Life Bottle| and |500G|.

    Exit the item shop and talk to the man standing outside to receive|Dried Fish|. Enter the weapon/armor shop next to him and examine the swordsrack to find a |Flare Bottle|. Also buy the best sword/staff and armor for

    your two characters.

    Naliss Weapon/Armor Shop____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|| | ||[] Steel Sword | 210G ||---------------------|------||[] Rod | 210G ||_____________________|______|| | |

    |[] Bronze Plate | 120G ||---------------------|------||[] Steel Plate | 300G ||---------------------|------||[] Robe | 120G ||---------------------|------||[] Feather Robe | 290G ||_____________________|______|

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    If you sleep at the inn, or come back during daytime, the house at theentrance of the village will be open. Go in and examine shelves at the backfor |Orange Gummy| and the dresser at the right for |Elixir|. Also talk to theold lady inside for an event.

    Now go back to the world map.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Head back north in direction of Fern Village. If you continue northeast pastit, there will be a cliff on the right with a small forest at the end. Examinethe trees to find |Magic Lens|. Now continue north all the way to the red doton your map. You should find the Black Forest there.

    Note: You can only enter the Black Forest during daytime.


    ______ (, / ) /---() / ____)lack Forest(_/ (

    Start by heading into the right path to find a chest at the end containing|Poison Charm|. Then head back to the fork and take the left path. You'll bestopped by two guards at the end of the path. They figure Caius and Rubia arethe two children the prosecutors are looking for. They try to catch them, butengage in a fight. Defeat them.

    Caius and Rubia set up a fire camp and decide to wait until night to crossthe forest so they won't get caught. The two are then attacked by a skeleton.Defeat it and more will show up. Tilkis and Forest come to the rescue. Defeatthe three skeletons with their help.

    Tilkis and Forest introduce themselves. They tease Caius and Rubia abouteloping together. Rubia and Caius are offended. The two strangers thenpropose to stay with them until they're out of the forest.

    Open the treasure chest on your right for |Mumei Plate|. Save at the savepoint on your left, then exit south of there. At the fork, go right. Rubiawill notice a glowing object on the ground that one of the soldiers dropped.

    Obtain Key of Eleusia. (enables DS wireless play)

    Follow the path until you come to a fork. Both paths leads to the samelocation, but take the south path as it also leads to a chest containing|Solid Soul|. You'll then come to another fork. Continue right until youget to a clearing with a chest in the southwest corner, containing|Attack Symbol|. Also examine the glowing circle on the right for|Energy Tablets (Treat)|. Return to the previous fork and head north.Follow the path to yet another fork. The left path leads back to whereyou're coming from, so go north to leave the forest.

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    Tilkis explains that he is a prince from Shenshivia and that him and Forestare going to Janna to investigate about monsters that started appearing intheir homeland after the churchmen's visit. Caius tells them he is going torescue his captured father in Janna. Tilkis and Forest propose to join himand Rubia so they can travel together to the city.

    On the world map, walk a bit northwest to enter Reda.


    _____ (, / ) /__ /) / \_ eda Town(_/

    Caius is impressed by the size of the town's buildings. Tilkis proposes thatthey split up so they don't look too suspicious, and meet up at the inn later.You'll be left with Forest.

    Before going to the inn, enter the first building (weapon/armor shop).Examine the chest on the left to find |Talisman| and the dresser in the

    middle to find |Blue Shard|. Now go to the item shop next to the inn andtalk to the shopkeeper to receive a new recipe. Talk to him a second timeto get another recipe. Also examine the left corner of the wall next to thevases to find |White Leaf Powder|.

    Reda Item Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Apple Gummy | 30G |[] Blue Shard | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------|

    |[] Orange Gummy | 40G |[] Yellow Shard | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Panacea Bottle | 150G |[] Green Shard | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Life Bottle | 400G |[] Purple Shard | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Tent | 750G |[] Black Shard | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Red Shard | 100G |[] White Shard | 100G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Reda Food Shop

    ____________________________ ____________________________|FOOD |PRICE |FOOD |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Rice | 20G |[] Cabbage | 50G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pasta | 20G |[] Eggs | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pork | 60G |[] Daikon | 40G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------|

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    |[] Squid | 30G |[] Miso | 50G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Shrimp | 60G |[] Konnyaku | 20G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Carrot | 20G |[] Black Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Potato | 20G |[] White Spice | 70G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Reda Weapon Shop Reda Armor Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE | |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______| |_____________________|______|| | | | | ||[] Rapier | 520G | |[] Steel Plate | 300G ||---------------------|------| |---------------------|------||[] Mumei Blade | 450G | |[] Steel Mail | 480G ||---------------------|------| |---------------------|------||[] Battle Axe | 530G | |[] Steel Armor | 520G ||---------------------|------| |---------------------|------||[] Cita Mace | 430G | |[] Feather Robe | 290G ||_____________________|______| |_____________________|______|

    Head out of the shop and go right. Talk to the man standing at the east ofthe town, between the church and a house. Give him the Dried Fish you gotfrom the man in Naliss Port to receive 1000G and a Pine Gummy. Then enterthe church and examine the altar at the back to find an |Elixir|. Thereare other items in the house at the right, but we'll get them in a bit.

    Go to the inn first and talk to the innkeeper. Select the bottom option tostay for the night. Caius can't sleep and Forest and him have a chat aboutCaius' father. Caius says Ramrus told him he wasn't a wereman, but Forestasserts he's seen weremen without the mark. This troubles Caius.

    The next morning, go up to the second floor of the inn. Examine the vase inthe corner of the hallway for |Green Leaf Powder|. Then go in the first roomand examine the chest in the corner for a |Life Bottle|. Enter the secondroom and examine the lamp on the table next to the beds for |Orange Gummy|.Also check the chests in the corner for |1000G|.

    Now go back outside and talk a second time with the man you gave the DriedFish to. Give him the Mushroom to receive 1500G, a new recipe, and aReverse Doll. Then go inside the house on his right. The people insideare gone so you can collect all items. Examine the table to find |Mixed Gummy|,and the other side of the table for |Dark Bottle|. Examine the vases in the topleft corner for |Saffron|, the fireplace for |250G| and the shelves at the leftof the fireplace for |Tent|.

    When you're ready, head back to the entrance of the town to meet back up withTilkis and Rubia. Select the first option. Before leaving, make sure to buynew weapons, armor and necessary items. Upon leaving, Tilkis will tease Caiusabout being jealous of the attention Rubia is giving him. Caius will deny itand insists that it's time to go.


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    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Follow the path to the west and slowly make your way north. Half-way through,the party will stop for a fire camp. Tilkis teases Rubia and Caius of beinglovers. Both get mad about it and Rubia is reminded of her mother, and becomessad. Tilkis feels bad about bringing that up and hurting her.

    If you want to get a treasure chest, head west from the fire camp, then followthe river to the right until you come to a gorge with a chest containing a|Rune Bottle|. Back on the main road, head all the way north to reach Janna.It's a long way.


    (2) ~~~~~~~~~~ The Rescue Mission ~~~~~~~~~~

    _____ (, /

    / ___/__/ /(__ /anna Capital

    Caius is excited with the size of the city. Tilkis explains where the castleand cathedral are, and tells a story about weremen that escaped prison yearsago and were executed, save for one wereman. All they wanted was to talk withthe king. The party decides to stay for the night and think of a plan to saveRamrus.

    Enter the first building, the weapon/armor shop, and examine the corner of thewall at the left of the barrel to find |Green Gem|. Enter the next building,

    the inn, and head up to the second floor. Examine the vase in the hallway tofind |2000G|. Now talk to the innkeeper for a scene.

    Tilkis and Forest have to investigate the city while Caius and Rubia need tofind a way to free Ramrus and deliver the Pensient the knight entrusted toCaius. Tilkis and Forest part way, leaving Rubia and Caius alone. Rubia asksCaius about the Pensient. He tells her that he has to deliver it to the ArchDuke and that the prosecutors are after it too. His mother's pendant and thestone start glowing again. Rubia tells him to quickly hide them.

    Go forward to the right. Caius asks to see the Arch Duke, but the soldierinforms him that he is sick. A man comes along and introduces himself asAlbert Mueller. He inquiries about what Vaius wishes to deliver. Caius

    chooses not to say a word and runs away with Rubia. He thinks somethingseems fishy.

    Enter the item shop on the left. Examine the boxes below the shelves on themiddle wall to find |Paralysis Powder|. Then talk to the grocery shopkeeperat the right two times to receive two new recipes (Sandwhich, Pizza).

    Janna Item Shop____________________________ ____________________________

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    |ITEM |PRICE |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Apple Gummy | 30G |[] Dark Bottle | 250G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Orange Gummy | 40G |[] Holy Bottle | 250G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Lemon Gummy | 70G |[] Panacea Bottle | 150G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pine Gummy | 90G |[] Life Bottle | 400G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Mixed Gummy | 160G |[] Flare Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Miracle Gummy | 280G |[] Tent | 750G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Janna Food Shop____________________________ ____________________________|FOOD |PRICE |FOOD |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Bread | 10G |[] Cheese | 30G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------|

    |[] Pasta | 20G |[] Lettuce | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Chicken | 40G |[] Onion | 30G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Beef | 70G |[] Tomato | 40G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Shyake | 50G |[] Red Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Squid | 30G |[] Black Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Shrimp | 60G |[] White Spice | 70G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Janna Weapon Shop Janna Armor Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE | |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______| |_____________________|______|| | | | | ||[] Platinum Sword | 800G | |[] Steel Plate | 300G ||---------------------|------| |---------------------|------||[] Mumei Blade | 450G | |[] Steel Mail | 480G ||---------------------|------| |---------------------|------||[] Battle Ax | 530G | |[] Steel Armor | 520G ||---------------------|------| |---------------------|------|

    |[] Shika | 430G | |[] Feather Robe | 290G ||_____________________|______| |---------------------|------| |[] Feather Cloak | 450G | |_____________________|______|

    Now head over to the church in the northwest corner. The guards don't want tolet Caius past. Talk to them a second time and Caius will ask about thewereman that was brought here. The guards tell him he was already executed.

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    Head back across the bridge. Caius gets remorse about not saving his fatherin time. Go northeast to the port. Knights come after Caius and Rubia, askingthem to follow them. Albert wants to ask them about the two kids the church islooking for. Caius and Rubia runs away and hide. The knights finds them, but agirl shows up and helps them escape. She introduces herself as Arria. She's apriestess. Caius asks her about his dad, but she too thinks he was executed.

    Now return to the inn. Tilkis and Forest are talking about the church. Theypaid a spy to investigate. They are now certain the church is the source ofall the monsters. Suddenly, knights come in to arrest them. The spy betrayedthem. Forest chooses to stay behind and confront the soldiers while Tilkisescapes. The knights notice Forest has the wereman mark. Outside, Tilkis runsinto Caius and Rubia.

    Tilkis tells them Forest is the wereman that escaped prison years ago. Caiuswants to go rescue him, but it's too late. They decide to sneak into thechurch to save him instead.

    You'll have to wait nighttime before going back. Re-enter town and choose thebottom option to go on. Head over to the port and the party will run intoArria. She'll explain that she's against what the church does to weremen andwants to help them. She brings you to the sewers, which lead to the church.Arria joins your party.


    Janna Sewers

    Walk on to encounter a monster. Defeat it. Tilkis will notice it's the samemonsters from his homeland. Arria eplains she stays at the port to hold themback and thus save the city.

    The sewers are shaped a bit like a maze. Start by heading left, then down,left, and all the way up for a treasure chest containing |Lavender|. Go backdown from there, then left, down, and all the way left for a chest containing|Feather Cloak|. Now go back to the fork and head all the way north for asave point. Go back down and left to fall face to face with a huge monster.

    Defeat it, then leave the sewers to enter the cathedral.


    Janna Cathedral

    Arria leads the party to rescue Forest, who should be held in the undergroundcells. Now you will find several adjacent corridors in this pattern:

    exit2 | 1|_________|_________| | | sewers

    ___|_________|____|4 | 3|_____ ____|____ ______| | | 5 6 |____|_ (Forest)

    |__ are hallways, | are stairways, and the numbers represent puzzles.

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    Each room will be guarded by a puzzle you will need to solve to enter theroom.

    1 2 3 4 5 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___A | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|B | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|C | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|D | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|E | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|

    Now the sliding puzzles should look like the above ASCII. You'll need tomove each tile around so it's in the correct emplacement, following thedrawing behind the tiles. I'll tell you which tile to move where, accordingto the numbers. Take into consideration that after you move a tile, it willhave a different case number, so don't get mixed up.

    Puzzle 1 (20 tries)

    A4 downA5 leftB5 upB4 rightB3 rightB2 rightB1 downA1 rightA2 upB2 leftE2 upE1 right

    D1 downE2 upD3 leftD4 leftE4 upE5 leftD5 downD4 right

    Puzzle 2 (20 tries)

    E3 upE2 right

    D2 downD1 rightC1 downB1 upB2 left, then downA2 down, then leftC2 upC3 leftA4 leftB4 up

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    B3 rightC4 left, then upD4 upD5 leftE5 up

    Puzzle 3 (12 tries)

    B5 upB4 rightC4 rightE4 rightD4 downB3 upD3 downB1 upB2 leftC2 leftE2 leftD2 down

    Puzzle 4 (15 tries)

    B4 down

    B3 rightC3 upD3 upD4 leftC4 downC3 rightC2 rightC1 rightB1 downB2 leftB3 leftC3 upC2 right

    C1 right

    Puzzle 5 (34 tries)

    E4 leftD4 downD2 right, then right againE2 upE1 rightD1 downC2 left, then downC3 left, then left againB3 down

    A3 downB4 up, then leftC4 up, then up againB5 left, then downD5 up, then up againD4 right, then upE5 upB3 rightB2 rightD2 up, then up again

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    E2 up, then rightE1 rightD1 downC1 downB1 down

    Puzzle 6 (10 tries)

    C3 rightD3 upB2 downB3 leftB4 leftC4 upD2 rightC2 downC3 leftD3 up

    Inside each room behind the puzzles, you can search around for items.Room 1: Open the chest for a |Rune Bottle| and examine the dresser in thetop left corner for a |Dinei Bottle|.Room 2: Open the chest for a |Solid Soul|, examine the book on thetable for |Amethyst|, the bookshelf on the right wall for |Lemon Gummy|

    and the bookcase in the top left corner for |Holy Bottle|.Room 3: Open the chest for a |Pine Gummy|.Room 4: Open the chest for a |Flow Light|, examine the book on the tablefor |160G| and the bucket in the bottom right corner for |Syrup Bottle|.Room 5: Open the chest for a |Sinclaire|, examine the shelves in thetop right corner for |White Shard| and the dresser in the top left cornerfor |Flare Bottle|.

    When you're done, solve Puzzle 6 to access the room were the weremen are heldprisoners. Caius and the party look for Forest and hear him from an adjacentroom. They hurry to his rescue, but you'll need to solve a last (very easy)puzzle to free him.

    Once this is done, Forest will free himself from the chains and will beintroduced to Arria. Forest then reveals to Caius that his father is stillalive. Apparently, the church has been torturing the weremen to have themconfess where the Pensient is. Caius explains to Tilkis that he received thePensient from a knight in Fern. The party frees the remaining weremen. Receive10F Underground Key.

    Leave this place and head back up to the exit at the very north of all thepuzzles. Save your game at the save point (very important), then head out ofthe church by the normal entrance. Outside, the party runs into Lukius andAlbert, who want to arrest them by force. Caius refuses this lot and fightsback.

    For the fight against Albert, I'd recommend a Caius-Arria-Forest party, Caiusbeing somewhere around Level 18. Make sure to always keep Arria's TP full asshe will heal the other party members. Everytime her TP comes close to 100,use an Orange Gummy to replenish her TP. The fight isn't really all that hard,but it could last a couple of minutes. Just make sure Arria is keeping theparty healed. If you're having a hard time, you could always put the fight onAuto and still use healing items.

    After the battle, the party escapes, leaving Albert with Lukius. Albert iswondering why Lukius and the church were keeping the weremen alive while they

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    should have been executed already. Lukius doesn't want to answer, but Alberthas a plan involving them in any case.

    Now find a save point and save your game. Restock on healing items and pay avisit to the weapon/armor shop at the city square if you need. Leave Janna tobe stopped by Albert once again. Forest proposes to jump off the bridge intothe river, which the party does. A knight comes along and informs Albert thattheir plan was completed, the Arch Duke was supposedly killed by the weremen.Albert will now be the one at the head of the knights, which will give them areason to hunt down the weremen.

    In the church, Lukius is talking with the Pope. He is asking for the Pensient,and Lukius promises him that he will find it at the cost of his life.

    After jumping off the bridge, the party was carried away by the river andseparated. Caius awakes with Arria and Ramrus by his side. Ramrus is badlywounded and thinks he's about to die. Arria tries to heal him but her magiccan't save him. Ramrus pleads Caius to run away, but Caius doesn't want toleave him. Rommy finds them and cast a spell on Ramrus, who changes into hiswereman form, while being controlled. You'll be alone with Arria to defeathim, but the fight is quite easy.

    After the battle, Rommy turns Ramrus into stone. Caius gets mad and transforminto a wereman. Arria can't hide her surprise. You'll now fight Rommy in an

    very easy battle, since Caius is overpowered in his wereman form. Rommy escapesand leaves Arria and Caius. Caius is confused and angry at himself for injuringhis father earlier. He starts going crazy and thinks it's his fault for being acold-hearted beast too. Arria calms him down.

    The two sit by a campfire at night. Arria proposes that they go find theothers, but Caius is still angry for being a beast and what happened to hisfather, so he thinks it doesn't matter than they find the others or not. Arriatells him he's still the same and nothing changed, regardless of what he is.She insists about finding the others. Caius agrees and apologize for hisbehavior.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Head west for a bit and the party will stop for another campfire. Caius isstill saddened by the death of his father, so Arria comforts him. After thescene, follow the path to the red dot on your map. Enter Yaska.


    (3) ~~~~~~~~~~ The Two Gates ~~~~~~~~~~

    __ __)(, ) / / / (___/_) /(__ /aska Town

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    Arria and Caius bump into Rubia at the town entrance. She's happy to see them,and tells them Tilkis and Forest are waiting at the inn.

    Before heading there, it's time for some item collecting. Enter the secondhouse from the entrance and examine the chair at the left of the table for|White Shard| and the jar on the right wall for |Life Bottle|. Now enterthe third building (item shop) and examine the stands of fruit at the rightto find |Drain Charm|. Also talk to the shopkeeper twice to get two newrecipes.

    Yaska Item Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Apple Gummy | 30G |[] Flare Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Orange Gummy | 40G |[] Guard Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Lemon Gummy | 70G |[] Liqueur Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pine Gummy | 90G |[] Banishing Bottle | 800G |

    |---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Dark Bottle | 250G |[] Magic Lens | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Holy Bottle | 250G |[] Tent | 750G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Panacea Bottle | 150G |[] Rune Bottle | 2500G||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Life Bottle | 400G | | ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Yaska Food Shop____________________________ ____________________________

    |FOOD |PRICE |FOOD |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Pasta | 20G |[] Lemon | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Beef | 70G |[] Banana | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pork | 60G |[] Daikon | 40G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Maguro | 70G |[] Miso | 50G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Milk | 40G |[] Welsh Onion | 30G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------|

    |[] Carrot | 20G |[] Konnyaku | 20G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Egg | 10G |[] Black Spice | 70G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Yaska Weapon Shop_____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|_______|

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    | | ||[] Mythril Rod | 1150G ||---------------------|-------||[] Bastard Sword | 1050G ||---------------------|-------||[] Halberd | 1180G ||---------------------|-------||[] Mitum Mace | 920G ||_____________________|_______|

    Now leave the shop and head to the docks. Enter the warehouse on the left.Inside, examine the chest in the corner at the right of the door to find|Yellow Shard|. Also examine the jars on the left wall to find |Red Stone|and the chest on the back wall to find |1000G|.

    That's all for the items, so now head to the inn at the right of the save point.The party is finally reunited and everyone is happy, save for Caius. He explainswhat happened to his father, and how he transformed into a wereman. Forestcomforts him about it. Tilkis asks Arria what the Pope wants with the Pensient.She tells him all she knows is that he's looking for it to create immortal life,by bringing back the dead. It's said that the Pensients were created by theweremen and contain immense power. Because of the failed experiments the churchtried to get immortal lives, monsters started appearing. Forest proposes that

    they go to the weremen city beyond the desert, where they could gatherinformation about the origin of the Pensients. Caius already has two on him: thestone the knight gave him, and his mother's pendant. The party agrees.

    Now you can collect some more items around the inn. Head up to the second floorand examine the vase at the right of the counter to find |Apple Gummy|. Stillin the hallway, examine the dresser at the left of the stairway for|Poison Phial|. Now go in the left room and examine the basket between the twobeds to find |Guard Bottle|. Go in the right room and examine the baskets inthe corner at the right of the door to find |Pine Gummy|. Examine the dressernext to the bed on the left wall for |Red Sage| and the table for |Rosemary|.

    Head back down to the first floor and talk to the barmaid to receive a

    password. It gives you access to a wallpaper on the official website(but I tried it and I think it was taken down).


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Now leave Yaska to be back on the world map. Take a look at your map. To thenorth, there is a bridge crossing a river. This is your destination. Head northin that direction and the party will stop for a campfire when you get close to

    the bridge. Arria explains that Rommy and Lukius are two kids like Caius andRubia, but that they weren't always like this. Something made them change.

    Now save your game and continue across the bridge. Albert will show up andstop you. He tells the party the whole nation is now after them because theythink the weremen killed the Arch Duke. He asks Caius to hand over thePensient, which he needs in order to possess the power to defeat the Pope.Caius refuses and a duel ensues.

    This might be a long fight, but not really hard. Just make sure you keep

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    everyone healed over 1000HP and that the healer has over 100TP at all time.Use as many gummies as needed. After the battle, the party runs off anddecides to hurry to Leymon. Start to walk forward and the party will stopfor another campfire. Forest explains the weremen's magic.

    Now follow the path to the next bridge. If you want, you can climb up thathill at the right of the bridge to get a chest containing |Warrior Symbol|at the end of the cliff.

    After you cross the bridge, you'll be in another area of the world map. Walknorth to the red dot on your map. Rubia will ask if the big wall standing upthere is a fortress. Forest will explain that it's the Northern Gate,standing between Bognam and Areulla. Ogres live behind. The humans builtthis wall to keep them away.

    Now go through the small door on the left.


    __ __)(,|\ | | \ |) | \ |(__| \|orthern Gate

    Tilkis will propose that they split to gather information about the Leymondesert. Caius will stay with Forest. Examine the crates in the top leftcorner to find |Attack Symbol|. Also talk to the shopkeeper next to thecrates to receive a new recipe. Talk to him a second time for a secondrecipe.

    Northern Gate Item Shop____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|| | |

    |[] Flare Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------||[] Guard Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------||[] Liqueur Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------||[] Syrup Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------||[] Banishing Bottle | 800G ||---------------------|------||[] Tent | 750G ||_____________________|______|

    Northern Food Shop____________________________ ____________________________|FOOD |PRICE |FOOD |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Bread | 10G |[] Tomato | 40G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Rice | 20G |[] Carrot | 20G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------|

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    |[] Pasta | 20G |[] Potato | 20G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Beef | 70G |[] Red Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Milk | 40G |[] Black Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Onion | 30G |[] White Spice | 70G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    N Gate Weapon Shop N Gate Armor Shop_____________________________ _____________________________|ITEM |PRICE | |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|_______| |_____________________|_______|| | | | | ||[] Mythril Sword | 1150G | |[] Mythril Plate | 1660G ||---------------------|-------| |---------------------|-------||[] Saber | 2260G | |[] Mythril Mail | 1660G ||---------------------|-------| |---------------------|-------||[] Bastard Sword | 1050G | |[] Mythril Armor | 2000G ||---------------------|-------| |---------------------|-------||[] Koraada | 2350G | |[] Mythril Robe | 1320G ||---------------------|-------| |---------------------|-------|

    |[] Halberd | 1180G | |[] Mythril Cloak | 1250G ||---------------------|-------| |_____________________|_______||[] Bardiche | 2400G ||---------------------|-------||[] Mitum Mace | 920G ||---------------------|-------||[] Ruby Wand | 1650G ||_____________________|_______|

    Now go up the stairs on the left to the second floor. Examine the chest in thetop left corner to find |Petrification Phial| and the stuff in the bottomleft corner for a |Tent|. Now talk to the man in the top right corner. He will

    give you information about the desert, called land of death because everythinghas been destroyed in the war, including the Leymon city.

    Now go in the room at the right. Examine the bedside table between the bottombeds for a |Magic Lens| and the one at the top for a |Mixed Gummy|. Alsoexamine the chest on the back wall for |1500G|. Now talk to the priest. He'llgive you a book that you need to deliver to a knight at the Eastern Gate.Select the top option to take the book.

    Return to the first floor and go through the door on the right to find a savepoint. Examine the jars in the corner to find |Green Shard|. Save, buywhatever you need, then try to exit by the entrance to meet back up with therest of the party. Caius will share with the others the information they

    gathered about the desert. A lot of merchants go there for treasures, butthe desert is now blocked by the Eastern Gate because of all the monstersroaming there.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Back outside, travel to the east where the red dot is. You'll arrive at the

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    Eastern Gate, but it seems Rommy and Lukius are already there. Rommy andLukius try to convince Rubia that Ramrus is the one who killed her parents.Caius gets mad and transforms into a wereman. You'll enter a fight againstRommy. Defeat the two guards first, then take down Rommy. Use Apple Gummiesif you need.

    After the battle, Rommy and Lukius warps away. Caius collapses on the ground.The party sets a campfire while they wait for Caius to wake up. Rubia is stillunder the shock of seeing Caius transforms into a beast before her eyes. Laterthat night, Caius awakens. He doesn't remember what happened and is afraid hewill hurt his friends the next time. Forest reassures him that he will teachhim how to control his power. Rubia walks away to be alone. She's wonderinghow she will face Caius from now on. Caius comes up to her and tells herfriends will be worried if she doesn't head back. Rubia apologizes and asksCaius if he's alright. The two go back to the campfire.

    Now enter the small door ahead.


    _____) / )__/

    (_____)astern Gate

    The following is optional. If you talk to the second guard at the right ofthe door in the first room, you will deliver the priest's book. In return,the guard will give you payment for the priest. Travel back all the way tothe Northern Gate and give the payment to the priest to receive 3000G, a newrecipe, and Mystic Symbol.

    Back at the Eastern Gate, examine the door between the two guards in thefirst room to find |Elixir|. Then head on to the next room with a save point.Examine the barrels in the top left corner for |Blue Stone|, thebarrels in the bottom left corner for |Red Stone| and the crates inthe top right corner for |Bellebane|.

    Move on to the next room and examine the desk with the white sheet coveringit to find |Opal Ring|. Examine the chest in the corner next to the stairwayto find |Purple Potion| and the barrel at the left of the weapon shop counterfor |Derris Emblem|.

    Now go upstairs and head over to the rightmost room. Examine the spacebetween the two beds at the bottom to find |1500G|. Also examine the crateat the right of the shopkeeper to find |Apple Gummy| and the jars on hisleft to find a new recipe.

    Eastern Gate Item Shop

    ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|| | ||[] Lemon Gummy | 70G ||---------------------|------||[] Pine Gummy | 90G ||---------------------|------||[] Panacea Bottle | 150G ||---------------------|------|

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    |[] Life Bottle | 400G ||---------------------|------||[] Magic Lens | 10G ||---------------------|------||[] Tent | 750G ||_____________________|______|

    Eastern Gate Weapon Shop_____________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|_______|| | ||[] Saber | 2260G ||---------------------|-------||[] Koraada | 2350G ||---------------------|-------||[] Bardiche | 2400G ||---------------------|-------||[] Ruby Wand | 1650G ||_____________________|_______|

    When you're done stocking up on items for your quest, head over to the

    weapon shop and talk to the guard on the left so he grants you access to thedesert. Save your game before proceeding as this will be a point of no returnfor now.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Caius is surprised how barren this piece of the land is. Forest adds that itwasn't always a desert, the land used to be lush, but because of the war 100

    years ago, it has been like this ever since. He proposes that they head southto the only village of the desert, Laurus.

    Begin the voyage along the shore to the south until the party stops for acampfire. Caius asks Forest about wereman transformation. Forest will explainhow it works, and you can now transform into wereman during battles. You canonly transform when your HP is below half, and your TP is at least 80% full.In wereman form, TP will be consumed gradually. You will return to normal formwhen your TP reaches 0. To transform, select the last move in Caius' specialmove list (third option in the menu) and use it during battle.

    Now continue south to Laurus.


    (4) ~~~~~~~~~~ Ruins of Sand ~~~~~~~~~~


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    ___/__)(, / /(_____ aurus Village

    If you're in for some item fetching, enter the weapon shop on the right of theentrance. Examine the rack of swords for |Savory| and the shelves with clotheson at the right of the counter for |Paralysis Powder|. Now enter the itemshop near the docks. Examine the jars along the wall at the right of theentrance for |Petrification Powder| and the jars in the top right corner for|Black Shard|. Talk to the shopkeeper twice to receive two new recipes andexamine the crate at the left of the counter for |50G|. Next, enter the pub.Examine the crates at the right of the counter for |Yellow Stone| and the jarsnear the entrance for |Blue Stone|.

    Laurus Item Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Lemon Gummy | 70G |[] Flare Bottle | 600G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pine Gummy | 90G |[] Tent | 750G |

    |---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Mixed Gummy | 160G |[] Rune Bottle | 2500G||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Dark Bottle | 250G |[] Poison Charm | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Holy Bottle | 250G |[] Paralysis Charm | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Panacea Bottle | 150G |[] Stone Charm | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Life Bottle | 400G |[] Drain Charm | 100G ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Laurus Food Shop____________________________ ____________________________|FOOD |PRICE |FOOD |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | ||[] Bread | 10G |[] Potato | 20G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Rice | 20G |[] Apple | 20G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Chicken | 40G |[] Lemon | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Beef | 70G |[] Apple | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------|

    |[] Pork | 60G |[] Banana | 10G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Tuna | 70G |[] Red Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Onion | 30G |[] Black Spice | 70G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Carrot | 20G | | ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

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    Laurus Weapon Shop_______________________________|ITEM |PRICE ||_______________________|_______|| | ||[] Bazeraado (sword) | 4600G ||-----------------------|-------||[] Shymushiiru (sword) | 3200G ||-----------------------|-------||[] Tsuuaihandaa (sword)| 3380G ||-----------------------|-------||[] Raberisu (axe) | 3450G ||-----------------------|-------||[] Wazura (staff) | 3340G ||_______________________|_______|

    Lastly, enter the inn and go in the room with the beds. Examine the table tofind |Garnet| and also the chest between the beds for a |Life Bottle|. If youare up for a side quest, although it's optional, you can talk to the littlegirl in the room, who needs a Sand Lily. To get the Sand Lily, you'll need tohead back to the world map. You can only find it during night-time, so you maywant to sleep at the inn first. The Sand Lily is located directly east ofLaurus, near the shore (quite a walk). You'll find it next to a big plant

    between two big rocks. You'll know it's the Sand Lily when you find a blueaura glowing in the dark. Once you've got it, take it back to the little girlto receive the Healing Ring.

    To reach your next destination, you'll first need to talk to the man at theleft of the town's entrance. He'll inform you of the location of Leymon city.Forest proposes that they head out. Make your preparations and head back tothe world map.


    W o r l d M a p


    From Laurus, head a bit north, then east. Leymon is right in the middle of thedesert. It's not marked on your map, so you'll just have to walk thereapproximately.


    ____/__)(, / /

    (_____ eymon City

    Caius points out the place looks dead and scary. The remaining Weremen wereturned into stone with a mean look on their faces. Arria and Forest explainthat something took place here during the war, something not known by anyone.The ones who knew were killed and all traces were destroyed. All they know isa giant Pensient supposedly was created here. The party decides to take a lookaround.

    Enter the first building for a save point. Examine the space between the two

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    first beds to get a recipe, the space between the two last beds for a|Gureisharuai| (weapon for Forest) and the space between the last bed and thewall for a |Yellow Stone|.

    Now save and enter the big building, the library. Head upstairs to find Lukiusand Rommy. They'll explain there is nothing left here for them to find, andthat the Pope's goal with the Pensients is to save the world from all conflictbetween the different races. Caius can't believe they think they are doinggood by taking innocent weremen's lives. Rommy and Lukius reveal that Caius'Pensient is made from the lives of thousands of weremen during war 100 yearsago. After their souls were taken away by their own leader, the weremen werechanged into stone statues and the Pensient was made. Rubia doesn't want tobelieve what she's hearing and Caius gets angry.

    The fight with Lukius should be a piece of cake if you're anywhere aroundLv24. After the battle, Tilkis will point out Lukius looks strangely similarto Caius. Lukius doesn't want to say anything and him and Rommy takes Rubiaaway. They tell the party to hand over the Pensient if they want to get herback. The two disappear. Lukius tries once again to convince Rubia that theweremen are the ones who killed her parents. He attempts to brainwash herabout Caius being a bad because he is a wereman and attacked his father.Rubia starts to be confused and doesn't want to hear a word anymore.Meanwhile, Caius decides that they will give the Pensient in exchange forRubia. They can't just leave her.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Walk back to the Eastern Gate. The party will stop for a campfire. Caiustells Tilkis he really misses Rubia and is worried about her. Tilkis tellshim not to worry, they'll save her. When you get to the Eastern Gate, Caiuswill hand over the Pensient to Lukius, but Rubia is confused about Caius beinga wereman and refuses to go back with him. Caius' pendant suddenly starts toglow and Lukius realizes it's a Pensient too. Caius doesn't want to hand it

    over and Rubia finally understands Rommy and Lukius are the ones who killedher parents. Rubia runs over to Rommy and Caius interferes.

    You've defeated Rommy before, so it shouldn't be a problem. As always, defeatthe two guards first, then take down Rommy. After the battle, Lukius asksCaius to join them, which gets him mad. Lukius takes off his mask and showshis face to Rubia. He looks exactly like Caius. He reveals to be Caius' youngerbrother. Caius doesn't want to believe it, but Lukis explains that he has beenwith their father while Caius was with their mother. He asks Caius to join himagain, but Caius refuses. Lukius disappears. Rubia apologizes to caius and thetwo start fighting. Tilkis teases them. Forest proposes that they now head tohis homeland to gather more information. Caius is concerned about his brotherLukius, but agrees. Arria notices Forest doesn't seem to thrilled to return to

    his homeland, and Tilkis explains it's because he abandoned other werementhere and ran away years ago.

    Now make your way northeast to the red dot at the top of your map. The partywill stop for another campfire. Caius and Rubia will discuss Caius being awereman. Caius tells Rubia he's proud to be one, after all, and wishes Lukiuswouldn't hate the weremen so much. Afterall, wereman blood runs through hisveins too. Rubia apologizes again and Caius teases her. The two become happyagain.

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    Walk into the forest.


    (5) ~~~~~~~~~~ Through the Tempest ~~~~~~~~~~

    _____ (, / | /---|) / |_lgam Forest(_/

    Start by going left, then down the bottom path to find a chest|(weapon for Forest)|. Head back up to the fork and keep going up/left at eachfork you come across. You'll arrive at a final path. Go left to find a chestcontaining |Force Ring|. Now return to the previous path and head right, thenup, to encounter an ogre.

    The party decides to fight him. Using Forest makes this battle very easy so itshouldn't be a problem. After the battle, head north to Sansa.


    __ (__/ ) /) /(_/ansa Village

    The party will step into a village that seems deserted at first glance. It's avillage of weremen that were chased away by the humans. Caius remarks that hefeels observed. A boy comes out and wonders why Forest brought humans to the

    village. Other villagers come out and surround them. They refuse to trusthumans. Tilkis pleads them to let him see their chief. The villagers finallyaccept and the chief tells them about the war and Couber, the leader of theweremen in the ancient city of Leymon, who led his people to death in tryingto save the world, the same thing the Pope is doing with the Church currently.The party then leaves to rest and Forest remains with the chief, who tells himhis old friend Torth is still alive and seeking revenge against Janna at thisvery moment. Forest becomes really worried and wants to stop him. If heattacks Janna now, he will get killed. The party agrees to hurry back to stophim and the other weremen.

    Before going back, enter the first house, the weapon shop. Examine the shelveswith the helmets at the right of the counter to find |(cross access)|. Check

    the small chest for a |Life Bottle| and the big chest in the corner for|Black Stone|. Also talk to the old lady and choose the first option.

    Now enter the item shop.

    Sansa Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

  • 8/13/2019 Tales of the Tempest


    | | | | ||[] Lemon Gummy | 70G |[] Panacea Bottle | 150G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pine Gummy | 90G |[] Life Bottle | 400G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Mixed Gummy | 160G |[] Tent | 750G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Miracle Gummy | 280G |[] Garnet | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Dark Bottle | 250G |[] Aquamarine | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Holy Bottle | 250G | | ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Examine the chest in the corner to find |Elixir|.

    Next, go to the inn. Examine the dresser at the left of the counter to find arecipe and also examine the back of the vase in the bottom right corner tofind |Yellow Potion|. Head into the room at the right. Examine the basket atthe left of the bed to find |Blue Shard| and the table to find |500G|. Last,check the dresser at the left of the bed to find another recipe.

    Now head back through Algam Forest and travel back to Laurus.


    ____/__)(, / /(_____ aurus Village

    Forest spots his friend Torth and tries to stop him from going to Janna.Forest explains him he and his friends are going to defeat the Pope, it's nouse attacking innocent people in Janna. Torth refuses to believe humans aregood and challenges Forest to a duel to see if he's strong enough to defeat

    the Pope. You'll now fight Torth with Forest in wereman form. It should be aquick fight.

    Torth recognizes Forest is strong and decides to retreat for now. He will waitand believe in him, but if the party fails to defeat the Pope, he will attackJanna. Forest thanks Torth. The party plans to sneak into Janna to put theirplan to action.

    Go to the inn and spend the night there.

    During the night, Arria sneaks out. Tilkis secretly follows her into thedesert. Arria calls out Albert, who asks about the current situation. Arriareports the latest news. Albert decides he will kill the weremen in the

    village along with Caius and the party, so he can get his hands on thePensient and become king. He promises her to make her queen. Arria imploreshim not to do so, telling him he has changed. Albert orders her to leave thevillage as they will attack it at dawn. Tilkis comes out, realizing Arria isa spy. Arria explains that Albert is her childhood friend, but that shedoesn't plan on keeping this up. She would rather stay with Caius and her newfriends and fight alongside them. Tilkis decides to believe in her.

    The next morning, Arria confesses to the party that she was the Black Knight'sspy. Rubia doesn't want to trust her anymore, pretending Tilkis only trusts

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    her because he likes her. The party tries to reason Rubia by telling her Arriais saving them right now by warning them about Albert's assault. Rubia says shelikes Arria too and accepts to trust her.

    Now head out to the world map.

    Albert will be at the town entrance. He realizes Arria has betrayed him. Caiusorders him to retreat. You'll fight four Black Knights, then once you'vedefeated them, you'll fight Albert and two Black Knights. Defeat the BlackKnights first, then take down Albert. You might need to use a few itemss, butas long as you keep the party healed, you should be fine.

    Albert falls on the ground, defeated. Arria bids him farewell.

    Head back into Laurus and go to the port. Talk to the man on the dock and pay500G for the ship. Choose the last option to sail to Janna.


    _____ (, / / ___/__

    / /(__ /anna Capital

    The city's streets are now infested with monsters. Prepare accordingly bystocking on healing items, save your game, then head inside the cathedral.The party will fall face to face with Lukius. Caius has to fight his waythrough his brother to proceed. Defeat the two enemies first, then take downLukius. This is an easy compared to what's ahead.

    After the battle, injured Lukius admits he wanted to save the weremen, but thePope wants to resurrect all of them. Caius tells him not to talk. Lukius givesup. Now save your game, then head down through the door at the bottom. In thehallway, go through the door at the left end.

    Rubia will comment on the statue's beauty. Caius feels like he has seen herbefore, and walks towards it. His pendant starts to glow. The Pope comes inand tells him not to go near or he will die. He then laughs at Lukius beingdefeated by them. Caius gets offended. Now prepare for a real boss fight. ThePope himself isn't really a threat, but the monsters are. However, don't botherattacking them as they will always re-spawn no matter how many times you defeatthem. Only concentrate your attacks on the Pope while your healer heals theparty. Don't forget you can now use the wereman form and that Life Bottlescomes in handy. At around Lv28-29, the fight is reasonably easy.

    After being defeated, the Pope starts talking nonsense and mistakes Caius forLukius. The Pope was being controlled by the monsters this whole time. He talks

    about resurrecting Melissa, and realizes he has failed. He then says he shouldhave listened to Couber. Caius wonders how that is possible, since Couberexisted 100 years ago. Rommy then comes in, to the party's surprise. She triesto kill the Pope. Before perishing, the Pope tells Caius to hurry and seekCouber. Caius realizes Melissa was he and Lukius' mother and the Pope theirfather.

    Now go back into the main room with the save point. The party notices Lukius'body disappeared. It would be a good idea to heal now. Go back outside andyou'll fight some more monsters on the bridge. The city is now under the

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    monsters' attack. Torth and the other weremen are here. Forest leaves it up tohis friend to protect the city. The party decides to find this Couber.

    Exit Janna to fall face to face with a huge monster. Defeat it, then Arriawill explain how to find Couber. Now you can either walk all the way back tothe Northern Gate from there, so take the boat to either Yaska or Laurus andwalk there. Either way, you'll have a lot of walking to do, so get ready. Onceyou arrive at the Northern Gate (which is the west red dot, for a reminder),go in and through the door straight ahead, which was previously guarded by asoldier.


    (6) ~~~~~~~~~~ Back And Forth~~~~~~~~~~

    ______ (, / ) /---() / ____)ognam Forest(_/ (

    Start by going all the way left to find a chest containing |weapon for Forest|Go back to the previous path and go all the way south to the last fork, thenwest to step into a clearing. Open the two chests here to find |(weapon forCaius)| and |Hourglass|. Now go back to the path and head south again, thenwest to the exit. Another ogre comes up to the party. Defeat it. After thebattle, move south to the Northern Plains.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    Travel west to the red dot. This place is rather confusing because of all themaze-like paths, but as long as you're going left according to the map, you'llwind up at the right place. The village is at the left of the ravine. If it'snighttime (otherwise, use a Tent), you can walk past the village to find aglowing blue aura near the trees in the corner. Pick up the item to obtain|(sword for Forest)|.


    _____ (, / | /---|) / |_delhabith Village


    This is Arria and Albert's homeland. First, talk to the woman at the entrance.She'll recognize Arria and asks how Albert is doing. Arria lies and saysAlbert is doing well. Now enter the first house on the left. Talk to the oldman inside, who is Couber. He guesses the Pope has died and sent them to him.Couber accepts to answer all of their questions about the resurrecting. Hetells them about the war 100 years ago, about how he sacrificed his own peopleto create Pensients and save the world, listening to what a traveler told him.It was because of this that the land was turned into a desert.

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    By keeping a Pensient with him, Couber managed to extend his life and that'show he is still here today. The traveler that taught him how to use thePensients is still alive too, and was the one who convinced the Pope. He waseasy to convince after the death of his wife. Couber reveals that the traveleris the King himself, who ran away and hid in Mount Are. Thanks to thePensients, he still looks young even after all these years have passed. Caiusmakes the link with the knight who gave him the Pensient in Fern. He wasprobably from there and wanted to warn others after discovering the truth.

    Caius and the others really want to defeat the King, but they know he's fartoo powerful. Couber teaches two spells to Rubia and Arria, Sacred Shine andTempest, which will help them in their fight against the King. Now the partydecides to head to Mount Area. Leave the house and Couber will start glowing.By helping Caius, Couber feels like he has repented his sin.

    Your next stop is the inn. Talk to the old man at the left in the pub. He'lltell Arria she looks a lot like his grand daughter, who left the village yearsago to go after a young man named Albert. He tells her to be careful on hertravels. Leave the inn and the old man will wish farewell to Arria. Now you'reall set to go to Mount Area, but there are some items to collect first asusual. You're already at the inn, so might as well start here.

    First, talk to the barmaid to obtain another password for wallpapers. Go

    upstairs and examine the two vases in the corner behind the staircase to find|Aquamarine|. Examine the bedside table between the two beds for|(tunic for Rubia)| and the right side of the right bed for |White Stone|.Also check the chest in the corner for |Basil| (name?).

    Now go to the item shop and talk to the shopkeeper twice for two new recipes.

    Adelhabith Shop____________________________ ____________________________|ITEM |PRICE |ITEM |PRICE ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|| | | | |

    |[] Lemon Gummy | 70G |[] Panacea Bottle | 150G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Pine Gummy | 90G |[] Life Bottle | 400G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Mixed Gummy | 160G |[] Tent | 750G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Miracle Gummy | 280G |[] Warrior Symbol | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Dark Bottle | 250G |[] Talisman | 100G ||---------------------|------|---------------------|------||[] Holy Bottle | 250G | | ||_____________________|______|_____________________|______|

    Examine the food at the right of the counter (during the day a woman will beblocking it, so you'll have to go during night) to find |Green Stone| and thejars in the corner for |Hourglass|.

    Return to the entrance of the town and enter the weapon shop. Examine thestuff on the counter at the right to find |Red Shard| and the barrels in thetop left corner for |150G|. Now I know it's just an empty space, but checkthe corner of the wall between the two exits to find |Topaz|.

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    Last stop, go inside Couber's house and examine the things on the floor at theright of the table for |Tent|, as well as the table itself to find|Derris Emblem|. Check the foot of the bed for |Pine Gummy|, the chest at theleft of the back door for |Purple Shard| and the door itself (or the shelvesin the corner at the right -- does the same) to find |Green Leaf|.

    This is all, finally. You can now leave the town.


    W o r l d M a p -----------------

    To get to Mount Area, you'll have to walk back through Bognam Forest or takethe ship to a nearby village. If you're wondering, the red dot to the east ofthe map is Sansa. It's not a shortcut, so you're better off crossing back theforest. Back at the Northern Gate, exit to the world map and start headingtowards the mountain you can see at the top of the map. The party will stopfor a campfire. Tilkis asks Arria to come to his homeland with him, but Arriahesitates. Tilkis asks her to think about it and the two glance at each other.

    Now on to Mount Are. Keep walk

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