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Page 1: t1~/rJ:'3PCf'?.:< - · Office of tl1cSccrctary ofDefense · .. · . . ·. ··•· .. Chic~·, RDDJ~sr. , W~ .5 Vljt, S.Sl . Date. l1j


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. Office of tl1cSccrctary ofDefense · .. · . . ·. ··•· .. Chic~·, RDDJ~sr. ,W~ . 5 Vljt, S.Sl . Date . l1j<A. Z,.f( Authonty: EO 13526 · . Declas~it}' : ·. X Deny in full: · Declassify in Part: · · Reason: MDR: . J:-'-:'1--..----M;:--;. -~-. -::;;;:J:-:D;:--:;;fnO~- ._-. "'""-:'-'---...__.:...

. : .. - · .. · . ·-<>~-

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-. -.• . ·I. ''

· I ~ not sum t'hilt l'CU ora antlre ly .::~Ll:"Ci of thG :r~e ol ·· .... ,, ,.. c-ct!•:titi.:a \inicll, y.our 1nto~¢St i'!l CO\.."t.:t¢'d\~S~•:~nc:y ~ ~t'Atd .. ; t."n'et·s~~ut t:l~ tovarn~"l.t iu ~~<ls~:d!:·~tca md in tba f1-0l~. ~ 2Z . · t~=cl:. ~:::u r-~ceivcd 4 prozr~e~ r-.:~vorz. fr~a tb3 S-pocf.~l Croup (C~tcr!::.zu:ze~) ll:t~ich t£1J-altt'too :.Gt::a of th-a t;r-ec1.ftc aett.cna .

.. ··· ..

:;;sp to t:b::t t!:D.l. S1::aeG Ocm t::s prasr.t::::a bu eathared ~nt= · at 1;'t!at t ~U.ovo · to a S.lld.nfae~'3J!1 rata. 1.t. ~ GW7:oprtat4 t~ it. t:e~~rves tO be CQ~l(!!d to ~bUC 4ttt!ntiC\l M 0 elplf~

:· -. . .. , r-

::c!lie..,~r<'.ct:t o: the A&:s,-.t~ttat!O~. . •

. t".Qere folta"Ja o. ~~i.l talntlcti~ gf' vbat b p~tly ·•


. ..

· · ·• t..ti'll$ tJla:ta in tho priuc.i~al f~~u~~l Uel4:a. . . - ~· · .. -

.!1• no'l'!td.nt.!!. tc e::ta~l!:b!nz tt-.c Cl"'ecial G~ (Cl) O!l , · .. . · J$} 1a. ~h2. you ~1-;:.octQ.e tb.t.G nl:!u or~ani-=~tt=• ::son3 ot* ·

... ::~.-:· ..

...... .

thi~;.7.~. to wum rflcosnf..tlon iJ£ tb~ 1:~-ooru:~ea of aub-:arsiva ill tlle ot;~nti~-n, tr<1!:d.:1z, e:!ltti~t P:d (lce~11:4

.. :' : .... : :~ • • . • . I •

of tho Are2d. Pot."C~ e't\d otl:i3r t:r.:.itcd !it:.J!t~$ .Ao:.""Ct\;:!oa an4 ia all the fgrcign prosr:on$ ~ucud by !:·i:otc. ~!e.nwa. Am. 'USIA ~ CIA. . ·~ .

~o 'llo th~ ~. it bee.~ o.::cermlL..;.r 4t t.hG o-.1~S:t to dofiml · · t!'..e ~:.1t:.::rc=' cf the prtibl~ :Cr.d to es~~'Pl1$h a ~UU& f~r' .. \.'"it.'l it 'Wh!Q voutd cat: objtts.\tivcs and 4Cd:;Jl tasks to tha prU,clpal _ c!c~at~t: cf ti1a sovorn~::. ~~ D-..t?~::e&:~t of Stcu has p:G\'aw¥ .· 41 tirx;'t s~to=znt of eat!.rm:d. ecctd.:l~ tth.t~h is p~tly betu~ eoru::i•l(!rccl b] eJ.l tl~ iutcrc.:otgC: ®-;;.l!t't'~~:-.~tJ.;. Stoste. tc.fen::e. AID, . CIA Q:l UStA ue beillg :r~~r~ to e~?:'~~G tt:cl.r tisdt~l c~nccpt$ of tl:;.w:!:: o-~ c~.abilitice to ~~tt~.~utc t.o tl';.c p-roz.rc. ~. ~u te~t-c: -.~:dtol.~!l~, thcDG capa~1l1tio: ~:"illbo r~11.14 ttt ·&YOU ovad.:~' .::::;} c«lftlc.t. "lhla proC".~~s .:hc;ll.Q result £a a fwl d~t-::U'-..::1 p~e: In . two qr th~ec .... ~.

'Z'.ao 4evolc~t of dcctdr.e h.ia; re~:tn4 d-..e estebU.c't:l::~ G! 4cf:1ntticnc f" tho prlnd.! tcrtr-# t:Avotvc:!. T4U cl::.dficU!Ga of t:i~"= !-143 tts-e!f lleen sc:ie;o .. -,th!.:~s of a ~c:liiev~t ai'CC:& t:oa ~ut·.:-~nt" of a 4~U.oa oft:~ra urrtcs . vUh it .m at:~i~o o~

·. > .. , .

: :, ... : :· ..

e..."":.·::.::!~ to tho .Uject ~f~. . , •.

/t1~/rJ:'3PCf'?.:< . ...

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Page 2: t1~/rJ:'3PCf'?.:< - · Office of tl1cSccrctary ofDefense · .. · . . ·. ··•· .. Chic~·, RDDJ~sr. , W~ .5 Vljt, S.Sl . Date. l1j

:. -~;


•• C"_!\ ~JJC1 .• ~.. . . • , ~~~r·f\L ~cLASSIFIED IM FUll

·. • AUthority: EO:l352J'i' . . . . .· .. . :Chief; Records B.. Doc lass _Qiv,·wHs Date: · · .· .·. ; - ·. . JUL 1 7.2012 . ·.

~- ~1~. :tt hc.o ~C'O cl~~• f~ the .out::;et tl1.:t tht"Oe~ So<tl'lrno •• -Cnt thcr11 1>-..<::c bee-1 a l£c'!:. D£ tr.ainl~ cU.r~tet® ~.cc1Ue411y ct euu~t'.lrl.::.$tu:z--::~~71 ~ t.!:,~ rc.!~tcd t:ro~tc-:--.3 o:f -~e::d.:.;tio:l. A. cc~~;)lCt;l ::a·o~t.C""...; c;; ~..:!l ~=t~~,ol il)'ti:;r:~::J . Clf t.:.~ ccparti.?.C!:l.t:i hs3 ~e.u -em·,;~ct.~d h7 tM Srecul C-:ol.t? (Cr) .:ri~ a r~l' o! n;:t~ CQt:r=:l · ··-' · !ntz.i~~-:d. A =-~~~t t~..:loU.c!:l of trzin!~ c-Q~Gc& in ~:.ns •. or c: . pl::=.t:<l:d fct" tl''~ !cr~!:lt3 f:.!tu:::~.; t.~t ova-r 50,.CCO offi~er .­c::-~·::!o persc~l \o"ill Hct:!{V.!I 'l::,•.:t!::!~!~ ~ C«u:!t::~l.~l'$~7 in t;be cc::;;!n~ y~~~. A !!v~~dt !~t:.t.::·~~;c:-s:y CO"'CC for r;e~io:: p~::atmel , .. still 'taztn on 11 Jtt= at tho Il'nni~ So1'Vice IC.stitiiltC. 71d.G 1a tl't.e ; · · ~ ._· ·• co"'-~t:G iu :ctdor cf!i.oi:;:a- o.-c6rc4. to fleno.ttlve UE:~$ ovon:c~,:--.\ );:;;J.~· ~-: ·. ~· > ' ·wtll TCC01W COUU.tCi:insurz~;;;r;y i:.~t;l"!~t;ti~J'::t ei~~ $pe(lificall.y U '·<~ : .(f?>':s?::~ ·t'h!!i¥: ft.:ta-rc t~:i!ta. T;to ::~-:t.c.1~l ~:l Sa:v~ ·t-1:~: CQllee_<t-a All btWe · · : ·~~·-.; !:~~~:~~/};·;}:~ ec!l~eul~d ~~ ¢0'.Sr-~G in c.:; ;:."l~ad.n-cl..w:za~eyo tba te~·u.o:s. . /::::·:::,;{·¥, Gl tbG =~1 eoc:-$$.. c~ ::..;ji i:l.)x;i:\!~tJ.~s a oWl= eoorR. · · :; ~ \ .'

: .. ~G S~ereb\'Y of Stt:::a ~l~~ ~·t'Q:?0~4 " -rco~1tAtio:s "f t.,~, ·

, . , ll'oTe~ Sa~"Vi~ tnz.t1tu~ w'hic'il,. if ar:prcvCiJ. vil11mr1uda ~ CL\fltGt' fc~ .. ·. ine':.~..:.:at!.0%1id C1ev:::~p:.:¢n~ D!~"\l~r. c~z!tn~ to p:~G nattcr...alle'\.tal -i.t;ot~ct!tm em tl:e pt'obl~ t:;f :Jev1ll<)~L"'lJ GOCi~tios. ~ thU centu · . .. · ;

.•. in m ~:tstenea .it td.ll e.bc:::rs:b t~~ £!~.oeok !AU2:·q~ C:CtJ't. : ·. -==tio:ie4 4Qo\"a. .

_,.. .· ~~--t ...,1: 1' .. '1:'""•-..:'tl.lf."' "l' ! . .,.,~•·oar JlM""""'t . . ""' ..w._ ..... •- ...... t'ILA · :., .... ··~t- . ~- ·. :.. ....... ;4i ... ... !~~~~ :..: . ; .:".:.:._ ... .. _ ... :~~:~;;.w~·:.>:.•· . l,;h1; . .._,. -~~· .. 'l"t.t;;..W'. ~... ~ · .-~· .

tc-r'!~.~a.tic-3 of th--3 C\ioa ~t::~/ ~ -;;c .;:,., , 1.r. "~:::.ta ~~1~¢4 to -m,.b': a ~~· -of t!te pna:-.d.l!:t.n.-'Y .c-e~ct3 ;;:;: :::l3' ;;;~itc;~ Stt.te$ Clii of l:!la ti.kel,- · . pe:rr.;.r!:!.' rc~uit~~=.t:J. ·;:~l ill' ri!Vif.'W ~~a #&~lted in. a trel!.:dea of Dtudie-t CQV~~tna UUt4d Stat~s i'c::.:clit -~ f:ci!lsailDUS pc.r=il:italy fcrc~ world•-wi~. A fit:l!l ~;::.-:r~t!l) rc~a::t sat~ forth u.s. ae~a· in th1n fl&W b.~ 000:1 .cmolctoc by t.~ ~pox~t of Dofcz::• -.1 rill b;t -m !TQU~ . bendtt ~ 't."'&C!t. ,

~. 1!\!!:;e!:r-~ .. t'~l'!~~ •• ~~.··}.n:tt:t· 0a¢J o! tbo weak epoh li~!.ch uu dS.~~vo:re4 ¢ad.,. tn the X$Vic.v o!: ~:!.l'O"...n"1:(\C 1iea in tbo .f1e1d o! to:-oi~~ poiteo p:csr=-s. . Jl.n e:t¢'!t:ot!o~ ~7 tba Spcc!f)1 Or~tt (Cl) rt.t'\'e~!~d that~ wet&. tmcl~ ~- !:;;.,_ ec."1l:l ooth :tn · •c::reus~:fln!~ .tl:.e W4Sh!:l.~t4: cm4· ot tha . poliea t;:ed.r:.!r.g e:-:ttmi$8t~ tal! b t!;e ~i!~ cd ~~tatlctS Of ~ {'Oltcra Jtl':O&t'~S f.n. •cms1~W ~0".:1.\tl:iH &bred.

At Jt t'~~~'«toi:!. ~ ~te&'d~t'a~wca=1.ttce futs.· ~ 'lltt~b lie~ to "em~.£.~ lht! oz.z:il:li:ntic~l ~et:l'r>nslb1Ut:y cd struct:tte be::.~ :zu1ted to tmppo:rt .:= e~fecti:,;a polL~~ eupport pro~~Q3. 'Ibu cc:-< .• :d.etea :La all &dv~nc~ t!:l ite wr~ c.£ c~nf.fts th(!l prc-sr= d h..~s.c:,:,c:tatcd two ~ttb!:C'3'"'itt~e~ to ~c!y:o il<> t~quo~ fa-r· ct>::.t.t-ro~~ rl.cta t..'"ithoa; tl-..e usa of tJ::cea"ive fOI:'QO• 4Zl actio.A t:t!:eu ct 1~ ~acUte ~~t1011a o:d to ~tel"!d:cl e. ~"7 ot ~sum .

.. . ~ ·.:

Page 3: t1~/rJ:'3PCf'?.:< - · Office of tl1cSccrctary ofDefense · .. · . . ·. ··•· .. Chic~·, RDDJ~sr. , W~ .5 Vljt, S.Sl . Date. l1j

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!ovcl c.::zd co~ tent. Si."':'.zl:t~""iot.~~l,- • t':lu:r ~~~~~seeo:a !~ telect~d . ~:Jtrias l:uvil bet:\\ tt<l:.t~cted. to .eu~t thci; v~.:a = t!t.o policO ~!> proar~.s to furth:!:: f.::d.U..tat~ tl",~t .fottial&tiou of jt:..t~til i: t:'i!i.~'!linz~ 011 ~ ~.Gn$ !.Jr >l:i!o:.:!:nll ~e prozr~ =•o cff!Ol:t..lve.

!"~ltJtc!d to tl:~ fqie:;.;::;i~l ~etiv! 1s t.'-le pl=n fo~ the .. es~bl'is=r:.t ~t ~~t"t ta-.Pi:), P:..::r~~ C~::1:1l to~o. of a ,~>Jtt~c ~~·

; _ . ..

for ct:a tr~inL~ of L'lt:ln :::.zrie.s~ ~t~~ent~• "a-:..c ftr~t c.l&:Jc, {, z..; / 1:~r;in:."!inz .July .2. Y111 cGn~bt of £:;.~~::tt:::!:atcly 50 .ctlttl"'n:o it:mm / :f:c;.,j 1!i L::l.ti~ ~~ ec;\1!\'td .. :::;:;. F~~l.t:1 m~ihar3a ~t'he~ t."ith ~~G:r.:1l c~:rultcnu.. are 13a'J ccetin:: ~t r:,-:t vm. to ~lato tha cu:-:;ic::u~ ·

. ·-. · : .

' ·, .

- . ' ...

.• ) · ,.

.• -~·

..... ~ ·. . -

.!!.• gi.•r:tr:.}5,t..!zl• All tsho h=.v.:a studied tha pro~l~ of counte~ .· !:l:n;~z~:::-cy ~•i::r\l l>c~~ L~nl~sc~ th.-:t ttero b an c.~rt.r.:.3ity 4Vod.4~1G ·.··. ' · .. to c.:: to ~l'tJW coci&l ;m~ ~onotiie -c~mitil;)uz by ~~~it::1 etvie. •· sct:to:1 p:cg~.::;t:i~. It h~s bzc~ :.-::::co.:;:d.Jto4 th!!t 1~1 f"tces • . · f.:::lkvi.ns t~ patt~r.:L of th~ .t.u:.~a uQ:Z:~I!4J· .,Md to lto:"".,l,l h"osr-= ~ .

.. : ,· ... · ..

· Zor~~,. CJZn CO~lt:r~ttte in c ~jo;o "l:: .. v to civia~ ~tton I)!"<O~l:'~. ,\tD btW eoo;-..!inatcd ~ ~id~~a t:CJ t.Jr p-.;~ra~~ ;dostonit nnd. to~tht~~r td.~h St:xto .ta-1 Dcffr"....z~~ lM:c '~<::v!s:.:d a. tit14 !u-n.~lSns fo~lA ln suppon o.f' Q c:;p~~c4 pro-~~ ii;.;:1d SU'CV"o/~ . '-~':'~ c~uet44 U. a n·.=bG~ of · e¢~:~~ies ~ tpeeU!.c rac(l..~;;ueatit~:4 doav~!e~ a a basta f~ ow .·

; prczr~ ·

l1o't' the bal=.ce Of t:hi.:s .f!t;t'&l "j-~7:. G ~m1~d (':tC~I"e:t 4t .·~ ·~ ~~ to ~a t:r!.lliOZl hv~1 i~ r.!t!~r ~FP~ov~d and v:.<l:er ~l~~t1cn : , · o:r ut!.l be ~proved ita t:o:Q n£O:;: f-.'ltJ d.cya. :lo't f!c~:ll ye:1r 1~63. «l · · · ~:~=:d::d ~~z~a .ct thkl $.20 sitl1~ l(lvclis eou~lato4. ~­e,t;E;,:;:ts ~ of coursa in t:£dit·:oo tc cnr;-otaz p·ro-g't'~ of p~ JGGZS tmtl to ~WU3 aetivf.ties al~c~y n~G'X' uq m Scmth Viet•ria. ,

f. t'ltri flf S«~tb V!t""t ... !:T;:n · ~~ ,ti e~~mt~':"~..tt2l"..t1'~nq l'-.•ibor~tt)!:!.• 4lllilto ... ............__ • • • . - ..... -~ -

~ &r~t~:::t poa~i~!ll \ in ~:·~i::;:: ~oo;--!~ ~z ~o-.1tll \i'1o:at•lia~ a a . .

~ ..

ltl'bc2:~~o:y for t,c;:h:!i~s ~oud (~m!~.r~~Z<t :cl~t.ed to ~ e..."'"W1t:..~u..-geu...7 .· -· pl:e,Z't'~ Also. := in~n!ll:l cfrorl. i~ t:-ci~ ;li':".d~ to s~rc.::d tb GT.Perl.e.-wn . . . .acqu!tci .in So->.:th V11!t•N= .. ?a:::tunl::rly in the Ar~4 ::'crc:cs. tb= fttr. 33 of!!ce"J:o hs,vc ~ ~·rd:. to ~outh Vict•UQ u c~toE"Wrs. :=4 ~ ~:a · w111 .b¢ zo~z cut ~...r-: til;) ~o::dt!Z ~tns. · ·

:1 : · ·

!:• l :t'1t!d . .,~t¢'t'V -.~~."'~11.'"':-t· T.::~ . ~:;t vr:r.~ to· de! t~bvers1va i~t~lJ.:1 1~ to p:ewot te.9;:..~!Jcic-~. 'n!G~ 1s s:::c4 for a =.\Chc1S&. to .mt:ieipllto cld t<tcuttfy coz:~ittro:: \i! ~ l~ad to aa:i (r.;ttb::cd!; . . o! Gub~-:-~iw ~~. 'alC fol!C"~~ .actiOU ~·~ ta~ tn ·· t'b!4 U\Zaril , .·. . ...

': ; . . · . ,

·. : ~

_,.: .... _.··

. . . ·· • oeclASSIFIED ~IN FULL · Aut1Mrity! ·:£o 13526 · . . .. ··

.. .. Chiet; Records & Decl,ass Div, WHS . oate:_ : · ~ ~;· .· ~ ·.· .. JUL 1 72012 .

.... ~NRBEN .• i . '. ~. : ; ::~:' ::.~.t:.::: ·h:·~:i {:. · . ;

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Page 4: t1~/rJ:'3PCf'?.:< - · Office of tl1cSccrctary ofDefense · .. · . . ·. ··•· .. Chic~·, RDDJ~sr. , W~ .5 Vljt, S.Sl . Date. l1j

.. • "JI' ·­..



•• . • • ' &


,•,;. __

. ·' ·

(l} ~e U:Qita.d Int.-~lliZ1:N'Z: l!oa:-d 13 ~viowlna ~o 't:'vrld..-~ie'l ~:cll1:."Cek• ~d .;~~~; ita

_. fi~!~e as a t:e-~kly 5urv~ ot CQlcl -\iar Cl:u!A $!.t:r.taticu. ·

(2} ·- ~~ · ®bject of t:ttbvar~iv3 i.."l!:1l!'Zency- b.S-9 be:zn i\'l~Or!}m:'~CC;1 1nt" t~e frivi:'!ty U_itic':llll Ii't'!;~llicc.~ca . {)bj·z:::~\rca. a U;Utod St:~o l~\~OlU~ee to~rd ~c~~T.t . -,:M.~ll its uad to cui~r;t t!:~ t~:-.;··t"-!~ of c.oll>;Jc~i~ =.:::ot:l ~::o&:l. A cpecifie lice of int~lu;~~oeo re~ir~nts for c:omlteJ:in!:urz,c~; pl$Jl1;;:z ta ~Ca:~tly t.~r :eriew by tho to:1r'J. . .

(3) !h~ ctt:Ont!...~ ~f cur ~rf:tont:#t1v4• ~3:0ad :t~ -klns fo~ ~n t:!:c p1:'.ablO!n :.l·::¢uz,.'l. t:t& (!<.7 tr~s · ~:ot;rna rQferred to t..b-;a·~-c.


(t~) ~a Chief# cf :<:tt:~io:\ !.il -f.!d.ea ~:ve -~ dl~~ -_ > ; :~ . ··­. to v-rctlara- and _ fo::varJ ili.~i.'t-11 ~a~~~c G'Jtt.-ey 'J:"CFC:rt~ to tb8: : :: :~ · -.. -- tZ:r-a-:~~"1t of Ctatc. 1'(!~1 ec-.m1=ieJS 1.':1 L:~tin l.;:~ti~ \o"Zr<: '--v!r;it~~ c.::~t"lte.- in e~ ,~~r h:t ~el:o Gou.::.h ~ticsa Aa-s~:1~t ·•

--.· -;·, . :·,: . ~


!,-;-1 fer ~a pu~-.eca cf ~c;.~c::ins ~.t}t= 14\tcrsuJl ~eeu-rit:y .. : :··. ·· :_ .. · #1t-~t1~. S~U1:.r r~·::t:1.t~ 'lill ~ c~tc4 'La t~ new -- · i · · - -.- .

£4:\ta~ CO\Qtriee 1n ·ti':Al c~clns ca:t:~:::.ths. - ~-

(S) A pro:z:= u "~ll ~~ec~ u::;y -to ~:ttt..4 ~ tt-~c.1Al _ _ _ _ Yo.:ee$ meta a~tl au~e:.i.': t!~,,:a 1o:i~ spe.e!.tll:!SU ia ~1v11 &ff:d:t:s•

- -_ -· ;- ' -- . :- .. -· peyeholo:z;te:.1 v.e:-!~IGa L:~:.:.giu;,.erlng• t.d tO em. ru$ td.U. £f£'ot4 ·•-- _ a ra~dy s~d!x of ltJ;t:l~-t~~cti ~p~:inlt~t:» to ~..ont. l!!l'~ _o.r> _

_ : :· . . . -.~·-··

·. ·::·

· __ to c.s.a .S.a ot'he: ·v.eya 0"4 :hcrt 'l!OZi~e. State 'h~ &lm$y B~fitcd : _·_:;!: .. < Clil1: l~:Jta:tloT-G tn ·tl-4 lc-~e de\"'CI.<:~~ ~~t-:;tcDo · to s~ciff ~11:,·::__: ::<:;·;; .. ~·~~

-- rcqu.t~t:s i= t.h:c ...... S"1:~1$"& ... ce ~t'"'o~l. -- ,. ".; <·o:·,_--r-~ . _ • • · · ~ · .- -~ _ 11... -,~ . ·. ·. -~: ~_: <-;·.-: : y·_~-; :~·-,·~;~.Z~1~

. ' . ' ·-~CJ forasclq shcr.Js tba:t t11e -~;~1- ~tcd.mntt~~ -f'='Oat:a=a ::,:.:'~?: :>)1'.'

u t&blna. ceu~ula Su.t: tt3z& -:=.wtaa .a 1o~: to - ~ • . , · · - · ·., -:':. ·: .. ·:·_: .

DECLASSfF(ED JN: FUtt ----· _ _ Authority: EO 13528 · ·- · ' . · · · · -Chief, Records ·&_~ectass biv WHS ' Date: .- JULL7 2012 . _,

.. ~ . . . . . .:

·· ·. · . .":

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·:··· ·· ••',

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.·. '· > '· .... , ... ... .

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