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Page 1: Synthesio's Great Big Book of Insights

Examples of best practice uses of social intelligence from some of the world’s leading brands

Synthesio’s Great Big Book of Insights

Page 2: Synthesio's Great Big Book of Insights

Synthesio works with some of the world’s largest brands to extract actionable insights from the Web. The goal? Delighted customers and wanted products. After all, if you want to understand the tiger, don’t go to the zoo, go to the jungle.

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>> Product Innovation Brand: Major automotive manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: A deep-dive audit report on the Indian car market, in preparation for a new car launch. Insight: New car purchases are a big deal and a huge source of pride for Indians, and thus they love to personalise and ‘pimp their rides’ with options and accessories. Take Action! Ensure that new cars launched into the Indian marketplace come with an array of options for customisation, personalisation and accessories.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: A leading hair regrowth treatment. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring with human analysis and alerts, to better understand consumers and key influencers. Insight: During the lead up to the Royal Wedding, many people were commenting on Prince William’s hair loss and mentioning the brand as a possible solution. Take Action! Take advantage of organically generated conversations to drive a highly topical guerrilla marketing campaign.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: Global mobile telecommunications provider. Synthesio Deliverable: Synthesio’s Unity Engagement Platform, used to manage customer service engagement within key third party forums. Insight: Incoming call volumes reduced dramatically, once the answers to common questions became easier to find online. Take Action! ‘Fish where the fish are’ by investing in online customer support teams, and achieve ROI through significant reductions in call handling volumes and therefore costs.

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>> Crisis Management Brand: Global mobile phone manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Crisis management monitoring in 10 countries, including daily reports to the board, around a major service outage. Insight: The same compensation package offered by the company (free apps worth $100) was greeted with enthusiasm by customers in Turkey but with absolute dismay by those in Western Europe. Take Action! In the future, tailor compensation offers to individual countries or smaller clusters of countries, rather than trying to take a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

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>> PPC Optimisation Brand: Major pharmaceutical brand. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of conversations about prostate cancer and potential treatments. Insight: Using the tag cloud on the Synthesio dashboard, it became clear that the words people use to talk about prostate cancer online differed to the core terminology usually used by the brand. Take Action! Optimise your PPC spend and make it easier for search engines to point people to your sites, by using the words consumers actually use when talking about a topic online.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: Major automotive manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Deep-dive insight report into the ecologically friendly car market in Europe, and in particular, perceptions towards electric vehicles (‘EVs’). Insight: Five key barriers to purchase were identified in relation to EVs, including questions about Total Cost of Ownership, Charging Infrastructure etc. Take Action! Use these insights as the key messaging pillars of a multi-million dollar advertising campaign aimed at turning people on to EVs and promoting the brand as the market leader. Measure the success of this campaign, using the initial monitoring as a benchmark.

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>> Campaign Evaluation Brand: A global beer brand. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis across 20 countries. Insight: The brand spent a significant amount of money changing its strapline, and was anxious to know what people thought about it and its impact on the brand. The answer? Nobody noticed or cared. Take Action! If you want to make a big Word of Mouth impact with new branding, make sure your marketing campaign is highly social and engaging. TV ads alone are unlikely to spark conversation.

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>> Product Innovation Brand: A leading skincare manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring of verbatim relating to their new facial foundation product. Insight: Consumers loved the product and wished there were more color shades available. The only negative was that it made their faces look a little too shiny. Take Action! Bring forward the launch of products in the pipeline where there is notable demand for them. In this case, the brand had a further range of colours planned for future release, and an oil-free version of the cream which would address the ‘shininess’ effect, both of which they launched early.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: Global pharmaceutical company. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis, including Adverse Event reporting to meet pharmacovigilence regulations. Insight: Some patients were reporting a side-effect of the drug being monitored that hadn’t been picked up as significant in clinical trials. Take Action! Train Sales Reps to proactively mention the possible side-effect to healthcare professionals, and equip them with ways to address potential concerns.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: One of the world’s leading luxury watch manufacturers. Synthesio Deliverable: The Communities tab on the Synthesio dashboard, which shows where conversations are happening by the primary topics of concern. Insight: The bulk of conversations about which expensive watch to buy were taking place not on fashion or luxury goods sites, but on automotive forums – particularly those relating to Formula 1 Racing. Take Action! Reflect customers’ shared passions for fast cars in the events sponsored and the spokespeople featured in advertising.

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>> Customer Satisfaction Brand: A global hotel group. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of customer reviews about 4,000 individual hotels and their competitors. Insight: Monitoring detected a number of customers expressing frustration about the fact that their room keys were being demagnetized between checking in and reaching their rooms, when they held them close to their cellphones. Take Action! Fix collective problems as soon as they are detected to minimise their impact on customer satisfaction. In this instance, the hotel group contacted their keycard suppliers who resolved the technical issue promptly.

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>> Product Innovation Brand: A global beauty product manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring of conversations about the brand’s makeup products. Insight: The brand was gearing up for a big advertising campaign to launch its innovative facial foundation mousse, but discovered users were complaining it was too liquid and was splattering onto their clothes when applied. Take Action! Hold fire on high profile marketing campaigns if early adopters are talking about major issues with the product. Work on getting the product right before a big marketing splash.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: One of the world’s leading sports equipment brands. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of conversations in Japan about recreational running, including monthly reports on would-be runners’ desires and frustrations. Insight: It’s not easy to live and work in Tokyo, and it’s particularly hard to pursue outdoor exercise given how time-poor most people are. Take Action! Support your customers’ desire to exercise and increase your sales by providing a space in the middle of Tokyo, equipped with lockers and showers, for inner city runners.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: One of the world’s largest IT companies. Synthesio Deliverable: The Communities tab on the Synthesio dashboard, which shows where conversations are happening by the primary topics of concern. Insight: Developers don’t just discuss the pros and cons of software platforms on IT sites, they also have these discussions in places where they share other interests, such as automotive and fishing forums. Take Action! Reflect your customers’ wider shared passions and affinities in the activities you offer at customer events and training days.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: A leading European airline. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of conversations about the in-flight experience. Insight: People get bored during flights, which detracts from the potential pleasure of flying. Take Action! Enable your customers to check-in using their Facebook and Twitter profiles, so they can choose to sit by people with common interests. A greater flying experience for all!

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: The margarine division of one of the world’s largest FMCG brands. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of conversations about margarine vs. butter. Insight: Butter is perceived to be more authentic, indulgent and comforting than margarine. This was reflected in the places people talked on the web (butter: sites for people who love food; margarine: sites for people who feel anxious about food). Take Action! Adapt the language used to promote margarine brands to associate it with ‘family’ and a sense of essential nutrition / nurturing qualities to win over food lovers.

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>> Product Innovation Brand: Major paint manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Online monitoring and analysis to better understand discussions relating to painting and DIY. Insight: People are always looking for specific colors they see around them but they don’t know how to find the color reference. Take Action! Create a mobile application which enables consumers to match real life colors with the brand’s own paint references.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: The leading Swedish brand of creamed caviar. Synthesio Deliverable: A report into perceptions towards eggs and egg consumption habits (Swedes often eat the brand’s spread with boiled eggs).

Insight: Two issues were preventing people from eating more eggs: making a perfect boiled egg is not easy; and anxieties around the origins and ecological credentials of the eggs themselves.

Take Action! Create a branded iPhone Egg Timer app that enables people to find out more about their egg (via a code on the eggshell) and helps them to make perfectly boiled eggs to eat with their caviar!

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: Major home furniture brand.

Synthesio Deliverable: A report about long distance driving, commissioned to help the brand validate a creative concept developed by its marketing agency.

Insight: Fatigue at the wheel is a major cause of accidents and frustration over the holiday period. However drivers don’t want to extend their travelling time even more with expensive on-route stays at hotels.

Take Action! Build temporary roadside hotels to enable drivers to take a free 20 minute nap. The nap enables people to test the brand’s beds whilst tangibly showing that the brand cares about its customers.

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>> PR Brand: Major automobile manufacturer.

Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring, analysis and proactive alerts - one of which highlighted the difficulties drivers were experiencing dealing with snow in Bulgaria.

Insight: Winter 2012 in Bulgaria was terrible. People were not prepared to face the snow and neither were their cars.

Take Action! Hire a team of men to help drivers to cope with winter. Generate significant PR coverage through a simple, relatively low-cost activity which taps into the zeitgeist of the moment.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: A nicotine patches brand. Synthesio Deliverable: Monitoring and analysis to better understand Russian consumers’ attitudes to giving up smoking, and to test a theory: that a myth about a drop of nicotine being enough to kill a horse was preventing people buying nicotine patches. Insight: The myth was not prevalent at all in online conversations. Instead, the biggest barrier to purchase was deep cultural scepticism about whether anything other than strong willpower would ever work in the battle to give up smoking. Take Action! Develop content and campaigns aimed at educating the market about how nicotine patches are proven to be more effective than willpower alone.

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>> Crisis Management Brand: Global mobile phone manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Crisis management monitoring in 10 countries to provide insights into a Twitter campaign which went wrong. Insight: A Twitter campaign promoting a new handset was hijacked by customers still angry about a recent major service outage. The campaign acted as a lightning rod for rants about all aspects of the brand. Take Action! A social media campaign cannot paper-over real-life cracks in the customer experience, and can trigger a backlash if there’s a clear disconnect between the marketing message and reality.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: World’s leading brand of anti-dandruff shampoo. Synthesio Deliverable: Deep-dive insight report into conversations about the brand across three continents. Insight: In countries where the brand’s campaigns are about what the brand stands for (‘a winning state of mind’) there is a much better brand perception than in those where campaigns are product-efficacy- and attribute- led. Take Action! Invest in campaigns which reinforce what the brand stands for, such as a tie-in with the TV show China’s Got Talent, embracing the concept that “people are capable”.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: A trash bags manufacturer.

Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring with human analysis and alerts, to better understand consumers.

Insight: People would like to be more environmentally responsible, but a major practical barrier to recycling is not knowing where the nearest recycling spot is for different types of rubbish. Take Action! Support your customers’ desires by making an app which helps them to find the nearest recycling spot. The clients are satisfied and the brand equity is increased.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: Global FMCG brand. Synthesio Deliverable: A deep-dive audit report into consumers’ perceptions of the brand’s most well-known chocolate bars. Insight: Each bar had its own unique online footprint. E.g. one bar featured in a lot of recipes on baking and family oriented sites, whereas another ‘lower calorie’ bar had a fan base within diet forums. Take Action! Fuel your agencies’ creative juices with insights into how your products are already talked about online, so that campaigns can capitalise on, and amplify, existing spontaneous brand associations and fan bases.

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>> Campaign Evaluation Brand: Major automotive manufacturer. Synthesio Deliverable: Monitoring of a major social media campaign in India to enable optimisation of the campaign on-the-fly and to determine the campaign’s overall success. Insight: The Bollywood star featured in the campaign was so famous that online conversations about him drowned out the brand and diluted the campaign’s impact on brand preference and new car sales. Take Action! Make sure your products retain centre stage in any campaign involving popular celebrities, otherwise the money you invest will increase their fame but have a nominal impact on your brand.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: The largest provider of telephony in the USA. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of consumer conversations about mobile phones. Insight: Short smartphone battery life was putting people off upgrading to more expensive handsets, because if you don’t have a charger and a source of electricity handy it can be a major inconvenience. Take Action! Create special lockers in major areas, where customers can leave their phones to charge in a secure place. This helps to overcome one of the key barriers to purchase, whilst positioning the brand as innovative and switched on to its customers’ needs.

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>> Product Innovation Brand: Global mobile telecommunications provider. Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of consumer conversations about the brand and its key competitors. Insight: A new calling plan introduced by a competitor was receiving rave reviews from customers. Take Action! Use social intelligence about your competitors to be a Fast Follower, by replicating the things they are doing which are getting a strong thumbs up from customers.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: Leading treatment for diarrhoea Synthesio Deliverable: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of conversations which surround the product’s ‘myths’ – to determine why 70%+ of sufferers don’t use the product. Insight: Volume of conversation regarding the alleged myths was extremely low and nearly all advice on forums seemed to be given first hand from experience rather than from an official medical source. Take Action! Employ an online health care professional to provide a central information source for potential customers, to educate them and give them a clear understanding of what the product does and for what situations it can be used.

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>> Service Innovation Brand: A global pharmaceutical company. Synthesio Deliverable: Synthesio’s Unity Engagement Platform, used to manage online community building and customer service for the brand’s diabetes products and services. Insight: People with diseases such as diabetes often want to share their experiences and ask for advice and support online. Take Action! Build places where diabetics can connect with each other online through the creation of communities on Facebook, Twitter and the brand’s own website, and become trusted advisers through active participation and support.

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>> Campaign Creation Brand: A well-known pop culture and music TV channel Synthesio Deliverable: Monitoring buzz and conversations around the channel’s ‘Kids Choice’ awards to identify areas of improvement for next year. Insight: The huge majority of conversations were about particular celebrities, some of which were retweeted thousands of times. Voting was spoken about in less than 20% of conversations, despite it being an awards ceremony. Take Action! Target your celebrity choices and encourage them to endorse voting discussions in the build up to the next event to generate more participation.

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