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Page 1: Sustainability in the Proposed Discovery Centre
Page 2: Sustainability in the Proposed Discovery Centre

What you can do to reduce your carbon

footprintThe discovery Centre’s

Sustainable Design

What is Sustainable Design?

The importance of Sustainability

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Page 3: Sustainability in the Proposed Discovery Centre

Sustainable Design: Back

Sustainable Design is creating a lasting design that is aesthetically appealing and functional whilst having minimal impact on the environment. In the Discovery Centre in which ATA Incorporated’s Environmental Consultant has designed, the building is made of recycled materials and has a renewable energy supply which uses solar panels. This helps minimise air pollution and costs are reduced when using renewable energy.

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The Importance of Sustainability:


Our future depends on sustainability. We are a strong company aware of our actions and how they can affect everything in the future of our environment. Not everything is renewable in the world and some are becoming extremely scarce as they are used quicker than they can replenish themselves. We believe balancing the needs of the environment with the needs of the build environment is extremely important, especially in the future with the expected population in 2050 reaching 9 billion.

“The reality of our world is that 20% of

the population consumes a staggering

86% if the world’s resources.”

“If everybody in the world enjoyed the lifestyle of the average Australian, we would need five more planets the size of Earth!”

Page 5: Sustainability in the Proposed Discovery Centre

The discovery centre’s sustainable design:


The Discovery Centre has been specifically designed to educate people on the importance of sustainability. The Discovery Centre contains features such as rainwater tanks (to water gardens and flush toilet cisterns), solar panels (used as an alternate energy source to help with global warming and reducing emissions of green house gases) and an underground grey water system plant (that recycles water and reuses it to help in saving water and making use of the available supply). ATA INCORPORATED aims to keep the environment working the way it should so that the future can still be interconnected and can carry on for the future generations.


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The discovery centre’s sustainable design:


Page 7: Sustainability in the Proposed Discovery Centre

What you can do to reduce your carbon footprint:


Calculate your Carbon Footprint by clicking the Foot!

What is your carbon footprint?Your carbon footprint is the sum of the approximate amount of greenhouse gases you as an individual, organization or community release into the atmosphere. It is calculated through the food consumed, type of home, your use of resources, waste management and transport choice.

As a strong company we strive to encourage others to reduce their carbon footprint and move towards sustainable prosperity.


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Steps in Reducing your Carbon Footprint:


It is easy to reduce your carbon footprint in the world. Below are steps you can use to help you in your progress towards going greener:

1. Reduce, reuse and recycle as much as you can2. Buy locally sourced and produced food3. Use energy and water efficient appliances4. Walk, cycle or take public transport5. Save water and energy by turning off appliances when they are

not in use and taking shorter showers

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