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Page 1: Survey of Bankhead Is

1028.1tp (r iiii

Hun 1 JMl Iahuiul 'A s

llr.i lit; t K. rf N(n.| r II.




1‘ 0-


EASTLAND CO.—Aw * NS •qu*re milw: population 125,000; cotton,fruit, poultry, dairyli>«. natural gaa and oil; Ctaco U headquarters for oiierators of the Ki'catcat shallow oil field In thii world. CISCO DAILY NEWS ClSCO -rop 13,500; 1.«14 feet *bo*e

the sea: 5 lakes water. 5 rail eilts; 6 paved highway exits, 177 blocka of bnrk streets; A-1 public arhools and Rtiiidniph tollrgr; no musqultons; no malaria or typltold of local origin.

/OLUME IX. C IS C O , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , J U N E 12, 11)28. SIX PAGES TODAY N 'U M H E K 85



VUIXION8 IN TKKASUllY — jld Mail Texas’ Is Just now in ather ronilorlable cirrumslaiices. .v:ng *23.340.108 in the trea.sury i

rTid with oiitstandiiiK warrants of! inly *2 708.178. I'lnancint! .i *t.«ie ■he si/e ol Texas. Is an cnormou:, IndertakliiB which unlortuiiuUly

to be handled at times l>v jirn iiiiaerustoincd to thinking m tuch Urge linaiirial figures. Abon’

tune a stale olfieer Ix-gin, l.i tt ai-qu.aiiited with the problem. Juh whirh he ha.s to deal he .s rpi. 'cd by another who has tlu ;,-.on 10 learn anew.

WKALni IN OIL LANU.S— An p 't ol 180 acres, with time <1 i.'ilig welts on It. Im. reren'- oreii sold for *1.300 000. or *7.-

f .»n were That looks high, yet u- doubtless a bargain as proi- Texas oil lerrllory. TlW' land

situated 111 Howard cuuiuy. bu* .ire otlier land' m lex.i.

ire i)crhap.s worth more t v« ii this. H ie value of lands

ij::U-.Uid with oil. iiotash amt Ltlier minerals can liardly tie e,.- Iimat'd Lands once rrgartk-d a-

valueless are yielding lor- lu;,' to their owners.

ORl) TO.MATO MOVT iKNT Texas u coibtaiitly break-

■It. 'me re«-ord or another Tti. Iini the rreiiu gms to tile Tyler ■am vtlion fur handling

HOOVER’S NOMINATION ASSUREDSurvey of Bankhead IsStakes Are Set for Grading and

Fences in Widening of Highway; Actual Work May Start by July 1


l iK r i HLK AN m s T o i n w ii .i i i k m a d i :

IMHySKVKLT F in n N Y Jun- 50 12 W iviiig a *.iy Uri we:i :o l:cr

The fiirvey for wideiutig the Baiiklirail hlgliway In (U.'.tUnd .sanity Is rejairted riimpleted aiid

. tlie stake.-, set lor giaduig the ro*d and moving the fences Ijai-k Much

1 of the prelinnr.ary work lia.s been done previous to closing up the mal- ter of .seeunng land.v for the right- of-wav ivecessarv for widening the higliw-av In fuel. It wa.s stated about all things |eiM>ible tiavc liern

' aorotnplrshrd until Commissioner Hirt Hntaiii and F Taylor,!(lerial highway reprrsentatlve. «re

. . .irleads (W tomatoes m ark .iiid tlut. too, the hrsl wtek ; I' season It hasn't been a j many years since the Texas

was regarded as an unes- r.ti it garden vegetable in Fast

lex. mit wortli the trouble of 3ih>riiig and marketing.

mother. Mrs M.,brl Uoll hopp'd pelea.srd Irom their duties on high-off Iroin hen at 7 I'J tin mor;i- iiig in tlie C'oluinbi.i monoplane on tlie first leg ot her pro(X>»eU Iraii.- A'.lalUI.' (light

niACK-EYKD HFA8 —The old- I. iiid black-eyed |iea. long a

ii'.i.rd garden (irodict. butt ,!'v ihi'Ught ol sullicient soci il

to find tta way to the ■?! the elite, is fast coming

■ r notice iVaraall has jhipiied 1 I.rst earload and in another ■'U or two Piarsall Jieas are 'Iv to be famous in the F.wstem

’ Tr-‘: TTiere la no rea-on whyhe Pearsall product, so long neg-

tni by truck growers, may nc- •nme as popular as Tyler Pi-

way 23 and 67. wlu're thev are now busy closing up the work of widen- ' ing those road.s. It is understood that work is irnwres-slng 'a tifac- torily on the latter highways

Engineer Early has made .several surveys for the acroKs the Texas A- Pacific railroad west of the i Harrell farm But nothing Is known I of Hie lorallon of the croasing. as Ihcie surveys have been .-.ent to the, highwav commission whose engm-[ eers will decide upon tlie most prac- | tieal location i

l! Is expected that actual con-1 strucUon work will begin on the Bankhead highway by July I. and it

~ ~ ~ rs probable that the Initial work.Mi v Evelyn Tmmibs daughter of ,7 “ ^





- J * » .e

ANOTHER RECORD CROP — r-imates »re being m.idc fieely ih ji the Texas wheat crop Hus It.-on will be 25 000 000 bushel.v gt surprising Hvat so little Is ynif Slid about Texas a.s a ghe.i! growing state and Hvat It;

, .f in golden gram is not be- ■iiL m'lre extensively heralded to *h' wlieat growers of the northern '•rtf Tlie Canadian government and Its great railway systems have

■ni hundreds of thousands of in exploiting the whea'

Mrs t l R Allen of the Tismibs service .station on Smith D avenue, was bitten by a siuikr Sumlay while viMting her aunt. Mrs L A Oows, living five miles cf Rising | Star In eomiwny with her sister. Agnes To<anbb. .she was crus.'.ing a meadow ua Uie Clos-s ranch, with her sister in front, who evidently disturbed the .snake. Slie |ia.ssed along Just in time for the reptile to iinke. unking its fangs into tier foot twice and esraping before either; ol Hie girb- =aw it They eonld no'^ tell whether it was a rattler or coji-

Get on Band Wagon, Definitely Giving Him Majority of Votes

KANSAS CTTV June 12 The Irr rodeloHie rosHuni and oang- first '.essioii of the Hepubliraii na ' cd In , gavel sharply at 11 n’rlocktiniial convention eiid<d at a few A> tin tim* Hi* wavenng n '-wia-miiiiite. p*,'.t 1 Hu ■ alienirxii when iioti w* r> < aiiciising «ai 'lie r;-->raiijmirruneiit wa . taken until 10 30 and v <'iiig to mpiairt IPe' > r ld «-Wedne <lay morning following reii- f, . whie'i hid in'e-'led to giveditioa of kevnme .sjieorli bv Kenalor a , ■'iiiiiinaentary vote to tien^tor Simeon IJ Fr.-s of Ohio A dele- Borni' and New Jer wheragates poured tail of the audl- Frank i,i lowilen 1, .d . anstornini it seemed assured Uiat Her- creiigUi Lti='!i iiiik iu ih ' I ' ’ivyben Hoover, secretary of cmnin'rcr »r,nid t-jpiasrl llw .e t lioiii thaand the erowii prince of the ,*i,nidge administration wiHikf be- nocni- Nrhumann-lleink liead- Hnnc ..ated on Hie first ballot Butler wav a., ■uyieinii • ■ c : ;-

Uca.vTrs managers were claim.n-' fnl of owls as h ’ ue-yrir d thu707 votes for itieir I’andidate on t o -*. a q> onim present v;,d a t 'droll rail wtUi protowbiluy that Hie .xu t„ ,,,» »|,ile Re-. ,S r Par*,nomination mould be made bv ac- ridge -.Hered 'ic invoraiion T ’.i elamatlon This ls coftsidered first i.u'bi.rst of enlhus .*.'.in ■•in doubtful howeiar owinr to bitter- when M.-yaiic K.-nestine S<-h'i- ne*s; in the rank of the farm and mann-He...x .,-d ti; a -nibi in midwest delegation ume of whom singing the .Star Btiangleii Burner sti!l hold to an apparently forlorn Sceretary .Me;i.,i. ot the tr istirv hofie that the Califumian can be -ot an ovation at hr walked to liis stopiied place ui tlie Pennav Ivan; • df leg'll-

.yirllitn Kaeks llooirr tion while Butler wai revdin£ tneThis morning aueus of P''iin- ttm;vi:ary roll of Hie coiivent..m

'Vivama and M.v-.sachusetts delega- Alter Secretary Rov O Wevt lions swung Uie Ude to Hoover when read tlie call of tive eonvrntion. Secretary of the Trea.-urv Andrew Butler described the functioning W Mellon told Penrisyl’.a.uian.- tt of the convention Senator Fe^- of ww,- apiiarenl that President Cool- Ohio, keynote s’.'eaker then began idge would til coiisent to becoming, h i s|icech Pes w s one uf the a candidate and urged the delega- original draft Coohdgr" men and Hon to support Hoover Ttiey did so new spaper men asked him If heunanimously Intended to revise hi- siieech In

In the Ma-ssachusetts caucm Wi:- '- f * «he overwfielmiiig swing

5n inleriiir view of the convi iillon hall at Kansas ( ily whi rr Ihe niiiMr.-nlh national Krpubllran convention got under wav Tu*«las. Interest always atlarlies to Hie naniiiig of a presidential nominee and Ihe fight heliveen Herbert Howvrr and his 'allied enMiiiriils is no e\i eptloti this year. •Many other important eonvenliens have been held In this hall. inrIuUing that of the national ron- vrnllon of Ihe .4nieriran l.rginii In Httl. .4mon* noted personages who have spoken in It are Presi­dents Wilson. Harding and (uolidgr, (reneral Pershing and .Marshal Foch.

IXT head M i Tooinhs wasbrought to Hie home i t her moHa; ., at 1206 Cl avenue wfiere sho vvaS|. given medical attention, nml v a.-,,

ierf '5gaeth»'!..»oVn r-rividi rofioited Tuesday to lie out of ilan-f ;t u bv n ^m eln , a r vahi , ^ e ^ ^ ^ mHanui-*litm of nor c ntirf* i#'g.

CROSS PLAINS TOLD OF CISCODAIRY PROJECT Republicans Proud to Stand on Coolidges

Record and Long Period of Prosperity for Country, Says Convention Keynote Speaker ‘

ham M Butler, chairman o: the Repub.ican national committee took a similar stand and U.' Ba\ State s 39 delegatee voted to Pslow

•the lead of Peniisylvania - 79 t isupport Hoover Farm grou|i lead­ers apiieared ind bitter over the trend ol today develop­ments

.Midwest May tote for similh Many midwesteni leaders pre-

to Hoover ths- morninE Pesy .isaured tlieir. that his s|>ecch would be delivered ae prepared

Considerable apiilause swep; the convmuan during Uie kevnott ■;“ '<h when Fet gluwuiglv spoku of the Ooolidge aceompllshment i IndirecHv he irau : ’ le veto of til* McNary-Haugca biH and the fonvTntion applauded except for the midwest delegation, where the

no■ ii.s those of Texa.s. It l.s nil- that wheat grows well in ‘s,'!t|iwest CanadK but who w.iiit.

stay froocn in half the ukf a crop no better tha’ i.'h can lie grown in the mild

lima'e of North Texas?Iwl

TT XAff KHOPIH.NCI LIST ■ - px.,- through the slate bo.inl « f ’ trol, will go .shopping Jiilv 2.

and lii.-. a |irlnted shopping list |if 116 pages to which It Is In- uimg the attention of Hiosi' hav-

liii' niiTchandlse for sale It Is c> felniiled that the purchases, large­ly Ilf dry goods and prnvt.’.ioii>-.


I ...r. •>•■.> s ,I,sisietl I Hi rea ; b'l a rah along any mlnii'.. now a , He opi'iirii till- ilia.r A gust of ran

In, w.-irli.K their ankl. What a lousy night ” He whlsilei

II be Close around l2.(MH),Oon ,! shrilly us a Pul swung aroiinl ih


veral thou.'und Items must l>” i light for the use of various [ ie liitltiitlons for Hie fisca l'

year lieginnlng September 1.

rnitPUR CHRISTI nUILDINOjIliiilding iiermlts In Corpus

Tirisll for the first five months*’ of 19-28 totaled * Tlie.«e,

Ithan for 1926.

corner.The enh c,mie lo a slop. Its brake

scroochliig noisily. Chin k took Ih. girl a arm iirnl hurried her out anil into the walHeg motor tince in side and out of the *et Itose shook the little fur collar on her thin roip sending the Irrii'escent drops fly ing, ( buck leaned forward and g.ive fbe driver her address, and then settled haek comforlHhly. his arm flung nliout her shoulders It was only a •The Williams boy »n . first ad­

mitted to Hie orphanage June H. but

KANSAS c m ’ Iiuic 12Kcpubllcaiis are going to tli“ eouii- . smial and isititical force In try 111 the 192C rnmpaign on Hie world tixlay 'Issue of general pros|>rrily—,ind if Itrpiiblii an Party DryCalvin Coohdgr .should tv „ . i. . , . j jj .i . . . . » .1,, a' ftenator hes> .studiously avoided

men.ionuig prohibition by name• -• Ol nis aeparturr Mi’.l This wa.-. the k^vnoir ............ x, .. t ..............

Silencer was a.sked what progress here today by Senator .Simeon p | I” '*’'""’*” was iviiig made by his rnmnvttce Fe.vs. of Ohio, in oiKiiing Hie |. .. | jiUbsion to prohibition was 7 ' in taking a cctistis of the d.yln’ | piibliran ii.illona' ronven" i Ijoim'tl. in that section of his rows in this .section, replied: "The ; y, hicli Is beset with bitterno'- 11*' '.'. *'* rcommittee has mailed out the le t- ' acnmonions stniggle:; over raiiui-^ *"’* nio •ler.s to the variou.s school trust ye.i ‘ date., anti pliitfonn in the county, and replies! Senator Kess did Hot Brl'.'.i ' are exjKTted to begin looming In pro| the nomination of M riglit away. Tills Is the prehmi-, coolidce. but neither did h" t ■ nery work of the ccii-.U5, whirli | him out of consideration -hr 1:1 will be followed up by ivr.vieal | ly left wide open Ihe door to tiic visits by members of the eo.umit- drift movement, should the ni'i-

dirted that their secti ms would farmer delegatea veemed stunned .support A1 Smith, th* -rob*ble *>>' Ihe collapse of the Hoover Democratic pr.*idential candidate, fightIf the DemoeraPs at Hoaston oc- -------cei>t the McNary-Haugen bill os KANSAS CITY June 12 -Keiiator a ba.Ms for farm relief legislation Charle:- Curtis of Kansas (ivorite

Senator Robert M LaFolielte son candidate, today refused ’ o Jr declared ' If the (lowers that be concede the nomination of Herbert have decided u|ion Hoover it is quite Hoover despite the action of the fitting that the edict sliould come Pennsylvania and Ma.'ssachiisetta rom Bill Vare " delcgat,on.s tliit morning He de-LaFollettc referred to Senator- <l«red ’ hat the balloting had not

! elect W'llham S Vare. of PhlladH- >- 1 started and tiiat he would---------------- lihia who stole a march on Mellon fight until the iiorainaLioti was

The Caliiii CiKilidge the greatest j v r - ' ed the war. dwelt ii|ion the ennr- Immediately uixin arrival of the made.the moils piibllr debt and the burden- Pentisylvania delegation last night

.some high taxes, the disarrange- 1 ■•'t* declared his portion of Penn- ment of the whole economic and svl'ania would fieht vigorou-sly for buslne.v. structure of tlie country.' *■**•' eiidorsement of Hoover at hr. and a a-rted that the Uepubhran ■sl'»te s caucus Tue.sday

.1 . n party had rescued the n.vtion ’ Senator Blame. I>aT ollet.te - Wi - oun.l-'li‘’ “ itiiffe 1. clear til l, the Re- slough. TTie public debt ! eoUeague . iipplcinenU'd la-1 t7itMMra»5 tx; a firv Ml - - • fesllw aa>’.

' universal irsiiect for the l;i«. .said:


, No b.iekward step can Iv tole- ............ ___________ , .................... mP rated uikiii whatever pretext w hii h u, f n » ' ” Hie weakest candidate in its ranks' would ivrm lt a minority manage. I ^

has hern reduced right and one- half billions of dollars sinee 1921. Iv said, at the ,s,me time that taxes » I're being reduced nearly t2 Ooo.ono.otx) a year. and Hie country iielng ni ide pros|vroiis

'Thi'i .arrompllshiivtit," he h'-


■'•r to tlic school trustco.H.’


I veiiHon de.sire to walk through ; by saying that Ntr. C'oohdge ! ivarod" to Iv set iiivn retina t land that many of his friends i v I heved :-n.I f'oolidgr I' Praised.

Mr Coolidge's name w.i.i u it j mentioned bv the Ohio keyiu.-er t until near the rnil of hi- baig I addre.s,s. Then, after word;' praise such as lew eonvrnlion.s j have listened to regarding aiiv Ipresident .save Linrolii, S<ii.i;)r

expbal Hie great mass ot our ivpulatioii All over the eartii. led by our own eximiilr. thrri lias burnt Into roiisciou .- ness t lv mnvietion that this (hiIi - ey and program of human eon- ‘ .servatioii not Iv scuttled

" It Is not a question of tolr-

folletics statement by saying I iiotiee that Mellon isaued his -u ie- inrnt twelve hours after Vare hod named Ifoover

"Ueakest ( andidale”Senator MrMaster .SouHi Dakota

went on record a.s saving I think the Republican ixirlv l.s nuiniiialing *vr of comnieioc. at Hv regular

meeting tumght at 8 o'clock, will a t, eonsidcr matters pertaining lo the

the ronven'ion was Mrs Alice hotel, vocational agncultiire andRoosevelt Loiigwrorth, ardent Hoov- Hv West Texas chainhei of com­er supivrter. who rlircred the news merer convention, which mecU In

Tuciklay and

r>A<rsr> . . . ! closcd wttli thisiHAIRI1. Juno 12.—Rapid progress

dltlons to hiislness hiilldliig.s and new hiislness buildings Bulld-

litio ivrmlls lo dale this yrnr amount io nearly one mlllinii dol-

ld„ri.™ ’T , was at home the next night, Friday ' - I once .said, and I now rop .1Iduring the entire year of J927, ictuni to ^ ! mv .statement. Few are his vvns: ■Ittnd a million and a h.ilf more waco, but while taking him to sup-, hi' conncctl on‘” i i » i f i J'>'»cmenPs. His coni-

Mexicans oia.uon „ „ Hoar, and hi, actionduuntles.s. His conception of pub-

, 1 . J I he duly forestalls the emiiloy-thlng i n i t o escaiv and teach here MmulRV nient of mere ivlitlcal exivdicncy.

...... .... ».♦ ...... rvt.4ciex>xM,r rs 0 *-*x-xx ♦. * I III rcKi iiction of oilclcncc be-’ He spurns the art.s of the drma-Ran at once. TTie state ha.s rest- , erntmo and .sti*engthcns the

CTxSCOfl NKW HOTKL.—As i 'T ' T , ! i^t'om f^er'oi'r chlng^e “ 0.100"to 'a .-ecaptured Ho was teturnod to the 1 .rvl . ntiwIiaMficrrs W i H u v n ioh i t ln*;f o i t l v i . . _ J‘**J

mri.Ilicliett Living standard.

Under ft. he continued. th*Anietiran s'andaid of living lia.s that fVnnsvivania and Ma.-.'.achu-. P<9' Worth Monday, boon ral.sed to the highest level in etps caiisase- had de<-idcd in favor Wednesday.Ih” world's history and kept there - of her rhoire In some quarters tt Hv w.iy of comparison he rrferr” d was suspected ■pruicc-.s A llrC was lo the regretlahle expcrleiire of ambitioii.s of her brother

ranee or liberty, but of life, both ‘ ’ tover CTevebnd In his tvriff-for- nieodore. iianrvd as Hoovers run individiml and iiatioiul The R.^. ‘ revenue-only iiollry and Hie long ning mate riiis lenU live ticket,piihhraii party is ready to call Hu hue of soup houses" . hai. many supimrlers. alHimigh II.-,

f I roll on tills false doctrine masqii' - R' liator Fess mentioned no ran- uhimatc seler’Uoii is far from cer-1 racluig under the mask of l l h o r t v 1 hidate hy nam"—unles.s President tainIt l.s ready to .sound the moral f'r>nh''ge can Iv con.sidered In tliai Coiisiderable roinnvnt wa.s heard lorsln against the present ram- eetegorv But he did iwy Indirect over the fart that Senator Fe-c;' paign of nolse-inakiiig vvhcHier m ■ rnmplim> nl.s to Hcrlvrt H i»ver.. keynote s(vceh made no refereneethe interest of busines,s profit or Andrew 5V Mellon Charles L. to prohibition, alt.hough he ls anmere human iiiduIgiAice. It Hughe.s and Charles C< Dawc- | arrienf dry There w r .s only pre- stands for resivct for law II praised tile work of the rie- 1 f'uictorv when a.s.snredcondemn.s the violation of la'.v " ' partrrent of commerce in Hie do-I the delegates that the R-'niibhcaiij Hlon. convicted counteTteiter and

St.mds on ( oolidge's Record. ' velopmciit of radio and commercial' l>t>rty stand.s for law enforcement violator of prohibition boast


AniU'.NE, June 12—L. r Ham-

ICisco is doing the wiseIm.iking anangenients for the eroc- i night He wa.s evidently in jtloii of a new hotel built along ; when he .said he didn't like Waco jmixlern lines and with sufficient ' jcapacity lor t iking care of the!I large crowds that are attracted j Ito such a strategic oil renter. Cls- .|eo has taken Its place a.s one of j Illic most progressive of the small jcitip.s of Tcxa.s through the sheer I determination of Its citizens to I be satisfied with nothing .short of I the lx!st They work a.s a unit I there for the common good of the |city. I

-------- -------- i p uspd to preven t infec-■Me x ic o ci t y -w a k i i i n o t o n j^b^erefore, rem ember to


WASHINGTON. June 12.— Cap- PNE at Once!Iiain Emilio Carranu. Mexican ace I latlempting a non-stop flight from IMexico City to Washington, wa.s j |Iorced to land at Moorcsvllle. N

at 4 o'clock this morning, ac­cording to a message to Bolling I Teld here.


, soguocd Us c.ise and about half of Hid i sion of defense testimony had been Intro- ' diiced. with the defendant oil the

, stand in lii.s own behalf, at 1 o clock today. The state l.s asking the death penalty Argument of counsel is exiveted to be conclud­ed today, when the case will go to the Jury tonight or early Wed- ne.sday morning.

Following Is the tvrsoiinel of the


than in following public cLanior Nary-Haiigen bill. He echevd a: b’oreign relations came in for 1 K"c"'er sitting in the driver's seat day before he was to go lo trial based upon propaganda. He number of the president s veto consider ible. though imseiisational! timbered into Kaiisa.s Citv's hig' 111 slate court or, a whiskey charge.yields not to threaUs. nor is h e , arguments, and at the same tim ■ comment. He avoided any refer- auditorium today for the first ses- ' The prisoner wa.s captured Mon- persunded by cajolery. His evT-1 highly prai.sed the administration'.- •bic world court. which d* Republican natiniixi day 30 miles southwest of Bal-dent de.sire to do Ju.slice to all agricultural record, which, he said., *be Harding-Coolldge adminlstra- convention There was scarcely a ■ linger on Concho nver. by Sheriff stimulates public confidenre He | contained "the enactment of no Hen sixm.sored and which the R.'- delegate on the floor nor a party H T O'Bar and deputies. Prankshields no w rong, nor denies no' le.vs than 24 separate pieces of con- Publican leadership of the senate' chieftain on the platform that did Whaley. Felix Raines and Britton.

- ... light. His of fairncs.s iiro-, striictive and remedial legislation defeated H? reaffirmed Republi- "ot concede the nomination of Hamilton wa.s arrested here Jury having the fate of SmlHi In ' vokes supixirt and disarms attack ' covering every of the agi i- can opivo.siHon to Amenca's enter- Hoover on the first ballot, ivobab- about three months ago In a r*M their hands; R. l . 5’oung, barber "After five years and sei' n cultural problem." ‘ci* 'be L< vgue of Nations, praised b' Thursday by county officers tliat netted Plains; O. L. Hanvr, farm -: months of ieadersliip In our! But it was upon Hie, prosivroii* |bc state department's efforts to This morning's caucuses of the sational finds including a eomplet* er. Putnam; J. H. Grimes, stock-1 nation, he leaves office by his own ' condition of the country .since the "fuHaw war " by treaties, and de-, Pennsylvania and Massarhii.sctts, counterfeiter's outfit and specl-nian, Baird: H. E. Butler, farmer.! flat, which appears to be final; Republicans returned to ixiwer fended .staunchly the Coolidge delegations put both definitely in , meixs of hts Illegal craft Ho wa*Putnam: Ike Kendiick in.surancr and l.s .so Interpreted by many of | seven years ago that the Ohio jldhcy of .sending marines to theman. Crews Plains; Claude Tatum,, his friends in spite of the fact 1 senator placed rmpha.sls. , banana republics of Central

I antiseptic, c leaasci cut*. . . Borozone fMwdee

big. Keep both handy.

Drusr Co.

hardware man. Clyde; P. D. M il-; that his nominatlcgi and election ler, ranchman. Baird: J. E. Cheek, would be a foregone conclusionfarmer. Baird; I J. Walker, farm er. Admiral; J. R. Gunn, farmor. Putnam; I W Morgan, farmer, Moran: W. A. Brock, farmer. Cot­tonwood.

did he not forbid "TTils hold upon the confidence

of the American ivople of every name, cla.u and creed, without i~e- gard to partisan feeling, makes

Clrratest Prosperity Period. -Anierica ’•Today.” he said, "we are In thr denied the marines were in i

longest period of .'usiained biisl-, Nlearagiia and Haytl for any im- pro.sivrtty In our histOG'" i Wf'Abalic purpones. and a.ssert-

Golng Into details, then, Sena-, they would be withdrawn when tor Fesji stretched the business de- 1 tbe need for their presence was presoion that Immediately follow-' hot loivger felt.

II i fI NI rj

Mi r

Senator Fess made U rmphatt-I ■"t*tlon under Hoover: he .sjvke I 8nd against law violatimi Hi.s only; 110 Jail ran hold me” has beenrally clear Hut the party is vvill-l‘h Rlowiivg terms of the treasury j Atlu-sioii to prohiblHoii ranie under marie good twice. Is bark In tli'*ing to stand or fall on the record ' he told how American the broad general hetufing.s of "Hu- Abilene rounty Jail. Hamiltouof the Coolidge admini.stralion. In statesmanship hid made Itself! than eoiLscrvation and development , sawetl his way to freedom fromthis connection he rebuked the t**'* ‘h the rehabilitation .and jvace " f human resources." the local Jail about six wcok-s ago.

public rectitude. He Is farm rebels m the party by ap- Europe through the Dawes plan! _ May Win on Firs* Rallni a few day., aftei- he wa., sentenced more concerned in directing the proving the .sentiments express,-d | ®hd the Locarno pacts | KANSAS CITY. June 12. — A to six years In Leavenworth pris-public mind in proivr channels I in Mr Coolidge's veto of the Me- ,, World ('our' .Avoided i fiohtlcal band wagon with Herlx'i't on by a fodtral Jury here and Hie

I .l l ie directors of Hie Cisco riiain- I' i - - ' ----------------- ■■ ..... ’


the Hoover column, the former i Identified as a counterfeiter whovoting to suiHKirt him on the \ was convicted at Houston and later first ballot TTiese acquisitions escaped from j*ll at Galveston, put the secretary of commerer Offirers s*jr that the prisonerwell over the half way mark has been staying In seclusion onneces.sary for the nomination. ! the Concho river and oeca.vionaUp

Tlie floor wa-s parked and the | slipping Into San Angelo at nigtik* galleries lammed to .suffocation { to secure provlslom from friendswhen Chairman William M. But- ‘ there.

Page 2: Survey of Bankhead Is

nnd Oeneml Managpr Advi»rti nx Manas-r C:rculailui| Manasei'

id claaii m&U inatu-r .nd Sunday moniin •

lacui. 7&C I ( paid in twelve months. $7 2<i

Ls\va|) jobs on July 1. Tbo vnto but finallyR-sulted in Whitney i'ur j'lvsidfitt. Then bee wa -' voteil in to suoft‘f<l Whitney. It < atne a little hartl on Lee, v.htt had .served :i> presidoni for 11* years, but like the jrootl .Idit'r I * i.-. hr inteivl.-: to carry on in the iu‘\v job. atul to “ k ip a i»arental eye on the; brotherhood.” flu- Im; '1': ; 'u* \vould do s'o wa.-' doubtles.-' one of t ’ = aiii. trie had in vitW in keepinit* him in otfiee. thooch ;i younyei’ man at the helm. After all. L* yt at' i a h-n ' pt > of service in a ihanp'iuy worhi. I v.i'l l e retmirib;red best by

T IIK ( ’TSC’O D A ILY NEWS. Tuesday, June 12,1928J

!!■QUICK REFERENCE CLASSIHED ADSThere is a Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place

—These Imxiiensive udvortlsemrnta are a "Clearing House” for most everything, such as Buying, Srlllng, Rent* Uig. Restoring Lost articles. Finding Help or Employment and Securing New Putroiuyte lor your buslneaft

T*^.. each aflerr..- circuiattort agoit

f *

as follow -- C ‘ Oitv Orue ru ,

the jiTeneral any effort t .otts. “ Till- saic

I'ublio! i ' \ 'V,-traini' n

1 1 1 - 1 •. lusal. bi ICdl. to make . I r dherh- xL- pivsith ntial

' -iia fiM th m>t Ivce.” he


man of c-.\ woi o compiletl bv Lit llauir*m b'd \ on that li.'’ .\r."uniazi: . ." tluou "di.-'crin.inatiif *'


A STITCH IN TIME.“ But what L ;i wife to do',’ ” a.-ked a woman

belp loviy after l atlinir an artith. which d»-clai that a wife nhouid mtt permit other women to tan>?le tip her hu.'band.

Well, here is the way Zero.vv mana'jed it: Ze- rosy had been manied to \roma for about two years,jinu.'.” " ’ ctali; ■ ’.vhen .«he fliscov. red that Petunia Peters was paying. ‘•wa.-teful.” N' Aroma “ much mind.”

“ He sho’ am one fa-’ inatin’ man.” tleclarcd Pe ttntr.i to her friend Icy b. v ‘it.

“ He‘> a married suar ” l•■olied Icy repro\ inj;ly.“ He i:ot a wife, Y'-’ ;■ i 't ,.t no bizne.'is wid <latiHai4.”

“ Shuck.'!” --'veired P « ‘ irnia reekles.-:ly, ' ^ot- ta love whah yo* eotta vt*.”

But Zero'- w-i'U'* born tomorv<>w; and .-he hatl Fnappinir orb.-; that saw tbirLs; I)ir .au* thine 'he .'uw

-■ 1 a it.ihit of ip ing *’ •O' ; »r yrtx-enes ’u.'’

■< ; i.rne from work,a n- tl” to come alon f

er." She ob.'enefl .Aroma immediately heade«l for

t’,-. store Pctmrki steu-

P i- s id '- tu ;

d tk l!s i ; d f r o m*■ Oe •

z — W e r e ■ M . a MHik bl. ihi- d ie f - i

i i i r h t e i l . “ d ” :rp-ost!'.- ba-i: d“ dacobe ”pidaear.' p u i > i r . ; i > j hi> adie

oolidiK* is a of I'd ’ c 'tives, tlu' McNaiy- 'lil ; <liecti\a>?i*y rur. from ‘

-n,r ' ■‘(•um’ )e'‘'’oine,” ■■ "in.'idio-i-.” “ iin'ca- V.” r.d “ \'iciou-i,” to. i . k . 1 . n . q . t . X . :

The wiitf'- .'tarled to

■ - . iL x . t ’

1 -, 1 .

• j-\.i-'-dl ;• r,.

1 U e > w e r e ad je c t iv e .; ,

oni-iu” and . 1 flifl ” .ias w ■; ru) u.''e

■p H l e i . knoW'-•T •*

wa-s that Petunia had deV: ‘Me sto’ ” at the eml of the alx'Ut the time that .Arom.

One evenintr Zeri sv “ at the “ psychological ’o-iit alight from the car. H h=*me. A< he eam= - — :!


t^JSlNC S^'AI?


■ ! ' h s nuf



foith. her nr-- < full of groceries.‘•Cioofl evenin’. Mi- t:;' .Iohr«in,” cooed Pf runia. “ Goo'l evenin,' Aliz peo«h .” i* iio’'(i,.,| \r,,m.a

litelv. The tw- walk* d al n eh.iuint.v o « j v v < * o u n n t 'Uggested

Peiiinia heam«-*l f>n .Aro- )' :un a th(/,-.^htful. lovin’

Lemme h . A r o m a g a l l a n t l y .

“ Thank y< ’ so mueh ma affeciionateh . “ Abd man.”

Petunia transfer** d all h« r bimdles tf> the anr.-> or .Aroma. The two wa:k;- il *n. P- tunia talking ec- '•tatically, .Aromu redving c-mteo'isly. When they reached the place w ;-,*-re P*-tnra! w is t*> turn o ff they -loppetl. She took her bundl*-< and then sai*l coyly, “ I ' yr*’ got time to .<ton in f ’ a ilrink of .'Ump’m

T ' l r

R .! I , - B'

TO TT»- 1 il i» • C'

o t :m

;, ; ■ : . J " •V* re■ -r term

11 i: ■ 1 K-I-


M ’ .Grf' V-* - . mdni.

-a; - N!. \V 4 II o!l -I

nr.* V u > :im-

I i- M« - -. (olK,-.V Tt X,1 ho.-

■ * .' ♦ •Jie»k' f y M

Fi-Ci ■ 'i-v »rul *• >*' r*.’.bert*1 ’ : .4 ; r h >iT' in Abi'.-'ne

.T' ’ tt K ■..,! h-re

i.- m .0■ Ml

. t K


♦ •Li I •Aroma he-ita

walkinir behind fiirward.

“ .N’o. he air.

But 7. r* w who ha*l been'Wo -’ M r’r t**r<itate. <he stepped

mc; 1 deci-^ivelv. .' hemarched up to Pi 'uria. a: d .-aid ei i-|,]v, “ Miz Petah.«*. .Ah (loan lak de wav v >' - ana ’ ’ on wiv mah hus- Imn’.”

"W ho earnin ’ or " ’ hu.'ban” ’ ” retoned P' tunia w*-aklv.

“ Y ' ’ is. (Ia*’ \y'-' ! ’ nnonf-d Xerosy. “ An yo’s invin* tuh nui' it. t> : <-L, T’ -.,- y wine tuh cut vo


\ T

h;*b|. F f ' w ’em home vo" home f('’ yi ’ . P-u r ’ em f o ’ y o . ’ ku. yo’ merr’ ier w .r I tei •Tlo-ie. el<e I ’ e •■ud',, ZerO .'V tu rn ed ,ae.-l * roma who b b d u i r, , '

ed her face from ‘ in :“ What’ -i d' i! a*tid

propitiatingly.‘ ‘Ef yo’ w ja*

relevantly, “ tek y-d i-lo’<

-UV L'*-. vri

■* i

b u y ’em : d. 't ’ man to sen’ ’em

»rah husban’ to ear " e tuh do it. .Now. A'o’ Irt mah husban’

yo’ haid wide onen.” ;ty. fo llw ed clos*dy by

'•I'^atiiin. Zero.yv tum- eould.

’ ■ ” inquired .\roma

f .aMnn u v . m u n - - i .in Uio

-t ra lO IIAI'IU NIs- ha-amn?

■ rv .-xl.

t o ’ a in ’ t g r v in e to h a v e m‘T.a\v.«amu.'S' I”

“ .Ah doan want dat fi • Hi.dy hut yo.' Swoethah*

Zero-:v knew \rorr affair had not proin-e'-- didn’t intend that it sh-

-Ai(»ma and Pet* brefs” at each other fi’i

u - • t- <1

* ;i(-(l Zero.«v, ir- I ■ ''/nt now I” But

(■At ■. ' eamestly. A ' ' ran want no-

t o l k .h t ( o n v k n t i o x h a l i .


. ' P'^unia. The 'bi'-. \ d Zei'O-sv

’ ha* far.i'* "(•f;nk*-d deie


.V 1

■i%iC - i

to( « >

SEARCH AND .SEIZURE.I f telephone conver«a’ !o)i- ,■ ■(. protect*-*! by the

government, and w ire tapiiing im. lrued a.-; seari-h 3n*i seizure and agin the c(»n-tituti--n, what becorm-s' o f the lady on the party line who li.'ten.; in while y*iu are telling your family affair.s an*l oeddlcs them all, over the neighborhfMtd? If there is a constitutional right to free st>eeeh, oughtn’t ther*- i>p a law to give freedom o f li-^tening? Or oughtn’t there? The av­erage man or woman who ha.s tried to follow the in-* tricacies o f the matter and has had to give it up i needn’t be disc*>uraged at hi.« feeble-mindedn('ss. Five judges o f the supreme coui-t think telephone, nmversation.s are not subject to prrgection from wire-j tapping under the search and .seizure guarantee of the' constitution. But four jiidge.s o f the .supreme couit; think they are. It wasn’t an problem for any of them. This new world bring.s new problems.

I bP

S W A P P IN G jp B S .By a curious (piirk in **lections, G, I^ee.;

pTesident o f the Brotherhood o f Railroad Ti-ainmen.' and A. F. Whitney, general secretary treasurer, w'ill

Plioto xhrinri (hr .Pntrll'd F:i|(ir. Htithinx tliir<> (urs. (x-iiiK raiurd to (hr utHM** si<irir« of (Hr ( oiivrnlloii Hall. Thr t.Ax\r,slngilt-ai with «lr<-trir li” lita, will look out ovrr llir rily and hU<rM lortia ttw kUndarda «>l thr 4*. O. I',

(L A S S IF IK I )

A I )V K im S lN (J


UK GL’faA T lO N S

Al.L n ..‘\S.siKIFn advcr*1v- In? t.v p.-iynhlr in advanr**. liut r .pv X4AY bo U-lriilionf-d to the (': £o IJufly N*-»k oiiK-e uml pam f:ir a- .soon ns collertor t-nll.*.

U.\rF5; Tw-o c*nl- per word fi r one time; Jour rente p-r word for three times; *-ufhi i-i-nts per word tor kix times; twenty-five rents iv-r word for one month, aiul sixty-five ernu (r-r wcid for three montlts or- tl;r

CI.ORTNO l lo r R ; Copy re- r- ived ui> to to no a m. wtU be ;. Jb!:^hed Ibo - sme day.

PISTKinUTION A one time ad wtll be prinii-d In at Ica-st

pai -'rs and reach a rend­er interest of an nvs-ratre of five ir’ rson-s fo earh jiaik r or more than ll.OW) people. A weeks ad wiil be iirinted in 14.3*59 papers which ineludi-. the Ann-riran and Roundup or a IgI.'-I Interest < 7I.s4'i A morth's ad inrliMf-ts 63‘-“OO papers with 310.0**0 ri ader inten t A 3-mi;nlh* ad i;-. amts up to I9<’ *kK) iinperi or i . iT a niill.'.n n-ader Interest.

TFLfTH O N r 80 and place V lur CO, V wi’ h unders;,mding tliat pa.ment will b** made at onie. cuil"-ior will call the .same dav or day follow-ing. Copy Is T’ -ivtsd any hour from 8.00 a. r.'. until it.QO p m.

Fur Sale Rentals RentalsM il's FOR S.\LK.... .41 < APARTMENTS I'UR SENT.

FOR SAI.F Seventh .street lot;two bUx-ks west of seliixil; north

front; .‘>0 by 135; by owner Box 2h:j, Albany. 'Iixas. 8d-4i»


' STRANGERS look here u ardliouae ads. Obey that tiiiin

Phone an ad now, lest y«u fun Phone to.


FOR QUICK SALE — Will aceeirt $4t) for Remington lyiiewnter.

rood a.' ni'w . Plione 4t>2. 83-49

FXJR RENT — Two room furnished ainirtmeiit; adRaning bath; gor-

ago: to couple; 3tM H avenue, or Util O avenue. 84tf

IXIR RENT Bachelor upartments; . ^ 'furnished apartment with |x>rch-! *** "oad*

e.s; also luniishcd cottOKe Fannie iStevens, phone Tenth sin-et.

383. 701 West i85

Rusiness ServiceMist FI I.AVI.OFrt SFKVH E

FOR RENT- One very nice a|>art- iivent; four room.s and bath; also yaraxr Available flftiH-nth. Cull 7;?4W for information 83tf


FOR RENT—Close in, cool .,i east bedroom, board 11 d<- .

404 Broadway.

IF YOU WANT Fixisl call 314

A LKAKV 1 Ixinib



FOR RFNT -Down.stairx. four rovni furni.sluxl ainrunem and ttarog?-

I south front; ideal location; $35 per month. Phone 305 . 85


H M t lE IIII.P WANTLO 15FOR RENT—Furnished apartment

downstairs, for couple; one three- room apartment upstairs. 308 West Twelfth 8tre*-t. Phone 666 78tf

FOR RFNT—Pour room luinuli house; south front; close ;n

Mrs. Fay L. Wilson. 404 Wr-■ i> street

WANTFn -luiU'i'Vork

Woman for penrraj Apiilv 406 Avuiue I


Phone 41Duplex apartment.


I a g e n t -; a m i s a l e s m e n ....14POR RENT—Regular efficient flat;

tu.xt you come and aee Mrs Fav Wilson. 404 West Third sirix t 78tf

1119 SI RE Cl KE• Darlin*. ever since you nfe

me I've b*>en in mi.sery."Then go and see dad Hi

you C411 of it."- Detroit Ne-

FMPI OVMENT FURNISHED — Men or W'lmen. anv nae. fm- local

or ti.i.i-liiiy Addles.' X. care NewsA5


FOR R FNT- Oarsee Apply West Sixteenth street.


Mv entire stock of millinery on sale Wednesday, for one only, at three prices-gl 9s o.j and $3 95 Mrs Chas. Curry, i rrsld*mee 604 II avimue

W antedAAANTt.n TO B I T ............

W.AN’TTTV-IT.sed furniture; will pay b*M prices Crawford's. 308 West

Broadway Fhone 35 86




HOME. FOR V.Af ATIONMi.s.-es Helen and Vina Oouki. who

have been attending Park college, at Parkvlllr. Mo . arrlMxl home Sun­day to S|iend the vacation Thev were accumiwnied h<xne bv their moUier. Mrs Ida Kennon. and Miv Clementine Wippeni who attendixl the graduating exercises. Helen Gould being a member of the class Thi-y also were arc-nmpanird b-. Clarenca Ror- a -'udent of tha*

* POLITICALThe Cisco Daily Nears Is suti

ired to anrKMinee the fo!V> candidalew for office, sub tret Uio action of be Democmtle marv election in July

Concrew Reventeenth Dlstrlel R. Q LEE

T. P PERKINS Associate Justice of Court of t

.school, who IS a guest at the K en-, Eleventh Supremenon home. .507 West Fifth ,tr

ICROP? PI AIKS June 12—A 150

! b ■ rel pptxlu*-er wa- added u> the r'hwe.s* ixi.-nsinn of the Eubank ,1 ten mile -.n h i f here when

I .infill .V Ri ; (irillesl IhPll' 3-A J. B Eiibiiiik .A very

■rd '.did wa' ii, uuir• at 1396 lie- and 1* Mil- 1*1.iv ai*-T si-veral If- f li 1 been drille.l that *nl ap- - -ired Alit-r 19 l-et had been drilled into the -and. the hole wa comiilcte’v lull ef oil 40 miniiU-' later. A 1 u'lt --ho* will be given J early th;? wi ,3 in an .-ffori to in- i fiia.s. the production I

The nmdstrcct-Mahl-tedt No. 2 I J n EuUwiik which drilled pa.'i the j

T r . Cut sand failed 'd* * n-oun' r a .md whliin the i.ext 300 f i - • and ihtv an; iilugving beelc where the- will ive 'he 12-0 lofit ^nd a heovv MOt. liirtirannn- are tliat a ligh' well of 20 to 30 bnml- will bo ob­tained after tlie fhot.

One locatinn he- been made by Bradstreel iv Mahl'te«lt 300 feet nonh rf th* ir Nn ] prcxlueer. Cran- M1 1*.- Rf-nold- have --akwl a sec­ond location 300 I'-et to the cast Bo-.h I* n.‘ are the larUiest yet maiie in tlie new extension.

BIG .SPRING. June 13—J W P.iasimmons. railroad brakeman. 4.5. was burned to deatii in an aiiart- mrnt hou'e fire at 5 o'clock here Monday nw.rning. His cliarred b«xly wa.-* found in the debris alter the fire had bm-n extinguished. Origin of the fire IS unknown, but officers declared nn investigation would be made.

.AH'wM-s (HARM"We owe much to musk- "Ves. the installment collectors say

wre still owy four hundred on tlve piano.

My entire stock of mlllinerv goes on sale Wednestlay. for one dav only, at three prices -$1 96, $2 and $3 96 Mrs CIta.-*. Curry, at, 004 H avenue. 85

Train Sdiedulej We save you I t I on building I materials Ce-'o Lumlier A: Sup­ply Co Tenth and Katy Tracli



£ Jame.<4 U ShepherdAttorney and Counselor at Lau


Telephone 150



a. in^ ruA'wnteed Plumbing and

in the bark


H as N e v e r F a ile dThe kure / lor •ipelliku wuri,.*.HkkUXSt* CliSLililii to Ijtialdu

JSa per bottle , tiu ld by

No. 4 connects with C. A; N. E ; Irom Breckenndge. arriving .at 2 25 p. in . nnd Katy north Ixiiind. ar-

. rlvliii at 2:3.5 p. m.

OmFitting at a reasonable price. LM us figure your work. No Job too small and we have Uie capacity for the largest.

dicial Di.sUiet at Eastland, 'ieg BURETTE W PATTFRSflN.

Judge Coounlsslortcra' Court R. L. POE


OBCAR CHASTAIN Ca School Superintendent


J. C CARTER Bh»-riff



Tax CoUertM- A. M. (OTTi HEARN

District Clerk II. <nn.L) McDo n a ld

County Clerk R. L JONES

Cnmml««ioner Prt-eirwt No. foB BIRT BRITAIN County Attorney JOK H JONB8

J FRANK SPARKS Ja'tirc of the P*ace. Precinct I

J II MCDONALD Con.stoble Prxinct NO. •

8 n r-iSKH. C (filmp* LOONEY



Phone 113, 711 Weet Ninth 8t

Tomliii-5 M inis Urns L'o.

C. A N. R.11,eaves Cisco ..................5 :(X) a. m lI Arrives Brerkenridge ....6:15 a. mf Le.ues Brerkenridge ....1:10 p. m l

I Arrives Cisco ................ 2:35 p. m l

Announcing.ATeiv S .S .

A L G O N Q U IinRegularSeivfce


t o N E W Y O R K

e tb v U T o A it fT j n

ui Fast. This is a F.

The Rotary club every Thursday Garner hall, at 12:U VltUlng Rotarlans muyn welcome. A. OPLAHERTV,

HUNTER po ijn r. e«».'

calk ’d

w here

Lions club meets Wednesday at ns hall at 12:15. W, ioiROQUE. Presld B B LONGACRFrotary.

I‘:VI«:UY D A Y ()» * ''

Cloco Lodge No. 556,At A. M.. meets fo Thursday, 8 p. m.T. ORIST, W. M.; JC

P. PATTERSON. Secretary-

i\ hakrsulc G ruccry

W est Texas Coaches

190.Cisco Lodge No.A. M.. meets on Thursday evening of month at 7 p. m, Companions are con

Invited. J. W. RIDOEWAY, JOHN r. PATTERSON. Secrel


H. r j

TWfS magnificent new torbic steamer provides the me


ONE WAY $72..3*J up KOI N'O TK II' 128.80 up

Both ways by steamer, l.iul return limit <3ct. 31.

Uail-W'ster Circle Tour812n.8*> up

GO day return limit, not lain than Oct. 31.

aurwMniTcvuo, tnence ttc^irr to Ne»» York, rctoming tame route or retoroiog by til rtil footes with libcrtl ttn^itcr prfvilegct. Fttcsiiii.liKle rtiinjtd (tantpuftaciun tt>-Galv«ttna. tU await to JimUcsutrrLicMB berth oe Mctmert — ochn tuorruno- dacmas tt rwyiag etsrs Caret

kAU-unfiog to room (deaeA.

somptuuus and luxurious poaacn^' accoinmudatioos ewer before offered

between T exas and New Y ork.The 8. 8. Algonquin alternatesweekly on Saturdays, with the 8 .S. San Jacinto. Due New York early morning of sixth day.

L E A V E G A L V E S T O N S P . M .Calling at Key West

IS. 8. Shawnee. Juno 37.IS 8 Medina. June 36; .July 4, n•S. 3. San Jacinto....... June 16 ’

July 14. 28'S 8. Algonquin...........June 23

July 7. 21.IS. 8 Braros.............. June 13

July 11.2,5.•Pa.ssenger Sailings Every Saturda IFreight, Sailings Every Wednes­

day and Saturday.


Coaches Leave CJtaco

NORTH TO—Albany, 10:00 g. m., aM

CI*tco Commander;, K . ' meets every third Thil day of each month Masonic Hall. I. NIC

OLSON. E. C. JOHN P. PAT HON. Recorder.

Moran. 4:00 p. ra

EAST TO—Ea.stland, Ranger, Mineral WeM

Weatherford. Fort Worth, 7;30 a ! I m., 10:30 a. m.. 1:30 p. ra., 4.00 p I : m., 7 ;i0 p. m., 10:15 p. m. 1

Cisco Chapter No. Order of Easterr. meets first and Tuesday nights each month, members cordially



WEST TO—Ruling Star, CroM Plalna, CTole-

man, Ballinger, Siui Angelo, 7;3t| a m., 10:00 a. m., 13:30 p. m., l:00i p. m., 7:35 p. m.

M A J L L C IK Y L J i® E f iU

M l



Cisco Lodge.O. B. No. meets first and Monday at • P comer Pifth and E avenue Ring Elks cordl Invited. J. O. Exalted R u CHARLES INO, Secretary,

•c DaimijiTod and fh CISCO, T E X A S .

Olaoo Lodge KnlghU

Pythias, m eettf Friday. ■ p m . aon buUdlii D avenue.


!he*ft*iaiiratloV ISiti « I* g r .$(M



see act a 1Batwola b<Kv*M«>•onbtnboiliwlAnPer


kviiJui'howto I




b;ri but w-hsi him '!• h( hook

•I) Is’ " giant r»alll dropi

"N he's up hi went Main tn n Prof, of ■»! ta thh e ’ a

Span "I>l

the h "81

noncl Barra bean Prof, th' d a hui aide j

• Tt •5’t

Prof ■ Ar

"And W'e 8 long

".S’lbe—" ludde "Iitin' ClUtIf Bixht.

A T fho I tip. 1 then I floor of the

‘Tn d»d, I who table. Bight, dance tlihth

"Do Boss !

Page 3: Survey of Bankhead Is

Tuesday, June 12,1928.2, m


>r b<«n kt tinp T«u fa

txiurd, { B(u

Ol>lt( (]i

fUilUsll*c In Vp;.; '

EMl rt-fi

HpTI ; le»s.

InpryonfM t liCurry.,


e n d ^ l o i nBY ■



Will Divorce Carol

ISH Wurtirt Hio». I'lolurcs (m*.TIND ERLO IN ," (tarring Dolores Coottllo, io a Warnor Broi. pictur-

liatlon of this novel.

(irifflU’i-Slubhlrnrld I Marrlrd at

n HiRh Hs»l« (I'eiu'

a luf..:v



rt oft rrm* d. RSOK. >)urt






1net M l )t •


itsb»yi 11 1 tM




•f'IE. I

8. A.j to FH JC

190. a ofVisldord, H. Icr

K . 'TiaithNIC



I tlpstn



fiVVOFN/.lTh€ evening'* rrretrg l.« nl it*

bPtpAt In Kelly'* Hing*ide cafe In (he flou-ery. Kelly, the hravy*et, inicrntabte proprietor of thr place, icatchei hi* miTcd cron tl of patron* tloifly from one corner. Chuck fThlte, the beau of the Jtoucry, i* fitting at a table drinking beer ptth a companion whom he ad- grette* a* "Kparroy." Chuck i* toarling of the imprr**lon he has made on lovely Hose Khannon, one of “Kelly'* tJirl*," irith ichom hr hat been dancing earlier li the etrning. “Kparrou.’" remind* Chuck that he l« due lo “pull something tig'' at tiro o'clock and caution* the Beau to forget Hose for a irhi/e.

CHAPTER II—Continuad"Jeet, 1 K»t ‘at all etr.-ilKlit.”

Sparrow Informed him qulelijr. “1 got It from Maure.r."

"That aloolle!" Chuck sneered contemptuously.

"Well, he give It to mn atralsht, see ” Hparnrw leaned atlll further i across the table, hla voice sunk lo 1 a whisper, "lie 's down ta Htraw Ball Kill's 'bout a week ago seeln' | wot ha kin pick up when In blows ' a bold wni looks funny fer 'at Joint. Everybody vise's reg'lar, see. So Maurey slses him up an' flagera ' anmet'ln's a ll'I cuckoo. 8o h e, hangs aroun', watchin'. Well. ‘Is hold Ukes his oil straight, see. an' swills It down quick nolviiun like An' nen pretty soon In blows tb' Perfessor."

“ Veh? What's he doing? I didn't kmrw nobody’d gut Into a Jam." Chuck Interrupted.

"No one hadu'L" The Sparrow looked up. shaking hU head, " lie )ua' come In fer a dn>p o' oil. Any how, Maurey sees 'la bold listenin' to a couple o' dUks puttin' un U>'

mnn's approval, dulTlng out the Kkiris of her cosluim- um she seutod lierscK In th<> chair that he plnr eil fur her. "Hello, .Mr Sparrow," she greeted the otln r occupant of the board shyly.

" la>, kid." Sparrow nodded In uiiMwer.

"Want Bumethlng to drink?" ('buck Invited.

"No, th.tnk you—well, m:iybe Just some leniona.le," she nniemlcrt.

1 ho young man beckoned to a passing waiter, who came sliiling across the floor at his summons.

"V.'hat'll it be. Sparrow? Some more beer?"

Sparrow nodded an assent."lo-nioiiHde for the Imly; one

beer, and some Scotch with water oti tho aidu (or me," (.‘buck or­dered.

‘'l.aMik out fer Ih' haril stuff.Chuck,'' Sparrow advised as lliowaiter hurried away. "W e don't w'ant no mixups taniglit. Hit me?"

"Sure, I gotcha," Chuck rcliirne.l "I'll bo all right. Hon't you worry about me. Wanna dunce?" He tiirned lo Rose as Ihe orchestra DOW took up the "Kluis."

"Oh. y is l" Rose Jumped lo her feet with alaerily, hulditig out her hands In Itivilalion.

you later," Chuck celled over his shoulder to Slstrrow as he gathered the girl In Ids arms and swept her out uuto the Risir.

Ill and out among the oilier couples, pushing and Josilinx. they moved. "(lee, you're sure Ihe swe||. ost dancer on this flietr, kbi. Vou got 'em all skiuiH-d a mile," Ctiuik vriMmed In Rose’s ear.

"Is, you really lliiuk so?" Rose looked up, plessed. Slid nestling cunl< ntedly agalust her p.-.rtner.

"I,tssen, baby, you sn' no-, we're gonn.a stick toge'her. slii't we?I m Just craxy ah->ut you. You like me a little dont'rha," be plead, d, his cheek hru'htiig the gidd' ii curls that clung, warm and soft, to the pliik < hi-el^.

“Oh, Well Rose hesitated."Well, what’ " t'hiiek ln*isi»'d.

"I'lease say you like me s lllile, anyhow."

"You hern awful good to me. Chuck. I don't kuuw what I'd do without you." Rose coiiflded help lessly. "You know, aomeilmes I feel so luiiesoni*' I eould almost die. I Just can't dance with a lot ! Ilf people I don't know, like the | other girls do ” |

• Well, you ain’t ronna dance wi»h i nobody but me. i*e," Chuck told | her. drawing her closer. "You rr niy girl."

"Well, maybe.” Rose'perked he? I head to one side like a little bird ' nnd liMikcil up at her partner out of the corners of her eyes.

Chuck laughed. "Hones', I'm just plain nuts nlinut you" He brushed the side of her check with a kiss as the music stopp.>il, and led her back to the table.


’ ’P V

Former ( 'Im-o Man and Dallas Girl Marry.

* 9

over by the iiidivulual memirerh with Mrs D E Waters an leader During the social hour dainty re- (re.shmcnlii were sened to 16 iiiein- bom and guests Thi.s was the ciien- ing of the new club house which the federated clubs of Cusco bought Mine time ago The Wednc.sduy Study club received the priac of $.> (nr liaving the best program duriii'; the year.

^ U D. C. chapter meets Wedn. a- day afternoon at 3 u cluck wit< Mrs W P Pulley. 501 West Second .street. All memljers arc urged lo be pre.scnt.

The marriage ceremonv ol Wal-! ton Ward and Muss Dons Turner was I solemnized In Dallas Saturday at the St Mary' ChaptI Mr Ward la

I the son of Mr and Mrs. T. B. I Ward of this city and U well known I licre. Ml'S Ward is a Oalla.s girl. I Immediately after the ceremony the I couiile left for West Texa.s where I they will make their home.

Ig-wds-Pelly Marriage Surprise.

A marriage of much interest and w'tifch took friends of the couple by surprise wa.s that of Mrs F H Petty and D D Lewis, which wac 'olcmnized Sunday evening at 7 45 o'clock at the home of the bndc on D avenue Rev A. C Miller. |ia.s- tor of the First Baptist church ol- (icuted Mr and Mrs Lewis are both well known In Cisco as thev have been here for some time. Tliere were a very few mtima'c friends present Mr and Mrs Lewis will make their home m Cuscc.

City E'rdrralion Meets « l Club House

The City Federation of Women s Chiba met Monday afternoon at the club house In Its bust meeting of the year The club room was decuiateil W3th yellow and white dausies The l>residrnt. Mrs O T Maxwell, pie- Mded over the regular routine of business Several committees gave reports, among which was the one from the delegates to the biennial meeting of federated clubs !ti tia a Antonio and which was most Inter­esting. The program was tak -n


YATES HELD UPAUSTIN, June 12 — Pro|>o‘-'d

i rules bv the railroad commusiuon tor cunseriation and prevention of waste of crude oil arul natural ga<

■ in the Yates field in Pi •-•os county were protested at a s|xcial lieann.; before the rommU‘ -.icn iiere Mon-*

I day by the Transruntmental Oil I ComiNin.v and the Oil 0|>erat:>n>'■

Trust. All other producing com- ' panics in the field were agreeable to thr rules wiiirh. by a plan of pro- ration wciild keep tite dally produr-

' tlon down to 51.500 barrels. the same as now provided by a voliin-

, tary agreement by o»ieraiora wh,ch i w ill expire on July 1

Opponents to the adoption of the ' propo.sed rules claimed tliat they I would seriously affrrt their busl- ne.vs and prevent the carrying out of contracts already made

The hearing consumed the en­tire day and ot its ccnclu.sion thr commission announced that it would render Its decision Uler


International News Service Btafr



Patir '■lie ha" rra'O-d lo he a virlui uitli the former I'rin- revs llrlem- of Grreic, and Ihe mother ul the boy king of Rumania has annuunird she will s-ek a divorrr (rum tbe rx-( rown Primi Carol.


' Piimarv: The method by wrhich free electors decide whellier to have

' milk and mush or and milk I —R.chmond News Leader

The Humble baseball team won tt.s sixth .s'ra.ght game Sunday defeating tlie Eastland club 10 ta 3 "Lelty Hunt, pitching for E; stlaiid. lasted only six innings against thr heavy hitting Hum­ble team Kip " Hmson. pitching for Hiimblr turned in another game errors bring rrs|>on.siblc (or two ul Eastland's runs

My entire stock of millinery goes | on sale Wednesday, (or one day tally, at three pnce8-$l,95. 82 95 and $3 95 Mrs Chas. Curry', at losidence, 604 H avenue 85 1


PARIS June 12.—Tlie searf is so f much a iiart of thr coat, frock or ^ caiir thi.s .sea.son, that it seem-s to = have taken root and U growing fast ^ there 1

It is eitlver .sewed on or brIiMigs to = llie particular garment by bring cut = from the self-same material. It is = u-sually iilared at the neck or ^ shoukler but there are vanou.s ar- = langements. and Paru-ieniies arc 3 past-ma.slers in draping it to Uie 1 best advantage of tlirir particular Ip beauty '3

For short women. It u a fir«t aid 1 to adding height and making for § long, slim lines In this rase. lt| = floats full length from tlie shuul- ~ ders . =

On tlie other hand. It may prove | 5 a boon (or tall women If used m 1 the proiier manner, it can decrease 1 their height by several lnclie».. =

.Madame Vallet makes it a iwrt of 1 a bolero arrang'ment coming (mm s the nght •.ide-front draped upward to tlie lift shoulder and thrown around thr m-ck It Is raught un­der a large iiearl inn It may aUo be .simiily thrown over the left shoulder falling to the knees in the back

A smart "carf nn a im w summer coat IS grey-green marotain ui rut slightly flanng with four deep cir­cular bands rurvnng upward toward '.he front ticrupytng the lower half of the coat

On a sports costume nude of dark blue tusllkasha. a flag-red hand- kerrluef with white inlka-doC' make Ihe scarf Another mcxiel stwws the half-handkrrrhief drap­ed ligr a scarf It is a very large triangle with one point attached to the left sMle front of the square neckline It is then brought around the neck and through diniblc slit.s in the front of the Mouse lunging in a long jabot

I I I F o r A KING

Alls suit or laiment that | w. pu till oath oui dry | 4'lraiiiiiv I'riHes' Is a delight | to M'hold. lor II F refreshed i anil renewed and its life la | leiiglheiKd. Send y a a r | riot lies lo us sa that they 5 iii.iy Ik made lo five you 1 added tarrvire. 1



Seme of our lutiorul law makers will now demonstrate that they are •-•ood fence rejiairrrs - Dev Moines Tribune-CaiHtal

*/.l»tea, bubg, you an' me, trr're fcnna stick together, ain't u e r ’

buzz huir. Onc'u new ta tli' raeket. but he Aggers 111' I’rul. «n ’ n*t» what he Is. So lii' foist <llek gives him Ih' low down an' Mann y pipes 'Is bold swallowin' th' wliule l ing— book, line an' sinker."

"Does Maurey know who this bird Is*" rbuck questioned, sefiiilng to glance casually about him, bill In r*allly watching carefully for eaves­droppers.

"Naw, I tell ya It ain’t no one he's saw before." Sparrow picked up hla glass of beer, drained It. and went on with his story. "Well. Msurey walls 'til th’ Pri'f blows, an' nen he pipes 'Is bold tailin’ th’ Prof, so he puls a shadow on Ijof «f ’em. see. Anyhow, 'Is bold g>»'s ts Ih' shop, lookin' around as dough he's goln' ta buy a antique." The Bpsrmw cliurkled at the thought.

"Did .Maurey get anything more?" the boy asked.

"Sure." Sparrow dropped his nonchalant air and resumed Ills nsrratlTe. "Ho hangs aroun’ an’ heart 'Is bimbo propositionin' th' Prof. He don’t git th’ low-down on th’ deal he’s makin', only he gits a hunch It’s somet’ln’ about an In­side Job."

"That me.ana n split, then.""Yeah, suro. But leave It ta th’

Prof to git hla."‘ And ours, too,” Chuck added.

"And Jeez, how I need It. I'm flat. We ain’t pulled nothing bis In a long time."

".Nope. Rnt tonight oiighter be—" The Sparrow's lip.s closed luddenly as tho miislo stopped. "Don't (erglt wot I tolo ya." he cautioned. "Lay off th’ Jane to­night"

A wave of applause surged over tho room. Bright lights sprang bp. Tho girls took their bows and then separaled, running across tho flour to their various cuinpunioiis oI the evening.

“I’m not forgotllng.” riniek nod- fled, as ho got up to meet Rose, who was hurrying over to their ♦sble. "Oee, you looked swell to-1 night, little girl." Ho caught the { dancer's hands, pressing them tightly.

"Do you really think sn, Chuck?" Rose baaked In the sunslilne of the

CHAPTER III.The mist hail rhangeil to a drlv

Ing rain by the lime Chuck and Rose went down the steps that lid lo the stre«-t. Sidewalks were do serted. Here and there an alley- way sheltered a sle,-plng figure. I-lltlo puddles rert.K'led the few street lamps. The big drops plath ed noisily, making widening rip pies as they (ell. 1 he gutters l*sm ed with the day's refuse, rushing madly sewerwurd. The lights nn tho electric signs had gone out, leaving only a hazy darkness. A •tray truck wml slithering past, splashing lip the minlily water that galhereit In the deep cracks almut the eoliblealoiies.

"Just a minute, kid I'll see If I ran get a rah. Von slay her".” Chuck pulled hla collar close shout his neck nnd drew his hat over his eyes, preparing to face the stmra.

"No. no. iKHik, 1 have an uinlirel- In. Wo ran walk. It's only ‘round Ihe ronier. anyhow," Rose pro­tested.

"Rut I ain't gonna have yon gel ling wet." Chuck Insisted. "There'll b« a cab along any minute now." He opened the door. A gust of rain swept In. wetting their ankl.'s "What a lousy night." He whistled shrilly us a taxi swung aroun] the comer.

The eah came lo a stop. Its brakes scrooi'hitig m.islly. Chuck look the girl's arm and hurried her out and Into tho waiting motor. Once in sido and out of the wet Rose shook tho little fur collar on her thin coat, sending the Irrii'escent drops fly Ing. Chuck leaned forward and gave the driver her address, and then settled hack fomforlably. his arm flung about her abouhlers. It was only a mon*Tt, however, until Ihe car drew tip In front of a ilark doorway nnd Rose was fumbling In lior hag for her key.

Helping her out. Chuck pushed Rose towards the eiilraiice of her house and settled with Ihe driver Ho hurried towards the door that she held open for him. and to­gether they went up the steps. Flight after flight, through dingj halls, poorly llgliled with flickering gas. The soft illumination only served to make less cnnspiciious Ihe torn wallpaper, long stained by seeping rains, and the cracked plaster that showed only too piaio ly, even at niglit.

(T o ha continued I

7 ^ t t r

On Scratches or Skin Abrasions| fO nr H

*Sw ■



We arc showinji' this week a complete sliowiiiK of these new nov- clt.v ( ’oats in all the new colors, and patterns, such as Tuli]), I’opp.v, Fu­turistic, Aster and .lapanese. Be sure to see these new arrivals, all very reasonable prict'd for (luiek selling-.

,S,‘k l5, .S3.7i)S l.l.Y, S4.D5


SALE!r u t ( I . M R l . l l l d l O N O l It I \ flflK - U K k 01

CHILDREN’S SHOES and HOSErrarU i ally 4II ol ihi^ sUm k ’ princ and '^ummrr

|Mll*rns, (onsl^tiiu uf t l l l l K O O l\\l,\K from • 2and HOY'S > and oXt-ltKIk** in lr»m 2 lo •>H e lK Turtle. ,M(K«i>s and ^tiUbdownn in many andmaterials

In Ihr luturr n r will iarr% onU I.AIHY'b' and MlS'sfcs* IIOl.N ^iid I IO " ! Vnd m*m In i»rdi r •<» dispose of this stot k

•f < hildrenX nhors and n r «Arr o lfrrin j thu rrdmtian.

Herron-Owen Slipper Shop k C“A Foot of ( ’oinfort M eans Miles of



—an antiseptic should bo used to prevent infec-* tion, insure quick healing. Therefore, remember to

Use EoaoSONE at Once!Borozoi'.c Liqukl, a powerful antiarptic, cleanses cuts and wound.i and kills germ s . . . IJorozone Powder appUedaftei the liquid, has tens healing. Keep both handy.

ToTtilin-YounK Drusr Co.

Cisco’s Biff Depatment Store

Swim for Health, Safety and Fun/.y y v

Toniffht— Dancinff D- oi'chestra.

Wednesday — Holler Invents.


Would be swim- minir at the l^ke C’iseo Pool.

Hcnu'iul)or Special Events

Thi.s W tv k—12. (uis ( ’oleman’s

v^katinff, Special




TIH RsO \Y—Band ( ‘oiirrrt — —loOhn Rand llaiirinx 9>12<—(fits C'fldrman's Or?hr\tra.

Friday—I^oller Skaliiiff — Heffinners Xiffht.

Saturday— Dancinff—(lus and his same orchestra.

Sunday— Fatlier and Son Day—Si>ecial Events, 4-5 p, m.

“( ; e t i t a f a r t y ”

LAKE CISCO AMUSEMENT CO.“A W est Texas Institution.”

News Want Ads Pay— Pbooe 81.


Page 4: Survey of Bankhead Is

V'AOh F u l K THK nSC'O D AILY NEWS. Tuoaday, June 1 2 ,1 9 ^

Circulation Workers Starting Late Are Given ChanceOpportunity to Gain Points by

Subscriptions in Rural Section to Cisco American 'Vesk’s Offer

1 rosccutoi



tiw ■ -


TTv* offer for poln:- on 'ib.-rfTip- tloim thw wiflt in th«- - . '' L"/M»-ws and W«'<*kly A n i n . d 7<o«ii¥lu|> wnin'rv witlr ;:bt- rtnvr IS madr to lie vixt'';Die ninil dL'-lric - an opi • ' .. to tain a Wsw) aith , ri>*vir. trie ai..U.Ts in ■:any i.l:i in- not Im ' m =ak-

, mm; ad>'anuii i‘ • ; : • . -,a n.seiur<- n nxinv n . tin'••n to f\)unt I'll • ai k i ;ii ■

Ttie 1 Uer lor tJv ■ • i♦xtra rviints k ■>'' ' .li-icrlpuoii to th. rtii’ '. N '■390.00U extra •.Uie ; i:up W' .1V, more .uhM'ro 25«WIU ix 't iMYipUan - W«x%ly Tlir extra poi;.' a vear i; ■ ban bed at ! j a • tM- rural a

’ prvumed ' v»oftter> M .Asnrr'i'i"' .1 toan WM'lti

: ly Anier’ -.i:;' rui. a ittt'i

u ..t ,The offer .1 'i,.

Tor eachadd:': m ' >1re. i.iai A .I'.t- ...1 n u ll' : - : i -tnuntl:int ni ’’** u: ■ ;'•rrlpij-v r ' \na;'- ,1 :■■■

' :>teui ai'i: 1.0»' in: On'Min to WRr>UTiriii|) i •

for ea. ' .r 1 Jit) IXIO rxtr ,i'ite in ■

;tT' 'X-. »,irt>I -ri.iiton

The I'.ter «-il night at 11 II Ale |-in*‘ for eon|x>; lions th - a-eek will be . : d - Jit :rri,;:r,;n; »iA-k-

niTunif. : I'r le th. Ae wlio tr.:i'. !ia' =•inve earlier v .i '.•he worKeT -';is mxa moat print. \nd ■ in ' ars. the V;va-T 'nai '•.raplete iid'.r V ' oursea. and all of •»ble award-- ran in ii fiT new '■iibsrr:':':..;' wlio do n if - A : . ,'"■ •■n a ra.-.h -.i,!. ! rnd tlMre arr . .

Tf x’rm want ■ rr' ••ni* d' ; t ■ • • r

r.iT-f) n-

Let the World Kno\t

. e Saiiii The r '> r




Paw Ur Ihlen. maiiarer of the tlwrwrgian radio station at Green Harbor. Svalliaril. is the man who has kept the world infiirnied ttf tte* ill-fated ‘ Ital­ia.- which is tielieveil lost In the Mortli Hope ha> been re­vived by report- of more radio mesnageA fraiii tlie great dirig- IMr. which now place it in northern >iberia.






Creaacr lex.:: dtlrualion ■nuipU'i- fd .11 lorinaU,.- -Momli and ha -lati' pieiiarid tor rniix*--ciitatpc-- who re to ai-t in 'UiiiUonol cotivrin-im at Uie com- m ittiH nicr. Iro iii itic la d u Star

liMf 1: xas ■ lUCU.A w- n- t iir ly ImriiMMiiou-s a n d t lie ic wa.- n,,. ■ ;■ on:- = l»r any placeA o l •U iiion.. I'l tlic. lo'low IVx.-- iiatiuiial :

m in iip 111. II R H C r t a a e i ol H a :; ir r r -r l i c t ix l ; I'rxa.

immitteewonian Mrs • n '■ U: w"id oj San Anionio

^IHace for Everyth

F or Sale

• irder of buxines* committeeman H B Mornx. Houston: romniittee-'<IX'ruiive udvertl-sements are a “Clea man to notity the presidentiag'ing Lost orllcles. Klndlna Hein or nominii J K Lucey, Dullaa; ixim- “ e or'tniileinian to notify the nunnnoc— ____________________________________lot MO iiresidetu Henry Zweilel l-'orl Worth

IVnial wa.s made by Creagei that u uttempting to build ur :ny 'litlcal machine m Texas

11c di-land that lie was trylii*r ’.o l-«i..ii iicrmancnce into the Tex-" a.s K< imbliran party so that l' wou!i: -irow and continue after hr had -sr-d on. Here he cunipli-


TERMBIY la'K m Ik Ii t LaJy’ s Hcaltli W «1

V ery M . Had S m r a P m m u id C « «M

N et Sleep.

H fR BALE Ueventh .stree two blix-ks west ol .seluMil.

/ijitnhy ftuil seriou.s war wounds dreb.xed." said Oeorge W Barr. Ci.rx'o Conlixlerute

mriP- 1 the deiegutioii as ' ■ n n x : - M o n d a y . “ I wa.s wuundixl rntatn. Texans and as an ex-| jg ^ Bnces Cross

.iinplr of how the party is nn- j near Memphis. I>nii.. wheni.A .iiid growing in Texas. both legs were broken by p minnie

-------- - I ball, and I remained on the buttler <• ttic Daily News Want ada. ' field unUl tire next day liefore my

wounds were dre.ssed - oouldn'l get away

Dr. Chas. C. Jones

S T O P T H A T I T C N I MSitr liptn«’«iy to r<eU v«

.;m lommiilr.ini-.n. C O s.n .Angelo: ))ermanent

it! -immitl.eman Eraiik :ik( . k:=T C'.sixi rreden- .nril.H-rm.ifi. Orville Hul- xil I

'A r.i Kidlf roll anU

“ I was wtUi General N. B For­rest. who wa.s otiixjHed by General>' swr-isi.wvj sx# •wisx-ww * *

_ _ 11. h. ’ivitn. Kiiiirworm I'oi- Sturgis, with a federal army out-.n ». I'lmpu* luu'iiiiff. s.if*» on] numbering the confederates 5 to 1.Ml.. II. '■jwk.u, aorr smrgis wa.s re-

m r J o ;.ill'axe.“ ‘ u>km aIiU out tK* K«Tmii th<ItcliM at unc« unO rpMtor*-a niu«l. *f«s i f; m I ' tMMlUlon liAu*<(4U fwip m«y U* uiM*«l t*e>tor> ldlu« FUr HwiiHAiir

.''lor« •.TOMMN URt'U CO.

Mrv Maltrl U A lk e r Wilbr* bram lt \''>i \tl4»nir> (s tu rra l ol I ttilrd laligs, 4- "slir arti\- * in K iii-u ( il% with Iht' I iliforr'ia Hrii : I turn i\.1 U4'hs-«ti -It U r r r to th r «uM* \rhtioK

A l ) O I * L . \ K ’S W O R T Hl I.; Il, . , ..|1 ,iuJ m lil II Wiih $1 f « J -.* »< t k. IroM »*AMri|d..wi la

THH iJHRISTI.-\N Sk'lh.N’C t MONlTciR/* G* f i,u tk* UtuldU ui*

rw* V M.-i a


S I : F { V I < F S T A T I O Nt. M. tXAM PITT. Prop,

“<^ii;(lily unci Service Alnrve All” v

( ’omiiloto ami efficient trreasintr service, V ith l«*st of f'fiuipnu'nl. Full line ol* AeiMssorics a Fan Felt to fit any ear.

X i‘\v A\ and Shades.

r . S. T IK F D E A L K R ^


o x »EHNt;sH%%. Jl N»; 13.I envit* every one in Cisco, wlio i- interested tn

beautiful liomi's and. espeiislly thoAC who are plauiung to build or redecorate their lionieA. to -ce this modern little home at Eleventh street and f« avenue.

See .some ol the latest colors and decorating Idea', ind (omiKire tlie difference between qu.iliiy ol iiuleruls iiid workmanship, and JUST PRICE.

J. ( ’. F O K T F RX Paiiiliiig f'milra.tar. Phone 3.3d.

. «=T l i r PJASTRST WAY to ie «p youi

tooRU rented U the Dally Me«i cla.ssir.ed way. Call SO.


> > >

S a f e t y F D tsTn ^R O V A L C O R D S*sBrakes* zAcceleretiiGnThe touo hv grippingROYAL COE!> mEAI> ! respond6‘ insittniluROYAL €OFil.>8 of todaj-'- are the fmesi ROYALS ever bm lt» recognized m the standard o f quality:PU T ON ROYALS .Ride in Com fort and Safety MM H o li u p th eM IL E A G E

VIc i

i l



lill! !:

Fmr Sa fe try:

a v B BTUk '

Frigidaire household cabinets are

artistically beautifulFrigidaire’s m echanical superiority is m atched b y the design o f its cabinets. Beauty o f line* proportion, finish and color­ing com bine to make Frigidaires strikingly beautiful. T h e fact that in household m odels all m echanical parts are com pletely enclosed, that the smooth, gleam ing exterior surface is as easily cleaned as a china plate, that there la nothing to catch dust, grease o r dirt, is thoroughly appre­ciated by any w om an. Frigidaire*s beauty and clean appear­ance is one o f the great factors in m aking it the choice o f hom e owners. flToday Frigidaire is offered in T u -T o n e porcelain-enam eled m odels, fitted w ith beautifully etched, satin-finish hardw are o f n ew design. O th er m odels are offered in D uco . A l l fit perfectly into the decorative scheme o f the m od em kitchen.

{The combination of many factors have made Frigidaire the choice of more buyers th an

all other electric refrigerators combined

Frigidaire food shelves are at a com’enient, comfortable height

mFrigidaire is the posverful

automatic refrigerator

Frigidaire is economical in the use of current

Frigidaire is quiet

Frigidaire ia adaptable to every home and commercial use


Frigidaire is a Product of General Motors


Frigidaire is low ia price

l a y .

ri>st won a brilliant vlrlory In that battle We eaptured between 3.UUU and 4 Utio prusonerx. many wai;un.s I and all their artillery except two or j, three piece*.

Veteran Barr U now 82 years ot aite. and U *till hale and liearty. 'De.s|)ite thi‘ tact tliat both of his| lev* weie broken when lie wa.s 18 :veni's of age. he lias two lertectly) ,i!ix'd legs that serve him well L*«ln8ton. Ky.—Mrs. J. H. MIChBlfc______________________________ :r_ who llvoa at 613 Elm Two U w .

thia city, says that Cordul Ins boon ol vshiakis assUtanes to boo oa tno occoGtoos. wblcb ills tolls sbOHt SS*

'low:“SoRis Uw years ago. my Mslttt

was tad. I tad vory aware potaaIn my sidM. My narvea wore la m terrible condUioo. X could not rmS.

‘The lower port ol my body was very sore. I could bardly stoop ovow to lace my oboes. 1 would tave ta put my foot on a chair. I dhl

Ovpr Dc'iui Di’u.u' Store .S?, ^ “*•1 ki tktj at all at nights.1 h u n e “ K. -A friend of mine reroeuMaded

Cardut. 1 bettan taking It and saw quite an Improvement In my eon* dlUon. I kept U up until 1 tett strong and weU."

About a year ago. Mm metals ys. she found heneif la m ner­

vous. run-down condition. *T took Ca-dui again,” she adds, ”sad tt

It M •

lorih . Itonlo .


helped me wonderfully.^en d ld tonic."

Thousands of women tave writ­ten to tell how Cardul helped than to get rid of pain and suffering

Cardul Is a nilld. medlrloal tonic, made from purely vegetable Ingro* (UfoU. At all d iw siorea SfC-JM


(Hand .






M^stlbcas UdliiQompanp



T» \JJF’'-:' '.V.-inh Hi-u-*011 S. 8 Wichita f all

I W'lro at Hei

MKsT T I .San 2. f

I U l i.ind 27.

SUFRIiI C h i ' f i N

WA'h:r.c;.in Pt-i'..:VlphiaI 8! Loiii- 2.

N iT IO !I C ;in.xii 7,

Cl :i.n.-ii S. I .S’ I.-«iis 8 ' Phi ^Hphia

|UIHItl T il

T l X iWiiMa F’all

: B-wimumt at Wa>i. at Sar

’ Shn . 'iicrt a

WIST TlHamlin at 81 Liilila-k at 1

I Widliiml at C

4Mrm<I R.'fnn at 81

V'x York at ] Pti;lii(li i|ihia I W',,s)iington

V4TIO?I 8t Umi,!; ntj CmidnnaU at Chiraiio at B Pil’.'buryh at

ptrTIST I'.ss« «

(^001) 1


Page 5: Survey of Bankhead Is

June 12.1923. THK DAHT NEW. .

ttempt to Require Pledge of Demo Candidates Beaten?At;h HVh




;utive Committee Rejects Plan to Obtain Promise That

Straight Ballot Will Be Cast

HiKh li:>tK (iiMie

lase BallImoH THEY KTANU

TEXAS LEAr.l EWon Lott Pet. I

...............4t 18 711)'lo r t l i ...............20 M »!llon lo .............33 38 .541

K»1U.............. 31 a« .517................ 29 32 .475.................27 :<6 420

................ 25 34 424i,m ................ «« «<rsT TEX.%S EEAnrE

Wim lAst Pet.,i n ......................28 21 571 '

.................. 24 20 545........ 24 21 .522

An»?elo............- 24 24 .VIO...................20 2« 435

.................... 31 W .42!*

AMIRIt'.AN I.E.AGI E Imyb- Won tiOAt Prt

York ................. : « 10 7!«, ;-.:a . . . 29 19 .004

Loui.................. 27 25 -519. . . . 34 27 471,...................22 30 423

ki*hil>''’ o n .................19 27 41.7'.......................17 27 3*i

f i t * . . ....................... 19 31 380'

N4TIOVAL LEAGi r. I|C!uh Won U »t Pr*

. . ........ 35 21 G2.>L< 111.'...................31 21 590 '

r Y o r* ................ 37 20 .574 I...................30 33 500

klyn..................... 28 24 .520hlt-bursh............... 23 27 . 400irMon .................... >3 33 380

»d- ,)h ia............. 10 35 . 222


TEXAS LEAr.lT:I jvir* W.'rUi 5-13 Slirrvojiort 4-8. : I 8. San Antonio 2I W.dii'.a FaJU 3 llalla.1 ||w. : at Beaumont, day off

BEST TEXAS LEAtil i:I Sir. Aneelo 3. Abilene 2. tl.iifc;;;-k 2. Coleman I

I M.i.laixl 27, Hamlin 9.

\VIIRI('4N I.E A n irI Ct.:- II'O fi New Yo'k 1

;n:'.on 7 O to land 8 I Pr.l.ulelphia 4. Detroit 2 I 8t Lnu!' 2. Boeton 1.

w T io x A i. i.EAnrr..I Cinrinnatl 7. New York 5 Cl -VO 3 Brrioklyn 1.S’ l.oui’ 8 Bouton 1.

1 Ptil.: '-Mihia fi Piitsbiirnh 4


TEX AS I.EAC.t E-I Wirhi'n r t l l ' nt Port Worth Beaumont at Him'-ion Win. .T San Antonio

I Bho'.•'iK>rt at Dallak.

WEST TEXAS I.rAC.l'K.I H.imhn at San Amnio UiWit -k at Abilene

I M.ii.nml at Coleman.

AMERICAN EEAr.l’RI B<..'nn at St Lnul- 1 New York at ChicaiiO I Phili(lrl|ihia at Detroit.I W’a.>Jiini{ton at Cleveland.

NATIONAL I.EAC.I EI 8t Ixiuis at Boston.Cinrinnatl at New York.Chirago at Brooklyn.Pit'.'burch at Philadelphia.

WACO. June 12 A dual attempt to re<|uire all candidates to pledge their *;upixa.t ol Uie Democrutic ticket throughout wa.s refused by the tlul« Democratic executive is.mmi(tee naeting here Monday. JiHlge C O Kreuger led tli« move- mi nt to raquire all candidate.s to vo*e the straight Uemoi'ratic ticket throughout, isamly directing hLs re­marks at Senator Thoina.y B Love of Dallas. Hu molioii was defeated by a vote of 19 to 8

Test of KesoJuUimPoUowinc us defect. Kmbnurne

Pi'uire of ’Temple moved to amend thi- rt.viliition certifying candidates' names with the incliLsion of tliu phrase:

' Nc lamlidate’s name shall be ciTlifled who do not furnish the secretary theu pbtige to support the nonunees of the Democratic party " The amendment was seronded by Ed Howard of Wichita Falls, who said ” U Is a rnme to let |M<o))le like Tom love gi-t U|) at a Democratic con­vention and say he will not suptmrt DeniocralK’ ncminees unl'-ss it suit.' him ” The amendment also was de- , feoteil.

UalbLs was selec ted as the site of i the -■•tau’ Drmoeratlc convention.' 3eiMerab«.r II ;

Amarillo. Austin. Brownssille and Waco were other cities bidding for the convention

Annlher ResolatinnA resolution offered bv W A

Keeling, former attorney grneral. was iinanlmoaslv adoiwed It reads; Re-olved' That all white Demo-i

rrat.s that are qualifieit voters tin- ; rtiy tile roiutitutinn and lasvs of i Texas and who sulMeiibe to statute pledge 3110 rf the revised civil j statutes of Texas and none cAher be ; allowed to tiartinimte in the pri­maries July 28 and August 25 *’

A resolution extending welcome to the national Democratic committee and national Democratic consen- tlnn which meets at Houston aUo was oa.sned.

T7ie following candidates with­drew from the rac«- James B. All- red. for altoriwy grneral; W W !' Bennett, for slate suiienntendent of i public instruction, and J Herschel | Brggs. for commissioner of the gen­eral land office

Frllr wing the iMf.'age of a vote of j thank.' to the Waco chamber of; i.',mmerce lor tlie courtesies extend- i ed ihem while In Waco, tlie com- ' iniiiee adjourned at 11:30 a m.

blantonTays iVISIT TO OLD I

HOME town't.A r.RANCiE, June 12. — Con-1

gri’s-sninn Thomas L Blanton .sjiolce hete MotMlay In the inten-st of his CBtuflilacv for the United States •enale

Hr -aid he would sjiealc only of his record in congress, where lie de­clared he hsd .saved the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and would Rive out pamphlets of his platform instead of discussing it in hi' sj leech here

He made special mention of the fact tliat his parents and grand- jiarents. from, both sides, are buried in La Orange and that he had re­ceived Ilia piiblic school education here He did not mention the names of his opiioneiits. !


ensus.i i .a m : w e

EA.SrLAND June 12. — CurtU Tliomii; on. 36, die<l in Clarendon lust Saturday, and wa.- biined Sun­day afternoon at 3 o'clock in Uie Wa\ cemiirry, tlie servut-.s be­ing in charge of the Rev L R Ho- Ihii. pastor of tile Preshyterian church. TTie Odd Fellows sLio liad £ ;jart in tlie service* Ills death re­sulted from all attack ol the Ilu.

Several of the decedent s fnends in : Clarendon, including the sheriff of l»n ley county, attended the fiiner- ai.

Curus Thomp.soii ww* born Aug. ,15. 1892 He mameef M..s. Velma Cash of Wayland in 1917. two chil- drtn ble'aiing the union. Weldon who dieil wtien 'tnall and Jimmie Jean. laiw agul six He vi»s i-earcd at Ciormaii where hi* mollier Mr Elir.ab«th TlMaiueton. and three

; br< hen. Odel on * and Tom now I live An only sister Mrs Chai*- man. lives a' Bc.rger He lived at Clarendon lor a number ol '.eia: and .-erved eight years as counts al-

j torney He wae in tlie r:- fur I county Judge when flealh interven­ed He wa.s a member of and a dea­con in the Bapt. church at Clar-

I endon and teach* r of tlie busm* (men - clus.-. in tlw Sunday -chool.

.MA.sDNK lU II.D IM i IKONT 1 erably The window casings ofGIVEN NE.44 4 047 OE PAINT tlie .Masonic temple, above, are

also being uiuctwd up In ttie same coloring I'ta* iiaintnig was order­ed by the Masonx lodge at thi’

a bright green, wluch improver. Hie I last regular mt-et;ng Hie Mason- tplK-arance of the building cunsid- Ic bodie' own Uie building

I The front and other oiienmgs of j the A< orn store iv oeing jiaimed


When Kill* Grnc Tannev ol the heivvweights vKiletl \ sir and lei'larrd on shaliesprarr to Iht underKraduste- hr gave iMis-fich' fans a shmk. .4 sue- resMi to Ih.* nikhly John L.. Coehrlt and Drmpsrv leitniiiix on litrralarr; Now Tuip Her- ney »lraK< Tannrv’- thandrr b> vi-Jlint West PitinI and talkiiik l « the radris, not on IKrar Wilde or Vull.iire, bul upon the nratrsi mrlhiMN of gelling over a hrfly right ernes and a flashing left iab. But the .Australian heavy gut

a III lie "high hat" befure hr departed, as the above photo will bear witness.

no umme ' eil imineil'ot. lv after commence- ‘ lii<nt. will imve a c<immeiic~ui’‘i.i ol : It.' own 111 Aug’tsl. wilh ra|r. and

• gc.wns. academi'- proce* iun and all) j the rest t l P ;or th*- Iir tmn nnee the nchi/C'l wa.s * stabluiaxl. The i Augu.s’ graduating cla.-e wi;l num- ■

' ber 9U. biii’*T than Uic June class. ; Just a few VIar. ago

The <nRincenn<; school. w1ih en -■' roilment of more titan 2u0. will .u-nct I forth li.s firs’ graduate-, in l93o. i I .Next fall tile a'hool will bi’ hou-o-d ' ill a new brick and ccatcreie build- . i ing now in couru' of const ruction, j


IN DISTRICT 8Wall Street, wr aretold. Is against

Hoover The farmers, we also hear, are opixjsed to him The l»ior man seems to have no friends but he does have a lot ol delegates.—Sioux Falls Dally Argas Leader.

U C D D I M F ^ VegeraMdn L K II in L TuNiaFor Liver, Stomach, Bowels, 7'orpltS Liver, Imllgeotluu uud

Couatlputloa rrts*60ep»rb*Mla. SuUby

Tomlin-Young Drue Co.

Following Is tne report of oil'; actlvltle:; in the Cisco field. dLslrictj No. 8. ns made to Omar Burkett.; depiitv oil ancf ga.s,r: |

June 12—Mac T. Andcr.von No.; i l Mrs. T. .S Wiihamv. Beik sur-i vey. Brown county. Intention t » ; drill to 1200 feet. Cranfill f i

; Reynold, No. C -l Sarah Debusk.: ! Padillo .survey. Brown county, in- ■ ' tcntlon to drill to 1400 fret. Pan-: j dem Oil C'>ni No. 10 Texarkana ■ Hutton. Noble survey. Brow n ' county, production Increa.sed after ,shot. Cl. P. Mitcham No. 2 C. a : Thomason. Clelland survey. Brow_ j county, producer at 1019 feet.

The Natural Summer Food FOR OLD AND YOUNG

IHIINK leOTS OF M ILK —( ;0 0 l) M ILK

Lot us i>ut your address on our list for daily calls. We cany not only Iho milk, but sweet cream, butter and all quality dairy j>roducts. Phone 287 to liave our man call today.


A full line of rXecc.ssoi-ies, Tiros,

TuLk.'S and Itattei-ics.

(ki.soline, Oils and Mechanical Ser­


Stoia.tre and Hoad ScMTioo.

(a lls answered day or niprht.


More nourisishing. I ore delici

Easier todicest. More delicious and Avholesome, too, because they have a finer, fuller flavor. Serve more of them. And re' member Calumet not only guarantees success but also

jM U K I f B A K IN G E A B IC r


[GORMAN. June 12.-R e v . Mr '■ for the lo.5t year Baptist ixis- h*'!*'. has resigned his charge

■ h.! accepted a call to the church Dublin and will enter iii«n his

[itic.- there on the 17th, when he 111 Jart a two week.s' revival mett-

Rev Oews has made a host of ends in Cir.rman during hi* stay t i l , town and ha.s led the local

purch to heights of victory All ro- |Ct (o see him leave so^soon but , «li him well in the larger church [ M the greater field of work that ]

iig'. been chosen to do.

NEED GLASSES?See Prof. .1. D. Shaw, 1012 W. 5th. Every-

jthin.i«: first class. He ;will save you money. I Phone .5.54-vv for ap­pointment.


N i l ■AKIMO

CALUMETT H t : W O R L D ' S c r e a t m :s t


Have You Tried One of Those


- w -

Drink with Safely at a LK^lTn MKt'HANICOLI) SODA n )r X T A I\ . We have the only one in Cisco.

- i K -


THERE IS A REASON It Is in the Cars We Sell

Fiom .May 1st to May :i0th, 1928, we sold ami delivere<l cars.

r.sed ( ars “with an O K that counts.**


CUrVP.OLFT rOLT»r 192C A n-al .xmootli car in

every wnv Only *154 down; balance monthly.

CHFVROLFT COUPE 1927 — *183 dowTi Will handle.

CHEVROLET T O U R IN G IfJb—Only *95 00 down; balance monthly.

CHEVROLET TRUCK 1927 —A real good truck; over- .tizn tires; only *185 down, b.'ilanre monthly.


DAN—Five wire wheel*; Look* and run* hke new. Only *158 down; balance monthly.

1923 FORD SEDAN A real amuiith car. Small down pavmen' of *11)3.1)0; bal­ance monthly.

1920 FORD COUPE — Riinw and looks good; *124 00 down: balance monthly.

1926 FORD TOURINO — Now iialnt and new seat covers. Only *165 00.

19-26 PORI) TOURING—Has new paint and runs good. Priced to sell at *15000.

FORD SEDAN 1924 - A good running car. Only (93 down; balance monthly.


ft Try Us First**



(iOOI) TIME (;U Y —“ The Dres.s Rehearsal.” By F rank Smiley

F GREAT DRESS REHEARSAL!p r a c t ic a l l y p e r f e c t * i t w a s



W ITH a p p l a u s e

iM B ER ,MR. G R E E N ^I t h e a t r ic a l s a y - ^OD DRESS IttH&RSAL



N I G H T 'V ^ '^ C R I M M I N Y 'c r ic k e t s 'TAW


Ur^ESS THE SHOWS A h i t !

HOW WILLC h ic a g o

RfiCElVE IT? A H ,

IF GUY ONLY k n e w !

V... .iliiYctx ?.


We have a comi)lotc ser­vice for you, all under one roof. Car washing and (7reusing, (kisolines, Oils, Tires, TuIk*s, vulcan- izinir, Accessoi ies, M c - chanical Shop, Storage and road service.

Your car will last lonirer and iK-rform better if you leave it to our care.

Soothwestem Motor Co. Soodiwestem Smice Sutm

Page 6: Survey of Bankhead Is

PAGE SIX THE r i s r o PATT Y NEWS. Tuesday. June 12. l(


I “' *»VWA

I ;f i :



t {

O F A p i : r s o n a l n a t u r f : TEI KPHONK

I vi&U


Misfi Louikc Mu&hbuni. ot Mo-1 to h«r buni in Dublin after . i ' m>ii letuineU today Ironi a ran. la viaitint; m the home nt .hart uait with her daughter. Mrs in .\bilnir.Mr and Mr:. John nimorc. 7u2 W II Hayes.East l>aeUth atleet. ------- Miss Taiilsht Baker has leluni-

— — Mrs Syhi'ster I)o-<tt ol Pint od to Uate.sMlle altei a Usit aiihMis* Wilma M.i.son It attiiiuiiuj Worth. ;. the gue--t ol her parent . Mr.-. C K SSeott.

Khool at C.iiiyon th..-. summer Mr and Mrs J A Tune.------- ■— - Jack Broan. ol Pott Worth, i-.

Mr and Mis. Z E Mermin n .' Mr .ind Mrs Kay Vaughan. -I i busiiu -,;. usitor in Cisco Ihiiot Abilene, are the gui >t.s ol Mrs Ahileiu acre xusitors in the ills wet k.E Ford .Viond.n

— Ed Muller ha- returned Irom at-ieorge Kent ha.s returned n i.sit in Loui.siaiu.

ll.msu-u .'Iter a bu-iue-->, visit inC'.v-O tin ijast week Mr and Mr- trwrn B.ikrr. o:

■ ialvT.-tnii. were the week endMr .lUd Mrs Mat gur-i.- ol Judge und .Mn- J U <•' caiiididHtr.s who preci-vlt-U him

were v .u us in .\bileiie Mo.itiav Barker Hie other siieakers were intiixlueedaltemoon. hv U | SiXJtt. editor of the IV la ■>

J II Martin Irlt .Monday f >e pr,, until J E Spencer piT--lay in .Niw kork

■I lH-i. Ilrokei. p ^ | )| Q SJORAGE IBAHERIES OF i


Mrs. Mary Mimni-; is ylsiting relalives in Icxas.

M; -- McCauley has return­ed frrtm a week'- v.s. wiih trends In Rang-r.

,\n rnthiislRstie and Bp,ir»-ciativc aiKlience In aid K W m hi.'-peeeh at IV lasui .MiHiday in the inteicM of his eandidiuy Ivh- e;m- gre-x, Irran file ITih district. Tlien were ain>roximalcly JOOO piestlit to bear Mr U-e and a iiimiUr of lo-

Mr ,nnd Mrs John I) LanK-.tmi of M'vmn. are tht i-u- ’ • ot .Mr- T M I*r;cc.

Mrs J L Slv.-;- d Bt.d M. M 'd. line Shepherd Idt today fe Dallas.

M.m» fa re K. nsiied fn-Tid- in the wi-.'k end

•I Uangei diinn

Mr- W J M l ; day 111 Colt

Ml- 11 B -Vlrn - •eud.ii.: ! till -'.eek with riui m - a Co- man thi-

Mr .M: : I< W i-■ l-;t lo-lU'- lor , V .t .n Dalla-. and Clc-

-iHiu an extended Citv

•Ml- D.i Coldwell IS sltend-

..•ntiiiR .Mr t.«>eVK'ut IJ.'i Cis.'o fnrnd* and patli-

•an.* lormerl an escort tlunf aufKli-] , , . . iianird Mr Lee to D- D-imi togeC

to . umnur -u-hool at Simmon- J.r „ ,,h the Lobe band, whirh with| iiiitversity Abnene. band, hnni.sherl miisi-

during the miennixsioiis Mmli en- | wa- manifest by Uvose wl.

H<tME. June 12 In a whclessi me- uige recpiveil lu-n- today, Oeii-1 iral I'miK-rto Nobile staled that hl.s radio .-lerage batlerle.s wrre praetl- rally exliaaslpil and transmlvsion of messages would be stopiird for a

'I'NORIT.' oRIMO few days until a means of recharc- Ir \.sn-XLA.MVi 'JE 'UVIdl^ ing them hn.s been devised Me made“ ' _____ an urgent apiieal for supplies bnot.s.,

Van party so that 1' \ ,H ^ ilfle ;.. ammumtlon. medicines.: and continue after ht .erkma ’ -ledge .. cicareU. an ofl stove und on Here he compll- ‘ , -.fiygp three pneumatic boat.* delegation as retire- j The crew had food supplies siilfl- i

.'exaiis and as an ex-| j^pg Hrirnt to .W days A red Itiiterl how the iiarty 1* '•**• j ?icn'. ha.s been eereted on the Ice |d growing in Texas. ! iiotti tct-lie to attract aviators.

ba», MVI Dally News Want ad«.

M: \ W Noell !- vi.iung her.:,tUKlii!-r in r-ainesvilU

Mr ;-.nd Mr- Pr-ank .’•iihoh nrMr and M: - Everett Dt-iv r-

turnod 'odav uoui a ■ —ra: duv- UMt With relalivt m D-allas

Jim i.uimp: o n ii-t-r a w.


mr-rd ' ■ k = ..ini

?.lus Floy I - th guest ol M,

Mi.s C B

-1 Liibhorit. W H H.I.!

1'..: hr-: reuiri.

I I. til 'h H k. ; i >:' '- gi ll ' .)t her .1 • 1 M;

r Keiter


Ir iv.l..' : n.'i wi-r'k I'lr the Riv>r.iiid( Vr li('\ whi rv thev willmake t \ i * I T li'-me

Ml - IFar! Tav lu. . of C .(Id 1 w ■’ 1 :«i ‘ ' i»,' M: Lilid Mr» E 1

aermnivanu'd Lt-e a' the splen- d.d receiUMtii and epise Rti«ntinii| given hi-, sixyeh Many favoiabl roinments on Lee's candidacy were| l.eard. a»cordiu« ti' P io i i i i

M; -..I Ml Tu


.■ .i.iiid Siind.''.V • - Mrs » C Hc:'.£g-. f

»i-.- the g-!J III Mr • M. Emc Van Zandt dur-

.ii • g endM B;:: !;- T v e u o: riieck n-

' li Itiend.' ill lilt- Citv-ua I-.

:i:i N. r'• . M-S ini 1 -.

-; Slr<m!.ird wav ihr and Mrs W A .Vt-

i'lve minule m m ed by looL rrlrrsh i ;;

-irp in in- d.«i. » -u are greel- ' ■ of putt air

M>\\ * :i»m iN t.

lO l l t t \Mi lOSIOKKmv

111 lilt the w »sr lo; a wiimvn'v honnr a man’’ life. viriipH’ will fasi mate you a Iht dashing I’lfiter. the iilitl tif womi'iv Ihe Inver til unr wunun Herr i» hi» grealr*. dramaln piiturr ui month

Three nnotenl prr*i»nv ivnr mu*t vufler but — whi. killed Knell.'mure \ man'* hnnnr. a wur.iin'* nam -. anoiher mao’* l.le —with Xdnlphe Menjnu a- the da*blng arm* « f - fher — the arbiter

Birt' 1 Erwin ii-lt M >ivday for— I'.ai"- wliere he has accepi-

d * iKwr.i'ia

Mrs L..ndrrs and rhildri-i >1 ! -nt visited in Cisco Sunda:

M:r Ida Mae Collins u -ep.ort- ed li. be doing nicely after ' been m an auto accident Friday

Mrs w E Keater returned to- .!av from a .-everal days visit l- .Xt .ii .. Mrs Keater attended the

' wtsiding of Nell Cansell.

•Mr' H igh \nute little - n \V C .t-.d Mr- W H P -II -It tn- d.iv to visit with friend- m Little Rs I: Aik

Kiig’rind anouiu: that in 50 year- she will be free of her debt-; A great many -mall debtors might be m- pired by this example —Montreal

I.,- pj'.rie.


eTHaTITCHIM,. s u e Keiii.aly lo r » ll» T «.-h, Teltrr. Kingworm. l"©!- ■imuli'» liau»liun. *>i*| nuBU*•laekid llaii.t*. ***;■ I A IM rHi J Bug blua sad all lu-h-1 ,

iVM-awe*. It peaetraUw the ] ^nut the gerro*. atnpe Uw once and reetoree most

. “ "^ l lh y .nmllltun Wu.

iieM unwoundt Newr, want nd.i urii.g results. aw«jr. -----=

rest, wl Sturgis.

oa 1 lumber _t

STORESI'JIioU hru«:. ('o riic r D rii^

. “ 'Pwo Sttut's to iServe You”

A l)e|K'>Hlal)k‘ lM'u;^ wIioiT you

Call he .sure of no SiiInstitution i.s Nccc.s-

sary for All lYcscriptioii Work.

That is the kind of I)ru.u«isLs wo LUC lo .von. I )c|'on(lai)k‘ in cveiy partic­ular. You may lu in.u’ your pro.scriptions lo us fodin.u that every care will l>e used to taUieyiiard .vour inlei-ests.

A tel('pl)one call will have youi' pre- scripiioii dc'livered to you if you desire. Call 8S or I.

For their present, he works—- for their future, he savesl—and like many another young family man, his account is with


riiis is the Haidx tiiat Service i.i Huildin.Lr.

wCenstant etrruUtinn 'hanges the air ef the rntin

theatre every Cevi minutev

f k i :t o f f k k s h

Furjrot .About .''animer's Heal1\\:e v ( o o i . .\t n iF H A ia A d :

.> . • I, “ X rSFM.MFk II.MHJAIN .MATINi:i:

PiMfLES ANO RaEIIcj?V h’ I f to covif up un-'vhtl. pun

ra-hfi and other cmhartivtinf ixir bk"-:vbcs when it i, povvible to grt rid •’ t them v.'.nplrtclv ^

7 h« vcnv.blc and caiy wa-.* to havr • clear, bealrhv -.'..n it to go lo v -.i! I’ ligR'vt. a-s for JVatk and Wh-K Oinlmrnr ap I uw ir according i.- du.- I; .n-.. !l to n « , b.g .l, txn.'i.iJl arJ'i.aliv -j ir

i >r heir rrvu'.i» us BiJ.V an 1 Vi’h if .s. n ■ ap wuh Bla.k and '.VhUi ' ' ni- r I nj ^A— ’iCA-t.' .n-.u

I’ERTEf r (lENTI I M.\NHer right rear tire Ita* gone Hal

iind she was in desperate xtrsit wlirn a motorist whixzed up and stopiM-d his car.

" I w,>r.der if ycu d help a girl in trraible. • she siiggrsled

6 6 6l ures Chill* and Fever, Ink

iiiiUrnt, Rrmlltrnl and Bili»i>s I ' .Sure What sort of trrmbir do , , , a__

vou want to net into?” — .AmemanLegion Monthly n kills tlie Oetms

I’KK f ' M lU fIN

T:0<» p. 1 \ Till ■»:<*(> p. m...Monday 'fill F' iday

Niifhl I'rices. d.V and lOc.2.jc

C IIMF I' > 01 K r\ i \< I.

ON <11 r M \ I INM

\M K l I I < IKII f KO>l

l:'M: P >1. i l l I Hi I’ M \I I *I \ l -

••It's better to have It and not r- • d and nut liave 11 ' to nerd It

OfiC F/dslTmay cause a 4«s> tructive fire with paralyzing loss ol

property. tWhy Cmtrt Ptasaclst

DIsasterT Adequate

r iB E INEUBANCe w i l l f * « .


"Pleaaaxit Dealings—• Feature We Like to Advertlje”

That liaby You'velvOn«;cd For

' Ir^. liiirtfHi Witmrn *ni>lMilirriHMM| ami ri»iii|iatiion^iii|»

F'lr I w.i-*i l i f Mi*<wi4t:c itiiith*t !mh* I ” u rii - Mr^ .\Iar;: iTrf Iturtnri « '*T I t«rr :ldy |.*t \ous ntal

■ t t«* |M riinU o f H rriido Mi'- f ‘ T rt.: and iiiyl.itu k<di t. .\"n I am ' l l * priuiii m.iikcr *<f n iH-.niiiful jj ’ .'til* »I.-iik’ li!» r and ii triH' roiu- ‘ ',y . fi siiid in*’ |>in)tii>n to my loi-*- ^‘ • ri'l I lH»'ii o hiiiMlr«<I< o f o f lu r w 'll.I ll v<nj)i| like to kia'W’ tlie *»e j «;i » o f i: f !-«i*Hiiiosv nnd I u l i r 'j'.in'v r » r « a l It to any m.irriid

iti N'liO III u r i 'o m»'.’* MfM lb :r* 'n off i r-: kcr ontindy

ti” Ht Flu* ka-d nothin^'<o '-J' wTiou;.! ,'<Mics-«Ht toMr . M lr^'trot UurtMti. -Toi Mn«:i< 1, :-= •• Kill; .,M Tify. M<I. r..r 1

r< Ktrlf'tly I'onfl I1* it il i

l-'oi' S tiw tl


On TIk



W car

J inarl



I’ abrica


( 'olorE;

Don’t Neglect Your Kidneys!

You Can’t Be Well When Kidneys Act Sluggishly.

DO you find yournelf ninr.tng down — always tired, nervrms and da-

pr*«3erl> Are 'ou atifT ar*d achy, sub* lect to naigging ba< kacKe. drowsy headaches ar.d diZ7> spells Are kid*

' t\*'/ encretions scanty, too frequent or burning in passage? Too often this indicates sluggish kidneys and Ihoukir.'c be r>eglc< ted.

Ucan's f*iUs, a stiiinuUnt diuretic, increase tlie aecretum of the ktdneya and thus aid in the diminaticn of waste impumies Doan $ ere endursecJ everywhere. /1* pour nti$hkorl

Gay Porch and Sunuiier DressesIn a Special I'ricc



A STMULANT niVRETIC .tk KlbVrYS ] ro*t«r MiHwrn Ce. Hl| CNeat Bulfsis NV

I I—— — — — — <'

BativSle’s. Dimities, Voiles and other wjishable fab l ies, .so li^'hl and so comfoidable to wear during th(' warm summer weather.

■\11 trimmrd s« lovi-ly with orgaridy, appliqnrs. smart rmbroUIrry and stllchint..

No slucvr n«w nriklin- rffret*. .\ big (ollrctinii at thi* .pri-iai prhr.




lirightS|K»1.SleokOutFromthe('ornersOlthe Sm art I >rt‘.sser\s vSpriiig Su it—

tf the suit comes from here or ek where a colorful handkerchief fioinj the ixicket a matched scarf above tliej a Inirmonizing hose under llie| (uf f ;ind *

Its a iu'tler suit— no matter who weal’s] il.

Y'oung men arc giving us credit for hringing these new aeee.ssories put wlienj

in l eality, we have only brought them in.

TIK S $ 1.00 TO .$2.50 I IANDKKIUTTIKFS .35c TO $1.25

SO ('K S- 50c TO $1.’50


I OR riK bum10

rainhrrIctstrVcliKi bd' |t9 (k< ir.i


fI I t

y wti

|;tii nt



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