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Page 1: suj pil lupta paŋxwit josaŋ xum. (mojt) suj pil lupta ...Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005 1 1. Word suj pil lupta paŋxwit josaŋ xum. (mojt) Morphemes suj pil lupta paŋxwit josa-ŋ

Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


1. Word suːj pil luːpta paːŋxwit josaŋ xum. (moːjt)

Morphemes suːj pil luːpta paːŋxwit josa-ŋ xum moːjt

Lex.Gloss lingonberry leaf wide ski-with man tale Lex. Gram. Info. subs subs adj subs>adj subs subs

Free Eng The man with skis, small like lingonberry leaves. (Tale) Russ Мужчина с лыжами величиной с брусничный листок (сказка) Germ Der Mann mit Skiern, schmal wie Preiselbeerblätter. (Märchen).

2. Word ti potər aːnum Stepan Nikolajevič Anʲamow taw potərtas.

Morphemes ti potər aːnum-n Stepan Nikolajevič Anʲamow taw potərt-as

Lex. Gloss this story 1SG.OBL-DAT Stepan Nikolajevič AnȻamow 3SG tell-PST[3.SG] Lex. Gram. Info dem subs ppron:Any name ppers v:Any

Free Eng This story was told me by Stepan Nikolajevič AnȻamow. Russ Эту историю рассказал мне Степан Николаевич Анямов.

Germ Es war Stepan Nikolajevič AnȻamow, wer mir diese Geschichte erzählt hat.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


3. Word ti potər – moːjt.

Morphemes ti potər moːjt

Lex. Gloss this story tale Lex. Gram. Info dem subs subs

Free Eng This story is (a) fairytale. Russ Это сказка. Germ Diese Erzählung (ist) ein Märchen.

4. Word Stepan janiɣmame porat

Morphemes Stepan janiɣm-am-e pora-t

Lex. Gloss Stepan grow up-PTCPPST-3SG time-LOC Lex. Gram. Info name v:any subs:Any

ti moːjt janiɣ maxmətəl xuːləɣlas.

ti moːjt janiɣ maxm-ət-əl xuːləɣl-as

this tale big people-PL-INST listen-PST[3.SG] dem subs adj subs:Any v:Any

Free Eng When Stepan grew up, he was often told this tale by the elder of his family. Russ Когда Степан был маленький, эту сказку ему часто рассказывали старшие. Germ Als Stepan aufwuchs, hörte er mehrmals diese Geschichte von den Erwachsenen seiner Familie.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


5. Word Stepan Nikolajevič taw Keraskoləŋja pawləl oːli.

Morphemes Stepan Nikolajevič taw Keraskoləŋja pawl-əl oːl-i

Lex. Gloss Stepan Nikolajevič 3Sg Keraskoləŋja village-INST live-PRS[3.SG] Lex. Gram. Info name ppron name subs:Any v:Any

Free Eng He, Stepan Nikolajevič, is home in the village Keraskoləŋja. Russ Сам Степан Николаевич родом из деревни Керасколынъя. Germ Er, Stepan Nikolajevič, lebt im Dorf Keraskoləŋja.

6. Word akw manʲsʲi oːjka woːrt joːmimate

Morpheme akw manʲsʲi oːjka woːr-t joːm-ima-te

Lex. Gloss one mansi forest-LOC go-CVB-3SG Lex. Gram. Info ordnum adj subs subs:Any v:Any

maːnʲ lʲoŋxət kaːsalas.

maːnʲ lʲoŋx-ət kaːsal-as

small track-PL catch sight-PST[3.SG] adj subs:Any v:any

Free Eng One Мansi, hunting in the forest, caught sight of small tracks. Russ Один манси, промышляя в лесу, заметил маленькие следы. Germ Als ein Manse im Wald herumging, erblickte er kleine Spuren.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


7. Word ta sunsəɣləjane, nomsi: "Amanər minas?"

Morpheme ta sunsəɣlə-jan-e noms-i Amanər min-as

Lex. Gloss ACT look at-PL<3SG think-PRS[3SG] who go-PST[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info ptcl v:Any v:Any irogpron v:Any

Free Eng He was looking at (the tracks), thinking: "Who went here?" Russ Он стал их рассматривать и думает: «Кто это прошёл?» Germ Er betrachtete (die Spuren), dachte: "Wer ist hier gegangen?"

8. Word lʲoŋxət xotjut josal joːmum,

Morpheme lʲoŋx-ət xotjut josa-l joːm-um

Lex. Gloss track-LOC who ski-INST go-MIR[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info subs:Any irogpron subs:Any v:Any

nas takeːm ti lʲoŋxane manʲit.

nas ta-keːm ti lʲoŋx-ane manʲi-t

almost as this track-PL<3SG small-PL ptcl ptcl dem subs:Any adj:Any

Free Eng Somebody supposedly came here with skis, (but) the tracks are so small. Russ По тропе кто-то прошёл на лыжах, но такие маленькие следы! Germ Da ging anscheinend jemand mit Skiern, aber die Spuren sind so klein.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


9. Word nomsi: sar jujil kojiɣləlum.

Morpheme noms-i sar jujil kojiɣlə-l-um

Lex. Gloss think-PRS[3SG] look after follow tracks-SG-1SG Lex. Gram. Info v:Any ptcl ptcl v:Any

Free Eng He thinks: "Well, I'll follow these (tracks)." Russ Думает: «Пойду-ка я по ним». Germ Er denkt: "Sieh mal, diesen (Spuren) folge ich."

10. Word jujil ta minite, akwmat jujil joxtəste :

Morpheme jujil ta min-i-te akw-mat jujil joxt-əs-te

Lex. Gloss after ACT go-PRS-SG<3SG at once after arrive-PST-SG<3SG Lex. Gram. Info ptcl ptcl v:Any ptcl ptcl v:Any

Free Eng He thus follows (the tracks), thereafter he ran across (him). Russ Пошёл по ним и догнал его. Germ Da geht er (den Spuren nach), sodann kam er (bei ihm) an.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


11. Word takeːm maːnʲ oːjkarisʲ joːmi,

Morpheme ta-keːm maːnʲ oːjka-risʲ joːm-i,

Lex. Gloss as small go-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info ptcl adj subs:Any v:Any

nox-entxatam, nʲaral luːt-al oːli.

nox-entxat-am nʲar-al luːt-al oːl-i

up-gird-PTCPPST hunting boots-INST all the rest-INST be-PRS[3SG] v:Any subs:Any subs:Any v:Any

Free Eng There goes the small man, girded, in hunting boots and everything else (what a hunter needs). Russ Идёт маленький человечек, опоясанный, в охотничьих сапогах и всём прочем. Germ Da geht so ein kleiner Mann, umgürtet ist er, in Jagdstiefel und mit allem Zubehör.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


12. Word manʲsʲi oːjka ta josaŋ xum kitəɣlite:

Morpheme manʲsʲi oːjka ta josa-ŋ xum kitəɣl-i-te

Lex. Gloss mansi ACT ski-with man ask-PRS-SG<3SG Lex. Gram. Info adj subs ptcl subs<adj subs v:Any

"naŋ xotjut?"

naŋ xotjut

2Sg who ppron irogpron

Free Eng The Mansi asks the man with skis: "Who are you?" Russ Манси этого на лыжах спрашивает: «Ты кто?» Germ Der Manse fragt den Mann mit Skiern: "Wer bist du?"

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


13. Word "am oːjka. tit xosat oleːɣum. anʲ juw mine:ɣum."

Morpheme am oːjka tit xosat ol-eːɣ-um anʲ juw mine:ɣ-um.

Lex. Gloss 1SG here long be-PRS-1SG now back home go-PRS-1SG Lex. Gram. Info ppron subs ptcl ptcl v:Any ptcl ptcl v:Any

Free Eng "I am a man. I have been here for long. Now I will return home." Russ «Я человек. Я тут давно. Вот домой иду.» Germ "Ich bin ein Mensch. Ich bin hier schon lange. Jetzt gehe ich nach Hause."

14. Word takwi taj, suːjpil luːpta paːŋxwit josaŋ xum.

Morpheme takwi taj suːj pil luːpta paːŋxwit josa-ŋ xum

Lex. Gloss 3SGREFL PART lingonberry leaf wide ski-with man Lex. Gram. Info rpers ptcl subs subs adj subs<adj subs

Free Eng Himself, he is such a man, with skis small like lingonberry leaves. Russ А сам такой, человек с лыжами величиной с брусничный листок. Germ Und er ist solch ein Mann, mit Skiern schmal wie Preiselbeerblätter.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


15. Word eːntapet leːŋnət xaneːɣət,

Morpheme eːntap-e-t leːŋn-ət xan-eːɣ-ət

Lex. Gloss belt-SG<3SG-LOC squirrel-PL hang-PRS-3PL Lex. Gram. Info subs:Any subs:Any v:Any

sʲar eːlmxolas xolʲt potərti.

sʲar eːlmxolas xolʲt potərt-i

whole man wie tell-Prs.3Sg adj subs ptcl v:Any

Free Eng Squirrels are hanging from his belt, (and) he (as well) talks like a real person. Russ На поясе у него висят белки, и разговаривает ну совсем как человек. Germ Am Gürtel hängen Eichhörnchen, (und) er redet (auch), wie ein echter Mensch.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


16. Word nas takwi taj takeːm ti manʲ,

Morpheme nas takwi taj ta-keːm ti manʲ

lex. Gloss almost 3SGREFL PART as this small Lex. Gram. Info adv rpers ptcl ptcl dem adj

josaɣe suːjpil luːpta paːŋxwitəɣ.

josa-ɣe suːj pil luːpta paːŋxwit-əɣ

ski-DU<3SG lingonberry leaf wide-DU subs:Any subs subs adj:Any

Free Eng He himself, though, is so small, his ski (are) small like lingonberry leaves. Russ А сам просто ну настолько маленький, лыжи у него величиной с брусничный листок. Germ Er selbst aber ist so klein, seine beiden Ski (sind) schmal wie Preiselbeerblätter.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


17. Word xuməɣ iːtjimlaneɣ ta joːmsəɣ.

Morpheme xum-əɣ iːtjiml-an-eɣ ta joːm-s-əɣ

Lex. Gloss man-DU pass the night-PTCPPRS-TRNS ACT go-PST-3DU Lex. Gram. Info subs:Any v:Any ptcl v:Any

Free Eng The two men go on to pass the night. Russ Вот оба мужика идут на ночевку. Germ Die beiden Männer gehen daran, zu nächtigen.

18. Word manʲ oːjkarisʲ eːlət joːmi, takeːm ti peːlp.

Morpheme manʲ oːjka-risʲ eːl-ət joːm-i ta-keːm ti peːlp

Lex. Gloss small ahead-LOC go-PRS[3SG] as this fast Lex. Gram. Info adj subs:Any ptcl:Any v:Any ptcl dem adj

Free Eng The small man is going ahead, so fast he is. Russ Маленький мужичок идёт впереди, ну такой быстрый. Germ Der kleine Herr geht voran, so schnell ist er.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


19. Word "turmanlan eːli-paːlt sar jol-pojtəmen"

Morpheme turmanl-an eːli-paːlt sar jol-pojt-əmen

Lex. Gloss darken-PTCPPRS before yet stop-PRS.1DU Lex. Gram. Info v:Any ptcl ptcl v:Any

xalent potərteɣ.

xalen-t potərt-eɣ

between-LOC tell-PRS.3DU ptcl:Any v:Any

Free Eng "Before it is getting dark, we both (should) yet come to a stop." they both say to each other. Russ Говорят между собой: «Давай остановимся, пока не стемнело.» Germ "Bevor es dunkel wird, (sollten) wir beide doch anhalten." sagen beide zueinander.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


20. Word ulʲuw ta sarteɣ,

Morpheme ulʲuw ta sart-eɣ

Lex. Gloss firewood Act saw-PRS.3DU Lex. Gram. Info subs ptcl v:any

tuwəl kaːsəŋ xum takwinaten talkan waːrəs.

tuwəl kaːsəŋ xum takwi-naten talkan waːr-əs

then each man he himself-SG<3.DU shelter.made.of.needles make-PST[3SG] ptcl ptcl subs rpers:Amy subs v:Any

Free Eng Now both are sawing firewood, then each man made himself a shelter made of needles. Russ Нарубили дров для костра, потом каждый себе сделал подстилку из хвои. Germ So sägen beide Brennholz, dann machte sich ein jeder Mann einen Unterstand aus Nadeln.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


21. Word suːjpil luːpta paːŋxwit josaŋ xumite sʲaj ajs,

Morpheme suːj pil luːpta paːŋxwit josa-ŋ xumi-te sʲaj aj-s

Lex. Gloss lingonberry leaf wide ski-with man-SG<3SG tea drink-PST[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info subs subs adj subs<adj subs:Any subs v:Any

jol ta xujas.

jol ta xuj-as.

down ACT lay-PST[3SG] adj ptcl v:Any

Free Eng The man with skis, small like lingonberry leaves, drank tea, afterwards he lay down. Russ Мужичок с лыжами величиной с брусничный листок попил чай и лёг спать. Germ Der Mann mit Skiern, schmal wie Preiselbeerblätter, trank Tee, dann legte er sich hin.

22. Word Akwate (manʲsʲi oːjka, karəs oːjka) os jol ta xujas.

Morpheme Akwat-e manʲsʲi oːjka karəs oːjka os jol ta xuj-as

Lex. Gloss together-SG<3SG mansi high and down Act lay-PST[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adv adj subs adj subs ptcl adv ptcl v:Any

Free Eng And together with him, he (the Mansi, the tall gent) lay down. Russ С ним вместе и манси, высокий мужик, тоже лёг спать. Germ Und zusammen mit ihm legte er (der Manse, der hochgewachsene Herr) sich hin.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


23. Word karəs oːjka iːtji nomsi:

Morpheme karəs oːjka iːtji noms-i

Lex. Gloss high night think-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adj subs adv v:Any

"am sar tikeːm oːjka-risʲ ulʲa-n wusʲkasilum,

am sar tikeːm oːjka-risʲ ulʲa-n wusʲkas-i-lum

1SG yet such fire-DAT throw-PRS-SG<1SG ppers ptcl ptcl subs:Any subs:Any v:Any

nʲoxsane xot-aːlmaijanum

nʲoxs-ane xot-aːlma-i-jan-um

sable-PL<3SG out-grasp-PRS-PL<1SG subs:Any v:any

Free Eng In the night the tall Mansi thinks: "I’ll throw the small man into the fire, then I take his sables." Russ Ночью высокий манси думает: «Брошу-ка я маленького мужичка в огонь и заберу его соболей». Germ In der Nacht denkt der hochgewachsene Manse: "Ich werfe den kleinen Mann in das Feuer, dann nehme

ich mir seine Zobel.“

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


24. Word nox-kwaːləs, akw ta maːnʲ oːjkarisʲe ulʲan

Morpheme nox-kwaːl-əs akw ta maːnʲ oːjka-risʲ-e ulʲa-n

Lex. Gloss up-get up-PST[3SG] one ACT small<3SG fire-DAT Lex. Gram. Info v:any ordnum ptcl adj subs:Any subs:Any

ta liste

ta li-s-te

ACT throw-PRS[3SG] ptcl v:Any

Free Eng He got up, there he throws the small gent into the fire. Russ Он встал да и бросил маленького мужичка в огонь. Germ Er stand auf, da wirft er den kleinen Mann in das Feuer.

25. Word takwi os jol ta xujas.

Morpheme takwi os jol ta xuj-as

Lex. Gloss he himself and down Act lay-Pst[3.Sg] Lex. Gram. Info rpers ptcl adv ptcl v:Any

Free Eng And he himself lay down. Russ А сам лёг спать. Germ Und er selbst legte sich hin.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


26. Word nomsi: "anʲ taj ta sʲarasawes."

Morpheme noms-i anʲ taj ta sʲarasa-wes.

Lex. Gloss think-Prs[3Sg] now Part Act burn-Pass.Pst[3Sg] Lex. Gram. Info v:any adv ptcl ptcl v:Any

Free Eng He thinks: "Well, now he is burned." Russ Думает: «Ну, тот сгорел.» Germ Er denkt: "Jetzt ist er also verbrannt."

27. Word iːtji ulʲate nox-paːltunkw kwa:ləs, sunsi:

Morpheme iːtji ulʲa-te nox-paːlt-unkw kwa:l-əs suns-i

Lex. Gloss night fire-SG<3.SG up-heat-INF get up-PST[3SG] look-Prs[3Sg] Lex. Gram. Info ptcl subs:Any v:Any v:Any v:Any

maːnʲ oːjka-risʲe akw-ta sʲirəl os xuj-i.

maːnʲ oːjka-risʲ-e akw-ta sʲirəl os xuj-i

small same manner and lay-PRS[3SG] adj subs:Any adv adv ptcl v:Any

Free Eng In the night he got up to heat fire up, there he sees: the small man lies there in the same way. Russ Ночью он встал поддержать огонь, смотрит - мужичок все так же лежит как лежал. Germ In der Nacht stand er auf, um sein Feuer anzuheizen, da sieht er: der kleine Mann liegt wie früher.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


28. Word os ta ulʲan wusʲ-kaːsaste, takwi jol ta xujas.

Morpheme os ta ulʲa-n wusʲ-kaːs-as-te takwi jol ta xuj-as

Lex. Gloss and Act fire-DAT throw-PST-SG<3SG he himself down ACT lay-PST[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info ptcl ptcl subs:Any v:Any rpers adv ptcl v:Any

Free Eng He threw him again into the fire, then he himself lay down. Russ Снова бросил его в огонь, а сам лег. Germ Er warf ihn wieder ins Feuer, und legte sich selbst hin.

29. Word Alpəl akwta oːjkarisʲen nox ti kwaːlttawe,

Morpheme Alpəl akw-ta oːjka-risʲ-e-n nox ti kwaːltt-awe

Lex. Gloss morning same<3SG-DAT up this get up-PASS.PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adv adv subs:Any adv dem v:Any

laːwi: "nox-kwaːlen, sʲaj aen."

laːw-i nox-kwaːl-en sʲaj a-en

say-PRS[3SG] up-get up-IMP.2SG tea drink-IMP.2SG v:Any v:Any subs v:Any

Free Eng In the morning he is wakened up by the small one who says: "Get up, drink some tea." Russ Утром будит его все тот же мужичок, говорит: «Вставай, попей чаю.» Germ Am Morgen wird er vom Kleinen geweckt, der sagt: "Steh auf, trink Tee."

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


30. Word nox ta kwaːləs, takwi nomsi:

Morpheme nox ta kwaːl-əs takwi noms-i

Lex. Gloss up ACT get up-PST[3SG] he himself think-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adv ptcl v:Any rpron v:Any

am tawe ulʲan lislum,

am taw-e ulʲa-n li-s-l-um

1SG 3SG-SG<3.SG fire-DAT throw-PST-SG<1SG ppers ppers:Any subs:Any v:Any

a taw akwta xuritetəl oːli.

a taw akw-ta xuri-te-təl oːl-i

but 3SG same shape-SG<3SG-INSt be-PRS[3SG] ptcl ppers adv subs:Any v:Any

Free Eng So he got up, he says to himself: "I throw him into the fire, but (here) he is in the same shape." Russ Он встал, а сам думает: «Я его в огонь бросил, а он всё такой же». Germ Er stand also auf, zu sich selbst sagt er: "Ich werfe ihn ins Feuer, aber er ist (hier) in derselben Form."

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


31. Word janiɣ oːjkate ta nomsaxti

Morpheme janiɣ oːjka-te ta nomsaxt-i

Lex. Gloss big<3SG ACT think-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adj subs:Any ptcl v:Any

Free Eng So the tall Mansi (starts to) think. Russ Большой мужик задумался. Germ Da beginnt der hochgewachsene Manse (nach) zu denken.

32. Word sʲaj ajsəɣ, astəsəɣ kittəɣ ta minasəɣ.

Morpheme sʲaj aj-s-əɣ ast-əs-əɣ kittəɣ ta min-as-əɣ

Lex. Gloss tea drink-PST-3DU get ready-PST-3DU apart ACT go-PST-3DU Lex. Gram. Info subs v:Any v:Any adv ptcl v:Any

Free Eng They both drank tea, then took off and went apart. Russ Попили вдвоём чай, собрались и разошлись. Germ Die beiden trankenTee, machten sich fertig und dann gingen sie auseinander.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


33. Word manʲsʲi janiɣ oːjkate nomsi:

Morpheme manʲsʲi janiɣ oːjka-te noms-i

Lex. Gloss mansi big<3SG think-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adj adj subs:Any v:Any

"sar am tawe jujil os nʲawləlum,

sar am taw-e jujil os nʲawl-əl-um

yet 1SG 3SG-SG<3SG after and follow-PRS.SG-1SG ptcl ppers ppers:Any adv ptcl v:Any

takeːm manʲ oːjkarisʲ, xotalʲ mini?"

ta-keːm manʲ oːjka-risʲ xotalʲ min-i

as small where to go-PRS[3SG] ptcl adj subs:Any irogp v:Any

Free Eng The tall Mansi is thinking: "I'll follow after him, where will the small gent head to?" Russ Большой мужик манси думает: «Пойду-ка я за ним, такой маленький мужичок, куда он идёт?»

Germ Der hochgewachsene Manse denkt (sich): "Ich folge ihm doch nach, wohin der kleine Mann wohl geht?"

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


34. Word jujil ta minite, sunsi:

Morpheme jujil ta min-i-te suns-i

Lex. Gloss after ACT go-PRS.SG<3SG look-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info adv ptcl v:Any v:Any

akw mat kol unli,

akw mat kol unl-i

suddenly house sit-PRS[3SG] adv subs v:Any

ta manʲ oːjkarisʲ josaɣe kol aːwi sunta lʲuleɣ.

ta manʲ oːjka-risʲ josa-ɣe kol aːwi sunta lʲul-eɣ

ACT small ski-DU house door frame stand-PRS.3DU ptcl adj subs:Any subs:Any subs subs+subs v:any

Free Eng He follows him, and then sees: all of a sudden there is a house, the small gent's skis lean at the doorframe of the house. Russ Пошёл за ним и видит: оказывается, стоит дом, лыжи того маленького мужичка у порога стоят. Germ Er folgt ihm nach, und sieht: Auf einmal steht (dort) ein Haus, die beiden Skier des kleinen Herrn lehnen am

Türrahmen des Hauses.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


35. Word kol aːlan nox-xaːŋxəs, sʲowal suːntnəl jolalʲ xuntli.

Morpheme kol aːla-n nox-xaːŋx-əs sʲowal suːnt-nəl jolalʲ xuntl-i

Lex. Gloss house roof-DAT up-go-PST[3SG] hearth mouth-ABL down look-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info subs adv:Any v:Any subs subs:Any adv v:Any

Free Eng He went up to the roof of the house, he looks down through the opening of the hearth (chimney). Russ Залез на крышу дома, заглядывает в отверстие чувала (дымоход). Germ Er kletterte auf das Dach des Hauses, er sieht runter durch die Öffnung des Tschuwal.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


36. Word suːjpil luːpta paːŋxwit josaŋ xumite

Morpheme suːj pil luːpta paːŋxwit josa-ŋ xumi-te

Lex. Gloss lingonberry leaf wide ski-with man-Sg<3Sg Lex. Gram. Info subs subs adj subs<adj subs:Any

sʲane nuːpəl potərti:

sʲanʲ-e nuːpəl potərt-i

mother-SG<3SG to tell-PRS[3SG] subs:Any adv v:Any

"am akw oːjka jot wort xuːlsum.

am akw oːjka jot wor-t xuːl-s-um

1SG one with forest-LOC stay the night-PST-1SG ppers ordnum subs adv subs:Any v:Any

aːnum manax sʲos ulʲan wusʲ-kasaləste".

aːnum manax sʲos ulʲa-n wusʲ-kasalə-s-te

1SG<SG how many time fire-DAT throw-Pst.Sg<3Sg ppers adv subs subs:Any v:Any

Free Eng The man with skis, small like lingonberry leaves, tells his mother: I have stayed overnight in the forest with one man. He threw me into the fire several times." Russ Мужичок с лыжами величиной с брусничный листок рассказывает матери: «Я ночевал в лесу с одним

человеком. Он пару раз бросил меня в огонь.» Germ Der Mann mit Skiern, schmal wie Preiselbeerblätter, erzählt seiner Mutter: "Ich habe mit einem Mann im

Wald übernachtet. Da warf er mich ein paar mal ins Feuer."

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


37. Word sʲane laːwi: "taw alam sʲowal su:ntnəl anʲ xuntli."

Morpheme sʲanʲ-e laːw-i taw alam sʲowal su:nt-nəl anʲ xuntl-i

Lex. Gloss mother-SG<3SG say-PRS[3SG] 3SG look hearth mouth-ABL now look-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info subs:Any v:Any ppers ptcl subs subs:Any ptcl v:Any

Free Eng His mother says: "Look, now he looks through the opening of the hearth." Russ Его мать говорит: «А он ведь сейчас смотрит в отверстие чувала.» Germ Seine Mutter sagt: "Schau, er sieht jetzt durch die Öffnung des Tschuwal."

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


38. Word tuwəl oːjka nupəl eːkwa laːwi:

Morpheme tuwəl oːjka nupəl eːkwa laːw-i

Lex. Gloss then to woman say-PRS[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info ptcl subs adv subs v:Any

"naŋ am piɣrisʲum ulʲan manriɣ paːxwtilən?

naŋ am piɣ-risʲ-um ulʲa-n manriɣ paːxwt-i-lən

2SG 1SG son-DIM-SG<1SG fire-DAT why throw-PRS.SG<2SG ppers ppers subs:Any subs:Any irogp v:Any

anʲ naŋki kolən xot-sʲaras-awe,

anʲ naŋ-ki kol-ən xot-sʲaras-awe

now 2SG-REF house-Sg<2Sg out-burn-Prs.PASS.3SG ptcl rpron subs:Any v:Any

tuwəl nematər wossəɣ at aleːɣən".

tuwəl nematər wossəγ at al-eːɣ-ən".

then nothing at all NEG kill-PRS-2SG ptcl adv adv ptcl v:Any

Free Eng Then the woman says to the Mansi: "Why do you throw my son into the fire? Now your house will burn down, too, and then you won’t kill anything at all’.

Russ Тут эта женщина мужику и говорит: «Почему ты бросаешь моего сына в огонь? Теперь и твой дом сгорит, и ты никого больше не убьёшь.» Germ Da sagt die Frau zu dem Mansen: "Warum wirfst du meinen Sohn ins Feuer? Jetzt wird auch dein Haus niederbrennen, und dann wirst du niemanden mehr töten.“

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


39. Word oːjka anʲ xot-roxtəs, ta ojas.

Morpheme oːjka anʲ xot-roxt-əs ta oj-as

Lex. Gloss now out-get frightened-PST[3SG] ACT run:away-PST[3SG] Lex. Gram. Info subs ptcl v:Any ptcl v:Any

Free Eng Now the man was frightened and run away. Russ Мужик испугался и убежал. Germ Da erschrak der Manse und lief weg.

40. Word ti manʲ oːjkarisʲ taj eːkwa-piɣrisʲ taw.

Morpheme ti manʲ oːjka-risʲ taj eːkwa-piɣrisʲ taw

Lex. Gloss this small PART eːkwa-piɣrisȻ 3SG

Lex. Gram. Info dem adj subs:Any ptcl name ppers

Free Eng This small man is Eːkwa-piɣrisȻ himself.

Russ Этот маленький мужичок ведь - сам Эква-пыгрищ!

Germ Dieser kleine Mann ist doch Eːkwa-piɣrisȻ.

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Luːima seːripos, 15.1.2005


41. Word suːj pil luːpta karsit xum

Morpheme suːj pil luːpta karsit xum

Morpheme lingonberry leaf in height of man Lex. Gram. Info subs subs subs subs

eːkwa-piɣrisʲ tam xuril warxatas.

eːkwa-piɣrisʲ tam xuri-l wa:rxat-as

eːkwa-piɣrisȻ such shape-INST become-PST[3SG]

name ptcl subs:Any v:Any

Free Eng The man as tall as a lingonberry leaf - E:kwa-piɣrisȻ took this shape.

Russ Мужичок ростом с брусничный листок - это Эква-Пыгрищ принял такой облик.

Germ Der Mann von der Größe eines Preiselbeerblattes – E:kwa-piɣrisȻ war zu dieser Gestalt geworden.

Marija Algad'ena

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