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a lthough we live in unpreced-ented times, where there are more self made millionaires than any other time before, there is still a trend as to what things certain types of people

will become successful at. For example we see many African Americans become very successful in the field of sport and entertain-ment, but how many are at the helm of fortune 500 companies or even fortune 1000? In a world of equality only 15 fortune 500 companies are currently run by women. The reason for this may be found not only by the glass ceiling that exists through every sector of society but also in the limitations of our own aspirations.

We tend to model our aspirations around those that look like us, talk like us or come from the same environment as us. Thus we emulate the same concept of reproducing after our own kind. You may not see this as an issue, after all, we are all creatures of nature and thus subject to the laws of nature. However, if that is the case, why do we possess the potential to do so much more. An apple will only produce more apples, nothing more. Each of us on the other hand are uniquely created to do what no-one else has done before. Each of us possess the ability to break barriers that no-one else thought could be broken.

Then there is the question of what we would do when we reach the top of our profession? What happens when we have achieved our goals? When we have achieved all of what was expected of us, what happens next?

“The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof” Matthew 13: 31-32 KJV

From your humble beginnings you are now head and shoulders with those whom you

looked up to. You’re at the height of your profession and respected amongst your peers. You have experienced unprecedented increase and now you are living the dream. Like the apple seed that becomes an apple, indeed now you are the greatest amongst herbs as your seed, the smallest of all seeds, comes into fruition. From your lofty position you are an inspiration to those amongst whom you came from. However, from your lofty position you are now confronted with the proverbial glass ceiling as aspirations beyond what you had dreamed of now come to bare. Although this is a glass ceiling accepted by your contemporaries, something inside you is tugging at your heart relentlessly, urging you to go beyond.

No one would blame you for staying where you are, after all you are already a role model to many. Besides, as already mentioned, everything produces after it’s own kind and you are the embodiment of that. It is truly inspiring in itself that you have reached where you are, the greatest among herbs. However, in the grand scheme of things, herbs, exist at the feet of trees and according to the parable you are yet to become a tree.

Here’s the problem – by nature, mustard seeds do not grow into trees. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as a mustard tree! A mustard becomes a plant or a shrub at best, but not a tree. A full grown mustard plant will not support the weight of birds coming to nest in its branches nor will it provide any shade. Is this an oversight in the parable or a contradiction in terms? Maybe Jesus’ botanical knowledge was lacking in some places? No, there is no error in Jesus’ words and it would be of great benefit to note at this point that whenever we come across what seems to be a contradiction in the bible is really an opportunity for revelation of a deeper truth. As long as we hold on to the fact that there is no contradiction or error in the bible and keep probing, that hidden nugget will be revealed to us.

The only way for a herb to become a tree is

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through transformation. It’s a transformation from within expressed as a transfiguration without. Like Jesus being transfigured on the mount of olives, each of us must experience our own transfiguration where we become something greater than what are roots implied.

Transfiguration is the time when you really start to shine and your beauty is revealed. This will only take place when you answer the call of that which continues to tug at your heart. When you are willing to go into uncharted territory and explore potential your contemporaries failed to explore, that is when you become ripe for transfiguration.

Your transfiguration will happen in a manner that is apt for who you are and what your purpose is. Transfiguration can come in a form

of a renewed attitude and a change of image. Transfiguration is what is necessary to propel you through the glass ceiling, thus shattering it forever. A prime example of this is in the case of Barack Obama, who on January 20th 2009 became the first African-American president of the United States of America; forever shattering the seemingly impenetrable image of a US President. Although other black hopefuls had made an attempt for the Presidency, none matched the image, style, presence, character and message of change that exemplified Barak Obama.

Transfiguration is what is necessary for you appeal to a greater and much wider audience. It is the difference between representing a community or particular culture, or represen-ting a nation, country or even industry.

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