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  • 8/13/2019 Study Skills - A Self Help Programme


    Study skills

    - A self help programme

    Introduction-How to be an efficient student?-

    Motivation and concentration-Active learning -Strategies -Footnotes

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    Study skills - an interactive

    self-help programme

    You make plans. Right now, you think of the diploma ahead of you. But do youwonder how you might get there? Is it real for you? Do you really want it

    and do you intend to live up to fulfil your wishes? Do you have plans for whatto do when school is over? Are you ambitious and willing to invest the proper

    amount of time and effort in reaching your goals? Do you give up easily when

    something turns difficult or do you persevere until you find out? Are you aprocrastinator never getting down to business? Do you know how to make the

    most out of your study time?

    These are important questions to ask yourself if you want to know yourself

  • 8/13/2019 Study Skills - A Self Help Programme


    as a learner. Without realising how you function in the learning process youcannot change your learning style to be more efficient and satisfactory.

    The most important in your learning process is YOU. Without your

    continuous contribution, the results will be poor and your dreams will have tobe changed. This study skills programme can provide you with some insight in

    your learning process and how to actually improve your study habits. Ifyou

    are willing to take this look into yourself and invest some time. Its very easy

    to continue to work the way you always did even though you may know that itis not good enough. Changing to be more disciplined and organised is the

    difficult part. However, the satisfaction from actually seeing good results

    after investment of your efforts is worth everything.Know yourself: where are your strengths and weaknesses in the learning

    process? This is an opportunity to get closer to some of the answers to the

    questions asked above.

    Your teachers can help you but they cannot do the work for you. Going for

    the IB diploma is hardwork but if you take responsibility for your ownlearning process and gradually develop study habits and skills that match

    your ambitions, then youll learn not only the subjects but also to master

    future learning situations. We assume that wanting to learn is the startingpoint for all students.

    The best way to explore this program is at the computer where you can takesome of the tests or answer questionnaires directly [1] You may want to

    print the more informative papers marked with * and read them more indepth.

  • 8/13/2019 Study Skills - A Self Help Programme


    How to be an efficient studentSession 1: Introduction to How am I as a learner? and

    What can I do to improve my learning habits?

    First take a look at your study habits (you need to be branched to score your


    The test can give you an idea of what you need to focus on in study skills. Being able

    to reflect on your study habits is important if you want to improve. Make it a habit topay attention to how you can learn to become more efficient.

    Besides being motivated to learn which is perhaps the most important - these arethe basic points in effective learning:

    Time management: you must learn to plan your time so that there is time forwork and time for leisure. You can learn how to get the right balance between

    these two by getting an overview of your time and how you use it. Take acritical look at how much time you watch television or chat with friends. Learn

    to work more effectively by concentrated working periods and combat

    procrastination. Get an overview of what you have to do short-term and long-term in a weekly planner.

    Concentration: this is a hard one for many students but you can teach yourselfto concentrate. Try to sit down with a small assignment for 10 minutes and

    concentrate on doing this. How did it go? How did you feel? After this firsttest give yourself a reward. When you are ready then try it again for 15

    minutes. You can gradually raise the amount of time but be sure that you stayfocused and concentrated.

    Reading comprehension: the most efficient way to improve your reading andreading comprehension is simple. You need to practice. Read as much as you can

    and use different reading strategies. Some reading can be done really quicklybut when you really have to learn new things it takes time. If there are words

    you dont understand look them up in a dictionary. You can see more about this

    in this programme.

    Note takingis important for many reasons. It will help you to structure what

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    you are reading and it helps you to organize what you learn in your memory.

    Developingwriting skills are important. The best way to be a good writer is topractice and learn from the feedback you get. There is always room for

    improvement and the more open you are to feedback the greater the chancethat youll improve.

    Here is some valuable advice on how to make the best of your valuable time

    *Planning and time managementWhere does time go? A tool to use for getting a better idea of

    how you spend your time.

    *A good printable format of a weekly scheduleand some really good time

    management principles

    Take a look: what happens to your time?: do the 168 hours exercise

    Take a professional approach to your job as a student. Get an overview of deadlines

    and try to estimate how long time it will take you to do each job. Do the same for

    preparation for class every day so that you know when you are done. Be realistic. You

    need time for other things as well.


    A major problem for many students is that they cannot get things done in due time.They postpone things, do other things that are not really necessary etc. and all this

    prevents them from getting the job done while at the same time they feel bad aboutit. Are you a procrastinator? Take the test.

    Most people procrastinate now and then. Thats perfectly normal. Ask yourself whyyou procrastinate. Maybe you are slightly lazy, maybe you are afraid of failure, maybe

    you are are feeling overwhelmed by deadlines and work, maybe you simply want to

    avoid doing something unpleasant or difficult. There are many reasons for

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    procrastinating but if you procrastinate to an extent where it affects your work andhas a negative impact on your happiness it is time to do something about it. Here are

    5 strategies to combat procrastination

    1. Get started NOW: Take the first step and begin the task. Break the task up insmall parts and do one at a time. Reward yourself after each piece of work. Dont

    think about making it perfect. Just do it. Now you have showed yourself that you

    are in control! If you can do it once, you can do it again.

    2. Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself. Use previous positive experience toconvince you that you can get things done. Say: Last time I wrote a paper, I did

    pretty well so why not this time? Say: It is difficult and challenging but I will do

    my best. Say: I would like to see my friends now but if I make the assignment inone hour I will still have plenty of time to see them and I will feel much better

    because the paper is done.

    3. Let go of perfectionism which may prevent you for getting started in the firstplace. Do the best you can strive for excellence but not perfection. Give yourselfa deadline and force yourself to keep it when you do assignments or prepare

    presentations. Allow for a few revisions and then finish once and for all.

    4. Respect deadlines by setting yourself an earlier deadline. No work done in the lastminute is good because you dont have time to reflect on your thoughts and

    arguments. Start early on to get an idea of what is expected. Get the necessary

    information if you feel lost and dont know how to approach the assignment.5. Stick to your plans. If you feel a sudden urge to clean your room, file your papersor call old friends tell yourself that this is not the way to handle the task at hand.

    Stays focused and prioritize. Learn to say no. Your room may need cleaning but

    what is more important here and now?

    Session 2: Motivation and concentration:

    what makes you study and are you able to



    You can nurture motivating thoughts and get rid of negative ones so that you

  • 8/13/2019 Study Skills - A Self Help Programme


    focus on the task at hand. Psychologists call this the power of belief.According to psychologists there are 3 main reasons for loosing motivation:

    1. Lack of confidence if you dont think you can succeed, you dont eventry. Dont focus on past failures and personal weaknesses. Try insteadto focus on past success and be realistic. You may not be perfect but

    you are not an idiot either.

    2. Lack of clear goals if you havent made your goals clear, it is notpossible to work to achieve them. Try to focus on short-termachievable goals and define how you should reach each of them.

    Consider long-term goals and relate the short-term goals to them. If

    you want to have your IB diploma in two years, you need strategies toachieve it. It is not enough to dream.

    3. Lack of strategies to reach the goals if there are no specific planson how to take action in a focused way, there is not much chance of

    success. Improving your study skills (e.g. planning, optimizing readingand writing skills) is an efficient strategy. Learning to prioritize,

    self-motivate and overcome setbacks is another. Psychologists have

    found that self-discipline is more important in success than IQ. Takea look


    Motivation is important but how can you motivate yourself? tricks to help you if you dont

    really feel like doing what you have to do.

    ConcentrationMany students complain that they cannot concentrate. Consider some of thequestions and answers here to help you improve your concentration.

    Concentration while you work also has a beneficial effect on your memory.

    Take a pre-test to get an idea of your own concentration skills

    *The art of concentration and how to improve it

    Try this activity and improve your concentration and memory

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    More interactive material for this session

    Test your study skills

    Strengths and weaknesses: use the SWOT to

    identify your own

    Some extra stuff just for fun

    Whos in charge? You or factors outside yourself:The test of locus of control. [3]

    Locus of control- a psychological concept about feelings of control over

    your life: are you in control? Or are you being controlled by factors

    outside you?

    This tutorial can give you information about psychological issues involved in

    approaches to studying. The concept of locus of control is described inrelation to education and it may be useful for students (and teachers) toknow what factors can influence efficient learning.

    Session 3. Active learning: Memory issues and note takingResearch has demonstrated a relationship between how well you remember and active

    study strategies. The more actively you work with the material, i.e. ask questions to

    it, organise it, relate it to what you have already learnt, the more you understand andremember. Good note taking skills can help you organise the material you study but it

    is very important that you actively choose what to write in your notes. Dont just copy

    the book.

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    SQR3 method of studying or active readingThis is a general introduction to how to approach studying in an activeand efficient way

    Memory and memory techniques [4]Active learning will help you to remember better. We sometimes

    forget more than we want but we can ensure that we forget less if we

    really try to remember using specific techniques. If we dont understand what welearn, we forget more than 50 % within the first hour [5]. Memory is your good friend

    in learning so use this material to learn and reflect on memory. Be aware that being

    active learning takes time and demands effort and willingness to do your part. Thereis no easy way and the memory pill is still to be invented.

    Take the memory test to find out how effective your techniques to learn and

    remember are

    *Practice note taking to improve your memory: there is a relationship between

    making good notes and remembering

    In case you are interested in the brain and memory take time to watch this very

    informative PowerPoint presentation: A quick intro to brain compatible learning


    Mnemonics are memory aids. Take a look at some examples here to give you an

    idea of how you could make some mnemonics yourself

    *Ways to organise informationfor more effectively understanding and remembering

    *Organisation of notes, note taking and note taking formats

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    A good page on note taking using the Cornell note taking system

    *A paper to use for the Cornell note taking system

    Mind mapping: Graphical representations


    Session 4. Strategies and skills in

    effective learning

    Reading strategiesThe SQR3 method again (revision is good!)

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    How effective are your reading strategies? Take a pre-test

    *Reading to find important ideas


    *Reading difficult material:

    *Skimming and scanning

    Skimming exercise

    Writing strategiesHere you can find some general and basic writing strategies (specific writing

    strategies in specific subjects must be given by subject teachers)

    And here is an introduction to how you can write a 5-paragraph essay. Very useful in

    many subjects in IB

    Oral presentationsIt is important to know how to make a good oral presentation so take a look here to

    get some advice

    *Critical thinkingCritical thinking means correct thinking in the pursuit of relevant and reliableknowledge about the world. It can also be described as reasonable, reflective,

    responsible, and skilful thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.

    Critical thinking is important in academic work. We all think but much of our thinking

    is biased, distorted or sometimes even prejudiced. In working towards the IB diploma

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    you should learn to pay attention to the quality of your thought and systematicallycultivate critical thinking. This requires thinking about how you think while youre

    thinking in order to make your thinking more clear and accurate. The critical thinker

    is able to

    ask important questions and formulate them clearly

    gather and assess relevant information, interpret it using relevant criteria andcome to well-reasoned conclusions

    consider alternative explanations

    communicate effectively

    In order to develop critical thinking you must be willing to look critically at your ownthinking and correct it. This will not only help you in the academic work but also give

    you more effective communicative and problem solving abilities. And being part of an

    international community it is also important to have skills that help you to look

    critically at ethnocentrism.

    Some guidelines for Critical Thinking

    1. Ask questions; be willing to wonder. Always be on the lookout for questions that

    have not been answered in the textbooks, by the experts in the field or by the media.Be willing to ask "What's wrong here?" and/or "Why is it like this, and how did it

    come to be that way?"

    2. Define the problem. An inadequate formulation of the question can producemisleading or incomplete answers. Ask neutral questions that don't presuppose


    3. Examine the evidence. Ask yourself, "What evidence supports or refutes this

    argument and its opposition?" Just because many people believe it, including so-calledexperts, doesn't make it so.

    4. Analyze assumptions and biases. All of us are subject to biases, beliefs that

    prevent us from being impartial. Evaluate the assumptions and biases that lie behindarguments, including your own.

    5. Avoid emotional reasoning: "If I feel this way, it must be true." Passionate

    commitment to a view can motivate a person to think boldly without fear of what

    others will say, but when "gut feelings" replace clear thinking, the results can bedisastrous.

    6. Don't oversimplify. Look beyond the obvious, easy generalizations, reject either/or

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    thinking. Don't argue by anecdote.7. Consider other interpretations. Formulate hypotheses that offer reasonable

    explanations of characteristics, behaviour, and events.

    8. Tolerate uncertainty. Sometimes the evidence merely allows us to draw tentativeconclusions. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know." Don't demand "the" answer. Based

    on Critical and Creative Thinking by Carole Wade and Carol Tavris. Harper Collins,


    Based on "Critical and Creative Thinking" by Carole Wads and Carol Tavris. Harper Collins, 1993.

    Exams, tests and test anxiety

    Test or exam anxiety and how you can deal with it site for some subjects

    A last advice: Come back to this site now and then and work with it. Always consider

    if your study skills are efficient and how you can get the most out of your study timeso that you also have time for leisure and fun. However, remember that school is your

    work and it must have top priority if you want to succeed.

    Good luck.For those of you who really cannot get enough of this and want to explore some of the theories of

    educational psychology here is a brilliant site full of interesting points and references: How to become

    a brilliant star

    Thanksto all the web pages that made this study skills programme possible.

    Notes and references[1] Highlight means that if your click on the link you have a possibility for active participation.[2] What is procrastination?

    [3] Explanation of locus of control here:[4] Presentation of the human memory system[5]

  • 8/13/2019 Study Skills - A Self Help Programme


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