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Sr. No.ChapterContentPage No.


Selection of a research topic

Background of the Study

What is ICT

Important place of ICT in school

Objectives of ICT teaching

Need of the research

Significance of the research

Review of related literature

Statement of the Problem

Operational Definitions


Scope of research



Research methodology

Procedure of the study

Time schedule

Financial budget



ATitle page


CCertificate - 1

DCertificate- 2



GLists of tables

HLists of figures

ILists of appendices


1.1Background of the Study

Need and Importance

Statement of the Problem

Operational Definition

Objectives of the Study



Scope and Limitations

Population Significance of the study


Research method

Tools of data collection

Statistical tools

Time limit




Purpose of the review

Sources of Information

Summary of related researches

Abstracts of related researches



Relevance of the review



Methods of Research

Selection of method

Methods of educational research

The present study

Type & Methods of studies (survey Method )



Sampling Technique

Sampling method

Statistical tools

Tool used.




Analysis of the Responses


Statistical Method

Marks of AAT


Standard deviation

Marks of CAT


Standard deviation

Graphic Representation of data

Z-score & t-score of CAT &AAT




Need And Importance Of The Study

Statement of aim

Objective of the study

Scope and limitation



Operational definition

Design of study




Tools of data collection

Statistical tool

Findings of the study

Recommendation and suggestion for the further study

Result and conclusion

Educational implication



Analysis & Interpretation of Data4.1Introductions 4.2 Analysis of Responses4.3Marks of Achievement Test4.4Observation chart4.5Graphical representation4.6Objective wise Findings4.7Interpretation4.8Conclusion

Chapter:-5Summary, Conclusion And Suggestions

5.1Introduction5.2Selection of research Topic5.3Background of the study5.4What is ICT5.5Important place of ICT in school5.6Objectives of ICT Teaching5.7Need of the research5.8Statement of the Problem5.9Operational Definitions5.10Objection5.11Scope of research5.12Limitation5.13Delimitations5.14Research methodology5.15Finding of the study5.16Recommendation & suggestion for the further study5.17Result and conclusion5.18Educational Implication5.19Reference Bibliography

Chapter -IResearch Proposal1.1 Introduction :Teaching as a process by which the teacher and the students create a shared environment including sets of values, beliefs which in turn colour their view of reality.(Joyce & Well)The action done to fulfill the objective of bringing out learning means teaching.(Smith)The main aim of teaching is to bring about socially desirable behavior change in the student and this can only be achieved if the teaching is effective.

All of us use technology knowingly of unknowingly. We gather as well as pass on information in our day to day life using various electronic gadgets like call phone, PC, laptop, notebook, CD-ROM, video disc, radio, Cable TV and so on. Use of internal email, satellite communication, interactive radios, local and wide area networks and computer simulation makes it easy to gather analyze, use and share information.

ICT is a term that includes and communication device or application, as well as the various services and applications associated with them ICT can also be understood as a study or business of developing and using technology to process information & aid communication the use of information & communicate technology (ICT) offers equitable, affordable and convenient tools for education.

ICT is becoming a part and parcel of human life. The discoveries and, inventions in science and technology have improved the speed of communicate By making use of available tools, ICT is helping common man to fulfill his needs, has become integral part of new era.

An attempt has been made in the present research to explore the computer literacy among secondary study in teaching learning process.The researcher has prepared the achievement test score in ICT for Gov. aided school and unaided English medium school and a comparative study has been conducted.

1.2 Selection of a research top:- [ Baker (Hills, 1987)] says that information technology is daily giving birth to new concepts new products & new ideas, radically transforming not only our industries & business but also every aspect of our life.Indians who are well known in the world for being computer survey, have made their mark in the software industry software developed by our software engineer is being used all ever the world yet the teachers who shape young minds have kept away from the use of comp techno in classroom there are many reasons behind this state-after teachers are unwilling to adapt to the changing times the large class strength lack of easy access to computer, lack of time & training facilities, irregular supply of electricity & perhaps the fear of losing jobs contribute to the teachers apathy in lack use of computer in school.

However things are now changing many urban school have included computers as a compulsory subject & the establishment of computer labs in schools is rising day by day. Therefore researcher has moved towards computer literacy of students in school.The researcher has selected the problem by taking review of these related literatures.

1.3 Background of the Study :'The versatility of human ability to reduce a complex problem to a simple logically connected problem and then apply a computer to solve them has made their use widespread (Pradeep Kumar, T, 2010). Primarily computers were applied for calculations that were beyond contemplation because of time span and monotony involved in solving them (Rose, C. Nicholl, M.J 1997). Today, apart from scientific work computers is applied to a variety of applications. To mention a few of them: space programs, fly-by-wire aircraft system, guided missiles, air craft control, weather predictions, nuclear technology, submarine and space shuttle navigation, library management, on-line reservations in trains and aircrafts. They are used at homes, in office, at schools, in banks. Think of any field - the computer exists. Today the world revolves around the computer (David H. Jonassen, 1999).

Then, what is a computer? The computer is an electronic machine that can perform variety of activities. It does not have an intelligence of its own. It recognizes the instructions provide by its user and acts accordingly. In its simplest form a computer may be defined as a fast electronic calculating machine, that accepts digitized input information, process it according to a list of internally stored instructions and produces the resultant output information.It mainly consists of five independent functional units viz.,(i) Input Unit(ii) Memory Unit(iii) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)(iv) Output Unit(v) Control UnitThe computer is able to process data and the data might take variety of forms. The data processed is stored. The data may be pieces of information which are stored for a short period of time or the data may be stored in certain physical media, for later usage. The computer must be able to move data between itself and the outside world. The computer operating environment includes a wide variety of devices and data has to travel between the various devices (Clark and Grant, R.2005). There must also be a control of these three functions by the individuals who provide the computer with instructions. Within the computer system, a control unit manages the performance of the various functional parts. In general, the method of working of a computer and the four possible operations is depicted in figure 1.The computer system has two components:1. Ha rdwa re: Computer hardware includes physical devices of the computer viz., monitor, visual display unit, printers, hard disc, mouse, key board, etc.,2. Software: Computer software is a program or a set of instructions used to for the execution or running of the computer, the software is classified into two types:(a) System software: includes operating system, packages, etc.,(b) Application software: is a program developed by the user to obtain the solution of a problem using the computerCHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPUTER:A Computer is capable of storing huge amount of data, perform various input/ output operations and process the input data given by the user. The main characteristics of the computer are: High Speed: Computer performs various computations at a very high speed. It executes millions (106) of instructions per second. Instructions are carried out obediently with no questions asked and without any mistake. Accuracy: Computer produces very accurate results for the given input data. Reliability: The computer produces very consistent results. Chances of failures or degradation in the data are absolutely absent. Usability: Computer is used in almost all applications. It is global. The major application fields are scientific, business and education.

GENERATION OF COMPUTERS:The computers of the electronic era suffered from two serious drawbacks: (i) The inertia of the moving parts used in the components of developing the systems limited the computing speed of the system.

(ii) The movement of data by mechanical means was cumbersome and unreliable.What was needed was a switching mechanism wit!- no moving parts. The invention of the triode vacuum tube in 1906 provided the basic building block for such a system. As these devices became less expensive and more reliable, they were open for the development of the electronic computer. Computers are classified into five generations after the development of the first electronic computer- ENIAC. This classification is mainly based on the technology used in the manufacture of computers.

1. First Generation Computers (Vacuum Tubes), 1946-1959:They were extremely large and had little reliability. They were built with vacuum tubes as diodes. They had very limited storage and memory capacity. The speed of the system was veiy slow. Punched cards were used as input elements. A reading machine was used to interpret (data) holes and translate it into machine language. They were mostly applied for payroll and billing. Some of the computers of this era are UNIVAC I, Whirl Wind I, etc.

2. Second Generation Computers (Transistors), 1957-1964:The invention of transistors in 1947 in USA replaced the large, expensive and hot vacuum tubes in the second-generation computers. These computers had comparatively increased storage capacity, required less power, and were much faster and less economical. Magnetic tapes were used as input units and storage media. Higher-level programming languages like FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, were introduced. Some of the computers of this generation are: IBM 7090, IBM 1620, Philco 2000, etc.3. Third Generation Computers (Integrated Circuits), 1965-1970:They were built with integrated circuits (ICs). These systems have semiconductor memory. They concept of operating system and parallel processing were introduced. Package programs, Word processing and Remote terminals were developed during this period. The first minicomputer was developed in 1965.

4. Fourth Generation Computers, 1970-1990:These computers were built with Large scale integration (LS1C) and Very large scale integration (VLSIC) with 100s to 1000s and millions of transistors per silicon chip. Most of the microcomputers produced today use VLSIC chips. In 1980s supercomputers were introduced. They are exceptionally high-speed machines consisting of several computers acting simultaneously. Their cost is very high and is used only in certain complex applications such as space technology. The concept of networking is introduced in these systems. The size and cost of the computers reduced even further. These computers have larger memory capacity.

5. Fifth Generation Computers, 1990:These systems are based on super large-scale integration (SLSIC) with millions of transistors integrated in a single chip. They are capable of performing millions of instructions per second (MIPS). The concept of artificial intelligence is introduced in fifth generation computers. CRAY machine is an example of this generation. They are able to see objects, listen to sound, interpret and speak and think as nearly as humans do.

1.3.1) What is ICI in teaching learning process? ICT is diverse mixture of technology tools & resources to create, differentiate, store & manage information for communication.

1.3.2) Importance of ICI in schools ICI It ccupies an important place in schools because of following factors. The information reference of any topic in teaching -learning process is easily available with the help of ICT. It has important place in day to day life. It has utility in life. It has contributed to different branches of knowledge.

1.3.3 Objectives of ICT in teaching learning process1. To help more people to gain access to all levels of education.2. To develop interest in ICT.3. To help the students to understand the cause effect relationship in natural incident.4. To improve the quality of education.5. To assist in carrying out non-formal education.

1.4 Need of the researchICT is very important subject in school curriculum that introduces various enhances lifelong learning these need to be mastered and the students should be able to apply them in their day to day situation. Following points will explain the need of the present research. To speed the path of students forwards learning To overcome physical and geographical barriers and facilitatecommunication in students. To promote an environment that emphasizes collaboration rather than competition. To enrich the students thinking. To familiarize students with the technologies that has become the integral component of the modem world. To connect classroom to research centers and students to actual scientists for discussions. To expand the learning options in students To motivate the students for self learning.

1.5 Significance of the researchSignificance of present research ICT has given students an opportunity to go beyond text books. Present research will be helpful for students in using are technologies for learning process. Present research will be useful in extending the students know of ICT Present research will be useful in understanding the level computer literacy among aided school students & unaided school students.,

1.6 Review of related literature:1. Preparation of a computer assisted instructional programme on a unit in English for Std 8 and A Study of its effectiveness.

Researcher: Chaula Kaushikbhai Bhatt.Objectives of study:1) To prepare a computer assisted Programme on the selected topic.2) To study the effectiveness of the Programme.

Findings:1. The computer assisted programme is effective in bringing about the learning of the unit.2. The programe is also effective in bringing about students interaction and making them interested in the topic.3. Preparation of computer assisted instructional programme on a unit in science of Std V and a study of its effectiveness.

Researcher: Kulkarni Komal Anil

Objectives of study:1. To prepare a computer assisted programme on the unit of science for Std V.2. To study the effectiveness of computer assisted instructional programme.

Findings:1. The programme is effective in bringing about the students interaction and interest in the topic.2. The students has been received the programe very well.3. Preparation of a computer assisted instruction on a unit of science for the students of Std VIII and a study of its effectiveness.

Researcher: Deepali Mandpe Bhalerao

Objectives of study:1) To prepare a computer assisted instruction on the selected unit.2) To study the effectiveness of the programme in terms of an achievement test.

Fndings:1) The programme is effective in bringing about the learning of the unit.2) The programme is well received by the students.

1.7 Statement of the problem:To study the computer literacy among class X students of English Medium School.1.8 Operational Definitions:1. Computer literacy2. Computer literacy is that one should have the knowledge computer and should have the ability to upload and download computer files.3. Achievements : the score of ICT test of the students in survey group.4. Std X Sts Sts who are studying in X Std who are appearing for the first SSC Board Exam Maharashtra State Gov. Which is termed as first turning point in their lives.

1.9 Objectives : To know the interest To test the computer literacy of 10th std students of Gov aided English medium school. To test the computer literacy of 10 std students of unaided English medium school. To compare the achievement test score of students of 10 students of Gov aided English medium school and unaided English medium school.

1.10 Scope of Research: The Present research is related to students of 10th class. The present research is related to ICT literacy only. Conclusion of present study is applicable to students, teacher & policy makers.

1.11 Limitations:Researcher does not have control on the responses given by the students for the tool developed for the assessment & achievement of students.

1.12 Delimitations:1) The study is restricted to the students in [one/two] schools from Daund.2) The study is restricted to English medium students only.3) The study is limited to academic yr 2013 -2014.4) The study is limited to ICT literacy only.

1.13 Research Methodology: Research Method.Survey Method.

1.14 PopulationAll students of 10th Std of SSC Board of Maharashtra State Gov. ir\ (dciit t - (A *

1.15 Sample Non- probability purposive method of sampling will be adopted for the present study sample will be consisting of four division of 10th Std.

1.16. Tools for data collection:Dr. T Pradeep KumarsAchievement Test in Computer literacy. 1.17 Procedure of Study: Selection of Research area in ICT Review of related literature Selection of the problem Preparation of the proposal Selection of method Selection and preparation of tool 1 Implementation of Test Collection of Data 1 Analysis (interpretation) Report Writing

1.18 Time Schedule Sr. No.Time ScheduleDuration

1Selection of TopicSeptember

2Research ProposalOctober

3Review of related literatureOctober

4Research PlanningNovember

5Tools PreparationDecember

6Administrate of TestDecember

7Data CollectionJanuary

8Data analysis & InterpretationFebruary

9Report WritingFebruary

1.19 Financial Budget:1. StationaryRs. 300.00

2. References. Literature & internet etcRs. 700.00

3. TravellingRs. 1000.00

4. Xerox, Typing, Printing Rs. 2000.00

TotalRs. 4000.00

1.20 References:- ICT textbooks of Std X & Std IX Maharashtra Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Pune. Bruce Joyce, Marsha Well, R Mily Calhoun (2011), Models of the teaching ( 8 edition) published by PHI learning private limited New Delhi Newspapers Indian Express, the tim,es of India. Best J. W. & Khan V. J. (2011) Research in Ed (10th edition), Published by PHI learning private limited New Delhi.

CHAPTER - IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE2.1] Introduction:-The review of related literature serves multiple purpose and is essential to a well designed research study. It generally comes early in the research process, & it can contribute valuable information to any put of the research study.(William 1986)One of the early activities in the research process is the review of the research literature the body of research information related to the research problem A research can never be taken in isolation of the work that has already been done on the problem, which are directly or indirectly related to the study proposed by the researcher.With the amount of information available from a variety of sources, the review of literature is by no means a trial task it is a systematic process that requires careful & perceptive reading and attention to detail in the review of literature, the researcher attempts to determine what others have learnt about similar research problem and together information relevant to the research problem at hand.

2.2 ] Purpose of Review of literatureBeside providing a content for the research study, the review may be useful in the following ways: More specifically limiting and identifying the research problem & hypotheses. Informing the researcher of what has already been done in the area. Providing possible research designs and methodological procedures that may be used in the research study. Providing suggestions for possible modifications in the research to avoid unanticipated difficulties. Identifying possible gaps in the research. Providing a backdrop for interpreting the results of the research study. Helping to avoid unintentional duplication of well-established findings. Helping to avoid unfruitful & useless problem areas.

2.3 Importance of the review :The review of the literature is an important part of the scientific approach and is carried out in all areas of scientific research. Whether in the physical, natural, or social science. The review of the literature in educational research provides the researchers with the mean of the getting to the frontier in his/her particular field of knowledge. It is important for the researcher to know the what others have done and what still remains' to be done in her research area. Without which the researcher cannot develop a research project that will contribute to furthering knowledge in hen field.

2.4] Sources of Information:Collection of data is an important aspect of research. There are two major sources of data primary sources and secondary sources.

Sources of Data Primary SourcesSecondary Source

Primary Sources:Primary sources are an eye witness account of events reported by an actual absorber or participant in an event. Such important sources which are commonly used are documents Oral testimony, Journals, Research Abstracts and Dissertation etc.

Secondary Sources:Secondary sources are accounts of an event that was not actually witnessed by the participant or reporter. These sources indeed publications in the events described. Author described the words other in these publications. The common secondary sources include a encyclopedias, research review, yearbooks M. B. Bush Volumes

In the following research the researcher has taken the help of both primary sources like M.Ed. Dissertations, Journals and Secondary sources like encyclopedias, surveys of Research in Education. Education Research information Center (ERIC) database to decide how to proceed while in computer literacy.

2.4.1 Summary of Related Researches Primary Resources (M.Ed. Dissertations)Sr. No.SourcesTitleName of ResearcherYear

1DissertationPreparation of CAI program on one unit of science for the students of std 8th & a study of its Eeffectiveness Rasika DesaiApril 200235 students of std VIII

2M. Ed. DissertationDevelopment of Multimedia package in Computer in computer on one Unit Sources of Energy for Std VIII & a Study of its effectivenessSameksha WaghApril 200250 students of std VIII

3M. Ed DissertationA comparative study of effectiveness of CAI an traditional classroom teaching on one unit of science for std IXRohan Gham200730 student of std IX

4M. Ed. DissertationPreoperational a CAI on a unit of science & study of to effectiveness.Gayatri Jakkan200335 student of std IX

5M. Ed. DissertationPreparation of a CAI Program on a unit in science Natural Resources & their conservations.Minal Kelkar200752 student of Std VIII

2.4(1)] Summary of Related Researches (M.Ed. Dissertation)2.4.1] Abstracts of Related researches.1) Title: preparation of CAI programme on one unit of science for the students of std VIII & a study of its effeteness.Author: Ritika DesaiDegree: M. Ed.Year : April 2002Objectives1. To prepare a CAI programme on the unit micro organism for the VIII.2. A Study the effectiveness of CAI Programme

Sample:35 Students of VIII grade were selected

Findings:1. CAI program was effective in brining about the learning unit.2. The post test scores on achievements tests were significantly higher that pre-test scores.

2] Title: Development of multimedia package in computer on one unit Sources by energy for std VIII a study its effectiveness Author:- Sameeksha WaghYear: 2002

Objectives:1. To develop a multimedia package in computer on the selected unit.2. To study the effects of the multimedia package in terms of knowledge gained.Sample:50 Students both boys & girls were selected.Findings:1. Data indicates that CAI was effective in bringing about the learning of the unit.2. Most of the students were aware of the environment & related problems.3] Title: - A Comparative study of the effectiveness of CAI & traditional classroom teaching of one unit in science for std IX.Author: Rohan GhamYear :- 2004Objectives:-1) To prepare a CAI program on the selected limit.2) To analyze the reactions of students towards CAI.

Finding:-1) Audio & Video helped in understanding the topic easily.2) Pictures helped them to remember the content.4] Title:- Preparation of CAI on a unit of sci for std IX & study of its effectiveness Author :- Gayatri JakkamYear :- 2003

Objectives:-1) To prepare CAI program on a unit Habitat2) To implement the program of CAI on std IX students.

Finding:-The post test sources on achievements tests are significantly higher than pre test scores at 0.01 level of significance hence directional hypothesis is accepted.2). The CAI program was effective in bringing about the learning of unit.5] Title:- Preparation of CAI program on a unit of science for Std VIII & Study of its effectiveness.Author Minal KumarYear ; 2007

Objectives:-1. To prepare a CAI program on a unit Natural Resources & their conservation for Std VIII2. To study the effectiveness of CAI program

Findings :1. To preceding analysis of data indicated that the CAI programe was effective bringing about the learning of the unit.2. The students received the program very well.

2.5] Related Researches and Present Research.Similarities:Researcher has reviewed the related researches at different level some are M.Ed. Dissertation. The significant similarity is that those researches are based on computer & ICT and the present research is also based on computer technology in same researchers PPT was prepared in present researcher has made ppt.On related researches the effectiveness of computer technology in studied. These are similarities in the present research & related researches.

Differences:Researcher reviewed the related researchers which were leased on CAI. Present research is based on computer Literacy In the related researches experimental method is used whereas in the present research survey method is used.But the present research is differ from other reviewed related research in the present research, Researcher has used PPT & Questionnaire test on Computer.2.6 Relevance of the Review to the Present Research work.The above review done by the researcher brings out the following imp pts:1. Computer knowledge of the students is of great importance & many efforts have been made to find out the computer knowledge of the students in India as well as Abroad.2. Many standardized tests are developed to find the computer phobia & also computer knowledge of the teachers.3. Researchers have also been done to find the correlation between computer literacy and English language literacy as well as computer knowledge & computer phobia.4. Many researches regarding computer awareness have also been done.2.7] The Review Helped the Researcher to plan the study in the following manner.1. The review helped the researcher to decide the problem for study.2. The review helped the researcher to select the sample for the study.3. It helped the researcher to design the questionnaire for the students.4. Further the review helped the researcher in selecting statistical tools for analyzing the data collected for the research study.

2.8 Conclusion :A summary of writing of recognised authoritised and of previous research provides evidence that the researcher is familier with what is already known and what is still unknown and untested. The review of related literature was very helpful to the researcher right from selecting a problem to interpretation of solution. By reviewing the above mentioned literature, the researcher canvassed a number of websites, books and related research work which helped the researcher in focusing on her work with proper guidelines and methodology.

CHAPTER IIIMETHOD OF STUDY3.1 INTRODUCTIONThe task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design has for chalked out.This chapter describes in details the methodology followed in this research study. It includes the method selected, the sampling procedure that is followed in the study, various tools prepared by the researcher and also the statistical tools used to analyze the data. It also describes in details the procedure followed by the researcher for the study. The methodology is the description of theprocedure or techniques adopted in the research.

According to Harris.C.W.-"The machinery of methodology occupies a very important place in any kind of the research. The vehicle of research cannot perform its functions without it since it is the methodology that lays the sown the way the formal research is to be carried out and a detailed description of the research variable and producer."

The chapter deals with the methodology, types of research, population, sampling theoretical and statistical tool used in the study.

3.2 Research Definition :According to John W. Best,"A research is a careful inquiry or examination in seeing facts or principles delight " Investigator in order to as certain something."According to Webster Dictionary,"Research is consider to be more formal, systematic, intensive process of carrying on the scientific method of analysis. It involves a more systematic stricture of investigation usually resulting in some sort or conclusion."

3.3 Definition of Educational Research:"Educational research is the activity directed towards the development of an organized body of scientific knowledge about education enable the educator to determine which teaching and learning condition to provide in order to reproduce desirable aspects of all the factors which can affect the Childs development."- W. M. Traverse,Educational research is that activity which is directed towards the development of science of behavior in educational situation."

3.4 METHODS OF RESEARCHThe various methods used for research can be explained as follows:

Historical Method: History is the meaningful record of human achievements. It helps us to understand the present in light of the past event or developments and also to predict future, to some extent. Historical method is the application of scientific method to the description and analysis of the past events.

Historical method provides a method of investigation to discover, desirable and interpret what existed in the past.

On the contrary provides a method of investigation to study. Describe interpret what exist at present. Various types of survey method of research inter. Relationship studies like case studies correction .studies & genetic method full under this category. Its necessary combination of any two methods can be used in a research.

Experimental Method: Experimental method provides a systematic and logical method for answering the question. If this is done under careful controlled conditions what will happen Experimenters manipulate certain stimuli, treatments, or environmental conditions and observe how the condition or behavior of the subject is affected or changed. Their manipulation is deliberate and systematic. The immediate purpose of experimentation is to predict events in the experimental setting the ultimate aim is to generalize the variable relationships so that they may be applied outside the laboratory to a wider population of interest. Experimental research is used to determine & evaluate the adequacy & effectiveness of the educational & institutional objective through the measurement of their out comes

Survey Method: A survey method describes the status of a phenomenon at a particular time. It is primarily concerned with the present. A survey method gathers data from a relatively large number of cases at a particular time. It is not concerned with characteristics of individuals as individuals. It is concerned with the generalized statistics that result when data are abstracted from a number of individual cases. The survey method is an important type of study. It involves a clearly defined problem and definite objectives. It requires expert and imaginative planning, careful analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, and logical and skillful reporting of the findings.

3.5 The present study falls under descriptive ResearchDescriptive research studies are designed to obtain pertinent and precise information concurring the current status of phenomenon & whatever possible to draw valid general conclusion from the feets discovered descriptive studies are more than just collection of data they in vole measurement, classification , analysis comparison & interpretation.

3.6 SELECTION OF METHODThe problem under study necessitated collection of data from students of Std X moreover, information regarding the present situation was required for the study. Hence, as the research problem had the inherent need to have survey as a method of conducting the investigation, the method of study selected by the researcher is Survey Method

According to Mouly, A survey is the investigation of present status of a phenomenon. A survey method is used when we want to get opinion from a large number of respondents representing a specific population it helps to determine general opinion and trends it is used to get judgment of those show are directly related to the problem under investigation. The present studies'is the descriptive type of research which is according to the nature of the study. According to Mouly( 1193)"Survey is the investigation of present status of phenomena ."

In this research work the researcher is studying the computer literacy of the Std X students, wherein responses from a large group of students is required. The researcher wants to find out whether the students are computer literate, whether they use life computers in there day to day if not why they are reluctant to use the computer etc. therefore the researcher has used survey method to collect data from the students.Advantages of survey method :-1. With a survey you can get closer into real hypothetical variables than which laboratory experiment you can actually inspect the variable in real world setting.2. A survey is often quite, change specially if you can use already existing record and data.3. Huge masses of data often already available or can be taken from existing records.4. Of what we want by identifying standards or norms with which to compare the present conditions or what experts consider to be desirable.5. This is a major statistical advantage because the large samples provide high internal reliability. Such huge samples are seldom available in experimentation.3.7 SAMPLE PROCEDUREThe primary purpose of research is to find out principles that have universal application. For this purpose the researches decides the population of the study. But to study the whole population is not feasible and possible. Hence to overcome this problem sampling is required A sample is a small proportion of the population selected for observation and analysis.

3.7.1 POPULATION FOR THE STUDYA population is defined as a group of individuals with at least one common characteristic which distinguishes that group from other individuals. The population for the present research study consisted of all the students of Std V from English medium in Daund.

3.7.2 SAMPLE FOR THE STUDYThe sample selected by the researcher is a group of 200 students from two SSC Board English medium schools. The students were selected irrespective of their age.

3.7.3 SELECTION PROCEDUREThe sample for the study was selected in the following way:-I) SELECTION OF THE SCHOOL:-The researcher selected two SSC Board English medium school in Daund Taluka, for the selection of the schools the researcher used Purposive sampling method and selected only English medium schools for the study.

II) SELECTION OF THE STUDENTS:-For selection of the students the researcher used purpose sampling method. The researchers selected 100 students from each school for the student.

3.8 TOOLS OF RESEARCHThe researcher used following tools for the collection of the data:-

QUESTIONNAIRE:-The questionnaire used by the researcher is Dr. T. Pradeep Kumars Achievement Test in Computer Literacy which consists of 20 questions.According to Wilkinson and Bhandarkar A questionnaire is a tool which consists of a number of questions in a definite order and the respondents have to answer them by filling the questionnaire themselves.

The questionnaire helps in gathering data from large number of people. The respondents are free to express their view without being identified and they can take their own time in filling the questionnaire. Moreover questionnaires administered personally to a group of individuals have a number of advantages.

Series of prearranged question put forward for collected information is called Questionnaire.

According of Barr."Questionnaire is systematic competition of questions that are submitted to asampling of population form which information is required ".!The Questionnaire is tool to study the likes & dislikes of thinking, availability of various things. Both quantitative as well as qualification information can be collected by using the Questionnaire.Characteristics of A Good Questionnaire :-1. Questionnaire. Must be precise & its language must be clear & specific.2. Questions should be understandable this is possible by making small & easy sentence.3. Question must be short.4. Instructions in the Questionnaire should be clear & no space.5. Typing of a Question paper should be neat & tidy.

3.9 STATISTICAL TOOLSThe researcher made use of percentage to analyze the responses given by the students


Developed Tool

Taking responses

Analysis of data

3.10.1 TAKING RESPONSES OF THE STUDENTSThis was the last step in the collection of the data. The responses of the students were collected using the respective questionnaire.3.10.2 ANALISIS OF DATAThe researcher used Percentage to analyze the responses given by the students.As planned earlier the survey was conducted, all the responses of the students were assessed properly and the data was analyzed and interpretated.

CHAPTER -IVAnalysis & Interpreter of Data4.1 Introduction:-Data collection is an essential & important part of the researches work. Researchers cant reach to the find step of findings without the collection & analysis of data.This chapter describes in details the analysis of the data collected by the researchers.And its interpretation the analysis of the data presented respectively.The testing of the objectives of the research follows this analysis the chapter conducts the presenter of matter findings & condition.After Interpreter

4.2 Analysis of the responses:-The researcher use a questionnaire Dr. T. Pradeep Kumars achievement test to study as find out the computer literacy among Std X students of English medium schools in Daund City.This questionnaire depends on the various types of basic knowledge.

4.3 Marks for achievement test in computer literacy.Aided English Medium School

Roll No.Name of studentMarks

1Mr. Kharat Prasad P.07

2Mr. Pawar Abhijeet A.08

3Mr. Khan Shoyeb S.07

4Ms. Ahya Veena A.11

5Ms. Kumbhar Sayali.D.11

6Mrs. Koli Shubhani D.08

7Ms. Ghodake Sayali S.09

8Mr. Chumbalkar Abhishek S08

9Ms. Raut Shivani R.09

10Mr. Mathew Stephin B12

11Ms. Singh Shrvali K06

12Mr. Jamble Shubham J08

13Ms. Jagdale Vishnavi U09

14Mr. Athawale Sandeep R.07

15Mr. Desai Omkar B12

16Ms. Athavle Samola D09

17Ms. Sonawane Vidya V.08

18Ms. Chinchghare Rutuja P.13

19Mr. Jadhav Rohan R.08

20Mr. Jagdale Sandip R.06

21Ms. Khandage Shivaji T.09

22Ms. Kamble Sayali R10

23Ms. Ingavale Neha V.10

24Ms. Bagade Ashwjeet A.08

25Ms. Kadapure Shena A.12

26Mr. Sayyed Arbaz N06

27Mr. Chavan Omkar S.11

Roll No.Name of studentMarks

28Ms. Katariya Rakhi P.09

29Ms. Borawade Sayali M08

30Mr. Kamble Ankusha L10

31Mr. Jagdale Ketan B.06

32Ms. Khan Talha M04

33Ms. Bhandari Shurti P.10

34Ms. Dhavale Amrja09

35Mr. Borde Kunal J.08

36Mr. Jadhav Abhishek09

37Mr. Jadhav Ravindra. E07

38Ms. Kumar Soham.K07

39Mr. Bagwan Akib S.10

40Mr. Aher Pratik N.10

41Mr. Gaikwad Daniel Y.13

42Mr. Bansode Rohan W.09

43Ms. Divekar Suraj K.10

44Ms. Mahajan Sakshi M12

45Ms. Kaygude Sharona R.07

46Ms. Sarode Vishnavi S.07

47Ms. Rajwade Samruddhi09

48Ms. Shinde Diksha A.08

49Mr. Zagade Manas Z13

50Mr. Ver Navnath K14

51Ms. Makwane Sarjerao R.08

52Ms Pasalkar Adinath D.10

53Ms. Salve Snehal S.08

54Mr. Salunkhe Shreeyash S.10

55Ms. Shitole Sameer S09

56Ms. Shinde Aman D13

57Ms. Nikam Rushikesh S.13

58Ms. Nimbalkar Omkar K11

59Ms. Shaikh Muskan B06

60Mr. Sukheja Nikhil U11

61Mr. Pachpute Digvijay N15

62Mr. Zagade Manas R13

63Mr. Shaikh Shijaat S15

64Ms.Tangade Pranar P09

65Mr. Mashal Sanghraj D10

66Mr. Mahale Pritam N.11

67Mr. Tamboli Aniket R.11

68Mr. Pisal Rushikesh H10

69Mr. Pokar Kishan J.10

70Mr. Ohal Saurabh S13

71Mr. Shaikh Abu K10

72Mr. Anand Sadafule O11

73Mr. Karimbil Sushobha I14

74Mr. Singh Nand Kishor14

75Mr. Ohal Suraj G09

76Ms. Marshal Shraddha S.06

77Mr.Takale Sakshi S.13

78Ms. Nalawade Shweeta W12

79Ms. Julde Utkarsha M16

80Ms.Rathod Prerna B08

81Mr.Shabra Pawan R08

82Ms.Londhe Sujali S.09

83Ms. Sonawane Vrushali L08

84Mr.Singh Vijay K07

85Mr.Rajput Surdhessh K12

86Ms.Yadav Prerna V12

87Mr.Zagade Manas S13

88Mr.Shubham Mutha L08

89Mr.Shinde Rushikesh R13

90Ms.Salve Elinor S12

91Mr.Karimbil Sashobh N15

92Mr. Pachpute Shubhankar L.16

93Mr. Thombre Anat S.13

94Mr. Yadav Amar A.06

95Mr. Shiaikh Muskan S08

96Mr. Raj Rahul P10

97Mr. Pandarkar Prasad S10

98Mr. Raj Pushkar R11

99Ms. Nimje Reena H.14

100Ms. Navgire Ketki P15

Unaided English Medium SchoolRoll No.Name of studentMarks

1Mr. Rawat Dhiraj M10

2Ms. Kale Sonali P11

3Mr. Bhondave Rakesh A08

4Ms. Zad Bhagyashri N13

5Mr. Vasavekar Rushikesh B15

6Mr. Mane Rohan A.13

7Mr. Kumbhar Tejab. D13

8Mr. Tatiya Siddharth S13

9Mr. Hiwale Samyel. D14

10Mr. Bhagwat Vaibhav B09

11Mr. Kasar Pumhorla P06

12Mr. Khan Salman A15

13Mr. Ghodekar Narashada K09

14Mr. Kapoor Shirish L10

15Mr. Jidwani Akash P11

16Mr. Bhalerao Anaghar G09

17Mr. Salve Arpan A10

18Mr.Jadhav Krushna S10

19Mr.Sonawane Mahesh J10

20Mr.Bitoke Jayraj V12

21Mr.Faragade Jai. V10

22Mr.Bhujbal Prajyot S13

23Mr.Bishwas Rahul B.13

24Mr.Gawawali Sangram K08

25Mr.Khedekar Omkar M07

26Mr.Zad Bhushan M06

27Mr.Jagtap Prafful N08

28Mr.Jagdale Aprrv T12

29Mr.Kambale Akshay M08

30Mr.Jadhav Akash Y13

31Mr.Pachpute Girish S10

32Mr.Koli Sagar L12

34Ms.Dhamne Shreya S06

35Mr.Madikar Santosh V10

36Mr.Rajput Abhishek O10

37Ms.Bhagwat Vrushali P05

38Mr.Phadke Sachin U11

39Mr.Yash Tatiya T10

40Mr.Kale Ajinkya V06

41Mr.Farate Somesh P12

42Mr.Samadarr Beekee T13

43Mr.Dosti Akash R08

44Mr.Madikan Himalaya S07

45Mr.Rushikesh Madhuman B07

46Mr.Gaikwad Rahul J15

47Ms.Dhaggade Nilam K04

48Mr.Tatiya Samyak N14

49Mr.Jaykumar Pranid P12

50Ms.Raskar Sonali R06

51Ms.Kulkarni Revati S07

52Mr.Madikan Himalaya S06

53Ms.Salve Arpita F07

54Mr.Shinde Harshvardhan V11

55Ms.Pawar Sakhi G07

56Ms.Shinde Sheetal D06

57Mr.Abdul Vrushan S12

58Mr.Dalimbe Akash M16

59Mr.Doiphode Deepak G13

60Mr.Khomane Lalit K14

61Mr.Gavali Bhushankumar V08

62Mr.Kazi Akram I14

63Mr.Shaikh Bilal M08

64Mr.Desai Tanmay B09

65Mr.adhav Sharuja O06

66Ms.Gaikwad Geeta E08

67Mr.Inamdar Mangal S06

68Ms.Whore Chaitrali S09

69Ms.Randive Pranoti A05

70Ms.Sonawane Rajeshwari K08

71Mr.Mane Ajay A12

72Ms.Zala Rajeshwari B08

73Mr.Sonawane Ganesh V13

74Mr.Phadke Sangram Y11

75Mr.Maksane Shivam N10

76Mr.Katariya Nikhil A09

77Mr.Pawar Digvijay P15

78Mr.Pwar Akshay R16

79Mr.Sharma Karan R14

80Mr.Sarode Deepak B10

81Mr.Divekar Saurabh S09

82Mr.Shelar Viraj S11

83Mr.Suvarna rakesh V12

84Mr.Tamboli Rehan S13

85Mr.Pokar Kartik T11

86Mr.Shaikh Shaibaz M.H09

87Ms.Karimbil Shruthi S08

88Ms.Garud Iram D04

89Mr.Shinde Nandukumar C11

90Ms.Dhaygude Shubhangi N05

91Mr.Parmar Sanketh E12

92Mr.Kamble Amol F15

93Mr.Shaikh Kalim. A12

94Ms.Thombare Kajal H05

95Ms.Jadhav Ashwini S05

96Mr.Taware Sujash P13

97Mr.Gaikwad Omkar P14

98Ms.Sanass Prachi I07

99Ms.Gaikwad Poonam A05

100Mr.Garud Shubhankar J07

Development of achievement test in computer literacy: The investigator has decided to construct and standardized an Achievement Test in Computer literacy. As the first step the investigator has collected variety of information regarding computer literacy from various sources like Internet search,Journals, Books and opinions and information from the experts in the field of computer education. Hence, the researcher developed this tool to measure the extent of knowledge of computer literacy. Items were constructed and pooled out from the subject of ICT after going through the related literature in the subject. The items constructed were related to basics like: Knowledge of hardware and working of a computer and MS office viz ; MS WORD, MS WORD, MS EXCEL, MS POWER POINT and INTERNET EXPLORER. At first a draft test containing thirty five items was prepared. The draft was presented to twenty experts handling computer education subject and their suggestions were incorporated. Some of the items had to be deleted from the draft due to difficulty level, vocabulary problem, in appropriate items etc. The unanimity of the judges about the items was taken to be an indicative of the internal consistency of the test and finally 20 items were included in the final tool. Expert's acceptance of the final tool was considered for content validity of the tool. Each statements or questions have four alternatives out of which one alternative are correct for each question and the other three alternatives are wrong.Scoring procedure : The test has as many as 20 items with four alternatives each, out of which one alternative is correct in every items or questions. An individual score is the sum of the scores of the twenty items. The score range is from minimum 0 to maximum 20. Higher score indicates the favorable knowledge about computer literacy.Scoring Key : Sr.No Key Sr.No Key











Scoring: One mark is awarded for every right answer. Thus the minimum Score that could be obtained is zero and the maximum score would be 20.NORMSAs a Result of Administering the Achievement test in Computer literary on a sample of from English medium school by std x in duand city the given category indicates the Achievement of computer literacy & the category indicates the Achievement of computer literacy & the category wise classification as percentile norms was lone.The following table presents the classification:ScoresInterpretation

1-5Less Knowledge

6-10Medium Knowledge

11-15Good Knowledge

16-20Fair Knowledge

The maximum scores in the Achievement test in computer literacy are 20& in scores classification in the percentile norms indicate as follows :

Less Knowledge : Typifies the awareness of Knowledge about computer is very limited.Medium Knowledge : Refers that the computer literacy is known to some intent.Good Knowledge : Refers that computer literacy is known very superiorlyFair Knowledge : Refers that one is master in the computer literacy and is outstanding & worth appreciable & mentioning in that area.

4.4 Observation chart for Survey done on Aided and Unaided English Medium School for Achievement Test in Computer Literacy:Aided English Medium SchoolScoresNumber of StudentsInterpretation

1-51Less Knowledge

6-1063Medium Knowledge

11-1534Good Knowledge

16-202Fair Knowledge

Unaided English Medium SchoolScoresNumber of StudentsInterpretation

1-57Less Knowledge

6-1046Medium Knowledge

11-1543Good Knowledge

16-204Fair Knowledge

4.5 Graphical representation of above data:Aided and Unaided English Medium School 1) Less Knowledge of Computer Literacy

2) Medium Knowledge of Computer Literacy

3) Good Knowledge of Computer Literacy

4) Fair Knowledge of Computer Literacy

4.6 Objective wise findings

Objective 1: To know the interest of secondary stud of std x in ICT.

Finding :After doing summery on 100 students on aided & unaided school was found that students have interest in computers.Objective 2 :To test the computer literacy of std X student of Government aided English medium school.Findings.It was tested in four categories (Less Knowledge, Medium Knowledge, Good Knowledge, & Fair Knowledge), it was found that in aided English medium school the Number of students having medium Knowledge of computer was more.

Objective :- 3To test computer literacy of X std students of unaided English medium school.

Findings :- It was tested in 4 categories (Less Knowledge, Medium Knowledge, Good Knowledge, & fair Knowledge), it was found that in unaided english medium school the number of student having Less Knowledge, Good Knowledge & Fair Knowledge of computer was more.

Objective 4 :- To compare the achievement test score of student of std X of Government aided English medium school & unaided English medium school.

Findings :-After comparing the achievement test score students of Government. aided eng medium school & unaided English medium school it was found that maximum no of students in aided school has medium knowledge of computer and in unaided schools the number of students having less knowledge, good knowledge & knowledge of computer was more compared to aided schools.

4.7 Interpretation:- After comparing the achievement test score its was found that 1) In aided school : The students have interest & knowledge in computer but they need more skilled computer teachers in order to enhance their knowledge in computer as well help them in making career in computers.

2) In Unaided school : Though the number of students having less knowledge is more comparative to unaided school but the number of students having fair knowledge is also more comparative aided school so they have more knowledge in computer and they are getting good support & infrastructure as well as more computer facility from school.

4.8 Conclusion:-Achievement test in computer literacy of aided & unaided English medium school in Daund city was surveyed & it was found that more no of students of std X in unaided school have fair knowledge in computers and less number of student of std X in aided school have fair knowledge.


5.1 Introduction :Teaching as a process by which the teacher and the students create a shared environment including sets of values, beliefs which in turn colour their view of reality.(Joyce & Well)The action done to fulfill the objective of bringing out learning means teaching.(Smith)The main aim of teaching is to bring about socially desirable behavior change in the student and this can only be achieved if the teaching is effective.

All of us use technology knowingly of unknowingly. We gather as well as pass on information in our day to day life using various electronic gadgets like call phone, PC, laptop, notebook, CD-ROM, video disc, radio, Cable TV and so on. Use of internal email, satellite communication, interactive radios, local and wide area networks and computer simulation makes it easy to gather analyze, use and share information.

ICT is a term that includes and communication device or application, as well as the various services and applications associated with them ICT can also be understood as a study or business of developing and using technology to process information & aid communication the use of information & communicate technology (ICT) offers equitable, affordable and convenient tools for education.

ICT is becoming a part and parcel of human life. The discoveries and, inventions in science and technology have improved the speed of communicate By making use of available tools, ICT is helping common man to fulfill his needs, has become integral part of new era.

An attempt has been made in the present research to explore the computer literacy among secondary study in teaching learning process.The researcher has prepared the achievement test score in ICT for Gov. aided school and unaided English medium school and a comparative study has been conducted.

5.2 Background of the Study :The versatility of human ability to reduce a complex problem to a simple logically connected problem and then apply a computer to solve them has made their use widespread (Pradeep Kumar, T, 2010). Primarily computers were applied for calculations that were beyond contemplation because of time span and monotony involved in solving them (Rose, C. Nicholl, M.J 1997). Today, apart from scientific work computers is applied to a variety of applications. To mention a few of them: space programs, fly-by-wire aircraft system, guided missiles, air craft control, weather predictions, nuclear technology, submarine and space shuttle navigation, library management, on-line reservations in trains and aircrafts. They are used at homes, in office, at schools, in banks. Think of any field - the computer exists. Today the world revolves around the computer (David H. Jonassen, 1999).

Then, what is a computer? The computer is an electronic machine that can perform variety of activities. It does not have an intelligence of its own. It recognizes the instructions provide by its user and acts accordingly. In its simplest form a computer may be defined as a fast electronic calculating machine, that accepts digitized input information, process it according to a list of internally stored instructions and produces the resultant output information.It mainly consists of five independent functional units viz.,5

(vi) Input Unit(vii) Memory Unit(viii) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)(ix) Output Unit(x) Control UnitThe computer is able to process data and the data might take variety of forms. The data processed is stored. The data may be pieces of information which are stored for a short period of time or the data may be stored in certain physical media, for later usage. The computer must be able to move data between itself and the outside world. The computer operating environment includes a wide variety of devices and data has to travel between the various devices (Clark and Grant, R.2005). There must also be a control of these three functions by the individuals who provide the computer with instructions. Within the computer system, a control unit manages the performance of the various functional parts. In general, the method of working of a computer and the four possible operations is depicted in figure 1.The computer system has two components:1. Ha rdwa re: Computer hardware includes physical devices of the computer viz., monitor, visual display unit, printers, hard disc, mouse, key board, etc.,2. Software: Computer software is a program or a set of instructions used to for the execution or running of the computer, the software is classified into two types:(a) System software: includes operating system, packages, etc.,(b) Application software: is a program developed by the user to obtain the solution of a problem using the computer

CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPUTER:A Computer is capable of storing huge amount of data, perform various input/ output operations and process the input data given by the user. The main characteristics of the computer are: High Speed: Computer performs various computations at a very high speed. It executes millions (106) of instructions per second. Instructions are carried out obediently with no questions asked and without any mistake. Accuracy: Computer produces very accurate results for the given input data. Reliability: The computer produces very consistent results. Chances of failures or degradation in the data are absolutely absent. Usability: Computer is used in almost all applications. It is global. The major application fields are scientific, business and education.

GENERATION OF COMPUTERS:The computers of the electronic era suffered from two serious drawbacks: (i) The inertia of the moving parts used in the components of developing the systems limited the computing speed of the system.

(ii) The movement of data by mechanical means was cumbersome and unreliable.What was needed was a switching mechanism wit!- no moving parts. The invention of the triode vacuum tube in 1906 provided the basic building block for such a system. As these devices became less expensive and more reliable, they were open for the development of the electronic computer. Computers are classified into five generations after the development of the first electronic computer- ENIAC. This classification is mainly based on the technology used in the manufacture of computers.

1. First Generation Computers (Vacuum Tubes), 1946-1959:They were extremely large and had little reliability. They were built with vacuum tubes as diodes. They had very limited storage and memory capacity. The speed of the system was veiy slow. Punched cards were used as input elements. A reading machine was used to interpret (data) holes and translate it into machine language. They were mostly applied for payroll and billing. Some of the computers of this era are UNIVAC I, Whirl Wind I, etc.

2. Second Generation Computers (Transistors), 1957-1964:The invention of transistors in 1947 in USA replaced the large, expensive and hot vacuum tubes in the second-generation computers. These computers had comparatively increased storage capacity, required less power, and were much faster and less economical. Magnetic tapes were used as input units and storage media. Higher-level programming languages like FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, were introduced. Some of the computers of this generation are: IBM 7090, IBM 1620, Philco 2000, etc.

3. Third Generation Computers (Integrated Circuits), 1965-1970:They were built with integrated circuits (ICs). These systems have semiconductor memory. They concept of operating system and parallel processing were introduced. Package programs, Word processing and Remote terminals were developed during this period. The first minicomputer was developed in 1965.

4. Fourth Generation Computers, 1970-1990:These computers were built with Large scale integration (LS1C) and Very large scale integration (VLSIC) with 100s to 1000s and millions of transistors per silicon chip. Most of the microcomputers produced today use VLSIC chips. In 1980s supercomputers were introduced. They are exceptionally high-speed machines consisting of several computers acting simultaneously. Their cost is very high and is used only in certain complex applications such as space technology. The concept of networking is introduced in these systems. The size and cost of the computers reduced even further. These computers have larger memory capacity.

5. Fifth Generation Computers, 1990:These systems are based on super large-scale integration (SLSIC) with millions of transistors integrated in a single chip. They are capable of performing millions of instructions per second (MIPS). The concept of artificial intelligence is introduced in fifth generation computers. CRAY machine is an example of this generation. They are able to see objects, listen to sound, interpret and speak and think as nearly as humans do.

5.2.1 What is ICI in teaching learning process? ICT is diverse mixture of technology tools & resources to create, differentiate, store & manage information for communication.

5.2.2 Importance of ICI in schools ICI- It occupies an important place in schools because of following factors. The information reference of any topic in teaching learning process is easily available with the help of ICT. It has important place in day to day life. It has utility in life. It has contributed to different branches of knowledge

5.2.3 Objectives of ICT in teaching learning process1. To help more people to gain access to all levels of education.2. To develop interest in ICT.3. To help the students to understand the cause effect relationship in natural incident.4. To improve the quality of education.5. To assist in carrying out non-formal education.5.3Need of the researchICT is very important subject in school curriculum that introduces various enhances lifelong learning these need to be mastered and the students should be able to apply them in their day to day situation. Following points will explain the need of the present research. To speed the path of students forwards learning To overcome physical and geographical barriers and facilitatecommunication in students. To promote an environment that emphasizes collaboration rather than competition. To enrich the students thinking. To familiarize students with the technologies that has become the integral component of the modem world. To connect classroom to research centers and students to actual scientists for discussions. To expand the learning options in students To motivate the students for self learning.

5.4 Significance of the researchSignificance of present research. ICT has given students an opportunity to go beyond text books. Present research will be helpful for students in using are technologies for learning process. Present research will be useful in extending the students know of ICT Present research will be useful in understanding the level computer literacy among aided school students & unaided school students.

5.5 Statement of the problem:To study the computer literacy among class X students of English Medium School.

5.6 Operational Definitions: Computer literacyComputer literacy is that one should have the knowledge computer and should have the ability to upload and download computer files. Achievements : the score of ICT test of the students in survey group. Std X Students: Students who are studying in X Std who are appearing for the first SSC Board Exam Maharashtra State Gov. Which is termed as first turning point in their lives.5.7 Objectives : To know the interest To test the computer literacy of 10th std students of Gov aided English medium school. To test the computer literacy of 10 std students of unaided English medium school. To compare the achievement test score of students of 10 students of Gov aided school. English medium school and unaided English medium school.

5.8 Scope of Research: The Present research is related to students of 10th class. The present research is related to1 ICT literacy only. Conclusion of present study is applicable to students, teacher & policy makers.

5.9 Limitations:Researcher does not have control on the responses given by the students for the tool developed for the assessment & achievement of students.

5.10 Delimitations: The study is restricted to the students in two schools from Daund. The study is restricted to English medium students only. The study is limited to academic yr 2013 -2014. The study is limited to ICT literacy only.

5.11 Research Methodology: Research Method.Survey Method.

5.12 PopulationAll students of 10th Std of SSC Board of Maharashtra State Gov. ir\ (dciit t - (A *

5.13 Sample :-Non- probability purposive method of sampling will be adopted for the present study sample will be consisting of four division of 10th Std.

5.14 Tools for data collection:Dr. T Pradeep Kumars

5.15Findings of the study : English medium school More number of students of std X English Medium in Daund city are computer literate to same extent. The students score of achievement test of aided and unaided English medium school in Daund city do not showed much difference in computer literacy. The program helped to improve the ability of students. The program helped the students to develope cognitive skill associated with the basic learning of basic computers. Thus the test developed by the researcher is proved effective to improve the computer literacy among std X students of English medium school in Daund city.

5.16Recommendation & suggestion for further research. This research gives an insight to further studies like- Similar the study can be conducted in education. Further study can be done in Marathi medium schools. Further study can be done in co-ed Junior college. Further study can be done in B.Ed college.

5.17Result & Conclusion :From the scores interpreted through statistical tools it was observed that maximum number of students have interest & knowledge in computer literacy and their basic concept in computer are clear. There is not much difference among students of std X of aided & unaided English Medium school in computer literacy.

5.18Education Implication :1. This study developed that more number of students can make career in computers 2. The cognitive skills of students s can be well developed3. The material & techniques used in the study proved helpful in developing awareness of the latest technological development among the students4. The study gave an opportunity to improve their skill & basic concept of computers.5.19 Conclusion: From the scores interpreted through statistical tools it was observed that maximum number of students of Std X in Daund city have knowledge and interest of computers to some extent and if their knowledge more enhanced than they can make a good career in ICT.

REFERENCES Manual for compute literacy Achievement test Dr. T. Pradeep Kumar Best J.W & Khan J.V (2011) Research in Education (10th Edition) Published by PHI Leaving Private Limited New Delhi- 110001 S.K. Mangal (2012) Statistics in psychology and education (2nd edition) Published by PHI Learning Private Limited New Delhi- 110 001 Best, J. W. & Khan, J.V. (2008) Research in Education (9th ed.)New Delhi : prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. P-101 Best, J.W. & Khan, J. V. (2008). Research in Education (9th ed.)New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. P-133. Best, J. W. & Khan, J. V. (2004). Research in Education (7th ed).New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. P-20 Best, J. W. & Khan, J. V. (2008). Research in Education (9th ed).New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. P-107, 108 Wilkinson, J. S. & Bhandarkar, P. L. (1984) Methodology and Techniques of Social Research.

BIBLIOGRAPHY:Books Manual for computer literacy Achievement test Dr. T. Pradeep Kumar Best J.W & Khan J.V (2011) Research in Education (10th Edition) Published by PHI Leaving Private Limited New Delhi- 110001 S.K. Mangal (2012) Statistics in psychology and education (2nd edition) Published by PHI Learning Private Limited New Delhi- 110 001

APPENDEX-Marks for achievement test in computer literacy.Aided English Medium School

Roll No.Name of studentMarks

1Mr. Kharat Prasad P.07

2Mr. Pawar Abhijeet A.08

3Mr. Khan Shoyeb S.07

4Ms. Ahya Veena A.11

5Ms. Kumbhar Sayali.D.11

6Mrs. Koli Shubhani D.08

7Ms. Ghodake Sayali S.09

8Mr. Chumbalkar Abhishek S08

9Ms. Raut Shivani R.09

10Mr. Mathew Stephin B12

11Ms. Singh Shrvali K06

12Mr. Jamble Shubham J08

13Ms. Jagdale Vishnavi U09

14Mr. Athawale Sandeep R.07

15Mr. Desai Omkar B12

16Ms. Athavle Samola D09

17Ms. Sonawane Vidya V.08

18Ms. Chinchghare Rutuja P.13

19Mr. Jadhav Rohan R.08

20Mr. Jagdale Sandip R.06

21Ms. Khandage Shivaji T.09

22Ms. Kamble Sayali R10

23Ms. Ingavale Neha V.10

24Ms. Bagade Ashwjeet A.08

25Ms. Kadapure Shena A.12

26Mr. Sayyed Arbaz N06

27Mr. Chavan Omkar S.11

Roll No.Name of studentMarks

28Ms. Katariya Rakhi P.09

29Ms. Borawade Sayali M08

30Mr. Kamble Ankusha L10

31Mr. Jagdale Ketan B.06

32Ms. Khan Talha M04

33Ms. Bhandari Shurti P.10

34Ms. Dhavale Amrja09

35Mr. Borde Kunal J.08

36Mr. Jadhav Abhishek09

37Mr. Jadhav Ravindra. E07

38Ms. Kumar Soham.K07

39Mr. Bagwan Akib S.10

40Mr. Aher Pratik N.10

41Mr. Gaikwad Daniel Y.13

42Mr. Bansode Rohan W.09

43Ms. Divekar Suraj K.10

44Ms. Mahajan Sakshi M12

45Ms. Kaygude Sharona R.07

46Ms. Sarode Vishnavi S.07

47Ms. Rajwade Samruddhi09

48Ms. Shinde Diksha A.08

49Mr. Zagade Manas Z13

50Mr. Ver Navnath K14

51Ms. Makwane Sarjerao R.08

52Ms Pasalkar Adinath D.10

53Ms. Salve Snehal S.08

54Mr. Salunkhe Shreeyash S.10

55Ms. Shitole Sameer S09

56Ms. Shinde Aman D13

57Ms. Nikam Rushikesh S.13

58Ms. Nimbalkar Omkar K11

59Ms. Shaikh Muskan B06

60Mr. Sukheja Nikhil U11

61Mr. Pachpute Digvijay N15

62Mr. Zagade Manas R13

63Mr. Shaikh Shijaat S15

64Ms.Tangade Pranar P09

65Mr. Mashal Sanghraj D10

66Mr. Mahale Pritam N.11

67Mr. Tamboli Aniket R.11

68Mr. Pisal Rushikesh H10

69Mr. Pokar Kishan J.10

70Mr. Ohal Saurabh S13

71Mr. Shaikh Abu K10

72Mr. Anand Sadafule O11

73Mr. Karimbil Sushobha I14

74Mr. Singh Nand Kishor14

75Mr. Ohal Suraj G09

76Ms. Marshal Shraddha S.06

77Mr.Takale Sakshi S.13

78Ms. Nalawade Shweeta W12

79Ms. Julde Utkarsha M16

80Ms.Rathod Prerna B08

81Mr.Shabra Pawan R08

82Ms.Londhe Sujali S.09

83Ms. Sonawane Vrushali L08

84Mr.Singh Vijay K07

85Mr.Rajput Surdhessh K12

86Ms.Yadav Prerna V12

87Mr.Zagade Manas S13

88Mr.Shubham Mutha L08

89Mr.Shinde Rushikesh R13

90Ms.Salve Elinor S12

91Mr.Karimbil Sashobh N15

92Mr. Pachpute Shubhankar L.16

93Mr. Thombre Anat S.13

94Mr. Yadav Amar A.06

95Mr. Shiaikh Muskan S08

96Mr. Raj Rahul P10

97Mr. Pandarkar Prasad S10

98Mr. Raj Pushkar R11

99Ms. Nimje Reena H.14

100Ms. Navgire Ketki P15

Unaided English Medium SchoolRoll No.Name of studentMarks

1Mr. Rawat Dhiraj M10

2Ms. Kale Sonali P11

3Mr. Bhondave Rakesh A08

4Ms. Zad Bhagyashri N13

5Mr. Vasavekar Rushikesh B15

6Mr. Mane Rohan A.13

7Mr. Kumbhar Tejab. D13

8Mr. Tatiya Siddharth S13

9Mr. Hiwale Samyel. D14

10Mr. Bhagwat Vaibhav B09

11Mr. Kasar Pumhorla P06

12Mr. Khan Salman A15

13Mr. Ghodekar Narashada K09

14Mr. Kapoor Shirish L10

15Mr. Jidwani Akash P11

16Mr. Bhalerao Anaghar G09

17Mr. Salve Arpan A10

18Mr.Jadhav Krushna S10

19Mr.Sonawane Mahesh J10

20Mr.Bitoke Jayraj V12

21Mr.Faragade Jai. V10

22Mr.Bhujbal Prajyot S13

23Mr.Bishwas Rahul B.13

24Mr.Gawawali Sangram K08

25Mr.Khedekar Omkar M07

26Mr.Zad Bhushan M06

27Mr.Jagtap Prafful N08

28Mr.Jagdale Aprrv T12

29Mr.Kambale Akshay M08

30Mr.Jadhav Akash Y13

31Mr.Pachpute Girish S10

32Mr.Koli Sagar L12

34Ms.Dhamne Shreya S06

35Mr.Madikar Santosh V10

36Mr.Rajput Abhishek O10

37Ms.Bhagwat Vrushali P05

38Mr.Phadke Sachin U11

39Mr.Yash Tatiya T10

40Mr.Kale Ajinkya V06

41Mr.Farate Somesh P12

42Mr.Samadarr Beekee T13

43Mr.Dosti Akash R08

44Mr.Madikan Himalaya S07

45Mr.Rushikesh Madhuman B07

46Mr.Gaikwad Rahul J15

47Ms.Dhaggade Nilam K04

48Mr.Tatiya Samyak N14

49Mr.Jaykumar Pranid P12

50Ms.Raskar Sonali R06

51Ms.Kulkarni Revati S07

52Mr.Madikan Himalaya S06

53Ms.Salve Arpita F07

54Mr.Shinde Harshvardhan V11

55Ms.Pawar Sakhi G07

56Ms.Shinde Sheetal D06

57Mr.Abdul Vrushan S12

58Mr.Dalimbe Akash M16

59Mr.Doiphode Deepak G13

60Mr.Khomane Lalit K14

61Mr.Gavali Bhushankumar V08

62Mr.Kazi Akram I14

63Mr.Shaikh Bilal M08

64Mr.Desai Tanmay B09

65Mr.adhav Sharuja O06

66Ms.Gaikwad Geeta E08

67Mr.Inamdar Mangal S06

68Ms.Whore Chaitrali S09

69Ms.Randive Pranoti A05

70Ms.Sonawane Rajeshwari K08

71Mr.Mane Ajay A12

72Ms.Zala Rajeshwari B08

73Mr.Sonawane Ganesh V13

74Mr.Phadke Sangram Y11

75Mr.Maksane Shivam N10

76Mr.Katariya Nikhil A09

77Mr.Pawar Digvijay P15

78Mr.Pwar Akshay R16

79Mr.Sharma Karan R14

80Mr.Sarode Deepak B10

81Mr.Divekar Saurabh S09

82Mr.Shelar Viraj S11

83Mr.Suvarna rakesh V12

84Mr.Tamboli Rehan S13

85Mr.Pokar Kartik T11

86Mr.Shaikh Shaibaz M.H09

87Ms.Karimbil Shruthi S08

88Ms.Garud Iram D04

89Mr.Shinde Nandukumar C11

90Ms.Dhaygude Shubhangi N05

91Mr.Parmar Sanketh E12

92Mr.Kamble Amol F15

93Mr.Shaikh Kalim. A12

94Ms.Thombare Kajal H05

95Ms.Jadhav Ashwini S05

96Mr.Taware Sujash P13

97Mr.Gaikwad Omkar P14

98Ms.Sanass Prachi I07

99Ms.Gaikwad Poonam A05

100Mr.Garud Shubhankar J07

Questionnaire:(1) Which of these is an input device?(a) Mouse(b) ROM(c) Speaker(d) Monitor(2) Which of these is essential to have an internet connection?(a) UPS(b) Modem(c) Printer(d) CD-ROM(3) Which of these is an output device?(a) Joy Stick(b) Keyboardf(c ) Microphone(d) Monitor(4) The data flows from input device to(a) CPU(b) Output device(c )Secondary Memory(d) Backing Storage(5) Which of these is software?(a) Floppy(b) Operating System(c )Modem(d) Hard disc(6) MS-Excel consists of(a) Word processing programs (b) Spread sheet software (c ) Database management (d) Networking software(7) Which of these is hardware?(a) Programs(b) Algorithm(c) Computer Language (d) Hard disc(8) Computer virus is a(a) Program( b) Virus(c) Bacteria( d) Internet connector(9) http is the acronym of(a) hypertext transfer protocol (b) hypertext title program (c )hypertext title program (d) hyper transfer text protocol(10) Which of these tasks cannot be performed by a computer?(a) Store single digit calculations.(b) Drawgeometric shapes according to input(c) Suggest alternative solution to incorrect data(d) Understand high level languages.

(11) You need to attend a conference to present a paper.You also need to take handwritten notes in the conference. Which of these computers will you be taking?(a) Laptop(b) Desk top PC(c ) Tablet PC(d) Note Book

(12) Which of these is usually attached within the system unit?(a) Floppy disc(b) Compact disc(c ) Hard disc(d) all the above(13) A byte is a set of(a) 8 bits(b) 6 bits(c) 10 bits(d) 5 bits(14) If you have to connect to the internet which of these programs is needed?(a) Internet explorer( b) web explorer(c) Windows media player (d) Windows messenger(15) If you need to teach germination of seeds diagrammatically which of these is better?(a) MS Power point( b) MS Word(c) MS Excel(d) MS Paint(16) Which of these types of networking is used in the Internet?(a) LAN(b) WAN(c ) MAN(d) IAN(17) The suffice 'com* in the web address, refers to(a) Commercial organization (b) communication organization (c) Computer organization (d) company organization

(18) A teacher wants to send message to the Education department. Which ofthe following services should S/he use? (a) E-mail(b) search engine(c )Instant messaging(d) chat room(19) The cell in a MS Excel worksheet labeled 'D5' refers to(a) Row D & Colum 5(b) Colum D & Raw 5(b) Cell5 of Row 4 (d) Cell 4 of Column 5(20) CD-ROM refers to a compact disc that(a) Can be over written(b) cannot be overwritten(c ) Can be rewritten(d) cannot be reused.

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