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  • 7/24/2019 Stress Disorders - Douglas Mackley Baker


  • 7/24/2019 Stress Disorders - Douglas Mackley Baker


  • 7/24/2019 Stress Disorders - Douglas Mackley Baker



    sotic Meaning and Healng



    First ublished 177

    Tis edition 1

    Copyright 0 I993 Douglas Baker


    966 II 2

    Pblished by:ak ca

    'Little Elephant, High Road ssendonHetfordshire, England

  • 7/24/2019 Stress Disorders - Douglas Mackley Baker


    All the world's a stage,

    nd all the men and women merely players:They have their exts and their entrances,nd one mn in his time plays many parts,His act being seven ages. At rst the infant,Mewling and puking in the nurse's armsThen the whnng school boy, with hs satchelAnd shning moing face, creeping like a snail

    Unwillingly to school And then the lover,Sighing like a ace, with a woel baladMade to his mistresses' eyebrow. Then the soldier,Full of strange oaths, and bearded like a pard,Jealous in honour, sudden, and quick in quarrelSeeking the bubble reputation,Even in the cannon's mouth. nd then the justice,In fair round belly and good capon lin'd,

    With eyes severe and beard of foral cut,Full of wise saws and mode instancesnd so he lays his art, The sixth age shisInto the lean and sliper'd pantaloon,With sectaces on nose and pouch on sideHis youthl hose well sav'd, a world too wideFor his shrunk shank and his big manly voice,Tung again towards childish treble, ipesnd whistles in hs sound Last scene of all,That ends this strange eventl histoy,Is second childishness, and mere oblivon,Sans tooth, sans eye, sans eveything

    -From As You Lik It, Act II, Scene VII,by John Rchardson

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  • 7/24/2019 Stress Disorders - Douglas Mackley Baker



    Chapter One

    Stress-A Dialogue with the Higher Self 9

    Chapter Two

    Deveopment of Stress Mechanisms 27

    Chapter Tree

    A New Yoga for a New Age 39

    Chapter Four

    Dealing with Stress Creatively 45

    Chapter Five

    General Adaptation Syndrome 55

    Capter Six

    Mneral Sats and Flower Remedes 67

    Capter Seven

    Degenerative and Regenerative Life Cycles 79

    Capter Eight

    Where Does Your Energy Come From? 87

    Cpter Nie

    Fruits of Stress 1 0

    Chapter Ten

    Some Exercises for Creative Living 13

    Appendix 125

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    Chapter One

    Sss-A Dilogu wi ig Slf

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    Eac member of e uman ingdom bears wiin imsef asark of e diine Togeer ese for e rea Fame iine

    wic is a rea ar of e consciousness of e soar Logos Tagrea Being ermis ar of is consiousnes o become incarceraed i form

    Te Fame iine is isef a force cere a cakra in e body ofa grea cosmic Being We ca a suendous Eni 'Te OnebouWom aug May Be Said n im our soar sysema is eerc ee forms e ear cakra Te cecie uni

    known as e Fame iine eiss on e ies anes inereneraing a ear cakra of wc i is a ery deie comonen

    dd f Md

    Te more racica name we gie e sarks of e diine is'monads Tey reside in and are e subsance of e ariouscakras of e soar Logos Eac cakra is disseminaed by oneof e Seen Rays e quaiies of Life a emanae from

    myserous sources in e 'dak maer of e gan sar SiriusTere is a Ray us goeng eac o ese grous o monadsSecond ay monads are iuenced y e ear cakra of eLogos Tird Ray monads and e auor is one of ese ar arofis roa cakra. risnamui was aso one of ese monadson e Tird Ray is 'occu name cyone a sar in ePeiades indicaes is Firs Ray monads are reaed o is ead

    cakra and eir number comaraiey sma indicae eeen o wic is cenre is eniened in e soar Logoscomared wi e oer wo Te Ray ofe monad may cangein e inerening eriod beween is uing ou is mecanismsfor ineracon wi e ower anes so a a weay raeera rodiga son euig o e Faes ouse may reener iby a dieren 'door o e one om wic e e i

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    Te disciines of yoga a a ees uman soar and cosmic conce e ransfer of energies of one cakra o is igercounera or aer ego. Tus a e uman ee e energyof e soar eus cenre is raised o is aer ego a of e earcakra; and ere are denie disciines wic accomis isFurermore e rocess roduces sress in e reaed form asress wic mus be resoed before rer rogress is underaken soar ees e woe rocess of monads coming ogris wi maeria form and en sgging ou of i consiuesa corresonding energy ransfer o a iger cakra in is bodyand adds a quaiy o e One nWomWe Lie. f d w f mf ym

    and roceeds aso a e ee of an aom a man and a ane

    Monads are unabe because of eir ig siriua ibraions ooerae beow e ee of e monadic ane and mus ere

    fore deeo mecanisms o carry some of eir consciousnessower and ower ino e denses anes e owes of wic isour ysica word. Via ese mecanisms e mona can reacdown a any ime ino e owes e anes of subsance. Teowes ree anes are reaced roug a riad of eiceswic make u e uman ersonaiy. Bu as e monadrogressiey akes on is eices is siriua ower in em isdiminised; s abiiy roug em o conro e surroundings is greay reduced ence e maer of sress wic arisesou of is inner srugge of e monad o accomis e na acsof eeing isef from aacmens o e maeria word and isunrea eemens

    n eir descen e monads creae an inermediae eice foreir eression e Sefwic is formess and eiss on e

    anes of ma Buddi and Manas o eress e siriua inen2

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    of he moad We ed o sese he Sef ady o above us ad

    e heefoe aso use he expessos e Sef ad hgheSe y of hese hee s bee emoogy ha he use of heod sou he Chrsan sese. The oe ad and he hgheSe shae oe of he ve paes he mea pae The hghepa s eaed o Manas and he oe s caed acve egeceMa as a pesoay cano ye use Maas eecvey ad sesced o mea expesso hough oe maas he e

    gece needed o opeae ou pesoaes he compexevome of he Earh I s hghe Maas ha peses Mah hs ex spua oe and he aea of hs measugges hch he mus sumoun f he shes o pogessbeyod he cones of hs pesoay ad o he eam of hshghe Se

    Ma s o e o he compcaed ad sess aa of

    hdaa of eug o he Fahe The spak seeks he Famead he hoe pocess mgh ake a bo yeas o acheveece he eed fo may ves o he Eah ad phaps eve oohe paes efoe akg up he mae of he pesoaysadjusme o sess e us ake a cose ook a he sucuehch e have descbed as he hghe Se

    f f

    he hghe Sef s a u of eegy

    2. I has o shape pecua o sef bu uses oe o may foms

    o hough hch o expess se

    3 The eegy un s a vg beng I s exemey sube adcapabe of erpeneang a ohe foms of eegy andmaea subsace ko o Man

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    4 I possesses a cohesive or synesising quality capableof holding all substnces in association animate orinanimate, according to the leve of its o siritualvibrations.

    5 It may link, organise or inuence the movements o

    ositive to positive

    negtive to negative

    ositive to negative

    atom to element

    element to molecue

    protein molecue to cell

    cel to multicellular organism

    organsm to species, right up toman himsel

    6 In man, the energy of the higher Sef holds al his bodiessubtle and oss in a loose union

    7. The Self interpenetrates and coheres all its bodies as watermay nterenetrate and cohere sand paticles in a hanlof md

    8 The igher Self is not ure spit but is an inteediate

    enery lying between sirit and matter through hich theone interacts with the other Man is a blending of higherSelf with form

    As te energy of the higher Self enters the body erecognise its presence not only by its ility to hol our cellstogether but in subtler ways through the employment of theintuition tough the enery of the will n tough that


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    TE -A D EL

    energy wic maniess in us as absrac oug Tese

    ree uaiiese

    known in ease eacings as buddiama and manas

    Te Se is ereore a reeod energy uni wic isdeiced in e Teme o Myseries


    as an riange. .

    Te iges orm in gaiuid/soid wic e Se mayinabi is e uman ysica body wi is aendan subebodies making u e uman ersonaiy.

    2 Tis aer is symboised by an ERTE riange eaco is ree sides reresening e ree ower bodies caede mena body e asra body ande eericoysica body


    Te Se is ony abe o gras aerage man igy n mos

    e energies o e Se can ony be eressed o e eeno e ercen o is caaciy is being sucienmerey o od e bodies o e ower riad ogeer ando drie eir oaiy coninuousy owards inesigaingand ideniing wi a maniesaion o orms in our EarSceme.

    n is resec e iger Se is e soreouse o amemories arising om suc inesigaions een aer edeas o e numerous ower riads in eir many incaaions.

    5 Te Se suries a caasroes and is mans aen inwic e ress beween ies Te Se is is eme eersonaiy is rison.


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    In meditation, man may use his Self not only a retreat in

    wich he ca recoup his energies but as a place of leangabout his immoality and what that implies.

    As lives unfold the Self leas increasingly to ood itslowertriads with more and more energies

    t reaches them by means of the Antakarana or RainowBridge a brdgehead of subtle matter ising from theplanes of tma Buddhi and Manas. t rst this is a teousthread but later as the lower tria also builds its ow parof the bdgehead of higher Manas through meditation the

    thre of the ntakarana becomes a gateway to a mghtyood om within

    The gateways opening the

    ntakarana are progressively

    passe through in a process ofwhat is nown nitiatios .. {In this way, the higher Self grasps its personality moreclosely is mbolis in the Mystees by the impositioingof the IGHT TIGLE overthe INVERTED TIGLE Thisprocedure takes man to the limt

    of his own kingdom and t has

    happene many times on this planetThe completely Self-insed persoaityis then depicted as two SEOSEDand NTERLACED TRIGLES...

    2 This is the STAR OF DV symol of perfected man

    22 he St of David is the symbol of the Master or dept of


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    a Christ overshadowing a man, Jesus Tere are very few

    lvng examples of adeptshp on the planet at ths time23. By very speca tecnques and under certan crcum

    stances, a man may forego many lves of earnng by traand error, and, instead, strengthen hs Antakarana underthe gudance of One, Who as Hmself been competelySelf nsed, a Master or Adept

    24. Encosing the star s the UROBOROS, te symbo of

    Immortaty, the comprehenson of whc s par of theinitiatory process.

    25 Ths Pat s avaiabe to al who are prepared to crowd intoa few ives the pan and suering of many ves

    26 The neophye, tus under nstruction, rst registers thesudden inpourng of energy from the higer Self in three

    ways:-27 as LGT, a ight vibratng at a greater frequency than the

    light nown to the average personalty, one that traves atspeeds far greater than 86000 mes per second Theower triad has to develop speca organs of percepton tobecome aware of te nner lght Physica eyes are notrequred;

    28 as an expanson of consciousness which, for manapproaces OMNSCENCE

    29. as a feeing of Oneness with al Life approachingOMNIPOTENCE

    30 The experience of tese three s called lluminaton orCOSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS


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    T iscip is canging into a soar va as com a

    mnt of t i Kingom a soar Ag is om is nowin t isc o t Sun By mitation can incrasingyrac it

    T natur of t igr Sf as gun to mrg as mnts ofTrut Bauty an oonss is in t xprssion or nonxpssion o ts tr tat strss ariss an tis ookconcs t sujct of tis situation in uman aairs

    Maam Bavatsky pai triut to t symoogy of t intrac triangs ncosing tm witin t cic ma up of asnak oing its tai tus forming a rotating oop symo ofimmortaity an of continuity of consciousnss T snakrprsnts tity an t procsss of gnation S costis arrangmnt as t ogo of t Tosopica Socity

    T snak a n us y Ascuapius to signi t sta orcrtc of if (S s Hg ./ y t autor)Ascuapius a pass troug t as of nitiation anfoun is scoo on t isan of Cos Eai it a n twan of Totrms t originator of Egyptian Micinutr aitions gav t caucus of t Romans carri yMcuy Mssngr of t os an a go ofaing rom tissouc it was poac y t mica profssion of toay


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    The message of the snakes entwined ound the rod of Aescul

    pius, the Initiate, is plain for ll those who hve eyes to see. Health(the continuity of the Life Force) d consciousness (within thtof the solr Logos) are the two skes which are supported by therod of the indwelling Se Oy when the Sel the igher ridexpresses tself purposelly and n harmony th the ower triaof personalty wil the ife forces ow endlessy nd healthilyaround and throgh the man

    Even the Se man's nucleus must grow for growth is characteristic of ife; and growth necessitates change. Relchange asting d spectacuar must come through the reeaseof energies from deep within s- om the nucleus a procedure

    that is ways accompanied and accomplished through stress anits correct mnagement

    Reaction to Stress

    People react to stress in many dierent ways ech with apredilection which is generay stuck to A short plump lady Iknow, shis iture around in her estabishment erhps thechanges introduce new perspectives tht reieve her stress or"get me out of my rut a s she puts it

    Peope whose reaction to mild stress is to smoe wi intensi

    the habit ccoring to evelopents A swami I new, smokedsecretly and was eeply shamed of it presumaby because it wasin direct contraiction to wht he taught the young persons abouthm owever once he knew you ha tumbled to hs weakesshe would smoke opely in ont of yo and hs personaty woudbecome convivi

    Others before going through some intense unavoidabe stress


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    even rewaing cod ony svive he preimina sress ofanxiey by inense smoing Someimes he ac of giving psmoing wod indce more sress han anyhing hiheo havehad a wife beg me o save her marriage by my persading hesmoing hsband o apse ino his od benig sef as a heavysmoer so changed had his behaior become

    Some respond o sress by panicing eing o a he sops nihe adrenaine ows and oher physioogica mechanisms come

    o he resce Ohers wi deep breahe in anicipaion of hesress even breahe aer i has occrred or may even seecspecia yoga exercises whie he period of sress ass

    eacions o sress someimes igger psychic sysems and dringhem seership cairvoyance ec, may occr remember we asodier in Word War who achieved his by forecasing jswho in his paoon was iey o be ied or maimed

    Some go o o spending sprees he excieme of he prchaseis he ony way hey can be diverted and he body mechanisms begiven he opponiy o recop f he spose s he case of hesress he he eeme of spie eners and assss in he diversion have seen a negeced hsband go o and y himsef a sportscar from o of he famiy savings o aay hs sress

    Ohers reieve hemseves by ing on he eevision and evenprovide for sch emergencies by obaining he bes TV eipme ha money can by They sh hemseves away for horsni he soohing eecs of heir paricar diversion resoresheir eanimiy Some may go compeey ino rerea perhapsway p in he moains or some oher nara hideo Perhapsie obet Maxwe hey have a yach o reire o is signican


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    that h wold rt to sch a hdout to cmt scd Scdtsl s of cors h ultmat n strss rl

    A a racton to strss som may tak n or a th moststrssl staton thy hav xrncd Qt on ts s asmlatd asthmatc attack Th ct s sycho-homooathcTh sham atack gars th body to dal with th asthma butnstad cos wth th strss cts

    Som wll t to atng scally whn th strss arss from

    lonlnss solaton or nglct Othrs sto atng or nd thyhav no tast for th food ord A clos rlatv nformd thath had cacr whch was sradng by mastass stodatng sayng that th food tastd lk toothast t s mostqntly th factor of cachxa that klls th trmnally ll cancrvctm a condton of ntns starvaton

    Som lock thmslvs n thr own homs not gong to th

    front door barrng wndows and shttrs takng th tlhono th hook Thy may srrndr to agorahoba or to somthngmor xotc that wll dvrt thr attnton Th oosng nmbrs ak to long walks rhas wth th dog as comanyPlayng wth ts has bn shown to rdc th blood rssrof hyrtnsvs

    Som mothrs s thr chldrn as motonal wastarbaskts ourg thr dstraught astral nt nto thm annt ot of whch th chld must fashon hs own astral ormotonal natr ths scarrng thm motonally for lf Evryon n a famly shars th strss cts of a sngl mmbr Atunsn lvls th famly racts as a whol to th on strssdUsally t s th wakst on of th famly who wll rct ths


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    esoeic eec Tus e sessed fae may nd compensaion

    in is famiy bu i is e weakes cid in a gouping wo wimos oen sue

    aes unde sess wi someimes in ei disess suemseves o om membes of e famiy wo by ei aiudes ae adding o is sueing Ts appied paicuay in eUS wee faes ex-sevicemen ofWodWa expeced

    ei sons o do e ig ing and g fo ei couny in

    Vienam n suc cicumsances and in oes wee e envionmen pesens wi a pobem a coud be naiona in scaefaes wi equeny suende cono of ei adoescen sonso e moe wo is moe ikey o undesand e siuaion know one suc sessed fae wo mainained suc a sae ofaais even ae is spouse ad died

    Young men unde sess wo ae seen as dop-ous o wo ave

    faied o compee ei educaion as was expeced of em byei paens wi nd soace in summing a guia fo ous onend o bae e ou of e keys of e piano and come ou of

    e session efesed n ese insances i is so easy o see awiou suc compensaions on and e couse of e sessespeciay in you mig be dieced owads ve desciveends fom wic e ncioning of bodiy ogans mig no be

    exempSome sing sad songs; and we ae eminded a e Nego acein e Mississippi vaey wen oug a ong peiod of coecivemeancoia as ei naiona esponse o e dead sess asave and is side eecs imposed on em Tei eacions weedemonsaed in a vaiey of ways especiay in ei music andsongs and o ese we owe 'Te Bi of e Bues Tis is no


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    srprisig. s og bee obseed my ris s

    prodced is bes ork der e mos rrowig circmscesof is ife

    Weres oers re prysed by e sress of eir circmscesd eve if we eqipped s creive idivids my becomeoy ieec d serie s respose Some wi side iodepressio wi sc ge coseqei oss of eergy s o bemos icpbe of spekig i dibe words Tese ypes re

    ivrby sscepibe o rpid depeio of e ro ckrder sress eve if i is mid

    simir circmsces we d e sczopreic wo smos o resisce o sress d wi eve ccme is eecsso webs bewee iger ceres i e eeric body re worog d psycoic eperieces d cios foow.

    Tere re some riggers of sress re more poe evee wors bd ews. To be der coios sere is cosidered e wors ve see me crck der sc circmscesbo i eWese eser d er i y.We ey give wyd rs rod i pic ey wi eve r owrds e eemyd my ve o be rgby cked o eir ig.

    Some rec by skig edess qesios of emseves pcig e

    oor or siig oe i some secded spo fvored for scprposes By so doig ey mke emseves e 'drmic e cere of e sge. Someow ey pick p eir owspoig from coscios rems d c be grey reieved by

    e woe process. Tere is oig psycoic or eve eccericbo is f sc idivids i siy cod ddress eger Sef i is wy ey wod be grey rewrded d

    comfored e sme wy wid ims der sress of2

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    ncagmn wi so o sang movmns o piiv

    pacics a sm o accompis insincivy sam suu y woud oug i iua in ouc wi anima goup sou

    A w psons wi unaccounay av suc innsid aciviisi y s and may poduc m in a on o soud wodssomims ausiv usuay ony o a sor piod and mmnoing o i in mong Os wi av nig os o vn

    nigmas av know sva wo ap ou o d wiouwaing and us aound ous widy wi no paricuainnion may ad o nd suc vns coad wisss u usuay wo i is und nsion o som so

    Und avy sss many o my soic inds xpinc agay incasd and supporiv dami ams comvivid adn i ngy ic in coou maning and on

    pdiciv W y kp a spiiua diay and cod daiy(and nigy) vns a ca coaions wn sss pord and innsing o dam i

    Ony os wo ca on suppo om iin wi cop adquaywi sss Tos in wod wo pacis goodwi os woa knowingy o unknowingy ino cagoy o discipspoaionay o accpd and os wo a iniia psn conscious amp o mankind o aous a caka o panary Logos a ic vs Uni now is cn asn awaknd ony a v o manas and uddi oug aciviis o wa a cad Mass o Wisdom :-


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    They ha have pwe ht and will d nne,Tha d n d he hing hey ms d shw,Wh mving hes, ae hemselves as sne,Unmved, cld, and empain slw,They ighly d inhei heaven's gaces,And hsband naes iches fm expenseThey ae he lds and wnes f hei faces,

    Ohes b sewads f hei excellencennt 94, by Jhn Richadsn

    The ppniy peses f hmaniy iself each his planeay gp, his planeay chaa en masse a his ime Theeae vey few wh ide he smssed seas f sess wih heipesnaliies wh have scien enegy le cpe wih his newemand f helping in asal f he paa hea chaa

    Thei sccess will be maed by he new fms f edcain ahealing which will be enegise by ases f he Wisdm, Lsf ha chaa which is he ncles f man As he wld gwssmalle, man's hea ms gw lage encmpass he changeand he disess f i all

    Wha hen is disess an a sess isde?


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    In an, there are chakras whch ust be awakened arousedntegrated wth oter chakras and made radiant and donatve of

    ther energy. Ths s tre for all cakras n al organss fro agestone up to a Logs

    Radiation of Energies

    How does a cara becoe radant and donatve of ts energesto ts hgher chakra or alter ego? It st rst react wth tsedate envronent and then wt nearby chakras That greatvoex of energy whc we cal The Flae Dvne s n the process

    of arous ust nteract wth ITS envronent ust becoeradant and radoactve before t can donate ts essence - thespark of the dvne the onads to Srus

    What does ths ean n ters of a uan onad? Tey are Sonso ecessty Tey needspiritual staying power before they canaccopls ther own transfer They are sprtual n essence butlack the stayng power for te transfer to be accoplshed Howcan they sats ts rgent need? There s only one known andcean way: the onads ust progressvely enes teselvesn te fors and actvtes of tese planes and hen wencopleely engaged n te densest planes of sbstance rghtdown to te physcal they ust extract theselves fro therengulfent and at the sae te etract te essence of terexperences ganed fro the wole anoevre

    And so lly aware at the otset of he hazardous and desperatelyardous journey ahead the onad begns to constrct ts pperand lower trads to act as ecanss for ts own eneshent nte sx planes When absolute nvolveent s acheved theonad begns to call back ts own The call of the Fater nHeaven (the onad) s eard by the dscple He s lled wth


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    ivie ures a ie e roiga so, ay us (iwary) or

    ome sricig a a oeyg e mouig urges wiiim or uio.

    Tis sage o eracio is reace aou e ime o e Tiriiaio we e iscie rs ees e ca o e moaWeegi o uersa ow a e circumsaces o our ives arewa ey are i orer o rovie us w jus e sor oeeriece require y e moa o eveo e siriua sayig

    ower i ees. Our wea, our riuaios, our amiy circumsaces, our oor ea a are eier eaig ma io reremesme or are eig im o wiraw om i Te wi ae comassio, e ower o ik asrac, e comreesio a ove-wisom a are wo y us i our srugges oericae ourseves rom e maeria wor are e very eerieces wic e moa ees s is were sress ays is ar.

    Sress is, ereore, o oy a aura eaure o aiy ie i eWese wor, u i is e ieviae sie-eec o e urge oeress e Sous urose Sress rouces eie ois o

    esio i e suer oies avig e way or eir raigrow. eaiaio o e u o ay ower wi emosrae e esio a mous eore uome o e eas.Te uome o e eas o e egoic ous is o iere.

    Tesio, crisis a eir resouio are e cycic mecaisms osou grow


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    Diagram from he eric ouble by Majo AE.PowellThe mechanism wheeby one gains impressions ohe inner words and of physicalpaces a gr disance away, is hough he etheric cenres or chakras which ae shownai o heir resctive sens and psychic wes in he picue ave

    Noe The diagram is of scia inees here cause i shows he paways ovialiyenergising he cenes wi he energy of pna de mainy fm breath

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    Development of the Stress Mechanism

    Each chakra, in succeive order from the base of the spine

    upwards, ha been the target of stress. The very act of Manmaterialising on the Earth's surface some 70 million years ago

    produced intene interaction with the environmental conditionsof that time. These included, of course, a rapidly forming

    oxygenated atmosphere- which held in uspenion heavier and

    heavier concentration of prana - and a gravity that was

    reaching towards its maximum There were also great variations

    in temperature on the Earth' surface with accompanying oscillations in humidity.

    It was then that Man's primay stress mechanisms began to form

    Thee were integrated aout the base of the spine chakra and itcorresponding endocrine glands - those seated above the

    kidneys, the uprarenals Their hormones assisted primitive anto face up to invasion of hi physical body by the viruses and

    bacteria thriving on the animal kingdom at that time. It was notso much the inaatory responses that were required, at this

    stage. Thee had already been set up in otion by the sympatetic

    nervou sytem, a reection of the atral atrix whose physicalexpression was the sympathetic cords and the edullary part ofthe adrenal glands. Inammation was one of Man's rst re

    spones and it was exceptionally violent It protected the early

    physical hadow as best it could, but tere was frequent overephais so that this was as oen the cause of death as invasion of

    tisue itsel

    The cortex of the adrenals (ie, the suprarenals) became the site

    of ATIinammatory respones which dampened down the

    excessive reactions of the primitive physical strctures to bacte


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    rial invasion.

    That which stimulated these anti-inammatory responses of theadrenal cortex was stress and tension, so that would be te toobserve that the ability to li the body into a state of stress wasa great advance in human development

    This avance was maintaine, rened and made increasinglyspecic to various stressor factors by successive opening ofchakras. The rst true men began to ntion on the continent of

    Mu; and this Lemurian Root Race had, as its target, the openingof the sacral chakra A preliminary was separation of the sexesThe pituitary action suppoted y the adrenal cortex helpedin this ierentiation The stress and tension which we nowregar as a natural part of courtship and mating had to beexperienced by man for long ages before its rewards were wonin the forming of heterosexuality and the variety of foms that

    resulted in separation of the sexes, an procreation by methosother than budding and those conceed with 'the sweat bo(S Anthropogeny, The Esoteric Histo ofMan 's Origin, by t uto.)

    This long conontation with stress is still reected in aolescence an the transition of the child into the adult out ofpubety into maturity Appropriate hormones were elaborate bythe gonads and the pituitary to fashion the physical faculties for

    this important development Man became not only capablethrough stress, tension, and friction to create an image of himselfbut the path was laid, at the same time, that led him to the

    possibility of becoming creative again through stress athigher levels, i.e., emotionally and mentally, as the solar plexusand the throat chakras egan to unfold


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    d>t M

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    A whole new root race, based on the continent of Atlantis,

    developed the capacity for emotional stress and its rewards.The new stress called forth the need for more energy to sustain

    it The control of sugar release into the blood- a mechanism le

    hitherto almost entirely to the adrenal medulla was now

    regulated by the endocrine gland that became associated with thesolar plexus chakra ie, the pancreas The secretion of sugar,

    stimulated by adrenalin released from the adrenal medulla by the

    tension and stress of fear and aggression was now counterbalanced by insulin from the pancreas which helped the organs to

    store the sugar and to release it as the body required it. Emotionalcontrol had to be won; and the Atlantean civilisation provided

    just the conditions that taught Man emotional discipline.

    That process is not yet completed but already the factor of stressis being lied into mental levels and the present Root Race, the

    Fih, is in the process of opening the throat chakra of Man Theendocrine gland related to this centre is the thyroid. Beyond thislies a eld of development for a precious few and this involvesthe takin of stress into higher mental realms The creative forces

    released when this stress is adequately channeled takes Man intoa hiher kingdom, the kingdom of Souls It is part of Man's

    endeavour which constitutes discipleship

    It can be easily deduced from this progressive unfoldent ofManthat the techniques for spiritual growth will, in some measure,

    have to change from time to time The yoa of ancient Lemuria

    is not suited for the vehicles of today Emphasis has chaned fromphysical integration to emotional interation, and from the latter

    into mental integration and this has necessitated new interpreta

    tions of yoga from age to ae Currently there is a change


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    required for conditions as they now exist in the West, and for the

    h subrace of the Fih Root Race.

    Sustained creativeness is the mark, par excellence, of being ableto deal with stress. The upper and lower triads become wholyengrossed in expressing

    he exquisite blending ofres tat produces theAofLiving andour culture's Ever Living A also accompishes - incidentalyfor most, but deliberately for the few - the Perfected Man t

    takes time usually many lives We cannot light a lamp without itsdeicate lament, no matte how sustained the amperage of thecurent Nor can we ripen an appe with a blowlamp.

    Mans laments are his chakras- each with a light and purposeof its own. Together they can produce a blaze of gor. Al menat any stage in their many lives, can expess beauty in themseves

    here is brute beauty in the instinctua life of the crudest animalsand plants, as also in savage man :

    The summers ower is to the summer sweet,

    hough to itself it only live and die

    But more is expected ofMan

    - he soul of man is immortal and its ture is the

    future of a thing whose growth and splendour hasNO LMT.

    Idyl of the White Lotus


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    And whilst this inner urge of the higher Self to express Truth,

    Beauty and Goodness is there man will always involve himself

    in the stress ofexpressing it. hus there will always be stress and

    the sooner we lea to deal with it the better. Man achieves his

    aims through the rogressive oening of the chakras - at rst

    those below the diaphragm and later those above it


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    It is trly sad that n the nineteenforties the crisis in human aairswas so intense that man was forced to look into the nature o theatom's nuceus for his savation. The resut was nucear ssion

    On the surface, ths was an event arge enough to change theword order o tngs for a time But bneath t a, there was anevent tang place that was even more signicant In the body of

    the Logs of ths panet something unqe was occuring Themnera ngdom foms, n ts etherc asects, that chara in Hisbody of cnsciousness which

    s, in man, madara- the centre at

    the base of the spne. In the same Great One, the human ingdomrepresents the hroat chara It means, n terms of the sprituaunfoldment othe planetary consciousness that, for te rst time,te attention o a hgher chara was beng directed CON

    SCIOUSY to that of a lower. Manind, actg as the panetarythroat chara, was stmulatng, directly and consciousy, themuladara of the planet an event fraught wth massive angeras wel as wth spiriual possibities nt then, the ctvity of thscentre of planetary undan hd been conned to natura eventssuch as volcanc eruptons an ightning, and n responses to unareclipses o the Earth, and solar magnetic storms Now, however,

    the reease of lght, heat and radiation from the atomc nuleus,added to the pressures coaxng panetary undalin from her airBy recproca acton, humanity began to fee a seres of responsesn her most senstive rganisms ocated in what Theosophy termsth Fh Root Race especialy that branch of t nown as theAngloSaxon We ca these symptoms of planetar growth,operatng through advanced humanity, qute simpy STRESS


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    The stress imposed upon us by our way of life- its competitve

    ness reinforced by both church and school its standard of livngits codes of conduct, its ethics its aws all contribute to a

    situaton n which we are subjected to sustained unremttentstress. Aer World War II, most of us fondly believed t would

    be merely a matter of time before the stress which was mounted

    by that mghty operation would e allevated but t was not Then

    we blamed the Iron Curtain nd the population ncrease and the

    unequal distribution of wealth etc etc fr our stress Now wehave to face up to the btter fact that stress s here to stay It s partof our way of life More than this t s a challenge presented to

    the h subrace

    Now ths stress common to all n the West, s reaching such

    proportions that many are ard put to cope wth t ndeed few

    - only a very few know how to approach the problem, and

    of these less even know what are the causes of the ncreasng

    stress Not only s the factor of stress here to stay but it is one

    that s essental for the spiritual unfoldment of the race The

    problems of evolving spiritual technques for dealng wth ths

    entirely unque situation have been gven n The Psycholog ofDiscipleship, by the author

    A New YogaSomehow or other we must deal wth this factor of unremttent

    stress lve out our lves and still nd n them the possbiltes to

    express Truth Beauty and Goodness and more than anythng

    for Man on the Path to establsh ways and means of obtanng

    union wth e Supreme Being Ths s the real challege t

    esoteric leaders of the world today to pont the way through


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    a New Yoga that will lead us, despite our very special circum

    stances to the Feet of the MasterIt is oen said that the Buddist monk must lea to sit under a

    tolling bel and meditate. Te bel tat tols for man in the West

    is stress - unabated and omnipresent Maybe it is part of thekarma of living lives of leisure as rling casses in the saveridded Greek or Roman states but who knows? This is theconition prevailing and it must be mastered We have to ive with

    it even if we come back ten times into a physica vehice whoseonly response is, at rst, to produce diseases of stress origin

    Stress is a characteristic of our subrace and we must aapt to itand evove a yoga for it t must be a yoga tat does not requirea sanctuary for ong periods of time in some hidden cave The onlycave we have is 'a room of ones own There is to be n sittingin enss padmasana, but the soliloquising tmospere of crouc

    ing o the front seat of an automobile in endess trac jams Notfor us to spend six hours in breathing exercises each day, but the

    breathing that comes from the forced, additional eot we mustmake to seve others in our communit besides ourseves

    The new yoga must be eective for the brief perios that we cagive to it The yoga must be working whie we work, whie we

    abour at our dharma, at ealing at teaching, at renovating, atbeing what we are The yoga must be acting on us whilst weouseves are in action serving mankind, or studyig the cassica

    teachings of Ancient Wisdom, or in the half our of meitation

    that we snatch from te jaws of our timeconsuming occupations


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    The crises of the Self....

    We do know that another crisis is arising in which man wi beforced to explore his own nuceus for the werewithal to deawith it Tis is te crisis of the Se The Sef is a unit of energy*.It has its own radiative capacities and they dwel within everyman A very small percentage of them surface into the personalityto bring about transutation of it trough processes which migtbe compared to chemica changes.

    * ' Nau Hg , pag 13-17.


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    Distress arises om the inability of man to adjust to the demandsmade upon him by the stress of life. This distress shows itself asa varety of stress disorders. Stress is always involved in growth-and growth is the way of the monad. The Lemurian civilisationprovided conditions, ten milion years ago for te growt andintegration of man's physical body, which reached perion intose ties. In Atlantis, emotional growth was stimulated In teWest, at tis time, empasis is now placed on growth andintegration of ans mental body.

    One a ony to study te forces at work in the erste of anyant, and in paicular the opening bud of a ros, to conr tatwhere tere is growth, especialy rapid growth, tere is tension,coict and stress ese three-quaities and accopanetsof ie itsef are apects of the Fourth Ray ofA and Haronytrough Coict. This is te Ray of humanty and in uanity it

    is, terefore, greatly empasised Add to ts the factors o ourpanet being te Fourth Globe of the Fouth Cain of our Eatcee, and of te panet being in its Fouth Round, and we can

    understand the pressures on umanity at this tie. (See Anthro-pogeny, Te Eoteric Histo ofMan's Orin, by te autor)

    e growth ofMan into a spiritually insed entity deand tate exress th, Beauty and odness and tese afest

    outwardly in te world in the provinces of Science, A andPlosopy. e an of science stggling with secrets of theuniverse conrms that is discoveries by experimentation areaspects of th He expends uch energy in his arduousresearc, as any genuine reearcher would tell you. hs stress


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    makes demands on him at all levels but especially in his mental andphysical bodies. The artist, no less, in his desire to express beauty

    in terms of pigment, poetry and plaster, nds that his best eortscome when he is most under stress:-

    No wonder of it sheer plod makes plough down sillion

    Shine, and bluebleak embers ah my dea,Fall gall themselves and gash goldvermillion.

    Gerard Manley Hopkins

    A an has o have a philosophy of life if he intends to do good

    in he world. He must be prepared for every sort of disillusion inhis dealings with humanity before he can truly sere and to act ouof right motive. His way is surely the most stressl of all If you

    have ever worked with alcoholics or with those who are rich andwih those who are beauil, you will know that to be successwih all types you mst be a philosopher.


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    How do we deal with stress?

    We have to draw on energy to meet it We set in motion cleswhich deliver energy to wherever stress is making its demands.We rest and sleep when we can We should replace materials lostfrom our body cells We should eliminate the by-products ofstress, the toxins, waste, excreto materials and exhaust products of inteal respiration If we can manage all these, we resolvethe stress Those who practise carelly the esoteric disciplines

    of discipleship can even thrive on stress; they can grow massivelyand spiritually through it

    Dealing with stress successively, leads to opening of chakras inte head region and, thereaer, to their integration and coordination This takes us into the Fih Kingdom and ees us from theWheel of Rebirth The whole process of expression and ofgaering the its of it, is a complete cycle in itself so that the

    process ends where it begins, but with tis dierence :That which started out as merely spiritualie, themonad and its veicle, the Self have becomeimbued with spiitual staying power

    'Staying power is the cx of the matter To grow signicantlyat A level, man must develop staying power, spiritually,

    mentally, emotionally as well as physicallyIn the physical body, this operates as homeostasis, a mechanism

    whereby the body maintains an equilibrium of its physiologicalnctions, and between itself and its enviroment The bodycontains within it a whole climate, or as Claude Beard, a famousphysiologist, called it a milieu interieur This inteal environment has a constant temperatre of984 degrees Fahrenheit Its


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    acid-base balance is held at a delicate neutrality. The blood sugaris almost constant in nomal health and the blood pressureoperates within cetain limits according to the need of themoment

    It is said that years ago, a physiologist tested the proposition ofhomeostasis in a dramatic wa. He heated a room up to atemperature of250 degrees Fahrenheit so that a beaker containing water was boiling gently as it stood. aking a esh piece of

    choice steak with him on an enamel plate and clothed nly inwhite linen, he entered the room and remained there for a periodof more than half-anhour. Wen he emerged, is body tempera

    ture had hardly risen and he sat down and ate the steak which hadbeen cooked propery by the room's heat.

    The story illustrates the capacity of the body to adjust or adaptitself to stress in this case a hostile temperature of more thandouble that of the blood he author can add is own testimony

    to the stress eects of being exposed to a temperature in excessof 140 degrees F. for many hours during the day while ghtingon the nothe borders ofKenya as a youth during Word WarII. Heat exhaustion was a constant threat during the mid-day heatwhen eggs could be ied on the bonnets of tcks.

    Energy is needed constantly to feed the mechanisms of adaptation to heat, to excess of acid, or blood pressure, to the impactof hormones or dgs or even of just plain eating and sleeping.This energy of adaptation comes om the body's reseoirs andthe eent of these, according to science, are detemined by ourgenetic background capacities which we have inherited withour stock It goes towards making up what has been known in the


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    past as 'a good constitution or a poor one, according to orability to draw energy om it for our daily nees.

    At the risk of being tedious, it should be emhsised here, onceagain, that homeostsis exists on ll levels - in the ethercmarix, in the astrl body, in the mental body, and in the spirtualGrowth of any f these involves stress and adaptation.

    The esoteric sciences, including yoga, teach specialised methods

    of charging the energy reseoirs and of drawing om them Onthis knowledge hang all the laws of Esoteric Healing Aillustration of this understanding may be gained om studying theCaduceus of Hermes (See Esoteric Healing, Part I, by theauthor)


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    Only when the opposing forces of heat and cold, of acid and

    alkali, etc., are nicely balanced, can the rod or wand of conscious-ness seat itself in the bodies. Without this equilibrium, conscious-ness lies from the body. The caduceus has layers of meaning .that which really achieves the energy equilibrium is the co-ordination of the three spinal tracts in etheric matter : ida,sushumna and pingala; and these are also symbolised by thesnakes of the caduceus Whilst sushumna coincides anatomicallywith the central canal of the spinal cord, ida and pingala spiral

    about it in opposite directions They have no anatomical basis ingross matter. Their malnctioning produces many conitions ofdistress

    The possession of the intenal 'milieu gives man greater inde-penence He has freedom to move into the coldest cimates ohottest deserts, into sustained and prolonged combat, into peri-

    ods of long fasting, or into gluttony. With the growth of his innebodies an their maintenance within the laws of homeostasis,there comes coesponding freedom but of a much higher orderThe na experience of man in the ecstasy of samadhi, healdsliberation from ebirth The elgent light an the ecstasy ofthose experiences are reections of the huge movement ofenegies fom his inner Self outwards

    We have now developed here the concept of what Hans Seye*has caled stresso factos, which we see as threats to homeostasisThese ae not necessaily conned to sch simple factors like heatand col but to far more specic and even sophisticated expressions The intsion of a singe persons sonaity into our lives,and no other, may be sucient to act as a stresso to disturb ouemotional balance in the astra body, to impinge upon the free


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    passage ofprana in ida orpingala and, nally, to raise the blood

    pressure at aphysical leveA

    forcel intonation in the words ofa dominant mother to her homosexual son might produceultimately a powerl retarding inuence on endocrine glands

    that produce the masculinising hormone the faint odour ofsome rare dish may evoke a mmory that heightens the heart rate

    and brings out a cold sweat.

    *NS SEL, MD., Profesr andDirtor of the Institute ofErimentalMedicne an Surge in th Unversy of Montreal, is st known for hiswork on the y's physiologc resnse to stress, the major subject of hisalmost forty years of boratory researh In adition to his dtorate inmedicine, Dr. Selye olds two ed dtorates in sciene plus sixteenhonora egrees from universitis in Europe, South Amerca, JapanCanada an the nited States. He has contributed over 1400 articles to

    technica ouas and written 28bks incuing the Stress of Life, a lassicand wiely alaimed study. Dr. Selye has reived numerous mals,awards, an Honoray Fellowshps from scientic sieties throughout theworld, and has en made a Companion of the Order of Canada, his ountryshighest honour


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    Before dealing wth the mechanisms of stress and stress disor

    ders, it is impoant to re-emphasise the basic vitue of stress andits necessity for growth. In locating the esoteric or hiddenreseoirs of energy available to meet the demands of stress weavoid distress. Those reseoirs lie in the deep layers of the

    unconscious and can be made accessibe by various esotericmechaniss, i.e., meditation dream remembrance, etc.

    In order to maintain the body in homeostasis, energy is required

    Eve action duing our waking and sleeping hours upsetshomeostasis to some degree. Laughing, nning, eating and evenseeping ing into pay forces that consume body energy and puthomeostasis at risk. When bacteria invade massively, whenpersistent hard physical laour, or prolonged mental strain areiposed, then damaging stress may occur. This is distress andwhereas stress adequately and easily resolved is benecial for

    growth (and enightenent), distress is rarely desired y thehher Sef and is hal to its personality vehicles. In healthyindivduals, the coection of the various imbaances is autoaticand in ceain welldened stages. Selye calls this a "resistanceto stress, and points out the ody must adapt itsef to it, hencethe General Adaptation Syndrome (G.A.S.), or the bioogicalstress syndrome

    This is so ndaenta a device for restoring hamony to anorganism in conict, that the student of esoteic healing methodscannot hep but recognise the action of the Fourth Ray here, theRay of Harmony trough Conict itself the basic Ray ofhumanity The important point for the disciple and for the


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    esoteric healer to remember is that, in health, the GA.S. shouldoperate at all leves of consciousness, that is, in all the inner bodies

    as well, for they are, in their own planes, units which possess theirown physiological laws and have to maintain their own homeostasis

    despite changes in their emotional, mental or spiritualconsciousnesses Constant exercise of these inner vehicles andtheir restoration to homeostasis gives them the same stayingpower so eaestly sought in their outward expression - the

    physical body. The highest qualities thus gained are reected

    inwards, nally reaching the level of the monad, the purpose ofWhose whole involvement in a material body is just that -to gainspiritual staying power at its own levels in order that a cosmic

    transition can be achieved.

    Failure to adapt at any level to the stresses of this long monadic

    process, leads to distress, an attempt to adjust, and withdrawalof expression in the outer level, i.e., death, if the adjustment is notsuccessl. Adjustment by the Self shows as disease

    Disease is a contrivance of the higher Self for adjusting itsobdurate or disturbed vehicles to the demands beig made on

    them for change When those demands are within the frameworkof the soul's intent, every attempt will be made from within to

    puri the mental, emotional and physical bodies even through

    disease. Thus, disease is a puriing process' wherein the higherSelf tries to adjust. Where it cannot or where the personality isobviously not ever, in that life, going to express the Soul's

    purpose, the Self will withdraw. These are statements that mustbe carelly pondered upon before the esoteric healer can cooperate eectively with the higher Self of the patient, from whence

    true and lasting healing should stem


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    We are ready to examine now, with a broadened viewpoint, thethree stages of Selye's G.S

    I II III


    W a possess a norma eve of rsistance - which is shown ashe horizonta ine in he diagram This varies whn h body issubjected to a signican episode of sress

    PHASE O:

    A rst, in phase one, Sye described an aarm reacion on thrs exposure to th sressor actor in which resisance drops.During his phas, he bodys physical agents gird hmsevs ocon For eampe, through secreions ofth adrena gands, hbody ncrases he ouput ofbood om the heart nd h ra o

    brahng, diates arteris sppng bood to the muscs, dposs mor sugar ino he bood, smuaes swea gands, tc* Ifh

    srssor s oo power (acerations, bus, hypoherm), hendeath may occur her

    *ther more complicated devices nvolving the endrine glands alsocoe nto lay but hese ae efered to later n elaton to othe maers.


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    PHASE TWO:Here, resistance rises as the outer signs of the alarm reactiondimsh. Energy is required to sustain all the body organs andcontrivances inolved in adapting to homeostasis, in te face ofit.

    Selye says the energy of adaption, which we all possess, is nite.We can resist exposure to cold to muscular eo, bacterial

    invasion, etc, ony for so long; and the length of our resistance(shown as the attened summit ofPhase Two) is dependent on

    the nature and persistence of tat which is stressing us (stressorfactor) and the body's inbo qualities to adapt. These are saidto be determined by our genetic stctures, which we inhertOthers would call this a good constitution' or a poor one. Thereis no scientic proof that we can call on any energies om any

    other sources except those whic we have inherited om ourparents.

    It is ere that esoteric science must supplement te exotericknowledge as to other energy sources vailable to the constitu-tion Te whole science ofYoga is demonstrating acively in theWest, today, that Man can tap energy sources om within. WithTeosophy it gives clear and specic instrctions as to howenergies om inner space can be made to surface into the physicalbody via its etheric matrx. Energy follows thought' andesoteric healers lea to employ tis maxim in their methods.

    Meditation itsel as I ave stressed (the pun is not intended!)endlessly in my other books, is basically an energising process'Those who cn meditate have no better recomendation to


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    quali as healers. They le to align themselves with that unit

    of energy which we cll the higher Sel They can help to align thepatient wih his higher Sel They can stir the oul of the patientinto reaching do to its dieased vehicles Energy om withincan ustain resistance to stress in Phas Two Here lies the hopeof the Fih Subrace-now suject to intene nd unremittentsress as a par of it daily existence. Orthodox medical ciencehas scraped the bottom of its barrel for he wherewithal to instct

    its patients how to meet stress disorder, and there i nothing lethere Man must draw om within or perish mentally, emotionaly and physically under the stres of current life Of course, wecan resolve reasonable amounts of stess with perfectly ordinaryexpedients.

    PASE TEE :

    Depending on how good the consitution and the capacity of the

    bodyto adust itsel resistance to the stres in Phase I will bemainained But eventualy, exposure to the stressor is notrelieved he energy becomes exhausted and, as Selye asserts thealarm reaction which was described in Phase I reappears. Butnow eier because of age or energy depletion it can not becountered resistance drops invariably and the patien dies.

    It would appear that the inteention of the healer should be to1 Remove or at least reduce the harshness orpersistence of tressors being encountered by thepatient; and these might include the disease itsel

    2. Assist the patient to adapt to the tress, or to resistit through showing how to draw on energies notknown to ohodox healers


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    3. Encourage the building up of energy reservoirs aspar of Preventive Medicine, so that increasingamounts of stress can be dealt with.

    Old age and an inherited 'poor constitution need not condemnone to becoming a casualty of stress disorders The existence ofpranic energy and of faculties in the subtle bodies for storing t,is not a new concept; but it has been almost entirely iored bydrug-oriented medicine at a tme when its laboratories are

    frantically searching outardly for answers to stress, whichreally lie within!

    The rst indication that we have of stress moving into the realmof a stress disorder is when mental and emotional behavioursurfaces in disquietening signs and symptoms which are not bengresolved by the natural methods of sleep, celsalt replacement,elimination o waste etc If they persist these are early wang

    sgns that the personality bodes are unable to nd the wherewthal to deal with the stresses of sef-expression

    When we understand the purpose of stress we are soon able toanswer the questions :

    Who are we?

    Why are we here?

    Why do we have to suer pain?


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  • 7/24/2019 Stress Disorders - Douglas Mackley Baker



    These early waing signs and symptoms are precursors ofphysical disease. If the origins of their motivation can be reached,adjustment will take place and disease ma be prevented. Or, ifthey have already reached physical expression in a disease,treating these symptoms, rather than the disease itsel canalleviate the condition at its causl level.

    Wen the sress disorder has already shown itself physically, thehealer shoud make certain that the patient is seeing his physician

    before helping with what is surely the most important task -reaching to those CAUSES which lie in the etheric astral andmental bodies

    Usually, if he disorder has not yet reached severe proportions,some simpe adjustments to the patients daily activities caneliminate distress A examination of the chart 'Aetiology ofStress shows six factors which can resolve stress f these are

    adequately implemented as a regimen they will permit exposureto large amounts of unremittent stress

    Balance of Rest and Seep

    Rest and Sleep hardly needs comment except to add to thisessential need that of planned leisure. The Tibetan Masteremphasised this factor in his teachings on achieving the balance

    necessary for integrating the persoality of the chela The MasterRB. used to insist that whether the individual thinks he needs itor not, he should t a period or two orecreation into his crowdedday

    t is a characteristic of incipient hypertension that the suererignorant of his mounting blood pressure - progressively does


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    away with his leisure. The simplest small chores or occupations

    can be us by somea

    leisure, especially for tose subjected tointense and sustain mental concentration. A leisurely walk intothe market place or mall - just mixing your highly organisedvbrations momenaly wth the huly burly of the marketingscene - wll stem the coroding eect of some stressor especially when it is a single and constant one in your life. This is a'change of scene in miniature Even ohodoxy knows that ashort holiday or change of scene can as as a tonic to thosebeset by stress.

    It is an occult fact that we excange energies with scenes oftrmoil or tranquility spirituality or criminality harmony andpoise sloth and gluttony.

    - :.;:'



    - ._


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    Esoteric research has shown that within the cytoplasm of all

    living cells, there are twelve basic 'tissue salts which need to be

    replaced when the body is subjected to stress. Normally, the cellscan cope with the exgencies of liing and with short excursions

    into physico-etheric, astral and mental activity. Energy expenditure at harsher and or sustained levels requires cell salt replace

    ment above what can normally be provided from the bodysstores; and they must be in a rened, etheric state in order tomove rapidly out of tissue uids through cell walls to the sites of

    energy expenditure

    The twelve tissue salts as elaborated by Dr. WH Schuessler*,not only supply the immediate deciencies of a cell under stress,

    but aouse and stimulate the natural recuperatve forces of thebody as a whole. The use f biochemic salts in the reatment ofstress disorders now forms part of what we call alteative orcomplementary medicine In no way do they interfere with thetherapy of the orthodox physician which should be continued

    where prescribed.

    In 183 2 a medical paper announced that :

    "All the essential components of the human body are

    great remedies.

    he Tissue Salts are all body components and are, therefore,natural remedies.

    *r Schussl's ocs by J.B. Cpn MD, Nw ELb L Lnn


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    Calcium SulphatePotassium PhosphateSodium PhosphateCalcium FluoridePotassium Chloride

    Magnesium PhosphateCalcium PhosphateSodium Chloride

    Iron PhosphateSodium SulphatePotassium Sulphate

    Through the consumption of these salts, the stress of the body cannormally be compensated for. In Dr Schuessler's and otherworks, the mental, emotonal and vital signs and syptoms of

    stress disorders have been correlated to each of the twelve saltsWe may tae dosages of the appropriate cell salts in order tocompensate for a particular stress symtom that is presentingFrom experience however we have found that the easiest way ofdealing with stress signs and syptoms is slowly to introducefoods containing the appropriate salt into the diet (See paes 2-8 for an extract from Guide To Biochemic Treatment by C

    Stirlin aunder listing the chemical contents of foods)The Twelve Tissue Salts also have their correspondences in theTwelve Zodiacal Signs so that the eecient astrologer can detectlatent weaknesses in body constittio in terms of the salts andassess and give prognosis in cycles of time when these weak-nesses are most likely to manfest


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    Generally, the patient should have the cell salt corresponding to

    his sun sign. For example, Sun in Cancer will always receive, aspart of the repertoire, Calcium Flouride Thereaer, you canprescribe according to aicted areas of the horoscope and thespecic symptoms presenting.

    In our consideration of the action of the twelve salts correlatedto the Zodiac and therfore to anatomical types, we should becarel not to think in terms of the salts themselves acheving the

    results which are oen so spectacular Just as an enzyme actsupon a substrate as a sort of catalyst so, too, do the twelve saltsact as cataysts in the sbstrate of etheric substance of the body

    In the more subtle substance of etheric matter the innitely smalldilutions of homoeopathic remedies have an even more powerlaction

    In my work Esoteric Heang, Part I I have shown how ethericvitamins can reinforce the etheric body

    Another treatment of stress disorders that is becoming verypopuar ineed is the use of wer remedies, and these have beendeat with extensively in Esoterc Heaing, Part & III, andBach Flower Remed Repertore, Part I & II by the authorGeneraly speaking, the biochemic salts do best with the physico

    etheric body and the ower remedies are better employed on thesigns and symptoms of the astral-mental bodies (See Appendixfor the correlation of ower remedies with the signs of theZodiac)


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    n the following extract om Gide To Biochemc Treatment,

    Dr. tirling aunder gives a summary of the various minerals andsals as contained in the various foods, together with a brief report

    on the necessity and nction of each mineral or salt A list of the

    various foods is also given and it should be noted that some foodscontain a preponderance of one mineral or salt over others, butall foods contain more than one mineral or salt.


    GNESIUM (Mag.)

    Magnesium is the great vitaliser of muscular and lung tissues, and the bones;a nourisher of brain and nee tissues. Working with other elements like

    Phosphorus,Calcium, etc, it gives hardiness to the bones, teeth, and skull,elasticity to the muscles, and ease to the nees and brain Magnesiumpromotes sleep at night and normal activi during the day It soothes pain

    and prevents fever It relieves jaundice and auto-intoxication It balancesother minerals and tends to make the by alkaline Magnesium reducespain.

    Lack of Magnesium causes the tissues to be inamed, ding them up,especially the brain Deciency of Magnesium may produce constipation,headache, and insanity Acid people need agnesium.

    The body contains about 3 ounces of Magnesium and is found in the

    following fs:

    Almonds, Apples, Asparagus, Avacodo, Bananas, Barley, Fresh StringBeans, Green imas Beans, Beech Nuts, Beet eaves, Beets, Blackberries,

    Brazil Nuts, Brssels Sprouts, Buttermilk,Cabbage,Caraway Seed,Carrots,Cauliower, Cele, Cherres,Chives, Chocolate, Cucumbers, Dandelion,Black Figs, Filberts, Sea Fish, Pecans, Green Pepper, Pineapple, Pinions,Potats, Pumpeickel, Pumpkins, adish, Kohl Rabi, emons, Lettuce,Goat's ilk, Mushrooms, ats, nions, ranges, ysters, Parsley, Parsnips, Peanuts, Green Peas, aisins, Rutabagas, Whole Rye, Fresh Salmon,


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    Spinach, Fresh Sweet Co, Tomatoes, Tips, Walnuts, Watercress,Water Melons, Whole Wheat.

    Magnesium gives rmness to the bones.


    Lack of Calcium means rickets, aemia, defective bones and teeth Carbontakes Calcium from the teeth, causing them to decay Sium keeps Calciumin solution, thereby preventng the nes from becoming t brittle or too

    hard, and the joints from ing encumbered with Calcium desits. Aermaturity we do not need s much Calcium, or we should eat plen of Sodiumwith it.

    Four unds of the y are Calcium, and the following fs containCalcium:

    Asparagus, French String Beans, Beech Nuts, Beets, Blackrries, BrazilNuts, Buttermilk, Cabbage, Caraway Seed, Carrots, Cauliower, Cele,Ceese, Cottag Cheese, hives, Cranberries, Cucumbers, Dandelion,

    Eggs, Filrs, Horseradish, Kale, KohlRabi, Lemons, Lettuce, Goat's Milk,aw Milk, Molasses, Onions, Oranges, Parsnips, Peaches, Pike, Pnes,Pumpkins, Radish, Rhuba, Rutabagas, Spinach, Strawberries, Tomats,Turnips, Watercress, Water Melons

    Calcium forms the bones and tth. It gives strength to the walls of the bloodvessels and is necessa for a strong pulse Calcium is needed for a strong,healthy body Endurance, good memoy, execuive abili and long life come

    from having pleny of calcium in the bld and body Cacium helps iron in

    making the blood red Calcium and Magnesium also work together

    POTASSIM (Kali)

    Potassium is the builder and healer of he body. It supplies materials for themuscles, making them pliant and elastic It is not only a muscle builder, butalso a healing agent Poassium attracts oxygen, giving life and energy to hemind and body It oen prevents infection and reduces pain Potassium gives

    enthusiasm to the brain and y "Without Potassium there is no life is an


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    old sayng. Vegetabes contain arge quantities of Potassium Potassium

    should be baanced by Sodium

    Lack of Potassium eads to muscuar wekness, inabii to recuperate, andopens the way for infectious diseases

    Four ounces of Potassium are found in the body, and the foowng foodscontain Potassium:

    Appes, Apricots, Green Lima Beans, String Beans, Beet, Backberres,Brusses Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauiower, Celery, Cherries, Chestnuts, Coconuts, Cucumbers, Currants, White Currants, Dandelon, Egg

    Plant, Figs, Gra Frut, Grapes, Horseradish Huckeberres, Kae, Lemons, Lettuce, Limes, Dried Olives, Onons, Oranges, Parsnips, Peaches,Pears, Pneappe, Pums, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Prunes, adish, asins,Raspberries, Rhuba, Rutabagas, Spnach, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Turnps, Watercress, Water Meons

    IN (Ferrum)

    ron gves armth and magnetism to the body It mkes the blood red andbran actve. Unted with Oygen, Iron gves man hope, happness andsuccess. Iron causes Hydrogen to be taken into the system through the ungsand thus breaks up fevers.

    Lack of Iron poduces pae people. Insucent Iron n the bood s the causeof cold hands and feet Peope who lack ron are rrtabe, lack self-controand pose

    Excess of ron sometimes produces haemorrhages and bleedng from thenose

    Ony 4 ounces of Iron are in the body, but t s ron that gives the body tsvtay, and the mind its endurance

    ron strenthens the wll, produces fearlessness, and mkes it possibe for usto see thngs through Iron s found n all red fruits and vegetables Thefollowng foods contain Iron

    Apples, Asparagus, Avacado, Barey, Beech uts, Beets, Braz uts,


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    Brssels Sprouts, Buttermilk, Cabbage, Caaway Seed, Carrots, Cauliower, Celery Cherries Chives Conuts Cucumbers Dandelion, Eggs,

    Figs Filberts Gserries, Grape ruit Gras Horseradish, Kohl abi,Leek, Letuce, Lentils Goats Milk Mushrms Oats, Onions, Oranges,Peaches Pears ineapple nions lums Potats runes, umpernickel,Ppkins R adish aisins, Rhubarb Rutabas Salmon, Fresh Salon,Sorrel, Spinach, Strawrries, Tomats Tups Walnuts, Water Melos,Wheat

    SIN (Silicea)

    Silicon is the great hair grower and dsease ghter. ts antiseptic qalitiesprotect the body from ulcers, and prevent tumours, cancers and tuberculosisSilicon gives lstre to the hair and lish to the skin nails and teeth Silicoakes te eyes bright Silicon breeds optimism joy, hope, courage, ahappiness t is Silicon which makes it ssible for wheat to hol its head upad stad against adverse winds Silicon does the same thig for people

    Lack of Silicon means loss of hair ad pr teeth and eye-sight t is oenthe lack of Silicon which akes us depressed and open to ifection

    Expectant mothers should eat plety of Slicon and Calcium foosOly an ounce ad a half of Silico s fond in the y, but it is a powerland ecessary element.

    e can obtain Silcon from the following fos:

    Apricots, Asparags, Barley, Beets Cele, Cherries cubers adelio, Black Figs orseradish, Lettuce, Oats, Onions Parsle, Parsnips,upkins Radish, Spinach, Strawberries ater Melos, hole rai

    heatCN (Mur)

    Chlorine is called the laundma of the body because of its cleasingproperties, especially of the intestial tract t is also a powerl reducingaget t is therefore a purer ad fat redcer ths stimulating the activityof the cells of the body Chlorine is a very iportant element i eliinatio,as it epels waste atter from the bod Chlorine breks down albe adaids digestion


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    Lack of Chorine is likely to produce catarrh, bloated abdomen andalbmiuria. A deciency of Chlorine is depressing, makes one neous,

    and oen gives the face a greenish pallor

    Chlorine is good for Bright's disease aching joints, and auto-intoxication toen prevents pyorrhea. Chorne foods are an aid i suppying hydrochlorcacid to the stomach Chlorine overcomes constipation

    On the other hand, too much Chorine produces the mental eect of fear,cowardice, and suspicion

    From 8 to 16 ounces of Chlorne are found in the body

    Chorine is prominent in the foowing fs:

    Fresh Strng Beans, Beets, Butter, Cabbage, Cee, Cheese, Cucumbers,Dandeion, Horseradish, Lettuce, Goat's Mik, Oleomargarine, Oysters,Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes, adishes, ubarb, Samon, Spinach, Tomatoes,Tuips, Watercress.

    FRINE (Four)

    Fluorine is called the youth preserver, and is the body's poice ocer,

    protecting he bones and spina cord from ifection and the teeth from decayFluorine forms the ename o the teeth and nails, and cements the bones andskull Fuorine seems to keep the glandular system well balanced t alsostrengthens the eyesight Fluorine gives genius to the mind. t is the motherof inspiration

    Lack of Fuorne tends to produce ulcers in the body ts deciency is thecause of anaemia, necrosis, decomposition and short life

    Flourine is needed in tuberculosis, syphiis, esipeas, varicose veins,bladder and kidney stones, paraysis and hardening of the glands t isespeciay eective for crumbling teeth and proapsus

    Too much Fluorne makes one goomy, foreboding, eccentric, and psychic

    Three to four ounces of Fluorine are found in the body, and can b suppliedfrom the foowing foods

    Black Bass, Beets, Bussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauiower, Goats Cheese,Garlic, Mackere, Goats Milk, Steel cut Oats, Spinach, Watercress


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    HPHU (Phos.)

    Phosphorus is the great brain and nerve f also gives sex power Evetime we think we consume phosphorus Phosphorus is nessary to otherelements for the creation ofne brain and red blo Phosphorus gives usthe wer to put thngs over

    Lack ofPhosphorus pruces mental weakness, anaemia rickets excitabil-ity or stupidity

    Too uch Phosphorus may produce neous irritability and lead to abnormal and cancerous growts unless balanced by Sulphur

    Posphorus is ve volatile and food that is cooked loses its Posporus

    Te y contins about two pounds of Phosphorus and Pospous maybe found in te following foods:

    Almonds Apples Aspragus Avado Barley Kidney Beans BeetsBlackrries Brazil Nuts BsselsSprouts Buttermilk Cabbage CrawaySeed Cauliower Cele Ceese Crries Cucumers Dandelio EggsFigs Sea Fis Gooseerries Grpes Horseradis Hucleeies Kale

    Lemons entils Lettuce Limes Meat Milk Goat's Mil aw MilkMushrms Oats rnges Peces Pears Gree Peas Pie PiionsPlums Prunes Pumpkins Large adis Seed Radis Risis Red Rasp-rries Rubarb Rutabagas Rye SalmonSorrelSpinacSroutsStraw-eies Tomatoes Turnips Walnuts Watercress Water Melons Weat

    ULPHU (Sulp

    Sulphur is te great "toner of te by promoting te secretio of the bile

    and creating interal heat and energySulphur beauties and clears te skinand stimultes te growt of the hair Sulpur as insulatig power

    protecting te ody fom ifection and loss of magnetism Sulpur troughits elimintive qualities keeps te body in good tone A good supply ofSupur prevents te formation of tumours and other cancerous growts

    Lack of Sulpur causes oesity asthma rheumatism and toxic conditionsSulpur alances Posporus and prevents abnormal mental excitementsCooked sulphur creates gas and causes biliousness


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    There are from4 to8 ounces ofSulphurin the body, andSulphur canfound

    n the followng fods:

    Asparagus, Avacado, Fresh Strng Beans, Beef, Beets, Brazl Nuts, BrusselsSprouts, Butter, Cabbage, Carrots, Caulower, Celery, Cheese, Chcken,

    Chves, Cranberres, Cucumbers, Egg Plant, Flberts, Sea Fsh, Horserad-

    sh, Kale, Lettuce, Oysters, Parsnps, Peaches, Green Peas, Pneapple,

    Radshes, Red Rasperries, Red Currants, Rutabagas, Salmon, Spnach,Tomatoes, Turnps, Watercress.

    SD (Natrum)

    Sodum s the great dssolver of the ody, keepng Calcum n soluton, and

    noursng the lgaments and tendons, as wel s alkalzng the bloodSodum gves grace and elastcty to the jonts, strength and speed to te

    muscles, and keeps the bones and teeth from becomng brttle. The presenceof Sodum helps the body to take up Iron Sodum prevents hardenng of the

    arters It prevents the formaton of kdney and gall stones. t gves relef

    n dphthera, dabetes, and constpaton Sodum removes carbonc acd

    from the blood, and those who exercse a great deal should eat pleny of

    Sodum foodsThe followng foods contan Sodum

    Apples, Asparagus, Avocado, Bananas, Green Limas Beans, Beets, Butter,

    Buttermlk, Cabbage, Crrots, Celery, Cheese, Chcken, Cucumbers, andelon, Eggs, Black Fgs, Lentls, Lettuce, Oysters, Pke, Pomegranates,

    Pumpkns, Radsh, Rhubarb, Rutabagas, Spnach, Strawberres, Tomatoes,


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    Chapter Seven

    Dgi d Rgi Lif ycls

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    Of the six factors listed in the aetioogy of stress, especiay s

    contrbutors to the resoution of stress, probably one of the most

    important is the elimination of waste products through thevarious systems of the body.

    Energy gained by the purely physica body is directly fro food,

    its digestion, absorption, assimation and metabolism The books

    n diet and nutrition are legion But there is a matter of great

    importance to the esoteric heaer that is rarey brought to ight

    Energy foows thought" is the basic maxim of Esoteric Heaing. On it hang al the laws of that spiritua science which we callYoga

    Physiologicay man is a tube His head, arms and egs are mereappendages The assemby of food in the 22-foot human tube

    which we ca the aimentary tract eads to the production of hugeamounts of energy

    But what if this maxim is te? The matter also gives rse to an

    eterna question not nike the chicken and the egg" When we

    swaow food is it in the body? It ies inside that tbe but may notyet be, or ever be inside th cels

    It is truy said in the Bible that man does not ive by bread alone"

    Food sustains his gasiquid/solid body but etheric energies,

    especiay prana, sustai his vita body which interpenetrates hisphysical body

    It is then true to say that every partice of food devored has an

    etheric matrix, a mental and an emotiona sheath The absotion

    of food eads to the passage of energies not only into Man's

    physico-etheric body but the approprate eements of the food


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    pass into the emotional and mental bodies of the eater. Where

    those energies ow to, is greatly decided by the attitude of mindo the indivdual and the state o his emotions at the time ofeating.

    Edgar Cayce said "what we think and what we eat - combinedtogether mae what we are, physically and metaly In theanguage of esoteric science ths means that the energes reedfrom the ood wl eergise what thoughts and feegs we have

    at the tme of eating and dgesting, and those parts of the aurareated to them and, via the aura, various correated orgas willbe mpacted negatvey or postivey by the quaty of those

    thoughts and feelings

    "Never (whe) under stran, when very tired, veryexcited, very mad, should the body tae foods nto

    the system, see?*

    Through these observatons we should better understad theoccut mplicatons of sayng grace before a meal The dedcationof food, the thansgiving for it, were all originay caculated torase the awareness of the individual out of the wragles ofeveday problems or that period of extreme importace whenhe was receptive to energy t is tly sad "Joy s Wisdom and

    "Love s a Cohesve

    *Edgar Cayce (137-9).


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    Loving thoughts (ofHim) during grace compose the mind and

    armonise the emotions so that the passage of energy through

    nutrition into te body, with its arious interpenetrating auras,c-an be a "state o grace. In practical terms, this means that theone who can relax rapid into a condition of detachment from hisworldy cares (stress), at eas while he is eating and digesting, is

    someone who wi e abe to resole the eects of stress


    The mre relaxe the ody, the more compsed the emotions, themore setted the mind, and the higher the spiritual aspiration,dring eating, the deeper the penetration of the acquired energiesof oth prana and metaolism

    The eimination of waste has a far more ilusie eanin for the

    esoteric heaer than it has for the ecient nurse who merely seesto it that her patient is 'regular* Eliminatin from the physica

    body is important, and it is reeant hee to mention excretion.Bioogically, excreting means the eimination of matrials that

    were once part of the ody cells materials that were actualyiside the cels and are now eing discarded Materias in thealimentary cana that are the esidues of digestion ike res,ceulose, and acteria, hae not come ot f ces Technicallythey hae not en inside the ody ut merely lying in the

    alimentary canal, moe along or eimination as faeces byperistaltic action Excretion from cels in the ier, ike bile

    pigments, are added to ths waste

    *Those conceed with natural mehods of physical elimination wouldn hell he very usel book recently ublished, The Edgar CayceHanbook for Health trough Drugless Therapy, ublished byMacMillan Publishing Co New York.


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    From the standpoint of the esoteric healer each individual hassome control over what is contained in his cells. The life force and

    that which bestows consciousness are cohesive They hold thecells of the body together, constantly informing the sentient livesin the nuclei of the cells he cells respond to 'the one in whomthey live and move and have their being."*

    The phase of excretion in ir lives coincides with the

    outbreathing of the One in Whom they live and move and have

    their being This should be ponderedInnr Bif Cnr Or Prc

    There is nothing but thinking makes it so!" Thoughts ofelimination directed to all cells during the period of exhalationassist them in their ejection of excretory materials especially

    when these are being generated powerlly by stress

    Tension reated in muscle cells continually exposed to stress iseasily recognised by their parial ontractions and stiness; butwe should remember that tension exists in all cells burdenedexcessively with the elimination of their excretions under stress

    All cells exrete carbon dioxide into the tissue uids and from

    there it is arried by the blood for excretion from the surface ofthe lungs Aother organ concerned with excretion is the skin

    which through perspiration eliminates water salts and minutequantities of urea (the product of protein digestion) The skin is

    not dicult to visualise when directing attention to it durng


    *a T Sv a A Wdm Jewel inthe Lotus pp. 19-24, by a


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    The kidneys lter a huge variety of excretory materials om theblood, not only water and mineral salts, but the waste products

    of liver cells breaking down the amino acids deived om thedigestion of proteins hese are nitrogenos substances like urea,uric acid, creatin and creatinine. heir retenion in the body leadsto coma in the pysical body but long efore that, there are eectson the etheric body and the capacit othe brain to register mentaland emotional directions coming from the inner bodies Aexamination of the anatomy of thy kidneys and the ability to

    visualise them or those of a patient suering from kidneydisorders "in the space between thoughts, especially duringoutbreathing, can be invigorating to their cells Whilst much of

    their work of ltration is passive, even passivity can be enhanced

    The writer has observed in himsel for instance, that intense onepointed concentration or study produces a diuretic eect on thekidneys with consequently greater excretion.

    It can also be stated that tissues which have become sites forabnormal deposits of toxins and excretory products during stresscan be reached reexly through Zone herapy*

    The Ancient Wisdom teaches that the attitude of Man's mindduring eating and digestion of food is a powerl factor in threeaspects:-

    (a) The amount of energy that is nally appropriated(from the canal),

    (b) the quality of the energy,

    (c) the destination of the energy

    *Zone erapy is a therapeutc treatment of body organs throughmanpulaton of certain pressure ponts on the feet.


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    Any picture of Man, depicting his energy reurces, would be

    totally inadequate without it showing those that ow into himom within. The graph ofResistance bomes more meainglif it is shown tat there are two major inuxes. There is the energyof metabolism that we have already refe to including reser-

    voirs of energy in liver, muscle and the cells in general, which areours through biological inheritance These are purely physical innature, and are shown by the arrow at 'A :-




    But there is another oup 'B that reaches us om stcturesunknown to science Mans etheric body is not oly itself able toabsorb the energy of prana and convert it to a force that vitalisesthe neous system but is a receiing plate, and a transformer of


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    energies that ow into the aura from the unit of energy we call

    the higher Self. The electromagnetic energies of the Self are ofextremely high voltage But with transmission down through theplanes into the etheric body, the voltage is greatl reduced Aidea of the transforming rocess can be grasped om the spiralstcture of the anu, the ultimate physical atom, out of which allmatter is constructed Their outer spirillae complete the naltransformation of inner energy into 'matter

    The eteric body of Man, which vitalises his gross physicalstrctures, is made of atoms which lack the outer spirillae In th

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