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Page 1: Stop Hemorrhoid Pain Without Injections Or Surgery · Chapter 3 - Hemorrhoid Symptoms Chapter 4 – Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy Chapter 5 – Bleeding Hemorrhoids Chapter 6 – How

Stop Hemorrhoid Pain Without

Injections Or Surgery

Page 2: Stop Hemorrhoid Pain Without Injections Or Surgery · Chapter 3 - Hemorrhoid Symptoms Chapter 4 – Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy Chapter 5 – Bleeding Hemorrhoids Chapter 6 – How



Chapter 1 - What Are Hemorrhoids

Chapter 2 - What Do Hemorrhoids Look Like

Chapter 3 - Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Chapter 4 – Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Chapter 5 – Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Chapter 6 – How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last

Chapter 7 – Causes Of Hemorrhoids – Why Do I Have Them

Chapter 8 – I’m Worried – Could My Hemorrhoids Be Something Else

Chapter 9 – If I See A Doctor – What Will He Do To Me

Chapter 10 - 2 Things I Tried Before Going To The Program My Doctor


Chapter 11 – Other Treatments

Chapter 12 – Putting The Cards On The Table

Chapter 13 – Look Forward To A Pain Free Future

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Hi there my friend and welcome. I have known for over 10 years that I had to write this book. Not being a writer

I have always found an excuse to put it off.

It was not until one of my friends said to me “Just think of the number of people who are suffering with hemorrhoids

throughout the world today, just like you were, for all of those years and you can help them – don’t you feel guilty.”

At the time I just shrugged it off, but a bit later I started to

think about what he had said and I remembered all of the

pain I had gone through over the previous 30 years approximately and

what I would have given for ANY form of help to stop the pain.

I am going to start the book with the main thing I am sure you want to

know and that is How Did I Get Rid Of My Hemorrhoids in around 10

Days? but over the years as you can imagine I have found out so much

about hemorrhoids and so I have added a few more chapters with things I

feel may be helpful to you.

OK - The 10 Day Cure – Well this is the point where I have to be 100%


The first thing I have to admit is that I did not CURE my hemorrhoids in

10 Days (they were still there) but what I did to was get rid of all the pain

and bleeding I had been having.

The second thing I have to admit is this. I DID actually get rid of the

hemorrhoids completely but that took me almost 60 Days, but I will say

that they have never returned.

The third and possibly most important thing I have to admit was that I

didn’t do it on my own, I had help. I thought I could do it by myself

but it proved impossible. Let me explain.

I guess what I am about to say will ring true with many of you as well.

Like most people I suppose I originally hoped I could clear them by

researching everything from every Tom,Dick and Harry on the internet,

most of whom really knew nothing about hemorrhoids, so I was getting

different information from different people,some of which I have discovered

since was incorrect, and so by the end I was even more frustrated.

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I tried various over the counter medications and then when none of them

worked, I progressed to stronger treatment from my doctor and basically

that did not work out any better (I’ve found out why since).

It was at this time that my doctor started talking about hemorrhoid

banding or other hemorrhoid surgery and the thought of either one of

those made me shiver.

I knew then that I had to think of something new, but what? – I had

no idea. I am a great believer in fate, in the sense that what is meant to

happen will and I really feel that fate gave me a hand with this one.

Over the next 6 weeks the pain and general discomfort got a lot worse.

I hated going to the doctor and was frightened with what he was going

to say I needed to do, after what he had said on the previous visit.

In the end I could not bear it anymore and it was really getting me down

and so in the end my wife, made a doctors appointment for me and, I

honestly believe this was when FATE stepped in.

Unbeknown to me my old doctor had retired at the end of the previous

month and so I had a new one and I was dreading what he was going

to suggest, and what he did say really surprised me.

He said “ I can see from your old doctor that you were none too keen

on hemorrhoid banding or any other type of surgery” to which I quickly

informed him that he was correct.

Then he said “OK fair enough, I want to run something by you, have you

ever heard of Jessica Wright? “ and needless to say I had not.

He said “It’s just that I have had a few patients who have told me that

she has a proper clinically proven hemorrhoid program which has helped

them enormously, and like you they were not keen on hemorrhoid

banding, and the likes – why don’t you try Googling her and then if it

doesn’t help you we are going to have to look into more serious ways

of dealing with it as you cannot go on as you are, as it is really pulling

you down.

To be honest, I would have done anything whatsoever by this time to

avoid surgery (I’d watched a video of what they do). I reluctantly looked

her up but to be honest I had very little faith in how she could help me

as I had been disappointed so many times before.

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How wrong could I have been. I will tell you now, that lady completely

turned my world around. I have actually emailed her since and thanked

her and told her that I believe she must have been my Guardian Angel.

I followed her program to the letter and as I say I was pain free in around

10 Days and in around 58 days the hemorrhoids as far as I could tell had

completely shrunk to nothing or gone.

I am not going to go into great detail about her program in this short

e-book. Instead I will give you a link at the end so you can go across to

her own site. I don’t want you to take my word for it. Hear it right from

the horse’s mouth so to speak and make your own mind up.


This is the book I wish I had been given all those years ago. It would

have removed many of the myths and fears. I am giving it to you For

Free and not asking you for any email address or anything, as I have

no intention of emailing you in the future to try and sell you anything.

Hopefully this EBook will remove ANY fears you may have and is a guide

to getting rid of your hemorrhoids for good.

OK – Before I go on I know that some of you are going to be impatient to see what Jessica has to say so you can hear what she has to say HERE However please also read the rest of my book, I am sure it will help remove some of the myths about hemorrhoids.


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I realise that at first this may seem a stupid question but I know that

many people who may suspect that they have hemorrhoids do not really

know what an hemorrhoid is.

Basically we all have hemorrhoids (or piles). They form from the clusters

of veins which are just underneath the mucous membranes lining the

lowest part of the rectum and the anus.

An hemorrhoid is basically a swollen and enlarged or twisted vein in the

rectum or anus. (similar to varicose veins in the leg). Sometimes the walls

of these vessels stretch so thin that the veins bulge and get irritated,

especially when you go to the toilet. Swollen hemorrhoids are one of the

commonest causes of rectal bleeding. Make no mistake HEMORRHOIDS


They are particularly common in Western countries but actually quite rare in countries where they eat a fibre rich diet. In many countries such

as in the UK, they are commonly known as “PILES”. Put in very simple

terms hemorrhoids are basically a varicose vein in the bum.


Hemorrhoids are either External or Internal. In simple terms the external

ones can be seen and felt on the outside of the anus and internal ones are

found inside in the rectum. If an internal hemorrhoid pushes out of

the anal opening it is call a “prolapsed hemorrhoid”.

Prolapsed hemorrhoids which extend beyond the anus, can cause several

potential problems. When a hemorrhoid protrudes, it can collect small

amounts of mucus and microscopic stool particles that may cause an

irritation called pruritus ani. Wiping constantly to try to relieve the itching

can worsen the problem.

Almost always a painful hemorrhoid is one that has prolapsed out of the anus. They become really painful when they become “thrombosed”

which is the result of a blood clot forming and can usually be found as a

hard lump around the anus.

So basically internal hemorrhoids are ones that develop in the walls of the

anal canal itself. Whilst they can cause some pain; without question the

most pain comes from external thrombosed hemorrhoids

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Chapter Two


The only ones you will really be able to easily see are external

hemorrhoids and normally appear as a lump or dark area surrounding

the anus. A tender lump normally indicates that it is thrombosed.

The left hand diagram above shows the basic layout around the rectal

area showing approximately the areas where internal or external

hemorrhoids will be found. The right hand picture is a picture of an

external hemorrhoid.

The picture on the left is a diagram which

basically shows how a prolapsed hemorrhoid

occurs when an internal hemorrhoid

protrudes through the anus.

I know that when I was suffering, the most painful ones seemed hard and

appeared to have a sharp defined edge and boy were they tender.

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I would at this point mention that the words “external and internal”

do not quite mean what you think.

In layman’s terms an external hemorrhoid is normally found in the lower

third of the anal canal and internal ones are more in the upper area.

Below are a few more pictures of hemorrhoids (not the prettiest site but I do think you need to see them)

Whilst the above are a good indication of what hemorrhoids generally look like they can on occasions appear differently.

Whilst it is not really possible to see internal hemorrhoids yourself a

good indication that you may have them is finding blood on the toilet

paper after wiping when you go to the toilet. This can on rare occasions

be a sign of more serious problems but more about that later.

OK my friends – this is getting a bit heavy, just for a minute let’s just

relax and have a laugh. Here are a couple of quick cartoons for you.

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I know what you are probably thinking “here we are in pain and

he is making jokes about it”. Trust me, I can almost guarantee that

few people have experienced the pain I suffered with hemorrhoids for

nearly 30 years but the one thing I never lost was my sense of humour.

People did make jokes about it but I think that helped me deal with it to

an extent. So Keep Smiling. Just check out Jessica’s program – It worked

for me but just make your own mind up after listening to her.

Now back to the serious stuff.




The symptoms of internal and external hemorrhoids are different

Pain is not a common sign of internal hemorrhoids. The pain is normally

associated with external hemorrhoids. The most common sign of internal

hemorrhoids is bright red blood on toilet paper on wiping or in your stools.

I remember I once had an internal hemorrhoid rupture whilst going to the

toilet and it appeared to fill the pan with blood. It was however a lot less

serious than it looked because when blood mixes with water, it looks worse

than it is. I must admit though it really worried me at the time (I thought I

could bleed to death or something, I know with hindsight that sounds silly

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but it was really frightening).

Often you will feel like you have an odd itch inside the rectum and this is

also a sign of internal hemorrhoids.



Normally the first thing you will feel is a lump (which may feel as if it has

a sharp edge) around the anus. This may bleed or feel wet as they can often

give off mucous.

Mucous discharge is a sign of internal hemorrhoids. The lumps are often

painful (or extremely painful if thrombosed). You may also experience

burning or itching around the anal area.

In my case I knew that the itching was the worst thing that could have

happened to me because scratching it made it feel a lot better but then 30

seconds later it felt a lot worse ( I think they call it The Itch Scratch Itch


Also if a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain can be

sudden and severe. You might feel or see a lump around the anus. The clot

usually dissolves, leaving excess skin (a skin tag), which may itch or become

irritated. Internal hemorrhoids are typically painless, even when they produce


The other thing I would mention is that scratching it with a finger can result

in infection and other problems, even if you are scrupulously clean.


Chapter Four


Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are caused by blood

vessels in the rectal area or vagina that become swollen.

Basically they are simply another form of varicose vein

that women are very susceptible to whilst pregnant.

They may vary in size and itch or for some become quite

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painful. Some women experience rectal bleeding along with hemorrhoid pain.

Occasionally women who get hemorrhoids may also experience mild varicose

veins in the leg or calf.

If you experience pain or itching in or around the rectum and bleeding, you

may be surprised to find a swollen or inflamed mass of tissue that looks

something like a giant blister. This is usually a sign of hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to varicose veins in general in part

due to the increasing amount of blood circulating in their body during

pregnancy and in part due to fluctuating hormonal levels.

Increasing levels of progesterone can help soften the walls of veins causing them to collapse and function improperly. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy also result as the uterus puts a lot more pressure on the veins which support the pelvis including the inferior vena cava.

Straining too much when going to the toilet is also a problem. Pregnant

women often suffer constipation during pregnancy; hemorrhoids can

often cause problems in pregnancy and can often increase during



KEEP YOURSELF REGULAR in respect of going to the toilet. The two

main things I would suggest here are to increase your fibre intake and

drink plenty of water.

TRY KEGEL – Mystified? – Kegel exercises are named after gynaecologist

Arnold Kegel and are designed to strengthen your pelvic muscles. Pushing

a baby out put a massive strain on your pelvic muscles and so they are

very important. These muscles also perform another purpose in that they

stop urine leaking when you laugh or cough, so looking after them will

help to stop any form of incontinence. They also say that Kegel exercises

help to make the labor quicker and recovery after the birth faster.

The aim of Kegel exercises is to contract the pelvic muscles in short

bouts of exercise throughout the day. The beauty of them as well is that

you can virtually do them anywhere.

As your baby grows it will put many different strains on the pelvic

muscles which can cause urine leakage as well as tearing of the pelvic

wall muscles during birth. The good news however is that Kegel

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exercises can save many of these complications and apparently another

side effect which has been shown, in doing Kegels is that it can also

increase your sex drive and help you reach orgasm more easily.


Find your pelvic floor muscles. The easiest ways to identify these

muscles is to try to stop urination in midstream. If you succeed in doing so then you have got the right muscles. Once you have identified your

pelvic floor muscles you can do the exercises in any position, although my advice would be that, you will find it easier to do them lying down at first.

Maintain your focus. For best results, focus on tightening only your

pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Avoid holding your breath. Instead, breathe freely during the exercises.

Repeat three times a day. Aim to do at least three sets of 10

repetitions a day. Don't make a habit of using Kegel exercises to start and stop your urine stream. Doing Kegel exercises while emptying your bladder can actually lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder as this

increases the risk of a urinary tract infection.


Chapter Five


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The condition of hemorrhoids that bleed is a fairly common one, something you may not be aware of. Hemorrhoids, which can be internal or external, can start to bleed if the condition deteriorates and is not treated. Any sign of blood in the stool could signify bleeding hemorrhoids, and you should seek medical advice under such circumstances in order to remain healthy and well. You can still use any method for stopping the hemorrhoid pain but always check out any anal bleeding first, with your doctor. You can tell the doctor that you wish to try the method I used if you wish or obviously many people try the various ointments which doctors prescribe only to try my method when invariably the ointments do not work (or they certainly didn’t for me) for long and prior to more serious treatment such as surgery. No one likes to discuss hemorrhoids, but it is smart to seek medical advice. Although the chance is quite small, one of the signs of more

problematic conditions like colon or rectal cancer is anal bleeding, so this symptom is not purely an indication that your problem is definitely one of hemorrhoids. Be prompt when checking out anal bleeding to avoid any medical emergency. Then if it is hemorrhoids you can decide if you wish to go ahead as most people seem to do, go the ointment, suppository route or possibly some form of hemorrhoid surgery OR go the way I eventually went using a completely natural and holistic way of getting rid of hemorrhoids for good.

Bleeding hemorrhoids are considered to be the worst form of hemorrhoids, not only because it can be frightening but it can also be very messy or embarrassing if the blood comes through your clothes. I can remember several times being out with friends only to feel the blood soaking through my clothes and trying to hide it the best I can.

Rectal bleeding is not always due to bleeding hemorrhoids. As I have already said it is therefore ALWAYS advisable to consult your doctor whenever you experience rectal bleeding symptoms to ensure that it is bleeding hemorrhoids and nothing more sinister.

Based on the results of their investigation, your doctor will decide whether

it is internal or external hemorrhoids. Generally, you don't get bleeding

from external hemorrhoids.

Many anorectic problems, including fissures, fistulae, abscesses, or

irritation and itching, have similar symptoms to bleeding hemorrhoids.

In some cases bleeding may occur due to an anal fissure, but in most of

the cases, if hemorrhoids are bleeding they are likely internal hemorrhoids.

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Early diagnosis is important and provides you with a better opportunity

to get relief.

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the anal canal (rectum) and are usually caused by too much straining (bearing down to pass stools).

Basically, what happens is that the veins lining the walls of the rectum become enlarged (engorged with too much blood - varicose veins) and bulge out.

You can notice red streaks in your stools. Whenever you notice this, you must consult your doctor to get it clinically investigated. It will, on most occasions be that you have a fissure or a crack in your rectum that can be cured with treatments like antibiotics and a topical nitroglycerin cream, or it may be a hemorrhoid.

If your doctor does not find fissures or bleeding hemorrhoids, he will possibly suggest you have a tube inserted into your colon to check for other causes of bleeding such as cancers; as sometimes rectal bleeding, not caused by fissures, is caused by a more serious problem. Don’t be frightened though as 99% of the time it will be hemorrhoids causing the problem.

So that you do not get too worried, bright red blood is normally indicative of bleeding hemorrhoids, whereas darker blood is suggestive of bleeding much further up the anal canal and not so much from bleeding hemorrhoids.

Sometimes the blood loss from hemorrhoids is so great, that the patient may become anaemic - iron deficient. For some, the bleeding from the hemorrhoids is so severe that the toilet is covered in blood after each toilet visit (I did have this at one stage). However, for most hemorrhoid sufferers though, the bleeding from hemorrhoids is very little, if any.

For The More Technical Among You

The arteries supplying blood to the anal canal descend into the canal from the rectum above and form a rich network of arteries that communicate with each other around the anal canal.

Because of this rich network of arteries, hemorrhoidal blood vessels have a ready supply of arterial blood. This explains why bleeding from

hemorrhoids is bright red (arterial blood) rather than dark red (venous blood), and why bleeding from hemorrhoids occasionally can be severe.

The blood vessels that supply the hemorrhoidal vessels pass through the supporting tissue of the hemorrhoidal cushions.

The anal veins drain blood away from the anal canal and the hemorrhoids. These veins drain in two directions. The first direction is upwards into the rectum, and the second is downwards beneath the skin surrounding the anus.

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The dentate line is a line within the anal canal that denotes the transition from anal skin (anoderm) to the lining of the rectum.

Chapter Six

HOW LONG DO HEMORRHOIDS LAST Well let’s put it this way – mine lasted around 30 years but don’t

be disheartened by that statement.

Without using the method I used, hemorrhoids should go away within a few

weeks if we take care to remove the conditions in which they thrive.

This often calls for a change in lifestyle.

The main thing that has been shown with hemorrhoids is the more

times you get them the harder they become to get rid of.

This is why I cannot stress enough that the earlier you can start treating

them the better.

Mine were difficult to get rid of because I had gone for years using over the

counter medication which did not really work and each time it came back it

got worse until in the end I could count the number of days I was

continuously pain free ON ONE HAND.

I honestly believe if fate had not stepped in and directed me to that new

doctor whose advice completely changed my life, I would still be suffering


So, there is no definite answer but I am going to say to you that if the

problem is just starting, that by using the method I used I would hope that

you could be pain free in around 10 days. I would hope that even if you have

suffered a long time that in 10 days you should still be noticing a big


One thing I would say at this stage is that if you allow your hemorrhoids to

get prolapsed it may take a lot longer to get rid of them, anything up to about

8 weeks or even longer. Let them get thrombosed and you could be looking at

three months.

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Chapter Seven

HEMORRHOID CAUSES I would suggest that hemorrhoids are mainly caused by bad diet (by a bad diet, I mean a diet that hemorrhoids thrive on) and straining when you go to the toilet. Actually, these two factors are linked because eating these bad foods leads to you being constipated, which in turn then leads to straining when going to the toilet.

The problem with Western diets is that they are rich in processed food and also lack fibre, which is also bad for hemorrhoids. Indeed, you will find that hemorrhoids are far rarer in less-developed African countries whose diets include plenty of roughage and fibre. These countries are slowly changing their diet to include more processed food, and are seeing a rise in the cases of hemorrhoids.

Unfortunately, the way modern toilet pans are designed also encourages straining. By the way, reading whilst sitting on the toilet is not to be encouraged as this adds undue pressure on the anal veins.

Other factors that contribute to hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid pain include getting older (ageing), some cases of hemorrhoids can be hereditary, (it does appear that in some instances if other family members suffer then you may be more prone), bouts of diarrhoea can increase the risk of hemorrhoids as can using laxatives because you are bound up. For women, one of the most common causes is pregnancy as the baby tends to put pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins. Hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy however are normally easy to deal with and rarely last that long.

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Fortunately, you now have this book and I hope that by following the program I used, you should be able to clear them up reasonably quickly, unless you do something silly to cause flare ups (such as continue to strain when defecating or have chronic constipation or diarrhoea), However, the weakened walls of the distended veins in hemorrhoids will cause it to be prone to future flare ups. This is why people say once you have hemorrhoids, you'll always have hemorrhoids. The answer though is to put a regime in place to keep them under control and thus save yourself from what can be a lifetime of pain and misery.




What I am going to tell you now is VERY IMPORTANT and I cannot stress it enough

In a previous chapter I discussed the symptoms related to both External

and Internal hemorrhoids. With Internal hemorrhoids the indication you

will probably have is slight discomfort and bright red blood when going to

the toilet. External hemorrhoids are far easier to diagnose because firstly,

you can see and feel them. Now, I know it may be a bit embarrassing but

if you can get someone to have a look and describe them (I used to look

with a mirror believe it or not) that will help. You will possibly have other

signs such as bleeding and the area may also feel damp. There is a good to

chance they will be painful to the touch and you will have itching and

burning. Now the next bit is the important bit and I cannot stress this


In all cases where you feel you may have hemorrhoids (internal or

external) or suffer any rectal bleeding, confirmation by a qualified

doctor is imperative. The reason I say this is as follows.

The symptoms caused by hemorrhoids can be the symptoms of more

serious illnesses (particularly rectal bleeding). Rectal bleeding can be a

symptom of other conditions such as inflammation of the intestines, anal

fissures (cracks in the lining of the anal canal), and rectal polyps or in the

worst case scenario, rectal cancer.

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I would just point out that I am not trying to frighten you in any way as in most cases when you have the symptoms I have just described there

is a good chance that what you will be suffering with is hemorrhoids and

nothing more serious. However, before you go any further it is essential to get it checked out to put your mind at rest, especially if you have any rectal bleeding.


Chapter Nine

WHAT WILL THE DOCTOR DO TO ME I was dreading going to get it checked out because as well as being

embarrassing, I was also worried that it would hurt. Trust me there is

no need to be worried on either count.

Firstly, unless it is the doctors first day out of medical school, he has

probably check thousands of arse’s like yours. Whilst it is at the very

worst slightly uncomfortable for a few seconds, the examination is not

painful. To put your mind at rest here is what the doctor will do.

The doctor will get you to lie on your side and using a gloved finger

(with plenty of lubrication) he will feel inside your anus. Even if he can

see obvious hemorrhoids on the outside he will still check the inside to

see if you have any internal hemorrhoids. He will also ensure that you

have no other unusual or suspicious lumps which may be causing the

pain or bleeding. If you are a male, he may well at the same time feel

your prostate gland to make sure that it feels right and is not causing

any problems. Once again, that is completely painless. Only on a very

rare occasion will a doctor need to examine you inside using some form

of scope. So relax and don't worry.

I had very severe hemorrhoids but never had any form of examination apart from the doctor doing a normal digital examination with his finger.


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Chapter Ten

2 Things I Tried Before Going To The Program My

Doctor Recommended

After my doctor had recommended this particular program to me this is what I did. I decided for a couple of weeks to “go it alone” and not try it. (thought I knew best) The First Thing I Did

Each time I went to the toilet, after I had finished wiping, I washed the

area. To make it more understandable at the risk of offending someone. In

layman's terms "after wiping my arse, I washed my arse".

I apologize once again if that sounded obnoxious but it is really important

that you understand this.

Now then, before you start panicking and thinking "how the hell did I

manage to do that when I was maybe out at a function or at someone

else's house, the answer is very simple and I will explain how I did it.

In any pharmacy you can buy packets of cotton pads (not the wet ones or

the ones with aloe vera) just straight forward plain cotton pads, usually 2

to 3 inches across and oval shaped. I think the ladies use them for

removing make up.

I kept a 2 or 3 with me at all times. There is always a source of water

(even if you have to flush the toilet and get some) I would wet one of them

and use it to wash the anal area and use the other to dry it.

I bought pads which were not too fluffy as the little bits will stay there

and irritate the hemorrhoids. I found the fluffy ones unsuitable.

This seemed to help a lot. Hemorrhoids do not like any form of irritant.

Basically, faeces is not good news in this area. I am not being intentionally

crude but "faeces is an irritant".

I have a friend who is a specialist in infection and who lectures all over the

world to medical schools and he explained to me why what I did was so


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As he explained, when you wipe normally with paper it does not remove

everything but washing and drying more or less does, thus not leaving

anything of that nature to irritate or infect the hemorrhoids. What he did

say though is “don't overdo the washing”.

Little Known Fact - Believe it or not, there are more bugs in your nose

than around your bottom.

The 2nd thing I did concerned when I took a shower.

Although soaps and shower gels that smell nice make you smell good

they also contain lots of nice chemicals and additives to create that

smell. Therefore, whilst it is fine to use the nice smelling soaps for the

rest of your body, (I actually don’t but that is just my preference); for

the anal and genital areas I used soap with no additives.

Every pharmacy sells these soaps. They basically have no smell and do

not contain any fancy additives or perfumes. Their names may vary in

different parts of the world; the one I use is called "Simple Soap”. Any good

pharmacist will be able to advise you which soap to buy which have no



I thought I could clear them up on my own just by following those 2

simple rules and the results to start with seemed promising but they

came back with vengeance and it was at this point that I decided to go for

Jessica’s clinically proven program

I realise now that all I was doing was treating the symptoms (as most

people do with ointments etc) and not the root cause.

It actually took me another two weeks before I decided to give

Jessica’s program a try and in that two weeks I put into place a few

common sense things of my own. Have detailed them below.

GOING TO THE TOILET-NEVER, NEVER, NEVER strain to go to the toilet

as this can put a lot of pressure on the veins that cause the hemorrhoids

and can at worse cause them to burst and bleed. If you are having a

problem going, take some form of natural medication to help you go to the


Obviously the first thing here is to add some fibre to your diet. Drink

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plenty of water as this helps to keep bowel motions soft and easy to pass.

If you feel you need some form of laxative there are many good herbal

laxatives available from health food shops.

A WORD OF WARNING-don't go crazy. By this I mean don't go the

opposite way and give yourself diarrhoea as hemorrhoids also do not like

that as it can really irritate them. What you need to try to do is to keep a

happy medium. By this I mean soft stools that pass easily without


GENERAL DIET-I must admit to you at this stage that this is the one that

I am not really good at. I tend to stray occasionally and eat foods that I know

are bad for hemorrhoids for no other reason than the fact that I like


HOWEVER, within 24 hours of eating these foods I know that I have

done it because I can feel that heavy feeling you get prior to

hemorrhoids really starting to play up. 99% of the time though I am

careful. Here are a few of the foods which are recognized as

affecting hemorrhoids and the ones to be avoided as much as possible.

SALTY FOODS -the sodium causes the blood vessels in the rectum to bulge and cause discomfort during sitting or bowel movements.

SPICY FOODS-many of the spices are for example in Indian foods are

known to irritate hemorrhoids as will spices such as ginger, jalapenos,

habaneras, clove and garlic. Whilst they do not cause hemorrhoids they

tend to increase anal itching.


such as pork, beef and even chicken or lamb. They can restrict the flow

of blood through the blood vessels of the anus or rectum causing them to

bulge and cause pain. Because animal fats are more difficult to digest it

may often result in harder stools which are difficult to pass through the

intestinal tract.

You may notice that some other particular food aggravates your

hemorrhoids. If this is a case, avoid that food like the plague.

ALCOHOL - alcohol is bad news where hemorrhoids are concerned and here

is why. Alcohol tends to dehydrate the body and is also a diuretic. This

increases the flow of urine causing a loss of body fluids. (You know that when

you drink a lot you run to the toilet more).

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This loss of fluid causes hard stools and therefore constipation and so the

cycle begins again. Unless you are teetotal I do realize that it is probably not

possible to avoid alcohol completely.

HEAVY LIFTING - avoid any heavy lifting as this is known to put pressure on the blood vessels in the rectum and anus.

PLEASE NOTE - you may have noticed that there are certain things which

upset your hemorrhoids. You may have noticed that something you do or

something you eat upsets them. Regardless of whether I have mentioned them

here, the answer is to avoid them.

For example, I had an unusual one. If I got anywhere near cellulose spray

paint, within 24 hours my hemorrhoids would start getting bad.


Chapter Eleven


Can I just say that before using her program to completely rid myself of

the hemorrhoids I had suffered for over 30 years I had tried various other

treatments and in fairness I feel that it would be wrong for me to not at

least discuss these treatments, so here we go.

OINTMENTS - there are numerous ointments you can buy

and over the years I have spent hundreds on them all. Whilst

they may sometimes ease the irritation and pain for a short

while, I am sure like me you will have found that they rarely

clear the problem permanently and also one of the worst things is how

messy they are. It gets quite uncomfortable after a while and I have lost

count of the amount of clothes I have ruined over the years due to

ointments and creams.

For me the normal creams and ointments did nothing, the only ones

that helped were the ones containing hydrocortisone and the relief was

only temporary.

SUPPOSITORIES - they are basically a

cylindrical pellet with a pointed end made

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up of the same drugs that are in the ointments or creams and are mainly

used for internal hemorrhoids. You insert them into the anus

and they break down and spread over any internal hemorrhoids. They

can be very messy as for some reason they have a lot of the product in

them and when they dissolve they seep quite badly.

Whilst not painful to insert they can be tricky and it feels just slightly

uncomfortable as you do have to push them in quite a way before the

anal sphincter muscles will sort of automatically grab them and draw

them inside. They do temporarily help a little but avoid if possible as they

can be very messy.



This treatment involves the doctor putting a tight elastic band around the hemorrhoid thus cutting off the blood supply which in turn makes the hemorrhoid eventually drop off.

Prior to the procedure the doctor will do a physical examination and may require to inspect the inside of the anus using a special endoscope.

A special tube called an anuscope is placed

into the anus which allows the doctor to look inside. He will then insert a special banding tool and place a tight elastic band around the

hemorrhoid. The hemorrhoid and the band should fall off within approximately 2 weeks.

Many patients say that this treatment is fairly uncomfortable and you will often require medication to ease pain during the recovery period. Patients also report excess gas and difficulty with bowel movements following the procedure. Other complications which can occur from this treatment are infection, bleeding, recurrence of the hemorrhoids,

swelling and pain from any hemorrhoids that may remain, and occasionally an adverse reaction to a local anaesthetic if any was used.


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SURGERY - regardless of the condition, I

always think of surgery as a final course of

action. Surgery for hemorrhoids can be

reasonably successful but there may also be

many side effects.

After hemorrhoid surgery many people develop

something called anal stenosis which can make

it very painful to pass anything more solid than fluid. Doctors suggest

something called self-dilation but who the hell wants to do that.

The operation will probably require stitches for the incisions in delicate

areas and so can be quite painful for a while.

In the first couple of days following surgery many patients find difficulty

in urinating and it is very painful. However, as I said this normally only

lasts a couple of days.

There are many other less frequent problems following surgery such as

urinary tract infection and constipation. If mucous tissue is not properly

removed during the operation it also can form a lump in the anus

requiring further surgery.

At this point I should also mention the latest “Laser Surgery” which I

understand is very successful. Unfortunately not many people are using

it because it is pretty expensive. The reason for this is that the equipment

required to do the surgery is also very expensive to buy.

All in all, whilst surgery is successful, for most people it is the last line of

treatment. I was just thankful that my new doctor recommended the

method he did. I will always be eternally grateful to him because I must

admit after trying everything else surgery seemed the only option left.


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Chapter Twelve

Putting The Cards On The Table

Okay, let's be quite honest with each other here and put the cards on

the table. If you decide to try the method I used (which I know works)

but at the same time you are doing other things which will upset your

hemorrhoids you are only fooling yourself .

Believe me if you try the program I used and you are really sensible

about the other things such as keeping yourself regular with soft stools

and eating correctly you will be absolutely delighted and amazed at the

results of her program.


Chapter Thirteen


I suffered the pain of hemorrhoids unnecessarily for

almost 30 years. I would seriously like to be able to tell

everyone in the world about the marvellous program I used

to become pain free.

I have been pain free now for over 10 years and it has given

me time to reflect and research as to why this particular

program worked so well and it now looks so obvious that I

cannot understand why others had not realised it.

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Basically, the doctor who advised me to try this program and who luckily

for me had specialist knowledge, realised that as he said, I was treating

the symptoms and NOT the root cause of the hemorrhoids.

I have also done a lot of research in forums and the like and questioned

many sufferers and one thing that stood out was that the majority of people

who had tried the regular hemorrhoids cures were disappointed that they

did not solve the problem and the thing that kept coming up was the fact of

how prolonged ointments and suppositories etc caused bad irritation,

causing patients to scratch the irritation and sometimes infect the area and

make things worse.

I actually checked this with my friend who is a specialist in infection and

who regularly lectures to hospitals worldwide. He did not really find it

surprising at all and said that it seemed obvious to him that because of the

type of problem, ointments and creams were not the answer as they contain

strong chemicals and you are putting them on a very sensitive are.


I am not here to make any decisions for you. By all means try all the

different treatments and see which is best for you.

There are a few programs out there which may be fine but I can only

honestly recommend the one I used and still do. It was the only thing

that actually got rid of my piles for good after years of chronic suffering

and the embarrassment of hemorrhoids.

You can learn about Jessicas Program HERE or there is a link through my

website via

Once you get used to the pain free lifestyle you will not want to go back

to what you have probably been suffering. Good Luck


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This ebook contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such.


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