Please tick the box to continue:

  • 1Steps to save CSV file into excel file that is arranged into columns.

    1. First step save the csv file into a folder on computer. ( if already in computer then ignore this )2. Second step open excel program.

    ( Empty worksheet)

  • 23. Go to the data tab

    4. Next choose , from text option

  • 35. Import the required csv file( that is in your computer ) into the excel sheet

  • 46. This screen should appear and then just hit next.

  • 57. Choose semicolon delimiter and then hit next.

  • 68. This should appear then hit finish

  • 79. Choose ok

  • 810. Data should appear as below(Please note that the position of cursor in the excel worksheet is the start position for the imported excel file.){The positions can be re-arranged after saving if required}

    11. This file can now be saved as required as an excel file.

  • 9Alternative methodA ) Go to first column

  • 10

    B) Choose the data tab Then

  • 11

    C) text to Columns

  • 12

    D) Delimiters need to be chosen tab and semicolon

    And then choose finish

    Choose ok

  • 13

    Then all data will be re-arranged as below.

  • 14

    Just need to add column width to some columns and you will get as below.

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