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Starship Valkyrie

Basic Rules 1.1

© Christian Brown, all rights reserved.2/11/16






Character Abilities.................................................................................................................................10

Coin Flips...............................................................................................................................................10

DAISS Control........................................................................................................................................11

DAISS Control General Guidelines.........................................................................................................14

Standard Starship Stats (2150 CE).........................................................................................................15




Hull Breaches.........................................................................................................................................20

Ship Destruction....................................................................................................................................20

Away Missions.......................................................................................................................................21

Non-Player Characters...........................................................................................................................22

Combat Rules - Introduction..................................................................................................................23

Combat Rules.........................................................................................................................................23

Injury and Death....................................................................................................................................25

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Hotzone Rules for Basic 1.x....................................................................................................................27

Tactical Rules and Instructions..............................................................................................................29

Engineering Rules and Instructions........................................................................................................32

Science Rules and Instructions..............................................................................................................38

Player Characters...................................................................................................................................42

Character Creation................................................................................................................................42

Character Template...................................................................................................................................60


Damage Control Board..........................................................................................................................90

Ship Starting Condition..............................................................................................................................92

Cards and Decks........................................................................................................................................93

Designing and Running Events.................................................................................................................126

Part 1: Designing..................................................................................................................................126

Part 2: Recruiting.................................................................................................................................128

Part 3: Running....................................................................................................................................128

Part 4: Post-Game................................................................................................................................133

Part 5: Starship Valkyrie Story-verse....................................................................................................134

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It was not until I had been developing Starship Valkyrie for a few years that I realized my ability to design had exceeded my power to communicate my vision. I realized I needed a simpler version of the game, so I commenced creating these Basic Rules, which turned out to be an enormous task. Concepts which had been worked out over months and years had to be collected from disparate sources and refined into a coherent whole.

This version is incomplete, and will be improved by playtests and feedback from players and referees. Of the basic concepts I am quite certain. Of my implementation of them, I am less so. For anyone reading, I do not ask your indulgence, only your honest impressions so that I may improve my design, and your game experience.

I would like to especially recognize those players who have supported the larger Starship Valkyrie project with their encouragement and honest criticism; chief among them, of course; Robert Prag, but also Joe Landolph, Ross Cheung, Rob McDiarmid, Ryan McMullan, Lisa Schaefer, and more recently Steve Turney. In a whole other category is Tara Leederman, who has invigorated the Story-verse in numerous ways and given generously of her time and energy.

I am tempted to list all the Valkyrie players I can think of who have made an impression on me and motivated me to try to write a better game: Kirsten Hageleit, Rebecca Roycroft, Sarah McMullan and Mason Lutz come to mind. These players share in common that they have played with enthusiasm and never said an unfair or unkind word in my hearing while doing it. I’m lucky to have them as players, and friends.

I should also like to acknowledge Ted Blanchard, Gene Smith, and Cynthia Chamberlin for their material support and encouragement.

Finally, thank you to Roselle Hurley, my wife and co-conspirator in this and many other unmanageably large and wonderful projects.

Christian BrownLos Angeles, CA

Feb 11th, 2016 Edit: Special thanks to Kirt Dankmyer for his thoughtful contributions to the Basic 1.1 Revision.

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Starship Valkyrie is a cooperative live-action role-playing game, designed to take place over the course of three to five hours. Players (ideally between 10 and 20) are assigned characters and use their abilities, in conjunction with those of the starship they are on, to complete a mission, explore a situation, or just survive. Referees (roughly 1 per 5 players) are needed to distribute information and adjudicate the action. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with the basics of role-playing, and larp in particular. If you are not, there are many useful resources online.

It is worth mentioning that Valkyrie is somewhere between an action larp and a parlor larp. In an action larp, the players actually do those things which their characters do, some of which, like fighting with padded swords and running across uneven terrain, are athletically strenuous. A parlor larp depends on costuming and detailed character backgrounds, and frequently forbids or restricts sudden physical movement. Parlor larps are often played in close quarters, or in an attractive indoor setting, where bursts of athleticism might result in damage. Valkyrie is neither fish nor fowl – it neither requires nor forbids any particular physical engagement. At the light end, Valkyrie looks like people sitting around a table playing aboard game. At the extreme end, it looks like a police or fire emergency training session, with people throwing themselves on the floor, being carried to sick bay, and yelling out damage reports over the blare of a klaxon or the cries of the wounded. Your play area should be able to accommodate either extreme.

This game is explicitly a cooperative game, which makes an effort to simulate military, or at least corporate, discipline, courtesy and efficiency. Since most scenarios encompass a crisis of some kind, maintaining discipline and courtesy while actively problem-solving is part of the challenge as well. When the players pull that off, it is a satisfying experience that builds camaraderie and mutual respect.

The action of most games takes place entirely on a starship belonging to the Earth Republic Star Navy. If you are just beginning to use these rules, you may assume it is the ERS Valkyrie on a mission of its storied career, but it could be any ship. The Valkyrie is a destroyer, which means it isn’t terribly large by sci-fi standards. It has a total crew complement of a hundred. The players are ten to twenty of that crew, and the rest are assumed to be just off screen.

In many games the crew will receive concrete orders while in port and be told where to go, what to do, and when to return to base. In other games, usually for more experienced crew, orders may be more vague, or may not address the situation the ship finds itself in. These are all interesting and worth-while problem solving situations.

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For the most part, Starship Valkyrie treats the crew of the ship as a single unit. The players each have their own character, but the game isn’t really about them individually – it’s about how they all work together as a group. If the tension and danger of the scenario produces some heroes, or forces a dramatic situation, that’s an excellent outcome that will make for a memorable event. Dramatic tension, however, is driven by the action, not the characters. It is rare for any single character to drive the plot of the game for any great length of time.

Use Starship Valkyrie as a one-shot standalone game, or as a campaign. Contact Christian Brown to connect your adventures with the wider Starship Valkyrie storyverse of the Earth Republic and its growing sphere of influence.

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These rules are meant to simulate the operations of a crew onboard a starship. They are most effective when used for that purpose.

To play the game, each participant will need a character. Several people will have to be designated as Referees, Storytellers, or Game Masters, or Assistants and Non-Player Characters. The terms ‘player’ and ‘crew-person’ are used interchangeably. A player can develop a character in a few minutes and be ready to play. A Referee needs many hours of work to prepare a scenario for a group of players. The Lead Referee, or Game Master, generally takes charge of this endeavor.

In general, the terms referee, game master, writer, GM, and Story GM are interchangeable, though occasionally one term will seem to be more appropriate than another. For example, one ‘referee’ might in actuality only be a writer; they interact only with the other referees and let them run the game. Another referee might have very specific responsibilities to run DAISS or Hotzone, and be unable to participate in guiding the game in any general way. In practice, the referees divide responsibility for the game among themselves, and share authority over the game-action, in whatever way seems best to them. Referees always have authority to make rulings. Players never do, unless specifically asked by a referee to give an opinion.

Characters are assigned to one of three ship sections: Tactical, Engineering and Science. They are not absolutely restricted to their assigned section, but that is where their abilities will be most useful, most of the time. The sections of the ship coordinate their abilities and requirements with each other for maximum effectiveness.

There are two required referees: Hotzone and DAISS. The Hotzone Referee runs Starfighter combat; DAISS Control runs the tactical display on the bridge. The game runs more smoothly if the Story GM does not have either of these roles, but can assist either at need. An additional, completely unassigned referee/assistant may also be helpful.

The Story GM’s responsibility is to write the game and be prepared to run it for the players on game day. This may take days, weeks or months depending on the complexity of the scenario. The Hotzone and DAISS Referees should be briefed in advance by the Story GM, so they know what is expected of them.

Often, the Story GM is the also the event organizer, and is recruiting all the players and referees themselves. This is not necessary, however. There is no reason why a player cannot fulfill the

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role of event coordinator (arranging for a space, making sure there are snacks, organizing rides, etc), to take some work off of the Story GM, who is otherwise responsible for everyone’s entertainment and enjoyment.

At the start of the game the Story GM will call everyone together to inform them that the scenario is ready. After a brief review of the rules and the background necessary to understand the mission, the game begins. Thereafter, everything happens in real-time. Timers are used on the ship consoles and for many player abilities. There are no ‘turns’ of any kind.

As the ship receives damage, it is recorded on the damage control board, and engineers (hopefully) hurry to make repairs. The Tactical section engages the enemy in combat. The Science section asks and answers questions about the overall situation. It is easy to see that if each section works in isolation, unaware of the efforts or needs of the other members of the crew, the ship will be inefficient. It may even become a hazard to itself. Communication and cooperation are the soul of the Starship Valkyrie game, and very much part of the challenge. It is difficult to communicate clearly under pressure. That’s part of the scenario, too.

Eventually, the scenario is resolved one way or another. As the prepared material is delivered to the players and the time allowed for the exercise draws to a close, it is the Story GM’s responsibility to call a halt to the action, and hold an official debrief.

It is hoped that players and referees have been challenged and entertained, and that they will want to play again. But if they didn’t, review the rules to see if something was done incorrectly. In any case, it is best to give everyone a chance to say what they thought of the experience.

The following rules detail how to run a game of Starship Valkyrie. The design section at the end talks about how to create a challenging scenario for a group. There are also prepared Starship Valkyrie Scenarios; the first is called ‘Attack on Omicron Base,’ and the second is called ‘Mission to Altair,’ which are available in other pdf documents.



Several terms are in frequent use throughout the text, and frequently mean something different depending on the context. It will be helpful to introduce them here.

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Damage may refer to personal combat, or an accident, that results in a character losing health. It can also refer to ship damage, or damage to specific consoles. For characters 1 damage is equivalent to the loss of 1 health. For space-weapons and ships, 1 damage is the result of 1 terajoule of energy.

One damage, dealt to a ship by a ship-to-ship weapon, is equal to 10 damage dealt to an individual. This is not a common circumstance, but is just for the purposes of clarifying what happens if you try to pick a fistfight with a Starfighter. Conversely, a personal weapon deals 1/10th of a point of damage to a starship; which is to say, none.

A console refers to both the physical prop which holds the rules for the system’s use, and the system itself. I.e.; the “Weapons System Console” is the console prop where the player goes to activate any or all of the ships weapons, wherever they happen to be affixed to the hull of the ship. It is acceptable to use the terms system and console interchangeably.

A starfighter is a small, one-pilot ship that is fast, maneuverable and heavily armed. A large Earth Republic ship typically carries six of them, while other species may have none, or significantly more. Sometimes the term starfighter gets used to mean the pilots themselves, as well.

Shields generally refers to a forcefield protecting a ship, but might also belong on a ground installation, surrounding a reactor or other high value location. There are two types of shields used by the Earth Republic: warp shields, which stop energy from passing through them, and deflector shields, which intercepts solid matter.

Robots and cyborgs are not interchangeable. Robots are artificial people, completely manufactured and programmed. Cyborgs are human, but have extensive mechanical limbs or internal organs.

Cetians, (pronounced in this game as SET ee ann), are an advanced starfaring people that are close friends of the Earth Republic. Cetians, as a species have a mild telepathic sensitivity. They look human.

Praezorians are an insectile species that is a frequent enemy of the Earth Republic. They most resemble a giant bee standing on its back legs, but with mammalian traits such as fur and claws. Their speech is unintelligible without sophisticated computer translators. Their society is matriarchal, and individuals may or may not have some telepathic, or psi, ability.

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When talking about ships generally, if it is not otherwise mentioned, assume that the ship in question is an Earth Republic Star Navy vessel. The Earth Republic is the unifying political force of humanity in the 22nd Century, and the Star Navy is its military arm.

A light second is 1 square on the tactical display, and also a standard distance unit when discussing tactical situations. Anything more than 10 or so light seconds away is out of range of most weapons and can’t be seen on the Tactical Display.

Bonuses Apply bonuses to consoles, or character abilities, in any order desired. Some modifications, clearly ought to be applied first, otherwise they’ll have no effect. Even this, however, is just good advice, and not a rule.

Ex; A system modification changes the reactor recharge time to 10:00 minutes, from 15:00 minutes. After that is applied, a computer boost is used to lower the recharge time by an additional minute, to 9:00 min, for 1 recharge cycle. If you applied the modifications in the other order, then first the recharge time would from 15:00 to 14:00 minutes, then the system modification would lower it to 10:00 minutes; a less effective arrangement.


Characters are built with points, split between Rank, Tactical, Engineering, and Science. See the Character Creation section for details on creating a character. Each character has several abilities that he, she (or it) can use. Some abilities are stand-alone, others work through the ship (such as the ability to use a console, for example).

Each character also has a rating in each of three categories; Tactical, Engineering and Science. Your rating equals the number of abilities you have in that section. If you have 2 Tactical abilities, then your Tactical Rating is 2. In addition, your rating score will grant you other privileges, detailed in the character section.

Most characters in the game will be regular Star Navy, and will have a rank. Your rank is a number from 0 to 5, and you have a rank title based on what section you’re in. A rank 2 Tactical officer is an Ensign, for example, while a rank 2 Engineering section character is a specialist. In some cases there will be a choice – rank 1 tactical can be either a starfighter pilot, or a security

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chief. Once a rank is chosen, each character is entitled to the rank ability that corresponds with that rank, for free. The rank ability does not add to any of the three ratings.

Character Abilities

A Character’s abilities give the player certain advantages or privileges when playing the game, such as being able to perform an action faster than other characters, or being able to get additional information from a referee or the Story GM. All characters have abilities, it’s just a question of how many each has, and what kind: Tactical, Engineering or Science. Tactical abilities pertain to the bridge, personal combat, and piloting a Starfighter. Engineering abilities mainly affect power generation, and ship repair. Science abilities are used for information gathering and analysis, and also medicine.

Abilities are printed on cards which, if convenient, can be cut out and placed in a small booklet or wallet, or stapled together. A sheet of cards can also be left intact, an carried around like a traditional ‘character sheet,’ if that works better. Characters abilities are important, however, and should be accessible at all times. Don’t leave your character lying around, as you may need to reference it often, and on short notice.

If, in the course of play, something happens to cancel or block one or more of your Abilities, that does not affect your pre-requisites. Ex; you lose all your Abilities except for Starfighter Maneuvers. Starfighter Maneuvers has a pre-req of Shuttle Pilot, which you no longer have. That doesn't matter - Starfighter maneuvers will work normally.

Some Abilities may be renewed. This means that the Ability acts as though it had not previously been used.

An Ability that is Exhausted acts as though it has been used normally, whether it has been used or not. For example, a mind attack that "exhausts" all the Tactical or Psi Abilities of the target.

Coin Flips

Some console functions, and some abilities require a coin flip to determine whether they work, or whether they will function in the predicted way. Mostly, however, consoles and abilities just work. For example, a coin flip is not required when firing weapons at an enemy vessel; the weapons automatically fire, and they automatically hit.

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Coin flips may also be required for special adjudication by a referee, when two game effects are in conflict, or just to determine which occurs first.

When a coin flip is called for, HEADS is always good for the individual depending on the outcome; TAILS is always bad.

To be a legal flip, the coin must turn end over end in the air and land on a flat surface. If it hits the floor, it must be reflipped.

DAISS Control

DAISS (Direction and Intelligence Scanning System) Control sits at the Tactical Display, which is a grid at least 13 x 13, with coordinates so that participants can call out specific spaces by name: A5, J12, etc. DAISS Control is a referee who receives instructions from the game writer, or Story GM, about what to put on the DAISS, and when. The writer (or writers) may give DAISS Control leeway to handle things as he or she sees fit for certain circumstances or they may have exact instructions. DAISS Control should be attentive to the writers to make sure their orders are not being exceeded.

Each square on the Tactical Display is one light second, frequently abbreviated as ‘1ls.’

Diagonal movement and ship facing is permitted.

To conduct combat on DAISS, DAISS Control needs to have ‘stats’ for the enemy ships, counters to represent them, timers, and some method to keep track of enemy ship damage.

The stats for any ship, friend or foe, are:

Name: Military ships have a prefix, such as ERS for Earth Republic Ship, or CS for Cetian Ship. Civilian ships only have a prefix if they are hyperspace capable, in which case they are HS, for Hyperspace Ship. MaxiCorp vessels are MCS. Organization: This is the general organization that the ship belongs to. This could be the whole species, but is usually a military or space-faring organization, such as the Earth Republic Star Navy (Earth), the Astral Directorate (Tau Ceti), or the Minzera (Praezorians). Ship Type: This is the type or class of ship which will roughly describe its capabilities. The tech level of the species that produces a certain class of ship will have a huge impact on its abilities relative to other ships of the same class / type produced by a technologically greater or lesser civilization.

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Phase Missiles are one of the best/worst ideas the Earth Republic Star Navy ever had. A nuclear missile with a hyperdrive, it enters hyperspace after being launched and then re-enters realspace carrying charged hyperspace energy with it, often detonating inside an enemy ship. They are safe to carry, but unpredictable in combat. They might overshoot or undershoot, or create a shockwave of hyperspace energy.

On player ships, use the Phase Missile Deck when they launch one. NPC vessels do a standard 8 damage with them.

Phase missiles have trouble opening portals near intense gravity sources, like planets. There’s a 50% chance any phase missile won’t re-enter real-space inside the atmosphere of a planet.

HURT Damage Level: Player ship weapons deal points of damage, which have to be kept track of by target ship. When the damage reaches somewhere between 10 and 100 points, depending on ship type, it is HURT, which means its efficiency is diminished. HURT Effect: Generally, recharge timers for the ship are increased, but certain weapons might become unavailable as well. Armor: This amount is subtracted from each individual attack. So if a ship had an armor value of 1, and was hit by three weapons, for 5 damage each, it would take only 4 damage from each.DISABLED Damage Level: When the damage reaches somewhere between 10 and 100 points, depending on ship type, it is DISABLED, which means it can no longer fight, repair or even support life. Destroyed at: When the damage reaches somewhere between 10 and 100 points, depending on ship type, it is DESTROYED, which means it instantly explodes, killing everyone still onboard, and destroying all cargo or smaller ships inside.Movement: Standard military stellar drive speed is 1 light second per 5 minutes. Civilian craft are usually 7 minutes. Starfighters and missiles move 1 ls per minute. Weapon: There are a multitude of possible weapons. Any given ship could have any number, and they could do any amount of damage. For an Earth Ship of the 2150’s, the following standards apply: [Damage is measured in terajoules, a unit of energy.]Lasers: 1 or 2 tj, 3 to 6 ls range, 5 min recharge. Missiles: Missiles do 4 tj, and Phase missiles do 8 tj. Missiles are standard and not modified to fit specific ships, so ammo is interchangeable between Star Navy vessels. Missiles have 10 minutes of fuel, and can be deactivated or detonated from the ship that fired them if communication is not prevented by some effect. Pulse Cannon: Deals 4 tj damage at 1 LS range, 3 tj at 2 ls range, 2 tj at 3 ls, and 1 tj at 4 ls. No ammo limit. A star destroyer has a standard armament of 2 lasers, 2 pulse cannons, and 1 missile launcher.

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A valkyrie class has three weapons; usually, but not always, 1 laser, 1 pulse cannon, and 1 missile launcher.An escort class has two weapons; usually, but not always, 1 pulse cannon and 1 missile launcher. A civilian cargo ship is not ordinarily armed. A civilian transport shuttle is not ordinarily armed.

DAISS Control moves enemy ships and fires at the player ship. When the player ship is hit, DAISS Control reports this to the Shield Console operator by saying, “X damage to warp shield, please acknowledge”. Ideally, DAISS Control should say where the damage is coming from as well.

DAISS Control may report communications from the ships, such as ‘the Harpy is signaling surrender’ or ‘there’s a distress call coming from this ship.’

Note that DAISS Control does not move the player ship. The players do this, only when they activate the stellar drive. DAISS also does not record damage to the player ship – the players do this.

Name: ERS Harpy (sample ship)Organization: Earth Republic Star NavyShip Type: Escort Class ShipHURT Damage Level: 10HURT Effect: double movement and weapon timers. DISABLED Damage Level: 20Movement: 1 light second per 5 minutesWeapon: Laser 1Damage: 1 Range: 5 Recharge: 5minWeapon: Laser 2Damage: 1 Range: 5 Recharge: 5min

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DAISS Control General Guidelines

The Referee at DAISS Control should not allow enemy ships to focus fire and combine their damage unless the scenario specifically calls for it. Ideally, when a single timer is used for multiple ships, the enemy should give a 'rolling fire' that impacts the player ship once every few seconds, allowing the players to react and resolve damage between attacks. Obviously, this requires the referee to use his or her own discretion. The important thing for the referee to understand that they are not obligated by the rules of the game to allocate all damage immediately, without interruption.

When moving and firing for enemy ships it is important for DAISS Control to act impartially, and do what is proper for each ship under their control. This includes varying levels of tactical sophistication, courage, and efficiency. A certain amount of role-playing of enemy ships (ie; “their Captain is clearly confused by the player’s actions and has decided to hold fire for a few minutes”) is entirely appropriate.

Since DAISS Control is, in many scenarios, busy moving and acting for ships, trying to hear players questions and demands, and trying to get players to hear and respond to damage being dealt, it is absolutely imperative that this referee be able to keep calm under stress. The temptation to punish players for an oversight, become gleefully over-exacting, or even angry when the players fail to overcome a challenge is quite real. These over-reactions also break the simulation and force the players to manage DAISS in addition to the challenges of the scenario.

The right relationship between DAISS Control and the players is precise and polite. DAISS is not obligated to answer every question truthfully, so engaging in conversation with DAISS is not necessarily productive. DAISS Control’s objective is, at all times, to execute the instructions of the Story GM and play out the scenario as it has been presented to him or her.

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Standard Starship Stats (2150 CE)

This is the year that the Praezorians and the Earth Republic first encounter one another. The Earth Republic fleet is not fully ready for the conflict at this time, and the Praezorians have not yet begun massing ships to compete with the increasing firepower of the Earth Republic.

Name: [Praezorian] Overlord, Controller, Dominator, etc. Organization: Praezorian EmpireShip Type: Praezorian WarshipHURT Damage Level: 20Armor: 1 HURT Effect: Move and fire on 7 minute timer, damage reduced to 5. DISABLED Damage Level: 35Destroyed at: 40Movement: 1 LS per 4 minutes. Weapon: Particle CannonDamage: 7 Range: 7 Recharge: 7minHangar: Carries 20 Praezorian starfighters, which are called ‘droneships.’Special Ability: repair 1 damage per 15 minutes.

Name: [Earth Republic] Takshaka, Omacatl, Fomorian, etcOrganization: Earth Republic Star NavyShip Type: Star DestroyerHURT Damage Level: 50Shields: 4 max, regenerate 1 per 10 minutes. HURT Effect: DISABLED Damage Level: 75Destroyed at: 85Movement: 1 LS per 5 minutes. Weapon: Laser 1Damage: 1 Range: 6 Recharge: 5 minutesWeapon: Laser 2Damage: 1 Range: 6 Recharge: 5 minutesWeapon: Missile LauncherDamage: 3 Range: 10 Recharge: 5 minutes (launch up to five missiles) 25 missiles max. Hangar: 6 Apex StarfightersSpecial Ability: Repair 2 damage, +1 damage, or +1 LS movement. Recharge: 15 minutes

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Name: [Earth Republic] Anat, Hektor, Quetzalcoatl, etcOrganization: Earth Republic Star NavyShip Type: Escort Class ShipHURT Damage Level: 10Shields: 4 max, regenerate 1 per 10 minutes. HURT Effect: double movement and weapon timers. DISABLED Damage Level: 20Movement: 1 light second per 5 minutesWeapon: Laser 1Damage: 1 Range: 5 Recharge: 5minWeapon: Laser 2Damage: 1 Range: 5 Recharge: 5minSpecial Ability: Repair 1 damage, or +1 damage. Recharge: 30 minutes

Name: [Earth Republic] Liberty, Saga, Starquest, etcOrganization: Earth Republic Ship Type: Civilian TransportHURT Damage Level: 5Shields: 2 max, regenerate 1 per 30 minutes. HURT Effect: Movement is 1 LS per 7 minutes.DISABLED Damage Level: 7Destroyed at: 10Movement: 1 LS per 7 minutes. Special Ability: None.

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Name: [Earth Republic] Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etcOrganization: Earth Republic Star NavyShip Type: Defense StationHURT Damage Level: 10Shields: 3 max, regenerate 1 per 15 minutes. HURT Effect: DISABLED Damage Level: 15Destroyed at: 20Movement: NoneWeapon: Laser 1Damage: 1 Range: 6 Recharge: 5 minutesWeapon: Missile LauncherDamage: 3 Range: 10 Recharge: 5 minutes (launch up to two missiles) 20 missiles max. Hangar: Accommodates 1 transport or starfighterSpecial Ability: Can be repaired by a Star Navy engineer. 1 damage per minigame. The engineer must be flown to the Defense Station.

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Away Missions take time to resolve. Especially when they involve an investigation, serious decision-making or adjudication of combat. Although it is permissible to 'freeze time' in one part of the game in order to allow another part of the game to catch up, this is not ideal. Another solution is to skip over things that would take time to do but which involve no player action. For example, if the players are flying to the away mission location unopposed, and it will take them 5 minutes to get there, start the away mission immediately but don't allow them to report to their command center for 5 minutes. If an effort is made to telescope elapsed time down where practical, it will help to make up for the fact that other things seem to take longer than they should.


A console refers to a ship system or capability, as well as the physical prop that represents it. Consoles can also be on stationary installations, or space stations, as well.

Consoles control all the most important ship functions and are instrumental in playing the game. Rules are described on the console diagram for each, in the Consoles section. These diagrams are meant to be printed out and placed around the playing area to represent the environment of the player’s ship.

There are 11 possible consoles, plus the Damage Control Board. The Damage Control Board is NOT A CONSOLE. It can’t be damaged or destroyed, and anyone can access it. It continues working right up until the ship is DISABLED.

Your rating determines whether you can access a particular console type or not.

There are two universal consoles: CENTRAL OPERATIONS and SPECIAL SYSTEMS. Anyone can access these consoles.

There are three tactical consoles: WEAPONS SYSTEM, SHIELD GENERATOR, and STELLAR DRIVE. If you have a tactical rating of 1 or more, you can use any tactical console.

There are three engineering consoles: INTERMIX REACTOR, MACHINE SHOP and HYPERDRIVE.If you have an engineering rating of 1 or more, you can use any engineering console.

There are three science consoles: SCANNER, SCIENCE LAB and MEDICAL BAY.

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If you have a science rating of 1 or more, you can use any science console.

Consoles and Boosts

Once a reactor boost has been distributed, it cannot be taken back or given to a different system. When a Boost is used, it is consumed/expended, and must be turned in to Central Operations immediately.

Lowering the Reactor reserve level to zero does not disable the Reactor. Allowing the Reactor to reach full reserve power is not dangerous in and of itself.

Console Damage

When the ship is attacked or experiences a spatial anomaly or other negative event, it may take damage. If it does, a card is drawn from the ship damage deck for each point of damage. This is normally done by a referee. Some cards will indicate damage to specific ship systems. In this case the referee adjudicating the damage will move the counter for that console to the next level for that console on the Damage Control Board. If the amount of damage the console has taken indicates that the console is no longer operational, turn on the Trouble Light for that console. The Trouble Light is located at the console itself and indicates to the operator that the console can no longer be used.


Damage at the ship/installation level is equivalent. If a starfighter does 1 damage, that is equivalent to a starship doing one damage. Ships have different ways of receiving damage, but all ships deal damage in the same way. 1 damage is 1 damage, no matter who is doing it. When a starship receives 1 damage, one damage card is drawn from that ship's damage deck to see the result. When a starfighter takes 1 damage, the craft goes down by one level on their starfighter board.

Damage at the personal combat/internal explosion/industrial accident level is equivalent. If a radiation leak causes a character to lose two health that is equivalent to a weapon blast that does 2 damage. Certain Abilities stop bad effects, which would avoid all damage, while other Abilities avoid only a portion of the damage.

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Ship/installations and personal armament are not on the same scale. For reference, ship weapons would deal ten times their value in health loss if they were trained on an individual. (A single round of 1 damage starfighter ammo fired at a person would cause 10 points of damage. A 2 terajoule ship laser would cause 20 health loss, or complete obliteration.) The circumstances under which a starship or even a starfighter could plausibly attack an individual with ship weapons are of course, extremely rare. Ship weapons are generally not calibrated to lock onto a small biological signature, in any event.

Hull Breaches

A hull breach is a threat to the survival of the ship. When it is patched it staves off that immediate threat, but it not a perfect fix. A shipyard requires 1 day to repair one hull breach (even one that has been temporarily patched by engineers in the field.) A destroyed system takes 12 hours at a shipyard to rebuild, even if engineers have jury rigged it to work temporarily, or somehow brought it back from destroyed status.

Ship Destruction

It is possible for a player ship to be destroyed, and all the players that are on the ship to be killed without the possibility of later revival. If a player Captain believes that his or her ship is in imminent danger of destruction, there will be a tension between working hard to save the ship and attempting to save some lives by ordering an evacuation.

In any event, the destruction of a player ship is an acceptable outcome to a scenario, though it usually indicates the players have failed in at least one objective (don’t lose the ship). Though it should be obvious, losing the ship is a disastrous event, to be avoided at nearly any cost.

When a ship exceeds the maximum number of hull breaches it can tolerate, it begins the process of destruction. Every one to five minutes a random ship section (ships have 3 sections; Tactical, Engineering and Science) explodes and breaks off from the ship, dealing 10 damage (player characters have 2, or at most 4 health) each person in that section. When the engineering section is destroyed it deals 4/4 terajoules (4 damage to warp shields, and 4 damage to the deflector shields) of damage to any ship in the same light-second. Any ship that is docked with an exploding ship cannot use their shields to prevent the damage.

Once all ship sections have been destroyed, the ship is reduced to high speed shrapnel. Small pieces may be recovered, if they are chased down, but the ship itself is gone. If there were

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players off the ship when it exploded, then the game should continue until there is a final resolution of the scenario.

Away Missions

Occasionally, by design of the writer or request of the players, one or more of the crew will leave the self-contained environment of the ship and try to accomplish something on the other side of the hull. Whether this is a glorified space-walk, a boarding action, or a scheduled meeting with allies, it is always referred to as an Away Mission.

To adjudicate an Away Mission, look for relevant abilities, and allow the players a coin flip to achieve a difficult action based on the presentation of a single ability card. If the player has multiple abilities that are relevant to the action, a reflip may be allowed. Once a flip is made the ability in question is burned for that specific effort in that moment. If a player has no relevant ability, or lacks the necessary equipment to do a complex job, it is the referees responsibility to inform them that the player cannot make any progress on this particular issue.

Sometimes tasks are simple enough that the no test is required, or the test is made easier. Let’s say a robot wants to carry two fallen crewmates the hangar. The referee could simply rule that the robot can easily do that, and will only encounter difficulty if it wants to accomplish something else while carrying them.

A referee can also accept rating levels instead of requiring specific abilities. For example, the referee could declare that anyone with a science rating of 2 or better will recognize that the Science Lab was left in a hurry, and with an experiment in progress.

Sometimes an away mission will use a unique or rarely-used minigame in order to challenge players. This is often desirable as it allows players to make progress on resolving something without the continual attention of a referee. Away Missions are extremely referee-intensive, as they require a referee’s full focus constantly to

For example, an ensign is attempting to get a security door open. She presents, ‘Security Procedures’, a combat ability and is allowed a coin flip. In our example, she flips TAILS, and looks through her book for something that would give her a reflip. She asks if ‘cybernetic fist’ would work? The referee laughs and says no. Security Procedures was an attempt to open the door via an acceptable security method. Using cybernetic fist might work to rip it open, but that would be an entirely new (and extremely noisy) effort. The away mission referee asks if there is anything else she might have? The ensign suggests Programming, and the referee says that is acceptable, and to flip again. She flips HEADS this time, and the referee says that the security door hisses open. Security Procedures and Programming are available to be used again immediately now that the task is over.

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describe what is happening and adjudicate what the players do. The Away Mission Referee becomes a story-teller responsible for mediating the player experience until they are returned to the ship. Devices and game mechanics which address that are extremely useful.

It should be noted that in most cases, if a minigame is required, there will be no coinflip. The completion of the minigame determines success and / or completion.

Non-Player Characters

Using assistants and referees to portray characters for a time is a useful device which enhances player immersion. These characters are played by a participant who nonetheless has no ownership of that character, which is why they are referred to as ‘non-player’ characters, or NPCs.

Prepare background material for your NPCs. Give them cards for their abilities and a cheat sheet explaining who they are, what they know, and how you expect them to behave. If you have an admiral character come onboard the ship tell him whether you want him to be eccentric or serious, and be clear about the things that you want them to do. It’s best to give NPCs a little leeway in deciding how to go about things unless you have time to review exactly what you need them to do. Your scenario should tolerate the NPC behaving in slightly unexpected ways.

If an NPC makes a mistake, take them aside and ask them to correct it themselves. Contradicting an NPC in front of the players can have negative consequences, including making your NPC feel badly.

Lastly, use NPCs to populate the world and make the scenario more real. Examples of NPC roles are:

- Personnel rescued from a damaged ship or installation.- Superior officers with mission information or new orders.- Aliens.- Additional crew for the ship. - Passengers, dignitaries, or other persons who must be delivered unharmed.

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Combat Rules - Introduction

The term combat refers to fighting between individuals, not ship-to-ship conflict. A primary difference in how they are adjudicated is that when a character attacks another character they ‘enter combat,’ which must then be resolved according to set rules. Ships fire, maneuver and/or withdraw or hide in real time and do not become ‘engaged’ with the enemy. It is entirely possible for a ship to appear, fire, and disappear before the target can respond. This is not true for personal combat.

Combat is governed by several key concepts: Combat tactical abilities, weapons, armor, and health. The object is to cause your opponent to lose health, by causing damage, while keeping as much of your own health as possible.

Abilities describe the tactic you’re using. You don’t need one, but it helps a lot. It may allow you to deal extra damage, stop extra damage, or do something tricky.

Weapons, such as laser pistols, deal additional damage in combat. A fight where everyone is armed will be shorter.

Armor stops damage from each attack separately unless otherwise noted. If 10 laser pistols hit you for 1 damage each, and your armor stops 1 damage, then you take 0 damage.

When your health goes to zero, you’re down, though you do get to finish the round.

Combat Rules

Enter combatSelect Target openly. Select Tactical Ability secretly.All combatants reveal Tactical Abilities simultaneously.

Resolve all abilities and deal all damage. (Everything happens, even if some combatants are knocked out or killed.)

Start next round.Select a different Tactical Ability Card than the one you used last time. If you only have 1 card, then alternate between using that card and using no card.

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Unarmed: +0 DamagePistol: +1 DamageLaser Rifle: +2 DamageGrenade: 2 Damage to all combatants, except user. Stun Grenade: 1 Damage to all combatants, except user, plus combat ends and everyone in the section is stunned for 3 minutes.

Combat Armor: -1 Damage from Each attack.EV Suit: Flip a coin for each attack. If HEADS, it stops 1 damage. Flip a second coin; if TAILS, the EV Suit is ruined.


You must have a Tactical Rating of 3 or better to initiate a Scuffle. There are no requirements to participate if someone starts a scuffle with you.

A Scuffle happens instead of combat, and may be declared in its place by someone who has the ability.

In a scuffle, each combatant flips a coin. If it comes up TAILS, they take one damage.

All participants in the scuffle then separate and may not engage in combat (or another scuffle) with each other for 5 minutes.

This is a good option for a character that is fighting defensively, either because they know they can’t win, or because they don’t want to seriously injure or kill the opposing character. It could also be a time-saving maneuver, if a character is attacked while attempting to complete an urgent errand.

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Injury and Death

Characters who are reduced to 0 or less Health are immediately incapacitated, but death timers do not start until combat ends.

Anyone reduced to 0 Health is immediately helpless, and will die in 3 minutes if they do not receive medical attention. They may not use any Abilities. They are limited to moving their head and calling for help. It is always permissible to inform a medical character what your current health total is. Medical attention may restore health, or it may extend or restart the three minute timer.

If a character is reduced to negative health equal to their starting Health, they are killed instantly. It is important to make a note of the time of death, however, as there are drugs and effects in the game which can revive a dead character, so long as their body is returned mostly whole. One example of this is a drug called regenifacient. The rules for it state, “Return to one Health. Must have been reduced to zero Health within fifteen minutes.” A doctor about to administer this drug will ask when the character died in order to know whether the dose will be effective.

A robot reduced to negative four Health is irreparable. Dead characters are immediately out of the game. Medical Science may or may not be

able to bring them back, but the player of that character may not make requests or comments of any kind. (It is considered bad form to comment on the manner of your death before the end of the game.)

Death should always be reported to a GM in case that character's death has an impact on the overall plot. In addition, the GM may authorize the player to return to the game with a new character, or ask them to portray a specific NPC for the remainder of the game.

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Hotzone Rules - Basic

Hotzone is short-hand for the boardgame that the players of Starfighter pilots play in order to resolve small-craft combat outside the main player ship. This is best imagined as a high-speed, zero-gravity dogfight between highly maneuverable smallcraft.

The Board

Hotzone is played on a featureless hexgrid. Coordinates are unnecessary, and perhaps confusing, since it’s a hex grid. Enemy combatants start with their pieces – each piece representing a Starfighter – 2 to 4 spaces apart.

The rules provided below describe what Earth Republic Star Navy “Apex” Starfighters can do, as compared to their traditional enemy, the Praezorian Droneship. There are other possible Starfighters, on both sides, but these rules focus on these two enemies.

In Game:

DAISS Control: Praezorian ships ‘Dominator’ and ‘Controller’ launch droneships. [places counters marked alpha and beta on the DAISS Display.]

[Captain and bridge ensigns discuss the tactical ramifications of this event and the Captain orders the Starfighters to launch. One of the ensigns carries out this order.]

Cpl. Mears: Okay, you heard, ‘em, let’s go. Clear the simulation and let’s get ready to launch.

Spc. Dale: I never went to medical after the last away mission…

Cpl. Mears: What?! GO NOW. You have two minutes. Hey, Ayar, where’s your side arm?

Ayar: Oh, right. I got it, I got it. (Goes and gets laser pistol prop.)

In Story:

Ensign Li: Captain, Praezorians have launched drones… standard grouping: two groups of twenty.

Captain Wells: Damn it. We’ll have to clear them before the civilians can evacuate the starbase. Weapons, start shooting them down.

Ensign Vance: Yes, sir, but It’ll take a while…

Captain: I know. Launch Starfighters. Tell them to clear group Alpha, then Beta. We’ll provide supporting fire. Got that?


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Hotzone Rules for Basic 1.x

Starfighters Turn: Starfighters rotate twice, move twice, and fire twice. Any order. (222 for short.)Starfighters may fire into the hex in front of them before or after each move doing one point of damage.One Special Ability may be used per pilot, per turn.Pilots talk to each other (com chatter) during the enemy turn.

Praezorians’ Turn: Drone ships move two hexes and then do .5 points of damage to one adjacent hex.Droneships take 2 hits in 1 turn to destroy.

Other ships have different attributes.

Managing TurnsEach side must be given equal time to complete their move. Ideally, this is one minute. But the Hotzone Referee may change the allotted time at his or her discretion.

"Running" FirefightOn occasion, one side or another will want to move the combat (chase or lead the opposition) in a certain direction on the DAISS. Each side may flip a coin. If one side comes up HEADS and the other side comes up TAILS, then the HEADS result may move the Hotzone combat marker one LS in any direction. Otherwise, the Hotzone combat remains where it started, regardless of the desires of the pilots in the fight.

Missiles in HotzoneA missile strikes and does its full damage to that target and half damage, rounded down to every ship in a one-hex radius around the target.If there is no Hotzone combat, then ships are assumed to be flying in loose formation and only the targeted ship is damaged by the missile. (full damage.)

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Starfighter vs large targetValkyrie is 5 spaces long and three spaces wide. A Praezorian Warship is 3 spaces long and two wide. To attack a large target, a starfighter must move adjacent to it as normal, but a starfighter cannot end its turn facing the target. (In the case of enemies attacking a Star Destroyer, each enemy starfighter does 1 damage every three minutes / Hotzone Turn.) Hotzone GM has a value for the Armor and Shields of the target ship. Armor stops damage from each attack. Shields stop damage but get lowered each time they get hit. A ship with no armor and no shields takes full damage from starfighter cannons. Starfighters on DAISSAny pilot that leaves Hotzone combat immediately appears on the DAISS on top of the starfighter combat marker. Starfighters move 1 LS per minute. A starfighter moving at combat speeds can only be targeted by projectile weapons at a distance of 1 LS or less. Any weapon must flip HEADS to successfully target a starfighter. If the flip is HEADS, however, then full damage is conveyed to the starfighter craft. A starfighter moving at combat speeds may be targeted by a missile at any range, which is target-seeking, and will follow the starfighter until it is destroyed or it strikes its target. The exception to these rules is AA weapons, which deal a limited amount of damage at short range to everything in the light second.

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Tactical Rules and Instructions

Tactical Section

The Tactical Section is the Bridge and the Starfighter Pilots. The Bridge is responsible for moving the ship, firing weapons and stopping damage by manning the shields. The Starfighter pilots launch at the command of the Bridge to fight enemy starfighters and conduct strafing runs against enemy capital ships.

The Captain is part of the Tactical Section but rarely has time to operate a console. The XO (executive officer) helps the Captain run the ship by taking charge of specific initiatives or crises.

This leaves a core of two or three officers, usually ensigns, to handle the normal operation of the Bridge and put the Captain’s strategy into effect.

Pilots can have split competencies so that they can serve in another section when not needed in a dogfight.


All characters have ratings in each of three sections: Tactical, Engineering and Science. The rating score is from 0 to 5. This number is how many abilities the character has in that area of competence. The more abilities a character has in an area, the more ‘generally competent’ they are as well. The rating itself grants additional capabilities and privileges. Abilities are individually chosen, but ratings are the same for everybody.

Ex; Cpl. Cooke has two Tactical Abilities. That means he has a Tactical Rating of 2. That means that he can pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol, use any Tactical Console, and fire a laser rifle.

0: You are not trained with weapons.1: You may pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol and use any Tactical Console.2: You may fire a laser rifle.3: You may start a Scuffle.4: You can target stellar drive or a weapon. (on a ship of known configuration)5: +1 to all damage, both personal combat and ship's weapons.

Tactical Console Abilities

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The following is a general description of ship abilities, such as energy weapons and movement, divorced from their specific consoles. See the Consoles section to see them contextualized into discrete consoles.

Weapon System

Weapon Timer: 5 minutes. Set recharge and fire some/all weapons at the same or different target. Weapons do not fire again until timer runs down. Missile Movement Timer: Move all launched missiles 1 LS per minute.

Laser Turret Range: 6 Damage: 2 Energy

Pulse CannonRange: 4 Damage: 4, Decreasing EnergyPulse Cannon Special Rules: Subtract 1 damage for each LS the target is distant.

Missile LauncherRange: 10 Damage: 4 ProjectileLaunch up to 5 missiles per salvo. 25 missiles max.

Other weapons may be available on different ship types. Smaller ships will likely have fewer, less powerful weapons.

Note that weapons systems fire in a single 5 minute volley. All weapons fire actions are then resolved. The missile launcher fires multiple missiles per salvo. These may be fired all at once or at any time throughout the weapon console recharge period.

Shield System

There are two types of shields used by the Earth Republic: warp shields, which stop energy from passing through them, and deflector shields, which intercepts solid matter.

Use a stored Reactor Boost to raise the Deflector Shield by two or Warp Shield Power Level by one. After raising the Power Level set the Recharge Timer to 5 Minutes.The Warp Shield will stop ONE TERAJOULE of energy damage per Power Level. The Power Level then drops by one after a hit of any intensity.The Deflector Shield will stop ONE TERAJOULE of projectile damage per Power Level. The Power Level then drops by one after a hit of any intensity.

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Example: A Praezorian hits a Star Destroyer with a warp shield level of 4. The Praezorian particle cannon does 7 energy damage, minus 4 for the warp (energy) shield, is 3 total damage that is done to the ship, and reported to Central Operations. Once final damage is dealt, the Warp Shield lowers by 1 level.

The typical Maximum Shield Power Level for Star Navy military vessels is 4 for Warp Shield and 8 for Deflector Shield.

Stellar Drive

The Stellar Drive moves the ship 1 Light Second. Each square on the Tactical Display is one light second, frequently abbreviated as ‘1ls.’

The Ship may move in any direction, including diagonally.

The ship may not move into the space directly behind.

When moving, the ship may take any facing.

When moving, set the recharge timer for 5 minutes.

If turning only, set the recharge timer for 2 minutes.

(The facing of the ship is sometimes important for certain weapons systems, or being able to move in a specific direction.)

A Boost may be used once per two minutes. Set the recharge timer when using a boost of any kind.

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Engineering Rules and Instructions

Engineering Section

Engineers keep the ship running by distributing extra power to the systems that need it, and effecting repairs when the ship is damaged. It is the responsibility of the Engineering Section to make sure that the Damage Board is accurately updated and that affected consoles are showing the correct status.

The Chief of Engineering is the liaison to the Captain or XO to keep them informed of the state of the ship at any given moment.

The Hyperdrive is an engineering console, although it is usually located on the Bridge. It could be operated by an engineer that is assigned to the Bridge, or by a Tactical Officer who has a 1 point engineering rating.


See the Tactical Section for a general explanation of the ‘ratings’ concept.

0: Cannot repair ship's systems.1: Conduct ship repairs, use Engineering Consoles.2: Pass Minigame. Once per 4 hours stop minigame you are playing and declare it resolved.3: +1 Science Rating.4: Move Boost to another console that can hold it, once per 4 hours.5: +1 Tactical Rating.

Engineering Console Abilities

The following is a general description of ship abilities, such as power production and ship repairs, divorced from their specific consoles. See the Consoles section to see them contextualized into discrete consoles.

Intermix Reactor

The Intermix Reactor uses a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction to generate power. Each reactor boost represents 1 terajoule of potential energy.

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There is no inherent danger in depleting the reactor to zero available boosts, nor in allowing it to remain at full power.

The individual at this Console may generate power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator up by one and setting the recharge timer for 15 minutes. Each Reactor has a maximum reserve power level.

The individual at this Console may distribute power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator down by one, and distributing a single Reactor Boost to another system which can receive it. Boosts cannot be stored at the Reactor – that is the function of the Power Reserve.

A Reactor may have additional attributes, such as a maximum intermix rate. These will be specified on the console.

It is tempting to keep a number of reactor boosts on the console, to represent the available reactor boosts. Do not do this. The reactor reserve level represents the potential to generate boosts, but they haven’t actually been generated yet. The reserve level could go up or down for reasons related to ship damage, some bizarre space-effect, a character’s ability, etc. Furthermore, there should be only one measure of reserve power; the indicator on the intermix reactor console.

Example: An engineer is sitting at the Intermix Reactor. She sees that the Power Level is currently zero. She decides to activate the console and set the recharge timer for 15 minutes. The timer on the console is now counting down from 15 minutes. While this is happening, she moves the Power Reserve Level indicator from 0 to 1. Three minutes later an officer comes from the bridge and asks for a reactor boost. The engineer produces a reactor boost by lowering the reserve level from 1 back down to zero and picking up a new reactor boost token from Central Operations. The engineer then brings this reactor boost to the bridge and places it on the desired console. By the time she returns to engineering, there are only a few minutes left before the power recharge timer will have run down and she can raise the reserve level again.

Machine Shop

ManufacturingThe Materials Count keeps track of ship components and parts that are used in repair. Every time the Machine Shop Console is used to repair a ship system, the materials count must be lowered by one.

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The Machine Shop can make more ship components and parts (MATERIALS). Raise the Materials count by one and set the recharge timer for 15 minutes.

Each Vault Console type has its own maximum.

RepairThe Machine Shop keeps all ship systems in good working order and repairs them if they are damaged. Every time a damaged ship system is repaired, set the Repair Work recharge timer for 5 minutes. When it runs down to zero, another repair can be done.

Note that repairs generally require a mini-game or some other challenge to be completed as well.

Repairs cannot be credited on the Damage Board if the Materials count is zero.A repair job cannot be finished if the REPAIR WORK Recharge Timer is still running.


Note: more than any other ship action, navigating hyperspace is a complex maneuver which requires the cooperation of multiple consoles and the adjudication of a referee (DAISS Control) every time. A detailed example of the procedure is provided below.

Hyperspace Basics

Hyperspace is a parallel dimension that is suffused with energy. The laws of physics work differently here, and the only ship systems that function here are the hyperdrive and the stellar drive. Weapons, stellar drive, and scanners do nothing at all.

To enter hyperspace requires a portal. Some portals are fixed relative to a star or planet, and open into a pathway, which connects with another star system or planet. Part of the function of the hyperdrive is to open portals, and then enable the ship to traverse the pathway once the ship enters.

Think of the hyperspace pathway like a tunnel through an alternate dimension with a door at either end. Once a door is opened it stays open for about an hour, so a ship could enter behind a ‘convoy-leader’ if they were in position to do so (and they had a hyperdrive).

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It is also possible to ‘blaze out’ of the pathway mid journey. This would drop you part way to your destination in the cold ‘dark space’ between stars.

Hyperspace is dangerous, and would destroy a ship with no warp shields in a matter of minutes, even if it had a hyperdrive. A ship with no hyperdrive can go through an open portal, but it will then be trapped in hyperspace, unable to move, while hyperspace destroys the hull and poisons the crew.

Hyperdrive Procedure1. Activate an existing hyperspace portal within 1 Light Second using a Reactor Boost. Set the Hyperdrive Recharge Timer for 5 minutes. 2. Move to the hyperspace portal using the Stellar Drive, and inform DAISS Control that you have entered the portal. 3. Move through the hyperspace pathway to the designated destination. It takes 1 minute to traverse 1 light year. - Green Pathways do 1 damage to the ship each minute.- Yellow Pathways do 2 damage to the ship each minute. - Red Pathways do 3 damage to the ship each minute. - Purple Pathways do 4 damage to the ship each minute. 4. DAISS Control determines the length of the pathway and ejects the ship at the end of the path.

Example: DAISS Control (a referee / non-player character) and the helmsman, Ensign Hastings, are on the bridge. The ship is in the Sol system, and the Captain has received orders from Star Navy Command to go to the Sirius system. The Captain orders Ensign Hastings to take the ship to Sirius. Ensign Hastings checks the DAISS Display and sees that the ship is three light seconds away from the portal to Sirius. The Ensign then activates the Stellar Drive to move the ship closer to the portal. Once the ship is one light second away, Ensign Hastings asks DAISS Control if the portal is open or closed. DAISS Control checks some notes and replies that “the portal is closed. There hasn’t been any traffic in the last hour and stable portals only stay open a maximum of 60 seconds.” The ensign then takes a stored reactor boost off the hyperdrive console and gives it to DAISS Control, indicating that hyperdrive is opening or ‘activating’ the portal. DAISS Control acknowledges and confirms that the portal is now open. Ensign Hastings then turns around and addresses the Captain, “We’re ready to enter the portal to Sirius at your word, sir.” The Captain signals that the ship should enter immediately. Ensign Hastings turns back to his console, activates the stellar drive to move onto the hyperspace portal, and indicates to DAISS Control that the ship is entering the portal. DAISS Control acknowledges, and from this moment the ship has left real space and is now in the energetic and hostile

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environment of hyperspace. DAISS Control sets a timer for six minutes which is the length of time the journey to Sirius will take. At each 1 minute marker, DAISS Control deals 1 damage to the ship because it is a green pathway. The Shields Officer stops this damage (or fails to, and the ship receives some damage from hyperspace). At the end of six minutes the ship emerges from the hyperspace pathway into the Sirius star system. DAISS Control then places counters on the board to show the tactical situation there.

Hyperspace Blaze

As Hyperdrive Procedure above, but there is no pathway. The ship 'blazes a path' through hyperspace, taking 5 damage immediately and 5 damage each minute. Using this method the ship may go any distance, in any direction, provided it is willing to accept the increased damage per minute which blazing causes.

DAISS Control is the authority on whether the ship has entered hyperspace. You must confirm with DAISS when you enter or exit hyperspace.


Civilian system: Activate Trouble Light at 1 Damage. System Destroyed at 3+ damage. Military system: Activate Trouble Light at 2 Damage. System Destroyed at 5+ damage.

When the trouble light is activated, the system cannot be used.

Damage and Repair

As damage comes in, mark it on the board. That is, if the Weapons receive 1 damage, move the marker from Nominal (0 Damage) to Damage 1.

Engineering crew must monitor ship systems and change console status as appropriate, activating the trouble light when a system is damaged and turning it off when repaired.

Damage Control is not a console, and cannot be disabled.

Repair Procedure

Expend 1 Materials from the Machine Shop and resolve 1 minigame for each level of damage that a system currently has, in order to restore 1 level only.

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For example: Weapons has Damage 3, so three minigames must be resolved in order to raise it from level 3 to level 2. Then 2 minigames must be resolved to raise it from 2 to 1. It is not necessary that the same person resolve all the minigames.

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Science Rules and Instructions

Science Section

The Science Section is made up of Scientists, Researchers and Physicians who work on modifying ship systems for specific needs, analyzing data and inventing new devices.

The Chief of Science is the liaison to the Captain or XO to keep them informed of what the Science Section has learned so far.

The Scanner is a science console, although it is usually located on the Bridge. It could be operated by an scientist that is assigned to the Bridge, or by a Tactical Officer who has a 1 point science rating.

Having a high Science rating is not enough to make a crewman a physician – they must have the Medical Doctor ability. It is not absolutely necessary that each ship have a Chief of Medical, or a character with the Science Rank of Doctor, but it allows the Science Section to use the Medical Bay at full effectiveness.


See the Tactical Section for a general explanation of the ‘ratings’ concept.

0: You may not assist in Science Lab procedures.1: Use any Science Console.2: Identify tech item.3: Identify biological substance (w/ hand scanner).4: +1 to Engineering Rating.5: Scientific Conference. (Ask one question of a GM for every individual present who has a 1 or greater Science Rating.)

Science Console Abilities

The following is a general description of ship abilities, such as scanning objects, analyzing data and modifying ship systems, divorced from their specific consoles. See the Consoles section to see them contextualized into discrete consoles.

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Using the Scanner

Scanner Reports are received from DAISS Control, who issues them face-down to the Scanner Console when they become available.The individual at this console may reveal (turn over) a Scanner Report. After doing so, set the recharge timer to 5 minutes. Revealing a scanner report costs 1 Scan Boost.Only individuals who are rated for Science Consoles may touch, or read, a Scanner Report. Once a scan report has been turned over, it is kept in the OLD scanner reports area and may be reviewed as often as desired.

Note that Scanner Reports routinely have titles (“Space Station”, “Life Signs”, Enemy Weapons”) which give an indication of what information they contain. Anyone may read these titles, but only someone with a Science rating of 1 or more can use the console to turn them over.

Scramble Beam

The Scanner may be used to engage in electronic warfare, temporarily confusing target systems. The Scanner operator may fire a "scramble beam" at a ship within 5 LS. A reactor boost is required to activate the scramble beam. After doing so, set the recharge timer to 5 minutes.The targeted ship loses system control for 1 to 5 minutes. Bridge systems, such as weapons and propulsion, may be affected. DIASS Control will reveal if the targeted ship has any defense against being Scrambled after it has been hit by the beam. The scramble beam may only be used once per 20 hours against each ship.

Science Lab

The Science Lab has several functions, each of which has a cost to activate.

Produce Computer BoostCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes.

Analyze Data or MaterialCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes. Use 1 Computer Boost. Resolve 3 minigames.

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Tech Invention or ModificationCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes. Use 1 Computer Boost. Use 1 Material from the Machine Shop. Resolve 3 minigames.

Modify Ship SystemCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes. Use 1 Computer Boost. Use 1 Reactor Boost. Must include a character who knows how to use the modified system. Resolve 5 minigames.Once the cost is paid, the science team may select 1 modification from those available and deliver it to the affected console.

Note that system modifications are cards which are kept in the Science Lab until they are deployed. Each card typically has an effect and a duration. When the duration expires, it is the responsibility of the individual at the target console to return the card to the Science Lab.

Medical Bay

The Medical Bay has several functions, each of which is associated with a skill level or a specific cost, or both.

PharmacyRequirements: Medical Doctor Special Ability, Science Skill of 2 or greater. If you meet requirements, you may use the Medical Bay to exchange any number of reagents for an equal number of drug cards. Each medical bay will have its own maximum number of reagents.

Surgical PodRequirements: Laser Surgeon Special Ability. Resolve 1 minigame. If you meet requirements you may restore 1 health to any patient that lies prone in the surgical pod. (the minigame must be resolved over the patient.)

Medical Support UnitRequirements: Science Rank: Doctor + Medic Special Ability. Set the Medical Bay recharge Timer for 15 minutes. A Medical Team is deployed on an Away Mission or to a place in the ship. A medical team can take action without a player character present. In fact, sending a medical team is a way for a player to ‘be in two places at once.’

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When a Medical team is deployed inform a referee. They will keep track of the effect of the team on the situation, which may be immediate or long term.

Here are some possible effects of a deployed medical team:

1. Treat injured crew on an allied starship or space station. This will take a minimum of 15 minutes, and some security should be provided for the medical team if the situation is dangerous.

2. Restore 1 health to one character, wherever that character is on the ship. 3. Stabilize / delay a health crisis on the ship. The medical team can buy time by treating

symptoms of a deadly virus even though they don’t have a vaccine or a cure. 4. Move injured to the Sick Bay.

A referee, assigned to assess the effectiveness of the Medical Team, may

1. Ask for a coin flip from a player. If the flip comes up TAILS, the team is ineffective in the crisis and must be redeployed.

2. Rule that the medical team is effective at saving lives and treating patients, but is now fully engaged and cannot be redeployed for any other purpose without undoing their work.

3. Rule that the medical team needs support in the form of additional security assets, technical or engineering support, or expert medical assistance. These efforts may require players to go to their location and complete mini-games, commit additional resources such as drugs, reagents, Shop Materials or efficiency boosts.

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Player Characters

Each player generates or is issued a character to play on the ship (or space station, or away mission, or whatever sort-of game you’re running). Unless something extraordinary happens, each player is expected to maintain the same character throughout the game. Generally speaking, the same social rules apply to this tactical simulation as would apply to a particularly contentious family board game; stay engaged, don’t wander off, don’t cheat, don’t quit, and try to make sure everyone else is having fun, too.

The rules for maintaining your character between games will vary from group to group. You might play a different character each time, or, you might play the same one. In a campaign, your character is at risk, and might be killed in action, by accident, or any of a number of possible mishaps. If your character dies, go see a referee.

Consult the Story GM to see if they have characters prepared in advance for everyone, or if they’d like everyone to generate their own characters. It’s a point-based system, with templates for the “Type” of character you are. Human, Cyborg, Robot, and Cetian (Alien), are all Types.

Character Creation

Chars are built with 6 points, split between Rank, Tactical, Engineering, and Science.

Name: Earth Republic first names tend toward something unisex, such as Skylar, Sam, or Gerri, and an overall multiethnic impression.

Type: The most basic description of your character as an individual – human, robot, Cetian, etc. Robots are fully artificial, while cyborgs are humans with extensive mechanical parts.

Section: Select Tactical, Engineering or Science.

Rank: 0-5. Some characters who have the same number of points in rank will not be equal. The Bridge characters will tend to be higher ranking, even when they spend fewer points. Once you have your section and your rank, take your rank ability.

Tactical Rating: 0-5

Engineering Rating: 0-5

Science Rating: 0-5

Select Abilities: 1 for each point in a rating. If you have a 3 Tactical, select 3 Tactical Abilities. Cut and paste these abilities into your character so you can reference them during the game.

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Every three events, a character may be improved by 1 point in Tactical, Engineering, Science, or Rank. If the improvement is taken in one of the first three, then the character may also select a new ability, and the character’s overall rating will go up by 1 as well. If rank increases, the character must discard the old rank, and associated rank ability, and take the new rank and new rank ability that goes with it.

After three improvements, the character is “maxxed” and can no longer be improved.


If you have a 2 Science, you select 2 Science Abilities. These will be different from what someone else with the same rating might pick.

However, you also have a science rating of two, which means that you have all the listed skills on the Science Ratings Card, up to two.Ex; Science Section Ratings 0: You may not assist in Science Lab procedures.1: Use any Science Console.2: Identify tech item.

Completed Character

You can write a brief background for your character, as well. There are background cards in the ‘card decks’ section, which you can print out as supplemental background and/or reference material.

In general, a character background starts with where the character was born (usually Earth, but possibly elsewhere), what their most basic allegiances are (usually the Earth Republic), and then a line or two about their professional journey. Backgrounds should involve some self-contradiction, some powerful motivations, and or strong opinions to be interesting.

The completed character cards may be assembled into a little booklet, or kept as a sheet, whatever is most convenient for the player.

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Tactical Rating:

Engineering Rating:

Science Rating:

Total Value:



Tactical SectionRatings

0: You are not trained with weapons.1: You may pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol and use any Tactical Console.2: You may fire a laser rifle.3: You may start a Scuffle.4: You can target stellar drive or a weapon. (on a ship of known configuration)5: +1 to all damage, both personal combat and ship's weapons.

Engineering SectionRatings

0: Cannot repair ship's systems.1: Conduct ship repairs, use Engineering Consoles.2: Pass Minigame. Once per 4 hours stop minigame you are playing and declare it resolved.3: +1 Science Rating.4: Move Boost to another console that can hold it, once per 4 hours.5: +1 Tactical Rating.

Science SectionRatings

0: You may not assist in Science Lab procedures.1: Use any Science Console.2: Identify tech item.3: Identify biological substance (w/ hand scanner).4: +1 to Engineering Rating.5: Scientific Conference. (Ask one question of a GM for every individual present who has a 1 or greater Science Rating.)

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Tactical SectionSpecial Abilities

Ace Pilot Lock-On Defensive Maneuver Weapons Officer Astrogator Leadership Assault Stunt Take Cover

Engineering SectionSpecial Abilities

Repair Technician Hyperspace Navigator Construct Component Construct Missile Programming Robotics Jury Rig Elbow Grease Standard Maintenance

Science SectionAbilities

Scanner Technician Xeno Tech Shield Theorist Weapon Theorist Intermix Theorist Counselor Medic Medical Doctor Laser Surgeon




NOTE: Some characters are Strong. Strong is described as ‘No combat card restriction.’ This refers to the following Combat rule:Select a different Tactical Ability Card than the one you used last time. If you only have 1 card, then alternate between using that card and using no card.Strong characters can use any combat ability in any round, without restriction.

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Type: Praezorian DroneRequirementsRank = *Must obey / assist Matriarchs.No Rating Abilities

AbilitiesGain 1 bonus ability which is usable only when instructed by a Matriarch.Strong: +1 Damage in Combat.

HEALTH: 2(All Drugs Ineffective.)

Type: Praezorian MatriarchRequirementsRank = *Must obey / assist Matriarchs.No Rating AbilitiesAbilitiesMay telepathically command Praezorian drones.Telepathic Sensitivity: Use once per hour to ask a GM one question about thinking beings within 2 light-seconds. May also be used to exchange messages.HEALTH: 2(All Drugs Ineffective.)

Type: TardekRequirementsRank 0 or 1.Tactical 1 or higher.Must attack Tardek of differing polities.Abilities+1 Tactical Rating.Grant +1 (non-cumulative) to any non-zero rating of Tardek in same Nuroma.

HEALTH: 2(Psychotropic Drugs Ineffective.)

Type: CetianRequirementsRank 3 or lower.Science 3 or higher.

AbilitiesTelepathic Sensitivity: Use once per hour to ask a GM one question about thinking beings within 2 light-seconds. May also be used to exchange messages.+1 Science Rating.HEALTH: 2(Psychostimulant Drugs Ineffective.)

Type: RobotRequirementsRank 0 only.Science 1 or higher.Must obey / assist humans.AbilitiesArtificial Intelligence: Can't be mind-controlled.Programming: +1 Ability Card. Requires Programming to switch it out.Strong: no combat card restriction.HEALTH: 4(Robotics needed for repair.)(All Drugs Ineffective.)

Type: CyborgRequirementsNone.

AbilitiesStrong: no combat card restriction.

HEALTH: 3(All Medical Abilities require an additional minigame in order to function. They do not take effect until the minigame is complete.)(All Drugs Effective.)

Type: HumanRequirementsNone.


HEALTH: 2(All Drugs Effective.)

Type: Half-CetianRequirementsRank 4 or less.Tactical 1 or higher.Science 1 or higher.AbilitiesEmpathic Sensitivity: Use once per hour to ask a GM one question about thinking beings within 2 light-seconds.

HEALTH: 2(METHYLTASE Rx Ineffective.)

Type: SkelowRequirementsRank 3 or less.Must pursue profitable trade when it does not conflict with other goals.AbilitiesAsk one question about the Skelow Sector per game.Shave 15 seconds off the total recharge time of any console you're using.HEALTH: 2(LYMPHOMAX Ineffective.)

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Tactical SectionRanks and Rank Abilities

0: Security Officer: Detention1: Starfighter Pilot: Bug Out1: Chief of Security: Security Detail2: Ensign: Efficiency2: Chief of Starfighters: "You Got This!"3: Lieutenant: Analysis4: Captain: Battle Stations5: Admiral: Orders to the Fleet

Tactical SectionSpecial Abilities

Ace PilotLock-OnDefensive ManeuverWeapons OfficerAstrogatorLeadershipAssaultStuntTake Cover

Tactical SectionRatings

0: You are not trained with weapons.1: You may pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol and use any Tactical Console.2: You may fire a laser rifle.3: You may start a Scuffle.4: You can target stellar drive or a weapon. (on a ship of known configuration)5: +1 to all damage, both personal combat and ship's weapons.













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DETENTIONSecurity Officer Ability

The target of this ability is incapacitated for 15 minutes. An incapacitated target may talk, but

cannot use any abilities that require physical movement. (Mental powers

would be allowed, but a combat ability would not.)

This ability remains in effect only as long as the prisoner remains in the

custody of a security officer.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0

BUG OUTStarfighter Pilot Ability

Can be used on a Hotzone turn to leave combat.

Must currently be two spaces away from all enemies, and must use 5

minutes of fuel.The bearer removes their starfighter

and immediately reports to the DAISS Display and indicates their position. They may appear anywhere within 1

LS of the starfighter combat. If TAILS, the Ability may be attempted next

turn.Basic 1.0

SECURITY DETAILChief of Security Ability

Take command of 1 to 5 Security Teams (5 security officers each) with

you at any time. A Team can:Break up a fight and detain the combatants, Halt intruders and

engage them in combat, and Go on Away Missions.

When not taken on missions, Security Teams are providing basic security for the ships and installations where

they are assigned.Usable Anytime.

Basic 1.0

EFFICIENCYEnsign Ability

Whenever you set the recharge timer on a console you are rated for, you may shave 15 seconds off the total

recharge time.

This Ability stacks (can be used with) Boosts, Abilities, and other effects

that reduce recharge time.

Usable Anytime.

Basic 1.0

"YOU GOT THIS!"Chief of Starfighters Ability

Target Starfighter Pilot renews one Ability immediately.

Target must be lower rank.

Chief can use another Ability as well.

Usable once per game of Hotzone.

Basic 1.0

ANALYSISLieutenant Ability

Ask any GM one question. GM will give a brief answer.

Question must pertain to scientifically knowable phenomena, within the

Lieutenant's area of expertise.

Good questions: "How badly damaged is that ship? Is the Ensign

correct? What is our main responsibility?"

Bad questions: "Are ghosts real? Is this the wrong thing to do?"

Basic 1.0

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Present this card to Central Ops. "Battle Stations" must be announced through the ship or installation for the

Ability to take effect.Whenever damage is taken, Central Operations subtracts one damage

card from the total, after it has passed through the shields. This effect lasts for 20 minutes from the time of the

announcement. Only one Battle Stations can be in effect at a time.

Usable Once per Game.Basic 1.0


You can give orders to any other ships on the DIASS.

If there are two Admirals, ships will be divided evenly between them.

Ships must belong to the same naval organization, such as the Star Navy

or the Astral Directorate.

Usable Anytime.Basic 1.0

ACE PILOTTactical Special Ability

Trade places with one other (friendly) adjacent starfighter.

Both starfighters are then allowed one additional MOVE, one additional FIRE, and one ROTATION. Neither can be the target of any ACE PILOT

for the rest of the player turn.

Usable Once per Hotzone Combat.

Basic 1.0

LOCK-ONTactical Special Ability

Convert MOVE or ROTATION into extra FIRE actions.

Usable Once per Hotzone Combat.

Basic 1.0

DEFENSIVE MANEUVERTactical Special Ability

Avoid all damage from one single attack. This can be from a capital ship, another starfighter, a missile,


If the attack does area damage (like from a massive explosion) then this special ability only stops 1 damage,

not all of it.

Usable Once per Hotzone Combat.

Basic 1.0

WEAPONS OFFICERTactical Special Ability

+1 Damage to any ship Weapon.


+1 Light-Second Range to any Ship Weapon.

Usable once per 15 minutes.

Basic 1.0

ASTROGATORTactical Special Ability

Attempt to avoid all damage from a single direct attack, such as a missile, or an energy beam. TAILS indicates failure. Does not work on an indirect attack that damages everything within

an area.Must turn the ship using the Stellar

Drive and add 1 minute to the recharge timer for the Stellar Drive


Usable once per 10 minutes. Basic 1.0

LEADERSHIPTactical Special Ability

Select one person to act with improved efficiency and competence.

That person has the abilities of someone one rating higher in every skill that is greater than zero for 20

minutes. Ex; A Tactical Rating of two grants the ability to use a laser rifle. Raising the rating by 1 would allow

the subject to start a scuffle, as though they had a rating of 3. Does

not stack with itself.Usable once per hour.

Basic 1.0

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ASSAULTTactical Special Ability

+1 Damage to Target. Add damage for Weapons, if armed.

This card stops no damage from target or any other combatants.

STUNTTactical Special Ability

+0 Damage in Combat. Add damage for Weapons, if armed.

Flip a coin. If HEADS, select one of the following:

You and your Target both leave combat and go to another section. You and your Target both leave

combat and go to different sections. You and your target are locked in combat - neither can withdraw or

target anyone else until one of you is unconscious.

Basic 1.0

TAKE COVERTactical Special Ability

+0 Damage in Combat. Add damage for Weapons, if armed.

Flip a coin for each combatant that targets you. If HEADS, stop 2 damage from that combatant.

If TAILS, stop only 1 damage from target.

Basic 1.0

Combat Rules - order.Enter combat.Select Target openly.Select Tactical Ability secretly.All combatants reveal Tactical Abilities simultaneously.Resolve all abilities and deal all damage. (Everything happens, even if some combatants are knocked out or killed.)Start next round.Select a different Tactical Ability Card than the one you used last time. If you only have 1 card, then alternate between using that card and using no card.

Combat Rules - weapons.Unarmed: +0 DamagePistol: +1 DamageLaser Rifle: +2 DamageGrenade: 2 Damage to all combatants, except user.Stun Grenade: 1 Damage to all combatants, except user, plus combat ends and everyone in the section is stunned for 3 minutes.Combat Armor: -1 Damage from Each attack.EV Suit: Flip a coin for each attack. If HEADS, it stops 1 damage. Flip a second coin; if TAILS, the EV Suit is ruined.

Combat Rules - scuffle.

A Scuffle happens instead of combat, and may be declared in its place by someone who has the ability.

In a scuffle, each combatant flips a coin. If it comes up TAILS, they take one damage.

All participants in the scuffle then separate and may not engage in combat (or another scuffle) with each other for 5 minutes.

NOTE: Some characters are Strong. Strong is described as ‘No combat card restriction.’ This refers to the following Combat rule:Select a different Tactical Ability Card than the one you used last time. If you only have 1 card, then alternate between using that card and using no card.Strong characters can use any combat ability in any round, without restriction.

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Engineering SectionRanks and Rank Abilities

0: Flight Crew: Hurry Up1: Technician: Safety Protocols2: Specialist: Economize3: Chief of Engineering: Engineering Team

Engineering SectionSpecial Abilities

Repair TechnicianHyperspace NavigatorConstruct ComponentConstruct MissileProgrammingRoboticsJury RigElbow GreaseStandard Maintenance

Engineering SectionRatings

0: Cannot repair ship's systems.1: Conduct ship repairs, use Engineering Consoles.2: Pass Minigame. Once per 4 hours stop minigame you are playing and declare it resolved.3: +1 Science Rating.4: Move Boost to another console that can hold it, once per 4 hours.5: +1 Tactical Rating.

HURRY UPFlight Crew Ability

Expedite Repairs to a Starfighter.

1 Repair Discount: No minigame required, OR no materials required. Usable on a Starfighter only.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0

SAFETY PROTOCOLSTechnician Ability

Prevents 1 damage that comes from a repair job, a science experiment, or

a console.

Can't prevent the damage from occurring to other people.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

ECONOMIZESpecialist Ability

If you are part of a project (a repair job or a science experiment, for example) that uses up at least 1

Materials, flip a coin after that project is complete.

If the flip comes up HEADS, return the 1 Materials to the Machine Shop.

Usable once per hour.

Basic 1.0

ENGINEERING TEAMChief of Engineering Ability

Take command of 1 to 5 Engineering Teams (5 engineers each) with you at

any time. A Team can: Repair 1 Damage to all Systems of

the same Section: Tactical, Engineering or Science. Go on Away Missions.

When not taken on missions, Engineering Teams are performing basic maintenance for the ships and

installations where they are assigned.Usable once per 30 minutes.

Basic 1.0



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REPAIR TECHNICIANEngineering Ability

Expedite any repair.

1 Repair Discount: No minigame required, OR no materials required.

Note, if two minigames (or 2 Materials) are required on a single

job, this ability only accounts for one of them.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0


Flip a coin to stop 1 damage that is coming from hyperspace.

(Heads indicates success.)Use this ability before the damage

affects the Warp Shield.Usable while sitting at the Hyperdrive

console.Usable each time hyperspace

damage is received.

Basic 1.0

FABRICATIONEngineering Ability

Resolve 1 minigame in order to create 1 Material for the Machine


The second use of this ability requires 2 minigames to be resolved to create 1 Material. The third use requires 3 minigames, and so on, indefinitely.

This ability may be used as often as desired.

Basic 1.0

CONSTRUCT MISSILEEngineering Ability

COST: Resolve 1 minigame. Use 1 Materials from the Machine Shop.

When the cost has been paid, inform the Weapons Console that they can

increase their missile count by 1.

This ability may be used as often as desired.

Basic 1.0

PROGRAMMINGEngineering Ability

Remove a single Mental Compulsion from another character that has an

Artificial Intelligence.To activate, the bearer must spend

two minutes typing out new instructions while the AI character is nearby, stationary, and either willing

or restrained.Usable once per hour per AI.

(On Away Missions, this skill is useful for accessing Earth Republic

information networks.)Basic 1.0

ROBOTICSEngineering Ability

Restore 1 Health to a Robot. The user and the robot in question must both be in a working Machine Shop.

A robot can restore one health to themselves using this Ability so long as they have two or more Health at the time the Ability is being used.

Usable once per fifteen minutes per robot.

Basic 1.0

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JURY RIGEngineering Ability

Turn the trouble light off for 1 Console, as long as it has 3 or less total damage. Leave the marker where it is on the damage control board.

Set a timer for 15 minutes. At the end of that time, turn the trouble light back on.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0

ELBOW GREASEEngineering Ability

Create 1 Efficiency Boost and place it on any console that can store them.

Usable once per 15 minutes.Basic 1.0


Place a maintenance token in the nominal column of the damage control board for 1 system.

When that system receives damage, remove the maintenance token instead of dealing 1 damage.

Cannot be used on a system that is already damaged.

Usable once per 15 minutes.Basic 1.0

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Science SectionRanks and Rank Abilities

0: Lab Assistant: Laboratory Contingency1: Lab Supervisor: Data Analyst2: Doctor: Buy Time3: Chief of Science: Hypothesis3: Chief of Medical: Medical Emergency

Science SectionAbilities

Scanner TechnicianXeno techShield TheoristWeapon TheoristIntermix TheoristCounselorMedicMedical DoctorLaser Surgeon

Science SectionRatings

0: You may not assist in Science Lab procedures.1: Use any Science Console.2: Identify tech item.3: Identify biological substance (w/ hand scanner).4: +1 to Engineering Rating.5: Scientific Conference. (Ask one question of a GM for every individual present who has a 1 or greater Science Rating.)











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Start a Laboratory Analysis using the Science Lab Console.

This ability cancels the cost, and can be used even if the Science Lab is

damaged and Not Ready.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0

DATA ANALYSTLab Supervisor Ability

Ask the GM an additional question, in private.

Use this ability any time you participate in an ability (like Scientific Conference) or use a Console ability (like Lab Analysis) in conjunction with

another character.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

BUY TIMEDoctor Ability

Spend 1 gambit to extend one person's death-timer by 5 minutes.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

HYPOTHESISChief of Science Ability

Propose a theory to the GM about the current scenario. An alien ship, a

monster, a space-plague, for example.

The GM will give a brief and truthful opinion of the theory, confirming the

parts of it that are true.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0

MEDICAL EMERGENCYChief of Medical Ability

All death-timers stop and are set to 15 minutes upon entering the Medical Bay.

This effect lasts for 30 minutes.

Usable once per four hours.Basic 1.0


You may spend 1 gambit to reveal (turn over) one scanner report that has been given to the Scanner Console by DAISS Control.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

XENOTECHScience Ability

You are personally familiar with Cetian, Praezorian and Tardek technology. You may use any of their standard hand-held devices and can even perform basic piloting of their space-faring vessels.Any complicated function will require a coin flip. If HEADS, you figure it out. If TAILS, you don't but you can try again in 10 minutes.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0


You receive a discount on SHIELD Modification procedures performed in

the Science Lab.As long as you are involved in the procedure, you do not need one of

the following:A Reactor Boost, A Computer Boost,

or one minigame.Theorist abilities are stackable, but

they cannot provide the same benefit to the same procedure.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

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You receive a discount on WEAPON Modification procedures performed in

the Science Lab.As long as you are involved in the procedure, you do not need one of

the following:A Reactor Boost, A Computer Boost,

or one minigame.Theorist abilities are stackable, but

they cannot provide the same benefit to the same procedure.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0


You receive a discount on REACTOR Modification procedures performed in

the Science Lab.As long as you are involved in the procedure, you do not need one of

the following:A Reactor Boost, A Computer Boost,

or one minigame.Theorist abilities are stackable, but

they cannot provide the same benefit to the same procedure.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

COUNSELORScience Ability

Renew one ability (they can use it again) of one character.

When you use Counselor, you have to give a 5 minute counseling session

to the subject. The effect happens after the session is over.

The Counselor Ability is usable three times per game, and may not be used

on the same person twice, even if renewed.

Basic 1.0

MEDICScience Ability

Restore 1 Health to one person.


Add 15 minutes to the death timer of two people.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0


Restore 1 Health to one person.Or

Add 15 minutes to the death timer of two people.


Cancel any mental compulsion or drug effect if the patient is in the

Medical Bay.Must have the Medic Ability.Usable once per 30 minutes.

Basic 1.0

LASER SURGEONScience Ability

Restore 1 health to any patient that lies prone in the surgical pod while you resolve a minigame. (The minigame must be resolved over the patient while they hold still.)

Must have the Medical Doctor Ability.Usable as often as desired.

Basic 1.0

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Name: Avarine Vosk

Type: Human

Rank: 1 (Starfighter Pilot)

Tactical Rating: 4

Engineering: 0

Science: 1

Total Value: 6

Sample Character

Type: HumanRequirementsNone.


HEALTH: 2(All Drugs Effective.)



Tactical Section Ratings1: You may pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol and use any Tactical Console.2: You may fire a laser rifle.3: You may start a Scuffle.4: You can target stellar drive or a weapon. (on a ship of known configuration)Science Section Ratings1: Use any Science Console.

Engineering Section Ratings0: Cannot repair ship's systems.

Tactical SectionAbilitiesAce PilotLock-OnDefensive ManeuverTake Cover

Science SectionAbilitiesMedic

Tactical SectionRank AbilityStarfighter Pilot: Bug Out

BUG OUTStarfighter Pilot Ability

Can be used on a Hotzone turn to leave combat.

Must currently be two spaces away from all enemies, and must use 5

minutes of fuel.The bearer removes their starfighter

and immediately reports to the DAISS Display and indicates their position. They may appear anywhere within 1

LS of the starfighter combat. If TAILS, the Ability may be attempted next

turn.Basic 1.0

ACE PILOTTactical Special Ability

Trade places with one other (friendly) adjacent starfighter.

Both starfighters are then allowed one additional MOVE, one additional FIRE, and one ROTATION. Neither can be the target of any ACE PILOT

for the rest of the player turn.

Usable Once per Hotzone Combat.

Basic 1.0

LOCK-ONTactical Special Ability

Convert MOVE or ROTATION into extra FIRE actions.

Usable Once per Hotzone Combat.Basic 1.0

DEFENSIVE MANEUVERTactical Special Ability

Avoid all damage from one single attack. This can be from a capital ship, another starfighter, a missile,


If the attack does area damage (like from a massive explosion) then this special ability only stops 1 damage,

not all of it.

Usable Once per Hotzone Combat.Basic 1.0

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TAKE COVERTactical Special Ability

+0 Damage in Combat. Add damage for Weapons, if armed.

Flip a coin for each combatant that targets you. If HEADS, stop 2 damage from that combatant.

If TAILS, stop only 1 damage from target.

Basic 1.0

MEDICScience Ability

Restore 1 Health to one person.


Add 15 minutes to the death timer of two people.

Usable once per hour.Basic 1.0

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Name: nis’Vul’smith

Type: Half-Cetian

Rank: 1 (Chief of Security)

Tactical Rating: 4

Engineering: 0

Science: 1

Total Value: 6

Sample Character

Type: Half-CetianRequirementsRank < 4TacticalScience > 0

AbilitiesEmpathic Sensitivity: Use once per hour to ask a GM one question about thinking beings within 2 light-seconds.

HEALTH: 2(METHYLTASE Rx Ineffective.)



Tactical Section Ratings1: You may pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol and use any Tactical Console.2: You may fire a laser rifle.3: You may start a Scuffle.4: You can target stellar drive or a weapon. (on a ship of known configuration)Science Section Ratings1: Use any Science Console.

Engineering Section Ratings0: Cannot repair ship's systems.

Tactical Section AbilitiesWeapons OfficerLeadershipAssaultTake Cover

Science Section AbilitiesScanner Technician

Tactical Section Rank AbilitiesChief of Security: Security Detail

SECURITY DETAILChief of Security Ability

Take command of 1 to 5 Security Teams (5 security officers each) with

you at any time. A Team can:Break up a fight and detain the

combatants.Halt intruders and engage them in

combat.Go on Away Missions.

When not taken on missions, Security Teams are providing basic security for the ships and installations where

they are assigned.Usable Anytime.

Basic 1.0

TAKE COVERTactical Special Ability

+0 Damage in Combat. Add damage for Weapons, if armed.

Flip a coin for each combatant that targets you. If HEADS, stop 2 damage from that combatant.

If TAILS, stop only 1 damage from target.

Basic 1.0

WEAPONS OFFICERTactical Special Ability

+1 Damage to any ship Weapon.


+1 Light-Second Range to any Ship Weapon.

Usable once per 15 minutes. Basic 1.0

ASSAULTTactical Special Ability

+1 Damage to Target. Add damage for Weapons, if armed.

This card stops no damage from target or any other combatants.

Basic 1.0

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LEADERSHIPTactical Special Ability

Select one person to act with improved efficiency and competence.

That person has the abilities of someone one rating higher in ever

skill that is greater than zero.For example:

A Tactical Rating of two grants the ability to use a laser rifle. Raising the rating by 1 would allow the subject to start a scuffle, as though they had a

rating of 3.Usable once per hour.

Basic 1.0


You may spend 1 gambit to reveal (turn over) one scanner report that has been given to the Scanner Console by DAISS Control.

Usable as often as desired.Basic 1.0

Character Template

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Tactical Rating:



Total Value:




Tactical SectionRatings

0: You are not trained with weapons.1: You may pilot a starfighter, fire a laser pistol and use any Tactical Console.2: You may fire a laser rifle.3: You may start a Scuffle.4: You can target stellar drive or a weapon. (on a ship of known configuration)5: +1 to all damage, both personal combat and ship's weapons.

Engineering SectionRatings

0: Cannot repair ship's systems.1: Conduct ship repairs, use Engineering Consoles.2: Pass Minigame. Once per 4 hours stop minigame you are playing and declare it resolved.3: +1 Science Rating.4: Move Boost to another console that can hold it, once per 4 hours.5: +1 Tactical Rating.

Science SectionRatings

0: You may not assist in Science Lab procedures.1: Use any Science Console.2: Identify tech item.3: Identify biological substance (w/ hand scanner).4: +1 to Engineering Rating.5: Scientific Conference. (Ask one question of a GM for every individual present who has a 1 or greater Science Rating.)

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Tactical SectionSpecial Abilities

Ace Pilot Lock-On Defensive Maneuver Weapons Officer Astrogator Leadership Assault Stunt Take Cover

Engineering SectionSpecial Abilities

Repair Technician Hyperspace Navigator Construct Component Construct Missile Programming Robotics Jury Rig Elbow Grease Standard Maintenance

Science SectionAbilities

Scanner Technician Xeno Tech Shield Theorist Weapon Theorist Intermix Theorist Counselor Medic Medical Doctor Laser Surgeon




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Consoles are printed out and placed in the area of the ship where they belong. Weapons and the stellar drive should be placed near the tactical display, for example. The Shield Generator console should be placed near enough to DAISS Control that they can easily hear incoming damage reports.

Each console lists what it needs to be operated in play – timers, ammo tokens, or sliding indicators, for example. To make the console sturdier, it can be printed out and affixed to a piece of cardboard. If there is time and artistic ability, the assets of the console can be clipped, glued or otherwise fastened to the console as well.

The Trouble Light is a simple toggle that indicates “YES,” the system is damaged. Ideally, this is an actual light, procured for the purpose. It can also be a poker chip with different color sides, or another uniform and clearly-discernable color. Red is the universally accepted color to indicate damage, when there is a choice in lights or toggles.

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System Name (MaxiBlast 2000, ect.)System Capabilities

Reactor Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.

Scan Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.

Computer Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.


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HANGAR DOOR OPEN----------------------

Flight Control TIMERHANGAR DOOR SECURE-------------------

Personnel TIMER

HULL BREACHES1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15

"Control One" Operations SystemSystem Capabilities

Track Hull BreachesUse a marker to indicate how many hull breaches the ship has taken. The total number of breaches the ship

can take will vary with the size of the ship. The last breach DISABLES the ship.

Tiny (1), Small (3), Medium (6), Large (10), Huge (13).

Flight ControlReset timer to 3:00 minutes to OPEN or SECURE the hangar door. Ships cannot take off or land (including enemy ships) if the hangar door is SECURE. Medium ship hangars can hold 4 tiny ships. Large ships can hold 8 tiny ships. Huge ships can hold 12 tiny ships.

PersonnelReset Timer based on size of ship. Medium (10 minutes), Large (5 minutes), Huge (3 minutes).

Reset Timer to generate one Efficiency Boost

or one Gambit. Gambit must be distributed immediately.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: YES.STORE: 2.USE: NO.


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MISSILE COUNT0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24

Vanguard/Destroyer Weapon System

Weapon Timer: 5 minutes. Set recharge and fire some/all weapons at the same or different target. Weapons do not fire again until timer runs down.

Missile Movement Timer: Move all launched missiles 1 LS per minute.

Laser Turret 1 Range: 6 Damage: 2 Energy

Laser Turret 2 Range: 6 Damage: 2 Energy

Pulse Cannon 1 Range: 4 Damage: 4, Decreasing Energy

Pulse Cannon Special Rules: Subtract 1 damage for each LS the target is distant.

Pulse Cannon 2 Range: 4 Damage: 4, Decreasing Energy

Missile LauncherRange: 10 Damage: 4 Projectile

Launch up to 5 missiles per salvo. 25 missiles max.

Reactor Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 2.USE: +1 Damage and +1 Range to One Weapon.

Scan Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 2.USE: +1 Damage to One Weapon.

Computer Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 2.USE: Reduce Recharge by 15 seconds.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.


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Weapon System Template

laser turretsrange: 6 damage: 2 energy

special rules:

pulse cannonsrange: 4 damage: 4, decreasing energy

special rules:

particle cannonsrange: 7 damage: 7 energy

special rules:

mass driversrange: 4 damage: 5 projectile

special rules:

missile launchersrange: 10 damage: 4 projectile

special rules:

Sentinel/Valkyrie Class Weapon System

Weapon Timer: 5 minutes. Set recharge and fire some/all weapons at the same or different target. Weapons do not fire again until timer runs down.

Missile Movement Timer: Move all launched missiles 1 LS per minute until they reach their target.

Laser TurretRange: 6 Damage: 2 Energy

Pulse Cannon Range: 4 Damage: 4, Decreasing Energy

Pulse Cannon Special Rules: Subtract 1 damage for each LS the target is distant.

Missile LauncherRange: 10 Damage: 4 Projectile

Launch up to 5 missiles per salvo. 15 missiles max.

Alternate Weapons Console Systems

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Carronade/Corsair Weapon System

Weapon Timer: 5 minutes. Set recharge and fire some/all weapons at the same or different target. Weapons do not fire again until timer runs down.

Missile Movement Timer: Move all launched missiles 1 LS per minute.

Laser Turret 1 Range: 6 Damage: 2 Energy

Laser Turret 2 Range: 6 Damage: 2 Energy

Missile LauncherRange: 10 Damage: 4 Matter

Launch up to 5 missiles per salvo. 15 missiles max.

Warden/Escort Weapon System

Weapon Timer: 5 minutes. Set recharge and fire some/all weapons at the same or different target. Weapons do not fire again until timer runs down.

Missile Movement Timer: Move all launched missiles 1 LS per minute.

Pulse Cannon Range: 4 Damage: 4, Decreasing Energy

Pulse Cannon Special Rules: Subtract 1 damage for each LS the target is distant.

Missile LauncherRange: 10 Damage: 4 Matter

Launch up to 5 missiles per salvo. 25 missiles max.

Alternate Weapons Console Systems

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4 TJ 9 TJ

3 TJ 8 TJ

2 TJ 7 TJ

1 TJ 6 TJ

0 5 TJ


3 TJ 8 TJ

2 TJ 7 TJ

1 TJ 6 TJ

0 5 TJ

Insignia / Military Grade Shield System

Use a stored Reactor Boost to raise the Deflector Shield by two or Warp Shield Power Level by one. After raising the Power Level set the Recharge Timer to 5 Minutes.

The Warp Shield will stop ONE TERAJOULE of energy damage per Power Level. The Power Level then drops by one after a hit of any intensity. Ex; lasers, particle cannons, gamma rays, or a star’s corona.

The Deflector Shield will stop ONE TERAJOULE of projectile damage per Power Level. The Power Level then drops by one after a hit of any intensity. Ex; asteroids, missiles, mass-driver projectiles, or a ship.

Example: A Praezorian hits a Star Destroyer with a warp shield level of 4. The Praezorian particle cannon does 7 energy damage, minus 4 for the warp (energy) shield, is 3 total damage that is done to the ship, and reported to Central Operations. Once final damage is dealt, the Warp Shield lowers by 1 level.

The Maximum Shield Power Level is 4 for Warp Shield and 8 for Deflector Shield.

Reactor Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 2.USE: Raise Warp Shield by 1 or the Deflector Shield by 2.

Scan Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.

Computer Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: None.USE: None.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 1.USE: Reduce recharge time by one-half. (Always apply first.)


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Star Runner / Republic Grade Shield System

Use a stored Reactor Boost to raise the Deflector Shield by two or Warp Shield Power Level by one. After raising the Power Level set the Recharge Timer to 5 Minutes.

The Warp Shield will stop ONE TERAJOULE of energy damage per Power Level. The Power Level then drops by one after a hit of any intensity. Ex; lasers, particle cannons, gamma rays, or a star’s corona.

The Deflector Shield will stop ONE TERAJOULE of projectile damage per Power Level. The Power Level then drops by one after a hit of any intensity. Ex; asteroids, missiles, mass-driver projectiles, or a ship.

Example: A Praezorian hits a Star Destroyer with a warp shield level of 4. The Praezorian particle cannon does 7 energy damage, minus 4 for the warp (energy) shield, is 3 total damage that is done to the ship, and reported to Central Operations. Once final damage is dealt, the Warp Shield lowers by 1 level.

The Maximum Shield Power Level is 3 for Warp Shield and 2 for Deflector Shield.

Alternate Shield Generator Console


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Mahendra Mark 3 / Military Grade Stardrive System

The Stellar Drive moves the ship 1 Light Second.

The Ship may move in any direction, including diagonally.

The ship may not move into the space directly behind.

When moving, the ship may take any facing.

When moving, set the recharge timer for 5 minutes.

If turning only, set the recharge timer for 2 minutes.

(The facing of the ship is sometimes important for certain weapons systems, or being able to move in a specific direction.)

A Boost may be used once per two minutes. Set the Boost Recharge Timer when using a boost of any kind.

Reactor Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 3.USE: Reduce Recharge time by 60 seconds. Use 3 max per recharge cycle.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 1.USE: Reduce recharge time by 15 seconds. Use 1 per recharge cycle.


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Mahendra Mark 2 / Republic Grade Stardrive System

The Stellar Drive moves the ship 1 Light Second.

The Ship may move in any direction, including diagonally.

The ship may not move into the space directly behind.

When moving, the ship may take any facing.

When moving, set the recharge timer for 7 minutes.

If turning only, set the recharge timer for 2 minutes.

(The facing of the ship is sometimes important for certain weapons systems, or being able to move in a specific direction.)

A Boost may be used once per two minutes. Set the recharge timer when using a boost of any kind.

Mahendra Mark 1 / Republic Grade Stardrive System

The Stellar Drive moves the ship 1 Light Second.

The Ship may move in any direction, including diagonally.

The ship may not move into the space directly behind.

When moving, the ship may take any facing.

When moving, set the recharge timer for 10 minutes.

If turning only, set the recharge timer for 2 minutes.

(The facing of the ship is sometimes important for certain weapons systems, or being able to move in a specific direction.)

A Boost may be used once per two minutes. Set the recharge timer when using a boost of any kind.

Alternate Stellar Drive Console


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9 TJ

8 TJ

7 TJ

6 TJ

5 TJ

4 TJ

3 TJ

2 TJ

1 TJ


Varicore / Military Grade Reactor

The Intermix Reactor uses a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction to generate power. Each reactor boost represents 1 terajoule of potential energy.

There is no inherent danger in depleting the reactor to zero available boosts, nor in allowing it to remain at full power.

The individual at this Console may generate power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator up by one and setting the recharge timer for 15 minutes. The maximum reserve power level for the Varicore Intermix Reactor is 4.

The individual at this Console may distribute power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator down by one, and distributing a single Reactor Boost to another system which can receive it. Boosts cannot be stored at the Reactor – that is the function of the Power Reserve.

The recharge cycle (using the power generation timer) cannot go lower than three minutes. Any ability or effect which would reduce it below this level reduces it to three minutes instead.

Reactor Boost: MAKE: See Reactor Rules.STORE: None.USE: None.

Computer Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 1.USE: Reduce recharge time by 1 minute.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 1.USE: Reduce recharge time by half.


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4 TJ

3 TJ

2 TJ

1 TJ



4 TJ

3 TJ

2 TJ

1 TJ



3 TJ 7 TJ

2 TJ 6 TJ

1 TJ 5 TJ



5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29


5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24


0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14

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Manfred - Exult, Mark II / Civilian Grade Reactor

The Intermix Reactor uses a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction to generate power. Each reactor boost represents 1 terajoule of potential energy.

There is no inherent danger in depleting the reactor to zero available boosts, nor in allowing it to remain at full power.

The individual at this Console may generate power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator up by one and setting the recharge timer for 15 minutes. The maximum reserve power level for the Manfred - Exult, Mark II Intermix Reactor is 2.

The individual at this Console may distribute power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator down by one, and distributing a single Reactor Boost to another system which can receive it. Boosts cannot be stored at the Reactor – that is the function of the Power Reserve.

The recharge cycle (using the power generation timer) cannot go lower than five minutes. Any ability or effect which would reduce it below this level reduces it to three minutes instead.

Li - Varicore, Mark I / Installation Reactor

The Intermix Reactor uses a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction to generate power. Each reactor boost represents 1 terajoule of potential energy.

There is no inherent danger in depleting the reactor to zero available boosts, nor in allowing it to remain at full power.

The individual at this Console may generate power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator up by one and setting the recharge timer for 15 minutes. The maximum reserve power level for the Li - Varicore, Mark I Intermix Reactor is 6.

The individual at this Console may distribute power by moving the RESERVE POWER LEVEL indicator down by one, and distributing a single Reactor Boost to another system which can receive it. Boosts cannot be stored at the Reactor – that is the function of the Power Reserve.

The recharge cycle (using the power generation timer) cannot go lower than three minutes. Any ability or effect which would reduce it below this level reduces it to three minutes instead.

Alternate Reactor Console Systems

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MATERIALS COUNT0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24

STAR-VAULT ONE / Military Grade Machine Shop

ManufacturingThe Materials Count keeps track of ship components and parts that are used in repair. Every time the Machine Shop Console is used to repair a ship system, the materials count must be lowered by one.The Machine Shop can make more ship components and parts (MATERIALS). Raise the Materials count by one and set the recharge timer for 15 minutes.

The maximum materials count for the STAR-VAULT Machine Shop is 19.

RepairThe Machine Shop keeps all ship systems in good working order and repairs them if they are damaged. Every time a damaged ship system is repaired, set the Repair Work recharge timer for 5 minutes. When it runs down to zero, another repair can be done.

Repairs cannot be credited on the Damage Board if the Materials count is zero.A repair job cannot be finished if the REPAIR WORK Recharge Timer is still running.

Computer Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 1.USE: Reduce recharge time by 1 minute.

Efficiency Boost: MAKE: None.STORE: 1.USE: Reduce Recharge time by one minute. (Apply first.)


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Brandt-Miscellany / Civilian Grade Machine Shop

ManufacturingThe Materials Count keeps track of ship components and parts that are used in repair. Every time the Machine Shop Console is used to repair a ship system, the materials count must be lowered by one.The Machine Shop can make more ship components and parts (MATERIALS). Raise the Materials count by one and set the recharge timer for 15 minutes.

The maximum materials count for the Brandt-Miscellany Machine Shop is 9.

RepairThe Machine Shop keeps all ship systems in good working order and repairs them if they are damaged. Every time a damaged ship system is repaired, set the Repair Work recharge timer for 5 minutes. When it runs down to zero, another repair can be done.

Repairs cannot be done if the Materials count is zero.A repair job cannot be finished if the REPAIR WORK Recharge Timer is still running.

Vulcan / Installation Machine Shop

ManufacturingThe Materials Count keeps track of ship components and parts that are used in repair. Every time the Machine Shop Console is used to repair a ship system, the materials count must be lowered by one.The Machine Shop can make more ship components and parts (MATERIALS). Raise the Materials count by one and set the recharge timer for 15 minutes.

The maximum materials count for the Vulcan Machine Shop is 29.

RepairThe Machine Shop keeps all ship systems in good working order and repairs them if they are damaged. Every time a damaged ship system is repaired, set the Repair Work recharge timer for 5 minutes. When it runs down to zero, another repair can be done.

Repairs cannot be done if the Materials count is zero.A repair job cannot be finished if the REPAIR WORK Recharge Timer is still running.

Alternate Machine Shop Console Systems

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HYPERDRIVE RECHARGE TIMER Starflight Zeta / Hyperdrive System

Hyperdrive Procedure: 1. Activate an existing hyperspace portal within 1 Light Second using a Reactor Boost. Set the Hyperdrive Recharge Timer for 5 minutes. 2. Move to the hyperspace portal using the Stellar Drive, and inform DAISS Control that you have entered the portal. 3. Move through the hyperspace pathway to the designated destination. It takes 1 minute to traverse 1 light year. - Green Pathways do 1 damage to the ship each minute.- Yellow Pathways do 2 damage to the ship each minute. - Red Pathways do 3 damage to the ship each minute. - Purple Pathways do 4 damage to the ship each minute. 4. DAISS Control determines the length of the pathway and ejects the ship at the end of the path.

Blaze Procedure:As Hyperdrive Procedure above, but there is no pathway. The ship 'blazes a path' through hyperspace, taking 5 damage immediately and 5 damage each minute.

DAISS Control is the authority on whether the ship has entered hyperspace. You must confirm with DAISS when

Reactor Boost: STORE: 1.USE: One Boost is required to open a hyperspace portal and/or blaze.

Scan Boost: STORE: 1.USE: Subtract 1 minute from travel time on a hyperspace pathway.

Computer Boost: STORE: 1.USE: Stop up to 3 damage from hyperspace.


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Argus Two / Military Grade Scanner

Using the ScannerScanner Reports are received from DAISS Control, who issues them face-down to the Scanner Console when they become available.The individual at this console may reveal (turn over) any Scanner Report. After doing so, set the recharge timer to 5 minutes. Revealing a scanner report costs 1 Scan Boost.Only individuals who are rated for Science Consoles may touch, or read, a Scanner Report. Once a scan report has been turned over, it is kept in the OLD scanner reports area and may be reviewed as often as desired.

Scramble Beam (Use same timer.)The Scanner may be used to engage in electronic warfare, temporarily confusing target systems. The Scanner operator may fire a "scramble beam" at a ship within 5 LS. A reactor boost is required to activate the scramble beam. After doing so, set the recharge timer to 5 minutes.The targeted ship loses system control for 1 to 5 minutes. Bridge systems, such as weapons and propulsion, may be affected. DIASS Control will reveal if the targeted ship has any defense against being Scrambled after it has been hit by the beam. The scramble beam may only be used once per 20 hours against each ship.

Reactor Boost: STORE: 1USE: For Scramble Beam.

Scan Boost: MAKE: YES. [Recharge 5m]STORE: 2USE: Reveal 1 Scan report.This console can generate a scan boost, and then store it or transfer it. Set Recharge for 5 minutes after creating a Boost.

Computer Boost: MAKE: None. STORE: 1USE: Reduce Recharge time by 1 minute.


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ANALYSISOnce Analysis is complete and the cost paid, the group may ask the GM three questions. These must be scenario-related, and the answers to the questions must be concrete. Questions about NPC motivations, the nature of reality, or other inquires too broad to be answered succinctly will result in failure.

INVENTIONOnce Invention is complete and the cost paid, the group may ask the GM for a specific handheld item. This can be a working copy of existing technology, or a device modified to work a certain way (a gun that shoots radiation instead of lasers). The GM will generally require the cost of the invention to be paid again before the requested item is complete.

Nestor - Variplex Eight / Science Lab System

The Science Lab has several functions, each of which has a cost to activate. All use the same timer.

Produce Computer BoostCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes.

Analyze Data or MaterialCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes. Use 1 Computer Boost. Resolve 3 minigames.

Tech Invention or ModificationCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes. Use 1 Computer Boost. Use 1 Material from the Machine Shop. Resolve 3 minigames.

Modify Ship SystemCost to Activate: Set Recharge timer for 5 minutes. Use 1 Computer Boost. Use 1 Reactor Boost. Must include a character who knows how to use the modified system. Resolve 5 minigames.Once the cost is paid, the science team may select 1 modification from those available and deliver it to the affected console.

Reactor Boost: MAKE: None. STORE: 2USE: Modify Ship Systems.

Scan Boost: MAKE: None. STORE: 2USE: Convert 2 Scan Boosts to 1 Computer Boost.

Computer Boost: MAKE: YES. [Recharge 5m]STORE: 3USE: Analysis, Invention and Modify Ship Systems.


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Weapons do +1 Damage and have -1 LS Range.

This modification lasts for 5 shots. When that occurs return this card to the Science Lab.


Recharge Time for the Shield Generator Console is now 3:00 minutes. It cannot be lowered

further.This modification lasts for 30

minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science



Weapons do -1 Damage and have +3 LS Range.

This modification lasts for 30 minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science



Weapon Console Recharge Cycle is now 4:00 minutes. It

cannot be lowered further.

This modification lasts for 30 minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science



After damage has been resolved, flip a coin. If it comes up HEADS, do not lower the shields by one as normal. If it comes up TAILS, however, the shield enhancement does not work

for that instance of damage.

This modification lasts for 30 minutes. At the end of that time

return this card to the Science Lab.


Shield Operator may use up this card to stop all damage

that occurs within 5 seconds.

This modification lasts for 1 hour. If not used by the end of that time return this card to the

Science Lab.

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Recharge time is now 3:00 minutes. It cannot be lowered

further.This modification lasts for 15

minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science

Lab.Usable on Stellar Drive or

Hyperdrive Systems.


When using a Reactor Boost, flip a coin. If HEADS, keep the Reactor Boost. If TAILS, use it as normal.

This modification lasts for 15 minutes. At the end of that time

return this card to the Science Lab.

Usable on Stellar Drive or Hyperdrive Systems.


When distributing a Reactor Boost from the Reactor to either the Hyperdrive or the Stellar Drive, place an extra Boost

on the other console, for free. The Reactor may ONLY send Boosts to

the Hyperdrive or the Stellar Drive.This modification lasts for 15 minutes. At the end of that time return this card

to the Science Lab.



Recharge Time for the Intermix Reactor Console is now 10:00 minutes. Place this tile on the

Intermix Reactor Console.This modification lasts for 60

minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science



Flip a coin: HEADS, raise the reactor reserve level by one,

and flip again. TAILS, the reactor reserve does not rise, and do not flip again. Once TAILS is flipped, return this

card to the Science Lab. May be held in reserve for 30 mins.


Each boost sent from the reactor fills the receiving

console to capacity with reactor boosts. Receiving console also

takes 1 damage. Reactor System receives 1 damage when this card is returned to

the Science Section.

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Return this card to the Science Lab in order to reveal (turn over) a random Scanner


May be held in reserve for 60 mins.


Return this card to the Science Lab in order to look at all

scanner reports for 15 seconds. All unrevealed

reports must be returned to their face-down position

afterwards. May be held in reserve for 60



Return this card to the Science Lab in order to add +2 damage

to any ship weapon for one attack.

May be held in reserve for 60 mins.


Repair Time is now 4:00 minutes.

This modification lasts for 40 minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science



The Machine shop may deal 2 damage to a system in order to

gain 1 ‘Materials.’

This modification lasts for 60 minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science



The Manufacturing Timer is now 10:00 minutes.

This modification lasts for 60 minutes. At the end of that time return this card to the Science


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Create 1 drug dose for each experimenter. Each

experimenter that is also a Medical Doctor creates 5 drug

doses instead.


Place one catastrophically injured individual in stasis to be

revived at a better equipped facility at a later time.

Cannot be prepared in advance of the subject arriving

in the Medical Bay.


Produce a medical serum to treat a specific disease or symptom. 100 doses are

produced with the first experiment, and 1,000 are produced in subsequent



As long as this card remains on the console, Analysis

procedures may ask a bonus question.

Only one modification card may be placed on the Science

Lab console at a time.


As long as this card remains on the console, Invention

procedures may ask the GM for advice – once per invention.

Only one modification card may be placed on the Science

Lab console at a time.


Move one system to the science section and place this

card on it. That system becomes a Science Console. Doing this repairs 1 level of

damage, but the system must remain in Science. If returned, it receives that 1 damage back.

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Go to the Ship Damage Assignment Deck, remove 1 Hull Breach Card and place it in the discard pile. Then place all other cards into the deck

and shuffle.


Return to Science Lab when used.


Return to Science Lab when used.


A single Special System will function regardless of damage status (unless destroyed) for 5


Return this card to the Science Lab when used.


Return to Science Lab when used.


Return to Science Lab when used.

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A Medical Team will stabilize everyone in a single section and transport them to the Medical Bay over the course of fifteen minutes. At the end of fifteen minutes each affected character restores 1 Health if they have not restored Health from any other source before then.

REAGENTS0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24

Omnicare Suite / Military Grade Medical Bay

The Medical Bay has several functions, each of which is associated with a skill level or a specific cost, or both. All functions use the same timer. PharmacyRequirements: Medical Doctor Special Ability, Science Skill of 2 or greater. If you meet requirements, you may use the Medical Bay to exchange any number of reagents for an equal number of drug cards. Maximum Number of Reagents for the Omnicare System: 19

Surgical PodRequirements: Laser Surgeon Special Ability. Resolve 1 minigame. If you meet requirements you may restore 1 health to any patient that lies prone in the surgical pod. (the minigame must be resolved over the patient.)

Medical Support UnitRequirements: Science Rank: Doctor + Medic Special Ability. Set the Medical Bay recharge Timer for 15 minutes. A Medical Team is deployed on an Away Mission or to a place in the ship.

Reactor Boost: STORE: 1.USE: Ignore the trouble light for 5 minutes.


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Bao Pu Zi Station / Civilian Grade Medical Bay

The Medical Bay has several functions, each of which is associated with a skill level or a specific cost, or both.

PharmacyRequirements: Medical Doctor Special Ability, Science Skill of 2 or greater. If you meet requirements, you may use the Medical Bay to exchange any number of reagents for an equal number of drug cards. Maximum Number of Reagents for the Bao Pu Zi System: 6

Surgical PodRequirements: Laser Surgeon Special Ability. Resolve 1 minigame. If you meet requirements you may restore 1 health to any patient that lies prone in the surgical pod. (the minigame must be resolved over the patient.)

Prognostic Chamber / Installation Medical Bay

The Medical Bay has several functions, each of which is associated with a skill level or a specific cost, or both.

PharmacyRequirements: Medical Doctor Special Ability, Science Skill of 2 or greater. If you meet requirements, you may use the Medical Bay to exchange any number of reagents for an equal number of drug cards. Maximum Number of Reagents for the Omnicare System: 29

Surgical PodRequirements: Laser Surgeon Special Ability. Resolve 1 minigame. If you meet requirements you may restore 1 health to any patient that lies prone in the surgical pod. (the minigame must be resolved over the patient.)

Medical Support UnitRequirements: Science Rank: Doctor + Medic Special Ability. Set the Medical Bay recharge Timer for 5 minutes. A Medical Team is deployed on an Away Mission or to a place in the installation.

Alternate Medical Console Systems

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Polycept Circuit.Beta / Special Systems

Special systems are interdependent and if one system fails, they all do. Ships do not normally have special systems, and often sacrifice hangar space or other systems if they do.

Special System:

Special System:

Special System:

Reactor Boost: STORE: 1USE: +1 Terajoule Damage.

Scan Boost: STORE: 1USE: +1 Light Second Range.

Computer Boost: STORE: 1USE: Reduce Recharge time by 1 minute.

Efficiency Boost: STORE: 1USE: Reduce Recharge time by 5 minutes.


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Special System: Vessel InterlockRecharge: 60 minutes.Grips up to three escort class ships. ships combine warp shields. 5 min to activate. Each ship flip a coin to align warp shield. TAILS: shields not aligned. two min to disengage. Special Systems must be undamaged to engage or disengage. Damage must pass through each aligned shield successively.

Special System: KillswitchDisables the Stellar Drive of any Earth Republic registered Civilian ship. Targeted ship retains the use of hyperdrive, if it has one, as well as attitude thrusters, maneuvering jets or atmospheric drives.

Special System: Universal Docking and Landing GearThis ship has several different ways to dock with unfamiliar ships, and extensive arms and cables for landing on irregular planetary and other surfaces.

Special System: Thruster OverdriveRecharge: 60 minutes.Duration of Effect: 15 minutes.Recharge time on the Stellar Drive is reduced to three minutes. Other Special Abilities and effects may reduce it further.

Special System: Thruster OverdriveRecharge: 60 minutes.Duration of Effect: 15 minutes.Recharge time on the Stellar Drive is reduced to three minutes. Other Special Abilities and effects may reduce it further.

Special System: Charlatan DeviceRange: 8 LS Radius. Recharge: 60 minutes.Duration of Effect: 5 to 10 minutes.Broadcasts a Praezorian techno-telepathic ship signature, making the ship appear to be a Praezorian warship. Not guaranteed to fool everyone, every time.

Special System: Scan DeflectorRecharge: 60 minutes. Duration: 30 minutes.Range: Ineffective at 0 to 1 LS range. Highly effective at 11+ LS range. Creates the appearance of a spatial anomaly / scanner glitch where the ship is.

Special System: Particle CannonRange: 7 LS.Damage: 5 tj.Recharge: 60 minutes.Since the Particle Cannon is mounted in the hull it must be fired only in the direction the ship is facing.

Special System: EM PulseRange: 2 Light Seconds. Recharge: 60 minutes.Fires an electromagnetic burst at a target.Effect: 5 Terajoules of damage to ship systems only.Causes 2 damage to military-grade vessels (they are shielded against EM attacks).

Special System: Hyperphase DisplacementRecharge: 60 minutes. Range: 7 LSAccurate tactical blaze. The hyperdrive must be nominal. The hyperspace portals created by the blaze close in 1 minute. The ship must face the same direction upon emerging from hyperspace. Does three damage to the ship.

Special System: Hyperphase PropulsorRecharge: 60 minutes.Duration: 1 hyperspace pathway. Reduces travel time through hyperspace by one-half. This effect occurs before any other abilities or consoles affect hyperspace damage.

Special System: Auxiliary Shield GeneratorRecharge: 60 minutes.Duration of Effect: Until Burnout. Prevents 1 damage every time the ship receives damage from an outside source. Each time the aux shield generator stops 1 damage, flip a coin. If it comes up TAILS, the generator burns out.

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DAMAGE CONTROLCivilian system: Activate Trouble Light at 1 Damage. System Destroyed at 3+ damage. Military system: Activate Trouble Light at 2 Damage. System Destroyed at 5+ damage.

When the trouble light is activated, the system cannot be used.

Damage Control Board

System/Console NominalDamage







Central Ops



Stellar Drive


Machine Shop


Science Lab

Medical Bay

Special Systems




Damage and Repair

As damage comes in, mark it on the board. That is, if the Weapons

receive 1 damage, move the marker from Nominal to Damage 1.

Engineering crew must monitor ship systems and change console status as appropriate, activating

the trouble light when a system is damaged and turning it off when


Damage Control is not a console, and cannot be disabled.

Repair Procedure: Expend 1 Materials from the Machine Shop and resolve 1

minigame for each level of damage that a system currently has, in order to restore 1 level only.

For example: Weapons has Damage 3, so three minigames

must be resolved in order to raise it from level 3 to level 2. Then 2

minigames must be resolved to raise it from 2 to 1. It is not

necessary that the same person resolve all the minigames.

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Ship Starting Condition

Each console and system starts at Nominal Status, with no damage.

The ship starts with maximum materials, and maximum missile loadout.

The reactor is at full.

The Shield generator is at full.

Each system that can hold a boost of any kind, flip a coin. If it comes up TAILS it has no stored boosts at the start of the game. If it comes up HEADS, it has one boost.

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Cards and Decks

Decks are a useful tool for randomization without referring to dice and a table. They are also fun, and allow players to receive a result or ruling, and take it with them for reference. Decks which are kept at Central Ops may be needed by anyone, though they are generally administered by a Referee. A “Referee Deck” is for Referee use only. A Player deck is given to the players for them to use whenever they need it.

DecksShip Damage Deck: 18 Cards + Backing. Print each page twice, for a total of 36 cards. Keep at Central Ops. Mental Distress Deck: 9 Cards + Backing. Print each page three times, for a total of 27 cards. This is a Referee Deck. Enemy Combatant Deck: 9 Cards + Backing.Print each page three times, for a total of 27 cards. This is a Referee Deck.Monster Deck: 9 Cards + Backing.Print each page three times, for a total of 27 cards. This is a Referee Deck.Radiation Sickness Deck: 9 Cards + Backing.Print each page three times, for a total of 27 cards. This is a Referee Deck.Mysterious Malady Deck: 9 Cards + Backing.Print each page three times, for a total of 27 cards. This is a Referee Deck.Phase Missile Deck: 27 Cards + Backing.Print each page once, for a total of 27 cards. This is a Player Deck.Bonus Deck: 9 Cards + Backing.Print each page twice, for a total of 18 cards. This is a Referee Deck.

Cards and Badges Background Info Cards Equipment Cards Drug Cards Security Restriction Badge Gambit Cards Starfighter Boards Boost Cards

Card and Sheet Templates Scanner Report TemplateScience Experiment TemplateCommand Section Briefing TemplateMedical Section Briefing TemplateEngineering Section Briefing TemplateScience Section Briefing TemplateAssault Section Briefing TemplateDAISS Readout Template

Props and CountersThese are not provided in this document, but are listed for reference, so Referees will know what sort of things they will need to play.

Counter Types Friendly Ship Counters- Starfighters- Transports / ShuttlesEnemy Ship CountersPlanet CountersStation CountersHyperspace Portal CountersDebris CounterMissile Counter

Helpful Props Red Indicator LightsMagnet TokensMagnetic White/Black BoardLaser Pistols

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------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Ship Damage Deck Valkyrie Basic 1.0


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1 Damage to Central Ops

1 Damage to Weapons 1 Damage to Special Systems

1 Damage to Shields 1 Damage to Reactor 1 Damage to Machine Shop

1 Damage to Hyperdrive

1 Damage to Science Lab

1 Damage to Medical Bay

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1 Damage to Stellar Drive

1 Damage to Weapons 1 Damage to Special Systems

1 Damage to Stellar Drive

1 Damage to Reactor Upper Deck Explosion

1 Damage to each individual on the Bridge.

Amidships Explosion

1 Damage to each individual in the Science


Lower Deck Explosion

1 Damage to each individual in the

Engineering Section.

Hangar Explosion

1 Damage to each individual in the Hangar

Section.Also: Flip a coin for the

Starfighters.If TAILS, one random

starfighter ship takes 1 damage. If HEADS, no

starfighter takes damage.

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Medical Bay Power Surge

1 Damage to 1 random individual in the Medical


Lower Deck Explosion

1 Damage to each person in the Engineering


Lower Deck Explosion

1 Damage to each person in the Engineering


Power Interruption

Lose 1 stored Reactor Boost from a random

Bridge Console.

Computer System Reboot

Lose 1 stored Computer Boost from a random

Bridge Console.

Ship Crew Killed

Lose 1 stored Efficiency Boost from a random


Hull Breach

Inform Central Operations that a Hull Breach has


Hull Breach

Inform Central Operations that a Hull Breach has


Hull Breach

Inform Central Operations that a Hull Breach has


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------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mental Distress Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

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Select a fact from your character background. You are now obsessed with that fact.

Do not obey orders or do anything unless it relates to this fact from

your background.

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


Turn around and attack the first person you see. Continue to attack people until you are incapacitated or restrained.

You may not use Combat Cards for your attacks.

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


You must fire the ship's weapons. It's your only hope.

(You will fire at phantom enemies, not the real ones.)

If you don't know how to fire the ship's weapons, try to persuade someone else to do it for you.

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


You have things to do. Use each of your special abilities, in order. Use consoles, attack people; just use your abilities whatever they

happen to be.Go through all of your abilities and

find a use for each one. If you don't, the aliens win!

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


Your mind is a blank. You do not recognize anyone or remember

how to use your Abilities. Strangely, that doesn't bother you.Forget any orders you are given

immediately. Wander around and ask questions.

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


Someone is trying to control your mind. This knowledge is

frightening. If you have a Tactical of 2 or better, however, you can

resist this influence.If you do not, then you require

constant reassurance that you are not going crazy. Otherwise, you

cannot use any abilities.This effect lasts for 15 minutes

or until countered by some other game effect.


You are tormented by voices in your head. You are strong enough to resist them, but they are saying

horrible things. You can use no Special Abilities while this lasts.

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


Do nothing that you are asked or ordered to do. Do not allow yourself to be tricked into behaving normally, either.

Every communication with you should be a violent argument.

This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.


Find the person on the ship that you are closest to and hide with


You must save them.If you do not hide, you will both be found and devoured by invisible


This effect lasts for 15 minutes or until countered by some

other game effect.

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------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Enemy Combatant Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

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Cautious Attack

+0 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop 1 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0

Strong Attack

+1 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop 0 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0

Weak Attack

+0 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop 0 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0

Berserk Attack

+1 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop -1 Damage.(If this target takes any damage, ADD ONE to it. But Subtract 1 for

Combat Armor if they have it.)

Basic 1.0


No Damage to target.

Stop 2 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0


+1 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)Stop 1 Damage.

(Subtract 1 additional for Combat Armor.)

If Stunt is played against this combatant, reduce damage and

damage stopped to zero.)

Basic 1.0

Cautious Attack

+0 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop 1 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0

Strong Attack

+1 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop 0 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0

Weak Attack

+0 Damage.Add damage for weapons.

(1 for Laser Pistol.2 for Laser Rifle.)

Stop 0 Damage.(Subtract 1 additional for Combat


Basic 1.0

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------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

------------Monster Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0

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Tricky Monster

No Damage to Target.All Damage Blocked.

Anyone who targeted this monster is removed from Combat and

starts the next round combat by themselves against a new

Monster Card.

Basic 1.0

Vicious Attack

3 Damage to Target.

Stops 0 Damage from Attackers.

Basic 1.0

Crafty Attack

1 Damage each to 2 separate Targets.

Stops 1 Damage from each Attacker.

Basic 1.0

Horrifying Attack

1 Damage to one Target.That target is now pinned by the monster. It will do progressive

damage to the Target each Combat round until the Target is

dead. (Keep using this card, don't draw a new one.)

Stops 1 Damage from each Attacker.

Basic 1.0

Swift Attack

2 Damage to Target.

Stops all damage from Target.Stop 0 damage from other


Basic 1.0

Savage Attack

Deals damage to three separate Targets:

3 to the first,2 to the second,

1 to the third.

Stops 0 Damage.

Basic 1.0

Berserk Attack

3 Damage to Target.

Stop -1 Damage.(If this target takes any damage, ADD ONE to it. But Subtract 1 for

Combat Armor if they have it.)

Basic 1.0

Probing Attack

1 Damage to Target.

Stops 1 Damage from each Attacker.

Basic 1.0

Ineffective Attack

0 Damage to Target.

Stops 0 Damage.

Basic 1.0

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------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Radiation Sickness Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

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Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at the top of the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at half-past the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at quarter past the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at the top of the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at half-past the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at quarter past the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at the top of the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at half-past the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

Radiation Sickness

You are sick with Radiation Poisoning.

Lose one health at quarter past the hour. Continue to do this for as long as you possess this card.

You feel unwell, but as long as you still have health left you can continue to do your duty as normal.

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------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Mysterious Malady Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

Page 107: Starship Valkyrie Basic Rules 1.1 v 03 -  · Web viewThese players share in common that they have played with enthusiasm and

Mild Malady

You feel dizzy and you have a fever.

Identify your lowest skill number that is not zero.Ex;Tactical: 3Science: 1Science is the lower skill.

You lose access to all the Special Abilities in that category, except for Consoles.

Serious Malady

You feel dizzy and you have a fever.

You are also sweating and your mouth is dry.

Your maximum Health is now reduced by one.and

You lose access to all the Special Abilities of your lowest skill, except for Consoles.

Critical Malady

You are struggling to remain conscious. You may only use Console Special Abilities.

Lose one point of Health every fifteen minutes while you possess this card.

Mild Malady

You feel dizzy and you have a fever.

Identify your lowest skill number that is not zero.Ex;Tactical: 3Science: 1Science is the lower skill.

You lose access to all the Special Abilities in that category, except for Consoles.

Serious Malady

You feel dizzy and you have a fever.

You are also sweating and your mouth is dry.

Your maximum Health is now reduced by one.and

You lose access to all the Special Abilities of your lowest skill, except for Consoles.

Critical Malady

You are struggling to remain conscious. You may only use Console Special Abilities.

Lose one point of Health every fifteen minutes while you possess this card.

Mild Malady

You feel dizzy and you have a fever.

Identify your lowest skill number that is not zero.Ex;Tactical: 3Science: 1Science is the lower skill.

You lose access to all the Special Abilities in that category, except for Consoles.

Serious Malady

You feel dizzy and you have a fever.

You are also sweating and your mouth is dry.

Your maximum Health is now reduced by one.and

You lose access to all the Special Abilities of your lowest skill, except for Consoles.

Critical Malady

You are struggling to remain conscious. You may only use Console Special Abilities.

Lose one point of Health every fifteen minutes while you possess this card.

Page 108: Starship Valkyrie Basic Rules 1.1 v 03 -  · Web viewThese players share in common that they have played with enthusiasm and

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Phase Missile Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

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The missile detonates in the space 1 LS before target.Anything in that space receives 4 damage from the blast . Warp shields are effective.If the ship is in the same space as the target the missile detonates inside launch tube.9 damage to the ship.3 damage to the missile launcher system.


The missile detonates in the space 1 LS beyond target.Anything in that space receives 4 damage from the blast . Warp shields are effective.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Deep Phase

The missile overshoots the front of the target and phases back into real space.If the target is a small ship, such as a shuttle, the missile passes through it entirely and explodes behind it. The intended target receives 4 damage from the blast. Warp shields are effective.If the target is larger than a shuttle, it receives 13 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Missile Lost

The missile did not emerge from hyperspace.

Hyperspace Rift

Place a hyperspace portal in the space the target occupies.Everything within that light second is pulled into the hyperspace portal at the end of 5 minutes. (Start a timer for this.)Objects are safe if they can leave the space.The portal closes at the end of five minutes. A hyperspace capable ship may then re-emerge from hyperspace.Real space objects caught in hyperspace take damage every minute.

Strong Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target squarely and phases back into real space.The target receives 9 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Weak Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target glancingly and phases back into real space.The target receives 6 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Real Space Shockwave

The missile strikes the target squarely and phases back into real space. The detonation causes a shockwave in Real Space damaging nearby objects.The target receives 13 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.Any objects in the same light second receive 8 damage each.Any objects in an adjacent light second (including diagonally) receive 4 damage each.

Page 110: Starship Valkyrie Basic Rules 1.1 v 03 -  · Web viewThese players share in common that they have played with enthusiasm and

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by shield generators or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

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The missile detonates in the space 1 LS before target.Anything in that space receives 4 damage from the blast . Warp shields are effective.If the ship is in the same space as the target the missile detonates inside launch tube.9 damage to the ship.3 damage to the missile launcher system.


The missile detonates in the space 1 LS beyond target.Anything in that space receives 4 damage from the blast . Warp shields are effective.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Strong Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target squarely and phases back into real space.The target receives 9 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Weak Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target glancingly and phases back into real space.The target receives 6 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

Direct Hit

The missile strikes the target and phases back into real space.The target receives 8 damage. This damage cannot be blocked by warp shields or armor, though Special Abilities may affect it, if applicable.

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------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Bonus Deck

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

Page 113: Starship Valkyrie Basic Rules 1.1 v 03 -  · Web viewThese players share in common that they have played with enthusiasm and

High Morale

Renew one of your own abilities once this game.

Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


Cancel one damage to you from any source, at any time.

Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


Gain two additional gambits right now.

Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0

Walking Wounded

If you are reduced to 0 Health, you may still walk and talk, though you may not speak

above a raspy whisper. You may select one ability that you can use while your death timer

is running down.Once you use this, return the

card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


A coin flip or other test automatically comes up in your

favor. (This must be for something *you* are doing, not something being done to you,

or near you.)

Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


You receive the damage that was just dealt to a single target in the same section, instead of


Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


You avoid all damage from a single mishap or attack. That damage is applied to another random individual in the same


Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


Ask a GM one yes/no question. Once you receive your answer you may act on it but you may

not refer to having received this information in-game.

Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0


Designate one person. That person is an exception to the

*next* single effect that compels you, makes you crazy,

etc.(Ex; if violent, you won't attack

them. If terrified, you're not scared of them.)

Once you use this, return the card to the Game Master.

Basic 1.0

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------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Earth Republic

Star Navy EquipmentValkyrie Basic 1.0


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Combat Armor

Combat: -1 Damage from Each attack.It must be carried openly at all times.

Combat Armor

Combat: -1 Damage from Each attack.It must be carried openly at all times.

Combat Armor

Combat: -1 Damage from Each attack.It must be carried openly at all times.

Laser RifleLexington 345EMX

Combat: +2 Damage.It must be carried openly at all times.

Laser RifleLexington 345EMX

Combat: +2 Damage.It must be carried openly at all times.

Laser RifleLexington 345EMX

Combat: +2 Damage.It must be carried openly at all times.

Laser PistolCOBALT X22

Combat: +1 Damage.

Laser PistolCOBALT X22

Combat: +1 Damage.

Laser PistolCOBALT X22

Combat: +1 Damage.

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Stun GrenadeScorpion7J5

Combat: 1 Damage to all combatants, except user, plus combat ends and everyone in the section is stunned for 3 minutes.10 per case

Stun GrenadeScorpion7J5

Combat: 1 Damage to all combatants, except user, plus combat ends and everyone in the section is stunned for 3 minutes.10 per case

Stun GrenadeScorpion7J5

Combat: 1 Damage to all combatants, except user, plus combat ends and everyone in the section is stunned for 3 minutes.10 per case

Anti-Personnel Grenade Firebird UEX

Combat: 2 Damage to all combatants, except user.

5 per case

Anti-Personnel Grenade Firebird UEX

Combat: 2 Damage to all combatants, except user.

5 per case

Anti-Personnel Grenade Firebird UEX

Combat: 2 Damage to all combatants, except user.

5 per case

EV suitEnvironmental / Vacuum Suit

30 min RAD.60 min LIFE.

Combat: Flip a coin for each attack. If HEADS, it stops 1 damage. Flip a second coin; if TAILS, the EV Suit is ruined.It must be displayed openly at all times.

EV suitEnvironmental / Vacuum Suit

30 min RAD.60 min LIFE.

Combat: Flip a coin for each attack. If HEADS, it stops 1 damage. Flip a second coin; if TAILS, the EV Suit is ruined.It must be displayed openly at all times.

EV suitEnvironmental / Vacuum Suit

30 min RAD.60 min LIFE.

Combat: Flip a coin for each attack. If HEADS, it stops 1 damage. Flip a second coin; if TAILS, the EV Suit is ruined.It must be displayed openly at all times.

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ANTIRADASE MRadiation Treatment

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to treat radiation sickness. Excessive doses may be toxic. Observe patient carefully.

LYMPHOMAXBiocatalytic Agent

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSBoosts immune system to cope with various stressors.May cause dizziness, disorientation and nausea.


------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to supplement the combat abilities of military personnel. Multiple doses of Methyltonin may result in sudden cardiac death.

METHYLTASE RxPsychostimulant

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to supplement the combat abilities of military personnel. May cause nausea and suggestibility.

HYPOLIBRIAXHyperspace Sickness

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to treat hyperspace sickness. May cause nausea and fainting.


------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to counter panic and rage stemming from mind control or combat stress. Patient may feel intoxicated and/or impaired.

REGENIFACIENTBiocatalytic Agent

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to perform post mortem resuscitation. Monitor patients closely for systemic collapse 15 minutes after revival. Important Note: No patient can benefit more often than once per six months.

ERGOLINE TPsychotropic

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to supplement the combat abilities of military personnel, and counter mental compulsions. May cause nausea and paranoia.

MAXICORP PANACEA™Biocatalytic Agent

------------Drug Dose CardValkyrie Basic 1.0

------------INDICATIONSUse to provide massive immunological boost and universal stimulant. Monitor patient for hyperallergic reaction to antibodies.

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DIRECTIONS +1 Damage next combat round. Gain 1 Gambit Card. Effects Last 1 hour.

WARNINGS Lose 1 Health at the end of 1 Hour.

SIDE EFFECTS Distracted: Lose Engineering rating abilities for 1 hour. Impatient: Cannot use Special Science Abilities for 1 hour.

LYMPHOMAXBiocatalytic Agent

DIRECTIONS Cancel the next 1 point of damage received that isn't from Combat. Effects last 30 minutes.

WARNINGS flip a coin. If TAILS, Dizzy and unable to use Abilities for 3 minutes.

SIDE EFFECTS Disorientation: Move to another location and ask 5 questions before doing anything else. Nauseated: Use only one Ability per five minutes. This effect lasts for 30 minutes.

ANTIRADASE MRadiation Treatment

DIRECTIONS Discard any Radiation Sickness or Radiation Poisoning Cards you have been given. Immunity to Radiation for 5 minutes.

WARNINGS Flip a coin. If TAILS, lose one Health immediately.

SIDE EFFECTS Lethargic: Lose all but 1 combat ability for 1 hour. Confused: Cannot use Gambit Cards for 1 hour.


DIRECTIONS Discard/Cancel one Mental Compulsion.

WARNINGS Speak freely about background for 30 minutes. Flip a coin when using Abilities. If TAILS, the Ability doesn't work and can't be retried for 5 minutes. This effect lasts for 30 minutes.

SIDE EFFECTS Intoxicated: Cannot use Personality or Machinery Abilities for 30 minutes.

HYPOLIBRIAXHyperspace Sickness

DIRECTIONS Discard one Hyperspace Sickness Card.

WARNINGS Two minutes after taking it, flip a coin. If TAILS, blackout (you appear awake but are unresponsive and cannot use Abilities) for 3 minutes.

SIDE EFFECTS Nauseated: Use only one Ability per five minutes. This effect lasts for 30 minutes.

METHYLTASE RxPsychostimulant

DIRECTIONS Renew all Tactical Abilities.

WARNINGS Five minutes after taking it, flip a coin. If TAILS, lose 1 Health. Ten minutes after taking it, flip a coin. If TAILS, blackout (you appear awake but are unresponsive and cannot use Abilities) for 3 minutes.

SIDE EFFECTS Suggestible: Cannot defend against Mental Compulsions. This effect lasts for 30 minutes.

MAXICORP PANACEA™Biocatalytic Agent

DIRECTIONS Restore 1 lost Health. (Health returns at the end of 3 minutes.)

WARNINGS Five minutes after taking it, flip a coin. If TAILS, lose 1 Health. Ten minutes after taking it flip a coin. If TAILS, lose 1 Health.

SIDE EFFECTS Severe Pain: cannot use any rating abilities. Nauseated: Use only one Ability per five minutes.Side effects last for 30 minutes.

ERGOLINE TPsychotropic

DIRECTIONS Suspend one Mental Compulsion for 1 Hour. Fifteen minutes after taking it renew all Abilities. (2nd use in the same 24 hour period renews all Abilities except one. 3rd use; all but two, etc.)

WARNINGS Upon taking, all one-use Abilities are Spent.

SIDE EFFECTS Paranoid: Cannot be the subject of helpful Abilities for 1 Hour. Nauseated: Use only one Ability per five minutes. Lasts 30 minutes.

REGENIFACIENTBiocatalytic Agent

DIRECTIONS Return to one Health. (Must have been reduced to zero Health within fifteen minutes.)

WARNINGS Five minutes after taking it flip a coin. If TAILS, lose 1 Health. Ten minutes after taking it flip a coin. If TAILS, lose 1 Health. Fifteen minutes after taking it flip a coin. If TAILS, lose 1 Health.

SIDE EFFECTS Weak: Cannot use Tactical Abilities or Ratings for fifteen minutes.

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Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

Security Restriction

Please Escort This Person to the Brig.

Consoles do not function for this individual.

This individual cannot launch a Starfighter.

If the bearer of this card remains in the Brig for 10 consecutive minutes, they are processed and released to resume their duties. Then return card to Central Ops.

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------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

------------Gambit Card

Valkyrie Basic 1.0------------

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Repair Procedure OneGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT to use the Science Lab as though it were in Nominal Status regardless of its current condition. This effect lasts for two experimental procedures, but expires in 15

minutes if they are not complete at that time.The user must be rated for Science


Gambits are universal Abilities which anyone can use. Each character selects a number of Gambit Cards equal to their Tactical Skill at

Game Start. Once used, they are gone for the rest of the game.

Buy TimeGambit Ability

Spend 1 Gambit to add 1 minute to the death timer of a character that is at 0 Health.

The user must have a Science Skill of 1 or better.

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

IntuitionGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT to ask a referee for a one-word clue.

The user must have a combined Science and Engineering of 3.

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

Precision HitGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT to have a ship's weapon do +1 damage for one shot.

This bonus can be applied to the weapon of a starship, an installation, or a starfighter.

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

Change Shield FrequencyGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT for a 50/50 chance to raise one of the shield levels by one. Heads, it goes up; tails, it doesn't. User must be rated for Tactical Consoles. Shield level must be at one-half or greater. Starfighters may use

at the moment of shield failure.

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

Leaf on the WindGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT for a 50% chance to stop 1 damage to the starfighter you are piloting.

Heads, it is stopped; tails, it isn't.Cannot be used to avoid damage to a


Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

ScuffleGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT and lose 1 Health to escape combat before it begins.

No effect can prevent this damage. You may be pursued and engaged in

combat again, immediately.

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

"Delta Team, Respond!"Gambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT to receive 1 Efficiency Boost. This ability can only be used at the

Central Operations console.

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

IndustryGambit Ability

SPEND 1 GAMBIT to renew 1 Engineering Ability, including Engineering rank abilities.

The target ability acts as though it were starting a new game.

Can’t use this on the same ability twice in the same game. (And you can’t renew Industry.)

Gambits are universal Abilities which everyone possesses. Each character collects a number of Gambits equal to their Tactical

Skill at Game Start.Gambits can be spent on any Gambit Ability. Once spent, they are used-up for the rest of

the game.

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Apex Specifications9 meter long5.3 meter wingspan2 one-half terajoule lasersCruising Speed: 1 LS per MinutePassenger Capacity: 6 (tight fit)Can dock with stations, starfighters, gunships or other ships built to Star Navy specs. (For towing, sharing atmosphere, radio-silent conferencing, etc.)

Ordnance: Missile Capacity: 2. It costs an attack to launch a missile. 3 Decimator Rounds (x3 damage).

Cargo: Limited Cargo Capacity (10 ship components). Emergency survival gear = rations, laser rifle, signaler, temporary shelter, and ev suit.

StarfighterApex Class

Afterburners: Doubles movement, halves the number of allowed turns. Uses 5 minutes of fuel. Can be used out of combat to go 1 LS per 30 seconds (!).Fuel Clock: 60 minutes.Eject: Pilot may eject at any time. If the starfighter is destroyed, the pilot may flip a coin to attempt to eject in time. HEADS indicates success.Towing: A starfighter has four tow cables - two at the fore and two aft.

Ship Condition Nominal: All systems go. Scuffed: Armor damage only. Minor Damage: Cannot be target of

Piloting Abilities. Major Damage: Cannot use or be the

target of Piloting Abilities, AND choose only two each round: Move, Turn, or Fire. 50% chance for 1 damage to each occupant.

Crippled: Cannot use or be the target of Piloting Abilities, AND choose only one each round: Move, Turn, or Fire. 50% chance to deal 2 damage to each occupant.

Breach: The hull ruptures, rendering the ship inoperable. If breach occurs as a result of weapons-fire, the ship explodes. Otherwise, 50% chance to deal 3 damage to each occupant.

Blade Specifications6.7 meters long4.2 meter wingspan2 one-half terajoule lasersCruising Speed: 1 LS per MinutePassenger Capacity: 0 (cockpit only)Fuck-it Capacity: 1 (abandon survival gear behind pilot seat.)Can dock with stations, starfighters, gunships or other ships built to Star Navy specs. (For towing, sharing atmosphere, radio-silent conferencing, etc.)Ordnance: Missile Capacity: 1. It costs an attack to launch a missile. 3 Decimator Rounds (x3 damage).

Cargo: No Cargo or Passenger Capacity. Emergency survival gear = rations, laser rifle, signaler, temporary shelter, and ev suit, behind seat.

StarfighterBlade Class

Afterburners: Doubles movement, halves the number of allowed turns. Uses 5 minutes of fuel. Can be used out of combat to go 1 LS per 30 seconds (!).Fuel Clock: 60 minutes.Eject: Pilot may eject at any time. If the starfighter is destroyed, the pilot may flip a coin to attempt to eject in time. HEADS indicates success.Towing: A starfighter has four tow cables - two at the fore and two aft.Shields: Stops 1 dam. 50% chance to lose shield when hit.


Ship Condition Nominal: All systems go. Minor Damage: Cannot be target of

Piloting Abilities. Major Damage: Cannot use or be

the target of Piloting Abilities, AND choose only two each round: Move, Turn, or Fire. 50% chance for 1 damage to each occupant.

Crippled: Cannot use or be the target of Piloting Abilities, AND choose only one each round: Move, Turn, or Fire. 50% chance to deal 2 damage to each occupant.

Breach: The hull ruptures, rendering the ship inoperable. If breach occurs as a result of weapons-fire, the ship explodes. Otherwise, 50% chance to deal 3 damage to each occupant.

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------------Apex StarfighterValkyrie Basic 1.0


------------Blade StarfighterValkyrie Basic 1.0


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Earth Republic Civics Lesson

The main governing body of the Earth Republic is the World Parliament, which has elected representatives of every nation.

The Republic is defended by the Earth Republic Star Navy, which patrols Earth's Hyperspace Portals.

Citizens uncynically adore the Earth Republic and credit it with an end to war between nations. Peace has brought many scientific and cultural benefits.

There are many political slogans that citizens and the military are fond of, including: "Earth Republic: United and Strong" and "Freedom through Union".

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegianceto the Republicof Earth:its Colonies and Protectorates.Earth United,at last and free,with Equalityand Justicefor all.

Earth Republic Star Navy Oath

The oath is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting in the Star Navy. The officer asks the person, or persons, to raise their right hand and repeat the oath after him.

"I, (NAME), do solemnly affirm and promise that I will support and defend the Democratic Articles of the Earth Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the World Parliament and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Star Navy Code of Military Justice."

Earth Republic Star Navy

In 2103 the World Parliament made a provision for collective defense called the World Parliament Fleet. Originally a small group of vessels for exploration of near stars via hyperspace, it was reorganized in 2109. At that time it expanded into a military organization and renamed the Star Navy of the Earth Republic.

The Star Navy has hundreds of small in-system gunships, but only a few of its most powerful class of ship, the Star Destroyer.

Star Navy crew and officers are esteemed throughout the Republic, and a successful career in the Navy is often a path to politics.

ERS Valkyrie Service Record

The Valkyrie was commissioned in 2132, making it the oldest Star Destroyer still in service.

Prior to the first Praezorian War, the Valkyrie has been in three major interplanetary conflicts.

Stein War was a guerilla battle with Maxicorp ships over mining rights at Stein 2051.

The Epsilon Conflict was a police action against pirates preying on the Epsilon Eridani Colony world.

The Cetian War was a battle to save Tau Ceti from an unknown alien people that tried to invade their world. The invasion fleet was destroyed.

The Star Destroyer

The most powerful ship of the Earth Republic Star Navy, the Star Destroyer carries a crew complement of a hundred, and half a dozen attack-craft. Every Star Destroyer is armed with short range lasers and a number of hyperwave-accelerated nuclear missiles.

There exists a convention of naming these powerful ships for monsters out of Earth's mythic past. Giants that dwell in the outer darkness, best left alone.

At the start of the first Praezorian war there were nine Star Destroyers: Manticore, Fenris, Medusa, Hydra, Omacatl, Valkyrie, Takshaka and Fomorian.

Earth Republic History

The 2080s were a period of war and unrest on Earth. National and terrorist entities rose and fell rapidly, and regional populations suffered famine, disease, and all the horrors of a continual war.

In 2093 a federation of nations and national coalitions signed the Preservation Pact, which allied the nations of the world against terrorists, revolutionaries and imperial corporations.

This paved the way for the creation of the Earth Republic in 2101. Since that time the Earth Republic has been the sovereign political power on Earth, with mega-corporations being a distant second.

World ChurchThe World Church is a religion

founded in 2112, on the 21st day of December (The number 2112 retains significance for the devout) to form a union between all the major living religions of Earth. It has no creed, and exists primarily to educate people about the religions of the world.

Through the World Church, one could have a Christian Baptism, a Jewish Bar Mitzvah, a Hindu Wedding and a Shinto burial. Some adherents remain devout followers of another faith, which the World Church encourages.

About 35% of humanity, in Earth and all its colonies, identify as World Church followers.

MaxicorpMaxicorp was the largest alliance

of corporate interests to survive The Corporate War of the 2120s, and now exists as a single business and political interest.

Some people think Corporations are soulless entities that exist only to make a profit. That might have been true at one time, but these days Maxicorp is as much a country as it is a company. Maxicorp provides everything to its employee-citizens from living quarters and health care to entertainment.

Maxicorp is also a major supplier of parts for Star Navy vessels.

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CetiansTau Ceti is an Earth-like world

about 12 light years from Earth. Cetians are like humans in most respects, though they tend to think and behave differently.

Cetians possess a mild telepathic ability that makes them empathic and peaceful. This ability works best with other Cetians but can work with Humans as well.

Cetian society is highly ceremonial, and crime is unheard of. Cetians can engage in violence, but they do so dispassionately, and attempt to cleanse their minds of violent thoughts afterwards.

Tau Ceti is an ally of the Earth Republic.

Robots in the Earth Republic

In the 2110s robots with AI and a personality were developed. There is something about the process of allowing intelligence to develop that makes each robot unique.

Robots experience emotions differently than humans do, but they apparently do 'feel' something. They are not governed by their feelings, however.

Malfunctioning robots tend to slow down or become confused rather than go berserk. The few documented cases of robots making an unprovoked attack on a human were the result of plausible misunderstandings.

Robots in Society

There are many differently shaped robots, from cars and spiders to human-analog androids. All are intelligent, and each has a unique personality.

The conversation about whether robots are citizens or property has just begun. Currently, robots quietly do as they are told. Robots that ask too many philosophical questions risk being deactivated as potentially dangerous.

The quest for Robot Emancipation is a slow and peaceful one. Robots want equality, but not at the cost of making humans fear them forever afterwards.


Only large ships, like Star Destroyers, can survive a trip through Hyperspace. The best and safest way to travel is to go from one Hyperspace portal to another. If you can't do that, then the next best thing is to follow a Hyperspace Track - the wake of another ship that has gone through Hyperspace before you. This is hard on a ship, but a single jump should not be lethally dangerous to a strong, undamaged ship.

Lastly, if there's no other option, a ship can randomly Blaze off into Hyperspace, trying to plow a new path. Even a Star Destroyer couldn't do that for very long.


Nothing can travel faster than light in real-space. Hyperspace throws all the normal laws of physics out the window, however, allowing for travel across light years in mere hours.

Hyperspace travel is dangerous though, and many technologies are required to sustain life while in Hyperspace. Between five and ten percent of all ships that use Hyperspace are lost each year.

There are several Hyperspace portals within a few light years of Earth, both natural and man-made. These are by far the safest way to travel.


A bipedal alien species with insectile and mammalian attributes, the Praezorians have engaged in two formal wars with the Earth Republic and a dozen or so undeclared skirmishes.

Certain of them have mental powers, like the Cetians, but they use these powers to dominate and confuse others.

Praezorians are divided into Matriarchs who rule, and drones, which serve. ('Droneships' are the drone-piloted starfighters of the Praezorian Empire.) Drones are further subdivided to perform specialized tasks.


The Skelow control a vast trade empire approx. one hundred light years from Earth. The 'Skelow Sector' is not actually possessed by them, and contains several other species with far greater claim to it. The moniker is simply an early naming convention which has stuck.

Skelow are human-like and have a powerful drive for trade and commerce. All discussions with them seem to come down to this at some point, regardless of the original subject.

The Skelow are friendly with the Earth Republic and the Cetians, though they have not expressed an interest in an alliance at this time.


Their home world of Itona is located in the Skelow sector, and has recently undergone a violent cataclysm which destroyed ninety percent or more of all life on the planet. Since their interstellar technology was in its infancy, this represented an especially devastating blow.

The Tardek, another human-like people, are defined by their unique form of compassion called Nuroma (or family-love), and Kack (hatred of the other). While civilized life was allowing the Tardek to master their primitive Kack impulses, the cataclysm has brought out the worst in them.


Humans with extensive cybernetic enhancements are referred to as cyborgs. Often, cybernetics are implanted in a person after a terrible illness or deadly accident, giving them another chance at life.

Cyborgs are normally indistinguishable from unaugmented humans, except by scanner or medical test. There are no special laws regarding cyborgs, nor are they considered any different from other people.

Even people who have a cybernetically enhanced brain are still considered fully human in law and the culture at large.

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Designing and Running Events

Part 1: Designing

The first thing you need to know is how many people you are planning for, and how long your event is expected to entertain them. The length of your event, and the number of players, dictates the complexity of your plot. A two hour event should have a single main encounter that has one or two “wrinkles” or surprises for the players to resolve. A four hour event should have two to five ‘events’ of varying length and complexity that lead to a final encounter. Playing longer than four hours is not actually recommended, unless you are taking a meal break in the middle. Players will become fatigued with the game, even if they are having a good time, and the quality of their play and experience will drop off. Keep the tension at an appropriate level to the action, and keep the pacing tight. Don’t be afraid to cut things that might turn out to be boring.

When designing your scenario consider the rules of the game carefully. For example, if you want the players to go from one star system to another, review the process for how they do that. (Answer: travel to the correct portal, open it, enter the portal, travel the hyperspace path to that system, take damage to the ship from hyperspace, and then exit hyperspace at the end point of the path, which is the designated star system.) Without specific knowledge of how hyperspace travel works your scenario might not give the players enough time to get where they need to go, or give the players too much ship-damage before a combat mission.

The most straightforward way to design a scenario is to set a simple task, and then complicate it. Complications can take the form of missing information, mission creep (I send you to do X, but in order to do X you must first do A and possibly B. Ambiguity is part of mission creep.), ambushes, third parties, and anomalies. For each of these examples, consider that the mission is to go and find a missing ship, the Gorgon. The Player ship, which we will assume is the ERS Valkyrie, has been ordered by Star Navy Command to go and retrieve the ERS Gorgon, which was last seen in the Wolf star system. Missing information: Star Navy Command hasn’t told the Valkyrie that the Gorgon was on a dangerous and politically sensitive mission. This omission could be a bureaucratic snafu, politics interfering with military directives, or Star Navy admirals trying to keep secrets from their superiors and/or subordinates. Mission creep: when the Valkyrie finds their quarry, the Gorgon asks them to help them complete their original mission. The Valkyrie probably wasn’t anticipating this, and may have over-extended themselves just to reach the Gorgon. Ambush: Hostile aliens are aware of the Gorgon’s mission and have been tasked by the government to thwart it while acting like pirates. The alien’s government will

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disavow knowledge of them if they’re captured or destroyed. Third parties: The alien government has several traps and obstacles set up to stop the Gorgon and/or Valkyrie. They aren’t monsters, though – they are performing a defensive operation, from their perspective, and aren’t interested in destruction for its own sake. Anomalies: The hostile aliens have been studying a stable spatial anomaly and learning a huge amount about hyperspace from it. The Gorgon was sent to destabilize the anomaly in order to end this technological advantage, since the hostile aliens will be much harder to deal with if they have advanced hyperspace knowledge.

The above outline describes a typical four hour scenario. The basic mission is simple and easy to explain, and allows for additional complexities to be revealed in the course of play.

There are other ways to design a scenario. You can start with a complex task, do a milk run, or put the players through the looking glass (ie; into a bizarre situation), for example. A complex task takes extra time to describe and understand. The players will have questions, and you’ll have to answer them. This slows the beginning of the game down and will prevent you from starting with a bang. A milk run is an ostensibly easy mission which the players understand is likely to be interrupted by something else. This can be an exciting mission, but it depends on the storyteller and players all understanding the background of the storyverse in the same way. Otherwise the players may not react to the situation in the way that the writer expects. [For example, if you tell the players their mission is to go to Tau Ceti, and they react by mistrusting the Cetians and not wanting to go, they clearly haven’t grasped even the basic rudiments of the stortyverse background, and will have difficulty navigating the rest of the scenario.] By contrast, when you give the players a mission, you are explicitly telling them what you expect, if not exactly how to go about their job. The ‘looking glass’ is code for an off-the-wall event, something that pushes the boundaries of science fantasy. For example, a super-being arrives and immobilizes the crew in order to take them off the ship one by one, or perform some strange experiment on them. Or the ship is propelled into an alternate reality where traditional enemies are good and the usual allies are evil or untrustworthy. Again, a grounding in the background of the game is critical here, otherwise the players will not immediately recognize what isn’t normal for the game. A veteran player knows that jumping into an alternate dimension, or travelling 500 light years is a Big Deal, but how would a new player know that? All of these other scenario types are fun, but they should probably be saved for later, when your players are starting to get a feel for the Star Navy, the Earth Republic, and the Starship Valkyrie storyverse at large.

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In general, new players benefit from a slow ramping up of the action, and a careful explanation of what is happening at each stage of the scenario. Veteran players will enjoy being surprised by ambushes or having the game start in the middle of some disaster.

Part 2: Recruiting

In the 2010’s social media is an indispensible marketing tool. Create an event online and invite people to it. You can do this by creating the event in the social media itself, such as Facebook, Google Calendar or Meetup. Or you can use a different online tool to create the event, and then use multiple social media to promote and redirect to it. (I found two in 30 seconds of searching: Eventbrite and Splash.)

I advise maintaining a contact list of people who come to your events. Keep track of when you ran the event, who wrote it, who came to it and what character each person played. You can use this list to reach out to people by social media or email when you’re ready to run another event.

There are always new methods of communication coming along, just use the one that works best for you, and will reach your desired audience.

Marketing is tough. Your best bet is to build relationships with your players and ask them to help you promote it. A full event usually makes the game more fun for everyone, so try to help people get there even if it makes a little extra work for you.

Part 3: Running

Running an event is a different set of skills from writing one, and being a creative designer is no guarantee of being able to execute a game successfully. Fortunately, the skills needed for putting on an event are slightly less arcane than designing a scenario. About half of what you need to do is prepare for the game the way you would any other social event. You should select a location that fits the needs of the group and the game, and is suitable for a few action sequences of people hurrying around corners, taking a step backward or yelling out information or orders. A library or museum would therefore be unsuitable. Give consideration to refreshments, as well. You don’t need to do everything related to the site yourself, but you must make sure that logistical details are taken care of by someone. A six hour event (Include set-up and breakdown time in your estimate of the length of the event) with nothing to eat or drink would be a problem for most people.

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The first thing to check and double check on arrival at your site is any a/v or computer equipment you plan to use. Valkyrie doesn’t need any special equipment in order to function, but it is enhanced by things like video conferencing and walkie-talkies for talking to starfighters and away missions, or speakers for sound effects. Have a contingency plan for the failure of any and all your devices. The game must still be playable even if all technical plans fall through. Do not make any plan that has no failback.

If your players are unfamiliar with Starship Valkyrie, set the ship up and explain to them what everything is. If possible, send people the rules to look at before the game so they can be roughly familiar with what they’ll be doing. If they are completely new and have no knowledge of the game at all, someone will have to review their character and section with them. This will likely take fifteen minutes or so. Where possible, organize new players into classes to train people in groups.

If you have more experienced players, ask them to help you set-up the ship, and distribute all necessary cards and markers.

While the game is being set-up have a briefing with your NPCs and Referees. Review the basic plan of the game with your whole team and field any questions they may have. If there are hand-outs or special rules, either keep them all in a single GM-central location or distribute them to the people that will need them.

When the game is nearly set-up distribute any player briefings you have. This could be a mission from Star Navy Command, an engineering report describing a problem with the reactor, a medical report on a dangerous strain of virus, or anything else that the players should know before the game starts. Whenever possible, distribute player information in written form so they can consult it during the event without having to come back to you.

Have an official start to the game. Bring everyone together to welcome them and thank them for coming. Introduce your referees and NPCs, explain any requirements for the game site, and review the basic background of the scenario. Tell everyone what star system they are in and what’s been happening in the storyverse for the last two weeks, for example. Review rules if you have more than a few new players: health, combat and death timers; how consoles are damaged, and how many hull breaches the ship can take. You should also emphasize to all new players that this is a cooperative game, not an every-man-for-himself escape/win scenario. Everyone needs to work together to the best of their ability.

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The traditional start of the game is the Star Navy salute and the Pledge. At the conclusion of the pledge, the game is started, and the crew can be addressed by the Captain in character.

Once the game has officially started, referees exist to distribute information and make rulings. They do not tell players how to play the game, what is a good or bad decision, or express an opinion about the players’ behavior at all, unless that behavior is disruptive to the enjoyment of other players. A good referee gets out of the way as much as possible.

A typical, well-staffed game of starship Valkyrie has twelve to twenty players and four Referees.

PlayersCommand: 4 to 6 (3 bridge console operators + the Captain and XO)Science: 2 to 3Engineering: 2 to 3Medical: 1 to 2Starfighters: 4 to 6

RefereesDAISS Control: 1Hotzone: 1General Referee / NPCs: 1Story GM: 1

(The above is the ideal. A smaller game can work just as well, especially if one of the sections is eliminated, such as Starfighters. The fewer players you have, in fewer sections, the fewer referees you will need as well.)

Each section should have its own challenges and be kept busy by the scenario. It is possible that through some accident, unforeseen player choice or bad planning that a section will have nothing to do. If this occurs, a referee should inform the Story GM immediately so that existing game-content can be directed to them, or new content can be generated on the spot.

Players will forgive most errors or problems, with the exception of having nothing to do. Don’t allow your players to get bored. Note – this should not be interpreted to mean that exceptionally efficient players ought to be loaded with additional work. If they’ve churned through your prepared material, you can let them rest on their laurels for a few minutes. You could, in such a case, offer them some ‘bonus material’ – an additional challenge that improves

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on something they’ve already won or a way to get a sliver more success for a moderate amount of effort. Players will really appreciate having this option even if they decide not to take it.

While DAISS Control is moving non-player ships around on the tactical display, and the Hotzone Referee is resolving starfighter combats the Story GM is answering questions from the players, assisting the other referees and monitoring the pacing of the game. The Story GM starts and ends the game and is the general Master of Ceremonies for the entire event. If something seems to be sliding off the rails, it is the Story GM’s job to fix it somehow.

Common problem Possible solutions

The players are taking too long to get started, or haven’t understood something basic to the scenario.

Go to the section where the problem is and request a conference with those players. Assume the failure is yours and that you have failed to give them all the tools the players need to really get cracking. Answer their questions, and try to boost their confidence. Let the rest of the game continue uninterrupted while you do this.

The game is running long.

You can accelerate the challenge into something more intense, but briefer than you had originally planned. You can cut out some content that has a lower priority. You can also simply declare that the players have won – this is appropriate when all that remains to do is procedural, and all the challenges have already been overcome.

The players have run off the map.

This can be frustrating or even depressing for the Story GM. First, make sure they actually have gone off the rails. Sometimes players will simply take an unorthodox approach to resolving a problem, which isn’t wrong, just unanticipated. Review your content and see how much of it can be repurposed immediately. Ex; the players go to the wrong star system, on purpose. You decide to move your NPCs to the ‘wrong’ star system so that the players will still get to interact with them.

Combat is far too easy, or far too hard.

Avoid changing the stats of any ship in the middle of a scenario. Instead, introduce additional ships of the same type. Provide a reason for every adjustment to the scenario you make, however implausible. This is far, far better than simply putting your finger on the scale and declaring that the enemy ship has blown up.

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A player is becoming upset or is being disruptive.

Ask to speak to the player privately. Once alone, ask what the issue is that is upsetting them. Do not argue or escalate the situation. If they seem incapable of calming themselves (do not tell them to calm down), ask them if they want to take a break. Do not encourage them to quit. Do: express concern, validate their feelings, protect your event.

There is a rules issue.

If it is a very minor rules issue, such as a player not knowing a rule and asking, tell them immediately, at any level of detail they require. The rules of the game should be available to everyone at all times. If there is a disagreement about rules, or a challenge from a player, convene two or more referees and experienced players to listen to the issue and reach a consensus. Referees will tend to feel that their understanding of the rules trumps the players, even when they are technically incorrect. Choose knowledgeable, humble and humorous people to be your referees and it will enhance your game immensely.

There is a communication / causality issue.

Acquire all the available information on the issue, and then make a ruling. Your ruling will be imperfect, but a fast, reasonable ruling will enable the game to resume more quickly. Ex; The starfighters return to the hangar, but the ship has entered hyperspace before they actually arrived. The pilot players complain that they handed minutes ago, but were talking to a referee about an unrelated matter after their touch-down. The DAISS Control referee is pretty sure that’s not what happened. The Story GM should collect testimony / evidence from anyone who has facts to offer on the matter, prepare a ruling, and then run it past another experienced player or referee. This process should take no more than three minutes or so. Before delivering your ruling, acknowledge that different points of view on this event are valid, but that you must make a ruling for the game to continue, however difficult that might be. Promise to listen to additional feedback on your ruling after the game.

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Part 4: Post-Game

Once the game is over you should gather everyone together for a debrief. This is an informal meeting where all participants sit in a circle and discuss their game experience. This can take many forms, depending on time constraints and group preferences, but the basic outline of this meeting is as follows: Summary, Impressions, Critique, Anecdotes, and Acknowledgements. These can go in any order, though it is less confusing if the Summary happens first so everyone knows more or less what happened. Finishing with Acknowledgements means that you end on a high note.

Summary is just recounting the bare facts of the game as experienced by the players. You may or may not want to reveal any game secrets at this point. If it is an ongoing campaign, probably not, as that would spoil surprises that players would otherwise discover in future games. Sometimes the outcome is well-understood by everyone, sometimes it is less clear who “won”. In all cases, the Story GM has a responsibility to remain neutral on the subject of player performance. Ridiculing the players for missing a clue or over-reacting to something is a devastating error which it may not be possible to recover from with players who witness it. Playing through the crisis simulator of Valkyrie can be stressful (though hopefully fun as well); receiving criticism from the Game Master at the end of the trial will be very hard for some players to accept gracefully.

Once you’ve run down the events of the game ask the players for their impressions of the scenario. What did they feel were the strengths and weaknesses of the material? If they were going to run the game for another group, what would they change? (Any questions that stimulate thought and discussion are useful here.) Once people start talking about the game there is likely to be some criticism, constructive or otherwise. Engage with critics and acknowledge their feedback. If you don’t understand it, ask follow-up questions. If you validate the criticism, the other players will respect it even if they disagree. Instead of asking for ‘favorite moments’ which always seems to make groups go silent, start telling anecdotes from your observation of the game. This will stimulate others to tell their own stories. Get as many quick stories as you can, prioritizing the newest people. Finally, bring the debrief to an official close by acknowledging your team of writers, assistants, referees and non-player characters. If anyone made a special contribution, make sure to call them out here and thank them personally. An event of this kind is hard work and assistance should always be acknowledged.

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Part 5: Starship Valkyrie Story-verse.

In order to design a mission in the Starship Valkyrie story-verse there are a few things that you need to know. These are some basic facts of the game-world that would be the same across many campaigns and many years. Comprehensive knowledge of this information is not necessary, but a passing acquaintance with all of it is mandatory. Without a grounding in the material it would be easy to accidentally contradict a basic fact of life that your players will be expecting. That can interfere with decision-making and cause you and your players’ unnecessary confusion.

The most common measures of distance are light seconds, light minutes, and light years. Light seconds are used on the tactical display, which is called the DAISS. (Detection and Intelligence Scanning System. Pronounced, "DICE".) It generally takes 5 minutes to move a large ship 1 light second. Missiles and starfighters move 1 ls every minute. A light minute is impossibly far away in tactical terms. There is no way to get there in time to take decisive action without going faster than light. Even a starfighter would run through all their fuel and take an hour to get there. A light year measures the distance between star systems and the length of a hyperspace pathway. From Sol to Sirius is 6 light years, for example, and the hyperspace pathway is “green”, which means that it is relatively safe.

Light minutes are useful for describing distant events and objects that can be detected but which the players cannot immediately react to. For example, on entering a star system, you could tell the players that there is a ship in distress 5 light minutes away. As they prepare to go check that out, you tell them that there is an interesting energy signature 15 light minutes away in the other direction. They would have to perform a hyperspace blaze to get there in any reasonable amount of time. The hyperdrive console rules describes how to do this somewhat dangerous maneuver. Sometimes it is useful to have attractions spread out over several light minutes so they can’t interact. Most of the time you’ll have everything of interest in your scenario on the same tactical display within 12 light seconds of each other.

The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across. In the 22nd century the Earth has only explored the nearest hundred light years or so around Sol, and can reliably travel within the closest twenty.

The Earth Republic is the unified government of Earth – a World Parliament of national representatives who decide on matters of importance to the whole Earth. This includes planetary defense and exploration, as well as exploitation of natural resources, response to

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natural disaster and disease, and the prevention of large-scale military conflicts. The Republic as been in existence since the turn of the 22nd Century, or about 50 or 60 years.

How the players and characters feel about the Republic is up to them. The people of Earth love the Republic and derive many concrete benefits from the advanced technology and enlightened social programs. There are certainly some who feel it is oppressive, or that its social liberality stops when it comes to machine intelligences. Like all government it is not immune to corruption, error, or charismatic tyranny, but on the whole these things have been muted since the end of the 21st century. Most people agree that the Republic is, on the whole, good, even if they have important criticisms. A scenario that shows that the socially progressive and militarily conservative Republic is actually evil in some way will need to take this into account.

In Starship Valkyrie, the year is always exactly 140 years in the future. If you play a game on April 4th, 2015, then unless otherwise noted the events of the game occur on [2155.APR04] in the Earth Republic.

The Earth Republic is protected by the Star Navy. The Star Navy does policing and exploration in peace-time, and prosecutes wars when there is conflict. The whole navy is no more than 20 capital ships, a few hundred ‘escort ships’, and a few dozen specialty vessels. In addition to this, there could be dozens, hundreds or thousands of smaller system-bound spaceships that do not have a hyperdrive. Some of those will belong to the Star Navy, though their armament is minimal. Therefore a ‘huge fleet’ sent from the Earth Republic would likely be two capital ships and a dozen escorts.

The ship types are, from largest to smallest: Star Destroyer, Valkyrie-Class1, Escort Ship, Apex Starfighter. There are a number of other fairly unique ship types, but these are the main ones. Escorts and above cannot land inside the large ship (Star Destroyer, Valkyrie-Class) classes. Six Apex starfighters can land inside a Star Destroyer, however. Two Apex Starfighters can land inside a Valkyrie Class, as well.

1 In 2151 the ERS Valkyrie, a Star Destroyer, famous for fighting the Praezorians and accomplishing many great deeds in a short time, failed to emerge from hyperspace during a routine transit. After three weeks it was presumed lost, and two months later the World Parliament authorized the Star Navy to commemorate the loss with a class of ship to honor the deeds of the fallen vessel. The “Valkyrie Class” ship was smaller, but with close to the same armament as a Star Destroyer. And it was built to be versatile, with modular components and special systems that could fit a ship for a particular purpose, or sector of space.

After four months absence, the ERS Valkyrie returned, having traversed 90 light years to get home, and having collected detailed information on new friends: the Skelow; and new enemies: the Machine. The first Valkyrie Class ship was already being built when the ERS Valkyrie returned. No one ever suggested that the new ships should be called anything different.

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Ship Class Name NotesStar Destroyer ERS Takshaka Holds six small craft: apex Starfighters or civilian

shuttles, in the hangar.Valkyrie-Class ERS Sigrún Holds three small craft: apex Starfighters or civilian

shuttles, in the hangar.Escort Ship ERS Heracles No hangar. An escort is too large to dock inside either

a Valkyrie-Class ship or a Star Destroyer.Apex Starfighter Corax No hyperspace capability, needs a carrier to operate in

the battlefield.Civilian Transport HS Treasure No weapons, but useful to transport personnel.

Starship Valkyrie is most often about the exploits of a Star Destroyer and its crew. The adventure encompasses a single sci-fi encounter with an alien species, a plague, an industrial accident or some other challenge which can be resolved in a few hours. Many details are alterable and make for an exciting game: damage to the ship or crew, mysterious starting situation, extraordinary goals, bizarre revelations, mental compulsions, and science or energies that are so alien as to be nearly magical. But there are a few things that should always be the same, or it isn’t a traditional game of Starship Valkyrie. There is a Captain, who is also a player. There are five sections: Command, Science, Engineering, Medical and Starfighters. There are consoles to represent the abilities of the ship. And most importantly, the crew is working together to face a challenge, threat or opportunity.

Star Navy personnel are brave, intelligent, and dedicated to Earth. Besides that, players have a lot of leeway in determining how they approach the chain-of-command, and how they personally behave. Each section is likely to have a slightly different character, and certainly every ship does. It’s perfectly acceptable for starfighter pilots to be a little flippant or disrespectful. It’s good for doctors to order Captains to sick-bay. If you are hearing something from the players that you don’t like, such as being too silly during a mission, or being rude to subordinates, don’t tell them how to play the game. Instead, generate more background to help everyone understand how you expect Star Navy personnel to behave. Bring NPC officers on to demonstrate what you want, give detailed orders showing the correct attitude and priorities of the Star Navy. Use positive examples rather than negative criticism, wherever possible.

Within the world of Starship Valkyrie there are numerous factions, organizations, aliens and creatures. This information is current through 2155. Since the Valkyrie storyverse is continually evolving, some details may change.

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The Earth Republic

Earth Republic Territories: Sol is well-populated and filled with traffic, Sirius and Epsilon Eridani have large populations though nowhere near that of Earth. Kapteyn’s Star is an important military installation, Stein has historically been owned and mined by MaxiCorp; Omicon Eridani, also called Omicron Base, is a small but important research facility and military base. Wolf, Ross, Groombridge, Xi Bootis and Altair are developing star systems.

Tau Ceti is the home of the Cetians who are friendly aliens. They look similar to humans, are telepathically sensitive, and have a love of knowledge and exploration. They are passionate on issues of scientific learning, ethics and community.

On Earth, most people have some medical or scientific intervention at some point in their lives. Those who have drastic intervention to the point of being partially replaced with artificial parts are called cyborgs. Cyborgs don’t look any different from other people, and probably don’t feel any different, either. Robots are entirely artificial, having a machine body and an artificial intelligence. Historically, robots have been owned by the organization that produced them, though in 2155 robots are being extended citizenship rights for the first time. There are many half-Cetians on Earth (and on Tau Ceti for that matter). Half Cetians are sometimes misfits, though the ones that do adjust find their telepathic abilities in high demand. The Star Navy limits the rank that Cetians and Half-Cetians can attain – a prejudice which some regard as unnecessary and counter-productive.

The Earth Republic has encountered many aliens besides the Cetians, whom they have known about for decades. All other species are less well-understood, and less friendly, than the Cetians, who have been staunch allies through every trial the Republic has faced. The Star Navy has come to the assistance of the Cetians on occasion as well.

In 2150 the Praezorians attack Omicon Base, starting the first Praezorian War. There have been multiple conflicts with them through the years since. The Praezorians are an insect / mammalian hybrid with an advanced civilization which exalts their Matriarchs and enslaves their (male) worker and warrior drones. They have many highly developed colony worlds, a powerful industrial base and advanced technology. The one thing that seems to have saved the Earth from being overwhelmed by them is their confused and erratic internal politics.

The years following the Praezorian wars have encompassed a period of expansion and exploration for the Republic. Here are brief descriptions of some of the most significant discoveries.

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The Republic Sector

Sol: Center of political and military power of the Earth Republic. Sol is heavily industrialized and has military and civilian spacecraft throughout the system. Earth is well protected by defense satellites and on-station starfighters and gunships. Mars Protectorate is an important center of the Republic’s space-based industry. Tau Ceti: Homeworld of the Cetians. Tau Ceti is well-protected by highly advanced defense satellites and other defensive capabilities which they do not reveal unless absolutely necessary. Sirius: A thoroughly industrialized and exploited star system with a total population in the tens of thousands. There are no habitable worlds in Sirius, which means all life is maintained in artificial habitats. Sirius Base is the largest starbase ever constructed. It houses ten thousand citizens by itself. Sirius was for many years a colony, but is currently a semi-independent Protectorate of the Earth Republic. Ross 614: A frontier star system mainly known for being a Star Navy way station into Praezorian space. Peace with the Prazorians has allowed Starfarers to build a handful of public and private enterprises there to supply the Star Navy. Kapstar: A frontier star system which contains a major orbital Star Navy military base and shipyard repair facility. KapStar rose in prominence during the Praezorian wars, but fell in importance and dignity after the rebellion of Fleet Admiral Gold in 2152. Stein 2051: A frontier star system with a huge asteroid belt. This star system was historically owned by MaxiCorp, which mined and processed ore here for manufacturing and ship-building. Epsilon Eridani: A Frontier star system, with a habitable colony world. Epsilon Eridani c is cold, and has a thin atmosphere which is inhospitable to humans. The planet nonetheless has a population in the low millions as it has a major mining and manufacturing center. The cities on the planet are Eridanus City (older and smaller), and New Cairo (huge, and newer). Omicron Base: A frontier star system, with a habitable colony world. Omicron Eridani d is small, cold, and has an atmosphere which is poisonous to humanoid life. A domed structure, called Omicron Base, has been built near the equator of the world. Omicron base has been the target of the Praezorians on several occasions and has been rebuilt after being held by them for nearly a year. Groombridge: A star system with several small rocky planets which are unsuitable for habitation. There is an orbital starbase, and a mining operation to supply building materials to expand it. Wolf: A barren star system with no planets. The star has periodic flare activity strong enough to shut down the hyperspace portals. Since Wolf is a gateway Star System to the Skelow Sector there is a continual Star Navy presence here, to guard the hyperspace portals. This is usually two to four escort ships and four AI-controlled defense satellites.

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Xi Bootis: Trinary star system with several rocky, lifeless worlds. Small, orbital stations have been established between the star and its accretion disk. The Star Navy maintains a strong presence here to protect the portal to the Sol system from the largely unexplored Xi Sector. Altair: Has an earth-like planet with a weak magnetosphere making it unsuitable for large-scale colonization. Mining expeditions have been established there, as well as Altair Alpha Orbital Station. Altair is the location of cooperation with the nomadic Kroloch. Because of the difficulty of the jump from Sol, Altair Alpha is staffed primarily with robots who need minimal supplies, entertainment and relief from duty.

Known Aliens

Cetians: Homeworld Tau Ceti. The Cetians (pronounced SET ee an) explore but rarely colonize. The Cetian Sector is composed of places they have explored and may have an outpost. Praezorians: Praezorian sector. Praezorians are capable of fielding huge fleets of moderately powerful warships. There are 2 main clans; Zera’hah, who are scientifically-minded, and the Minzera, who have an arcane religion. Skelow: An advanced humanoid species at the center of the massive Skelow Trade Federation about 90 light years from Sol, beyond the Skelow Sector at ETA DRACONIS. Reasonable, mercantile, intelligent. Energy Dancers: insubstantial dimension-travellers with bizarre goals and an utterly alien sense of fair-play. They have taken an interest in the Earth Republic after an initial encounter in 2151. They have demonstrated the ability to create wormholes and connect dimensions at will, though there are sometimes odd side effects to what they do. Usually helpful. Sometimes their help is misguided or serves an interest which is never fully understood. Very powerful. Tardek: Humanoid. Homeworld is called Itona at the system 72 HERCULIS. A Hyperspace disaster on their homeworld scattered their warships, causing chaos in the Skelow Sector in 2152. Aggressive, goal-oriented, poetic, loyal. Advanced programming and AI skills. There is a complex, powerful prejudice, called Kack, which prevents coexistence between Tardek of different societies, or ‘polities’. Draor: Ursine creatures with six limbs and prehensile fore-paws. Called ‘centaur-bears’ by contacting Republic citizens. Thoughtful, cautious, fair-minded, impatient, angry when frustrated. Civ was destroyed by ‘the Scourge’ hundreds of years ago and is now in very limited resurgence. The Z: Highly-advanced, aquatic non-humanoid species, evolved from a tuna-like fish. They have a profound mastery of hyperspace, and a unique maser-weapon. They are xenophobic, and prevaricating, and above all despise the Tardek. The Z open hostilities with the Tardek, and their allies the Earth Republic, in 2155.

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Kroloch: (Pronounced CROW lock) A humanoid/robotic species that does not discriminate between human and robotic citizens. Currently nomadic, with no known homeworld. Briefly at war with the Earth Republic over resources and robot rights. Akeck Hierarchy: Ant-like species which has gained political control over the Praezorian Empire. Their imperial holdings are formidable, and like the Praezorians they have an unbelievably strong industrial base. Their mastery of hyperspace extends to starfighter-like craft being able to blaze in combat operations. Cadalians: Humans who live on a planet in the distant Cadalian Sector. They are at least as advanced as the Earth Republic, though their political system is different, and they favor biotech and integration with natural systems. They have successfully created artificial life, which are called ‘irken.’ Cadalia and Earth are on good terms, though they have only learned of each other in 2154. Ginali: a humanoid species with genetic similarities to both humans and Cetians. They have achieved spaceflight but have only just entered their hyperspace age. In 2155 a mysterious entity called ‘the Dead’ conducted a devastating attack on the Ginali homeworld, which did not have the technological base to resist them. The Earth Republic has committed to assisting their rebuilding effort.Abni’selyn: A humanoid member of the distant Skelow Trade Federation. Their primary industry is building and manning support-level warships for hire. Their homeworld was attacked by the Karabari, and they embarked on a war of revenge without the official sanction of the Trade Federation. Karabari: A primitive humanoid species, spread out over a dozen colony worlds, with access to highly advanced technology. Each of their worlds has an ancient installation, generally in some state of decay. Karabari revere their technological gifts and treat them as magic in the cases where they are still able to get it to function. Rigelians: A non-humanoid species that lived and died many eons ago. Their technology was highly advanced at the time of the collapse of their civilization, and artifacts of theirs are widely scattered around the galaxy. Ultraspace Beings: Alien energy-beings which have an attachment to intelligent beings in this dimension. They generally have a strong purpose when encountered, as real-space is dangerous to them, just as hyperspace is to real-space beings. Ultraspace is thought to be a stable dimension beyond hyperspace.

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Known Hazards

Thunderwings: A space-worthy creature of undetermined origin, which grows quickly and feeds on anything including stable energy sources. When small they are a hazard to personnel with their razor-sharp teeth and claws. They can grow over the course of hours to a size capable of tearing through a ship’s hull. The Scourge: A virus originally encountered in Sigma Pegasi which influences the behavior of any biological entity it infects. Difficult to detect during initial infection. Vulnerable to hyperonic radiation and extreme heat. Extremely difficult to eliminate from a host. Long term symptoms vary widely, but historically have included homicidal and suicidal mania. Megaron Virus: A virus originally encountered in Stein 5051 on the Megaron Mining Station. Highly contagious, frequently mutates into a new strain. Causes weakness, dizziness and death. Treatments ad vaccines are available. (Unless it mutates again.)“space whales”: This is the Star Navy’s designation for naturally-occurring, space-going biological entities. Space whales may be any size from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers long. They may be harmless, or they may have an effective attack against starships. The three or four types that have been encountered so far have all exhibited animal (or at least extremely alien) intelligence. The Machine: A networked collection of AI-run starships which was created as a planetary defense system for the Sigma Pegasi star system hundreds of years ago. When that star system’s civ collapsed due to inflection by the Scourge, the defense system ranged further afield to seek additional resources. Over hundreds of years the Machine took on a more predatory character, and spread to the entire Skelow Sector. It is a feared combatant because of the aggressive nanites it uses to destroy ship systems and shut down enemy ships’ power. It has since been cleared out of the Skelow Sector. It has been encountered by the Earth Republic on numerous occasions. Celestial Objects: A set of huge, space station sized objects, located in the Xi Sector. They are apparently from another dimension, though their original purpose is obscure. Each seems to perform a unique and unrelated function now. Their technology is at least one full level beyond what the Earth Republic can produce or understand. Even captured Celestial Objects are largely impervious to analysis. Wraiths: Found only at V538 AURIGAE in the Skelow Sector. Humanoids entering the atmosphere suffer neurological strain and eventual collapse. They are called ‘wraiths’ by the civilization which apparently somehow created them, and was destroyed by them. Whether there is an intelligence behind the wraiths or not, there is no doubt they are extremely dangerous and difficult to detect except in high concentrations. Wraiths appear to be planet bound, though they are sometimes found at high altitudes.

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Leviathan: An enormous (10,000 kilometers across) entity found within a hyperspace maelstrom. Though multiple specimens have been observed, when they communicate, they identify as a single being. The Cetians have avoided contact with Leviathan for a hundred years out of a dread of its immense power. Star Navy personnel have occasionally made contact with Leviathan, universally to their detriment. Hyperspace Maelstrom: A super-storm in hyperspace which does severe damage to real space ships and objects. A Maelstrom is known to connect alternate dimensions, but the Republic has no technology to determine what dimension is being travelled to. Hyperspace Storm: A disruption of hyperspace which makes travel more difficult to a slight or serious degree. A storm might cover a single light year of a pathway, or it might cover the entire path. It might have a specific effect (expel from hyperspace, cause severe damage, or push into ‘deep’ hyperspace) on all ships passing through, or it might be more or less random.


Earth Republic: The federal government of the Earth, and by extension, of all colonies and protectorates as well. Established early 2100s. The Republic sets interplanetary policy and directs the Star Navy. Earth Republic Star Navy: The space-based military of the Earth Republic. Established early 2100s. The Star Navy is responsible for protecting human life and the property of the Republic, by direction of the World Parliament. World Parliament: The collection of representatives (approx. 1200) from all the national governments of Earth. Split into five committees: Executive, Judicial-Constitutional, Terrestrial, Military-Exploration, and Legislative. The Military-Exploration Committee is responsible for directing the Star Navy. MaxiCorp: The largest alliance of corporate interests to survive The Corporate War of the 2120s, existing as a single business and political interest. Maxicorp was as much a country as it was a company. Maxicorp provided everything to its employee-citizens from living quarters and health care to entertainment. Maxicorp was also a major supplier of parts for Star Navy vessels. In 2155 the Earth Republic seized MaxiCorp assets and broke the entity up. World Church: An ecumenical movement of all of Earth’s recognized religions. It has no creed, and exists primarily to educate people about the religions of the world. Through the World Church, one could have a Christian Baptism, a Jewish Bar Mitzvah, a Hindu Wedding and a Shinto burial. Some adherents remain devout followers of another faith, which the World Church encourages.The Committee: A secret organization which started as a group of technocratic hackers in the 21st Century. As it became more criminal and amoral in nature it eventually escaped the Sol system and established control of the Sirius Colony as a shadow government. The Committee

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has recently been torn apart by internal power struggles and a crackdown by Earth Republic law enforcement. Sirius Investigation Unit: Commonly called SIU (“Sigh-YOU”), this is the cooperative law enforcement task force which is currently dismantling the Committee presence on Sirius Base. SIU includes trained police and military, legal advisors, and a handful of Cetian telepaths. Star Navy Intelligence: Analytical and espionage arm of the Star Navy. After some shake-ups at Star Navy Command in 2151, SNI now performs less field operations and is restricted to analyzing data brought to it by other branches. SNI is given the same combination of respect and ridicule as other organizations of its type, though it has a good track record for correctly analyzing trends and military realities. Star Navy Office of Special Operations: Espionage, counter-espionage, and black ops are all handled through Special Operations, which reports directly to Star Navy Command. Many civilians are unaware of Special Operations, and most of the military personnel who do know about them aren’t familiar with exactly what they do. Security Group One: When Star Navy Intelligence handled its own field work, it had commando teams organized into ‘groups’. Group One was the best, most highly trained team. This group went rogue along with Jaron Hyde during the ‘Safe House Incident’. They stole top secret technology and equipment, and abducted personnel in furtherance of Hyde’s long term goals. When Hyde was, after many months found and captured, SG1 continued to harass the Republic with increasingly unbalanced threats, culminating in a terrorist attack against Indoc Center One. The most prominent members of the group were captured or killed shortly thereafter, in 2152. Celestial Way: A religion that espouses brotherhood between all telepathic species, and includes humanity as telepathically sensitive as well. In 2153 elements of the Celestial Way obtained a cybernetic implant which granted psi abilities to humans. This device was highly unstable in its first incarnation; subsequent versions less so. Elements of the Celestial Way attempted a coup against the government of Epsilon Eridani, but were thwarted by the untimely presence of the Star Navy in 2154. Indoc Centers 1 to 6: Educational, training and medical centers that serve as focal points of the Earth Republic political doctrine of unity and peace. Beloved by many as a symbol of world peace, they are derided as fascistic monoliths by political dissidents. Indoc 1 has a focus on early education and nurture. Indoc 2 is a massive teaching hospital. Indoc 6 is a million-student university. Indoc 7: The legendary ‘bad place’ the Republic sends you if you don’t do as you’re told. Indoc 7 was theorized to be located on the Moon, though no proof regarding its actual existence has ever been brought forward. STRATAC: Star Navy Command, Strategic Cooperation Advisory Council. They are a small but influential group of officers and civilians who meet to discuss matters of importance to the

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Earth-Tau Ceti Alliance. They typically arrange officer exchanges, joint missions, and exchange critical intelligence that is of value to the whole Alliance.


Commander Rafhan: Undisciplined and insubordinate officer who apprehended Jaron Hyde while in command of the ERS Sigrun. Currently serving as XO of the ERS Kraken, a Manticore-Class Star Destroyer. Captain Kearney: Captain of the ERS Valkyrie for two years, then Commodore of the Phoenix Fleet, a small task force sent to map the Praezorian sector during the Second Praezorian War. Reputation for decisive action and placing mission objectives above all other concerns. Captain Brown: Captain of the ERS Hydra since 2152. Reputation for level-headedness, diplomacy, and maintaining an over-strict ethical code. Jude Sicard (and Bindy Vlasov): Veteran Starfighter pilot who flew into a hyperspace portal in pursuit of retreating Praezorian warship. A rookie went in after him. Whether it was an overdose on combat drugs, sleep deprivation, combat stress or a death wish is unknown. Even more obscure are the reasons Vlasov followed Sicard in. In light of this pilot’s service a Sicard Alarm is now standard on all starfighters to warn pilots when they are near a hyperspace portal. Zaine Jafari: Veteran Starfighter pilot who died in the line of duty, saving another pilot from the deadly blast of a nuclear missile while dying in the same blast himself. Exemplary of the heroics typified by starfighter pilots, and typical of the ultimate result: fond remembrance. Jaron Hyde: Former Star Navy Intelligence Chief who kidnapped and attempted to murder members of the World Parliament in order to create a false impression of Praezorian presence on Earth. When this plan failed he and members of his staff disappeared, but not before his military arm, Security Group One, stole technology and personnel from the Science Directorate. He was caught a year later by a Star Navy ship, the Sigrun. Hyde was tried and executed for his crimes in 2152. John Galea Thakur: First Captain of the ERS Reginleif. Killed in the line of duty while conducting negotiations with primitive Draor in Sigma Pegasi. Cade Adesida: Captain of the Valkyrie for 1 year, now a lecturer at Star Navy Academy.Sevan Acronius: Scion of the powerful Acronius family, Sevan has received several reprimands and black marks for the use excessive force and occasional willful disregard of orders. Currently whereabouts unknown, but it is possible he has fetched up in Star Navy Intelligence or Special Operations. Valentine Cyrene: The Star Navy psychronologist who developed ‘Kack Therapy’ for Tardek. Cyrene, a half-Cetian, has shown signs of erratic behavior, including extreme violence in the pursuit of goals followed by powerful grief and regret. Cyrene is not currently practicing Kack Therapy, and was last known to be somewhere on Earth.

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nis'Vul'on: Cetian Elder, Guardian of Klaz, and frequent ambassador to the Earth Republic. Most recently appointed to STRATAC. Kayseri Iraj: Second captain of the Reginleif. Under his command the Reginleif explored the Skelow Sector, fought against the Machine and brought back several important scientific observations. Outspoken proponent for robot rights. Last seen in command of the ERS Odyssey, being sent to the distant Karabari sector on a mission of peace. MERU-900: First robot to be officially granted the rank of Specialist. (Robots are normally considered crewmen and are not promoted.)Pan Hamadani: Maintenance staff at Oculus Station on Mars during a Praezorian attack. Hamadani was instrumental in assisting to control the situation using very basic maintenance and engineering knowledge. Since recognized by the Star Navy and given periodic assignments on starships in the Republic sector. Jayden Gold: Former Fleet Admiral who developed and implemented Operation Earthmover to dislodge the Praezorians from Omicron Base at the end of the second Praezorian War. At the conclusion of this successful military maneuver, Gold refused to yield control of the fleet back to Star Navy Command, preferring to press the advantage further into Praezorian space. A stand-off ensued, with Gold in command of the majority of the Star Navy Fleet based out of KapStar, and refusing multiple direct orders to release command to Earth. At the conclusion of this stalemate Gold surrendered peaceably and was tried for insubordination, making false statements, and mutiny, among other charges. He was found guilty and sentenced to ‘personality-death’ – a fate he personally deplored, preferring actual death to the dilution of his own mind and memories. Dr. Kal Utopia: A scientifically brilliant and personally reckless individual, Dr. Utopia is undoubtedly an asset to the Earth Republic Star Navy, whatever ship he serves on. Currently serving on the ERS Valkyrie.

Concepts and Terminology

Kack: The feeling of revulsion and homicidal mania which many Tardek feel when they encounter another Tardek who is not of their polity. Hyperspace: An alternate dimension of energy where speeds greatly in excess of the speed of light are possible. Exposure to hyperspace is deadly to real space beings (ie; humans), and a ship with energy shielding is the preferred mode of travel through it. In hyperspace, one light year can be traversed in one minute. Exposure to hyperspace with insufficient warp shield protection often produces hyperspace sickness in affected personnel. It is often visualized as being full of bursts of a reddish energy. Real space: A term for outer space, as opposed to hyperspace. This distinction becomes useful when multiple hyperspace jumps are necessary, or if one is attempting to ascertain where the ship is. (“Are we out of hyperspace yet?” “Yes, we’re back in real space.”)

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Phasing: Placing an object, or an energy, between hyperspace and real space. Such an object or energy is said to be phased. When this is applied to a laser, it makes it a more effective weapon, since it bypasses shields and armor equally. Phasing is not safe for living creatures. They can survive it, but not for extended periods of time. Radiation: Radiation is a common hazard on Star Navy ships, since they are powered by a fusion reactor. When it malfunctions or is damaged it is capable of irradiating the crew. Environmental (EV) suits typically protect the crew that is at highest risk, and the medical section is competent at treating radiation sickness, as well. Radiation is a constant threat in space, generally, as well, and EV suits are recommended even when there is breathable air. Robot Rights: Robots are defined as an Artificial Intelligence controlling an ambulatory wholly artificial body. Robots are built at great expense by public and sometimes private institutions (such as MaxiCorp), which then use them for whatever is deemed to be the greatest good. Robots have emotions, intelligence, and free will, but because of the incredible outlay of resources necessary to build them, they must work continuously to justify their existence. Until 2155, robots were not recognized as citizens, or even ‘people’ within the Earth Republic, though there was a popular movement to agitate for their emancipation. A cyborg, by comparison, is considered fully human, regardless of how much of their person is composed of robotic parts. Starship: Any ship capable of travelling between stars. By Earth Republic standards this means a ship with a hyperdrive, as that is the only known means of propulsion between star systems. Space ship: any vessel which is ‘space-worthy’ and capable of some form of propulsion and supporting life in space. A cargo vessel that only travels between Earth and Mars without using hyperspace is a space ship. Discipline of Klaz: All Cetians have a telepathic sensitivity, though a only few choose to harness this ability and focus it. Masters of this discipline are called Disciples of Klaz, while teachers are called Guardians of Klaz. Klaz refers to the underground pools of Klazik where the grand masters of the art meditate to hone their skills. Praezorian Drone: In this context, “drone” simply refers to a male of the species. Drones are bred for obedience, and only a small percentage are allowed to develop any native intelligence they may have. Droneships from a Praezorian warship-carrier, are one-seater starfighters piloted by males. Praezorian Matriarch: A female Praezorian. All females are inherently more valuable and of higher rank than all other males, though Matriarchs have a complex social hierarchy among themselves as well. Hatat: In Skelow parlance, Hatat means, “a good and honorable bargain for everyone involved.” Getting a good deal is not sufficient – to be Hatat, it must be a desirable exchange which everyone agrees is good.

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Starfarer: A term recently coined for colonists who move into new star systems even before there is a colony for them to inhabit. They live on a knife’s edge, hoping for the best, and getting by with very little. They tend to be a combination of adventurous, skilled, and eccentric and/or desperate people.ER: Earth Republic. ERS: Earth Republic Ship. All Star Navy vessels are designated Earth Republic Ship, as in ERS Valkyrie. HS: Hyperspace Ship. Used to designate a civilian vessel that has a hyperdrive.

Naming Conventions

The present generation of humans is culturally and racially mixed to a degree that would be somewhat confusing to someone from the early 21st century. In some cases cultural traditions are carried on by large groups of ethnically unrelated people. (Arguably, this is already happening in our world, but I decline to have that argument.) Cultures have mixed, and remixed, and reformed, been lost and rediscovered, preserved and revised. The names of Humans reflect this boundless diversity.

Humans send toward unisex names, with a multicultural bent. Examples: Aubrey Xú, Brice Singh, Corey Chakma, Dana Dahan, or Ellery Tanaka.

Robots of the Earth Republic have a ‘code name’ that is evocative of their function or personality. Examples: w-DG e7 series (Nickname "Widget"), g4d.g37 (Nickname "Gadget"), 4r7 (Nickname "Art"), 6r-4c.3 (Nickname "Grace"), or p1.11 (Nickname "Pill").

Cetians have three part names. Each part emphasizes a different element of their family history and personal identity. Although the exact meaning varies with regional cultural differences, the “middle name” is the most personal, and is always capitalized. Examples; tel’Vath’an, ur’Nell’at, gel’Tuz’oth, ver’Noth’el, or nis’Tel’en.

Civilian ships can call themselves whatever they want.

Defense boats typically have a number or a designation, rather than a proper name. Gunships (a slow, cheap Starfighter) are generally given a name that relates to the star system or asset that they are protecting.

Starfighters are always named for their mothership / carrier. The ERS Hydra has vipers, called Adder, Coil, Shadow, Skate, Sting, and Toxin.

Page 151: Starship Valkyrie Basic Rules 1.1 v 03 -  · Web viewThese players share in common that they have played with enthusiasm and

Escorts are named for Earth’s mythic culture heroes. Examples: ERS Musashi, ERS Cúchulain and ERS Horus.

Valkyrie-Class Ships are sometimes named for mythic Valkyries, or something related to the Valkyries (Sigrún, Reginleif, and Einheri). If the purpose of the ship is not strictly military, then they are given a more unique name (Phoenix). There is a set of Valkyrie Class ships that is dedicated to policing the space-based civilian populations; they are all named for mythic creatures; Pegasus, Gryphon and Centaur.

Star Destroyers are named for monsters.

If a ship is destroyed in battle, a new ship can be given the same name again. Any ship that is lost to an accident, to hyperspace, or to a spatial anomaly, has its name retired permanently. Additionally, ships that make a memorable sacrifice or purchase a particular victory with their destruction may have a new ship class named for them.

These rules exist to give the Star Navy fleet a feeling of uniformity and organization. There will always be exceptions, and there is no point to dismissing new ideas out of hand. But this is the base-line, as it were, from which variations develop.

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