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St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

1719 N. 22nd Street Richmond, Virginia 23223

Annual Meeting: February 21, 2021

Virtual Agenda

1. Opening Prayer Rev. Dorothy White

2. Guidelines – Using Zoom/Virtual & Phone

3. Election of New Vestry Congregation

4. Senior Warden’s Report Ronald L. Carey

5. Junior Warden’s Report Olivia Brown

a. Parish Hall Project/Grant

b. Sharing Circle Marc Lockhart

c. Food Distribution Ron Carey

d. Prayer Groups Nikki Fernandes

e. Wednesday Evening Prayer Lindsay Goodrich Komline

f. Remembrance Cemetery Jabriel Hasan

g. Service Participation Carolyn Chilton

6. Deacon’s Update Deacon Karla Hunt

7. Treasurer’s Update Ron Carey

8. Priest’s Overview Rev. Dorothy White

9. Closing and Adjournment

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21 February 2021

Report from the Senior Warden, Dr. Ron Carey

The year 2020 more than challenged us to continue living normally.

Normality indicates a sense of habit, of comfort and our choice. Maybe,

just maybe, we are being forced, pushed and commanded to develop new

normal, filled with ventures of places we have dared to go. Our lives and

behaviors are now directed by many factors beyond our control. We, St.

Peter’s have weathered this storm through more visual communication,

more understanding and adhering to our “Family of Faith” mission.

Accomplishments continue and new groups were established:

• Food distribution efforts increased from two to four a month. More

provision, from others was provided.

• Pastoral care and support to members, neighbors and community grew in

scope. Church became an increased action and less of the building

• Communication among vestry continued monthly. This was an hour of

prayer, direction and action among persons you entrusted with decisions

responding to our mission.

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• Our Sunday service, through Zoom, allowed for prayer, extended greetings,

welcoming of new persons and a learning of biblical study by our Priest.

• The financial position of 2020 is strong and 2021 budget indicates

continued progress.

All is well. However, changes are inevitable. Fr. Terry, wife Tiffany and

Langston moved to Texas. Patience and blessings continue in our

leadership. Rev. Dr. Dorothy White joined us and shares love, knowledge,

shepherd qualities and involvement. We continue to accept challenges,

love to our mission and discern what God has in his plan for us.

It is my privilege to be a vestry member and enjoy your support.

Report from the Junior Warden, Olivia Brown

With the occurrence of the 2020 pandemic around the world, our church

family of St. Peter’s has begun to realize how valuable our coffee hours

have meant to us. By the Grace of God, we have been able to keep our faith

community together each Sunday since the church shut-down, March 6th. It

was during this time that we began our Sunday sessions by way of the

internet-zoom. We are still very strong in our membership and increasingly

gathering new people to join us each Sunday. Our coffee hours have

offered an opportunity for us to see one another, to receive blessings from

our inspirational sermons and gatherings in small groups so that we can

fellowship and digest the information received from the Word of God.

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The kitchen in our facility needs to be remodeled for us to have a place

where we can prepare our meals and meet and greet one another with

spiritual nourishment. Thus, we are applying for assistance from the Scott

Foundation for funds to provide for this work to be done.

The Scott Foundation offers money to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia for

capital improvements for mission churches. The total cost of the work that

we are proposing is estimated at $14,995 to complete all three projects.

The Foundation has $35,000.00 which will be divided between several

churches in need. This is the reason that we have prioritized our requests

for any funds to assist with these projects. Our first priority will be our

kitchen, our second, will be the women’s bathroom which we would like to

make handicapped accessible. The third, would be the work that needs to

be done in the men’s bathroom. If you have any questions about these

projects, you may address them to Daniel Komline and Johnnie Payne who

will be supervising and overseeing the work.

Any assistance that we are blessed to receive from the Scott Foundation will

be greatly appreciated.

Report from the Sharing Circle, Marc Lockhart

The Sharing Circle is an initiative to connect church members who might

need things with those who can make them available. It began in April

2020 in response to the pandemic to provide disinfectant, wipes, spray

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bottles, toilet paper, and paper towels to any member who needed them. It

later grew to serve neighborhood residents with a generous donation from

St. John’s Episcopal Church’s Outreach Ministry.

As the need for paper products and cleaners diminished, the Sharing Circle

shifted its focus to projects and activities. Over the course of last year,

many members offered or received items and services through the Sharing

Circle, such as:

● Distributed Lysol, wipes, and towels to lots of folks

● Gave rides to medical appointments

● Called members who do not attend coffee hour to keep in touch

● Provided a used bike for a member’s mobility

● Transported a dozen people to vote last November with Souls to the Polls

● Cooked and distributed Thanksgiving meals

● Put together Christmas bags of prayer cards and gifts for teenagers and

delivered them to the group home across the street

● Assembled and delivered Lenten bags

● Began a partnership with River Road Baptist Church

I would like to thank Olivia, Karla, LaVerne, Lindsay, Daniel, Thom, Margaret,

Torey, Peter, Jay, and Marilie for their participation. Their energy kept us

connected during this time of social isolation and strengthened our

relationship as a church and with the community. I am deeply grateful for

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all of their efforts and look forward to what the Lord may guide us toward

in the coming year.

Report from the Food Distribution Program, Dr. Ron Carey

Numerous national and state level reports constantly use and continually

refer to the rising number of citizens facing and experiencing homelessness

a lack of food for family. Many long lines of person, waiting sometimes for

hours, may leave with little or no food because the amount of food for the

day is depleted. The pandemic, identified with loss of job, not receiving

replacement checks or other factors have plunged the numbers to a new


Here at St. Peter’s, where our food distribution began more than ten years

ago, we continue to partner with Peter-Paul Development Center (PPDC) to

feed those who come to the Parish Hall to receive bagged food. The

distribution is held each Wednesday at 8:30 am with the adherence to

COVID-19 protocols (masks, distancing, etc.). No one is turned away!

Many of you have consistently provided funds through pledges of

restricted funds. These funds are used to purchase canned food items and

other anticipated needs of our recipients. Additionally, weekly homemade

soups and breads from the Underground Kitchen (UGK) are welcomed. Our

committee, volunteer congregation, meet to assist in many ways to ensure

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safety, carry food to vehicles, assist with prayer, provide requested services,

and transport food to homes. Likewise, we use the COVID-19 protocols to

keep our group healthy, while we are together.

The numbers on each distribution day varies from forty to seventy. We

look forward to this opportunity to serve.

Thank YOU – St. Peter’s

Report from the Intercessory Prayer Group, Nikki Fernandes

For the past year and a half, the St. Peter's intercessory prayer group has

met for an hour on Saturdays to pray for the needs of the church, the

neighborhood, our city and our Nation. Originally, we gathered once a

month, but during the spring and summer of 2020, after sensing the

greater needs of the pandemic, we moved to weekly virtual meetings.

Currently, the group meets twice a month on every second and fourth

Saturday from 3 - 4 PM. During our time together, we share prayer

requests, meditate on a scripture, and then alternate praying over requests.

We prioritize praying for the patrons of our food distribution during every

meeting. Anywhere between 3-6 St. Peter's members typically attend, but

all are welcomed to join! You can contact Nikki

at [email protected] for more information and our Zoom

meeting link.

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Report from the Bible Study Group, Lindsay Goodrich Komline

Bible study at St. Peter's Episcopal church began the year 2020 with weekly

dinners and discussions of scripture hosted by Daniel and Lindsay Goodrich

Komline. In March, our meetings switched to a Zoom format to adapt to

the necessary safety measures for the COVID-19 virus. This change has

been difficult, but it has also allowed us to connect with members of St.

Peter's who were not attending Bible study previously. It has also been a

reliable way to maintain community. As a group, we reflect on a scripture

reading from the previous Sunday's service - usually the gospel reading.

Attendees are encouraged to share their thoughts and questions freely. The

format is not consecutive and this allows people to attend whenever they

are able, rather than requiring them to be present every week. However, we

have a fairly regular, committed group and we welcome anyone who

would like to join!

Meeting Day & Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:15pm

Average attendance: There is a range of 3 - 12 persons, with an estimated

average of about 7 people attending.

Report from the Cemetery Cleanup, Jabriel Hasan

Attentive to rousing calls for racial justice through Summer 2020, Nikki

Fernandez and Jabriel Hasan sought to apply that energy towards equitably

commemorating Black sacred spaces. East End Cemetery and Evergreen

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became natural focal points for directing assistance, considering their

historical significance and the desire to address the most local community

needs. Notably, these conjoined burial sites are the final resting place of

numerous prominent, Black Richmonders, including Maggie L. Walker.

Spanning from August to October, Nikki and Jabriel led a small yet

committed team of volunteers for a few hours of cleanup and landscaping

service at the burial grounds one Saturday each month. Mindful of falling

temperatures, they decided to postpone activities until early spring

2021. They expect March to offer more suitable weather conditions, at

which point this volunteer opportunity may continue indefinitely. Gratitude

is extended to all participants. Our work continues!

Report from the St. Peter’s website, Carolyn Moomaw Chilton

1. Statistics on the St. Peter’s website:

Average views per day: April 2019-February 12, 2021

26% of our views come on Sundays. The highest day was March 29, 2020

which was the 2nd Sunday of the cancellation of public worship due to the

pandemic and the 2nd Sunday of our offering virtual sermons.

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2. Monthly traffic on the website: April 2019-Feb. 12, 2021

The two main units of traffic measurement on the website

are views and visitors.

• A view (the lighter shade) is counted when a visitor loads or reloads a page.

• A visitor (the darker shade) is counted when we see a user or browser for

the first time in a selected time frame.

So, if 1 person reads 3 posts on your site, that would be counted as 1 visitor

and 3 views.

Most of our website traffic comes from people entering our name in their

search engine, such as, Google.

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3. Social Media – Facebook:

The FB page is maintained by Randy Layers and Carolyn Chilton.

Page and post views, reach and engagement are up slightly from last year.

The most popular posts are about neighborhood involvement, Sunday

worship, and when we change the cover or profile pictures.

386 people have liked the page. 408 people follow it.

4. YouTube: St. Peter's Church Hill

Our YouTube channel was begun in late spring 2020 as one way to archive

the Neighborhood Interviews from Lent 2020, the sermons during the

summer’s Black Lives Matter protests, and our sermons during the

pandemic. The BLM sermons from four of our young adults remain the

most viewed each having over 200 views. December’s Christmas Eve

children’s service is next in line with 64. Sermons receive an average of 35.

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Until Jan. 3, 2021 we were posting each week’s sermon and some special

services on our own YouTube Channel. Since then sermons have been

posted to YouTube but not to our specific channel. Prior to January 3 we

would receive most visits on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. We

have 37 subscribers/followers to our channel.

5. Online Giving: Giving page on our website

We launched our website’s online giving page in January 2020. To date we

have received a total of 106 online donations for a gross total of

$17,538.83. The average online donation is $165.46. We have 32 online

donors and 64% of them make a recurring donation (weekly, monthly or

yearly). Please note that these figures are for online giving only.

Report on the Neighborhood Violence Initiative, Torey J. Edmonds

Healthy Communities for Youth is a CDC funded, five year project. The goal

of the project is to promote healthy communities for youth and reduce

rates of violence. It will enhance selected youth programs to address the

needs of the community.

The project will be implemented at randomly assigning three communities

within Richmond such that we will initiate the intervention in one

community beginning in Project Year 2, a second community in Project

Year 3, and a third community serves as a control community and receives

training and technical assistances at the end of the project.

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To achieve this goal, the project will implement and evaluate a

comprehensive approach that incorporates the Communities That Care

(CTC) PLUS the Walker Talker (WT) and Plain Talk (PT) models.

These strategies are grounded in theoretical frameworks with proven

effectiveness in reducing youth risk behaviors. Our community-level

intervention will:

• Use the CTC prevention system to build capacity and help stakeholders and

decision-makers select and implement the most appropriate evidence-

based prevention programs for their community.

• The CTC process begins with a youth and adult surveys to identify a

community’s risks and strengths. Based on these data, CTC helps

Healthy Communities for Youth

Communities that Care Walker Talker

Community Conversations

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communities select and implement tested & effective prevention programs

and policies. CTC also helps amplify programs already working.

• Cultivate social capital to increase community residents’ capacity, and

awareness of, connection with, and access to these positive youth

development resources via the WT and PT strategies.

Walker Talkers will conduct door-to-door outreach in target neighborhoods

and: facilitate access to positive opportunities for youth and families.

Community Conversations are based on reaching community residents and

provides the WTs with a comfortable, non-threatening environment to

educate and communicate information to community adults regarding

positive opportunities for youth and ways to reduce youth risk. Through

community conversations, policy and systems issues will be identified and

solutions will be sought collectively.

This project is a community led effort that will function under an advisory

group comprising of key stakeholders. The stakeholders will form

workgroups to guide the identification of priority areas, develop action plan

and implement and evaluate evidence based programs.

Community Board Structure:

Healthy Communities for Youth

Community Board for Mosby & Whitcomb Courts

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• Made up of 30-36 people with representation from different community


• Operates through 6 workgroups (about 5 people per workgroup)

• Includes an executive committee

• Communities That Care (CTC) facilitator from VCU will provide guidance

along the way

• Community board and workgroup members drive the CTC effort

Community Board Responsibilities:

• Learn about the prevention-science research and how it applies to

community planning using the Communities That Care system

• Attend meetings & workshops

• Organize into workgroups

• Involve all the community stakeholders who care about youth development

• Maintain effective communication-internally and externally with key leaders

and the broader community

• Share the Social Development Strategy broadly in the community

• Develop, implement and evaluate the Community Action Plan for our


o Review the community assessment of risk factors, protective factors,

and problem behaviors.

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o Work with key leaders and community stakeholder groups to

prioritize risk and protective factors.

o Conduct the community resources assessment and identify gaps in

the current response to selected priorities.

o Identify and investigate tested, effective programs, policies, and

practices to fill gaps.

o Design a 3 to 5 year Community Action Plan with goals for

measurable outcomes.

o Develop an evaluation plan to measure the defined outcomes.

o Work with key leaders to identify and secure resources to support the

Community Action Plan.

o Facilitate implementation and evaluation of the Community Action


• Reassess problem behaviors and risk and protective factors every two years,

and adjust the community action plan as needed.

Report from the Vocational Deacon, Rev. Deacon Karla Westfall Hunt

During 2020, I participated on the first and third Wednesday of each month

with the preparation and distribution of food bags to those in need. Olivia

Brown and I collected prayer requests and participated in Bible Study in the

church basement following distribution. Since the onset of pandemic

restrictions in March, while the Bible Study has been temporarily shut down,

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food distribution continues and is occasionally conducted on additional

Wednesdays as well. We continue to collect prayer requests and add them

to our Prayers of the People during Zoom coffee hours.

St. Peter’s was partnering with St. John’s in offering Our Lives/Our Legacies

interviews during Lent. Parishioners from each church participated in an

oral history with videotaped responses to questions about racial issues and

their impact on the lives of these folks while growing up. Two videotaped

interviews were viewed before the pandemic restrictions in March and this

program has since been put on hold until we are able to meet together

again in person.

In conjunction with Andrew, I helped move our weekly in-person worship to

a Zoom coffee hour in March. Before pandemic restrictions, I was preaching

a children’s sermon once a month but joined a rotation of preachers who

offer sermons on YouTube after Andrew’s departure. With the arrival of our

interim priest, I enjoyed her sermons through the end of the year before re-

commencing my once-a-month schedule.

Shortly after the beginning of pandemic restrictions, a group of interested

parishioners created a new ministry called the Sharing Circle. The goal of

the ministry is to assist those in need during these difficult times, including

not only fellow members but also neighbors and non-churchgoers. Needs

addressed have included transportation to doctors’ appointments or other

essential travel, errands to deliver goods so that people can safely stay

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home, provision of cleaning items for disinfecting and other sorts of

general assistance. This ministry has proven flexible enough to

accommodate many different activities such as Souls to the Polls (providing

information and transportation to enable everyone to vote), Thanksgiving

in a Box (delivering turkey dinners to those in need) and organizing the

congregation in providing Christmas stockings to the residents of the

group homes on 22nd Street. As your deacon, I have been privileged to

participate in these on-going and very vital ministries.

I participated periodically in the monthly Evergreen Cemetery cleanup

efforts which members of St. Peter’s have been conducting for some time.

This ministry focuses on restoration and maintenance of historically black

burial places. My daughter and I have been irregular volunteers in these

efforts for a number of years before my assignment here and we are happy

to be continuing with the group from St. Peter’s.

Upon the occasion of Andrew’s departure, I collected messages from the

parishioners that were printed and attached to the back of a framed print of

the screenshot of one of our Zoom coffee hours. The mat around the print

was inscribed with the names of everyone in our directory.

Since the beginning of pandemic restrictions, it has been my practice to

contact members either by email, text message or telephone to offer

pastoral care and a listening ear. I have had many delightful conversations

getting to know folks and their needs and concerns.

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In June, it was my intention to travel to Atlanta to attend a three-day Justice

Pilgrimage offered by the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing.

Unfortunately, pandemic restrictions changed those plans such that I now

hope to be able to attend this coming summer. In the meantime, I have

participated in various workshops focused on racial healing offered by the

Absalom Jones Center and other organizations. I participated in the clergy

walk from the Robert E. Lee statue to Monroe Park this summer and also in

the prayer vigil conducted in the Monument Avenue median in August.

With Andrew’s departure, I initiated a Parish Discernment Committee for

one of our parishioners discerning a path to the priesthood. I became the

temporary point person for various contacts around Richmond including

Ana Diallo, VCU, working to publicize the Health and Wellness program for

Older Adults at the Hub on 25th Street. I enrolled in the Richmond Public

Schools East End Hub sign-up in order to bring more ministry opportunities

to St. Peter’s parishioners.

In my non-St. Peter’s diaconal ministries, I continue to work with the

Richmond Police Department’s Faith Leaders group and participate in

RESETs (Rapid Engagement of Support in the Event of Trauma). Following a

homicide or other traumatic event, several of us go door-to-door in the

affected neighborhood checking on residents, offering prayer and a

listening ear and distributing a brochure of community resources. With

assistance from a parishioner, I followed RPS school buses delivering food

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through neighborhoods in need distributing face masks to recipients. My

ministry as a Spiritual Care Partner with the chaplain’s office at Richmond

Community Hospital has not yet been approved to resume but I look

forward to picking this up again as soon as possible.

I passed my one-year anniversary at St. Peter’s in August 2020 and continue

to give humble thanks for placement with this wonderful family of

parishioners. Thank you.

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Report from the Treasurer, Dr. Ron Carey

2021 BUDGET REQUEST Do NOT cut and paste from previous submissions! Errors result.

St. Peter's Episcopal Church: 1719 N.22nd St., Richmond, Va. 23223






Jun 30, 20



INCOME less EXPENSES $6,671 $13,785 -$6,520 $382

I. INCOME $190,237 $123,000 $47,471 $146,600

A. Pledge Offerings $83,885 $70,000 $40,276 $80,000

B. Plate Offerings $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

C. Parish Organizations $4,000

D. Rental Income $12,000 $14,000 $6,000 $16,000

E. Dio. of Virginia Aid (paid to church) $21,000

F. Dio. of Virginia Aid (paid via salaries) $54,199

G. Dio. of Virginia Aid (paid on


H. Regional Aid

I. Investment Income $2,153 $1,500 $1,600

J. Use of Investment Principal $18,000

K. Gifts, Grants, Other Income for Operations $7,000 $27,000 $15,000

L. Grants Received for Special Projects $1,195

M. Contributions, Gifts Designated for:

1. Local Outreach $2,000

2. Outside Organizations

II. EXPENSES $183,566 $109,215 $53,991 $146,218

A. Missionary Outreach $8,276 $4,700 $563 $5,350

1. Diocesan Pledge $4,000 $4,000 $4,000

2. Regional Pledge $250 $250

3. Local Outreach $2,587

a. Discretionary Fund $1,189 $500 $400

b. Congregation-based Programs $563

4. Outside Organizations

a. Episcopal Seminaries $250 $200

b. Other Organizations $700

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B. Vicar’s Compensation & Benefits $100,976 $35,160 $24,260 $75,168

1. Stipend/Salary $46,177 $1,785 $1,785 $45,276

2. Housing Allowance $21,000 $21,000 $10,500 $13,583

3. Utility Allowance

4. SECA Allowance $4,869 $6,333 $6,300 $4,503

5. Medical & Life Insurance $16,820

6. Church Pension Fund $12,110 $6,042 $5,675 $11,406

7. Continuing Education $400

8. Other compensation or benefits

C. Other Staff Compensation(specify position &

salary in Notes) $26,231 $29,575 $12,395 $28,900

1. Stipend/Salary $22,960 $22,975 $11,657 $23,000

2. FICA $1,571 $2,000 $54 $1,500

3. Staff Health Insurance

4. Lay Pension Expenses

5. Supply Clergy $850 $1,200 $684 $1,500

6. Worker’s Compensation $850 $900 $900

7. Other $2,500 $2,000

D. Property $30,401 $26,300 $9,608 $26,800

1. Utilities $9,588 $10,000 $4,604 $12,500

2. Routine Maintenance $176 $6,500 $2,357 $5,500

3. Mortage/Principal $780 $800

4. Rent $4,547 $2,100 $1,137

5. Insurance $3,787 $3,700 $1,510 $4,000

6. Major Repairs & Improvements $11,523 $4,000 $4,000

E. Program $7,122 $3,000 $3,120 $3,000

1. Education $1,240 $300

2. Worship & Music $1,795 $868

3. Youth Ministry

4. Stewardship

5. Fellowship/Evangelism $387

6. Other Program $3,700 $3,000 $1,952

F. Administration $10,560 $10,480 $4,045 $7,000

1. Office Supplies $267 $400 $435 $500

2. Office Equipment $1,000 $700

3. Telecommunications $3,565 $2,880 $2,187 $1,000

4. Printing/Postage $4,200 $2,500 $653 $2,000

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5. VA Episcopalian $515 $400 $500

6. Mileage Reimbursement

7. Council Delegates $663 $1,500 $800

8. Other $1,350 $1,800 $770 $1,500

Jan - Dec

20 Budget

$ Over


% of


Ordinary Income/Expense


4100 · Tithes/Offerings

4120 · Mission Offerings 1,195.00

4100 · Tithes/Offerings - Other 102,330.62 80,000.00 22,330.62 127.91%

Total 4100 · Tithes/Offerings 103,525.62 80,000.00 23,525.62 129.41%

4300 · Donations 27,209.00 25,000.00 2,209.00 108.84%

4400 · Grants Received 54,400.00 60,000.00 -5,600.00 90.67%

4600 · Rental Income 12,000.00 14,500.00 -2,500.00 82.76%

4700 · Interest Income 8.50 1,500.00 -1,491.50 0.57%

Total Income 197,143.12 181,000.00 16,143.12 108.92%


6000 · Personnel Costs

6010 · Salaries and Wages 69,000.50 91,093.00 -22,092.50 75.75%

6020 · Payroll Taxes 2,230.50 2,000.00 230.50 111.53%

6040 · Pension Contributions 10,076.29 6,042.00 4,034.29 166.77%

6050 · Housing Allowance 12,250.00 21,000.00 -8,750.00 58.33%

6090 · Direct Deposit Fees 101.50

Total 6000 · Personnel Costs 93,658.79 120,135.00 -26,476.21 77.96%

6100 · Professional Fees

6120 · Musicians 2,075.00

6130 · Legal and Accounting 1,725.00

6140 · Supply Ministers 1,309.00

6100 · Professional Fees - Other 0.00 4,500.00 -4,500.00 0.0%

Total 6100 · Professional Fees 5,109.00 4,500.00 609.00 113.53%

6200 · Insurance Expense 3,648.97 4,600.00 -951.03 79.33%

6300 · Ministry Expenses

6310 · Missionary Outreach 5,000.00 4,700.00 300.00 106.38%

6320 · Emergency Assistance 563.00

6350 · Charitable Contributions 1,320.41 0.00 1,320.41 100.0%

6300 · Ministry Expenses - Other 6,284.07 3,000.00 3,284.07 209.47%

Total 6300 · Ministry Expenses 13,167.48 7,700.00 5,467.48 171.01%

6400 · Advertising and Promotion 657.13

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6500 · Office Expense

6510 · Office Supplies 531.91 1,400.00 -868.09 37.99%

6520 · Postage and Delivery 159.90 500.00 -340.10 31.98%

6530 · Printing and Reproduction 512.35 2,000.00 -1,487.65 25.62%

6550 · Dues and Subscriptions 55.00 400.00 -345.00 13.75%

Total 6500 · Office Expense 1,259.16 4,300.00 -3,040.84 29.28%

6600 · Building and Property Expenses

6610 · Utilities 7,935.60 10,000.00 -2,064.40 79.36%

6620 · Repairs and Maintenance 6,870.31 10,500.00 -3,629.69 65.43%

6630 · Security 2,368.79 2,100.00 268.79 112.8%

Total 6600 · Building and Property Expenses 17,174.70 22,600.00 -5,425.30 75.99%

6700 · Telephone and Communications 3,577.83 2,880.00 697.83 124.23%

6800 · Travel and Conferences

6810 · Conferences and Meetings 890.76 1,500.00 -609.24 59.38%

Total 6800 · Travel and Conferences 890.76 1,500.00 -609.24 59.38%

6910 · Interest Expense 59.60

6920 · Bank Service Charges 46.57

6930 · Taxes 270.00

Total Expense 139,519.99 168,215.00 -28,695.01 82.94%

Net Ordinary Income 57,623.13 12,785.00 44,838.13 450.71%

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

5000 · Fundraising Income 469.00

Total Other Income 469.00

Net Other Income 469.00

58,092.13 12,785.00 45,307.13 454.38%

Report from the Interim Priest, Rev. Dr. Dorothy White, D. Min.

Dear St. Peter’s family,

The word that comes to my heart/mind about ministry is,

kaleidoscope. God has ushered me through a season of working primarily

with children. God is using those experiences to continue to teach me a

new way of “ministering/seeing.”

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Nothing that I have been through shall be wasted. I see a constantly

changing pattern emanating from a kaleidoscope of views. Your kindness

and support in allowing me to serve enhances my life and purpose. I am


• Beginning in October 2020 I became the Interim Vicar of St. Peter’s

• I am also serving as a Chaplain at Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School. My

primary responsibility is leading weekly chapel services at least three times

a month.

• I attend monthly Vestry and Leadership Meetings for St. Peter’s. Due to

COVID Restrictions my physical presence at the church or office is based

upon need.

• I serve as Associate Priest at St. John’s (coordinate the STJs Social Justice

Ministry and serve on the newly created Care of Creation Leadership Team

as a part of the national Direct Action Team Resource Training Center

Network); serve as Priest Associate at St, Mark’s primarily preaching and

teaching; and 12-15 hours per week at St. Peter’s

Additional responsibilities on behalf of the Diocese are:

• Started the year (2020) as a new member of the Standing Committee of the

Diocese of VA and will serve for two more years.

• I serve on the team leading the Diocesan Discernment Retreats for those

considering a call to ordained ministry

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• I serve on the Leadership Team for the Triangle of Hope Joint Program with

the Dioceses of Liverpool (England), Ghana, and Virginia.

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