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Page 1: SStteepp bbyy SStteepp · If you are a database administrator this is a must for you to know maintenance plan in SQL Server. DBA can plan all maintenance tasks in SQL Server under

Mohammad Nizamuddin Authoring on - | |

SStteepp bbyy SStteepp

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Page 2: SStteepp bbyy SStteepp · If you are a database administrator this is a must for you to know maintenance plan in SQL Server. DBA can plan all maintenance tasks in SQL Server under

Mohammad Nizamuddin Authoring on - | |


If you are a database administrator this is a must for you to know maintenance plan in

SQL Server. DBA can plan all maintenance tasks in SQL Server under the maintenance

plan. Maintenance plan is a workflow in which you can add variety of maintenance tasks.

With maintenance plan you can perform routine database administration tasks such as

Check database integrity

Perform Index maintenance

Update database statistics

Perform database backups

Maintenance plan creates an Integration Services package under the hood, and it

automatically creates a sub plan SQL Server Job which can be scheduled during the

creation of maintenance plan. And this sql server job will execute the SSIS package which

is created by the maintenance plan. You can add as many sub plan within one

maintenance workflow. Sub plan are nothing but scheduling of the sub plan job runs

under the SQL Server Agent Services.

You can run maintenance plan manually or automatically in defined scheduled in sql jobs.

Each task in one maintenance plan can be scheduled to run separately or in a single

schedule. To execute maintenance plan manually you can right click maintenance plan

which you want to execute and the select “Execute” option, it will perform all the tasks

defined under that maintenance plan.

Point to remember that your database compatibility level should be 80 or higher

otherwise the maintenance plan designer in SQL Server Management Studio doesn’t

display for lower than 80 database compatibility level

You are a DBA so you must be a member of sysadmin role on the database, aren’t you?

To create and manage maintenance plans you need to be a member of sysadmin role,

otherwise you won’t be able see them in object explorer.

SQL Server Maintenance plan Wizard:

Maintenance Plan Wizard provides you easy steps to create maintenance plan and

schedule it easily. You can use Maintenance plan wizard to create a maintenance plan

and add tasks with in the plan and define schedule for the tasks.

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Mohammad Nizamuddin Authoring on - | |


1) Go to the explorer and right click Maintenance Plan; you will see option Maintenance Plan Wizard. See screen shots below

2) In this section you can name the maintenance plan and select weather you want single schedule for the entire plan or separate schedules for each tasks in the plan.

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3) In this step you can select what maintenance tasks you want to perform in the maintenance plan

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4) All the tasks will be listed in this step; you can move up and down to maintain the sequence of the tasks.

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5) You need to specify database for each task you want to perform, you can select one or more database

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6) You can report maintenance plan logs at some folder location or you can get it in email

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7) This is the final step you can review your plan what you are creating if everything is OK and click on Finish button

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Your maintenance plan is ready, below screen shows how the maintenance plan looks


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In the above screen shot you can see there is a subplan_1 automatically created after the

maintenance plan created, you can edit the Subplan_1 wherein you can schedule your

maintenance tasks to run. Currently you can in schedule section it displays “Not

Scheduled(On Demand)”

You can also see in below screen shot a SQL Job with the

maintenancePlanName.SubplanName created.

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So there are two ways you edit the schedule for the maintenance plan 1) Directly from

the Job or 2) from the Maintenance plan Subplan edit option

Below screen shot shows the screen shot for defining schedule for the maintenance task

from subplan_1 edit option

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Mohammad Nizamuddin Authoring on - | |


NOTE: If you are editing maintenance plan schedule directly from SQL Server agent job,

and if you are adding more steps in the same job, all the changes will be last whenever

you will update the maintenance plan from the maintenance plan window. Basically

whenever you edit and save the maintenance plan it also updates the sub plan where

schedule is defined, so you must be careful.

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