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SSiinnggaappoorree DDeennttaall CCoouunncciill AANNNNUUAALL RREEPPOORRTT 22001133

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT The year under review had been another busy year for the Council in implementing policy and processes required under the Dental Registration Act (Chapter 76). The Council has been continually working to improve processes in responding to the increasing number of registered dental professionals.

New Professional Registration System A new Professional Registration System (PRS) was commissioned and developed for all the professional boards and progressively introduced to the boards in sequence. The system was rolled out and launched for the Council in June 2013. The new system is expected to streamline online applications for both the dental professional and Council secretariat in a bid to facilitate processing of applications more expeditiously and effectively. At the same time, by going paper-“less”, the Council’s administration is more efficient and also plays a part towards conservation.

Dental Complaints The Council received a total of 70 complaints of which nine were accompanied by statutory declarations and were referred to the Complaints Committee for investigation. Treatment-related complaints formed the bulk of the complaints. Most of these involved issues of dissatisfaction with treatment outcomes, unethical or unprofessional behavior, miscommunication and high treatment fees. There were phone calls from members of public or patients requesting assistance to clarify or settle claims or clinic fees. They were informed to approach their dentists again and suggested that both parties should try to settle matters amicably. This seemed to work, as many of such verbal grievances against the dentists did not materialize into written complaints to SDC. A Disciplinary Committee inquiry hearing was convened in September 2013 against Dr Sng Wee Hock who had misrepresented to a patient that the entire cost of her dental implant procedure could be paid from her Medisave account. The misrepresentation amounted to professional misconduct as it was likely to have an impact on the patient’s decision to undergo the treatment. Dr Sng was found guilty of the charge. The Disciplinary Committee ordered that a $15,000 fine be imposed, Dr Sng be censured and provide a written undertaking not to engage in the conduct complained of or any similar conduct, and to pay 80% of the costs and expenses of and incidental to the legal proceedings, including the costs of the counsel to the SDC and the Legal Assessor. The DC also ordered that the Grounds of Decision be published. In October 2013, a Disciplinary Committee inquiry hearing was convened against Dr Yap Eng Huat Jimmy and Ms Lim Jingyi. Both Dr Yap and Ms Lim faced a charge of professional misconduct in respect of Ms Lim performing dental procedures on a patient without the supervision of Dr Yap. Ms Lim pleaded guilty to the charge while Dr Yap contested the charge. Ms Lim was suspended for 24 months, censured and ordered to furnish a letter of undertaking. Dr Yap was found guilty and the Disciplinary Committee ordered that he be fined $10,000, censured and provide a written undertaking not to repeat the same offence as well as to pay the costs and expenses of and incidental to the legal proceedings, including the costs of the counsel to the SDC and the Legal Assessor..

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Aesthetic Facial Procedures Oversight Committee for Dentistry The accreditation of aesthetic facial procedures was launched on 3 June 2013 with the appointment of the Aesthetic Facial Procedures Oversight Committee for Dentistry. The terms of reference for the committee are to review the criteria for Aesthetic Facial Procedures for dental practitioners and make recommendations to the Council as appropriate and to assess submissions and accredit courses in Aesthetic Facial Procedures for dental practitioners.

Dentist’s Pledge Affirmation Ceremony We were honoured to have Minister for Health, Mr Gan Kim Yong as our guest-of-honour at our Dentist’s Pledge Affirmation Ceremony on 30 August 2013 at the Auditorium of the College of Medicine Building with 94 dentists taking the Pledge.

Renewal of Practising Certificate for Dentists The Practising Certificate renewal exercise for dentists was conducted online with the new Professional Registration System. The initial reservations of the professionals and teething problems of the system were soon resolved as the benefits of the system were delivered and acknowledged by the professionals.

Appointment of Second Assistant Executive Secretary

Dr Tan Li Yen Elaine concluded her term as Assistant Executive Secretary and Council thanks her for her contributions and conveys its best wishes for her future endeavours. Dr Chay Pui Ling was appointed as Assistant Executive Secretary.

Staff Matters Dr Chen Fee Yuen, Inspecting Officer; Ms Yee Yoke Chun, Senior Manager; Mr Shawn Chua, Assistant Manager; Ms Tan Chou Ling, Assistant Manager; Ms Stella Goh, Management Support Officer; and Ms Norisah Ahmad, Management Support Officer continue to serve the Council.

Acknowledgement I would like to express and convey my appreciation to members of the Council’s committees for taking time out of their busy schedules in contributing to the various agendas and purposes. Members of the Complaints Panel appointed to respective Complaints Committees and Disciplinary Committees are acknowledged and credited for their invaluable assistance in the investigations and deliberations of the cases. I would like to congratulate and thank Council staff and secretariat for their hard work and dedication to Council activities over the last year. PROF CHEW CHONG LIN PRESIDENT

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THE DENTAL COUNCIL (as at 31 December 2013)

The Council consists of seven appointed members and five elected members and comprises: Appointed members: President Prof Chew Chong Lin

Registrar Clin A/Prof Tseng Seng Kwong Patrick1

Dr Chan Siew Luen Ms Lee Show Feai2

A/Prof Ong Hui Lian Grace

Ms Poon Chew King Judith3

Dr Shahul Hameed

Elected members: Dr Ang Ee Peng Raymond Dr Choo Keang Hai Dr Ho Kee Hai Dr Long Benjamin Charles Dr Sim Wee Kiat

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Executive Secretary Dr Chng Chai Kiat Assistant Executive Secretary Dr Ng Jing Jing Assistant Executive Secretary Dr Chay Pui Ling Inspecting Officer Dr Chen Fee Yuen4 Administrative Manager Ms Yee Yoke Chun Assistant Manager Mr Shawn Chua Assistant Manager Ms Tan Chou Ling Management Support Officer Ms Stella Goh Management Support Officer Ms Norisah Ahmad 1 Concurrently, Clin A/Prof Patrick Tseng is the Chief Dental Officer at the Ministry of Health.

2 Ms Lee Show Feai is a registered dentist in the second division of the register.

3 Ms Poon Chew King Judith is a registered Oral Health Therapist.

4 Dr Chen Fee Yuen is a part-time officer

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First row from left: Ms Poon Chiew King Judith, Dr Sim Wee Kiat, Prof Chew Chong Lin, Clin A/Prof Tseng Seng Kwong Patrick, Ms Lee Show Feai Second row from left: Dr Choo Keang Hai, Dr Chan Siew Luen, Dr Long Benjamin Charles, Dr Ang Ee Peng Raymond Last row from left: Dr Ho Kee Hai, Dr Shahul Hameed, Dr Chng Chai Kiat Absent in photo: A/Prof Ong Hui Lian Grace

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(as at 31 December 2013)

Complaints Panel Complaints Committees are appointed by the Chairman of the Complaints Panel from the members of the Complaints Panel on an ad-hoc basis, with a council member chairing each committee. The following are members of the Complaints Panel5.

Chairman Dr Ho Kee Hai Members Dr Ang Ee Peng Raymond

Dr Chan Siew Luen Dr Choo Keang Hai Ms Lee Show Feai Dr Long Benjamin Charles A/Prof Ong Hui Lian Grace Ms Poon Chew King Judith Dr Shahul Hameed Dr Sim Wee Kiat Dr Chung Kong Mun Dr Djeng Shih Kien Dr Eu Oy Chu Dr Go Wee Ser Dr Hwang Yee Cheau Dr Kaan Sheung Kin Dr Lee Jee Mui Dr Lee Kim Chuan Lewis Dr Leung Wing Hung Dominic Dr Li Chung Tai Trevor Dr Loganathan Vijayan Dr Loh Kai Woh Ronald Dr Loh Poey Ling A/Prof Neo Chiew Lian Jennifer Dr Rajendram Sivagnanam Dr Tham Hon Meng Dr Wong Soon May Adeline Ms Goo Sok Huan Ms Juginder Kaur Ms Lim Kah Choo Ms Tan Chor Khim Dr Chong Jin Long* Mr Chua Thian Huat* Clin Prof Fock Kwong Ming* Mr Lim Yew Tou Eric* Mr Narayanan Sreenivasan* Mrs Norhayati Quek (Mrs Noor Quek)* Mr T Raja Kumar* A/Prof Victor R Savage* A/Prof Tay Cho Jui*

5 Members of the Complaints Panel are appointed for a 2-year term and are eligible for re-appointment.

*Lay panel members

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Panel of Disciplinary Committee Chairperson Members Dr Djeng Shih Kien Dr Eu Oy Chu Dr Go Wee Ser A/Prof Keng Siong Beng Dr Leung Wing Hung Dominic Dr Loh Hong Sai A/Prof Neo Chiew Lian Jennifer Dr Si-Hoe Kok Soon Dr Teo Choo Soo

Credentials Committee

Chairman Dr Chan Siew Luen Members A/Prof Neo Chiew Lian Jennifer Dr Ong Kheng Kok Dr Shahul Hameed A/Prof Tan Beng Choon Keson

Oral Health Therapist Accreditation Committee Chairman Clin A/Prof Tseng Seng Kwong Patrick Division I Dentists Dr Anshad s/o Ansari Dr Eu Oy Chu Dr Hemalatha Nathan Dr Koh Chu Guan Oral Health Therapists Ms Lee Yong Ching, Margaret Ms Poon Chew King Judith Ms Tan Siew Tee Ms Tham Kui Wah

Audit Committee Chairman Dr Ang Ee Peng Raymond Members Dr Ho Kee Hai Mr Ng Weng Sui Harry

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Committee for Continuing Professional Education Chairman Dr Long Benjamin Charles Members Dr Ang Ee Peng Raymond Dr Eu Oy Chu Dr Ho Kee Hai Dr Kwa Chong Teck A/Prof Neo Chiew Lian Jennifer Clin A/Prof Tseng Seng Kwong Patrick

Aesthetic Facial Procedures Oversight Committee for Dentistry Chairman Dr Chan Siew Luen Members Dr Leung Wing Hung Dominic Dr Lye Kok Weng Dr Seah Tian Ee Dr Tan Kwong Shen Winston

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DENTISTS & ORAL HEALTH THERAPISTS REGISTRATION DENTIST REGISTER As at 31 December 2013, there were 1821 registered dentists. The dentist to population ratio was 1:2,960.

General Dental Practitioners Dental Specialists

Grand Total Registration








te S







l D
















te S













Full Registration

274 992 10 1276 78 218 2 298 1574

Conditional Registration

13 200 2 215 1 1 0 2 217

Temporary Registration

21 0 0 21 9 0 0 9 30

Grand Total

308 1192 12 1512 88 219 2 309 1821 For the year in review, there were 174 new dentist registrations, of which 50 were local graduates from the National University of Singapore, 109 had basic dental degrees in the Schedule to the Dental Registration Act and 15 were under Temporary Registration.

86.4% of registered dentists was under Full Registration; 12.0% was under Conditional Registration and 1.6% was under Temporary Registration.


215 21

Number of General Dental Practitioners by

Registration Type

Full Registration

Conditional Registration

Temporary Registration


2 9

Number of Dental Specialists by

Registration Type

Full Registration

Conditional Registration

Temporary Registration

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77.5% of registered dentists are in private practice against 21.7% who are practicing in the public sector. The remaining 0.8% of dentists are not in active practice, for reasons such as administrative work, located overseas or pursuing courses.

17% of registered dentists are also on the Dental Specialist Register, registered in one of the seven recognised dental specialties.

Public Sector 20%

Private Sector 79%

Others 1%

Number of General Dental Practitioners by Employment


Public Sector

Private Sector


Public Sector 28%

Private Sector 71%

Others 1%

Number of Dental Specialists by Employment Sector

Public Sector

Private Sector


Dental Public Health, 5

Endodontics, 40

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 58

Orthodontics, 91 Paediatric Dentistry, 13

Periodontics, 39

Prosthodontics, 63

Number of Dental Specialists

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ORAL HEALTH THERAPIST REGISTER In 2013, 33 Oral Health Therapists (OHT) were registered.

Employment Sector

Part I Dental


Part I Dental

Therapist / Hygienist

Part II Dental

Therapist / Hygienist

Part II Dental


Part II Dental

Therapist Total

Private Sector 19 6 85 13 6 129

Restructured Institutions

0 1 17 1 0 19

Statutory Boards

139 2 42 2 12 197

Unknown 2 0 16 1 0 19

Grand Total 160 9 160 17 18 364

46.4% of OHTs are registered under Part I of the Register. While allowed to work independently, they have to work within the prescribed scope of dentistry and must work in collaboration with a Division I dentist by referral. 35.4% of OHTs are working in the private sector, compared to 59.3% in the public sector. The remainders have not updated their employment or place of practice.

Part I Dental

Therapist, 160

Part I Dental

Therapist /

Hygienist, 9

Part II Dental

Therapist /

Hygienist, 160

Part II Dental

Hygienist, 17

Part II Dental

Therapist, 18

Number of OHT by Registration Type

Part I Dental Therapist

Part I Dental Therapist / Hygienist

Part II Dental Therapist / Hygienist

Part II Dental Hygienist

Private Sector,



Institutions, 19

Statutory Boards,


Unknown, 19

Number of OHT by Employment Sector

Private Sector

Restructured Institutions

Statutory Boards


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Complaints Committees are appointed ad hoc to deliberate on complaints received by the Council. Provisions in the Dental Registration Act require Council to investigate all complaints that are accompanied by a Statutory Declaration. Each Complaints Committee consists of a member of the Council (as Chairman of the Committee), two dentists who are not members of the Council and one layperson from the Complaints Panel. The Council received a total of 70 written complaints of which nine were accompanied by Statutory Declarations and were referred for investigation by a Complaints Committee. Treatment-related complaints formed the bulk of the complaints. Most of these involved issues of dissatisfaction with treatment outcomes, unethical or professional behavior, miscommunication and high treatment fees. The complaints received in 2013 can be categorised as follows:

Wrongful extractions 1

Administration of LA injections 1

Oral Surgery 1

Root canal treatment 2

Dentures 3

Orthodontics 7

Implants 3

Periodontics 1

Iaotrogenic injuries 2

Professional conduct / ethics 10

Duty of care / service standards / miscommunication 6

Fees / cancellation fees / overcharging / claims / refunds 9

Unnecessary treatment / OPG 3

MOH IT Online application system 1

Websites / publicity in WhatsApp / advertisements 2

Negligence 2

Validation of treatment invoices 1

Jurisdiction of dentists practising overseas 2

False declaration / statement 1

Abuse of SDC complaint process 1

Dentist (in private capacity) under Police investigations 1

Requests for dental report / xray 2

No consent 1

Covering / illegal practices by clinic receptionist / chair-side assistant


Medisave claims 4

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Council had engaged and appointed Audit Alliance as our auditing consultant and had retained the services of Andes Consulting Pte Ltd as our accounting consultant for the financial year 2013. The audited financial statements for the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 are reproduced in the following pages.

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Singapore Dental Council 16 College Road #01-01

College of Medicine Building Singapore 169854

Fax: (65) 6253 3185 Email: [email protected]

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