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Page 1: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie


Dear Parents, Students & Friends,

It has been amazing to see just how many

parents are engaging with the school and

being proactive in getting to speak with and

get to know their child’s teacher/s. The buzz

around the corridors and in the classrooms in

the morning says much of our positive

community vibe.

One of the things I wish to bring to the attention

of parents coming into the classroom in the

morning is the need to be mindful of the 8.55am

bell. From 8.55am, teachers and students are

focussing on getting ready to begin their

learning. Parents are very welcome to join the

students for morning prayer but we do ask that

once morning prayer concludes that you

please leave quietly unless the teacher has

organised for you to assist in the classroom. The

whole idea is to ensure that students can begin

with a calm, focussed and engaging

environment. Your assistance in this is always


Many of you know of or have met my better half

Rowena. Unfortunately Rowena is very unwell at

the moment but hopefully she will be back on

her feet shortly. To care for her, I will be on

carer’s leave over the next two weeks. Thank

you for your prayers and very kind thoughts and

best wishes.

With kindest regards,

Des Noack



Parent Helper Course - From the start of the

2019 school year, in compliance with Child

Safety requirements, all potential volunteers

who wish to assist both in the classroom and

on excursions must participate in a Parent

Helper Briefing prior to commencing any

voluntary work. For parents who are unable

to make it to the 3 briefings advertised in the

newsletter and wish to assist at the Whole

School Sports Day on Tuesday 26th Feb, a

special briefing will take place at 8.45am in

the staffroom on that morning. Please inform

the office if you will be participating.

Parent Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 19th

Feb and Thursday 21st Feb will be conducted

after school from 3.45pm on both Tuesday

and Thursday. Please book your interview

time on Caremonkey.

Mass of Welcoming Sunday 17 Feb 10.00am

– We would like to invite all families, and

especially our new Preps, to participate in

the Mass this Sunday 17 Feb. It provides us,

as a parish, to recognise our new students,

acknowledge the work and commitment of

our parents in their commitment to their

child’s faith education. We truly do look

forward to seeing you all there.

Carnival Working Bee & BBQ this Saturday

16th Feb – We’ve had a great response to this

and hope that if you’re free to drop in and

give a hand, even just 30 minutes, your help

will make a big difference. Check your

CareMonkey for further details.

Prep Parent Reading Session – Jenny

Boldiston (Literacy Leader) will be presenting

to Prep parents this coming Monday at

3.00pm in the Music Theatre, strategies that

will best assist mums and dads in supporting

their child’s reading proficiency. It is really

important that your child gets the best start

possible and that we start with the right

strategies rather than ones that can inhibit


Canteen Commences Next Friday 22nd Feb

– Further details regarding ordering will

occur via CareMonkey. We have a

refreshed menu and a lot of enthusiastic

parents who have contributed to discussing

how we can enhance our canteen. Looking

forward to seeing those Wednesday &

Friday special lunches.

Centred By Faith

In Partnership with Community

We Provide Excellence in Learning

Page 2: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

Dates for the Diary

Week 3 Saturday: 16.02

o Carnival Working Bee & BBQ 10.00 Sunday: 17.02


o Welcoming Family Mass hosted by Prep’s –


Week 4 Monday: 18.02

o Staff Prayer & Briefing: 8.15am

Tuesday: 19.02

o Parent-Teacher Interviews 3.45 -7.45pm

Wednesday: 20.02

o Prep Rest Day

o Child Safety Parent Helper Course: 9.00am

o Class Mass – 9.30am: Grade 1/2T

o Carnival Committee Meeting 7.30pm Thursday: 21.02

o Parent-Teacher Interviews 3.45 -7.45pm

Friday: 22.02

o First Canteen Day for 2019

Week 5 Monday: 25.02

o Staff Prayer & Briefing: 8.15am

o School Assembly: 2.55pm

Tuesday: 26.02

o Whole School Sports Carnival

Wednesday: 27.02

o Division Tennis – Bendigo

o Class Mass – 9.30am: Grade 2T

o Canteen Day

o Carnival Stall Coordinator Meeting 7.30pm Thursday: 28.02

o Staff Meeting – 3.45pm

Friday: 1.03

o School Closure : Visible Learning Day

Week 6 Monday: 04.03

o Staff Prayer & Briefing: 8.15am

o (Prep Go Full Time)

Wednesday: 06.03

o Ash Wednesday

o Whole School Mass – 9.30am

o CDSSA Summer Sports

o Canteen Day

Thursday: 07.03

o Staff Meeting – 3.45pm

o Carnival Committee Meeting 7.30pm Friday: 08.03

o Division Swimming Carnival – Bendigo

o Canteen Day

Week 7 Monday: 11.03


Tuesday: 12.03

o Whole School Cross Country Event (Colour


o School Assembly: 2.55pm

Wednesday: 13.03

o Canteen Day

o Class Mass – 9.30am: Grade 3/4M

o Gr 6 Canberra Camp Information Night


Thursday: 14.03

o Staff Meeting – 3.45pm

o Division Volleyball

o Carnival Committee Meeting 7.30pm Friday: 15.03

o St Patrick Cathedral Mass to Celebrate

Catholic Education Week

o Canteen Day

Saturday: 16.03

o St Ambrose Community Carnival

Week 8 Monday: 18.03

o Staff Prayer & Briefing: 8.15am

Tuesday: 19.03

o School Photos

Wednesday: 20.03

o Class Mass – 9.30am: Grade 3/4PB

o Canteen Day

Thursday: 21.03

o Staff Meeting – 3.45pm

o Reconciliation Family Conversations – Fr Elio

Capra 7.00pm

Friday: 22.03

o Canteen Day

Week 9 Monday: 25.03

o Staff Prayer & Briefing: 8.15am

o School Assembly: 2.55pm

Tuesday: 26.03

o Day set aside for Class Excursions

Wednesday: 27.03

o Canteen Day

o Sacrament of Reconciliation 7.00pm

Friday: 29.03

o Canteen Day

Week 10 Monday: 01.04

o Grade 6 Canberra Camp Mon - Friday

Tuesday: 02.04

o CDSSA Cross Country

Wednesday: 03.04

o Canteen Day

o Prep’s In PJ’s Night

Thursday: 04.04

o School Advisory Meeting 7.00pm

Friday: 05.04

o Canteen Day

o End of Term Mass of Thanksgiving: 2.30pm

o End of Term Dismissal Time: 3.30pm

Saturday: 06.04

o Daylight Savings Ends

Waking up this morning, I smile,

Twenty four brand new hours are before


I vow to live fully in each moment

and to look at all beings with eyes of

compassion. Thich Nhat Hanh

Page 3: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

Preparations for the St Ambrose Woodend

Community Carnival are now in full swing,

with stalls taking shape and the Parents

and Friends Committee meeting every

week to ensure plans are on track.

The Parents and Friends Committee would

like to thank parents for jumping at the

chance to co-ordinate class stalls. We will

soon call for general volunteers to help on

the stalls and during the day.

Are you crafty?

Whether you’re an artist who makes

pottery, good on a sewing machine or a

mad knitter – we would love to hear from

you. We are looking for donations for our

homemade stall in all shapes and forms –

from homemade jams and preserves to

knitted gloves and toys.

Donations can be delivered to the office.

Second-hand donations

We are still calling for donations of men’s,

women’s or children’s clothing in excellent

used condition for our second-hand stall.

Donations are welcomed at the office.

Stall-holders welcome

Do you have a business that would benefit

from a stall at this year’s Carnival. If so, visit

our website for an online entry form and for

more details.

Calling all buskers

Busking spots are available for the bargain

price of $10 – take all your earnings home

with you!

Big Little Shots entries closing soon

Next week will be the last chance to enter

the Big Little Shots show. If your child has a

talent or can do something weird and

wonderful, please see the office to register.

Buy your ride pass now on CDFPAY

Our huge range of tame and scary rides

for children all ages this year are bound to

keep the kids entertained. All-day ride

wristbands are available for the earlybird

price of $30 ($35 thereafter) on CDF.

Wristbands will also be available outside

the school in the week prior to the carnival.

Individual ride tokens and wristbands will

be sold on the day of the carnival also.

See you all on Saturday March 16!

Page 4: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

How reading 20 minutes

a day impacts your child

Starting in kindergarten, if a student reads 20 minutes a day at home, they will hear 1.8 million words per year. They will have read for 851 hours by 6th grade and on standardized tests, they will likely score better than 90% of their peers.

This is compelling data on the benefits of encouraging your child to read.

Helps in language development

From the time your child is born, reading out loud is a positive influence. As your child grows, daily reading will help the brain make connections between the written and spoken word, widening vocabulary in the process.

Adding to that benefit, vocabulary knowledge equates to masterful spelling. In fact, reading, spelling and vocabulary are critically important to a child's lifelong achievement.

Promotes brain development

Educators have long said reading makes people smarter, and there’s research backing them up. Reading for children of any age wakens a number of regions in the left part of the brain. The areas in the brain that become active involve understanding the meaning of words and concepts tied to memory.

Aids in understanding of a world outside our own

Reading is more than just translating written words into verbal form; it is about understanding those words were once ideas in the minds of great

thinkers. It is about realizing those ideas can be connected to personal experiences.

Through daily reading, children are exposed to a world outside their own reality. It expands their know-how, opens their minds and creates the potential for a continuation of ideas and an endless number of possibilities.

Strengthens family relationships

There is nothing quite like reading together as a family. Whether you're flipping through picture books with your little ones or sitting in the same room with older kids while, each immersed in a piece of literature, these are times you remember.

Page 5: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

National Day of Action against Bullying

and Violence is on the 15th of March. The

Social Justice Team in raising awareness

will be giving both a junior and senior

award in their chosen focus areas at our

school assemblies for the rest of Term 1.

The junior award will be given to a student

who is ‘Including Everyone’ and the senior

award will go to someone who

demonstrates ‘Strengthening Positive


We will be placing posters around the

school and in each classroom next week

to keep these actions visible to all.

We would appreciate if you could support

us by visiting the Bullying No Way website

and having a chat with your children

about what ‘Including Everyone’ and

‘Strengthening Positive Behaviour’ might

look like and sound like: and check

out the Parents and carers page, and

follow these simple steps:

Thank you from: Heidi, Georgia, Mia,

Isabelle, Lucy, Nash, Zac and Archie!

Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day

Page 6: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

Prep E Elle S

For approaching her learning with a positive


Prep E Sophie I

For asking great questions and embracing

school life with a big smile!

Prep M Madi Y

For exploring different ways to represent the

number “6”!

Prep M Nicholas G

For using pictures and words to re-tell the story

of “The Fantastic Cake”.

1/2R Hamish F

For a terrific effort with his retell about Snail and


1/2R Harry M

For showing great focus during learning


1/2TW Hunter C

For being a supportive class member with

fabulous manners!

1/2TW Lily A

For settling in very well to Grade 1/2T.

Congratulations Lily!

2T Kai Z

For a wonderful start at his new school!

2T Bodhi H

For settling in to his new classroom at his new


2T Chloe Q

For a positive start to the year in her new class

at a new school!

3/4M Ryder S

For flexing his “risk taking” muscles in

community discussions.

3/4M Saila H

For demonstrating a growth mindset at every


3/PB Elijah H

For settling in beautifully to your new school!

Well done.

3/4PB Max S

For always asking questions to clarify his


3/4PB Noah N

For always offering to help his teachers and

peers. Thank you.

4/5F Will F

For always giving 100% to his learning!

4/5F Lucy K

For always being an engaged learner!

5/6M William M

For his creative poster “All About Me!”

5/6M Scarlett M

For her recount of the summer holidays

presented as a Mind Map.

5/6P Darcie C

For contributing well to classroom discussions

on Growth Mindset.

5/6P Maie B

For an excellent explanation of what a

rhetorical question is.

ART AWARD Will P (4/5F)

For extending his creative ability when drawing



For her great effort and results in fitness testing


Page 7: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

2 January Jamie H (3/4P)

4 January Grace S (3/4P)

5 January Owen V (2T)

7 January Harriet F (Prep E)

15 January Hayden L (1/2R)

Mia T (1/2R)

16 January Oscar D (3/4M)

17 January Caysen E (Prep M)

Ethan W (2T)

Noah H (5/6M)

18 January Archer C (3/4M)

20 January Sophie V (Prep E)

21 January Danielle L (4/5F)

22 January Hugo C (1/2R)

24 January Mia L (5/6M)

24 January Flynn O (5/6M)

Amy O (5/6P)

26 January Chris W (Prep M)

28 January Bailey P (1/2R)

2 February Heidi M (3/4M)

3 February Isla N (Prep M)

Miranda B (3/4P)

4 February Kaidon W (5/6P)

6 February Bronte M (4/5F)

7 February Lachlan P (3/4P)

Zac H (5/6P)

8 February Sam G (3/4M)

9 February Hayden J (3/4M)

10 February Nye B (Prep M)

Ryder S (3/4M)

13 February Zane S (5/6M)

Nash S (5/6P)

14 February Tilly M (3/4P)

Alex G (5/6M)

16 February Lowenna E (5/6M)

17 February Nick G (Prep M)

20 February Riley C (3/4M)

23 February Victoria C (3/4M)

Hayley Z (4/5F)

Aaron J (5/6M)

24 February Sidney M (1/2T)

Joseph E (3/4P)

Now That’s A Lot Of Birthdays

We have some school furniture

(20 tables, art rack, bench,

2 cupboards)

that we no longer require.

If you are interested, please bring your

ute/trailer to the school shed this

Saturday between 10-2pm to collect.

First come first served.

Page 8: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie

Please contact the office for information if your child

is interested in school banking.




……Why not join us????

We are a social group that get together and enjoy learning

various Scottish Country

Dances - which are social dances, not to be confused with

Highland Dancing.

We certainly have fun whilst exercising both our bodies and

mind as we learn

the new steps and formations.

We meet every Thursday afternoon at 1.00 at Buffalo

Stadium, Forest Street,

Woodend, so come along and join us.

For further information contact

Meg 54271100 or Linda 0408476317


Page 9: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie
Page 10: SPECIAL NOTICES - St. Ambrose Parish Primary School · Bullying. No Way! Take Action Every Day . Prep E Elle S For approaching her learning with a positive attitude! Prep E Sophie