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Page 1: Speakers and facilitators at E-POWER symposium and workshops


Special Edition ŇISSUE NO. 23




Institute for Small-Scale Industries

E. Virata Hall, E. Jacinto Street, UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City

Pioneering. Innovating. Entrepreneuring.

Moving towards becoming the National Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Calling All Wannabe Entrepreneurs!

Are you thinking of starting a business? You think you have a good business idea but still are unsure of its prospects? Is number crunching your weakness?

Worry no more. Let us help you create your business plan the easy way.

Business Planning Made Easy is a two-week program that allows you to chart the route your business will take. Upon completion of the course, \RX�VKRXOG�EH�DEOH�WR�FRPH�XS�ZLWK�\RXU�¿�QDQFLDO�projections for your intended business and from there, decide whether or not to pursue your business idea.

If you are familiar with the Excel spreadsheet program and know the basic business and accounting theories, principles, and terminologies, this program is for you. Rest assured, you will not be left on your own to do your business plan. You will have a mentor to guide you through the two-week course.

Call the KM-ICT department of UP ISSI (928.7076 to 79) for particulars and look for Ms. Dolly (local 131) or Ms Ditas (local 135). You may also email them at [email protected] or [email protected].

What are you waiting for? Start planning your success today. Enrol now and create a business plan for your business the easy way.

6th Planning for Expanding business Training (PlanET) - Cagayan de Oro City, June 3 to 7, 2013

3ODQ(7�LV�D�¿�YH�GD\�WUDLQLQJ�SURJUDP�WKDW�DLPV�WR�assist small and medium enterprises in preparing business plans so they can have increased chance RI�EHLQJ�JUDQWHG�ORDQV�IURP�EDQNV�DQG�RWKHU�¿�QDQFLDO�institutions. It is offered to entrepreneurs who have the need and the potential to expand their businesses but also require business plan training for securing credit.

The program has so far trained a total of 121 participants. Previous runs were held in UP ISSI, Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center in Iloilo City; Almont Inland Resort in Butuan City; and Montevista Villas, Mimosa Golf and Country Club in Clark, Pampanga.

The 6th PlanET is scheduled to be offered in Cagayan de Oro City on June 3 to 7, 2013. Interested participants may contact Clarita Esteban (9287076 local 159 or [email protected]) or Joanna Rose Laddaran (local 157 or [email protected]) or simply e-mail [email protected].

7KH�JRDO�RI� WKDW�ERRN� LV� WR�¿�QG�³WKH�TXDOLW\�RI�NQRZOHGJH´��'H)HR�VDLG�� � ³:H� OHDUQ� IURP�RXU�customers and our customers learn from us,” he added.

At the end of his talk, the co-author of Dr. Juran’s Quality Handbook urged the attendees to have a good discussion and to broaden their understanding of what quality is about.


What is quality?The president and CEO of Juran Institute, who has worked on the 6th edition of Dr. Juran’s famous handbook, discussed some of the most salient points of the book about quality.

³,Q� HVVHQFH�� TXDOLW\� PDQDJHPHQW� PHDQV�VLPSOLFLW\�PDQDJHPHQW´��KH�VDLG���³&RPSOH[LW\�is good when the design makes it simple.”

+H�ZHQW�RQ�WR�VD\�WKDW�TXDOLW\�LV�DOZD\V�GH¿�QHG�by the customer who uses the product.


On the structure and the contents of the handbook, he advised readers to pick only those that are important for their organizations.

³<RX� GRQ¶W� SLFN� WKH� ¿�UVW� WKLQJ� \RX� ¿�QG� LW� >LQ�*RRJOH@´��KH�VDLG���³7KDW�PLJKW�EH�PRUH�SRSXODU�but not necessarily true.”

He went on to say that many organizations do not have consistent results and

DGPRQLVKHG� WKH� DWWHQGHHV� WKDW� ³:H� VKRXOG�monitor what is happening in our customers. If you don’t truly understand the customers and their needs, it won’t guarantee sustainable performance.”

7KH� EHVW� IRUP�� KH� DGGHG�� LV� ³EUHDNWKURXJK�improvement process to continuously change”.

³,W¶V� DOO� DERXW� OLVWHQLQJ� WR� WKH� FXVWRPHU�´� KH�FRQFOXGHG�� �³0DQ\�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�GRQ¶W�KDYH�D�quality department. Quality strategy is one that is getting a higher sales at lower cost.”

Quality issues in businessPresented with the question, What quality issues do you face in your businesses? the attendees in that morning’s meeting gave their responses in relation to their organizations.

Mabuhay Alonzo from the Quality Assurance Department of Universal Robina Corporation cited the fast turnover of people as one of the issues that confront quality in her organization.


³TXDOLW\� LV� RQH� RI� WKH� FXVWRPHUV� ORRNLQJ� IRU��People are coming in and out at a very short time. For me quality takes years especially on foods because there are some quality aspects that need not to be analyzed and they are subjective. It really takes time. The consistency of the quality RI� WKH�SURGXFW�DOVR�VXIIHUV�� �)URP� WKH�GLI¿�FXOW�management of the company and the quality UHTXLUHPHQW�WR�WKH�WXUQRYHU�RI�SHRSOH�>WKHUH�DUH�quality issues that need to be addressed]. You have to train people every now and then.”

Nutritionist Dr. Nora Palasigui cited the low publication of papers by scientists, which DFFRUGLQJ� WR� KHU� ³SRLQWV� WR� WKH� TXDOLW\� RI� WKH�papers being produced”.

She also cited the concerns of the academe. In terms of the curriculum, she said, it is not clear to what extent can one say a certain syllabus meets a high standard. Quality must also be balanced with the number of students enrolling every academic year.

³,Q�83�´� VKH� VDLG�� ³\RX� GRQ¶W� ZRUU\� DERXW� WKH�enrollment, you worry about the quality”.

Meanwhile, Enchan ted Kingdom owner and chair of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions Mario O. Mamon cited the challenge of keeping WKH�EXVLQHVV�³UHOHYDQW�>DQG@�JRLQJ�RQ´���+H�DOVR�stressed the need to adjust to the changing business landscape.

³:H� ORRN�XSRQ�ELJJHU�FRPSDQLHV�DV�PRGHOV�´�KH�VDLG��³7ZHQW\�\HDUV�DJR�P\�SHUVRQDO�GUHDP�ZDV�WR�FRQYHUW�>WKH�SDUN@�DV�D�VWDQGDORQH�WKHPH�park but we also wanted to have an integrated UHVRUW� >PLQXV@� WKH� JDPEOLQJ�� � :H� GRQ¶W� KDYH�direct competition in the country. We compete with the malls, which cater to entertainment.”

More sharing from the academe7KH� ³VWUDWHJLF� FRQYHUVDWLRQV´� ZHQW� RQ� XQWLO�midday with more sharing from the attendees who stayed on with lead guest Joseph DeFeo.

³'U�� -XUDQ� OLYHG� WR� EH� ����´� KH� UHFDOOHG�� ³DQG�continued to have relevance although he’s gone now.. We want to relive the past but also want to be seen as current. Relevance is only a problem if you lack monitoring consumer behavior.”

Dr. Aura Matias, dean of the UP College of Engineering and executive director of the National Engineering Center, shared her experiences helming the two units in the University.

³:KHQ� ,� VWDUWHG� DV� GHDQ� RI� WKH� &ROOHJH� RI�(QJLQHHULQJ�´�VKH�VDLG��³ZH�KDYH�QRW�DGGUHVVHG�succession planning. As I started to get to know WKH�VWDII��DGGLWLRQDO�FKDOOHQJHV�>FDPH�LQ@���3HRSOH�were doing stuff because that’s what they knew how to do it. They didn’t have time to analyze what they were doing and why they were doing it. As an industrial engineer, I don’t understand why it takes too much for a paper to get processed. Business permits take a long time. At the same time there’s service to our students. We received complaints from our students who ask us why it has to take a week before we can process their requests. We really have to start challenging ourselves in the University on how we can make RXUVHOYHV�HI¿�FLHQW�´

A similar challenge was posited by Dr. Roger Panlasigui, director for Research, Development and

Extension Services and dean of the College of Engineering of FEATI University. He also used to be a faculty member and a department chair in UP Diliman.

³7KH�HQUROOPHQW�LV�YHU\�ORZ�>LQ�RXU�XQLYHUVLW\@´�KH�VDLG���³:LWK�WKH�TXDOLW\�RI�WKH�VWXGHQWV�WKDW�ZH�get, you will get the feeling that they’re just after the diploma. I have a hard time getting faculty >EXW�WKH�XQLYHUVLW\@�UHDOO\�QHHGV�>WHDFKHUV�ZKR�can dedicate their time and availability even outside the classroom] for problematic learners. The challenge is how to increase enrollment and at the same time get good students, board passers and alumni people talk about.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Antoinette B. Hernandez, assistant vice-president for academic affairs and GLUHFWRU�RI�WKH�2I¿�FH�RI�,QVWLWXWLRQDO�/LQNDJHV�LQ�UP, mentioned the introduction of the K to 12 and the ASEAN 2013 programs for the entire educational system in the Philippines.

³)URP�RXU�YLVLWV�LQ�WKH�GLIIHUHQW�XQLWV�LQ�WKH�83�6\VWHP´�� VKH�VDLG�� ³WKH� IDFXOW\�DUH� WUDLQLQJ� WR�be creative. As a fellow ASEAN, what can the Filipino contribute to Asia and to the world? UP must be competitive enough for faculty renumeration. The challenge is how to keep quality of our faculty members in the university. We have lost a handful of good quality faculty for a long time. The aim of the University is to be among the top 150 universities in the world. To do this UP may need to offer degrees in partnership with top universities.”

For his part, Prof. Ferdinand Manegdeg from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the UP College of Engineering posited the following recommendation for his fellow academicians: ³:KDW�LV�QHHGHG�LV�D�PDVWHU�SODQ�RI�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�from one leader to another. There are problems LQ�DGPLQLVWUDWLYH�HI¿�FLHQF\���3ULRULW\�VKRXOG�EH�WKH� IDFXOW\�� �4XDOLW\� UHTXLUHV� UHVRXUFHV�� � >7KH�solution is to] determine priority.”

Prelude to the symposiumThe meeting ended with another sharing from one member of the group that represents small manufacturers in the country, Leo Hernandez.

³:KHQ� ZH� ZHUH�with the Philippine Food Processors and Exporters O r g a n i z a t i o n , Inc.,” he said, ³ZH¶YH� RQO\� EHHQ�basic in quality. In products, you use all of these senses. The last one is the hindsight--the heart. Quality cannot just be one person. It should be a consensus.”

The meeting, which was also attended by Dr. Maragtas Amante, the vice-president of the UP System, Atty. Malou Catral from the UP College of

Economics, and Dr. Melisa R. Serrano (who was sent on behalf of Dr. J o n a t h a n

P. Sale, dean of the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations) was the preliminary activity that opened E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace &RRSHUDWLRQ�IRU�4XDOLW\�DQG�3UR¿�WDELOLW\�KHOG�RQ�March 21 and 22.

This series of activities was done in partnership with Quality Partners Co. Ltd. (represented GXULQJ� WKH�PHHWLQJ�E\� LWV�&(2�'U��0LÀ�RUD�0��Gatchalian, who also moderated the open forum) and UP ISSI’s major private sector partner the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation, Inc.

A special number was also conducted by Professor Rañeses‘ son Roberto Miguel and his partner Roddel Paraños while UP ISSI’s own Ferdz Manegdeg emceed the program.


From left to right: Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, Mario O. Mamon, Joseph A. DeFeo, Dr. Paterno V. Viloria, Crispina B. Almonte and Antonette L. Dungca

E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality DQG� 3UR¿�WDELOLW\� ZDV� KHOG� ODVW� 0DUFK� ��� DQG���� LQ� 83� ,66,� DIWHU� WKH� VXFFHVVIXO� ³6WUDWHJLF�Conversations With the Executives” a day before at the Executive House in UP Diliman.

UP ISSI director and concurrently the assistant vice-president for administration Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses delivered the welcome remarks on the ¿�UVW�GD\�RI�WKH�V\PSRVLXP�which was held at the


Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, the chairman of the board of Quality Partners Co. Ltd. (QPCL), UP ISSI’s partner in hosting the symposium, extended his greetings to the participants and guest speakers of the symposium along with Dr. Paterno V. Viloria, president of the Institute’s major private sector partner, the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation, Inc.

'U��0LÀ�RUD�0��*DWFKDOLDQ��FKLHI� H[HFXWLYH� RI¿�FHU� RI�QPCL, introduced the keynote speaker, Joseph A. DeFeo, president and CEO of Juran Institute, Inc. based in the United States. 'H)HR�WDONHG�DERXW�³7KH�Transformative Essential

to National Progress”.

UP ISSI’s deputy director Antonette L. Dungca introduced the next speaker, Mario O. Mamon, president and CEO of Enchanted Kingdom, Inc. (EKI) and ¿�UVW� YLFH� FKDLU� RI� WKH�International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. He talked about Workplace Cooperation: The Labor Management Councils and EKI’s Turnaround Experience.

UP ISSI’s own Crispina B. Almonte emceed the ¿�UVW� GD\�RI� WKH� V\PSRVLXP� WKDW� GUHZ�DERXW�D�hundred attendees.

Afternoon sessionsThe symposium continued in the afternoon with more speakers discussing various topics on workplace cooperation.

Ernesto O. Cecilia, chair of the human capital committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, talked about Workforce Engagement: $SSURDFKHV�DQG�%HQH¿�WV�

Raymond C. Tan, managing director of Medport Distributors, Inc., discussed Cost Competitiveness Through Quality.

QPCL Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian delivered his presentation Instilling Work Life Quality: Approaches and Measures.

Capping off the afternoon plenary sessions was Dr. Joel C. Amante, president of the Philippine Total Quality Management Foundation, who presented Philippine Quality Challenge and Total Quality Management.

The participants broke up in their assigned rooms for the simultaneous workshops on the topics discussed by the speakers, who also facilitated the breakout sessions.

$W��WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�¿�UVW�GD\�of the symposium cum workshops, Marilou M. Calzado, president of Calzado Management Consultancy, who also stood as the workshop coordinator, facilitated the presentation of the outputs of the selected leaders of the workshop groups.

Day 2The second day of the symposium was held on WKH�WKLUG�À�RRU�7HRGRUR�5RRP�RI�WKH�,66,�EXLOGLQJ���The plenary sessions resumed with Professor Rañeses delivering Entrepreneurship: A Prime 0RYHU�7R�$FKLHYH�4XDOLW\�DQG�3UR¿�WDELOLW\�

43&/¶V� 'U�� 0LÀ�RUD� $�� *DWFKDOLDQ� SUHVHQWHG�SUGOD (or Move Together in Filipino), which is touted as the Philippine approach to total quality, while her husband, Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, talked about Harnessing Workplace Cooperation for Total Quality Improvement.

The morning plenary sessions ended with the presentation of Engr. Vito P. Aberin, former senior consultant for quality management at San Miguel Corporation. He discussed the Philippine Quality Challenge (PQC): A Total Quality Management Assessment Tool.

'U��$PDQWH��RQH�RI�WKH�VSHDNHUV�RQ�WKH�¿�UVW�GD\�of the symposium, emceed the program for Day 2.

The next series of afternoon plenary sessions focused on testimonials from past winners of the PQC. After the presentation on the PQC History and Future Plans by Virgilio P. Fulgencio, director of the Department of Trade and

Industry’s Center for Industrial Competitiveness, the attendees heard the testimonials in the session titled The Philippine Quality Challenge: SMEs‘ Pathway to Total Quality.

Past PQC winners delivered their respective testimonials: Danilyn’s Enterprises, Inc., represented by its owner and vice-president IRU� ¿�QDQFH� -RYLWD� $��Romero; the UP National Engineering Center, represented by its executive director Dr. Aura C. Matias; and Sunlight Foods Corporation, represented by its owner and president Crispin R. Muyrong.

Workshops and integration$V�RQ�WKH�¿�UVW�GD\�RI� WKH�V\PSRVLXP��SDUDOOHO�sessions were again held, this time focusing on the following topics: Phases Towards Workforce Engagement Through Workplace Cooperation, Steps to Initiate Cost Competitiveness Efforts, Framework Towards Development of Quality Work Life, and PQC: Framework for Assessing Total Quality.

Jon M. Gatchalian, director of human resources of Innodata-EMCI, replaced Ernie O. Cecilia as the facilitator in one breakout session while Niña Ma. B. Estudillo, a consultant on quality and productivity, took the place of Marilou M. Calzado as the workshop coordinator. She later integrated the outputs of the workshop participants from Days 1 and 2 along with Estudillo.

At the end of the workshop proper, Dr. Joel C. Amante presented Key Learnings and Takeaways From the Symposium Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities while Dr. Maragtas S.V. Amante, vice-president for administration of the UP System, delivered his closing remarks.



An exclusive pre-symposium meeting dubbed ³6WUDWHJLF�&RQYHUVDWLRQV�:LWK�([HFXWLYHV´�was held last Wednesday morning, March 20, at the Executive House of UP Diliman.

The meeting served as a prelude to the larger and longer activities that formed part of E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality DQG�3UR¿�WDELOLW\�KHOG�RQ�0DUFK����DQG����

The meeting began with the welcome remarks from UP ISSI director and UP System’s assistant vice-president for administration Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses. Having been in the promotion of quality and productivity for the last 13 years, Professor Rañeses admonished the executives that quality should be subordinated to the basic mission of the company.

³,W�LV�QRW�WKH�PDLQ�JRDO�´�KH�VDLG���³,W�VKRXOG�EH�the springboard to achieve the mission. It’s all about managing and presiding over in an organized manner. No matter how grandiose the dream is, without people executing them, it will not happen.”

ConversationsThe strategic conversations began with a discussion on excellence by Joseph A. DeFeo, president and FKLHI� H[HFXWLYH� RI¿�FHU� RI�Juran Institute. The levels of quality in the 80s and the 90s are no longer applicable today, as the subject of quality itself is evolving, DeFeo said.

Quality expert Dr. Joseph M. Juran, the founder of Juran Institute, would say that there are some universal principles that should be learned by everyone but should also be adopted differently because of culture and other factors.

³7KHUH�LV�QR�RQH�ERRN�WKDW�DWWHPSWHG�HYHU\WKLQJ�´�'H)HR�VDLG��³%XW�'U��-XUDQ�DWWHPSWHG�WR�GR�WKDW�in a quality handbook, which is published every 10 years.”


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Page 2: Speakers and facilitators at E-POWER symposium and workshops


Special Edition ŇISSUE NO. 23




Institute for Small-Scale Industries

E. Virata Hall, E. Jacinto Street, UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City

Pioneering. Innovating. Entrepreneuring.

Moving towards becoming the National Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Calling All Wannabe Entrepreneurs!

Are you thinking of starting a business? You think you have a good business idea but still are unsure of its prospects? Is number crunching your weakness?

Worry no more. Let us help you create your business plan the easy way.

Business Planning Made Easy is a two-week program that allows you to chart the route your business will take. Upon completion of the course, \RX�VKRXOG�EH�DEOH�WR�FRPH�XS�ZLWK�\RXU�¿�QDQFLDO�projections for your intended business and from there, decide whether or not to pursue your business idea.

If you are familiar with the Excel spreadsheet program and know the basic business and accounting theories, principles, and terminologies, this program is for you. Rest assured, you will not be left on your own to do your business plan. You will have a mentor to guide you through the two-week course.

Call the KM-ICT department of UP ISSI (928.7076 to 79) for particulars and look for Ms. Dolly (local 131) or Ms Ditas (local 135). You may also email them at [email protected] or [email protected].

What are you waiting for? Start planning your success today. Enrol now and create a business plan for your business the easy way.

6th Planning for Expanding business Training (PlanET) - Cagayan de Oro City, June 3 to 7, 2013

3ODQ(7�LV�D�¿�YH�GD\�WUDLQLQJ�SURJUDP�WKDW�DLPV�WR�assist small and medium enterprises in preparing business plans so they can have increased chance RI�EHLQJ�JUDQWHG�ORDQV�IURP�EDQNV�DQG�RWKHU�¿�QDQFLDO�institutions. It is offered to entrepreneurs who have the need and the potential to expand their businesses but also require business plan training for securing credit.

The program has so far trained a total of 121 participants. Previous runs were held in UP ISSI, Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center in Iloilo City; Almont Inland Resort in Butuan City; and Montevista Villas, Mimosa Golf and Country Club in Clark, Pampanga.

The 6th PlanET is scheduled to be offered in Cagayan de Oro City on June 3 to 7, 2013. Interested participants may contact Clarita Esteban (9287076 local 159 or [email protected]) or Joanna Rose Laddaran (local 157 or [email protected]) or simply e-mail [email protected].

7KH�JRDO�RI� WKDW�ERRN� LV� WR�¿�QG�³WKH�TXDOLW\�RI�NQRZOHGJH´��'H)HR�VDLG�� � ³:H� OHDUQ� IURP�RXU�customers and our customers learn from us,” he added.

At the end of his talk, the co-author of Dr. Juran’s Quality Handbook urged the attendees to have a good discussion and to broaden their understanding of what quality is about.


What is quality?The president and CEO of Juran Institute, who has worked on the 6th edition of Dr. Juran’s famous handbook, discussed some of the most salient points of the book about quality.

³,Q� HVVHQFH�� TXDOLW\� PDQDJHPHQW� PHDQV�VLPSOLFLW\�PDQDJHPHQW´��KH�VDLG���³&RPSOH[LW\�is good when the design makes it simple.”

+H�ZHQW�RQ�WR�VD\�WKDW�TXDOLW\�LV�DOZD\V�GH¿�QHG�by the customer who uses the product.


On the structure and the contents of the handbook, he advised readers to pick only those that are important for their organizations.

³<RX� GRQ¶W� SLFN� WKH� ¿�UVW� WKLQJ� \RX� ¿�QG� LW� >LQ�*RRJOH@´��KH�VDLG���³7KDW�PLJKW�EH�PRUH�SRSXODU�but not necessarily true.”

He went on to say that many organizations do not have consistent results and

DGPRQLVKHG� WKH� DWWHQGHHV� WKDW� ³:H� VKRXOG�monitor what is happening in our customers. If you don’t truly understand the customers and their needs, it won’t guarantee sustainable performance.”

7KH� EHVW� IRUP�� KH� DGGHG�� LV� ³EUHDNWKURXJK�improvement process to continuously change”.

³,W¶V� DOO� DERXW� OLVWHQLQJ� WR� WKH� FXVWRPHU�´� KH�FRQFOXGHG�� �³0DQ\�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�GRQ¶W�KDYH�D�quality department. Quality strategy is one that is getting a higher sales at lower cost.”

Quality issues in businessPresented with the question, What quality issues do you face in your businesses? the attendees in that morning’s meeting gave their responses in relation to their organizations.

Mabuhay Alonzo from the Quality Assurance Department of Universal Robina Corporation cited the fast turnover of people as one of the issues that confront quality in her organization.


³TXDOLW\� LV� RQH� RI� WKH� FXVWRPHUV� ORRNLQJ� IRU��People are coming in and out at a very short time. For me quality takes years especially on foods because there are some quality aspects that need not to be analyzed and they are subjective. It really takes time. The consistency of the quality RI� WKH�SURGXFW�DOVR�VXIIHUV�� �)URP� WKH�GLI¿�FXOW�management of the company and the quality UHTXLUHPHQW�WR�WKH�WXUQRYHU�RI�SHRSOH�>WKHUH�DUH�quality issues that need to be addressed]. You have to train people every now and then.”

Nutritionist Dr. Nora Palasigui cited the low publication of papers by scientists, which DFFRUGLQJ� WR� KHU� ³SRLQWV� WR� WKH� TXDOLW\� RI� WKH�papers being produced”.

She also cited the concerns of the academe. In terms of the curriculum, she said, it is not clear to what extent can one say a certain syllabus meets a high standard. Quality must also be balanced with the number of students enrolling every academic year.

³,Q�83�´� VKH� VDLG�� ³\RX� GRQ¶W� ZRUU\� DERXW� WKH�enrollment, you worry about the quality”.

Meanwhile, Enchan ted Kingdom owner and chair of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions Mario O. Mamon cited the challenge of keeping WKH�EXVLQHVV�³UHOHYDQW�>DQG@�JRLQJ�RQ´���+H�DOVR�stressed the need to adjust to the changing business landscape.

³:H� ORRN�XSRQ�ELJJHU�FRPSDQLHV�DV�PRGHOV�´�KH�VDLG��³7ZHQW\�\HDUV�DJR�P\�SHUVRQDO�GUHDP�ZDV�WR�FRQYHUW�>WKH�SDUN@�DV�D�VWDQGDORQH�WKHPH�park but we also wanted to have an integrated UHVRUW� >PLQXV@� WKH� JDPEOLQJ�� � :H� GRQ¶W� KDYH�direct competition in the country. We compete with the malls, which cater to entertainment.”

More sharing from the academe7KH� ³VWUDWHJLF� FRQYHUVDWLRQV´� ZHQW� RQ� XQWLO�midday with more sharing from the attendees who stayed on with lead guest Joseph DeFeo.

³'U�� -XUDQ� OLYHG� WR� EH� ����´� KH� UHFDOOHG�� ³DQG�continued to have relevance although he’s gone now.. We want to relive the past but also want to be seen as current. Relevance is only a problem if you lack monitoring consumer behavior.”

Dr. Aura Matias, dean of the UP College of Engineering and executive director of the National Engineering Center, shared her experiences helming the two units in the University.

³:KHQ� ,� VWDUWHG� DV� GHDQ� RI� WKH� &ROOHJH� RI�(QJLQHHULQJ�´�VKH�VDLG��³ZH�KDYH�QRW�DGGUHVVHG�succession planning. As I started to get to know WKH�VWDII��DGGLWLRQDO�FKDOOHQJHV�>FDPH�LQ@���3HRSOH�were doing stuff because that’s what they knew how to do it. They didn’t have time to analyze what they were doing and why they were doing it. As an industrial engineer, I don’t understand why it takes too much for a paper to get processed. Business permits take a long time. At the same time there’s service to our students. We received complaints from our students who ask us why it has to take a week before we can process their requests. We really have to start challenging ourselves in the University on how we can make RXUVHOYHV�HI¿�FLHQW�´

A similar challenge was posited by Dr. Roger Panlasigui, director for Research, Development and

Extension Services and dean of the College of Engineering of FEATI University. He also used to be a faculty member and a department chair in UP Diliman.

³7KH�HQUROOPHQW�LV�YHU\�ORZ�>LQ�RXU�XQLYHUVLW\@´�KH�VDLG���³:LWK�WKH�TXDOLW\�RI�WKH�VWXGHQWV�WKDW�ZH�get, you will get the feeling that they’re just after the diploma. I have a hard time getting faculty >EXW�WKH�XQLYHUVLW\@�UHDOO\�QHHGV�>WHDFKHUV�ZKR�can dedicate their time and availability even outside the classroom] for problematic learners. The challenge is how to increase enrollment and at the same time get good students, board passers and alumni people talk about.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Antoinette B. Hernandez, assistant vice-president for academic affairs and GLUHFWRU�RI�WKH�2I¿�FH�RI�,QVWLWXWLRQDO�/LQNDJHV�LQ�UP, mentioned the introduction of the K to 12 and the ASEAN 2013 programs for the entire educational system in the Philippines.

³)URP�RXU�YLVLWV�LQ�WKH�GLIIHUHQW�XQLWV�LQ�WKH�83�6\VWHP´�� VKH�VDLG�� ³WKH� IDFXOW\�DUH� WUDLQLQJ� WR�be creative. As a fellow ASEAN, what can the Filipino contribute to Asia and to the world? UP must be competitive enough for faculty renumeration. The challenge is how to keep quality of our faculty members in the university. We have lost a handful of good quality faculty for a long time. The aim of the University is to be among the top 150 universities in the world. To do this UP may need to offer degrees in partnership with top universities.”

For his part, Prof. Ferdinand Manegdeg from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the UP College of Engineering posited the following recommendation for his fellow academicians: ³:KDW�LV�QHHGHG�LV�D�PDVWHU�SODQ�RI�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�from one leader to another. There are problems LQ�DGPLQLVWUDWLYH�HI¿�FLHQF\���3ULRULW\�VKRXOG�EH�WKH� IDFXOW\�� �4XDOLW\� UHTXLUHV� UHVRXUFHV�� � >7KH�solution is to] determine priority.”

Prelude to the symposiumThe meeting ended with another sharing from one member of the group that represents small manufacturers in the country, Leo Hernandez.

³:KHQ� ZH� ZHUH�with the Philippine Food Processors and Exporters O r g a n i z a t i o n , Inc.,” he said, ³ZH¶YH� RQO\� EHHQ�basic in quality. In products, you use all of these senses. The last one is the hindsight--the heart. Quality cannot just be one person. It should be a consensus.”

The meeting, which was also attended by Dr. Maragtas Amante, the vice-president of the UP System, Atty. Malou Catral from the UP College of

Economics, and Dr. Melisa R. Serrano (who was sent on behalf of Dr. J o n a t h a n

P. Sale, dean of the UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations) was the preliminary activity that opened E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace &RRSHUDWLRQ�IRU�4XDOLW\�DQG�3UR¿�WDELOLW\�KHOG�RQ�March 21 and 22.

This series of activities was done in partnership with Quality Partners Co. Ltd. (represented GXULQJ� WKH�PHHWLQJ�E\� LWV�&(2�'U��0LÀ�RUD�0��Gatchalian, who also moderated the open forum) and UP ISSI’s major private sector partner the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation, Inc.

A special number was also conducted by Professor Rañeses‘ son Roberto Miguel and his partner Roddel Paraños while UP ISSI’s own Ferdz Manegdeg emceed the program.


From left to right: Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, Mario O. Mamon, Joseph A. DeFeo, Dr. Paterno V. Viloria, Crispina B. Almonte and Antonette L. Dungca

E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality DQG� 3UR¿�WDELOLW\� ZDV� KHOG� ODVW� 0DUFK� ��� DQG���� LQ� 83� ,66,� DIWHU� WKH� VXFFHVVIXO� ³6WUDWHJLF�Conversations With the Executives” a day before at the Executive House in UP Diliman.

UP ISSI director and concurrently the assistant vice-president for administration Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses delivered the welcome remarks on the ¿�UVW�GD\�RI�WKH�V\PSRVLXP�which was held at the


Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, the chairman of the board of Quality Partners Co. Ltd. (QPCL), UP ISSI’s partner in hosting the symposium, extended his greetings to the participants and guest speakers of the symposium along with Dr. Paterno V. Viloria, president of the Institute’s major private sector partner, the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation, Inc.

'U��0LÀ�RUD�0��*DWFKDOLDQ��FKLHI� H[HFXWLYH� RI¿�FHU� RI�QPCL, introduced the keynote speaker, Joseph A. DeFeo, president and CEO of Juran Institute, Inc. based in the United States. 'H)HR�WDONHG�DERXW�³7KH�Transformative Essential

to National Progress”.

UP ISSI’s deputy director Antonette L. Dungca introduced the next speaker, Mario O. Mamon, president and CEO of Enchanted Kingdom, Inc. (EKI) and ¿�UVW� YLFH� FKDLU� RI� WKH�International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. He talked about Workplace Cooperation: The Labor Management Councils and EKI’s Turnaround Experience.

UP ISSI’s own Crispina B. Almonte emceed the ¿�UVW� GD\�RI� WKH� V\PSRVLXP� WKDW� GUHZ�DERXW�D�hundred attendees.

Afternoon sessionsThe symposium continued in the afternoon with more speakers discussing various topics on workplace cooperation.

Ernesto O. Cecilia, chair of the human capital committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, talked about Workforce Engagement: $SSURDFKHV�DQG�%HQH¿�WV�

Raymond C. Tan, managing director of Medport Distributors, Inc., discussed Cost Competitiveness Through Quality.

QPCL Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian delivered his presentation Instilling Work Life Quality: Approaches and Measures.

Capping off the afternoon plenary sessions was Dr. Joel C. Amante, president of the Philippine Total Quality Management Foundation, who presented Philippine Quality Challenge and Total Quality Management.

The participants broke up in their assigned rooms for the simultaneous workshops on the topics discussed by the speakers, who also facilitated the breakout sessions.

$W��WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�¿�UVW�GD\�of the symposium cum workshops, Marilou M. Calzado, president of Calzado Management Consultancy, who also stood as the workshop coordinator, facilitated the presentation of the outputs of the selected leaders of the workshop groups.

Day 2The second day of the symposium was held on WKH�WKLUG�À�RRU�7HRGRUR�5RRP�RI�WKH�,66,�EXLOGLQJ���The plenary sessions resumed with Professor Rañeses delivering Entrepreneurship: A Prime 0RYHU�7R�$FKLHYH�4XDOLW\�DQG�3UR¿�WDELOLW\�

43&/¶V� 'U�� 0LÀ�RUD� $�� *DWFKDOLDQ� SUHVHQWHG�SUGOD (or Move Together in Filipino), which is touted as the Philippine approach to total quality, while her husband, Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, talked about Harnessing Workplace Cooperation for Total Quality Improvement.

The morning plenary sessions ended with the presentation of Engr. Vito P. Aberin, former senior consultant for quality management at San Miguel Corporation. He discussed the Philippine Quality Challenge (PQC): A Total Quality Management Assessment Tool.

'U��$PDQWH��RQH�RI�WKH�VSHDNHUV�RQ�WKH�¿�UVW�GD\�of the symposium, emceed the program for Day 2.

The next series of afternoon plenary sessions focused on testimonials from past winners of the PQC. After the presentation on the PQC History and Future Plans by Virgilio P. Fulgencio, director of the Department of Trade and

Industry’s Center for Industrial Competitiveness, the attendees heard the testimonials in the session titled The Philippine Quality Challenge: SMEs‘ Pathway to Total Quality.

Past PQC winners delivered their respective testimonials: Danilyn’s Enterprises, Inc., represented by its owner and vice-president IRU� ¿�QDQFH� -RYLWD� $��Romero; the UP National Engineering Center, represented by its executive director Dr. Aura C. Matias; and Sunlight Foods Corporation, represented by its owner and president Crispin R. Muyrong.

Workshops and integration$V�RQ�WKH�¿�UVW�GD\�RI� WKH�V\PSRVLXP��SDUDOOHO�sessions were again held, this time focusing on the following topics: Phases Towards Workforce Engagement Through Workplace Cooperation, Steps to Initiate Cost Competitiveness Efforts, Framework Towards Development of Quality Work Life, and PQC: Framework for Assessing Total Quality.

Jon M. Gatchalian, director of human resources of Innodata-EMCI, replaced Ernie O. Cecilia as the facilitator in one breakout session while Niña Ma. B. Estudillo, a consultant on quality and productivity, took the place of Marilou M. Calzado as the workshop coordinator. She later integrated the outputs of the workshop participants from Days 1 and 2 along with Estudillo.

At the end of the workshop proper, Dr. Joel C. Amante presented Key Learnings and Takeaways From the Symposium Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities while Dr. Maragtas S.V. Amante, vice-president for administration of the UP System, delivered his closing remarks.



An exclusive pre-symposium meeting dubbed ³6WUDWHJLF�&RQYHUVDWLRQV�:LWK�([HFXWLYHV´�was held last Wednesday morning, March 20, at the Executive House of UP Diliman.

The meeting served as a prelude to the larger and longer activities that formed part of E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality DQG�3UR¿�WDELOLW\�KHOG�RQ�0DUFK����DQG����

The meeting began with the welcome remarks from UP ISSI director and UP System’s assistant vice-president for administration Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses. Having been in the promotion of quality and productivity for the last 13 years, Professor Rañeses admonished the executives that quality should be subordinated to the basic mission of the company.

³,W�LV�QRW�WKH�PDLQ�JRDO�´�KH�VDLG���³,W�VKRXOG�EH�the springboard to achieve the mission. It’s all about managing and presiding over in an organized manner. No matter how grandiose the dream is, without people executing them, it will not happen.”

ConversationsThe strategic conversations began with a discussion on excellence by Joseph A. DeFeo, president and FKLHI� H[HFXWLYH� RI¿�FHU� RI�Juran Institute. The levels of quality in the 80s and the 90s are no longer applicable today, as the subject of quality itself is evolving, DeFeo said.

Quality expert Dr. Joseph M. Juran, the founder of Juran Institute, would say that there are some universal principles that should be learned by everyone but should also be adopted differently because of culture and other factors.

³7KHUH�LV�QR�RQH�ERRN�WKDW�DWWHPSWHG�HYHU\WKLQJ�´�'H)HR�VDLG��³%XW�'U��-XUDQ�DWWHPSWHG�WR�GR�WKDW�in a quality handbook, which is published every 10 years.”


Wallnews 23.indd 1-2 4/15/13 4:26 PM

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