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  • Chapter 17

    Problem I

    1. 20x4 Sales 1,080,000

    Purchases (Cost of Goods Sold) 1,080,000

    12/31 Inventory (Income Statement)

    [216,000 (216,000/1.20)] 36,000 12/31 Inventory (Balance Sheet) 36,000


    Sales 1,200,000

    Purchases (Cost of Goods Sold) 1,200,000

    12/31 Inventory (Income Statement)

    [300,000 (300,000/1.20)] 50,000 12/31 Inventory (Balance Sheet) 50,000

    Beginning R/E Puma 36,000 1/1 Inventory (Income Statement) 36,000

    2. Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 760,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 36,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_50,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 746,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 460,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 0)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 460,000 460,000

    Total P1,206,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 0

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P1,206,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * 92,000

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent 20x5..

    P 1,114,000

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    Or, alternatively Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 760,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 36,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_50,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 746,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 460,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 0)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P460,000 460,000

    Total P1,206,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * P 92,000

    Amortization of allocated excess 0 92,000

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 92,000

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P 1,206,000

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x5

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of Son Company)


    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 0)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations P460,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess _____0


    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) partial goodwill P 92,000

  • Problem II

    1. Sales 1,020,000

    Purchases (Cost of Sales) 1,020,000

    To eliminate intercompany sales.

    12/31 Inventory (Income Statement) 51,000

    Inventory (Balance Sheet) 51,000

    To eliminate unrealized intercompany profit in ending inventory.

    Beginning Retained Earnings Pinta (.90 P40,000) 36,000

    Noncontrolling interest 4,000

    1/1 Inventory (Balance Sheet) 40,000

    To recognize unrealized profit in beginning inventory realized during the year.

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 1,720,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_ 0)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 1, 720,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 600,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 40,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 51,00 0)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 589,000 589,000

    Total P2,309,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 0

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P2,309,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * 58,900

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent 20x5..

    P 2,250,100

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    Or, alternatively Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 1,720,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (________0)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P1,720,,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 600,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 40,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 51,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P589,000 589,000

    Total P2,309,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * P 58,900

    Amortization of allocated excess 0 __58,900

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 58,900

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P 2,309,000

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x5

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of Son Company)


    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 40,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 51,000)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations P589,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess _____0


    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 10%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) P 58,900

    Problem III

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 3,600,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 54,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_ 45,00 0)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 3,609,000

    S Companys net income from own operations (P1,500,000 + P2,400,000) P3,900,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) Salad 66,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales)- Tuna 63,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) Salad ( 57,000)

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) Tuna ( 69,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P3,903,000 3,903,000

  • Total P7,512,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 0

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4 P7,512,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* *- Salad P 301,800

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* *- Tuna ___239,400 ___541,200

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent 20x4..


    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    Or, alternatively Consolidated Net Income for 20x4

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 3,600,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 54,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (___45,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P3,609,,000

    S Companys net income from own operations (P1,500,000 + P2,400,000) P3,900,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) Salad 66,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales)- Tuna 63,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) Salad ( 57,000)

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) Tuna ( 69,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P3,903,000 3,903,000

    Total P7,512,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * - Salad P 301,800

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * - Tuna 239,400

    Amortization of allocated excess 0 __541,200

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _541,200

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4 P 7,512,000

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    **Salad Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x4

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of S Company)


    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 66,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 57,000)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations P1,509,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess _____0


    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... __ 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) P 301,800


    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x4

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of S Company)


    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 63,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 69,000)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations P2,394,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess _____0


    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 10%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) P 239,400

    Realized Profit in Beginning inventory:

    Downstream Sales (Sales from Parent to Subsidiary)

    P414,000 x 15/115 P54,000

    Upstream Sales (Sales from Subsidiary-Salad to Parent):

    Salad: P396,000 x 20/120 66,000

    Upstream Sales (Sales from Subsidiary-Tuna to Parent):

    Tuna: P315,000 x 25/125 63,000

    Unrealized Profit in Ending inventory:

    Downstream Sales (Sales from Parent to Subsidiary)

    P345,000 x 15/115 P45,000

    Upstream Sales (Sales from Subsidiary-Salad to Parent):

    Salad: P342,000 x 20/120 57,000

    Upstream Sales (Sales from Subsidiary-Tuna to Parent):

    Tuna: P345,000 x 25/125 69,000

  • Problem IV


    Sales 4,000,000

    Cost of Goods Sold 4,000,000

    Cost of Goods Sold 250,000

    Ending Inventory (Balance Sheet) 250,000

    [P1,250,000 - (P1,250,000/1.25)]

    1/1 Retained Earnings P Company (1) 84,000 Noncontrolling interest (2) 21,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (Beginning Inventory) 105,000

    [P525,000 (P525,000/1.25)] = P105,000

    (1) .8(P105,000)

    (2) .2(P105,000)

    2/3. P3,000,000 .20 = P600,000 non-controlling interest in consolidated income.

    4. [(.20 P5,400,000) -.20(P1,250,000 P1,250,000/1.25)] = P1,030,000 non-controlling interest in consolidated net assets on December 31, 20x4.


    Consolidated Income Statement

    For the Year Ended December 31, 20x4

    Sales (P13,800,000 P1,350,000) P12,450,000 Cost of Goods Sold (a) P7,755,000

    Operating Expenses 1,800,000 9,555,000

    Consolidated Income 2,895,000

    Less Non-controlling Interest in Consolidated Income (b) 197,500

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income P2,697,500

    (a) Reported Cost of Goods Sold P9,000,000

    Less intercompany sales in 20x4 (1,350,000)

    Plus unrealized profit in ending inventory (2/5 x (P1,350,000 - P900,000)) 180,000

    Less realized profit in beginning inventory (1/4 x (P1,800,000 - P1,500,000)) (75,000)

    Corrected cost of goods sold P7,755,000

    (b) Reported net income of subsidiary P1,900,000

    Plus unrealized profit on subsidiary sales in 2013 that is considered realized in 20x4

    (1/4 x (P1,800,000 - P1,500,000)) 75,000

    Less unrealized profit on subsidiary sales in 20x4 (there were no upstream sales in 20x4) 0

    Income realized in transactions with third parties 1,975,000


    Non-controlling interest in consolidated income P197,500

    Problem VIII

    (Determine selected consolidated balances; includes inventory transfers and an outside


    Customer list amortization = P65,000/5 years = P13,000 per year

    Intercompany Gross profit (P160,000 P120,000) ............................................... P40,000 Inventory Remaining at Year's End ......................................................................... 20%

    Unrealized Intercompany Gross profit, 12/31 .............................................................. P8,000

    Consolidated Totals:

    Inventory = P592,000 (add the two book values and subtract the ending unrealized gross profit of P8,000)

    Sales = P1,240,000 (add the two book values and subtract the P160,000 intercompany transfer)

    Cost of Goods Sold = P548,000 (add the two book values and subtract the intercompany transfer and add [to defer] ending unrealized gross profit)



  • Operating Expenses = P443,000 (add the two book values and the amortization expense for the period)

    Gross profit: P1,240,000 P548,000 = P692,000 Controlling Interest in CNI:

    Gross profit ...................................................................................................... P692,000

    Less: Operating expenses ............................................................................ 443,000

    Consolidated Net Income ...........................................................................P249,000

    Less: NCI-CNI ................................................................................................... 8,700

    CI-CNI ...............................................................................................................P240,300

    or Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations (P800-P400-P180) P 220,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_ 0)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 220,000

    S Companys net income from own operations (P600 P300 P250) P 50,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 8, 000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 42,000 42,000

    Total P 262,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 13,000

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P 249,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * 8,700

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent 20x5..

    P 240,300

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    Or, alternatively

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P 220,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_ 0)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 220,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 50,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 8,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 42,000 42,000

    Total P 262,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * P 8,700

    Amortization of allocated excess 13,000 21,700

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 8,700

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P249,000

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x5

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of Son Company)

    P 50,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 0

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 8,00 0)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations P 42,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 13,000

    P 29,000

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 30%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) partial goodwill P 8,700

    Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiary's Net Income = P8,700 (30 percent of the reported income after subtracting 13,000 excess fair value amortization and

    deferring P8,000 ending unrealized gross profit) Gross profit is included in this

    computation because the transfer was upstream from SS to PT.

    Problem IX

    Requirements 1 to 4:

    Schedule of Determination and Allocation of Excess (Partial-goodwill)

    Date of Acquisition January 1, 20x4

  • Fair value of Subsidiary (80%)

    Consideration transferred.. P 372,000 Less: Book value of stockholders equity of Son: Common stock (P240,000 x 80%). P 192,000 Retained earnings (P120,000 x 80%)... 96,000 288,000 Allocated excess (excess of cost over book value).. P 84,000 Less: Over/under valuation of assets and liabilities:

    Increase in inventory (P6,000 x 80%) P 4,800 Increase in land (P7,200 x 80%). 5,760 Increase in equipment (P96,000 x 80%) 76,800

    Decrease in buildings (P24,000 x 80%)..... ( 19,200) Decrease in bonds payable (P4,800 x 80%) 3,840 72,000 Positive excess: Partial-goodwill (excess of cost over

    fair value)... P 12,000

    The over/under valuation of assets and liabilities are summarized as follows:

    S Co.

    Book value

    S Co.

    Fair value

    (Over) Under


    Inventory... P 24,000 P 30,000 P 6,000 Land 48,000 55,200 7,200 Equipment (net)......... 84,000 180,000 96,000

    Buildings (net) 168,000 144,000 (24,000)

    Bonds payable (120,000) ( 115,200) 4,800 Net.. P 204,000 P 294,000 P 90,000

    The buildings and equipment will be further analyzed for consolidation purposes as follows:

    S Co.

    Book value

    S Co.

    Fair value



    Equipment .................. 180,000 180,000 0

    Less: Accumulated depreciation.. 96,000 - ( 96,000) Net book value... 84,000 180,000 96,000

    S Co.

    Book value

    S Co.

    Fair value


    Buildings................ 360,000 144,000 ( 216,000)

    Less: Accumulated depreciation.. 192,000 - ( 192,000) Net book value... 168,000 144,000 ( 24,000)

    A summary of depreciation and amortization adjustments is as follows:

    Account Adjustments to be amortized


    Under Life




    Year(20x4) 20x5

    Inventory P 6,000 1 P 6,000 P 6,000 P -

    Subject to Annual Amortization

    Equipment (net)......... 96,000 8 12,000 12,000 12,000

    Buildings (net) (24,000) 4 ( 6,000) ( 6,000) (6,000)

    Bonds payable 4800 4 1,200 1,200 1,200

    P 13,200 P 13,200 P 7,200

    The goodwill impairment loss of P3,750 based on 100% fair value would be allocated to the

    controlling interest and the NCI based on the percentage of total goodwill each equity interest

    received. For purposes of allocating the goodwill impairment loss, the full-goodwill is computed

    as follows:

    Fair value of Subsidiary (100%)

    Consideration transferred: Cash (80%) P 372,000

    Fair value of NCI (given) (20%) 93,000

    Fair value of Subsidiary (100%) P 465,000

    Less: Book value of stockholders equity of Son (P360,000 x 100%) __360,000

    Allocated excess (excess of cost over book value).. P 105,000 Add (deduct): (Over) under valuation of assets and liabilities

    (P90,000 x 100%) 90,000

    Positive excess: Full-goodwill (excess of cost over

    fair value)... P 15,000

    In this case, the goodwill was proportional to the controlling interest of 80% and non-controlling

    interest of 20% computed as follows:

  • Value % of Total

    Goodwill applicable to parent P12,000 80.00% Goodwill applicable to NCI.. 3,000 20.00% Total (full) goodwill.. P15,000 100.00%

    The goodwill impairment loss would be allocated as follows Value % of Total

    Goodwill impairment loss attributable to parent or controlling


    P 3,000 80.00%

    Goodwill applicable to NCI.. 750 20.00% Goodwill impairment loss based on 100% fair value or full-


    P 3,750


    The unrealized profits on January 1, and on December 31, 20x5, resulting intercompany sales,

    are as summarized below:

    Downstream Sales:


    Sales of Parent to


    Intercompany Merchandise

    in 12/31 Inventory

    of S Company

    Unrealized Intercompany

    Profit in Ending Inventory

    20x4 P150,000 P150,000 x 60% = P90,000 P90,000 x 20% = P18,000

    20x5 120,000 P120,000 x 80% = P96,000 P96,000 x 25% = P24,000

    Upstream Sales:


    Sales of Subsidiary

    to Parent

    Intercompany Merchandise

    in 12/31 Inventory

    of S Company

    Unrealized Intercompany

    Profit in Ending Inventory

    20x4 P 60,000 P60,000 x 50% = P30,000 P30,000 x 40% = P12,000

    20x5 75,000 P 75,000 x 40% = P30,000 P30,000 x 20% = P 6,000

    20x4: First Year after Acquisition

    Parent Company Cost Model Entry

    January 1, 20x4:

    (1) Investment in S Company 372,000 Cash.. 372,000 Acquisition of S Company.

    January 1, 20x4 December 31, 20x4: (2) Cash 28,800 Dividend income (P36,000 x 80%). 28,800 Record dividends from S Company.

    No entries are made on the parents books to depreciate, amortize or write-off the portion of the allocated excess that expires during 20x4, and unrealized profits in ending inventory.

    Consolidation Workpaper Year of Acquisition (E1) Common stock S Co 240,000

    Retained earnings S Co 120.000

    Investment in S Co 288,000

    Non-controlling interest (P360,000 x 20%).. 72,000 To eliminate intercompany investment and equity accounts

    of subsidiary on date of acquisition; and to establish non-controlling

    interest (in net assets of subsidiary) on date of acquisition.

    (E2) Inventory. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 96,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 192,000

    Land. 7,200

    Discount on bonds payable. 4,800

    Goodwill. 12,000

    Buildings.. 216,000

    Non-controlling interest (P90,000 x 20%).. 18,000

    Investment in Son Co. 84,000 To allocate excess of cost over book value of identifiable assets acquired, with remainder to goodwill; and to establish non-

    controlling interest (in net assets of subsidiary) on date of acquisition.

  • (E3) Cost of Goods Sold. 6,000

    Depreciation expense.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 6,000

    Interest expense 1,200

    Goodwill impairment loss. 3,000

    Inventory.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 12,000

    Discount on bonds payable 1,200

    Goodwill 3,000 To provide for 20x4 impairment loss and depreciation and

    amortization on differences between acquisition date fair value and

    book value of Ss identifiable assets and liabilities as follows:

    Cost of









    Inventory sold P 6,000

    Equipment P 12,000

    Buildings ( 6,000)

    Bonds payable _______ _______ P 1,200

    Totals P 6,000 P 2,000 P1,200 13,200

    (E4) Dividend income - P. 28,800

    Non-controlling interest (P36,000 x 20%).. 7,200

    Dividends paid S 36,000 To eliminate intercompany dividends and non-controlling interest

    share of dividends.

    (E5) Sales. 150,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 150,000 To eliminated intercompany downstream sales.

    (E6) Sales. 60,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 60,000 To eliminated intercompany upstream sales.

    (E7) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 18,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 18,000 To defer the downstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E8) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 12,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 12,000 To defer the upstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E9) Non-controlling interest in Net Income of Subsidiary 6,960

    Non-controlling interest .. 6,960 To establish non-controlling interest in subsidiarys adjusted net income for 20x4 as follows:

    Net income of subsidiary.. P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P

    Company (upstream sales)..

    ( 12,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*...

    P 48,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess [(E3)]. 13,200

    P 34,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI)

    partial goodwill

    P 6,960

    Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements, December 31, 20x4.

    Cost Model (Partial-goodwill)

    80%-Owned Subsidiary

    December 31, 20x4 (First Year after Acquisition)

    Income Statement P Co S Co. Dr. Cr. Consolidated




    (5) 150,000

    (6) 60,000

    P 510,000

    Dividend income 28,800 - (4) 36,000 _________

    Total Revenue P508,800 P240,000 P 510,000

  • Cost of goods sold



    (3) 6,000

    (7) 18,000

    (8) 12,000

    (5) 150,000

    (6) 60,000

    P 168,000

    Depreciation expense 60,000 24,000 (3) 6,000 90,000

    Interest expense - - (3) 1,200 1,200

    Other expenses 48,000 18,000 66,000

    Goodwill impairment loss - - (3) 3,000 3,000

    Total Cost and Expenses P312,000 P180,000 P328,200

    Net Income P196,800 P 60,000 P181,800

    NCI in Net Income - Subsidiary - - (9) 6,960 ( 6,960)

    Net Income to Retained Earnings P196,800 P 60,000 P174,840

    Statement of Retained Earnings

    Retained earnings, 1/1

    P Company P432,000 P 360,000

    S Company P144,000 (1) 120,000

    Net income, from above 236,160 72,000 174,840

    Total P668,160 P216,000 P538,840

    Dividends paid

    Perfect Company 86,400 72,000

    Son Company - 43,200 (4) 36,000 _ ________

    Retained earnings, 12/31 to Balance

    Sheet P581,760 P172,800 P 466,840

    Balance Sheet

    Cash. P 232,800 P 90,000 P 355,200

    Accounts receivable.. 90,000 60,000 150,000




    (2) 6,000

    (3) 6,000

    (7) 18,000

    (8) 12,000 180,000

    Land. 1210,000 48,000 (2) 7,200 265,200

    Equipment 240,000 180,000 420,000

    Buildings 720,000 540,000 (2) 216,000 1,044,000

    Discount on bonds payable (2) 4,800 (3) 12000 3,600

    Goodwill (2) 12,000 (3) 3,000 9,000

    Investment in S Co 372,000

    (1) 288,000

    (2) 84,000 -

    Total P1,984,800 P1,008,000 P2,394,600

    Accumulated depreciation

    - equipment P 135,000 P 96,000 (2) 96,000 (3) 12,000 P147,000

    Accumulated depreciation

    - buildings



    (2) 192,000

    (3) 6,000 495,000

    Accounts payable 120,000 120,000 240,000

    Bonds payable 240,000 120,000 360,000

    Common stock, P10 par 600,000 600,000

    Common stock, P10 par 240,000 (1) 240,000

    Retained earnings, from above 581,760 144,000 462,840

    Non-controlling interest



    (4) 7,200


    (1 ) 72,000

    (2) 18,000

    (9) 6,960 ____89,760

    Total P1,984,800 P1,008,000 P 983,160 P 983,160 P2,394,600

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P168,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) ( 18,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P150,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (upstream sales) ( 12,000)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 48,000 48,000

    Total P198,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * P 6,960

    Amortization of allocated excess (refer to amortization above) 13,200

    Goodwill impairment (impairment under partial-goodwill approach) 3,000 23,160

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 6,960

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4 P181.800

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x4

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of S Company)

    P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 12,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations P 48,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 13,200

  • P 34,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) partial goodwill P 6,960

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    Since NCI share of goodwill is not recognized, no adjustment is required for the impairment loss

    on goodwill and impairment losses are not shared with NCI.

    20x5: Second Year after Acquisition P Co. S Co.

    Sales P 540,000 P 360,000

    Less: Cost of goods sold 216,000 192,000

    Gross profit P 324,000 P 168,000

    Less: Depreciation expense 60,000 24,000

    Other expense 72,000 54,000

    Net income from its own separate operations P 192,000 P 90,000

    Add: Dividend income 38,400 -

    Net income P 230,400 P 90,000

    Dividends paid P 72,000 P 48,000

    No goodwill impairment loss for 20x5.

    20x5: Parent Company Cost Model Entry

    Only a single entry is recorded by the parent in 20x5 in relation to its subsidiary investment:

    January 1, 20x5 December 31, 20x5:

    Cash 38,400

    Dividend income (P48,000 x 80%). 38,400

    Record dividends from S Company.

    On the books of S Company, the P48,000 dividend paid was recorded as follows:

    Dividends paid 48,000

    Cash 48,000

    Dividends paid by S Co..

    Consolidation Workpaper Second Year after Acquisition (E1) Investment in S Company 19,200

    Retained earnings P Company 19,200 To provide entry to convert from the cost method to the equity

    method or the entry to establish reciprocity at the beginning of the

    year, 1/1/20x5, computed as follows:

    Retained earnings S Company, 1/1/20x5 P144,000

    Retained earnings S Company, 1/1/20x4 120,000

    Increase in retained earnings.. P 24,000

    Multiplied by: Controlling interest % 80%

    Retroactive adjustment P 19,200

    (E2) Common stock S Co 240,000

    Retained earnings S Co., 1/1/20x5 144.000

    Investment in S Co (P384,000 x 80%) 307,200

    Non-controlling interest (P384,000 x 20%).. 76,800 To eliminate intercompany investment and equity accounts

    of subsidiary and to establish non-controlling interest (in net assets of

    subsidiary) on January 1, 20x5.

    (E3) Inventory. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. .... 96,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. ... 192,000

    Land. 7,200

    Discount on bonds payable. 4,800

    Goodwill. 12,000

    Buildings........................... 216,000

    Non-controlling interest (P90,000 x 20%)............................ 18,000

    Investment in S Co. 84,000 To allocate excess of cost over book value of identifiable assets acquired, with remainder to goodwill; and to establish non-

    controlling interest (in net assets of subsidiary) on January 1, 20x5.

  • (E4) Retained earnings P Company, 1/1/20x5 [(P13,200 x 80%) + P3,000, impairment loss on



    Non-controlling interests (P13,200 x 20%). 2,640

    Depreciation expense.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 12,000

    Interest expense 1,200

    Inventory.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 24,000

    Discount on bonds payable 2,400

    Goodwill 3,000 To provide for years 20x4 and 20x5 depreciation and amortization on

    differences between acquisition date fair value and book value of

    Ss identifiable assets and liabilities as follows: Year 20x4 amounts are debited to Ps retained earnings & NCI;

    Year 20x5 amounts are debited to respective nominal accounts.









    Inventory sold P 6,000

    Equipment 12,000 P 12,000

    Buildings (6,000) ( 6,000)

    Bonds payable 1,200 ________ P 1,200

    Sub-total P13,200 P 6,000 P 1,200

    Multiplied by: 80%

    To Retained earnings P 10,560

    Impairment loss 3,000

    Total P 13,560

    (E5) Dividend income - P. 38,400

    Non-controlling interest (P48,000 x 20%).. 9,600

    Dividends paid S 48,000 To eliminate intercompany dividends and non-controlling interest

    share of dividends.

    (E6) Sales. 120,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 120,000 To eliminated intercompany downstream sales.

    (E7) Sales. 75,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 75,000 To eliminated intercompany upstream sales.

    (E8) Beginning Retained Earnings P Company 18,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 18,000 To realized profit in downstream beginning inventory deferred in the

    prior period.

    (E9) Beginning Retained Earnings P Company (P12,000 x 80%) 9,600

    Noncontrolling interest (P12,000 x 20%) 2,400

    Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 12,000 To realized profit in beginning inventory deferred in the prior period.

    (E10) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 24,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 24,000 To defer the downstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E11) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 6,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 6,000 To defer the upstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E12) Non-controlling interest in Net Income of Subsidiary 17,760

    Non-controlling interest .. 17,760 To establish non-controlling interest in subsidiarys adjusted net income for 20x5 as follows:

  • Realized profit in beginning inventory of P

    Company - 20x5 (upstream sales)


    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P

    Company - 20x5 (upstream sales)

    ( 6,000)

    S Companys Realized net income* P 96,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 7,200

    P 88,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI )

    partial goodwill

    P 17,760

    *from separate transactions that has been realized in transactions

    with third persons.

    Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements, December 31, 20x5.

    Cost Model (Partial-goodwill)

    80%-Owned Subsidiary

    December 31, 20x5 (Second Year after Acquisition)

    Income Statement P Co S Co. Dr. Cr. Consolidated




    (6) 120,000

    (7) 75,000

    P 705,000

    Dividend income 38,400 - (5) 38,400 ___________

    Total Revenue P501,600 P360,000 P 705,000

    Cost of goods sold



    (10) 24,000

    (11) 6,000

    (6) 120,000

    (7) 75,000

    (8) 18,000

    (9) 12,000


    Depreciation expense 60,000 24,000 (4) 6,000 90,000

    Interest expense - - (4) 1,200 1,200

    Other expenses 72,000 54,000 126,000

    Goodwill impairment loss - - -

    Total Cost and Expenses P348,000 P270,000 P 430,200

    Net Income P230,400 P 90,000 P 274,800

    NCI in Net Income - Subsidiary - - (12) 17,760 ( 17,760)

    Net Income to Retained Earnings P230,400 P 90,000 P 257,040

    Statement of Retained Earnings

    Retained earnings, 1/1

    P Company


    (2) 13,560

    (8) 18,000

    (9) 9,600 (1) 19,200 P 462,840

    S Company P 144,000 (2) 144,000

    Net income, from above 230,400 90,000 257,040

    Total P715,200 P234,000 P 719,880

    Dividends paid

    P Company 72,000 72,000

    S Company - 48,000 (5) 48,000 _ ________

    Retained earnings, 12/31 to Balance

    Sheet P643,200 P186,000 P 647,880

    Balance Sheet

    Cash. P 265,200 P 102,000 P 367,200

    Accounts receivable.. 180,000 96,000 276,000




    (3) 7,200

    (4) 7,200

    (10) 24,000

    (11) 6,000 294,000

    Land. 210,000 48,000 (3) 7,200 265,200

    Equipment 240,000 180,000 420,000

    Buildings 720,000 540,000 (3) 216,000 1,044,000

    Discount on bonds payable (3) 4,800 (4) 2,400 2,400

    Goodwill (3) 12,000 (4) 3,000 9,000

    Investment in S Co 372,000 (1) 19,200

    (2) 307,200

    (3) 84,000 -

    Total P2,203,200 P1,074,000 P2,677,800

    Accumulated depreciation

    - equipment P 150,000 P 102,000 (3) 96,000 (4) 24,000 P180,000

    Accumulated depreciation

    - buildings



    (3) 192,000

    (4) 12,000 552,000

    Accounts payable 120,000 120,000 240,000

    Bonds payable 240,000 120,000 360,000

    Common stock, P10 par 600,000 600,000

    Common stock, P10 par 240,000 (2) 240,000

    Retained earnings, from above 643,200 186,000 647,880

    Non-controlling interest ___ _____ (4) 2,640 (2 ) 76,800 ____97,920

  • _________ (5) 9,600

    (9) 2,400


    (3) 18,000

    (12) 17,760

    Total 2,203,200 P1,074,000 P1,077,360 P1,077,360 P2,677,800

    5. 1/1/20x4

    a. On date of acquisition the retained earnings of parent should always be considered as

    the consolidated retained earnings, thus:

    Consolidated Retained Earnings, January 1, 20x4

    Retained earnings P Company, January 1, 20x4 (date of acquisition) P360,000

    b. Non-controlling interest (partial-goodwill), January 1, 20x4

    Common stock Subsidiary Company P 240,000

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company. 120,000

    Stockholders equity Subsidiary Company... P 360,000

    Adjustments to reflect fair value - (over) undervaluation of assets and liabilities 90,000

    Fair value of stockholders equity of subsidiary, January 1, 20x4 P 450,000

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling Interest percentage... 20

    Non-controlling interest (partial) P 90,000

    c. Consolidated SHE:

    Stockholders Equity

    Common stock, P10 par P 600,000

    Retained earnings 360,000

    Parents Stockholders Equity / CI - SHE P 960,000

    NCI, 1/1/20x4 ___90,000

    Consolidated SHE, 1/1/20x4 P1,050,000


    Note: The goodwill recognized on consolidation purely relates to the parents share. NCI is measured as a proportion of identifiable assets and goodwill attributable to NCI share is not



    a. CI-CNI P174,840 Consolidated Net Income for 20x4

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P168,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) ( 18,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P150,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (upstream sales) ( 12,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 48,000 48,000

    Total P198,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * P 6,960

    Amortization of allocated excess (refer to amortization above) 13,200

    Goodwill impairment (impairment under partial-goodwill approach) 3,000 23,160

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 6,960

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4 P181.800

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    b. NCI-CNI P6,960 **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x4

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of S Company)

    P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 12,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations P 48,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 13,200

    P 34,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) partial goodwill P 6,960

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    c. CNI, P181,800 refer to (a)

    d. On subsequent to date of acquisition, consolidated retained earnings would be computed

    as follows:

  • Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x4

    Retained earnings - P Company, January 1, 20x4 (date of acquisition) P360,000

    Add: Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent for 20x4


    Total P534,840

    Less: Dividends paid P Company for 20x4 72,000

    Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x4 P462,840

    e. The goodwill recognized on consolidation purely relates to the parents share. NCI is measured as a proportion of identifiable assets and goodwill attributable to NCI share is

    not recognized. The NCI on December 31, 20x4 are computed as follows: Non-controlling interest (partial-goodwill), December 31, 20x4

    Common stock Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x4 P 240,000

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x4

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company, January 1, 20x4 P120,000

    Add: Net income of subsidiary for 20x4 6,000

    Total P180,000

    Less: Dividends paid 20x4 36,000 144,000

    Stockholders equity Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x4 P 384,000

    Adjustments to reflect fair value - (over) undervaluation of assets and

    liabilities, date of acquisition (January 1, 20x4)


    Amortization of allocated excess (refer to amortization above) 20x4 ( 13,200)

    Fair value of stockholders equity of subsidiary, December 31, 20x4 P460,000

    Less: Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 12,000

    Realized stockholders equity of subsidiary, December 31, 20x4 P448,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling Interest percentage... 20

    Non-controlling interest (partial-goodwill).. P 89,760

    f. Consolidated SHE:

    Stockholders Equity

    Common stock, P10 par P 600,000

    Retained earnings 462,840

    Parents Stockholders Equity / CI SHE, 12/31/20x4 P1,062,840

    NCI, 12/31/20x4 ___89,760

    Consolidated SHE, 12/31/20x4 P1,152,600


    a. CI-CNI Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P192,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 18,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_24,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P186,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 90,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 12,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 6,000)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 96,000 96,000

    Total P282,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 7,200

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P274,800

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * 17,760

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent 20x5..


    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    Or, alternatively Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P192,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 18,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_24,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P186,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 90,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 12,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 6,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 96,000 96,000

    Total P282,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * P 17,760

    Amortization of allocated excess 7,200 24,960

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to equity

    holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 17,760

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P274,800

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

  • b. NCI-CNI **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x5

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of S Company)

    P 90,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 12,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 6,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations P 96,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 7,200

    P 88,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) partial goodwill P 17,760

    c. CNI, P274,800 refer to (a) d. On subsequent to date of acquisition, consolidated retained earnings would be

    computed as follows: Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x5

    Retained earnings - Parent Company, January 1, 20x5 (cost model P484,800

    Less: Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales)

    20x4 (UPEI of S 20x4) or Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 20x4 (RPBI of S - 20x5).


    Adjusted Retained Earnings Parent 1/1/20x5 (cost model (S Companys Retained earnings that have been realized in transactions with third



    Adjustment to convert from cost model to equity method for purposes of

    consolidation or to establish reciprocity:/Parents share in adjusted net increased in subsidiarys retained earnings:

    Retained earnings Subsidiary, January 1, 20x5 P 144,000

    Less: Retained earnings Subsidiary, January 1, 20x4 120,000

    Increase in retained earnings since date of acquisition P 24,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 20x4 13,200

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream

    sales) 20x4 (UPEI of P 20x4) or Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 20x5 (RPBI of P - 20x5)


    (P 1,200)

    Multiplied by: Controlling interests %................... 80%

    (P 960)

    Less: Goodwill impairment loss, partial goodwill 3,000 ( 3,960)

    Consolidated Retained earnings, January 1, 20x5 P462,840

    Add: Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent for 20x5


    Total P748,680

    Less: Dividends paid Parent Company for 20x5 72,000

    Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x5 P647,880

    *this procedure would be more appropriate, instead of multiplying the full-goodwill impairment loss of P3,125 by

    80%. There might be situations where the controlling interests on goodwill impairment loss would not be

    proportionate to NCI acquired (refer to Illustration 15-6).

    Or, alternatively: Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x5

    Retained earnings - Parent Company, December 31, 20x5 (cost model P643,200

    Less: Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales)

    20x5 (UPEI of S 20x5) or Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 20x6 (RPBI of S - 20x6).


    Adjusted Retained Earnings Parent 12/31/20x5 (cost model ( S Companys Retained earnings that have been realized in transactions with third parties..


    Adjustment to convert from cost model to equity method for purposes of

    consolidation or to establish reciprocity:/Parents share in adjusted net increased in subsidiarys retained earnings:

    Retained earnings Subsidiary, December 31, 20x5 P 186,000

    Less: Retained earnings Subsidiary, January 1, 20x4 120,000

    Increase in retained earnings since date of acquisition P 66,000

    Less: Accumulated amortization of allocated excess 20x4 and 20x5 (P11,000 + P6,000)


    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream

    sales) 20x5 (UPEI of P 20x5) or Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 20x6 (RPBI of P - 20x6)


    P 39,600

    Multiplied by: Controlling interests %................... 80%

    P 31,680

    Less: Goodwill impairment loss, partial goodwill 3,000 28,680

    Consolidated Retained earnings, December 31, 20x5 P647,880

  • e. Non-controlling interest (partial-goodwill), December 31, 20x5

    Common stock Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x5 P 240,000

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x5

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company, January 1, 20x5* P144,000

    Add: Net income of subsidiary for 20x5 90,000

    Total P234,000

    Less: Dividends paid 20x5 48,000 186,000

    Stockholders equity Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x5 P 426,000

    Adjustments to reflect fair value - (over) undervaluation of assets and

    liabilities, date of acquisition (January 1, 20x4)


    Amortization of allocated excess (refer to amortization above) :

    20x4 P 13,200

    20x5 7,200 ( 20,400)

    Fair value of stockholders equity of subsidiary, December 31, 20x5 P 495,600

    Less: Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream

    sales) 20x5 (UPEI of P 20x5) or Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 20x6 (RPBI of P - 20x6


    Realized stockholders equity of subsidiary, December 31, 20x5. P489,600

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling Interest percentage... 20

    Non-controlling interest (partial goodwill).. P 97,920

    * the realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 20x5 (RPBI of P - 20x5 amounting to P10,000 is already included in the beginning retained earnings of S Company.

    f. Consolidated SHE:

    Stockholders Equity

    Common stock, P10 par P 600,000

    Retained earnings 647,880

    Parents Stockholders Equity / CI SHE, 12/31/20x4 P1,247,880

    NCI, 12/31/20x4 ___97,920

    Consolidated SHE, 12/31/20x4 P1,345,800

    Problem X

    Requirements 1 to 4:

    Schedule of Determination and Allocation of Excess

    Date of Acquisition January 1, 20x4 Fair value of Subsidiary (80%)

    Consideration transferred (80%).. P 372,000

    Fair value of NCI (given) (20%).. 93,000

    Fair value of Subsidiary (100%). P 465,000

    Less: Book value of stockholders equity of Son:

    Common stock (P240,000 x 100%). P 240,000

    Retained earnings (P120,000 x 100%)... 120,000 360,000

    Allocated excess (excess of cost over book value).. P 105,000

    Less: Over/under valuation of assets and liabilities:

    Increase in inventory (P6,000 x 100%) P 6,000

    Increase in land (P7,200 x 100%). 7,200

    Increase in equipment (P96,000 x 100%) 96,000

    Decrease in buildings (P24,000 x 100%)..... ( 24,000)

    Decrease in bonds payable (P4,800 x 100%) 4,800 90,000

    Positive excess: Full-goodwill (excess of cost over

    fair value)... P 15,000

    A summary or depreciation and amortization adjustments is as follows:

    Account Adjustments to be amortized


    under Life




    Year(20x4) 20x5

    Inventory P 6,000 1 P 6,000 P 6,000 P -

    Subject to Annual Amortization

    Equipment (net)......... 96,000 8 12,000 12,000 12,000

    Buildings (net) (24,000) 4 ( 6,000) ( 6,000) (6,000)

    Bonds payable 4,800 4 1,200 1,200 1,200

    P 13,200 P 13,200 P 7,200

    20x4: First Year after Acquisition

    Parent Company Cost Model Entry January 1, 20x4:

    (1) Investment in S Company 372,000 Cash.. 372,000

  • Acquisition of S Company.

    January 1, 20x4 December 31, 20x4: (2) Cash 28,800 Dividend income (P36,000 x 80%). 28,800 Record dividends from Son Company.

    On the books of Son Company, the P36,000 dividend paid was recorded as follows:

    Dividends paid 36,000 Cash. 36,000 Dividends paid by S Co..

    No entries are made on the parents books to depreciate, amortize or write-off the portion of the allocated excess that expires during 20x4.

    Consolidation Workpaper First Year after Acquisition (E1) Common stock S Co 240,000

    Retained earnings S Co 120.000

    Investment in S Co 288,000

    Non-controlling interest (P360,000 x 20%).. 72,000 To eliminate intercompany investment and equity accounts

    of subsidiary on date of acquisition; and to establish non-controlling

    interest (in net assets of subsidiary) on date of acquisition.

    (E2) Inventory. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 96,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 192,000

    Land. 7,200

    Discount on bonds payable. 4,800

    Goodwill. 15,000

    Buildings.. 216,000

    Non-controlling interest (P90,000 x 20%) + [(P15,000, full P12,000, partial goodwill)]


    Investment in Son Co. 84,000 To allocate excess of cost over book value of identifiable assets acquired, with remainder to goodwill; and to establish non-

    controlling interest (in net assets of subsidiary) on date of acquisition.

    (E3) Cost of Goods Sold. 6,000

    Depreciation expense.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 6,000

    Interest expense 1,200

    Goodwill impairment loss. 3,750

    Inventory.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 12,000

    Discount on bonds payable 1,200

    Goodwill 3,750 To provide for 20x4 impairment loss and depreciation and

    amortization on differences between acquisition date fair value and

    book value of Ss identifiable assets and liabilities as follows:

    Cost of








    Inventory sold P 6,000

    Equipment P12,000

    Buildings ( 6,000)

    Bonds payable _______ _______ P 1,200

    Totals P 6,000 P 6,000 P1,200

    (E4) Dividend income - P. 28,800

    Non-controlling interest (P36,000 x 20%).. 7,200

    Dividends paid S 36,000 To eliminate intercompany dividends and non-controlling interest

    share of dividends.

    (E5) Sales. 150,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 150,000 To eliminated intercompany downstream sales.

  • (E6) Sales. 60,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 60,000 To eliminated intercompany upstream sales.

    (E7) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 18,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 18,000 To defer the downstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E8) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 12,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 12,000 To defer the upstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E9) Non-controlling interest in Net Income of Subsidiary 6,210

    Non-controlling interest .. 6,210 To establish non-controlling interest in subsidiarys adjusted net income for 20x4 as follows:

    Net income of subsidiary.. P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P

    Company (upstream sales)..

    ( 12,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*...

    P 48,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess [(E3)]. 13,200

    P 34,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI)

    partial goodwill P 6,960

    Less: Non-controlling interest on impairment

    loss on full-goodwill (P3,750 x 20%) or

    (P3,750 impairment on full-goodwill less

    P3,000, impairment on partial-goodwill)


    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI)

    full goodwill

    P 6,210

    Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements, December 31, 20x4.

    Cost Model (Full-goodwill)

    80%-Owned Subsidiary

    December 31, 20x4 (First Year after Acquisition) Income Statement P Co S Co. Dr. Cr. Consolidated




    (5) 150,000

    (6) 60,000

    P 510,000

    Dividend income 28,800 - (4) 28,800 _________

    Total Revenue P451,200 P240,000 P 510,000

    Cost of goods sold



    (3) 6,000

    (7) 18,000

    (8) 12,000

    (5) 150,000

    (6) 60,000

    P 168,000

    Depreciation expense 60,000 24,000 (3) 6,000 90,000

    Interest expense - - (3) 1,200 1,200

    Other expenses 48,000 18,000 66,000

    Goodwill impairment loss - - (3) 3,750 3,750

    Total Cost and Expenses P312,000 P180,000 P328,950

    Net Income P196,800 P 60,000 P181,050

    NCI in Net Income - Subsidiary - - (9) 6,210 ( 6,210)

    Net Income to Retained Earnings P196,800 P 60,000 P174,840

    Statement of Retained Earnings

    Retained earnings, 1/1

    P Company P360,000 P 360,000

    S Company P120,000 (1) 120,000

    Net income, from above 196,800 60,000 174,840

    Total P556,800 P180,000 P534,840

    Dividends paid

    P Company 72,000 72,000

    S Company - 36,000 (4) 36,000 _ ________

    Retained earnings, 12/31 to Balance

    Sheet P484,800 P144,000 P 462,840

    Balance Sheet

    Cash. P 232,800 P 90,000 P 322,800

    Accounts receivable.. 90,000 60,000 150,000




    (2) 6,000

    (3) 6,000

    (7) 18,000 180,000

  • (8) 12,000

    Land. 210,000 48,000 (2) 7,200 265,200

    Equipment 240,000 180,000 420,000

    Buildings 720,000 540,000 (2) 216,000 1,044,000

    Discount on bonds payable (2) 4,800 (3) 1,200 3,600

    Goodwill (2) 15,000 (3) 3,750 11,250

    Investment in S Co 372,000

    (3) 288,000

    (4) 84,000 -

    Total P1,984,800 P1,008,000 P2,396,850

    Accumulated depreciation

    - equipment P 135,000 P 96,000 (2) 96,000 (3) 12,000 P147,000

    Accumulated depreciation

    - buildings



    (6) 192,000

    (7) 6,000 495,000

    Accounts payable 120,000 120,000 240,000

    Bonds payable 240,000 120,000 360,000

    Common stock, P10 par 600,000 600,000

    Common stock, P10 par 240,000 (1) 240,000

    Retained earnings, from above 484,800 144,000 462,840

    Non-controlling interest



    (4) 7,200

    (1 ) 72,000

    (2) 21,000

    (9) 6,210 ____92,010

    Total P1,984,800 P1,008,000 P 986,160 P 986,160 P2,396,850

    20x5: Second Year after Acquisition Perfect Co. Son Co.

    Sales P 540,000 P 360,000

    Less: Cost of goods sold 216,000 192,000

    Gross profit P 324,000 P 168,000

    Less: Depreciation expense 60,000 24,000

    Other expense 72,000 54,000

    Net income from its own separate operations P 192,000 P 90,000

    Add: Dividend income 38,400 -

    Net income P 230,400 P 90,000

    Dividends paid P 72,000 P 48,000

    No goodwill impairment loss for 20x5.

    20x5: Parent Company Cost Model Entry

    Only a single entry is recorded by the parent in 20x5 in relation to its subsidiary investment:

    January 1, 20x5 December 31, 20x5:

    Cash 38,400

    Dividend income (P48,000 x 80%). 38,400

    Record dividends from S Company.

    On the books of S Company, the P48,000 dividend paid was recorded as follows:

    Dividends paid 48,000

    Cash 48,000

    Dividends paid by S Co..

    Consolidation Workpaper Second Year after Acquisition

    (E1) Investment in S Company 19,200

    Retained earnings P Company 19,200 To provide entry to convert from the cost method to the equity

    method or the entry to establish reciprocity at the beginning of the

    year, 1/1/20x5.

    Retained earnings S Company, 1/1/20x5 P144,000

    Retained earnings S Company, 1/1/20x4 120,000

    Increase in retained earnings.. P 24,000

    Multiplied by: Controlling interest % 80%

    Retroactive adjustment P 19,200

    (E2) Common stock S Co 240,000

    Retained earnings S Co., 1/1/20x5 144.000

    Investment in S Co (P384,000 x 80%) 307,200

    Non-controlling interest (P384,000 x 20%).. 76,800 To eliminate intercompany investment and equity accounts

    of subsidiary and to establish non-controlling interest (in net assets of

  • subsidiary) on January 1, 20x5.

    (E3) Inventory. 6000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 96,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 192,000

    Land. 7,200

    Discount on bonds payable. 4,800

    Goodwill. 15,000

    Buildings.. 216,000

    Non-controlling interest (P90,000 x 20%) + [(P15,000, full P12,000, partial goodwill)]


    Investment in S Co. 84,000 To allocate excess of cost over book value of identifiable assets acquired, with remainder to goodwill; and to establish non-

    controlling interest (in net assets of subsidiary) on January 1, 20x5.

    (E4) Retained earnings P Company, 1/1/20x5 (P16,950 x 80%)


    Non-controlling interests (P16,950 x 20%). 3,390

    Depreciation expense.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation buildings.. 12,000

    Interest expense 1,200

    Inventory.. 6,000

    Accumulated depreciation equipment.. 24,000

    Discount on bonds payable 2,800

    Goodwill 3,750 To provide for years 20x4 and 20x5 depreciation and amortization on

    differences between acquisition date fair value and book value of

    Sons identifiable assets and liabilities as follows: Year 20x4 amounts are debited to Perfects retained earnings and NCI.

    Year 20x5 amounts are debited to respective nominal accounts..









    Inventory sold P 6,000

    Equipment 12,000 P 12,000

    Buildings (6,000) ( 6,000)

    Bonds payable 1,200 P 1,200

    Impairment loss 3,750

    Totals P 16,950 P 6,000 P1,200

    Multiplied by: CI%.... 80%

    To Retained earnings P13,560

    (E5) Dividend income - P. 38,400

    Non-controlling interest (P48,000 x 20%).. 9,600

    Dividends paid S 48,000 To eliminate intercompany dividends and non-controlling interest

    share of dividends.

    (E6) Sales. 120,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 120,000 To eliminated intercompany downstream sales.

    (E7) Sales. 75,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (or Purchases) 75,000 To eliminated intercompany upstream sales.

    (E8) Beginning Retained Earnings P Company 18,000

    Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 18,000 To realized profit in downstream beginning inventory deferred in the

    prior period.

    (E9) Beginning Retained Earnings P Company (P12,000 x 80%) 9,600

    Noncontrolling interest (P12,000 x 20%) 2,400

    Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 12,000 To realized profit in upstream beginning inventory deferred in the

    prior period.

    (E10) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 24,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 24,000 To defer the downstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

  • (E11) Cost of Goods Sold (Ending Inventory Income Statement) 6,000

    Inventory Balance Sheet 6,000 To defer the upstream sales - unrealized profit in ending inventory

    until it is sold to outsiders.

    (E12) Non-controlling interest in Net Income of Subsidiary 17,760

    Non-controlling interest .. 17,760 To establish non-controlling interest in subsidiarys adjusted net income for 20x5 as follows:

    Net income of subsidiary.. P 90,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P

    Company - 20x5 (upstream sales)


    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P

    Company - 20x5 (upstream sales)

    ( 6,000)

    Son Companys Realized net income* P 96,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 7,200

    P 88,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI)

    - partial goodwill

    P 17,760

    Less: NCI on goodwill impairment loss on full-



    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI)

    full goodwill

    P 17,760

    *from separate transactions that has been realized in transactions

    with third persons.

    Worksheet for Consolidated Financial Statements, December 31, 20x5.

    Cost Model (Full-goodwill)

    80%-Owned Subsidiary

    December 31, 20x5 (Second Year after Acquisition) Income Statement P Co S Co. Dr. Cr. Consolidated




    (6) 120,000

    (7) 75,000

    P 705,000

    Dividend income 38,400 - (5) 38,400 ___________

    Total Revenue P574,800 P360,000 P 705,000

    Cost of goods sold



    (10) 24,000

    (11) 6,000

    (6) 120,000

    (7) 90,000

    (8) 21,600

    (9) 14,400

    P 213,000

    Depreciation expense 60,000 24,000 (4) 6,000 90,000

    Interest expense - - (4) 1,200 1,200

    Other expenses 72,000 54,000 126,000

    Goodwill impairment loss - - -

    Total Cost and Expenses P348,000 P270,000 P 430,200

    Net Income P230,400 P 90,000 P 274,800

    NCI in Net Income - Subsidiary - - (12) 17,760 ( 17,760)

    Net Income to Retained Earnings P230,400 P 90,000 P 257,040

    Statement of Retained Earnings

    Retained earnings, 1/1

    P Company


    (3) 13,560

    (8) 18,000

    (9) 96000 (4) 19,200 P 462,840

    S Company P 144,000 (5) 144,000

    Net income, from above 230,400 90,000 257,040

    Total P715,200 P234,000 P 719,880

    Dividends paid

    P Company 72,000 72,000

    S Company - 48,000 (5) 48,000 _ ________

    Retained earnings, 12/31 to Balance

    Sheet P643,200 P186,000 P 647,880

    Balance Sheet

    Cash. P 265,200 P 102,000 P 367,200

    Accounts receivable.. 180,000 96,000 276,000




    (6) 6,000

    (4) 6,000

    (10) 24,000

    (11) 6,000 294,000

    Land. 210,000 48,000 (3) 7,200 265,200

    Equipment 240,000 180,000 420,000

    Buildings 720,000 540,000 (3) 216,000 1,044,000

    Discount on bonds payable (3) 4,800 (4) 2,400 2,400

  • Goodwill (3) 15,000 (4) 3,750 11,250

    Investment in S Co 372,000 (1) 19,200

    (2) 307,200

    (3) 84,000 -

    Total P2,203,200 P1,074,000 P2,680,050

    Accumulated depreciation

    - equipment P 150,000 P 102,000 (3) 96,000 (4) 24,000 P180,000

    Accumulated depreciation

    - buildings



    (3) 192,000

    (4) 12,000 552,000

    Accounts payable 120,000 120,000 240,000

    Bonds payable 240,000 120,000 360,000

    Common stock, P10 par 600,000 600,000

    Common stock, P10 par 240,000 (2) 240,000

    Retained earnings, from above 643,200 186,000 647,880

    Non-controlling interest

    ___ _____


    (4) 3,390

    (8) 9,600

    (9) 2,400


    (2 ) 76,800

    (3) 21,000

    (12) 17,760 ____100,170

    Total P2,203,200 P1,074,000 P1,081,110 P1,081,110 P2,680,050

    5. 1/1/20x4

    a. On date of acquisition the retained earnings of parent should always be considered as

    the consolidated retained earnings, thus: Consolidated Retained Earnings, January 1, 20x4

    Retained earnings - Parent Company, January 1, 20x4 (date of acquisition) P360,000

    b. Non-controlling interest (partial-goodwill), January 1, 20x4

    Common stock Subsidiary Company P 240,000

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company. 120,000

    Stockholders equity Subsidiary Company... P 360,000

    Adjustments to reflect fair value - (over) undervaluation of assets and liabilities 90,000

    Fair value of stockholders equity of subsidiary, January 1, 20x4 P 450,000

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling Interest percentage... 20

    Non-controlling interest (partial).. P 90,000

    Add: Non-controlling interests on full goodwill, 1/1/20x4 (P12,500, full-goodwill P10,000, partial goodwill)


    Non-controlling interest (full-goodwill) P 93,000

    c. Consolidated SHE:

    Stockholders Equity

    Common stock, P10 par P 600,000

    Retained earnings 360,000

    Parents Stockholders Equity / CI - SHE P 960,000

    NCI, 1/1/20x4 ___93,000

    Consolidated SHE, 1/1/20x4 P1,053,000


    Note: The goodwill recognized on consolidation purely relates to the parents share. NCI is measured as a proportion of identifiable assets and goodwill attributable to NCI share is not



    a. CI-CNI P174,840 Consolidated Net Income for 20x4

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P168,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) ( 18,000)

    Perfect Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P150,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (upstream sales) ( 12,000)

    Son Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 48,000 48,000

    Total P198,000

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income P 6,1210

    Amortization of allocated excess (refer to amortization above) 13,200

    Goodwill impairment (impairment under full-goodwill approach) 3,750 23,160

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent..


    Add: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) _ 6,210

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x4 P181.050

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    b. NCI-CNI P6,210

  • **Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) for 20x4

    S Companys net income of Subsidiary Company from its own operations (Reported net income of S Company)

    P 60,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 12,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations P 48,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 13,200

    P 34,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling interest %.......... 20%

    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) partial P 6,960

    Less: Non-controlling interest on impairment loss on full-goodwill (P3,750 x

    20%) or (P3,750 impairment on full-goodwill less P3,000, impairment on

    partial- goodwill)


    Non-controlling Interest in Net Income (NCINI) P 6,210

    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

    c. CNI P181,050 refer to (a) d. On subsequent to date of acquisition, consolidated retained earnings would be

    computed as follows: Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x4

    Retained earnings - Parent Company, January 1, 20x4 (date of acquisition) P360,000

    Add: Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent for 20x4


    Total P534,840

    Less: Dividends paid Parent Company for 20x4 72,000

    Consolidated Retained Earnings, December 31, 20x4 P462,840

    e. Non-controlling interest ), December 31, 20x4

    Common stock Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x4 P 240,000

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x4

    Retained earnings Subsidiary Company, January 1, 20x4 P120,000

    Add: Net income of subsidiary for 20x4 60,000

    Total P180,000

    Less: Dividends paid 20x4 36,000 144,000

    Stockholders equity Subsidiary Company, December 31, 20x4 P 384,000

    Adjustments to reflect fair value - (over) undervaluation of assets and

    liabilities, date of acquisition (January 1, 20x4)


    Amortization of allocated excess (refer to amortization above) 20x4 ( 13,200)

    Fair value of stockholders equity of subsidiary, December 31, 20x4 P460,800

    Less: Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 12,000

    Realized stockholders equity of subsidiary, December 31, 20x4 P448,800

    Multiplied by: Non-controlling Interest percentage... 20

    Non-controlling interest (partial-goodwill).. P 89,760

    Add: Non-controlling interest on full goodwill , net of impairment loss, 12/31/x4:

    [(P15,000 full P12,000, partial = P3,000) P750 impairment loss


    Non-controlling interest (full-goodwill).. P 92,010

    f. Consolidated SHE:

    Stockholders Equity

    Common stock, P10 par P 600,000

    Retained earnings 462,840

    Parents Stockholders Equity / CI - SHE P1,062,840

    NCI, 1/1/20x4 ___92,010

    Consolidated SHE, 1/1/20x4 P1,154,840


    a. CI-CNI P257,040 Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P192,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 18,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_24,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P186,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 90,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of P Company (upstream sales) 12,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of P Company (upstream sales) ( 6,000)

    S Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P 96,000 96,000

    Total P282,000

    Less: Amortization of allocated excess 7,200

    Consolidated Net Income for 20x5 P274,800

    Less: Non-controlling Interest in Net Income* * 17,760

    Controlling Interest in Consolidated Net Income or Profit attributable to

    equity holders of parent 20x5..


    *that has been realized in transactions with third parties.

  • Or, alternatively Consolidated Net Income for 20x5

    P Companys net income from own/separate operations. P192,000

    Realized profit in beginning inventory of S Company (downstream sales) 18,000

    Unrealized profit in ending inventory of S Company (downstream sales) (_24,000)

    P Companys realized net income from separate operations*... P186,000

    S Companys net income from own operations. P 90,000

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