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Page 1: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business


Social MediaHow Social Media Advertising Can Help Your Business

Page 2: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Page 3: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Page 4: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Social Media is now the new platform for businesses to advertise themselves or create a brand recognition. Even the newest kid in the block knows traditional ways of advertising – TV ads, email and phone advertising – are long dead.

Internet became the new frontier for exchange of information and so businesses slowly migrated there to advertise their products. But after the decline in interest for banner ads, businesses began to look for other options to promote themselves. Paid searches are a great way to drive traffic to your website. Paid searches are usually based on keyword optimisation i.e. optimising your content around certain keywords that is known to be searched by users.

Page 5: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Here is renowned marketer Wesley Yuhn’s review on social marketing

Different Facebook ads

But what if you don’t have any keywords that you can use? Or maybe the intent of your ad campaign is not to drive traffic but create brand awareness. What then? That is why many businesses are turning towards social media advertisements.

Page 6: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Social Media is a big hub of people interacting with each other. So based on the interests the users share on the social media websites, businesses can find new potential customers.

Rather than basing your advertisement on some keywords customers might search for, you can target customers even before they begin their search. Social Media advertising is thus highly effective. Here is marketer Wesley Yuhn’s take on social media advertising

Page 7: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Facebook launched its first advertising option in 2005. Since then the social media advertising revenue has reached $8 billion in 2015, just 10 years later. Some of the points below will highlight the reasons.

Effective targeting: As mentioned earlier, social media advertising lets you target your audience based on their likes and dislikes. That way, you can channel your ads towards people who are genuinely interested in products/services that you offer. The wealth of information you get from social media sites is enormous. From age, education, likes, dislikes and even location. Thus social media advertising gives you an unparalled opportunity to increase your customer base.

Page 8: Social Media Advertising: How It Can Help Your Business

Social Media

Real-time feedback: As with any other online marketing tool, you can get real time feedback from the ads you place on social media websites. Thus, social media advertising can be a testing ground for your upcoming ad campaign.

Instead of hiring a focus group to test your products, you can send out a ad on social media announcing the impending product release and gauge people’s reaction before actually launching the product.

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Social Media

Measurability: Your social media ads can be measured for its effectiveness. You can track the clicks and then compare it with the dales data to measure if your social media ad is affecting your sales at all.

Now, most social media big shots like Facebook and Twitter charge you money for posting advertisements on their websites. So it is better you use free social media to beta test your ads before venturing into paid social ads. Also, most people now access social media via smartphones, so it is better to design your ads keeping that in mind. Also you should keep updating your ads with fresh engaging contents to make sure people don’t get bored seeing the same ad over and over again. Wesley Yuhn’s tips on social media advertising

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