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MMR, vol. XXI, 23 (4/2016), pp. 33-50 October-December

Bogusław BEMBENEK1

Katarzyna KOWALSKA2




The purpose of this article is to characterise the role of industrial clusters in SMEs de-

velopment. Trying to meet demands of the current environment, these companies are forced

to constantly identify new ways of development, including new sources of sustainable com-

petitive advantage. Nowadays, focusing only on the internal (endogenous) development for

many entities is insufficient and external development of the SMEs through the clusters

may be a complementary approach for their internal development. Despite the scarcity of

clear cluster definitions it is widespread that clusters - as concentrations of R&D entities,

business support institutions and interconnected firms operating in the same or related eco-

nomic sectors that cooperate and compete at the same time - provide favorable conditions

for entrepreneurship and innovativeness development. SMEs can improve their market of-

fer, transfer knowledge, formulate and implement R&D activities, and develop relational

capital by actively operating within clusters and collaborating with their partners, both in in-

ternal and external environments (eg. involvement in foreign networks). The activities of

cluster coordinators play a strategic role in shaping the appropriate conditions for the devel-

opment of cluster members. Based on the good practice in the field of Polish-Spanish inter-

national networking linked to the execution of the “Adelante” project by the coordinator of

Sub-Carpathian Renewable Energy Cluster, the benefits for SMEs of that cluster were

pointed out. This practice shows that the involvement of a cluster coordinator with key clus-

ter stakeholders for development of cluster members contribute to development of the entire

cluster and boost its competitiveness.

Keywords: cluster, management, SMEs, development, competitiveness.


The activity of industrial clusters has strategic importance for the long-term process of

transformation that take place in the economy, stimulating the growth of entrepreneurship,

innovativeness and competitiveness at micro, meso and macro levels. The entrepreneurial

ecosystem of clusters created by the accumulation of values such as knowledge, coopera-

tion of actors forming regional innovation system, coopetition, socio-economic traditions

of the region and social capital, provides favourable conditions for business development,

in particular for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

A significant number of SMEs are not able to individually meet the challenges of the

current turbulent environment (the amount of change and complexity in the environment)

1 Bogusław Bembenek, PhD, Faculty of Management, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland,

Al. Powstańców Warszawy 8, 35-959 Rzeszow, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Katarzyna Kowalska, PhD student, World Economy Research Institute, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland,

Vice-President of UNIMOS Foundation, e-mail: [email protected]


34 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

and various development barriers (market-oriented, social, financial, technological, etc.).

Globalisation, glocalisation, still growing industrial competition in the area of innovations

and technological development, increased level of requirements and customer awareness

or local barriers to development are only a few examples of factors that determine SMEs

decisions to undertake greater co-operation within the framework of industrial clusters.

The aim of the article is to characterise industrial clusters as an external (exogenous)

way of the SMEs development based on selected Polish clustering experiences. The

choice of this research problem was related to the fact that SMEs are the most diverse

elements of the economy in terms of structure, operation methods, economic potential and

flexibility. Being a fundamental element of the structure of clusters, these entities expect

synergies resulting from cluster cooperation, the continuous search for new technological,

organisational and marketing solutions, the implementation of which will improve their

current activities and will strengthen the competitiveness at national and international

scale. These expectations provide many new challenges for the cluster management, for

example in terms of networking, sustainable development, building trust capital, acquiring

new partners for cluster projects, R&D infrastructure development cluster, and financing

cluster activities. Therefore, this kind of cluster management challenges led to three relat-

ed research questions:

what distinguishes activity of industrial clusters?

what is the current role of industrial clusters for SMEs development?

how does cluster coordinator (cluster organisation) shape the favourable conditions

for SMEs development?

The scientific considerations that were presented in the article were based on selected

theoretical research results and desk research. In the research process, the most useful

research method was the case study. The source of data in qualitative research was co-

author3 experience acquired in the implementation of an EU-funded project aimed at de-

veloping SMEs through international cooperation between Polish and Spanish clusters.

This case study was partly determined by phenomenological paradigm because of the

holistic view of the phenomenon and knowledge generation based on participant observa-

tion (the observation extends beyond naturalistic observation because the observer is a

"player" in the action). The choice of this method resulted from the conviction of the au-

thors that the case of successful project executed by the cluster may be a source of inspira-

tion for various cluster stakeholders.


Industrial clusters are widely discussed in the scientific literature, because cluster

concept is still a popular topic and various types of industrial clusters exist. In particular,

there are two types of industrial clusters that can be found among commercial activities

today: industrial clusters that historically developed in many areas around the world, and

more recently modern industrial clusters that were formed or initiated by entrepreneurial

3 K. Kowalska was the main author of project “Adelante” and a project manager. She is co-founder of

Unimos.Global (European cross-sectoral organisation focused on building trust-based partnerships between

business, science, administration and clusters that foster growth and international development) and an expert in area on: internationalisation, export promotion and international cooperation.


SMSs development within industrial clusters… 35

individuals4. Multiple different factors (endo- and exogenous) induce the formation of

industrial clusters worldwide5. Therefore, still there is no universally accepted definition

of industrial cluster. The economic literature provides many definitions of what an

industrial cluster is, for example:

one of new combined methods of various theories such as theory of economic ge-

ography, financial geography, regional economics, national innovation system,

transmitting knowledge theories, social capital theories and social networks6;

structure which is generated and reinforced by a positive feedback process based

on a set of advantages that arise from the agglomeration of industrial activities7;

intermediate organisations located in a specific geographical region that are offi-

cially or unofficially formed by different enterprises (micro, small, medium and

large) with shared goals and unified rules8;

form of territorial “aggregation” between companies operating in the same sector

or branch and characterised by specific technical and social relationships among

private and public actors9;

selected sets of multiple autonomous organisations, which interact directly or indi-

rectly, based on one or more agreements between them. The aim of clusters is to

gain a competitive advantage for the individual organisations involved and occa-

sionally for the entire cluster as well10


flexible production platforms with some kind of activity specialisation. Cluster op-

eration can be targeted directly to consumer markets but also to supplies of specific

intermediate products. In some cases a cluster is organised as an alliance of equal

parties (i.e. firms with similar size and importance), in other cases the organisation

is more satellite - like and there is one or few large companies that determine clus-

ter activities according to their input demands11


a system composed of many industries. The structure of industrial clusters con-

cerns the correlation and interdependent relationship among basic integral parts,

namely, among industries. It is determined by the functional and spatial links

among industries and in turn, deeply influence these links. Economic links among

industries within clusters not only include input-output relationships, but also re-

flect external economic relationships12


4 G. Tesar, J. Bodin, Marketing management in geographically remote industrial clusters, World Scientific

Publishing, London 2013, p. 7. 5 P. Nie, P. Sun, Search costs generating industrial clusters, “Cities” 2015, no. 42, p. 268. 6 S.V. Hosseini, M.R. Ghanbari, Investigation and analysis of the performance of industrial clusters in Islamic

Republic of Iran, “International Journal of Business and Social Science” 2011, vol. 2, no. 15, p. 231. 7 R. Baptista, P. Swann, Do firms in clusters innovate more?, “Research Policy” 1998, vol. 27, p. 526. 8 X. Jia, M. Jiang, T. Ma, The dynamic impact of industrial cluster life cycle on regional innovation capacity,

“Economic Research” 2015, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 812. 9 T. Daddi, M.R. de Giacomo, F. Testa, S. Tessitore, Cluster approach and eco-innovation in four industrial

clusters of Tuscany region, “Environmental Economics” 2012, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 26. 10 G.T. Lin, Ch.-Ch. Sun, Driving industrial clusters to be nationally competitive, “Technology Analysis &

Strategic Management” 2010, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 81. 11 M. Szanyi, P. Csizmadia, M. Illessy, I. Iwasaki, C. Mako, The relationship between supplier networks and

industrial clusters: an analysis based on the cluster map ping method, “Eastern Journal of European Studies”

2010, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 90. 12 Z. Yingming, Industrial clusters in China, CRC Press, Boca Raton 2010, p. 1.


36 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

a geographic concentrations of interrelated companies and institutions that co-

locate around a variety of common interests or needs. It is geographically bounded

groups of firms that depend on other nearby firms and institutions for their liveli-

hood in a variety of ways13


a group of geographically close and interacting leading companies and affiliated

organisations which act in specific economy sphere of the region, which are

closely connected with each other in the framework of industrial, technological,

scientific of interactions14


a business and living area that comprises a large variety of firms that are relatively

homogenous in production activities and constituted by socioeconomic structures.

A community of firms in the area is embedded socially as a community of people,

in support of trust and reciprocal relationships, that gets involved in transactions.

Market relations between cluster firms can be organised on the basis of mutual co-

operation and competition (coopetition)15


According to P. Morosini an industrial cluster is a socioeconomic entity characterised

by a social community of people and a population of economic agents localised in close

proximity in a specific geographic region. The ultimate goal of this kind cluster is to gen-

erate superior products and services that are valuable to customers in the marketplace.

Within an industrial cluster, a significant part of both the social community and the eco-

nomic agents work together in economically linked activities, sharing and nurturing a

common stock of product, technology and organisational culture. In a well-developed

industrial cluster, these linkages can be numerous, unique and specialised16


There are various types of definitions of industrial clusters identified in the literature.

Two main approaches to defining industrial clusters have developed over the last 20

years: clusters based on inter-industry linkages inferred from multi-region analysis and

cluster definitions based on observed linkages among industries or firms in a single re-


.The most important definition of industrial cluster was given by Michael Porter,

because he focused primarily on the dynamics of industry clustering. For this paper an

industrial cluster was defined as a cross-industry system that arise in certain locations

based on buyer-supplier relations (vertical relations) and the coopetition relations between

competitors in the market (horizontal relations), interconnected firms (SMEs and large)

and institutions connected with them (e.g. universities, standardisation institutions and

industrial associations). Geographic, cultural, technological and institutional proximity

provide companies with special access, closer relationships, better information, powerful

incentives, and other advantages that are difficult to tap from a distance18

. Porter's notion

13 S. Rosenfeld, Industry clusters: business choice, policy outcome, or branding strategy?, “Journal of New

Business Ideas and Trends” 2005, vol. 3 (2), p. 8. 14 A.V. Babkin, T.J. Kudryavtseva, S.A. Utkina, Identification and analysis of industrial cluster structure,

“World Applied Sciences Journal” 2013, vol. 28 (10), p. 1408. 15 P. Ismalina, An integrated analysis of socioeconomic structures and actors in Indonesian industrial clusters,

University of Groningen, Groningen 2011, p. 49. 16 P. Morosini, Industrial clusters, knowledge integration and performance, „World Development” 2004, vol. 32,

no. 2, pp. 307-309. 17 M. Delgado, M.E. Porter, S. Stern, Defining clusters of related industries, “National Bureau of Economic

Research Working Paper Series”, no. 20375, Cambridge 2014, p. 6. 18 M. Porter, Clusters and the new economics of competition, “Harvard Business Review” 1998, no. 76 (6), pp.



SMSs development within industrial clusters… 37

of ‘industrial clusters' is easily the most popular and well known. Moreover, has become

the standard concept in the field of promoting national, regional or local competitiveness,

innovation and growth.

Many researchers stress that the industrial cluster is the new phenomenon of the de-

velopment of companies and regional economies19

. It can play a significant role in stimu-

lating the regional development and strengthening the local-global linkage. The creation

of industrial clusters has been regarded as an important strategy to improve the competi-

tive advantage of a national economy and to cope with the fierce global economic compe-


. Furthermore, an industrial cluster has great influence on the optimisation of re-

gional industrial layout and regional economic structure21


L.W. Munnich argues that firms within certain industries have a tendency to cluster

geographically within urban areas. The nature of the process by which industrial clusters

emerge within urban areas has, in recent years, become a major topic of study in fields

such as urban economics and economic development policy. Industries with higher

location quotients are assumed to be more competitive, representing “traded” clusters that

sell a larger share of their output outside the immediate region22

. The development of

industrial clusters is considered as an effective alternative approach to building a

competitive advantage for the industries in particular and the region in general. Moreover,

it can be used to develop broad industries that focus on the types of products with high

international competitiveness in both domestic and global markets23


In the formation of industrial clusters, special economic zones make a prominent con-

tribution to national economic development, and are thus important indices of industry

cluster development24

. Tax reliefs are one of the instruments for the new projects

promotion in special economic zones used widely as an element of industrial policy, both

in developing and highly developed countries. The aim of the special economic zones is to

attract new, high-tech enterprises that can contribute to export growth, sustained

modernisation of the regional economic structure, effective use of local resources in a

sustainable way, stimulating the local job market, and creating a cooperation network

between the actors of the regional innovation system. The formation of industrial clusters

cannot be achieved by the market mechanism alone because the harmonisation of suitable

economic policies and cluster policies is also required25


19 Z. Qing, The research on influence of industrial clusters on regional economic development, “Procedia IERI”

2012, vol. 3, p. 206. 20 J. Wang, Institutional change and the development of industrial clusters in China, World Scientific Publish-

ing, Singapore 2014, pp. 3, 15. 21 Z. Yuxiang, Z. Xilai, L. Chun, Y. Feng, W. Hongyu, The development strategy for industrial clusters in Qing-

dao, “Energy Procedia” 2011, no. 5, p. 1355. 22 L.W. Munnich, M. Iacono, J. Dworin, B. Brandt-Sargent, Transportation planning to support economic devel-

opment: an exploratory study of competitive industry clusters, Minnesota Department of Transportation Re-

search Services & Library, Saint Paul 2015, p. 1. 23 H. Nazif, S. Darma, B. Herdiyanto, E.H. Purwanto, An opportunity to develop industrial cluster based geo-

thermal energy to improve local competitiveness of North Maluku province – Indonesia, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress , Melbourne 2015, p. 4.

24 Y.L. Lai, M.S. Hsu, F.J. Lin, Y.M. Chen, Y.H. Lin, The effects of industry cluster knowledge management on innovation performance, “Journal of Business Research” 2014, vol. 67, p. 736.

25 A. Kuchiki, M. Tsuji, Industrial clusters, upgrading and innovation in East Asia, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2011, p. 5.


38 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

An industrial cluster is still perceived as the source of a lot of advantages for the

cluster members functioning in their structures and the countries in which they are located

(Table 1). The biggest advantage of the cluster approach is that the group of people share

a common prospect or problem; hence they can unanimously decide and come to a

solution. This is one of the advantages of partnership within cluster, especially where the

partners have different skills and can work well together26


Table 1. Key benefits for industrial cluster members

Characteristics of selected benefits/advantages:

industrial cluster development can impel economic growth and urge the formation of a regional

innovation system

industrial cluster plays an important role in a group of competitive, interconnected industries

and other entities; through specialisation and collaboration between enterprises within the

group established a close relationship between competition and cooperation

through competition and cooperation (coopetition), members in the cluster complete the human

resource distribution and establish economic and technological relationships based on input–

output analyses

the appropriate support agencies, to provide various services such as local governments, indus-

try associations, the financial services sector and education and training institutions

the concentration and collaborative ties of companies promote efficiency and productivity

clusters offer companies easy access to important resources, lower transport costs, access to

customers and the workforce

cluster in many ways to establish an environment conducive to innovation, face to face com-

munication between people in the cluster and the mobility of labour, to speed up the flow of

business knowledge, financial knowledge and technical knowledge, to stimulate innovation

clusters in all sectors can be developed through the construction of internal industrial networks,

reduce costs and promote innovation

the main function of a cluster is to promote innovation (and open innovation)

within the industrial clusters, improvement of innovation capability relies on the sustainable

supply and input of technology development resources from both internal and external

the improvement of innovation capacity relies on the continuous supply of internal and external

technical resources to the industrial cluster, namely talents and academic research, enterprise

research and development, and other technological innovation information transfer networks

division of labour between firms in the cluster can reduce production and transaction costs cluster members through joint use of public facilities to reduce the additional investment re-

quired to dispersed layout, and use of geographic proximity and save the costs of material and

information flow in the inter-migration, thus reducing production costs

common culture and shared values within cluster is conducive to the establishment of a part-

nership between cluster members and trust-based social networks, making it both easy to deal

and fulfil the contract, thereby reducing transaction costs, but also to make the transaction un-

certainty lead to the risk of cost reduction

cluster formed by establishes a “brand” and leads to the formation of a good brand image

among consumers, enhances consumer desire to buy, expand the market competitive advantage

industrial clusters tend to have the characteristics of cross-regional and cross-industry

26 D. Bhattacharyya, Cottage industry clusters in India in improving rural livelihood: an overview, “International

Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies” 2014, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 63


SMSs development within industrial clusters… 39

Characteristics of selected benefits/advantages:

cluster has an impact on effectiveness of cluster companies, where the effectiveness is under-

stood here as the ability to create a competitive advantage for companies functioning within the

cluster either directly considered in relation to these entities and countries (or regions) in which

clusters exist

Source: prepared based on: Z. Qing, The research on influence …, op. cit., pp. 206-212; K. Cheba,

The influence of clusters on economic development. A comparative analysis of cluster policy

in the European Union and Japan, “Quarterly Journal Oeconomia Copernicana” 2015, vol.

6, no. 3, p. 78; J. Adams, J. Wang, Industrial clusters and regional economic development in

China: the case of “green food”, “Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship” 2009, vol. 1, no. 3,

pp. 279-294; X. Jia, M. Jiang, T. Ma, The dynamic impact …, op. cit., pp. 807-813; Z.

Garanti, A. Zvirbule-Berzina, Regional cluster …, op. cit., pp. 91-97.

Productivity, innovation capacity and an increase in efficiency of geographically

concentrated enterprises can contribute to the enterprise competitiveness27

. The benefits

resulting from cluster activities may be divided into material benefits (easily measurable)

and intangible assets (difficult to measure). Thus, can be analysed at various levels (cluster

members, cluster as an organisation, region and country level) from different perspectives.

The economic literature frequently shows that the cluster is used as a tool to create competitive

advantages, particularly regarding micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Nowadays, clustering is indeed important for the development of SMEs as well as the region28


The European definition of SMEs including micro (up to 10 employees), small (up to

50 employees) and medium-sized enterprises (up to 250 employees). SMEs represent 99%

of all businesses in the EU. The definition of an SMEs is important for access to finance

and EU support programmes targeted specifically at these enterprises29

. Within a cluster

there can exist three different types of SMEs30


first type are SMEs that simply respond to some challenge or local need that is

clearly apparent and does not require a great deal of technical knowledge, large in-

vestment capital, or significant labour force;

second type are SMEs that have moved up the technology curve. Over time, these

type of companies gain knowledge and experience in operating large-scale produc-

tion equipment and start to offer design options to their clients;

third type are SMEs that reflect strong entrepreneurial initiatives (new products,

processes, solutions, etc.).

27 Z. Garanti, A. Zvirbule-Berzina, Regional cluster initiatives as a driving force for regional development,

“European Integration Studies” 2013, no. 7, p. 97. 28 T. Tambunan, Promoting small and medium enterprises with a clustering approach: a policy experience from

Indonesia, “Journal of Small Business management” 2005, vol. 43 (2), p. 142; A. Karaev, S.C. Koh, L.T.

Szamosi, The cluster approach and SME competitiveness: a review, “Journal of Manufacturing Technology

Management” 2007, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 818-835; B.A. Phinaitrup, Strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs by using the cluster-based approach: a case study of the Ratchaburi Orchid Cluster in Thailand, “Journal of

Modern Accounting and Auditing” 2012, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 195-206. 29 European Commission, Commission Staff Working document on the implementation of Commission Recom-

mendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, European

Commission, Brussels 2009, p. 2; European Commission, Evaluation of the user guide to the SME definition, European Commission, Brussels 2014, p. 2;

environment/sme-definition_pl (access: 1.12.2016). 30 G. Tesar, J. Bodin, Marketing management …, op. cit., pp. 35-36.


40 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

According to A.P. Muizer and G.J. Hospers, the motives for clustering may differ

along with a companies size (cluster members). Moreover, the role and position in

industry clusters as well as the characteristics of industry clusters may differ along with a

companies size. They stress that the main motives for SMEs to participate in a modern

industry cluster are technology-based. In order to reduce the power of uncertainty and

maintain competitiveness particularly SMEs may be willing to develop new products, but

do not have the economies of scale and scope in the R&D-function which large firms

often do have31

. Clustering can stimulate the development and growth of SME sector, as

SMEs that participate in clusters can gain advantage from: an advanced and specialised

infrastructure, a qualified workforce, increased possibilities to penetrate new markets, an

increased ability to meet the needs of clients, and cost reduction in manufacturing


. Key factors that have a strong impact on development SMEs within an

industrial cluster are e.g.: effect of transportation, effect of market size, effect of

adjustment, effect of effectiveness, effect of control, effect of culture33


Polish clusters create an entrepreneurial ecosystem that contribute to boost the

development of the Polish SMEs. This ecosystem has an insatiable demand for this kind

of enterprise. In order to highlight the importance of SMEs in the development of Polish

clusters, selected results of benchmarking surveys conducted among the Polish clusters

were used. The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) executed three edi-

tions (2010, 2012 and 2014) of benchmarking surveys. The purpose was to assess the state

of Polish clusters, but also to identify trends in cluster development over the six years.

Data for benchmarking analyses was primarily obtained through questionnaire interviews

with cluster coordinators, which are defined as legal entities that perform coordinating

functions in clusters. The experience of Polish clusters indicated that micro, small and

medium-sized enterprises dominated numerically within cluster members. Table 2 shows the

structure development of the surveyed clusters by size enterprises during the study period.

Tab. 2. SMEs within polish clusters (cluster benchmarking - edition 2010, 2012, 2014)


of studies

Size of firms


<10 employees


<50 employees


<250 employees


>250 employees


N = 47 clusters

1469 firms

44% 15% 29% 12%


N = 35 clusters

1137 firms

45% 26% 21% 8%


N = 35 clusters

1559 firms

44% 32% 18% 6%

Source: prepared by the authors based on: Deloitte, Benchmarking klastrów w Polsce – 2010. Ra-

port z badania, PARP, Warszawa 2010, p. 31; J. Hołub, Benchmarking klastrów w Polsce –

edycja 2012. Raport z badania, PARP, Warszawa 2012, p. 28; B. Plawgo, Cluster bench-

marking in Poland – edition 2014. General report, PAED, Warszawa 2014, pp. 6-21.

31 A.P. Muizer, G.J. Hospers, Industry clusters and SMEs, EIM, Zoetermeer 1998, pp. 5-6, 48-49. 32 V. Navickas, A. Malakauskaite, The impact of clusterization on the development of small and medium-sized

enterprise (SME) sector, “Journal of Business Economics and Management” 2009, vol. 10 (3), p. 257. 33 A.P. Muizer, G.J. Hospers, Industry clusters …, op. cit., pp. 5-6, 48-49.


SMSs development within industrial clusters… 41

The information presented in Tab.2 indicates that micro firms constitute the largest

group among cluster members surveyed in each of the three editions of the benchmarking.

The second most important group consisted of small business. During the study it was

confirmed that SMEs has shown a special interest in participating in this kind of initiative,

considering cluster cooperation as a source of several benefits. SMEs were also deciding

about the nature, scale and dynamic of development processes in studies clusters. The

research has affirmed the natural feature of clusters as a pro-innovation environment.

Enterprises belonging to clusters showed higher innovation activity than the average for

the entire enterprise population. More than 7% employment growth has been noted in

entities belonging to the group of clusters examined during the last two years (2014 July -

2012 July). Given that the number of people employed have virtually remained steady in

Poland in that period, the rising employment in clusters is proof that they concentrate

entities characterised by great competitiveness and expansiveness34


In 2015 Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) conducted further studies

among Polish clusters. A research project implemented by PAED in 2015 included a clus-

ter stock taking, aimed at establishing the real number of active clusters in Poland. In

order to do this, basic data on cluster initiatives has been collected from various sources

and validated with respect to correctness and completeness. Then a questionnaire based

survey of cluster organisations (coordinators) has been performed in an attempt to collect

comprehensive data on clusters and their members. Inventory of clusters operating on the

territory of Poland has revealed the total number of 134 active clusters. In these clusters

operated 4 578 companies and SMEs represented on average 78% of all cluster members.

Chart 1 displays the structure of enterprises in the Polish clusters during the study period.





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%





Chart 1. Business structure in clusters based on employment levels (2015, N=4578 enterprises)

Source: prepared by the authors based on: G. Buczyńska, D. Frączek, P. Kryjom, Raport z inwenta-

ryzacji klastrów w Polsce 2015, PARP, Warszawa 2016, pp. 22-23.

Apart from the group of clusters actively operating (existing clusters) in Poland, the

research also revealed 106 potential clusters (clusters that could operate but do not have

sufficient key resources that allow its proper functioning and development). A big part of

34 B. Plawgo, Cluster benchmarking in Poland – edition 2014. General report, PAED, Warszawa 2014, pp. 6-21.


42 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

group of potential clusters consisted of public support beneficiaries who either haven’t

managed to continue collaboration beyond their cluster projects or experienced a signifi-

cant decline in their activity levels for different reasons. It seems that some of these poten-

tial clusters could change into real clusters in the near future35


In Poland, the best conditions for SMEs development offer clusters which acquired the

status of Key National Cluster (KNC) and those whose cluster management system is

consistent with the standards developed by PAED in 2014. Currently, 16 Polish clusters

have active status of KNC36

, have strategic importance for the country's economy and are

highly competitive. The KNC are identified at national level by the Ministry of

Development that organises a competition procedure based on different criteria including,

critical mass, development potential, innovativenes, level of internationalisation, existing

and planned cooperation within the cluster and the experience and potential of the cluster

coordinator. The analysis conducted by the PAED in 2015 aimed at verifying the degree

of compliance of Polish cluster management within the formulated standards has shown



the cluster management standards should be understood as a code setting basic re-

quirements for coordinators’ practice and conduct in running a cluster;

cluster entities, especially SMEs, have a real basis to verify competences of their


each cluster has been assessed against 36 cluster management standards covering

five sections: cluster setup, resources, processes, services for cluster members and

external collaboration;

the overall level of compliance in five sections was as high as 92% on average;

from 64 clusters involved in the study – 30 of them have met standards of cluster


from 64 clusters – 5 were in the embryonic growth phase, 58 in the development

phase and 1 cluster was in the mature phase;

Polish clusters are young organisations and, in many cases, cluster coordinators are

developing skills of profesional cluster management and effective actions for

improving its competitiveness.

Curently, clusters are one of the most dynamic and flexible tools for cooperation of

Polish SMEs38

. Developed standards for cluster management are and will be an important

factor in determining the quality of cooperation and management of Polish clusters.

Striving for cluster management excellence can provide many new benefits for cluster

members, including SMEs.

35 G. Buczyńska, D. Frączek, P. Kryjom, Raport z inwentaryzacji …, op. cit., p. 10. 36 (access: 1.12.2016). 37 D. Frączek, P. Kryjom, Weryfikacja standardów zarządzania w wybranych klastrach – edycja 2015, PARP,

Warszawa 2016, pp. 6-23. 38 S. Saniuk, K. Cheba, K. Szopik-Depczyńska, Aspekty planowania sieci produkcyjnych małych i średnich

przedsiębiorstw funkcjonujących w klastrach, [in:] J. Witkowski, A. Skowrońska (ed.), Strategie i logistyka

w warunkach kryzysu, nr 382, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2015, pp. 377-379.


SMSs development within industrial clusters… 43



The project “Adelante” was an EU funded initiative implemented during 2014-2015 in

the Podkarpackie and Andalusia regions aimed at fostering international cooperation and

knowledge transfer between Polish and Spanish SMEs representing eco-energy, smart

cities and connected sectors. The aim of the project was to increase the competitiveness,

adaptation potential and internationalisation level of micro, small and medium enterprises

(SMEs) basing on the Spanish experiences related to renewable energies development,

transition to a low carbon economy and creation of smart cities. The project was imple-

mented by an interdisciplinary consortium, consisting of the following institutions:

Subcarpathian Renewable Energy Cluster, Rzeszów Regional Development Agency,

Andalusian Cluster of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency.

The Subcarpathian Renewable Energy Cluster - SREC (in Polish: Podkarpacki Klaster

Energii Odnawialnej - PKEO) was a lead partner within project “Adelante”. It is a net-

work of inter-sectoral cooperation that brings together more than 80 institutions from

private, public, academic and business support institutions representing renewable energy,

energy efficiency and new technologies sectors. Established in 2011 and awarded with the

prestigious Bronze Label Cluster Excellence39

, the cluster has experience in organising

dozens of training, thematic events, information, education and advisory services, as well

as in implementation of EU-funded projects. The cluster’s actions aim to create a strong

and uniform representation of the interests of entrepreneurs, investors, research and de-

velopment (R&D) units as well as other entities working for the development of the envi-

ronmentally friendly power industry based on renewable energy sources. The main

SREC’s activities focus on winning new partners, observing and analysing domestic and

foreign experiences (good practices) as well as improving contact and communication

mechanisms. One of the important assumptions of the strategy is the creation of joint

products based on innovative solutions developed with the participation of R&D units of

partner universities. Benefits for the cluster members are different: strong and influential

group of partners; access to a R&D base, business contacts and sectoral news; participa-

tion in the creation and implementation of joint products and solutions; strengthening

market position and positive image of the company; presentation of the company poten-

tial on cluster websites; consistent outside representation of cluster members’ interests40


The cluster members want to develop international cooperation directed towards: ex-

change of knowledge and experiences; looking for access to the reliable /standard busi-

ness cooperation solutions; looking for new markets for the cluster members and their

products; looking for access to new technologies, organising cooperation with R&D units;

organising study tours, internships and specialist training; and looking for sources of fi-

nancing of joint activity41


39 Bronze Label awarded to cluster organisations having taken part in a benchmarking exercise according to the

„NGPExcellence-approach“. Benchmarking exercise performed by the European Secretariat for Cluster Anal-ysis (ESCA) relying on an international pool of specifically trained „Cluster Benchmarking Experts“. Validity

of the label: two years from month of benchmarking interview (access:

1.12.2016). 40 (access: 1.12.2016). 41 PARP, Clusters in Poland, PARP, Warszawa 2012, p. 39.


44 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

The Rzeszów Regional Development Agency (RRDA) was a Polish partner within the

project. It was established in 1993 as a leading institution for comprehensive development

of the Podkarpackie region and specialises in delivering training, consulting, EU projects

and implementation of new technologies. The RRDA operates within national and Euro-

pean co-operation networks. It has obtained accreditation with the Polish Agency for the

Development of Enterprise as far as training, information, consulting financial as well as

pro-innovative services are concerned. It is a member of the National Service System for

SME's in Poland and the network of the Innovation Relay Centres in Europe. The Agency

employs a team of highly-qualified experts in the fields of law, economics, sociology,

finance, architecture and civil engineering, who are dynamic, open-minded and ready to

serve local enterprises, government, investors, as well as scientists and all those who con-

tribute to the development of the region42


The Andalusian Cluster of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (CLANER)

was established in 2012, promoted by the Andalusian Association of Promoters and Pro-

ducers of Renewable Energy (APREAN)43

. The cluster brings together the leaders of

development and the use of renewable energy resources and smart cities in Spain. Cluster

activities are oriented on research, development and innovation, cooperation with compa-

nies and clusters, marketing and support for the internationalisation of its members. This

cluster is born thanks to the collaboration of multiple entities in the field of R&D, to de-

velop and carry out large projects taking advantage of the technological knowledge accu-

mulated throughout years of leadership of the Andalusia's renewable sector companies.

The cluster consists of nearly 100 members and aims to keep adding more key actors of

the industry44


The target group of the project “Adelante” were SMEs representing eco-energy sector

(renewable energy, environment, IT, construction, architectural and related), located in the

Podkarpackie region and decided to increase their competitiveness through complex train-

ing and advisory support in the field of: strategic management, international financing,

marketing, branding and packaging, internationalisation and export consortia. The pro-

gramme was also focused on building a reliable, cross-sectoral international network of

partners based on sharing experiences and transferring good practices from Spain to Po-

land in order to boost competitiveness, internationalisation and innovation of Polish

SMEs. The project “Adelante” was implemented in participatory way focusing on

strengthening regional and international linkages between the Podkarpackie and

Andalucia regions, including engagement of the scientific and local/regional government

institutions. The project includes a number of comprehensive activities, such as:

transfer of Spanish experiences of renewable energies and smart cities develop-

ment through a cycle of three thematic informs tailored to the Podkarpackie region

economic and social reality;

organisation of two participatory workshops aimed at identifying current needs and

expectations of the SMEs;

diagnosis of the situation of Polish SMEs carried out by Spanish experts and fur-

ther elaboration of development plans;

42 (access: 1.12.2016). 43 (access: 1.12.2016). 44

(access: 1.12.2016).


SMSs development within industrial clusters… 45

advisory services for Polish companies related to management, marketing, financ-

ing and internationalisation processes;

elaboration of training programmes by Spanish partner;

e-mentoring for Polish companies executed by Spanish experts;

elaboration of final casebook and the organisation of a closing conference.

The project “Adelante” represented a useful tool for more than 20 SMEs and its 80

employees, generating several economic, social and technological synergies. The benefits

of the project’s implementation can be divided into benefits for SMEs, clusters, science

and regional government, as well as material and intangible benefits for both entrepre-

neurial cluster ecosystems. The project was an interdisciplinary initiative with interrelated

activities oriented to create technological, economic, social and marketing synergy effects

on: business level (between Polish and Spanish SMEs representing eco-energy sectors),

scientific and research level (between Polish and Spanish universities), public administra-

tion level (between Podkarpackie and Andalucia regional governments), cluster level

(between Polish and Spanish clusters coordinating and facilitating project activities). Tan-

gible benefits constituted during project implementation are the following:

3 thematic informs related to the development of renewable energy in Spain, trans-

fer of case studies in field of smart cities and casebook - summary of the participa-

tory process and knowledge transfer;

2 participatory workshops for Spanish and Polish partners aiming at identifying

needs and expectations in terms of renewable energies and smart cities develop-


21 diagnoses and 21 development plans for Subcarpathian SMEs development pre-

pared by Spanish partner;

elaboration of four training programs including Spanish experiences and corre-

sponding to the identified needs of companies;

320 hours of specialised consulting for SMEs in field of strategic management, in-

ternationalisation, marketing and finance;

organisation of two editions of specialised training (80 hours/edition) for 78 SMEs


200 hours of Spanish e-mentoring for the Subcarpathian SMEs development;

participatory elaboration of final casebook including Polish and Spanish partners;

organisation of the closing conference, with pitching session that involved 27

SMEs, organisation of the technological exposition of SMEs products and services.

Intangible benefits for SMEs resulting from the implementation of the project are:

increased level of mutual trust between Polish SMEs participating in a cluster;

acquisition of specific knowledge about Spanish experiences and good practices

about smart cities development;

increased level of international linkages between Polish and Spanish partners;

trust building between private, public, scientific and business support institutions.

In addition to the expected project results, several added-value activities took place

during the project implementation:

Smart Cities Innovation Bridge Rzeszów-Malaga cooperation agreement firmed by

the Subcarpathian Cluster of Renewable Energies, University of Rzeszów and

Andalusian Cluster Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency;


46 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

preparation of joint research project for Horizon 2020 call linked to international

cluster cooperation;

letter of intent on collaboration for socio-economic development between

Podkarpackie region and Andalucia region;

invitation to the INTERREG project aimed at improving energy efficiency and an

increase the use of renewable energy for electricity production and thermal uses in

buildings which is currently implemented by partners from Poland, Spain, Croatia,

Lithuania and UK.

The project “Adelante” was an interdisciplinary initiative with several interrelated ac-

tivities, oriented to create technological, economic, social and marketing synergy effects.

Those synergies were possible to achieve, thanks to close cooperation of Polish and Span-

ish cluster managers and coordinators, engagement of public and scientific institutions and

SMEs interest in acquiring new knowledge and developing partnerships with Spanish



SMEs form a very important sector of the economy of many countries, including Po-

land. Their value could be seen, among others, in GDP co-creation, niche market services,

developing an entrepreneurial mindset and building an entrepreneurial ecosystem of in-

dustrial clusters. This ecosystem shapes a dynamic and interlinked relationship system

between various entities (business, R&D, business environment and local government).

These entities - being concentrated spatially in a given territory and supplying regularly

the system's own resources (tangible and intangible) - are more or less interdependent

from each other. Functioning within an entrepreneurial ecosystem of industrial clusters

creates direct opportunities for SMEs, building better conditions for their development,

improving the efficiency of operations, the efficient use of complementary resources and

the acquisition of knowledge from cluster members. It provides a solid counterbalance to

the negative effects of globalisation that particularly affect SMEs.

Due to the importance of SMEs in the economy, it can be concluded that Polish clus-

ters still need to improve their integrating and coordinating activities. The cluster coordi-

nator performance varies, of course, according to the phase of the cluster cycle life, nature

of the industry and cluster development directions. Given that SMEs are the foundation of

most of the industrial clusters, it is necessary to undertake by cluster coordinators different

activities, such as:

permanently identifying their problems and barriers to development,

inventory of its strategic potential,

creation of adatabase including their current and potential capacities and needs,

including their needs and expectations in the cluster development strategy,

motivating to collaborate with R&D institutions,

engagement in the cluster projects, co-creation of R&D and infrastructural cluster

projects and to provide relatively stable sources of funding,

facilitating access to new technologies, specific knowledge and other resources that

could contribute to strengthening their competitiveness,

support in the internationalisation process and integration with global value chains,

strengthening human capital through different types of trainings for employees of

cluster members that can contribute to getting to know each other,


SMSs development within industrial clusters… 47

identification of sources for specialised and cheaper factors of production,

updating the database about the possibilities of support under the EU funds, includ-

ing various programmes,

identifying sources of potential conflicts between cluster members, including rela-

tionships between SMEs and large companies,

lobbying for the creation of better conditions for business development.

The authors own experience in the area of cooperation with the cluster coordinators

indicate that SMEs are an example of exigent cluster members, expecting concrete bene-

fits in a short period of time. Therefore support for current operation and SMEs develop-

ment offered by cluster coordinators should be multilevel and adequate to current need of

cluster members. It should take into account existing barriers for cooperation development

at technological, organisational, legal, socio-cultural, economic and financial level. This

requires the full engagement of cluster coordinator to overcome existing stereotypes,

which may block the realisation of ambitious projects within clusters. It also requires

constant cooperation with business environment institutions and local government in order

to jointly allow for local SMEs development.

These considerations are the basis for further research on the prosperity of SMEs

within a industrial cluster and propensity to implement an open innovation strategy. For

a more comprehensive understanding of an SMEs activities in industrial cluster

innovation process, this needs to be broadened to include key factors that constrain the

adoption of innovation in SMEs and those clusters members who do not want extensive

use of innovations. Further work is needed to explore in detail the complementary

resources in cluster used by cluster members to achieve specific outcomes. Thus, the

prospect research on the attractiveness of industrial clusters for SMEs development is

a very broad field.


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Przedmiotem artykułu jest charakterystyka roli klastrów przemysłowych w procesie rozwoju

mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP). Przedsiębiorstwa te chcąc sprostać wymogom

współczesnego otoczenia coraz częściej zmuszone są do identyfikacji wciąż nowych sposobów

rozwoju, w tym źródeł względnie trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Koncentracja jedynie na rozwo-

ju wewnętrznym (endogenicznym) dla wielu podmiotów gospodarczych jest obecnie niewystarcza-

jąca. Komplementarnym dla rozwoju wewnętrznego jest rozwój zewnętrzny na przykład poprzez

działalność w ramach klastrów przemysłowych. W artykule podkreślono, że w literaturze ekono-

micznej wciąż brakuje jednolitego podejścia w definiowaniu tego typu klastrów. Pomimo braku

jednoznacznej definicji w tym obszarze, upowszechniło się przekonanie, że klastry jako skupisko

podmiotów sektora B+R, instytucji otoczenia biznesu, a w szczególności wzajemnie powiązanych

firm, działających w tych samych i/lub pokrewnych sektorach gospodarki, wspólpracujących

i konkurujących ze sobą (koopetycja), zapewniają dogodne warunki dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości

i innowacyjności. MŚP funkcjonując aktywnie w strukturze klastrów przemysłowych mogą podej-

mować wspólnie ze swymi partnerami działania z zakresu doskonalenia oferty rynkowej, transferu

wiedzy, projektowania i realizacji prac B+R, rozwoju kapitału relacyjnego w środowisku wewnętrz-

nym i zewnętrznym klastrów ( poprzez udział klastra w międzynarodowych sieciach).

W kształtowaniu właściwych warunków dla rozwoju członków klastrów strategiczne znaczenie ma

aktywność koordynatorów klastrów. Bazując na dobrej praktyce koordynatora Podkarpackiego

Klastra Energii Odnawialnej, w zakresie sieciowania polsko-hiszpańskiego, wskazano na korzyści,

jakie dostarczyła realizacja projektu „Adelante” dla MŚP tego klastra. Praktyka ta pokazuje, że


50 B. Bembenek, K. Kowalska

zaangażowanie koordynatora klastra na rzecz rozwoju członków klastra, wspólnie z kluczowymi

interesariuszami klastra, wpływa jednocześnie na rozwój całego klastra, wzmacniając jego konku-


Słowa kluczowe: klaster, zarządzanie, MŚP, rozwój, konkurencyjność.

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2016.mmr.41

Tekst złożono w redakcji: grudzień 2016

Przyjęto do druku: grudzień 2016

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