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ID: 1210342043


DATE: 24TH APRIL, 2015



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The research paper which I conducted has been a great experience throughout the semester. I

have learned many important things which will help me to carry out other researches in the


Above all, I express my profuse thanks to the Almighty Allah, for his untold and all time

grace. I believe, that without Him I could not even complete the entire research paper. He is the

One who has encouraged me and showed me the right path towards this research paper.

Secondly, my sincere gratitude goes to my English faculty, Michelle Draper, for her all time

support, helpful discussions, explanations and precious suggestions throughout the course.

I wish to express my thanks to the students of North South University (NSU), my friends and

my close ones who have helped me to complete my surveys sincerely and honestly, because their

opinions and views were of great benefit to accomplish my research paper.

Last but not the least, I am grateful to my family for their positive support and for patiently,

putting up with my perhaps annoying preoccupation with the preparation of this research paper.

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Today smartphones are the new norm. Few years back, there was a time when buying a

smartphone was merely a dream. But now, smartphone usage has extended so far, that people

cannot live without it. They tend to use this gadget everywhere, mostly in a social get-together.

We always know that, a social get-together is the reunion of people where they have some good

time with their dear ones. But today’s generation tend to forget this term. They carry their

‘special’ gadget with them and instead of interacting face-to-face with other people, they keep on

gazing their phone. As a result, this creates different kinds of complications between people.

This study proves my hypothesis correct by exploring how smartphone is ruining social get-

together and what are the effects having on people. The experimental method was used by taking

opinions of people of different ages through surveys. The study show that explicit usage of

smartphones in a reunion are creating obstacles between friends, close ones and even with new

people. As a result, people lose the chance to know each other. It discusses, how it is harming

relationships and how people are forgetting about the outside world. The study suggests and

conveys people to stay away from this mini-computer for some time while they are in a social

reunion, so that their interactions become more fascinating, motivating and fruitful.

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Table of Contents

Heading Page No.

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..1

2. Background…..……………………………………………………………………………3

3. Areas of Research………………………………………………………………………….5

4. Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………………7

5. Methodology………………….…………………………………………………………...8

6. Primary Data Presentation & Analysis……………………………………………………9

7. Secondary Data Presentation & Analysis………………………………………………..21

8. Limitation………………………………………………………………………………..24

9. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………........25

10. References………………………………………………………………………………..26

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“We’ve all seen it first hand: you get into an elevator with a bunch of strangers and everyone

pulls out their phone and fixates on the screen. It’s the same scene whether you’re waiting for a

subway, standing in line at the grocery store or sitting in the doctor’s office. Worse, you can go

into a restaurant and see friends and couples doing the same thing; spending more time with an

electronic device than a fellow human being” (Scott Matteson, 2014, para.1). This what happens

in today’s generation, when smartphones dominates over all.

Though smartphones made us more connected to people through messaging, social

networking sites etc. but it has made us dependent on this gadget, and thus disconnecting us from

the people around us. Phubbing (phone snubbing) is a serious issue, with couples choosing to

spend their time together staring at their phones rather than interacting with each other (Dave

Parrack, 2014, para.5). This has become a common issue, where people choose technology over

close ones. They seem to become busier on their so-called mini-computer, thus forgetting about

what is happening to the outside world.

According to Mrshad, “I have lost track of the number of time I’ve seen people in restaurants

ignoring their tablemates while they play with their phones (it has happened to me). It is

unbelievably rude and antisocial as it can get when you would rather play with your phone,

instead of, oh, I don’t know, actually talk to the person sitting next to you. I have seen parents

ignoring their children for an entire meal. I’ve seen people on dates paying zero attention to each

other while they make love to their phones” (n.d.). People have become so obsessed with their

smartphones, that they lose the chance to interact with other people face-to-face. These

occurrences are happening every day as people are all wrapped up in their technology.

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People are not as good at multitasking as they think, and they often ignore real interactions to

check what is up online using their fancy new phones. This shows how smartphones are killing

the real moment for a virtual one, thus ruining the get-together and making people more anti-


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There was a time when people used to interact with each other, gossip or talk to each other

without their smartphones in hand. If we compare previous time with our present age, we can see

many differences. Before, the bonding between people were stronger, people used to catch up

conversations with strangers easily. But now, the situation is totally dissimilar. Instead of having

conversations face-to-face, people keep gazing and staring on their smartphones and talking to a

stranger or to an unknown person has become a totally different issue. Therefore, in this new

techno era, this kind of behaviour is creating huge complications between people.

This so-called smart technology is not sparing our society as well. Teenagers, adults, even the

older generation has become so techno freak, that they have forgotten the term “face-to-face”

interactions in a reunion. Comparing our culture from other culture, people in our society has

become more unsocial. Whenever there is a hangout or a get-together, people put up their

smartphones, and they tend to snap photos, or give check-ins, and if there is a free WIFI, then,

everyone is bound to be on the technology. This kind of behaviour is an everyday incident in our

culture. Discussing about other society, they are also not far behind from this kind of behaviour.

But people in other culture does give importance in their real lives to some extent.

Being on a device, gives a particular person the false sense of connecting with someone who

is not fundamentally disorienting. There is a vast difference between real, in-person interaction

and virtual one, because virtual interaction gives nothing but an emptier experience. This kind of

unsocial activities are happening everywhere, where everyone seemed to be talking on their

mobile devices or eyes in tunnel vision on their gadgets in a reunion. Virtual interactions can

never take the place of physical interactions because people values being on themselves, rather

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than on the other side of the technology. So, face-to-face interactions are much essential as it is

easier to get a hold of someone than chatting or interacting through social media.

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A smartphone is a modern day distraction, that it is hardly noticed any more. Whenever,

wherever we go, we carry this little gadget with us. When there was no mini-computer, social

reunion used to be much finer. It helped people to make stronger bonds by making their internal

connection better. As a result, the get-together used to glow brighter. People could interact or

talk to each other, new people could be easily recognized, hence it benefitted people to make use

most of their valuable time. It also contributed people to capture precious moments of their life.

Now, that we know, as smartphones are in everyone’s hand, it has become an everyday

scenario, like people being busy with themselves and have become quite oblivious to their

surroundings. People tend to lose themselves in virtual world as they keep contemplating on their

smartphone. Not only this, it is also making them less conscious about the real world.

Excessive usage of smartphones in a get-together, is causing differences between people,

hence harming relationships. Lack of mindfulness works when this fancy gadget is in one’s hand,

upsetting the balance of give and take between persons in a reunion. It has become a culprit of

communication breakdown among couples. Nowadays, in cafes or restaurants, couples are seen

“phubbing” over phones, rather than talking to each other. Moreover, it is driving away people

from each other, thus destabilizing relationships.

Nowadays, in a get-together, many kinds of changes are occurring due to increased usage of

smartphones. Smartphones are taking over and it is creating a drastic effect in a social manner.

People now ignore real interactions to check what is up online. People are failing to reveal their

true self and true identity, prioritizing the wrong models of communication. Furthermore, they

are losing the connections to the real world and real people.

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People have become so engrossed in technology and particularly, in smartphones, that it is

making them day by day, unsocial. They are becoming addicted and dependent on their

smartphones, resulting in killing the time, thus killing the moment. People are putting more

emphasis to the virtual world over anything else. For instance, when friends are in a hangout,

people instead of talking to each other, take pictures of food and upload them in a social media.

Negative impacts, such as changes in behaviour are occurring in a social reunion due to the

very use of smartphones. People are turning into selfish, non-empathetic individuals who are

only worried how many likes their Facebook photo received etc. They are getting attached to the

meaningless approval of strangers online. Also, people are forgetting to relish in the present

moment and the reality they are in.

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Socializing has become an essential part of our daily life. Adding to that, smartphone is one thing

that unites socializing. In our busy schedule, we hardly make time for our closed ones, so I think

if usage of smartphones increases while meeting new people, it will make them unsocial.

Furthermore, I believe that in a get-together, people cannot reveal their true self when this mini-

computer are in their hands. Hence, people get a wrong idea about a particular person. I also

presume that smartphones separates us from our dear ones. From my research, I expect that

people will be able to show their emotions unless their smartphones are not with them. I also

believe that this communication will bring a positive effect in our so-called virtual society.

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Since the emphasis of this research is to find out how smartphones are ruining social get-together

and the impacts having on people, a case study research strategy was used. For my primary data,

in the case study research, certain groups of people were asked about their views and opinions of

using a smartphone in a reunion, which gave me some initial ideas about the research. Next,

different people of different ages were made to perform surveys. There were 44 respondents who

completed my surveys. Of them 24 were males and 20 were females. The survey was all about

exploratory questions, like ‘what’, ‘how’ etc. From this primary data, many new concepts have

been revealed which guided me to carry on with the research easily and smoothly. The data

obtained from the survey method is processed with the use of simple mathematical tool such as

MS Excel for graphs and charts.

Besides this, for my secondary research, methodological methods, such as obtaining data

from different sources (observations, documentations and interviews) has helped to connect

different ideas about the same issue. Different sources from the web benefitted me to gather

more information and assist in cross-checking the results, which helped to increase the reliability

of the outcomes. Moreover, for secondary data sources, newspapers and magazines (published

and unpublished documents) played a beneficial tool for my research findings. Articles related to

my topic were collected from different newspapers which were compared and explained with


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The survey that I carried out for my primary research was the most helpful of all informative

sources. It allowed me to come in direct contact with my target groups. There were 44

respondents, from which 24 were males and 20 were females.

My survey started with questions delving into the focus of my research. Hence my first

question was whether people are dependent on their smartphones.

Male Female

18-24 0 20

20-29 24 0




















Age and Gender Demographics



1. Are you dependant on your smartphone?

A. Yes

B. No

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Description The pie chart shows how much people are reliable on their smartphones. From the

pie chart, it can be seen 77% of the people are dependent on their smartphones, where 23% of the

people are not.

Analysis As seen from the pie chart, 77% of my sample are people who are dependent on their

smartphones. It shows that maximum number of people rely on their phones for any kind of

work and they tend to remain busy with their gadgets rather than doing something productive.

My second question is related to the first question. The second question asks about how much

people spend time on their smartphone per day.

Description The research above shows that 27% people uses their smartphones all day long, also

same percentage (27%) of people uses their smartphones for 4-6 hours. A very significant

number of people only receive calls (7%); whereas, 39% people use their smartphones for 1-3


 A. 1-3 hours B. 4-6 hours C. All dayD. I only

receive calls

No. of Participants 17 12 12 3


12 12












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2. How much time do you spend using your smartphone per day?

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Analysis From the above calculated data, it can be concluded that maximum number of people

uses their phone for 1-3 hours per day. This shows that people are lessening their use from the

gadgets, but 27%, that is, a total of 54% people either uses their smartphones 4-6 hours or all day

long. It can be understood from the fact that people are losing their track from the real world.

My next question concerns about the effectiveness of smartphones of people in their daily


Description In this question, 77% of the survey takers said that their smartphone is beneficial in

their regular days; whereas only 18% people did not agree smartphones to be advantageous.

Only 2 people responded that they can stay without their smartphones.

Analysis Most of the people think smartphones to be a helpful device in their daily life which

can benefit in their day-to-day work. This result conveys how people find themselves strongly

connected to their smartphones. Though a very small number finds smartphones to be ineffective




3. In your opinion, how much effective your smartphone is in your

daily life?

A. Very effective

B. Not effective

C. I can stay without my


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and not worthy, but in an average it shows how people are becoming hooked up to their


This question asks about what people actually do with their smartphones.

Description The chart clearly shows that people (31) use most of their smartphones for talking

or texting purpose. Not only this, similar number (31) of people use their smartphones for social

networking as well which includes Facebook, Twitter etc. Likewise, 29 people also prefer to use

their smartphones for photos or listening to music where, 27 people wish to browse the internet.

In addition, 26 prefer to choose instant messaging and 22 people desired apps or games in their

smartphones. Moreover, 18 people had a preference for watching videos and a very of them (3)

use their smartphones for corporate or business related purpose which were responded by males.










0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

A. Texting/Talking.

B. Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter).

C. Corporate / Business Related (Stock…

D. Watching videos (Movies, YouTube).

E. Instant messaging (WhatsApp, Viber).

F. Apps/ games.

G. Photos/ Gallery/ Music.

H. Browsing the Internet.


Number of participants

4. Please tick the ones that fall under your criteria when using your


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On the other hand, some people (4) selected “others” which includes cheating in exams, google

map for location and for study purposes.

Analysis From here we can draw the conclusion, that without their smartphones, people cannot

even stay without a minute. People have become so addicted to their phones that they use their

smartphones for every, single purpose in their life. Talking or social networking over

smartphones has become a very common use for people from where we can understand that

smartphones play a very important role in people’s life. In contrast, people are misusing their

smartphones as well like, they prefer cheating in exams which is a very serious issue where

people should not pursue but this thing is falling under their criteria which is absolutely not right.

My succeeding question tells about what people think about a social get-together.




5. What is your view about a social get-together?

A. Meeting new people. B. Passing leisure time with close-ones.

C. I do not socialize.

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Description A very growing number of people (77%) thinks, that social get-together defines

passing their leisure time with close ones, whereas, some people (18%) thinks social get-together

means meeting new people. Only 5% of the people do not like to socialize.

Analysis The facts discuss that though some people do not prefer to socialize but there are

highest number of people who like to spend their time with their dear ones in a social get-

together where they can relieve themselves from the busy schedule of their hectic life. Some

people also prefer to meet new people through a social reunion making most of their time, so that

they can know each other which may help them in their near future.

The next question was asked to see how many times people like to hang-out with their close


Description We saw that 66% people go out to spend their time once a week where 32% people

once a month and only 1 person responded a ‘no’ to the question.












A. Once a week B. Once a month C. I do not like going out

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6. How often do you hang-out with your close ones?

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Analysis This shows that a majority number of people often meet outside with their dear ones,

which had rendered me into assuming that people do not like to spend their maximum quality

time so that their bonding becomes stronger and their interactions become more worthwhile.

Though some people do not like going out, gives me a clear idea that it is their way of choice

whether to hangout or not.

The next question connects the idea of my area of research which discusses that whether

using a smartphone in a reunion is “cool” or not.

Description In this question, only 11% people agreed to the concept of “coolness”, whether a

biggest number of people (89%) totally disagreed to the fact.

Analysis A maximum number of people did not agree, which clearly shows that people do like

to spend their time face to face, but not through phones on the other side. It made me assume

that, people do not want to reunite through digital world but to be with their dear ones

personally. People who did agree to this question, I assumed that people like to play games so













No. of





7. Do you think using a smartphone in a reunion is "cool"?

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that they can share with their friends and family. They can also share apps or take snaps of their

good times. It also shows that people can do everything at one time which I think people are not

good at as they think to be.

From the above data, 61% people think that using a smartphone in a get-together is making

them unsocial, where only 39% people do not agree to the question.

Description From the above data, 61% people think that using a smartphone in a get-together is

making them unsocial, where only 39% people do not agree to the question.

Analysis According to the above calculations, majority people agreed to the anti-social activity,

which shows that smartphones are creating complications and it is making people lonely. As a

result, people fails to communicate with each other in reality and becomes strangers even to their

dear ones which is not at all a good effect to the society. People do need to interact so that

problems do not arise to the highest level.



8. In a social get-together, does using a smartphone making people


A. Yes B. No

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My next question deals with the negative impacts of using a smartphone in a reunion, that is,

destruction of face-to-face interactions.

Description 64% people claim that excess usage of smartphones in a reunion is demolishing the

chance to interact face to face, where 36% people do not give consent to the matter.

Analysis Increased usage of smartphones is creating many complications such as face-to-face

interactions. From the above study, it can be said that people are giving their priority to their

smartphones as a result they are losing their chance to reveal themselves. Though others do not

think the same, but from the evaluation, it can be clearly stated how people are failing to

communicate face to face.

This question also depicts the negative effects of using a smartphone in a reunion, that is,

obstacles in relationships.










A. Yes B. No










9 . Is it destroying face-to-face interactions?

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Description A very good number of people (61%) think that various kinds of difficulties are

arising in relationships due to usage of smartphones in a get-together, however, 39% people did

not agree to the fact.

Analysis Some people claimed that no problems are creating in relationships, from where I can

assume that people are becoming more open-minded where they can do both works at the same

time which may not affect the other person around them. In contrast, majority people responded

a “yes”, from where gives me the clear idea that people prefer to keep their smartphones aside so

that their relationships remain intact. Not only this, excessive smartphone use is causing the

bonding less appealing to people as a result, creating a sincere and honest relationships has

become way too far for people nowadays.

This question talks about the changes in behaviour of people due to the increased usage of

smartphones in a reunion.



10. Is it affecting relationships?

A. Yes

B. No

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Description The study shows that 14% people feel no change in behaviour, whereas, 86%

people claimed that people are consuming themselves in their own world, which is, they are

keeping busy within themselves.

Analysis The above investigation states normal behaviour among significant people but larger

number of people believes opposite. This gives me the assumption that, instead of talking to each

other, people are keeping occupied with their smartphones which is, to some extent, rude. Hence,

it is upsetting the balance of human relationships between the real and virtual world.

The last question asks about whether to use a smartphone in a reunion or not.

A. NormalB. People being busy with


No. of Participants 6 38












No. of




ts11. What kind of behaviour is created due to increased usage of

smartphone in a reunion?

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Description With an astounding number of 59% people did not agree to use smartphone in a

reunion, however, 41% people did not agree.

Analysis Though 41% people states a “yes” in the above study, but using smartphones in a get-

together is quite inappropriate as 59% people claimed that. Therefore, I assume that using

smartphones in a reunion is causing destabilization in relationships, also a gap in

communication. People are seeking more attention virtually than manually which shows how

people are becoming unsocial.



12. In your opinion, should we use smartphone in a get-together?

A. Yes B. No

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The newspapers, online articles, book which I have studied convey the message: Smartphone is

ruining social get-together. My secondary sources gave me a clear idea how excessive use of

smartphones in a reunion can have a negative effect in one’s life. The sources discusses about the

fact that smartphone users tend to be alone. They are becoming unsocial day by day by keeping

themselves preoccupied through online browsing. In fact, in a reunion, people who are in their

phones tend to ignore the other people around them which is inappropriate and not a good way to


According to Nilles (2014), “Little by little, internet and mobile technology seems to be

subtly destroying the meaningfulness of interactions we have with others, disconnecting the

world around us, and leading to an imminent sense of isolation in today’s society” (para. 2). The

author is encouraging us to meet with our dear ones, rather than texting them. This clearly states

that though technology has become advanced in many ways, but human interactions, morality,

socializing and standards are changing for the worse.

Technology like smartphones are creating a rift between people. People are becoming lonely.

Whether they are in a get-together or in a party, people cannot stop looking at their screen.

Mohaimen (2014) said that “I, myself got lost through social media whereas I came with my

family to spend holiday” (p.17).

People are becoming addicted to smartphones so much these days, which they tend to forget

what exactly is going on around them. A short film which was published on YouTube convey the

same message. A character whose name was Lucas, a total social media addict met in the end of

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the day, a girl named Leila who finds him too busy in smartphone while they were dining

together but later on, urges him to come out of the virtual world. (S. Shackleford, 2013, n.p.).

Similarly, another spoken world film depicts the idea of anti-social activity through a love

story where connecting to the outside world is easy. But it also convey us the message that how

we are becoming isolated from others. It tells us to find a balance between the real and virtual

world where we could live the moment by not letting the virtual interactions interfering our lives

(G. Turk, 2014, n.p.).

Nowadays, people are being restricted to digital technologies. Turkle (2011) describes a story

about a teenager, Audrey, who prefer texting rather than telephone conversation and seems more

interested in the quantity of her conversation than their quality (pp. 190-193). Here. The author

urges her reader to take actions, like not allowing smartphones at dinner table, and encourages

them to consider deep issues. The book provides a critical inward glance at our use of technology

and our ability to maintain genuine human interactions.

In fact, during my secondary research I found a new word called “phubbing” (phone

snubbing), where people keep staring their smartphones instead of listening or interacting with

other people around them. Moreover, smartphones are turning society into a “sea of stupid”.

Smartphones are not only destroying young people’s skills but it is also making people rude (A.

M. Tremonti, 2013, n.p.).

Glaser (2007) found that, people are spending more time in their smartphones, as a result real

life interactions are decreasing, thus killing time and killing the moment, though on the other

hand, smartphones possess some good qualities which may include news, weather updates or

emergency phone calls.

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Though, smartphones give us unexpected access to information at speeds, they do detach us

from humanity and take away the moment (like in a get-together), which we should value the

most. Joe Kraus described “We are creating and encouraging a culture of distraction where we

are increasingly disconnected from the people and events around us, and increasingly unable to

engage in long-form thinking. People now feel anxious when their brains are unstimulated” (as

cited in Supersanusi, 2012, para.3).

Moreover, smartphones have become an obsession. Perlow (2013) pointed out that,

smartphones are stealing fleeting moments of life, as he himself was too engrossed in his phone

while he was in a vacation, for which he conveyed a message to maintain equality between the

virtual and real world (How Smartphones steal fleeting moments of life, para.5).

On the other hand, many people are claiming that smartphones are not making them apart,

however, it is how the people uses them. An article written in a newspaper by Claire Goscicki

where a research has been done by two Professors, Scott Campbell and Nojin Kwak, on whether

frequent smartphone users talk to strangers in public settings or not. Campbell described that he

was surprised to find that cellphone use can spark conversations with strangers (as cited in

Goscicki, 2011, para.9). It also tells, though cellphones are creating differences in interactions

but also discusses how cellphone users can communicate with the outside world.

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Some limitations were encountered during the study period to complete my research work to the

selected objectives. These limitations are described below:

Basically, the survey which was carried out was conducted on 44 respondents from where 24

respondents were males and 20 respondents were females. Mostly, the people are university

students and some are like teenagers and also some are older people. The age limit was from the

range 18-29. The research finding results could have been much better if more number of people

participated in my study, but due to lack of time this was not possible. As the number of people

were less, there might be some deviation in the results. When searching my secondary sources, it

was quite difficult for me to get the correct supportive points. Also, information related to my

research were very less in the web. I had to face many difficulties while searching books, data as

my arguments, evidences and materials were quite rare.

I would have carried out my surveys on a larger number of samples to prove my hypothesis

correct more strongly if I had given enough time. I would have also searched different book

stores and libraries to collect more materials that would support my exploration. Not only this, I

would have taken separate interviews from people to know their personal opinions about what

they think using smartphone is ruining get-together or not and the impacts having on them.

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Smartphones are slowly but surely taking over the world. In fact, using smartphones in a get-

together has become very frequent and usual day-to-day problem in this modern technology.

From the research, over all I came to the conclusion that smartphones are becoming dangerous

and precarious especially when there are people around you which could result in many

difficulties, such as complications in relationships or communication gap. Most people in my

survey approved that usage of smartphones in a reunion are not only dooming the human race,

but they are a sign that we are moving the wrong way in terms of relationships and interacting

with each other. In a nutshell, if we are constantly on our phone, we are disrespectful to the

people around us. We put the other person of the web above the person sitting right in front of


To be brief, from these findings, I can conclude that my hypothesis was proven accurate

where in a get-together people give more emphasis on their fancy mini-computers than their

close ones.

In the end, there is a lot to explore and discover about this issue. The research can be further

taken to the field of telecommunications where people may have the chance to examine and

observe mobile device use and the impact it has on social interactions, which will basically

search the social changes that we are witnessing right now with mobile communication in a


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Shackleford, S. (Director), & Shackleford, S. (Producer). (2013). The Anti-Social

Network [Motion picture]. Australia.

Turk, G. (Director). (2014). Look Up [Motion picture]. United Kingdom: New Desert


Turkle, S. (2011). Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and less

from Each other. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Goscicki, C. (2011, March 31). Study discovers how cell phone use affects social

interactions. The Michigan Daily.

Mohaimen, P. (2014, August 27). Is Social Networking making us Anti-social? The

Daily Prothom Alo.

Nilles, M. (2012, January 24). Technology is Destroying the Quality of Human

Interaction. The Bottom Line. Retrieved from

Tremonti, A. M. (2013, October 14). Phubbing: Rude or the new normal? [Audio

file]. Retrieved from

Glaser, M. (2007, October 22). How Cellphones are Killing face-to-face Interactions.

Retrieved from

Perlow, J. (2013, September 5). How Smartphones steal fleeting moments of life.

Retrieved from

Page 31: Smartphones are destroying social get together

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Supersanusi (2012, June 24). Is modern technology creating a culture of distractions?

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