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COIMBATORE/INDIA/ Confidential. Property of Ganancia360.

Smart Digital Marketing Insights 2016

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Do you have a digital marketing strategy?

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35% - Integrated its digital marketing in line with its brand marketing strategy.

18% - Simply had it in a separate document.

47% - Were doing digital marketing with no defined strategy.




Research statistics on organisations for 2016 show that

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So, if you are one of those companies which do not have a

digital marketing strategy yet, what are the top 10 problems

that you could avoid with a well thought through strategy?

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Challenges could be:

Directionlessness -

They don’t have clear strategic goals. With no goals how would you know which direction to move in or how much resources you need to utilise, to reach where you got to reach or how to evaluate through analytics whether your getting anywhere or not.


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Ignorance about market share -

If you don't understand your online market place : i.e. the difference in dynamics to traditional channels with different types of customer profile & behaviour, competitors, propositions & options for marketing communications.


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Others will gain market share -

If you do not devote enough resources to digital marketing or are using the adhoc approach with no clearly defined strategies, then your competitors will eat into your market share.


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No powerful online value proposition -

A clearly defined online customer value proposition can make all the difference between encouraging existing and new customers to remain engaged & stay loyal.


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You do not know your online customers well enough -

Digital is the most measurable medium ever. But web analytics will only tell you volumes not sentiments. You can know that only by using ‘web customer feedback tools’ like Usersnap, Poll Daddy, What Users Do, Userlytics, Survey Gizmo, etc. You need to choose a tool that best suits your requirement.


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Your not integrated -

Digital media works best when integrated with traditional media.


When digital isn’t given much importance -

You end up with insufficient resources & expertise.


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Waste of money -

Due to ineffectiveness & possibly duplication with different agencies performing the same task.


Not agile enough to stay ahead or catch up -

In a dynamic media like digital, customer retention is possible only if you constantly update yourself. Keep up with the changes. It is not possible if you trail behind.


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Your not optimising -

Even with web analytics in place, if you don’t review the data & act upon it, you cannot improve your efforts or your key aspects like search marketing, site user experience, email or social media.


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So what do you do?

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Define a more holistic strategy -

Move towards greater integration. brands are starting to understand that you can’t have a FB strategy, a blogging strategy, an email strategy & a print strategy, as though they are all separate. You need a single overarching strategy for connecting to prospective customers.

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Hold yourself accountable -

A recent study found that 73% company executives don’t believe that marketing drives demand & revenue. Marketers don’t want the reputation of being a cost centre. It is upto each of us to hold ourselves accountable for revenue generation. To do this, we need to set aggressive goals that directly impact sales growth, pick a metric to measure & prove performance, then crush it.

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In 2015, we witnessed the constant evolution of social media & search. Evolution warrants change that prompts shift in consumer & market behaviour. The difference between success and failure depends upon how well you adapt to these changes & employ the latest & most effective strategies.

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Now to touch upon just some of the prime digital marketing trends for 2016:

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Mobile optimisation - 2015 saw more traffic generated by mobile, than laptop/desktop searches. Smart phones and tablets have increasingly become the most preferred search devices. Hence, mobile audience have to be effectively engaged to generate leads and increase conversions. Websites need to be optimised, making them responsive across devices, to reduce the risk of losing out to competitors.

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Local SEO - Ensure that your business is listed on Google to improve your search visibility. With the launch of My Business, Google Places more importance needs to be given to lock SEO.

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Voice search - Voice search introduces changes in keyword research. Digital assistants like

SIRI on Apple devices ;

Google Now on Android &

Cortana for Windows

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Higher conversion


Long tail keywords = More

specific = = Better ROIs

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Invest in mobile - Digital media has edged past traditional media & emerged as the strongest media in recent times. Out of all digital media there is continued growth of time spent & budgets allocated to mobile and tablets. this has actually forced marketers & platform developers to rethink customer expectations.

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Measuring the right results - The novelty of social media is beginning to wane a bit. It is becoming more part & parcel of life. Hence marketers need to be more focused on all their marketing communication activities, whether online or off are designed to measurable results.

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Brand journalism needs to evolve beyond text based story telling to more sophisticated multimedia (images, data animation, etc) to reflect the changing content demands of the customer.

Adopt visual story telling -

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Quick response -

One of the key strategies marketers need to implement in 2016 is quick response time. Thanks to advances made to social listening and automation tools, if you are not quick to respond one of your competitors might be. Social media is moving fast, and if your business has a presence on any of the digital platforms then you are expected to keep up.

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Advertising on social media has alwaysbeen around—it’s how they make money, after all—but only recently has the advertising experience become something more akin to a shopping experience. Ads and products available to purchase are starting to work their way into users’ newsfeed and profiles more smoothly and with fewer distinctions from organic content.

Buy buttons are becoming more common -

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New applications are changing social interaction -

The entire motivation behind social media’s existence is the “social” element; these platforms were developed for people to engage with one another, directly & for the most part, in form. Now, forms of interaction are starting to diversify. Platforms like are allowing more one-sided conversations, in a more fleeting, temporary context. Platforms like are launching new communication channels like Messenger for Business, which serves as a kind of customer service wing. Brands & consumers are able to talk to each other in newer, more diverse ways.

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Omnichannel marketing is the way of the future -

Omnichannel marketing means running marketing campaigns on more than one platform at once. Although Facebook was still discussed frequently, thanks to their Messenger & Facebook Live developments, these features were part of a bigger picture. Ultimately, our takeaway is that marketers are using a mix of platforms and tools at their disposal to connect and collect from users. But rather than getting overwhelmed with new platforms and strategies, they are using automation to streamline this process.

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Smart, targeted marketing campaigns are the name of the game this year.

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