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    slovenski jezik, sloven

    inaPronunciation [sloenski jzik], [slo


    Spoken in Slovenia

    Italy (in Friuli Venezia


    Austria (in Carinthia and


    Hungary (in Vas)


    and emigrant groups in various


    Region Central Southern and

    Southeastern Europe



    2.5 million[1]



    Balto-SlavicSlavicSouth SlavicWestern South SlavicSlovene/Slovenian

    Dialects Prekmurje dialect


    approx. 32 unstandardised




    Latin alphabet (Slovene variant)

    Official status


    language in


    European Union

    Regional or local official

    language in:



    Regulated by Slovenian Academy of

    Slovene languageFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Slovene or Slovenian (slovenski jezikorslovenina, not to be confused withslovenina, the native name of Slovak) is

    a South Slavic language spoken byapproximately 2.5 million speakersworldwide, the majority of whom live inSlovenia. It is the first language of about1.85 million people and is one of the 23official and working languages of the

    European Union.[1] Although Slovene isnot an endangered language, its scope isshrinking considerably, especially in

    science and higher education.[2]


    1 Standard Slovene2 Classification3 History

    3.1 Early history

    3.2 Recent history4 Geographic distribution5 Dialects6 Phonology

    6.1 Vowels6.2 Consonants6.3 Prosody

    7 Grammar8 Vocabulary

    8.1 T-V distinction

    8.2 Foreign words8.3 Articles8.4 Numbers

    9 Writing system10 Regulation11 References12 External links

    12.1 Corpora12.2 Dictionaries

    Standard Slovene
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    Sciences and Arts

    Language codes

    ISO 639-1 sl

    ISO 639-2 slv

    ISO 639-3 slv

    Linguasphere 53-AAA-f (51 varieties)

    Slovene-speaking areas

    South Slaviclanguages

    and dialects

    Western South Slavic



    Prekmurian dialect Resian dialect



    tokavian dialect

    Standard Slovene is the national standardlanguage that evolved on the basis ofCentral Slovene dialects in the 18thcentury and consolidated itself through the19th and 20th centuries. While distinctregional varieties descended from the

    older rural dialects still exist, the spokenand written language is uniform andstandardized. Some dialects differconsiderably from the standard languagein phonology, vocabulary and grammar.Though not facing imminent extinction,such dialects have been in decline duringthe past century, despite the fact that theyare well researched and their use is notdiscouraged by the authorities. Although

    most dialects, especially in rural andmountainous regions, have retained theirspecific phonetic features, theirvocabulary, syntax and grammar havebeen strongly influenced by standardSlovene. Some dialects have been moresuccessful in resisting the penetration ofthe standard language: most notably thePrekmurje dialect, which is one of the fewdialects in Slovenia still widely used by all

    strata of the population, and someSlovene dialects in the Austrian state ofCarinthia and in Italy. The Resian andTorre (Ter) dialects in the Italian Provinceof Udine are the only Slovene dialects thathave remained untouched by theinfluences of standard Slovene, to theextent that they are unintelligible to mostSlovene speakers.

    The distinctive characteristics of Sloveneare dual grammatical number, twoaccentual norms, one characterized bypitch accent, and abundant inflection (a traitshared with many Slavic languages).Although Slovene is basically a SVOlanguage, word order is very flexible, oftenadjusted for emphasis or stylistic reasons.Slovene has a T-V distinction: second-person plural forms are used for individualsas a sign of respect. Also, Slovene andSlovak are the two modern Slaviclanguages whose names for themselves

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    tokavian dialectakavian KajkavianBurgenland Molise


    Serbiantokavian dialectEkavian Ijekavian



    Serbian Romany

    Uice dialect

    Differences between standardBosnianCroatianSerbian

    Non-ISO recognized languages

    and dialectsMontenegrin Bunjevac dialect

    Eastern South Slavic

    Church Slavonic (Old)




    Torlakian Meshterski



    Western dialects

    Southeastern dialects

    Northern Dialects


    Spoken Macedonian

    Standard Macedonian

    Transitional dialectsSerbian-Bulgarian

    Transitional Bulgarian dialects

    Torlakian Gora dialect





    Gaj's Latin1 Serbian CyrillicMacedonian Cyrillic

    Bulgarian Cyrillic


    The Freising Manuscripts, dating

    from the late 10th or early 11th

    century, are considered the oldest

    document in Slovene

    literally mean "Slavic" (slovnsk in oldSlavonic).


    Slovene is an Indo-European language

    belonging to the Western subgroup of theSouth Slavic branch of the Slaviclanguages, like Serbo-Croatian. It is closeto the Kajkavian and akavian dialects of(Serbo-)Croatian, but further from thetokavian dialect, the basis for the Bosnian,Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian

    standard languages.[3] While Slovene isalmost completely intelligible with KajkavianCroatian dialects (especially the variantspoken in Hrvatsko Zagorje on the borderwith Slovenia), mutual intelligibility withother variants of Serbo-Croatian is hinderedby differences in vocabulary, grammar andpronunciation.


    Early history

    Like allSlavic

    languages, Slovene traces its roots to thesame proto-Slavic group of languages that
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    Bohoriica Dajnica MetelicaArebica Bosnian Cyrillic

    Glagolitic Early Cyrillic

    Includes Banat Bulgarian alphabet.

    produced Old Church Slavonic. The earliestknown examples of a distinct, writtenSlovene dialect are from the FreisingManuscripts, known in Slovene as Briinskispomeniki. The consensus estimate of theirdate of origin is between 972 and 1093

    (most likely before 1000). These religiouswritings are among the oldest survivingmanuscripts in any Slavic language.

    Standard Slovene emerged in the second half of the 16th century thanks to the works ofSlovene Lutheran authors, who were active during the Protestant Reformation. The mostprominent authors from this period are Primo Trubar, who wrote the first books inSlovene, Adam Bohori, the authors of the first Slovene grammar, and Jurij Dalmatin,who translated the entire Bible to Slovene.

    From the high Middle Ages up to the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918,in the territory of present day Slovenia, German was the language of the elite, andSlovene was the language of the common people. During this period, German had astrong impact on Slovene, and many Germanisms are preserved in contemporarycolloquial Slovene. Many Slovene scientists before the 1920s also wrote in foreignlanguages, mostly German, which was the lingua francaof science in all Central Europeat the time.

    Recent history

    During the rise of Romantic Nationalism in the 19th century, the cultural movements ofIllyrism and Pan-Slavism brought words from Serbo-Croatian and Czech into standardSlovene, mostly to replace words previously borrowed from German. Most of theseinnovations have remained, although some were dropped in later development. In thesecond half of the 19th century, many nationalist authors made an abundant use ofSerbo-Croatian words: among them were Fran Levstik and Josip Juri, who wrote thefirst novel in Slovene in 1866. This tendency was reversed in the Fin de sicle period bythe first generation of modernist Slovene authors (most notably the writer Ivan Cankar),who resorted to a more "pure" and simple language without excessive Serbo-Croatianborrowings. During the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the 1920s and 1930s, the influence of

    Serbo-Croatian increased again. This was opposed by the younger generations ofSlovene authors and intellectuals; among the most fierce opponents of an excessiveSerbo-Croatian influence on Slovene were the intellectuals around the leftist journalSodobnost, as well as some younger Catholic activists and authors. After 1945,numerous Serbo-Croatian words that were used in the previous decades were dropped.This caused an interesting paradox that a Slovene text from the 1910s is frequentlycloser to modern Slovene than a text from the 1920s and 1930s.

    Between 1920 and 1941, the official language of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was definedas "Serbian-Croatian-Slovene". In practice, Slovene was used in Slovenia, both in

    education and administration. Nevertheless, many state institutions only operated inSerbian, and a Slovene-Serbian bilingualism was applied in many spheres of public life inSlovenia. For examples, at the post offices, railways and in administrative offices, Serbianwas used together with Slovene. However, state employees were expected to be able to


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    speak Slovene in Slovenia, and in reality, Serbian had a very limited use in Slovenia.

    During the same time, western Slovenia (the Slovenian Littoral and the western districtsof Inner Carniola) were under Italian administration and submitted to a fierce and violentpolicy of Fascist Italianization; the same policy was applied to Slovene speakers inVenetian Slovenia, Gorizia and Trieste. Between 1923 and 1943, all public use of

    Slovene language in these territories was strictly prohibited, and Slovene languageactivists were persecuted by the state. After the Carinthian Plebiscite of 1920, a lesssevere policy of Germanization took place in the Slovene-speaking areas of southernCarinthia which remained under Austrian administration. After the Anschluss of 1938, theuse of Slovene was strictly forbidden in Carinthia, as well. This accelerated a process oflanguage shift in Carinthia, which continued throughout the second half of the 20thcentury: according to the Austro-Hungarian census of 1910, around 17% of inhabitants ofCarinthia spoke Slovene in their daily communication; in 1951, this figure dropped under10%, and by 2001 to a mere 2,8%.

    During World War II, Slovenia was divided between the Axis Powers of Fascist Italy, NaziGermany, and Hungary, and the occupying powers attempted to either discourage orentirely suppress the Slovene language.

    Following World War II, Slovenia became part of the Socialist Federal Republic ofYugoslavia. Slovene was one of the official languages of the federation. On the territoryof Slovenia, it was commonly used in almost all areas of public life. One importantexception was the Yugoslav army where Serbo-Croatian was used exclusively even inSlovenia. National independence has revitalized the language: since 1991, whenSlovenia gained independence, Slovene has been used as an official language in all

    areas of public life. It also became one of the official languages of the European Unionupon Slovenia's admission in 2004.

    Geographic distribution

    The language is spoken by about 2.5 million people, mainly in Slovenia, but also bySlovene national minorities in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (around 90,000 in VenetianSlovenia, Resia Valley, Canale Valley, Province of Trieste and in those municipalities ofthe Province of Gorizia bordering with Slovenia), in southern Carinthia and some parts ofStyria in Austria (25,000). It is also spoken in Croatia, especially in Istria, Rijeka andZagreb (11,800-13,100), in southwestern Hungary (3-5,000), in Serbia (5,000), and bythe Slovene diaspora throughout Europe and the rest of the world (around 300,000),

    particularly in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia and South Africa.[3]


    Main article: Slovene dialects

    Slovene is the most diverse Slavic language in terms of dialects, with different degrees of

    mutual intelligibility. There are 46 distinct dialects, grouped in seven dialect groups.[4]

    Although pronunciation differs greatly from area to area, those differences do not posemajor obstacles to understanding. The standard language is mainly used in publicresentations or on formal occasions.
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    A schematic map of Slovene dialects, based on

    the map by Fran Ramov and other sources

    The Prekmurian and Resian dialects,being the furthest from the standardlanguage, have been standardized.Speakers of those two dialects haveconsiderable difficulties with beingunderstood by speakers of other

    varieties of Slovene, needing code-switching to the Standard Slovene.Other dialects are mutually intelligiblewhen speakers avoid the excessiveusage of regionalisms.

    Regionalisms are mostly limited toculinary and agricultural expressions,although there are many exceptions.

    Some loanwords have become so deeply rooted into the local language, that people have

    considerable difficulties in finding a standard expression for the dialectical term (forinstance, kovtermeaning blanket is preita oddejain Standard Slovene, but the latterterm is neverused in speech). Western dialects incorporate a great deal of calques andloanwords from Italian, while eastern dialects remain replete with remnants of theGerman reign. Usage of those words is considered bad style even in colloquial languageand is discouraged since it hinders intelligibility among dialects.


    Slovene has a phoneme set consisting of 21 consonants and 8 vowels, and practicesreduction of unstressed vowels.


    Slovene has an eight-vowel system (/a/, /e/, //, //, /i/, /o/, //, /u/) in comparison to thefive-vowel system in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Macedonian. Older analyses of

    Slovene concluded that it features phonemic vowel length, but more recent studies haverejected this statement for the majority of speakers. The current analysis is that stressedvowels are long while unstressed vowels are short. All vowels can be either stressed orunstressed. However, unstressed /e/ and /o/ are restricted to a few grammatical words

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    like bo('will'), an auxiliary verb for the future tense.


    Slovene has 21 distinctive consonant phonemes. Conditional allophones are shown inparentheses.

    Slovenian consonants[5]



    Palatal Velar

    Nasal m n ()

    Plosive p b t d k

    Affricate ts (dz) t d

    Fricative f s z x ()

    Approximant l j

    Trill r

    All voiced obstruents are devoiced at the end of words unless immediately followed by aword beginning with a vowel or a voiced consonant. In consonant clusters, voicingdistinction is neutralized and all consonants assimilate the voicing of the rightmostsegment. In this context, [] and [dz] may occur as voiced allophones of /x/ and /ts/,respectively (e.g. vh drevsa[r dreesa]).[6] // has several allophones depending oncontext:

    Before a vowel: []At the end of a syllable or before a consonant: [u]At the beginning of a syllable behind a voiced consonant: [w]At the beginning of a syllable behind a voiceless consonant: []

    The preposition vis always bound to the following word; however its phonetic realizationfollows the normal phonological rules for //.


    Like the closely related Serbo-Croatian, Slovene uses diacritics or accent marks todenote what is called "dynamic accent" and tone. However, as in Serbo-Croatian, use ofsuch accent marks is restricted to language textbooks and linguistic publications.Standard Slovene has two varieties, tonal and non-tonal. The diacritics are almost neverused in the written language, except in the few minimal pairs that are already mentioned.

    Dynamic accent marks lexical stress in a word as well as vowel duration. Stressplacement in Slovene is predictable compared to the East Slavic languages andBulgarian: any long vowel is automatically stressed, and in words with no long vowels, thestress falls to the final syllable. The only exception is schwa, which is always short, and

    can be stressed in non-final position. Some compounds, but not all, have multiple stress.In the Slovene writing system, dynamic accent marks may be placed on all vowels, aswell as // (which is never syllabic in Standard Slovene, but is used for schwa + rsequences, when in consonantal environment); for example, vrt('garden') stressed as vt.
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    Tombstone of Joef Nahtigal inDobrova with archaic Slovene

    onikanjein indirect reference.

    Literal translation "Here lie[poivajo] the honorable JoefNahtigal ... they were born [rojeni]

    ... they died [umerli] ... God grant

    In short, stress can theoretically fall on any syllable. In practice, the second or thirdsyllable from the end are commonly stressed.

    Dynamic accentuation uses three diacritic marks: the acute ( ) (long and narrow), thecircumflex ( ^ ) (long and wide) and the grave ( ` ) (short and wide). All dialects of Slovenedo use this type of accentuation, although the same word can be accented quite

    differently in different dialects.

    Tonal accentuation uses four: the acute ( ) (long and high), the inverted breve ( ) or thecircumflex ( ^ ) (long and low), the grave ( ` ) (short and high) and the double grave ( `` )(short and low), marking the narrow or with the dot below ( ). Eastern dialectsof Slovene do not use tonal accentuation, posing many obstacles for speakers from thisareas to mastering Standard Slovene in a way that is expected to be used in massmedia.


    Main article: Slovene grammar


    T-V distinction

    Slovene, like most other European languages, has aT-V distinction, or two forms of 'you' for formal and

    informal situations. Although informal address usingthe 2nd person singular tiform (known as tikanje) isofficially limited to friends and family, talk amongchildren, and addressing animals, it is increasinglyused among the middle generation to signal a relaxedattitude or lifestyle instead of its polite or formalcounterpart using the 2nd person plural viform(known as vikanje).

    An additional nonstandard but widespread use of a

    singular participle combined with a plural auxiliaryverb (known as polvikanje) signals a somewhat morefriendly and less formal attitude while maintainingpoliteness:

    Vi ga niste videli. ('You did not see him': boththe auxiliary verb nisteand the participlevideliare plural masculine. Standard usage.)Vi ga niste videl/videla. ('You did not seehim': the auxiliary verb nisteis plural but the

    participle videl/videlais singularmasculine/feminine. Nonstandard usage.)

    The use of nonstandard forms (polvikanje) might be

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    them [jim] eternal peace and rest."frowned upon by many people and should never beused in a formal setting.

    The use of the 3rd person plural oni('they') form (known as onikanjein both directaddress and indirect reference) as an ultra-polite form is now archaic or dialectal; it isassociated with servant-master relationships in older literature, the child-parent

    relationship in certain conservative rural communities, and parishioner-priestrelationships.

    Foreign words

    Foreign words used in Slovene are of various types depending on the assimilation theyhave undergone. The types are:

    sposojenka(loan word) fully assimilated; e.g. pica('pizza').tujka(foreign word) partly assimilated, either in writing and syntax and/or in

    pronunciation; e.g.jazz, wiki.polcitatna beseda ali besedna zveza(half-quoted word or phrase) partlyassimilated, either in writing and syntax and/or in pronunciation; e.g.Shakespeare, but Shakespearjain genitive case.citatna beseda ali besedna zveza(quoted word or phrase) kept as in original,although pronunciation may be altered to fit into speech flow; e.g. first ladyin allcases.


    There are no definite or indefinite articles as in English (a, an, the) or German (der, die,das, ein, eine). A whole verb or a noun is described without articles and the grammaticalgender is found from the word's termination. It is enough to say barka(aor the barge),Noetova barka('Noah's ark'). The gender is known in this case to be feminine. Indeclensions, endings are normally changed; see below. If one should like to somehowdistinguish between definiteness or indefiniteness of a noun, one would say(prav/natanko/ravno) tista barka('that (exact) barge') for "the barge" and neka/ena barka('one barge') for "a barge".

    Definiteness of a noun phrase can also be discernible through the ending of the

    accompanying adjective. One should say rdeiotor([exactly that] red tent) or rdeotor([a] red tent). This difference is observable only for masculine nouns in nominative oraccusative case. Because of the lack of article in Slovene and audibly insignificantdifference between the masculine adjective forms, most dialects do not distinguishbetween definite and indefinite variants of the adjective, leading to hypercorrection when

    speakers try to use Standard Slovenian.[7]


    Main article: Slovene numerals

    Writing system
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    Main article: Slovene alphabet

    See also: Bohorialphabet, Metelko alphabet, and Dajnko alphabet

    This alphabet (Slovene: abeceda) was derived in the mid 1840s from the system createdby Croatianist Ljudevit Gaj. Intended for Serbo-Croatian language (in all its varieties), itwas patterned on the Czech pattern of the 1830s. Before that /s/ was, for example,

    written as , or ; /t/ as tch, cz, tcz or tcz; /i/ sometimes as y as a relicfrom now modern Russian yery ; /j/ as y; /l/ as ll; // as w; // as , or z.

    The writing itself in its pure form does not use any letters beyond the basic Latin set plus, , and , except optional diacritics when it is necessary to distinguish betweensimilar words with a different meaning. Note that these are usually not written and thereader is expected to gather the meaning of the word from the context. When diacriticsare not used, the orthography underdifferentiates the phonemes /e/, // and //, which areall written e, and the phonemes // and /o/, which are both written o. For example:

    gl('naked') vs. gl('goal'),jsen('ash (tree)') vs.jesn('autumn'),kt('angle') vs. kot('as'),med('between') vs. md('honey'),pl('expresses a half an hour before the given hour') vs. pl('pole'),prcej('at once', archaic) vs. precj('a great deal (of)'),

    letter phoneme first letter in a word word pronunciation

    A (a) /a/ abecda('alphabet') [abtseda]

    B (b) /b/ besda('word') [bseda]C (c) /ts/ cvt('bloom') [tset]

    () /t / asops('newspaper') [taspis]

    D (d) /d/ dnes('today') [dans]

    E (e) /e/, //, // sdem('seven'), ri('to say'), sem('I am') [sedm], [rti], [sm]

    F (f) /f/ fnt('boy') [fant]

    G (g) // grad('castle') [rad]

    H (h) /x/ ha('house') [xia]

    I (i) /i/ imti('to have') [imeti]

    J (j) /j/ jbolko('apple') [jablk]

    K (k) /k/ kmt('peasant') [kmt]

    L (l) /l/ ljubzen('love') [ljubezn]

    M (m) /m/ msliti('to think') [misliti]

    N (n) /n/ novce('news') [nits]

    O (o) //, /o/ kno('window'), pica('monkey) [kno], [opitsa]

    P (p) /p/ pom ('help') [pmot]R (r) /r/ rokenrl('rock'n'roll') [rkenrl]

    S (s) /s/ svt('world') [set]

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    () // la('school') [ola]T (t) /t/ tip('type') [tip]

    U (u) /u/ lica('street') [ulitsa]

    V (v) // vda('water') [da]

    Z (z) /z/ zrlo('mature') [zrelo]

    () // ivljnje('life') [iuljnj]


    Standard Slovene spelling and grammar are defined by the Orthographic Committee andthe Fran Ramov Institute of the Slovenian Language, which are both part of theSlovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti,SAZU). The newest reference book of standard Slovene spelling (and to some extent

    also grammar) is the Slovenski pravopis(SP2001; Slovene Normative Guide). The latestprinted edition was published in 2001 (reprinted in 2003 with some corrections) andcontains more than 130,000 dictionary entries. In 2003, an electronic version waspublished.

    The official dictionary of modern Slovene, which was also prepared by SAZU, is Slovarslovenskega knjinega jezika(SSKJ; Standard Slovene Dictionary). It was published infive volumes by Dravna Zaloba Slovenije between 1970 in 1991 and contains morethan 100,000 entries and subentries with accentuation, part-of-speech labels, commoncollocations, and various qualifiers. In the 1990s, an electronic version of the dictionary

    was published and it is available online.

    The SAZU considers SP2001 to be the normative source on Slovenian language. Whendictionary entries in SP2001 and SSKJ differ, the SP2001 entry takes precedence.


    1. ^ab "International Mother Language Day 2010" ( . Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. 19 February 2010. Retrieved 29 January 2011.

    2. ^ "Linguist Says Slovenian Language Not Endangered" ( . Slovenian Press Agency. 21 February 2010.

    3. ^abGreenberg, Marc L., A Short Reference Grammar of Slovene, (LINCOM Studies in SlavicLinguistics30). Munich: LINCOM, 2008. ISBN 3-89586-965-1

    4. ^ "International Mother Language Day" ( .Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. 19 February 2009. Retrieved 3 February 2011.

    5. ^ Herrity (2000:1516)6. ^ Herrity (2000:16)7. ^ "Kako uporabljati dolone pridevnike" (

    000346.html) . USS. 2 June 2005. Retrieved 30 January 2011.

    External links
  • 8/3/2019 Slovene Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia


    Slovene language ( atEthnologueSlovene Swadesh list of basic vocabulary words( (fromWiktionary's Swadesh-list appendix( )

    Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language( Phonology ( Grammar for Slovene [PDF]( by MarkL. Greenberg


    Slovenian National Corpus 600 M words corpus of Slovenian FidaPLUS200 M words corpus of Slovenian Nova beseda ( Parallel Corpus (


    Slovene-English Dictionary ( Slovene Dictionary (SSKJ) ( (Slovene)

    English-Italian-German-French-Russian-Spanish-Slovene Dictionary(

    Retrieved from ""

    Categories: Slovene language South Slavic languages Languages of Slovenia

    Languages of Austria Languages of Friuli-Venezia Giulia Languages of Hungary

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