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Page 1: sletter€¦ · hearing aids (most do have it), just flip the switch on your hearing aids and the sound will broadcast direct to hearing aid. Pentecost Pentecost is best summed up

Father Ray Burkle
































Volume 13 Issue 2

June 2019

Newsletter staff: Barbara Ann Brumm, Annette Uker, Janice Schonrock and Fr. Ray Burkle

Hearing Aid Technology in Sacred Heart Church With new technology, comes great improvements. When Sacred Heart built our new church for Handicapped Accessibility, we did not overlook those who have difficulties with hearing. Inserted under the carpet around the pews, is a Hear-ing Loop System which is a thin wire that allows those with hearing aids to con-nect to our sound system. If you have the telecoil or t-coil function on your hearing aids (most do have it), just flip the switch on your hearing aids and the sound will broadcast direct to hearing aid.

Pentecost Pentecost is best summed up in Acts of the Apostles 2:1-41, which starts, "When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place togeth-er. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim...." (2:1-4) The disciples then went out proclaiming the good news, and all the people, though from different countries, were all able to hear and understand what Peter was saying. This was due to the power of the Holy Spirit. In Baptism, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and in Confirmation we are given an even greater portion of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit continues to bless us and guide us in living our faith. There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (wisdom, understanding, right judgment, cour-age, knowledge, reverence and wonder and awe in God's presence), and when used they produce the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Scripture tells us that the gifts are given to each person in various degrees. Not all are teachers, or heal-ers, not all speak in tongues, but to each the gift of the Spirit is there to help them.

R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) will again be offered, starting in September. If you know anyone who is interested in inquiring about becoming Catholic, please have them contact Fr. Ray to get the process started. Along with some paperwork, classes are held about twice a month from September through April. Those not previously baptized Christian, will do so during the Easter Vigil. If already baptized Christian, they will be coming into full com-munion. Please call Fr. Ray if you have any questions, or if you have people interested.

Thank you, Margaret Smolik, for your years of service on the

Newsletter staff. You were a great writer and editor!

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Sacred Heart ladies making Palm Crosses to be delivered to the shut-ins in their homes and in nursing homes.

“INTO HIS LIKENESS” By: Dr. Edward Sri Remember? It's that Gift Book made available to you during Lent. If you have read it, great, if not, try to make time for it this summer. In the words of Teresa Tomeo, author and TV/radio host on EWTN, “In his down-to-earth, relatable style, Dr. Sri meets us all right where we're at in life while providing a way for-ward.” His intent is to lead us into a more personal relationship with Jesus. The book is an easy read, only 148 pages! After hearing that Dr. Sri was speaking in Independence, Iowa, a few of us decided we didn't want to miss this opportunity to hear and meet him in person. It's not often we get to actually meet a theologian, au-thor of several best-selling Catholic books and internationally known speaker! So, on May 1st, Dan and An-nette Uker, Helen Gerdes and I traveled to the Heartland Acres Event Center in Independence for the even-ing presentation. Dick and Ginger Meirick were also there. Dr. Sri's talk was mostly from this book. And our response was, “Awesome!” He is a very engaging, humor-ous and interesting speaker and storyteller! He tells a story about his bubbly five-year-old daughter. (By the way, he and his wife, Elizabeth, have 8 children!) Anyway, the kids were wrestling and dog piling in the middle of the floor. The baby-sitter gently told the daughter to be careful and not be so rough. When she heard her name the five-year-old immediately jumped out of the pile, stood up straight and looked very seri-ous. The baby-sitter asked, “What's wrong?” She answered, “Ohhh, I've been 'trying' to be good.” The baby-sitter smiled and asked, “How's that been going for you?” With tears in her eyes she said, “It's really, really hard!” As Dr. Sri says being “Good” is not only hard for little children, it's also hard for us adult children of God. We all want to be good Christians, but it's hard work. Dr. Edward Sri's books will help us with that challenge. He has several books available online and has podcasts at “All Things Catholic” ( I think you will find his books and podcasts both great spiritual, learning opportunities and entertaining! Let's enjoy our Journey to Sainthood! By Janice Schonrock

Sacred Heart folding Palms into crosses for the Homebound

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Sacred Heart Fundraisers

The “Soup & A Bowl” fundraiser was a success. There were approximately 300 bowls. All were sold and $6770 was raised. A big “THANK YOU” to all who volunteered their help!!

Come Pray With Us — First Saturday of each month St. Isidore parishioners are invited to come together on the first Saturday of each month for about 30 minutes to pray for unity and a faith-filled response to the call to discipleship for each of us. Prayer sheets will be pro-vided. We ask that you pray for these intentions every day on your own and collectively on 1st Saturdays. Sacred Heart Church at 9:00am Stacyville Community Nursing Home at 9:00am Good Samaritan Nursing Home in St. Ansgar at 9:15am

Sacred Heart Parish is in need of some volunteers to help organize a Fundraising committee. This committee will brainstorm ideas of events that could be held and then try to find the right peo-ple to help organize and run the events. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please call Fr. Ray (563)580-2197 or call the office and leave your name and number with Jill.

Page 4: sletter€¦ · hearing aids (most do have it), just flip the switch on your hearing aids and the sound will broadcast direct to hearing aid. Pentecost Pentecost is best summed up


On May 16, the Moving Forward Together bereavement group met at Apple Valley Assisted Living for our yearly May Crowning of Mary. Residents were invited to attend and take part in the ceremony. Catholic resident, Mary Scheer was chosen for the honor of crowning Our Blessed Mother, Mary. In visiting with Mary, we learned this wasn't the first time she has been chosen to do this. When she attended Stacyville Visit-ation school, she crowned Mary as a grade school student and again in high school. She said she was asked because her name is Mary. And, that is exactly why she was chosen this day! A Mary Altar was set up and decorated by leaders Mary Lou Kennedy, Vivian Viskocil, and Janice Schonrock. The statue of Mary was borrowed from the Faith Formation Center. The ceremony consisted of hymns to Our Lady, (Annette Uker at the piano) The Crowning of Mary, a Prayer Service, and we prayed the First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, The Annunciation in memory of our deceased loved ones. Since that mystery celebrates Mary saying “Yes” to becoming the Mother of Jesus we were asked, “What would you have said?” If you attended the Mission you may remember Steve Angrisano taught us a Song called “I'm Trading My Sorrows” with the Actions to the chorus... “Yes, Lord, Yes, Lord, Yes, Yes Lord”. We used Steve's youtube video of this song (with copies of the words) and with the help of Nikki and Julie, we learned the actions so we could sing along. What Fun! Yes, Lord! We were then asked to think of ways We can say “Yes” to Our Lord like Mary did. We were given a fold-ed card to write our promises on and asked to put them in a special place where we will be reminded to say “YES” with our actions. After the ceremony we enjoyed ice cream sundaes and had fun visiting with each other and the residents. What a beautiful way to celebrate our Love for the Blessed Virgin Mary during her special month, May!

MAY CROWNING (Mary Said, “Yes”) …by Janice Schonrock

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In the realities of this world and in the Faith that we hold in relationship to God, we have been called together for the life of the world, to share our gifts humbly and to love uncondition-ally for we are the heart and hands of Jesus.

“How then shall I live, O God?”

“Took a walk outside of my walking, stepped inside another’s shoes, walked the dusty borders between us, paths I’d never chosen to choose.

Saw the world outside of my looking, Gazed upon the eyes of its soul, Held the hopes and fears of tomorrow, Found the pieces making a whole.

Took a step outside of my walking, Found within a beat that we share, walked with you the length of a life-time, and made of life a living prayer.

How then shall I live, O God?”

Linnea Good.

Thank you, Visitation Catechists: Tara Franzen, Robyn Knowlton, Connie Jensen, Coralie Krebsbach, Tammy Lamb,

Julie Brumm, Robertta Huffman, Kelli Hemann, Barb Brumm, Anna Hemann, Bethany Meitner, Carol Mullenbach. Absent: Nicole Hemann, Anita Adams- sub-Catechist. End of

the year in-service and celebration May 1.

2019 St. Isidore Lenten Mission. Steve Angrisano visited St. Isidore during Holy Week giving us an opportunity to reflect

upon our mission of developing a relationship with Jesus Christ by using the gifts that were given to each of us in order to be a true disciple. Steve asked each of us if we believed we would

someday be a saint; to be humble in the presence of holiness. In Steve’s song, “Go make a difference in the World” we are called to be the heart and hands of Jesus in our daily lives;

that’s our mission, that is what Jesus calls us to do and to be.

1 Corinthians tells us that we are the Body of Christ, each with

a special gift. Some people think that the most visible people in the Church are the most important, but many times important things are done by quiet people with little fanfare, but God al-

ways notices. Whatever your gift, use it to the fullest to make a difference in the world. Thank you to Steve and to all who helped make our Lenten Mission a Success.

Faith Formation

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The Totus Tuus parish summer catechetical program, a week-long “parish mission” for Catholic youth in the 1st through 12th grades, is dedicated to proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evange-lization, catechesis, apologetics, Christian witness, the sacraments, Marian devotion, and Eucharistic worship. **Totus Tuus accomplishes this as Seminarians and college students engage the youth of the parish with skits, songs, games and inspiring, interactive teaching. **Totus Tuus instructs young people in the basic tenets of the Catholic faith to cultivate both a firm intellectual grounding and a solid personal relationship with Christ. **Totus Tuus demonstrates that one can be a faithful, practicing Catholic and still have fun! **Totus Tuus seeks to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion, and an openness to their vocation by challenging them to give themselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary.

June 10-14, 2019 Grades 1st-6th

June 9-13, 2019 Grades 7th-12th

Totus Tuus - register now St. Isidore Catholic Community Sacred Heart/Visitation Parishes

Sessions will be held at Sacred Heart in Osage Call Visitation Faith Formation Center


THE FACE OF JESUS (A WOOD CARVING) Janice Schonrock Have you wondered what “The Story” is behind that wood carv-ing of “The Face of Jesus” hanging above the fireplace in the Sacred Heart Gathering Space lounge area? I did, so I started asking ques-tions and the following is “The Story”. It started with that Huge Pine Tree that stood in front of the Old Sacred Heart Church. Lorraine Klaes was taking before and after photographs of the church and its surroundings. She took pictures of this stately Pine while it was still standing in all its glory in front of the church. Then, while taking pictures after it had been taken down to make way for the new church, she had a thought. Maybe it was the Holy Spirit whispering to her? As she looked at that fallen tree it oc-curred to her that the wood of the tree could be made into something, something to make a memory, but what and how? She thought of Pat Doyle of Doyle Carving Niche from Floyd. You may have seen some of his chainsaw carvings in and around the area. Maybe you've even watched him at the County Fair. Well, Lor-raine gave him a call and he agreed to make something from that tree. She asked if he could make a wall plaque of Jesus and they looked through some pictures to give Pat an idea of what she had in mind. He then carved “The Face of Jesus” with the crown of thorns upon his head. It is an impressive work of art! And, I think it is best viewed close up. So, next time you are in the church go over to the Fireside Lounge, sit down and really See Jesus! How appropri-ate to have “The Face of Jesus” looking out over us as we worship Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! Lorraine and family donated this Face of Jesus to the church in memory of her parents, Harold and Erna Schulteis. Harold was a farmer and real estate agent in the area and Erna was very active in Sacred Heart Guild, serving as the Treasurer for many years. She was a great help to many of us young guild officers. Both were faithful longtime members of Sacred Heart Church. Lorraine attached a photograph of the Tree and information to the back of the carving so future generations will know “The Story”. Thank you, Lorraine Klaes and family for this special gift!

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“On This Day, O Beautiful Mother”

May Crowning Visitation Parish Sunday, May 12. First Communicants Kellen Hanke, Daniel Merten, Harper DeMaris brought flowers to Mary while Katie DeMaris placed a crown of roses on Mary’s head.

Visitation Senior Sunday 2019 Gabrielle Finberg, Abbie Kulow, Samantha

Hemann, Fr. Ray, Collin Kramer, Molly Krahenbuhl, Madisyn Blake, Megan Adams. Not pictured: Sophia Merten and Garrett Koster

Seniors and First Communicants honor Mary on Senior Sunday.

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First Communion Celebration Mass May 5, 2019. Communicants Daniel Merten, Harper DeMaris and Kellen Hanke

With Carol Mullenbach, Catechist, Fr. Ray, and Barbara Ann Brumm, DRE

Seminarian, Eric Zenisek, visits with Visitation Faith For-mation students Prek-8th grade discussing Vocations, Cath-olic Faith, and answering questions from the students. Eric is a Seminarian from the Archdiocese of Dubuque studying at Mundelein Seminary in Illinois.

Thank you Visitation Mass Servers Fr. Burkle and the Visitation Parish recognize and appreciate the Mass servers for their dedication to Liturgical ministry by assisting Father during the Mass to create reverent and meaningful liturgy. Ellie Merten, Lylah Knowlton, Natalie Bork,

Olivia Huisman, Leah Merten, Maci Juenger, Lau-ren Bork, Olivia DeMaris, Zade Schell, Jaxson Vroom, Isabelle Brumm, Lanie Hanna. Not pic-tured: Josephine Adams, Taylor Hanna, Nathan Brumm, Jack Hanke and Bradley Hackenmiller

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Sacred Heart Senior Sunday 2019 Shelby Blake, Brett Bobinet, Joe Frein, Joan Grimm, Gracie Halbach, Sam Huebsch, Joey Jacobs, Emily Krukow, Garrett Meitner, Jenna Plotzke, and Lucas Weigle

Sacred Heart First Communion Brynnlie Havig, Lily Ann Kolbet, Kaycee Kominek, Claire Machin, Charlie O'Malley, Kellen Taets. With Deb Popp, Catechist; Beth Hoppel, CRE; and Fr. Ray Burkle

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Sacred Heart and Visitation Confirmation Kira Baldus, Ellie Bobinet, Eric Bobinet, Lauren Bork, Jadie Frein, Taylor Hanna, Alexis Jones, Paige

Kisley, Hannah Koch, Spencer Krabbe, Tori Kulow, Grace Mallory and Katie Smith

With Vince Morische, Catechist; Barbara Brumm, DRE, Beth Hoppel, CRE, Fr. Ray Burkle, and

Archbishop Michael Jackels

Thank you Sacred Heart Mass Servers Fr. Burkle and the Sacred Heart Parish recognize and appreciate the Mass servers for their dedication to

Liturgical ministry by assisting Father during the Mass to create reverent and meaningful liturgy.

Azure Christensen, Ivy Christensen, Sage Christensen, Dace Darrow, Kaylie Havig, Mylie Havig, Taylor Hobbs, Josie Keck, Parker Kisley, Lydia Koch, Alexis Kolbet, Conner Lifka, Jack Low, Connor Mehmen, Paige Mehmen, Izzie O’Malley, Kaegen O’Malley, Noah O’Malley, Travis O’Malley, Lia Wagner, Michael Wagner, and Anna Wynohrad

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OSAGE, IA 50461


St. Isidore Catholic Community

218 South 12th Street

Osage, IA 50461

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SH-3-16-19—Owen Cole, son of Brandon & Cassie Limoges

VIS-4-14-19—Blakely Lynn, daughter of Jordan & Sydney DeMaris

VIS-4-27-19—Gray Eileen, daughter of Matt & Amanda Adams

VIS-5-10-19—Robert Philip, son of John & Karen Krebsbach

SH-5-19-19—Sutten Grace, daughter of Jeremy & Sarah Gerbig

New Parishioners

SH-Clayton Steimel & Kelly Heckstein

SH-Mark Gisleson & Teresa Knighten


SH-3-9-19-Francis (Giz) Hommez

VIS-3-16-19-Kenneth Koenigs

SH-4-4-19-Harold Hemann

VIS-4-9-19-Lester Durben

SH-4-21-19-Andy Werner

SH-5-5-19-Mildred Thome

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