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Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts out to 4 WeeksBased on the State of ENSO and the MJO*


International Pacific Research Center, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i at M�anoa,

Honolulu, Hawaii, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California


NOAA/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland


Department of Meteorology, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University

Park, Pennsylvania


NOAA/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland


NOAA/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland, and Wyle Information Systems, McLean,


(Manuscript received 29 August 2013, in final form 25 October 2013)


Previous work has shown that the combined influence of El Ni~no–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the

Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) significantly impacts the wintertime circulation over North America for

lead times up to at least 4 weeks. These findings suggest that both the MJO and ENSO may prove beneficial

for generating a seamless prediction link between short-range deterministic forecasts and longer-range sea-

sonal forecasts. To test the feasibility of this link, wintertime (December–March) probabilistic 2-m temper-

ature (T2m) forecasts over North America are generated solely on the basis of the linear trend and statistical

relationships with the initial state of the MJO and ENSO. Overall, such forecasts exhibit substantial skill for

some regions and some initial states of the MJO and ENSO out to a lead time of approximately 4 weeks. In

addition, the primary ENSO T2m regions of influence are nearly orthogonal to those of the MJO, which

suggests that the MJO and ENSO generally excite different patterns within the continuum of large-scale

atmospheric teleconnections. The strong forecast skill scores for some regions and initial states confirm the

promise that information from theMJOandENSOmay offer forecasts of opportunity in weeks 3 and 4, which

extend beyond the current 2-week extended-range outlooks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center (CPC), and an intraseasonal link to longer-range

probabilistic forecasts.

1. Introduction

Operational weather forecasters face the ongoing

challenge of bridging the ‘‘predictability gap’’ between

short-range deterministic weather forecasts and longer-

range probabilistic monthly and seasonal climate fore-

casts. For lead times of approximately 10 days or less,

forecasts are based on the initial atmospheric conditions

* International Pacific Research Center Publication Number

1023 and School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

Contribution Number 9029.

Corresponding author address: Nathaniel Johnson, IPRC, Uni-

versity of Hawai‘i at M�anoa, 401 POSTBldg., 1680 East–West Rd.,

Honolulu, HI 96822.

E-mail: [email protected]


DOI: 10.1175/WAF-D-13-00102.1

� 2014 American Meteorological Society

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and are determined through integrations of numerical

weather prediction (NWP) models. For lead times of

approximately 1 month or more, forecasts, in contrast,

are based on slowly varying boundary conditions (e.g.,

sea surface temperature and soil moisture anomalies)

and are often determined through a blend of numerical

model integrations and statistical models. For in-

termediate lead times of approximately 10–30 days,

however, the large growth of initial errors and the in-

sufficient time for boundary conditions to take effect

present significant difficulties in generating a seamless

prediction framework that links the short-range daily

weather forecasts with monthly and seasonal climate


A source of hope, however, has been the numerous

recent studies that detail the significant influence of the

Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) on the extratropical

circulation, particularly during winter, in this 1–4-week

time frame. The MJO, which is the dominant form of

tropical variability on intraseasonal time scales, is

characterized by large-scale convection anomalies

that circumnavigate the tropical belt in approximately

30–70 days (Madden and Julian 1971, 1972; Zhang

2005). The MJO tropical convection anomalies excite

large-scale teleconnection patterns, including the two

dominant Northern Hemisphere patterns: the Pacific–

NorthAmerican (PNA)pattern (Knutson andWeickmann

1987; Ferranti et al. 1990; Higgins and Mo 1997; Mori

andWatanabe 2008; Johnson and Feldstein 2010; Riddle

et al. 2013) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)/

Arctic Oscillation (AO) (Cassou 2008; L’Heureux and

Higgins 2008; Lin et al. 2009; Roundy et al. 2010; Riddle

et al. 2013). These large-scale teleconnections, which

are identified in the sea level pressure and geopotential

height fields, modify temperature and precipitation

patterns over North America (Vecchi and Bond

2004; Lin and Brunet 2009; Lin et al. 2010; Zhou et al.

2012; Yoo et al. 2012; Rodney et al. 2013; Schreck et al.

2013). The MJO-related composite temperature and

precipitation patterns over the United States can be

viewed at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center

(CPC)website (, under the

MJO section).

One of the fundamental underlying mechanisms by

which tropical convection, such as that associated with

the MJO, excites PNA-like teleconnection patterns is

through the linear dispersion of a Rossby wave trig-

gered by the tropical heating (Hoskins and Karoly

1981; Sardeshmukh and Hoskins 1988; Jin and Hoskins

1995). In addition, barotropic amplification near jet-

exit regions (Simmons et al. 1983; Branstator 1985; Hsu

1996; Feldstein 2002) and driving by synoptic eddies

(Moore et al. 2010; Franzke et al. 2011) contribute to

the observed amplitude and preferred geographic lo-

cation of the PNA over the North Pacific and North

America. The mechanisms by which the MJO excites

the NAO/AO over the North Atlantic basin are more

uncertain, but such mechanisms likely involve modifi-

cation of the upstream storm track and background

flow by the MJO, which impacts the Rossby wave

breaking that gives rise to the NAO/AO (Benedict

et al. 2004; Cassou 2008). Because the extratropical

response takes approximately 1–2 weeks to become

established (Jin and Hoskins 1995; Matthews et al.

2004), and becauseMJO convection exhibits consistent

eastward propagation on weekly time scales, the MJO

provides the potential to aid extended-range forecasts

for lead times of approximately 1–4 weeks (Ferranti

et al. 1990; Newman and Sardeshmukh 2008; Brunet

et al. 2010; Gottschalck et al. 2010; Johnson and Feldstein

2010; Vitart and Molteni 2010; Jones et al. 2011; Riddle

et al. 2013; Hoskins 2013; Zhang 2013).

In addition to the MJO-related anomalies, tropical

convection anomalies associated with El Ni~no–Southern

Oscillation (ENSO), which is the dominant mode of

tropical atmosphere–ocean interaction on interannual

time scales, also excite large-scale teleconnection

patterns with significant weather impacts over North

America (Ropelewski and Halpert 1987; Halpert

and Ropelewski 1992; Trenberth and Caron 2000). Sev-

eral studies find that ENSO may modulate the extra-

tropical response to the MJO (Schrage et al. 1999; Tam

and Lau 2005; Roundy et al. 2010; Moon et al. 2011;

Riddle et al. 2013), which suggests that the state of both

ENSO and the MJO should be considered to maximize

the potential of skillful forecasts in this 1–4-weekwindow.

A few of these studies (Schrage et al. 1999; Roundy et al.

2010; Moon et al. 2011) indicate that the combined MJO

andENSO influence is not a simple linear combination of

the separate responses, althoughRiddle et al. (2013) finds

linearity to be a reasonable approximation for the com-

bined effect of the MJO and ENSO on the frequency of

PNA-like geopotential height cluster patterns. Both

ENSO and the MJO excite PNA-like patterns, although

with some differences in their spatial structure, which

suggests that the MJO and ENSO excite different mem-

bers of the PNA continuum (Johnson and Feldstein

2010). Whereas the MJO has a significant impact on the

NAO/AO, a similar link has not been observed between

ENSO and the AO (L’Heureux and Thompson 2006).

Although the aforementioned studies suggest the

potential for theMJO to contribute to skillful extended-

range forecasts over North America, little work has

been done to assess the practical usefulness of MJO

information as guidance for operational, probabilistic


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forecasts. Yao et al. (2011) and Rodney et al. (2013) find

that surface air temperature forecasts based on statisti-

cal relationships with two of the eight Wheeler and

Hendon (2004, hereafter WH04) MJO phases in par-

ticular (phases 3 and 7) provide modest skill over

southern Canada and the northern United States at

a lead time of 10–20 days. Both MJO phases are char-

acterized by an east–west dipole of tropical convection,

where phase 3 (phase 7) features enhanced (suppressed)

convection over the tropical Indian Ocean and sup-

pressed (enhanced) convection over the central equa-

torial Pacific Ocean. Despite the evidence of skill, Yao

et al. (2011) doubt that such a statistical model could be

of practical use in operational forecasting because the

resulting correlations with surface air temperature were

modest. Rodney et al. (2013), in contrast, suggest that

potentially useful forecasts for days 6–15 are possible

during MJO phases 3, 4, 7, and 8, but only during

strong MJO episodes. Neither study, however, con-

sidered the possible combined influence of the MJO

with ENSO. In addition, the strong long-term linear

trend of wintertime surface air temperature over re-

gions of North America (e.g., Lee et al. 2011) provides

another possible source of skill. Therefore, the com-

bined influence of the MJO, ENSO, and linear trend

may enable ‘‘forecasts of opportunity,’’ which are

periods characterized by higher than usual forecast

skill that may be of practical benefit to some regions

beyond a 10-day lead time. The purpose of this study is

to evaluate the potential usefulness of a statistical, proba-

bilistic forecast model of North American, wintertime

surface air temperatures based on the initial state of the

MJO and ENSO and on the linear trend in the 1–4-week

time frame. We generate probabilistic temperature fore-

casts for weekly periods, with lead times out to 6 weeks for

the December–March winter season between 1980 and

2010. Overall, we find that statistical relationships between

North American temperature and the MJO and ENSO

may be used to generate forecasts with skill that exceed the

typical skill of NWP models for some locations and for

some phases of theMJO at lead times of 2–4 weeks, which

extend beyond the current NOAA CPC operational

forecast products. As discussed below, these forecasts of

opportunity exist for approximately three to four active

MJO phases, depending on the lead time and the state of

ENSO,which correspondswith approximately 25%–30%

of all winter days.

The remainder of the article is organized as follows.

Section 2 presents the data and methods for generat-

ing and evaluating the forecasts. Section 3 presents

example temperature forecasts and the forecast eval-

uation results. Section 4 follows with discussion and


2. Data and methodology

In this section we present all data sources and the

methodology for generating and then evaluating win-

tertime temperature forecasts over North America.

a. Data sources

To generate temperature forecasts, we use December–

March daily 2-m temperature (T2m) data derived from

the Interim European Centre for Medium-Range

Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA-

Interim;Dee et al. 2011) for the period from 1980 through

2010. We focus on land grid points in the domain from

108 to 77.58N and from 1808 to 508W, which includes

all of North America. We interpolate the ERA-Interim

1.58 latitude–longitude grid onto a coarser 2.58 latitude–longitude grid, which does not affect the large-scale features

that are the focus of this study. We also examine lagged

composites of ERA-Interim 500-hPa geopotential height

anomalies on the original 1.58 latitude–longitude grid

over the Pacific–NorthAmerican region from 208 to 908Nand from 1608E to the Greenwich meridian. We cal-

culate daily T2m and 500-hPa geopotential height anom-

alies by subtracting the seasonal cycle, which is defined

as the first four harmonics of the calendar day means

for 1981–2010, and then calculate 7-day running mean


We assess the initial state of the MJO at the time of

issuing forecasts with the WH04 MJO index, as

provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology


This index is defined by the two leading principal

components (PCs) from an empirical orthogonal func-

tion analysis of the combined tropical outgoing long-

wave radiation, 850-hPa equatorial zonal wind, and

200-hPa equatorial zonal wind fields. These two PCs,

designated as the real-time multivariate MJO index

(RMM) 1 and RMM2, define eight MJO phases and an

MJO amplitude, which together describe the eastward

propagation of the enhancedMJO convection from the

African continent (phase 1) to the central equatorial

Pacific Ocean (phases 7 and 8). The OLR and zonal

wind composites associated with each phase of the

WH04 index can be found in a number of previously

published papers (e.g., WH04; Cassou 2008; Johnson

and Feldstein 2010) and are also available on the

NOAA/CPC website (,

within the MJO section).

We also partition the initial state into three canonical

ENSO categories: La Ni~na, neutral ENSO, and El Ni~no

conditions. We define each category following the con-

ventions of NOAA/CPC. First, we obtain the 3-month

running mean values of the Ni~no-3.4 sea surface


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temperature (SST) index from the CPC for the period of

1980–2010. This index is defined by the SST anomaly

averaged over the region extending from 58S to 58N and

from 1208 to 1708W. Then, we classify an El Ni~no (La

Ni~na) episode when the 3-month runningmeanNi~no-3.4

SST anomaly is greater than 0.58C (less than20.58C) forat least five consecutive overlapping, 3-month seasons.

All other periods are classified as neutral ENSO.

Although we focus on forecasts generated with his-

torical MJO, ENSO, and linear trend information, we

also calculate T2m skill scores for a set of 45-day retro-

spective forecast simulations (hindcasts) from version 2

of the National Centers for Environmental Predic-

tion’s (NCEP’s) Climate Forecast System model

(CFSv2) to establish a skill benchmark from a state-

of-the-art NWP model. The CFSv2 model (Saha et al.

2014) consists of the NCEP Global Forecast System

(GFS) atmospheric model run at T126 (;0.9378) hori-

zontal resolution and is fully coupled with ocean (Geo-

physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Modular Ocean

Model, version 4.0), land surface (Noah land surface

model), and sea ice models. The retrospective forecasts

are initialized at 6-h intervals from 1999 through 2009

and run out for 45 days. Ensemblemeans are calculated

from the four runs initialized during each 24-h period.

Anomalies are calculated by subtracting the ERA-

Interim T2m seasonal cycle, as described above, but

with the additional step of subtracting the model cli-

matology bias (i.e., the difference between the lead-

dependent model climatology and the ERA-Interim

climatology for the same period). Also as above, we

focus on 7-day running mean anomalies over the North

America domain for all forecasts that verify between

December and March.

b. Generation of probabilistic temperature forecastsover North America

We generate weekly probabilistic T2m forecasts with

verification centered on all days in December–March

from 1980 to 2010 for six different weekly lead times,

days 4–10, and weeks 2–6. The first lead time is chosen

to correspond with the NOAA/CPC 6–10-day outlook,

but expanded to a 7-day window, and the second lead

time corresponds exactly with the CPC’s 8–14-day

outlook. We follow the standard CPC format of fore-

casting the probability of above and below average

temperatures, where above (below) average tempera-

tures are defined by the top (bottom) terciles of the

climatological (1981–2010) temperature distribution

for the particular 7-day calendar period. For the gen-

eration of the forecasts, the T2m anomaly tercile

boundaries at each grid point are determined by

pooling all December–March T2m anomalies in the

training data, described below, and then calculating

the 33.33rd and 66.67th percentiles of the T2m anom-

aly data. For the forecast evaluation described in sec-

tion 2c, however, the verified forecast category is based

on the distribution of the 30 T2m anomalies from 1981

to 2010 for the specific 7-day calendar period, as in

the NOAA/CPC’s 8–14-day outlooks.

The forecasts at each 2.58 grid cell are generated basedon historical temperature distributions, conditional on

the initial state of ENSO and the MJO. To calculate

conditional distributions, we partition the initial state

on each day by the phase of the MJO and ENSO. We

define the initial state of the MJO by the WH04 MJO

phase under the condition that the RMM amplitude

exceeds 1.0, designated as MJO episodes (65% of all

December–March days meet this criterion); all days

below this amplitude threshold are used to create

a ‘‘weakMJO’’ forecast category. Themean skill scores

show little change if this amplitude threshold is in-

creased to 1.25 or 1.5, and so we keep the lower, more

inclusive threshold. We recognize that such a simple

definition will designate some periods as active that

are not ‘‘pure’’ MJO episodes (i.e., with the charac-

teristic eastward progression), but we choose this sim-

ple criterion for two main reasons. First, for real-time

forecasts, the forecaster does not have the luxury of

determining whether a given MJO episode candidate

will propagate as a pure MJO episode after the time

of issuing the forecast. Second, even if the episode is

not a pureMJO episode, the associated convectionmay

generate a similar extratropical response (e.g., Roundy

and Gribble-Verhagen 2010). We also partition by the

three phases of ENSO discussed above.

For the combination of theMJO andENSO influence,

we considered two possibilities. First, if the modulation

of the MJO impacts by ENSO is substantially nonlinear

(Roundy et al. 2010; Moon et al. 2011), then we should

consider partitioning the initial state into separate joint

MJO–ENSO categories. However, with nine different

MJO states (eight MJO phases and weak MJO) and

three different ENSO states, the consideration of 27

different joint MJO–ENSO categories would result in

fairly small sample sizes with which to calculate each

conditional temperature distribution. Alternatively, if

the nonlinearity is sufficiently weak, then we may obtain

a more robust forecast using larger sample sizes by as-

suming independent impacts and linearly superimposing

the expected ENSO and MJO effects. We tried both

strategies and found that forecasts with the assumption

of linearity outperformed the forecasts based on parti-

tioning into separateMJO/ENSO categories. Even after

trying several modifications to increase sample sizes,

such as joining multiple MJO phases into a single


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category, we found the assumption of linear superposi-

tion to result in forecasts with higher skill scores. These

results do notmean that the relationship betweenENSO

and the MJO is purely linear, but rather they suggest

that any nonlinearity evident in the Northern Hemi-

sphere temperature composites is not strong enough to

overcome the additional sampling uncertainty that re-

sults from smaller sample sizes. Therefore, we assume

a linear superposition of the MJO and ENSO influence

for our final forecasts.

To generate the forecasts, we use a leave-one-year-

out cross-validation approach; that is, the forecasts in

year y are based on the statistics from data in all years

excluding year y, denoted as the training data. We make

the following calculations at each grid point, g, for each

of the six lead times, t, included in this study (t 5 7, 11,

18, 25, 32, and 39 days for the 4–10-day and week-2

throughweek-6 forecasts, respectively). First, we use the

training data to calculate conditional means and vari-

ances of detrended T2m anomalies associated with each

of the nine initial MJO states, i (eight ‘‘active’’ MJO

phases, and one ‘‘weak’’ MJO state), and three initial

ENSO states, j. We denote these as mtig and s2tig, for the

mean and variance conditional on theMJO, and mtjg and

s2tjg, for the mean and variance conditional on ENSO.

Note that these means and variances are independent of

the calendar day, and that the mean seasonal cycle has

been removed previously when calculating T2m anom-

alies. Next, we assume that the ENSO andMJO impacts

are independent, as discussed above, and add the two

means and variances: mtg 5 mtig 1 mtjg and s2tg 5 s2

tig 1s2tjg. To account for the long-term trend, we then add

back in the linear trend to mtg; the linear trend for the

December–March 1980–2010 period is shown in Fig. 1.

The ERA-Interim T2m trends compare favorably with

other observations-based datasets (not shown). Differ-

ences from other published studies (e.g., Bukovsky

[2012]) are mainly due to differences in the precise

months and years analyzed. With the assumption that

the T2m anomalies follow a Gaussian distribution with

mean mtg and variance s2tg, we calculate the probability

that T2m will fall in the top (bottom) tercile to produce

the forecast for above (below) average T2m at grid point

g and lead time t. A schematic of the forecast calculation

is shown in Fig. 2. We make this calculation for all

available years, lead times, and grid points.

The assumption of a Gaussian T2m distribution is

an obvious simplification that does not hold at all times

and locations. This assumption is likely least appro-

priate over northwestern North America, where the

T2m distributions are negatively skewed owing to the

FIG. 1. Linear trend [8C (30 yr)21] ofDecember–MarchT2m for the

period of 1980–2010.

FIG. 2. Schematic of the T2m forecast calculation for grid point g and lead time t. (a) Climatological December–

March T2m anomaly distribution from the training data, with tercile boundaries, TB and TA. The area shaded in blue

(red) represents the probability of below (above) average T2m, which is 33 1/3% in climatology by definition. Note

that this schematic assumes a Gaussian climatological distribution, but the actual calculation of tercile boundaries

does not assume any parametric parent distribution. (b) Forecast T2m anomaly distribution with mean mtg and

standard deviation stg (solid curve), assumed Gaussian and conditioned on the initial state of the MJO and ENSO

(see text for details). The climatological T2m anomaly distribution is dashed. The forecast probability of above

(below) average T2m is represented by the area shaded above TA in red (below TB in blue), which indicates an

enhanced (suppressed) probability of above (below) average T2m relative to climatology.


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modifying influence of the Pacific Ocean (not shown).

However, we find that skill scores are relatively high

over this region (section 3), and test forecasts based on

the training data frequency of occurrence rather than

on an assumed Gaussian distribution do not show no-

table differences in mean skill scores. Therefore, the

Gaussian assumption does not appear to hurt skill scores


We also calculate lagged composites of 7-day-mean

500-hPa geopotential height anomalies for select initial

MJO and ENSO phases in order to examine the con-

nection between the T2m forecasts and the large-scale

midtropospheric circulation. To determine statistically

significant geopotential height anomalies, we use aMonte

Carlo resampling procedure, whereby we repeat the

composite calculations 10 000 times but with random

draws from the entire pool of geopotential height data.

These draws are determined by randomly reassigning the

year and calendar day of each field in the original

composite. The calendar day reassignment is per-

formed through a single random and circular shift in

the calendar day between 260 and 160 days for all

identified events of a given year. Then, we identify the

actual composite anomalies that fall outside the 95%

confidence interval from the resampled composites to

define statistically significant anomalies. We choose

this approach to generate a random distribution of

composites that retains the sample sizes and autocor-

relation of the geopotential height anomaly data asso-

ciated with individual MJO episodes that span several

consecutive days within a given year.

c. Forecast evaluation

We evaluate all forecasts with the Heidke skill score

(HSS), a common performance metric used by the CPC

to evaluate extended-range probabilistic forecasts (e.g.,

Wilks 2011). The HSS assesses the proportion of cate-

gories forecast correctly. For the forecasts generated

with historical MJO, ENSO, and trend information,

each probabilistic forecast is assigned to one of the three

forecast categories (top, middle, or bottom tercile)

based on the highest of the three forecast probabilities.

For the CFSv2 forecasts, the assigned category is based

on the deterministic four-member ensemble mean

forecast. The number of categories forecast correctly is

designated as H. The expected number of categories

forecast correctly just by chance, E, is one-third of the

total number of forecasts,T, for this three-category case.

The HSS then can be expressed as


(T2E)3 100. (1)

The HSS ranges in value from 250 (completely wrong

set of forecasts) to 100 (perfect set of forecasts), with

zero as the expected HSS for a randomly generated

forecast. A value of zero also can be considered the

expected HSS of a climatological forecast if we define

a climatological forecast as a random draw from three

equiprobable forecast categories. Therefore, HSS

values above zero indicate that the forecasts have at

least some skill.

We assess the statistical significance of theHSS for the

forecasts generated with historical MJO, ENSO, and

trend information through a Monte Carlo resampling

test similar to that of the 500-hPa geopotential height

anomaly composites. In this case, we perform the same

HSS calculations 500 times but with randomly resam-

pled forecasts and verification fields chosen in the same

way as in the geopotential height significance test de-

scribed above. Observed HSS values that are greater

than the 95th percentile of the resampled HSS values

are deemed statistically significant at the 5% level.

Therefore, we perform a two-tailed test for the geo-

potential height composites, where we test whether the

composite anomalies are different from zero, but we

perform a one-tailed test for the HSS, where we test

if the skill scores are greater than zero. We also evaluate

the reliability of the probabilistic forecasts by calculat-

ing calibration functions (e.g., Wilks 2011) for each

forecast lead time. We make these calculations by bin-

ning the forecast probabilities over all days and grid

points for a particular lead time and then calculating the

frequency of occurrence of the verified category within

each forecast probability bin. In contrast with standard

reliability diagrams, which contain separate plots of the

calibration function and relative frequency of each

forecast probability bin, we incorporate forecast bin

frequency directly into the calibration function by

specifying that each forecast bin represents 10% of all

forecasts. This modification allows us to evaluate the

sharpness of the forecasts, or the degree to which fore-

casts deviate from climatological predictions (i.e., how

often and to what degree the forecast probabilities

differ from the climatological tercile probabilities of

33.3%), directly within the calibration function plot.

3. Results

The forecasts generated by the method described

above have three potential sources of skill: the MJO

influence, the ENSO influence, and the long-term trend.

To illustrate how each of these three sources contributes

to themean skill averaged overNorthAmerica, we show

in Fig. 3a themeanHSS for all winter days between 1980

and 2010 from forecasts generated in four different


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ways. First, the dark blue curve shows the mean HSS for

forecasts generated in the same general way described

in section 2 but with only theMJO influence included in

the forecasts. We see positive though modest skill

scores gradually decreasing from days 4–10 through

week 3 and then falling below zero by week 4, in-

dicating that week 4 forecasts based solely on MJO

information are worse than random forecasts. These

results suggest that the MJO contributes to skillful

forecasts until about week 4, when the MJO signal

likely is weaker than the noise associated with sampling

uncertainty. Forecasts generated with ENSO in-

formation only, shown in green, provide nearly con-

stant, weakly positive skill scores from weeks 1 through

6, which is consistent with the longer time scale of

ENSO relative to the MJO. The HSS for forecasts that

consider both MJO and ENSO information, shown in

light blue, approximately equals the linear combination

of the MJO-only and ENSO-only HSSs. Therefore, not

only do the forecasts assume a linear superposition of

the MJO and ENSO influence, but the skill scores also

are approximately linear. This light blue curve sug-

gests that the MJO provides additional useful T2m

forecast information until week 4, when the ENSO and

MJO1ENSOHSS curves become indistinguishable. The

addition of the linear trend, shown in red, adds skill at all

lead times. The linear trend term adds the greatest skill

over the Arctic regions of northeast Canada, where the

31-yr linear trend is strongest (Fig. 1).

It bears mention that the HSSs in Fig. 3a are modest,

particularly at shorter lead times, relative to the typical

HSSs from NWP models. The CFSv2 mean HSS in Fig.

3c diminishes from;40 in days 4–10 to about 10 byweek 3,

before leveling off at anHSS of around 2 or 3 inweeks 4–6.

We note, however, that the calculations for Fig. 3a in-

corporate all winter days, including initial times when

the MJO and ENSO are inactive, and all North Amer-

ican locations, including those that are not strongly im-

pacted by either theMJO or ENSO.As discussed below,

the mean HSSs from the forecasts presented here ex-

ceed the typical HSSs of NWP models for some regions

and for some MJO and ENSO initial states for lead

times between weeks 2 and 6. Figure 3b presents the

mean HSSs from the forecasts that include theMJO and

ENSO initial states and the linear trend but only for

initial times when ENSO alone is active (green), the

MJO alone is active (blue), both the MJO and ENSO

are active (red), and both the MJO and ENSO are in-

active (brown). As expected, the skill scores are higher

when the MJO and ENSO are active. When the MJO

alone is active, the skill scores peak in week 3 and de-

cline quickly thereafter. When ENSO alone is active, we

surprisingly see the highest skill scores during days 4–10,

with a decline and leveling off thereafter; however, the

sample size for this category is relatively low (680–731

total forecasts, depending on lead time, versus 1028–

1337 total forecasts for the active categories), and so we

FIG. 3. (a) Mean T2m HSSs averaged over North America and

over all winter days as a function of lead time for forecasts based on

the initial state of ENSO only (green), the initial phase of the MJO

only (dark blue), the combined initial state of the MJO and ENSO

(light blue), and the combined initial state of the MJO and ENSO

and the linear trend (red). (b) Mean HSSs for forecasts based on

the combined initial state of the MJO and ENSO and the linear

trend but when ENSO alone is active (green), the MJO alone is

active (blue), both the MJO and ENSO are active (red), and both

the MJO and ENSO are inactive (brown). The mean numbers of

forecasts for each of the four categories are 696, 1064, 1324, and

668, respectively. (c) As in (a) and (b), but for all CFSv2 retro-

spective forecasts between 1999 and 2009. Note that the scale of the

y axis in (c) differs from those in (a) and (b).


Page 8: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

suspect that a deviation from a flat curve simply may be

the result of sampling variability. The width of the 90%

confidence interval for the active ENSOmeanHSS from

the Monte Carlo resampling tests is about 7 at all lead

times, which demonstrates the large sampling variability

of the HSS in this category. Another possible contribu-

tor, however, is that ENSO episodes sometimes decay

in late winter, bringing the onset of neutral ENSO

conditions by February or March, and our long-lead-

time forecasts do not capture this transition. When both

the MJO and ENSO are active, the mean HSSs are

highest and show only a gradual decline from days 4–10

to week 6, and the HSSs are statistically significant at all

lead times.

The MJO and ENSO influence on North American

temperatures also exhibits pronounced regional varia-

tions. Figure 4 presents the gridded mean HSS for

forecasts based on the initial state of theMJO and linear

trend (left column), the initial state of ENSO and the

linear trend (middle column), and initial state of both

theMJO and ENSO and the linear trend (right column).

Interestingly, even though both the MJO and ENSO

FIG. 4. Gridded mean T2mHSSs for all winter days from forecasts based on (a),(d),(g),(j) the initial state of the MJO and linear trend,

(b),(e),(h),(k) the initial state of ENSO and the linear trend, and (c),(f),(i),(l) the initial state of the MJO and ENSO and the linear trend.

The corresponding lead times are (a)–(c) days 4–10, (d)–(f) week 2, (g)–(i) week 3, and (j)–(l) week 4.


Page 9: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

influence North American temperatures through tele-

connection patterns excited by tropical Pacific convec-

tion anomalies, the MJO and ENSO primarily impact

different regions of North America. The left column in

Fig. 4 suggests that the MJO most strongly influences

temperatures in the northeastern United States and

southeasternCanada, southwesternNorthAmerica, and

northern Alaska. A large region of weak skill scores

extends across all of western and central Canada. In

contrast, the influence of ENSO (Fig. 4, middle column)

is strong over western Canada, but weak over the in-

termountain west and northeast regions of the United

States, where the MJO influence is strongest. The pri-

mary region of overlapping influence is the southwest-

ern United States and northern Mexico. This contrast in

influence is consistent with the idea that both the MJO

and ENSO excite PNA-like patterns, but the MJO and

ENSO excite different parts of the PNA continuum

(Johnson and Feldstein 2010), particularly during El

Ni~no episodes (Riddle et al. 2013). In particular,

Johnson and Feldstein (2010) find that El Ni~no (La

Ni~na) episodes tend to excite easterly (southerly) dis-

placed positive (negative) PNA-like patterns, but the

MJO tends to excite canonical PNA-like and western

Pacific–like teleconnection patterns. The contrast over

eastern North America is likely the result of the signif-

icant relationship between the MJO and the NAO/AO

that is absent between ENSO and the NAO/AO, as

discussed in the introduction, because the NAO/AO has

a significant relationship with eastern North America

temperatures (Hurrell et al. 2003; L’Heureux and

Higgins 2008).

Consistent with Fig. 3, the pattern of mean HSS from

the MJO and linear-trend-based T2m forecasts is

strongest in days 4–10 and week 2, and then declines in

strength in week 3 (Fig. 4g) and especially in week 4

(Fig. 4j). As expected, the mean HSSs from the ENSO

and linear-trend-based T2m forecasts show a nearly

constant pattern between weeks 1 and 4 (middle column

in Fig. 4). The mean HSSs from the forecasts that com-

bine the MJO and ENSO influence with the linear trend

(right column in Fig. 4) showmore widespread coverage

of positive skill scores that combine theMJO and ENSO

influence regions. Therefore, Fig. 4 confirms that the

state of both the MJO and ENSO are of similar impor-

tance for wintertime, intraseasonal T2m forecasts over

North America.

Figures 3 and 4 consider all phases of theMJO, but the

strength of the relationship between theMJO andNorth

American temperatures varies by the phase of theMJO.

Several recent studies (Lin and Brunet 2009; Lin et al.

2010; Yao et al. 2011; Rodney et al. 2013) suggest that

the strongest North AmericanMJO impacts occur when

there is a pronounced east–west dipole of tropical con-

vective heating anomalies, as occurs during MJO phases

3 and 7. In particular, Lin et al. (2010) use a primitive

equation model to show that oppositely signed tropical

convective heating anomalies near 808 and 1608E each

produce an extratropical response over theNorth Pacific

and downstream North America that reinforces each

other, which supports earlier work indicating a change in

sign of the Northern Hemisphere response when tropi-

cal heating crosses a nodal point near 1208E (Simmons

et al. 1983; Ting and Sardeshmukh 1993). Consistent

with these results, Schreck et al. (2013) show that the

strongest North American temperature anomalies at

a lag of 6–10 days occur after MJO phases 3 and 8. In

broad support of this perspective, Fig. 5a, which presents

the mean HSSs averaged over North America in a

Hovm€oller-like form for all MJO episodes, indicates that

the highest skill scores generally occur in close relation

with MJO phases 3 and 7, with suppressed skill scores

between these two phases. For example, the enhanced

skill scores about 10 days after the occurrence of MJO

phase 3 agree with the findings of Yao et al. (2011).

However, in contrast with Yao et al. (2011) and Rodney

et al. (2013), who only emphasize the potential MJO-

related predictability out to 15–20 days, Fig. 5a suggests

that the enhanced skill scores extend to much longer

lead times of about 4 weeks. One possible contributor

to this difference is that Yao et al. (2011) and Rodney

et al. (2013) only focus on MJO phases 3, 4, 7, and 8,

which primarily project onto one MJO EOF pattern,

but some of the enhanced skill scores at longer lead

times occur at other MJO phases that project onto both

MJO EOFs that define the WH04 phases.

The corresponding week 2 mean T2m forecast after

MJO phase 3, presented in the standard format of

NOAA/CPC extended-range outlooks (Fig. 6a), and the

associated midtropospheric circulation (Fig. 6c) also

agree well with recent studies (Lin andBrunet 2009; Yao

et al. 2011). Figure 6a is constructed by taking the mean

of all week 2 forecasts when the initial state of the MJO

is in phase 3, and so the ENSO and linear trend forecast

influence should average to near zero; however, the

mean HSS (Fig. 6b) contributed by ENSO and the trend

should not average out because the skill scores in the

regions of strong ENSO influence and linear trend are

generally positive in both ENSO phases and over the

entire 31-yr period. The forecast map features enhanced

probabilities of above average T2m over southeast

Canada and the northeast United States, consistent with

the pattern reported in Lin and Brunet (2009) and Yao

et al. (2011), and enhanced probabilities of below av-

erage T2m over western North America, particularly

over Alaska. The large-scale circulation associated with


Page 10: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

this T2m forecast pattern appears to project weakly

onto the negative phase of the PNA and more strongly

onto the positive phase of the western Pacific patterns,

with a low-over-high geopotential height dipole over

the North Pacific region (Fig. 6c), consistent with a sea

level pressure (Johnson and Feldstein 2010) and geo-

potential height (Riddle et al. 2013) cluster pattern that

is shown to occur more frequently after MJO phase 3.

A similar dipole that projects onto the positive phase of

the NAO/AO is evident over the North Atlantic, with

a pronounced ridge over northeast North America,

where the highest probabilities of above average T2m

exist. The enhanced probability of occurrence of the

positive phase of the NAO/AO 8–14 days after MJO

phase 3 is consistent with several recent studies

(Cassou 2008; Lin et al. 2009; Roundy et al. 2010). The

peak HSSs over northeast North America range from

about 15 to 30 (Fig. 6b), which are at least comparable

to the mean HSSs from state-of-the-art NWPmodels at

this lead time (e.g., Fig. 3c).

The maximum skill scores associated with MJO phase

7 evident in Fig. 5a actually occur at longer lead times

than those of MJO phase 3, as they are found at lead

times of 3 and 4 weeks. Figures 6d–f show the mean T2m

forecast, HSS, and 500-hPa geopotential height anomaly

patterns for week 4 forecasts corresponding with an

MJO phase 7 initial state. The forecast pattern (Fig. 6d)

features a broad swath of enhanced probabilities of

below average T2m extending from Alaska and

northwest Canada to the eastern United States. The

associated 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies

describe high-over-low dipole patterns over the

North Pacific and North Atlantic basins, the latter

projecting onto the negative phase of the NAO/AO.

The negative NAO-like pattern is consistent with the

enhanced probability of occurrence of a negative

NAO/AO-like cluster pattern approximately 5–25

days after the occurrence of MJO phase 7 (Riddle

et al. 2013). The highest skill scores generally occur

over the eastern United States (Fig. 6e), coincident

with statistically significant negative geopotential

height anomalies (Fig. 6f), but statistically significant

skill scores extend across a broad region of North

America. We note that the precise values of the peak

HSS, which range from about 15 to 25, likely over-

estimate the true skill somewhat due to sampling

variability, even in cross-validated forecasts (Kumar

2009). Even with this consideration, these peak skill

FIG. 5. North America mean T2mHSSs as a function of lead time (y axis) and MJO phase (x axis) for (a) all MJO

episodes, (b) MJO episodes during La Ni~na events, (c) MJO episodes during neutral ENSO conditions, and (d)MJO

episodes during El Ni~no events. The dashed dark red (blue) lines indicate axes of enhanced (suppressed) skill with

phase progression that are consistent with the eastward progression of theMJO, as determined by visual inspection of

the plots. The assigned day on the y axis corresponds with the central day of the weekly forecast; i.e., y 5 7, 11, 18,

25, 32, and 39 days corresponds with the 4–10-day and week-2 through week-6 forecasts, respectively.


Page 11: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

scores clearly far exceed the typical week 4 HSSs from

NWP models (e.g., Fig. 3c).

Figure 5a also shows enhanced week 4 skill scores after

the occurrence of MJO phase 1. The corresponding

forecast and circulation anomalies (not shown) are quite

similar to the MJO phase 3 patterns depicted in Figs. 6a

and 6c. This similarity suggests that the enhanced skill

scores in weeks 3 and 4 after MJO phase 1, which extend

beyond the 2-week time scale for the extratropics to re-

spond to MJO-related tropical heating (Jin and Hoskins

1995; Matthews et al. 2004), are associated with the same

MJO phase 3 episodes that give rise to the circulation

anomalies evident in Fig. 6c. Therefore, the unusually

high skill scores after week 2, based on expectations from

tropical–extratropical interaction theory, likely relate to

the consistent propagation of MJO-related tropical con-

vection, as supported by the well-defined axes of en-

hanced and suppressed HSSs in Fig. 5. Another possible

contributor to the enhanced skill scores after week 2 is the

recently documented influence of the MJO on the

stratospheric polar vortex, with downward-propagating

circulation anomalies that eventually project onto the

tropospheric NAO/AO over the course of several weeks

(Garfinkel et al. 2012). An examination of this possibility

is reserved for a future study.

When we also partition the HSS by La Ni~na (Fig. 5b),

neutral ENSO (Fig. 5c), and El Ni~no (Fig. 5d) episodes,

we generally see similar patterns of enhanced and

suppressed skill scores, as in the all-MJO episode cal-

culations (Fig. 5a), although the axes of these high and

low skill scores tend to be somewhat shifted in phase

compared with Fig. 5a. Figure 7 presents three addi-

tional mean forecast examples arbitrarily selected from

the more deeply shaded orange axes of higher skill in

Figs. 5b–d: the week 3 forecast when the initial state is

MJO phase 8 and La Ni~na (Fig. 7a), the week 3 fore-

cast when the initial state is MJO phase 2 and El Ni~no

(Fig. 7d), and the week 4 forecast when the initial state is

MJO phase 6 and neutral ENSO conditions (Fig. 7g).

Overall, we find strong similarity among the initial MJO

phase 2 and 3 (Figs. 6a and 7d) andMJOphase 6–8 (Figs.

6d, 7a, and 7g) forecast groups. The main influence of

ENSO on the forecast is to increase the forecast prob-

abilities over western North America, consistent with

the ENSO influence regions indicated in Fig. 4. For ex-

ample, when comparing Fig. 7d with Fig. 6a, we see that

El Ni~no increases the probability of above average

(below average) T2m over western Canada and south-

ern Central America (southwestern North America), in

agreement with the canonical influence of El Ni~no on

NorthAmerican surface temperatures (e.g., Halpert and

Ropelewski 1992). A similar but oppositely signed in-

fluence of La Ni~na can be discerned by comparing Fig.

7a with Fig. 6d. In the 500-hPa geopotential height field,

ENSO exerts a strong influence on the North Pacific

anomalies, with El Ni~no (La Ni~na) contributing to an

FIG. 6. (a),(d)Mean probabilistic T2m forecast, (b),(e) meanHSSs, and (c),(f) lagged composite 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies

(m) for (a)–(c) week 2 forecasts when the initial state of the MJO is phase 3 and for (d)–(f) week 4 forecasts when the initial state of the

MJO is phase 7. In (a) and (d) warm (cold) colors correspond with the probability of T2m in the top (bottom) tercile, and probabilities

equal to or greater than 40% are contoured in intervals of 5%. In (c) and (f) geopotential height anomalies are contoured at intervals of

10m, with the zero contour omitted. Stippling in (b),(c),(e), and (f) indicates anomalies that are statistically significant at the 5% level on

the basis of a Monte Carlo resampling test described in the text.


Page 12: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

anomalously strong (weak) Aleutian low, as evidenced

in Fig. 7f (Fig. 7c). These patterns are consistent with the

known tendency of El Ni~no (La Ni~na) to excite the

positive (negative) phase of the PNA (e.g., Trenberth

et al. 1998). Some differences are also evident in the

North Atlantic circulation as well. For example, in the

third week after LaNi~na andMJOphase 8, thewestward-

displaced negative NAO-like pattern (Fig. 7c) is much

stronger than the negative NAO-like pattern in the third

week after all MJO phase 8 episodes (not shown), which

agrees with the strengthened relationship between the

MJO and the NAO during La Ni~na episodes reported in

Roundy et al. (2010). Given that ENSO has only a weak

influence over the North Atlantic circulation, this obser-

vation suggests a possible nonlinear relationship between

the MJO and ENSO in the excitation of North Atlantic

teleconnection patterns, but more in-depth analysis is

beyond the scope of the present study and reserved for

future work.

The regions of highest skill scores in Fig. 7, which

generally occur in the regions with the strongest tem-

perature signal, feature HSSs between approximately 20

and 40, with a few locally higher peaks. These week

3 and week 4 skill scores are more typical of the 1–2-week

lead time skill scores from dynamical forecast models

like the CFSv2 (Fig. 3c). Given that such skill scores are

consistent with those of current operational extended-

range outlooks out to 2 weeks, the analysis presented

here suggests that there are forecasts of opportunity at

least to a lead time of 4 weeks when theMJO and ENSO

influences on North American temperatures are strong

enough to be of practical benefit to operational fore-

casters. The results of Fig. 5 suggest that these forecasts

of opportunity may exist for approximately three or four

of the eight WH04 MJO phases, with the number and

particular phases depending on the lead time and state

of ENSO.

Finally, we briefly comment on the reliability of the

forecasts presented here. The calibration functions look

quite similar for each lead time, and so we illustrate the

week 3 forecast calibration functions in Fig. 8 as a rep-

resentative example. Overall, the forecasts generally are

somewhat overconfident, as exemplified by the slope of

the calibration functions in Figs. 8a and 8b, which is less

FIG. 7. As in Fig. 6, but for forecasts and lagged composites also conditioned on the initial state of ENSO: (a)–(c) week 3 forecasts when

the initial state is La Ni~na andMJO phase 8, (d)–(f) week 3 forecasts when the initial state is El Ni~no andMJO phase 2, and (g)–(i) week 4

forecasts when the initial state is neutral ENSO and MJO phase 6.


Page 13: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

than one. We suspect that the large number of forecast

parameters, given the relatively short data record, and

possibly nonstationary MJO–ENSO relationships con-

tribute to this overconfidence. However, we find that if

we isolate the initial states that provide the strongest

relationship with North American temperatures, the

reliability improves substantially. For example, Figs. 8c

and 8d show considerably improved week 3 calibration

functions, indicating close correspondence between

category forecast probability and category frequency of

occurrence, after isolation of MJO phases 1, 2, and 7,

which are located along the axes of higher skill scores in

Fig. 5a. Therefore, we believe that the forecasts gener-

ated in the manner described in section 2 are reasonably

well calibrated, as long as we restrict our focus to the

MJO phases with the strongest relationship to North

American temperatures.

4. Discussion and conclusions

In this study we use a simple forecasting approach

based on statistical relationships between North Ameri-

can temperatures and both the MJO and ENSO to

demonstrate the potential of skillful wintertime temper-

ature forecasts for lead times between 1 and 6 weeks. For

some regions and initial MJO phases, the forecast skill

scores in weeks 3 and 4 are higher than the typical NWP

skill scores in weeks 1 and 2, which indicates that the

MJO, when combined with ENSO and the long-term

trend, may provide an intraseasonal link to bridge short-

range forecasts with monthly and seasonal probabilistic


Both the MJO and ENSO have a significant influence

on North American temperatures, but the primaryMJO

and ENSO regions of influence are generally distinct,

indicating unique teleconnection patterns excited by

the MJO and ENSO. In this study we assume that the

MJO and ENSO influence is independent because

forecasts that assume linear superposition of T2m im-

pacts have higher skill scores than forecasts that parti-

tion the initial state into separate joint MJO–ENSO

categories. Although the general relationship between

MJO phase and skill score does not depend strongly on

the initial state of ENSO (Fig. 5), which supports the

linearity assumption, our analysis provides some evi-

dence that the interaction between theMJO and ENSO

is not purely linear. The 500-hPa geopotential height

composites (Figs. 6 and 7) hint that any nonlinearity

may be most pronounced with the North Atlantic tele-

connection patterns, as supported by Roundy et al. (2010)

FIG. 8. Calibration functions for (a),(c) top and (b),(d) bottom tercile T2m forecasts corresponding with (a),(b) all

week 3 forecasts and (c),(d) week 3 forecasts after the initial state of theMJO is phase 1, 2, or 7. Each point along the

line segment within the diagram represents a forecast probability bin center for a bin that contains 10% of the

forecasts for the corresponding category.


Page 14: Skillful Wintertime North American Temperature Forecasts ...

and Riddle et al. (2013). However, the limited data re-

cord, which is constrained by the availability of satellite

data since only the late 1970s, makes it challenging to

account for any nonlinearity without overfitting the

forecast model and harming the temperature predictions.

The simple method used in this study has a number of

limitations, which suggests that the approach can be

refined considerably. First, we partition by MJO and

ENSO episodes without consideration of the impact of

MJO or ENSO amplitude on the response during those

episodes. We expect that the temperature response

would increase with MJO and ENSO amplitude, but

because the forecasts already exhibit a tendency for

overconfidence (Figs. 8a,b), and because a visual exami-

nation of lagged temperature composites did not reveal

a clear linear relationship withMJO amplitude, we chose

not to incorporate additional parameters relatingMJOor

ENSO amplitude to temperature response. Rodney et al.

(2013) provide some evidence that the North American

temperature response is, in fact, stronger during strong

(RMM amplitude . 2.0) MJO episodes, at least out to

lead times of 15 days, which supports the possible use-

fulness of incorporating amplitude information. Second,

we assume that the linear trend is independent of ENSO

and the MJO, but changes in frequency of ENSO and

even the MJO (Yoo et al. 2011) phases clearly have

a substantial influence on the 31-yr linear temperature

trend, which we do not consider here. Third, we base the

forecasts on the initial state of the MJO, but the MJO

itself is predictable out to at least 20 days in state-of-the-

art dynamical forecast models (e.g., Vitart and Molteni

2010). Consideration of the predicted state of the MJO

may offer another opportunity of refinement.

Perhaps even more fundamental than the limita-

tions mentioned above is that the canonical ENSO and

MJO categories used in this and many other studies do

not necessarily represent the optimal indices for pre-

dicting North American impacts. For example, some

MJO states like phases 5 and 6 have a weak rela-

tionship with North American temperature (Fig. 5).

Schreck et al. (2013) similarly show a weak relation-

ship between North American temperature 6–10 days

after the WH04 MJO phase 5, but then show that the

phase 5 temperature response is much stronger when

further conditioned on a multivariate PNA index that

incorporates information on both tropical convection

and the extratropical circulation. This example suggests

the potential to generate refined forecasts founded on

indices that incorporate more background circulation

information and that target North American impacts

more strongly.

Despite the room for refinement, the evidence of con-

siderable skill in the 2–4-week lead time is encouraging

and indicates the opportunity to extend the NOAA/

CPC outlooks beyond the 8–14-day period, at least

on some occasions. We focus on wintertime, North

American temperature in this study because we ex-

pect the signal to be strongest in winter owing to

the strong Rossby wave source in association with

the tight climatological absolute vorticity gradients, the

vigorous midlatitude westerlies that promote Rossby

wave propagation and synoptic eddy driving, and the

seasonal phase locking of ENSO that generally signifies

the strongest occurrence of ENSO-related sea surface

temperature and tropical convection anomalies in winter.

However, the approach adopted here may be attempted

for other seasons, other regions, and for other variables

such as precipitation. Although the strength of the MJO

and ENSO impacts may be reduced in other seasons, the

internal atmospheric variability associated with baro-

clinic eddies also should be reduced, which may allow

a comparable signal-to-noise ratio in the extratropics

(Trenberth et al. 1998).

Finally, we note that up to this point we have ignored

the usefulness of dynamical forecast models in this week

2–4 forecast period, but we expect that many dynamical

models should capture the basic MJO- and ENSO-

related tropical–extratropical interaction. Riddle et al.

(2013) demonstrate that the CFSv2 performs relatively

well in capturing the relationship between the MJO

and the extratropical circulation in the Pacific–North

American region, and Vitart and Molteni (2010) show

that the presence of an active MJO improves the days

19–25 forecast performance over the northern extra-

tropics in the ECMWF forecast system. However, these

NWP models also may have difficulty simulating some

of the observed relationships with the MJO, such as the

associated changes in atmospheric blocking frequency

(Hamill and Kiladis 2014). Therefore, the forecasts

generated through statistical relationships in this study

may serve as guidance that complements the infor-

mation provided by NWP models. The combination of

the probabilistic forecasts and the associated skill scores

(e.g., Figs. 6 and 7)may inform the forecaster of both the

MJO- and ENSO-related enhanced probabilities, as

well as the confidence in the forecast. Future work shall

focus on means by which statistical forecast guidance,

like that of the present study, may be combined with

dynamical forecast model output to generate a unified

forecast product.

Acknowledgments.Weare grateful for support through

a grant from the NOAA Climate Test Bed program

(Award NA10OAR4310250). We also thank three anon-

ymous reviewers whose comments and suggestions sub-

stantially improved this paper.


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