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  • 8/3/2019 SIP Final Touch





    Videocon Mobile Services(Videocon Industries limited)

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

    Post Graduate Programme


    Vishal Chauhan

    Batch: 2010-2012

    Roll No.PG20102427

    IILM Institute for Higher Education


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    Working with Videocon Mobile Services has been an educative, interesting and motivating

    experience.I would hereby like to extend my gratitude to the following people without whose

    co-operation and help at every stage, successful completion of the project would have beenimpossible.

    First of all, I would like to express my profound gratitude and sincere thanks to Mr. Vishal Singh

    Negi (Sr. Sales Manager) to give me the opportunity to work in Videocon Mobile Services,


    I am also sincerely thankful to Yogesh Chandna(Sr Sales Executive), who has been my valuable

    and supportive Team member with whom I have been given the opportunity to understand the

    depth of telecom sector . Also I cannot forget to give a special thanks to all the immediate

    superiors and my fellow interns who have guided/helped me during this internship project.

    Last but not the least, I would also like to thank IILM Gurgaon and Assistant Dean Mr. Rahul

    Mishra for providing me the opportunity to put theoretical inputs gathered at the institute to

    practice. I also feel a sense of gratitude towards Ms.Aparna Kaushik, my faculty mentor who

    took personal interest in the progress of the project and my parents, relatives and friends for

    their moral support.


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    CONTENTS Page No

    Declaration 4

    Executive Summary. 5

    Objective... .6

    Chapter 1: Industry profile

    Telecom Sector.... 8

    Chapter 2: Company profile

    Videocon Industries limited 11

    CSR initiatives .. 12

    Chapter 3: Market Research- Customer Satisfaction Level

    Introduction... 15

    Analysis.. 16


    Limitation of the project... 32

    Recommendation.. 33

    Learnings.. 34

    References.. 35


    Organization Information Docket... 38

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    I hereby declare that the Project work entitled___________________________________________

    _____________________________________________ (write the title in Block Letters) submitted

    by me for the Summer Internship during the Post Graduate Program to IILM Institute for Higher

    Education is my own original work and has not been submitted earlier either to IILM or to any other

    Institution for the fulfillment of the requirement for any course of study. I also declare that no

    chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part is lifted and incorporated in this report from any

    earlier / other work done by me or others.

    Signature of Student: _____________ Signature of Company Mentor: ___________

    Name of Student: ________________ Name of Company Mentor: ______________

    Designation: __________________________

    Date: Date:

    Place: Place:

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    The Main purpose behind doing these project was

    y In other ways To check out the customer satisfaction level of VIDEOCON mobile users


    y The other purpose of study was to find out the main factors affecting the Customer base

    of Videocon Mobile Services(mainly from price and connectivity)

    Thus base on the above objectives this report has been made.

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    Chapter 1


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    The Indian Telecommunications network is the third largest in the world and the second

    largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the

    world. The telecommunication sector continued to register significant success during the

    year and has emerged as one of the key sectors responsible for Indias resurgent Indias

    economic growth.


    This rapid growth has been possible due to various proactive and positive decisions of the

    Government and contribution of both by the public and the private sector. The rapid strides

    in the telecom sector have been facilitated by liberal policies of the Government that provide

    easy market access for telecom equipment and a fair regulatory framework for offering

    telecom services to the Indian consumers at affordable prices.

    Wireline Vs Wireless

    It has also undergone a substantial change in terms of mobile versus fixed phones and public

    versus private participation. The preference for use of wireless phones has also been

    predominant in the sector.

    Participation of the private entities in the telecom sector is rapidly increasing rate there by

    presenting the enormous growth opportunities. There is a clear distinction between theGlobal Satellite Mobile Communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

    technologies used and the graph below shows the divide between the two.

    Segment wise Status

    Wireline Services

    With increasing penetration of the wireless services, the wireline services in the country is

    becoming stagnant. On the other hand, Broadband demand has picked up and promises to

    stabilise fixed line growth.

    GSM Sector

    In terms of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) subscriber base this now

    places India third after China and Russia.China had 401.7 million GSM subscribers

    CDMA Services

    CDMA technology was introduced in India as a limited mobility solution. The introduction

    of CDMA services has created competition, lowered tariffs and offered many citizens access

    to communication services for the first time

    Internet Services

    Internet services were launched in India on August 15, 1995. In November 1998

    the government opened up the sector to private operators. A liberal licensing

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    regime was put in place to increase Internet penetration across the country.

    The growth of IP telephony or grey market is also a serious concern.

    Government loses revenue, while unlicensed operation by certain operators violates the law

    and depletes licensed operators market share.

    New services like IP-TV and IP-Telephony are becoming popular with the demand likely to

    increase in coming years. The scope of services under existing ISP license conditions areunclear.

    Manufacture of Telecom Equipment

    Rising demand for a wide range of telecom equipment, particularly in the area of mobile

    telecommunication, has provided excellent opportunities to domestic and foreign investors

    in the manufacturing sector. The last two years saw many renowned telecom companies

    setting up their manufacturing base in India. Ericsson has set up GSM Radio Base Station

    Manufacturing facility in Jaipur. Elcoteq has set up handset manufacturing facilities in

    Bangalore. Nokia set up its manufacturing plant in Chennai. LG Electronics set up plant of

    manufacturing GSM mobile phones near Pune.

    The Government has already set up Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion

    Forum and Telecom Testing and Security Certification Centre (TETC). A large number of

    companies like Alcatel, Cisco have also shown interest in setting up their R&D centers in

    India. With above initiatives India is expected to be a manufacturing hub for the telecom



    Regulatory Framework

    The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) was set up in March 1997 as a regulator

    for Telecom sector. The TRAIs functions are recommendatory, regulatory and tariff setting

    in telecom sector.

    Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) came into existence in May,

    2000. TDSAT has been empowered to adjudicate any dispute

    between a licensor and a licensee

    between two or more service providers

    between a service provider and a group of consumers

    hear and dispose of appeal against any direction, decision or order of TRAI

    Tariffs for telecommunication services have evolved from a regime where tariffs were

    determined by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India to a regime where tariffs are largely

    under forbearance. TRAI intervenes by regulating the tariffs for only those services, the

    markets of which are not competitive.Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) exclusively for meeting the Universal Service

    Obligation was established in April, 2002. The Universal Service Levy is presently 5 per cent

    of the Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) of all telecom service providers except the pure value

    added service providers like Internet, Voice Mail, E-Mail service providers etc. Indian

    Telegraph Act has been amended in October2006 to provide support for all telegraph

    services including mobile and broadband to bridge the digital divide.

    With the introduction of the Unified Access Licensing Regime, operators can offer telecom

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    access services to consumers in a technology neutral manner, subject to fulfilling certain

    conditions. Introduction of this regime has also broken the legal/regulatory impasse between

    the cellular and basic service providers. Issuance of Intra-Circle Merger and Acquisition

    Guidelines provide investors an opportunity to take stakes in existing telecom operations.

    2.2 Government Initiatives

    The Government has taken the following main initiatives for the growth of the TelecomSector:

    All telecom services have been opened up for free competition for unprecedented


    217 (Information Technology Agreement) ITA-I items are at zero Customs Duty.

    Specified capital goods and all inputs required to manufacture ITA-I, items are at zero

    Customs Duty

    Availability of low cost mobile handsets

    The international Long Distance Services (ILDS) opened with effect from April 2002.

    Calling Party Pays (CPP) regime was implemented with effect from 1st May

    Guidelines for Unified Access Service License regime were issued in November 2003,

    27 licenses out of 31 Basic Service Licenses were converted to Unified Access Service


    In April 2004, license fee for Unified Access Service Providers (UAS) was reduced by 2

    per cent

    License fee for infrastructure Provider-II reduced from 15 per cent to 6 per cent of the

    Adjusted Gross Revenue and spectrum charges between 2 to 4 per cent in June 2004

    Entry fee for NLD licenses was reduced to Rs. 2.5 Crore from Rs. 100 Crore. Entry

    fee for ILD reduced to Rs. 2.5 Crore from Rs. 25 Crore

    Lease line charges have been reduced to make the bandwidth available at competitive

    prices to facilitate growth in IT enabled services

    One India plan i.e. single tariff of Re. 1/-per minute to anywhere in India wasintroduced from 1st March 2006 by the Public Sector Undertakings. This tariff was

    emulated by most of the private service providers also. This scheme has led to death of

    distance in telecommunication and is going to be instrumental in promoting National

    Integration further

    The robust telecom network has also facilitated the expansion of BPO industry that is

    having 500,000 employees now and adding 400 employees per day.

    Annual license fee for National Long Distance (NLD), International Long Distance

    (ILD), Infrastructure Provider-II, VSAT commercial and Internet Service Provider

    (ISP) with internet telephony (restricted) licenses was reduced to 6 per cent of

    Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) with effort from Jan 2006. The Governments policy is neutral on use of technology by telecom service providers

    subject to availability of scarce resources such as spectrum etc.

    Licence Fees 6-10 per cent of Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR)

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    Chapter 2


    Videocon Telecommunications limited

    Videocon Telecommunications Limited, a Videocon group company offers GSM mobile services

    GSM service under the brand name Videocon. The services are already up and running in Tamil

    Nadu( including Chennai ),Punjab*, Haryana and soon will be present across the country.

    The Videocon Group is a $4 billion, global business conglomerate with a strong presence in

    Household Consumer Goods, Oil & Gas, Retail, Telecom, DTH and the Power sector.

    The Videocon group has constantly leveraged a culture of innovation to develop a range of

    market re-defining products. The Group has several manufacturing facilities globally and R&D

    centers spread across America, Europe and Australia that are constantly working towards

    creating global quality products deploying the most up-to-date technology.

    Videocon has one of the largest distribution networks in India with a nation-wide presence.

    The Group has a full range of products in Flat Panel Devices (LCDs) and CTVs, Washing

    Machines, ACs, Refrigerators, Home Theater systems, microwave ovens, food processors, and

    sophisticated small home appliances. Recently the group also successfully launched a range of

    Mobile Handsets and next-generation Direct-to-Home television services and worlds first

    satellite TV.

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    Apart from having a stronghold in the domestic market, the company has a significant market

    share in the global arena as well. Videocon exports consumer electronics and home appliances

    to markets in the Middle East and Europe, West Asia, Latin America and South East Asia.

    The Group is rated among Indias Top 15 Business Houses and is listed among the 100 EmergingGiants of the World according to a Boston Consulting Group study in addition to being rated

    amongst the Top 15 of Indias buzziest brands by agencyfaqs in 2010.

    Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) of Videocon

    Telecommunications limited

    As a socially responsible organization, Videocon aims to help the people to enrich their lives and

    ensure the health and safety of their workforce and community. Company through its CSR

    initiatives tries to minimize the adverse impact while taking steps to protect and enhance the

    natural environment. Some of the specific CSR initiatives that Company have undertaken are as


    Specific CSR initiatives

    The companys CSR activities covers more than 50 villages inRemote areas of Punjab where the

    company is involved in providing fresh drinking water, sanitation facilities, and medical facilities

    thereby enhancing their income standards by imparting vocational training.

    Videocon had provided grants for opening schools to support the growing education structure.

    Videocon have involved in the activities such as Veterinary assistance, Adult literacy,

    EntrepreneurDevelopment program, Construction of infrastructure etc.

    Besides all the above CSR initiatives, Videocon also extended their support towards activities

    such as Fish Landing Centre, support to government hospitals, Support for street lights,

    construction for crematorium and other related activities as this.

    Philosophy & Resolve

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    No business can function in a vacuum. There is the society at large with which it engages in

    innumerable transactions; the more involved the engagement, the better its qualitative and

    quantitative effect on the business. Aware of this debt to society, a successful corporate like

    Videocon is committed to fulfilling its obligations: both as providers of outstanding products as

    well as sterling community initiatives.

    They include, among others, a first-rate academic haven for the high-school education of

    underprivileged girls and a 100% world-class, charitable hospital specializing in cancer and heart

    surgery for the benefit of societys marginalised sections. Videocons deep-rooted commitment

    to environment conservation translates into process improvements that help recycle CRT glass,

    curb carbon emissions and other pollutants. Among others, the groups India glass plant has

    supported a large-scale initiative like the plantation of over 2,00,000 teak trees.

    Apart from material support, society needs spirit; that vital ingredient that makes the

    difference between living life and merely existing. Videocon is inspired heavily by the uplifting

    nature of sports; its power to generate mass passion, where innumerable hearts throb as in

    unison; its ability to draw people together irrespective of differences in race, religion, gender or

    caste. Unity of spirit and purpose is ultimately what builds bridges between diverse cultures.

    This is the core belief of a group that has operations spread over a cross-cultural milieu

    worldwide. Videocon supports mass sports for another reason: at the heart of sports is fair

    play, a virtue that enjoys exalted status among values cherished by Videocon.

    The groups sponsorship of cricketing events across the globe underlies its commitment and

    passion for sports as well as its goal to uplift the spirits of a global audience. Videocon has not

    forgotten the grassroots either; the Videocon School of Cricket launched in Kolkata under the

    guidance of former India captain, Saurav Ganguly, aims to inspire budding cricketers in the age

    group of 10 to 17 years to greater heights.


    In the memory of founder Videocon runs a world class hospital with the latest equipments,

    MRI, CT scan machines run by dedicated doctors specializing in Cancer and heart surgery. The

    hospital is 100% charitable and caters to the people in Indian villages which cannot even

    support their families let alone afford medicines.


    The group runs a world class school dreamt by our LATE founder in the village of Gangapur,

    dedicated to giving high quality high school education to underprivileged girls inspiring them toaim higher and work for the development of the country.

    Creative quality circle team won manufacturing trophy for excellence case study in 3rd

    convention held at Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad and distinguished award

    in 17th National Convention at Madurai between 04/12/2008 to 07/12/2008.

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    BHARARI Team won distinguished award in 3rd convention of at Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering

    College Aurangabad and also won excellence award in 17th national convention at Madurai

    between 04/12/2008 to 07/12/2008.

    Best of the best trophy in mini convention at Jawaharlal Engineering Collage on 17/02/2005.

    MANTHAN: QC team IGQA Dept won distinguished award in 18th national convention held at

    Ruparel College from 27/12/2009 to 30/12/2009.



    The Videocon School of cricket was launched in Kolkata to train budding talent in the age group

    of 10 to 17. The academy has been undertaken in cooperation with the captain of the Indian

    cricket team, Saurav Ganguly, who has been designated Chief Coach. It aims to put about 700

    students through the paces every year.

    Sponsorship of cricketing events across the globe underlies Videocon's commitment and

    passion for sports as well as its goal to connect with a global audience.


    Videocon is inspired heavily by the uplifting values perpetuated by sports. Its ability to draw

    people together irrespective of differences in race, gender, religion and country. Unity of spirit

    and purpose is ultimately what builds bridges between diverse cultures. This is the core belief

    of a group that today has operations spread over a cross-cultural milieu worldwide. Also, at theheart of sports is fair play, a virtue which enjoys exalted status among values cherished by


    The group has been deeply involved in supporting sports. Its sponsorship of cricketing events

    across the globe underlies its commitment and passion for sports as well as its goal to connect

    with a global audience.

    It is a matter of pride that Videocon's Audio Visual products entertain enthusiasts and fans

    passionate about watching sports worldwide.

    Energy Conservation

    The Company consistently pursues reduction in energy consumption in its manufacturing

    process on an ongoing basis.

    An overall awareness has been created among the employees/workers to avoid wastage of

    water and power by shutting the power off when not in use. A parameter has been developed

    in office atmosphere to shut power off for some part of day so as to take up manual work and

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    complete the manual activity during that part of the day. The lighting fixture in the

    administrative areas has been optimized. A Quality team has been appointed to closely monitor

    the consumption of fuel and lying emphasis on non-conventional energy sources.

    The group takes environment conservation seriously. It is working to equip its facilities with

    methods that help recycle CRT glass, curb carbon emissions and other pollutants. Videocon'sIndia glass plant has supported plantation of over 2,00,000 teak trees.


    This project waqs based on SPSS which is software that helps to perform various statistical

    procedures. With the help of SPSS, one can perform various statistical functions like ANNOVA,

    T-test, F-test. Factor Analysis. It is helpful for the analysis of the output.

    This report is all about using SPSS to analysis the customer satisfaction level for a pre-paid

    customer. With a sample size of 75 from the areas of punjab, this survey has been performed

    keeping in mind different parameters. For analysis we have taken three main parameters-

    Price, Connectivity and Overallservice.

    Keeping in mind the above three parameters and our objective of the analysis, we have set our

    hypothesis as:

    H0: There is Customer Satisfaction level for Airtel Pre-Paid Customers

    H1: There is no Customer Satisfaction Level for Airtel Pre-Paid Customers

    Thus, with the two hypothesis in our mind and with the help of the questionnaires, we have

    performed various statistically function in SPSS to get the result whether the hypothesis is

    accepted or rejected.

    The different statistical tools we used in SPSS are:-

    1. Frequencies and Descriptive.

    2. Histograms

    3. Cross tabs

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    4. Correlation

    5. Regression

    6. t- Test

    7. Chi- Square

    8. One-Way ANNOVA

    9. Non Parametric Test-Man Whitney Test and Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

    Overall-Service is taken as Dependent Variable and Price and Connectivity as Independent



    10.FREQUENCY: - Frequencies is one of the simplest yet one of the most useful of all SPSS

    procedures. With the help of Frequencies, one can easily predict the result with the help

    of graphs and charts. Thus with the histogram, let analysis the below charts.


    Frequency Percent Valid Per cent Cumulative Per cent

    Valid best 9 10.0 12.0 12.0

    good 55 61.1 73.3 85.3

    poor 10 11.1 13.3 98.7

    worst 1 1.1 1.3 100.0

    Total 75 83.3 100.0

    Missing System 15 16.7

    Total 90 100.0

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    ANALYSIS:- This shows that the good have more influences in price.

    ANALYSIS:- Connectivity have influence to overall service

    11.DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS: - It is another frequently used SPSS procedure. Descriptive

    statistics are designed to give information about the distribution of the variables- Price,

    Connectivity and Overall Service.

    ANALYSIS:- As mentioned above, the descriptive statistics tables shows that from 75

    sample and taking the above three parameters, the minimum for all three is 1.00 and

    maximum for overall-service, price and connectivity is 5, 4 and 3 respectively. The mean

    and the standard deviation for the three parameters are also mentioned. This means

    that keeping overall service dependent, Connectivity have more influence both in

    terms of mean= 2.0800 and std. Deviation= 0.80135.

    12.CROSSTABULATION: - Cross tabs is nothing but to both the data of various variables in

    different rows and columns as per their group so that analysist can analysis it better. It

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    gives a clear picture of the overall data. Thus the cross tabs for the parameters Price and

    connectivity in reference to the Overall-Service( Depended variable) are:-

    Case Processing Summary


    Valid Missing Total

    N Percent N Percent N Percent

    Overall service * connectivity 75 83.3% 15 16.7% 90 100.0%

    Overall service * Price 75 83.3% 15 16.7% 90 100.0%

    Overall service * connectivity Cross tabulation


    connectivity Total

    Very bad Satisfactory Very good

    Overall service excellent 3 4 3 10

    good 13 14 17 44

    average 5 7 5 17

    bad 0 1 2 3

    very bad 0 1 0 1

    Total 21 27 27 75

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    Overall service * Price Cross tabulation


    Price Total

    best good poor worst

    Overall service excellent 6 4 0 0 10

    good 2 39 3 0 44

    average 1 10 5 1 17

    bad 0 1 2 0 3

    very bad 0 1 0 0 1

    Total 9 55 10 1 75

    ANALYSIS: - The Case Processing Summary shows the Valid, Missing, and Total cases. The high

    percent of missing cases (16.7 %) here reflects the people who were not asked this particular

    question in the survey. The Valid N is the number of cases used in the table which is 75.

    In the next table we have overall service with the connectivity. Here connectivity is in the

    column side which is divided into 3 segments .They are Very bad, satisfactory and Very Good.

    The overall service has been classified into 5 segments. They are Excellent, good, average, bad,

    very bad. We found that:

    Among the total respondents 44 have allotted overall service as good out of which 17 have very

    good connectivity .So this shows that connectivity plays a very important decisive role for

    overall service. Here Cramers v shows a value of 0.168 which shows strong relationship.

    In the cross tabulation table we have considered overall service with price. Here again 44

    respondents has allotted good overall service out of which 39 says price is good. So price also

    has a very good impact on overall connectivity and Cramers v value is also greater than theprevious one which is 0.434. So this shows that price has larger impact on overall service.

    13.CORRELATION:Two variables are said to be co-related when they vary in respect with

    each other such that the changes in one variable associated with the change in other

    variable in the same or in the opposite direction.

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    The date which we have taken is from Bharati Airtel which comprises of four variables i.e. users,

    price, connectivity, and overall service. We will try to analyse the data through different

    analytical tools and try to find out the relationship. As we all know the value of correlation lies

    between -1 to +1.


    users Price connectivityOverall service

    users Pearson


    1 -.026 -.112 .030

    Sig. (2-tailed) .827 .338 .796

    N 75 75 75 75

    Price Pearson


    -.026 1 .144 .481**

    Sig. (2-tailed) .827 .217 .000

    N 75 75 75 75

    connectivity Pearson


    -.112 .144 1 .059

    Sig. (2-tailed) .338 .217 .615










    .030 .481** .059 1

    Sig. (2-tailed) .796 .000 .615

    N 75 75 75 75

    **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

    ANALYSIS: -The table shows correlation of the variables with each other. It shows very weak

    correlation between the variables. For users it is -.026 with price, -.112 with connectivity and

    .030 with overall service. It shows that these variables have very less or no impact on the users.

    The similar output is for price, connectivity and overall service. The only correlation which is

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    Sum of

    Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

    1 Regression 10.312 1 10.312 21.962 .000a

    Residual 34.275 73 .470

    Total 44.587 74

    2 Regression 10.316 2 5.158 10.837 .000b

    Residual 34.270 72 .476

    Total 44.587 74

    a. Predictors: (Constant), Price

    b. Predictors: (Constant), Price, connectivity

    c. Dependent Variable: overall service


    Model Unstandardized Coefficients


    Coefficients t Sig.

    B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) .844 .303 2.787 .007

    Price .671 .143 .481 4.686 .000

    2 (Constant) .861 .348 2.475 .016

    Price .673 .146 .482 4.620 .000

    connectivity -.010 .101 -.011 -.101 .920

    15.Dependent Variable: overall service

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    ANALYSIS: - The first table shows the variable entered/removed. As we have taken hierarchical

    regression so in the first place we have taken price and then after that we have considered

    connectivity as the second independent variable. Overall service remains the dependent


    Model Summary: In that we have R value, R Square value, Adjusted R Square and Standard

    Error of estimate.

    R value: It shows the strength of relationship between dependent variable and the

    independent variable both the models have 48.1% relationship with the dependent variable.

    R Square value: The R-squared of the regression is the fraction of the variation in our

    dependent variable that is accounted for our independent variables. In regression with a single

    independent variable, it is the same as the square of the correlation between your dependentand independent variable.It represents the coefficient of determination. It is the ratio of the

    sum of squares explained by the regression model and the total sum of squares around the

    mean in the usual ANOVAs notation. So it represents the proportion of variance in one variable

    accounted for another variable.

    Model 1: Here 23.1% of the variance of overall service is accounted for price.

    Model2: Here 23.1% of the variance of overall service is accounted for both price and


    Ra Square: This is the value which is used by independent variable for the dependent variable

    when they are nearly true. So they are adjusted by this value.

    Ra Square=R Square-[p (1-R Square)/N-P-1]

    The value shows that 22% of the value is found to be adjusted in Model1 whereas in Model2 we

    have only 20% of the value is adjusted.

    Standard Error of Estimate: The standard erroris an estimate of the standard deviation of the

    coefficient, the amountitvaries acrosscases. It can be thought of as a measure of the

    precision with which the regression coefficient is measured. If a coefficient is large compared to

    its standard error, then it is probably different from 0.It can be calculated by Square root of the

    residual divided by the degree of freedom which was nearly found out to be 68% which is

    acceptable as it is less than the coefficients.

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    ANOVA Table: When we come here we find the regression value and residual values of both

    model1 and 2. However the regression value of model 1 is found to be larger than the model2

    which shows that price is the main cause of overall service whereas connectivity and price

    comes second.

    Coefficient Table: In this table we consider the unstandardized coefficients as there is no such

    linear relationship we found earlier between the independent and the dependent variables. So

    we can form the regression equation:

    Overall service (true): constant+ coefficient*price + residual

    Model1: Overall service (true): 0.844+ 0.671*price + 34.275

    Model2: Overall service (true): 0.861+ 0.673*price -0.10*connectivity+ 34.270

    So the above equations tell us that the null hypothesis is rejected as in Model 1 we see that

    overall service is getting impacted for price. As price increases one time overall service is

    increased by 0.671 times .Similarly in Model 2 we see that overall service is impacted both by

    price and connectivity. As price and connectivity increases one time overall service increases

    0.673 times because of price and gets reduced 0.10 times with the increase in the connectivity.

    Excluded Variables

    Model Beta In t Sig.






    1 connectivity -.011a -.101 .920 -.012 .979

    a. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), Price

    b. Dependent Variable: overall service

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    Excluded Variable: Here connectivity shows collinearity statistics with a 97% collinearity with

    overall service.

    16.T-TEST: - A t-Test is a procedure used for comparing sample means to see if there is

    sufficient evidence to infer that the means of the corresponding population distribution

    differs. As its already shown in Regression that connectivity have a significance level in

    Dependent Variable i.e. Overall Service, thus connectivity have be used for further tests

    and analysis..

    Group Statistics

    connectivity N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

    overall service Very bad 21 2.0952 .62488 .13636

    Very good 27 2.2222 .75107 .14454

    Independent Samples Test

    Levines Test for

    Equality of

    Variances t-test for Equality of Means

    95% Confidence

    Interval of the


    F Sig. t df

    Sig. (2-




    Std. Error

    Difference Lower Upper

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    .762 .387 -.624 46 .535 -.12698 .20338 -.53637 .28240


    variances not


    -.639 45.757 .526 -.12698 .19871 -.52703 .27306

    ANALYSIS: - The above table shows the mean, STDDeviation and Std error of the two

    parameters- Overall Service (Dependent Variable) and Connectivity (Independent Variable).

    Standard Error is defined as the standard deviation divided by the square root of N=21. This is a

    measure of stability or sampling error of the sample mean.

    It is clearly observed in the first table that significance between the overall service andconnectivity falls under Very Good category due to high mean= 2.222 and Std Deviation


    With the help of Independent Sample test, it is cleared that f value= 0.762 is used to determine

    if the variance of the two distribution differ significantly from each other. Since the Sig= 0.387,

    it indicated that the two variance do not differ significantly or connectivity have very little

    significance to Overall services. This means there must be other factors that have strong

    significance to overall service.

    The t-value is calculated as the difference between the means divided by the standard error.

    17.CHI-SQUARE TEST: - Chi-Square compares expected frequencies with observed

    frequencies. Expected frequencies are those that would occur most often if the null

    hypothesis were true. We estimate the expected frequencies from our sample using the

    Column and Row totals (otherwise known as marginal totals).SPSS do all the


    overall service

    Observed N Expected N Residual

    excellent 10 15.0 -5.0

    good 44 15.0 29.0

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    average 17 15.0 2.0

    bad 3 15.0 -12.0

    very bad 1 15.0 -14.0

    Total 75

    Test Statistics

    overall service

    Chi-Square 80.667a

    df 4

    Asymp. Sig. .000

    a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 15.0.

    ANALYSIS: - In the first table we have the cross tabulation which shows the relationship between

    the independent and dependent variable.

    In the second table which is the main Chi Square we get all the value. First is the alternative

    statistics Continuity Correction is supposed to provide improved results for small samples but

    it is rarely used. The Likelihood ratio is used for data that are log linear in nature. Fishers

    Exact Text is often used as an alternative to the Pearson X2when one or more cells contain

    less than 5 observations. Pearson Chi-Square results when one ormore cells contain less than

    5 observations cannot be trusted, hence the warning below the table. The

    Linear-by-Linear Association statistic is used when the variables are ordinal, but many simply

    use the Pearson for those as well. Column 2 shows the Chi Square values for each alternative

    test. The main one of interest is the Pearson Chi-Square value of 4.246. This number cannot be

    interpreted by itself; we need to know thep valueassociated withit.

    Column 2 shows the Degree of freedom which is a value used by SPSS to determine how the

    chi-square statistic is distributed. Degrees of freedom are calculated (manually and by SPSS)

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    as: df = (R-1) x (C-1) where R = number of rows (subcategories of the independent variable),

    and C = number of columns (subcategories of the dependent variable). The more degrees of

    freedom (tables with more cells), the larger the Chi Square values that are needed to achieve

    statistical significance.

    Column 3 shows thep value, here labelled as Asymptotic Sig. Asymptotic is a mathematical

    term meaning a distribution in which a variable approaches infinity. Both tails of a normal curve

    do not end, and so here SPSS uses the term to describe a two-tailed statistic. The term itself is

    not important.

    In this case, thep value is .834, definitely of high significance. The NullHypothesisis rejected.

    As we see that the p value is much less than the chi Square value So Null Hypothesis is rejected

    which means connectivity has impact on overall service.

    18.NON PARAMETRIC TEST- MANN WHITNEY TEST: - The one of the important non-

    parametric test is MANN WHITNEY TEST.


    connectivity N


    Rank Sum of Ranks



    Very bad 21 23.69 497.50

    Very good 27 25.13 678.50

    Total 48

    Test Statistics

    Overall service

    Mann-Whitney U 266.500

    Wilcoxon W 497.500

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    Z -.409

    Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .682

    a. Grouping Variable: connectivity

    ANALYSIS: - The mean rank for very good connectivity is higher (25.13) than very bad

    connectivity (23.69).The U statistic is the number of times the lower ranked group precedes

    the higher rank group i.e. by 266.500 times.

    The Z is the standardized score associated with the significance value = 0.682.Since sig value is

    higher than the Z value very good connectivity is not significantly higher than very bad


    THE KOLMOGOROV SMIRNOV ONE SAMPLE TEST:-This test is designed to measure whether a

    particular distribution differs significantly from a normal distribution.


    connectivity N

    Overall service Very bad 21

    Very good 27

    Total 48

    Test Statistics

    Overall serviced

    Most Extreme Differences Absolute .074

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    Positive .000

    Negative -.074

    Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .255

    Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 1.000

    19.Grouping Variable: connectivity

    ANALYSIS: - The most extreme differences identify the greatest positive difference and negativedifference between the sample and the hypothesis difference is the Z scores = 0.255. The

    Kolmogorov Smirnov Z indicates a probability of 1.Thus connectivity does not have significance

    to overall service as there can be other factors. Thus null hypothesis is rejected.

    20.ONE-WAY ANNOVA:- Below is the one way an nova of overall service and connectivity


    Overall service

    Sum of

    Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

    Between Groups .481 2 .240 .392 .677

    Within Groups 44.106 72 .613

    Total 44.587 74

    Belowis the One-Way ANNOVA of overallservice and Price

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    Overall service

    Sum of

    Squares df


    Square F Sig.



    10.664 3 3.555 7.440 .000

    Within Groups 33.922 71 .478

    Total 44.587 74

    ANALYSIS: - This above two tables clearly shows that price have no significance whereas

    connectivity have 0.677 significance.

    This was all about the different test andits outcome.


    After performing the various test in SPSS its clear that price have no much significance to

    overall service which is actually the dependent variable. Only connectivity has significance.

    Thus, your null hypothesis is rejected i.e. there is no or very less customer satisfaction level for

    Videcon Prepaid Gsm Service users

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    Chapter 3


    Every project has some limitations even we came across some limitations while working on the

    project which made the analysis a little inappropriate at times. Some of the basic limitations

    faced during the research are listed below:

    y The research is based on Chandigarh Market , it might be possible that tastes and

    preferences of customers in this market might differ from the customers in the entire

    Punjab circle.

    y There can be a bias in the customers, though the survey was from the customers using

    Videocon GSM services however it is possible that the same customer might be using

    services from other company as well , Thus biasness may arise.

    Despite the above two limitations of the project, I have learned lot of things that helped

    me to gain knowledge and complete my project successfully.

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    As far as recommendation is concerned, my recommendation would be to grow in a particular

    area an organization depends on advertisements and Videcon doesn't spend much on

    Advertisements when compared to other competetors in the market

    Other thing is Ease of access even in the remote areas near to cities Videocon GSM services are

    not available , Thus this availability issue throughout PAN PUNJAB has hampered their growth in

    this market, and same is the issue with the recharge coupons and other packs of Videocon GSM


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    The leanings that I got from this project work are as follows:-

    Learned different terminologies which I was not aware of like Average Revenue per unit (ARPU),

    Free of Cost(FOC) , and many more that are used within telecom sector.

    Learned the importance of Back end staff who guides at every moment.

    Interacted with different employee of different department of the organization which helped

    me to make a good rapo with them and increased my networking.

    Other than company employees an interaction with customers and different cliets which gives a

    touch to the corporate world out side the organization as well

    Most important learned about Time Management.

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    RESEARCH ON: Consumer satisfaction toward pre-paid service.

    Q1. Have you used Videocon prepaid Mobile connection/service in last one year?

    Yes No

    Q2. How do you rank the call rate?

    - Best - Good

    - Poor - Worst

    Q3. Is the recharge facility available to you when looking for it?

    - Yes - Sometimes

    - No

    Q4. How many times in a week do you face connection failure problem?

    - Never - Once-twice a week.

    - 3-4 times a week - More than 4 times.

    Q5. Do you face problem while using national roaming facility?

    - Yes - Somewhat

    - No

    Q6. How often do you get the new schemes/ promotions from Videocon?

    - Never - Once-twice a week

    - 3-4 times a week - More than 4 times

    Q7. how often do you get pesky calls?

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    - Never - Once-twice a week

    - 3-4 times a week - More than 4 times

    Q8. How many times in a week do you have complaints regarding your


    - Never - Once-twice a week

    - 3-4 times a week - More than 4 times

    Q9. How much time does it take to get your call connected to customer care


    - No time at all - Less than 5 minutes

    - Like forever

    Q10. Will you change the service provider using MOBILE NUMBER PORTABILITY?

    Yes No

    Personal details:



    Gender: Male Female

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