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  • Silver Squelchers Twenty Four & Their

    Interesting Associates

    Members Involved With Investment Companies Part One

    Nomination for The Pilgrims theme music!

    He spoke openly against the Society

    (Line from The Rifleman, March 3, 1963)

    Presented August 2015 by Charles Savoie

    TEXAS RESIDENTS---contact your state Senators and

    Representatives and insist that Texas owned gold be returned to

    Texas before the Texas Gold Depository is constructed! Dont give

    HSBC Bank (Pilgrims Society entity) more time to stall! There are ample storage facilities

    and can be guarded by Texas National Guard, Texas Rangers and

    Texas State Trooper units! The world gold bank run is underway!

    Its terrible folly to wait! He who hesitates is lost applies!

    1) Peter G. Peterson (1926---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined

    probably by early 1980s). With David Rockefeller (a known Pilgrims

    member since 1949), his sponsor in business, government service

    and finance---

  • Crooks and Liars Dot Com says---

    This guy is the string puller

  • Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox (2000-2006) with Pilgrims

    Society member Peterson, presiding over a meeting of their Council

    on Foreign Relations (CFR) subsidiary. Did Peterson arrange with

    the Mexican President for more silver deliveries for downside silver

    price management? From 1995 to 1999 Vicente was Governor of

    Guanajuato state, which has silver mines. It was reported in March

    2013 that Vicente Fox said that Mexico will not act to stop illegal

    immigration. He got his start with Coca Cola of Mexico and is

    alleged to have attained a net worth of around $10 million. Many

    Pilgrims Society members have been Coca Cola directors and he is

    most likely just another politician in their orbit.

    Peterson has info on page 3647 the 2005 Whos Who in America---

  • Petersons second wife, Joan Ganz Cooney, is a CFR member and

    has been on such boards as Johnson & Johnson; Metropolitan Life

    Insurance; National News Council; Columbia Presbyterian Hospital

    New York; and others. McCann Erickson is a large advertising


  • Bell & Howell, founded in 1907, is a manufacturer of motion picture

    and related machinery and is a likely silver user---

    The big boys, in this case, most likely, the Rockefellers (Peterson

    graduated from their University of Chicago) had him in the White

    House in 1961 to 1963 in the Presidents International Economic

    Affairs bureau, which most likely means helping the globalists to

    exploit more vigorously. They had Peterson as Secretary of

    Commerce in 1972-1973---

  • During 1973 to 1984 Peterson was with Lehman Brothers and the

    merged Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb investment banks. He wasnt

    in The Pilgrims 1980 roster; I expect he was in by 1982. These

    investment banking names have had more than their share of

    Pilgrims Society representation; Lehman went bust; I suspect given

    the nature of these operators, that all insiders were well positioned

    to benefit, while the small folks and the new rich got incinerated yet


    In 1985 Peterson was the principal founder and started out as

    chairman of The Blackstone Group. Looking at its site I notice a

    director, J. Tomlinson Hill, who I cant show to be a Pilgrims

    member, but strongly believe he is. His father surfaced as a

    member in the 1978-1979 Whos Who in America, page 1494, as a

    member; he wasnt in the 1980 Pilgrims roster. He was associated

    with a branch of the Vanderbilt family (1954-1965; Pilgrims Society)

    and became a director of ITEK Corporation; The Vanguard Group;

    Turner Construction; Alcan Aluminum and others. The current

    chairman of Blackstone is Stephen Schwarzman, whose connections

    suggest possible Pilgrims membership. Richard Jenrette is another

    Blackstone director who easily could be a member. Blackstone as of

    2012 had $29 billion in assets and is the largest alternative

    investment firm in the world.

  • During 1999 to 2003 Peterson was chairman of the Federal Reserve

    Bank of New York. Was any custodial gold held for foreign central

    banks lent, leased or swapped elsewhere during that time---for

    price suppression? What does Pilgrims Society member Peterson

    know about this? Peterson was mentioned in the January 2014

    release, Who Controls The Gold Stealing New York Fed Bank? His

    info at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation says his tenure at the helm

    of the NYFED was 2000-2004.

    One of Petersons books, How to Rescue the Economy From

    Crushing Debt and Restore the American Dream is entirely hokey

    considering his apex connections to the Federal Reserve which has

    made the debt possible.

  • Peterson is the founder and original president of The Concord

    Coalition in 1992. Paul Volcker, Pilgrims Society, is a vice chairman

    of TCC. TCC claims its mission is to oppose Federal Government

    budget deficits; I feel this is entirely a sham entity; here we have two

    major figures both from The Pilgrims and the Federal Reserve---

    which enables deficits---and they say they oppose deficits? Sure,

    yeah, right, okay, and its another ha-ha deal offered by devious

    men skilled in misdirection---

  • Peterson has been involved with The Conference Board (founded

    1916) and one of its projects, a Commission on Public Trust and

    Private Enterprise; considering his background, theres not a chance

    in 50,000 it isnt another sham---

    I find very little on Bi-Partisan Budget Appeal; it may be a

    subsidiary of the Concord Coalition, or a knock-off of it. Peterson

    has been a trustee of the Committee on Economic Development

    (founded 1942), a subsidiary of the Conference Board---

    In 1985 Peterson became chairman of the Council on Foreign

    Relations, so he was of necessity a Pilgrims member sometime

    before then. He took the helm of the CFR from David Rockefeller

    (Pilgrims Society as of 1949 or earlier) who was chairman of the CFR

    (1970-1985); Peterson is widely known as a Rockefeller associate,

    and is the main reason he became a billionaire. The CFR is probably

    the most important satellite group of The Pilgrims Society!

    Peterson has been a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The

    MMA weve discussed in profiles of other members post the 1980

  • roster. The MMA is one of those entities which can reliably be

    expected at any time to have several members of The Pilgrims on its

    board. The Institute of International Economics, founded in 1981 is

    actually the Peter G. Peterson Institute of International Economics of

    which he is currently chairman---

    David Rockefeller (Pilgrims) and George P. Shultz (Pilgrims) are listed

    as honorary directors of the PIIE. Paul Volcker (Pilgrims) is listed as

    a regular trustee, as is a woman named Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

    Yes, she is of the famous overseas banking family. The Rothschilds

    had direct input into the founding of The Pilgrims Society as they

    were sponsors of Cecil Rhodes diamond organizing activities in

    South Africa; what far fewer people know is that the British Royals

    also were backers of Rhodes!

    Former New York Federal Reserve Bank official, ex-Treasury

    Secretary Tim Geithner (most likely a Pilgrims member) and whose

    wife is---God protect us all---a PSYCHIATRIST---is in with

    kingpin Peterson---

  • As of 2005 Peterson was a director of Public Agenda, founded in

    1975 by Cyrus Vance (Pilgrims Society) of the Rockefeller faction

    within the group; Vance was the son in law of Pilgrims member,

    insurance magnate John Sloane. Peterson is listed as an honorary

    board member and they state they are a nonprofit, nonpartisan

    organization that helps diverse leaders and citizens navigate

    divisive, complex issues and work together to find solutions.

    Translated---they persuade persons of significant influence to get

    on the globalist bandwagon or to back any single one of their

    planks such as opposing precious metals as money---

  • Also as of 2005 Peterson was a trustee of the National Bureau for

    Economic Research, with which a fair number of other members of

    The Pilgrims have been involved for many years---Arthur Burns,

    chairman of the Federal Reserve System (1970-1979) is a name that

    comes to mind. It was founded in 1920 and is in Cambridge,


    The Japan Society is discussed in the profile on Robert Cutting

    Lawrence III. The Blind Brook Club at Purchase, New York, is fairly

    unrevealing of itself. Ive noticed other Pilgrims in this one for a

    long time---

  • Deepdale Golf Club at Manhasset, New York, was founded in 1924

    by the Vanderbilts (an inner circle Pilgrims Society faction) ---

    Peterson is a member of the Maidstone Club founded in 1891;

    description in profile on Charles Lawrence Brock. The Chicago Club,

    naturally in Chicago, was founded in 1869 by a group including Civil

    War profiteers---

  • The River Club and The Links Club, both in New York, are described

    in profiles on David T. Schiff and The Links, in the profile on John

    Merow. The Augusta National Golf Club, founded in 1933, is

    considered among the most elite golf clubs anywhere---

  • Located in at Riverhead, New York, this has been another of

    Petersons haunts---

    The Burning Tree Club in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Bethesda,

    Maryland, was founded in 1922 and membership in the club is

    extremely exclusive---

    Quail Valley Golf Club is a newcomer founded in 1993 in

    Littlestown, Pennsylvania---

  • There are several different search results for Atlantic Club. Id say

    its this one, and reports are that it closed. The Windsor Club is at

    Vero Beach, Florida and is another relative newcomer since 1989. I

    dont know if it has direct or emulative only link to the British Royal

    family, who use Windsor as their name for around a hundred years

    (long story) ---

    The Peter G. Peterson Foundation reports an endowment of $1

    billion; son Michael is 2nd in command---

    According to the PGP Foundation, He has served as a director of

    numerous corporations. Some of those include Cities Service

    Company; Sirius Satellite Radio; Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing;

  • Sony Corporation; General Foods; RCA; and Continental Group.

    George P. Shultz, former Treasury Secretary and Paul Volcker of the

    FED---both Pilgrims and precious metals suppressors, are on the

    advisory board to the Peterson Foundation. Source Watch states,

    The Los Angeles Times has dubbed Peterson "the most influential

    billionaire business figure in national politics.

    Political demagogue hack, pudgy Chris Pillsbury doughboy

    Christie, New Jersey Governor who hopes to become President so he

    can slap chains on everyone against national security, spoke at a

    Peterson Foundation meeting.

    Others involved with the Peterson Foundation and its sponsorship of

    its annual Fiscal Summit include Sir Alan Greenspan and Bill Gates-

    --both Order of the British Empire, and both almost certainly

    Pilgrims Society members. Gates is currently among the top

    fanatical zealots wanting to force vaccines on the world, and Illinois

    Senator Dick Durbin, who wants to make vitamins, minerals and

    herbs by prescription only at 2,000% price increases so his Pilgrims

  • Society backers can seize and absorb more wealth from the over-

    gouged public. Durbin also wants to force Pharma vaccines on the

    public. Durbin was an intern with the fanatical silver coinage hater,

    Senator Paul Douglas of Illinois (1949-1967) who habitually wore an

    expression like he was a medieval times head-chopping executioner

    and who voted affirmative on the Pilgrims Society inspired Coinage

    Act of 1965.

    The New America Foundation gets boatloads and boxcars of funding

    from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Founded in 1999, the New

    America Foundation has a typical array of globalists including

    perhaps two prospective Pilgrims members (Eric Schmidt of Google)


  • NAF is at 1899 L Street NW in DC---

  • ---

    I'm not sure hedge fund managers and investment bankers are

    really the right group to be determining our fiscal future. In fact, I'm

    pretty sure they're not. But Peter G. Peterson is a very serious man

    on a very serious mission, and that mission includes a film, a book,

    a couple of foundations, and a billion-dollar effort to re-educate

    Americans on very serious matters.

    Peterson has been correctly labeled a specialist at creating fake

    grassroots organizations. Pilgrims Society members are champs at

    misleading the small folks.

    On March 5, 2013, this was posted about Peterson---


  • Democrat Presidents and Democrat ex-Presidents do take bossing

    from Republican Pilgrims Society members, and from Democrat

    Pilgrims Society members, because at that level, the parties are just

    two faces of the same beast. Here we discover that the so-called

    Clinton Global Initiative University consisting of the alliance of

    American University; Brown University; Georgetown University; New

    York University; Rutgers University; University of Miami; University

    of Michigan; University of Minnesota; University of Texas at Austin

    and the University of Virginia, in cooperation with the Peter G.

    Peterson Foundation, made plans to lobby college students for

    Petersons national agendas. Pilgrims Society member, Rhodes

    Scholar, outrageous and outlandish globalist activist Bill Clinton, a

    Democrat, is associated with Peterson---

    345 Park Avenue, New York, is a 634 foot tall skyscraper---

  • Peterson has been to Bilderberg, a more important group than Skull

    & Bones (not in every way) but far overshadowed by The Pilgrims

    Society. He stated his residence as 435 East 52nd Street, which is a

    building called The River House. Some current listings there range

    from $8.5 million to almost $15 million. Its in the Beekman area

    of Manhattan. The Beekmans, an old-line family from Dutch

    colonial times, became major land owners and as the population

    grew over several hundred years, the land took on extraordinarily

    spectacular value; see description of the Beekmans (Pilgrims Society)

    in the profile on David T. Schiff---

  • Heres Peterson on You Tube about becoming a billionaire and no

    mention of his activities in The Pilgrims. The Los Angeles Times,

    October 2, 2012, Unmasking the Most Influential Billionaire in U.S.

    Politics actually unmasked little if anything about Peterson---it

    made no mention of his Pilgrims Society activities---neither is any

    mention to be found in any of his seven unrevealing books.

    Peterson has been seen with Pilgrims Society member Felix Rohatyn

    of the massive Lazard interests---already profiled in #19 Silver

    Squelchers, pages 99 through 118.

  • 2) Peter John Charles Mosse (1947---; Pilgrims Society by 2005 or

    earlier) ---page 3312, Whos Who, 2005) has info also in the 2014

    Whos Who in the East, page 991---

    With NMR 1971-1976---

  • Lots of British have been involved with Malta for generations; his

    father was stationed there with the Royal Navy; notice even his

    marriage suggests connections. Mosse has his own, including

    Oxford University, the Rothschilds, the Silver Institute, the Copper

    Club, COMEX and notice his listing is unusual in that he states

    (life) after mentioning The Pilgrims---a doubly rare occurrence.

    Membership is ordinarily for life however; there appear to have been

    instances of withdrawal or deletion if a member is so elderly as to

    no longer be viable for activities. His name is unusual and rare;

    theres another listed before him, which may indicate a relation,

    especially since this other one was with a main law firm of The

    Pilgrims---Cravath, Swaine & Moore---

    The Royal Society of the Arts, founded in 1754, is another Crown

    sponsored organization---of which there are in fact over 1,000

  • such entities---Prince Philip, Pilgrims Society London, is Royal

    Patron to over 800 organizations (this does in fact signify control).

    The Bumiputra Bank became part of what is today a 43,000

    employee Southeast Asian megabank. If a current Pilgrims list were

    in hand, I assure you the top ringleaders of the precious metals

    rigging would be predominantly represented including Jamie Dimon,

    William Dudley, Ben Bernanke et al, because this pattern has

    checked out to the nth degree in lists from 1902-1903; 1914; 1924;

    1933; 1940; 1949; 1957; 1969; 1974 and 1980. Peter Mosse,

    Pilgrims Society member who was in Rothschild employment for

    around twelve years total and has a special interest in silver. Note he

    was directly associated with COMEX starting in the sharp silver price

    upturn year of 1979 and throughout the 1980s when silver leasing

    was revving up. Not impressive in appearance, but impressive in


  • NMR Metals based in Perth, Australia, which includes copper,

    uranium and coal mining, is active in Africa and Australia. NMR is a

    contraction of Nimrodel Metals, suggesting a take-off on Nimrod,

    a king who lived several thousand years BC and is attributed to have

    been a great hunter and associated with the construction of the

    legendary Tower of Babel. Mosse was with the Rothschild offices in

    New York for seven years---

  • The Arista Group is consumer electronics accessories. Travelex is

    the worlds largest foreign exchange bureau. Headquartered in

    London, it has 1,100 worldwide locations---

    Creelman Fine Arts is or was located at 399 East 72nd Street New

    York in the Eastview Building---

  • 2nd Avenue Physician Practice shows Dr. Christine Mosse (his wife),

    an internal medicine specialist; this shows a sixty (60%) rating on

    her suggesting that seeing her is a crap shoot situation! Shes

    affiliated with Mount Sinai Hospital and Mount Sinai-St. Lukes

    Roosevelt Hospital. However, how much income does Mosse derive

    from being chairman of this medical practice? The European

    Magazine & London Review, year 1817 noted that a Charles Mosse a

    Royal Artillery officer, married the daughter of a medical doctor

    from Nova Scotia. This club is over a century old---

    The club and the foundation are the same group.


    Peter Mosse handed over the William Jennings Bryan whales tooth

    gavel to incoming president Ellen Parke is their caption.

    Considering that William Jennings Bryan was The Great Silverite of

    the 1890s (and blocked by Wall Street) and that Mosse of the

    premier precious metals suppressing organization, The Pilgrims

    Society, with his COMEX, Rothschild, Silver Institute, Gold Institute,

    Copper Club and banking connections, is passing this historic icon

    along, the ironies are rather large---

  • The Royal Society of the Arts with 27,000 members is

    Discussed In the profile of Mark A. Angelson.

    Mosse was on the executive committee of Oxford University Alumni

    Society (1994-1996) ---

    Mosses scan shows he was a director of the Gold Institute (1985-

    1990) and acted as a company representative during that time in the

    Gold Institute; which company or companies is unstated. It bodes ill

    for longs to have characters like Mosse insinuated into precious

    metals organizations. However; the link may not be the correct

    one---theres also a listed, which is an

    inactive URL. Theres no uncertainty about his involvement during

    1989-1990 as a Silver Institute director where again he was a

    company representative. In the April 2014 release, Silver Bully

    Boys and Their Kept Slaves, pages 13-16, Silver Institute leadership

    is reviewed and disquieting connections are noted. Have any of you

  • EVER noticed the Silver Institute squawking about the multi-

    generational (really multi-century) silver price suppression? In a

    future in which attempts at silver price suppression are no more (?)

    will that cause the Silver Institute to close down in despair? After

    all, shouldnt silver miners be just like cattle owned by the African

    Maasai tribe? They jab tubes into cattle and drink their blood and

    eventually butcher and eat them.

    Hes a member of the influential New York Academy of Sciences

    founded in 1817---it has a Rockefeller family operative on its

    board---patents of all descriptions developed there will accrue to

    the coffers of The Pilgrims organization---

    Formed in 1944, The Copper Club has several men prospectively


    How much byproduct silver for world price suppression has been

    mined in

    Over 70 years by interests represented in this club?

  • Copper Club is at 355 Lexington Avenue---

  • COMEX is part of NYMEX which is owned by CME Group---

    The Travelers Century Club is for persons whove visited 100 or

    more countries and their slogan is World Travel---The Passport To

  • Peace Through Understanding. It was founded in 1954 and has

    2000 members---

    In Heraldic Illustrations: Comprising the Armorial Bearings of the

    Principal Families of the Empire; with Pedigrees and Annotations by

    John Burke (1846) various members of the landed gentry are

    mentioned whose name was Mosse---Thomas, Peter, William,

    Philip. One of them was decorated by Richard Coeur De Leon---

    Richard the Lionheart. Included are references to titles and esquires

    and the great Earl of Cork. Our subject Pilgrims member Mosse is

    undoubtedly of very old lineage associated with royalty. That was

    King Richard I of England (reign 1189-1199 AD) also known as

    Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine.

    In A genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of

    Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 by Sir Bernard Burke, page 893

    showed an 1818 marriage of Thomas Mosse, Esquire, to the

    daughter of a British Lieutenant General Benjamin Forbes. Weve

    observed elsewhere that the Forbes family in America is split into an

    older and a more recent lineage based on migration from the old

    world, and both are Pilgrims Society represented. Shortly afterwards

  • we notice there was a Charles Mosse who was Bishop of Bath,

    England, and an acquaintance of King William III of England (reign

    1689-1702, the College of William and Mary in Virginia is named for

    him). On the same page, next column we notice a Philip Mosse was

    decorated by King Richard the Lion Heart for his distinguished

    gallantry in planting the banner on the battlements of Acre, at the

    storming of that place in the crusades to the Holy Land. Richard

    the Firsts reign was 1189-1199 AD. Acre is a site in modern Israel

    that later fell to Muslim forces in AD 1291.

    Notice in his scan Mosse states Pilgrims of the U.S. (life). Rosters

    ferreted out of university and large city library genealogy and

    history departments show that the USA branch has a policy of

    showing a necrology---list of members who died in the last two

    years posted at the start of the roster. This does suggest this is a

    lifetime commitment. However, I know of some cases in which a

    member would be listed in an earlier year, then not listed in the

    next list while hes alive. I believe they have a policy of having some

    members fade from membership whove become ineffective due to

    age, and in their place, men on the waiting list are brought into the


    Mosse resides at The Fontaine, 353 East 72nd Street---

  • 3) Robert Parker Morse (1945---; Pilgrims Society at least as of

    2005; Whos Who 2005, page 3303; probably a member over ten

    years before that) ---

  • The parents and wives of these men always are of potential interest;

    sometimes nothing obvious is findable. Not this time. He attended

    the University of Pennsylvania, an institution influenced by such

    families as the Biddles (landmark history with the second United

    States Bank and onward), the Drexels and the Mellons. What is

    advanced currency theory that he studied at Adelphi Suffolk

    University on Long Island, New York? Does it have to do with

    foisting trash on the world in order to collect interest on funds that

    were created?

  • He was with American Express 1970-1974, the William H. Morton

    division. William H. Morton (1909-1987) was a Pilgrims Society

    member who headed American Express. He was in The Pilgrims

    1957, 1969 and 1974 and probably exited before the 1980 list was

    compiled due to no longer being mentally or physically viable. Here

    was Morton on page 2076 of the Whos Who in America, 1960-


    W.G. Campbell & Company search yields virtually no results. In

    2010 Evercore Wealth Management, an entity past the billion mark,

  • acquired Morse, Williams & Company. Interestingly, this document

    references from the year 1880 that Morse, Williams & Company were

    builders of passenger and freight elevators of every description.

    Morse Williams as part of Evercore manages over $650 million. As

    of 2004, Optix Networks, an Israeli based semiconductor company

    for high speed telecommunications, ceased operation. E Lottery

    doesnt show a board of directors. It was founded in 1993 as Uni-

    Star Gaming Corporation; in 1996 it invested $30 million in internet

    based lottery systems development. During 2001 to 2008 E Lottery

    reorganized as a private company to develop its technology and

    intellectual property solely for the governmental lottery industry. E,%20Williams%20&%20Company,%20Inc.

  • Lottery receives patent awards broadly covering internet retailing of

    government lottery tickets in the United States, Canada, China and

    Australia with several U.S. and International patents.

    Next his scan shows abbreviations suggesting Government Society

    of Mayflower Descendants, which really should read General Society

    of Mayflower Descendants, of which he appears to have held an

    official post during 1993-1998. During 1994 to 2000 he was a

    trustee of Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts. The 1974-1975

    Whos Who, page 1486, shows investment banker and financier

    Henry Hornblower II (Pilgrims 1969 roster) as president of Plimoth

    Plantation. Henry was also a trustee of the Pilgrim Society (different

    and far less important group) founded in 1820 at Plymouth,

    Massachusetts. Hornblower & Weeks, Hemphill Noyes investment

    bank, was long associated with Silver Users Association interests

    and is profiled in #7 Silver Squelchers, pages 22-34.

  • During 1983-2000 Morse was a trustee of Bermuda Biological

    Station for Research, founded in 1903. In 2006 it changed its name

    to Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. It has subsidiaries

    including the Center for Integrated Ocean Observations, the

    International Center for Ocean & Human Health, the Risk Prediction

    Initiative and the Nippon Foundation Centre of Excellence in

    Observational Oceanography and has collaborative ventures with the

    United States National Science Foundation. This works out to be

    another Pilgrims Society tool for cartelizing seafloor wealth like the

    Scripps Oceanographic Institution and the Woods Hole

    Oceanographic Institution, both covered elsewhere in the post 1980

    Silver Squelchers series. Robert Dudley Harrington Jr., Pilgrims

    Society, was listed as a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    trustee (page 1955, Whos Who in America, 2005) and he was

    associated with the J.P. Morgan banking interests. Harrington

    (1932-2014) had an obituary which mentioned his Pilgrims!/healthier-oceans

  • membership---without explaining it; people would think just

    another club. Hugh P. Connell (1931-2008) eas CEO and trustee of

    Sea Research Foundation and Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut and

    worked with Woods Hole OI. Connell was with Army Counter

    Intelligence and lectured at the University of London on

    international law during his career (Pilgrims Society; 2005 Whos

    Who in America, page 914. We mentioned Connell in number


  • Morse states that during 1981-1993 he was with the General

    Services Board more often known as the Office of General Services,

    which coordinates New York State government agencies. As of

    1998 Morse became an official of the English Speaking Union, a

    direct Pilgrims Society subsidiary dedicated to making English the

    world language. It has 68 U.S. branches to foster global

    understanding (code language for this awful dream of eliminating

    all countries). The London branch was founded in 1918 and the

    New York branch in 1920. Its board at any time will have several

    Pilgrims members in office; the most likely current one is Paul


    In 1996 Morse became a member of the board of associates of the

    Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at Massachusetts

  • Institute of Technology which has a world renowned faculty.

    Discoveries at research facilities such as this go for medical

    cartelization and biomedical control for the elites, led by The


    During 1995 to 2001 Morse was a trustee of the Arlington Institute

    at Arlington, Virginia, founded in 1989, of which we read--- TAI

    believes society, science, ecology, and commerce are converging

    and that the issues that mankind is confronting are a product of

    how we live and think. As transition pioneers, TAI hopes to discover

    the early indicators of transition and provide solutions. The

    Arlington Institute is building an interactive web portal called The

    World's Biggest Problems. The site will allow people to collaborate

    on finding solutions to problems such as economic crisis, species

    extinction, peak oil, climate change, and water scarcity.

  • Arlington Institute is interlocked with Planet Data, Global Futures

    Forum, World Future Society, Center for Future Studies, Institute for

    the Future et cetera.

    Morse became chairman in 1984 of The Wall Street Fund, founded in

    1945 and now part of Evercore Wealth Management, which as we

    saw, bought out Morse, Williams & Company in 2010. Morse is/was

    a member of the American Defense Preparedness Association which

    in 1997 merged with the National Security Industrial Association and

    was renamed the National Defense Industrial Association at whose

    start page we read of warfighters and first responders and national

    security. This is Americas leading defense industry association

    promoting national security. NDIA has an impressive list of leaders

    from Pilgrims associated war contractors---Boeing, Rockwell,

    Raytheon, Northrop Grumman et cetera---

    Morse is a member of the River Club in New York, described in the

    profile of David T. Schiff. Hes a member of the Bond Club of New

    York, well interlocked over the years with The Pilgrims. Robert

    McNamara, former Secretary of Defense who went on to be

    president of the World Bank and who was in The Pilgrims 1974 and

    1980 rosters, was among the elitists addressing the Bond Club---

  • Founded in 1917, the early directors were J.P. Morgan, Jacob Schiff,

    Clarence Dillon, and Seward Prosser, all members of The Pilgrims

    Society! The Bond Club has had continuing interlock with The

    Pilgrims over the decades. Robert Parker Morse holds membership

    in the United States Naval Institute which has 50,000 members in 90

    countries. The Naval Institute's mission is to provide an

    independent forum for those who dare to read, think, speak, and

    write in order to advance the professional, literary, and scientific

    understanding of sea power and other issues critical to national

    defense. A brief look at its board showed a CFR member. All CFR

    influence is Pilgrims influence---

  • Morse is a member of the Union Club in New York, The Links, New

    York Yacht and the River Club, described elsewhere in this series.

    Like the decisive majority of members, hes an Episcopalian,

    reflecting the breakaway of the British Royal family from Vatican

    influence in the 1500s. The review of his Whos Who listing may

    now be updated with more recent info from the web. ---

    Mr. Robert Parker Morse is the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer,

    and Director at CG Asset Management. Morse is also a Senior

    Portfolio Manager since November 2013 at Wall Street Management

    Corporation and previously served as a President from May 1984 to

    May 2010. Previously, he was a Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager

    at Evercore Wealth Management, LLC from May 2010 to October

    2013. Morse was a Principal at Hambrecht & Quist and Soundview

    Financial. Morse has significant experience in research and

    investment business, including domestic and international equity

  • and fixed income markets, growth stocks, especially in life sciences

    and technology, and fixed income securities. He served as an Officer

    in the U. S. Navy.

    CG Asset Management has a Dollar Fund (sounds bad); a Real Return

    Fund; a Software Fund; a Portfolio Fund and a Capital Value Fund.

    From 2009 to 2014 CG has more than doubled funds invested with

    them. They favor pharmaceuticals, health care and semiconductors.

    One of Morses subordinates came from Bear Stearns & Company

    and another was the China representative for the huge Siemens

    conglomerate, founded by charter Pilgrims member Alexander

    Siemens. One of their 14 holdings is Johnson & Johnson, which gets

    almost daily boosts from NBC News Dr. Nancy Snyderman being a

    screaming banshee for vaccinations, of which J & J is a leading


    Office---733 Third Avenue---

  • 4) Sir Robert Paul Reid (1934---; Pilgrims of Great Britain post the

    1980 list) has served as a director of ICE, Intercontinental Exchange

    since 2001 and he is chairman of ICE Futures Europe and ICE Clear

    Europe and is a member of the nominating, governance and

  • compensation committees of ICE London. He has served since 1999

    of the International Petroleum Exchange of London and ICE Futures

    U.S. He was knighted by the Queen in 1990. From 1985 to 1990 he

    was chairman of Shell Oil U.K. From 1990-1995 he chaired British

    Railways Board. He chaired (1994-1997) London Electricity. He

    chaired Sears U.K. (1995-1999) and chaired the council of the

    Industrial Society (1993-1997). He chaired Sondex Limited from

    1999 to 2002. He was deputy governor of Halifax Bank of Scotland

    (1997-2004). 1999 to 2003 saw Sir Reid chairing Kings Cross

    Partnership. This revolving chairman chaired Avis Europe 2002 to

    2004. He chaired (1998 to 2004) Sun Life Financial Services of

    Canada. He was a director of the huge Siemens PLC (1999 to 2006).

    In Silver Suppressors Hiding in the Dark, part one, pages 31-32,

    we described the founder of Siemens, a charter member of The

    Pilgrims in London. Besides his ICE executive activities, he is

    currently a director of The Merchants Trust since 1995; CHC

    Helicopter Corporation since 2004; Benalla Limited since 2004;

    Diligenta Limited since 2005; and since 2004 hes been chairman of

    Milton Keynes Partnership Committee.

  • ICE Futures U.S. has a 5000 ounce silver futures option and

    specifications are here and some of their rules are here. I got a

    whiff of something mirroring COMEX silver. I dont recall seeing

    anything in the silver long community about this exchange. ICE

    describes itself as The leading network of Derivatives Exchanges &

    Clearing Houses. ICE serves customers around the world by

    building the markets and tools required to manage risk in a dynamic

    economic and regulatory environment. Well, we know about

  • regulators here, dont we, like the CFTC and the SEC, both

    protecting investors from malfeasance, naked short selling and

    other pin striped suit criminality, do we not? Everything The

    Pilgrims organization is involved in has its goal to make others

    poorer---and less healthy.

    He appears worried over something.

    A Pilgrims roster leaking out, perhaps?

  • Guess whos a junior associate of Pilgrims Society member Sir Bob

    Reid? Fred Hatfield was a CFTC commissioner during 2004-2006

    and as of 2007 silver price suppressor, gold price antagonist

    Hatfield became a director of ICE. His office is at ICE Futures US,

    World Financial Center, One North End Avenue, 13th Floor, New York

    10282 (Whos Who in the East, 2014, page 599).

    The Wall Street Journal recently announced The London Bullion

    Market Association on Thursday said that the gold benchmark will

    be set via an electronic platform managed by ICE Benchmark

    Administration beginning on March 20. On August 15, 2014, silver

    went to such a platform, and it neither changed nor improved

    anything in respect to allowing a free market! See the August 19,

    2014 release, The New Silver Fix & The Powers that Be.

  • In our review of the businesses Reid has been and is now involved

    with we may begin by noting that Sears could be a great target for

    short interest. Shorting as a path to money is definitely less well

    understood by the small folks, but these Pilgrims know all about it.

    Halifax Bank of Scotland was taken over in 2009 by Lloyds Banking

    Group. Lloyds Bank, like the insurer Lloyds of London, is a

    Pilgrims Society bank whose most colorful chairman seems to have

    been Sir Eric Odin Faulkner (Pilgrims London) whose middle name

    you cant avoid noticing, after the Norse king of the gods. Founded

    in 1765, Lloyds Bank uses the symbol of a horse, same as The

    Pilgrims Society and its locked up, fully owned subsidiary, the

    Council on Foreign Relations. The horse in these instances seems to

    be a connotation of warfare, as the horse was essential to winning at

    warfare for many centuries, and the Kings knights were inseparable

    from their mounts. Lloyds reported over 90,000 employees as of

    2014 and close to 850 billion pounds sterling in assets as of 2013.

    Halifax Bank of Scotland, more often referred to as HBOS, reports

    72,000 employees. If youre wondering whether HBOS has any

    familial connection to Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Earl of

    Halifax, it most certainly does. He was president of The Pilgrims of

    Great Britain, 1950-1958 and when he was British Viceroy of India,

    he personally triggered the Great Depression all over the world by

    dumping vast amounts of Indian silver, melted from rupee coins,

    onto global markets. This crushed the price of silver and wiped out

    the buying power of India, China and the entire Far East, who could

    not then afford American, British and European trade goods. Yes, in

  • those days we actually had a large export industry! While this

    monetary FIEND was British Ambassador to the U.S., he got 88MOZ

    silver by Lend-Lease for price suppression activities all over the

    British controlled sphere. Details are in The Silver Stealers.

    Halifax coat of arms---

  • Sondex, founded in 1975, has 513 employees and designs,

    manufactures, and markets downhole instrumentation equipment

    for the oil and gas industry. It offers drilling measurement

    equipment, including survey tools and vertical monitoring systems,

    measurement-while-drilling systems, logging-while-drilling tools,

    sensors and pulsers, and acquisition and control systems. The

    company also provides wireline tools and equipment, such as

    production logging, casing inspection, and cement evaluation

    systems; and pipe recovery, data acquisition and interpretation, and

    applied electronic equipment, as well as downhole tractors.

  • Kings Cross Partnership concerns new development on 67 acres of

    an area of London with 50 new buildings, 10 new public squares, 20

    new streets and 2,000 new homes encompassing an estimated

    30,000 people. An extraordinary part of London is taking shape.

    Suns site leaves a great deal to be desired, so turning to Wiki, I find

    they had 15,000 employees in 2011 and as of 2013, net income of

    about $1.7 billion Canadian dollars.

  • Siemens with 343,000 employees, is another multinational Sir Reid

    has been involved with and part of its business is in defense


    The Merchants Trust, founded in 1889, focuses on investments in

    U.K. FTSE 100 corporations---

    CHC Helicopter is a large helicopter services company, specializing

    in transportation to offshore oil and gas platforms, civilian search

    and rescue and air medical evacuation services and helicopter

  • maintenance repair and overhaul. In 2014 it claimed 4,500

    employees and close to $1.8 billion in revenues.

    Benalla is a global leader in energy management and control

    systems for the hospitality industry, has designed and manufactured

    state of the art, innovative intelligent guestroom control systems

    that provide a total integrated guestroom solution. The system

    integrates air conditioning, digital lighting controls, multi-scene

    dimming, curtain, room status control, and other guestroom

    devices. Benalla, possibly named after a small city in Victoria

    province Australia, is based in Hong Kong and is a private company.

  • Diligenta Limited founded in 2005, specializes in business process

    outsourcing (BPO) for the life insurance and pensions industry. In

    what condition will the pensions and entitlements of the small folks

    over in the United Kingdom when The Pilgrims Society pulls the

    drain plug on them? Have they been encouraged to hold their

    retirement savings funds in silver? Sure---same as theres clean

    water in a cesspool.

    The Milton Keynes Partnership Committee, of which Pilgrims

    member Sir Bob Reid has been chairman since 2004, appears to

    have little connection to John Maynard Keynes, the infamous fiat

    money economist who croaked in 1946. Keynes wasnt a Pilgrims

    member, but he was associated with at least several members. This

    Partnership Committee actually refers to a large city of 255,700 in

    Buckinghamshire, England, named Milton Keynes. Sir Bobs ICE

    Futures activities appear to be the most interesting of his bag of

    tricks, besides his Pilgrims membership. Here he is addressing a

    meeting sponsored by The Daedalus Trust. Near the comment form

    they warn--- We aim to have healthy debate. But we wont accept

    comments that are unsubstantiated, unnecessarily abusive or may

    expose the Trust in any way.

    Sir Bob Reid is former chancellor of Robert Gordon University in

    Aberdeen, Scotland, now with 17,000 enrollments.

  • .

    Bloomberg shows Reid as a trustee of IPE Charitable Trust and an

    adviser to Arqaam Capital Limited and a companion of the Institute

    of Management. Arqaam Capital is a specialist emerging markets

    investment bank, bringing regional and international product

    offerings to the emerging markets. Arqaam Capital combines

  • international best practice with expertise in the markets in which we

    operate. Our primary role is to provide financial intermediation and

    create investment opportunities for emerging markets investors

    looking to invest in their own markets and abroad, as well as

    international investors seeking opportunities in target emerging

    markets. Arqaam Capital is headquartered in the Dubai

    International Financial Centre (DIFC), with additional offices in Libya,

    Lebanon, Egypt, and South Africa. Arqaam Capital has eight

    business lines - Corporate Finance, Asset Management, Cash Equity,

    Credit Trading, Equity Derivatives, Capital Markets Advisory,

    Treasury and Custody. In addition, Arqaam provides in-depth

    research on listed Middle Eastern and African (MEA) companies

    across 24 countries and a wide-range of sectors.

    Dubai International Financial Center---

  • At the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) site we also discover that Sir

    Bob the Pilgrims Society member is also currently a director of

    Jubilant Energy which is an emerging oil and gas player in India.

    Its also active in Australia and Yemen. The Jubilant group,

    interconnected and in the billions, owns 300 Dominos Pizza

    outlets, auto dealerships and pharmaceuticals which it should be

    suspected, is both the least helpful to the public and the most

    profitable of their activities.

  • 5) Robert Haven Enslow (1939---; Pilgrims Society as of

    undetermined and here) is identified as a merchant banker and has

    been a director since 1999 of Corinthian International, which I

    havent determined is involved in any particular field. Its SIC

    (Standard Industrial Code) is 74990 which is a non-trading

    company. His residence address, 5 Victoria Square in London, is!msg/marlboroughgroup/KzVC0NMHa5Q/8VKxUYVzEigJ

  • rated as worth $6.2 million. Apparently there are multiple units

    there and he has acted as investment manager for the posh site.

    Corinthian has a California office in San Francisco is at 1000

    California Street which is the same address as the Pacific Union Club

    and is listed as a foreign corporation. He owns 51% of Corinthian

    Asset Management. He also is associated with an address on the

    Mediterranean island of Malta. Corinthian International is at 1

    Devonshire Street in London, in Devonshire House, named after the

    Dukes of Devonshire (Pilgrims Society) ---

    This link states (emphasis theirs) that Enslow is, or has been

    associated with 13 different companies in his career---MR. ROBERT

    HAVEN ENSLOW is a COMPANY DIRECTOR and is associated with 13

    Companies. This person was born on 1939-06-07. This company

    officer is AMERICAN and resident in ENGLAND.

    At we discover Enslow achieved a

    Master of Business Administration degree at the University of

  • Washington at Seattle in 1963. Afterwards he studied at the world

    famous Sorbonne in Paris and obtained some type of additional

    degree. During 1964 he was with David Rockefellers (Pilgrims

    Society) Chase Manhattan Bank as a vice president, a position he

    held into 1972. I assume he and other Chase officials had a party

    (with streetwalkers and booze) in August 1971 when Pilgrims

    Society member Richard M. Nixon closed the gold window at the

    U.S. Treasury, offending the French more than any other group of

    foreigners pursuing dollar conversion into hard gold. His next info

    states that during 1972 to 1974 he was the director of the Office of

    Foreign Direct Investments, a U.S. Government bureaucracy,

    probably set up to pillage taxpayers. Its probably part of the

    Treasury Department. Next from 1974 to 1981 Enslow was a vice

    president of Crocker National Bank, where he would have known

    Pilgrims Society member William H. Morton, a director of Crocker

    during those years.

    This book from 1986 had no mention of The Pilgrims Society,

    despite the fact that Chase National Bank and Bank of Manhattan,

    which merged to form Chase Manhattan Bank, were both crawling

    with members of The Pilgrims Society---and that was also true of

    the merged megabank---see pages 17 to 20 of #2 Silver Squelchers

    for a choice example---

  • Crocker National Bank, a Western regional banking giant, was

    merged in 1986 into Wells Fargo Bank, another Pilgrims Society

    global megabank. In #2 Silver Squelchers, pages 26 to 34, see

    discussion of charter Pilgrims Society member William Henry

    Crocker, whose father, Charles Crocker, founded the important bank

    that bore their family name---

    During 1981 to 1990 Enslow was with the giant Bechtel Corporation,

    multinational mega-construction firm, as manager of project

  • finance. During 1990 to 1997 Enslow was managing director of

    Dumas, West & Company. Starting in1997 he became the principal

    in DAL Investment Company (San Francisco) and the info shows that

    is still current. Additional details located at the previous link---

    Episcopalian (true to form) ---member, Sons of the American

    Revolution (a good organization subverted by Pilgrims Society

    members, who are all Crown loyalists) ---Knickerbocker Club in

    Manhattan member Pacific Union Club in San Francisco (interlocked

    with the Bohemian Club) ---National Maritime Park Association (San

    Francisco) --- Royal Automobile Club of London ---and The City of

    London Club.

    Dumas, West & Company is mentioned by Bloomberg as an obscure

    private company. DAL Investment, may since be known as Fund X

    and states---

    Established in 1969, DAL Investment Company pioneered the use

    of no load mutual funds to professionally manage investment

    portfolios for clients.

    235 Montgomery Street San Francisco, HQ of Fund X---

  • Founded in 1898, in 2014 Bechtel Corporation reported 58,000

    employees and $37.2 billion in revenues. Bechtel got a huge boost

    from contracts from the Western Pacific Railway, headed during

    1905 to 1913 by Edward T. Jeffery (Pilgrims Society), described in

    The Silver Stealers. Bechtel, headquartered in San Francisco, is the

    fourth largest privately held company in America! Among the many

    Bechtel projects are Hoover Dam, Trans Alaska Pipeline and Hong

    Kong International Airport.

  • The 1989 book Friends In High Places---The Bechtel Story---The

    Most Secret Corporation and How It Engineered the World made no

    mention of The Pilgrims Society, but did mention 14 times, the

    Bohemian Club outside San Francisco (a Pilgrims interlock). Notice

    this book was a national best seller and I ask the reader to ponder--

    -why did it freely mention the Bohemian Club, while covering up

    The Pilgrims Society? It may also have been due to the much greater

    secrecy surrounding The Pilgrims, that the author had no

    information in that direction. Rolling Stone Magazine described

    Bechtel as awesomely large and secretive, but also was silent

    about The Pilgrims Society, despite giving coverage to George Shultz

    having been a president of Bechtel as of his departure from Bechtel

    to government service in D.C. (Shultz is a Pilgrims Society

    member since The Pilgrims 1980 leaked roster, and most likely

    earlier). Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, widely touted as exposing

    Wall Street corruption, has never said anything about The Pilgrims

    Society. This is because both Matt Taibbi and Rolling Stone are

    engaged in a cover-up. Casper Weinberger (an Episcopalian) was

    vice president and general counsel of Bechtel. As Secretary of

    Defense (1981-1987), Pilgrims Society member Weinberger drained

    24,435,000 ounces of silver from the former National Strategic

    Defense Stockpile, for price management purposes---

  • The Sons of the American Revolution we have discussed elsewhere

    in this series. Same goes for the Manhattan based Knickerbocker

    Club and the Royal Automobile Club in London. The Pacific Union

    Club in San Francisco was founded in 1889 by merger of the Pacific

    Club (1852) and the Union Club (1854). Its at 1000 California

    Street in San Francisco where Robert Haven Enslow, Pilgrims Society,

    has an office.

  • During 1986 to 1988 Enslow was a director of St. Francis Hospital in

    San Francisco. It also shows that in 1988 to 1998 he was a director

    or trustee of St. Francis Foundation, and again, starting in 1997 held

    that position again and into the present.

  • This link shows that from 1997 to 2004 Enslow was involved in the

    management of Four Eaton Place Limited at 51 High Street in

    Avening in Gloucestershire, England. It shows also that during 2007

    to 2009 he was associated with Friends of Music at Saint Peters

    Eaton Square Limited at 119 Eaton Square in London. 51 High

    Street shows an estimated value of $922,689, at a pounds to dollars

    rate of 1.57x. London has an Eaton Place and an Eaton Square

    owned by the megabillionaire Duke of Westminster---Pilgrims

    Society London. Him we will review at the start of the final episode

    in this series!

    This link shows that Enslow was involved during 1998 with

    something called RRR International; his wife also. Id suggest it

  • stood for Rockefeller, Rothschild & Roosevelt, but though that or

    some variant thereof could be the case, it was probably something

    else, but there is no basis to trust any Pilgrims Society member.

    Theres an RRR International Capital Funding in Orlando, Florida,

    possibly the same entity.

    My opinion is that this link is in reference to his son (if he has one)

    by the same name Robert H. Enslow. However, it could also be the

    one born in 1939 who were profiling. I speculate this is his son as

    Enslows base of operations is and has been London for many years,

    and this is concerning FundX Investment, an entity of over a billion

    dollars, at 235 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, also

    known as the Russ Building.

  • Possibly unrelated is this showing a

    Robert H. Enslow at 15919 Main Street in Bellevue, Washington

    98008 near Seattle. Very little info is available and I think its

    unrelated. However, make of it what you please---his confirmed

    address at 5 Victoria Square in London is lumped together with the

    Bellevue Washington address here. That link also shows his London

    address is for a California foreign limited liability company,

    causing me to think that the Robert H. Enslow in San Francisco at

    FundX Investment is him again. After all, there are flights

    connecting London and San Francisco (on airlines having Pilgrims

    Society members on their boards!)

    6) Robert S. Roberson (1942---; Pilgrims Society as of

    undetermined) has info on page 3919 of the 2005 Whos Who in

    America and appears to be bilingual with German (see scan) ---

  • The first thing to notice about Roberson is his omission of his

    parents identities. What gems we might find if we knew more. His

    daughter, Barbara Drane Roberson, was enrolled at the University of

    Virginia in 1990 when she was presented as a debutante, la-dee-

    da! She later married Myles Thomas Wang, apparently Chinese, who

    was or is with electronics giant Nokia; his father was an MD.

    Robersons son Merritt has resided in the upscale communities of

    Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts (named after the Pilgrims Society

    Wellesley family of England, profiled elsewhere) and Locust Valley on

    Long Island, New York. Several dozen Pilgrims members have been

  • Locust Valley residents over the decades. The April 30, 2010 New

    York Times mentioned---

    Barbara Drane Roberson and Myles Thomas Wang were married

    Saturday at Harbour Court, the clubhouse of the New York Yacht

    Club in Newport, R.I. Frank R. Camera, a Rhode Island justice of the

    peace, officiated. The bride, 38, is known as Buffy. She works in the

    San Francisco office of Korn/Ferry International, an executive search

    company in Los Angeles. She recruits senior executives for

    biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies. She

    graduated from the University of Virginia and received a masters

    degree in English education from Columbia. She is a daughter of

    Barbara D. Roberson and Robert S. Roberson of Williamsburg,

    Virginia. The brides father manages the familys investments, which

    include interests in an office building in Newport News, Virginia,

    and multifamily apartment complexes in Virginia and elsewhere.

    From 1999 until 2003 he served on the governing board of visitors

    of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg.

    How many apartment units do Roberson and his family own? How

    many Crown serfs pay tribute to him monthly? His scan shows that

    during 1964 to 1967 he was involved in finance and building


    Roberson was with the New York Produce Exchange during 1965-

    1966 (image below was of the original structure, torn down before

    his arrival) and as hes resided in Virginia for many years, there is

    most likely a tobacco connection in that regard and might have

  • featured dealings with or on behalf of Pilgrims Society families such

    as the Reynoldses, Cullmans or Dukes, multi-generational holders

    of tobacco production in Virginia and other middle-Atlantic and

    Southern states.

    His scan shows that as of 1967 he was with Weaver Brothers. As of

    2005 he was president of this business but has apparently since

    retired. Its located at 12388 Warwick Boulevard in Newport News,

    Virginia. Weaver Brothers was founded in 1898 and is located in the

    Mariner Building and is a general brokerage investment firm.

    Theres very little on this one! First Peninsula Bank & Trust in

    Hampton, Virginia, of which Roberson was a director, 1977-1978,

    merged into First American Bank of Virginia in 1983. Next he lists

    involvement with the American Cancer Society, a giveaway that he

    may be invested in pharmaceuticals and/or Big Hospitals. As we

    saw, his daughter is involved in recruiting execs for Pharma

  • concerns! The sneaky, bogus ACS is all about treating and nothing

    about curing cancer, and suppressing any inexpensive nutritional

    modalities effective for blocking or reversing neoplasms. The group

    traces to 1913 and 15 physicians and businessmen in New York

    City, odds are high that at least one was a Pilgrims Society member,

    and if only one, hed be bossing the rest as a high Crown agent. If

    you click to their board of directors page, you get this---The page

    youre looking for cant be found. No matter. Youd find interlock

    with the Rockefeller Foundation, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Johnson

    & Johnson and all the other carpetbaggers of Big Pharma and Big

    Hospitals run by Pilgrims Society members.

    Many Pilgrims members have been involved with the Boy Scouts of

    America and the Girl Scouts, especially at the national level. Its a

    well known tactic of social gougers to be involved in laudatory

    activities so they can distract from the harm theyre doing

    elsewhere. Same goes for his involvement with Virginia Living

  • Museum and there may be tax breaks in that one. Roberson has

    been in the management of and raised funds for Hampton Roads

    Academy, founded in 1959 with around 650 upper crust students

    enrolled. Where one globalist has been others are certain to have

    taken his place, here are the trustees.

    Roberson is a former member of the board of visitors to the Mount

    Vernon National Shrine to George Washington. This is an insult to

    Washington that this British loyalist Roberson was ever in such a

    position. There are numerous such examples relating to Jefferson

    and Washington in the publicly unknown annals of The Pilgrims


  • As of his 2005 info, Roberson rather curiously was honorary deputy

    chief of the New York City Fire Department. It would be instructive

    to know how that came about and in what manner money was

    spread around or income realized. Later in his scan he mentions

    honorary membership in a Fire Officers Association.

    Next in his credits we notice Roberson is president, trustee and

    chief curator of the Golf Museum at Newport News, Virginia. This is

    part of the James River Country Club and we read---

    The Golf Museum at James River Country Club is a must see

    attraction. The museum is not only the oldest golf museum in the

    world but is home to some of the oldest artifacts that date back to

    the pre-1930s. The mission of the Golf Museum is to display

  • artifacts depicting the ancient and honorable history of the game.

    As you enter the newly renovated Golf Museum, the room is lit up by

    history and heritage, creating speechless reactions. A large, eight-

    by twelve-foot, high-definition projection screen drops down from

    the ceiling, making it accessible to any event. Some of the artifacts

    displayed include legends of the game such as Bobby Jones, Harry

    Vardon, Payne Stewart and many more.

    Theres a great deal of money in the professional golf scene. Did

    Roberson hatch a way to Pilgrimize those considerable funds? The

    James River Country Club shows a figure in colonial costume and

    behold the Royal Crown symbology---

  • The Virginia War Museum Foundation is another regional group

    Roberson has acted as an official of. Founded in 1923, it covers

    American military history from 1775 to the present.

  • Roberson held numerous official posts with the College of William

    and Mary from which he got a Master of Business Administration

    degree in 1973. Looking towards the close of his scan you notice

    he states his membership in the Cypher Society of the College of

    William and Mary. CWM was founded all the way back in 1693. Its

    located in Williamsburg Virginia and has an endowment of around

    $800 million. Its named after King William III and Queen Mary II of

    England. Its the second oldest university in America (after Harvard,

    1636) and has over 8,300 enrollments.


    .php shows Robert S. Roberson as its vice president and states---

    The William & Mary Cypher Society was established in 1989 by the

    Board of Visitors of The College of William & Mary in Virginia. All

    members of the Board of Visitors of the College of William & Mary

    become members of the William & Mary Cypher Society immediately

  • upon completion of their term of office. Fostering a relationship

    between the College and its alumni, the Cypher Society performs

    special projects on behalf of the College. The Cypher Society holds

    an annual meeting during which it is updated on the affairs of the

    College and the Board of Visitors by the Rector and the President. At

    the annual meeting the election of officers and executive committee

    members and the transaction of business are brought before the

    Society. Meetings of the William & Mary Cypher Society are held at

    the College. All Society records are maintained at William & Mary.

    Current president of the College of William and Mary is Walter Taylor

    Reveley III, who is most likely a member of The Pilgrims Society. He

    is or has been a trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International

    Peace, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Princeton University, Union

    Theological Seminary and JSTOR (Journal Storage, an important

    online site). Hes been involved with the Presbyterian Church

    Foundation and is a member of the Raven Society of the University

    of Virginia. These are all markers of likely Pilgrims Society

    membership (minus the Raven Society), but especially when all these

    aspects are present in one man.

    In 1960 the Virginia legislature established Richard Bland College as

    a division of the College of William and Mary. Roberson has been on

    the executive committee of this division. Named after Richard Bland

    (1665-1720) a member of the First Families of Virginia or his son

    (1710-1776) by the same name. These genealogies are impressive

    at the start and soon become fantastic. Are their descendants

  • represented in The Pilgrims Society? That remains to be


    Next we notice Roberson is a member of the Order of Saint John of

    Jerusalem, tracing to Crusaders to the Middle East, headed by the

    Queen of England. Weve discussed the OSJ in some depth in

    previous editions. Its one of the more important interlocks with

    The Pilgrims. The OSJ is of course Protestant---not Catholic.

    Roberson listed himself as a member of the Newcomen Society of

    the U.S. Perhaps strangely, during 2007 this group wrapped up its

    affairs and closed down. I had regarded it as among the more

    important Pilgrims interlocks. The 1994 Whos Who in America,

    page 2680 shows a Pilgrims member heading Newcomen---

  • The Penrose family in America goes back to Bartholomew Penrose,

    an English shipbuilder who migrated to the American colonies in

    1700. Charles B. Penrose (1798-1857) was a prominent

    Pennsylvania politician and member of the Whig Party (favored a

    central bank!) History of the Penrose Family of Philadelphia

    (1903) shows they were related by marriage to the Biddle family of

    Nicholas Biddle, president of the second United States Bank (central

    bank smashed by President Jackson!) A later Penrose had vast

    holdings in many companies including gold production in the

    Colorado Springs (Cripple Creek) bonanza area within sight of Pikes

    Peak. Senator Boies Penrose of Pennsylvania was on the National

    Monetary Commission which barraged the public to support the

    Federal Reserve Act. These Pilgrims and their families arent

  • adverse to making money in gold---including sometimes being

    long---but they sure dont want it used as money! So thats a

    backgrounder on Robersons membership in the Newcomen Society

    (named after an inventor of the steam engine).

    Roberson is/was a member of the United States Golf Association

    and one of their former officials. Theres big money in this pro

    sport and probably why Roberson has been involved with the top

    golf organization. The USGA today claims 700,000 members. That

    could be a huge source of premium income for an operator like

    Roberson (Weaver Brothers appears to have insurance activities).

    The Society of Colonial Wars, Saint Nicholas Society, Colonial Order

    of the Acorn, Squadron A Association, Union Club, Brook Club,

    Church Club, New York Yacht Club, Fishers Island (New York) Yacht

  • Club, Rotary International (and maybe several others) of Robersons

    memberships are groups weve discussed previously, or will discuss

    later. Im avoiding too much re-hashing of information so; please

    read the entire series carefully! Youd be surprised how easy it is

    with just twenty minutes daily, marking where you left off. The

    Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, often known as

    The Templars, is an ecumenical organization (has ties to

    Protestantism and to Catholicism) and is similar to the OSJ, the

    Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, headed by the British Sovereign,

    who also heads the Anglican Church of England---definitely not any

    Vatican group. In my view, ongoing attempts transpire for Crown

    and Papal interests to penetrate the other however I am somewhat

    unconcerned about groups like the Jesuits. So much power has

    been concentrated in The Pilgrims Society---I am interested in

    redwood trees---not saplings---so to speak. On March 18, 1314,

    under orders from the Pope, important Templar leaders were burned

    alive in Paris! Id definitely say that history inclines the Templars

    more towards the Crown than towards Rome.

  • Roberson is/was a member of Southampton Social Club in

    Southampton New York---

    A search for Hampton Roads Assembly yielded results relating to

    churches and assembly line work. Its my opinion this wasnt a

  • church as he states his denomination as Episcopalian and the

    church results are for Assembly of God. Theres a page showing

    someone who like Roberson was a member of both the Hampton

    Roads German Club and the Hampton Roads Assembly. Guide Star,

    a nonprofit registration tracking site, has a page about Hampton

    Roads Assembly suggesting a startup year of 1982. Another site

    tracking nonprofits shows almost nothing on HRA. Another link

    shows someone who was a member of HRA, the James River Club,

    the Hampton Roads German Club and other such groups Roberson

    is involved with. The Hundred Club Newport News, Virginia, yields

    no results. Its most likely the 100 most prominent globalists in its

    area. Hes a member of the Blue Key Honor Society based in Ohio.

    It has chapters at many dozens of universities or colleges including

    the Colorado School of Mines---

    The fact that Roberson listed his address as a post office box put

    him ahead of most of these characters. It means hes more cautious

    about his pri

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