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Page 1: Silly Willy's Christmas Adventure

Silly Willy’s


adventure by

the Mireles Family

Page 2: Silly Willy's Christmas Adventure

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, nothing

stirred not even a mouse. All the little rabbits were nestled all snug in

their beds, with thoughts of dolls dancing in their heads.

All the rabbits, except Silly Willy.


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Silly Willy heard the clatter of eight tiny reindeer on the roof and the whoosh of

Santa sliding down the chimney. He jumped from his bed and ran into the living


Just in time to see Santa slip on a banana peel.

Beard over boots, the jolly old elf tumbled, not once, but twice, till he plopped to a

stop on his bowl full of jelly. Santa’s bag full of toys burst open and a half-dozen

toys broke into two-dozen pieces. 3

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Silly Willy grabbed his belly and laughed and laughed until his rib cage hurt

and tears streamed down his furry cheeks. But Santa just looked at him – not

smiling, not crying, not furious, just sad.

“Silly Willy,” he said. “I’ve just flown from the North Pole to bring you and your

sisters your presents. I ignored the bad reports the elves gave about you. And

instead of milk and cookies, you give me a banana peel to slip on.”

“Was that nice?” he asked, holding a headless doll. “I’ve got no spare toys and

your sisters will be awfully sad when they wake up to a box of broken toys.”


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Silly stopped laughing, as he pictured his sisters dashing to the

Christmas tree, only to discover a broken Barbie, a cracked car and

a snapped wand with all the magic missing.

“I’m sorry,” he said, looking down and downcast. “I was just


“Silly,” said Santa. “There’s good jokes and bad jokes. Good jokes

bring laughter and joy, bad jokes make people laugh but at

someone’s expense. And Silly, you’re old enough to know better.”

Suddenly Silly let out a big sob as a tear rolled down his cheek and

off his whiskers before plopping onto the floor.


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“What can I do to fix it?” he pleaded. “Maybe I can fix them with some Super Glue.”

Santa shook his head sadly, looking at the shiny shards of painted porcelain on the floor.

“There’s not enough glue in the world to fix her,” he said.

“What will I do?” cried Silly.

“Come with me, I’ll call the elves from my sled phone and see if they can’t make a new one

or two for your sisters. Hurry! Follow me we don’t have any time to waste.”

Santa snapped his fingers and suddenly Silly found himself sitting in Santa’s sled in the

middle of the freezing night.


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Santa whistled and Silly’s head snapped back as the reindeers rocketed into the

moonlit sky – rising high over the frozen landscape.

In no time at all, first one house, then two, then one block, then two, all had

presents packed under the tree. But no matter how fast Santa went, he always took

time to eat a cookie or two.

“I need my energy, you know,” he told Silly, “My doctor told me to pace myself and

take a break every 1500 houses. You’re doing a good job, would you like to do some

deliveries for me?”

“Really?” Silly asked.


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House after house, down Silly went delivering goodness and joy to all

the good little girls and boys, till every house in every city, in every state

in every country in every continent received their toys.

All except one.

“But what about my sisters?” he cried as the first hints of dawn

appeared on the horizon.

“Don’t worry,” smiled Santa. “The elves work fast.”


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With that they landed on his house and before Silly could say a word he

was staring at the Christmas tree with a handful of presents.

He carefully put them under the tree. A porcelain doll for Analia, a

wonderful wand that glowed in the dark for Pauline and a princess

outfit for Paloma – but nothing at all for Silly.

Silly picked up the banana peel and swept up the floor – then fell asleep

even before he pulled up the sheets.


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The next day Silly woke to the screams of joy as each

one found their toys. He wondered, “Was it a dream –

did I really see Santa?”

“Silly!” they screamed. “Look at our presents, but

where’s yours? Did you already get up and get it?” they



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Just then, Pauline

noticed the card

next to the empty

plate of cookies.

“Dear Silly,” it read.

“Thank you for

joining me on my

sled. My doctor and

my eight reindeer all

thank you.”

Signed Santa.

Silly smiled wide

and knew he got the

best present of all. 11

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If you enjoyed this story, please feel free

to share with anyone and everyone.

Have a Merry Christmas, Happy

Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanza and a

Wonderful Winter Solstice

From the Mireles Family
