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Research ArticleSignal Recognition for English Speech Translation Based onImproved Wavelet Denoising Method

Zhuo Chen

School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha 410205, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Zhuo Chen; [email protected]

Received 5 August 2021; Revised 26 August 2021; Accepted 28 August 2021; Published 18 September 2021

Academic Editor: Miaochao Chen

Copyright © 2021 Zhuo Chen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The signal corresponding to English speech contains a lot of redundant information and environmental interference information,which will produce a lot of distortion in the process of English speech translation signal recognition. Based on this, a large numberof studies focus on encoding and processing English speech, so as to achieve high-precision speech recognition. The traditionalwavelet denoising algorithm plays an obvious role in the recognition of English speech translation signals, which mainlydepends on the excellent local time-frequency domain characteristics of the wavelet signal algorithm, but the traditionalwavelet signal algorithm is still difficult to select the recognition threshold, and the recognition accuracy is easy to be affected.Based on this, this paper will improve the traditional wavelet denoising algorithm, abandon the single-threshold judgment ofthe original traditional algorithm, innovatively adopt the combination of soft threshold and hard threshold, further solve thedistortion problem of the denoising algorithm in the process of English speech translation signal recognition, improve thesignal-to-noise ratio of English speech recognition, and further reduce the root mean square error of the signal. Good noisereduction effect is realized, and the accuracy of speech recognition is improved. In the experiment, the algorithm is comparedwith the traditional algorithm based on MATLAB simulation software. The simulation results are consistent with the actualtheoretical results. At the same time, the algorithm proposed in this paper has obvious advantages in the recognition accuracyof English speech translation signals, which reflects the superiority and practical value of the algorithm.

1. Introduction

Modern information technology, multimedia technologyand artificial intelligence technology are combined withspeech recognition technology, so as to realize the extrac-tion, processing, and analysis of all kinds of speech. Theexpected goals of the conventional speech processing tech-nology or speech coding technology in processing speechmostly focus on the following characteristics: minimum bitrate, minimum algorithm complexity, minimum delay andmaximum speech quality [1–3]. The traditional speech pro-cessing technology is mainly Fourier transform technology,which mainly realizes the analysis, processing, and recon-struction of speech signal. To some extent, it can realizethe reconstruction of time-domain and frequency-domaincharacteristics of speech signal and realize the conversionof speech signal between time-domain and frequency-domain; however, the processing effect of this traditional sig-

nal processing method for time-varying nonstationary sig-nals is very poor, and it cannot accurately track the time-varying characteristic structure corresponding to the signal.At the same time, it is precisely because of this defect thatFourier transform cannot be widely used [4–6]. In the con-ventional underlying algorithms of English speech recogni-tion, the main basic recognition principles are mainlyfocused on the recognition algorithm based on phonetics,the recognition algorithm based on speech template match-ing, and the speech recognition algorithm based on neuralnetwork. The three basic feature algorithms are the mostadvanced neural network algorithm [7–9], which mainlysimulates the human neural network system. It has the cor-responding adaptability, parallelism, robustness, and learn-ing. However, during the long-term test of this algorithm,it is found that the corresponding recognition time is toolong, resulting in too long time delay of correspondingspeech recognition. In addition, the corresponding training

HindawiAdvances in Mathematical PhysicsVolume 2021, Article ID 6811192, 9 pages

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time is relatively troublesome and the consumption ofresources is too huge.

The wavelet transform denoising algorithm is essentiallya multiscale signal analysis algorithm, which can map thespeech signal to be processed to the corresponding waveletdomain, and carry out targeted processing on the noisywavelet coefficients that do not pass the speech characteris-tics in different sizes according to the corresponding speechsystem and the wavelet coefficients of noise [10]. In theactual processing process, based on the series space functionobtained by the expansion and translation of the waveletgenerating function corresponding to the wavelet signal,and according to the corresponding threshold standard,the best approximation of the original signal is found, so asto distinguish the original signal from the noise signal[11–14]. However, the traditional wavelet signal is subjectto the selection of threshold. When the corresponding wave-let signal threshold is selected small, the corresponding partof noise information will be retained in the correspondingdenoising process, which is equivalent to the counter effectof denoising at this time. When the corresponding thresholdis relatively large, the corresponding denoising will filter outthe corresponding useful information in the correspondingspeech, so that the real signal corresponding to the speechsignal is not complete. At the same time, the soft thresholdand hard threshold algorithms used in the traditional wave-let signal denoising process will make the denoising effect ofthe whole speech recognition poor and cause the problem ofsignal distortion. The selection of wavelet function in tradi-tional wavelet denoising system will further affect thedenoising effect of wavelet transform [15–17]. Based on this,it is of great significance to reasonably select the threshold ofwavelet transform and optimize its algorithm for realizinghigh-precision and low delay speech recognition.

In view of the problems that the above traditional wave-let signal algorithm still has difficulties in selecting the recog-nition threshold and the recognition accuracy is easy to beaffected, this paper will improve the wavelet denoising algo-rithm and analyze the combination of soft threshold andhard threshold according to its corresponding algorithmdecomposition ability and denoising threshold. It furthersolves the distortion problem in the process of Englishspeech translation signal recognition of denoising algorithm,improves the signal-to-noise ratio of English speech recogni-tion, and further reduces the root mean square error of sig-nal, so as to achieve good noise reduction effect and improvethe accuracy of speech recognition. In the experiment, thisalgorithm is compared with the traditional algorithm basedon MATLAB simulation software. The simulation resultsare consistent with the actual theoretical results. At the sametime, the algorithm proposed in this paper has obviousadvantages in the recognition accuracy of English speechtranslation signals, which reflects the superiority and practi-cal value of this algorithm.

The structure of this paper is arranged as follows: Section2 of this paper will analyze and study the current researchstatus of wavelet transform denoising algorithm. Section 3of this paper will analyze the optimized threshold selectionalgorithm and the improved wavelet denoising algorithm

based on this algorithm. Section 4 of this paper will experi-ment with the algorithm proposed in this paper and analyzethe experimental results. Finally, this paper will besummarized.

2. Correlation Analysis: Research Status ofEnglish Speech Translation RecognitionAlgorithm Based on Wavelet Transform

Under the background that the wavelet transform speechdenoising algorithm is widely used in speech recognitiontechnology, a large number of scientific research institutionsand speech recognition experts have studied and analyzedthe wavelet transform speech recognition technology. Itsmain research characteristics are concentrated in threelevels: maximum value, multiresolution, and data compres-sion [18]. Relevant research institutions in Europe andAmerica first proposed to filter the noise signal in the speechsignal by using wavelet decomposition and correspondingreconstruction technology based on the multiresolution the-ory. This method is pioneering [19]. Based on the above, rel-evant research institutions have improved this technology.They propose to use the maximum value of wavelet trans-form to denoise the signal, and its corresponding theory isdefined as the singularity detection theory [20]. Based onthe improvement of singularity detection theory, relevantresearchers proposed a nonlinear wavelet transform thresh-old method with good effect in the denoising layer, whichsolves the processing defects of previous algorithms for non-linear speech signals [21]. Based on the threshold method ofnonlinear wavelet transform, the researchers of relevantresearch institutions optimized it and obtained a waveletdenoising algorithm with stationary invariants [22]. At thesame time, it gradually developed into a wavelet denoisingalgorithm with translation invariants. This algorithm isessentially an orthogonal small transform, which can realizethe compression of speech data. In the processing process ofthis algorithm, the noise signal after wavelet transform willbe transformed, the corresponding signal will be enhanced,and the coefficients of the corresponding wavelet transformwill continue to increase. At this time, the correspondingnoise will be evenly distributed in the coefficients after wave-let transform, and the corresponding noise data will con-tinue to approach in the coefficient domain of small scale;this will make it convenient and fast to filter the noise inthe subsequent processing of the algorithm. However, thisalgorithm has the problem of threshold selection. Whenthe threshold selection of the corresponding wavelet signalis small, part of the corresponding noise information willbe retained in the corresponding denoising process, whichis equivalent to the counter effect of denoising at this time.When the corresponding threshold selection is relativelylarge, the corresponding denoising will filter out the corre-sponding useful information in the corresponding speech,so that the real signal corresponding to the speech signal isnot complete [23, 24]. Based on this, how to make rationaluse of the corresponding threshold based on wavelet trans-form is critical and meaningful.

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3. Wavelet Denoising English SpeechTranslation Signal Recognition AlgorithmBased on Improved Threshold Algorithm

This section will analyze the principle of the improvedwavelet denoising English speech recognition algorithm.The corresponding recognition principle block diagramis shown in Figure 1. From the figure, it can be seen thatthe corresponding English speech recognition process ismainly as follows: English speech translation signal input,preprocessing and analyzing the corresponding speech sig-nal, and denoising the wavelet signal. The correspondingthreshold processing algorithm needs to be added to thecorresponding wavelet signal processing flow, the distor-tion is tested, and the corresponding judgment is madebased on the corresponding measurement estimation; theprocessing results after speech recognition processing areobtained and finally recognized. It can be seen from thefigure that the core processing module of this paper ismainly the application of the improved threshold algo-rithm and the corresponding wavelet denoising Englishspeech translation signal recognition technology basedon this.

3.1. Analysis of Improved Threshold Algorithm. The algo-rithm based on which the threshold is improved in thispaper is the soft threshold algorithm. In the soft thresholdalgorithm, the corresponding splitting process of its corre-sponding wavelet in processing English speech translationsignals is to split the English speech dataset En into two cor-responding smaller English speech data subsets. The mathe-matical function expression of the corresponding data subsetis shown in formula (1) below; it can be seen from formula(1) that the wavelet basis corresponding to different process-

ing data also basically determines the classification mode ofthe corresponding dataset.

En ið Þ = 2i + 1ð Þx, i = 1,⋯, n: ð1Þ

Under the soft threshold algorithm, the correspondingprediction process is mainly to eliminate the remainingredundancy after the first step splitting, so as to give the cor-responding tighter data expression. The correspondingmathematical expression is shown in formula (2). In formula(2), the corresponding mðiÞ represents the correspondingwavelet coefficient and the corresponding R represents thecorresponding algorithm prediction operator.

m1 1ð Þ = x0 1ð Þ − R x1 1ð Þð Þ,:⋯

m ið Þ = x0 i + 1ð Þ − R x1 i + 1ð Þð Þ:

8>><>>: ð2Þ

In the process of updating the corresponding soft thresh-old value, the corresponding high-frequency English seman-tic translation signal information is adjusted and processedthrough the corresponding update operator to obtain rela-tively readable low-frequency information. The correspond-ing processing expression is shown in formula (3), where thecorresponding CaðiÞ in formula (3) represents the scale coef-ficient of the whole system, The corresponding u representsthe corresponding update operator.

Ca 1ð Þ = xm 1ð Þ + K m 1ð Þð Þ,:⋯

Ca ið Þ = xm i + 1ð Þ + K m i + 1ð Þð Þ:

8>><>>: ð3Þ


Voice datasplitting Output

waveformanalysis and

measurementcalculation of



Comprehensive processing andanalysis module, databasemodule, human-computer

interaction module

Filter preprocessing (preliminaryfiltering)

Between softand hardthreshold



Layer decompositionpretreatment

Feature data preprocessing andextraction



Speech timedelay


Recognition ratefeedback


English speech signal input

Voice signal waveform

Ambient noise Improved thresholdalgorithm

Output score

Comprehensive evaluation

Figure 1: Principle block diagram of the English speech translation signal recognition algorithm based on improved wavelet denoising.

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Based on the particularity of the English speech transla-tion signal, its corresponding characteristics are shown inFigure 2. The soft threshold algorithm is improved basedon the speech characteristics shown in the figure. The corre-sponding improved threshold algorithm function is shownin formula (4), where the corresponding w represents theimproved threshold value, and its corresponding thresholdvalue is defined between the soft threshold and the hardthreshold; at the same time, with the increasing of thethreshold value, the corresponding threshold value is closerto the reasonable threshold value. The corresponding math-ematical symbol u in formula (4) has certain numericalrestrictions.

wi,j =1 − kð Þ ∗ sign wi,j

� �∗ i

i ∗ wi,j − a�� �� + k ∗wi,j

� �� � , wi,j − a�� �� > 0,

0, others:

8><>: ð4Þ

Based on the above formula (4), the correspondingsquare threshold function is obtained, as shown in formula(5), in which the corresponding mathematical symbol u alsoneeds to be numerically limited.

wi,j =

1 − kð Þ ∗ sign wi,j� �

∗ i

i ∗ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiwi,j� �2 − a2��� ���r

+ k ∗wi,j� �� � , wi,j − a

�� �� > 0,

0, others:



Based on the above formula (5), the improved thresh-old calculation function in this paper is obtained. The finalvalue of the corresponding threshold is bounded betweenthe soft threshold value and the corresponding hard

threshold value, in which the corresponding mathematicalsymbol u still has the corresponding numerical limit, andthe corresponding value a must also be defined betweenvalues 0 and 1, in which the value does not include thevalue 0.

wi,j =1 − kð Þ ∗ sign wi,j

� �∗ i

wi,j�� �� − aj j� � , wi,j − a

�� �� > 0,

0, others:

8><>: ð6Þ

The corresponding improved wavelet threshold calcula-tion steps are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen from the fig-ure that the corresponding threshold algorithm is mainlydivided into three steps. The most important step is to deter-mine the number of wavelet decomposition layers in the ini-tial process. It needs to decompose the wavelet signal byusing the mixed noise of English speech, so as to calculatethe corresponding number of decomposition layers; finally,the corresponding result coefficients are realized by layer bylayer wavelet decomposition, and the corresponding thresh-old processing needs to be iterated continuously, so as tofinally obtain the corresponding processing results.

3.2. Analysis of Improved Wavelet Transform DenoisingAlgorithm. Based on the above improved threshold algo-rithm, the corresponding improved wavelet transformdenoising algorithm is redesigned. The corresponding algo-rithm mainly includes the following processes: Englishspeech translation signal input, preprocessing and analyzingthe corresponding speech signal, and denoising the corre-sponding wavelet signal. The corresponding threshold pro-cessing algorithm needs to be added to the correspondingwavelet signal processing process. Based on the correspond-ing measurement and estimation, the distortion is testedand the corresponding decision is made, the processingresults after speech recognition are obtained, and the final

i: I u: a:

e i: ....

eI .. aI

.. .. ....

p b t

g s zk

d m r h

n j w




Vowel part

Consonant part 1

Comprehensive evaluation

Consonant part 2

Unit tone part

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of signal characteristics of English speech translation.

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recognition is carried out. The flow chart of the correspond-ing improved wavelet transform denoising algorithm isshown in Figure 4. It can be seen from the figure that the

new algorithm increases the speech scoring mode, which ismore conducive to the comprehensive evaluation of the cor-responding recognition results.

Soft threshold algorithm

The speech data set is splitinto two smaller English

speech data subsets

Prediction process

Eliminate the remaining afterthe first split

Improved thresholdalgorithm

English speech input signalpreprocessing

Threshold between softthreshold and hard threshold

English speech input

English phoneticwaveform

Random addition ofambient noise/grain

loading noise

Wavelet transform basedon improved threshold


Speech denoising/denoisingbased on improved threshold


Short time energymeasurement

The speech after noisereduction recognition is


Discrete voice datainformation

Data endpoint detectionand analysis

Analysis of signalzero crossing rate

Scoring module based onHMM model

Likelihoodscore of signal

Grading ofsentences

Scoring of a posteriorprobability of data

Output signalscoring items

Special data input

Human computerinterface

Figure 4: Flow chart of the improved wavelet transform denoising algorithm.

Algorithm improvement benchmark

Soft threshold algorithm

The speech data set is split intotwo smaller English speech data


Prediction process

Compact data representation

Prediction operator

Signal processing of highfrequency English semantic


Readable low frequencyinformation/update operatorEliminate the remaining after

the first split

Analyzes theparticularity of English

speech translationsignals

The soft thresholdalgorithm is improved

Analyze the change trend

Iterative processinganalysis

The threshold value is defined between the soft threshold and the hardthreshold

Vowel part

Voice input

Output result threshold

Figure 3: Flow chart of processing steps of the improved threshold algorithm.

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In the corresponding English speech preprocessing stage,it is first necessary to add short-term energy to the corre-sponding monitoring data. The mathematical formula forthe definition of short-term energy of the correspondingdata is shown in formula (7):

Sn = Sn2 1ð Þ + Sn

2 2ð Þ+⋯+Sn2 nð Þ� xn ∗Hn: ð7Þ

In corresponding formula (7), sðnÞ represents the voicesignal after the voice data is windowed, and the correspond-ing voice signal expansion is shown in formula (8), and incorresponding formula (8), HðnÞ function represents theunit impulse response function of the low-pass filter usedby the data at this time.

Xn = X 1ð Þ ∗ a 1 −mð Þ+⋯X nð Þ ∗ a n −mð Þ: ð8Þ

The average amplitude is processed based on the short-time energy of the above data signal. The correspondingprocessed formula is shown in formula (9), which can bettersolve the universality of the algorithm in the signal prepro-cessing stage.

H nð Þ = limm⟶∞


i=1xn ið Þj j: ð9Þ

For discrete voice data information, the correspondingdata endpoint needs to be detected and analyzed. At thistime, the corresponding signal zero crossing rate needs tobe further calculated. The corresponding signal zero crossingrate calculation formula is shown in formula (10), in whichthe corresponding sgn function represents the correspond-ing symbol function, and the corresponding expansion for-mula is shown in formula (11). The corresponding wðnÞrepresents the corresponding window function, and its cor-

responding expansion is shown in formula (12). A thresholdvalue will be preset in the corresponding window function.

Qn = limm⟶∞


i=1sgn x ið Þ − sgn x 0ð Þf gf g ∗ n − ið Þj j, ð10Þ

sgn x nð Þf g =1, x nð Þ > 0,−1, x nð Þ < 0,


x nð Þ =12M , 0 <M < 1,

0, others:

8<: ð12Þ

The corresponding wavelet signal denoising part mainlyincludes the threshold improvement algorithm part and thecorresponding signal analysis part. The corresponding wave-let signal threshold improvement algorithm part has beendescribed in Section 3.1 above. After the wavelet processingis completed, the corresponding signal output results areobtained, and the corresponding output results need to bescored. The corresponding scoring system flow chart isshown in Figure 5. The corresponding scoring rules aremainly based on the HMM model. The corresponding scor-ing function includes the likelihood score of the signal, thescore of the sentence, and the score of the posterior probabil-ity of the data. The corresponding scoring formulas areshown in formula (13), formula (14), and formula (15),respectively.

Si = limm⟶∞


i=1lg R qi qi − 1jð ÞR mi qijð Þf g, ð13Þ

Voice input

Improved wavelettransform signal

denoisingtechnology module

Signal output scoringmodule

Signal output scoringmodule

Signal likelihood score

Grading of phoneticsentences

Score of a posteriorprobability of data

Comprehensive scoringsystem

Human computerinteraction part

Final output voice results

Iterative processinganalysis

Iterative processinganalysis

Iterative processinganalysis

Iterative processinganalysis

Output result

Data analysis

Figure 5: Scoring principle framework of improved wavelet transform denoising algorithm.

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0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Original voice waveform

0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

Figure 6: Original signal diagram of the comparison test.

Original waveform1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−1

Waveform after adding noise2


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−2

Waveform after hard threshold processing2


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−2


Original waveform1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−1

Waveform after adding noise1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100

Waveform after soft threshold processing2


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−2


Original waveform1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−1

Waveform after adding noise2


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−2

Improved threshold processed waveform2


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−2


Figure 7: (a) Waveform processing diagram of English speech translation signal under hard threshold algorithm. (b) Waveform processingdiagram of English speech translation signal under soft threshold algorithm. (c) Waveform processing diagram of English speech translationsignal under improved threshold algorithm.

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q = W1S1∑i


, ð14Þ

Ri = limm⟶∞


i=1lg R qi Oijð Þf g: ð15Þ

4. Experiment and Analysis

In order to verify the superiority of this algorithm, this paperverifies the corresponding system algorithm based onMATLAB and mainly analyzes the superiority of theimproved threshold algorithm and the superiority of thewavelet transform algorithm based on this.

In the corresponding improved threshold algorithm, thispaper mainly compares it with the traditional hard thresholdalgorithm and soft threshold algorithm. During the experi-ment, the corresponding experimental environment is con-sistent, and the corresponding processed original signal isshown in Figure 6.

Based on the above original signal, the correspondingadjustment coefficients are segmented. The main segmentedvalues correspond to 0, 1, and 5, which correspond to thehard threshold, improved threshold, and soft threshold,respectively. The noise of the original signal is increasedand analyzed. The corresponding adjustment factor m istaken as 0.5, 2, 5, and 10, respectively. The correspondingwaveform after the test is shown in Figures 7(a)–7(c). Itcan be seen from the figure that the corresponding noisereduction ability of the improved threshold algorithm is sig-nificantly improved compared with the traditional thresholdalgorithm; after the corresponding signal processing, thewaveform is smoother, and the corresponding phase distor-tion and signal loss are smaller.

In order to verify the signal processing and analysis abil-ity of the improved wavelet transform denoising algorithmunder the interference of complex environmental noise, acomparative experiment of speech noise processing is car-

ried out. The corresponding experimental objects remainunified, and shot noise and ambient noise are added to thecorresponding speech for processing and analysis. The cor-responding processing results are shown in Figures 8(a)and 8(b). It can be seen from the figure that the algorithmproposed in this paper can deal with environmental noiseand corresponding shot noise well, and the correspondingalgorithm proposed in this paper has a fast processing speed.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the algo-rithm proposed in this paper has obvious advantages overthe traditional algorithm, and it has obvious advantages inthe accuracy of English speech recognition.

5. Summary

This paper mainly analyzes the current research status ofEnglish speech recognition algorithms, deeply studies andanalyzes the wavelet transform algorithm, deeply discussesits corresponding disadvantages, and gives the solution ofthis paper. Based on the disadvantages of threshold selectionof the traditional wavelet transform denoising algorithm,this paper improves the wavelet denoising algorithm, ana-lyzes the combination of soft threshold and hard thresholdaccording to its corresponding algorithm decompositionability and denoising threshold, further solves the distortionproblem in the process of English speech translation signalrecognition of denoising algorithm, and improves thesignal-to-noise ratio of English speech recognition. At thesame time, the root mean square error of the signal is furtherreduced, so as to achieve a good noise reduction effect andimprove the accuracy of speech recognition. In the experi-ment, this algorithm is compared with the traditionalalgorithm based on MATLAB simulation software. The sim-ulation results are consistent with the actual theoreticalresults. At the same time, the algorithm proposed in thispaper has obvious advantages in the recognition accuracyof English speech translation signals, which reflects the

Original waveform1


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Waveform after adding noise2



Waveform after traditional algorithm processing2




Original waveform1


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Waveform after adding noise2



Waveform after improved algorithm processing1




Figure 8: (a) Processing results corresponding to traditional speech denoising algorithm. (b) Processing results corresponding to theimproved wavelet transform denoising algorithm.

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superiority and practical value of this algorithm. In thefollow-up research, this paper will focus on the analysis ofEnglish speech recognition and detection in a complex envi-ronment and the comparative analysis of wavelet transformalgorithm and partial differential equation algorithm. At thesame time, more experimental samples will be introducedfor analysis and research in the subsequent experiments.

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are avail-able from the corresponding author upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competingfinancial interests or personal relationships that could haveappeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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9Advances in Mathematical Physics

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