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Siebel CRM Web ServicesReference

Version 8.1

November 2008

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Copyright © 2005, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information;

they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are alsoprotected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering,

disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperabilitywith other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problemsin the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-

free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part ofthese Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, for any purpose.

PRODUCT MODULES AND OPTIONS. This guide contains descriptions of modules that are optional andfor which you may not have purchased a license. Siebel’s Sample Database also includes data related tothese optional modules. As a result, your software implementation may differ from descriptions in this

guide. To find out more about the modules your organization has purchased, see your corporate

purchasing agent or your Oracle sales representative.

If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programson behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable:

U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS. Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technicaldata delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercialtechnical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specificsupplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of thePrograms, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set

forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights setforth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA,Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently

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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be

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The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from thirdparties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites.You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products orservices from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is notresponsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms ofthe agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations

related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sortthat you may incur from dealing with any third party.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 3


Siebel CRM Web Services Reference1

Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release

Chapter 2: Siebel CRM Web Services Overview

How Siebel Applications Are Web Service Deployed 11

About Web Services 11

Core Technologies for Web Services 12

Web Services Deployment Cycle 13

Siebel Web Service Documentation 14

Support for Siebel Web Services 14

Siebel Web Services Architecture 17

Process of Exposing a Siebel Web Service 17

About Siebel Web Service Modeling 19

Using the Web Services Deployment Wizard 21

About Siebel Web Service Authentication and Performance 22

Chapter 3: Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services

8.1 Primary Web Services 25

8.1 ABOWebService 29

8.1 CatalogWebService 37

8.1 Product Configurator Web Service 41

8.1 PromotionWebService 56

8.1 WebMarketing 62

Account 67

Message Schema (WSDL) for Account 69

AssetManagementComplex 69

CMU Account Query 73

CMU Account Update 75

Contact 77

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Contents ■ 


ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service 80

ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service 83

ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service 88

ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service 94

ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service 98

FS Asset Warranty Service 103

GetMktgWebSurvey 105

ISS Price List Item WS 107

LeadProcessingService 110

LeadService 115

List 120

ListMgmtProspect 123

ListMgmtProspect Operations 123

LoyaltyAccrualService 125

LoyaltyBatchEnrollment 129

LoyaltyImportBusinessService 134

LoyaltyMemberService 135

LoyaltyRedemptionService 150

LoyaltyVoucherService 164

MktgDeduplicationService 166

MktgImportService 171

OrderDetailWebService 173

PDSOrderHeader 175

PriceListsWS 176

ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer 178

Product Import 180

ProductSearchService 186QuoteCheckOutWebService 189

QuoteDetailWebService 191

QuotingWebService 194

Response 196

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Contents ■

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 5

RetrieveAttachmentService 199

searchSolution 201

SelfServiceAccount 204

SelfServiceAccountRootPath 211

SelfServiceAllAccountsList 214

SelfServiceContact 219

SelfServicePaymentHistory 225

SelfServicePostLoginProcess 227

SelfServiceRegistration 230

SelfServiceResponsibility 244

SelfServiceSmtpEmail 246

SelfServiceTemplateEmail 249

SelfServiceTimeZone 252

SelfServiceUser 254

SelfServiceWebSite 258

ServiceRequest 260

SessionAccessWS 266

SWI Update Order Line Item 267

SWI Update Order Line Item Operations 268

Ulnbox Contact Item 270

Universal Inbox 273

UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer 275

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS 278

Chapter 4: Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 283

Support and Testing Web Services 285

Chapter 5: Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0

ABOWebService 294

Asset Management 301

AssetWebService 304

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Contents ■ 


CalculatePriceWS 304

CatalogWebService 307

ContextServiceWrapperService 316

CopyActivity 321


EligibilityCompatibility 322

EventManagement 326

Event Registration 332

ExternalAutoPolicy 332

ExternalPropertyPolicy 332

Forecast 332

GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation 332

GetHeathCareProfessionalComplianceDetails 340

GetUnallocatedExpenseItem 347

INSClaims 350

IntegrationObjectInfo 354

NetworkOrderEntry 356

PartnerPrograms 358

PartnerRegistration 359

ProductConfigurator 359

ProductRecommendation 373

PromotionWebService 376

QuoteWebService and OrderWebService 379

QuoteAddItemsWS 383

SerializationService 385

ServiceRequest 385

SessionAccessWS 387

SetAllocatedExpenseItem 387

SFA_Activity_BS 390

SiebelUserProfileService 392

SiebelWebRegistration 392

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 7

TroubleTicket 392

VerifyEntitlement 394

Warranty 396

WC_Account_BS 396

WC_Contacts_BS 397

WC_Opportunity_BS 397

WC_Service_Request_BS 397

WebMarketing 397


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Contents ■ 


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 9

1 What’s New in This Release

What’s New in Siebel CRM Web Services Reference, Version 8.1Table 1 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support release 8.1 of the


Table 1. New Product Features in Siebel CRM Web Services Reference, Version 8.1

Topic Description

Integration Objects on page 15 Added additional information on Internal Component field.

Determine Which Siebel Objects to

Expose on page 17

Enhanced topic. Added more information on business service

methods and arguments. Also, more information about

workflows and the way they are consumed as Web services.

Process of Exposing a Siebel Web

Service on page 17

New topic. Provides new information on exposing Siebel Web

services. Added more information on business service methods

and arguments. Also, more information about workflows and

the way they are consumed as Web services.

Assemble the Services on page 18 Enhanced topic. Clarified the task steps.

About Siebel Web Service

Modeling on page 19

New topic. Reorganized Web service modeling discussion.

Added a new discussion of classifying state requirements, and

registering public methods in Siebel Tools.

Using the Web ServicesDeployment Wizard on page 21

New topic. Brief overview of Web services deployment wizards.

 “CMU Account Query” on page 73 Added new Web service topic.

 “CMU Account Update” on page 75 Added new Web service topic.


CS_Service” on page 80

Added new Web service topic.


Service” on page 83

Added new Web service topic.


ice” on page 88

Added new Web service topic.

 “ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service” on page 94

Added new Web service topic.


S_Service” on page 98

Added new Web service topic.

 “FS Asset Warranty Service” on

page 103

Added new Web service topic.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

What’s New in This Release ■ 


This guide has been updated to reflect product name changes.

 “ISS Price List Item WS” on

page 107

Added new Web service topic.


ucer” on page 178

Added new Web service topic.

 “Product Import” on page 180 Added new Web service topic.

 “SWI Update Order Line Item” on

page 267

Added new Web service topic.


er” on page 275

Added new Web service topic.

Table 1. New Product Features in Siebel CRM Web Services Reference, Version 8.1

Topic Description

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 11

2 Siebel CRM Web ServicesOverview

This chapter provides an overview of Web services and guidance for implementing Oracle’s Siebel

Web service. It contains the following topics:

■ How Siebel Applications Are Web Service Deployed

■ About Web Services

■ Core Technologies for Web Services on page 12

■ Web Services Deployment Cycle on page 13

■ Siebel Web Service Documentation on page 14

■ Support for Siebel Web Services on page 14

■ Siebel Web Services Architecture on page 17

■ Process of Exposing a Siebel Web Service on page 17

■ About Siebel Web Service Modeling on page 19

■ Using the Web Services Deployment Wizard on page 21

■ About Siebel Web Service Authentication and Performance on page 22

How Siebel Applications Are Web Service

DeployedSiebel applications are Web service deployed through the following means:

■ Inbound and Outbound Web Services

■ Integration Objects

■ The Siebel application

■ Business Services and Workflows

About Web ServicesA Web service is a discrete piece of business logic, located somewhere on the Internet, which isaccessible through Internet protocols. It is distinguished by the following:

■ It is specified using Web services Description Language (WSDL).

■ It is transported by SOAP (an XML-based transport protocol).

■ It contains data represented in XML and defined by XML Schema.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Core Technologies for Web Services


Web Service as a Server-Side ServiceA Web service is considered a server-side service if the following are true:

■ It is the basis for interoperable, heterogeneous applications.

■ Its interface is defined by XML (XML Schema & WSDL).

■ It exposes coarse-grained, loosely-coupled operations on document-structured data.

■ It is independent of underlying implementation.

■ It is accessible through open standard protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, FTP or JMS.

Web services are all of the following:

■ A delivery mechanism for integrating loosely coupled software components.

■ Delivered over standard Internet technologies.

■ Rooted in:

■ Interoperability

■ Standards


■ Coarse-grained exposure of functionality

Core Technologies for Web ServicesOracle’s Siebel Web services use industry standard core technologies. The bulleted list that follows

includes each of the main core technologies utilized. Each core technology is explained in detail in

the topics that follow.

■ Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

■ XML and XML Schema

■ Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

About Web Services Description Language (WSDL)WSDL is an XML-based format for describing the interface of a Web service. WSDL describes the

endpoints, location, protocol binding, operations, parameters, and data types of all aspects of a Web


The WSDL which describes a Web service has the following characteristics:■ It is published by the service provider.

■ It is used by the client to format requests and interpret responses.

■ It may be optionally submitted to a registry or service broker to advertise a service.

■ Additionally, WSDL describes the following:

■ The operations provided by a Web service.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Web Services Deployment Cycle

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 13

■ The input and output message structures for each Web service operation.

■ The mechanism to contact the Web service.

About XML and XML SchemaA WSDL file is published in the form of an XML document instance. Document/Literal is required as

part of the WS-I interoperability standard that forms the basis of modern Web service usage, where:

■ Document  means that the payload for an operation, however complex, must be defined in a

single XML element.

■ Literal  means that the definition of that element must be described by an XML Schema embedded

in the WSDL file.

When using Document/Literal formatting, the WDL file will contain an XML Schema definition that

defines all messages and data types that will be used for a particular service. The payload itself will

consist entirely of XML data structures.

About Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)SOAP is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized,

distributed environment. SOAP uses XML to define an extensible messaging framework.

SOAP messages consist of the following:

■ An envelope for wrapping messages, including addressing and security information.

■ A set of serialized rules for encoding data types in XML.

■ Conventions for a procedure call and, or response.

Web Services Deployment CycleA service provider describes its service in the form of a WSDL file. Typically, the WSDL is obtained

directly by the developer of the service client consumer.

At the time the design of a Web service, the service consumer uses the WSDL to generate a proxy

in his own native development environment, allowing him to program interactions with the service


At run time the following occurs:

■ The service consumer formats a request in accordance with the WSDL definition.

■ The service provider provides the expected response to the service consumer.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Siebel Web Service Documentation


Siebel Web Service DocumentationIn addition to the documentation provided here, detailed documentation on the use of Siebel objects

to create and maintain Web services can be found on the Siebel Bookshelf in Integration Platform

Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

NOTE: The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and Oracle E-Delivery.

It might also be installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.

Information can be found on Siebel Web service technology and on EAI technologies like the Siebel

Adapter (ASI) and the UI Data Service (UDS), which are designed for direct data-level access to the

Siebel Object Manager. Information is also available there on XML Schema development, WSDL

generation, Outbound Web service configuration, file attachments, authentication and security.

Support for Siebel Web ServicesThe following elements contribute to the deployment of Siebel Web services.

■ Inbound and Outbound Web Services

■ Integration Objects on page 15

■ Business Services on page 15

Inbound and Outbound Web ServicesSiebel applications support both inbound and outbound Web services:

■ Inbound Web services allow external clients to access Siebel functionality. For example, a custom

UI that wants to view and modify Siebel Service Requests.■ Outbound Web services allow Siebel applications to make requests of external applications. For

example, if the Siebel Server wanted to provide its clients the option of either searching

internally or searching the Internet, the Siebel Server would invoke an Outbound Web service

operation against a third-party search engine, incorporating the results in its own reply to the


Figure 1 displays Inbound and Outbound Web services.

Figure 1. Inbound and Outbound Web services

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Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Support for Siebel Web Services

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 15

Integration ObjectsIn the area of Web services, Integration Objects provide the primary means of structuring messages.

An Integration Object may be used to support both inbound and outbound Web services, their use

with Inbound Web services is more tightly bound to the Siebel Object Manager. An Integration Object

represents a subset of a Siebel Business Object. The ways in which the elements of the Integration

Object correspond to the elements of the Business Component are explained as follows:

■ Integration Components represent Business Components.

■ Integration Component Fields represent Business Component Fields.

■ Typically defines the structure of data being exchanged between a Siebel application and an

external application.

■ Internal Component Field names and WSDL element/attribute names can be different. In Siebel

Tools, In the ‘Integration Component Fields’ applet, the column ‘XML Tag’ governs the way the

field name will appear in the WSDL.

Figure 2 displays the correspondence between Siebel Objects and Integration objects.

Business ServicesBusiness Services allow you to deploy a reusable object that contains a predefined set of methods.

Additionally, deploying Business Services allows you to model your Web services within Siebel Tools.

Siebel Web services employ two types of Business Service:

■ CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) data services, of the type: UDS and ASI.

Figure 2. Integration Objects

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Support for Siebel Web Services


■ Functional Services (Custom Business Services and Workflow).

Figure 3 displays Business Services and their corresponding Web service entities.

Figure 3. Business Services

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Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Siebel Web Services Architecture

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 17

Siebel Web Services ArchitectureFigure 4 displays the basic architecture for Siebel Web services.

Process of Exposing a Siebel WebServiceThere are two major phases to the development of Siebel Web services. The Siebel Objects involved

(Workflows, Business Services and Integration Objects) must be configured at design time in Siebel

Tools. Then, those objects must be assembled into Web services using a Siebel Application. This topic

lists the steps you must perform to expose a Siebel Web service.

Determine Which Siebel Objects to Expose

When exposing a Siebel Web service, you must first use Siebel Tools to determine which Siebelobjects, such as Business Services, Workflows or Integration Objects, you want to expose.

Business Services and Workflows

Consider the following when exposing Business Services and Workflows:

Figure 4. Siebel Web services Architecture

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Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Process of Exposing a Siebel Web Service


■ Business Service methods and arguments correspond to Web service operations and messages.

Most Business Services with methods registered in Siebel Tools can be designated for

participation in a Web service.

■ A Workflow is one-to-one equivalent to a single Web service operation, and its Process Properties

are the arguments to that operation. Like most Business Services, most Workflows can be

designated for participation in a Web service.

Integration Objects

Consider the following when exposing Integration Objects:

■ Special use of Integration Object allows mapping of complex BusSvc and WorkFlow data

structures to XML Schema as required by Web services.

■ Act as boundary proxies for Business Objects & Business Components.

General Guidelines for Business Services, Workflows and Integration Objects

Consider the following general guidelines when exposing Siebel Objects:

■ In Siebel Tools make changes to Business Services, Workflows and Integration Objects to model

desired Web service interface.

■ Compile and deploy the objects (SRF) to be exposed.

Assemble the Services■ In the Siebel Application, the Web service Administration screens and views allow the creation

and configuration of all Web services at run time.

■ In Web service Administration screens and views, administrators may select the BusinessServices and associated methods that they wish to expose as Web services.

■ All Siebel objects must be design-time configured and deployed in the application SRF file before

they can be used in Web service Administration screens and views.

■ For a limited subset of Web services, a Siebel Tools design-time wizard is available to set up most

required configuration elements for UDS (UI Data Service) Web service exposure. These

elements must also be compiled in the SRF before they can be referenced in the Web service

Administration screens and views.

T o a ss em b l e a We b s e r v i c e in t h e W e b S er v i c e A dm i n i s t r a t i o n v i e w  

1 In the Siebel Mobile Web client, navigate to the Administration–Web Services screen.2 Select either Inbound Web Services or Outbound Web Services.

3 Click New to create a new Web service, or select a Web service in the Inbound or Outbound Web

Services list.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ About Siebel Web Service Modeling

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 19

4 In the Service Ports list applet, select a Business Service or Workflow to act as Web Service

invocation boundary object.

To combine the operations of several Business Services or Workflows into a single service, addthem to the Port for the Service.

5 In the Operations list applet, model WSDL by configuring methods belonging to the Business

Service(s) and/or Workflow(s) listed in the Service Port.

6 Click the Generate WSDL button in the Inbound or Outbound Web Services list applet.

About Siebel Web Service ModelingThis section includes the following topics:

■ Exposing a Business Service as a Web Service

■ Exposing a Workflow as a Web Service on page 20

Exposing a Business Service as a Web ServiceThe following statements can be applied to Business Services consumed as Web services:

■ Business Service Methods are Web service Operations.

■ Business Service Method Arguments are Web service methods.

You can expose Business Services through the following means:

■ Classify State Requirements on page 19

■ Register Public Methods in Siebel Tools on page 20

Classify State Requirements

■ Most Siebel Web service operations are classified as Stateless. In all of the Siebel Web service

implementations, so far only operations involving the Order Management Configurator have

required Stateful context management.

■ Stateful  means that Siebel Object Manager context must be maintained and correlated from

one Web service operation invocation to the next.

■ Stateless means that each Web service operation exists independently of any other.

■ If a Web service operation is classified as Stateful the application data needs to be retained by

the Siebel Server between method calls to determine whether the service could be made logically


■ If a Business Service is either Stateless and/or Server Managed, then it should be classified as

Server-managed. (removed invalid clause pointing to Siebel Tools) When a Web Service

operation is classified as Server Managed, the Business Service can participate in either a

Stateless or a Stateful Web Service exchange. When Stateless is chosen, a Business Service

cannot be enlisted at run time for participation in a Stateful exchange.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ About Siebel Web Service Modeling


■ Note that, at run time, the encoding of the SOAP header determines whether an operation is

Stateful, Stateless or Server Managed. For details, see the Siebel Bookshelf document Siebel Web

UI Dynamic Developer Kit. Although the document is specific to the UI Data Service, the

description of the SessionType SOAP header element is applicable across the board with SiebelWeb Services.

Register Public Methods in Siebel Tools

■ Specify the complete input and output arguments for each of these methods.

■ If any of the argument is a Property Set hierarchy, do the following:

■ Define the property set structure as an Integration Object in Tools.

■ Specify data type for this argument as Hierarchy and associate with Integration Objects

defined in this topic.

■ To specify whether an argument appears in the input operation and/or the output operation,

use the Business Service Method Args Type column. Choose Input, Input/Output, or Output

to direct the use of the argument in generating the WSDL.

■ Once the preceding configuration steps in Tools are complete, and the SRF has been compiled

and deployed, continue creating a Web service definition for this Business Service in the Siebel

Business Application.

■ In Administration–Web Services, configure the Business Service in Service Ports, create

service operation or operations in Operations and designate the BusService method as the

Siebel method to execute.

■ Create a new Service record or choose and existing Service in the Inbound Web Services

applet. The WSDL XML namespace should be entered here.

Create a record in Service Ports, choose the Business Service in the ‘Business Service/Business Process’ name column, set the Transport and URL, and select SOAP_DOC_LITERAL

in the ‘Binding’ column.

■ Create a service operation in Operations, set the WSDL operation name in the ‘Operation

Name’ column, and designate the Business Service method as the Siebel method to execute

in the ‘Method Display Name’ column. Operations are mapped in Operations applet.

NOTE: The Siebel Inbound Web Service Dispatcher is set up with a name resolution mechanism that

requires entries in the ‘Operation Name’ to be unique within a Siebel DB instance, which is

acknowledged to be burdensome. Generally, Siebel has resolved this uniqueness requirement by

combining the Service Name with the ‘Method Display Name.’

Exposing a Workflow as a Web ServiceThe following statements can be applied to Workflows consumed as Web services.

■ A Workflow corresponds to a single Web service Operation.

■ Workflow Process Properties are Web service messages. A Workflow PropertySet has no direct

external representation but can be mapped to an Integration Object.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ Using the Web Services Deployment Wizard

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 21

You can expose workflows as Web services in the following procedure.

NOTE: Workflows that are either Persistent or Interactive must be re-factored to work as Web


T o e x p o s e W o r k f l o w s a s a W e b s e r v i ce  

1 Identify Process Properties that are to be exposed and correctly mark them as follows:

■  ‘In’ if used as an input argument.

■  ‘Out’ if used as an output argument.

■  ‘In/Out’ if used as both input and output.

NOTE: The In, In/Out, and Out arg types are included in the interface definition.

2 If any Process Property is a Property Set hierarchy, complete the following steps:

a Define the property set structure as an Integration Object in tools.

b Specify data type for this Process Property as ‘Hierarchy’ and associate with Integration Object.

NOTE: This is important as you must expose a strongly-typed interface, including arguments.

3 In the Administration–Web Services view, do the following:

4 Create a new Service record or choose and existing Service in the Inbound Web Services applet.

The WSDL XML namespace should be entered here.

5 Create a record in Service Ports, choose the Workflow in the Business Service/Business Process

name column, set the Transport and URL, and select SOAP_DOC_LITERAL in the Binding column.

NOTE: To model a complete Web Service with more than one operation, several Service Ports

might be specified under a single Service. This is normal and expected.

6 Create a service operation in Operations, set the WSDL operation name in the ‘Operation Name’

column, and designate ‘RunProcess’ as the Siebel method to execute in the ‘Method Display

Name’ column.

NOTE: The observation about operation naming uniqueness noted in this topic applies here as well.

The Generally, Siebel has resolved this uniqueness requirement by combining the Service Name with

an abbreviation of the Workflow Process Name.

Using the Web Services Deployment

WizardAs a convenience, Siebel Tools has a few wizard-style tools to assist in the configuration of Business

Services, Workflows and Integration Objects into Web Services.

If you already have a Business Service configured and ready for use as a Web Service, right-click on

the Business Service and select ‘Deploy as Web Service…’ from the pop-up menu. You can perform

this task for Workflows by right-clicking on the desired Workflow Process record.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel CRM Web Services Overview ■ About Siebel Web Service Authentication and



If you have modeled an Integration Object and wish to use it for low-level data operations like

Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) and the use of the UDS (UI Data Service) service meets your

needs, then you can have a wizard build a Business Services based on the underlying UDS class

(CSSEAIUIDataService) and publish the resulting Business Service as a Web Service. From the SiebelTools File Menu, select File, New Object, EAI, and then Data Access Service.

NOTE: This wizard does not create ASI-based Services.

About Siebel Web ServiceAuthentication and PerformanceIn implementations where scalability is critical, a lightweight context management facility for

authentication is available and its use is recommended. With this facility, authentication is managed

using a combination of user credentials and a sessionID token:

■ When user credentials are presented in the SOAP header of a Web service request, formal

authentication is performed prior to the application execution of the Web service operation. If

the authentication succeeds, the operation proceeds and a special SessionID token are placed in

the SOAP header of the Web service reply.

■ Whenever the SessionID is included by the client in subsequent Web service requests, that

SessionID will be used to restore cached session information, thus bypassing the substantially

more expensive process of re-executing the authentication. Note that, when presented with both

the SessionID and a valid set of user credentials, an attempt will be made to use the SessionID

before resorting to the user credentials and re-authentication. As expected, the session that is

being tracked by the SessionID is subject to expiration and other security checks.

The facility is a distinct alternative to the basic authentication standard described by WS-Security.

Using the UserName token as provided in WS-Security, while fully supported as part of Siebel’s WS-I Basic Profile compliance, will not yield the same benefit as using the higher-performance session

optimization facility provided by the Siebel implementation.

For detailed information on authentication and security see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel

Enterprise Application Integration.

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3 Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services

This chapter includes detailed descriptions and information about Siebel 8.1 Web services. Web

services described include the following:

■ 8.1 Primary Web Services on page 25

■ 8.1 ABOWebService on page 29

■ 8.1 CatalogWebService on page 37

■ 8.1 Product Configurator Web Service on page 41

■ 8.1 PromotionWebService on page 56

■ 8.1 WebMarketing on page 62

■ Account on page 67

■ AssetManagementComplex on page 69

■ CMU Account Query on page 73

■ CMU Account Update on page 75

■ Contact on page 77

■ ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service on page 80

■ ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service on page 83

■ ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service on page 88

■ ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service on page 94

■ ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service on page 98

■ FS Asset Warranty Service on page 103

■ GetMktgWebSurvey on page 105

■ ISS Price List Item WS on page 107

■ LeadProcessingService on page 110

■ LeadService on page 115

■ List on page 120

■ ListMgmtProspect on page 123

■ LoyaltyAccrualService on page 125

■ LoyaltyBatchEnrollment on page 129

■ LoyaltyImportBusinessService on page 134

■ LoyaltyMemberService on page 135

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 


■ LoyaltyRedemptionService on page 150

■ LoyaltyVoucherService on page 164

■ MktgDeduplicationService on page 166

■ MktgImportService on page 171

■ OrderDetailWebService on page 173

■ PDSOrderHeader on page 175

■ PriceListsWS on page 176

■ ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer on page 178

■ Product Import on page 180

■ ProductSearchService on page 186

■ QuoteCheckOutWebService on page 189

■ QuoteDetailWebService on page 191

■ QuotingWebService on page 194

■ Response on page 196

■ RetrieveAttachmentService on page 199

■ searchSolution on page 201

■ SelfServiceAccount on page 204

■ SelfServiceAccountRootPath on page 211

■ SelfServiceAllAccountsList on page 214

■ SelfServiceContact on page 219

■ SelfServicePaymentHistory on page 225

■ SelfServicePostLoginProcess on page 227

■ SelfServiceRegistration on page 230

■ SelfServiceResponsibility on page 244

■ SelfServiceSmtpEmail on page 246

■ SelfServiceTemplateEmail on page 249

■ SelfServiceTimeZone on page 252

SelfServiceUser on page 254■ SelfServiceWebSite on page 258

■ ServiceRequest on page 260

■ SessionAccessWS on page 266

■ SWI Update Order Line Item on page 267

■ Ulnbox Contact Item on page 270

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■ Universal Inbox on page 273

■ UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer on page 275

■ WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS on page 278

8.1 Primary Web ServicesTable 2 lists the primary Web services available with Siebel 8.1. The Services are divided by

functional area.

Table 2. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type


ProductSearchService InboundRetrieveAttachmentService Inbound

Search Solution Inbound

MKTGDeduplicationService Inbound

WC_Picklist_Payment_Profile_BS Inbound

Universal Inbox Inbound

SiebelWebPasswdMgmtService Inbound

SiebelWebRegistrationService Inbound

SiebelWebRespMgmt Inbound

PDS Order Header Inbound

Ulnbox Contact Item Inbound

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 Primary Web Services



























SelfService User











Table 2. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Mktg Account Inbound

Contact Inbound

Lead Inbound

LeadProcessing Inbound

List Inbound

List Mgmt Prospect Inbound







Response Inbound




Loyalty LoyaltyAccrual Inbound
















Service Service Request Inbound

Table 2. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 Primary Web Services


OM OrderDetailWebService



8.1 Catalog Web Service




















8.1 ABO Web Service






8.1 Promotion Web Service





FS AssetManagementComplex



FS Asset Warranty



Comm CMU Account Query Inbound

Table 2. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 ABOWebService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 29

8.1 ABOWebServiceNOTE: This Web service is available only for implementations of version 8.1 of Siebel Business


Use this Web service to expose the following Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) functions: convert a quoteinto an order, submit an order to the back-end office, convert a completed order line item to an asset,

modify an asset, disconnect an asset, suspend, or resume an asset. This Web service works only with

an Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) enabled environment. A typical application that uses the Web service

is Siebel Communication.

CMU Account Update Inbound

SWI Update Order Line Item Inbound

Product Import



ISS Price List Item WS Inbound











































Table 2. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 ABOWebService


8.1 ABOWebService OperationsThe asset operations Modify, Disconnect, Suspend, or Resume create a new line item, based on the

account or contact profile. They have a similar input and output data schema. If AccountId is

provided, then it operates on the account profile. If AccountId is not provided it operates on the

contact profile.

Affix ToQuote in the Web service name means: if an active quote is provided, it will add the quote

item to the existing quote. If an active quote is not provided, it generates a new quote and adds the

quote item to the new quote.

Affix ToOrder in the Web service name means: if an active order is provided it adds the order item

to the existing order. If an active order is not provided, it generates a new order and adds the order

item into the new order.

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 3.

Request Message Description: AutoOrder

The following Web services “AutoOrder”, “SumitOrder”, “ModifyAssetToOrder”,

 “SuspendAssetToOrder”, “ResumeAssetToOrder” and “DisconnectAssetToOrder” have a common

output message format, “PDS Order”.

Table 3. 8.1 ABOWebService operations

Name Description

AutoOrder Converts a Quote to a Sales Order.

SubmitOrder Submits an Order.

AutoAsset Creates assets from the completed order line items

or updates a current asset.

ModifyAssetToQuote Modifies an asset (Service Item), and generates a

quote item to update the selected asset.

ModifyAssetToOrder Modifies an asset (Service Item), and generates an

order item to update the selected asset.

DisconnectAssetToQuote Disconnects an asset (Service Item) to generate aquote item to deactivate the selected asset.

DisconnectAssetToOrder Disconnects an asset (Service Item), and generates

an order item to deactivate the selected asset.

SuspendAssetToQuote Suspends an active asset (Service Item) to generate

a quote item to suspend the selected asset.

SuspendAssetToOrder Suspends an asset (Service Item) and generates an

order item to suspend the selected asset.

ResumeAssetToQuote Resumes a suspended asset (Service Item) to

generate a quote item to resume the selected asset.

ResumeAssetToOrder Resumes an asset (Service Item), and generates anorder item to resume the selected asset.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 31

ModifyAssetToOrder, SuspendAssetToOrder, ResumeAssetToOrder, DisconnectAssetToOrder have a

common request message format.

ModifyAssetToQuote, SuspendAssetToQuote, ResumeAssetToQuote and DisconnectAssetToQuotehave a common request message format, and a common response message format, PDS Quote.

For a description of this request message, see Table 4.

Response Message Description: AutoOrder

The Integration Object Message Format is PDS Order. For a description of this response message,

seeTable 5.

Request Message Description: SubmitOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 6.

Response Message Description: SubmitOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order, which has the same format as the AutoOrder

response message.

Table 4. Request Message: AutoOrder

Node Description

Object Id Required. RowId of the Quote to be converted to the Sale Order.

Table 5. Response Message: AutoOrder

Node Description

PDS Order Instance of Integration object PDS Order.

 Header Order Header.

 Line Item Order Line Items.

  XA Order Line Item attributes.

Table 6. Request Message: SubmitOrder

Node Description

OrderId Required. RowId of the order to be submitted.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 ABOWebService


Request Message Description: AutoAsset

For a description of this request message, see Table 7.

Response Message Description: AutoAsset

This Integration Object Message Format is PDS Asset. For a description of this response message,

seeTable 8.

Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

For a description of this request message, see Table 9

Table 7. Request Message; AutoAsset

Node Description

Object Id Required. RowId of the corresponding Order that contains the

Order Line Item to be converted or applied to an asset.

LineItemId Required. RowId of an Order Line Item to be converted or

applied to an asset.

Table 8. Response Message: AutoAsset

Node Description

PDS Asset Required. Integration Object.

 Header Asset Header.

 Line Item Asset

  XA Asset attributes

Table 9. Request Message: ModifyAssetToQuote

Node Description

AssetIntegrationId Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either

AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber .

AssetNumber Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either

AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber .

ActiveDocumentId Document in Order Management which refers to either a quote or

an order. Each Document can have multiple children (Quote Items

or Order Line Items). ActiveDocumentId refers to the current active

Document that the current process is working on. In this Webservice call, it is the Quote Id of the active Quote to which the

generated quote item has to be added. This is an optional input.

AccountId Account Id of the account that owns the selected asset (Service


ContactId Contact Id of the contact who owns the selected asset (Service

Item) to be modified.

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Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

The Integration Object Message Format is PDS Quote. For a description of this response message,

see Table 10.

Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 11

DueDate The due date of the generated line item.

PriceListId Specifies a Price List Id that is associated with the quote if a new

quote is requested to generate.

CompoundProductNumber Compound Product Number for the Asset Based Ordering (ABO)

network ordering. It is not required if network ordering is not used.

Table 10. Response Message; ModifyAssetToQuote

Node Description

PDS Quote Required. Integration Object.

 Header Quote Header.

 Line Item Quote Line Item.

  XA Quote Line Item attributes.

Table 11. Request Message: ModifyAssetToOrder

Node Description

AssetIntegrationId Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either AssetIntegrationId

or AssetNumber.

AssetNumber Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either AssetIntegrationId

or AssetNumber.

ActiveDocumentId Document in Order Management which refers to either a quote or an order.

Each Document can have multiple children (Quote Items or Order Line

Items). ActiveDocumentId refers to the current active Document that the

current process is working on. In this Web service call, it is the Quote Id of

the active Quote to which the generated quote item has to be added. This is

an optional input.

AccountId Account Id of the account that owns the selected asset (Service Item).

ContactId Contact Id of the contact who owns the selected asset (Service Item) to be


DueDate The due date of the generated line item.

Table 9. Request Message: ModifyAssetToQuote

Node Description

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 ABOWebService


Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order, which has the same format as the AutoOrder

response message.

Request Message Description: SuspendAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: SuspendAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: SuspendAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: SuspendAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order.

Request Message Description: ResumeAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: ResumeAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: ResumeAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: ResumeAssetToOrderIntegration Object Message Format: PDS Order.

Request Message Description: DisconnectAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

PriceListId Specifies a Price List Id associated with the quote if a new quote is requested.



Compound Product Number for ABO network ordering. It is required only if

network ordering is used.

Table 11. Request Message: ModifyAssetToOrder

Node Description

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 35

Response Message Description: DisconnectAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: DisconnectAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: DisconnectAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order.

8.1 ABOWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 12.

Table 12. 8.1 ABOWebService Application Interface

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if Business Service)

SISOMAutoOrderWebService Workflow Not applicable

SISOMSubmitWebService Workflow Not applicable

SISOMAutoAssetWebService Workflow Not applicable

SISOMModifyWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMModifyWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

SISOMSuspendWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMSuspendWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

SISOMResumeWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMResumeWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

SISOMDisconnectWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMDisconnectWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 ABOWebService


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 13.

Example Package for ABOWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (AutoOrder)

SSee the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AutoOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ModifyAssetToQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ModifyAssetToQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (AutoAsset)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AutoAsset)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 13. 8.1 ABOWebService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Quote PDS Quote

PDS Order PDS Order

PDS Asset PDS Asset

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 CatalogWebService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 37

Message Schema (WSDL) for ABOWebserviceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


8.1 CatalogWebServiceNOTE: This Web service is available only for implementations of version 8.1 of Siebel Business


Use this Web service to expose promotional offerings related to products, as well as related products

and categories.

8.1 CatalogWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 14.

Request Message Description: GetRelatedPromotions

For a description of this request message, see Table 15

Table 14. 8.1 CatalogWebService operations

Name Description

GetRelatedPromotions Retrieve a list of related promotion.

GetRelatedProducts Retrieve a l ist of related products.

GetCategory Retrieve a flat, non-hierarchical list of categories.

UDSPublishCatalog Publish a given catalog with category and products

with support of pagination and visibility.

Table 15. Request Message: GetRelatedPromotions

Name Description Type

PDS Related

Promotions Interface

An instance of Integration Object PDS Related

Promotions Interface.

Integration Object

PricingMode Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default

value is Y.


EligibilityMode 0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run;

2 run but only return eligible products). Optional.

The default value is 1.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 CatalogWebService


Response Message Description: GetRelatedPromotions

For a description of this response message, seeTable 16.

Request Message Description: GetRelatedProducts

For a description of this request message, see Table 17.

ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalConext. Optional. However,

you must provide ContextMode to run pricing and



Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog

Context. It either contains SiebelContext or

ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not

provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Integration Object

Table 16. Response Message: GetRelatedPromotions

Name Description Type

PDS Related

Promotions Interface

PDS Related Promotions Interface. After running

Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price,

Eligibility status and Eligibility Reason fields will

be updated.

Integration Object

Table 17. Request Message: GetRelatedProducts

Name Description Type

PDS Related

Products Interface

An instance of Integration Object PDS Related

Products Interface.

Integration Object

PricingMode Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default

value is Y.


EligibilityMode 0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run;

2 run but only return eligible products). Optional.

The default value is 1.


ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional.

However, provide ContextMode to run pricing and



Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog

Context. It either contains SiebelContext or

ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not

provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Integration Object

Table 15. Request Message: GetRelatedPromotions

Name Description Type

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 39

Response Message Description: GetRelatedProducts

For a description of this response message, seeTable 18.

Request Message Description: GetCategory

For a description of this request message, see Table 19.

Response Message Description: GetCategory

For a description of this response message, seeTable 20.

Request Message Description: UDSPublishCatalog

For a description of this request message, see Table 21.

Table 18. Response Message: GetRelatedProducts

Name Description Type

PDS Related

Products Interface

An instance of Integration Object PDS Related

Products Interface. After running Eligibility and

Pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility status and

Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Integration Object

Table 19. Request Message: GetCategory

Name Description Type

PDS Category Interface

Integration Object

An instance of Integration Object

PDS Category Interface.

Integration Object

Table 20. Response Message: GetCategory

Name Description Type

PDS Category InterfaceIntegration Object

An instance of Integration ObjectPDS Category Interface.

Integration Object

Table 21. Request Message: UDSPublishCatalog

Name Description Type

SiebelMessageIn An instance of Integration Object PDS UDS Publish

Catalog Interface. This is a required input.

Integration Object

PricingMode Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default

value is Y.


Eligibi lityMode 0, 1 ,2 (eligibil ity display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run;

2 run but only return eligible products). Optional.

The default value is 1.


ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalConext. Optional.

However, provide ContextMode to run pricing and



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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 CatalogWebService


Response Message Description: UDSPublishCatalogFor a description of this response message, seeTable 22.

8.1 CatalogWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on OracleTechnology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 23.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 24.

Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog

Context. It either contains SiebelContext or

ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not

provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Integration Object

LOVLanguageMode LIC or LDC. String

ViewMode Visibility algorithm used in addition to a search

specification to determine which records will be

retrieved. Catalog or Organization.


NamedSearchSpec Name of a predefined query. String

Table 22. Response Message: UDSPublishCatalog

Name Description Type

SiebelMessageOut An instance of Integration Object PDS

UDS Publish Catalog Interface.

Integration Object

Table 23. CatalogWebService Application Interface

Name Boundary Object Type Class

PDS Product Data Service BusService CSSProdDataSvc

Table 24. CatalogWebService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Related Promotions Interface PDS Related Promotions Interface

PDS Related Products Interface PDS Related Products Interface

Table 21. Request Message: UDSPublishCatalog

Name Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 Product Configurator Web Service

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 41

Example Package for Siebel 8.1 CatalogWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Siebel 8.1 CatalogWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


8.1 Product Configurator Web ServiceNOTE: This Web service is available only for implementations of version 8.1 of Siebel Business


The Web service enables queries on information contained within the product model, such as

relationships, attributes, linked items, resources, UI groups. The service also allows you to configure

a product, and perform multiple batch requests.

PDS Category Interface PDS Category Interface

PDS UDS Publish Catalog Interface PDS UDS Publish Catalog Interface

Table 24. CatalogWebService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 Product Configurator Web Service


8.1 Product Configurator Web Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 25.

Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectStructure

GetCfgObjectStructure has the same request and response message.

GetCfgObjectGroupItems has the same request and response message.

GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems request and response message is the same as

 “GetCfgObjectGroupItems”. The Object’s direct child properties are ignored as well those of

UIOption, Responsibilities, and Group. Only the GroupItem child is looked at and returned (others

are copied to the Response message). GroupItem behavior is similar to that of


For a description of this request message, see Table 26.

Table 25. 8.1 Product Configurator Web service operations

Name Description

GetCfgObjectStructure Get Product Relationships, Attributes, Linked Items and Resources.

GetCfgObjectGroupItems Get Product UI Definition, UI Group and Group Items.



Get Default Product Group Items (group items will be based off all

relationships, attributes, linked items and resources).

BeginConfiguration Enables Customization of products stored in Siebel DB. Initializes the

configurator session with a Quote Instance and product model.

UpdateConfiguration Executes operations on the Quote instance initialized in

BeginConfiguration.EndConfiguration Release server resources used during Begin/Update Configuration.

Table 26. Request Message: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

WebChannelObjStructure Required. This structure identified the objects that will be

queries as well the data that will be returned about the objects.

Object Required. One or more must be specified.

Name Required. Name of Object (product or class). Either Name or Id

is required.

Id Required. Id of Object (product or class). Either Name or Id isrequired.

ObjectType Required. Product or Class.

ParentClassId Class Id of the parent.

DisplayName Display Name.

Description Description.

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Attribute Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

Name Name of Attribute. If empty, all attributes are returned.

LocalType Local type.

InternalType Internal type.

OrigId Internal Id.

DisplayName Display name.

Hidden Hidden flag.

Required Required flag.

ReadOnly Read Only flag.

ValidationSpec Validation Specification.

UnitOfMeasure Unit of Measure.

Description Description.

AttributeDomain Zero or more.

LocalValue Local value.

InternalValue Internal value.

AttributeDomainDecoration Zero or more. Attribute Domain specific properties name value


Name Name of Attribute.

Value Value of attribute.

AttributeDefaultValue Default value of the attribute. Only one of the value types will

be populated depending on the type of the value.

DisplayValue Display value.

String String value.

Number Number value.

Integer Integer value.

Date Date value.Boolean Boolean value.

AttributeRejectedValue Rejected value of the attribute. Only one of the value types will

be populated depending on the type of the value.

DisplayValue Display value.

String String value.

Table 26. Request Message: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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Number Number value.

Integer Integer value.

Date Date value.

Boolean Boolean value.

AttributeDecoration Zero or more.

Name Attribute properties name.

Value Value pairs.

Relationship Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

Name Name of relationship. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship will be returned. If both are empty, all

relationships will be returned.

Id Id of relationship. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship will be returned. If both are empty, all

relationships will be returned.

DisplayName Display name.

ClassName Class name.

ClassId Class Id.

DefaultProductId Default product Id.

DefaultCardinality Default Cardinality.

MinimumCardinality Minimum Cardinality.

MaximumCardinality Maximum Cardinality.

RelationshipDomain Zero or more.

Name Name of product. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship domain will be returned. If both are

empty, all relationship domain products will be returned.

Id Id of product. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship domain will be returned. If both are

empty, all relationship domain products will be returned.DisplayName Display Name.

OrigId Orig Id.

Description Description.

RelationshipDomainDecoration Zero or more.

Name Relationship domain specific properties name.

Table 26. Request Message: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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Value Value pairs.

RelationshipDecoration Zero or more.

Name Relationship properties name

Value Value pairs.

LinkedItem Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

Name Name of Linked item.

Id Id of linked item. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular linked item will be returned. If both are empty, all

linked items will be returned.DisplayName Display name.

VariableName Variable Name.

SortSpec Sort specification.

SearchSpec Search specification.

NeedsExecution Needs execution flag for Business Component based query.

Expression Expression.

DefaultValue Default Value.

BusinessObject Business Object for Business Component based query.

BusinessComponent Business Component for Business Component based query.

FieldName Field name in BC.

Active Active flag.

LinkedItemDecoration Linked Item properties.

Name Name value.

Value Pairs.

Resource Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

Name Name of resource. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular resource will be returned. If both are empty, allresources will be returned.

Id Id of resource. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular resource will be returned. If both are empty, all

resources will be returned.

DisplayName Display name.

Table 26. Request Message: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectGroupItems/ GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

For a description of this request message, see Table 27.

ResourceDecoration Resource properties.

Name Name value.

Value Pairs.

ObjectDecoration Object properties.

Name Name value.

Value Pairs.

Table 27. Request Message: GetCfgObjectGroupItems/GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

Node Description

WebChannelObjGroupItems Required. This structure identified the objects that will be queries as

well the data that will be returned about the objects.

Object Required. One or more must be specified.

Name Required. Name of Object (product or class). Either Name or Id is


Id Required. Id of Object (product or class). Either Name or Id is


ObjectType Required. Product oR Class.

ParentClassId Class Id of the parent.

DisplayName Display Name.

Description Description.

UIOption Zero or more.

Name Name of UI Option. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular UI option will be returned. If both are empty, all UI options

will be returned.

Id Id of UI Option. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that particular

UI option will be returned. If both are empty, all UI options will be


Type Type.

DisplayName Display Name.

Sequence Sequence.

BaseTheme Base Theme.

Table 26. Request Message: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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ProductTheme Product theme.

Responsibility Zero or more.

Name Name of responsibility. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular responsibility will be returned. If both are empty, all

responsibilities will be returned.

Id Id of responsibility. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that

particular responsibility will be returned. If both are empty, all

responsibilities will be returned.

Group Zero or more.

Name Name of Group. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that particular

group will be returned. If both are empty, all groups will be returned.

Id Id of Group. If Name and, or Id is specified, only that particular

group will be returned. If both are empty, all groups will be returned.

DisplayName Display Name.

Sequence Sequence.

GroupTheme Group Theme.

Description Description.

GroupItem Zero or more.

Id Id of Group Item. If Id and, or Type is specified, only that particular

group item will be returned. If both are empty, all group items willbe returned.

Type Type of Group Item (Relationship, Attribute, LinkedItem, or

Resource). If Id and, or Type is specified, only that particular group

item will be returned. If both are empty, all group items will be


Sequence Sequence.

GroupItemTheme Group Item Theme.

Attribute Refer to Attribute child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request


Relationship Refer to Relationship child object of GetCfgObjectStructure RequestMessage.

LinkedItem Refer to LinkedItem child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request


Resource Refer to Resource child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request


GroupDecoration Group properties.

Table 27. Request Message: GetCfgObjectGroupItems/GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

Node Description

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Request Message Description: BeginConfiguration

For a description of this request message, see Table 28.

Name Name value.

Value Pairs.

Object Decoration Object properties name value pairs.

Table 28. Request Message: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

BeginConfiguration_Input Required.

InitInstanceOperation Required. The operation type for BeginConfiguration session.

LOAD. This will load the hierarchy object from the db. HeaderId and

RootId are required. IntegrationObjectName is needed to determine

which table to query and what the structure of the hierarchy is.

DEFAULT. This will load the hierarchy object from the db and create

new line item for a product with its default instance. HeaderId and

ProductId are required. IntegrationObjectName is needed to

determine which table to query and what the structure of the

hierarchy is.

SET. This will load the hierarchy object from the ListOfQuote

parameter (PDS Quote integration object). RootId is required todetermine the root line item to use in this session.

ADD. This will add a new line item to the hierarchy object from the

ListOfQuote parameter (PDS Quote integration object). ProductId is


HeaderId Required for InitInstanceOperation of LOAD / DEFAULT. Row Id of the


RootId Required for InitInstanceOperation of LOAD / SET. Row Id for the root

line item.

ProductId Required for InitInstanceOperation of DEFAULT / ADD. Product Id for

the root line item.

ListOfQuote Required for InitInstanceOperation of SET / ADD. Hierarchy object in

PDS Quote integration object format. See General C/OM Web

services for details on its structure.

ListOfData List of products, attributes, or relationships on which user requires

domain information (with exclusions) in CfgInteractData integration

object format.


Table 27. Request Message: GetCfgObjectGroupItems/GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

Node Description

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IntegrationId Integration Id of the line item. If IntegrationId specified, only this

line item and its sub line items are looked at. ProductId is optional.

If ProductId is also specified, it should match IntegrationId. If

IntegrationId & ProductId are not specified, the root line item is

looked at.

ProductId Product Id of the line item. If IntegrationId specified, only this line

item and its sub line items are looked at. ProductId is optional. If

ProductId is also specified, it should match IntegrationId. If

IntegrationId & ProductId are not specified, the root line item is

looked at.

Name Name of the product.

Quantity Quantity

RelationshipName Relationship Name. For sub line items, RelationshipName can be

specified to limit the search to a particular Relationship.

RootIntegrationId Integration Id of the Root line item.

PortId Relationship Id

ParentProductId Parent Product Id

ParentIntegrationId Parent Integration Id

CanDrilldown Can Drilldown Flag. Used to indicate whether the line item is a

Customizable product.

ListPrice List Price

NRCCxTotal Non-recurring Total Price - only set on the root line item

MRCCxTotal Recurring Total Price - only set on the root line item

CurrentPrice Current Price of the Item after all the discounts have been factored in

ExchangeDate Exchange Date of the pricing field values

CurrencyCode Currency Code of the pricing field values

HasGenericsFlag Has Generics Flag. Used to indicate whether the line item is


EligibilityStatus Eligibility Status

EligibilityReason Eligibility Reason

Explanation Explanation, if required.

ExplanationText Text of explanation.

Relationship Zero or more. List of Relationships on which information is required.

Table 28. Request Message: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

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Name Name of relationship to query for. If empty, all relationships are


Id Id. Always returned whether specified in Request or not.

HasGenericsFlag Has Generics Flag. Used to indicate whether the relationship is


Request Type Indicates the type of the Info that will be calculated for this

relationship. Possible values include:

■ SelectionInfo - Only current line items for this relationship will be


■ DomainInfo - Only the possible domain items for this relationship

will be outputted.

■ Any other values results in both of the above information being

calculated and outputted.

DomainItem Zero or more. Domain items of the relationship. Always returned

whether specified in Request or not.

Name Name of domain item

Id Id of domain item

ListPrice List Price

ExchangeDate Exchange Date of the pricing field values

CurrencyCode Currency Code of the pricing field values

PriceType Indicated the type of List Price: One-time or Recurring

CanDrilldown Can Drilldown flag. Used to indicate whether the line item is a

customizable product.

Excluded Excluded flag indicates the whether this domain item is excluded by

a Constraint, Eligibility & Compatibility rule, or Promotion.

Attribute Zero or more. List of attributes on which information is required.

Name Name of attribute to query for. If empty, all attributes are returned.

ValueType Type of attribute. Always returned whether specified in Request or


AttributeValue Zero or more. List of Attribute values. Always returned whether

specified in Request or not.

DisplayValue Display value.

StringValue Value displayed in a string.

IntegerValue Value displayed as integer.

Table 28. Request Message: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

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Response Message Description: Begin Configuration

GetCfgObjectStructure has the same request and response message. For more information, see

Table 28.

GetCfgObjectGroupItems and GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems have the same request and response

messages. See the response message description for Begin Configuration for details.

For a description of this response message, see Table 29.

NumberValue Value displayed as number.

BooleanValue Value displayed in Boolean format.

DateTimeValue Date and time value.

Selected Selected flag indicates whether this value is selected.

Excluded Excluded flag indicates whether this value is excluded by a

Constraint, Eligibility & Compatibility rule or Promotion.

Item Zero or more. Same recursive structure as that defined above.

ListOfLinkedItems Linked Items.

LinkedItems Linked Items.

LinkedItemValue One or more.

Name Name of linked item.

ValueType Type of value.

StatusText Details on the error if any

Confl ictResolution Proceed / Undo. This indicates whether a Procced or Undo was done

on the conflicts and also whether there were any other violations that

resulted in an Undo (like Promotion or Cardinality).

Messages Zero or one. List of messages.

MessageType Zero or more.

MessageSource Source of the messages (Eligibi lity, Promotion, Cardinality, Proceed

Actions and so on).

 Message Message text.

Table 29. Response Message Description: Begin Configuration

Node Description

BeginConfiguration_Output Required.

Error_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

Error_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

Table 28. Request Message: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

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Request Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

For a description of this request message, see Table 30.

RootId New item root Id.

 RootIntegrationId New item root Integration Id.

 ListOfQuote Quote instance if ReturnFullInstance input parameter was set to Y.

See BeginConfiguration Request Message for details.

 ListOfData The domain information about products / attributes / relationships as

well current selections for the attributes / relationships that was

requested in the Request Message. See the Request Message for

more details.

 ListOfStatus This indicates whether the request was successful or not and

contains messages to be displayed.

 Status Required

  StatusCode Success / Warning / Error. If StatusCode is 'Success', then

everything was ok. If it is 'Warning', then there were some conflicts

(messages are present in ListOfMessage) that were automically

resolved. If it is 'Error', then there were conflicts (messages are

present in ListOfMessage) that could not be resolved and further

requests to this session will not be honored.

Table 30. Request Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

UpdateConfiguration_Input Required.

ConflictAutoResolve Proceed or Undo. If set to Proceed, all conflicts are auto resolved. If

set to Undo, any conflict will result in an Undo of the entire batch.

FinishInstanceInFlag If set Y, FinishIt is called.

SaveInstanceInFlag If set Y, Instance is saved to db.

RepriceInstanceInFlag If set Y, reprice is called.

VerifyInstanceInFlag If set Y, verify instance is called.

ListOfData Same as ListOfData in BeginConfiguration Request Message.

ListOfRequest List of Requests that will be executed on the product instance.


Request Zero or more.

Type Type of request (AddItem, RemoveItem, SetItemQuantitty,

SetAttribute, ReplaceItem).

Table 29. Response Message Description: Begin Configuration

Node Description

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Response Message Description: UpdateConfigurationFor a description of this response message, see Table 31.

Item Zero or more requests.

AddProductId Add product Id for AddItem, ReplaceItem.

Quantity Quantity.

RelationshipId Relationship Id which contains the new product for AddItem,


IntegrationId Integration Id on which the operation will be performed.

Attribute Zero or more SetAttribute request details.

Name Name or attribute.


AttributeValue Zero or more.

DisplayValue New display value of attribute

String Value displayed in a string.

Number Value displayed as number.

Integer Value displayed as integer.

Date Date.

Boolean Value displayed in Boolean format.

Table 31. Response Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

UpdateConfiguration_Output Required.

Error_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

Error_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

FinishConfigurationOutFlag Y or N. Indicates whether Finish Configuration was performed. It

might not be performed if there were some errors.

RepriceOutFlag Y or N. Indicates whether Reprice was done. It might not beperformed if there were some errors.

SaveInstanceOutFlag Y or N. Indicates whether Save Instance was done. It might not be

performed if there were some conflicts.

VerifyOutFlag Y or N. Indicates whether Verify was done. It might not be

performed if there were some errors.

Table 30. Request Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

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Request Message Description: EndConfiguration

For a description of this request message, see Table 32

Response Message Description: EndConfiguration

For a description of this response message, see Table 33.

8.1 Product Configurator Web Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

ListOfData The domain information about products / attributes / relationships

as well current selections for the attributes / relationships that was

requested in the Request Message. For more details, see Table 30

on page 52.

ListOfStatus This indicates whether the request was successful or not and

contains messages to be displayed. For more information, see

Table 29 on page 51.

Table 32. Request Message Description: EndConfiguration

Node Description

EndConfiguration_Input Required

 SaveInstanceFlag Save instance flag

Table 33. Response Message Description: EndConfiguration

Node Description

EndConfiguration_Output Required.

Error_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

 Error_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

 ListOfQuote Quote instance. For more information, see

Table 28 on page 48.

Table 31. Response Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 34.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 35.


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 36.

Example Package for ProductConfiguratorTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (GetObjDefaultGroupItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:

Table 34. 8.1 Product Configurator Service Objects

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

Cfg Object Broker Business Service CSSCfgObjBrokerService

ConfiguratorWebChannelBeginConfig Workflow Not applicable

ConfiguratorWebChannelUpdateConfig Workflow Not applicable

ConfiguratorWebChannelEndConfig Workflow Not applicable

Table 35. 8.1 Product Configurator Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CfgInteractData ListOfData

CfgInteractRequest ListOfRequest

CfgInteractStatus ListOfStatus

CfgLinkedItems ListOfLinkedItems

PDS Quote ListOfQuote

Table 36. 8.1 Product Configurator Methods

Operation Method

GetCfgObjectStructure GetObjStructure

GetCfgObjectGroupItems GetObjGroupItems

GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems GetObjDefaultGroupItems

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 PromotionWebService



Response (GetObjDefaultGroupItems)See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetObjGroupItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetObjGroupItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetObjStructure)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetObjStructure)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ProductConfiguratorTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


8.1 PromotionWebServiceNOTE: This Web service is available only for implementations of version 8.1 of Siebel Business


Use this Web service to get product promotion information, apply product promotion, get promotion

commitment information and to upgrade a promotion.

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8.1 PromotionWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 37.

Request Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

For a description of this request message, see Table 38.

Table 37. 8.1 PromotionWebService Operations

Name Description

getProductPromotionDefinition Returns promotion detail information.

ApplyProductPromotion Add a promotion and all default components to a quote or order.

getPromotionCommitments Get promotion commitment information for a given promotion


UpgradePromotionToQuote Upgrade or migrate a promotion instance to another promotion

and generate a quote with the updated assets information.

UpgradePromotionToOrder Upgrade or migrate a promotion instance to another promotion

and generate an order with the updated assets information.

Table 38. Request Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

Name Description Type

 EligibilityMode Optional, default value as 2. Could be 0, 1, 2. Not applicable

 PricingMode Optional, default value as Y. Y or N. Not applicable

 LoadAllDomainFlag Required value of Y or N. Not applicable

 LoadDefaultDomainFlag Required value of Y or N. Not applicable

 LoadPromDefFlag Required value of Y or N. Not applicable

 ContextMode Required, Siebel Context  or External Context . Not applicable

 Context Required, in SiebelMessage format of IO 'PDS

Catalog Context.

Not applicable

 ProdPromRuleType Optional, Product  or Pricing. Not applicable

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Response Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

For a description of this response message, see Table 39.

Request Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

For a description of this request message, see Table 40.

Response Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

For a description of this response message, see Table 41.

Table 39. Response Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

Name Description Type

 ProdPromDefinition In SiebelMessage format of Integration Object ISS

Promotion Definition for WS.

Not applicable

 PromDomainProduct In SiebelMessage format of Integration Object PDS

Product Interface'. Could be either default domain

product details or all domain product details depending

on input arguments.

Not applicable

 Err_spcCode Error Code if error occurred. Not applicable

 Err_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred. Not applicable

Table 40. Request Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

Name Description Type

 EligibilityMode Optional, default value as '2'. Could be 0, 1, 2. Not applicable

 PricingMode Optional, default value as Y. Y or N. Not applicable

 ProdPromId Required. Not applicable

ProdPromInstanceId Optional, depending on usage scenarios. Not applicable LineItemId Optional, depending on usage scenarios. Not applicable

Quantity Optional. Default value is 1. Not applicable

 SiebelMessage Required, in SiebelMessage format of Integration

Object PDS Quote.

Not applicable

Table 41. Response Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

Name Description Type

SiebelMessage Required. In SiebelMessage format of the Integration Object

PDS Quote.

Not applicable

Err_spcCode Error Code if error occurred. Not applicable

Err_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred. Not applicable

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Request Message Description: getPromotionCommitments

For a description of this request message, see Table 42.

Response Message Description: getPromotionCommitments

For a description of this response message, see Table 43.

Request Message Description: UpgradePromotionToQuote

For a description of this request message, see Table 44.

Table 42. Request Message Description: getPromotionCommitments

Name Description Type

Asset Integration Id Required. Asset Integration Id of the

Promotion Instance Asset.


Table 43. Response Message Description: getPromotionCommitments

Name Description Type

PromotionCommitments An instance of the

Integration Object ISS

Promotion Commitments.

Integration Object

Table 44. Request Message Description: UpgradePromotionToQuote

Name Description Type

NewPromotionId Required. RowId of new promotion. String

AssetNumber Asset Number of the selected promotion asset. Provideeither AssetNumber or AssetIntegrationId.


AssetIntegrationId Asset Integration Id of the selected promotion asset. Provide

either AssetNumber or AssetIntegrationId.


ActiveDocumentId Document in Order Management means a Quote or an Order.

Each Document can have multiple children (Quote Items or

Order Line Items). ActiveDocumentId means the current

active Document that the current process is working on. In

this Web service call, it is the Quote Id of the active Quote

to which the generated quote item has to be added. This is

an optional input.


AccountId Account Id of the account that owns the selected promotionasset being upgraded.


OverridePenaltyAmount Penalty Amount for upgrading the promotion, if any. String

OverrideProratePlanId If there is a penalty for upgrading the promotion, also pass

in the prorate plan used to prorate this penalty, if any.


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Response Message Description: UpgradePromotionToQuote

For a description of this response message, see Table 45.

Request Message Description: UpgradePromotionToOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 46.

Response Message Description: UpgradePromotionToOrder

For a description of this response message, see Table 47.

Table 45. Response Message Description: UpgradePromotionToQuote

Name Description Type

QuoteIO An instance of the integration object PDS Quote. Integration Object

Table 46. Request Message Description: UpgradePromotionToOrder

Name Description Type

NewPromotionId Required. RowId of new promotion. String

AssetNumber Asset Number of the selected promotion asset. Provide

either AssetNumber or AssetIntegrationId.


AssetIntegrationId Asset Integration Id of the selected promotion asset.

Provide either AssetNumber or AssetIntegrationId.


ActiveDocumentId Document in Order Management means a Quote or an

Order. Each Document can have multiple children (Quote

Items or Order Line Items). ActiveDocumentId means the

current active Document that the current process is

working on. In this Web service call, it is the Order Id of the

active Order to which the generated order item has to be

added. This is an optional input.


AccountId Account Id of the account that owns the selected promotion

asset being upgraded.


OverridePenaltyAmount Penalty amount for upgrading the promotion, if any. String

OverrideProratePlanId If there is a penalty for upgrading the promotion, also pass

in the prorate plan used to prorate this penalty, if any.


Table 47. Response Message Description: UpgradePromotionToOrder

Name Description Type

OrderIO An instance of the integration object PDS Order. Integration Object

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8.1 PromotionWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 48.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 49.

Example Package for 8.1 PromotionWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 48. 8.1 PromotionWebService Service Objects

Name Boundary Object Type

ISS Promotion WS - GetPromotionCommitments Workflow

ISS Promotion WS-Upgrade Promotion-Quote Workflow

ISS Promotion WS-Upgrade Promotion-Order Workflow

Table 49. 8.1 PromotionWebService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

ISS Promotion Commitments ISS Promotion Commitments

PDS Quote PDS Quote

PDS Order PDS Order

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 WebMarketing


Message Schema (WSDL) for 8.1 PromotionWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


8.1 WebMarketingNOTE: This Web service is available only for implementations of version 8.1 of Siebel Business


Following four new operations have been added to this Web service in Siebel Marketing 8.1. For more

information on previous operations, see “WebMarketing” on page 397.

8.1 WebMarketing OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 50.

Request Message Description: EmailMarketingForwardToFriend

Calls Email Marketing - Forward to Friend to forward the emails. For a description of this request

message, see Table 51.

Table 50. 8.1 WebMarketing Operations

Name Description

EmailMarketingForwardToFriend To forward campaign details to a list of forwardees.

EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus Use to update the job status of the task submitted for sending


UpdateCampaignRecipient Updates the info of a campaign recipient.

CheckModuleLicense To check if a particular module is licensed.

Table 51. Request Message Description: EmailMarketingForwardToFriend

Node Description Type

Account Id Account Id of the forwarder of the email. String

Campaign Id The campaign Id of the campaign for which the

info is being forwarded.


Forwardee Collection List of forwardees. Integration Object

Forwarder Camp Con Id Campaign contact Id of the forwarder. String

Forwarder Contact Id Contact Id of the forwarder. String

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Response Message Description: EmailMarketingForwardToFriend

For a description of this response message, see Table 52.

Request Message Description: EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus

This operation is called by Boldfish when a createMailing job is done. It updates the status in the

marketing system task table. For a description of this request message, see Table 53.

Response Message Description: EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus

For a description of this response message, see Table 54.

Forwarder Message Message that the forwarder sends across along

with the mails.


Forwarder Prospect Id The prospect Id of the forwarder. String

Offer Id Id of the offer for which the email is being sent. String

Response Type The type of response. String

Table 52. Response Message Description: EmailMarketingForwardToFriend

Node Description Type

Dummy Error code for the process (OK or NOTOK). String

Table 53. Request Message Description: EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus

Node Description Type

BatchNumber Batch number of the job. String

ErrorCode Error code (if any) that needs to be passed for the job. String

OfferId The current offer. String

OfferName The name of the offer. String

TaskId Task Id. String

WaveId The campaign wave Id. String

Table 54. Response Message Description: EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus

Node Description Type

Dummy Error code for the process (OK or NOTOK). String

Table 51. Request Message Description: EmailMarketingForwardToFriend

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 WebMarketing


Request Message Description: UpdateCampaignRecipient

Calls EAI Siebel Adapter service to update campaign recipients. For a description of this request

message, see Table 55.

Response Message Description: UpdateCampaignRecipient

For a description of this response message, see Table 56.

Request Message Description: CheckModuleLicense

Calls Mktg List Export Service service to check module license and returns Y or N according as the

output is ok or notok respectively. For a description of this request message, see Table 57.

Response Message Description: CheckModuleLicense

For a description of this response message, see Table 58.

8.1 WebMarketing Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 55. Request Message Description: UpdateCampaignRecipient

Node Description Type

CampaignRecipientMsgIn The campaign recipient info that

needs to be updated.

Integration Object

LOVLanguageMode The language mode. String

Table 56. Response Message Description: UpdateCampaignRecipient

Node Description Type

CampaignRecipientMsgOut The updated campaign recipient info. Integration Object

Table 57. Request Message Description: CheckModuleLicense

Node Description Type

ModuleName The module name which needs to be checked. String

Table 58. Response Message Description: CheckModuleLicense

Node Description Type

IsModuleLicensed Y or N according as the module is licensed or

not respectively.


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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 59.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 60.

Example Package for 8.1 WebMarketingTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (EmailMarketingForwardToFriend)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Response (EmailMarketingForwardToFriend)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Table 59. 8.1 WebMarketing Service Objects

Name Boundary Object Type Class

Email Marketing - Forward to Friend Workflow Not applicable.

Email Marketing - Update Status Workflow Not applicable.

Mktg System Task Service Business Service CSSSystemTaskService

Server Requests Business Service CSSSrmService

EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service CSSEAISiebelAdapterService

Mktg List Export Service Business Service CSSListExportService

Table 60. 8.1 WebMarketing Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Marketing Email Forwardee Forwardee Collection

Marketing Campaign Recipient CampaignRecipientMsgIn

Marketing Campaign Recipient CampaignRecipientMsgOut

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ 8.1 WebMarketing


Request (EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Response (EmailMarketingUpdateJobStatus)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Request (UpdateCampaignRecipient)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Response (UpdateCampaignRecipient)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Request (CheckModuleLicense)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Response (CheckModuleLicense)

To view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:


Message Schema (WSDL) for 8.1 WebMarketingTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for SiebelCRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Account

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 67

AccountUse this Web service for the basic Siebel Marketing operations such as creating and updating


Account OperationsThere are two operations associated with this Web service which allow you to create and update

accounts in Marketing. For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 61

Request Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

For a description of this request message, see Table 62.

Response Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

For a description of this response message, see Table 63.

Table 61. Account Operations

Name Description

AccountCreateAccount Creates an account.

AccountUpdateAccount Updates an existing account.

Table 62. Request Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

Node Description Type

Account IO Required. An instance of the integration object

Account Integration Object. Account is the Parent

header and Account_BusinessAddress is the child.

Integration Object

Table 63. Response Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

Node Description Type

Account Id The new Account Id generated as a result of the new

account creation.


Error Message Error message if any. String

Success Flag Flag to indicate success or failure of the operation. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Account


Request Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

For a description of this request message, see Table 64.

Response Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

For a description of this response message, see Table 65.

Account Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 66

Example Package for AccountTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (AccountCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 64. Request Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

Node Description Type

Account IO Required. An instance of the integration object

Account Integration Object. Account is the Parent

header and Account_BusinessAddress is the child.

Integration Object

Table 65. Response Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message if any. String

Success Flag Flag to indicate success or failure of the operation. String

Table 66. Account Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Account IO Account IO

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ AssetManagementComplex

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 69

Response (AccountCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (AccountUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AccountUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Account

To view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


AssetManagementComplexTo display the detail of a promotion, CP, or bundle asset, i.e., display the related products for a

promotion, the child items for a CP or bundle asset.

AssetManagementComplex OperationsThe following operations are used for the AssetManagementComplex Web service.

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 67.

Request Message Description: AssetManagementComplexQueryPage

Asset ManagementComplex web service is called to query for the details of a promotion, CP, or

bundle asset. Displays the related products for promotion, child items for a CP or bundle asset.

Table 67. AssetManagementComplex Operations

Name Description

AssetManagementComplexQueryPageQuoteAddItems It fetches the details of promotion,CP or bundle asset.

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For a description of this request message, see Table 68.

Table 68. Request Message Description: AssetManagementComplexQueryPage

Node Description Type

AssetManagementComplex IO Required Integration Object

AssetDescription List Price String

AssetNumber Adjusted Value String

BillingAccount Billing Account String

BillingAccountId Billing Account ID String

InstallDate Install Date String

IntegrationId Integration ID String

OwnerContactId Owner Contact ID String

ProductDescription Product Description String

ProductId Product ID String

ProductName Product Name String

ProductPartNumber Product Number String

SerialNumber Serial Number String

ServiceAccount Service Account String

ServiceAccountId Service Account ID String

Status Status String

NRCCxTotal String

MRCCxTotal String

Id ID String

AdjustedListPrice Adjusted List Price String

AssetCurrencyCode Asset Currency Code String

AssetDescription Asset Description String

AssetId Asset ID String

AssetNumber Asset Number String

Comments Comments String

InstallDate Install Date String

IntegrationId Integration ID String

Name Asset Name String

ParentAssetId Parent Asset ID String

PriceType Price Type String

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Response Message Description: AssetManagementComplexQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 69.

ProdPromId Product Prom ID String

ProductDefTypeCode Product Def Type Code String

ProductId Product ID String

ProductName Product Name String

ProductPartNumber Product Part Number String

ProductType Product Type String

Quantity2 Quantity String

RootAssetId Root Asset ID String

UnitofMeasure Unit of Measure StringDataType Asset Data Type String

Description Asset Description String

DisplayName Asset Display Name String

Value Asset Value String

Table 69. Response Message Description: AssetManagementComplexQueryPage

Node Description Type

AssetDescription Asset Description String

AssetNumber Asset Number String

BillingAccount Billing Account String

BillingAccountId Billing Account ID String

InstallDate Install Date String

IntegrationId Integration ID String

OwnerContactId Owner contact ID String

ProductDescription Product Description String

ProdPromId Product Prom ID String

ProductDefTypeCode Product Code String

ProductId Product ID String

ProductName Product Name String

ProductPartNumber Product Part Number String

Table 68. Request Message Description: AssetManagementComplexQueryPage

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ AssetManagementComplex


AssetManagementComplex Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 70.

ProductType Product Number String

PriceType Price Type String

SerialNumber Service Number String

ServiceAccount Service Account String

ServiceAccountId Service Account ID String

Status Status String

Id ID String

AdjustedListPrice Asjusted List Price String

AssetCurrencyCode Asset Currency Code StringComments Comments String

Name Asset Name String

ParentAssetId Parent Asset ID String

Quantity2 Quantity String

RootAssetId Root Asset ID String

UnitofMeasure Unit of Measure String

DataType Asset Data Type String

Description Asset Description String

DisplayName Asset Display Name String

Value Asset Value String

Table 70. AssetManagementComplext Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

Asset Management -


Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 69. Response Message Description: AssetManagementComplexQueryPage

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ CMU Account Query

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 73

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 71.

Example Package for AssetManagementComplexTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:


ResponseSee the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for AssetManagementComplexTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


CMU Account QueryUse this Web service to find an account detail in the Siebel CRM application. A business service is

exposed in the Siebel CRM application so that the middle layer can query for the account detail in

the CRM application and synchronize this detail with the billing application.

The account detail that this Web service finds includes details about the contacts, addresses, and

billing profiles that are associated with the account. This detail includes only those fields that the

billing application needs to synchronize data.

Table 71. AssetManagementComplext Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SiebelMessage SiebelMessage

SiebelMessageIn SiebelMessage

SiebelMessageOut SiebelMessageOut

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ CMU Account Query


The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

CMU Account Query OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 72.

Request Message Description: CMU Account Query Page

For a description of this request message, see Table 73.

CMU Account Query Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 74.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 75.

Table 72. CMU Account Query Operations

 Name Description

CMU Account Query Page Finds the account detail based on the account ID and

the billing profile ID.

Table 73. Request Message Description: CMU Account Query Page

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

Table 74. CMU Account Query Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

CMU Account Query Service Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 75. CMU Account Query Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Query Account Io CMU - Account

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ CMU Account Update

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 75


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 76.

Example Package for CMU Account QueryTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for CMU Account QueryTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


CMU Account UpdateUse this Web service to update the status of an account in the Siebel CRM application when the status

of the account changes in the billing application. The billing application makes this inbound Web

service call to the Siebel CRM application to update the status of the account. A business service is

exposed in the Siebel CRM application to update the status field.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

Table 76. CMU Account Query Methods

Operation Method

CMU Account QueryPage [BS: CMU Account Query Service].QueryPage

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ CMU Account Update


CMU Account Update OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 77.

Request Message Description: CMU Account Update

For a description of this request message, see Table 78.

CMU Account Update Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 79.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 80.

Table 77. CMU Account Update Operations

Name Description

CMU Account


Updates the status of an account in the Siebel CRM application when the

status of the account changes in the billing application.

Table 78. Request Message Description: CMU Account Update

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountStatus The status of the account that was updated in the billing application.

Table 79. CMU Account Update Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

CMU Account Update Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 80. CMU Account Update Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Update Account Io Account

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Contact

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 77


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 81.

Example Package for CMU Account UpdateTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema for Account UpdateTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ContactUse this Web service for the basic operations of Siebel Marketing such as to create and update


Table 81. CMU Account Update Methods

Operation Method

CMU Account Update [BS: CMU Account Update].Update

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Contact OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 82.

Request Message Description: ContactCreateContact

For a description of this request message, see Table 83.

Response Message Description: ContactCreateContact

For a description of this response message, see Table 84.

Request Message Description: ContactUpdateContact

For a description of this request message, see Table 85.

Table 82. contact Operations

Name Description

ContactCreateContact Creates a contact.

ContactUpdateContact Updates an existing contact.

Table 83. Request Message Description: ContactCreateContact

Node Description TypeContact IO Required. An instance of the integration object

Contact IO. Contact  is the Parent header and

Contact_BusinessAddress is the child.

Integration Object

Table 84. Response Message Description: ContactCreateContact

Node Description Type

Contact Id The new Contact Id generated as a result of the new

contact creation.


Error Message Error Message if any. String

Success Flag Flag to indicate success or failure of the operation. String

Table 85. Request Message Description: ContactUpdateContact

Node Description Type

Contact IO Required. An instance of the integration objectContact IO. Contact  is the Parent header and

Contact_BusinessAddress is the child.

Integration Object

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Contact

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 79

Response Message Description: ContactUpdateContact

For a description of this response message, see Table 86.

Contact Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 87.

Example Package for ContactTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link forSiebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ContactCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ContactCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ContactUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 86. Response Message Description: ContactUpdateContact

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message if any. String

Success Flag Flag to indicate success or failure of the operation. String

Table 87. Contact Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Contact IO Contact IO

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service


Response (ContactUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ContactTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceUse this Web service to retrieve information about the balance summary, balance groups, and

balance details for a billing profile. This Web service retrieves the information from the billing


ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 88.

Request Message Description: QueryBalanceSummary

For a description of this request message, see Table 89.

Table 88. ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service Operations

Name Description

QueryBalanceSummary Retrieves the balance summary information for a billing profile.

QueryBalanceDetails Retrieves the balance group and balance detail information for a billing


Table 89. Request Message Description: QueryBalanceSummary

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 81

Response Message Description: QueryBalanceSummary

For a description of this response message, see Table 90.

Request Message Description: QueryBalanceDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 91.

Response Message Description: QueryBalanceDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 92.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

Table 90. Response Message Description: QueryBalanceSummary

Node Description

CmuBalanceSummaryVbc The attributes of the balance summary.

Table 91. Request Message Description: QueryBalanceDetails

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

Table 92. Response Message Description: QueryBalanceDetails

Node Description

CmuBalanceGroupVbc The attributes of the balance group.

CmuBalanceVbc The attributes of the balances for the balance group.

CmuBalanceDetailsVbc The attributes of the balance details for the balance.

CmuBalanceGroupServicesVbc The attributes of the service charges for the balance group.

Table 89. Request Message Description: QueryBalanceSummary

Node Description

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service


ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 93.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 94.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 95.

Example Package for ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 93. ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 94. ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Request Billing Profile IO Account

CMU Response Balance Group IO Account

Table 95. ESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_Service Methods

Operation Method

QueryBalanceSummary [BS:AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS].QueryBalanceSummary

QueryBalanceDetails [BS:AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS].QueryBalanceDetails

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 83


See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) forESB_AccountBalanceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_ServiceUse this Web service to adjust the bills, item charges, events, and resource balances in a billing

profile. Also, use this Web service to retrieve adjustment information for a billing profile.

ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 96.

Table 96. ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service Operations

Name Description

Create Adjustment Creates an adjustment for a bill, item charge, event, and resource balancein a billing profile.

QueryAdjustment Retrieves the adjustments for a bill in a billing profile.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service


Request Message Description: CreateAdjustment (Bill Adjustment)

The following request and response message information applies to an adjustment for a bill. For a

description of this request message, see Table 97.

Response Message Description: CreateAdjustment (Bill Adjustment)

For a description of this response message, see Table 98.

Table 97. Request Message Description: CreateAdjustment

Node Description

The following nodes apply to the FsInvoiceAdjustment node:

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

AdjustmentID The row ID of the adjustment record.

AdjustmentLevelType The adjustment level (for example, Bill).

ApprovedDate The date the adjustment is approved.

ReasonForRequest The reason for the adjustment.

TaxType The type of tax for the adjustment (for example, Include Tax or Exclude


Status The status of the adjustment. By default, the status is Open.

IntegrationId The ID of the bill for the adjustment in the billing application.

DecisionDescription Comments that the user enters about the adjustment.

ApprovedAmt The approved amount for the adjustment. If this node is included, the

ApprovedPercentage node is excluded.

ApprovedPercentage The approved percentage for the adjustment. If this node is included,

the ApprovedAmt node is excluded.

Table 98. Response Message Description: CreateAdjustment

Node Description

FsInvoiceAdjustment The attributes of the adjustment in the header for the bill

in the billing profile.

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Request Message Description: Create Adjustment (Item Charge, Event, Resource Balance)

The following request and response message information applies to an adjustment for an item

charge, event, and resource balance. For a description of this request message, see Table 99.

Table 99. Request Message Description: Create Adjustment

Node Description

The following nodes apply to the FsInvoiceAdjustment node:

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

AdjustmentID The row ID of the adjustment record.

AdjustmentLevelType The adjustment level (for example, Item Charge, Event Details, and

Resource Impact).

ApprovedDate The date the adjustment is approved.

The following nodes apply to the SiaInvoiceAdjustmentExternalItems node:

ReasonForRequest The reason for the adjustment.

TaxType The type of tax for the adjustment (for example, Include Tax or

Exclude Tax).

Status The status of the adjustment. By default, the status is Open.

IntegrationId The ID of the bill for the adjustment in the billing application.

ApprovedDescription Comments that the user enters about the adjustment.

ResourceType The type of resource for the adjustment (for example, Currency or

Non Currency).ApprovedCurrencyCode The currency code for the adjustment (for example, USD).

ApprovedAmt The approved amount for the adjustment. If this node is included, the

ApprovedPercentage and ApprovedValue nodes are excluded.

ApprovedPercentage The approved percentage for the adjustment. If this node is included,

the ApprovedAmt and ApprovedValue nodes are excluded.

ApprovedValue The approved value for the adjustment. If this node is included, the

ApprovedAmt and ApprovedPercentage nodes are excluded. This

node applies only to a resource balance adjustment.

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Response Message Description: Create Adjustment (Item Charge, Event, Resource Balance)

For a description of this response message, see Table 100.

Request Message Description: QueryAdjustment

For a description of this request message, see Table 101.

Response Message Description: QueryAdjustment

For a description of this response message, see Table 102.

ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 100. Response Message Description: Create Adjustment

Node Description

FsInvoiceAdjustment The attributes of the adjustment in the header for the bill

in the billing profile.

SiaInvoiceAdjustmentExternalItems The attributes of the adjustment for the item charge,

event, and resource balance in the billing profile.

Table 101. Request Message Description: QueryAdjustment

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

BillPOID The ID of the bill.

Table 102. Response Message Description: QueryAdjustment

Node Description

CmuBilledUsageArItemsVbc The attributes of the adjustments for the bill in the billing profile.

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 103.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 104.


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 105.

Example Package for ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 103. ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 104. ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Request Adjustment IO Account

CMU Response Adjustment IO Account

CMU Request Billed Usage IO Account

CMU Response Billed Usage AR Items IO Account

Table 105. ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Service Methods

Operation Method

CreateAdjustment [BS:AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS].CreateAdjustment

QueryAdjustment [BS:AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS].QueryAdjustment

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Message Schema (WSDL) for ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceUse this Web service to retrieve bill, usage, event, and resource balance information for bills in a

billing profile. This Web service retrieves the information from the billing application.

Operations for ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 106.

Table 106. Operations for ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service

Operation Name Description

QueryInvoiceList Retrieves the bills for a billing profile.

QueryInvoice Retrieves the detail for a bill.

QueryEventDetails Retrieves the billed event (for example, phone call) detail for an

item charge.

SearchEventDetails Finds the billed event detail based on data in the From Amount,

To Amount, Start Date, and End Date fields.

QueryResourceBalance Retrieves the non-currency resource balance detail for a billed


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Request Message Description: QueryInvoiceList

For a description of this request message, see Table 107.

Response Message Description: QueryInvoiceList

For a description of this response message, see Table 108

Request Message Description: QueryInvoice

For a description of this request message, see Table 109

Table 107. Request Message Description: QueryInvoiceList

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

Table 108. Response Message Description: QueryInvoiceList

Node Description

CmuInvoiceVbc The attributes of the header for the bills.

Table 109. Request Message Description: QueryInvoice

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

BillPOID The ID of the bill.

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Response Message Description: QueryInvoice

For a description of this response message, see Table 110.

Request Message Description: QueryEventDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 111.

Response Message Description: QueryEventDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 112.

Table 110. Response Message Description: QueryInvoice

Node Description

CmuBilledUsageServiceChargesVbc The attributes of the billed service charges.

CmuBilledUsageItemChargesVbc The attributes of the billed item charges.

Table 111. Request Message Description: QueryEventDetails

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

BillPOID The ID of the bill.

ItemChargeId The ID of the item charge.

Table 112. Response Message Description: QueryEventDetails

Node Description

CmuCdrDetailsVbc The attributes of the billed events.

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Request Message Description: SearchEventDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 113.

Response Message Description: SearchEventDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 114.

Request Message Description: QueryResourceBalance

For a description of this request message, see Table 115.

Table 113. Request Message Description: SearchEventDetails

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

BillPOID The ID of the bill.

ItemChargeId The ID of the item charge.

StartDate The starting date of the event.

EndDate The ending date of the event.

FromAmount The minimum amount of the event.

ToAmount The maximum amount of the event.

Table 114. Response Message Description: SearchEventDetails

Node Description

CmuCdrDetailsVbc The attributes for the billed events.

Table 115. Request Message Description: QueryResourceBalance

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

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Response Message Description: QueryResourceBalance

For a description of this response message, see Table 116.

ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 117.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 118.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

BillPOID The ID of the bill.

ItemChargeId The ID of the item charge.

EventId The ID of the event.

Table 116. Response Message Description: QueryResourceBalance

Node DescriptionCmuCdrBalanceDetailsVbc The attributes of the non-currency resource balances for the billed


Table 117. ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

InvoiceSiebelReqABCS Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 118. ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Request Billing Profile IO Account

CMU Response Billing Invoice IO Account

CMU Request Billed Usage IO Account

CMU Response Billed Usage IO Account

CMU Request CDR Details IO Account

Table 115. Request Message Description: QueryResourceBalance

Node Description

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For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 119.

Example Package for ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link forSiebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:


ResponseSee the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:

CMU Response CDR Details IO Account

CMU Request CDR Details Search IO Account

CMU Request CDR Balance Details IO Account

CMU Response CDR Balance Details IO Account

Table 119. ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service Methods

Operation Method

QueryInvoiceList [BS:InvoiceSiebelReqABCS].QueryInvoiceList

QueryInvoice [BS:InvoiceSiebelReqABCS].QueryInvoice

QueryEventDetails [BS:InvoiceSiebelReqABCS].QueryEventDetails

SearchEventDetails [BS:InvoiceSiebelReqABCS].SearchEventDetails

QueryResourceBalance [BS:InvoiceSiebelReqABCS].QueryResouceBalance

Table 118. ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Service Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

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ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_ServiceUse this Web service to pay the bills in a billing profile. This Web service transfers payments that

users create to the billing application, and the billing application processes these payments. Also,

use this Web service to retrieve payment information for the bills in a billing profile. This Web service

retrieves the payment information from the billing application.

ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 120.

Request Message Description: CreatePaymentFor a description of this request message, see Table 121.

Response Message Description: CreatePayment

For a description of this response message, see Table 122.

Table 120. ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service Operations

Operation Name Description

CreatePayment Creates a payment for a billing profile.

CreateInvoicePayment Creates a payment for a bill in a billing profile.

QueryPayment Retrieves the payments for a billing profile.

QueryInvoicePayment Retrieves the payments for a bill in a billing profile.

SearchPayment Finds the payment detail for a billing profile based on

data in the Minimum Amount, Maximum Amount, Start

Date, and End Date fields.

Table 121. Request Message Description: CreatePayment

Node Description

CmuCaptureNewPaymentVbc The attributes of the payment for the billing profile which include

the payment method and the payment method details.

Table 122. Response Message Description: CreatePayment

Node Description

CmuCaptureNewPaymentVbc The attributes of the payment for the billing profile which include

the confirmation number from the billing application after the

application successfully processes the billing profile payment.

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Request Message Description: CreateInvoicePayment

For a description of this request message, see Table 123.

Response Message Description: CreateInvoicePayment

For a description of this response message, see Table 124.

Request Message Description: QueryPayment

For a description of this request message, see Table 125.

Response Message Description: QueryPayment

For a description of this response message, see Table 126.

Table 123. Request Message Description: CreateInvoicePayment

Node Description

CmuCaptureNewPaymentInvoiceVbc The attributes of the payment for the bill which include the

payment method and the payment method details.

Table 124. Response Message Description: CreateInvoicePayment

Node Description

CmuCaptureNewPaymentInvoiceVbc The attributes of the payment for the bill which include the

confirmation number from the billing application after the

application successfully processes the bill payment.

Table 125. Request Message Description: QueryPayment

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

Table 126. Response Message Description: QueryPayment

Node Description

CmuBillingProfilePaymentsVbc The attributes of the payments for the billing profile.

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Request Message Description: QueryInvoicePayment

For a description of this request message, see Table 127.

Response Message Description: QueryInvoicePayment

For a description of this response message, see Table 128.

Request Message Description: SearchPaymentFor a description of this request message, see Table 129.

Table 127. Request Message Description: QueryInvoicePayment

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

BillPOID The ID of the bill.

Table 128. Response Message Description: QueryInvoicePayment

Node Description

CmuBilledUsagePaymentsVbc The attributes of the payments for the bill.

Table 129. Request Message Description: SearchPayment

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

StartDate The starting date of the payment.

EndDate The ending date of the payment.

MinimumAmount The minimum amount of the payment.

MaximumAmount The maximum amount of the payment.

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Response Message Description: SearchPayment

For a description of this response message, see Table 130.

ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 131.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 132.

Table 130. Response Message Description: SearchPayment

Node Description

CmuBillingProfilePaymentsVbc The attributes of the payments for the billing profile.

Table 131. ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

PaymentReceiptSiebelABCS Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 132. ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Request New Payment Capture IO Account

CMU Response New Payments IO Account

CMU Request Billing Profile IO Account

CMU Response Billing Profile Payments IO Account

CMU Request New Payment Capture Invoice IO Account

CMU Response New Payment Invoice IO Account

CMU Request Billed Usage IO Account

CMU Response Billed Usage Payments IO Account

CMU Request Billing Profile Payments Search IO Account

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For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 133.

Example Package for ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:


ResponseSee the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_ServiceUse this Web service to retrieve usage, event, and resource balance information that is not yet billed

for a billing profile. This Web service retrieves the information from the billing application.

Table 133. ESB_PaymentSiebelReqABCS_Service Methods

Operation Method

CreatePayment [BS: PaymentReceiptSiebelABCS].CreatePayment

CreateInvoicePayment [BS: PaymentReceiptSiebelABCS].CreateInvoicePayment

QueryPayment [BS: PaymentReceiptSiebelABCS].QueryPayment

QueryInvoicePayment [BS: PaymentReceiptSiebelABCS].QueryInvoicePayment

SearchPayment [BS: PaymentReceiptSiebelABCS].SearchPayment

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ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 134.

Request Message Description: QueryUnbilledUsage

For a description of this request message, see Table 135.

Response Message Description: QueryUnbilledUsage

For a description of this response message, see Table 136.

Table 134. ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service Operations

Operation Name Description

QueryUnbilledUsage Retrieves unbilled usage detail for a billing profile.

QueryEventDetails Retrieves unbilled event (for example, phone call) detail for an item


SearchEventDetails Finds the unbilled event detail based on data in the From Amount, To

Amount, Start Date, and End Data fields.

QueryResourceDetails Retrieves the non-currency resource balance detail for an unbilled


Table 135. Request Message Description: QueryUnbilledUsage

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

Table 136. Response Message Description: QueryUnbilledUsage

Node Description

CmuUnbilledUsageVbc The attributes of the unbilled service charges.

CmuUnbilledItemChargesVbc The attributes of the unbilled item charges

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Request Message Description: QueryEventDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 137.

Response Message Description: QueryEventDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 138.

Request Message Description: SearchEventDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 139.

Table 137. Request Message Description: QueryEventDetails

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

UnbilledUsageServiceId The ID of the unbilled service charge.

UnbilledItemChargesId The ID of the unbil led item charge.

Table 138. Response Message Description: QueryEventDetails

Node Description

CmuUnbilledItemChargesDetailsVbc The attributes of the unbilled events.

Table 139. Request Message Description: SearchEventDetails

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external


CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

UnbilledUsageServiceId The ID of the unbilled service charge.

UnbilledItemChargesId The ID of the unbilled item charge.

StartDate The starting date of the event.

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Response Message Description: SearchEventDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 140.

Request Message Description: QueryResouceBalance

For a description of this request message, see Table 141.

Response Message Description: QueryResouceBalance

For a description of this response message, see Table 142.

EndDate The ending date of the event.

FromAmount The minimum amount of the event.

ToAmount The maximum amount of the event.

Table 140. Response Message Description: SearchEventDetails

Node Description

CmuUnbilledItemChargesDetailsVbc The attributes of the unbilled events.

Table 141. Request Message Description: QueryResouceBalance

Node Description

AccountId The ID of the account for the billing profile.

AccountName The name of the account for the billing profile.

MaximumNumberOfRecords The maximum number of records to retrieve from the external

system.CurrencyCode The currency code of the account for the billing profile.

BillingProfileName The name of the billing profile for the account.

BillingProfileId The ID of the billing profile for the account.

UnbilledUsageServiceId The ID of the unbilled service charge.

UnbilledItemChargesId The ID of the unbilled item charge.

UnbilledEventDetailsId The ID of the unbil led event.

Table 142. Response Message Description: QueryResouceBalance

Node Description

CmuUnbilledBalanceDetailsVbc The attributes of the non-currency resource balances for an

unbilled event.

Table 139. Request Message Description: SearchEventDetails

Node Description

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ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 143.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 144.


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 145.

Table 143. ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 144. ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Request Billing Profile IO Account

CMU Response Unbilled Usage IO Account

CMU Request Unbilled Details IO Account

CMU Response Unbilled Details IO Account

CMU Request Unbilled Details Search IO Account

CMU Request Unbilled Balance Details IO Account

CMU Response Unbilled Balance Details IO Account

Table 145. ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_Service Methods

Operation Method

QueryUnbilledUsage [BS:UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS].QueryUnbilledUsage

QueryEventDetails [BS:Unbil ledUsageSiebelReqABCS].QueryEventDetailsSearchEventDetails [BS:UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS].SearchEventDetails

QueryResourceBalance [BS:UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS].QueryBalanceSummary

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ FS Asset Warranty Service

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Example Package for ESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) forESB_UnbilledUsageSiebelReqABCS_ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


FS Asset Warranty ServiceUse this Web service to create asset warranties and to retrieve asset warranty information.

FS Asset Warranty Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 146.

Table 146. FS Asset Warranty Service Operations

Name Description

CreateAssetWarranty Adds the input warranty to the source asset.

GetAssetWarranty Used to retrieve all the warranties for a specified asset's

product and then add them to the asset if not already

done so.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ FS Asset Warranty Service


Request Message Description: CreateAssetWarranty

Adds a specific warranty to an asset. If that warranty has already been added to the asset record,

then the service will update the service date. For a description of this request message, see

Table 147.

Response Message Description: CreateAssetWarranty

For a description of this response message, see Table 148.

Request Message Description: GetAssetWarranty

This operation will add all the warranty information associated with an asset. The date depends onthe start data type of each warranty. If some of the warranties are already attached to the asset, the

operation adds the other potenital warranties, but leaves the existing warranties untouched.

CAUTION: This operation does not return an error message if the user provides the wrong value for

Asset Id.

For a description of this request message, see Table 149.

Response Message Description: GetAssetWarranty

This Web service has no response message.

Table 147. Request Message Description: CreateAssetWarranty

Node Description Type

Asset Id Row Id of asset. String

Warranty Id Row Id of the warranty. String

Serviced Date Date from which warranty will start



Table 148. Response Message Description: CreateAssetWarranty

Node Description Type

StatusMsg (Optional). Will give error message in the

case of incompatibility of inputs. If there

is no imcompatibility, there will be no



Table 149. Request Message Description: GetAssetWarranty

Node Description Type

Asset Id Row Id of asset. String

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ GetMktgWebSurvey


GetMktgWebSurvey OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 151.

Request Message Description: GetMktgWebSurveyQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 152.

Response Message Description: GetMktgWebSurveyQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 153.

GetMktgWebSurvey Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information onapplication implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 151. GetMktgWebSurvey Operations

Name Description

GetMktgWebSurveyQueryPage This operation is used to query up a Survey Page.

Table 152. Request Message Description: GetMktgWebSurveyQueryPage

Node Description Type

ExecutionMode The mode in which the query is to be



LOVLanguageMode The language mode from the seeded list. String

NamedSearchSpec Search Specification of the query. String

PickListName Name of the picklist (if any). String

SiebelMessageIn An instance of the GetMktgWebSurvey

Integration Object.



ViewMode The View Mode set for the Object

(Admin, Preserve, and so on).


Table 153. Response Message Description: GetMktgWebSurveyQueryPage

Node Description Type

SiebelMessageOut An instance of the “GetMktgWebSurvey”

Integration Object.

Integration Object

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ISS Price List Item WS

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 107

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 154.

Example Package for GetMktgWebSurveyTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for GetMktgWebSurveyTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


ISS Price List Item WSUse this Web service to add, update, and delete items in a price list in the Siebel CRM application.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

Table 154. GetMktgWebSurvey Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Import Job Integration Object Import Job Integration Object.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ISS Price List Item WS


ISS Price List Item WS OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 155.

Request Message Description: Price List Item InsertOrUpdate

For a description of this request message, see Table 156.

Request Message Description: Price List Item Insert

For a description of this request message, see Table 157.

Request Message Description: Price List Item Update

For a description of this request message, see Table 158.

Table 155. ISS Price List Item WS Operations

Name Description

Price List Item


Adds an item to a price list that does not already contain that item,

and updates an item in a price list that already contains that item.

Price List Item Insert Adds an item to a price list.

Price List Item Update Updates an item in a price list.

Price List Item Delete Deletes an item from a price list.

Table 156. Request Message Description: Price List Item InsertOrUpdate

Node Description

Price List Id The ID of the price list. This node is used only to insert.

Product Id The ID of the product to add to the price list. This node is used only to insert.

Price List Item Id The ID of the price list item to update to the price list. This node is used only

to update.

Table 157. Request Message Description: Price List Item Insert

Node Description

Price List Id The ID of the price list.

Product Id The ID of the product to add to the price list.

Table 158. Request Message Description: Price List Item Update

Node Description

Price List Item Id The ID of the price list item to update in the price list.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ISS Price List Item WS

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Request Message Description: Price List Item Delete

For a description of this request message, see Table 159.

ISS Price List Item WS Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 160.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 161.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 162.

Table 159. Request Message Description: Price List Item Delete

Node Description

Price List Item Id The ID of the price list item to delete from the price list.

Table 160. ISS Price List Item WS Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

ISS Price List Item WS Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 161. ISS Price List Item WS Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

ISS Price List Item Integration Object Admin Price List

Table 162. ISS Price List Item WS Methods

Operation Method

Price List Item InsertOrUpdate [BS: ISS Price List Item WS].InsertOrUpdate

Price List Item Insert [BS: ISS Price List Item WS].Insert

Price List Item Update [BS: ISS Price List Item WS].Update

Price List Item Delete [BS: ISS Price List Item WS].Delete

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadProcessingService


Example Package for ISS Price List Item WSTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ISS Price List Item WSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file..

See the following file to view the message schema:


LeadProcessingServiceThis service contains the basic operations for processing leads, including assigning, querying, scoring

and data cleansing.

Lead Processing Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 163.

Table 163. Lead Processing Service Operations

Name Description

LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads Used to assign leads to sales representatives.

LeadProcessingServiceDataCleansing Used for data cleansing of marketing data.

LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads Queries for leads.

LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads Scores leads based on defined characterstics.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadProcessingService

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Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads

This method is used to assign leads. It accepts the input parameters in a property set. For a

description of this request message, see Table 164.

Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads

For a description of this response message, see Table 165.

Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceDataCleansing

This method calls the Data Cleansing business service to cleanup a property set. For a description of

this request message, see Table 166

Table 164. Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads

Node Description Type

Execution Order Required. Parameter to be passed to the Business Rules



Search Specification Required. The input search criteria to search on the Lead

Business Component.


Table 165. Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads

Node Description Type

Error Message OK or NOTOK based on errors. String

Process Instance Id This is the Business Rules Workflow process Id. String

Success Flag Yes OR No based on success. String

Table 166. Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceDataCleansing

Node Description Type

Business Component Required. Business Component to be passed to Data cleansing



Business Object Required. Business Object from which the business component

instance is obtained.


Search Specification Required. Search specification to querry the BC and get the

values in activated Fields.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadProcessingService


Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceDataCleansing

For a description of this request message, see Table 167.

Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads

This method is used to get leads based on the input criteria. For a description of this request

message, see Table 168.

Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads

For a description of this response message, see Table 169.

Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads

This method is used to score leads. It accepts the input parameters in a property set. For a

description of this request message, see Table 170.

Table 167. Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceDataCleansing

Node Description Type

Error Message OK or NOTOK based on errors. String

Success Flag Yes OR No based on success. String

Table 168. Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads

Node Description Type

Search Specification Required. The input search criteria to

search on Lead Business Component.


Table 169. Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads

Node Description Type

SiebelMessage Required. Has Lead Id and description of

the leads.



Table 170. Request Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads

Node Description Type

 Execution Order Required. Parameter to be passed to

Business Rules Workflow.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadProcessingService

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Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads

For a description of this response message, see Table 171.

LeadProcessingService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 172.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 173.

Example Package for Lead Processing ServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 171. Response Message Description: LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads

Node Description Type

Error Message OK or NOTOK based on errors. String

Process Instance Id This is the Business Rules Workflow process Id. String

Success Flag Yes OR No based on success. String

Table 172. LeadProcessingService Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

Business Rules Workflow WorkFlow

Data Cleansing Busiiness Service

Table 173. LeadProcessingService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Lead Integration Object Lead

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadProcessingService


Response (LeadProcessingServiceAssignLeads)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadProcessingServiceDataCleansing)

See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LeadProcessingServiceGetLeads)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LeadProcessingServiceScoreLeads)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Lead Processing ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for SiebelCRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 115

LeadServiceUse this Web serviceto perform basic operations on the Lead entity, such create, update, convert,

retire and reject leads.

LeadService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 174.

Request Message Description: LeadServiceRetireLead

This method is used to assign leads. It accepts the input parameters in a property set. For a

description of this request message, see Table 175.

Response Message Description: LeadServiceRetireLead

For a description of this response message, see Table 176.

Table 174. LeadService Operations

Name Description

LeadServiceRetireLead Retires a lead.

LeadServiceCreateLead Creates a lead.

LeadServiceRejectLead Rejects a lead.LeadServiceResponseToLead Converts response to leads.

LeadServiceConvertLeadToOpty Converts lead to an opportunity.

LeadServiceUpdateLead Updates a lead.

Table 175. Request Message Description: LeadServiceRetireLead

Node Description Type

LeadId Required.The Id of the lead to be retired. String

ReasonCode Required The reason code for retiring the lead. String

Comments Comments for retiring (if any). String

Table 176. Response Message Description: LeadServiceRetireLead

Node Description Type

ReturnVal Error code (OK or NOTOK). String

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadService


Request Message Description: LeadServiceCreateLead

For a description of this request message, see Table 177.

Response Message Description: LeadServiceCreateLead

For a description of this response message, see Table 178.

Request Message Description: LeadServiceRejectLead

This method is used to reject a lead. The lead Id is retained, along with a reject comments code, a

reject reason code. Optionally an owner Id can be passed to whom the lead will be assigned. For a

description of this request message, see Table 179.

Response Message Description: LeadServiceRejectLead

For a description of this response message, see Table 180.

Table 177. Request Message Description: LeadServiceCreateLead

Node Description Type

Lead IO Required.An instance of the Integration Object Lead IO. Integration Object

Table 178. Response Message Description: LeadServiceCreateLead

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message (if any). String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Lead Id Id of the lead generated as a result of the lead creation. String

Table 179. Request Message Description: LeadServiceRejectLead

Node Description Type

LeadId Required. The Id of the lead to be rejected. String

OwnerId Optional. String

ReasonCode Reason code for rejecting the lead. String

Comments Comments (if any). String

Table 180. Response Message Description: LeadServiceRejectLead

Node Description Type

ReturnVal Error message(OK or NOTOK). String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadService

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Request Message Description: LeadServiceResponseToLead

For a description of this request message, see Table 181.

Response Message Description: LeadServiceResponseToLead

For a description of this response message, see Table 182.

Request Message Description: LeadServiceConvertLeadToOpty

For a description of this request message, see Table 183.

Response Message Description: LeadServiceConvertLeadToOpty

For a description of this response message, see Table 184.

Request Message Description: LeadServiceUpdateLead

This method is used to update leads. It accepts input parameters in a property set. For a description of

Table 181. Request Message Description: LeadServiceResponseToLead

Node Description Type

Response Id Required.The Id of the response to be converted to lead. String

Table 182. Response Message Description: LeadServiceResponseToLead

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message (if any). String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Lead Id The Id of the lead created from the response. String

Table 183. Request Message Description: LeadServiceConvertLeadToOpty

Node Description Type

LeadId Required . The Id of the lead to be converted. String

Contact Id The contact Id of the lead. String

Account Id The account Id of the lead. String

Table 184. Response Message Description: LeadServiceConvertLeadToOpty

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message (if any). String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Opty Id The Id of the opportunity created. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadService


this request message, see Table 185.

Response Message Description: LeadServiceUpdateLead

For a description of this response message, see Table 186.

LeadService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 187.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 188.

Example Package for LeadServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 185. Request Message Description: LeadServiceUpdateLead

Node Description Type

Lead IO Required. An instance of the integration object Lead IO. Integration Object

Table 186. Response Message Description: LeadServiceUpdateLead

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message (if any). String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Table 187. LeadService Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

Response To Lead Conversion Workflow

Lead To Opty Conversion Workflow

Table 188. LeadService Data object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Lead IO Lead

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LeadService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 119

Request (LeadServiceRetireLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LeadServiceRetireLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadServiceCreateLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LeadServiceCreateLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadServiceRejectLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadServiceResponseToLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LeadServiceResponseToLead)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LeadServiceConvertLeadToOpty)

See the following file to view the sample code:


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ List

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Request Message Description: ListCreateList

This method is used to create a list. It accepts the input parameters as a property set. For a

description of this request message, see Table 190.

Response Message Description: ListCreateList

For a description of this response message, see Table 191.

Request Message Description: ListExportList

This method is used to export lists. It accepts the input parameters as a property set. For a

description of this request message, see Table 192.

List Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on OracleTechnology Network.

Table 190. Request Message Description: ListCreateList

Node Description Type

List IO Required. An instance of the integration object List IO. Integration Object

Table 191. Response Message Description: ListCreateList

Node Description Type

List Id List Id of the list created. String

Error Message Error message if any. String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Table 192. Request Message Description: ListExportList

Node Description Type

Business Component The Business Component whose records need to be exported. String

Business Object The Business Object containing the Business Component. String

Export Format The format (xml or CSV) based on which the filename(s) are

to be created.


Search Specification The search specification for the records on the bc (if the

records satisfying a condition are only to be picked).


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ List


Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 193.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 194.

Example Package for ListTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ListCreateList)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ListCreateList)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ListExportList)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ListTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 193. List Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

EAI XML Write to File Business Service

Table 194. List Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

List IO List IO

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ListMgmtProspect

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 123

ListMgmtProspectUse this Web service for the basic operations of Marketing such as to create and update prospect.

ListMgmtProspect Operations

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 195.

Request Message Description: ListMgmtProspectCreateProspect

This method takes in an Integration Object called Prospect IO and returns the Prospect Id and

Success Flag. For a description of this request message, see Table 196.

Response Message Description: ListMgmtProspectCreateProspect

For a description of this response message, see Table 197.

Request Message Description: ListMgmtProspectUpdateProspect

This method updates a prospect. For a description of this request message, see Table 198.

Table 195. ListMgmtProspect Operations

Name Description

ListMgmtProspectCreateProspect Creates a Prospect.

ListMgmtProspectUpdateProspect Updates a Prospect.

Table 196. Request Message Description: ListMgmtProspectCreateProspect

Node Description Type

Prospect IO Required input parameter. Integration Object

Table 197. Response Message Description: ListMgmtProspectCreateProspect

Node Description Type

Prospect Id Unique Id of the prospect created. String

Error Message Error message, if any. String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Table 198. Request Message Description: ListMgmtProspectUpdateProspect

Node Description Type

Prospect IO Required input parameter. Integration Object

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ListMgmtProspect


Response Message Description: ListMgmtProspectUpdateProspect

For a description of this response message, see Table 199.

Example Package for ListMgmtProspectTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ListMgmtProspectCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ListMgmtProspectCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code::


Request (ListMgmtProspectUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ListMgmtProspectUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ListMgmtProspectTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 199. Response Message Description: ListMgmtProspectUpdateProspect

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message, if any. String

Success Flag Y or N. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyAccrualService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 125

LoyaltyAccrualServiceUse this Web service with the Siebel Loyalty Application to perform operations on orders, including

processing, importing from an external file, importing transactions, and exporting promotions.

LoyaltyAccrualService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 200.

Request Message Description: ProcessExternalOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 201.

Response Message Description: ProcessExternalOrder

For a description of this response message, see Table 202.

Request Message Description: ImportExternalOrderTxn

For a description of this request message, see Table 203.

Table 200. LoyaltyAccrualService Operations

Name Description

ProcessExternalOrder Process all the transactions with the given order number.

ImportExternalOrderTxn Imports the transactions from external file, stamp the given order

number to them and process all the transactions.

ProcessExternalOrderTxn Imports the transactions from given input, stamp the given order

number to them and process all the transactions. The Request Mode

can be either Process or Simulate.

ExportPromotions Exports the Promotion of given Program.

Table 201. Request Message Description: ProcessExternalOrder

Node Description Type

Order Number – Number The number of transactions this order

number will be processed.


Table 202. Response Message Description: ProcessExternalOrder

Node Description Type

Total Points Total Number of Points for a given order. Number

Table 203. Request Message Description: ImportExternalOrderTxn

Node Description Type

File Name File name that contains the transactions. String.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyAccrualService


Response Message Description: ImportExternalOrderTxn

For a description of this response message, see Table 204.

Request Message Description: ProcessExternalOrderTxn

Imports the transactions from given input, stamp the given order number to them and process all

the transactions. The Request Mode can be either Process or Simulate. For a description of this

request message, see Table 205.

Response Message Description: ProcessExternalOrderTxn

For a description of this response message, see Table 206.

Request Message Description: ExportPromotions

Exports the promotion of given program. For a description of this request message, see Table 207.

Table 204. Response Message Description: ImportExternalOrderTxn

Node Description Type

Total Points Total Number of Points for a given order. Number

Siebel Message Siebel Message of Transactions. Hierarchy

Table 205. Request Message Description: ProcessExternalOrderTxn

Node Description Type

Order Number Order Number to be stamped to the saved



Total Lines Total number of transactions in the Input. Number

Request Mode Can be “Process” or “Simulate”. String

LOY EAI Transactions Transactions in Integration Object Format. Integration Object

Table 206. Response Message Description: ProcessExternalOrderTxn

Node Description Type

Total Points – Number Total Number of Points for the given order. Number

Return Value – String Failure or Success. String

Siebel Message – Hierarchy Siebel Message of Transactions. Hierarchy

Table 207. Request Message Description: ExportPromotions

Node Description Type

Activity Date Date should be between the start and end date of

the promotion.


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Response Message Description: ExportPromtions

For a description of this response message, see Table 208.

Example of Package for LoyaltyAccrualServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on the Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link

for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Then extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ProcessExternalOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ProcessExternalOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ImportExternalOrderTxn)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ImportExternalOrderTxn)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ImportExternalOrderTxn—if Request Mode is Simulate)

See the following file to view the sample code:

Export Flag Export Flag can be “Y” or “N”. String

Program Name Program Name of which the user want to export the



Table 208. Response Message Description: ExportPromtions

Node Description Type

Siebel Message All the Promotions in LOY EAI Promotion

Integration Object Format.

Integration Object.

Table 207. Request Message Description: ExportPromotions

Node Description Type

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Response(ImportExternalOrderTxn—if Request Mode is Simulate)See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ProcessExternalOrderTxn)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ProcessExternalOrderTxn)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ExportPromotions)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ExportPromotions)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for LoyaltyAccrualServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

WSDL (ProcessExternalOrder)


WSDL (ImportExternalOrderTxn)…\LoyaltyAccrualService\ImportExternalOrderTxn.wsdl

WSDL (ProcessExternalOrderTxn)


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyBatchEnrollment

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WSDL (ExportPromotions)


LoyaltyBatchEnrollmentUse this Web service with the Siebel Loyalty Application to perform the following operations for a


■ Enrolling a member into the selected Loyalty Program

■ Updating member data

■ Enrollment Payment processing for the selected member

■ Generating specified number of pre-allotted memberships into the selected Loyalty Program.

LoyaltyBatchEnrollment OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 209.

Table 209. LoyaltyBatchEnrollment Operations

Name Description

MemberEnrollment Enrolls a member into the specified loyalty program and

returns the generated Member number, along with the

Simulated prices for enrollment, if any. In case of any error, it

sends across the member data along with the error message or


If the Enrollment entails a payment, this Web service methodenrolls the member into ‘Payment Pending’ status. If there is

no Payment required, then the member directly goes into the

 ‘ Active’ status.

MemberUpdate Used to update the member details.

If the membership status is ‘Pre-Allotted ’ thn this Web service

updates the member details and returns the list of simulated

prices if there is payment involved for the membership scheme

(Membership Plan is optional for pre-allotted members) along

with the list of error messages occurred during the member


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyBatchEnrollment


Request Message Description: MemberEnrollment

For a description of this request message, see Table 210.

EnrollmentPaymentProcessing Used to process the enrollment payment for the selected

member, who is in the ‘Payment Pending’ Status.

If the payment processing is successful then the member

status becomes ‘ Active’, otherwise the status will remain in

 ‘Payment Pending’.

This Web service returns the list of error messages occurred

during the payment processing.

GeneratePreallottedMemberships Used to generate the specified number of membership

numbers for the given Loyalty Program. The status of all these


Table 210. Request Message Description: MemberEnrollment

Node Description Type



Hierarchy of the Member details. Uses the Integration

Object ‘LOY Member’ 

Required Input:

■ Action Type must be Enrollment.

■ Program Id.

■ Membership Scheme Id.

■ Member Type.

■ Contact Details.

■ Account/Household details based on the member type.


(Integration Object :

LOY Member).

Table 209. LoyaltyBatchEnrollment Operations

Name Description

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Response Message Description: MemberEnrollment

For a description of this response message, see Table 211.

Request Message Description: MemberUpdateFor a description of this request message, see Table 212.

Response Message Description: MemberUpdate

For a description of this response message, see Table 213.

Table 211. Response Message Description: MemberEnrollment

Node Description Type



Hierarchy of the Member details. If there is any error in the

processing of the member details, then the property set

returns the entire member details along with the error


 If the member is created successfully and payment is

involved for the membership scheme, then the property set

contains the enrolment simulated price lists.


(Integration Object :

LOY Member).

Table 212. Request Message Description: MemberUpdate

Node Description Type



Hierarchy of the Member details. Uses the Integration Object

LOY Member.

Required Input:

■ Action type must be ‘Update’.

■ Member Number.


(Integration Object :

LOY Member)

Table 213. Response Message Description: MemberUpdate

Node Description Type



Hierarchy of the Member details. If there is any error in the processing

of the member details, then the property set returns the entire member

details along with the error messages.

If the member is is in ‘pre-allotted’ status and the supplied membership

scheme has payment, then the property set contains the enrolmentsimulated price lists.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyBatchEnrollment


Request Message Description: EnrolmentPaymentProcessing

For a description of this request message, see Table 214.

Response Message Description: EnrolmentPaymentProcessing

For a description of this response message, see Table 215.

Table 214. Request Message Description: EnrolmentPaymentProcessing

Node Description Type

Member Number Member number. String

Credit Card Number Credit card number. String

Card Holder Name Name of the credit card holder. String

Credit Card Type Credit Card Type such as Visa, MasterCard, and so on. String

Expiration Month Expiration Month of the credit card. String

Expiration Year Expiration year of the credit card. String

CVV Number CVV number of the credit card. String

Billing Address Primary billing address of the member. String

Billing Address2 Secondary billing address of the member. String

Billing City Billing address city. String

Billing State Billing address state. String

Billing Country Billing address country. String

Billing Zip Code Billing address Zip code. String

Amount Simulated Amount. Number

Base Pay Base price of the membership plan. Number

Currency Code Currency Code. String

Table 215. Response Message Description: EnrolmentPaymentProcessing

Node Description Type

MemberNumber Member Number. String

Status Status of the Member. String

Payment Errors The list of error messages occurred during the

enrolment payment processing.

Hierarchy (Integration

Object: LOY ENR Payment


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Request Message Description: GeneratePreAllottedMemberships

For a description of this request message, see Table 216.

Response Message Description: GeneratePreAllottedMemberships

For a description of this response message, see Table 217.

Example Package for LoyaltyBatchEnrollmentTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for LoyaltyBatchEnrollmentTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 216. Request Message Description: GeneratePreAllottedMemberships

Node Description Type

Program Id Program Id. String

Number of Members The total number of pre-allotted

memberships to be generated.


Table 217. Response Message Description: GeneratePreAllottedMemberships

Node Description Type

MemberNumbers The hierarchy of the list of membership

numbers generated in ‘Pre-allotted’ status.

Hierarchy (Integration Object:

LOY Preallotted Member)

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyImportBusinessService


LoyaltyImportBusinessServiceUse this Web Service with the Siebel Loyalty Application to perform all voucher related service

operations, such as Voucher Validity Check and Status Change.

LoyaltyImportBusinessService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 218.

Request Message Description: VoucherImport

This operation takes in the File Name, Service Name, Method Name, File Format and Integration

Object Name as input and processes the redemption availment transaction for those records sent in

the File mentioned in the input. It generates the Log file with the same file name appended with a

current timestamp. For a description of this request message, see Table 219.

Response Message Description: VoucherImport

For a description of this response message, see Table 220.

Table 218. LoyaltyImportBusinessService Operations

Name Description

VoucherImport Takes in the File Name, Service Name, Method Name, File Format and

Integration Object Name as input and processes the redemption availment

transaction for those records sent in the File mentioned in the input.

Generates the Log file with the same file name append with the currenttimestamp.

Table 219. Request Message Description: VoucherImport

Node Description TypeFile Format String Required

File Name String Required

IO Name String Required

Method Name String Required

Service Name String Required

Table 220. Response Message Description: VoucherImport

Node Description Type

ValidFlag Required String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyMemberService

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Example Package for LoyaltyImportBusinessServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for LoyaltyImportBusinessServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


LoyaltyMemberServiceUse this Web service to do the following member service actions:

■ Inquire membership details

■ Process membership information for Renewal or Cancellation

■ Retrieve member service price details

■ Purchase or Transfer points

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LoyaltyMemberService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 221

Table 221. LoyaltyMemberService Operations

Name Description

PurchasePointsService Web service for Purchasing Points.

Member should give membership number and point type he/she

would want to purchase and number of points as input. Credit

card details are also to be given as the service might involve

monetary payment. Once the service is complete, out put is

given as xml that shows transaction number and order number.

Member point balances would be updated accordingly and

reflected in the application.

TransferPointsService Web service for Transferring points to another member.

Member should give membership number, point type he/she

would want to purchase and number of points as input.

Transferee Member Number should also be mentioned in the

input. Credit card details are also to be given as the service

might involve monetary payment. Once the service is performed,

out put is given as xml that shows transaction number and order


Members’ (transferor and transferee) point balances would be

updated accordingly and reflected in the application.

LoungePurchaseService Web service to buy or renew Lounge.

Member should give membership number, lounge period type

and lounge period duration along with credit card details. He/she

should also give payment mode (pay/points/points+pay) along

with currency and point type details as the service might involve


After the service is performed, Member’s Lounge details would

be updated and a transaction details are created.

MembershipCancellationService Web service to cancel loyalty membership.

Member should give membership number and credit card details

(same as the card details used during membership enrollment or

renewal). Fee would be refunded to the card given andmembership would be cancelled after the service is performed.

The credit card details should be same as what was used in the

last payment (Enrolment / Renewal) transaction, done by the


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Request Message Description: PurchasePointsService

For a description of this request message, see Table 222.

RenewMembershipService Web service to renew loyalty membership

Member can use this web service to renew membership if he/she

is not enrolled into lifetime membership scheme.

Member should give Membership Number and Membership

Scheme along with payment details (payment mode, Credit Card

details and Point Type details) as the input.

Membership dates would be updated along with the membership

scheme after the service is performed successfully.

GetMemberServicePrice the various Member Services

Member should give membership number and member service

name to obtain price lists in different payment modes.

Out put would be an Integration Object that can be seen as XML


MemberInquiry Web service used to query for Member(s) given the Member

Names, Member Number, and so on.

The output details would include Member Loyalty info, Contact

Addresses, Phone numbers, and Email addresses, and so on.

Table 222. Request Message Description: PurchasePointsService

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership Number.

It is a mandatory input. Loyalty Membership Number of the

person for whom the service is to be performed is to be given.


Point Type The type of Point member wants to purchase is to be given. It is

a mandatory input.


Points The number of Points member wants to purchase is to be given.

It is a mandatory input.


Billing Address Member billing address. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing Address2 Secondary member billing address. It is required if the payment

involves monetary currency and Credit Card details are



Bil ling City Member bil ling city. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Table 221. LoyaltyMemberService Operations

Name Description

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Billing Country Member billing country. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing State Member billing state. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing ZipCode Member billing Zip code. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


CVV Number CVV number from member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency and Credit Card details are



Card Holder Name Credit card holder name. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Credit Card Number Credit card number. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Credit Card Type Credit card type, such as Visa, MasterCard, and so on. It is

required if the payment involves monetary currency.


Currency Currency type used by member. It is required as the payment

involves monetary currency.


Expiration Month Expiration month of member credit cards. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Expiration Year Expiration year of member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Member Number Membership Number. String

Override Flag It is a mandatory input. Loyalty Membership Number of the

person for whom the service is to be performed is to be given.


Override Pay It is a mandatory input. If the member wants to override the

price details, input would be Y, else it would be N.


Override Reason Member should mention Override Pay when Override flag given

is Y. It is the Monetary Amount overridden by the member.


Override Reason


Reason to override the pricelist is to be mentioned if the Override

Flag is Y.


Table 222. Request Message Description: PurchasePointsService

Node Description Type

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Response Message Description: PurchasePointsService

For a description of this response message, see Table 223.

Request Message Description: TransferPointService

For a description of this request message, see Table 224.

Table 223. Response Message Description: PurchasePointsService

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message if the transaction fails is given. String

Order Id Order Id of the Point Purchase Service is given. String

Quote Id Quote Id of the Point Purchase Service is given. String

Siebel Response Code Response Code given by Siebel Order Management

after authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Siebel Response


Response Message given by Siebel Order Management

after authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Transaction Number Transaction Number of the Point Purchase Service isgiven in the output.


Table 224. Request Message Description: TransferPointService

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership Number. String

Point Type It is a mandatory input. Loyalty Membership Number of the

person for whom the service is to be performed is to be given.


Points The type of Point member wants to transfer is to be given. It is

a mandatory input.


Transferee Member


The number of Points member wants to purchase is to be given.

It is a mandatory input.


Billing Address Transferee Membership Number to whom the points are to be



Billing Address2 Member billing address. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing City Secondary member billing address. It is required if the payment

involves monetary currency and Credit Card.


Billing Country Member billing city. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing State Member bil ling country. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing ZipCode Member billing state. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyMemberService


Response Message Description: TransferPointService

For a description of this response message, see Table 225.

CVV Number Member bill ing Zip code. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Card Holder Name CVV number from member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency and Credit Card details are



Credit Card Number Credit card holder name. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Credit Card Type Credit card number. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Currency Credit card type, such as Visa, MasterCard, and so on. It is

required if the payment involves monetary currency.


Expiration Month Currency type used by member. It is required as the payment

involves monetary currency.


Expiration Year Expiration month of member credit cards. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Override Flag Expiration year of member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Override Pay It is a mandatory input. If the member wants to override the

price details, input would be Y, else it would be N.


Override Reason Member should mention Override Pay when Override flag given

is Y. It is the Monetary Amount overridden by the member.


Override Reason


Reason to override the pricelist is to be mentioned if the

Override Flag is Y.


Table 225. Response Message Description: TransferPointService

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message if the transaction fails is given. String

Order Id Order Id of the Point Transfer Service is given. String

Quote Id Quote Id of the Point Transfer Service is given. String

Siebel Response Code Response Code given by Siebel Order Management after

authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Table 224. Request Message Description: TransferPointService

Node Description Type

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Request Message Description: LoungePurchaseService

For a description of this request message, see Table 226.

Siebel Response Message Response Message given by Siebel Order Management

after authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Transaction Number Transaction Number of the Point Transfer Service is given

in the output.


Table 226. Request Message Description: LoungePurchaseService

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership Number. String

Lounge Period Type It is a mandatory input. Loyalty Membership Number of the

person for whom the service is to be performed is to be



Lounge Period Duration Lounge period type as months or years. String

Billing Address Lounge period duration for the number of months or years

the member want to renew his lounge.


Billing Address2 Member bill ing address. It is required if the payment

involves monetary currency and credit card details are



Billing City Secondary member billing address. It is required if thepayment involves monetary currency and credit card. String

Billing Country Member bill ing city. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and credit card details are mentioned.


Billing State Member billing country. It is required if the payment

involves monetary currency and credit card details are



Bil ling ZipCode Member bil ling state. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and credit card details are mentioned.


CVV Number Member billing ZIP code. It is required if the payment

involves monetary currency and credit card details are



Card Holder Name CVV number from member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency and credit card details

are mentioned.


Credit Card Number Credit card holder name. It is required if the payment

involves monetary currency.


Table 225. Response Message Description: TransferPointService

Node Description Type

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Response Message Description: LoungePurchaseService

For a description of this response message, see Table 227.

Credit Card Type Credit card number. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Currency Credit card type, such as Visa, MasterCard, and so on. It is

required if the payment involves monetary currency.


Expiration Month Currency type used by member. It is required as the

payment involves monetary currency.


Expiration Year Expiration month of member credit cards. It is required if

the payment involves monetary currency.


Override Flag Expiration year of member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Override Pay It is a mandatory input. If the member wants to override theprice details, input would be Y, else it would be N.


Override Points Member should mention Override Pay when Override flag

given is Y. It is the Monetary Amount overridden by the



Override Reason Member should mention Override Points when Override flag

given is Y and the payment mode selected is Points or Points

+ Pay.


Override Reason Code, Reason to override the pricelist is to be mentioned if the

Override Flag is Y.


Payment Mode Override Reason Code is to be mentioned if the Override

Flag is Y.


Point Type Payment mode as Points or Points + Pay or Pay. It is a

mandatory input.


Table 227. Response Message Description: LoungePurchaseService

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message if the transaction fails is given. String

Order Id Order Id of the Lounge Purchase Service is given. String

Quote Id Quote Id of the Lounge Purchase Service is given. String

Siebel Response Code Response Code given by Siebel Order Management after

authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Table 226. Request Message Description: LoungePurchaseService

Node Description Type

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Request Message Description: RenewMembershipService

For a description of this request message, see Table 228.

Siebel Response Message Response Message given by Siebel Order Management after

authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Transaction Number Transaction Number of the Lounge Purchase Service is

given in the output.


Table 228. Request Message Description: RenewMembershipService

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership Number. String

Membership Scheme It is a mandatory input. Loyalty Membership Number of the

person for whom the service is to be performed is to be given.


Billing Address Membership Scheme to which the member wants to be

renewed is to be given. It is a mandatory input.


Billing Address2 Member billing address. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing City Secondary member billing address. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency and Credit Card.


Billing Country Member billing city. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing State Member bil ling country. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Billing ZipCode Member billing state. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


CVV Number Member bill ing Zip code. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency and Credit Card details are mentioned.


Card Holder Name CVV number from member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency and Credit Card details

are mentioned.


Credit Card Number Credit card holder name. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Credit Card Type Credit card number. It is required if the payment involves

monetary currency.


Currency Credit card type, such as Visa, MasterCard, and so on. It is

required if the payment involves monetary currency.


Table 227. Response Message Description: LoungePurchaseService

Node Description Type

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Response Message Description: RenewMembershipServiceFor a description of this response message, see Table 229.

Expiration Month Currency type used by member. It is required as the payment

involves monetary currency.


Expiration Year Expiration month of member credit cards. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Override Flag Expiration year of member credit card. It is required if the

payment involves monetary currency.


Override Pay It is a mandatory input. If the member wants to override the

price details, input would be Y, else it would be N.


Override Points Member should mention Override Pay when Override flag given

is Y. It is the Monetary Amount overridden by the member.


Override Reason Member should mention Override Points when Override flaggiven is Y and the payment mode selected is Points or Points +



Override Reason Code Reason to override the pricelist is to be mentioned if the

Override Flag is Y.


Payment Mode Override Reason Code is to be mentioned if the Override Flag

is Y.


 Point Type Payment mode as Points or Points + Pay or Pay. It is a

mandatory input.


Table 229. Response Message Description: RenewMembershipService

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message if the transaction fails is given. String

Order Id Order Id of the Renew Membership Service is given. String

Quote Id Quote Id of the Renew Membership Service is given. String

Siebel Response Code Response Code given by Siebel Order Management after

authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Siebel Response Message Response Message given by Siebel Order Managementafter authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Transaction Number Transaction Number of the Renew Membership Service is

given in the output.


Table 228. Request Message Description: RenewMembershipService

Node Description Type

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Request Message Description: MembershipCancellationService

For a description of this request message, see Table 230.

Table 230. Request Message Description: MembershipCancellationService

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership number of the member whose membership

has to be cancelled is given here. It is a mandatory input.


Fee Refund Basis Fee refund basis is the mandatory input. Prorata or

Percentage or NoRefund can be given here.


Refund Percentage Refund percentage is to be given if the selected fee refund

basis is Percentage.


Cancellation Reason Reason for the membership cancellation is to be

mentioned here.


Cancellation Reason Code Membership Cancellation Reason Code is to be given. It is

a mandatory input.


Credit Card Number Credit card number is to be given as the same one

mentioned in last enrolment or renewal transaction

(whichever is the latest). This is required when the refund

basis is Percentage or Prorata. Fee will be refunded to the

card number given, if it matches with the previous

renewal or enrolment transaction’s credit card details.


Credit Card Type Credit card type (Visa or Master Card etc) is to be given

as the same one mentioned in last enrolment or renewal

transaction (whichever is the latest). This is required

when the refund basis is Percentage or Prorata. Fee willbe refunded to the card number given, if it matches with

the previous renewal or enrolment transaction’s credit

card details.


Expiration Month Expiration month is to be given as the same one

mentioned in last enrolment or renewal transaction

(whichever is the latest). This is required when the refund

basis is Percentage or Prorata.


Expiration Year Expiration Year is to be given as the same one mentioned

in last enrolment or renewal transaction (whichever is the

latest). This is required when the refund basis is

Percentage or Prorata.


Override Flag It is a mandatory input. If the member wants to override

the Refund Price details, input would be Y, else it would be



Override Pay Member should mention Override Pay when Override flag

given is Y. It is the Refund amount overridden by the



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Response Message Description: MembershipCancellationService

For a description of this response message, see Table 231.

Request Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

For a description of this request message, see Table 232.

Override Reason Reason for overriding price is mentioned here. String

Override Reason Code Override Reason Code is to be given if the Override Flag

is Y.


Table 231. Response Message Description: MembershipCancellationService

Node Description Type

Currency Currency in which the fee is refunded is given as output. String

Error Message Error message if the transaction fails is given. String

Order Id Refund Order Id of the Membership Cancellation Service is



Quote Id Refund amount is given in the output. String

Refund Amount Response code given by Siebel Order Management after

authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Siebel Response Code Response Message given by Siebel Order Management

after authorizing credit card is sent in the output.


Siebel Response Message Transaction number of the Membership Cancellation is



Transaction Number Currency in which the fee is refunded is given as output. String

Table 232. Request Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership number of the member who wants to get

member service price details is to be given here.


Currency Code Currency code is to be given if the member wants to get

price lists in the given currency only.


Lounge Period Duration Lounge Period Duration is to be given if the Transaction

Sub Type is Lounge Purchase.


Lounge Period Type Lounge Period Type (Months or Years etc) is to be given if

the Transaction Sub Type is Lounge Purchase.


Table 230. Request Message Description: MembershipCancellationService

Node Description Type

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Response Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

For a description of this response message, see Table 233.

Request Message Description: MemberInquiry

For a description of this request message, see Table 234.

Point Type Point Type is to be given here if the member wants to see

price lists of Points or Points + Pay mode in the given point



Points Qty Number of Points to be given if the Transaction Sub Type

is Purchase Points or Transfer Points.


Selected Membership


Membership Scheme is to be mentioned in the input if the

Transaction Sub Type is Membership Renewal.


Transaction Sub Type Member Service Type (Points Purchase/Transfer Points/

Membership Renewal/Lounge Purchase) is to be

mentioned. It is a mandatory input.


Table 233. Response Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

Node Description Type

Integration Object of the


List of price lines, after applying the promotions on the

base prices, are given in the out put as XML file.



Table 234. Request Message Description: MemberInquiry

Node Description Type

Member Number Membership Number of the member whose details are to be

inquired is given.


Email Address Email address of the member whose details are to be inquired is



First Name First name of the member whose details are to be inquired is given. String

Last Name Last name of the member whose details are to be inquired is given. String

Middle Name Middle name of the member whose details are to be inquired is



Telephone Number Telephone number of the member whose details are to be inquired

is given.


Transaction Type Transaction type is given to query on the given type of transactions

done by the member.


ZIP Code ZIP code of the member whose details are to be inquired is given. String

Table 232. Request Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

Node Description Type

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Response Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

For a description of this response message, see Table 235.

Example Package for LoyaltyMemberServicesTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (PurchasePointsService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (PurchasePointsService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (TransferPointsService)See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (TransferPointsService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LoungePurchaseService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LoungePurchaseService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 235. Response Message Description: GetMemberServicePrice

Node Description Type

Siebel Message (Integration Object

of the LOY Member Inquiry)

Member details are given in the

Integration Object and can be

extracted as XML file.



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Request (MembershipCancellationService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (MembershipCancellationService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (RenewMembershipService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (RenewMembershipService)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetMemberServicePrice)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetMemberServicePrice)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (MemberInquiry)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (MemberInquiry)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for LoyaltyMemberServicesTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyRedemptionService


See the following file to view the message schema:


LoyaltyRedemptionServiceUser this Web service with the Siebel Loyalty Application to perform all redemption related

operations, including Redemption Processing, Redemption Cancellation, Voucher Reissue and Order

Management Integration.

LoyaltyRedemptionService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 236.

Table 236. LoyaltyRedemptionService Operations

Name Description

GetPriceOptions Returns available price options for a set of redemption activities.

Also returns the point balance of the member in all point types.

CheckPriceOptions Returns available price options for a set of redemption activities.

Also performs the credit check and returns how much loan is

required for each point type. If loan is not possible it does the

point to pay conversion and returns the prorated pay and points

for each transaction.

CheckCredit Performs the credit check for a given member and point type.

Checks whether loan is required and returns how much loan is

required to fulfill the redemption transaction.GetQuote Returns available price options for a set of redemption activities.

Also performs the credit check and returns how much loan is

required for each point type. If loan is not possible it does the

point to pay conversion and returns the prorated pay and points

for each transaction.

Also creates a quote using the given redemption activities

(transactions), credit card details (optional) and shipping details


ProcessQuote Takes Quote Id as input and converts the quote to order and

order to redemption transactions. Then processes those


GetTransactionDetails Takes as input an Order Number and returns the Transaction

details (including activities and Transaction Items if any) for the


GetRedemptionRefund Returns the refund in Points or Points plus Pay for a given

redemption transaction, which need to be cancelled.

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Request Message Description: CheckPriceOptions

For a description of this request message, see Table 239.

Response Message Description: CheckPriceOptions

For a description of this response message, see Table 240.

Request Message Description: CheckCredit

This operation performs a credit check for a given member and point type. Checks whether loan is

required and returns how much loan is required to fulfill the redemption transaction. For a description

of this request message, see Table 241.

Table 239. Request Message Description: CheckPriceOptions

Node Description Type

LOY Redemption Txn Contains the redemption activity details. Integration Object


Table 240. Response Message Description: CheckPriceOptions

Node Description Type

LOY Redemption Txn Contains the redemption activity details and one price

option for each activity.



LOY Redemp Points


Point Summary for each point type including points to be

paid, point balance, loan (if any) and Points to Pay

Conversion flag.



Pay Total amount to be paid if monetary payment is involved. Number

Pay Currency Code Currency if monetary payment is involved. String

Table 241. Request Message Description: CheckCredit

Node Description Type

MemberNumber Membership number. String

PointTypeId Id number for point type. String

PointsReq The required number of points. Number

LoanFlag Indicates whether loan limit should be considered. String

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Response Message Description: CheckCredit

For a description of this response message, see Table 242.

Request Message Description: GetQuote

This operation creates a quote using the given redemption activities (transactions), credit card

details (optional) and shipping details (optional). For a description of this request message, see

Table 243.

Table 242. Response Message Description: CheckCredit

Node Description Type

CCResult Required String

Available Balance Required String

EligLoan Number

Error Message String

LoanAllowed Required String

LoanFlag String

PointsShortage String

Table 243. Request Message Description: GetQuote

Node Description Type

LOY Redemption Txn Contains the redemption activity details. Integration


Billing Address Address of customer being billed. String

Billing Address2 Second address, if necessary of customer being billed. String

Shipping Method Shipping method, such as Ground, Air or carrier name. String

Ship To Street Address Shipping street address. String

Ship To Street Address 2 Second shipping street address if needed. String

Ship To State Shipping state. String

Ship To Postal Code Shipping postal code. String

Ship To Country Shipping Country. String

Billing City Billing city, if different from shipping address. String

Billing Country Billing country, if different from shipping address. String

Billing State Billing state, if different from shipping address. String

Billing ZipCode Billing ZIP code, if different from shipping address. String

CVV Number String

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Response Message Description:GetQuote

For a description of this response message, see Table 244.

Card Holder Name Name of credit card holder. String

Credit Card Expiration


Expiration date of credit card. String

Credit Card Expiration


Expiration year of credit card. String

Credit Card Line Number Credit card line number. String

Credit Card Number Credit card number. String

Credit Card Type Credit cards type, such as Visa, American Express, and

so on.


Recipient Name Name of person who will receive shipped goods. StringSave Shipping Address


Check to save shipping address for future use. String

Select Primary Shipping

Address Flag

Flag to indicate primary address for account. String

Ship To Address Id String

Ship To City String

Table 244. Response Message Description:GetQuote

Node Description Type

LOY Redemption Txn Contains the redemption activity details and one price

option for each activity.



LOY Redmp Points


Point Summary for each point type including points to be

paid, point balance, loan (if any) and Points to Pay

Conversion flag.



Currency Code Code to indicate which currency being used for



Shipping Charge Shipping charge for transaction. String

Quote Id Id of quote that is created. String

Pay Total amount of transaction. Number

Tax Total taxed charged on transaction. Number

Table 243. Request Message Description: GetQuote

Node Description Type

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Request Message Description: ProcessQuote

This operation converts a quote to an order and an order to redemption transactions. It then

processes these transactions.

For a description of this request message, see Table 245.

Response Message Description: Process Quote

For a description of this response message, see Table 246.

Request Message Description: GetTransactionDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 247.

Response Message Description: GetTransactionDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 248.

Table 245. Request Message Description: ProcessQuote

Node Description Type

Quote Id String Required

Table 246. Response Message Description: Process Quote

Node Description Type

Status String

Order Id Required String

Table 247. Request Message Description: GetTransactionDetails

Node Description Type

Order Number Required String

Table 248. Response Message Description: GetTransactionDetails

Node Description Type

LOY Redemption Txn Contains details of the redemption transactions

that have been created for this order along with

transaction items for each transaction in case of

package transaction.



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Request Message Description: GetRedemptionRefund

This operation returns the refund amount for given redemption transaction, which is then cancelled.

For a description of this request message, see Table 249.

Response Message Description: GetRedemptionRefund

For a description of this response message, see Table 250.

Request Message Description: CancelRedemptionTxn

This operation takes the redemption transaction ID which requires cancellation as well as the refund

amount (either the unmodified or overridden refund amount gotten from the GetRedemptionRefund

operation) and creates the cancellation transaction and processes it.For a description of this requestmessage, see Table 251.

Table 249. Request Message Description: GetRedemptionRefund

Node Description Type

Transaction Id Required String

Table 250. Response Message Description: GetRedemptionRefund

Node Description Type

Pay String

Point Type Required String

Points Required String

Currency String

Payment Type Required String

Table 251. Request Message Description: CancelRedemptionTxn

Node Description Type

Override Expiry Date String

Override Expiry Date Flag String

Override Pay String

Override Points String

Override Price Flag String

Transaction Id Required String

Override Reason Code String

Payment Mode Required String

Simulate Pay String

Override Reason String

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Response Message Description:CancelRedemptionTxn

For a description of this response message, see Table 252.

Request Message Description: GetReissueFeeOptions

This operation returns available fee options for reissue of a voucher with given Id. For a description

of this request message, see Table 253.

Response Message Description:GetReissueFeeOptions

For a description of this response message, see Table 254.

Request Message Description: GetReissueQuote

This operation takes the chosen fee option details for a voucher, credit card details (optional),

shipping details (optional), checks whether the fee option is valid, does credit check if the payment

mode involves points, and creates a quote with the given data. For a description of this request

message, see Table 255.

Table 252. Response Message Description:CancelRedemptionTxn

Node Description Type

New Txn Id Id of the cancellation transaction. String

Table 253. Request Message Description: GetReissueFeeOptions

Node Description Type

Currency Code String

Voucher Id Required String

Point Type Id String

Payment Type Code Required String

Table 254. Response Message Description:GetReissueFeeOptions

Node Description TypeProduct Point Id Required String

Fee Points Number

Fee Amount Number

Error Message String

Table 255. Request Message Description: GetReissueQuote

Node Description Type

Voucher Id Required String

Currency Code String

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Payment Type Code Required String

Point Type Id String

Override Amount Number

Override Flag String

Override Points Number

Override Reason String

Override Reason Code String

Billing Address String

Billing Address2 StringShipping Method String

Ship To Street Address 2 String

Ship To Street Address String

Ship To State String

Ship To Postal Code String

Ship To Country String

Billing City String

Billing Country String

Billing State String

Billing ZipCode String

CVV Number String

Card Holder Name String

Credit Card Expiration



Credit Card Expiration



Credit Card Number String

Credit Card Type String

Recipient Name String

Save Shipping Address



Select Primary Shipping

Address Flag


Table 255. Request Message Description: GetReissueQuote

Node Description Type

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Response Message Description: GetReissueQuote

For a description of this response message, see Table 256.

Request Message Description: ProcessReissueQuote

This operation takes as input Quote Id, creates and Order for Quote, and creates a Loyalty VoucherReissue transaction and processes it to reissue the voucher. For a description of this request

message, see Table 257.

Response Message Description: ProcessReissueQuote

For a description of this response message, see Table 258.

Ship To Address Id String

Ship To City String

Table 256. Response Message Description: GetReissueQuote

Node Description Type

Currency Code String

Quote Id Required String

Error Message String

Fee Amount Number

Fee Points Number

Shipping Charge String

Tax Amount String

Currency Code String

Table 257. Request Message Description: ProcessReissueQuote

Node Description Type

Quote Id Required String

Table 258. Response Message Description: ProcessReissueQuote

Node Description Type

Transaction Number Required String

Order Number Required String

New Voucher Expiry Date Required Date

Table 255. Request Message Description: GetReissueQuote

Node Description Type

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Request Message Description: UpdateQuoteShippingAddress

This operation takes the Quote Id and shipping details and updates the quote with the given shipping

address. For a description of this request message, see Table 259.

Response Message Description: UpdateQuoteShippingAddress

For a description of this response message, see Table 260.

Request Message Description: AddCreditCardToQuote

This operation takes the Quote Id, credit card details, billing address and updates the quote with the

credit card details. For a description of this request message, see Table 261.

New Voucher Number Required String

New Voucher Status Required String

Table 259. Request Message Description: UpdateQuoteShippingAddress

Node Description Type

Quote Id Required String

Table 260. Response Message Description: UpdateQuoteShippingAddress

Node Description Type

Shipping Charge Required String

Table 261. Request Message Description: AddCreditCardToQuote

Node Description Type

Billing Address Required String

Billing Address 2 String

Billing City String

Billing Country Required String

Billing ZipCode String

CVV Number Number

Card Holder Name String

Credit Card Number Number

Credit Card Type String

Expiration Month String

Expiration Year String

Table 258. Response Message Description: ProcessReissueQuote

Node Description Type

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Response (GetQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ProcessQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ProcessQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetTransactionDetails)

See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetRedemptionRefund)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetRedemptionRefund)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (CancelRedemptionTxn)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (CancelRedemptionTxn)

See the following file to view the sample code:


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Request (GetReissueFeeOptions)

See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetReissueQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetReissueQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ProcessReissueQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (UpdateQuoteShippingAddress)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (UpdateQuoteShippingAddress)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (AddCreditCardToQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ LoyaltyVoucherService


Response (AddCreditCardToQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for LoyaltyRedemptionServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


LoyaltyVoucherServiceUse this Web service with the Siebel Loyalty Application to perform all Voucher related Web service

operations, including Voucher Validity Check and Status Change.

LoyaltyVoucherService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 262.

Request Message Description: VoucherValidityCheck

This operation takes in the membership number, Partner Id voucher number and activity date, to

validate the voucher and return Success/Failure. For a description of this request message, see

Table 263.

Table 262. LoyaltyVoucherService Operations

Name Description

VoucherStatusChange Takes in the membership number, partner name, voucher number,

activity date and change the status of the voucher to 'Used' in Realtime. This involves creation of Availment transaction and processing it

in real time.

Table 263. Request Message Description: VoucherValidityCheck

Node Description Type

Voucher Number Required String

Activity Date Required String

Member Number Required String

Partner Id Required String

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Response Message Description: VoucherValidityCheck

For a description of this response message, see Table 264.

Request Message Description: VoucherStatusChange

This operation takes in the membership number, partner name, voucher number, activity date and

change the status of the voucher to Used in real time. This involves creation of Availment transaction

and processing it in real time. For a description of this request message, see Table 265.

Response Message Description: VoucherStatusChange

For a description of this response message, see Table 266.

Example Package for LoyaltyVoucherService

To view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library forSiebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 264. Response Message Description: VoucherValidityCheck

Node Description Type

Valid Flag Required String

Table 265. Request Message Description: VoucherStatusChange

Node Description Type

Voucher Number Optional String

Member Number Required String

Partner Name Required String

Activity Date Required String

Order Number Optional Number

Table 266. Response Message Description: VoucherStatusChange

Node Description Type

Voucher Number Optional String

Order Number Optional Number

Voucher Type Required String

Return Value Required String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ MktgDeduplicationService



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for LoyaltyVoucherServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


MktgDeduplicationServiceUse this Web service to check if a duplicate record exists for an account, contact, opportunity or


Mktg Deduplication Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 267.

Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchAccount

For a description of this request message, see Table 268.

Table 267. Mktg Deduplication Service Operations

Node Description

MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchAccount Matches account info provided with the accounts in

the system and returns the row ids of the duplicatesfound with the score for each account.

MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchOpportunity Matches the opportunities.

MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchProspect Matches the prospects.

MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchContact Matches the contacts.

Table 268. Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchAccount

Node Description Type

DUNS Number String

Name Account name. String

Primary Account City City name. String

Primary Account Country Country name. String

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Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchAccount

For a description of this response message, see Table 269.

Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchOpportunity

For a description of this response message, see Table 270.

Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchOpportunity

For a description of this response message, see Table 271.

Primary Account Postal Code City postal code. String

Primary Account State State. String

Primary Account Street Address Street address of primary account. String

Table 269. Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchAccount

Node Description Type

HasMatch Output String as “hasMatch” or “hasNoMatch”. String

Match Info Score of the match and row id of the matchee. Integration Object

Table 270. Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchOpportunity

Node Description Type

Account Id Opportunity’s account Id. String

Business Unit Id Opportunity’s business unit Id. String

Name Opportunity’s name. String

Table 271. Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchOpportunity

Node Description Type

HasMatch Output String as “hasMatch” or “hasNoMatch”. String

Match Info Score of the match and row id of the matchee. Integration Object

Table 268. Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchAccount

Node Description Type

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Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchProspect

For a description of this request message, see Table 272.

Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchProspect

For a description of this response message, see Table 273.

Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchContact

For a description of this request message, see Table 274.

Table 272. Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchProspect

Node Description Type

Account Account name of prospect. String

Phone Phone number of prospect. String

City Prospect’s city. String

Country Prospect’s country. String

Email Address Prospect’s email address. String

First Name Prospect’s first name. String

Home Phone # Prospect’s home phone number. String

Last Name Prospect’s last name. String

Middle Name Prospect’s middle name. String

Primary Postal Code Postal code. String

Social Security Number Prospect’s social security number. String

State Prospect’s state of residence. String

Street Address Prospect’s street address. String

Work Phone # Prospect’s work phone number. String

Table 273. Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchProspect

Node Description Type

HasMatch Output String as “hasMatch” or “hasNoMatch”. String

Match Info Score of the match and row id of the matchee. Integration Object

Table 274. Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchContact

Node Description Type

Account Account name of contact. String

Birth Date Contact’s birth date. String

Phone Contact’s phone number. String

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Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchContact

For a description of this response message, see Table 275.

MktgImportDeduplicationService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 276.

City Contact’s city of residence. String

Country Contact’s country of residence. String

Email Address Contact’s email address. String

First Name Contact’s first name. String

Home Phone # Contact’s home phone number. String

Last Name Contact’s last name. String

Middle Name Contact’s middle name. String

Primary Postal Code Contact’s primary postal code. String

Social Security Number Contact’s social security number. StringState Contact’s state of residence. String

Street Address Contact’s street address. String

Work Phone # Contact’s work phone number. String

Table 275. Response Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchContact

Node Description Type

HasMatch Output String as “hasMatch” or “hasNoMatch”. String

Match Info Score of the match and row id of the matchee. Integration Object

Table 276. MktgImportDeduplicationService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Mktg Deduplication Mktg Deduplication

Table 274. Request Message Description: MktgDeduplicationServiceMatchContact

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ MktgDeduplicationService


Example Package for MktgDeduplicationServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (MatchAccount)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (MatchAccount)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (MatchOpportunity)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (MatchOpportunity)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (MatchProspect)See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (MatchProspect)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (MatchContact)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (MatchContact)

See the following file to view the sample code:


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ MktgImportService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 171

Message Schema (WSDL) for Mktg Deduplication ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


MktgImportServiceThis Web service is used for all the imports into the Siebel Marketing application such as Leads,

Contacts, Prospects and so on.

Mktg Import Service OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 277.

Request Message Description: MktgImportServiceInvokeImportJob

This method gets the details of the record(s) from the Business Component “Invoke Import Jobs”

and schedules the import process. For a description of this request message, see Table 278.

Response Message Description: MktgImportServiceInvokeImportJob

For a description of this response message, see Table 279.

Table 277. Mktg Import Service Operations

Node Description

MktgImportServiceInvokeImportJob Schedules various import processes for Marketing.

Table 278. Request Message Description: MktgImportServiceInvokeImportJob

Node Description Type

ImportJobParams Required. An instance of the integration

object “Import Job Integration Object”.

Integration Object

Table 279. Response Message Description: MktgImportServiceInvokeImportJob

Node Description Type

ErrorCode OK or NOTOK String

Error Message Error message (if any) String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ MktgImportService


Mktg Import Service Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 280.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 281.

Example Package for MktgImportServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Mktg Import ServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 280. Mktg Import Service Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

Mktg System Task Service Business Service CSSSystemTaskService

Table 281. Mktg Import Service Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Import Job Integration Object Import Job Integration Object

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ OrderDetailWebService


Request Message Description: OrderDetailUpdate

For a description of this request message, see Table 285.

Response Message Description: OrderDetailUpdate

For a description of this response message, see Table 286.

OrderDetailWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network. This Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service PDS Order Detail, which

provides update and query operations on the Integration Object PDS Order Detail.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 287.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 288.

Example Package for OrderDetailWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 285. Request Message Description: OrderDetailUpdate

Node Description Type

OrderDetailUpdate_Input The method arguments are Orders IO with parameters set,

Language Mode (value is “LDC”) and viewMode (“All”).



Table 286. Response Message Description: OrderDetailUpdate

Node Description Type

OrderDetailUpdate_Output The retrieved data for the update operation performed. Integration


Table 287. OrderDetailWebService Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

PDS Order Detail Integration Object CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 288. OrderDetailWebService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Order Detail PDS Simplified Order

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ PDSOrderHeader

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 175


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for OrderDetailWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


PDSOrderHeaderUse this Web service to get header information for specific open orders.

PDSOrderHeader OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 289.

Request Message Description: PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 290.

Table 289. PDSOrderHeader Operations

Name Description

PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage Get the header information of open orders for a specific asset.

Table 290. Request Message Description: PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage

Node Description Type

PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage_Input The request message includes the searchcriteria for order status and asset integration



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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ PriceListsWS


Response Message Description: PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 291.

Example Package for PDSOrderHeaderTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for PDSOrderHeaderTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


PriceListsWSUse this Web service to obtain price lists based on defined search specifications.

PriceListsWS OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 292.

Table 291. Response Message Description: PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage

Node Description Type

PDSOrderHeaderQueryPage_Output The response message includes list of

order headers matching the search criteria.


Table 292. PriceListsWS Operations

Node Description

GetPriceLists Get all the price lists based on search spec.

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Request Message Description: GetPriceLists

For a description of this request message, see Table 293.

Response Message Description: GetPriceLists

For a description of this response message, see Table 294.

Example Package for PriceListsWSTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for PriceListsWSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 293. Request Message Description: GetPriceLists

Node Description Type

GetPriceLists_Input Request message includes the search spec. ComplexType

Table 294. Response Message Description: GetPriceLists

Node Description Type

GetPriceLists_Output Response message includes the price

lists matching the search spec.


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer


ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducerUse this Web service to submit a sales order from the Siebel CRM application to the billing application

and to create a customer account, if needed, in the billing application.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 295.

Request Message Description: Process

For a description of this request message, see Table 296.

ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 297.

Table 295. ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer Operations

Operation Name Description

Process Submits a sales order to the billing application and creates a customer

account, if needed, in the billing application.

Table 296. Request Message Description: Process

Node Description

Order The details of the header for the order.

OrderItem The details of the order item.

OrderItemXA The properties of the order item.

Table 297. ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer

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Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 298.


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 299.

Example Package for ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducerTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:




See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducerTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 298. ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Order - No Hierarchy PDS Simplified Order

Table 299. ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer Methods

Operation Method

process [BS: ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer].process

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Product Import


Product ImportUse this Web service to add and update product definitions and product structures in the Siebel CRM

application. In this Web service, upsert denotes a combination of the insert and update operations.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

Product Import OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 300.

Request Message Description: Product Import InsertFor a description of this request message, see Table 301.

Table 300. Product Import Operations

Operation Name Description

Product Import Insert This operation:

■ Inserts the root product definition. Generates an error if theproduct definition exists.

■ Upserts the related products in the product structure. Performs

the insert operation if the child product structure does not exist.

Performs the update operation if the child product structure


■ Upserts the workspace project.

Product Import Update This operation:

■ Updates the root product definition and the related products in

the product structure. Generates an error if the product definition

or the child product structure does not exist.

■ Upserts the workspace project.

Product Import Upsert This operation:

■ Upserts the root product definition and the related products in

the product structure. Performs the insert operation if the

product definition or the child product structure does not exist.

Performs the update operation if the product definition or the

child product structure exists.

■ Upserts the workspace project.

Table 301. Request Message Description: Product Import Insert

Node Description

SiebelMessage The Siebel message for the integration object of CMU Product Integration.

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Request Message Description: Product Import Update

For a description of this request message, see Table 302.

Request Message Description: Product Import Upsert

For a description of this request message, see Table 303.

Application Interface for Product ImportThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 304.

Table 302. Request Message Description: Product Import Update

Node Description

SiebelMessage The Siebel message for the integration object of CMU Product Integration.

Table 303. Request Message Description: Product Import Upsert

Node Description

SiebelMessage The Siebel message for the integration object of CMU Product Integration.

Table 304. Product Import Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

Product Import Business Service CSSCMUProdWebSvc

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Product Import


Business Service User Property

For a description of the user properties for this Business Service, see Table 305.

Table 305. Product Import Business Service User Property

Name Value Comment

Data Sync Service EAI Siebel Adapter EAI Adapter service that

is invoked.

Data Sync Service:


CMU Attribute Integration Object

name for data sync

service. Currently not


Data Sync Service: Class CMU Product Class Integration Object

name for data sync

service. Currently not


Data Sync Service:


CMU Product Integration Object

name for data sync


Data Sync Service:


CMU Joint Workspace Integration Object

name for data sync


Definition Business


CMU Product Definition VBC See the first note after

this table.

Definition Business


CMU Admin ISS Product Definition See the first note after

this table.Detail Business


CMU ISS Product Details BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Integration Field Map:

Auto Explode Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Auto Explode Flag

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Billable Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Billable Flag

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Billing Service Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Billing Service Type

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Billing Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Billing Type

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Business Unit Id

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Primary Organization Id

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Check Eligibility Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Pre Pick CD

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:


Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|


See the second note

after this table.

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Integration Field Map:

Effective End Time

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

End Date

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Effective Start Time

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Start Date

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Inclusive Eligibility Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Inclusive Eligibility Flag

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Orderable Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|


See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Price Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Price Type

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:Product Id

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|Id

See the second noteafter this table.

Integration Field Map:

Product Name

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|


See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Product Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Product Type Code

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Sales Product Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Sales Product Flag

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Service Instance Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Service Instance

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:Service Product Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|Sales Service Flag

See the second noteafter this table.

Integration Field Map:

Structure Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Product Def Type Code

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Track As Asset Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Track As Asset Flag

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:


Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|


See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:

Unit of Measure

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

Unit of Measure

See the second note

after this table.

Integration Field Map:Vendor Id Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|Vendor Id See the second noteafter this table.

Integration Object:


CMU Product Integration See the first note after

this table.

Integration Object:


CMU Admin ISS Product Definition See the first note after

this table.

Table 305. Product Import Business Service User Property

Name Value Comment

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Product Import


Integration Object:

Product Structure

CMU Admin ISS Product Structure See the first note after

this table.

Integration Object:


CMU Admin ISS Joint Workspace Definition See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU

Attribute VOD BusComp

VOD Type:ISS_ATTR_DEF See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU

Attribute Versions


Version:1 See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS

Product AttributeBusComp

Last Version:0 See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS

Product Details


Last Version:0 See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS

Product Structure Admin


Last Version:0 See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS

Product VOD BusComp

VOD Type:ISS_PROD_DEF See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS

Product VersionsBusComp

Released Flag:N See the first note after

this table.

Preset Value: CMU

Internal Product


Organization Id: See the first note after

this table.

Product Business


CMU Internal Product VOD See the first note after

this table.

Required Integration

Component 1

CMU Attribute Versions BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Required Integration

Component 2

CMU ISS Product VOD BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Required Integration

Component 3

CMU ISS Product Versions BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Required Integration

Component 4

CMU ISS Product Details BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Required Integration

Component 5

CMU Internal Product Organization See the first note after

this table.

Table 305. Product Import Business Service User Property

Name Value Comment

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 185

NOTE: You must change this value if you use an integration object, integration component, business

object, or business component with a different name.

NOTE: This value is the field map. The first part is the data type (for example, product, class, and

attribute). The second part is the integration component name. The third part is the integration

component field name.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 306.

Structure Business


CMU Product Structure VBC See the first note after

this table.

Structure Internal

Business Component

CMU ISS Product Structure Admin BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Version Business


CMU ISS Product Versions BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Workspace Business


CMU ISS Joint Workspace BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Workspace Business


CMU Admin ISS Joint Workspace Definition See the first note after

this table.

Workspace ObjectBusiness Component

CMU ISS Joint Workspace Object BusComp See the first note afterthis table.

Workspace Project

Business Component

ISS Joint Workspace BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Workspace Project

Business Object

Admin ISS Joint Workspace Definition See the first note after

this table.

Workspace Project Item

Business Component

ISS Joint Workspace VOD Pick BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Workspace Project Lock

Business Component

ISS Joint Workspace VOD Lock BusComp See the first note after

this table.

Table 306. Product Import Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU Product Integration CMU Product Integration

Table 305. Product Import Business Service User Property

Name Value Comment

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ProductSearchService



For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 307.

Example Package for Product ImportTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema for Product ImportTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:

...\ProductImport\Product Import.wsdl

ProductSearchServiceBusiness Service (Search Product Service) for Searching Product Business Component and doingeligibility check.

Table 307. Product Import Methods

Operation Method

Product Import Insert [BS: Product Import].Insert

Product Import Update [BS: Product Import]. Update

Product Import Upsert [BS: Product Import]. Upsert

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ProductSearchService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 187

ProductSearchService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 308.

Request Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

For a description of this request message, see Table 309.

Table 308. ProductSearchService Operations

Node Description Type

ExecuteSearch Retrieve Products based

on passed criteria.

Input: SearchProductInputSiebelMessage



Table 309. Request Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

Node Description Type

EligibilityMode String

ABOFlag String




AccountId String

AccountType Type of Account String

ClassId String

CurrencyCode Currency code String

DiscountPercent Discount in percent String

DisplayName Display name String

EligibilityDisplayMode String

ExchangeDate String

HeaderId String

Mode String

PriceListId Price List Id String

City City name String

PostalCode Postal code String

State State name String

Country Country name String

BusObjName String

BusCompName String

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ProductSearchService


Response Message Description: ExecuteSearch

For a description of this response message, see Table 310.

ProductSearchService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 311.

SignalMode String

ContextRowId String

ContextMode String

SearchText Search Criteria String

Hits Records to be fetched String

Threshold String

Timeout Timeout value String

FromPrice Price Range String

ToPrice Price Range StringAttribute Attribute name String

Feature String

Table 310. Response Message Description: ExecuteSearch

Node Description Type

TotalRecords Total number of records retrieved. String

ProductId Product Id. String

Table 311. ProductSearchService Service ObjectName Boundary Object Type Class

SearchProductService Business Service CSSSrchProductSvc

Table 309. Request Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

Node Description Type

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Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 312.

Example Package for ProductSearchServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ProductSearchServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


QuoteCheckOutWebServiceUse this Web service to perform payment authorizations for quotes.

Table 312. ProductSearchService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Context PDS Catalog Context

SearchProductInputSiebelMessage SearchProductInputIO

SearchProductResponseSiebelMessage SearchProductResponseIO

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ QuoteCheckOutWebService


QuoteCheckOutWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 313.

Request Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

For a description of this request message, see Table 314.

Response Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

For a description of this response message, see Table 315.

Example Package for QuoteCheckOutWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 313. QuoteCheckOutWebService Operations

Node Description

QuoteCheckOut Performs the payment authorization. If the authorization fails, the

operation stops and returns. Otherwise, the quote is submited to order.

Table 314. Request Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

Node Description Type

QuoteCheckOut_Input The request message includes the Id of the quote

to be submitted, a flag to indicate whether to do

credit card authorization, and a flag to indicate

whether to submit the quote to order.


Table 315. Response Message Description: QuoteCheckOut

Node Description Type

QuoteCheckOut_Output The response message includes the Id of theorder converted from quote.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ QuoteDetailWebService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 191

Message Schema (WSDL) for QuoteCheckOutWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


QuoteDetailWebServiceUse this Web service to retrieve, update, insert, or delete details on a quote record.

QuoteDetailWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 316.

Request Message Description: QuoteDetailGet

For a description of this request message, see Table 317.

Response Message Description: QuoteDetailGet

For a description of this response message, see Table 318.

Table 316. QuoteDetailWebService Operations

Node Description

QuoteDetailGet Requests and retrieves quote detail.

QuoteDetailUpdate Updates quote details.

QuoteDetailInsert Inserts new quote detail.

QuoteDetailDelete Deletes quote details.

QuoteDetailInit Quote is initialized from database.

Table 317. Request Message Description: QuoteDetailGet

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailGet_Input Quote object passed to the Web service.

It includes the search criteria.


Table 318. Response Message Description: QuoteDetailGet

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailGet_Output Quote object returned. It includes the

detail of the quote header and the

payment information.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ QuoteDetailWebService


Request Message Description: QuoteDetailUpdate

For a description of this request message, see Table 319.

Response Message Description: QuoteDetailUpdate

For a description of this response message, see Table 320.

Request Message Description: QuoteDetailInsert

For a description of this request message, see Table 321.

Response Message Description: QuoteDetailInsertFor a description of this response message, seeTable 322.

Request Message Description: QuoteDetailDelete

For a description of this request message, see Table 323

Table 319. Request Message Description: QuoteDetailUpdate

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailUpdate_Input Quote to be updated into database. ComplexType

Table 320. Response Message Description: QuoteDetailUpdate

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailUpdate_Output Quote returned with updated



Table 321. Request Message Description: QuoteDetailInsert

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailInsert_Input Quote to be inserted into database. ComplexType

Table 322. Response Message Description: QuoteDetailInsert

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailDelete_Output Quote returned from Web service. ComplexType

Table 323. Request Message Description: QuoteDetailDelete

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailDelete_Input Quote to be deleted from database. ComplexType

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Response Message Description: QuoteDetailDelete

For a description of this response message, see Table 324.

Request Message Description: QuoteDetailInit

For a description of this request message, see Table 325.

Response Message Description: QuoteDetailInit

For a description of this response message, see Table 326.

Example Package for QuoteDetailWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library forSiebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for QuoteDetailWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 324. Response Message Description: QuoteDetailDelete

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailDelete_Output Quote returned from Web service. ComplexType

Table 325. Request Message Description: QuoteDetailInit

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailInit_Input Quote to be initialized from database. ComplexType

Table 326. Response Message Description: QuoteDetailInit

Node Description Type

QuoteDetailInit_Output Quote returned from Web service. ComplexType

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ QuotingWebService


See the following file to view the message schema:


QuotingWebServiceUse this Web service to process quotes and commit them to the database.

QuotingWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 327.

Request Message Description: ExecuteQuoting

For a description of this request message, see Table 328.

Table 327. QuotingWebService Operations

Name Description

ExecuteQuoting Saves the quote into the database. Checks the eligibility, verifies the

promotion, or calculates the price, shipping charge and tax based on the

pass-in flag.

Table 328. Request Message Description: ExecuteQuoting

Node Description Type

ExecuteQuoting_Input The request message includes the quote to be

saved. It also includes the following flags:■ Flag to indicate whether to check the eligibility.

■ Flag to indicate whether to calculate the price

for the quote.

■ Flag to indicate whether to calculate the

shipping cost.

■ Flag to indicate whether to calculate the tax.

■ Flag to indicate whether to verify the


■ Flag to indicate whether to query the quote

back from database or just return the quote inmemory.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ QuotingWebService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 195

Response Message Description: ExecuteQuoting

For a description of this response message, see Table 329.

QuotingWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 330.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 331.

Example Package for QuotingWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 329. Response Message Description: ExecuteQuoting

Node Description Type

ExecuteQuoting_Output The response message includes the quote returned

from Web service.


Table 330. QuotingWebService Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

Web Channel Quoting Workflow Not applicable

Table 331. QuotingWebService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Quote PDS Simplified Quote

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Response


Message Schema (WSDL) for QuotingWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ResponseUse this Web service for the basic Marketing operations such as creating and updating responses.

Response OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 332.

Request Message Description: ResponseCreateResponse

This method takes in an Integration Object called Response IO and returns the Response Id andSuccess Flag. For a description of this request message, see Table 333.

Response Message Description: ResponseCreateResponse

For a description of this response message, see Table 334

Table 332. Response Operations

Name Description

ResponseCreateResponse Creates a Response.

ResponseSourceCodeLookup This operation is used to determine the campaign history record.

ResponseUpdateResponse Updates a Response.

Table 333. Request Message Description: ResponseCreateResponse

Node Description Type

Response IO Required input parameter. Integration Object

Table 334. Response Message Description: ResponseCreateResponse

Node Description Type

Response Id Row Id of the new response. String

Error Message Error message, if any. String

Success Flag Y or N. String

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Request Message Description: ResponseSourceCodeLookup

This method takes in Ids and Codes of Offer, Campaign and Treatment and returns the

S_CAMP_CON_ID. For a description of this request message, see Table 335.

Response Message Description: ResponseSourceCodeLookup

For a description of this response message, see Table 336.

Request Message Description: ResponseUpdateResponse

This method updates an existing response. For a description of this request message, see Table 337.

Response Message Description: ResponseUpdateResponseFor a description of this response message, see Table 338.

Table 335. Request Message Description: ResponseSourceCodeLookup

Node Description Type

Campaign Code Campaign code of response source. String

Campaign Id Campaign Id of response source. String

Offer Code Offer code for response. String

Offer Id Offer Id for reponse. String

Source Code Source code for response. String

Treatment Code Treatment code for response. String

Treatment Id Treatment Id for response. String

Table 336. Response Message Description: ResponseSourceCodeLookup

Node Description Type

S_CAMP_CON_ID Row Id of the response. String

Error Message Error message, if any. String

Success Flag Y or N. String

Table 337. Request Message Description: ResponseUpdateResponse

Node Description Type

Response IO Required input parameter. Integration


Table 338. Response Message Description: ResponseUpdateResponse

Node Description Type

Error Message Error message, if any. String

Success Flag Y or N. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Response


Example Package for ResponseTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ResponseCreateResponse)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ResponseCreateResponse)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ResponseSourceCodeLookup)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ResponseSourceCodeLookup)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ResponseUpdateResponse)See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ResponseUpdateResponse)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Response

To view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebelapplications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ RetrieveAttachmentService

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RetrieveAttachmentServiceThis Web service has one standard ‘QueryPage’ method to retrieve attachment documents.

RetrieveAttachmentService OperationsProvides search solution results. Business Service (Search Solution Service) for Searching Solution

Business Component. For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 339.

Request Message Description: RetrieveAttachmentService

This fetches the Attachment content for a given attachment Id. For a description of this request

message, see Table 340.

Table 339. RetrieveAttachmentService Operations

Name Parameters Description

QueryPage Input: Attachment Id

Output: AttachmentDocIO

(Attachment File Content)

This retrieves the Attachment

content for a given attachment Id.

Table 340. Request Message Description: RetrieveAttachmentService

Node Description Type

Id Document Id String

ModId Modification Id String

ResFileAutoUpdFlg Y or N String

ResFileDate File Date String

ResFileDeferFlg Y or N String

ResFileDockReqFlg Y or N String

ResFileDockStatFlg Y or N String

ResFileDockStatus Y or N String

ResFileExt File Extension String

ResFileName File Name String

ResFileRev File Id String

ResFileSize File Size String

ResFileSrcPath File Source Path String

ResFileSrcType File Source Type String

ResFileBuffer File Buffer String

LOVLanguageMode Language Independent code String

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Response Message Description: RetrieveAttachmentService

For a description of this response message, see Table 341.

RetrieveAttachmentService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 342.

ExecutionMode Execution Mode String

ViewMode Visibility Access Mode String

Table 341. Response Message Description: RetrieveAttachmentService

Node Description Type

Id Document Id String

ModId Modification Id String

ResFileAutoUpdFlg Y or N String

ResFileDate File Date String

ResFileDeferFlg Y or N String

ResFileDockReqFlg Y or N String

ResFileDockStatus Y or N String

ResFileExt File Extension String

ResFileName File Name String

ResFileRev File Id String

ResFileSize File Size String

ResFileSrcPath File Source Path String

ResFileSrcType File Source Type String

ResFileBuffer File Buffer String

Table 342. RetrieveAttachmentService Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

RetrieveAttachmentService Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 340. Request Message Description: RetrieveAttachmentService

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ searchSolution

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 201

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 343.

Example Package for RetrieveAttachmentServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for RetrieveAttachmentServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


searchSolutionUse this Web service to search for solutions based on user inputs, and retrieve a solution as a search


Table 343. RetrieveAttachmentService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SiebelMessageIn AttachmentDocIO

SiebelMessageOut AttachmentDocIO

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ searchSolution


searchSolution OperationsProvides search solution results. Business Service (Search Solution Service) for Searching Solution

Business Component. For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 344.

Request Message Description: searchSolution

Performs a search on a solution based on specified input. For a description of this request message,

see Table 345.

Response Message Description: searchSolution

For a description of this response message, see Table 346.

Table 344. searchSolution Operations

Name Parameters Description

searchSolution.searchSolution Input: SearchInputsIO (SearchText,

SolutionType, To, From).

Output: SearchResultsIO (Total Records,

Solution Id, Solution Title, Last Update


Performs a search on

a solution based on

specified input.

searchSolution.getSolution Input: SolutionId.

Output: SolutionResultIO (Solution Id,

Solution Title, Last Update Date, FAQ,

Resolution Text, Solution Type,

SolnAttachmentList (Attachment Id, File

Name, Last Updated Date, Type) ).

Retrieves solution

from search results.

Table 345. Request Message Description: searchSolution

Node Description Type

SearchText Text to be searched. String

SolutionType Type of Solution. String

From Index of Record. String

To Index of Record. String

Table 346. Response Message Description: searchSolution

Node Description Type

TotalRecords Total number of records fetched. String

From Index of the first record returned. String

SolutionId Solution Id. String

SolutionTitle Solution Title. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ searchSolution

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Request Message Description: getSolution

Retrieves solution from search results. For a description of this request message, see Table 347.

Response Message Description: getSolution

For a description of this response message, see Table 348.

searchSolution Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 349.

LastUpdateDate Last update date of the record. String

To Index of the last record fetched. String

Table 347. Request Message Description: getSolution

Node Description Type

SolutionId Solution Id String

Table 348. Response Message Description: getSolution

Node Description Type

FAQ Frequently Asked Question String

LastUpdateDate Last update date of the record String

AttachmentId Attachment ID String

AttachmentType Type of Attachment String

Name Name String

ResolutionText Resolution Text message String

Table 349. searchSolution Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

Search Solution Service Business Service CSSSrchSolutionSvc

Table 346. Response Message Description: searchSolution

Node Description Type

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccount


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 350.

Example Package for searchSolutionTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for searchSolutionTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


SelfServiceAccountThis WebService exposes the EAI UI Business Service SelfServiceAccount , which provides CRUD andquery operations on Integration Object SS_Account_IO.

This WebService exposes the Execute and Query Methods in the SelfServiceAccount Business Service

as Web service operations.

Table 350. searchSolution Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SolutionResultSiebelMessage SolutionResultIO

SearchInputsSiebelMessage SearchInputsIO

SearchResultsSiebelMessage SearchResultsIO

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccount

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SelfServiceAccount OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 351.

Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountExecute

For a description of this request message, see Table 352.

Table 351. SelfServiceAccount Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceAccountExecute Performs CRUD operations on the instance of SS_Account_IO

provided as input. This operation is used in Siebel Self Service

8.1 for adding, editing and deleting BusinessAddress to an


SelfServiceAccountQueryPage Performs Query operation based on the viewCriteria and

searchSpec set on the instance of SS_Account_IO provided as

input. This operation is used in Siebel Self Service 8.1 for

querying the details of an Account, inclusive of the Business

Addresses associated to the account.

Table 352. Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountExecute

Node Description

SelfServiceAccountExecute_Input Container element for the Execute Operation


ListOfSSAccount Corresponds to an instance of SS_Account_IO.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account Set operation accordingly. If account details need to

be updated, operation = Update or if the business

address needs to be added or updated, set operation

to Skipnode.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /Id Set the Id of the account as a ViewCriteria, if the

purpose is to update the account or create/update

business address for the given account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Container element to hold the list of business

addresses to be created or updated for the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /



Used to create or update the business address of the

Account. Set operation appropriately as Insert or

Update and set IsPrimaryMVG=Y, if this addressneeds to be made the primary address on the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


AccountBusinessAddress/ Id

If the operation is update on

AccountBusinessAddress, set this field to the specific

address of the account.

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Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountExecute

For a description of this response message, see Table 353.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


AccountBusinessAddress/ StreetAddress

(Similarly StreetAddress2, AddressLine3,

State, City, County, Country)

Set appropriate values for the details of this address.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


AccountBusinessAddress/ MainAddressFlag

Set to TRUE if the address is the main address for the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfAccountBusinessAddress/AccountBusinessAddress/ BillAddressFlag

Set TRUE if the address is the billable address for the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


AccountBusinessAddress/ ShipAddressFlag

Set TRUE to fetch if the address is the shippable

address for the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


AccountBusinessAddress/ ActiveStatus

Set to TRUE, if only the active addresses of the

account need to be retrieved.


AccountBusinessAddress/ ModId

Set the ModId while updating, so as to make sure

that the record is not updated in the interim.

ExecutionMode Refer to Siebel EAI.

LOVLanguageMode Refer to Siebel EAI.

ViewMode Refer to Siebel EAI.

Table 353. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountExecute

Node Description

SelfServiceAccountExecute_Output Container element for the Execute Operation response.

ListOfSSAccount Corresponds to an instance of SS_Account_IO.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /Id Id of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account / Mod Id Mod Id for the account record.

Table 352. Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountExecute

Node Description

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccount

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 207

Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountQueryPage

This operation is used to query the details of the Account or to query the list of business addresses

associated with an account. This operation also retrieves the following information for a given

account: primary address Id, primary Bill To Address Id, primary Ship To Address Id, as well as

determining if each of the retrieved addresses are Billable or Shippable. Siebel SelfService 8.1 uses

LOVLanguageMode as ‘LDC’ and ViewMode as ‘All’ for this Web service. For a description of this

request message, see Table 354.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Container element for the list of created or updated

business address of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /



For each created or updated business address of the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


BusinessAddress/ Id

Id of the address created or updated.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


BusinessAddress/ ModId

ModId of the address record created or updated.

Table 354. Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountQueryPage

Node Description

SelfServiceAccountQueryPage_Input Container element for the QueryPage Operation


ListOfSSAccount Corresponds to an instance of SS_Account_IO.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /Id Set the Id of the aAccount as a ViewCriteria.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Empty; used to fetch the Id of the primary address

of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Empty; used to fetch the Id of the Primary Bill To

address of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Empty; used to fetch the Id of the Primary Ship To

address of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


To fetch the business address of the account.

Table 353. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountExecute

Node Description

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Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 355.

Table 355. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountQueryPage

Node Description

SelfServiceAccountQueryPage_Output Container element for the QueryPage Operation


ListOfSSAccount Corresponds to an instance of SS_Account_IO.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /Id Id of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account / PrimaryAddressId Retrieved Id of the Primary Address of the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /PrimaryBillToAddressId

Retrieved Id of the Primary Bill To address of theaccount.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Retrieved Id of the Primary Ship To address of the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /


Container element for the retrieved Business

Address of the account.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress

For each retrieved business address of the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/ Id

Id of the address.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/


(Similarly StreetAddress2, AddressLine3,

State, City, County, Country)

Details of the business address.

ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/


True, if the address is the main Address for the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/


True, if the address is the Billable Address for the


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/


True, if the address is the Shippable Address for

the account.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccount


SelfServiceAccount Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. This WebService exposes

the EAI UI Business Service SelfServiceAccount , which provides CRUD and query operations on

Integration Object SS_Account_IO. For more information on application implementation, refer toyour application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 356

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 357.

Example Package for SelfServiceAccountTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (SelfServiceAccountExecute)

See the following file to view the sample code:


ListOfSSAccount/ Account /

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/


True, if the address is active.

ListOfBusinessAddress/ BusinessAddress/


Empty; to fetch the ModId to be sent back while

updating, so as to make sure that the record is not

updated in the interim.

Table 356. SelfServiceAccount Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceAccount Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 357. SelfServiceAccount Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_Account_IO SS_Account_IO

Table 355. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountQueryPage

Node Description

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccountRootPath

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 211

Response (SelfServiceAccountExecute)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (SelfServiceAccountQueryPage)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (SelfServiceAccountQueryPage)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceAccountTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


SelfServiceAccountRootPathThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service ‘SelfServiceAccountRootPath’, which providesquery operations on Integration Object SS_AccountRootPath_IO.

This Web service exposes the ‘Query’ Method in the ‘SelfServiceAccount’ Business Service as Web

service operation. In Siebel Self Service 8.1, this operation is used in the context of Global Accounts

- Account Hierarchy. For a given account, this operation is used for retriving the path to the root

account and also to fetch the priceLists of the accounts along this path.

SelfServiceAccountRootPath OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 358.

Table 358. SelfServiceAccountRootPath Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage Performs Query operation based on the viewCriteria and

searchSpec set on the instance of

SS_AccountRootPath_IO provided as input. The response

contains the list of accounts along the path to the root

account and the priceList set for each of these accounts.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccountRootPath


Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 359.

Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage

The response contains the details based on the query set on the payment Integration Object .

For a description of this response message, see Table 360.

Table 359. Request Message Description: SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage

Node Description

SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage_Input Container element for the QueryPage Operation


ListOfSSAccountRootPath Corresponds to an instance of


ListOfSSAccountRootPath /


Container element, which holds the columns to be

queried, and the criteria to be used.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /

SSAccountRootPath /ParPartyId


ListOfSSAccountRootPath /

SSAccountRootPath /PartyId


ListOfSSAccountRootPath /

SSAccountRootPath /PartyName


ListOfSSAccountRootPath /

SSAccountRootPath /PriceListId


ListOfSSAccountRootPath /

SSAccountRootPath /RelationTypeCode


ListOfSSAccountRootPath /

SSAccountRootPath /Level1PartyId

Id of the Account, from which the path to the root

Account needs to be identified.

ExecutionMode Forward only.

LOVLanguageMode LDC.

ViewMode All.

Table 360. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage

Node DescriptionSelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage_Output Container element for the QueryPage

Operation response.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath Corresponds to an instance of


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAccountRootPath

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 213

SelfServiceAccountRootPath Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the SelfServiceAccountRootPath. For more

information on application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on

Oracle Technology Network. For more information on application implementation, refer to application

development documentation.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 361.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 362.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath Container element, which corresponds to an

Account that is present along the path to the

root Account.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath /


If ParPartyId is null, the retrieved account is

deemed as the root account. Else, this account

is one of the accounts in the path.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath /


Id of the retrieved account.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath /


Name of the retrieved account.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath /PriceListId PriceListId of the retrieved account.

ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath /



ListOfSSAccountRootPath /SSAccountRootPath /


DIRECT=> Account is the parent the


Table 361. SelfServiceAccountRootPath Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceAccountRootPath Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 362. SelfServiceAccountRootPath Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_AccountRootPath_IO SS_AccountRootPath_IO

Table 360. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAccountRootPathQueryPage

Node Description

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAllAccountsList


Example Package for SelfServiceAccountRootPathTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:

NOTE: You need to filter out unnecessary “SELF” relationship records returned in this response.


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceAccountRootPathTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


SelfServiceAllAccountsListThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service SelfServiceAllAccountsList, which provides

query operations on Integration Object SS_AllAccount_List_IO.

This Web service exposes the Query Method in the SelfServiceAllAccountsList Business Service as

Web service operation. In Siebel Self Service 8.1, this operation is used in the context of Global

Accounts - Account Hierarchy. For a given root account, this operation is used for retriving all the

children account that are directly or indirectly related to it, including itself.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAllAccountsList

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 215

SelfServiceAllAccountsList OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 363.

Request Message Description: SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 364.

Table 363. SelfServiceAllAccountsList Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage Performs Query operation based on the viewCriteria

(contains the Root Account Id) on the instance of

SS_AllAccount_List_IO provided as input. The response

contains the list of accounts that are related to the root


Table 364. Request Message Description: SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage_Input Container element for the QueryPage

Operation request.


ListOfSSAllAccount Corresponds to an instance of



ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList Container element, which holds the

columns to be queried, and the criteria

to be used.


ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList Empty. String

 /ModId Set the Root Account Id as the view



ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /


Empty. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAllAccountsList


Response Message Description: SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 365.

ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /


ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /















Empty String

Level2ParentAccountName Empty (Columns to be retrieved in the



ExecutionMode Empty String

LOVLanguageMode ForwardOnly String

ViewMode LDC String

Table 365. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage_Input Container element for the QueryPage

Operation response.


ListOfSSAllAccount Corresponds to an instance of



Table 364. Request Message Description: SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceAllAccountsList

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 217

ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList


Container element, which holds the

columns to be queried, and the criteria to

be used.


ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /


Empty. String

ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList


AccountId of the child account. String

ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /


Whether the child is directly or indirectly

under this root account.



ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /














Retrieved details of the child account. String

ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /


Immediate Parent of this child account.

For accounts with RelationTypeCode as

DIRECT, it matches the root account Id



ListOfSSAllAccount /SSAllAccountList /


AccountName of the Immediate Parent of

this child account.


Table 365. Response Message Description: SelfServiceAllAccountsListQueryPage

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceContact

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 219

SelfServiceContactThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service SelfServiceContact , which provides CRUD and

query operations on Integration Object SS_Contacts_IO.

This Web service exposes the Execute and Query Methods in the SelfServiceContact  Business Service

as Web service operations.

NOTE: Though most of the Contact and Account Management activities can be perforned using

SelfServiceContact Web service, Siebel SelfService 8.1 uses SelfServiceRegistration Webservice,

which also accepts an instance of Integration Object SS_Contacts_IO. SelfServiceRegistration Web

service calls the SelfServiceRegistration workflow, which delegates the Integration Object to

SelfServiceContact Business Service, for performing all the contact and account management


Hence in SelfService 8.1, SelfServiceContact Web service is mostly used for QueryPage operation.

SelfServiceContact OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 368.

Request Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

For a description of this request message, see Table 369.

Table 368. SelfServiceContact Operations

Name Description


SelfServiceContactQueryPage Performs Query operation based on the viewCriteria and

searchSpec set on the instance of SS_Contacts_IO provided as

input. This operation is used in Siebel Self Service 8.1 for

querying the details of the contact, inclusive of the Personal

Addresses associated to the contact.

Table 369. Request Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

Node Description Type


Contact Corresponds to a record in SS_Contacts_IO. Set

operation accordingly. If Contact details needs to

be updated, operation to Update or if childelements like, Personal Address, needs to be

added/updated, set operation to SkipNode.

Contact /Id Id of the Contact. Set this if the mode on Contact

node is Update or SkipNode.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceContact


Response Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

For a description of this response message, see Table 370.

Contact /ListOfAccount Container element for the assigned accounts of

this contact.

If mode on ‘Contact’ is insert, then, accounts

specified in this list are inserted and assigned to

the newly created contact.

If mode on ‘Contact’ is skipnode, then, accounts

specified in this list are made as the only accounts

assigned for this contact. All other existing

assigned accounts are unassigned by default.

Contact /ListOfAccount/ Account

Contact /ListOfAccount/ Account/Name, PrimaryContactId, Type

Details of the assigned account. String



Contact /


 /ContactCommunicationAddress /


Alternate email address value to be edited or



Contact /


 /ContactCommunicationAddress /


Id of the alternate email address value to be

edited; blank for adding new alternate email



Table 370. Response Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

Node Description Type

SelfServiceContactExecute_Output Container element for the Execute

Operation request.

ListOfSSContact Corresponds to an instance of


ListOfSSContact/Contact/Id, ModId Id and ModId of Inserted/Updated

Contact Record.



Account/Id, Mod Id

Id and ModId of Inserted/Updated

Account Record.




CommunicationAddress/Id, Mod Id

Id and ModId of Inserted/Updated

CommunicationAddress Record.


Table 369. Request Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceContact

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Request Message Description: SelfServiceContactQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 371.

Table 371. Request Message Description: SelfServiceContactQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceContactQueryPage_Input Container element for the QueryPage

Operation request.



ListOfSSContact Corresponds to an instance of




ListOfSSContact/Contact Complex


Contact/ Id Set the Id of the Contact as a ViewCriteria. (Refer


Contact/ ModId Retrieve and pass back while updating, to

make sure that Contact record is not updated

in the interim.




FirstName, MiddleName, LastName,

Status, EmailAddress, CellularPhone,

HomePhone, FaxPhone, WorkPhone,

TimeZoneId, EmailSRUpdatesFlag,


Empty (Columns to be retrieved). (Refer



LoginName, ApprovalStatus,ChallengeQuestion, ChallengeAnswer

Empty (Columns to be retrieved).

These columns are related to the usernameinformation.







Empty (Columns to be retrieved). String



Container element for the

AlternateEmailAddress to be retrieved.

Contact can have similar sub-nodes for

querying PersonalAddress, Account andAccountBusinessAddress.


Contact /




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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceContact


Response Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

For a description of this response message, see Table 372.

Contact /


 /ContactCommunicationAddress /


Empty (Columns to be retrieved).

Alternate Email Address of the contact.


Contact /


 /ContactCommunicationAddress /


Empty (Columns to be retrieved).

Id of the Alternate Email Address of the




ExecutionMode ForwardOnly. (Refer


LOVLanguageMode LDC. String

ViewMode All. Complex


Table 372. Response Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

Node Description Type

SelfServiceContactQueryPage_Output Container element for the QueryPage

Operation response.



ListOfSSContact Corresponds to an instance ofSS_Contacts_IO.


ListOfSSContact/Contact Complex


Contact/ Id Id of the Contact being queried. (Refer


Contact/ ModId Container element for the QueryPage

Operation response.




FirstName, MiddleName, LastName,

Status, EmailAddress, CellularPhone,HomePhone, FaxPhone, WorkPhone,

TimeZoneId, EmailSRUpdatesFlag,


Primitive details of the contact.

EmailSRUpdatesFlag and SendPromotions

contain the preferences shown in

SelfService 8.1 Registration screens.




LoginName, ApprovalStatus,

ChallengeQuestion, ChallengeAnswer

These nodes contain the values for the

username information.


Table 371. Request Message Description: SelfServiceContactQueryPage

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceContact

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 223

SelfServiceContact Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 373.






These nodes contain the values for the

PrimaryAccountName, Primary

BusinAddressId, Primary

BusinessAddressName and

PrimaryPersonalAddressId respectively.




Container element for the

AlternateEmailAddress retrieved.


Contact /

ListOfContactCommunicationAddress /



Contact /

ListOfContactCommunicationAddress /

ContactCommunicationAddress /


Alternate Email Address of the contact. String

Contact /

ListOfContactCommunicationAddress /

ContactCommunicationAddress /


Id of the Alternate Email Address of the




ExecutionMode ForwardOnly. (Refer


LOVLanguageMode LDC. String

ViewMode All. Complex


Table 373. SelfServiceContact Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceContact BusinessService CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 372. Response Message Description: SelfServiceContactExecute

Node Description Type

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceContact


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 374.

Example Package for SelfServiceContactTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (SelfServiceContactQueryPage)See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (SelfServiceContactQueryPage)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (SelfServiceContactExecute)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (SelfServiceContactExecute)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceContactTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 374. SelfServiceContact Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_Contacts_IO SS_Contacts_IO

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServicePaymentHistory

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 225

SelfServicePaymentHistoryThis webservice queries the Payment History details as specified by the search criteria for any

contact logged into the application. Payment details like Payment type, Payment profile,transaction

amount, type and date for different orders against which the payment was made by a contact can

be queried.

SelfServicePaymentHistory OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 375.

Request Message Description: SelfServicePaymentHistoryQueryPage

Based on the query criteria set on the Integration Object,payment related details like the payment

profile details, transaction amount,type and date along with the order numbers can be queried. For

a description of this request message, see Table 376.

Response Message Description: SelfServicePaymentHistoryQueryPage

The response contains the details based on the query set on the payment Integration Object. For a

description of this response message, see Table 377.

SelfServicePaymentHistory Application InterfaceThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service SelfServicePaymentHistory, which provides

update and query operations on Integration Object SS_PaymentHistory_IO. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 375. SelfServicePaymentHistory Operations

Name Description

SelfServicePaymentHistoryQueryPage Performs query operations set on the

SS_PaymentHistory_IO Integration Object as theinput.this method is used for querying the payment

details for different orders performed by a contact.

Table 376. Request Message Description: SelfServicePaymentHistoryQueryPage

Node Description Type


The method arguments are Payment IntegrationObject, Language Mode (value is “LDC”) and

viewMode (“All”).


Table 377. Response Message Description: SelfServicePaymentHistoryQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServicePaymentHistoryQueryPage_Output Integration Object The retrieved data for

the query performed.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServicePaymentHistory


Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 378.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 379.

Example Package for SelfServicePaymentHistoryTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServicePaymentHistoryTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 378. SelfServicePaymentHistory Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServicePaymentHistory Integration Object CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 379. SelfServicePaymentHistory Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_PaymentHistory_IO Payments

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServicePostLoginProcess

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 227

SelfServicePostLoginProcessThis Web service exposes the SelfServicePostLoginProcess workflow as LoadUserDetails operation.

The response of this Web service is determined by the P_Mode request parameter, as displayed in

Table 380.

P_Mode Request ParameterFor a description of the P_Mode request parameter, see Table 380.

SelfServicePostLoginProcess OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 381.

Request Message Description: LoadUserDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 382.

Table 380. P_Mode Request Parameter

P_Mode Response

OnlyLoadResponsibilities Returns only the responsibilities for the given user name.

SkipLoadResponsibilities Returns only the contact details for the given user name.

LoadEverything Returns both the contact details and responsibilities for the

given user name.

Table 381. SelfServicePostLoginProcess Operations

Name Description

LoadUserDetails This operation triggers the SelfServicePostLoginProcess workflow.

Table 382. Request Message Description: LoadUserDetails

Node Description Type

P_Mode See P_Mode Request Parameter table. String

ListOfSSContact An SS_Contact_IO instance, where in

ListOfSSContact/Contact/LoginName contains the

username of the user for whom the details need to

be retrived.

P_LoginName Refer to the SelfServiceContact.doc for the details

on ListOfContact and its subnodes.


getUserResponsibilitiesResponse Username of the user for whom the details need to

be retrived.



getUserResponsibilitiesResponse /


Container element for Responsibilities. Maps to an

instance of “getUserResponsibilitiesResponse” IO



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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServicePostLoginProcess


Response Message Description: LoadUserDetails

For a description of this response message, see Table 383.

SelfServicePostLoginProcess Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 384.

Table 383. Response Message Description: LoadUserDetails

Node Description Type

LoadUserDetails_Output Container element for the “LoadUserDetails”

operation response.



ListOfSSContact An SS_Contact_IO instance, where in

ListOfSSContact/Contact/Id contains the

contactId of the user for whom the details are




getUserResponsibilitiesResponse Refer to the SelfServiceContact.doc for the

other nodes in ListOfContact and its complex

subnodes, like Account and PersonalAddrrss,

which will have the retrived accounts(assigned)

and PersonalAddress of the contact respectively.



getUserResponsibilitiesResponse /




Will be blank when mode is




Error_spcCode Name of the Responsibility. Complex


Error_spcMessage Error Code returned by the Workflow. (See


Table 384. SelfServicePostLoginProcess Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

SelfServicePostLoginProcess Workflow

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServicePostLoginProcess

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 229

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 385.

Example Package for SelfServicePostLoginProcessTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (LoadUserDetails_OnlyLoadResponsibilities)

See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (LoadUserDetails_SkipLoadResponsibilities)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (LoadUserDetails_SkipLoadResponsibilities)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServicePostLoginProcessTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 385. SelfServicePostLoginProcess Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SelfServiceContact SelfServiceContact

getUserResponsibilitiesResponse getUserResponsibilitiesResponse

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


SelfServiceRegistrationThe ‘Enroll’ operation of this webservice invokes the “SelfServiceRegistration” workflow, which

internally uses the Business Services listed below to manage contacts, assigned accounts, assigned

personal/business addresses, create username, manage assigned responsibilities, send welcome or

password update notifications and createInboxItems to simulate pending registration approvals.

Activity of the workflow is determined by the P_mode input parameter passed to this webservice


P_Mode Request ParameterFor a description of the P_Mode request parameter, see Table 386.

Table 386. P_Mode Request Parameter

P_Mode Response

CreateContact Used for creating a contact without a username.

Used in Siebel SelfService 8.1 in contact creation in the Contacts -

Administration screen, and other usages in the Contacts - Profile, and the

Contacts - Account views.

UpdateContact Used for updating a contact without a username.

Used in Siebel SelfService 8.1 in the Contacts - Administration screen,

and the Contacts - Profile, and Contacts - Account views. Also used for

Personal Info updating from Contacts - Profile view.

CreateUser Used for creating a new contact, create a username in the associated

LDAP, assign responsibilities, send welcome notification to the user andcreate an inbox item to the admin, if approval is needed.

Need to pass the Usertype details (like approval required), notification

template, inbox and approval types, when the mode is CreateUser.

Used in Siebel SelfService 8.1 for making a contact as a user in the

Contacts - Administration screen. Also used for all self-service


UpdateUser Used for updating a contact with a username and manage the assigned

accounts and responsibilities.

Used in Siebel SelfService 8.1 in the Contacts - Administration screen to

update user information.

ResetPasswordOnly Used for resetting the password of the currently logged in user of the

siebel session or in the anonymous session.

Also used in Forgot Password Flow (for an anonymous session).

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 231

SelfServiceRegistration OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 387.

Business Services Called by Enroll Operation

The following Business Services aer called by the Enroll operation and are listed below:

■ EAITransactionService Business Service on page 231 

■ SelfServiceContact Business Service on page 232

■ PRM ANI Utility Service Business Service on page 233

■ SiebelWebRegistrationService Business Service on page 234

■ Self Service User Business Service on page 235

■ EAITransactionService Business Service on page 236

■ ISS Approval Bus Service Business Service on page 237

■ Outbound Communications Manager Business Service on page 238

■ SessionAccessService Business Service on page 239

EAITransactionService Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 388.

Table 387. SelfServiceRegistration Operations

Name Description

Enroll Internally calls the business services listed below.

Table 388. EAITransactionService Business Service


Business Service


Begin Transaction

Business Service



Business Service


Begin Transaction

Description This step is used to initiate a transaction. BeginTransaction will not take

any parameters as input.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


SelfServiceContact Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 389.

Table 389. Self ServiceContact Business Service


Business Service


Create, and update contact and account records

Business Service



Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

SiebelMessageIn Process Property P_ContactIO(SS_Contacts_IO)

ViewMode Process Property All

LanguageMode Process Property LDC

ExecutionMode Process Property BiDirectional

Output Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

SiebelMessageOut Output Argument P_ContactIO(SS_Contacts_IO)

Description This step is used to create or update Contact, Account, Contact

Address, Contact_Account relationships and Alternate CommunicationAddress. Contact Integration Object with appropriate action specified

at the request elements is prepared in the java layer and passed as a

Process Property to the workflow.

This step executes an EAIUI Service to execute the operations specified

at each step in the Integration Object and returns a ContactIO with the

ids specified for each step.

Sample SOAP request portions of SS_Contacts_IO are shown below.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 233

PRM ANI Utility Service Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 390.

PRM ANI Utility Service Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, seeTable 391.

Table 390. PRM ANI Utility Service Business Service

PRM ANI Utility Service

Business Service


Retrieve Contact Id

Business Service


PRM ANI Utility Service

Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Hierarchy Path: Literal Contact

Property Name Literal Id

SiebelMessage Hierarchy P_ContactIO(SS_Contacts_IO)

Output Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Property Value Output Argument P_ContactId

Description This step is used to retrieve the contact Id, given the contact IO.

In SelfService 8.1, this step is only applicable during the Register your

company flow to retrieve the Id of the newly created corporate account,which is then sent to Trigger Approval, and established as the root

account. Hence, the caller (java API that calls the proxy) shall ignore

the errors reported by this step.

Table 391. PRM ANI Utility Service Business Service

PRM ANI Utility ServiceBusiness Service


Retrieve Account Id (called only when accountId Process Property is


Business Service


PRM ANI Utility Service

Business Service



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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


SiebelWebRegistrationService Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, seeTable 392.

Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Hierarchy Path: Literal Contact

Property Name Literal Account Id

SiebelMessage Hierarchy P_ContactIO (SS_Contacts_IO)

Output Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Property Value Output Argument AccountId

Description This step is used to retrieve the account Id, given the contact IO.In SelfService 8.1, this step is only applicable during the Register your

company flow to retrieve the Id of the newly created corporate account,

which is then sent to Trigger Approval, and established as the root

account. Hence, the caller (java API that calls the proxy) shall ignore

the errors reported by this step.

Table 392. SiebelWebRegistrationService Business Service

SiebelWebRegistrationServiceBusiness Service


Create User

Business Service



Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Contactid Process Property P_ContactId

Type Process Property P_Usertype

Proxy User Process Property P_ProxyEmpLoginName

LoginName Process Property P_LoginName

Password Process Property P_NewPassword

securityQuestion Process Property P_ChallengeQuestion

Table 391. PRM ANI Utility Service Business Service

PRM ANI Utility Service

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Self Service User Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, seeTable 393.

securityAnswer Process Property P_ChallengeAnswer

Output Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

SuccessCode Output Argument P_CreateUserStatus

ErrorMessage Output Argument Error Message

Description This step executes the SiebelWebRegistrationService Business service

to create a “Web_User” for the given contactid. The business service

needs to create Web Channel User of “Web User” Type, LDAP user

record, S_USER record and also update the security question and


Table 393. Self Service User Business Service

Self Service User

Business Service


Assign Responsibilities

Business Service



Business ServiceMethod


Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

SiebelMessageIn Process Property P_UserIO

ViewMode Process Property All

LanguageMode Process Property LDC

Output Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

SiebelMessageOut Output Argument P_UserIO

Description This step is used to create the responsibilities in Siebel. It uses a new

EAIUI Service named SelfServiceUser that creates the S_PER_RESP

records for the given user Id and the responsibility Id.

Table 392. SiebelWebRegistrationService Business Service


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


EAITransactionService Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 394.

Table 394. EAITransactionService Business Service


Business Service


Commit Transaction

Business Service



Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Is Abort Literal False

Description This step uses EAITransactionService. EndTransaction to commit the

transaction. The parameter Is Abort  need be set to False to commit the


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 237

ISS Approval Bus Service Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 395.

Table 395. ISS Approval Bus Service Business Service

ISS Approval Bus Service

Business Service


Trigger Approval

Business Service


ISS Approval Bus Service

Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

RequestingBusComp Literal Value = Contact

Approval Item ID Process Property P_ContactId

Approval Level Name Process Property P_UsertypeApprovalType

Inbox Type Process Property P_UsertypeInboxType

Approval Level Context Process Property P_AccountId

Description This step uses ISS Approval Bus Service. CreateNewApprovalTasks

business service method to create new Inbox Items based on the Inbox

Type and Approval Types specified. This step is executed only if

approval is required by the user type, based on the

P_UsertypeApprovalRequd process property.

Note that P_AccountId contains the root account of the corporate

account under which the contact/user is being created. Hence, for

newly created corporate account (Register your company flow),

P_AccountId is set to the Id of the newly created account.

For more information, see Siebel Self-Service Application Developer’s


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


Outbound Communications Manager Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, seeTable 396.

Table 396. Outbound Communications Manager Business Service

Outbound Communications Manager

Business Service


Trigger Notification

Business Service


Outbound Communications Manager

Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

RecipientBusComp Literal

SourceIdList Process Property P_ContactId

PackageNameList Process Property P_NotificationTemplateName

RequestLanguageCode Process Property P_Language

RequestLocaleCode Process Property P_Locale

ProcessMode Literal

RequestName Literal

RecipientGroup Process Property

Description This step is used to trigger the notification based on the notificationtemplate specified, using the Outbound Communications Manager.

CreateRequest. This Business Service Method substitutes the

necessary values from the ‘Contact’ Business Component loaded for

the ‘Id‘ specified.

For more information, see Siebel Self-Service Application

Developer’s Guide.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 239

SessionAccessService Business Service

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 397.

Response Message Description: CreateContact

For a description of this Business Service, see Table 398.

Table 397. SessionAccessService Business Service


Business Service


Set new password in Siebel session

Business Service



Business Service



Input Arguments

Argument Name Type Property Name

Name Literal

Value Process Property P_NewPassword

PackageNameList Process Property P_NotificationTemplateName

RequestLanguageCode Process Property P_Language

RequestLocaleCode Process Property P_Locale

ProcessMode Literal

RequestName Literal

RecipientGroup Process Property

Description This step is used to set the password in Siebel session.

For more information, see Siebel Self-Service Application

Developer’s Guide..

Table 398. Response Message Description: CreateContact

Node Description Type

Process_spcInstance_spcId Not of consequence in response. String

Object_spcId Not of consequence in response. String

Siebel_spcOperation_spcObject_spcId Not of consequence in response. String

Error_spcCode Not of consequence in response. String

Error_spcMessage Not of consequence in response. String

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


ListOfSSContact Contains an instance of the output

integration object SS_Contacts_IO that

holds the Id and ModId of the contact /

account that is created/updated.

Refer to SelfServiceContact WebService

document for more information on the

Structure and subnodes of


Maps to the P_ContactIO process property

in the workflow.



P_ContactId Not of consequence in response. String

P_AccountId Derived Root Account Id

Refer to SelfService 8.1 Siebel BookShelf

for more details.


P_DefaultOrgId Not of consequence in response. String

P_Mode Not of consequence in response. String

P_Usertype Not of consequence in response. String

P_LoginName Username created String

P_DefaultProxyEmployee Not of consequence in response. String

P_LoginId Value returned by SiebelWebRegistrationBusinessService. String

P_CreateUserStatus The status set on the newly created user.

Inactive, for pending users.


P_Password Not of consequence in response. String

P_NewPassword Not of consequence in response. String

P_ChallengeQuestion Not of consequence in response. String

P_ChallengeAnswer Not of consequence in response. String

Table 398. Response Message Description: CreateContact

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 241

Self Service Registration Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information onapplication implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 399.

ListOfSSUser Contains an instance of the input Contains

an instance of the output integration object

 “Users” that holds the Id and Mode Id of the

user-responsibility mapping for the

updated responsibility assignments.

Refer to SelfServiceUser WebService

document for more information on the

Structure and subnodes of ListOfSSUser.

Maps to the P_UserIO process property in

the workflow.



P_UsertypeApprovalRequd Not of consequence in response. String

P_UsertypeApprovalType Not of consequence in response. String

P_UsertypeInboxType Not of consequence in response. String

P_UsertypeNotifTemplateName Not of consequence in response. String

P_RecipientGroup Not of consequence in response. String

P_Language Not of consequence in response. String

P_Locale Not of consequence in response. String

Table 399. Self Service Registration Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

SelfServiceRegistration Workflow

Table 398. Response Message Description: CreateContact

Node Description Type

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceRegistration


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 400.

Example Package for SelfServiceRegistrationTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request and Response Samples are provided for the following scenarios:

1 Create a B2C contact and a username and trigger notification.

2 Create a B2B contact as Inactive and create a username and trigger notification and create Inbox

Items for approval.

3 Update Personal addresses of an existing Contact.

4 Update Contact details, Account Assignments, Responsibility Assignments, Password resetting

for an existing contact.


Create a B2C contact and username and trigger notification.

See the following file to view the sample code:



Create a B2C contact and username and trigger notification.

See the following file to view the sample code:


RequestCreate a B2B contact as Inactive and create a username and trigger notification and create Inbox

Items for approval.

See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 400. Self Service Registration Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SelfServiceContact SelfServiceContact

Users Users

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 243


Create a B2B contact as Inactive and create a username and trigger notification and create Inbox

Items for approval.

See the following file to view the sample code:



Update Personal Addresses of an existing contact.

See the following file to view the sample code:


ResponseUpdate Personal Addresses of an existing contact.

See the following file to view the sample code:



Update Contact Details, Account Assignment, Responsibility Assignment, Password resetting for an

existing contact.

See the following file to view the sample code:



Update Contact Details, Account Assignment, Responsibility Assignment, Password resetting for an

existing contact

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceRegistrationTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for SiebelCRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceResponsibility


SelfServiceResponsibilityThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service SelfServiceResponsibility, which provides

query operation on Integration Object SS_Responsibility_IO. Additionally, this Web service exposes

the Query Method in the SelfServiceResponsibility Business Service as Web service operation.

SelfServiceResponsibility OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 401.

Request Message Description: SelfServiceResponsibilityQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 402.

Table 401. SelfServiceResponsibility Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceResponsibilityQueryPage Performs Query operation based on the viewCriteria and

searchSpec set on the instance of SS_Responsibility_IO

provided as input.

This operation is used in Siebel Self Service 8.1 for retrieving

the Id and Name of Web Enabled Responsibilities.

Table 402. Request Message Description: SelfServiceResponsibilityQueryPage

Node Description



Container element for SelfServiceResponsibility

WebService input for QueryPage operation.

ListOfSSResponsibility Container element for the list of SS_Responsibility_IO.

Corresponds to an SS_Responsibility_IO IO.



Corresponds to the primary IC ‘Responsibility’.



Set to “Yes”, for retrieving only Web Enabled




Empty; Placeholder for the Id of the responsibility to be




Empty; Placeholder for the name of the responsibility to

be retrived.

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Response Message Description: SelfServiceResponsibilityQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 403.

SelfServiceResponsibility Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 404.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 405.

Table 403. Response Message Description: SelfServiceResponsibilityQueryPage

Node Description

SelfServiceResponsibilityQueryPage_Output Container element for

SelfServiceResponsibility WebService

output for QueryPage operation.

ListOfSSResponsibility Container element for the list of

SS_Responsibility_IO. Corresponds to an

SS_Responsibility_IO Integration Object.

ListOfSSResponsibility/Responsibility Corresponds to the primary IC



 “Yes” for Web Enabled Responsibility.

ListOfSSResponsibility/Responsibility/Id Retrived Id of the responsibility.

ListOfSSResponsibility/Responsibility/Name Retrived name of the responsibility.

Table 404. SelfServiceResponsibility Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceResponsibility BusinessService CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 405. SelfServiceResponsibility Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_Responsibility_IO SS_Responsibility_IO

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceSmtpEmail


Example Package for SelfServiceResponsibilityTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceResponsibilityTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


SelfServiceSmtpEmailThe SendSmtpEmail operation of this Web service invokes the SelfServiceSmtpEmail workflow, which

internally uses the Outbound Communications Manager Business Service for sending non-template

based SMTP Email.

SelfServiceSmtpEmail OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 406.

Table 406. SelfServiceSmtpEmail Operations

Name Description

SendSmtpEmail Invokes “SelfServiceSmtpEmai”l workflow.

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Request Message Description: SendSmtpEmail

For a description of this request message, see Table 407.

Response Message Description: SendSmtpEmail

For a description of this response message, see Table 408.

Table 407. Request Message Description: SendSmtpEmail

Node Description Type

FromAddress Email address of the sender. String

MessageToList Semicolon-separated list of email addresses for the TO line. String

MessageCCList Semicolon-separated list of email addresses for th CC line. String

MessageBCCList Semicolon-separated list of email addresses for th BCC



MessageSubject Descriptive subject line for the message. String

MessageBody Message content in plain-text. String

MessageHTMLBody Message content in HTML. This parameter when specified

would override the parameter ‘MessageBody’.


Error Code Error code, if any. String

Error Message Error message, if any. String

Object Id Object Id. String

Process Instance Id Id of process instance. String

Siebel Operation Object Id Id of Siebel operation. String

Table 408. Response Message Description: SendSmtpEmail

Node Description Type

FromAddress Not of consequence in response. String

MessageToList Not of consequence in response. String

MessageCCList Not of consequence in response. String

MessageBCCList Not of consequence in response. String

MessageSubject Not of consequence in response. String

MessageBody Not of consequence in response. String

MessageHTMLBody Not of consequence in response. String

Error Code Error code, if any, for exceptions raised while submitting the

request. This is automatically set from the workflow.


Error Message Error details, if any, for exceptions raised while submitting the

request. This is automatically set from the workflow.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceSmtpEmail


SelfServiceSmtpEmail Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 409.

Example Package for SelfServiceSmtpEmailTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceSmtpEmailTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:

Object Id Standard WF Output. String

Process Instance Id Standard WF Output. String

Siebel Operation

Object Id

Standard WF Output. String

Table 409. SelfServiceSmtpEmail Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

SelfServiceSmtpEmail Workflow Process

Table 408. Response Message Description: SendSmtpEmail

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceTemplateEmail

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 249


SelfServiceTemplateEmailThe ‘SendTemplateEmail’ operation of this webservice invokes the “SelfServiceTemplateEmail”

workflow, which internally uses the “Outbound Communications Manager” Business Service for

sending template based SMTP Email.

SelfServiceTemplateEmail OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 410.

Request Message Description: SendTemplateEmail

For a description of this request message, see Table 411.

Table 410. SelfServiceTemplateEmail Operations

Name Description

SendTemplateEmail Invokes “SelfServiceTemplateEmail” workflow.

Table 411. Request Message Description: SendTemplateEmail

Node Description Type

TemplateName The communication template name to be used in the



SourceRecipientGroupName The source recipient group name. Either the name of

Siebel-seeded recipient group or a custom one.


SourceObjectID ROW_ID of the source object component of the

recipient group. This would determine the data

retrieved for processing the template and recipient

address for the email.


TemplateLanguageCode Language code the template. A template must exist

with the name and language combination specified.

Defaulting is not recommended.


TemplateLocaleCode Locale code the template. A template must exist with

the name and locale combination specified.

Defaulting is not recommended.


RequestName An optional string that would help trace the

outbound communication requests at the server



RequestStatus Status code for the outbound request placed. String

Error Code Blank. String

Error Message Blank. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceTemplateEmail


Response Message Description: SendTemplateEmail

For a description of this response message, see Table 412.

SelfServiceTemplateEmail Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on OracleTechnology Network.

Object Id Blank. String

Process Instance Id Blank. String

Siebel Operation Object Id Blank. String

Table 412. Response Message Description: SendTemplateEmail

Node Description Type

TemplateName Not of consequence in response. String

SourceRecipientGroupName Not of consequence in response. String

SourceObjectID Not of consequence in response. String

TemplateLanguageCode Not of consequence in response. String

TemplateLocaleCode Not of consequence in response. String

RequestName Not of consequence in response. String

RequestStatus Not of consequence in response. String

Error Code Error code, if any, for exceptions raised while

submitting the request. This is automatically set from

the workflow.


Error Message Error details, if any, for exceptions raised while

submitting the request. This is automatically set from

the workflow.


Object Id Standard WF Output. String

Process Instance Id Standard WF Output. String

Siebel Operation Object Id Standard WF Output. String

Table 411. Request Message Description: SendTemplateEmail

Node Description Type

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceTemplateEmail

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 251

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 413.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 414.

Example Package for SelfServiceTemplateEmailTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceTemplateEmailTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 413. SelfServiceTemplateEmail Service Object

Namep Boundary Object Type

SelfServiceTemplateEmail Workflow Process

Table 414. SelfServiceTemplateEmail Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Not applicable

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceTimeZone


SelfServiceTimeZoneThis webservice call is used to get all the Siebel Timezone values. These values are got in the session

language if it is a Siebel supported locale else it is got in the base language. The language is set

using the search spec.

SelfServiceTimeZone OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 415.

Request Message Description:SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 416.

Response Message Description: SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 417.

SelfServiceTimeZone Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the SelfServiceTimeZone. This Web service

exposes the Business Service SelfServiceTimeZone, which provides query operation on Integration

Object SS_TimeZone_IO. For more information on application implementation, refer to your

application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Table 415. SelfServiceTimeZone Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage Performs query operations based on the searchspec set on the

language as input. This operation is used to get the Siebel

timezone values based on the language which is set in thesearchspec.

Table 416. Request Message Description:SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage_Input The method arguments are TimeZone

Integration Object with query

parameters set, Language Mode as

 “LDC” and viewMode (“All”).



Table 417. Response Message Description: SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage_Output The list of the timezone values which

are returned in the language that is set

in the search spec.



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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceTimeZone

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 253

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 418.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 419.

Example Package for SelfServiceTimeZoneTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceTimeZoneTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 418. SelfServiceTimeZone Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceTimeZone Integration Object CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 419. SelfServiceTimeZone Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_TimeZone_IO Time Zone

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceUser


SelfServiceUserThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service SelfServiceUser, which provides CRUD and

query operations on Integration Object Users. Additionally, this Web service exposes the Execute and

Query methods in the SelfServiceUser Business Service as Web service operations.

SelfServiceUser OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 420.

Request Message Description:SelfServiceUserExecuteFor a description of this request message, see Table 421.

Table 420. SelfServiceUser Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceUserExecute Performs CRUD operations on the instance of Users Integration

Object provided as input.

Though Siebel Self Service 8.1 does not use this Web service

operation for managing responsibilities of a user, the

SelfServiceRegistration Workflow used instead, leverages the same

business service (SelfServiceUser) internally.

SelfServiceUserQueryPage Performs Query operation based on the viewCriteria and

searchSpec set on the instance of Users Integration Object

provided as input.

This operation is used in Siebel Self Service 8.1 for retrieving the

responsibilities of the users in delegated administration.

Table 421. Request Message Description:SelfServiceUserExecute

Node Description

SelfServiceUserExecute_Input Container element for SelfServiceUser WebService input for

Execute operation.

ListOfSSUser Container element for the list of Users. Corresponds to a Users

Integration Object.

ListOfSSUser/User Corresponds to the primary IC ‘User’. Set the mode as “skipnode”

for adding/removing responsibilities of the user.

ListOfSSUser/User/LoginName Set the Username for which the associated responsibilities need

to be reset.



Container element for User_Responsibility IC.

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Response Message Description: SelfServiceUserExecute

For a description of this response message, see Table 422.

Request Message Description: SelfServiceUserQueryPage

For a description of this request message, see Table 423.




Corresponds to the User_Responsibility IC. Represents a

responsibility association, for each responsibility to be added/

retained with the user. Earlier assigned responsibilities that are

not listed here are deleted by default.




Set the Id of the responsibility to be assigned/retained to the user.

Table 422. Response Message Description: SelfServiceUserExecute

Node Description

SelfServiceUserExecute_Output Container element for SelfServiceUser WebService output for

Execute operation.

ListOfSSUser Container element for the list of Users. Corresponds to a

Users Integration Object.

ListOfSSUser/User Corresponds to the primary IC ‘User’.

ListOfSSUser/User/LoginName Username for which the assigned responsibilities are




Container element for User_Responsibility IC.




Corresponds to the User_Responsibility IC. Each entry

represents a responsibility assigned to the user.




Id of the responsibility assigned to the user.

Table 423. Request Message Description: SelfServiceUserQueryPage

Node Description

SelfServiceUserQueryPage_Input Container element for SelfServiceUser WebService input for

QueryPage operation.

ListOfSSUser Container element for the list of Users. Corresponds to a

Users Integration Object.

Table 421. Request Message Description:SelfServiceUserExecute

Node Description

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Response Message Description: SelfServiceUserQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 424.

ListOfSSUser/User Corresponds to the primary IC ‘User’.

ListOfSSUser/User/LoginName Set the Username for which the associated responsibilities

needs to be loaded.



Container element for User_Responsibility IC.




Corresponds to the User_Responsibility IC. Represents a

responsibility associated to the user.




Empty; to query the Id of the responsibility assigned to the





Empty; to query the Name of the responsibility assigned to

the user.

Table 424. Response Message Description: SelfServiceUserQueryPage

Node Description

SelfServiceUserQueryPage_Output Container element for SelfServiceUser WebService output

for QueryPage operation.

ListOfSSUser Container element for the list of Users. Corresponds to a

Users Integration Object.

ListOfSSUser/User Corresponds to the primary IC ‘User’.

ListOfSSUser/User/LoginName Username for which the assigned responsibilities are




Container element for User_Responsibility IC.




Corresponds to the User_Responsibility IC. Each entry

represents a responsibility assigned to the user.




Id of the responsibility assigned to the user.




Name of the responsibility assigned to the user.

Table 423. Request Message Description: SelfServiceUserQueryPage

Node Description

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SelfServiceUser Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 425.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 426.

Example Package for SelfServiceUserTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceUserTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 425. SelfServiceUser Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceUser BusinessService CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 426. SelfServiceUser Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Users Users

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SelfServiceWebSite


SelfServiceWebSiteThis Webservice is used for creating /retrieving /updating /deleting sites.

This Webservice exposes two methods, ‘Query’ and the ‘Execute’ methods in its business service

 “SelfServiceWebSite “ as Webservice operations.

SelfServiceWebSite OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 427.

Request Message Description:SelfServiceWebSiteExecute

Creating/updating/deleting operations on a site can be performed based on the query criteria that is

set. For a description of this request message, see Table 428.

Response Message Description: SelfServiceWebSiteExecute

The response contains the details based on the query set on the Site Integration Object. For a

description of this response message, see Table 429.

Table 427. SelfServiceWebSite Operations

Name Description

SelfServiceWebSiteExecute Perform various operations like creating/updating/deleting of

sites with SelfServiceWebSite Integration Object as the input.

SelfServiceWebSiteQueryPage Performs query operations based on the querycriteria. set on

SelfServiceWebSite Integration Object as the input. This

operation is used to query for the site details.

Table 428. Request Message Description:SelfServiceWebSiteExecute

Node Description Type

SelfServiceWebSiteExecute_Input The method arguments are Site IntegrationObject, Language Mode (value is “LDC”) and

viewMode (“All”).


Table 429. Response Message Description: SelfServiceWebSiteExecute

Node Description Type

SelfServiceWebSiteExecute_Output The data retrieved based on the query set. Integration


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Request Message Description:SelfServiceWebSiteQueryPage

Based on the querycriteria set on the Integration Object, site related details are queried. For a

description of this request message, see Table 430.

Response Message Description: SelfServiceWebSiteQueryPage

The response contains the details based on the update query set on the Site Integration Object. For

a description of this response message, see Table 431.

SelfServiceWebSite Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the SelfServiceWebSite. This Web service

exposes the Business Service SelfServiceWebSite, which provides execute and query operations on

Integration Object SS_WebSite_IO. For more information on application implementation, refer toyour application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 432.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 433.

Table 430. Request Message Description:SelfServiceWebSiteQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceWebSiteQueryPage_Input The method arguments are Site

Integration Object with query parameters

set, Language Mode as “LDC” and

viewMode (“All”).



Table 431. Response Message Description: SelfServiceWebSiteQueryPage

Node Description Type

SelfServiceTimeZoneQueryPage_Output The list of the timezone values which

are returned in the language that is set

in the search spec.



Table 432. SelfServiceWebSite Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SelfServiceWebSite Integration Object CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 433. SelfServiceWebSite Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

SS_WebSite_IO SS_WebSite_BO

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ServiceRequest


Example Package for SelfServiceWebSiteTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (SelfServiceWebSiteExecute)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (SelfServiceWebSiteExecute)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (SelfServiceWebSiteQuery)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (SelfServiceWebSiteQuery)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SelfServiceWebSiteTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


ServiceRequestUse this Web service to create, read, update the Service Request and to create, read, update, and

delete the child objects like Activities, Attachments, Solutions and Service Request Agreements.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ServiceRequest

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ServiceRequest OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 434.

Request Message Description: ServiceReqInsert_Input

For a description of this request message, see Table 435.

Response Message Description: ServiceReqInsert_Input

For a description of this response message, see Table 436.

Request Message Description: ServiceReqUpdate_Input

For a description of this request message, see Table 437.

Table 434. ServiceRequest Operations

Name Description

ServiceReqInsert_Input Used to Create the Service Request.

ServiceReqUpdate_Input Used to Update the Service Request.

ServiceReqExecute_Input Used to Create and Update the Service Request. Also this is used

to Create / Update the child objects like Activities, Attachment,

Solution, Service Request Agreement.

ServiceReqQueryPage_Input Used to Query the Service Request and the child objects like

Activities, Attachment, Solution, Service Request Agreement.

ServiceReqInit_Input Used to get the default values for the Service Request.ServiceReqDelete_Input Used to delete the child objects like Activities, Attachment,

Solution, Service Request Agreement.

Table 435. Request Message Description: ServiceReqInsert_Input

Node Description

Abstract Abstract of the Service Request.

Table 436. Response Message Description: ServiceReqInsert_Input

Node Description

Id Returns the Row_Id of the Service Request.

Mod_Id Returns the Mod_Id of the Service Request.

Table 437. Request Message Description: ServiceReqUpdate_Input

Node Description

Id Row Id of the Service Request is required.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ServiceRequest


Request Message Description: ServiceReqInit_Input

For a description of this request message, see Table 443.

Response Message Description: ServiceReqInit_Input

For a description of this response message, see Table 444.

Request Message Description: ServiceReqDelete_Input

For a description of this request message, see Table 445.

Response Message Description: ServiceReqDelete_Input

For a description of this response message, see Table 446.

ServiceRequest Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 443. Request Message Description: ServiceReqInit_Input

Node Description

Service Request Pass the Service Request attributes.

Table 444. Response Message Description: ServiceReqInit_Input

Node Description

Service Request Returns default information of the Service Request.

Table 445. Request Message Description: ServiceReqDelete_Input

Node Description

Id Row Id of the Service Request.

Id Row Id of the Activity.

Id Row Id of the Attachment.

Id Row Id of the Solution.

Id Row Id of the Service Request Agreement.

Table 446. Response Message Description: ServiceReqDelete_Input

Node Description

Id Returns the Row_Id of the Service Request. Also the child object’s Row Id.

Mod_Id Returns the Mod_Id of the Service Request. Also the child object’s Mod Id.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ ServiceRequest

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 447.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 448.

Example Package for Service RequestTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Service RequestTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 447. ServiceRequest Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

ServiceReq Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 448. ServiceRequest Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

ServiceReqIO Service Request (SelfService)

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SessionAccessWS


SessionAccessWSThis Web service call is used to terminate the Siebel session. This web service exposes the business

service “SessionAccessService” which provides the business service method “Ping” which is used to

set a message to terminate the Siebel session.

SessionAccessWS OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 449.

Request Message Description:sessionAccessPing

For a description of this request message, see Table 450.

Response Message Description: sessionAccessPing

For a description of this response message, see Table 451.

SessionAccessWS Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the SessionAccessWS. This web service exposes

the business service “SessionAccessService” which provides the method “Ping” which is used to seta message to terminate the siebel session. For more information on application implementation, refer

to your application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Table 449. SessionAccessWS Operations

Name Description

sessionAccessPing This is used for setting a message as an input .

Table 450. Request Message Description:sessionAccessPing

Node Description Type

SessionAccessPing_Input Container Element. Not applicable

SessionAccessPing_Input/msgIn Set as “Self Service Logout Request”. String

Table 451. Response Message Description: sessionAccessPing

Node Description Type

SessionAccessPing_Output Container Element. Not applicable

SessionAccessPing_Input/msgOut Sent as “1” which indicates successful

termination of the session.


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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SWI Update Order Line Item

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 452.

Example Package for SessionAccessWSTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SessionAccessWSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


SWI Update Order Line ItemUse this Web service to update the status of order line items for simple products, complex products,

and nested service bundles in the Siebel CRM application when the status of the order line item

changes in the billing application. The billing application makes this inbound Web service call to the

Siebel CRM application to update the status of the order line item. A business service is exposed inthe Siebel CRM application to update the status field.

If the order line item contains a complex product or nested service bundle, this Web service updates

the statuses of the component products within that complex product or nested service bundle for the

order line item ID that is passed to this Web service. If the order line item ID is the same as the root

line item ID, then this Web service updates the statuses of the entire product hierarchy for the order.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

Table 452. SessionAccessWS Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

SessionAccessService CSSUIFSessionAccessService

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ SWI Update Order Line Item


SWI Update Order Line Item Operations

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 453.

Request Message Descripiton: UpdateLineItems

For a description of this request message, see Table 454.

SWI Update Order Line Item Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information onapplication implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 455.

Table 453. SWI Update Order Line Item Operations

Name Description

UpdateLineItems Updates the value of the field that is passed to it for order line items in

simple products, complex products, and nested service bundles.

Table 454. Request Message Descripiton: UpdateLineItems

Node Description

FieldName1 The name of the field in the order line item to update.

FieldValue1 The new value of the field in the order line item to update.

RootLineItemId The row ID of the root order in the order line item hierarchy.

OrderLineItemId The row ID of the nested product in the order line item hierarchy.

UpdateSingleLineItem The designation for an order with a single line item. If this node has a

value of TRUE, the order has a single line item.

Table 455. SWI Update Order Line Item Service Objects

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

CMU Order Line Item Update (For

simple products)

Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

SIS OM UpdateOrderItem (For

complex products)

Workflow Not applicable

SIS OM NSB Update Order Line

(For nested service bundles)

Workflow Not applicable

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Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 456.


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 457.

Example Package for SWI Update Order Line ItemTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SWI Update Order Line ItemTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 456. SWI Update Order Line Item Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Order Entry Line Item Update Order Entry Line Item Update

Table 457. SWI Update Order Line Item Methods

Operation Method

UpdateLineItems [BS: CMU Order Line Item Update].Update

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Ulnbox Contact Item

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To Specify Parameters While Invoking Ulnbox Contact ItemUse the following procedure to specify parameters while invoking the Ulnbox Contact Item Web


Sp e c if y i n g p a r a m e t e r s w h i l e in v o k i n g W e b s e r v i ce  

1 Run the WSDL file thru proxy generator.

This creates a C# class that should be modified to construct Input Integration Objects.

For performance reasons, Page size can also be specified here.

Following is the sample client side code showing how page size and other input parameters can

be specified.

 AccountQueryPageMSO_Input input = new AccountQueryPageMSO_Input ();

 input.ViewMode = "All";

 input.PageSize = "10";

 input.StartRowNum = "0";

 input.ListOfAccount = new Account[1];

 input.ListOfAccount[0] = new Account ();

 input.ListOfAccount[0].Name = "MngoTestAccount";

 input.ListOfAccount[0].Location = "";

 proxy.AccountQueryPageMSO (input);

2 Records can be filtered based on logged in resource and context by specifying these values in

Input Integration Objects.

Possible Performance and Scalability Issues

The volume of Inbox data loaded by the Web service for a specific user and context can be extremely

huge depending on implementations. There will be performance issues if is all retrieved together.

This issue can be overcome by specifying the page size during each call.

Possible Deployment Issues

Authentication URL may be changed during deployment to supply changed information such as user,

password and so on. These changes should be done in the WSDL file.

Error Conditions

All error conditions will be handled by Web services framework.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Ulnbox Contact Item


Ulnbox Contact Item Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 461.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 462.

Example Package for Ulnbox Contact ItemTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Ulnbox Contact ItemTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


Table 461. Ulnbox Contact Item Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

UInbox Contact Item Not applicable CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 462. Ulnbox Contact Item Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

UInboxContactItem UInbox Items

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Universal Inbox

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 273

Universal InboxUniversal Inbox is an existing Business Service providing functionality to create, update Inbox items

or owner, invoke actions etc. This can be modified to include methods to invoke Approve and Reject

Actions that will be deployed as a Web service.

Universal Inbox OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 463.

Request Message Description: UniversalInboxCallAction

For a description of this request message, see Table 464.

Response Message Description: UniversalInboxCallAction

For a description of this response message, see Table 465.

This operation will return following messages:

1 Errors as in current inbox design like “post-approval action not configured”.

2 User-friendly error message, when the SAME inbox item is concurrently updated by two Self

Service users such as “This has already been approved by a different user”, if approved OR “This

has already been rejected by a different user”, if rejected.

Table 463. Universal Inbox Operations

Name Description

UniversalInboxCallAction Executes the action registered for a specific Inbox Item type.

Table 464. Request Message Description: UniversalInboxCallAction

Node Description Type

InboxItemId InboxItemId String

ActionLIC ActionLIC String

InboxTypeName InboxTypeName String

OwnerId OwnerId String

ObjectId ObjectId String

Table 465. Response Message Description: UniversalInboxCallAction

Node Description Type

Status Call status. String

Error message Error message returned, if any. String

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ Universal Inbox


3 Returning the actual error message, if any, from the workflow that is being invoked. Since the

Self Service workflow is invoked synchronously, all error messages will be propagated.

4 CallAction Business Service Method will detect and return error messages raised by the ActionBusiness Service. Web service Infrastructure will detect that the CallAction Business Service

method has returned an error code and create a SOAP fault.

Invalid input conditions

InboxItemId and ActionName are required input parameters to execute the action. Comments is an

optional parameter.

Processing errors

Errors occurring during workflow execution etc will be handled by Web services framework and the

error extracted will be sent as SOAP fault.

Universal Inbox Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 466.

Data Object (Integration Object)

Since all Input and Output parameters are Strings, Integration Object is not required.

Example Package for Universal InboxTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 466. Universal Inbox Service Object

Node Description TypeUniversal Inbox Not applicable CSSUInboxSvc

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 275


See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for Universal InboxTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducerUse this Web service to synchronize the data between the Siebel CRM application and the billing

application for details relating to accounts, addresses, contacts, and billing profiles. Because this

Web service uses an asynchronous call, a response message does not apply.

UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 467.

Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerParty

For a description of this request message, see Table 468.

Table 467. UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer Operations

Operation Name Description

UpdateCustomerParty Synchronizes account detail between the Siebel CRMapplication and the billing application.

UpdateCustomerPartyAddress Synchronizes address detail for an account between the Siebel

CRM application and the billing application.

UpdateCustomerPartyContact Synchronizes contact detail for an account between the Siebel

CRM application and the billing application.

UpdateCustomerPartyBillProfile Synchronizes billing profile detail for an account between

Oracle’s Siebel CRM application and the billing application.

Table 468. Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerParty

Node Description

Account The details of the account.

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer


Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerPartyAddress

For a description of this response message, see Table 469.

Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerPartyContact

For a description of this request message, see Table 470.

Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerPartyBillProfile

For a description of this request message, see Table 471.

UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

CutAddress The details of the address for an account.

Contact The details of the contact for an account.

Table 469. Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerPartyAddress

Node Description

Account The details of the account.

CutAddress The details of the address for an account.

ComInvoiceProfile The details of the billing profile for an account.

Table 470. Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerPartyContact

Node Description

Account The details of the account.

Contact The details of the contact for an account.

ComInvoiceProfile The details of the billing profile for an account.

Table 471. Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerPartyBillProfile

Node Description

BillingProfileCutAddress The details of the address for a billing profile.

BillingProfileContact The details of the contact for a billing profile.

ComInvoiceProfile The details of the billing profile for an account.

Table 468. Request Message Description: UpdateCustomerParty

Node Description

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 472.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 473.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 474.

Example Package for UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducerTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 472. UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If Business Service)

UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 473. UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CMU AccSync Account Io CMU - Account

CMU AccSync Address Io CMU - Address

CMU AccSync Contact Io CMU - Contact

CMU AccSync Billing Profile Io CMU - Com Invoice Profile

Table 474. UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer Methods

Operation Method

UpdateCustomerParty [BS: UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer].UpdateCustomerParty



[BS: UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer].UpdateCustomerPartyAddress



[BS: UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer].UpdateCustomerPartyBillProfile



[BS: UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducer].UpdateCustomerPartyContact

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS



Because this Web service uses an asynchronous call, a response message does not apply.

Message Schema (WSDL) for UpdateCustomerSiebelJMSProducerTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:


WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSThis Web service is used for creating/updating/deleting/listing of payment wallet with paymentmethods.

This Web service exposes the Query and Execute methods in the WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS

Business Service as Web service operations.

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 475.

Table 475. WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS Operations

Name Description

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSQueryPage Performs query operations based on thequerycriteria.set on

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_IO integration object

as the input.This operation is used to query the

payment related details like the payment profile

details and the account /contact information for

which the payment wallet belongs to.

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSExceute Perform various operations like creating/updating/

deleting of payment wallet with payment methods

on the WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_IO

Integration Object as the input.

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Request Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSQueryPage

Based on the querycriteria set on the Integration Object,payment related details like the payment

profile details ,account/contact information can be queried. For a description of this request

message, see Table 476.

Response Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSQueryPage

For a description of this response message, see Table 477.

Request Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSExecute

Based on the query criteria set, creating/editing/deleting operations on a wallet can be perfomed.

For a description of this request message, see Table 478.

Response Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSExecute

For a description of this response message, see Table 479.

Table 476. Request Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSQueryPage

Node Description Type



The container element for the QueryPage

Operation request.The method arguments are

Payment Integration Object, Language Mode

(value is “LDC”) and viewMode (“All”).



Table 477. Response Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSQueryPage

Node Description Type



The method arguments are Payment Integration

Object, Language Mode (value is “LDC”) and

viewMode (“All”).



Table 478. Request Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSExecute

Node Description Type



The method arguments are Payment Integration

Object, Language Mode (value is “LDC”) and

viewMode (“All”).



Table 479. Response Message Description: WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSExecute

Node Description Type



The retrieved data for the update operation

performed which could be creating/editing/deleting

of a payment wallet.



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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS


WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS Application InterfaceThis Web service exposes the EAI UI Business Service WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS, which

provides update and query operations on WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_IO Integration Object. For

more information on application implementation, refer to your application development

documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 480.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 481.

Example Package for WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

See the following file to view the message schema:

Table 480. WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS Web service

Name Boundary Object Type Class

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS Integration Object CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 481. WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS Web service

Siebel Repository Name External Name

WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_IO Payment Profile

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Siebel 8.1 Primary Web Services ■ WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS


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4 Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0

This chapter lists Web services that are part of 8.0 Version of Oracle’s Siebel CRM Web services

offering. The Web services are grouped in two tables under the following topics:

■ Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0

■ Support and Testing Web Services on page 285

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0Table 482 lists the primary Web services available with Siebel 8.0. The Services are divided by

functional area.

Table 482. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

CME NetworkOrderEntry



TroubleTicket Inbound

FINS INS Claims Inbound

External Auto Policy Outbound

External Property Policy Outbound

FS Warranty















LS GetHealthCareProfessionalCompl








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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0


Mktg GetUnallocatedExpenseItem












Event Registration



OM ABOWebService




























CalculatePriceWS Inbound







Table 482. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Support and Testing Web ServicesTable 483 lists the Siebel 8.0 Web services used for support or testing.

PRM PartnerPrograms






PS Serialization Service Inbound

SFA WC_Account_BS Inbound

WC_Contacts_BS Inbound

WC_Opportunity_BS Inbound

WC_Service_Request_BS Inbound

Forecast Inbound

Integration_Object_Info_Service Inbound

SFA_Activity_BS Inbound








Table 483. Support and Testing Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type



DedicatedBlockWS Inbound



WC_Asset_DB_BS Inbound


WC_MVG_Channel_Partner_BS Inbound



WC_MVG_Household_BS Inbound



WC_MVG_Industry_BS Inbound

Table 482. Primary Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Support and Testing Web Services




WC_MVG_Internal_Division_BS Inbound



WC_MVG_Organization_BS Inbound



WC_MVG_Position_BS Inbound



WC_MVG_Source_BS Inbound



WC_MVG_Territory_BS Inbound


WC_Orders_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Abs_Admin_Service_Region_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Action_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Agreement_Entitlement_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Auction_Services_BS Inbound


WC_PickList_Business_Address_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Campaign_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Currency_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Employee_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_FS_Shipping_BS Inbound

DDK-POC WC_PickList_Internal_Product_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Order_Entry_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Payment_Profile_BS Inbound

Table 483. Support and Testing Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Support and Testing Web Services

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WC_PickList_Payment_Terms_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Price_List_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Sales_Assessment_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Sales_Stage_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_Service_Agreement_BS Inbound


WC_PickList_Siebel_Instance_BS Inbound



WC_PickList_VORD_Network_Asset_BS Inbound



WC Cached State Managed Service Inbound



WC Cached Stateful Service Inbound



WC Cached Stateless Service Inbound


WC NonCached State Managed Service Inbound



WC NonCached Stateful Service Inbound



WC NonCached Stateless Service Inbound

Misc ActuateAPI



Misc ActuateAPI



Misc DecisionService




Misc ExternalChoiceService http://




Table 483. Support and Testing Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Support and Testing Web Services


Misc JobManagementService



Misc SAWSessionService



Misc SendMailingService urn:xml-send-mailing Outbound

Misc SiebelSharePointArchival



Misc SiebelSharePointIntegration



Misc WC_Quote_BS Inbound

Misc Web Collaboration Service



Misc WebCatalogService



Test PSRUnitBenchmark



ASI AccountWS Inbound

ASI ActivityWS Inbound

ASI ContactWS Inbound

ASI CRM Contact Management Inbound

ASI CRM Lead Management Inbound

ASI CRM Marketing Management Inbound

ASI CRM Party Management Inbound

ASI CRM Service Management Inbound

ASI External Account Outbound

ASI External ANI Claims Notice of Loss Outbound

ASI External ANI Claims Payment Info Outbound

ASI External ATP Check Outbound

ASI External Contact Outbound

ASI External Credit Check Outbound

ASI External CRM Lead Management Outbound

ASI External CRM Marketing Management Outbound

ASI External CRM Service Management Outbound

Table 483. Support and Testing Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Support and Testing Web Services

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ASI External Employee Outbound

ASI External Household Outbound

ASI External Opportunity Create Outbound

ASI External Opportunity Query Outbound

ASI External Opportunity Update Outbound

ASI External Opportunity Update Response Outbound

ASI External Order Outbound

ASI External Position Outbound

ASI External Quote OutboundASI External Request Add/Cancel Group Policy

Member Outbound

ASI External Request Add/Cancel Individual

Policy Member Outbound

ASI External Request Authorization Outbound

ASI External Request Benefit Detail Outbound

ASI External Request Eligibility Check Outbound

ASI External Request Preliminary Rating Outbound

ASI External Request Providers Outbound

ASI External Request Referral Outbound

ASI External Request Update of Member Details Outbound

ASI External Send Update Provider Details Outbound

ASI External Shipment Tracking Outbound

ASI External Shopping Cart Create Outbound

ASI External Simple Product Outbound

ASI Healthcare Group Policy Member

Management Inbound

ASI Healthcare Individual Policy MemberManagement Inbound

ASI Healthcare Member Details Management Inbound

ASI Healthcare Request Authorization Inbound

ASI Healthcare Request Benefit Detail Inbound

ASI Healthcare Request Eligibility Check Inbound

Table 483. Support and Testing Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Support and Testing Web Services


ASI Healthcare Request Preliminary Rating Inbound

ASI Healthcare Request Providers Inbound

ASI Healthcare Request Referral Inbound

ASI Healthcare Send Update Provider Details Inbound

ASI Insurance Claims Notice of Loss Inbound

ASI Insurance Claims Payment Info Management Inbound

ASI Insurance Life Policy Management Inbound

ASI ModuleLicense Inbound

ASI OpportunityWS InboundASI PIMDomainWS Inbound

ASI ProjectWS Inbound

ASI SearchExternalService Inbound

ASI SearchSecurityService Inbound

ASI ServiceRequestWS Inbound

ASI Siebel Account Inbound

ASI Siebel Case Information Inbound

ASI Siebel Contact Inbound

ASI Siebel Employee Inbound

ASI Siebel Household Inbound

ASI Siebel Invoice Inbound

ASI Siebel Opportunity Create Inbound

ASI Siebel Opportunity Query Inbound

ASI Siebel Opportunity Update Inbound

ASI Siebel Opportunity Update Response Inbound

ASI Siebel Order Inbound

ASI Siebel Position InboundASI Siebel Quote Inbound

ASI Siebel Shopping Cart Create Inbound

ASI Siebel Simple Product Inbound

ASI Siebel TM Alignment Inbound

ASI Siebel TM Alignment Results Inbound

Table 483. Support and Testing Web Services

Area Web Service Name Namespace Type

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Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Support and Testing Web Services


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5 Primary Web Services for SiebelCRM 8.0

This chapter includes detailed descriptions and information about version 8.0 of Siebel CRM Web


It includes the following topics:

■ ABOWebService on page 294

■ Asset Management on page 301

■ AssetWebService on page 304

■ CalculatePriceWS on page 304

■ CatalogWebService on page 307

■ ContextServiceWrapperService on page 316

■ CopyActivity on page 321

■ EAILOVWS on page 322

■ EligibilityCompatibility on page 322

■ EventManagement on page 326

■ Event Registration on page 332

■ ExternalAutoPolicy on page 332

■ ExternalPropertyPolicy on page 332

■ Forecast on page 332

■ GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation on page 332

■ GetHeathCareProfessionalComplianceDetails on page 340

■ GetUnallocatedExpenseItem on page 347

■ INSClaims on page 350

■ IntegrationObjectInfo on page 354

■ NetworkOrderEntry on page 356

■ PartnerPrograms on page 358

■ PartnerRegistration on page 359

■ ProductConfigurator on page 359

■ ProductRecommendation on page 373

■ PromotionWebService on page 376

■ QuoteWebService and OrderWebService on page 379

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ABOWebService


■ QuoteAddItemsWS on page 383

■ SerializationService on page 385

■ ServiceRequest on page 385

■ SessionAccessWS on page 387

■ SetAllocatedExpenseItem on page 387

■ SFA_Activity_BS on page 390

■ SiebelUserProfileService on page 392

■ SiebelWebRegistration on page 392

■ TroubleTicket on page 392

■ VerifyEntitlement on page 394

■ Warranty on page 396

■ WC_Account_BS on page 396

■ WC_Contacts_BS on page 397

■ WC_Opportunity_BS on page 397

■ WC_Service_Request_BS on page 397

■ WebMarketing on page 397

ABOWebServiceUse this Web service to expose the following Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) functions: convert a quote

into an order, submit an order to the back-end office, convert a completed order line item to an asset,

modify an asset, disconnect an asset, suspend, or resume an asset. This Web service works only with

an Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) enabled environment. A typical application that uses the Web service

is Siebel Communication.

ABOWebService OperationsThe asset operations Modify, Disconnect, Suspend, or Resume create a new line item, based on the

account or contact profile. They have a similar input and output data schema. If AccountId is

provided, then it operates on the account profile. If AccountId is not provided it operates on the

contact profile.

Affix “ToQuote” in the Web service name means: if an active quote is provided, it will add the quoteitem to the existing quote. If an active quote is not provided, it generates a new quote and adds the

quote item to the new quote.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ABOWebService


For a description of this request message, see Table 485.

Response Message Description: AutoOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order. For a description of this response message,

seeTable 486.

Request Message Description: SubmitOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 487.

Response Message Description: SubmitOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order, which has the same format as the AutoOrder

response message.

Request Message Description: AutoAsset

For a description of this request message, see Table 488.

Table 485. Request Message Description: AutoOrder

Node Description

Object Id Required. RowId of the Quote to be converted to the Sale Order.

Table 486. Response Message Description: AutoOrder

Node Description

PDS Order Instance of Integration object PDS Order.

 Header Order Header.

 Line Item Order Line Items.

  XA Order Line Item attributes.

Table 487. Request Message Description: SubmitOrder

Node Description

OrderId Required. RowId of the order to be submitted.

Table 488. Request Message Description: AutoAsset

Node Description

Object Id Required. RowId of the corresponding Order that contains the Order Line Item

to be converted or applied to an asset.

LineItemId Required. RowId of an Order Line Item to be converted or applied to an asset.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ABOWebService

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Response Message Description: AutoAsset

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Asset. For a description of this response message, see

Table 489.

Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

For a description of this request message, see Table 490.

Table 489. Response Message Description: AutoAsset

Node Description

PDS Asset Required. Integration Object.

 Header Asset Header.

 Line Item Asset.

  XA Asset attributes.

Table 490. Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

Node Description

AssetIntegrationId Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either

AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.

AssetNumber Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either

AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.

ActiveDocumentId Document in Order Management means a Quote or an Order. Each

Document can have multiple children (Quote Items or Order Line

Items). ActiveDocumentId means the current active Document that

the current process is working on. In this Web service call, it is theQuote Id of the active Quote to which the generated quote item has

to be added. This is an optional input.

AccountId Account Id of the account that owns the selected asset (Service Item).

ContactId Contact Id of the contact who owns the selected asset (Service Item)

to be modified.

DueDate The due date of the generated line item.

PriceListId Specifies a Price List Id that is associated with the quote if a new quote

is requested to generate.

CompoundProductNumber Compound Product Number for the Asset Based Ordering (ABO)

network ordering. It is not required if network ordering is not used.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ABOWebService


Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote. For a description of this response message, see

Table 491.

Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 492.

Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order, which has the same format as the AutoOrder

response message.

Table 491. Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

Node Description

PDS Quote Required. Integration Object.

 Header Quote Header.

 Line Item Quote Line Item.

  XA Quote Line Item attributes.

Table 492. Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

Node Description

AssetIntegrationId Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either

AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.

AssetNumber Asset Integration Id of the selected asset. Provide either

AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.

ActiveDocumentId Document in Order Management means a Quote or an Order.

Each Document can have multiple children (Quote Items or Order

Line Items). ActiveDocumentId means the current active

Document that the current process is working on. In this Webservice call, it is the Order Id of the active Order to which the

generated order line item has to be added. This is an optional


AccountId Account Id of the account that owns the selected asset (Service


ContactId Contact Id of the contact who owns the selected asset (Service

Item) to be modified.

DueDate The due date of the generated line item.

PriceListId Specifies a Prices List Id associated with the quote if a new quote

is requested.

CompoundProductNumber Compound Product Number for ABO network ordering. Required

only if network ordering if used.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ABOWebService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 299

Request Message Description: SuspendAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: SuspendAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: SuspendAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: SuspendAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order.

Request Message Description: ResumeAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: ResumeAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: ResumeAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: ResumeAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order.

Request Message Description: DisconnectAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: DisconnectAssetToQuote

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: DisconnectAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: DisconnectAssetToOrder

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Order.

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ABOWebService


ABOWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 493.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 494.

Example Package for ABOWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 493. ABOWebService Service Object


Boundary Object


Class (if

Business Service)

SISOMAutoOrderWebService Workflow Not applicable

SISOMSubmitWebService Workflow Not applicable

SISOMAutoAssetWebService Workflow Not applicable

SISOMModifyWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMModifyWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

SISOMSuspendWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMSuspendWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

SISOMResumeWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMResumeWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

SISOMDisconnectWebService-Quote Workflow Not applicable

SISOMDisconnectWebService-Order Workflow Not applicable

Table 494. ABOWebService Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Quote PDS Quote

PDS Order PDS Order

PDS Asset PDS Asset

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Asset Management


Asset Mangement OperationsNote that all operations for this service share a common data format. Because of this similarity, all

the operations for this service are grouped together. However, because of the nature of the schema

generation for the WSDL file, the message formats for each operation have their own message


For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 495.

Common Request Message Description

All operations in this Web service work with a common request message format and a common

response message format. The request message consists of fields from the Asset Mgmt BusinessComponent.

Common Response Message Description

Same as request message format.

Asset Management Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 496.

Table 495. Asset Mangement Operations

Name Description


Request: Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementInsert_Input

Request: Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementInsert_Output:

Creates an

Asset record.


Request: Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementQueryPage_Input

Response: Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementQueryPage_Output

Queries for anAsset record.


Request: Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementUpdate_Input

Response: Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementUpdate_Output

Updates an

Asset record.

Table 496. Asset Management Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (If BusService)

Asset Management Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

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Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 497.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 498.

Example Package for AssetManagementTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for AssetManagementTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for SiebelCRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


Table 497. Asset Management Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Asset Management Asset Management

Table 498. Asset Management Methods

Operation Method

Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementInsert [BS:Asset Management].[Insert]

Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementQueryPage [BS:Asset Management].[QueryPage]

Asset_spcManagement_AssetManagementUpdate [BS:Asset Management].[Update]

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ AssetWebService


AssetWebServiceTo view the sample code, see the following files in the WebServices ZIP download in the Siebel

Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network:

CalculatePriceWSUse this Web service to calculate the document’s Quote price.

CalculatePriceWS OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 499.

Request Message Description: CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility

For a description of this request message, see Table 500.

Response Message Description: CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility

For a description of this response message, see Table 501.

CalculatePriceWS Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information onapplication implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

This Web service invokes the “Web Channel Pricing Driver Workflow” Workflow. The input and output

are based on the “PSP Common” Integration Object.

Table 499. CalculatePriceWS Operations

Name Description

CalculatePrice Calculate price for the input Quote Document. The Web service

invokes the Web Channel Pricing Driver Workflow.

Table 500. Request Message Description: CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility

Node Description

QuoteIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote.

Table 501. Response Message Description: CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility

Node Description

QuoteIO An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote.

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This is the Web service version of the PSP Driver Workflow Process. For a description of the workflows

steps, see Table 502.

Table 502. PSP Driver Workflow Process

Name Type


Service Method


process Description


Quote IO

to PS





Object to XML



IntObjHierToPSHier Not


Converts input to the

PDS Quote

integration object to

a property set








GetRowSetData Not


Creates Context Row

Set from the

Property Set








GetRowSetData Not


Creates Row Set

from Property Set







Row Set



Conditional Action




Sets the Pricing Date

to the current time

stamp or the date

provided by the Joint

Workspace Scenario








Calls the Dynamic

Pricing Procedure toperform pricing.

Zero Out




Row Set



Conditional Action




Clears the price

totals on the Context

Row Set.

Totaling Business


Row Set



Conditional Action




Calculates the Totals

for the Non

Recurring Charge

and Monthly

Recurring Charge on

the Context Row Set.

Sync Row

Set to PS





SetRowSetData Not


Writes the updated

Row Set back to the

Property Set


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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ CalculatePriceWS


Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 503.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 504.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 505.



to PS





SetRowSetData Not


Writes the updated

Context back to the

Property Set



from PS

to IO





Object to XML



PSHierToIntObjHier Not


Converts the

Property Hierarchy

to the Integration

Object Hierarchy.

Table 503. CalculatePriceWS Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

Web Channel Pricing Driver Workflow Workflow Not applicable

Table 504. CalculatePriceWS Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Quote




|----- XA

PDS Quote

Table 505. CalculatePriceWS Data Objects

Operation Method

CalculatePrice RunProcess

Table 502. PSP Driver Workflow Process

Name Type


Service Method


process Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ CatalogWebService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 307

Example Package for CalculatePriceWSTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) of CalculatePriceWSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


CatalogWebServiceUse this set of Web services to expose the catalog functions, including get catalog, get catalog

category, get category product, get search options, get search parameters, execute search, getproduct promotions, and so on.

CatalogWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 506.

Table 506. CatalogWebService Operations

Name Description

Get Catalog Retrieves a list of catalogs.

Get Catalog Categories Retrieves a list of categories for a given catalog.

Get Category Products Retrieves a list of products for a given catalog, categoryand other contextual parameters.

Publish Catalog Retrieves the full structure of a given Catalog including

category and products.

Get Product Details Retrieves the basic product information along with the


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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ CatalogWebService

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Response Message Description: GetCatalogCategory

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Catalog Category Interface. For a description of this

response message, see Table 510.

Request Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

For a description of this request message, see Table 511.

Response Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Category Product Interface. For a description of this

response message, see Table 512.

Table 510. Response Message Description: GetCatalogCategory

Node Description

PDS Catalog Category Interface An instance of Integration Object PDS

Catalog Category Interface.

Table 511. Request Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

Node Description

PDS Category Product Interface Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS

Category Product Interface.

PricingMode Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default

value is Y.

EligibilityMode 0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2

run but only return eligible products). Optional. The

default value is 1.

ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalConext. Optional. However,

provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.

Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog Context.It either contains SiebelContext or ExternalContext.

Optional only if ContextMode is not provided. If

ContextMode is provided it is required.

Table 512. Response Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

Node Description

PDS Category Product Interface An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog CategoryInterface. After running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price,

Net Price, Eligibility status and Eligibility Reason fields will be


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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ CatalogWebService


Request Message Description: PublishCatalog

For a description of this request message, see Table 513.

Response Message Description: PublishCatalog

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Publish Catalog Interface. For a description of this response

message, see Table 514.

Request Message Description: GetProductDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 515.

Table 513. Request Message Description: PublishCatalog

Node Description

PDS Publish Catalog Interface Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS Category

Product Interface.

PricingMode Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value

is Y.

EligibilityMode 0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run

but only return eligible products ). Optional. The default

value is 1.

ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional. However, you

must provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibil ity.

Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog Context. It

either contains SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional

only if ContextMode is not provided. If ContextMode is

provided it is required.

IncludePriceWaterfall Y or N (includes price waterfall or does not).

Table 514. Response Message Description: PublishCatalog

Node Description

PDS Publish Catalog Interface An instance of Integration Object PDS Publish Catalog Interface.

After running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price,

Eligibility status and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Table 515. Request Message Description: GetProductDetails

Node Description

PDS Product Details


Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS Product Details Interface.

PricingMode Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.

EligibilityMode 0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return

eligible products ). Optional. The default value 1.

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Response Message Description: GetProductDetails

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Details Interface. For a description of this response

message, see Table 516.

Request Message Description: GetProductChildren

For a description of this request message, see Table 517.

ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalConext. Optional. However, provide ContextMode

to run pricing and eligibility.

Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog Context. It either contains

SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not

provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Table 516. Response Message Description: GetProductDetails

Node Description

PDS Product Details


An instance of Integration Object PDS Product Details Interface. After

running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility

status and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Table 517. Request Message Description: GetProductChildren

Node Description

PDS Product ChildrenInterface

Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS Product ChildrenInterface.

PricingMode: Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.

EligibilityMode 0, 1, 2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return

eligible products). Optional. The default value 1.

ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalConext. Optional. However, provide

ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.

Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog Context. It either contains

SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not

provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Table 515. Request Message Description: GetProductDetails

Node Description

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Response Message Description: GetProductChildren

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Children Interface. For a description of this

response message, see Table 518.

Request Message Description: GetSearchOptions

For a description of this request message, see Table 519.

Response Message Description: GetSearchOptions

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Searchable Product Class Interface. For a description of this

response message, see Table 520.

Request Message Description: GetSearchParameters

Retrieves a List of Fields or Attributes Available for a Search Option along with Attribute Domain

Values If LOV Type. For a description of this request message, see Table 521.

Table 518. Response Message Description: GetProductChildren

Node Description

PDS Product Children Interface An instance of Integration Object PDS Product Children


Table 519. Request Message Description: GetSearchOptions

Node Description

PDS Searchable Product Class


Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS Searchable

Product Class Interface.

Table 520. Response Message Description: GetSearchOptions

Node Description

PDS Searchable Product ClassInterface

An instance of Integration Object PDS Searchable Product ClassInterface.

Table 521. Request Message Description: GetSearchParameters

Node Description

PDS Searchable Product

Class Interface

Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS Searchable Product

Class Interface.

FieldNameClassId Property name for the class Id field. Optional. The default value is Class

Id. It is recommend that this field not be changed.

LookupFromCache Y or N (lookup search parameters from cache). Optional. The default

value is N. (It will be made obsolete. Do not use this parameter.)

MaximumAttributes The maximum number of attributes returned for each product class.

Optional. The default value is 15.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ CatalogWebService


Response Message Description: ExecuteSearch

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Interface. For a description of this response

message, see Table 526.

CatalogWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 527.

ContextMode SiebelContext or ExternalConext. Optional. However, provide

ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.

Context An instance of Integration Object PDS Catalog Context. It either contains

SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not

provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

PriceSearchExpression Price field search expression. For example, greater than > 100 and less

than < 1000. Optional.

ProductSearchSpec Search specification for the product business component, for example,

[Name] like "IBM*". Optional.

ResultSize Number of products returned. Optional. The default value is 100.

PDS Product ClassAttributes Interface

An instance of Integration Object PDS Product Class Attributes Interface.This is a required input for the SearchByClass search option.

Table 526. Response Message Description: ExecuteSearch

Node Description

PDS Product Interface An instance of Integration Object PDS Product Interface. After

running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility

status, and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Table 527. CatalogWebService Service ObjectName Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

PDS Product Data Service BusService CSSProdDataSvc

Table 525. Request Message Description: ExecuteSearch

Node Description

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Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 528.

CatalogWebService Example PackageTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) of CatalogWebService

To view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebelapplications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


Table 528. CatalogWebService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Catalog Interface PDS Catalog Interface

PDS Catalog Category Interface PDS Catalog Category Interface

PDS Category Product Interface PDS Category Product Interface

PDS Publish Catalog Interface PDS Publish Catalog Interface

PDS Product Interface PDS Product Interface

PDS Product Class Attributes Interface PDS Product Class Attributes Interface

PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface

PDS Searchable Product Class Interface PDS Searchable Product Class Interface

PDS Product Details Interface PDS Product Details Interface

PDS Product Children Interface PDS Product Children Interface

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ContextServiceWrapperService


ContextServiceWrapperServiceThese Web services invoke the QuotesAndOrdersValidate signal through the context service wrapper

service. They validate the quotes and orders, or selected line items in the whole document.

ContextServiceWrapperService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 529.

Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteHeader-Verify

This Web service request takes a “WS Quote” Integration Object as its input. Therefore, the request

message is in a structure that is consistent with the “WS Quote” integration object definition. For a

description of this request message, see Table 530.

Table 529. ContextServiceWrapperService Operations

Node Description

ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteHeader-Verify Validates a Quote, including all of its items,

or validates the selected quote items under

a quote. The signal invoked is

QuotesAndOrdersValidate.ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteItem-Verify Validates a Quote, including all of its items,

or validates the selected quote items under

a quote. The signal invoked is


ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderHeader-Verify Validates an Order, including all of its items,

or validates the selected order items under

an order. The signal invoked is


ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderItem-Verify Validates an Order, including all of its items,

or validates the selected order items under

an order. The signal invoked is


Table 530. Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteHeader-Verify

Node Description

Header Quote (Quote Ids, UIActive, UISelected required)

 Line Item Quote Item

 XA Quote Item attributes

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Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteHeader-Verify

For a description of this response message, see Table 531.

Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteItem-Verify

For a description of this request message, see Table 532.

Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteItem-Verify

For a description of this response message, see Table 533.

Table 531. Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteHeader-Verify

Node Description

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating

a Quote or Order against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Return Message Promotion: returns a validation message from the

promotion verify workflow.

Return Message All: returns a validation message after validating all

Customizable Products (CP) under the Quotes or Orders.

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating

a Quote or Order against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Table 532. Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteItem-Verify

Node Description

Header Quote (Quote Id required)

 Line Item Quote Item (Quote Items Ids, UIActive, UISelected required)

 XA Quote Item attributes

Table 533. Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteItem-Verify

Node Description

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating a Quote or

Order against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Return Message Promotion: returns a validation message from the promotion verify


Return Message Validate CP All: returns a validation message after validating all

Customizable Products (CP) under the Quotes or Orders.

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating a Quote or

Order against the Data Validation Rule Set.

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Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderHeader-Verify

For a description of this request message, see Table 534.

Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderHeader-Verify

For a description of this response message, see Table 535.

Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderItem-Verify

For a description of this request message, see Table 536.

Table 534. Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderHeader-Verify

Node Description

Header Order Entry - Orders (Order Id required)

 Line Item Order Entry - Line Items (Order Items Ids, UIActive, UISelected required)

 XA Order Item attributes

Table 535. Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderHeader-Verify

Node Description

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating a Quote or Order

against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Return Message Promotion: returns a validation message from the promotion verify workflow.

Return Message Validate CP All: returns a validation message after validating all Customizable

Products (CP) under the Quotes or Orders.

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating a Quote or Order

against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Table 536. Request Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderItem-Verify

Node Description

Header Order Entry - Orders (Order Id required)

Line Item Order Entry - Line Items (Order Items Ids, UIActive, UISelected required)

XA Order Item attributes

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Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderItem-Verify

For a description of this response message, see Table 537.

ContextServiceWrapperService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 538.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 539.

Table 537. Response Message Description: ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderItem-Verify

Node Description

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating a Quote or Order

against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Return Message Promotion: returns a validation message from the promotion verify workflow.

Return Message Validate CP All: returns a validation message after validating all Customizable

Products (CP) under the Quotes or Orders.

Return Message Data Validation: returns a validation message for validating a Quote or Order

against the Data Validation Rule Set.

Table 538. ContextServiceWrapperService Service Objects


Boundary Object


ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteHeader-Verify Workflow

ContextServiceWrapperService-QuoteItem-Verify Workflow

ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderHeader-Verify Workflow

ContextServiceWrapperService-OrderItem-Verify Workflow

Table 539. ContextServiceWrapperService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

WS Quote WS Quote

WS Order WS Order

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For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 540.

Example Packages for ContextServiceWrapperServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (ValidateQuotes)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ValidateQuotes)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ValidateQuoteItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ValidateQuoteItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) of ContextServiceWrapperServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


Table 540. ContextServiceWrapperService Methods

Operation Method

ValidateQuotes RunProcess

ValidateQuoteItems RunProcess

ValidateOrders RunProcess

ValidateOrderItems RunProcess

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ CopyActivity

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 321

CopyActivityUse this Web service to instantiate activities from an activity template for a Service Request.

CopyActivity OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 541.

Request Message Description: WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess

For a description of this request message, see Table 542.

Response Message Description: WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess

There is response message for this operation.

CopyActivity Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 543.

Table 541. CopyActivity Operations

Name Description

WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess Creates activity records.

Table 542. Request Message Description: WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess

Node Description

SRId Row Id of service request.

TemplateId Row Id of Activity Template.

ActPlanId Row Id of Activity Plan.

Table 543. CopyActivity Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type

WS Copy Service Activity Workflow

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ EAILOVWS



For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 544.

Example Package for CopyActivityTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess)See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) of CopyActivityTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


EAILOVWSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

EligibilityCompatibilityUse this Web service to validate the document’s (Quote) eligibility and compatibility status.

Table 544. CopyActivity Methods

Operation Method

WSCopyServiceActivityRunProcess [WF: WS Copy Service Activity].[RunProcess]

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ EligibilityCompatibility

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EligibilityCompatibility OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 545.

Request Message Description: CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility

For a description of this request message, see Table 546.

Eligibility and Compatibility Used Fields

For a description of the Eligibility and Compatibility used fields, see Table 547.

Table 545. EligibilityCompatibility Operations

Name Description

CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility Checks the eligibility and compatibility

status for the input Quote Object.

Table 546. Request Message Description: CheckQuoteEligibilityCompatibility

Node Description

QuoteIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote. Some of the

fields used in the eligibility and compatibility process are shown in the

following table: Eligibility and Compatibility User Fields.

PSPMode The default is External PDS Quote. This parameter will be parsed as Mode

used in the Variable Map.

PickMode Can be Pre-Pick or Post-Pick. Pre-Pick will trigger only the eligibi lity check.

Post-Pick will have both the eligibility and compatibility checks executed.

ProjectedAssetIO An instance of the Projected Asset Integration Object. It is used for a

compatibility check with the current quote.

Table 547. Eligibility and Compatibility Used Fields

PDS Quote (Quote) Mapping XML


Variable Name (Map to

Internal Variable Map)

How It Is Used in

Eligibility and


AccountContractedProductsOnlyFlag Account Contracted

Products Only Flag

Used in the workflow

AccountId Account Id Account (used in the

Eligibility Matrix)

AccountType Account Type Account Type (used in the

Eligibility Matrix)

ShippingCity City City (used in the Eligibility


ShippingCountry Country Country (used in the

Eligibility Matrix)

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ EligibilityCompatibility


PDS Quote Fields

For a descripiton of PDS Quote Fields, see Table 548.

ShippingPostalCode Postal Code Postal Code (used in the

Eligibility Matrix)

PriceListId Price List Id Price List (checks in the

workflow if the product is

included in the price list)

ShippingState State State (used in the Eligibility


Table 548. PDS Quote Fields

PDS Quote (Quote

Line Item) XML

Name Variable Name How It Is Used

AccountId Account Id Account (used in the Eligibility Matrix).

ClassId Class Id Product Class (used in the Compatibility Matrix).

EffectiveFrom Effective From Checks if the product is effective.

EffectiveTo Effective To Checks if the product is effective.

InclusiveEligibilityFlag Inclusive Eligibility


Defines the type of rules it will use. If it is Y, it will

compare with the Inclusive rules. Otherwise, it will

compare with the Exclusive rules. For more

information about eligibility rules, see Siebel

Product Administration Guide and the chapter about

defining product and promotion eligibility rules.

Name Name Name of the line item.

PrePickCD Pre Pick Defines if the line item will trigger the eligibility and

compatibility checking. It must be 'Y' to trigger the

eligibility and compatibility check.

PriceListId Price List Id Price List (checks if the product is included in the

price list).

ProductId Product Id Product (used in the Eligibility and Compatibility


ProductLineId Product Line Id Product Line (used in the Eligibility and

Compatibility Matrix).

Table 547. Eligibility and Compatibility Used Fields

PDS Quote (Quote) Mapping XMLName

Variable Name (Map toInternal Variable Map)

How It Is Used in

Eligibility andCompatibility

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Response Message Description: CheckQuoteEligiblityCompatibility

For a description of this response message, see Table 549.

EligibilityCompatibility Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 550.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 551.

Example Package for EligibilityCompatibilityTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


Go to the following directory in the file to view the sample code:


Table 549. Response Message Description: CheckQuoteEligiblityCompatibility

Node Description

QuoteIO An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote. After running the eligibility

and compatibility process, the Eligibility Status and Eligibility Reason fields

will be updated.

Table 550. EligibilityCompatibility Service Object



Object Type

Class (if


Web Channel Product Eligibility &

Compatibility Driver Workflow


Table 551. EligibilityCompatibility Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Quote PDS Simplified Quote

Projected Asset Projected Asset

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ EventManagement



Go to the following directory in the file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) of EligibilityCompatibilityTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


EventManagementThis Web service allows enables you to retrieve event, session and registration details based on theEvent Id and Contact Id Inputs. It also allows for event registration by a Contact with the same input


EventManagement OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 552.

Request Message Description: GetEvents

For a description of this request message, see Table 553.

Table 552. EventManagement Operations

Name Description

GetEvents Retrieves a list of events based on Status or Date Search Specification.

GetEventDetails Retrieves event details for an event preferably based on an Id SearchSpecification.

GetSessions Retrieves a list of sessions.

GetRegisteredEvents Retrieves a list of events registered by a specified contact.

RegisterForEvent Enroll a contact into a specified event which invokes the Event

Registration Service.

Table 553. Request Message Description: GetEventsNode Description

Id Row Id of Event

Name Name of Event

Status Event Status

Event Type Event Format

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Response Message Description: GetEvents

This Response Message is the same as the Request Message. For more information, see Table 553.

Request Message Description: GetEventDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 554.

Max Attendees Maximum Number of Attendees than can enroll for the Event.

Start Date Event Start Date.

End Date Event End Date.

Description Event Description.

Parent Event


Event Plan.

Session Info

Id Session Id.

Event Id Parent Event Id.

Name Session Name.

Description Session Description.

Start Date Session Start Date.

End Date Session End Date.

Region Session Region.

View Mode All.

Table 554. Request Message Description: GetEventDetails

Node Description

Id Row Id of Event.

Name Name of Event.

Status Event Status.

Event Type Event Format.

Max Attendees Maximum Number of Attendees than can enroll for the Event.

Start Date Event Start Date.

End Date Event End Date.

Description Event Description.

Participant Type Event Participant Type.

Table 553. Request Message Description: GetEvents

Node Description

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Response Message Description: GetEventDetails

This Response Message is the same as the Request Message. For more information, see Table 554.

Request Message Description: GetRegisteredEvents

For a description of this request message, see Table 555.

Region Region where the Event takes Place.

Parent Event Name Event Plan.

Invitation Deadline Event Invitation deadline.

Organization Event Organization.

Lead Partner Event Partner.

Primary venue Name Name of the Venue where the Event happens.

URL Web URL for Events.

Period Name Event Period.

Budget Period Event Budget Period.  Session Info

Id Session Id.

Event Id Parent Event Id.

Name Session Name.

Description Session Description.

Start Date Session Start Date.

End Date Session End Date.

Region Session Region.

View Mode All.

Table 555. Request Message Description: GetRegisteredEvents

Node Description

Id Row Id of Event Attendee.

Event Id Event for which the attendee is registering to.

Attendee Id Contact Id.

Name Event Name.

Status Event Registration Status.

Table 554. Request Message Description: GetEventDetails

Node Description

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Response Message Description: GetRegisteredEvents

This Response Message is the same as the Request Message. For more information, see Table 555.

Request Message Description: GetSessions

For a description of this request message, see Table 556.

Event Type Event Format.

Max Attendees Maximum Number of attendees allowed to enroll into the Event.

Start Start Date of Event..

End End Date of Event.

View Mode All.

Table 556. Request Message Description: GetSessions

Node Description

Id Row Id of Event.

Name Name of Event.

Status Event Status.

Event Type Event Format.

Max Attendees Maximum Number of Attendees than can enroll for the Event.

Start Date Event Start Date.

End Date Event End Date.

Description Event Description.

Parent Event Name Event Plan.

Session Info

Id Session Id.

Event Id Parent Event Id.

Name Session Name.

Description Session Description.

Start Date Session Start Date.

End Date Session End Date.

Region Session Region.

View Mode All.

Table 555. Request Message Description: GetRegisteredEvents

Node Description

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Response Message Description: GetSessions

This Response Message is the same as the Request Message. For more information, see Table 556.

Request Message Description: RegisterForEvent

For a description of this request message, see Table 557.

Response Message Description: RegisterForEvent

For a description of this response message, see Table 558.

EventManagement Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 559.

Table 557. Request Message Description: RegisterForEvent

Node Description

Status Registration status.

Registration date Date when the registration


Contact Id Attendee Id of event.

Reg Id Registration Id.

Event Id Event being enrolled to.

User Type Denotes type of Attendee.

Table 558. Response Message Description: RegisterForEvent

Node Description

Output Type Message to Indicate detailed status.

Return Val Outcome Status.

Reg Id Registration Id.

Table 559. EventManagement Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if Bus Service)

Event Data Service Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Event Detail Service Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

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Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 560.


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 561.

Example Package for EventManagementTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:

Event Attendee Data Service Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Session Data Service Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Event Registration Service Business Service CSSEventRegistrationService

Table 560. EventManagement Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

WC_Event_IO Event

WC_EventSession_IO Event Session

WC_ATT_IO Event Attendee

Table 561. EventManagement Methods

Operation Display Name Method

QueryPage GetEvents [BS: Event Data Service].[QueryPage]

QueryPage GetEventDetails [BS: Event Detail Service].[QueryPage]

QueryPage Session Data Service [BS: Session Data Service].[QueryPage]

QueryPage GetRegisteredEvents [BS: Event Attendee Data Service].[QueryPage]

EnrollUser RegisterForEvent BS: Event Registration Service].[ EnrollUser]

Table 559. EventManagement Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if Bus Service)

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Message Schema (WSDL) for EventManagementTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


Event RegistrationTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

ExternalAutoPolicySee “INSClaims” on page 350 for a description of this Web service.

ExternalPropertyPolicySee “INSClaims” on page 350 for a description of this Web service.

ForecastTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformationUse this Web service to read a complete profile for a Health Care Provider including MarketingCompliance information, lists of Alerts and lists of Service Requests.

GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation OperationsDue to the nature of the schema generation for the WSDL file, the message formats for each

operation have their own message names.

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For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 562.

Request Message Description: LSMCProfileQueryById

The operations in this Web service work with a common response message format but have different

request message format. For a description of this request message, see Table 563.

Table 562. GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation Operations

Name Description

LSMCProfileQueryById Read the profile of an HCP specified by his/her

Siebel Contact Row Id.

LSMCProfileQueryByExample Read the profile of an HCP specified by a

combination of several attributes.

Table 563. Request Message Description: LSMCProfileQueryById

Node Description

<PrimaryRowId> Required - represents the Siebel Row Id of the Contact Object.

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Request Message Description: LSMCProfileQueryByExample

For a description of this request message, see Table 564.

Table 564. Request Message Description: LSMCProfileQueryByExample

Node Description



































Required is a combination of attributes

to uniquely identify a Contact.

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Common Response Message Description

The column Node represents a respective Siebel field if not specified otherwise. For a description of

this response message, see Table 565.

Table 565. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



<ListOfLSMCProfile> <Tag>

<Contact soapenc> ListOfLSMCProfile <Tag>

<Contact> Contact soapenc <Tag>

<AccountIntegrationId> Contact

<CallClass> Contact

<ContactId> Contact

<CreatedByName> Contact

<EmployeeNumber> Contact

<FirstName> Contact

<LastName> Contact

<LeadContactType> Contact

<MarketPotential> Contact

<MiddleName> Contact

<PartyTypeCode> Contact

<PartyUId> Contact

<PersonUId> Contact

<PersonalContact> Contact

<PositionStatus> Contact

<PrimaryCity> Contact

<PrimaryCountry> Contact




<PrimaryLastCallDate> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseExpirationDate> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseNumber> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseState> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseStatus> Contact

<PrimaryOrganization> Contact

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<PrimaryPostalCode> Contact

<PrimarySpecialty> Contact

<PrimaryState> Contact

<PrimaryStateLicenseId> Contact

<PrimaryStreetAddress> Contact

<PrivacyCode> Contact

<Type> Contact

<UpdatedByName> Contact

<WorkPhone> Contact

<ListOfLsMcBudgetContact> Contact <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContact soapenc> ListOfLsMcBudgetContact <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContact> LsMcBudgetContact soapenc <Tag>

<BudgetAmount> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetCurrency> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetEndDate> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetId> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetName> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetStartDate> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetState> LsMcBudgetContact

<ContactId> LsMcBudgetContact

<ListOfLsMcBudgetContactSalesRep> LsMcBudgetContact <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep soapenc> ListOfLsMcBudgetContactSalesRep <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep soapenc <Tag>

<ContactBudgetId> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<Currency2> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<SalesRepBudget> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<PositionId> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<PositionName> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItem> Contact <Tag>

<LsMcContactExpenseItem soapenc> ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItem <Tag>

Table 565. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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<LsMcContactExpenseItem> LsMcContactExpenseItem soapenc <Tag>

<ComplianceFlag> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<Currency> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExchangeRate> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseId> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemAmount> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemCurrency> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemId> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemTypeId> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemTypeName> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ProcessStatus> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<TransactionState> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation> LsMcContactExpenseItem <Tag>

<LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation soapenc> ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItemAlloca



<LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation



<Currency2> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<Description> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ExpenseId> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<AllocatedAmount> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<LoggedById> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ProcessStatus> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ReportingState> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<TransactionState> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ListOfServiceRequest> Contact <Tag><ServiceRequest soapenc> ListOfServiceRequest <Tag>

<ServiceRequest> ServiceRequest soapenc <Tag>

<Abstract> ServiceRequest

<AdditionalInformation> ServiceRequest

<Area> ServiceRequest

Table 565. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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<Comments> ServiceRequest

<ComplaintDescription> ServiceRequest

<ComplaintType> ServiceRequest

<ConfirmationNeeded> ServiceRequest

<ContactId2> ServiceRequest

<CreatedByName> ServiceRequest

<Currency> ServiceRequest

<CustomerComments> ServiceRequest

<Decision> ServiceRequest

<Description2> ServiceRequest

<EffectiveDate2> ServiceRequest

<HealthCareComplaintType> ServiceRequest

<HealthCareSubType> ServiceRequest

<Outcome> ServiceRequest

<Owner> ServiceRequest

<Priority> ServiceRequest

<ProviderId> ServiceRequest

<ProviderLastName> ServiceRequest

<SRNumber> ServiceRequest

<SROpenDate> ServiceRequest

<SRRootcause> ServiceRequest

<SRStatusDate> ServiceRequest

<SRSubType> ServiceRequest

<SRType> ServiceRequest

<SRUrgency> ServiceRequest

<Severity> ServiceRequest

<Status> ServiceRequest

<SubType> ServiceRequest

<Sub-Area> ServiceRequest

<ListOfFinAlertContact> Contact <Tag>

Table 565. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 566.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 567.


For a descripition of methods for this Web service, see Table 568.

<FinAlertContact soapenc> ListOfFinAlertContact <Tag>

<FinAlertContact> FinAlertContact soapenc <Tag>

<Category> FinAlertContact

<ContactId> FinAlertContact

<Message> FinAlertContact

<Priority> FinAlertContact

<StartDate2> FinAlertContact

Table 566. GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

LSMCProfile Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 567. GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

LSMCProfile Contact

Table 568. GetHealthCareProfessionalProfileInformation Methods

Operation Method

LSMCProfileQueryById QueryById

LSMCProfi leQueryByExample QueryByExample

Table 565. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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Example Package for GetHeathcareProfessionalProfileInformationTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) forGetHeathcareProfessionalProfileInformationTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


GetHeathCareProfessionalComplianceDetailsUse this Web service to read the detail data of a Health Care Provider including Marketing Compliance


GetHealthCareProfessionalComplianceDetails OperationsDue to the nature of the schema generation for the WSDL file, the message formats for each

operation have their own message names. For a list of operations associated with this Web service,

see Table 569

Table 569. GetHealthCareProfessionalComplianceDetails Operations

Name Description

LSMCDetailsQueryById Reads the profile of the Health Care Provider specified

by his/her Siebel Contact Row Id.

LSMCDetailsQueryByExample Reads the profile of the Health Care Provider specified

by a combination of several attributes.

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Request Message Description: LSMCDetailsQueryById

The operations in this Web service work with a common response message format but have a

different request message format. For a description of this request message, see Table 570.

Table 570. Request Message Description: LSMCDetailsQueryById

Node Description

<PrimaryRowId> Required. Represents the Siebel Row Id of the Contact Object.

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Request Message Description: LSMCDetailsQueryByExample

For a description of this request message, see Table 571.

Table 571. Request Message Description: LSMCDetailsQueryByExample

Node Description



































Required. A combination of attributes

to uniquely identify a Contact.

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Common Response Message Description

The column Node represents a respective Siebel field if not specified otherwise. For a description of

this response message, see Table 572.

Table 572. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



<ListOfLSMCDetails><Tag> <Tag>

<Contact soapenc> ListOfLSMCDetails <Tag>

<Contact> Contact soapenc <Tag>

<AccountIntegrationId> Contact

<CallClass> Contact

<ContactId> Contact

<CreatedByName> Contact

<EmployeeNumber> Contact

<FirstName> Contact

<LastName> Contact

<LeadContactType> Contact

<MarketPotential> Contact

<MiddleName> Contact

<PartyTypeCode> Contact

<PartyUId> Contact

<PersonUId> Contact

<PersonalContact> Contact

<PositionStatus> Contact

<PrimaryCity> Contact

<PrimaryCountry> Contact




<PrimaryLastCallDate> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseExpirationDate> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseNumber> Contact

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<PrimaryLicenseState> Contact

<PrimaryLicenseStatus> Contact

<PrimaryOrganization> Contact

<PrimaryPostalCode> Contact

<PrimarySpecialty> Contact

<PrimaryState> Contact

<PrimaryStateLicenseId> Contact

<PrimaryStreetAddress> Contact

<PrivacyCode> Contact

<Type> Contact

<UpdatedByName> Contact

<WorkPhone> Contact

<ListOfLsMcBudgetContact> Contact <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContact soapenc> ListOfLsMcBudgetContact <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContact> LsMcBudgetContact soapenc <Tag>

<BudgetAmount> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetCurrency> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetEndDate> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetId> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetName> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetStartDate> LsMcBudgetContact

<BudgetState> LsMcBudgetContact

<ContactId> LsMcBudgetContact

<ListOfLsMcBudgetContactSalesRep> LsMcBudgetContact <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep soapenc> ListOfLsMcBudgetContactSalesRep <Tag>

<LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep soapenc <Tag>

<ContactBudgetId> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

Table 572. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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<Currency2> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<SalesRepBudget> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<PositionId> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<PositionName> LsMcBudgetContactSalesRep

<ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItem> Contact <Tag>

<LsMcContactExpenseItem soapenc> ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItem <Tag>

<LsMcContactExpenseItem> LsMcContactExpenseItem soapenc <Tag>

<ComplianceFlag> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<Currency> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExchangeRate> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseId> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemAmount> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemCurrency> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemId> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemTypeId> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemTypeName> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ProcessStatus> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<TransactionState> LsMcContactExpenseItem

<ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation> LsMcContactExpenseItem <Tag>



ListOfLsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation <Tag>

<LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation



<Currency2> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<Description> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ExpenseId> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<AllocatedAmount> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

Table 572. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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GetHealthCareProfessionalComplianceDetails Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 573.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 574.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 575.

<LoggedById> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ProcessStatus> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<ReportingState> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

<TransactionState> LsMcContactExpenseItemAllocation

Table 573. GetHealthCareProfessionalComplianceDetails Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

LSMCDetails Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 574. GetHealthCareProfessionalComplianceDetails Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

LSMCDetails Contact

Table 575. GetHealthCareProfessionalComplianceDetails Methods

Operation Method

LSMCDetailsQueryById QueryById

LSMCDetailsQueryByExample QueryByExample

Table 572. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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Example Package for GetHeathcareProfessionalComplianceDetailsTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) forGetHeathcareProfessionalComplianceDetailsTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


GetUnallocatedExpenseItemUse this Web service to read the data of an expense item record for the purpose of allocating

expenses for Marketing Compliance in ePharma.

GetUnallocatedExpenseItem OperationsBecause of the nature of the schema generation for the WSDL file, the message formats for each

operation have their own message names. For a list of operations associated with this Web service,

see Table 576.

Table 576. GetUnallocatedExpenseItem Operations

Name Description

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryById Read the data of an expense item specified

by its Siebel Row Id.

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryByExample Read the data of an expense item specified

by a combination of several attributes.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ GetUnallocatedExpenseItem


Request Message Description: LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryById

The operations in this Web service work with a common response message format but have different

request message format. For a description of this request message, see Table 577.

Request Message Description: LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryByExample

For a description of this request message, see Table 578.

NOTE: Retrieving the data of an expense item by a combination of attributes using the operation

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryByExample is not recommended, since it is difficult touniquely identify the requested expense item. It is recommended to use the operation

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryById and specifying the Siebel Id of the expense item.

Common Response Message Description

The column Node represents a respective Siebel field if not specified otherwise. For a description of

this response message, see Table 579.

Table 577. Request Message Description: LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryById

Node Description

<PrimaryRowId> Required. Represents the Siebel Row Id of the Expense Item Object.

Table 578. Request Message Description: LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryByExample

Node Description










Required. A combination of attributes to

uniquely identify an expense Item.

Table 579. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



<ListOfLSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemxmlns><Tag> N/A <Tag>

<ExpenseItem soapenc ...> ListOfLSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItem <Tag>

<ExpenseItem> ExpenseItem soapenc <Tag>

<Id> ExpenseItem

<LSMCAllocationDate> ExpenseItem

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GetUnallocatedExpenseItem Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 580.

<LSMCAllocationStatusCode> ExpenseItem

<LSMCComplianceFlag> ExpenseItem

<LSMCTransactionState> ExpenseItem

<ExpenseItemType> ExpenseItem

<Amount> ExpenseItem

<ExchangeRate> ExpenseItem

<ListOfLSMCContactExpenseItem> ExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCContactExpenseItem soapenc ...> ListOfLSMCContactExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCContactExpenseItem> LSMCContactExpenseItem soapenc <Tag>

<Id> LSMCContactExpenseItem

<ListOfLSMCBudgetContact> LSMCContactExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCBudgetContact soapenc ...> ListOfLSMCBudgetContact <Tag>

<LSMCBudgetContact> LSMCBudgetContact soapenc <Tag>

<Id> LSMCBudgetContact

<BudgetState> LSMCBudgetContact

<ListOfLSMCEmployeeExpenseItem> ExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCEmployeeExpenseItem soapenc …> ListOfLSMCEmployeeExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCEmployeeExpenseItem> LSMCEmployeeExpenseItem soapenc <Tag>

<Id> LSMCEmployeeExpenseItem

Table 580. GetUnallocatedExpenseItem Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItem Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 579. Common Response Message Description

Node Parent



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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ INSClaims


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 581.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 582.

Example Package for GetUnallocatedExpenseItemTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for GetUnallocatedExpenseItemTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


INSClaimsUse this Web service to query for, and update claims and claim elements.

Table 581. GetUnallocatedExpenseItem Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItem LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItem

Table 582. GetUnallocatedExpenseItem Methods

Operation Method

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryById QueryById

LSMCGetUnallocatedExpenseItemQueryByExample QueryByExample

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INSClaimsOperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 583.

Request Message Description: INSClaimsQueryByExample

For a description of this request message, see Table 584.

Request Message Description: INSClaimsInsertOrUpdate

For a description of this request message, see Table 585.

Request Message Description: ClaimElementQueryByExample

For a description of this request message, see Table 586.

Request Message Description: ClaimElementInsertOrUpdateFor a description of this request message, see Table 587.

Table 583. INSClaimsOperations

Name Description

INSClaimsQueryByExample Retrieves the claim record.

INSClaimsInsertOrUpdate Updates the claim record.

ClaimElementQueryByExample Retrieves a claim element.

ClaimElementInsertOrUpdate Updates a claim element.

Table 584. Request Message Description: INSClaimsQueryByExample

Node Description

SiebelMessage Required. Based on integration object INS Claims.

Table 585. Request Message Description: INSClaimsInsertOrUpdate

Node Description

SiebelMessage Required. Based on integration object INS Claims.

Table 586. Request Message Description: ClaimElementQueryByExample

Node Description

SiebelMessage Required. Based on integration object FINS Claim Elements.

Table 587. Request Message Description: ClaimElementInsertOrUpdate

Node Description

SiebelMessage Required. Based on integration object FINS Claim Elements.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ INSClaims


Common Response Message Description

The response messages for these operations are the same as the request messages.

INSClaims Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 588.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 589.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 590.

Example Package for INSClaimsTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 588. INSClaims Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

INS Claims Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

FINS Claim Elements Business Service CSSWSOutboundDispatcher

Table 589. INSClaims Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

INS Claims INS Claims

FINS Claim Elements FINS Claim Elements

Table 590. INSClaims Methods

Operation Method

INSClaimsQueryByExample INS Claims.QueryByExample

INSClaimsInsertOrUpdate INS Claims.InsertOrUpdate

ClaimElementQueryByExample FINS Claim Elements.QueryByExample

ClaimElementInsertOrUpdate FINS Claim Elemetns.InsertOrUpdate

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Request (INSClaims)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (INSClaims)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ClaimElementQueryByExample)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ClaimElementQueryByExample)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ClaimElementsInsertOrUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetAutoPolicy)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetAutoPolicy)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetPropertyPolicy)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetPropertyPolicy)

See the following file to view the sample code:


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ IntegrationObjectInfo


Request (INSClaimsInsertOrUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for INSClaimsTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


IntegrationObjectInfoUse this Web service to get all the active fields for a given Integration Object and the Integrationcomponent name using the Siebel Object Manager Repository Integration Object.

IntegrationObjectInfo OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 591.

Request Message Description: GetIntegrationObjectInfo

The request message format includes Integration Object name and component name for which all

the active fields have to be retrieved. For a description of this request message, see Table 592.

Table 591. IntegrationObjectInfo Operations

Name Description

GetIntegrationObjectInfo Retrieves fields from both an integration object

and an integration component.

Table 592. Request Message Description: GetIntegrationObjectInfo

Node Description

IntegrationObjectName Integration Object name.

IntegrationCompName Integration Component name from which fields are retrieved.

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Response Message Description: GetIntegrationObjectInfo

Response Message includes all the repository integration component field names. For a description

of this response message, see Table 593.

IntegrationObjectInfo Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on OracleTechnology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 594.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 595.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 596.

Table 593. Response Message Description: GetIntegrationObjectInfo

Node Description

RepositoryIntegrationObject Integration Object name.

RepositoryIntegrationComponent Integration Component name.

ListOfRepositoryIntegrationComponentField List of repository Integration Component field names.

Table 594. IntegrationObjectInfo Business Service

Name Boundary Object Type Class

Integration ObjectInfo Service Business Service CSSIntObjectInfoService

Table 595. Integration Object Business Service

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Siebel OM: Repository Integration Object Repository Integration Object

Table 596. Methods Business Service

Operation Method

GetIntegrationObjectInfo GetIntegrationObjectInfo

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ NetworkOrderEntry


Example Package for IntegrationObjectInfoTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for IntegrationObjectInfoTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


NetworkOrderEntryUse this Web service to access network assets, as well as related attributes, attached files, and open

orders. Additionally, use this service to validate a network based on product rules, and, returnprojected assets for a network.

NetworkOrderEntry OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 597.

Table 597. NetworkOrderEntry Operations

Name Description

GetNetworkAssets Return the network asset based on the asset Id.

GetNetworkAssetAttributes Return the attribute of a network asset (regardless whether it

is network, network node, or network connection).GetNetworkAssetAttachments Return the file attachment for a network asset.

GetOpenNetworkOrders Return the open order line items for a network asset.

ValidateNetworkOrder Validate a network based on the product rules. If the network

is invalid, return the error messages.

QueryProjectedNetworkAsset Return the projected asset for a network.

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Common Request Message Description

The service has six operations. They do not share a common request message format.

Common Response Message Description

The service has six operations. They do not share a common response message format.

NetworkOrderEntry Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 598.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 599.

Table 598. NetworkOrderEntry Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

VORD NOE Complex Data Service Business Service CSSVORDWebService

VORD NOE Simple Data Service Business Service CSSVORDWebService

Table 599. NetworkOrderEntry Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name Business Service

VORD NOE Network Assets VORD NOE Asset Attributes VORD NOE Simple Data


VORD NOE Asset Attributes VORD NOE Asset Attributes VORD NOE Simple Data


VORD NOE Network Attachments VORD Network Asset VORD NOE Simple Data


VORD NOE Network Open Order Line


VORD Network Asset VORD NOE Simple Data


VORD NOE Network Validation Rule VORD Network Validation Rule VORD NOE Complex DataService

VORD NOE Projected Asset VORD NOE Projected Asset VORD NOE Complex Data


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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ PartnerPrograms



For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 600.

Example Package for NetworkOrderEntryTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:


ResponseSee the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for NetworkOrderEntryTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


PartnerProgramsTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 600. NetworkOrderEntry Methods

Operation Business Service Method

GetNetworkAssets VORD NOE Simple Data Service GetNetworkAssets

GetNetworkAssetAttributes VORD NOE Simple Data Service GetNetworkAssetAttributes

GetNetworkAssetAttachments VORD NOE Simple Data Service GetNetworkAssetAttachments

GetOpenNetworkOrders VORD NOE Simple Data Service GetOpenNetworkOrders

ValidateNetworkOrder VORD NOE Complex Data Service ValidateNetworkOrder

QueryProjectedNetworkAsset VORD NOE Complex Data Service QueryProjectedNetworkAsset

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ PartnerRegistration

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PartnerRegistrationTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

ProductConfiguratorThe Web service enables queries on information contained within the product model, such as

relationships, attributes, linked items, resources, UI groups. The service also allows you to configure

a product, and perform multiple batch requests.

ProductConfigurator Operations

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 601.

Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectStructure

GetCfgObjectStructure has the same request and response message.

GetCfgObjectGroupItems has the same request and response message.

GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems request and response message is the same as

 “GetCfgObjectGroupItems”. The Object’s direct child properties are ignored as well those of

UIOption, Responsibilities, and Group. Only the GroupItem child is looked at and returned (others

are copied to the Response message). GroupItem behavior is similar to that of


Table 601. ProductConfigurator Operations

Name Description

GetCfgObjectStructure Get Product Relationships, Attributes, Linked Items and


GetCfgObjectGroupItems Get Product UI Definition, UI Group and Group Items.

GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems Get Default Product Group Items (group items will be based

off all relationships, attributes, linked items and resources).

BeginConfiguration Enables Customization of products stored in Siebel DB.

Initializes the configurator session with a Quote Instance andproduct model.

UpdateConfiguration Executes operations on the Quote instance initialized in


EndConfiguration Release server resources used during Begin/Update


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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductConfigurator


For a description of this request message, see Table 602.

Table 602. Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

WebChannelObjStructure Required. This structure identified the objects that will be

queries as well the data that will be returned about the objects.

 Object Required. One or more must be specified.

 Name Required. Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id

is required.

Id Required. Id of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is


 ObjectType Required. Product OR Class.

 ParentClassId ClassId of the parent.

 DisplayName Display Name.

 Description Description.

 Attribute Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

  Name Name of Attribute. If empty, all attributes are returned.

  LocalType Local type.

  InternalType Internal type.

  OrigId Internal Id.

  DisplayName Display name.

  Hidden Hidden flag.

  Required Required flag.

  ReadOnly Read only flag.

  ValidationSpec Validation specification.

  UnitOfMeasure Unit of measure.

  Description Description.

  AttributeDomain Zero or more.

  LocalValue Local value.

  InternalValue Internal value.

  AttributeDomainDecoration Zero or more. Attribute domain specific properties name value


  Name Name of object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Value Unique value.

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  AttributeDefaultValue Default value of the attribute. Only one of the valuetypes wil l

be populated depending on the type of the value.

  DisplayValue Display value.

  String String value.

  Number Number value.

  Integer Integer value.

  Date Date value.

  Boolean Boolean value.

  AttributeRejectedValue Rejected value of the attribute. Only one of the valuetypes will

be populated depending on the type of the value.

  DisplayValue Display value.

  String String value.

  Number Number value.

  Integer Integer value.

  Date Date value.

  Boolean Boolean value.

  AttributeDecoration Zero or more. Attribute properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

Value Unique value.

 Relationship Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

  Name Name of relationship. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship will be returned. If both are empty, all

relationships will be returned.

  Id Id of relationship. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship will be returned. If both are empty, all

relationships will be returned.

  DisplayName Display name.

  ClassName Class name.

  ClassId Class Id.

  DefaultProductId Default product Id.

  DefaultCardinality Default cardinality.

  MinimumCardinality Minimum cardinality.

Table 602. Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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MaximumCardinality Maximum cardinality.

  RelationshipDomain Zero or more.

  Name Name of product. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship domain will be returned. If both are

empty, all relationship domain products will be returned.

  Id Id of product. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular relationship domain will be returned. If both are

empty, all relationship domain products will be returned.

  DisplayName Display name.

  OrigId Orig Id.

  Description Description.

  RelationshipDomainDecoration Zero or more. Relationship domain specific properties name

value pairs.

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Value Unique value.

  Relationship Decoration Zero or more. Relationship properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Value Unique value.

 LinkedItem Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Id Id of linked item. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular linked item will be returned. If both are empty, all

linked items will be returned.

  DisplayName Display name.

  VariableName Variable Name.

  SortSpec Sort specification.

  SearchSpec Search specification.

  NeedsExecution Needs execution flag for BC based query.

  Expression Expression.

  DefaultValue Default Value.

  BusinessObject Business Object for BC based query.

  BusinessComponent Business Component for BC based query.

Table 602. Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductConfigurator

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Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectGroupItems/ GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

For a description of this request message, see Table 603.

  FieldName Field name in Business Component.

  Active Active flag.

  LinkedItemDecoration Linked Item properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Value Unique value.

 Resource Zero or more (only those child objects that are specified will be

queried for).

  Name Name of resource. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular resource will be returned. If both are empty, all

resources will be returned.  Id Id of resource. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular resource will be returned. If both are empty, all

resources will be returned.

  DisplayName Display name.

  ResourceDecoration Resource properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Value Unique value.

 ObjectDecoration Object properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is required.

  Value Unique value.

Table 603. Request Message Description:GetCfgObjectGroupItems/GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

Node Description

WebChannelObjGroupItems Required. This structure identified the objects that will be queries

as well the data that will be returned about the objects.

Object Required. One or more must be specified.

 Name Required. Name of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is


Id Required. Id of Object (product / class). Either Name or Id is


 ObjectType Required. Product OR Class.

 ParentClassId ClassId of the parent.

Table 602. Request Message Description: GetCfgObjectStructure

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductConfigurator


DisplayName Display Name.

 Description Description.

 UIOption Zero or more.

  Name Name of UI Option. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular UI option will be returned. If both are empty, all UI

options will be returned.

  Id Id of UI Option. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that particular

UI option will be returned. If both are empty, all UI options will be


  Type Type.

  DisplayName Display Name.

  Sequence Sequence.

  BaseTheme Base Theme.

  ProductTheme Product Theme.

  Responsibility Zero or more.

  Name Name of responsibility. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular responsibility will be returned. If both are empty, all

responsibilities will be returned.

  Id Id of responsibility. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular responsibility will be returned. If both are empty, allresponsibilities will be returned.

  Group Zero or more.

  Name Name of Group. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that particular

group will be returned. If both are empty, all groups will be


  Id Id of Group. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that particular

group will be returned. If both are empty, all groups will be


  DisplayName Display Name.

  Sequence Sequence.  GroupTheme Group Theme.

  Description Description.

  GroupItem Zero or more.

Table 603. Request Message Description:GetCfgObjectGroupItems/GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductConfigurator

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Request Message Description: BeginConfiguration

For a description of this request message, see Table 604.

  Id Id of Group Item. If Id and/or Type is specified, only that particular

group item will be returned. If both are empty, all group items will

be returned.

  Type Type of Group Item (Relationship / Attribute / LinkedItem /

Resource). If Id and/or Type is specified, only that particular group

item will be returned. If both are empty, all group items will be


  Sequence Sequence.

  GroupItemTheme Group item theme.

  Attribute Refer to Attribute child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request

Message.  Relationship Refer to Relationship child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request


  LinkedItem Refer to LinkedItem child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request


  Resource Refer to Resource child object of GetCfgObjectStructure Request


  GroupDecoration Group properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of UI Option. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular UI option will be returned. If both are empty, all UI

options will be returned.

  Value Unique value.

 Object Decoration Object properties name value pairs.

  Name Name of UI Option. If Name and/or Id is specified, only that

particular UI option will be returned. If both are empty, all UI

options will be returned.

  Value Unique value.

Table 604. Request Message Description: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

BeginConfiguration_Input Required.

Table 603. Request Message Description:GetCfgObjectGroupItems/GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductConfigurator


InitInstanceOperation Required. The operation type for BeginConfiguration session.

LOAD This will load the hierarchy object from the db. HeaderId

and RootId are required. IntegrationObjectName is

needed to determine which table to query and what the

structure of the hierarchy is.

DEFAULT This will load the hierarchy object from the db and create

new line item for a product with its default instance.

HeaderId and ProductId are required.

IntegrationObjectName is needed to determine which

table to query and what the structure of the hierarchy is.

SET This wil l load the hierarchy object from the ListOfQuote

parameter (PDS Quote integration object). RootId isrequired to determine the root line item to use in this


ADD This will add a new line item to the hierarchy object from

the ListOfQuote parameter (PDS Quote integration

object). ProductId is required.

 HeaderId Required for InitInstanceOperation of LOAD / DEFAULT. Row Id of the


 RootId Required for InitInstanceOperation of LOAD / SET. Row Id for the root

line item.

 ProductId Required for InitInstanceOperation of DEFAULT / ADD. Product Id for

the root line item.

 L istOfQuote Required for InitInstanceOperation of SET / ADD. Hierarchy object in

PDS Quote integration object format. See General C/OM Web services

for details on its structure.

 ListOfData List of products / attributes / relationships on which user requires

domain information (with exclusions) in CfgInteractData integration

object format.



  IntegrationId Integration Id of the line item. If IntegrationId specified, only this line

item and its sub line items are looked at. ProductId is optional. IfProductId is also specified, it should match IntegrationId. If

IntegrationId & ProductId are not specified, the root line item is looked


Table 604. Request Message Description: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

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  ProductId Product Id of the line item. If IntegrationId specified, only this line

item and its sub line items are looked at. ProductId is optional. If

ProductId is also specified, it should match IntegrationId. If

IntegrationId & ProductId are not specified, the root line item is looked


  Name Name of the product.

  Quantity Quantity.

  RelationshipName Relationship Name. For sub line items, RelationshipName can be

specified to limit the search to a particular Relationship.

  RootIntegrationId Integration Id of the Root line item.

  PortId Relationship Id.

ParentProductId Parent Product Id.

  ParentIntegrationId Parent Integration Id.

  CanDrilldown Can Drilldown Flag. Used to indicate whether the line item is a

Customizable product.

  ListPrice List Price.

  HasGenericsFlag Has Generics Flag. Used to indicate whether the l ine item is


  EligibilityStatus Eligibility Status.

  EligibilityReason Eligibility Reason.



  Relationship Zero or more. List of Relationships on which information is required.

  Name Name of relationship to query for. If empty, all relationships are


  Id Id. Always returned whether specified in Request or not.

  DomainItem Zero or more. Domain Items of the relationship. Always returned

whether specified in Request or not.

Name Name of domain item.  Id Id of domain item.

  Excluded Excluded Flag indicates the whether this domain item is excluded by

a Constraint, Eligibility & Compatibility rule or Promotion.

  Attribute Zero or more. List of Attributes on which information is required.

  Name Name of attribute to query for. If empty, all attributes are returned.

Table 604. Request Message Description: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

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Response Message Description: Begin Configuration

GetCfgObjectStructure has the same request and response message. See the preceding table for


GetCfgObjectGroupItems and GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems have the same request and response

messages. See request message description for details.

For a description of this response message, see Table 605.

  ValueType Type of Attribute. Always returned whether specified in Request or


  AttributeValue Zero or more. List of Attribute values. Always returned whether

specified in Request or not.

  DisplayValue Display Value.

  StringValue Value displayed in a string.

  IntegerValue Value displayed as integer

  NumberValue Value displayed as number

  BooleanValue Value displayed in Boolean format.

  DateTimeValue Date and time value.

  Selected Selected Flag indicates whether this value is selected.

  Excluded Excluded Flag indicates whether this value is excluded by a Constraint,

Eligibility & Compatibility rule or Promotion.

  Item Zero or more. Same recursive structure as that defined in this topic.

 ListOfLinkedItems List of linked items.

 LinkedItems Linked items.

  LinkedItemValue One or more.

  Name Name of linked item.

  ValueType Type of Value.

Table 605. Response Message Description: Begin Configuration

Node Description

BeginConfiguration_Output Required.

Error_spcCode Error code if error occurred.

 Error_spcMessage Error message if error occurred.

 RootId Root Id of new item.

 RootIntegrationId Integration Id of new root item.

Table 604. Request Message Description: BeginConfiguration

Node Description

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Request Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

For a description of this request message, see Table 606.

 ListOfQuote Quote instance if ReturnFullInstance input parameter was set to Y.

See BeginConfiguration Request Message for details.

 ListOfData The domain information about products / attributes / relationships

as well current selections for the attributes / relationships that was

requested in the Request Message. See the Request Message for

more details.

 ListOfStatus This indicates whether the request was successful or not and

contains messages to be displayed.

 Status Required.

  StatusCode Success / Warning / Error. If StatusCode is 'Success', then

everything was ok. If it is 'Warning', then there were some conflicts(messages are present in ListOfMessage) that were automically

resolved. If it is 'Error', then there were conflicts (messages are

present in ListOfMessage) that could not be resolved and further

requests to this session will not be honored.

  StatusText Details on the error if any.

  ConflictResolution Proceed / Undo. This indicates whether a Procced or Undo was done

on the conflicts and also whether there were any other violations

that resulted in an Undo (like Promotion or Cardinality).

  Messages Zero or one. List of messages.

  MessageType Zero or more.

  MessageSource Source of the messages (Eligibi lity, Promotion, Cardinality, Proceed

Actions, and so on).

  Message Message text.

Table 606. Request Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

UpdateConfiguration_Input Required.

ConflictAutoResolve Proceed or Undo. If set to Proceed, all conflicts are auto resolved.

If set to Undo, any conflict will result in an Undo of the entire batch.

 F inishInstanceInFlag If set Y, FinishIt is called.

 SaveInstanceInFlag If set Y, Instance is saved to db.

 RepriceInstanceInFlag If set Y, reprice is called.

 VerifyInstanceInFlag If set Y, verify instance is called.

Table 605. Response Message Description: Begin Configuration

Node Description

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Response Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

For a description of this response message, see Table 607.

 ListOfData Same as ListOfData in BeginConfiguration Request Message.

 ListOfRequest List of Requests that will be executed on the product instance.


  Request Zero or more.

Type Type of request (AddItem, RemoveItem, SetItemQuantitty,

SetAttribute, ReplaceItem).

  Item Zero or more requests.

AddProductId Add product Id for AddItem, ReplaceItem.

  Quantity Quantity.

  RelationshipId Relationship Id which contains the new product for AddItem,


  IntegrationId Integration Id on which the operation will be performed.

  Attribute Zero or more SetAttribute request details.

  Name Name or attribute.

  ValueType Value type: string, integer or number.

  AttributeValue Zero or more.

  DisplayValue New display value of attribute.

  String Value displayed in a string.

  Number Value displayed as number.

  Integer Value displayed as integer.

  Date Date and time value.

  Boolean Value displayed in Boolean format.

Table 607. Response Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

UpdateConfiguration_Output Required.

Error_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

 Error_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

 FinishConfigurationOutFlag Y / N. Indicates whether Finish Configuration was performed. It

might not be performed if there were some errors.

Table 606. Request Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

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Request Message Description: EndConfiguration

For a description of this request message, see Table 608.

Response Message Description: EndConfiguration

For a description of this response message, see Table 609.

ProductConfigurator Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

RepriceOutFlag Y / N. Indicates whether Reprice was done. It might not be

performed if there were some errors.

 SaveInstanceOutFlag Y / N. Indicates whether Save Instance was done. It might not be

performed if there were some conflicts.

 VerifyOutFlag Y / N. Indicates whether Verify was done. It might not be

performed if there were some errors.

 ListOfData The domain information about products / attributes /

relationships as well current selections for the attributes /

relationships that was requested in the Request Message. See the

Request Message for more details.

 ListOfStatus This indicates whether the request was successful or not andcontains messages to be displayed. See BeginConfiguration

Response Message.

Table 608. Request Message Description: EndConfiguration

Node Description

EndConfiguration_Input Required

SaveInstanceFlag Save Instance flag

Table 609. Response Message Description: EndConfiguration

Node Description

EndConfiguration_Output Required.

Error_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

 Error_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

 ListOfQuote Quote instance. See BeginConfigurationRequest Message for details.

Table 607. Response Message Description: UpdateConfiguration

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductConfigurator


Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 610.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 611.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 612.

Example Package for ProductConfiguratorTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (GetObjDefaultGroupItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:

Table 610. ProductConfigurator Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

Cfg Object Broker Business Service CSSCfgObjBrokerService

ConfiguratorWebChannelBeginConfig Workflow Not applicable

ConfiguratorWebChannelUpdateConfig Workflow Not applicable

ConfiguratorWebChannelEndConfig Workflow Not applicable

Table 611. ProductConfigurator Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

CfgInteractData ListOfData

CfgInteractRequest ListOfRequest

CfgInteractStatus ListOfStatus

CfgLinkedItems ListOfLinkedItems

PDS Quote ListOfQuote

Table 612. ProductConfigurator Methods

Operation Method

GetCfgObjectStructure GetObjStructure

GetCfgObjectGroupItems GetObjGroupItems

GetCfgObjectDefaultGroupItems GetObjDefaultGroupItems

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ProductRecommendation

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Response (GetObjDefaultGroupItems)See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetObjGroupItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetObjGroupItems)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (GetObjStructure)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (GetObjStructure)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ProductConfiguratorTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


ProductRecommendationUse this Web service to generate the Recommended Products, based on the input Quote line items.

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ProductRecommendation OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 613.

Request Message Description: GetRecommendedProductsForQuote

For a description of this request message, see Table 614.

Recommended Products Used Fields

For a description of recommended products used fields, see Table 615.

For a description of PDS Quote XML Name, see Table 616.

Table 613. ProductRecommendation Operations

Name Description

GetRecommendedProductsForQuote Generate Recommended Products

Table 614. Request Message Description: GetRecommendedProductsForQuote

Node Description

QuoteIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote.This is a required input.

PSP Mode The default is External PDS Quote. This parameter will be

parsed as the Mode used in the Variable Map.

Table 615. Recommended Products Used Fields

PDS Quote (Quote)

Mapping XML Name

Variable Name (Map to

Internal Variable Map) How It Is Used

AccountId Account Id Account (used in the Eligibility Check).

AccountType Account Type Account Type (used in the Eligibility Check

ShippingCity City City (used in the Eligibility Check)

ShippingCountry Country Country (used in the Eligibility Check)

ShippingPostalCode Postal Code Postal Code (used in the Eligibility Check)

PriceListId Price List Id Price List (used in the Eligibility Check and


ShippingState State State (used in the Eligibility Check)

Table 616. PDS Quote XML Name

PDS Quote (Quote Line Item)

XML Name Variable Name How It Is Used

ProductId Product Id Product (used as a key to find the

recommended products)

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ PromotionWebService



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ProductRecommendationTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


PromotionWebServiceUse this Web service to get product promotion information, apply product promotion.

PromotionWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 620.

Request Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

For a description of this request message, see Table 621.

Table 620. PromotionWebService Operations

Name Description


Request: spcGetProductPromotionDetails_GetProductPromotionDefinition_Input







Request: spcApplyProductPromotion_ApplyProductPromotion_Input

Response: spcApplyProductPromotion_ApplyProductPromotion_Output




Table 621. Request Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

Node Description

 EligibilityMode Optional, default value as '2'. Could be 0, 1, 2.

 PricingMode Optional, default value as 'Y'. Y/N.

 LoadAllDomainFlag Required, Y/N.

 LoadDefaultDomainFlag Required, Y/N.

 LoadPromDefFlag Required, Y/N.

 ContextMode Required, 'Siebel Context' or 'External Context'.

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Response Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

For a description of this response message, see Table 622.

Request Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

For a description of this request message, see Table 623.

 Context Required, in SiebelMessage format of IO 'PDS Catalog Context'.

 ProdPromRuleType Optional, 'Product' or 'Pricing'.

 ProdPromId Optional, depending on usage scenarios.

 ProdPromRuleId Optional, depending on usage scenarios.


 EligibilityMode Optional, default value as '2'. Could be 0, 1, 2.

 PricingMode Optional, default value as 'Y'. Y/N.

 ProdPromId Required.

 ProdPromInstanceId Optional, depending on usage scenarios. LineItemId Optional, depending on usage scenarios.

 SiebelMessage Required, in SiebelMessage format of IO 'PDS Quote'.

Table 622. Response Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

Node Description

ProdPromDefinition In SiebelMessage format of IO 'ISS Promotion Definition for WS'.

PromDomainProduct In SiebelMessage format of IO 'PDS Product Interface'. Could beeither default domain product details or all domain product details

depending on input arguments.

Err_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

Err_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

Table 623. Request Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

Node Description

EligibilityMode Optional, default value as '2'. Could be 0, 1, 2.

PricingMode Optional, default value as 'Y'. Y/N.

ProdPromId Required.

ProdPromInstanceId Optional, depending on usage scenarios.

Table 621. Request Message Description: GetProductPromotionDefinition

Node Description

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Response Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

For a description of this response message, see Table 624.

PromotionWebService Application ObjectsThis topic describes the application objects called by this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to application development documentation.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 625.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 626.

LineItemId Optional, depending on usage scenarios.

SiebelMessage Required, in SiebelMessage format of IO 'PDS Quote'.

Table 624. Response Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

Node Description

SiebelMessage Required, in SiebelMessage format of IO 'PDS Quote'.

Err_spcCode Error Code if error occurred.

Err_spcMessage Error Message if error occurred.

Table 625. PromotionWebService Service Object



Object Type Class

ISS Promotion WS - GetProductPromotionDetails Workflow Not applicable

ISS Promotion WS - ApplyProductPromotion Workflow Not applicable

ISS Promotion WS - Add Missed Items Sub Process Workflow Not applicable

Table 626. PromotionWebService Data ObjectSiebel Repository Name External Name

ISS Promotion Definition for WS ISS Promotion Definition for WS

PDS Catalog Context PDS Catalog Context

PDS Product Interface PDS Product Interface

PDS Quote PDS Quote

Table 623. Request Message Description: ApplyProductPromotion

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ QuoteWebService and OrderWebService

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Example Package for PromotionWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for PromotionWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


QuoteWebService and OrderWebServiceUse this set of Web services to manipulate the Quote or Order data.

QuoteWebService and OrderWebService OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 627.

Table 627. QuoteWebService and OrderWebService Operations

Name Description

Update Order Updates the order header information.

Update Order Item Updates the line items for a specific order.

Update Quote Updates the quote header information.

Update Quote Item Updates the line items for a specific quote.

Delete Order Deletes a given order.

Delete Order Item Deletes the line items on a specific order.

Delete Quote Deletes a given quote.

Delete Quote Item Deletes the line items on a specific quote.

Insert Order Inserts an order.

Insert Order Item Adds the line items on a given order.

Insert Quote Inserts a quote.

Insert Quote Item Adds the line items on a given quote.

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Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Quote

For a description of this request message, see Table 628.

Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete, Quote

For a description of this response message, see Table 629.

Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Quote Item

For a description of this request message, see Table 630.

Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Quote Item

For a description of this response message, see Table 631.

Get Quote Queries the quote.

Get Order Queries an order.

Table 628. Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Quote

QueryByExample/QueryById/InsertQuote/DeleteQuote Request Message

Node Description

QuoteIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote.

Table 629. Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete, Quote

QueryByExample/QueryById/InsertQuote/DeleteQuote Response Message

Node Description

QuoteIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote.

Table 630. Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Quote Item

QueryByExample/UpdateQuoteItem/InsertQuoteItem/DeleteQuoteItem Request


Node Description

QuoteItemIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote Item.

Table 631. Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Quote Item


Response Message

Node Description

QuoteItemIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Quote Item.

Table 627. QuoteWebService and OrderWebService Operations

Name Description

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Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order

For a description of this request message, see Table 632.

Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order

For a description of this response message, see Table 633.

Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order Item

For a description of this request message, see Table 634.

Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order Item

For a description of this response message, see Table 635.

QuoteWebService and OrderWebService Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 632. Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order

QueryByExample/QueryById/InsertOrder/DeleteOrder Request Message

Node Description

OrderIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Order.

Table 633. Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order

QueryByExample/QueryById/InsertOrder/DeleteOrder Response Message

Node Description

OrderIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Order.

Table 634. Request Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order Item

QueryByExample/UpdateOrderItem/InsertOrderItem/DeleteOrderItem Request


Node DescriptionOrderItemIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Order Item.

Table 635. Response Message Description: Query, Update, Delete Order Item

QueryByExample/UpdateOrderItem/InsertOrderItem/DeleteOrderItem Response


Node Description

OrderItemIO Required. An instance of the Integration Object PDS Order Item.

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 636.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 637.

Example Package for QuoteWebServiceTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library forSiebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for QuoteWebServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 636. QuoteWebService and OrderWebService Service Objects

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

PDS Quote BusService CSSEAIDataSyncService

PDS Quote Item BusService CSSEAIDataSyncService

PDS Order BusService CSSEAIDataSyncService

PDS Order Item BusService CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 637. QuoteWebService and OrderWebService Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

PDS Quote PDS Simplified Quote

PDS Quote Item PDS Simplified Quote

PDS Order PDS Simplified Order

PDS Order Item PDS Simplified Order

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ QuoteAddItemsWS

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QuoteAddItemsWSUse this Web service to add the default instance (products) to the Quote Object.

QuoteAddItemsWS OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 638.

Request Message Description: QuoteAdd Items

For a description of this request message, see Table 639.

Response Message Description: QuoteAddItems

For a description of this response message, see Table 640.

Table 638. QuoteAddItemsWS Operations

Name Description

QuoteAddItems Add quote line items.

Table 639. Request Message Description: QuoteAdd Items

Node Description

Instance Required. An instance of Integration Object PDS Quote. This is a

required input.

GetProductDataRequest Required. An instance of Integration Object Added Products. The

namespace is

ProductData. This is a required input. This instance will include the

product IDs that will be added.

Item, ProductId Required field for each item. The product that will be added to the


Item, Quantity Quantity of the product. Not a required field. The default value is 1.

GetPricing Y or N. Turns on (Y) or off (N) Pricing.

CheckEligibility Y or N. Turns on (Y) or off (N) Eligibility Check.

Table 640. Response Message Description: QuoteAddItems

Node Description

Instance Same as the input argument Instance (see the previous table), based

on the Integration Object PDS Quote. The updated instance will

contain the new added products.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ QuoteAddItemsWS


QuoteAddItems Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 641.

Data Object (Integration Object)For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 642.

Example Package for QuoteAddItemsTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link forSiebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for QuoteAddItemsTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


Table 641. QuoteAddItems Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

Web Channel Quote Add Default Items Workflow Not applicable

Table 642. QuoteAddItems Data Objects

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Added Products None (XML)

PDS Quote PDS Simplified Quote

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ SerializationService

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 385

SerializationServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


ServiceRequestUse this Web service to create, read, update, and delete service requests.

ServiceRequest OperationsNote that all operations for this service share a common data format. Because of this similarity, all

the operations for this service are grouped together. However, because of the nature of the schema

generation for the WSDL file, the message formats for each operation have their own message


For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 643.

Common Request Message Description

All operations in this Web service work with a common request message format and a common

response message format.

The request message consists of fields from the Service Request business component.

Table 643. ServiceRequest Operations

Name Description


Request: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestInsert_Input

Response: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestInsert_Output

Creates a service request


Request: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestQueryPage_Input

Response: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestQueryPage_Output

Read service request


Request: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestUpdate_Input

Response: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestUpdate_Output

Update service request


Request: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestDelete_Input

Response: Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestDelete_Output

Delete service request

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ ServiceRequest


Common Response Message Description

Same as Request Message format.

ServiceRequest Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 644.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 645.

MethodsFor a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 646.

Example Package for ServiceRequestTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 644. ServiceRequest Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class

Service Request Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 645. ServiceRequest Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Service Request Service Request

Table 646. ServiceRequest Methods

Operation Method

Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestInsert [BS:Service Request].[Insert]

Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestQueryPage [BS:Service Request].[QueryPage]

Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestUpdate [BS:Service Request].[Update]

Service_spcRequest_ServiceRequestDelete [BS:Service Request].[Delete]

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ SessionAccessWS

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See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for ServiceRequestTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


SessionAccessWSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


SetAllocatedExpenseItemUse this Web service to set the allocation data for a specific expense item record. This functionality

is specific for allocating expenses for Marketing Compliance in ePharma.

SetAllocatedExpenseItem OperationsBecause of the nature of the schema generation for the WSDL file, the message formats for each

operation have their own message names.

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 647.

Table 647. SetAllocatedExpenseItem Operations

Name Description

LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItemSynchronize Set the allocation data for an expense item.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ SetAllocatedExpenseItem


Request Message Description: LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItemSynchronize

The Node column represents a respective Siebel field if not specified otherwise. For a description of

this request message, see Table 648.

Response Message Description

See the example package file for SetAllocatedExpenseItem in the WebServices ZIP download in the

Siebel Bookshelf documentation library on Oracle Technology Network.

SetAllocatedExpenseItem Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Table 648. Request Message Description: LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItemSynchronize

Node Parent Node



<ListOfLSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItem> <Tag>

<ExpenseItem ...> ListOfLSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItem <Tag>

<ExpenseItem> ExpenseItem ... <Tag>

<Id> ExpenseItem

<LSMCAllocationDate> ExpenseItem Optional

<LSMCAllocationStatusCode> ExpenseItem Optional

<LSMCComplianceFlag> ExpenseItem Optional

<ListOfLSMCContactExpenseItem> ExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCContactExpenseItem ...> ListOfLSMCContactExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCContactExpenseItem> LSMCContactExpenseItem … <Tag>

<Id> LSMCContactExpenseItem Required

<ListOfLSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation> LSMCContactExpenseItem <Tag>

<LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation ...> ListOfLSMCContactExpenseItemAlloca



<LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation> LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation … <Tag>

<ExpenseItemContactId> LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation Required

<ReportingState> LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation Required

<Description> LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation Optional

<AllocatedAmount> LSMCContactExpenseItemAllocation Required

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 649.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 650.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 651.

Example Package for SetAllocatedExpenseItemTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library forSiebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SetAllocatedExpenseItemTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 649. SetAllocatedExpenseItem Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItem Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 650. SetAllocatedExpenseItem Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItem LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItem

Table 651. SetAllocatedExpenseItem Method

Operation Method

LSMCSetAllocatedExpenseItemSynchronize Synchronize

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ SFA_Activity_BS



SFA_Activity_BSUse this Web service to insert an activity which is associated to a selected list of contacts into the

Siebel database.

SFA_Activity_BS OperationsThese operations are listed in the WSDL that is presented as a WSDL to the clients accessing it. For

a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 652.

Response Message Description: SFAInsertActivity

For a description of this request message, see Table 653.

Response Message Description: SFAInsertActivity

For a description of this response message, see Table 654.

SFA_Activity_BS Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on OracleTechnology Network.

Table 652. SFA_Activity_BS Operations

Name Description

SFAInsertActivity Creates an activity record in the database and

associates a contact record to it.

Table 653. Response Message Description: SFAInsertActivity

Node Description

SFA_Activity_IO Required

Table 654. Response Message Description: SFAInsertActivity

Node Description

SFA_Activity_IO Required

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Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 655.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 656.


For a description of methods for for Web service, see Table 657.

Example Package for SFA_Activity_BSTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library forSiebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for SFA_Activity_BSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 655. SFA_Activity_BS Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

SFAActivity_BS Business Service CSSEAIUIDataService

Table 656. SFA_Activity_BS Data Object

Siebel Repository Name Boundary Object Type External Name

SFA_Activity_IO Siebel Business Object Action

Table 657. SFA_Activity_BS Method

Operation Method

Insert Insert

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ SiebelUserProfileService



SiebelUserProfileServiceTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


SiebelWebRegistrationTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


TroubleTicketUse this Web service to create, update, retrieve and set status for trouble tickets.

TroubleTicket OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 658.

Common Request Message Description

This Web service has four operations. Each operation does not share a common request message


Table 658. TroubleTicket Operations

Name Description

CreateTroubleTicket Create a new network trouble ticket, including the resource(s)

and service(s) affected.

UpdateTroubleTicket Update additional attributes on the trouble ticket.

GetTroubleTicket Return the existing trouble tickets that meet criteria specified in

a search spec.

SetTroubleTicketStatus Update the status of an existing network trouble ticket; typically

to cancel or close a network alarm.

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Common Response Message Description

This Web service has four operations. Each operation does not share a common response message


TroubleTicket Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 659.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 660.


For a description of methods for this Web service, see Table 661.

Table 659. TroubleTicket Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

Trouble Ticket Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Trouble Ticket Lightweight Business Service CSSEAIDataSyncService

Table 660. TroubleTicket Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name Business Service

WS Trouble Ticket Service Request Trouble Ticket

WS Trouble Ticket Lightweight FINS eBanking Trouble Ticket Lightweight

Table 661. TroubleTicket Methods

Operation Business Service Method

CreateTroubleTicket Trouble Ticket Insert

UpdateTroubleTicket Trouble Ticket Update

GetTroubleTicket Trouble Ticket QueryByExample

SetTroubleTicketStatus Trouble Ticket Lightweight Update

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ VerifyEntitlement


Example Package for TroubleTicketTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for TroubleTicketTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


VerifyEntitlementUse this Web service to obtain the best response time for Service Requests based on customer


VerifyEntitlement OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 662.

Table 662. VerifyEntitlement Operations

Name Description

FSVerifyEntitlementRunProcess Verifies customer entitlements at time of service

request creation to ensure fastest response time.

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Request Message Description: FSVerifyEntitlement

For a description of this request message, see Table 663.

Response Message Description: FSVerifyEntitlement

For a description of this response message, see Table 664.

VerifyEntitlement Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 665.

Table 663. Request Message Description: FSVerifyEntitlement

Node Description

Contact_spcTime_spcZone Time zone

Account_spcId Accounts which entitlements cover

Product_spcId Products which entitlements cover

Contact_spcId Contacts which entitlements cover

Asset_spcId Assets which entitlements cover

Owned_spcBy_spcId Owner of the SR

Priority Priority of the SR

Created_spcDate Created date of the SR

Contact_spcAccount_spcId Contact of the SR

Table 664. Response Message Description: FSVerifyEntitlement

Node Description

Commit_spcTime Commit Time for the SR

Entitlement_spcId Entitlement Id that was used

Entitlement_spcName Entitlement name that was used

Table 665. VerifyEntitlement Service Object

Name Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

FS Verify Entitlement Workflow Not applicable

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ Warranty



For a description of the method used for this Web services, see Table 666.

Example Package for VerifyEntitlementTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

RequestSee the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) for VerifyEntitlementTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


WarrantyTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.



WC_Account_BSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Table 666. VerifyEntitlement Methods

Operation Method

FSVerifyEntitlementRunProcess [WF: FS Verify Entitlement].[RunProcess]

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WC_Contacts_BS

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 397


WC_Contacts_BSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


WC_Opportunity_BSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


WC_Service_Request_BSTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


WebMarketingUse this Web service to retrieve personalized content from Web offers, and details based on the offer

treatment Id and Contact Id. Additionally, you can get subscription list information, and create

responses for tracking click events.

WebMarketing OperationsFor a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 667.

Table 667. WebMarketing Operations

Name Description

CreateWebMarketingResponse Create response records to track click events.

GetActiveLists Retrieve a list of all active subscription lists.

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WebMarketing


Request Message Description: CreateWebMarketingResponse

For a description of this request message, see Table 668.

GetListMembers Retrieve a list of subscription lists that the contact/prospect is

subscribed to.

GetWebTreatment Retrieves Web offer treatment and related Web surveys,

products, events, URLs and template. If context information is

provided, personalization Web content will also be returned.

Table 668. Request Message Description: CreateWebMarketingResponse

Node Description

Response Required.

 ACCNT_ID Row Id of Account.

 Delivery Method Required. Delivery Method.

 Description Required. Description of the response.

 Destination Name Hyperlink name of response URL.

 Destination URL Response URL.

 Event Id Row Id of Event.

 Event Reg Id Event Registration Id.

 Id Response Row Id.

 PRSP_CON_ID Row Id of Prospect. Either PRSP_CON_ID or

PR_CON_ID must be filled in.

 PR_CON_ID Row Id of Contact. Either PRSP_CON_ID or PR_CON_ID

must be filled in.

 Response Method Response Method.

 Response Type Required. Response Type.

 SRC_ID Row Id of Campaign.

 S_CAMP_CON_ID Row Id of Campaign Contact.

 Status Status Code.

 Sub_DMail_Cd Subscribe to Direct Mail Action Code.

 Sub_Email_Cd Subscribe to Email Action Code.

 Sub_Fax_Cd Subscribe to Fax Action Code.

 Sub_Phone_Cd Subscribe to Phone Action Code.

 Subscription List Id Row Id of Subscription List.

Table 667. WebMarketing Operations

Name Description

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Response Message Description: CreateWebMarketingResponse

For a description of this response message, see Table 669.

Request Message Description: GetActiveLists

For a description of this request message, see Table 670.

Response Message Description: GetActiveLists

For a description of this response message, see Table 671.

Request Message Description: GetListMembers

For a description of this request message, see Table 672.

 Summary Summary.

 Treatment Id Required. Row Id of Offer Treatment.

Table 669. Response Message Description: CreateWebMarketingResponse

Node Description

Same as request message Not applicable

Table 670. Request Message Description: GetActiveLists

Node Description

List Required.

 Description Description of the response.

 Id Row Id of subscription list.

 Name Name of subscription list.

ViewMode Visibility algorithm used to determine which records will be retrieved.

Table 671. Response Message Description: GetActiveLists

Node Description

Same as request message Not applicable

Table 672. Request Message Description: GetListMembers

Node Description

List Members Required

 Contact Id Row Id of Contact

Table 668. Request Message Description: CreateWebMarketingResponse

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WebMarketing


Response Message Description: GetListMembers

For a description of this response message, see Table 673.

Request Message Description: GetWebTreatment

For a description of this request message, see Table 674.

Response Message Description: GetWebTreatment

For a description of this response message, see Table 675.

 List Id Row Id of Subscription List

 List Name Name of Subscription List

 Prospect Id Row Id of Prospect

Table 673. Response Message Description: GetListMembers

Node Description

Same as request message Not applicable

Table 674. Request Message Description: GetWebTreatment

Node Description

WebTreatment Required.

 Id Required. Row Id of Web Treatment.


ContactId Row Id of Contact.

ProspectId Row Id of Prospect.

CampConId Row Id of Campaign Contact.

CampaignId Row Id of Campaign.

WebServer Web Server URL to be substituted in response forms.

Table 675. Response Message Description: GetWebTreatment

Node Description

WebTreatment Required.

Active For Inbound Flag Flag to indicate if the Web treatment is inbound.

Description Description of the response.

Id Row Id of Web Treatment.

Table 672. Request Message Description: GetListMembers

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WebMarketing

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1 401

WebMarketing Application InterfaceThis topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on

application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle

Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 676.

Language Code Language Code.

Locale Code Locale Code.

Name Name of Web Treatment.

PriceList Id Row Id of PriceList Id.

Valid End Date Valid End Date.

Valid Start Date Valid Start Date.

Template Template type.

Lit Id Row Id of Treatment Template.

Personalized Content Personalized Content of Web treatment.Related Web Surveys Web survey to associate.

Id Row Id of Web Survey.

Name Name of Web Survey.

Related Products Related product to retrieve.

Product Id Row Id of Product.

Product Name of Product.

Related Events Related events to retreive.

Id Row Id of Event.

Name Name of Event.

Table 676. WebMarketing Service ObjectName Boundary Object Type Class (if BusService)

WebMarketingService Business Service CSSWebMarketingService

Table 675. Response Message Description: GetWebTreatment

Node Description

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WebMarketing


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 677.


For a description of the methods for this Web services, see Table 678.

Example Package for WebMarketingTo view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for

Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for

Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Table 677. WebMarketing Data Object

Siebel Repository Name External Name

Response Response

SubscriptionList Subscription

SubscriptionListMember Subscription


GetWebTreatmentResponse Offer

Table 678. WebMarketing Methods

Operation Method

CreateWebMarketingResponse [BS: WebMarketingService].[CreateResponse]

GetActiveLists [BS: WebMarketingService].[GetActiveLists]

GetListMembers [BS: WebMarketingService].[GetListMembers]

GetWebTreatment [BS: WebMarketingService].[GetWebTreatment]

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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WebMarketing

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Message Schema (WSDL) for WebMarketingTo view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel

applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel

CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


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Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 ■ WebMarketing


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Numerics8.0 Primary Web services, list of  2838.1 ABOWebService, Web service 29

application interface 35example package, schema 36operations 30

8.1 CatalogWebService, Web service 37application interface 40example package, message schema 41

operations 378.1 primary web services 258.1 Product Configurator Web Service 41

application interface 54example package, schema 55operations 42

8.1 PromotionWebService, Web service 56application interface 61example package, schema 61

operations 578.1 WebMarketing, Web service 62

application interface 64example package, schema 65operations 62

AABOWebService, Web service 294

application interface 300

example package, schema 300operations 294

Account, Web service 67application interface 68

example package, schema 68operations 67

Asset Management, Web service 301application interface 302example package, schema 303operations 302

AssetManagementComplex, Web service 69application interface 72example package, schema 73operations 69

AssetWebService, Web service 304

CCalculatePriceWS, Web service 304

application interface 304example package, schema 307operations 304

CatalogWebService, Web service 307application interface 314

example package, schema 315operations 307

CMU Account Query, Web Serviceexample package, schema 75

CMU Account Query, Web service 73CMU Account Update

message schema for 77operation for 76

Contact, Web service 77

application interface 79example package, schema 79operations 78

ContextServiceWrapperService, Webservice 316

application interface 319

example package, schema 320operations 316

CopyActivity, Web Service 321application interface 321example package, schema 322

operations 321

EEAILOVWS, Web service 322EligibilityCompatibility, Web service 322

application interface 325example package, schema 325operations 323


example package for 82message schema for 83

ESB_AdjustmentSiebelReqABCS_Servicemessage schema for 88

ESB_InvoiceSiebelReqABCS_Serviceexample package for 93message schema for 93

EventManagement, Web service

application interface 330example package, schema 331

EventRegistration, Web service 332ExternalAutoPolicy, Web service 332

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Siebel CRM Web Services Reference Version 8.1

Index ■ F


ExternalPropertyPolicy, Web service 332

FForecast, Web service 332


n, Web service 332

application interface 339example package, schema 340operations 332

GetHeathCareProfessionalComplianceDetails, Web service 340

application interface 346

example package, schema 347operations 340

GetMktgWebSurvey, Web service 105application interface 106example package, schema 107

operations 106GetUnallocatedExpenseItem, Web

service 347application interface 349

example package, schema 350operations 347

IINSClaims, Web service 350

application interface 352example package, schema 352

operations 351

LLeadProcessingService, Web service 110

application interface 113example package, schema 113operations 110

LeadService, Web service 115application interface 118example package, schema 118

operations 115List, Web service 120

application interface 121

example package, schema 122operations 120

ListMgmtProspect, Web service 123example package, schema 124operations 123

LoyaltyAccrualService, Web service 125example package, schema 127operations 125

LoyaltyBatchEnrollment, Web service 129

example package, schema 133operations 129

LoyaltyImportBusinessService, Web

service 134example package, schema 135operations 134

LoyaltyMemberService, Web service 135example package, schema 148operations 136

LoyaltyRedemptionService, Webservice 150

example package, schema 161operations 150

LoyaltyVoucherService, Web service 164

example package, schema 165operations 164

MMktgDeduplicationService, Web service 166

application interface 169example package, schema 170operations 166

MktgImportService, Web service 171application objects 172example package, schema 172operations 171

NNetworkOrderEntry, Web service 356

application interface 357

example package, schema 358operations 356

OOrderDetailWebService, Web service 173

application interface 174

example package, schema 174operations 173

OrderWebService, Web service 379application interface 381operations 379


PartnerPrograms, Web service 358PartnerRegistration, Web service 359PDSOrderHeader, Web service 175

example package, schema 176operations 175

PriceListsWS, Web service 176example package, schema 177operations 176

Product Import

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Index ■ Q

message schema for 186ProductConfigurator, Web service 359

application interface 371

example package, schema 372operations 359

ProductRecommendation, Web service 373application interface 375example package, schema 375operations 374

ProductSearchService, Web service 186application interface 188example package, schema 189operations 187

PromotionWebService, Web service 376

application objects 378example package, schema 379operations 376

QQuoteAddItemsWS, Web service 383

application interface 384example package, schema 384

operations 383QuoteCheckOutWebService, Web

service 189example package, schema 190

operations 190QuoteDetailWebService, Web service 191

example package, schema 193operations 191

QuoteWebService, Web service 379application interface 381example package, schema 382

QuotingWebService, Web service 194application interface 195example package, schema 195operations 194

R Response, Web service 196

example package, schema 198operations 196

SelfServiceAccount, Web service 204application objects 210example package, schema 210

operations 205SelfServiceAccountRootPath, Web

service 211application interface 213example package, schema 214operations 211

SelfServiceAllAccountsList, Webservice 214

application interface 218example package, schema 218operations 215

SelfServiceContact, Web service 219application interface 223example package, schema 224

operations 219SelfServicePaymentHistory, Web

service 225operations 225

SelfServicePostLoginProcess, Webservice 227

example package, schema 229

operations 227P_mode request parameter 227

SelfServiceRegistration, Web service 230application interface 241enroll operation, business services called

by 231

example package, schema 242

operations 231P_mode request parameter 230

SelfServiceResponsibility, Web service 244application interface 245example package, schema 246operations 244

SelfServiceSmtpEmail, Web service 246application interface 248

example package, schema 248operations 246

SelfServiceTemplateEmail, Web service 249application interface 250

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