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  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    Shukr: Thankfulness toAllah

    Shukr or gratitude is a very important principlein Islam. It is a quality of the believers and it isa source of goodness. Shukr is used in theQuran sometimes as equivalent to faith. Thefaithful are thankful people to Allah and thento those who are kind to them. hile theunfaithful are ungrateful to Allah and to thekind people around them. According toscholars! shukr means to recogni"e the favorsof others. A faithful person is the one whoacknowledges and recogni"e the endlessfavors of Allah.

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    Allah is source of all Favors andBlessings

    Allah is sole creator of man and the wholeuniverse. #e made every single thing in thenatural world and enabled us to utili"e it for

    our own good. Allah says in Surat$ul$%ulk!

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    "+ Say& #e is the 'ne ho brought you into

    being and made for you the ears and eyesand the hearts& (ittle is it that you givethanks.

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12



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    #e is the 'ne ho made the earth smooth foryou! therefore go about in the spacious sidesthereof! and eat if #is sustenance! and to #im isthe return after death.

    )very 6


    *imah! or gift we have in this world isfrom Allah. Allah says in Surat$un$*ahl /

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    # And whatever favor is +bestowed, on you it is

    from Allah- then whenever harm bothers you!you call upon #im and cry for aid. And the giftsof Allah cannot be counted! for he is giving us allthings we need. Allah says in Surat$Ibraheem!

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    Humans be Must Grateful toTheir Creator

    The Quran teaches that human beingswere created by 1od for the purpose ofbeing grateful to him. 2It is he who

    brought you forth from the wombs ofyour mothers when you knew nothing!and he gave you hearing and sight andintelligence and a3ection so that you

    may give thanks +to 1od,4 567&89:

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    The Quran also e;plains that one ofSatans main aim is to keep people from

    being grateful. After 1od sent him out ofthe garden for his arrogance anddisobedience! Satan vowed in response&2I will lie in wait for them +human beings,on your straight way. Then I will assaultthem from in front of them and behindthem! from their right and their left. *or

    will you

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    %ost faiths emphasi"e being grateful to 1od asa means of worship. At the essence of Islam is

    the teaching that those seeking inner peacemust develop patience and trust in 1od suchthat they are thankful to him in every situation.

    According to Islamic belief! one reason 1od

    allows people to undergo di=culty and trialsduring their lives is to test who will remaingrateful to him. >eople who remain thankful!even in the face of great hardship! enter into a

    state of intimacy with their (ord. They attainan inner peace that protects them from thestorms of the outside world.

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    e often think that if 1od would ust

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    The Prohets !ereThankful

    Allah has described #is prophets and messengersamong those who were thankful people. >rophet*oah was a grateful servant of Allah +*uh- surely hewas a grateful servant 68&?,. >rophet Abraham used

    to thank Allah for #is many blessings +Surely Ibrahimwas an e;emplar! obedient to Allah! upright! and hewas not of the polytheists. 1rateful for #is favors- #echose him and guided him on the right path.67&6@6,.>rophet avid and his family were told to be grateful

    to Allah +give thanks! ' family of awoodB And veryfew of %y servants and grateful.?C&6?,. Allah told #is>rophet %uhammad& +*ay! but worship Allah! and beof those who give thanks, +A"$Dumar ?E&77,

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    Prohet Muhammad TeachesMuslims the Gratitude to Allah

    >rophet %uhammad obeyed Allah andwas a role model in showing his faithfulgratitude to Allah. #e used to thank Allah

    day and night. hen he woke up! hewould say! 2Thanks be to Allah hobrought us to life after #e made us to die!and to #im is the resurrection4 And when

    the >rophet B H, 6 IJwent to bed! hewould say! 2In Four name I dies and Ilive.4 And when +Al$Gukhari,.

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    hen the >rophet B H, 6 IJate ordrank! he would say! 2Thanks be to Allah

    ho gave us food and drink and made us%uslims4 +At$Tirmidhi,

    henever the >rophet B H, 6 IJput

    on any new garment! he would say! 2'Allah! thanks be to Fou& Fou gave me thisto wear. I ask Fou to give me the good ofthis dress and the good for which it is

    made and I ask Fou to protect me fromthe evil of this dress and from the evil ofthat for which it is made4 +At$Tirmidhi,.

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    hen the >rophet +peace and blessings be upon him,mounted his camel to go on a ourney he would say

    2Allahu Akbar4 +Allah is the greatest, three times andthen he would say! 251lory to #im ho has subectedthese to our +use,! for we could never haveaccomplished this +by ourselves,. And to our (ord!surely! must we turn backB:5A"$Dukhruf C?&6?:. '

    Allah! we ask Fou on this ourney righteousness andpiety and the deeds are the pleasing to Fou. ' Allah!make this ourney easy for us and Fou are the1uardian for the family +left behind,. ' Allah! we askFou to protect us from the e;haustion of ourney!

    from bad scenes! and from bad return to our propertyand family.4 hen he returned he would say!2/eturning! repenting! worshiping! and praising our(ord4 +%uslim,.

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    Islam does not only teach us to thankAllah! but we are also told to thank our

    parents! our spouses! our rophet +peace and blessingsbe upon him, said! 2Those who do notthank people! the do not thank Allah4 +At$


  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    T"es of Thankfulness

    To become a thankful servant to Allah! one should showhis or her gratefulness to Allah through his +6,heart!+@,tongue and +?, all physical powers. (et us learn aboutthese three interrelated types of thankfulness in somedetails.

    #$ Shukru%ul%&alb' or thankfulness felt in theheart$

    This is the most important type of thankfulness a %uslimshould always e;perience. 'ne time >rophet %usa spoketo Allah and said! 2' Allah how can I thank you when Iknow that if I worship you all the time would not pay youback for only my eye sightB4Then Allah revealed to him2These thankful feelings in your heart are enough for me.4

    1rateful inner feelings! are much appreciated by Allah.

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    ($ Shukr tha%ul%)isan' or thankfulnesse*ressed b" the tongue$

    A thankful person often e;presses his gratefulnessto his Hreator for all #is favors. Allah says in


    K= L



    MM$MM2And +acknowledge, announce the favor of your(ord.4

    A thankful %uslim always praises Allah ande;presses his gratefulness to Allah during hisprayers! duaa and verbal communication withothers. It is important to remember that the

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    +$ Shukr%ul%,a!arih' or thankfulnesse*ressed b" the bod" and the limbs$

    This is the characteristic of the true believer. #e

    always demonstrates his gratefulness throughworship! loyalty and readiness to serve Allah and#is faith. Thankfulness to 1od can take many formsincluding! but not limited to&

    a$ Pra"er' fasting' charit"' Ha--' .mrah' and

    other t"es of /badah' or !orshi$ These rituals are physical e;pressions of o3ering

    gratitude to Allah. /asoolullah used to stand up longnights in Qiym$ul$layl every night to the e;tent his

    feet swelled. Aisha +ra, asked him! 2why do you dothis when Allah has already forgiven you everythingbefore and everything after #e said& JKLMNOMPKRPUV

    2Then shall I not be a grateful Wservant

    b S - d Sh k h i f

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    b$ Su-ood%us%Shukr' or the rostration ofthankfulness$

    This is a special Islamic ritual of showing gratitude toAllah. hen the servant receives a blessing from

    Allah or when Allah saves him from a disaster heshould simply fall in prostration thanking Allah for #isfavors. /asoolullah used to prostrate to Allahwhenever he received a pleasant thing or was toldgood news.

    6. Abdur$/ahman ibn Auf +/, narrated that /asoolullahwent out once and he followed him until he entered agrove of palm trees where he prostrated. #isprostration was so long that Abdur$/ahman feared

    that Allah had taken his soul. Abdur$/ahman came tolook at him and he raised his head and said& 2hat iswrong! Abdur$/ahman The >rophet said& 1ibreelcame to me and said& Shall I not give you good newsAllah says to you! whoever lutes you! I salute him.

    Therefore! I prostrated to Allah in thanks.

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    c$ Heling other eole$ #elping those in need of our help is an

    important good deed and way to thank Allahfor #is favors. Allah likes the people whohelpful to #is servants! thus #e will continueto shower them with #is blessings. >rophet

    %uhammad +>GX#, said! 2If anyone strokesan orphans head! doing so only for Allahssake! he will have blessing for every hairover which his hand passes- and if anyone

    treats well an orphan girl or boy under hiscare! he and I shall be like those two in>aradise!4 putting two

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    In conclusion! thanksgiving is whole life.

    The whole life should be lived inobedience to our Xltimate Genefactor!Allah. #e created us #e has been good tous. Therefore! in our thankfulness we

    should always acknowledge #is greatfavors! e;press our gratefulness to #im!and worship and serve #im.

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    YZ[\UV ]^_` R` L V VM jP

    %uath ibn abal narrated that /asoolullahonce said to me 2 %uad! I love you. (et

    me teach you something..+the dua at theend of salsh, +' Allah help me to remember you! to

    show gratefulness to you! and to worshipyou well.,

  • 7/24/2019 Shukr Thankfulness to Allah Grade 12


    Stud" &uestions

    6. #ow does gratefulness to Allah e3ect you behavior towardsothers.

    @. );plain the principle of Shukr in Islam. ?. e

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