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    Create/edit different types of vouchers

    Define user-specific doc types for vouchers. Fully custoi!a"le auto-nu"ering of #ouchers.

    Attach notes$ references$ conditions$ printing specs etc. to vouchers.

    Authority "ased posting of vouchers.

     Currency Management

    %ulti currency fully ena"led.

    &pecify different currencies for vouchers/docuents and for ledgers.

    &tatutory reports in Copany's o(n currency.

    Fore) gain/loss*.

    &pecify e)change rate at entry level.


    Accounting Groups and Ledgers

    +nliited Accounting groups/ledgers (ith unliited levels.

    Fully custoi!a"le statutory report settings.

    Direct lin, (ith associates for auto-voucher creation.

    ocal/lo"al settings for "ranch-(ise reporting.

     Bank Cheques Attach unliited Cheues to any "illing docuent including vouchers.

    & cross-chec,ing (ith different analysis reports.

    Cheue printing (ith custoi!ed forats for each "an, account.

     Financial Reports

    rading$ 3rofit and oss$ ncoe-e)penditure stateent$ alance

    sheet$ eceipt-payent$ Cash flo($ Funds flo($ atio analysis$ rial

    "alance$ statistics etc. (ith drill do(n capacity up to starting point. &ave the iportant Financial eports and use the (hen reuired.


    %ultiple level "udgets (ith aster-slave configuration.

    &pecify "udgets6 for Associates/edgers directly.

    Fully drill-do(n analysis (ith coparison (ith actual figures.

     Accounting Periods

    %ultiple accounting periods in financial year.

    3eriod oc,ing and Closing. Autoatic "alance for(arding.

     Account types and Accounting Rules

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  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


    Define account types for "etter analysis

    &pecify ultiple accounting rules for Accounting groups and ledgers "y

    docuent type$ transactions type$ co"ranch$ coyear/period. ules can "e autoatically chec,ed for ultiple levels "efore posting

    of vouchers. Analysis

    %ultiple and custoi!a"le analysis options "ased on doc type$ date$

    ledger$ group$ transaction type$ posted/unposted etc. Different analysis types for analysis such as egular$ Advanced and

    7)tras "ased on authority.

    8nline raphical/8A3 Analysis facility.

     irect integration !ith other modules

    #ouchers can "e autoatically created fro different "illing docuents

    such as 38$ &8$ 9$ ndent etc. individually or in "ul,. 3osting can "e done fro "illing docuents (ith option to create

    voucher or not.

    &toc, valuation can "e done "y any ethods such as F8$ FF8etc. and can "e posted directly to stoc, accounts any tie.

     Banking management

    %anage ultiple "an, accounts for deposits$ loans etc.

    &pecify periodical interest rates$ account types$ hypothecation

    provisions directly integrated to nventory "y stoc, rules6 etc. Create "an, vouchers fro a"ove data and posting of "an, vouchers.

    an, reconciliation stateents (ith drill do(n capacity.

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  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


     Product e$inition

    Define unliited 3roducts and services as products.

    3roduct (ill have ypes$ &u"-3arts$ roups$ Aliases$ &u"stitutes$

    Characteristics$ &toc, ules$ Class$ Category$ Costing ethod$ 3rice variationspecs etc.

     %arehouse Management

    Define unliited :are houses/"in locations (ith various types and ultiple levels

    Define stoc, rules for any "in location.

    Analy!e product (ise stoc, ty and stoc, valuation for any "in location.

     "tock Rules

    Define ultiple stoc, rules for each ite

    &toc, rules can "e defined for tes (ith in ocation$ 3eriod$ ransaction ype$

    &toc, ype etc. &pecify priority for stoc, rules to "e chec,ed (hile a transaction is e)ecuted.

    &toc, rules can "e chec,ed for any defined docuent.

     Master e$initions

    Define ultiple units 7ach unit can have ultiple conversion factors (ith other units

    Define ultiple diensions as &toc, ype$ ransaction ype etc. for "etter


     &n'entory scheduling

    Define ultiple schedule (ithin the sae period for ultiple products

    Create schedule fro 38$ &8 and other inventory docuents

    Analysis and coparison capacity (ith actual transactions

    &chedule can "e created for future also (ithout any reference to current


     (a) Management

    Any "illa"le inventory related docuent can have ultiple ta)es for applica"le to

     (hole docuent and three ta)es for each line application for individual product %ultiple ta)es (ith a) on 3roduct ine Aount$ a) on ta)$ on &u" otal$ on ;ty

    etc. a) transactions (ith auto calculation of a) Aounts per 3roduct ine so that

    correct effective aount of each 3roduct ransaction. &tatutory eports*

    Applica"le to 3urchase$ &ales$ nventory$ 3ayroll etc. odules.

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    in,ing (ith a) edgers.


    Delivery date and delivery place for each line entry

    ot/&erial 9o for each line entry and can have ultiple lines for sae ite in a

    docuent 7)piry date$ nventory and accounting due date for each line.

    Custoi!a"le eporting

    Apply filters to displays and get the report according to filters.

     &n'entory (ransactions

    Custoi!a"le transaction types$ stoc, types. 7ach transaction has transaction and stoc, type.

    %anage and Analy!e stoc, "ased on stoc, type even for &old/Custoer &toc,s

    currently present in copany preises. 9ote the utili!ation location for aterial issues for "etter stoc, analysis.

    ot/&r9o for each transaction can "e used for ot "ased analysis.

    %iscellaneous Ad

  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


     %ork +rders

    %anage ultiple (or, orders Auto create (or, orders "ased on sales orders.

    outing$ nventory schedules$ anpo(er schedules for (or, orders

    Assign priority to (or, orders

     Manu$acturing "cheduling#

    %ultiple levels (ith %aster-&lave capacity

    %anage production plans for ultiple :or, orders

    ie-phased analysis

     Production ocuments#

    %aintain production docuents "oth internal and e)ternal euired "y ovt$6

    Coon user interface

     Material Requirement Planning

    3o(erful analysis capacity "ased on 3roduction schedule.

    uffer stoc, anageent*

    Forecast/planned docuent and transaction support.

    %aintain inventory schedules "y aterial reuireents

    in,ing (ith Finance for financial availa"ility analysis*

     Bill o$ Materials

    Define unliited 8%s (ith ultiple levels.

    %ultiple ites in each 8% and %ultiple 8%s for each ite

    Define 8% at the tie of nventory transactions and :or, orders.

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     ,uality Management#

    %aintain uality control docuents %aintain uality policies

    Custoi!a"le uality control restrictions in syste data flo(

    %ultiple custoi!a"le uality chec,ing specifications and characteristics

    Default uality values for specified characteristics

    ;uality Approval report at different stages.

    3riority "ased uality rules

    %aintain detailed inforation as per &8 uality procedures

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  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


     -mployees %anage 7ployee related data li,e date of "irth$ =ire date$ ultiple addresses$

    Dept/&ection$ 3ost/rade$ :age and 3ay 3eriod etc. Custoi!a"le salary echaniss

    &yste users and eployee relationships

    %ultiple 3hoto/dentity records are possi"le


    %anage ultiple n/8uts in a single day of eployees.

    Direct interface (ith FD card reading devices. port daily/periodical data fro card readers.

    &upport for e)ceptional n/outs

     (iming and Billing*"alary Calculation

    %anage daily/periodical attendance on day/shift "asis.

    %ultiple (or, schedules

    Attendance (ith reference to defined schedules (ith error chec,ing

    %ultiple custoi!ed "illing ethods (ith fle)i"le salary calculation periods

    %ultiple ta)es$ e)tra charges$ allo(ances support

    Auto accounting voucher creation

    eave anageent

     -mployee Port$olio Management#

    %anage eployee's full "io-data (ith revisions.

    %ultiple s,ill sets (ith s,ill "ased analysis capa"ility.

     (raining# %anage ultiple training schedules

    raining (ith reference to eployee portfolio

     %ork Assignment and "cheduling#

    %anage ultiple (or, assignent and (or, schedules

    Custoi!a"le and lin,ed (ith n/8ut and iing and illing.

    3o(erful analysis of (or, assignent (ith n/8ut.

    :or, schedules "ased on shifts$ production planning$ (or, locations and

    inventory availa"ility %anpo(er reuireent analysis

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  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme



    ecruitent policies

    ecruitent policies lin,ed (ith 3ortfolios and (or, assignents and production

    planning %ultiple recruitent ethods and recording of each stage data.

     Per$ormance Analysis#

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     Pro.ects %anage ultiple pro

  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


     "hare /olders %anage different type of share holders

    &tandard features applica"le as iages$ notes etc.

    %ultiple addresses

     "hare ocuments

    %anage share docuents as application for shares$ share certificates etc.

    Feature of posting of shares transactions for "etter control

    &tandard docuents features as notes$ references$ status etc.

    ultiple transactions of different types of shares (ith ultiple share holders insingle docuent

    Directly related (ith accounting and finance

    Custoi!a"le &hare Certificates

    Analysis "ased on share type$ share holders type$ period$ aount$ lot etc.

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  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


     +se %& 7)cel for custo and intelligence reports

    Directly access 73 data in %& 7)cel

    +se 3ivot ta"le to create and custoi!e reports

    &et grouping$ sorting and filters as per your needs

    Availa"le for all odules

    9o e)tra soft(are needed e)cept %& 7)cel.

    Can also use 8pen 8ffice Calc.

    +se your preferred "usiness analytics soft(are to analy!e data fro 73

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     ocument (ypes

    Create unliited docuent types as per reuireent.

    &pecify settings for printing etc. per docuent type.

     -ach document !ill ha'e 0otes1 Re$erences1 Conditions1 Printing specs1

    multiple appro'al le'els and appro'als1 "tatus change log1 images etc2Customi3ed characteristics can 4e applied2

     "earching1 Filter1 "orting and Listing $or all document types separate $rom

    analysis2 +n the screen customi3ed $ilter1 sort1 $ind 5 replace capa4ilities2

     Customi3ed document con'ersion procedures2 e.g. convert purchase "ills into

    purchase vouchers.6


    &et any docuent as a teplate and a,e ultiple copies of the sae.


    &pecify custoi!es nu"ering forat (ith 3refi) > &uffi) for each docuent

    type. &et Auto or anual nu"ering.

     (ransaction (ypes

    Create unliited ransaction types as per reuireent.

    Custoi!a"le settings for "illing$ auto-voucher creation etc.

     epartment1 Co4ranch1 Coyear1 Pro.ect etc2 as Additional dimensions $or


     -ach record in the system has Created 4y1 created timestamp1 last modi$ied

    4y1 last modi$ied timestamp etc2 $or "ecurity and (racing o$ changes2

     Common inter$ace $or all documents2

     7ser1 Process1 Co4ranch 4ased authentication2 -ach user !ill ha'e A1 -&(1

    V&-%1 -L-(-1 APPR+V- A0 PR+C-"" AM&0&"(RA(+R rights2 8$ullycustomi3a4le92

     Multiple addresses $or each associate2

     Multiple ta)es and e)tra charges applica4le $or 4illing documents 8e2g2

    Vouchers1 P+1 "+ etc9 !ith customi3ed ta) calculation mechanisms2

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    8ne/%ultiple data"ases for single/ultiple copanies

    3ostgre&; ? :orlds ost advanced open source data"ase

    +se of functions$ vie(s and triggers for "usiness logic

    :hole "usiness logic is ipleented at data"ase level

    %inial hard(are reuireents for server


    %& Access 200@/0/10 or runtie.

    %ulti-platfor :indo(s Bp$ supported

    &ingle client file (ith dynaic lin,ing to data"ase Fully secure along (ith && support 8DC driver support6


    %ultiuser$ ulti "ranch$ ulti copany supported

    Client/&erver architecture (ith ost things custoi!a"le

    hin Client and :A9/internet supported

    port of data fro various forats as DF$ )t$ 7)cel$ B%

    7)port of data in forats such as DF$ %& Access $ B%$ 7)cel$ F etc.

    Direct eail fro any report

    8ne language 7nglish6 or dual language 7nglish and ocal6 support

    9o liitations on data storage

    9o need to install %& 8ffice on client coputers$ use untie for client to

    inii!e costs

     &nter$ace !ith other applications

    Access data fro server directly/through client and create custoi!ed reports

    &upported applications ? %& 8ffice :ord$ 7)cel$ nfopath$ 8pen8ffice/i"re8ffice etc.

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    16/17© 2005-2014 All rights reserved.

    +C7M-0("38$ &8$ uote$ "ills$ invoices$ vouchers etc.6






    A""+C&A(-"&uppliers$ custoers$ transporters$ agents etc.6


    AGA&0"("a)es$ freight$ discounts etc.6BRA0C/-"

    ACC+70(&0G GR+7P"A0 L-G-R"

    +C7M-0(" 0+(-"1R-F-R-0C-"1 PR&0(&0G "P-C"1C+0&(&+0"1 &MAG-"1 "(A(7"1(-MPLA(-"

  • 8/9/2019 Shree Erp 2 Brochure Sme


    Copyright 2014$ All rights reserved. C. 3. ul,arni/=era" nfosystesayouts and designs sho(n in screen shots are protected under copyright.

    &=77 73 2ast updated on 1th 8cto"er 2014.

    # ar,ed features are under developent.

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