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  • United States International Trade Commission

    Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade 2014, 2014 Annual Report -


    Textile and Apparel Imports from China: Annual Compilation 2018

    June 2019 Publication Number: 4916 Investigation Number: 332-501

  • United States International Trade Commission

    Commissioners David S. Johanson, Chairman

    Irving A. Williamson

    Meredith M. Broadbent

    Rhonda K. Schmidtlein

    Jason E. Kearns

    Catherine DeFilippo Director, Office of Operations

    Jeremey Wise Director, Office of Analysis and Research


    Address all communications to Secretary to the Commission United States

    International Trade Commission Washington, DC 20436

  • Textile and Apparel Imports from China: Annual Compilation 2018

    June 2019 Publication Number: 4916 Investigation Number: 332-501

  • This report was prepared principally by:

    Project Leader Laura Thayn, Statistical and Data Support Services

    [email protected]

    Office of Analysis and Research Services David Lundy

    [email protected]

    Content Review Laura Rodriguez, Office of Industries

    Under the direction of Russell Duncan, Acting Chief

    Statistical and Data Services Division

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • NOTE

    This report is a PDF version of the original Excel file. To retrieve this file, go to the following webpage and scroll down to the report.

    The Excel version allows users to easily navigate the sheets in the file, use the hyperlinks, isolateand sort the data, and perform other data manipulations as desired.


    Annual Compilation 2018

    Investigation No. 332-501

    Click on "Introduction" tab at bottom of screen to begin report


    500 E St., SW, Washington, DC 20436


    This annual report for 2018 contains a compilation of the statistical reports published every two weeks by

    the Commission on the volume, value, unit value, and import market share of imports from China that were

    subject to the provisions of the 2005 U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Trade in

    Textiles and Apparel (MOU). This compilation includes official import data from the U.S. Department of

    Commerce, and shows data at the 3-digit textile/apparel category level and by the Harmonized Tariff

    Schedule 10-digit statistical reporting numbers (HTS10 or HTS10 codes) in these categories. The

    Commission posts updated reports every two weeks on its website at:

    The Commission prepares the reports every two weeks, as well as annual compilations in response to a

    request from the House Committee on Ways and Means received on October 14, 2008, pursuant to section

    332(g) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1332(g)). The Commission instituted investigation No. 332-501,

    Textile and Apparel Imports from China: Statistical Reports , for the purpose of preparing these reports.

    For further information about this investigation, contact:

    Laura Thayn (202-205-1851, [email protected])

    David Lundy (202-205-3439, [email protected])

    The United States International Trade Commission ( is an independent, quasijudicial federal

    agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. The agency investigates the effects of

    dumped and subsidized imports on domestic industries and conducts global safeguard investigations. The

    Commission also adjudicates cases involving alleged infringement by imports of intellectual property rights.

    Through such proceedings, the agency helps to support a rules-based international trading system. The

    Commission also serves as a federal resource where trade data and other trade policy-related information

    are gathered and analyzed. The information and analysis are provided to the President, the Office of the

    United States Trade Representative (USTR), and Congress to facilitate the development of sound and

    informed U.S. trade policy. The Commission makes most of its information and analysis available to the

    public to promote understanding of international trade issues.

  • The data in this report are shown on an annual and quarterly basis by categories and individual HTS10 codes. The time frames are:

    By category:

    Annual data 2012 through 2018

    Quarterly data First quarter 2017 through fourth quarter 2018

    By HTS10 code:

    Annual data 2016 through 2018 (see note below)

    Quarterly data First quarter 2017 through fourth quarter 2018

    For data for all HTS10 codes for all years, go to the biweekly report. Click on the link below and scroll down to find this report:

    Proceed to the "Contents" sheet to view a data navigation guide.

    Data notes

    Category Category description

    200/301 Cotton and man-made fiber (MMF) yarn for retail sale and sewing thread, and combed cotton yarn

    222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF

    229 Special purpose fabric, cotton & MMF

    332/432/632-T/632-B Hosiery, including baby socks: cotton, wool, and MMF

    338/339 Men's and boy's (M&B) cotton knit shirts, and women's and girl's (W&G) cotton knit shirts & blouses

    340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton and MMF

    345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B MMF, and W&G MMF

    347/348 M&B cotton trousers, breeches & shorts, and W&G cotton trousers, slacks & shorts

    349/649 Brassieres & other body supporting garments, cotton & MMF

    352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF

    359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and MMF

    363 Cotton terry and other pile towels

    443 M&B wool suits

    447 M&B wool trousers, breeches & shorts

    619 Polyester filament fabric, light-weight

    620 Other synthetic filament fabric

    622 Glass fiber fabric

    638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and W&G MMF knit shirts & blouses

    647/648 M&B MMF trousers, breeches & shorts, and W&G MMF trousers, breeches & shorts

    666 Other MMF furnishings

    847 Trousers, breeches & shorts, silk and vegetable fibers

    Imports are based on general imports, customs value.

    All data are official statistics of the U.S. Department of Commerce (Census Bureau), accessible at the following website:


    Annual Compilation 2018


    The annual time frame for presenting the data by HTS10 is limited as compared with category data because HTS10 codes may change from year to year as

    a result of revisions to the HTS. Typically, HTS10 codes are superseded by new HTS10 codes when there are changes to the product coverage of statistical

    breakouts or changes to the HTS. This occurs, for example, when HS revisions recommended by the World Customs Organization (WCO) are adopted by

    the United States and enacted into U.S. law by Congress. Major changes at the 4, 6, and 8 digit levels of the HTS occurred in 2007, 2012, and again in

    2017, as the result of the WCO 5-year review cycle, leading in turn to new HTS10 codes. Less-extensive changes to the HTS and HTS10 codes have

    occurred in the interim years. This report shows data only for HTS10 codes that were valid for the entire time frame of the report, in order to ensure that only

    meaningful trends are presented.

    The textile and apparel import data in this report are presented by 3-digit category numbers and combinations thereof (scroll down this sheet to view a list of

    these categories), as well as by 10-digit HTS (HTS10) codes. The HTS10 codes in each category are based on a correlation maintained by the Office of

    Textiles and Apparel, U.S. Department of Commerce. Click on the following link for this correlation:

    Textile and apparel correlation to HTS10 codes

    MOU quota HTS10 codes

    The import data presented here are only for the items that were subject to the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding. These HTS10 codes are specified in

    the document at the following link:

  • Table Data time

    number Content frame Sheet name

    1 Value of imports from China by category Annual 1. Cat, annual value

    2 China share, by value, of total U.S. imports by category Annual 2. Cat, annual value share

    3 Quantity of imports from China by category Annual 3. Cat, annual quantity

    4 China share, by quantity, of total U.S. imports by category Annual 4. Cat, annual quantity share

    5 Unit value of imports from China by category Annual 5. Cat, annual unit val China

    6 Unit value of imports from the world by category Annual 6. Cat, annual unit val world

    7 Value of imports from China by HTS10 Annual 7. HTS10, annual value

    8 China share, by value, of total U.S. imports by HTS10 Annual 8. HTS10, annual value share

    9 Quantity of imports from China by HTS10 Annual 9. HTS10, annual quantity

    10 China share, by quantity, of total U.S. imports by HTS10 Annual 10. HTS10, ann quantity share

    11 Unit value of imports from China by HTS10 Annual 11. HTS10, ann unit val China

    12 Unit value of imports from the world by HTS10 Annual 12. HTS10, ann unit val world

    13 Value of imports from China by category Quarterly 13. Cat, quart value

    14 China share, by value, of total U.S. imports by category Quarterly 14. Cat, quart value share

    15 Quantity of imports from China by category Quarterly 15. Cat, quart quantity

    16 China share, by quantity, of total U.S. imports by category Quarterly 16. Cat, quart quantity share

    17 Unit value of imports from China by category Quarterly 17. Cat, quart unit val China

    18 Unit value of imports from the world by category Quarterly 18. Cat, quart unit val world

    19 Value of imports from China by HTS10 Quarterly 19. HTS10, quart value

    20 China share, by value, of total U.S. imports by HTS10 Quarterly 20. HTS10, quart value share

    21 Quantity of imports from China by HTS10 Quarterly 21. HTS10, quart quantity

    22 China share, by quantity, of total U.S. imports by HTS10 Quarterly 22. HTS10, quart quantity share

    23 Unit value of imports from China by HTS10 Quarterly 23. HTS10, quart unit val China

    24 Unit value of imports from the world by HTS10 Quarterly 24. HTS10, quart unit val world

    Import data can be found on the data sheets that follow this sheet. Navigate to these data using the links below or the tabs at the bottom of the screen. Each

    data sheet has columns that show absolute and percentage change for the latest period as compared with the beginning period (scroll to the right if these

    columns are not visible). A "Not applicable" in the percentage change column indicates that a value cannot be calculated because the value in the beginning

    period is zero.

    Each data sheet also has a filtering feature on line 4 that can be used to isolate or sort the data. Use the filter in the index column (sort ascending option) to

    return the sheet to its original order.


    Annual Compilation 2018


  • Table 1. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by category ($), 2012–18

    Index Category Description 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Hosiery, including baby

    socks: cotton, wool, and


    944,786,162 1,058,571,395 1,092,421,189 1,271,775,298 1,184,412,482 1,217,521,561 1,355,067,691 410,281,529 43.4

    2 647/648 M&B MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    835,970,091 953,710,467 1,055,178,963 1,175,415,742 1,065,915,356 1,110,804,471 1,198,599,077 362,628,986 43.4

    3 638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and

    W&G MMF knit shirts &


    1,550,648,435 1,644,429,666 1,731,405,683 1,901,306,876 1,861,993,895 1,852,981,086 1,858,974,357 308,325,922 19.9

    4 229 Special purpose fabric,

    cotton & MMF

    258,846,802 281,228,389 316,523,948 370,854,783 391,423,053 410,576,388 456,571,324 197,724,522 76.4

    5 359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and


    367,620,149 414,593,221 421,920,907 480,789,293 479,281,045 509,342,942 540,519,797 172,899,648 47.0

    6 352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF 675,578,605 701,980,592 740,239,064 795,984,070 786,975,665 833,713,122 823,218,186 147,639,581 21.9

    7 620 Other synthetic filament


    98,469,141 106,255,877 126,214,867 132,435,633 127,630,670 130,514,494 159,183,501 60,714,360 61.7

    8 666 Other MMF furnishings 20,251,941 27,044,624 29,418,154 30,764,958 50,906,895 43,844,729 72,203,748 51,951,807 256.5

    9 222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF 278,787,432 312,989,813 320,097,103 343,506,586 351,288,935 313,146,972 316,712,697 37,925,265 13.6

    10 363 Cotton terry and other pile


    382,585,400 387,839,076 403,709,220 402,584,512 366,475,869 396,798,580 406,896,112 24,310,712 6.4

    11 200/301 Cotton & MMF yarn for

    retail sale and sewing

    thread, and combed cotton


    38,796,069 56,022,057 39,453,680 41,977,880 39,118,205 44,750,579 60,597,449 21,801,380 56.2

    12 622 Glass fiber fabric 37,826,089 32,983,006 36,472,096 39,738,171 39,888,503 33,831,907 36,405,781 -1,420,308 -3.8

    13 447 M&B wool trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    43,097,876 40,640,110 41,993,454 43,679,780 37,472,345 34,743,719 39,908,519 -3,189,357 -7.4

    14 443 M&B wool suits 86,909,087 81,516,255 68,466,445 66,151,076 63,927,201 63,746,509 74,267,997 -12,641,090 -14.5

    15 619 Polyester filament fabric,


    84,078,388 101,687,908 88,810,597 85,222,235 74,287,081 67,468,376 68,716,082 -15,362,306 -18.3

    16 345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B

    MMF, and W&G MMF

    1,032,748,427 1,094,955,454 1,208,735,657 1,197,894,565 954,673,909 822,543,473 868,478,776 -164,269,651 -15.9

    17 349/649 Brassieres & other body

    supporting garments, cotton

    & MMF

    1,137,335,957 1,242,838,313 1,176,388,633 1,271,724,568 1,204,477,981 1,108,011,137 911,624,336 -225,711,621 -19.8

    18 340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton

    and MMF

    861,303,717 864,030,652 845,544,136 807,928,525 734,991,931 666,456,154 635,288,625 -226,015,092 -26.2

    19 847 Trousers, breeches &

    shorts, silk and veg

    332,056,943 250,529,054 209,873,620 176,562,710 151,157,724 112,000,209 87,172,003 -244,884,940 -73.7

    Change, 2012 to 2018


  • Table 1. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by category ($), 2012–18

    Index Category Description 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2012 to 2018

    20 347/348 M&B cotton trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G cotton trousers,

    slacks & shorts

    3,778,877,663 3,941,494,979 3,443,726,879 3,499,825,492 3,209,921,446 3,125,317,218 3,019,487,262 -759,390,401 -20.1

    21 338/339 M&B cotton knit shirts, and

    W&G cotton knit shirts &


    3,044,799,325 3,142,878,540 2,841,469,166 2,595,106,615 2,194,271,080 2,178,557,246 2,271,377,228 -773,422,097 -25.4


  • Table 2. MOU textile and apparel articles: Value of U.S. imports from China as a share of total U.S. imports by category (percent), 2012–18

    Index Category Description 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Hosiery, including baby

    socks: cotton, wool, and


    51.9 55.6 54.5 58.3 60.4 60.2 63.5 11.7 22.5

    2 620 Other synthetic filament


    18.7 19.2 20.1 20.6 22.0 23.0 27.3 8.6 45.6

    3 229 Special purpose fabric,

    cotton & MMF

    21.0 22.2 23.4 26.3 27.8 28.5 29.2 8.2 38.8

    4 200/301 Cotton & MMF yarn for

    retail sale and sewing

    thread, and combed cotton


    13.8 18.1 13.0 13.8 15.1 16.7 21.3 7.4 53.9

    5 359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and


    42.5 44.7 44.1 47.6 49.3 49.2 49.5 7.0 16.4

    6 443 M&B wool suits 16.4 15.6 12.3 13.6 15.9 17.4 19.8 3.4 20.7

    7 352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF 18.9 19.0 19.9 20.0 20.5 22.3 22.2 3.3 17.4

    8 666 Other MMF furnishings 12.4 13.5 12.6 10.4 14.1 10.8 15.3 3.0 24.1

    9 447 M&B wool trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    14.3 12.7 13.2 14.9 14.1 14.3 15.8 1.5 10.1

    10 222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF 42.8 45.7 43.5 46.2 47.5 44.8 43.3 0.6 1.3

    11 619 Polyester filament fabric,


    42.2 47.1 43.1 43.3 41.3 43.4 42.6 0.4 1.0

    12 363 Cotton terry and other pile


    26.2 25.7 25.9 24.7 23.1 24.0 24.8 -1.4 -5.4

    13 647/648 M&B MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    21.9 22.0 22.3 21.5 20.0 19.7 19.8 -2.1 -9.6

    14 638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and

    W&G MMF knit shirts &


    24.8 24.4 23.1 22.6 21.4 20.4 20.4 -4.4 -17.8

    15 338/339 M&B cotton knit shirts, and

    W&G cotton knit shirts &


    24.2 24.5 22.8 21.3 19.9 19.8 19.1 -5.1 -20.9

    16 347/348 M&B cotton trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G cotton trousers,

    slacks & shorts

    30.1 30.0 27.9 28.0 27.1 26.6 24.8 -5.3 -17.7

    17 345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B

    MMF, and W&G MMF

    84.2 84.8 83.1 82.7 80.4 76.8 78.5 -5.7 -6.7

    18 622 Glass fiber fabric 30.3 24.4 24.5 25.8 24.8 21.6 23.7 -6.6 -21.8

    19 340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton

    and MMF

    25.9 24.5 23.3 22.2 21.3 20.7 18.9 -6.9 -26.8

    Change, 2012 to 2018


  • Table 2. MOU textile and apparel articles: Value of U.S. imports from China as a share of total U.S. imports by category (percent), 2012–18

    Index Category Description 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2012 to 2018

    20 349/649 Brassieres & other body

    supporting garments, cotton

    & MMF

    51.7 51.5 50.2 48.9 46.7 41.5 39.3 -12.5 -24.1

    21 847 Trousers, breeches &

    shorts, silk and veg

    68.5 68.3 63.2 57.3 52.9 48.1 41.6 -27.0 -39.4


  • Table 3. MOU textile and apparel articles: Quantity of U.S. imports from China by category, for indicated units, 2012–18

    Index Category Description Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 620 Other synthetic filament


    square meters 128,496,367 127,715,166 201,947,732 189,871,908 177,851,195 208,739,896 269,761,090 141,264,723 109.9

    2 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Hosiery, including baby

    socks: cotton, wool, and


    dozen pair 186,549,319 209,911,123 203,891,566 218,216,129 212,375,240 240,196,102 287,543,730 100,994,411 54.1

    3 229 Special purpose fabric,

    cotton & MMF

    kilograms 42,744,820 43,933,508 51,961,380 60,449,356 69,131,667 74,783,614 92,241,874 49,497,054 115.8

    4 222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF kilograms 76,212,303 94,636,302 102,135,734 111,136,400 123,916,525 105,768,036 107,078,897 30,866,594 40.5

    5 363 Cotton terry and other pile


    number 141,307,149 142,595,790 162,935,744 146,821,587 158,830,620 157,093,741 161,478,089 20,170,940 14.3

    6 622 Glass fiber fabric square meters 23,644,021 24,572,552 26,016,561 32,608,277 31,247,804 38,072,399 39,594,572 15,950,551 67.5

    7 638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and

    W&G MMF knit shirts &


    dozen 35,649,614 38,691,012 41,781,015 48,724,298 50,436,544 49,804,232 50,271,788 14,622,174 41.0

    8 647/648 M&B MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dozen 14,904,071 18,573,818 21,318,762 24,364,133 23,078,972 27,402,180 28,731,415 13,827,344 92.8

    9 359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and


    kilograms 12,031,034 13,217,480 14,072,797 15,661,963 16,786,708 18,980,934 20,504,390 8,473,356 70.4

    10 666 Other MMF furnishings kilograms 3,010,269 4,003,107 4,104,074 4,455,682 6,980,519 6,183,770 6,996,336 3,986,067 132.4

    11 200/301 Cotton & MMF yarn for

    retail sale and sewing

    thread, and combed cotton


    kilograms 5,798,516 8,111,441 6,185,891 6,299,979 6,268,431 7,139,379 8,826,013 3,027,497 52.2

    12 352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF dozen 49,757,579 49,887,616 50,954,971 51,244,309 50,510,783 52,170,304 50,730,626 973,047 2.0

    13 447 M&B wool trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dozen 172,536 186,101 184,368 197,634 177,002 161,422 160,228 -12,308 -7.1

    14 345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B

    MMF, and W&G MMF

    dozen 12,402,588 13,426,843 15,884,376 15,150,718 12,965,005 11,622,513 12,373,858 -28,730 -0.2

    15 443 M&B wool suits number 1,683,342 1,681,780 1,390,907 1,346,856 1,397,852 1,243,276 1,267,116 -416,226 -24.7

    16 347/348 M&B cotton trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G cotton trousers,

    slacks & shorts

    dozen 57,417,276 61,250,915 55,881,768 57,654,337 56,061,080 57,027,999 56,724,781 -692,495 -1.2

    17 340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton

    and MMF

    dozen 9,892,767 10,435,320 9,607,137 9,321,664 8,773,764 8,058,679 7,642,012 -2,250,755 -22.8

    18 847 Trousers, breeches &

    shorts, silk and veg

    dozen 4,801,914 3,659,363 3,139,451 2,639,058 2,393,024 1,783,045 1,438,144 -3,363,770 -70.1

    19 349/649 Brassieres & other body

    supporting garments, cotton

    & MMF

    dozen 32,288,867 33,695,746 32,678,352 33,848,423 32,215,786 31,952,198 28,594,725 -3,694,142 -11.4

    20 338/339 M&B cotton knit shirts, and

    W&G cotton knit shirts &


    dozen 62,853,682 63,470,097 57,764,375 52,747,214 48,885,645 47,527,713 48,885,075 -13,968,607 -22.2

    Change, 2012 to 2018


  • Table 3. MOU textile and apparel articles: Quantity of U.S. imports from China by category, for indicated units, 2012–18

    Index Category Description Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2012 to 2018

    21 619 Polyester filament fabric,


    square meters 159,555,076 199,022,127 176,758,688 173,760,799 157,564,483 132,318,342 129,551,266 -30,003,810 -18.8


  • Table 4. MOU textile and apparel articles: Quantity of U.S. imports from China as a share of total U.S. imports by category (percent), 2012–18

    Index Category Description Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Hosiery, including baby

    socks: cotton, wool, and


    dozen pair 55.0 60.7 59.0 60.2 63.2 66.2 71.0 15.9 29.0

    2 359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and


    kilograms 40.4 42.6 44.4 48.4 51.9 54.4 54.5 14.1 35.0

    3 229 Special purpose fabric,

    cotton & MMF

    kilograms 23.7 25.0 26.7 28.9 30.9 33.3 35.7 11.9 50.4

    4 620 Other synthetic filament


    square meters 11.8 10.8 13.8 14.1 14.2 17.6 22.9 11.1 94.8

    5 622 Glass fiber fabric square meters 28.6 25.2 25.9 29.9 27.0 30.4 35.0 6.3 22.1

    6 443 M&B wool suits number 30.5 31.0 25.8 26.7 32.0 33.9 36.3 5.8 19.0

    7 200/301 Cotton & MMF yarn for

    retail sale and sewing

    thread, and combed cotton


    kilograms 15.4 19.6 14.1 14.5 15.7 17.5 21.2 5.8 37.3

    8 619 Polyester filament fabric,


    square meters 56.5 62.2 59.8 60.9 60.6 62.6 60.8 4.2 7.5

    9 647/648 M&B MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dozen 24.0 24.9 26.9 25.9 25.3 27.4 27.9 4.0 16.5

    10 222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF kilograms 57.6 63.5 62.6 64.1 65.7 62.5 60.6 3.0 5.1

    11 447 M&B wool trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dozen 15.9 16.4 17.1 19.0 18.5 18.0 18.3 2.4 15.0

    12 352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF dozen 19.6 19.0 19.6 18.9 19.1 20.3 20.3 0.6 3.2

    13 363 Cotton terry and other pile


    number 20.1 19.9 21.6 18.9 20.0 19.2 20.0 -0.1 -0.5

    14 666 Other MMF furnishings kilograms 23.4 26.1 24.4 22.2 27.3 21.9 21.4 -2.0 -8.6

    15 638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and

    W&G MMF knit shirts &


    dozen 25.9 25.5 25.1 26.0 24.7 24.2 23.6 -2.3 -8.9

    16 347/348 M&B cotton trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G cotton trousers,

    slacks & shorts

    dozen 32.0 31.6 30.5 30.2 29.7 29.7 29.0 -3.1 -9.5

    17 345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B

    MMF, and W&G MMF

    dozen 83.9 85.1 84.6 82.9 81.2 78.8 80.7 -3.1 -3.8

    18 338/339 M&B cotton knit shirts, and

    W&G cotton knit shirts &


    dozen 17.2 17.0 15.9 14.3 14.0 14.0 13.8 -3.4 -19.6

    19 340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton

    and MMF

    dozen 25.5 24.4 22.8 21.7 20.6 20.1 18.6 -6.9 -27.1

    20 349/649 Brassieres & other body

    supporting garments, cotton

    & MMF

    dozen 61.3 60.5 61.2 58.8 56.5 54.3 53.6 -7.8 -12.6

    Change, 2012 to 2018


  • Table 4. MOU textile and apparel articles: Quantity of U.S. imports from China as a share of total U.S. imports by category (percent), 2012–18

    Index Category Description Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2012 to 2018

    21 847 Trousers, breeches &

    shorts, silk and veg

    dozen 72.8 73.0 69.7 63.4 61.4 56.0 50.3 -22.5 -30.9


  • Table 5. MOU textile and apparel articles: Unit value of U.S. imports from China by category, for indicated units, 2012–18

    Index Category Description Units 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 443 M&B wool suits dollars each 51.63 48.47 49.22 49.12 45.73 51.27 58.61 6.98 13.5

    2 666 Other MMF furnishings dollars per


    6.73 6.76 7.17 6.90 7.29 7.09 10.32 3.59 53.4

    3 352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF dollars per dozen 13.58 14.07 14.53 15.53 15.58 15.98 16.23 2.65 19.5

    4 200/301 Cotton & MMF yarn for

    retail sale and sewing

    thread, and combed cotton


    dollars per


    6.69 6.91 6.38 6.66 6.24 6.27 6.87 0.18 2.6

    5 619 Polyester filament fabric,


    dollars per

    square meter

    0.53 0.51 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.51 0.53 0.00 0.7

    6 620 Other synthetic filament


    dollars per

    square meter

    0.77 0.83 0.62 0.70 0.72 0.63 0.59 -0.18 -23.0

    7 363 Cotton terry and other pile


    dollars each 2.71 2.72 2.48 2.74 2.31 2.53 2.52 -0.19 -6.9

    8 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Hosiery, including baby

    socks: cotton, wool, and


    dollars per dozen


    5.06 5.04 5.36 5.83 5.58 5.07 4.71 -0.35 -6.9

    9 622 Glass fiber fabric dollars per

    square meter

    1.60 1.34 1.40 1.22 1.28 0.89 0.92 -0.68 -42.5

    10 222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF dollars per


    3.66 3.31 3.13 3.09 2.83 2.96 2.96 -0.70 -19.1

    11 447 M&B wool trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dollars per dozen 249.79 218.38 227.77 221.01 211.71 215.24 249.07 -0.72 -0.3

    12 229 Special purpose fabric,

    cotton & MMF

    dollars per


    6.06 6.40 6.09 6.13 5.66 5.49 4.95 -1.11 -18.3

    13 338/339 M&B cotton knit shirts, and

    W&G cotton knit shirts &


    dollars per dozen 48.44 49.52 49.19 49.20 44.89 45.84 46.46 -1.98 -4.1

    14 349/649 Brassieres & other body

    supporting garments, cotton

    & MMF

    dollars per dozen 35.22 36.88 36.00 37.57 37.39 34.68 31.88 -3.34 -9.5

    15 340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton

    and MMF

    dollars per dozen 87.06 82.80 88.01 86.67 83.77 82.70 83.13 -3.93 -4.5

    16 359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and


    dollars per


    30.56 31.37 29.98 30.70 28.55 26.83 26.36 -4.19 -13.7

    17 638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and

    W&G MMF knit shirts &


    dollars per dozen 43.50 42.50 41.44 39.02 36.92 37.21 36.98 -6.52 -15.0

    18 847 Trousers, breeches &

    shorts, silk and veg

    dollars per dozen 69.15 68.46 66.85 66.90 63.17 62.81 60.61 -8.54 -12.3

    19 347/348 M&B cotton trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G cotton trousers,

    slacks & shorts

    dollars per dozen 65.81 64.35 61.63 60.70 57.26 54.80 53.23 -12.58 -19.1

    20 345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B

    MMF, and W&G MMF

    dollars per dozen 83.27 81.55 76.10 79.07 73.63 70.77 70.19 -13.08 -15.7

    Change, 2012 to 2018


  • Table 5. MOU textile and apparel articles: Unit value of U.S. imports from China by category, for indicated units, 2012–18

    Index Category Description Units 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2012 to 2018

    21 647/648 M&B MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dollars per dozen 56.09 51.35 49.50 48.24 46.19 40.54 41.72 -14.37 -25.6


  • Table 6. MOU textile and apparel articles: Unit value of U.S. imports from the world by category, for indicated units, 2012–18

    Index Category Description Units 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 443 M&B wool suits dollars each 95.80 96.13 103.05 96.24 91.95 99.85 107.23 11.43 11.9

    2 447 M&B wool trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dollars per dozen 276.77 281.87 294.14 282.00 277.36 272.07 288.13 11.37 4.1

    3 349/649 Brassieres & other body

    supporting garments, cotton

    & MMF

    dollars per dozen 41.76 43.35 43.83 45.16 45.28 45.36 43.49 1.74 4.2

    4 666 Other MMF furnishings dollars per


    12.74 13.05 13.90 14.73 14.10 14.40 14.38 1.64 12.9

    5 352/652 Underwear, cotton & MMF dollars per dozen 14.09 14.04 14.29 14.67 14.51 14.51 14.79 0.71 5.0

    6 619 Polyester filament fabric,


    dollars per

    square meter

    0.71 0.68 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.74 0.76 0.05 7.1

    7 620 Other synthetic filament


    dollars per

    square meter

    0.48 0.47 0.43 0.48 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.01 3.0

    8 359-S/659-S Other apparel: cotton and


    dollars per


    29.01 29.92 30.18 31.22 30.02 29.68 29.02 0.01 0.0

    9 363 Cotton terry and other pile


    dollars each 2.08 2.11 2.07 2.10 2.00 2.02 2.03 -0.04 -2.1

    10 847 Trousers, breeches &

    shorts, silk and veg

    dollars per dozen 73.45 73.16 73.74 74.00 73.36 73.17 73.37 -0.08 -0.1

    11 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Hosiery, including baby

    socks: cotton, wool, and


    dollars per dozen


    5.38 5.50 5.80 6.02 5.84 5.58 5.27 -0.11 -2.0

    12 622 Glass fiber fabric dollars per

    square meter

    1.51 1.39 1.48 1.41 1.39 1.25 1.36 -0.16 -10.3

    13 200/301 Cotton & MMF yarn for

    retail sale and sewing

    thread, and combed cotton


    dollars per


    7.47 7.51 6.89 7.03 6.48 6.59 6.85 -0.63 -8.4

    14 229 Special purpose fabric,

    cotton & MMF

    dollars per


    6.83 7.22 6.96 6.76 6.29 6.40 6.05 -0.78 -11.4

    15 222 Knit fabric, cotton & MMF dollars per


    4.92 4.60 4.52 4.29 3.93 4.13 4.13 -0.79 -16.1

    16 338/339 M&B cotton knit shirts, and

    W&G cotton knit shirts &


    dollars per dozen 34.42 34.38 34.26 33.11 31.59 32.38 33.59 -0.83 -2.4

    17 647/648 M&B MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G MMF trousers,

    breeches & shorts

    dollars per dozen 61.34 58.14 59.58 58.21 58.35 56.26 58.79 -2.56 -4.2

    18 638/639 M&B MMF knit shirts, and

    W&G MMF knit shirts &


    dollars per dozen 45.37 44.52 44.88 44.77 42.59 44.01 42.74 -2.64 -5.8

    19 340/640 M&B not knit shirts, cotton

    and MMF

    dollars per dozen 85.88 82.67 86.22 84.50 81.00 80.17 81.66 -4.22 -4.9

    Change, 2012 to 2018


  • Table 6. MOU textile and apparel articles: Unit value of U.S. imports from the world by category, for indicated units, 2012–18

    Index Category Description Units 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2012 to 2018

    20 347/348 M&B cotton trousers,

    breeches & shorts, and

    W&G cotton trousers,

    slacks & shorts

    dollars per dozen 69.98 67.90 67.21 65.53 62.59 61.10 62.23 -7.75 -11.1

    21 345/645/646 Sweaters: Cotton, M&B

    MMF, and W&G MMF

    dollars per dozen 82.95 81.89 77.46 79.34 74.41 72.62 72.15 -10.80 -13.0


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    1 6204.62.8021 347/348 Women's trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 225,515,039 740,841,778 735,506,275 509,991,236 226.1

    2 6204.62.8011 347/348 Women's blue denim trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or

    crocheted nesoi

    178,723,390 598,286,709 606,894,453 428,171,063 239.6

    3 6204.62.8056 347/348 Women's shorts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 23,371,190 230,524,169 209,937,592 186,566,402 798.3

    4 6203.42.4516 347/348 Men's trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 122,623,687 339,406,835 308,704,227 186,080,540 151.7

    5 6115.96.9020 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Socks and other hosiery, etc., knitted or crocheted, of syn fibers: cont less

    than 23% by weight of wool or fine animal hair, exc grad comp hosiery

    877,243,617 906,575,019 1,029,770,300 152,526,683 17.4

    6 6203.42.4511 347/348 Men's blue denim trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted


    83,460,471 218,313,573 227,380,392 143,919,921 172.4

    7 6204.63.9010 647/648 Women's trousers and breeches, of synthetic fibers, not knitted nesoi 29,264,786 109,984,923 135,122,739 105,857,953 361.7

    8 6203.42.4551 347/348 Men's shorts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 21,173,419 149,873,008 111,187,402 90,013,983 425.1

    9 6204.69.2810 647/648 Women's trousers and breeches, of artificial fibers, not knitted, containing

    less than 36 percent of wool or fine animal hair nesoi

    22,787,244 83,727,772 101,975,998 79,188,754 347.5

    10 6203.43.9030 647/648 Men's shorts, not knitted, of synthetic fibers nesoi 21,067,508 105,726,023 95,192,394 74,124,886 351.8

    11 6110.20.2041 338/339 Men's sweatshirts, knitted or crocheted of cotton: containing

  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    23 6303.92.2030 666 Window shades and window blinds of synthetic fibers, not knitted or


    38,893,846 35,936,239 68,440,333 29,546,487 76.0

    24 6104.63.2006 647/648 Women's trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers,

    containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread

    125,441,413 137,272,273 154,797,940 29,356,527 23.4

    25 6005.37.0080 222 Other dyed, synthetic, warp knit (including those made on gallon knitting

    machines) excl hdings 6001 to 6004, nesoi

    0 23,375,343 28,345,895 28,345,895 Not applicable

    26 6204.63.9032 647/648 Women's shorts, of synthetic fibers, not knitted nesoi 3,863,775 28,046,040 31,949,973 28,086,198 726.9

    27 6104.62.2011 347/348 Women's trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, other 106,267,754 118,596,242 131,866,083 25,598,329 24.1

    28 5902.20.0000 229 Tire cord fabric, of high tenacity yarns, of nylon or other polyamides,

    polyesters or viscose rayon: of polyesters

    25,831,118 37,550,537 48,081,713 22,250,595 86.1

    29 6203.42.4561 347/348 Boys' shorts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 5,882,928 31,575,259 26,696,099 20,813,171 353.8

    30 5407.20.0000 620 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn; obtained from strip or the like 37,959,725 43,570,746 58,443,090 20,483,365 54.0

    31 6203.43.7590 647/648 Men's or boys' trousers/breeches, water resistent, of synthetic fibers cont.

    less than 36 percent by weight of wool/fine animal hair, not knit, nesoi

    6,985,048 25,004,630 26,825,971 19,840,923 284.0

    32 6203.41.6010 447 Men's trousers and breeches, not knitted, of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi 5,237,418 18,027,954 24,906,644 19,669,226 375.6

    33 6114.20.0010 338/339 Women's or girls' other garments, knitted or crocheted, of cotton: tops 63,560,879 84,213,234 82,873,268 19,312,389 30.4

    34 6210.40.5539 647/648 Men's or boys' trousers and breeches of rubberized/impregnated fabric of

    man-made fibers, not knitted, nesoi

    7,171,961 34,273,984 26,412,820 19,240,859 268.3

    35 6204.62.8041 347/348 Girls' blue denim trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted,


    16,775,482 39,839,478 34,488,496 17,713,014 105.6

    36 6203.43.1330 647/648 Men's shorts, not knitted, of synthetic fibers rpo 5,181,464 14,553,356 20,643,650 15,462,186 298.4

    37 6005.37.0010 229 Open-work fabrics, dyed, synthetic fibers, warp knit (including those made on

    gallon knitting machines) excl those of headings 6001 to 6004

    0 14,959,791 15,235,797 15,235,797 Not applicable

    38 6005.39.0080 222 Other printed, synthetic fibers, warp knit (including those made on gallon

    knitting machines) excl headings 6001 to 6004

    0 10,481,747 14,850,980 14,850,980 Not applicable

    39 6204.69.2840 647/648 Women's shorts, of artificial fibers, not knitted, less than 36 percent by weight

    of wool or fine animal hair nesoi

    1,631,723 15,048,709 16,409,941 14,778,218 905.7

    40 5903.20.2500 229 Other fabrics, of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or

    laminated with polyurethane, less than or equal to 70 percent rubber or


    29,185,450 32,315,001 43,287,297 14,101,847 48.3

    41 6104.63.2011 647/648 Women's trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers,


    89,647,827 100,715,473 103,025,327 13,377,500 14.9

    42 6106.20.2010 638/639 Women's blouses and shirts, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers,

    containing less than 23 percent of wool or fine animal hair

    98,722,538 106,477,320 111,861,884 13,139,346 13.3

    43 6110.30.3041 638/639 Men's sweatshirts, knitted or crocheted of man-made fibers, containing less

    than 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    7,892,253 14,273,584 20,801,244 12,908,991 163.6


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    44 6115.96.9010 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Socks and other hosiery, etc., knitted or crocheted, of syn fibers: cont 23% or

    more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, exc grad comp hosiery

    5,516,633 5,916,165 17,818,539 12,301,906 223.0

    45 6211.11.1010 359-S/659-S Men's swimwear, of man-made fibers, not knitted 25,975,743 32,112,059 38,193,344 12,217,601 47.0

    46 6103.42.1020 347/348 Men's trousers and breeches, knitted or crochetted: of cotton 90,079,977 102,865,356 102,154,279 12,074,302 13.4

    47 6110.20.2079 338/339 Women's or girls' pullovers and sim. art. of cotton containing less than 36

    percent by weight of flax fibers knitted/crocheted, but not knit to shape

    964,429,334 964,074,909 976,422,728 11,993,394 1.2

    48 6109.10.0014 338/339 Boys' cotton other t-shirts, knitted or crocheted, except underwear 18,971,495 22,203,407 30,145,878 11,174,383 58.9

    49 5511.10.0030 200/301 Yarns, other than sewing thread, put up for retail sale, greater than or equal

    to 85 percent by weight of acrylic staple fibers

    6,483,960 14,691,812 17,576,918 11,092,958 171.1

    50 6109.10.0012 338/339 Men's cotton other t-shirts, knitted or crocheted, except underwear 95,997,918 99,919,177 106,951,032 10,953,114 11.4

    51 6208.91.3010 352/652 Women's singlets, briefs, panties, and negligees, etc., of cotton, not knitted 16,268,060 23,329,854 26,962,454 10,694,394 65.7

    52 6110.90.9030 345/645/646 Women's or girls' sweaters, of other textile fibers, knitted or crocheted,

    subject to man-made fibers restraints

    36,259,754 41,899,813 46,656,813 10,397,059 28.7

    53 5906.99.2500 229 Not knitted or crocheted, rubberized textile fabric, other than those of heading

    5902: of man-made fiber, not exceeding 70 percent rubber or plastic

    12,493,578 14,040,157 22,039,182 9,545,604 76.4

    54 5806.32.2000 229 Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading 5807; other woven

    fabrics, of man-made fibers, nesoi

    28,085,869 30,329,091 37,400,916 9,315,047 33.2

    55 6114.30.1020 638/639 Women's or girls' other garments, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers:


    178,690,121 190,759,881 187,918,356 9,228,235 5.2

    56 6203.43.1190 647/648 Men's or boys' trousers/breeches, water resistent, of synthetic fibers cont.

    less than 36 percent by weight of wool/fine animal hair, not knit, ne rpo

    7,330,713 23,004,462 16,150,020 8,819,307 120.3

    57 6204.69.8046 847 Women's or girls' shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted nesoi 6,117,340 30,323,664 14,826,658 8,709,318 142.4

    58 6204.63.7590 647/648 Women's or girls' water resistant trousers/breeches/shorts of synthetic fibers

    cont. less than 36% by weight of wool/fine animal hair, not knit, nesoi

    2,380,823 9,735,827 10,670,229 8,289,406 348.2

    59 6203.49.9045 847 Men's or boys' trousers and breeches, not knitted, of other textile materials,

    of other non-cotton vegetable fibers nesoi

    2,277,845 10,732,725 10,409,140 8,131,295 357.0

    60 5608.19.2090 229 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up of fishing nets and other

    made up nets, of man-made textile materials: other than bait bags

    10,978,206 15,361,940 18,438,395 7,460,189 68.0

    61 6115.95.9000 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Socks and oth hosiery, for varicose veins, and ftwr w/out applied soles,

    knitted or crocheted, of cotton:not cont lace or net, exc compression hosiery

    190,309,299 195,183,319 197,655,153 7,345,854 3.9

    62 6203.43.9040 647/648 Boys' shorts, not knitted, of synthetic fibers, not imported as parts of playsuits


    1,912,730 8,182,685 9,253,958 7,341,228 383.8


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    63 6109.90.1060 638/639 Girls' t-shirts, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials: of man-made


    11,107,736 15,737,861 17,962,144 6,854,408 61.7

    64 6111.30.5050 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Babies' socks and booties, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, not

    imported as parts of sets

    13,603,171 16,175,486 20,312,808 6,709,637 49.3

    65 6115.10.4000 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Graduated compression hosiery, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers,

    other than surgical

    4,160,788 8,258,114 10,828,732 6,667,944 160.3

    66 6109.10.0045 338/339 Girls' cotton t-shirts, knitted or crocheted, except underwear 22,251,883 22,622,415 28,902,330 6,650,447 29.9

    67 6205.30.2070 340/640 Men's other shirts, of man-made fibers, not knitted, with less than two colors

    in the warp and/or the filling

    49,524,317 47,652,701 55,822,382 6,298,065 12.7

    68 6107.12.0020 352/652 Boys' underpants and briefs, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers 6,922,109 11,910,750 13,126,402 6,204,293 89.6

    69 6211.11.1020 359-S/659-S Boys' swimwear, of man-made fibers, not knitted 11,571,260 11,240,145 17,621,810 6,050,550 52.3

    70 6105.10.0030 338/339 Boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, other than for playsuits 20,024,639 19,632,878 26,052,930 6,028,291 30.1

    71 6103.42.1040 347/348 Boys' trousers and breeches, knitted or crochetted: of cotton, other than for


    30,442,130 29,119,665 36,086,788 5,644,658 18.5

    72 6005.36.0080 222 Other unbleached or bleached synthetic fibers, warp knit (including those

    made on gallon knitting machines) excl hdngs 6001 to 6004

    0 5,432,140 5,365,412 5,365,412 Not applicable

    73 5901.90.4000 229 Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylacous substances, not suitable for

    book covers, of other than man-made fibers

    57,040,849 47,959,662 62,256,062 5,215,213 9.1

    74 6204.62.8006 347/348 Women's corduroy trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted


    3,609,356 4,999,402 8,804,548 5,195,192 143.9

    75 6203.11.9000 443 Men's or boys' suits, not knitted, of wool or fine animal hair, less than 30

    percent silk or silk waste nesoi

    50,853,336 49,067,971 56,001,471 5,148,135 10.1

    76 6110.30.3045 638/639 Women's or girls' sweatshirts, knitted or crocheted of man-made fibers,

    containing less than 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    8,641,513 9,873,969 13,771,816 5,130,303 59.4

    77 5511.10.0060 200/301 Yarns, other than sewing thread, put up for retail sale, greater than or equal

    to 85 percent by weight of other synthetic staple fibers

    2,717,000 3,247,418 7,843,848 5,126,848 188.7

    78 6208.92.0030 352/652 Women's singlets, briefs, panties, and negligees, etc., of man-made fibers,

    not knitted

    15,071,882 20,268,779 19,993,073 4,921,191 32.7

    79 6204.62.1556 347/348 Women's shorts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi rpo 1,995,449 8,444,507 6,866,024 4,870,575 244.1

    80 5407.53.2060 620 Yarns of different colors woven fabric, greater than or equal to 85 percent of

    textured polyester filament yarns, weighing greater than 170 g/m2

    15,385,046 15,604,005 20,164,344 4,779,298 31.1

    81 6205.20.2076 340/640 Boys' shirts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 12,040,595 12,998,085 16,688,848 4,648,253 38.6

    82 6006.44.0085 222 Knitted or crocheted fabric, of artificial fibers, printed, not elsewhere specified

    or included

    2,928,367 4,418,701 7,444,894 4,516,527 154.2

    83 6203.49.9060 847 Men's or boys' shorts, not knitted, of other textile materials, containing less

    than 70 percent by weight of silk or silk waste nesoi

    1,063,628 6,432,448 5,539,105 4,475,477 420.8


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    84 5806.10.2400 229 Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading 5807; woven pile fabric of

    man-made fibers; fastener fabric tapes.

    8,398,348 10,496,418 12,846,602 4,448,254 53.0

    85 6110.20.2044 338/339 Boys' sweatshirts, knitted or crocheted of cotton: containing

  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    106 6109.90.1049 638/639 Men's or boys' articles knitted/crocheted made of man-made fibers, except t-

    shirts, tank tops & thermal undershirts, nesoi

    8,443,917 10,117,700 12,242,527 3,798,610 45.0

    107 6109.10.0070 338/339 Women's or girls' other articles similar to t-shirts, tank tops, singlets of cotton,

    knitted or crocheted, except underwear

    16,910,818 18,938,497 20,633,888 3,723,070 22.0

    108 6203.43.9020 647/648 Boys' trousers and breeches, not knitted, of synthetic fibers, not imported as

    parts of playsuits nesoi

    1,281,006 4,750,773 5,002,831 3,721,825 290.5

    109 6203.42.0751 347/348 Men's shorts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi rpo 1,543,665 3,751,347 5,112,995 3,569,330 231.2

    110 6203.42.0716 347/348 Men's trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi rpo 2,809,437 3,664,732 6,308,211 3,498,774 124.5

    111 5806.32.1040 229 Polyester ribbons of a width not exceeding 12 cm, without woven selvedge,


    12,561,966 14,238,521 16,030,020 3,468,054 27.6

    112 6104.63.2060 647/648 Girls' shorts, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, containing less than 23

    percent of wool or fine animal hair, other than for playsuits

    7,158,915 6,356,869 10,615,575 3,456,660 48.3

    113 6103.42.1050 347/348 Men's shorts, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 28,312,064 32,014,259 31,716,899 3,404,835 12.0

    114 6204.63.1110 647/648 Women's trousers and breeches, of synthetic fibers, not knitted rpo 2,629,560 5,690,874 5,890,983 3,261,423 124.0

    115 5511.20.0000 200/301 Yarn (not sewing thread) of man-made staple fibers put up for retail sale of

    synthetic staple fibers

  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    127 5907.00.6000 229 Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas

    being theatrical or studio back-cloths or the like: of man made fibers

    9,347,343 9,171,862 11,803,050 2,455,707 26.3

    128 6104.63.2028 647/648 Girls' trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, nesoi 10,688,994 17,490,364 13,106,679 2,417,685 22.6

    129 6108.21.0020 352/652 Girls' briefs and panties, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 20,419,895 15,106,203 22,823,330 2,403,435 11.8

    130 6203.42.4506 347/348 Men's corduroy trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted


    1,614,765 5,617,211 4,005,225 2,390,460 148.0

    131 5508.10.0000 200/301 Sewing thread of man-made staple fibers, whether or not put up for retail

    sale: of synthetic staple fibers

    7,261,153 7,901,343 9,626,657 2,365,504 32.6

    132 6104.63.2026 647/648 Girls' trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers,

    containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn, other

    12,124,060 13,832,344 14,463,068 2,339,008 19.3

    133 6107.11.0010 352/652 Men's underpants and briefs, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 42,912,044 42,363,124 45,127,693 2,215,649 5.2

    134 6204.12.0030 347/348 Women's or girls' suits, not knitted, of cotton: trousers, breeches, and shorts,

    imported as parts of suits

    244,478 1,410,000 2,380,231 2,135,753 873.6

    135 6103.43.1540 647/648 Boys' trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, less

    than 23 percent by weight of wool or f.a.h., other than playsuits

    25,145,011 26,302,410 27,266,324 2,121,313 8.4

    136 5903.90.2500 229 Other fabrics, of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or

    laminated with other rubber or plastic, not exceeding 70 percent rubber or


    28,649,195 25,908,098 30,763,157 2,113,962 7.4

    137 6109.90.1050 638/639 Women's t-shirts, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials: of man-

    made fibers

    68,789,774 61,197,592 70,885,866 2,096,092 3.0

    138 6110.30.3010 345/645/646 Men's other sweaters, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted, containing

    less than 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    18,882,502 15,713,891 20,924,383 2,041,881 10.8

    139 6109.90.1070 638/639 Girls' tanktops and singlets, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials: of

    man-made fibers

    5,826,140 5,436,856 7,863,661 2,037,521 35.0

    140 7019.59.9021 622 Woven glass fibers, colored, weighing more than 215 grams per square

    meter, with a filament diameter of 7 to 13 microns, nesoi

    2,419,820 1,377,791 4,452,970 2,033,150 84.0

    141 6104.63.2030 647/648 Women's shorts, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers, containing less than

    23 percent of wool or fine animal hair

    19,638,105 23,327,740 21,619,638 1,981,533 10.1

    142 6204.63.0990 647/648 Women's or girls' water resistant trousers/breeches/shorts of synthetic fibers

    cont. less than 36% by weight of wool/fine animal hair, not knit, rpo

    734,062 2,455,343 2,706,797 1,972,735 268.7

    143 6115.96.6020 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Socks and other hosiery, etc., knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers:

    containing lace or net, containing less than 23 percent of wool or f.a.h.

    2,739,394 4,235,096 4,705,573 1,966,179 71.8

    144 6110.30.3044 638/639 Boys' sweatshirts, knitted or crocheted of man-made fibers, containing less

    than 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    1,465,525 2,746,073 3,386,504 1,920,979 131.1

    145 6104.69.8038 847 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of other textile

    materials, nesoi

    2,006,543 3,898,205 3,891,326 1,884,783 93.9


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    146 6204.63.1132 647/648 Women's shorts, of synthetic fibers, not knitted rpo 747,371 2,624,670 2,617,863 1,870,492 250.3

    147 6110.20.2049 338/339 Girls' sweatshirts, knitted or crocheted of cotton: containing

  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    168 6211.42.1030 347/348 Women's or girls' trousers, part of a track-suit, of cotton, not knitted nesoi 513,718 1,257,749 1,771,668 1,257,950 244.9

    169 5407.42.0060 620 Dyed woven fabric, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight of nylon or

    other polyamides, weighing greater than 170 g/m2

    677,590 1,288,519 1,922,773 1,245,183 183.8

    170 6003.20.3000 222 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton of a width le 30 cm other than

    open work

    492,073 434,793 1,735,826 1,243,753 252.8

    171 6104.69.2060 647/648 Women's or girls' shorts, knitted or crocheted, of artificial fibers, containing

    less than 23 percent of wool or fine animal hair

    1,444,208 1,953,200 2,670,865 1,226,657 84.9

    172 6204.69.0330 647/648 Girls' trousers and breeches, of artificial fibers, not knitted, less than 36

    percent of wool or fine animal hair, not for a playsuit rpo

    63,251 57,790 1,264,041 1,200,790 1,898.5

    173 6006.31.0080 222 Other unbleached or bleached synthetic fibers, other knitted or crocheted

    fabrics, nesoi

    21,810,972 22,203,445 22,990,739 1,179,767 5.4

    174 6110.90.9082 638/639 Women's or girls' pullovers, sweatshirts & similar articles of other textile

    materials subject to man-made fiber restraints knitted or crocheted nesoi

    16,738,962 17,850,035 17,906,695 1,167,733 7.0

    175 6003.30.6000 222 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibers of a width le 30cm, other

    than open work

    3,527,202 4,386,331 4,674,242 1,147,040 32.5

    176 6204.69.2860 647/648 Girls' shorts, of artificial fibers, not knitted, less than 36 percent by weight of

    wool or fine animal hair, other than for playsuits nesoi

    370,012 1,916,873 1,515,140 1,145,128 309.5

    177 5407.69.4060 620 Yarns of different colors woven fabric, less than 85 percent by weight of non-

    textured polyester filament yarns, greater than 170 g/m2

    3,660,208 3,948,832 4,804,130 1,143,922 31.3

    178 6106.10.0010 338/339 Women's blouses and shirts, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 42,340,008 40,953,469 43,482,797 1,142,789 2.7

    179 7019.40.9060 622 Woven fabrics of rovings, of a width exceeding 30 cm, colored, silica filament

    fabric with a silica content less than or equal to 93 percent

    464,280 1,456,441 1,600,427 1,136,147 244.7

    180 6203.42.0711 347/348 Men's blue denim trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted


    1,013,804 3,707,832 2,124,861 1,111,057 109.6

    181 6203.49.5005 447 Trousers, breeches and shorts containing 36 percent or more by weight of

    wool or fine animal hair, of artificial fibers, knitted or crocheted nesoi

    49,085 1,489,635 1,152,981 1,103,896 2,248.9

    182 6110.30.3053 638/639 Men's or boys' pullovers and similar articles of man-made fibers knitted or

    crocheted, but not knit to shape, nesoi

    224,287,178 224,369,378 225,378,687 1,091,509 0.5

    183 6006.24.9080 222 Other knit or crocheted printed cotton fabrics, nesoi (except of single knit


    1,585,197 2,568,889 2,651,005 1,065,808 67.2

    184 6203.11.3000 443 Men's or boys' suits, not knitted, of wool or fine animal hair, greater than or

    equal to 30 percent silk or silk waste, nesoi

    704,277 861,370 1,721,707 1,017,430 144.5

    185 6115.94.0000 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Socks and other hosiery, for varicose veins, and footwear without applied

    soles, knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair

    14,520,487 17,030,467 15,536,162 1,015,675 7.0

    186 6203.49.9030 647/648 Men's or boys' trousers and breeches, not knitted, of other textile materials,

    subject to man-made fibers restraint nesoi

    166,163 2,112,172 1,174,425 1,008,262 606.8


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    187 7019.52.4010 622 Othr woven glass fabrics, width excding 30 cm,not colored, weighing 185

    grams or less per square meter

    862,557 1,936,965 1,864,373 1,001,816 116.1

    188 6110.30.2020 345/645/646 Women's or girls' sweaters, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted, greater

    than or equal to 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    637,451 746,334 1,629,883 992,432 155.7

    189 7019.52.9010 622 Other woven glass fibers, exceeding 30cm width, colored, weighing less than

    185 grams per square meter

    2,110,643 2,712,642 3,094,411 983,768 46.6

    190 6110.30.3015 345/645/646 Boys' other sweaters, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted, containing

    less than 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    1,064,614 1,825,257 2,044,187 979,573 92.0

    191 5407.61.9915 620 Unbleached or bleached woven fabric, greater than or equal to 85 percent by

    weight of non-textured polyester filament yarns, greater than 170 g/m2

    998,569 1,854,185 1,976,177 977,608 97.9

    192 6110.20.1010 345/645/646 Men's or boys' sweaters, knitted or crocheted of cotton: containing >=36% by

    wt of flax fibers

    1,209,900 1,084,219 2,151,404 941,504 77.8

    193 5608.11.0090 229 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope, made up fishing nets, of man-made

    textile fibers, other than hand cast and string drawn

    385,852 807,640 1,306,716 920,864 238.7

    194 6107.11.0020 352/652 Boys' underpants and briefs, knitted or crocheted, of cotton 7,231,161 9,973,427 8,148,261 917,100 12.7

    195 6203.41.6020 447 Boys' trousers and breeches, not knitted, of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi 112,408 305,660 1,028,496 916,088 815.0

    196 5806.39.3020 229 Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading 5807: of other textile

    materials: of metalized yarn

    396,379 594,714 1,301,644 905,265 228.4

    197 6004.10.0025 222 Other warp knit, knitted or crocheted fabrics, containing 5% elastomeric

    yarns, without rubber thread, >30 cm wide

    3,758,611 4,571,251 4,663,551 904,940 24.1

    198 6204.69.8010 347/348 Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, and shorts, of other textile materials,

    not knitted, subject to cotton restraints nesoi

    35,721 347,249 900,354 864,633 2,420.5

    199 6109.10.0011 352/652 Men's or boys' t-shirts & similar garments, knitted/crocheted of cotton:

    thermal undershirts

    1,890,399 2,024,003 2,735,730 845,331 44.7

    200 6109.90.1047 352/652 Men's or boys' thermal undershirts, knitted or crocheted, of other textile

    materials: of man-made fibers

    6,141,817 6,528,403 6,984,871 843,054 13.7

    201 6004.90.9000 222 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm (12 inches),

    not containing elastomeric yarn and rubber thread

    276,431 1,508,994 1,112,850 836,419 302.6

    202 6005.39.0010 229 Open-work fabrics, printed, synthetic warp knit (including those made on

    gallon knitting machines) excl headings 6001 to 6004

    0 847,806 830,106 830,106 Not applicable

    203 5406.00.1020 200/301 Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale:

    synthetic filament yarn of acrylic

    3,710,614 2,788,526 4,540,322 829,708 22.4

    204 6006.33.0020 222 Nylon of yarns of different colors, double knit or interlock construction,

    synthetic fibers, other knitted or crocheted fabrics

    90,328 117,407 913,986 823,658 911.9

    205 6005.24.0000 222 Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of

    printed cotton

    290,481 407,297 1,099,739 809,258 278.6

    206 6203.43.1310 647/648 Men's trousers and breeches, not knitted, of synthetic fibers rpo 3,135,244 5,696,843 3,918,108 782,864 25.0

    207 6204.69.0646 847 Women's or girls' shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted rpo 51,179 895,951 800,202 749,023 1,463.5

    208 6002.90.8080 222 Knitted or crocheted fabric, of fibers other than cotton,gt= 5 percent

    elastomeric yarns/rubber thread,,lt=30 cm wide, nesoii

    815,454 724,779 1,502,264 686,810 84.2


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    209 6204.69.8030 647/648 Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, and shorts, of other textile materials,

    not knitted, subject to man-made fibers restraints nesoi

    100,419 909,599 765,662 665,243 662.5

    210 6103.49.8024 847 Men's or boys' trousers and breeches, knitted or crocheted, of other textile

    materials, nesoi

    149,639 488,248 802,357 652,718 436.2

    211 5907.00.1500 229 Laminated fabrics of man-made fibers, not for use in theatrical, ballet, and

    operatic scenery and properties, including sets.

    389,347 403,569 1,038,535 649,188 166.7

    212 6103.22.0050 338/339 Men's or boys' ensembles, knitted or crochetted: of cotton, shirts 169,377 67,497 805,835 636,458 375.8

    213 6204.62.8031 347/348 Girls' corduroy trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted,


    460,980 1,410,070 1,095,897 634,917 137.7

    214 6110.30.3025 345/645/646 Girls' other sweaters, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted, containing

    less than 30 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    9,813,916 8,857,163 10,430,383 616,467 6.3

    215 5407.69.2060 620 Dyed woven fabric, less than 85 percent by weight of non-textured polyester

    filament yarns, weighing more than 170 g/m2

    3,537,699 4,042,984 4,132,275 594,576 16.8

    216 6108.92.0025 352/652 Girls' underwear, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fiber 1,480,896 1,578,901 2,071,001 590,105 39.8

    217 6104.22.0060 338/339 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, blouses, shirts

    and tops

    592 17,848 581,390 580,798 98,107.8

    218 5811.00.3000 229 Quilted textile products in the piece, one or more layers of textile materials,

    with padding by stitching, other than of heading 5810: man-made fibers

    563,647 1,190,660 1,123,608 559,961 99.3

    219 5407.51.0040 619 Unbleached or bleached fabrics, other than flat, greater than or equal to 85

    percent of textured polyester filament yarns, not exceeding 170 g/m2

    1,475,472 3,044,785 2,028,884 553,412 37.5

    220 5905.00.9000 229 Textile wall coverings (not including those backed with permanently affixed


    2,515,566 3,361,386 3,066,629 551,063 21.9

    221 5406.00.1040 200/301 Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale:

    synthetic filament yarn: of polyesters

    1,438,431 1,480,481 1,989,192 550,761 38.3

    222 6002.40.8020 222 Knitted or crocheted fabric, of fibers other than cotton,gt= 5 percent

    elastomeric yarns,not rubber thread,lt=30 cm wide, open-work fabrics, warp


    356,040 680,088 893,927 537,887 151.1

    223 3921.90.2550 229 Plates,sheets,film,foil & strip,plas,ex cellular,combind with text mat,wgt gt

    1.492 kg/m2,m-m fbr predom by wgt ot any sing text fbr,nesoi

    154,972 393,286 683,488 528,516 341.0

    224 6005.41.0080 222 Other bleached or unbleached, artifical fibers, warp knit (including those

    made on gallon knitting machines) excl hdngs 6001 to 6004

    39,324 104,171 560,483 521,159 1,325.3

    225 5808.90.0010 229 Ornamental trimmings in the piece, tassels, pompoms and similar articles, no

    embroidery, not knitted or crotcheted; of cotton; of man-made fiber

    13,136,593 10,873,252 13,655,929 519,336 4.0

    226 5806.10.2800 229 Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading 5807; woven pile fabric,

    including terry and chenille fabric, of man-made fibers, other.

    2,181,220 3,240,183 2,687,600 506,380 23.2

    227 6208.92.0040 352/652 Girls' singlets, briefs, panties, and negligees, etc., of man-made fibers, not


    311,690 705,037 812,444 500,754 160.7


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    228 6110.20.1033 338/339 Women's or girls' pullovers, sweatshirts etc. of cotton containing 36% or

    more by weight of flax fibers knitted or crocheted, but not knit to shape

    506,005 876,933 990,304 484,299 95.7

    229 6204.69.0644 847 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches, of other textile materials, not knitted


    302,457 640,012 786,074 483,617 159.9

    230 6109.10.0007 352/652 Men's or boys' cotton underwear singlets, knitted or crocheted, all white,

    without pockets, trim or embroidery

    1,730,595 1,329,810 2,196,765 466,170 26.9

    231 6110.90.9080 638/639 Men's or boys' pullovers, sweatshirts and similar articles of other textile

    materials subject to man-made fiber restraints, knitted or crocheted nesoi

    1,073,339 1,019,209 1,521,233 447,894 41.7

    232 6110.30.1060 638/639 Women's or girls' other pullovers, sweatshirts, and similar articles, of man-

    made fibers, knitted or crocheted, containing 25 percent or more leather

    484,485 407,056 928,839 444,354 91.7

    233 5407.52.2040 619 Dyed fabrics, other than flat, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight of

    textured polyester filament yarns, weight not exceeding 170 g/m2

    11,210,652 11,064,921 11,647,506 436,854 3.9

    234 6114.30.1010 638/639 Men's or boys' other garments, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers:


    7,076,355 7,213,705 7,511,221 434,866 6.1

    235 6104.69.8040 847 Women's or girls' shorts, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials,

    containing less than 70 percent by weight of silk or silk waste

    99,138 329,189 533,455 434,317 438.1

    236 5901.10.1000 229 Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylacous substances, of a kind suitable

    for book covers, of man-made fibers

    75,546 150,681 503,650 428,104 566.7

    237 6203.42.0746 347/348 Boys' trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi rpo 112,944 720,278 533,236 420,292 372.1

    238 5204.11.0000 200/301 Cotton sewing thread, not put up for retail sale, containing 85% or more by

    weight of cotton

    771,158 862,745 1,188,604 417,446 54.1

    239 6203.42.0761 347/348 Boys' shorts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi rpo 89,468 420,292 497,101 407,633 455.6

    240 6204.69.0340 647/648 Women's shorts, of artificial fibers, not knitted, less than 36 percent by weight

    of wool or fine animal hair rpo

    164,504 619,630 558,082 393,578 239.3

    241 5901.90.2000 229 Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylacous substances, not suitable for

    book covers, of man-made fibers

    599,232 852,911 969,823 370,591 61.8

    242 6210.50.5539 647/648 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches of rubberized/impregnated fabric of

    man-made fibers, not knitted, nesoi

    1,491,272 2,191,525 1,859,174 367,902 24.7

    243 6115.10.3000 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Graduated compression hosiery, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, other than


    709,242 815,500 1,073,353 364,111 51.3

    244 5806.20.0010 229 Narrow woven fab, other than goods of heading 5807; other fab, not pile,

    containing at least 5 percent elastomeric yarns or rubber threads, other

    4,724,671 5,261,139 5,086,674 362,003 7.7


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    245 5407.43.2030 620 Yarns of different colors, other woven fabric, greater than or equal to 85

    percent of nylon filament yarns, weighing less than or equal to 170 g/m2

    3,089,004 2,908,276 3,442,394 353,390 11.4

    246 6208.11.0000 352/652 Women's or girls' slips and petticoats, of manmade fibers, not knitted or


    3,916,923 3,366,516 4,266,256 349,333 8.9

    247 6203.49.0945 847 Men's or boys' trousers and breeches, not knitted, of other textile materials,

    of other non-cotton vegetable fibers rpo

    46,300 319,114 393,634 347,334 750.2

    248 7019.51.9090 622 Other woven glass fabrics, with a width not exceeding 30 cm, nesoi 467,585 432,792 811,424 343,839 73.5

    249 5407.61.9965 619 Printed flat fabrics, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight of non-

    textured polyester filament yarns, weighing less than or equal to 170 g/m2

    983,093 1,077,249 1,318,703 335,610 34.1

    250 6103.22.0040 347/348 Men's or boys' ensembles, knitted or crochetted: of cotton, shorts 0 529 326,841 326,841 Not applicable

    251 6112.31.0010 359-S/659-S Men's swimwear, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers 5,983,093 5,407,040 6,307,321 324,228 5.4

    252 6204.69.6540 847 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches, of other textile materials: of silk or

    silk waste, not knitted, containing less than 70 percent of silk nesoi

    147,838 324,971 467,795 319,957 216.4

    253 5608.90.2700 229 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up of fishing nets and other

    made up nets, of man-made textile materials: of cotton: not hammocks

    143,799 308,993 455,566 311,767 216.8

    254 6204.62.1506 347/348 Women's corduroy trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted


    48,300 51,903 358,069 309,769 641.3

    255 6204.63.1130 647/648 Girls' trousers and breeches, of synthetic fibers, not knitted, other than for

    playsuits rpo

    293,201 538,791 597,872 304,671 103.9

    256 6006.34.0060 222 Other printed double knit or interlock construction, synthetic fibers, other

    knitted or crocheted fabrics, nesoi

    50,740 104,286 353,593 302,853 596.9

    257 6203.49.0545 647/648 Men's shorts, not knitted, of artificial fibers rpo 72,874 20,932 372,943 300,069 411.8

    258 6104.22.0080 345/645/646 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, sweaters 92,351 349,857 388,639 296,288 320.8

    259 6203.19.9020 347/348 Men's or boys' suits, not knitted, of other textile materials, subject to cotton

    restraints: trousers, breeches, and shorts imported as parts of suits

    31,274 210,086 319,444 288,170 921.4

    260 6205.20.2031 340/640 Boys' dress shirts of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi 1,341,271 2,419,448 1,629,177 287,906 21.5

    261 6103.22.0070 345/645/646 Men's or boys' ensembles, knitted or crochetted: of cotton, sweaters 15,205 91,482 295,512 280,307 1,843.5

    262 6103.49.8010 347/348 Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, and shorts, knitted or crocheted, of other

    textile materials, subject to cotton restraints

    1,327 100,467 275,257 273,930 20,642.8

    263 6104.23.0036 638/639 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers,

    containing less than 23 percent of wool, blouses, shirts, and tops

    23,239 17,366 293,422 270,183 1,162.6

    264 5407.10.0010 619 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn; woven fabric of high tenacity yarns,

    of nylon or other polyamides, of polyester, not exceeding 170 g/m2

    2,160,566 2,662,911 2,428,205 267,639 12.4

    265 6103.49.1060 647/648 Men's or boys' shorts, knitted or crocheted, of artificial fibers, containing less

    than 23 percent wool or fine animal hair

    254,366 1,294,303 509,642 255,276 100.4


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    266 6205.20.2021 340/640 Boys' dress shirts of cotton, with two or more colors in the warp and/or the

    filling, not knitted or crocheted

    663,866 1,213,705 917,363 253,497 38.2

    267 6005.42.0080 222 Other dyed, articifical fibers, warp knit (including those made on gallon

    knitting machines) excl headings 6001 to 6004

    629,437 806,792 880,038 250,601 39.8

    268 6104.22.0050 347/348 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, shorts 462 133,401 249,529 249,067 53,910.6

    269 6006.44.0025 222 Double knit or interlock construction, printed, of artificial fibers, other knitted

    or crocheted fabrics

    115,092 48,690 363,382 248,290 215.7

    270 6205.90.4010 340/640 Men's or boys' shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted, subject to cotton


    1,957,826 2,361,698 2,201,497 243,671 12.4

    271 5204.20.0000 200/301 Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale 135,487 264,531 378,550 243,063 179.4

    272 6203.49.5045 647/648 Men's shorts, not knitted, of artificial fibers nesoi 440,755 2,636,289 678,690 237,935 54.0

    273 6204.62.1551 347/348 Girls' trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted, nesoi rpo 645,930 962,293 882,653 236,723 36.6

    274 6104.23.0034 647/648 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers,

    containing less than 23 percent of wool, shorts

    0 0 232,682 232,682 Not applicable

    275 3921.12.1500 229 Plates,sheets,film,foil & strip,cellular,of polymrs of vinyl chlor,combind w text

    mat,m-m fbr predom by wgt ov oth sing tex fbr,nesoi

    2,380,860 2,022,469 2,605,724 224,864 9.4

    276 6204.69.2830 647/648 Girls' trousers and breeches, of artificial fibers, not knitted, less than 36

    percent of wool or fine animal hair, not for a playsuit nesoi

    806,506 1,548,007 1,031,241 224,735 27.9

    277 6112.11.0050 347/348 Men's or boys' track suits, knitted or crocheted, of cotton: trousers 889,819 1,176,318 1,109,081 219,262 24.6

    278 6211.32.5040 347/348 Men's or boys' trousers, part of a track-suit, of cotton, not knitted rpo 5,259 18,724 220,416 215,157 4,091.2

    279 6211.32.5060 340/640 Men's or boys' shirts excluded from heading 6205, of cotton, not knitted rpo 118,266 275,742 329,321 211,055 178.5

    280 6112.11.0030 338/339 Men's or boys' track suits, knitted or crocheted, of cotton: shirts 180,081 183,367 390,894 210,813 117.1

    281 6203.33.1030 443 Men's suit-type jackets and blazers for suits described in note 3(a), of

    synthetic fibers, contain gt=36% by weight of wool/fine animal hair, not knit

    57,167 52,504 264,453 207,286 362.6

    282 6203.42.0706 347/348 Men's corduroy trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted rpo 40,804 159,685 246,853 206,049 505.0

    283 7019.59.3000 622 Fiberglass tire cord fabric, not colored, woven from filaments 9-11 microns in

    diameter, other fabris

    117,551 585,055 323,506 205,955 175.2

    284 6211.42.0530 347/348 Women's or girls' trousers, part of a track-suit, of cotton, not knitted rpo 111,814 365,950 315,229 203,415 181.9

    285 6203.49.0515 647/648 Men's trousers and breeches, not knitted, of artificial fibers rpo 185,977 217,839 383,391 197,414 106.1

    286 5207.10.0000 200/301 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) put up for retail sale containing 85%

    or more by weight of cotton

    2,975,869 2,681,986 3,170,561 194,692 6.5

    287 5407.69.9060 620 Printed woven fabric, less than 85 percent by weight of non-textured

    polyester filament yarns, weighing greater than 170 g/m2

    622,238 683,122 815,377 193,139 31.0

    288 6211.43.0540 647/648 Women's or girls' trousers, part of a track-suit, of man-made fibers, not

    knitted rpo

    18,644 194,428 208,894 190,250 1,020.4

    289 6103.23.0075 638/639 Men's or boys' ensembles, knitted or crochetted: of synthetic fibers, shirts,

    less than 23 percent wool or fine animal hair

    17,232 0 197,478 180,246 1,046.0


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    290 6203.43.0910 447 Men's trousers and breeches, not knitted, of synthetic fibers, greater than or

    equal to 36 percent by weight of wool or fine animal hair rpo

    0 110,327 179,671 179,671 Not applicable

    291 6109.90.1013 638/639 Men's tanktops and singlets, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials: of

    man-made fibers

    5,486,597 4,419,640 5,663,076 176,479 3.2

    292 6103.41.1010 447 Men's or boys' trousers and breeches, knitted or crochetted: of wool or fine

    animal hair

    554,356 855,027 730,441 176,085 31.8

    293 6203.41.0110 447 Men's trousers and breeches, not knitted, of wool or fine animal hair,

    containing elastomeric fiber,water resistant, w/o belt loops,gt 9 kg per d rpo

    8,100 6,302 182,299 174,199 2,150.6

    294 6112.31.0020 359-S/659-S Boys' swimwear, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers 2,112,204 2,009,176 2,283,263 171,059 8.1

    295 6203.43.7020 447 Boys' trousers and breeches, not knitted, of synthetic fibers, greater than or

    equal to 36 percent by weight of wool or fine animal hair nesoi

    1,245 51,711 168,243 166,998 13,413.5

    296 6211.12.1020 359-S/659-S Girls' swimwear, of man-made fibers, not knitted 1,282,835 1,255,370 1,448,473 165,638 12.9

    297 6115.10.5500 332/432/632-


    (includes baby


    Graduated compression hosiery of artificial fibers, nesoi 21,681 41,040 185,216 163,535 754.3

    298 5407.61.9975 620 Printed woven fabric, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight of non-

    textured polyester filament yarns, weighing greater than 170 g/m2

    1,234,933 1,714,953 1,398,066 163,133 13.2

    299 6104.29.1050 638/639 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of artificial fibers, blouses,

    shirts, and tops

    1,028 9,112 158,076 157,048 15,277.0

    300 6211.49.2530 847 Women's or girls' trousers, part of a track-suit, of other textile materials, not

    knitted rpo

    0 12,819 156,067 156,067 Not applicable

    301 5407.61.2900 619 Yarns of different colors, necktie fabric, greater than or equal to 85 percent by

    weight of non-textured polyester filament yarns

    192,053 210,585 342,616 150,563 78.4

    302 5401.20.0000 200/301 Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale: of

    artificial filaments

    165,211 198,359 312,920 147,709 89.4

    303 6211.33.5040 340/640 Men's or boys' shirts excluded from heading 6205, of man-made fibers, not

    knitted rpo

    136,722 406,411 280,509 143,787 105.2

    304 6110.30.1010 345/645/646 Men's or boys' sweaters, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted, greater

    than or equal to 25 percent by weight of leather

    177,567 353,995 318,802 141,235 79.5

    305 5205.21.0090 200/301 Single combed cotton yarns, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight of

    cotton, less than or equal to 14 nm, other, not for retail sale

    67,494 34,566 208,407 140,913 208.8

    306 6204.69.6550 847 Women's or girls' shorts, of other textile materials: of silk or silk waste, not

    knitted, containing less than 70 percent of silk or silk waste nesoi

    19,840 56,318 159,125 139,285 702.0

    307 5407.54.0020 619 Printed flat fabrics, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight of textured

    polyester filament yarns, weighing less than or equal to 170 g/m2

    222,702 211,909 361,545 138,843 62.3

    308 5511.30.0000 200/301 Yarn (not sewing thread) of man-made staple fibers put up for retail sale of

    artificial staple fibers

    515,960 749,820 654,171 138,211 26.8


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    309 6005.44.0010 229 Open-work fabrics, printed, of artificial fibers warp knit (including those made

    on gallon knitting machines) excl hdngs 6001 to 6004

    24,569 27,427 159,640 135,071 549.8

    310 6203.12.1000 443 Men's or boys' suits, not knitted, of synthetic fibers, greater than or equal to

    36 percent wool or fine animal hair

    567,090 609,265 701,068 133,978 23.6

    311 6203.42.0703 347/348 Men's or boys' trousers, breeches and shorts of cotton containing compact

    yarns described in subheadings 5205.42-47.0021, not knitted or crocheted


    0 390 129,957 129,957 Not applicable

    312 6110.30.1020 345/645/646 Women's or girls' sweaters, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted, greater

    than or equal to 25 percent by weight of leather

    1,080,542 1,446,213 1,208,005 127,463 11.8

    313 6207.99.8520 352/652 Men's or boys' singlets, undershirts, other than sleepwear, of man-made

    fibers, not knitted

    210,819 273,276 336,923 126,104 59.8

    314 6105.90.8030 638/639 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials, subject

    to man-made fibers restraints

    314,927 175,144 440,946 126,019 40.0

    315 6104.29.2034 347/348 Women's or girls' ensembles, knitted or crocheted, of other textile fibers,

    trousers, breeches, and shorts, subject to cotton restraints

    0 0 125,892 125,892 Not applicable

    316 6211.49.8030 847 Women's or girls' trousers, part of a track-suit, of other textile materials, not

    knitted nesoi

    0 20,376 124,835 124,835 Not applicable

    317 6205.30.1000 340/640 Men's or boys' shirts, of man-made fibers, not knitted, certified hand-loomed

    and folklore products

    0 3,634 123,463 123,463 Not applicable

    318 5809.00.0000 229 Woven fabric of metal thread and metalized yarn of heading 5605, used in

    apparel or furnishing fabrics, not elsewhere specified or included

    86,434 140,124 204,754 118,320 136.9

    319 6104.19.6030 347/348 Women's or girls' suits, knitted or crocheted, of cotton, trousers, breeches,

    and shorts, imported as parts of a suits

    291,714 309,923 408,111 116,397 39.9

    320 7019.51.1000 622 Fiberglass tire cord fabric specifically woven from filaments 9-11 microns in

    diameter and impregnated with resorcinal formaldehyde latex treatment

    6,760 38,143 121,898 115,138 1,703.2

    321 6203.42.0726 347/348 Boys' corduroy trousers and breeches of cotton, not knitted or crocheted,

    nesoi rpo

    51,591 163,539 166,363 114,772 222.5

    322 6204.69.0360 647/648 Girls' shorts, of artificial fibers, not knitted, less than 36 percent by weight of

    wool or fine animal hair, other than for playsuits rpo

    9,585 22,918 124,272 114,687 1,196.5

    323 6103.49.8014 647/648 Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, and shorts, knitted or crocheted, of other

    textile materials, subject to man-made fibers restraints

    175,997 120,208 284,507 108,510 61.7

    324 6211.43.1040 647/648 Women's or girls' trousers, part of a track-suit, of man-made fibers, not

    knitted nesoi

    17,320 99,569 121,740 104,420 602.9

    325 6110.30.2053 638/639 Men's or boys' pullovers, sweatshirts and similar articles of man-made fibers

    containing 30% or more by weight of silk, knitted or crocheted, nesoi

    438,327 221,699 542,273 103,946 23.7

    326 6203.23.0060 647/648 Men's or boys' ensembles, not knitted, of synthetic fibers, less than 36

    percent wool or fine animal hair, trousers and breeches

    26,295 26,677 129,444 103,149 392.3

    327 6210.50.2260 347/348 Women's or girls' not knit other than man-made fiber trousers and breeches,

    impregnated fabric rpo

    0 6,527 98,533 98,533 Not applicable


  • Table 7. MOU textile and apparel articles: U.S. imports from China by HTS10 ($), 2016–18

    Index HTS10 Category HTS10 description 2016 2017 2018 Absolute Percent

    Change, 2016 to 2018

    328 5407.61.9970 619 Printed fabrics, other than flat, greater than or equal to 85 percent by weight

    of non-textured polyester filament yarns, not exceeding 170 g/m2

    5,265,457 4,767,720 5,363,101 97,644 1.9

    329 6006.31.0020 222 Nylon, bleached or unbleached, double knit or interlock construction of

    synthetic fibers, other knitted or crocheted fabrics

    107,488 107,597 203,222 95,734 89.1

    330 6005.41.0010 229 Open-work fabrics, unbleached or bleached, of artificial fibers warp knit

    (including those made on gallon knitting machines) excl hdngs 6001 to 6004

    14,647 13,075 106,651 92,004 628.1

    331 5407.92.2010 620 Dyed woven fabric, of synthetic filament yarns, other woven fabrics, mixed

    mainly or solely with artificial filament or metalized yarns

    704,902 935,293 795,238 90,336 12.8

    332 6005.38.0010 229 Open-work fabrics of different colors, synthetic, warp knit (including those

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