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Page 1: SFXtra December 2005

ParklandsExcellence in Liverpool

In partnership with


ContentsThe Bid Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

General News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Specialist Status News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5

Trips and Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Student Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Your Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9

Sport @ SFX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

The Newspaper Editing Team

Dear ParentsIt gives me tremendous pleasureto write to you all in this firstedition of our new stylenewsletter. We are extremelygrateful to C3 Imaging for theirvery generous support in itsproduction. I am also grateful tothe team of pupil reporters (and staff) whohave worked very hard to gather all of the informationtogether. It has required real team work, initiative andorganisation on the part of all those involved and I hopethat everyone who reads the newsletter finds it bothinteresting and informative. The newsletter is a realexample of how we are moving forwards with the benefitof our specialist status.

The new style of newsletter coincides with the season ofAdvent – the official start of the church’s new year. Thisis the time when we look forward to celebrating the birthof Jesus. Advent is also a time for reflecting on whatJesus wants each of us to do in our world to make it abetter place, a time to remember that He was born into anormal family who had little in the way of luxuries. Thisyear it’s a time to reflect on the impact which the MakePoverty History campaign has had and how much morework there is to do to help those in need in othercountries. Let us make Christmas this year not only atime for celebration within our own families, but also atime to think and pray for those less fortunate than weare, wherever they are.

On behalf of all the governors, staff and students of theCollege I wish you a happy and holy Christmas withinyour families and a peaceful new year.

L D RipponHeadteacher

FRONT PAGESean Buckley - 10 BRTerence Whinnet – 10 CA

SPECIALIST SCHOOLSJohn Kelly – 10 OWSimon Peers - 10 MA

SPORTNeil Brophy – 10 OWMatthew Brophy – 10 WAAnthony Hogan – 10 WAJohn Hyland – 9 KEAndrew Dunbar – 9 CA

CREATIVE TEAMMichael Lord -10 WAThomas Lees – 10 LEDominic Barlow – 10 LETom Evans – 10 RINeil Cox – 10 CA

STUDENT VOICEBen Coyle – 10 CAStephen Beard – 10 BRChristopher Baker -10 CACarl Brown -10 OWAdam Wing – 10 WA


– 10 OWAndrew Dooley

– 10 LEMichaelMoorecroft

– 10 OWDavid Kelly

-10 CA

MUSIC GROUPMichael McNamee – 10 MAConnor McCarthy – 9 OWJohn Wright – 9 LESean Dawson – 9 MA


Nicholas Dwyer – 10 KE

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Interview with the Newsletter Bid TeamThe new school newsletter is one of the projects whichhas been developed as part of the Specialist SchoolStatus for Mathematics and Computing. The project hasbeen organised by Miss Lindop (Director of SpecialistStatus) and her idea was for us to run the newsletterourselves. We feel this is a great idea and we have beenlucky enough to also have the help of Mr Shelvey(English), Mr Kelly (ICT) and Mr Evans (Head of ICT) whohave been on hand to help us when we have needed ahand with proofreading and the creation of images forthe newsletter. It has been a great project to beinvolved with and there are around 20 Year 9 and 10pupils in the various editing teams. The best bit of theproject is that we have been responsible for the ideasand we have worked really well as a team althoughmeeting the print deadlines was really tough!

What did you have to do to get the money needed?

We presented our ideas to a national imaging companyC3Imaging hoping they would fund us for printing costs.The CLC Director Denise Barrett-Baxendale workedwith ourselves and Miss Lindop to organise this, we alsohad to outline the benefits of this news letter to us aspupils of SFX.

Why do you think this newsletter is needed?

We think this is needed because it gives opportunitiesand experience to everyone involved. It gives us aspupils a chance to have a say in what goes on in schooland also helps us to meet new people and develop ourICT and Literacy skills. It also benefits the reader as it isnot only informative, but it is also more fun to read.

What did you think of Parklands and ShorefieldsCLC’s?

We thought it was a great place and we liked it a lot,some of the things we liked about it were that there was more advanced equipment,the suites at the CLCs make sessions there more interactive and the modernequipment makes learning more enjoyable.

A Big Thank YouWe would like tosay a massivethank you toDenise Barrett-Baxendale, theDirector ofParklands CLCwho worked withMiss Lindop toorganise thisproject. Not onlyhas she helped tofund the project butshe has also offeredus extra resourceswhich will allow usto run the SFXtra newsletter project like a real editorialteam. The creative team and all of the topical editingteams are really grateful for the offer of extra resources.We really appreciate the time she has spent with us,particularly on our Bid Presentation when we attendedShorefields it was a brilliant experience – Thanks Denise!

A second big thank you must go to Ian MacKay from3CImaging who took the time out of his busy schedule tomeet with us on our Bid Presentation day. He has verygenerously agreed to fund the printing of the newsletter inconjunction with Parklands CLC and has also visited us inschool to give us advice and help on how to submit ourlayout ideas to the company. Thank you for everything Ian.

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School Dates

SCHOOL COUNCILThe school council are already hard at work onstrategies to improve the school environment. Theyhave asked if there is any possibility of somewhereto sit on the yards. The Sixth Form want to replacethe chocolate, etc in the vending machines with fair-trade products.

SCIENCE OLYMPICS COMPETITIONCongratulations to the year 10 pupils who took partin the Science Olympic competition, because of their

hard work they finished a fabulous 2nd place. Theyhave reached the second round which will take placeafter Christmas. Extra special thank you to MissMartin and Miss Bousquet who encouraged the boys.WELL DONE!

BOOK FAIRWe had a very successful book fair in school lastmonth. The money raised has gone to buy newbooks and replace old or damaged books. Specialthanks to Mrs Grace and the library staff for givingtheir time to help. The Winter Book Fair raised about£800.

WORK IN PROGRESSThe main drive will be re surfaced in the comingweeks. This is to get rid of all the pot holes. MrRippon asks that if pupils are in school during theserepairs to stay clear so that no one will be injured.

General NewsPARENTS ASSOCIATIONThe parents association are currently trying toraise money for a new school mini bus which couldcost between £15,000 and £20,000. Also, the PABingo raised £950 towards the minibus and amajor fundraiser will be the Race Night (parentsand children) on Feb 3rd.This term they organiseda Christmas dance on the December 3rd (selling arecord 200 tickets!) which boosted the money theyraised dramatically. Altogether they have raised afantastic £12,000. Well done parents’ association!We would also add a note of thanks to thoseparents who have sent in donations for theArchdiocesan Education fund.

FRIDAY 3RD FEBRUARY – RACE NIGHT A Fantastic night out for all the family .Loads ofthings to do, for the children and adults! 8 racesdue on the night with 6 toy horses being winchedalong by jockeys. You will also have the chance tobe a jockey, or just bet on your favourite horse.Prices are only £2.00 for adults and £1.00 forchildren, a family ticket (2 adults + 2 children) canbe purchased for £5.00. Contact the school officefor tickets and other information. Gates open at7pm and first race is at 7. 30 sharp!

CHARITIESAA big thank you to all the pupils, staff, and familymembers for their continued support withcharities that SFX contribute to. The amount ofmoney raised is a tremendous achievement anddoes not go unnoticed. Congratulations to MrsNorris and Mrs Smith, they completed a sponsoredswim. Mr Rippon would like to ask if you can keepup your efforts into next year.

Monday 19th December – We have a carol service startingat 7. 30pm – all are welcome (School will close at 2.30pmon this day to allow for preparation for the event)

Tuesday 20th December 7.30pm – We have SeniorProclamation, an important event for members of lastyears Year 11 and Year 13. This is an occasion when wecelebrate students’ achievements, a recognition of theirhard work over 5, 7 or 2 years and is a time to mark theirsuccess at GCSE and A’ Level with their families andteachers.(School will close at 2.30pm on this day to allowfor preparation for the event)

Thursday 22nd December – we finish at 12.20pm

Tuesday 10th January – school term begins at 8.40am

Tuesday 2nd February – Race Night

The College will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday December 22nd at 12.20pm and reopen on Tuesday January 10th at 8.40am.

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Specialist Status NewsSpecialist Schools UpdateMr Rippon believes that the new Specialist Status “Willallow us to replace out of date ICT teaching facilities inthe short term and enable us to provide cutting-edgeresources for pupils in the long term”. The message heis trying to put across, is that hopefully, in the nearfuture, our school will look like an ICT specialistcollege, instead of just having it as a title.

“Following the College’s successful bid for SpecialistSchool Status in Mathematics and Computing, learningopportunities will be broadened for all pupils. This newinitiative enables us to offer new and improved ways oflearning it is hoped that pupils of all ages and abilitywill be even more motivated towards their studies.”

Miss Lindop AHT – Director of Specialist Status

The Maths and ICT bid will hopefully improve theCollege’s grades in these areas, although one of thereasons we were successful in our bid was becauseboth subjects were very strong anyway. The schoolhas recently appointed two new Heads of Departmentin Maths and ICT. Mr Evans and Mr Hope are bothkeen to move their subjects forward and explore newand modern ways of learning and teaching, usingICT as a vehicle to enrich our learning experiences.

OOHL – Out of Hours LearningThe new OOHL (out of hours learningprogramme) ‘Night Owl’ sessions which takeplace from 3:30 to 8:30pm and ‘Early Doors’morning session which take place from7.30am gives students the opportunity tocontinue their learning outside the school dayif they wish to do so. This is really beneficial tothem and the work they produce. A mainbooster for revision is the new online VLE(virtual learning environment) which will belive for Year 11 in January 2006. Staff haveattended a training residential on this. Anotherexample of e-learning at the College is the new‘Sam Learning’ website. This allows pupils tocomplete exercises online; their marks are thenvisible to teachers. This helps the teachers tosee how the students are doing and make decisions aboutwhat the students need to improve.

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Community Transition & Partner ActivitiesOur new status isn’t just benefiting us, as there are newtransition groups. For instance a group of Sixth Form girlsgo to the primary schools in our area and teach youngerpeople about software. This will demonstrate to people inthe local area, that we really are an ICT Specialist College.We are developing lots of exciting new projects with ourpartner schools, some of these are; Computer Club forGirls, Data Handling Project, Maths Challenge inconjunction with Jaguar. This group was established up toincrease motivation and resources for primary schoolsand to improve pupil’s social skills. The schools that areinvolved in this are:

• St Julie’s High School • Abbot Lea School• Palmerston School• Our Lady’s Bishop Eton• Much Woolton • Our Lady of the Assumption• St Paschal Baylon• St Gregory’s

Parklands High School and St Gregory’s RC PrimarySchool will be adopted as partner schools soon so watchthis space.

COBDEN PLACE PENSIONERS are also involved in ourcommunity activities and have benefited from a‘Pensioners Film Club’ project on conjunction withParklands CLC who are hosting the project in theirtheatre. The next film is on December 21st, when they areshowing Nicholas Nickleby by some obscure author!!

It starts at 1pm, there is coffee/tea/biscuits then, and thefilm starts at 1-30pm.

Next term they are showing: Capt. Corelli’s Mandolin onWednesday Feb 1st,

Sense and Sensibility on Tuesday March 7th and Chicagoon Wednesday March 29th.

You might be asking how all this will affect you? MissLindop, the Director of Specialist School Status, haslaid out an agenda concerning the College’s new status.It is as follows: • ICT UPDATE – this includes refurbishment of the ICT

facilities, including a transition room and thelibraries.

• MATHS UPDATE – this includes refurbishment of theMathematics facilities, including a Maths ICT Suite.

• PROMOTING THE STATUS AND IMPROVING THEENVIRONMENT – New banners, signs and cappaboards to reflect our school ethos and culture.

• WEBSITE AND VLE – The development of the newschool website and access to a new school VLE willenable pupils to access SFX curriculum resources athome.

• BOOKABLE RESOURCES ANDACCESS TO FACILITIES – in September 2006 therewill be an ICT room with interactive whiteboards and30 computers so that all subjects can have access toICT facilities.

• Finally, the NEW SCHOOL NEWSLETTER – a chancefor all pupils to be heard and contribute to ourschool community.

The Newsletter Editing Team hopes that this newsletterwill give students an opportunity to improve their ICTskills, and also their literacy skills. Also it will letstudents experience what the world of work would belike, involving; journalism, photography, digital editingand ICT.

How will the status affect you

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In recent years the classics department has organisedseveral successful and enjoyable trips to Italy andGreece and in May next year the Classics Departmentwill be visiting Rome and Sorrento.

The visit will last eight days and offers a fullprogramme of activities and excursions of wide ranginginterest. For the first half we shall stay in the centre ofRome and see the main Classical and Christian sites(including the Vatican). We also visit the Catacombs andOstia, the port of Ancient Rome. For the second half ofthe visit we travel to the delightful seaside town ofSorrento near Naples and use this as a base to visitPompeii (a world Heritage site and the setting of ourfirst Latin course), Herculaneum and the volcano,Vesuvius. Such a tour adds greatly to what we study inClassics lessons at SFX, as well as offering theopportunity for an enjoyable holiday with our friends.

The Visit will take place during term (19th -26thMay).

Classics Trip 2006

In November this year four boys were selected by thescience department to take part in the LiverpoolScience Olympics. The boys

were; John Kelly,Welwin Lobo, SeanBatterton and BenCoyle. They wereaccompanied byMiss Bousquet andMiss Martin.

The competitionwas tough andthe boys seemed

to be losing, especiallywith an irregularly large Mars bar snuck

into the sweet trading round! But, miraculously, theygained second place and are through to the Merseysidefinals! The teachers were thrilled at the outcome, andthe boys showed great sportsmanship to the other

schools. A good deed was done by Welwin and Seanwhen they found a rather expensive phone on the floorand handed it in to Miss Bousquet. She arranged tohave the phone collected by the its owner. We wish the

boys good luck with the next round.

Science Olympics

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7 is a website created by the Hansard Societyand provides excellent information and chances for young people to getinvolved in politics


HeadsUp is a place where young people can debate political issues andcurrent affairs. But it’s not just about talking, it’s about getting somethingdone. The debates involve the UK’s top decision-makers from parliamentand government who want to understand the views and experiences ofyoung Britain. Every debate is supported by background information,quizzes, online polls and can be used inside or outside of school. Thesite is looked after by the independent Hansard Society withsponsorship from the House of Commons and DfES.

StudentVoice Truly inclusive

education shouldenable all childrenand young peopleto play an activeand responsiblepart in the life oftheir school - theestablishment ofschool or pupilscouncils is anideal vehicle for this. A democraticallyelected group of children and young people canbecome stakeholder participants in many aspects ofschool life and can play a significant role inimproving standards of behaviour and in reducingthe incidence of bullying in the school environment.Our school council has developed over time and ispart of a whole school strategy for improvement andis well worth the effort!

Pupils can express an interest in standing forelection for key posts in the Parliament, for examplePrime Minister and Cabinet Officers. It is expectedthat all Parliament members will report back totheir individual School/Pupil Councils.


The following students were recently elected tooffice in the Liverpool Schools Parliament 2005-2006

Year 13 Denzel Kadziviti Prime MinisterYear 12 Chloe McDonough Prime MinisterYear 12 Amy Hope Minister for HealthYear 12 Austin Coyle Minister of JusticeYear 10 David Kelly Minister for Fair TradeYear 10 Adam Wing

Minister for the City CentreYear 9 Cameron Patterson

Minister for Sports and LeisureWell done to everyoneMrs C Smith PSHCE Co-ordinator

Schools Parliament

Schools Parliament

We asked Mr. Rippon some questions about thefuture of the college. He gave us a good insight intohow the school is run and why it is run the way it is.

Mr. Rippon believes that whilst a lot has been donerecently to improve school security, including a newCCTV system we still need further work to be done.Technology is at the forefront of his new schoolvision, and he intends to get whiteboards in all theclassrooms. The Newman building is something hewould like to change: he doesn’t like it as atemporary building and hopes to replace it with apermanent block of classrooms. He hopes to shortlyintroduce a penalty for littering on our yard.Hopefully this would go someway towards solving theseagull problem. He also wants benches on theplayground and he is all for the new healthy menu.

The Head also believes that students are put under alot of stress these days with examinations andrevision. However he feels they are essential and vitalin school life.

Politics – Young People do it Online –

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Your Views; Being Heard


Amy Hope opened the meeting and introduced andwelcomed Mr King to the meeting. Mr King thankedthe council for the invitation to attend and explained hisrole on the Board of Governors. Amy the introducedthe Catering Manageress, Avril Green, and opened thetopic on school lunches. Healthy options werementioned and the catering manager suggested areward scheme to encourage healthy choices. Pupilswould be rewarded with stamps on a card for healthyfood choices and prizes would be awarded to pupilswith a healthy eating record. Boys with special dietswere asked to see Mrs Green and food would bespecially reserved – this also applies to vegetarians.

Fair trade- could fair trade items be sold in the dininghall. Bananas already are. Could notices be put up toillustrate the fair trade items to be on sale? A rota ofhelpers could be set up to help sell these at break andat lunch times. Adam pointed out that fair tradechocolates would be more expensive.

Vending machines –students have questioned thechoices available. Should Nestle be on sale? Motion -should we introduce the healthy options rewardscheme into the school. Votes – 17 For 0 Against–Unanimous

Amy then introduced the school environment; issuessuch as the toilets, changing rooms, seating areas andbike sheds were discussed. At the school’s parliamentbike sheds were mentioned by the lower house as amust for all schools. This is being put to the citycouncil so boys who request the same should watchthis space.

A new initiative introduced at Holly Lodge was alsomentioned. This entails recycling waste. 3 schools areneeded to trial this. Amy proposed SFX offers to trythis scheme.

Vote: 14 For 3 Abstentions

School Council Meeting

Last year a national competition was launched by theHansard Society inviting allschools across thecountry to design awebsite that would bedesigned by youngpeople for young people.The website competitionhad several phases, toprogress forward to eachphase the students neededto design a website on avariety of topics.

The group of Year 9students from SFX, underthe guidance of Mr Kelly,successfully progressedthrough all preliminarystages seeing off competition

from over six thousand other schools.After several weeks of waiting to hear– SFX were at last told they hadreached the final stages and werewithin the top five group of websitedesigners for their age in the country.

They were invited to attend thepresentation ceremony in theDesign Museum, London. The fourstudents; Anthony Crawley,Dominic Barlow, Thomas Lees andMichael Lord were accompanied tothe capital by Mr Kelly where theyreceived an ambassadorsreception and the news that theyhad come second in thecompetition. They all receivedthe latest games console and

games along with many other goodies.

Website Challenge

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I was invited to the school council meeting inNovember 2005, an invitation I was very pleased toaccept.

The meeting was conducted in a most organised andprofessional manner. There were articulatecontributions form every year group and intelligentdiscussion took place on every issue raised. The mainitems on the agenda related to food issues and theschool environment. The meeting was very well chairedand all the students showed the skills required for theconduct of such meetings.

The students displayed a real understanding of theissues addressed and the depth of knowledge shownwas impressive. I was particularly good to note that thecatering manager was able to attend and explain themeasures that are already in place to encouragehealthy eating and the further measures plannedfollowing suggestions from the school council

A number of votes were taken and recommendationsfrom the council will be passed to Mr Rippon. Thestudents have a clear understanding of the difficultieseveryone faces in making improvements, but they havea positive approach and know that they have beensuccessful in the past in making improvements, andwill be successful in the future.

It was delight to see caring and confident young peopledebate so expertly in this forum. My thanks are due toMrs Smith and Bro Peter for the support they give tothe council, and to all members of the council whohave helped me understand their views and concerns alittle better.

H.N.King. (Chair of Governors)

The School Council at SFX

We surveyed pupils in year 7-11 in order to find outsomething about their views concerning a couple ofaspects of life at SFX. At the moment the school has amaroon blazer and black trousers uniform for studentsfrom the years 7-11. Would you like to see the uniformchanged?

To the sixth form uniform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13To a completely new uniform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Stay the same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

The school building also includes a blue building calledthe Newman building. It is, at the moment, a temporarybuilding. Would you like that to be made into a realbuilding?

Yes, I don’t like it as it is at the moment . . . . . . . . . . .15No, I think it’s a good building and it saves money . . . .7I am not too bothered about the state of the building . .3

Results of our Student Survey

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Sport @ SFXThere have been games for every football team in theschool. The teams have experienced both winning andlosing, but mainly winning. As it is winter the weather isnot ideal and many games have been called off becauseof the state of the pitches. Eventhough theweather is notideal for football,there are otherareas of sportspeople canbecome involvedin which includeswinter sports.

Snowboarding and skiing areprobably the most recognisedwinter sports. The basic idea ofsnowboarding and skiing is ridingeither skis, or a snowboard,down steep snow coveredslopes. Knowing how to turn isthe key to skiing. The ability tochange direction quickly andprecisely allows a skier to regulate their speed, stayout of danger and go wherever they want on themountain. Snowboarding is more like skateboardingwith the emphasis more on jumps and slides (similarto skateboard grinds).In general terms, a snowboard islike a pair of skis. If you keep it flat, you travel in astraight line. To change direction, you use the edges.Whenever snowboarding or skiing always wear thecorrect safety equipment. Fancy giving some wintersports a try? You don’t have to wait for the snow, thereare some local dry ski-slopes, why not check them out!

John Hyland - 9 Kemble

Winter Sports

There is a Year 7 and 8 football trip on Saturday 4thMarch. In the morning at 10.30 they will be playingBishop Walsh R.C. High School which is in SuttonColdfield. Later in the afternoon the squad will begoing to Villa Park to see Aston Villa .v. Portsmouth, Kick off - 3pm..

Year 7 & 8 Football Spring Trip

Mr Brophy has been appointed as the director of sports forthe college. This is aligned to the new role of SchoolSports Coordinator. Most of the primary schools in SouthLiverpool are involved in the partnership. There are manySecondary Schools included in our South LiverpoolPartnership such as New Heys, Calderstones, Gateacre, StBenedict’s and St Julie’s. The schools assigned to MrBrophy are Bishop Eton, Our Lady of the Assumption,Palmerston, Abbot’s Lea and Lower Lea. Considerablebenefits should come to all schools in the partnership.The immediate programme at S.F.X is to increase ourcoaching in sports such as basketball and Squash andalso to bring the sixth form girls into the sporting life ofthe College

School Sports Co-ordinator

There is one new football team which is obviously the newyear 7 team which is being managed by Mr Knowles. He ispleased at how the team have begun the season. Theyhave only played 7 games because of the weatherconditions but they have won 5 of the matches. Althoughthey have lost two matches narrowly, the score for bothmatches was 3-2 and one of them was in the MerseysideCup first round.

Year 7 Football

Mr Harrison is currently managing the year 8 footballteam, when interviewed about how the team were doinghe said “The lads are a great squad, they are veryenthusiastic about training and playing. They arecompeting well as year 8’s and have won most matchesthey have played”. When asked about their achievementsMr Harrison indicated that the side had won threecompetitions as year 7’s during 2004-5/ and they arecurrently the Liverpool City Champions. Most impressively,in April 2005 they became 9-a-Side North West of EnglandChampions. Well done year 8.

Year 8 Football

Mr Platt is currently managing year 10. They are doingvery well this season, they have only lost one game andhave beaten teams who beat them last season. They havenot yet been knocked out of any tournament. He thinks histeam are capable of winning a cup this season but that isonly if they try their best and meet their full potential.However there is always room to improve.

Year 10 Football

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The Choir wasfounded in 1994, bytheir currentDirector KeithKnowles, andconsists of a setnumber of 24 boysand 18 ChoralScholars. Over the last10 years they have had separate tours to Italy (3 times),Poland, France, Holland, Spain, Germany, Luxembourg,Hungary, Belgium, Czech Republic, and Austria. Inaddition to these tours, the choir spent 3 weeks touringthe East Coast of America last summer. They have metand sung for the Pope twice at Private Audiences in1999 and 2002, and have been invited back by theVatican for next summer (2006).

The College Choir are in the Guinness Book of Recordsas the only choir ever to sing for services in everysingle Cathedral in England and Wales (49 in total). The

choir have nowsung in 91Cathedralsworldwide.They areannual guestsof WindsorCastle eachsummerwhere they sing in The Queens’Free Chapel of St. George and will undertake another 5week-long tour as ‘Choir-in-Residence’ of various

Cathedrals around the country. This year alone wewill see the choir spend a week in residence inNorwich Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral, DurhamCathedral, Canterbury Cathedral, WestminsterAbbey & Windsor Castle.

Over the past 6 years they have annually led theHillsborough Memorial Service at Anfield andhave also sung at Liverpool FC games andEngland football games to crowds over 45,000.With regular TV and radio broadcasts the choir arein constant demand. In the summer of 2004 thechoir were chosen to sing the official FA Englandsong for Euro 2004 –appearing on ‘Top of

the Pops’. The songmade the top 5 in theUK Pop Chart.

Do not forget – thatlatest CD from theCollege Choir isavailable from themain office at theCollege.

S.F.X. Boy’s Choir, Liverpool

The Choir annually sing at the HillsboroughMemorial Service at Anfield and because oftheir singing, the club brought theEuropean Cup into SFX. The choristers wereinvited to the school hall and they had aphotograph taken in their robes with the cupin the middle. Each chorister then had theirown photograph of them holding the cup intheir uniform.

S.F.X. Boy’s Choir, Liverpool


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Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Return your answers to: School Office, c/o Miss K. Lindop


Entry Details

Feeling Lucky?Why not try our quick quizzes and be entered into ourprize draw. Palindromes and Magic numbers are logicquizzes which are based Mathematical principles. ThePalindrome quiz and the Magic Number quiz each have aprize of £10.00

A palindromic number reads the same forwards orbackwards such as

121 or 4994 or 1234554321how many palindromic numbers are there between 10 and 10,000?

Palindromes £10 prize

In a magic square the total of the numbers in any row, any column, or either of the two diagonals is the same.Each of the two squares below is a magic square. Letters are used instead of numbers, using code.

A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 and so on

What word can be made from the missing letters?

Magic Numbers £10 prize

£15 prize

SuDoku is a Japanese phrase meaning“Number Place”.

One possible reason it is so popular in Japan is probablybecause the Japanese language does not lend itself easilyto crossword puzzles, so they do SuDoku instead. SuDokudoes not require you to speak a particular language, leastof all Japanese, nor does it require you to be good atmathematics, as there is no adding up or other arithmeticinvolved. While it is traditional to place numbers, you couldbe placing nine different kinds of fruit, letters, or evencolours.

Try our Suduko Quizzes and you could win a £10.00voucher for Borders Bookstore to spend on Books, CDs orDVDs. To enter fill in your details and answers and returnthe page to the school office by 27th January 2006.

Year 10 Football

The Every Child Matters competition involves designing andcreating a poster/cartoon/leaflet by either using ICT or hand-drawing. The prize for winning this is £15 per category will beawarded in the form of Borders vouchers where you canpurchase Books, CDs and DVDs.

The categories are:-• Every Child Matters – Be Healthy• Every Child Matters – Stay Safe• Every Child Matters – Enjoy and Achieve• Every Child Matters – Preparing for the World of Work

(Economic Well-being)• Every Child Matters – Making a positive contribution to the

school and local community

PLEASE SEND ALL YOUR ENTRIES TO Miss K. Lindop (AHT. Director of Specialist Status)c/o School OfficeSt Francis Xavier’s College Beaconsfield RoadWooltonL25 6EG

Be sure to state your name, form and teaching group clearly onthe back of your entry.

The closing date for this competition is Friday 27th January.

Good luck!

Every Child MattersCompetition

1 8 6 77 3 4 9 6

6 4 2 8 34 7 1 8

9 8 5 75 6 2 98 1 9 6 7

6 2 1 7 89 6 4 1

5 6 7 49 1 2 5

1 5 8 4 26 5 8 1 9 7

3 59 4 1 6 2 35 3 7 1 4

7 8 9 16 2 5 8

£10 prize£10 prize