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Page 1: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMsRecent research on customer attitudes about Self Service beyond the ATM

Dan McGowan

Director of Marketing

Glory Global Solutions, Inc.

? ?


© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 2: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Glory Global Solutions

NA Director of Marketing – Dan McGowan

BS Marketing, Northern Illinois University

MS IMC, Roosevelt University

B2B and B2G Marketing experience across

numerous vertical market segments

Leadership roles across multiple marketing

disciplines including:– Marketing Strategy

– Brand & Messaging

– Campaign Development

– Events & Experiences

– Inside Sales

Leading GGS North America

Marketing Communications | PR

Reside in Wheaton, IL

2/22/2016 2© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 3: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

If You Are Here, We Hope You Know Glory

• Global leader in cash solutions

• Sales and support in 150 countries

• 9,000 employees

• $2.0 Bn revenues

• 1,000,000+ devices installed worldwide

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 4: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Big Banks

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 7: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Retail customers

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 8: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Retail customers

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Talk about a tough environment!

Page 9: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Our Collective Business Opportunity is Evolving


CRM Business Intelligence

MobilityMission Critical

Operationalize Synergize




Big Data


© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 10: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Bank Transformation Happening for a Long Time

Automated Teller Machine’s1970s/80s

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 11: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Open Plan Banking

Dialog Banking

1990’s /2000’s

Specialized Self Service

Deposit Automation

1990’s /2000’s

Teller Cash


Teller Cash


Loose Check /

Note Deposit

Bank Transformation Happening for a Long Time

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 12: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Reimagining the Customer Journey

Banking Your Way




Open Teller




Bank Transformation Happening for a Long Time

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 13: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

With So Much Self-Served, Why Deal With Humans?

February 6, 2015

Robots provide a personal touch at Japanese bankHumanoid can communicate in 19 languages, determine customers'

feelings from their facial expressions

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 14: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Self-Serve Instances Continue to Grow

22/02/2016 14© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Panera Fast Pay Kiosks

Page 15: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

We Have Asked Experts in Banking…

Since mid-2012 we have formally asked

more than 175 financial institutions…

…most on a “transformation journey”…

Surprisingly few have

been able to answer our question

Why do so many customers still walk past

your ATM’s and come in to branches

to do their transactions?

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 16: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

We Have Asked Experts in Banking…

Out of 50+ interviews conducted..

clients had an answer (and only 2 were very good!)© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 17: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

We Decided to Ask Real Experts: Customers

• Prove that customers passed by

the self-service channel for a

directly manageable reason

• Create formal data reinforcing that

self-service would be the preferred

channel for users if these reasons

were addressed.

•Provide the data to our customers

to help them design better kiosk


Survey with

a Goal:

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 18: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

The Study Design

•2 Independent studies with no

identifiable link to us

•USA and UK consumers

• More than 2,500 respondents

• All respondents were self-identified

regular users of ATM’s.

•Consistent results in both


© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 19: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

In general, how often, if at all, do you tend to use [non-ATM] self-service machines when they are available?

Base: All US adults (2427)

Frequency of Use: Non-ATM Self-Service Devices


Rarely (approx. 1 of 4 times)

Sometimes (half the time)

Often (approx. 3 of 4 times)

Always (i.e., every time) • Majority (55%) rarely or never

used self-service kiosks other

than ATM’s

• Slightly* less likely to use if:

• Older

• Less educated

• Lower income

• No children

• Not social media users

* Survey demographic gaps are

almost all less than 10%

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 20: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:


Rarely (approx. 1 out of 4 times)

Sometimes (half of the time)

Often (approx. 3 out of 4 times)

Always (i.e., every time)

• 45% frustrated

more than half

the time

• 55% rarely or



• No significant



Base: All US adults who have used self-service

machines before (1771)

Frustration With Self-Service Machines

How often, if at all, do you get frustrated when using self-service machines?

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 21: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:


Rarely (approx. 1 out of 4 times)

Sometimes (approx. half of the time)

Often (approx. 3 out of 4 times)

Always (i.e., every time)

73% of

customers rarely

or never use



Base: All US adults who have used self-service

machines before (1771)

Frequency of Use: Self-Service in Bank Branches

How often, if at all, do you use self-service machines inside a bank?

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 22: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Don't know

None of these

Don’t know how to use

Don’t know it is available

It’s too slow

Worried about security of tech

Worried it won’t work

Prefer speaking to human • Older people,

divorcees and

widowers significantly

prefer talking to staff

• Younger people

represent the majority

haters of “slow”.

• For some reason, in

Northeastern USA

most users frequently

answer “Don’t Know!”

Base: All US adults who don't always use self-service

machines (2247)

Reasons for Not Using Self-Service Machines

Which, if any, of the following are ever reasons why you don't use self-service machines when they are available?

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 23: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Base: All US adults (2427)

Please imagine a member of staff at a bank was on hand to guide you through using self-service machines for complex banking

services. Would [this] make you more or less inclined to use self-service machines for complex banking services in branch?

Don't know

Much less inclined

Less inclined

No difference

More inclined

Much more inclined

• Not so clear if “assisted” self service

is a perfect answer.

• No big demographic differences.

• Converting the indifferent and less

inclined seems a great opportunity.

Impact of Staff Assistance in Choosing Self-Service

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

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© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 25: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

A “Human Touch” is Not Overrated

Keep and maintain a human


• Local, personal contact supports change.

• Just removing “choice” won’t create

desired results.

• Humans only on telephone or video

connections do not support change.

Identify and quickly support

customer needs.

• Manage fears about reliability, security.

• Creating customer value in a transition.

• Be instantly aware of customer in need.

• React quickly and comprehensively to

solve any customer difficulty.

Your customer came “all the

way” to see you.

• Acknowledge that a real personal effort

was required to make the visit to you.

• Recognize the customer has arrived after

avoiding or failing on your other channels.

Create value for your own

team members.

• Create an implementation path that does

not threaten staff job security.

• Present new value for staff as a result of

the change in process or focus.

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

Page 26: Served | Self-Served | Branches | ATMs · B2B and B2G Marketing experience across numerous vertical market segments Leadership roles across multiple marketing disciplines including:

Technology: Comfortable, Simple, and Reliable

Reconsider your hardware.

• Placement of touch points, soft and hard,

should be comfortable, intuitive.

• Surfaces and purposes

• Height and surrounding space

• Focus on comfort, security, privacy

Reconsider your app’s focus.

•Design to simply manage the complex.

•Be helpful, but not intrusive or “insulting”

•Become predictive, learn what users like.

•Keep focus on transaction, not marketing

Think, again, about your UI.

•Hardware and Software

•Physical Environment

•The user’s perspective

•Create emotional and physical comfort

•Clear indication of purpose, capability.

Focus on what really matters.

• Speed, convenience lead to conversion

• Availability, reliability are essential

• Customer and staff members must love it.

• One failure return to old ways

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

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Thank You For Your Time Today

If you would like more information on the survey

please let us know

Thank you for your time!

© Glory Global Solutions 2016

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