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Page 1: served lunch at Christ the King by the Three Churches That ... May 2017 KM(1).pdf · Thhee gKKiinng’’ss MMee ssseennggeerr May 2017 Christ the King Lutheran Church Pastor Mark

TThhee KKiinngg’’ss MMeesssseennggeerr May 2017

Christ the King Lutheran Church Pastor Mark [email protected] 7239 Patterson Road, Columbia, SC 29209

Office- [email protected] Phone 803-776-3050 Website-

Loved by God, we are disciples of Jesus, called by the Holy Spirit to make disciples for Jesus.

Teacher Appreciation Day is May 26


Teachers from Annie Burnside Elementary will be

served lunch at Christ the King by the

Three Churches That Can!

WELCA Annual Tea

Our 2017 Program will be The Holy Land

With Adam Schultz

Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 3:30PM

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3 Churches Update

And he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God… Luke 9:2

In early May our 3 Churches Co-ordinating Team will meet to debrief our activities so far this year and do some

planning for summer and fall. The team’s job is to sort through ministry ideas that come out of each of the

congregations and help make them happen.

Here’s a review of what’s been going on since our January team meeting:

In February youth from Church of the Cross held their annual Spaghetti Supper, hosted by Trinity, with

plenty of folks from all 3 Churches on hand to share the delicious food, great service by the youth, and

wonderful live entertainment.

Trinity hosted our shared Ash Wednesday service. Attendance was inspiring. Christ the King had its first

“Drive-By Imposition of Ashes” that same day. (That was an idea that was brainstormed at our January

meeting that nobody but CTK jumped on board so we went solo.)

On a Saturday morning in March, Church of the Cross held their Christian Closet in Christ the King’s

multi-purpose room, with participation from members of all 3 Churches. Hundreds of clothing and home

items, as well as books and toys were donated to neighbors in need.

Our shared Maundy Thursday service was hosted by Church of the Cross; shared Good Friday worship was

held at Christ the King. Both participation and attendance were impressive.

Trinity hosted its quarterly week of Family Promise, housing temporarily homeless families from dinner

time through breakfast from 5/16 – Easter Day – through 5/22. Members of Christ the King and Church of

the Cross provide food and a presence, including overnight stays.

Christ the King hosted Trinity’s Girl Scout troop in our multi-purpose room for a service project of holding

a baby shower for expectant mothers under the auspices of the local Birthright chapter. (This was a

spontaneous event not planned by the team.)

One final Spring project on the horizon is the end of the year Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on May 26th

. Up to

65 Annie Burnside teachers will be served a sit-down lunch served by the 3 Churches. The luncheon is one of the

ideas generated by our Hospitality Team at our Ministry Team Retreat last August, as were many of the ideas that

CTK has brought to the 3 Churches team.

At our last meeting of the Coordinating Team, members were already bringing ideas for summer and fall to the

table. (CTK is represented by Pam Williams, Ara Adams and yours truly). Possible projects include an outdoor

community concert and a neighborhood picnic. Stay tuned for more news on what we have planned for 3

Churches That Can, and let us know what you think!

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Mark


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Our Purpose Statement Loved by God, we are disciples of Jesus, called by the

Holy Spirit to make disciples for Jesus. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congregational Leadership Rev. Mark Buchan Pastor 931-3083

Ms. Pamela Williams President 776-2311

Mr. Lee Caulder Secretary 783-0488

Mr. Barry Kemp Vice President 783-8477

Mr. Fred Hunt Treasurer 776-1766

Mr. Dick Clark 776-2583

Ms. Ara Adams 422-7653

Ms. Stefanie Seebauer (407)782-0064

Ms. Linda Griggs (704)689-0345

Council Committee Liaisons Stefanie Seebauer Music & Worship (407)782-0064

Barry Kemp Facilities 783-8477

Ara Adams Outreach 422-7653

Lee Caulder Christian Formation 783-0488

Pam Williams Finance 776-2311

Linda Griggs Hospitality (704)689-0345

May 7

th Fourth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 2:42-47 Today’s reading is a description of life in the community

following Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, when

the Spirit was outpoured on God’s people. This new

community is founded on the teachings of the apostles and

sustained in the breaking of the bread.

Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:19-25 Doing the right things does not guarantee that one will not

experience difficulties, hardships, rejection, or even

suffering. Here Christ is presented as the model for our

path of endurance and loyalty to God, particularly in the

midst of adversity.

Gospel: John 10:1-10 Jesus uses an image familiar to the people of his day to

make a point about spiritual leadership. Good shepherds

bring people to life through Jesus, but those who avoid

Jesus are dangerous to the flock.

May 14th

Fifth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 7:55-60 Stephen was one of the seven men chosen by the apostles

to serve tables so that the apostles could be free to serve

the word (Acts 6:1-6). Stephen does more than distribute

food, however. For his preaching of God’s word, he

becomes the first martyr of the faith.

Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:2-10 Christ is the cornerstone of God’s saving work and the

foundation of our lives. We are God’s chosen, holy people

who continuously celebrate and declare the mercy of God

we experience through Jesus Christ.

Gospel: John 14:1-14 On the night that he is to be arrested, Jesus shares final

words with his disciples. As the one through whom God is

known, he promises to go before them and act on their


May 21st Sixth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 17:22-31 In Athens, Paul faces the challenge of proclaiming the

gospel to Greeks who know nothing of either Jewish or

Christian tradition. He proclaims that the “unknown god”

whom they worship is the true Lord of heaven and earth

who will judge the world with justice through Jesus, whom

God has raised from the dead.

Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:13-22 Christians have a zeal for doing what is right in God’s

eyes no matter what the circumstances because in baptism

we are saved and made alive. Thus our Christian beliefs

and behavior are to be a matter of public record just as

our baptism is.

Gospel: John 14:15-21 In final words to his disciples on the night of his arrest,

Jesus encourages obedience to his commandments and

speaks of the Spirit, who will be with them forever.

Pastor Mark Buchan

E-mail: [email protected]


Office E-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

8:30 am-1:30 pm

Church Phone: 803-776-3050

Address: 7239 Patterson Road, Columbia, SC 29209

Mailing Address: PO Box 9161, Columbia, SC 29290

Christ the King Lutheran Church

May 2017

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May 28th

Seventh Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 1:6-14 Today’s reading is part of the introduction to the

narrative of the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost.

These verses tell of the risen Lord’s conversation with his

disciples on the eve of his ascension.

Second Reading: 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 Our faith in Christ does not make us immune from the

scorn of others. Nevertheless, we are to resist the designs

of evil when we experience disparagement from others,

because we trust God’s grace will strengthen and guide


Gospel: John 17:1-11 On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus prays to his

heavenly Father, asking that those who continue his work

in this world will live in unity.

May Tellers: Barry Kemp, Jerry Lamb,

Sandy Vassallo

May 7th

Lector: Denise Caulder

Crucifer: Mary Nettles

Communion Assistant: Denise Caulder

Ushers: Debra Butler, Skip Freie

Greeters: Christel Lamb, Stefanie Seebauer

Council Member of the Week: Barry Kemp

Altar Guild: Denise Caulder

Cantor: Nancy Buchan

May 14th

Lector: Nancy Buchan

Crucifer: Barry Kemp

Communion Assistant: Athena Christensen

Ushers: Susan Bennett, Barry Kemp

Greeters: TBA Council Member of the Week: Stefanie Seebauer

Altar Guild: Denise Caulder

Cantor: TBA

May 21st

Lector: Barry Kemp

Crucifer: Barry Kemp

Communion Assistant: Adam Schultz

Ushers: Skip Freie, Stefanie Seebauer

Greeters: Barbara Park, Joe Park

Council Member of the Week: Linda Griggs

Altar Guild: Denise Caulder

Cantor: Athena Christensen

May 28th

Lector: Fred Hunt

Crucifer: Jane Wannamaker

Communion Assistant: Mary Nettles

Ushers: Christel Lamb, Bill Lamb

Greeters: Barry Kemp, Kathie Roberts

Council Member of the Week: Lee Caulder

Altar Guild: Denise Caulder

Cantor: Ara Adams


Ara Adams and Nancy Buchan

will attend synod assembly as

voting members along with Pastor


Word Cloud which has come out

of our Renewal/Revival work will

be framed and mounted in the


New street signs advertising CTK

were approved to replace missing

and broken old signs.

Council approved the installation

of horseshoe pits at the rear of the

property behind the picnic shelter.

Next Council Meeting:

Tuesday, May 9th

at 5:45 PM

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1st ~ Buddy Pedersen

5th ~ Jimmy Harkey

12th ~ Crystal Freie

21st ~ Emily Ditzler

9th ~ Ara Adams & Bobbie Lockwood

13th ~ Lee & Denise Caulder

23rd ~ Jim & Mary Nettles

25th ~ Greg & Jerry Lamb

29th ~ Bud & Kathie Roberts

Come join us on

May 11th 11:00 AM

FOOD SUNDAY is May 14th!

213 lbs. collected in March!

Please bring nonperishable items any Sunday

and leave in the box in the narthex.

canned meat and fish

peanut butter (in plastic jars)

canned vegetables and fruits

breakfast cereal

personal care items (soap, shampoo, etc.)

Our Goal is 100 lbs.!

CTK Tidbits WELCA will be collecting personal and

household product donations this month to

take to the SCWELCA 2017 Convention

Project in June. The donations will be

given to the SC Coalition Against

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA).

Needed Items Personal Products

Regular & travel sized toiletries


Mouth Wash

Toothpaste/ Toothbrush


Soap/Body Wash

Hair brush/Comb

Wash Cloths & Towels

Sanitary Pads/Tampons

New Undergarments (women & youth)

New Socks

Disposable Diapers

Baby Wipes

Household Products

Paper Towels & Napkins

Toilet Paper

Plastic eating utensils

Trash bags (kitchen/33 gallon)

Twin Sized Sheets

Pillow cases

Paper Plates

A donation box will be in the narthex

during the month of May.

Thank you for your help!

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& 4th


May 11th

& 25th

10:00 AM

CTK Shawl Ministry

Tuesday, May 16th

6:30 PM

Join us on the 3rd


of each month.

Melting Pot Thursday, May 4th

12:00 PM Join us for lunch & musical

entertainment by Pastor Mark, Gordon & Nancy!

Cost is just $5.00.

KM Deadline The deadline for the June issue of the King’s

Messenger is May 18th

. Please call the office or

email [email protected] with

information or entries.

From Rice Estate, part of Lutheran Homes of South Carolina

Rice Estate is in need of volunteers on Sundays from 2pm until 3:30pm. We need a rotating schedule of twelve to sixteen people who can transport residents from the first floor skilled unit to the chapel and sit with residents during worship. Volunteers are also needed to play the keyboard/piano. A rotating schedule of volunteers and available substitutes is needed to provide quality worship experiences for residents at the 2:30 afternoon service. We have a Yamaha Clavinova digital piano. Rice Estate is also looking for lap quilts and/or shawls. For more information regarding volunteering or donations, please contact Pastor Michele Fischer at 803-567-1972 or [email protected].

Save the Date:

Lutheran Night at the Fireflies Sunday June 25th at 5:05pm when the

Fireflies host the Intimidators of

Kannapolis it will be Lutheran night. In the

spirit of the 500th anniversary of the

reformation, June 25th is the anniversary

of the presentation of the Augsburg

Confession in 1530. Let's fill Spirit

Communications Park with Lutherans.

Details will follow… but for now save the


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New Sunday Morning Study Class at CTK starting June 4th


Digging into our Lutheran roots and History in America

As we near the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and wonder what our mission as Lutherans is in our

current culture, it’s helpful to see how God has shaped the Lutheran church over time. Christ the King will

be using two dynamic resources from Select Learning to help our congregation understand where we have

come from and to support our life of faith and service in the world today.

‘Reformation Roots’ (DVD)

Do you ever wonder why we have so many Christian denominations and if there is really much difference

between them? The answers to these questions lie in the dramatic and turbulent times of the Reformation.

“Reformation Roots,” brings to life the stories and struggles that still impact us today.

‘We Must Plant the Church: The Story of Lutherans in America’ (DVD) When Lutherans came to America, they brought with them Martin Luther’s belief that people of faith

engage the big questions of the day. This story is characterized by the tension between honoring the

European roots of the church and adapting to the new realities of life in America. The Lutheran church, from

its earliest days, faced religious pluralism, intolerance, racism, war, lack of state support and diversity of

languages and traditions. It wasn’t easy then, and it isn’t easy now. Understanding American Lutheran

history can change the way we see ourselves and our future.

Please join us every Sunday morning at 9:25am!

Grandkids-n-Me Camp at Lutherock

July 23-26, 2017 (Sun-Wed)

This half week program is a great opportunity for grandparents and grandchildren (ages 3-12) to go to

camp together, where they can unplug and focus on their relationship with one another and with God.

Outing to Wild Cat Lake

Outing to Grandfather Mountain State Park

Split Bible study time: Adults with Pastor Steve Ridenhour while kids are with Lutherock counselors

Evening Activities include: campfires, s’mores, Lutherock’s dramatization of the Life Death and

Resurrection of Jesus and slow-churn ice cream making!

Housed in Lutherock’s hotel-style Crow’s Nest retreat center

Leader: Pastor “Grandpa” Steve Ridenhour

Cost per family unit:

1 Adult/1 Child $295 1 Adult/2 Children $330 1 Adult/3 Children $375

2 Adults/1 Child $380 2 Adults/2 Children $420 2 Adults/3 Children $455

To register, visit or contact our registration office at

[email protected] or (828) 209-6329.

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Christ the King Lutheran Church PO Box 9161

Columbia, SC 29290-9161 Return Service Requested We are the body of Christ worshiping through Word and Sacrament as a family of believers. Our purpose is to instill, sustain and nourish our faith as congregation by being a supportive community in order to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to serve Christ in outreach on all levels.

EVERYONE Can be a philanthropist

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, May 2, as South

Carolina celebrates “Midlands Gives.” This day of giving

brings together the community, raising money and

awareness for local nonprofits, like the South Carolina

Lutheran Retreat Centers. Last year, more than 7,600

people raised $1.6 million for 382 local nonprofits in just

one day! Pledge your support and donate to help fund life

changing ministry at Camp Kinard and Coastal Retreat!

TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2017

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