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DJ Slugo

Level Next

The Magazine For M







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film crew, and anyone involved with the production of the film.

Therefore, an economic decline happens in the entertainment indus-try.

Does this really hurt the economy of the music industry? Many believe

that the artists that sample other’s work simply add value to the

items in the first place. By imitating the items that have been

sampled the secondary work increases the market value of the

initial work.

Fair use has on the other hand is a perfectly legal form of piracy

that is not considered as potentially harmful. In many cases that

include the use of education this technical form of piracy is no

longer considered illegal or immoral. For example, teachers and

students both make copies of text books and other literary works.

These copies are exchanged as a service and working relationship

that is completely legal. However, the dean, professors, and school

itself is never charged with any crime. It seems that when the

government doesn’t get their fair share of taxes that these acts are

considered illegal.

In fact, the United States economy is highly boosted by

companies such as Rock-a-fella Records, Illegal Art, and similar

record labels that support artists that use samples not only by

increasing the value of the original works but, by allowing

individuals to rediscover the original art that might have been

forgotten if it were not for the adaptation of the creative work.

Written by Chris Wanta

Have you ever seen the work of a pop-artist such as Any Warhol, Roy

Lihtenstein, or Jasper Johns? All of these artists seem to be on the

border line of copyright infringement. However, this very statement is

highly debatable in itself. Most people will agree that if an artist

asks for the permission to take a work of art and make it into

something different this art form is highly controversial. Fair use is

easily defined as a legal right that enables the use of portions of

copyrighted material without permission obtained from the copyright

owner. In contrast, the grey area of fair usage is becoming even

harder to define as popular artists such as Girl Talk, The Beastie

Boys, and others continue to sample music with out asking for


A bridge is placed in the world of art that divides its own population

into two groups. Those believers that art is sacred and replication is

simply infringes upon the rights held by intellectual property

including copyright law. These are the people that would wait and

watch the FBI warnings of VHS tape cinema. On the contrary, the other

group of the divided world of art has fast forwarded through the FBI

warnings and sneak preview trailers. These individuals might make

copies of the VHS tapes that they rented from the video store in order

to make duplicate copies and sell them to their friends. Therefore,

two opinions are formed on the situation. When does art become piracy

and when is a work fair use?

Piracy has a loose definition and is somewhat based on opinion.

Considered by most the worst act in an artistic professional commu-nity

piracy is no laughing matter. Many illegal sales and transactions

happen that cheat businesses out of money. For example, when a

shoplifter steals a DVD movie they are not only stealing from the

retail store that they took the DVD from in the first place. The thief

ends up stealing from the people that made the box, the actors, the

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these major artist does a juke song on one of their projects…the rest is history… Its gonna take everyone involved with the genre to push harder to make it a main-stream genre… better business moves you know what I mean?

Jerkin has the Newboyz, HYPY had E40, Snap had the whole South, in your opinion is there an artist that can usher the Jukin movement?

Well Twista, Dude N Em, & Tha Pope have all done records to try and break the genre to the world and Dude N Em record Watch My Feet broke a lot of barriers…but I feel its gonna take a 12 to 16 year old juke/hiphop/pop artist to break the genre to the world and usher the entire movement…

(Continued on next page)

Well Juking is not a dance or genre of music… it’s a word that refers to how the mood of events, activities, etc. are going… (that party was juking, my guys had the basketball game juking., etc.) that’s about it…this dance and name that they’ve attached to the music has give the genre a bad name with a lot of people…The phrase was started by dj puncho and dj gantman… but its origin is from Ghetto House music sometimes called Booty Music… To be honest I really can’t say who the major players are right now cause its so many cats involved in the movement now… what I will say is a lot of the original cats who started the genre are back making tracks so its about to get real interesting…

What is the difference between juke, techno or house music?

The difference in all of these genres is Tempo, Style, Drums, and most of all Lyrical Con-tent…

There have been several mainstream movements in hip hop or just ur-ban music over the years. There was screwed in Texas, hypy and jerkin in the west and snap in ATL just to name a few. In your opinion what will it take to bring juke out of Chicago? Can juke be the next thing to blow?

I truly think so…and I’m willing to even live with the Juke name if they put a more positive spin on it…I think once one of

First and foremost I’d like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to grant us this interview….You’re welcome the pleasure is all mine…Okay lets get into it…let the people know the basics introduce yourself and let the world know who and what you are all about…

Well I’m a dj/producer from the south side of Chicago and I’m one of the guys responsible for the genre of music they call Ghetto House/Juke…

As a youth who influenced and inspired you to follow this career path? Who or what helped you to stay on this path? did you ever want to do anything else besides dj?

As a youth my cousin (a popular old school house dj) was my biggest influence… he was also the person that kept me on my journey to be a good dj… I wanted to be a gymnast at one point but was sidelined by an injury so took on djing as a job and not a hobby anymore…

What words would you use to describe your music style and /or genre to the readers?

Ghetto House, Soulful ,Up-Tempo, Electronic, Unique

We have readers across the country so we need you to educate and explain exactly what is juking? Who started it? Where are its origins? Who are the major players in juke music today?







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At some point in your career djing went from being a hobby to a business for you, how and when did that happen?

Oh that’s easy…lol... when I got my first paid gig and saw that people would pay me for something I considered a hobby… It was a easy decision for after that to decided that this was now a business and not just a hobby anymore…I think this was about 1990 when that happened…

So would you consider yourself a mogul or mogul in training? Why?

Definitely a mogul in training. I’m still learn-ing the business and I’m still working hard to get that life changing check… until then I’m training…

What has been the most important lesson learned thus far in your career?

To not mix friendship with business…I know now that the record business is just that…The Record BUSINESS…and should be treated as such…I’ve learned the hard way to never mix the two in anyway no matter what….

Would you sign with a major? Why or why not?

Yes I would but only if I could still own all of my masters…or at least 51% to 60% of them… but if not I would rather stay independent and maximize my catalog to the fullest to accumu-late any and all funds I can create from it…

As a seasoned veteran, what advice would you give to someone new to the industry?

First of all learn the BUSINESS of music before you record one song…also perfect you craft to the fullest…and last but not lest buy your own equipment (invest your money in you) that will help you control your own masters…

Where do u see yourself 5 yrs from now?

Well if the Lord Willing…I will Own And Operate one of if not the biggest dance label in the world… I’m speaking that into existence right now!!!

In closing what are the hottest spots for Juke in Chicago? Do you have any affiliates across the country? Are you apart of a dj group?

There is always a weekend Hot Spot in Chica-go for Juke…the skating rinks and a few other spots here are always juking… Yes I have a lot of affiliates over seas….the UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, etc… And my dj crew is called Blok Club Djs…


How do the people get @ Dj Slugo? Any last words??I can be reached @ www.slugomusic.comMy last words of advice are: WORK-GRIND-PROGRESS It will all play off!!!

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With the holidays recently all over us like that “friend” you call at 4:00 am just to say hey, most of us are left equally as exposed-financially that is. In the aftermath most of us resent that we got caught up in the holiday spirit to the point that we felt compelled to spend more and more and more.

Unfortunately, a new year’s resolu-tion alone is not enough to fix your finances. In a struggling economy the pressure from busi-nesses de-pending on your dollar is as intense as ever (Uh, those other businesses, not the ones that are advertising with us-buy their products). Think of it as that basketball team that is desperate with time running out, scores all tied, and the ball is in your hand-they want it for one last attempt to win before the game (in this case the fiscal year) is over.

Advertisers have always depended on this end of the year frenzy to save their bottom line. Ever wonder why they call their day after Thanksgiving sales Black Friday? It’s because this is the day that most businesses’ financial records go from red, which indicates that they are loosing money to black which indicates breaking even or making a profit. Or why they will cash your tax return before the official check ever comes in the mail?

Knowing all this the good people at Serpiko Magazine would like to give you some tips to help you make it through this 2010 with the kind of money that folds and not the kind

that jingles. We feel that following these suggestions will help you better prepare for the future.

1. Stick to the ScriptMake a budget and stick to it. Actu-ally write out your bills and monthly expenses. Some prefer an in-depth spreadsheet others just a simple list, either way its valuable to see where

all your money is going. This will help you see exactly how much money you are wasting and where. Not on the list, not in your life.

2. Pay Off Credit Card DebtTreat your credit report like you did that fine, special someone before you got to see how they look sans cloth-ing. You can do this by simply pay-ing your bills on time and not making more bills than you can afford. (For those of you that are still reading) Your monthly expenses should not equal more than 36%-41% of your monthly income.

3. Pay Yourself FirstDecide how much you can comfort-ably afford to save and every month stash this amount into a savings account before you pay anyone else. Pay yourself first and don’t dip into your savings for every emergency or sale that comes around.

WRITERS AVEGet Money...What ya say uh Keep Money....What ya say, what ya say, uh!

4. Scared Money... Don’t Make Money!Invest. Invest. Invest. Most middle and lower class people are afraid to spend money on the intangibles even if they offer the promise of financial stability. Put some gear on a credit card…sure. Rent some furniture…certainly. But ask us to by mutual funds, savings bonds, pay for school and you get a million excuses.

In order to break the cycle of living check to check you must make your money work for you. The secret to this is to spend it investing on things that put you in a position to earn. Training, school, real estate stocks, bonds, etc. or retirement plans (or even Serpiko Magazine….you can’t see me but I got a goofy smile with my thumbs up right now).

5. Start Holiday Shopping NowTake advantage of the returned merchandise, out of season clothing, and end of the year close out sales. These are all things that businesses attempted to sale to you at what you thought were such a great deal. Now you see what they are really willing to sale these same items for. Get a head start for next year: Buy cheap, store, wrap and gift.

6. Keep It Real With Yourself!!Chances are you do not live a rap video and can only make it rain at the expense of making rent (or at least cable for the month). Know what you can afford to spend, make a budget and stick to it. Plan on buying a new car? You may not be able to afford a 2010 Lexus, you might just have to get the 2006 Kia (Dubs ain’t gonna fit on it, so get the 10’s and keep ‘em clean).

(Tee IIncredible)

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My contract is up this month with my provider and I need a new phone. My life is my cell phone. Email, facebook, texting, surfing the internet, paying bills and oh yeah talking to people sometimes. I’m on the hunt for a smartphone that has all the bells and whistles and the way it looks now every-thing seems exteremly cheap so cost is not a factor. As I go from provider to provider and sells pitch after sales pitch it looks as if the two big dogs are The Apple iPhone and Sprint’s Palm Pre.

The Apple iPhone should lead rounds table smarthphone discus-sions, right? But don’t you have to also throw in the device which is its archrival and inspiration: the Palm Pre?

Steve Jobs and Apple will have us to believe that their phone has no rivals because it has hundreds of mobile applications, which until recently was only found in desktops/laptops. The CEO was actually opposed to the idea when the iPhone was originally released in 2007 (google Steve Jobs, his-tory of iPhone). It has so many applications, practically one for everything you can possibly imag-ine (and more) and their TV spots advertise over 40,000 purchase options in its iTunesAppStore. The battery on the newest release, 3GS, is dratically improved with an upside of 33% according to Apple, a video recorder with improved camera, quicker operating system and the ability to download even more apps.

The Pre’s biggest draw is its ability to function with multiple applica-tions open at one time, which is a asset that the iPhone lacks. This a definite must-have for all smart-phones to survive in the near fu-ture, but negatively is a huge drain on the current Palm smartphone’s battery. If you are on the net and switching emails, you need to have a desk charger and car charger for mid-day charging. The Pre also has a slide-out full physical key-board, but the keys are more suited towards my seven year old Wii loving son’s hands. Another huge void lies in only about 45 available selections from the Palm App Cata-log. Even the new Google Android boasts 15,000 app choices.

The 3GS was sold only two weeks after the Pre was introduced so it stole back a lot of the sales Palm had hoped to gain with its smart-phone. Palm’s needs to relase a product with much improved battery life, speedier processor and operating system, upgrade the cam-era, add cut and paste ability, and last but not least add as many ap-plications as humanly possible, if not they will be excused out of the battle permantly. With or without a new Palm release, Apple has the right idea with more and more and more applications.



(Cambric Robinson Jr)


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POET of the month:

Jacquelyn Kelly

LessonOne of



Dedicated to my first born

The one sworn into my womb

Before I knew you existed

You visited

Sent my childless

days to the tomb

A new beginning

Unplanned but still loved

I was scared but ready

Nervous but steady

In my heart

and in my mind

That my knowledge


With my experience

Could produce

another woman so sublime

That only royalty could reach you

But only if you take heed

to the lessons I feed

I love you more than

I’ve ever loved another soul

Cold lonely nights escaped

by the anticipation of

Meeting you for the first time

A baby dime piece

is what I’ll call you

Soon to be a million dollars

Far from the hood rats

and alley cats

That roam the streets

in pajama pants and head rags

Catching the city bus

toting Aldi bags

That’s the harder path

that you should avoid

Restless nights and broke pockets

Chump change and court dockets

Cheap baby daddies

and sunken eye sockets

No glory unfolds on that road

Only counterfeit dreams

can be brought and sold

So make better decisions

That is your mission….


To use the lessons

I provide

Don’t let your

swagger subside

In this cruel, selfish world

Always stay ten steps

ahead of the game

This is the harsh reality

I know I can teach you

But you gotta listen….


That is your mission.

I can only shield you from the perils of this planet

for nine months

Then you become your own entity

Free to make your own enemies,

Your own mistakes

Your own dreams

Your own theories

I offer to you the tools

to make your ambitions

well-informed, strong

and attainable…. 2 B Continued

( Jacquelyn Kelly )

Lets explore matters of the heart via the complex minds of a poet

When did you first start writing?My 6th grade teacher assigned a poem about spring, I’ve been writing ever since.

What inspires you?Life is poetry in motion. Everything inspires me-love, happiness, pain, just living life in general.

How would you describe your style?I would describe my style as real life issues. I don’t man bash or talk a lot about negativity. My work is to uplift, inspire and encourage others who have been where I been or going where I’m

Why is your work significant?My work is significant because it’s real talk, not sugar coated, not dream sell-ing. It comes directly from my heart and soul unedited.

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