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Page 1: SEO/Digital Content Optimisation with Revitalise Digital Marketing Management





Page 2: SEO/Digital Content Optimisation with Revitalise Digital Marketing Management

“My vision here at Revitalise Marketing is to work alongside your company to combine data and creativity to produce beautifully stunning digital content that performs well. Our main business is to be a management company ensuring that everything is performing at its best is fully optimised. I would like to thankyou for taking an interest in Revitalise Marketing. I have broken down our services into seperate brochures however we can perform these tasks as a whole in the form of a Digital Marketing Management Plan. I hope you enjoy reading about our SEO and digital content strategy services and I look forward to hearing from you.” - Martin O’Callaghan

Page 3: SEO/Digital Content Optimisation with Revitalise Digital Marketing Management

To remain competitive in today’s Digital landscape Search Engine Optimisation is imperative. Search Engine optimisation is a dynamic process which means to truly create fully optimised digital content it involves a continuous or ongoing management process. Revitalise Marketing is here to ful�l that role for your Company; we will work with you or your web design Company to create fully optimised digital content. We will also assess if the content that is currently on your site is suitable for full optimisations and if not we will make suggestions where necessary as content is king!In order to set the scene here is some background information into the tactics that can be used to appear highly on a Search Engine Results pages (SERP). It is important to appear high up on the page as 70-80% of clicks come from the top 3 positions. There are 2 tactics that are available for Revitalise Marketing to use; these are through Pay per click and SEO.

Paid Search/ Sponsored Listings (Pay Per Click)

A company has to select Keywords that will trigger an advert to be shown on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). A company then sets a price that it is willing to “pay per click” on the advert. The Company that bids the highest price per click will appear �rst on Googles SERP. Google also considers:

-click through rates-Ad text relevance-Past Performance-Landing page

We can optimise this process by giving suggestions for relevant PPC adverts in line with the AIDA model we can work with your creative teams throughout the creation process of the advert. If necessary we have the capabilities to create the adverts for you in line with your current branding.

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Organic Listings (SEO)

Organic search is when Search Engines find your site without pay-ment. This is by far the most effective Search Engine Strategy with click through rates as high as 70-75% compared to 25-30% from Paid Search. To create fully optimised content Google bots looks for Key word density, Optimised website source code, a clear site map, title tags, Meta descriptions and request links on other websites. Organic search through a search Engine such as Google and Bing is by far the most effective strategy for increasing the performance through a Search Engine Results Page therefore it is one that Revitalise marketing will insist on focusing on.

How will Revitalise Marketing Optimise Search for your Company?

It all starts by defining the target market! We will find out what they search for and what keywords will be most effective in targeting your customer’s web searches and what content will be best to beinteresting, and relevant. We will put this into a report that can be given to your company’s management with suggestions for imple-mentation and a potential plan for future growth. We pride ourselves on being professional and personable so we can work with your web development team to implement our suggested SEO, PPC and Content strategies.

“If you cannot measure it you cannot manage it”

In order to test, assess and evaluate whether our strategies are working we can use technological analytical tools to measure the performance. These can be provided to you in a report format and it can be used to us to measure the behaviour of your customers from search engines to the sites. We talk about our analytics services in more detail in our analytics brochure.

Page 5: SEO/Digital Content Optimisation with Revitalise Digital Marketing Management



Contact Martin O’CallaghanEmail: [email protected]: Phone: 07788271072

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