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SEMIoTICS Architectural Framework: End-to-endSecurity, Connectivity and Interoperability for

Industrial IoTNikolaos E. Petroulakis⇤, Eftychia Lakka⇤, Ermin Sakic†, Vivek Kulkarni†, Konstantinos Fysarakis‡, Iason

Somarakis‡, Jordi Serra§, Luis Sanabria-Russo§, Danilo Pau¶, Mirko Falchetto¶, Domenico Presenzak, TobiasMarktscheffel⇤⇤, Kostas Ramantas††, Prodromos-Vasileios Mekikis††, Lukasz Ciechomski‡‡, Karolina Waledzik‡‡⇤FORTH, Greece, †Siemens, Germany, ‡Sphynx Technology Solutions AG, Zug, Switzerland, §CTTC, Spain, ¶ST, Italy,

kEngineering, Italy, ⇤⇤University of Passau, Germany, ††Iquadrat, Spain, ‡‡BlueSoft, Poland

Abstract—Next generation networks, as the Internet of Things

(IoT), aim to create open and global networks for connecting

smart objects, network elements, applications, web services and

end-users. Research and industry attempt to integrate this evolv-

ing technology and the exponential growth of IoT by overcoming

significant hurdles such as dynamicity, scalability, heterogeneity

and end-to-end security and privacy. Motivated by the above,

SEMIoTICS proposes the development of a pattern-driven frame-

work, built upon existing IoT platforms, to enable and guarantee

secure and dependable actuation and semi-autonomic behaviour

in IoT/IIoT applications. Hence, in this paper, we describe the

design of the SEMIoTICS architecture that addresses the afore-

mentioned challenges. Specifically, the functional components

of the proposed architecture are presented including also an

overview of the appropriate realization mechanisms. Finally,

we map two verticals in the areas of energy and health care

and one horizontal in the areas of intelligent sensing use-cases

scenarios to the suggested architecture in order to demonstrate its

applicability to different IoT enabling platforms, types of smart

objects, devices and networks.

Index Terms—Internet of Things (IoT); Software Defined Net-

working (SDN); Network Function Virtualization (NFV); Design



Global networks like IoT create an enormous potential fornew generations of IoT applications, by leveraging synergiesarising through the convergence of consumer, business and in-dustrial Internet, and creating open, global networks connect-ing people, data, and things. A series of innovations across theIoT landscape have converged to make IoT products, platformsand devices technically and economically feasible. However,despite these advancements the realization of the IoT potentialrequires overcoming significant business and technical hurdlessuch as dynamicity, scalability, Heterogeneity and end to endsecurity and privacy.

All the above challenges give rise to significant complexi-ties, and relate to the implementation and deployment stack ofIoT applications. To address them, the overall aim of SEMI-oTICS1 is to develop a pattern-driven framework, built uponexisting IoT platforms, to enable and guarantee secure and de-pendable actuation and semi-autonomic behaviour in IoT/IIoT


applications. The SEMIoTICS framework will support cross-layer intelligent dynamic adaptation, including heterogeneoussmart objects, networks and clouds. To address the complexityand scalability needs within horizontal and vertical domains,SEMIoTICS will develop and integrate smart programmablenetworking and semantic interoperability mechanisms. Theabove will be validated by industry, using three diverse usagescenarios in the areas of renewable energy and healthcare, andsmart sensing and will be offered through an open API. TheSEMIoTICS proposed concept is illustrated in Figure 1.

In this work, we present the development of the SEMI-oTICS Architectural Framework consisting of a number ofdifferent components and technologies able to satisfy theabove challenges in the IoT domain. The remainder of thispaper is organized as follows. In Section II, an overviewof SEMIoTICS Architectural Framework and the componentsof each is presented. In addition, Section III describes thedifferent SEMIoTICS use cases. Finally, Section IV providesconclusions and future work.


SEMIoTICS vision in delivering smart, secure, scalable,heterogeneous network and data-driven IoT is based on twokey features:

• Pattern-driven approach: As re-usable solutions tocommon problems and building blocks to architecture,patterns are leveraged in SEMIoTICS to encode provendependencies between security, privacy, dependabilityand interoperability (SPDI) properties of individual smartobjects and corresponding properties of orchestrations(composition) involving them. As a result enables ver-ification of correct behavior at run time and at creation.

• Multi-layered Embedded Intelligence: Effective adap-tation and autonomic behavior at field (edge) and infras-tructure (backend) layers will be achieved by bringingthe intelligent analysis locally as per each layer to enablesemi-autonomous, prompt reaction as well as broadenedintelligence at higher levels.

SEMIoTICS Architectural Framework aims to leveragegeneric architecture components combined in layered structure

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Figure 1. SEMIoTICS

in order to deliver an Embedded Intelligence at all layersof the framework with the mechanisms empowering SPDIpatterns verification across all layers. Created SEMIoTICSpattern-driven framework will be capable of supporting diversescenarios with specific focus on Smart Energy, Healthcare andSmart Sensing use cases. Figure 2 presents the componentlogical architecture consisting of three layers: ApplicationOrchestration Layer, SDN/NFV Orchestration Layer and FieldLayer; while more details of each layer is presented further.

A. Application Orchestration Layer

Application orchestration layer consist of all applicationsreceiving the communication from field layer. Backend or-chestrator will be leveraged for the application orchestrationpurposes and to provide common functionalities across alldeployed applications. Additionally, application orchestrationlayers hold the use case flows as well as SPDI patter definition.

1) Backend Orchestrator: Backend Orchestrator compo-nent is responsible for provisioning all applications andcomponents residing in the backend. As a result a createdframework will offer application availability (health checks)and application resource consumption monitoring as well asa set of common API’s for: pattern enforcing components,monitoring components and continuous integration (CI) andcontinuous delivery (CD) tools. Moreover autoscaling featureswill be provided for applications, ease application/componentdeployment and one centralized place for backend componentmanagement. Approaches taken into consideration include: (i)Kubernetes/Openshift [1] on bare metal, (ii) OpenStack [2] onbare metal, and (iii) Kubernetes/Openshift on OpenStack.

Figure 2. SEMIoTICS Architecture

2) Recipe Cooker: Recipe Cooker (RC) is a module ableto instantiate recipes. A recipe is a template for a workflowof interactions between multiple ingredients, i.e., devices orservices. When a recipe is instantiated, ingredients are replacedwith concrete things, described with their own respectiveThing Description. Besides the workflow of the recipe, QoSconstraints and SPDI patterns can be defined on the inter-actions. The user of this tool would be typically an IoTapplication developer. This user wants to focus on the logic ofthe application flow. Specifically, the user does not have to bean expert in configuring the network and physical connectionsbetween the involved IoT devices. The benefit of the recipeapproach is that these configurations are automatically doneby the tool and the underlying technologies, user only setsSPDI properties (e.g. latency, rate).

3) Thing Directory: The Thing Directory hosts Thing De-scriptions of registered things. The Thing Description (TD)model is a recommendation of the W3C Web of Things [3]working group to describe things. The directory features anAPI to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) a TD. Thedirectory can be used to browse and discover Things based ontheir TDs.

4) Pattern Orchestrator: The Pattern Orchestrator modulefeatures an underlying semantic reasoner able to understandcooked recipes, as received from the Recipe Cooker module(see above) and transform them into architectural patterns. ThePattern Orchestrator is then responsible to pass said patterns tothe corresponding Pattern Engines (as defined in the Backend,Network and Field layers), selecting for each of them thesubset of patterns that refer to components under their control(e.g. passing Network-specific patterns to the Pattern Engine

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present in the SDN controller). Through the above functions,the module achieves automated configuration, coordination,and management of the SEMIoTICS patterns across differentlayers and service orchestrations.

5) Backend Pattern Engine: The Pattern Engine featuresthe pattern engine for the SEMIoTICS framework. Variants ofpattern engine can be found at the backend, at the network(SDN controller) and field (IoT gateway) layers. As such,it will enable the capability to insert, modify, execute andretract patterns at design or at runtime in the backend; theseinteractions will happen through the interfacing with thePattern Orchestrator (see above), though additional interfacesmay be introduced to allow for more flexible deployment andadjustments if needed.

6) Backend Monitoring: Responsible for monitoring, learn-ing and predictive analytics. It receives low-level events as themessages generated by the gateway monitoring component.The reception of a set of low level events can lead tothe generation of a new high-level event. Finally, it issuesconfigures the egde monitoring component to properly selectand configure the signaling mechanisms as needed.

7) Backend Security Manager: Main security componentresponsible in the backend of SEMIoTICS’ for providing thefollowing services: (1) authentication of users and compo-nents, (2) key distribution, (3) management of users, roles,and access rights, and (4) storing and taking decisions onsecurity policies. The Security Manager at the backend layeris the global Policy Decision Point (PDP) for all securitypolicies. In contrast, the Security Managers at SDN and edgelevel are Policy Enforcement Points (PEP), taking local andenforcing global decisions. For authentication, the SecurityManager supports both local authentication and external iden-tity providers using OAuth2.

8) Backend Semantic Validator: The aim of Backend Se-mantic Validator component (see SEMIoTICS deliverableD4.4) is to tackle the semantic interoperability issues that arisein the SEMIoTICS framework, at the application orchestrationlayer. The Backend Semantic Validator can receive a requestfrom IoT application for interaction between two Things (i.e.sensor, actuator), which are described with two different TDs(based on W3C Thing Descriptions that are serialized toJSON-LD standard format), respectively.

9) Graphical User Interface: Responsible for the presenta-tion layer, giving meaningful insights into the platform andcentralized visualization of the whole framework. Severalapproaches are to be considered: GUI dedicated to the givenapplication or more generic user interface that embeds viewfrom external application. The other considered approach isGUI that communicates with an external application throughthe API and presents the content in the standardized way.

B. SDN Orchestration LayerSDN Orchestration Layer provides data and control plane

decoupling resulting in a cloud computing approach thatfacilitates network management and enables pro grammaticallyefficient network configuration.

1) VTN Manager: Responsible for assignment of individualnetwork services to various network tenants. It further ensuresa separation of L2 traffic in scope of a virtual tenant network.

2) Path Manager: Main network path computation engineof the SDN Controller, responsible for identification of nodesand ports combined into a path that fulfills the pattern require-ments (i.e., considers the fault-tolerance or bandwidth/delayconstraints).

3) Resource Manager: Provides the Path Manager witha resource view of the network (i.e., the available topologyresources such as the port speed, number of queues etc.)exposing the metrics observable using the available interface(e.g., using OpenFlow).

4) SDN Security Manager: The main role of the SecurityManager is the support for authentication and accountingservices for administration of tenants and assignment of ap-plications with respective tokens used for fast authenticationduring runtime. Security Manager should accomplish the au-thentication and accounting services to the rest of the SDNController as well as the users and applications that interactwith the controller. Moreover, it exposes interfaces for theadministration of local SDN Controller accounts, in order toachieve authentication.

5) VIM Connector: In SEMIoTICS, the SDN Controller isconsidered an external entity to the NFV Management andOrchestration (MANO) framework. This brings benefits interms of resilience, due to the isolation of network servicesto separate hosts, but also allows for optimization of bothoverlay and physical network paths, which could help satisfySEMIoTICS use cases requirements. Infrastructure flexibilityis one of the most relevant features provided by NFV [4], andnetwork overlays play a crucial role in network virtualization.

6) SFC Manager: Service Function Chaining (SFC) Man-ager used in SFC given the ordering and IP addresses of thenodes that are to be traversed by a tenant’s traffic [5]. SFCManager will handle service function chaining of networkfunctions. It identifies an abstract set of service functions andtheir ordering constraints that should be applied to packetsand/or frames selected as a result of classification. Further-more, the implied order could not be a linear progression, dueto the fact that the architecture allows for nodes which copy tomore than one branch; also, the architecture allows for caseswhere there is flexibility in the order in which services needto be applied.

7) Clustering Manager: A component comprising an un-derlying registry used in state-keeping of other component’sknowledge base, as well as for its strong consistent replica-tion across the SDN controller instances for the purpose offault-tolerance and high-availability. The design is adaptableto support Byzantine Fault Tolerance [6] depending on thestrictness of requirements on dependability in the respectivedomain.

8) Bootstraping Manager: A component used in initialflow configuration of just-connected switches, so to allow forseamless interaction with IoT devices (e.g., to enable flowrules for propagation of unmatched application packets up

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to the controller for the purposes of ARP-based end-devicediscovery and an automated addition of infrastructural networkservices).

9) SDN Pattern Engine: Enables the capability to insert,modify, execute and retract patterns at design or at runtime inthe SDN controller [7]. PE can be based on a rule engine whichwill be able to express design patterns as production rules.Enabling reasoning, driven by production rules, appeared tobe an efficient way to represent SEMIoTICS patterns. Morespecifically, since Drools rule engine is based on Maven, itcan support the integration of all required dependencies withthe ODL controller, as well as the integration of the entitiesthat interact with the controller to run Drools at design and atruntime.

C. NFV Orchestration LayerNFV provides a flexible, programmable, dynamic and scal-

able networking paradigm, making it ideal for satisfying theQoS demands of SEMIoTICS use cases.

1) NFV Orchestrator: NFVO allocates (or decommissions)the necessary resources for NS instantiation (or termination).Also, it provides VNF lifecycle management, allows modi-fication of VNF parameters, and modification of VNF inter-connection. These are complex endeavours, mainly becauseVNF’s requirements and constrains need to be satisfied simul-taneously on top of a very dynamic environment. These tasksare performed by the NS and Resource Orchestration functions(NSO and RO, respectively) inside NFVO. Capabilities ofeach function are exposed via standard interfaces consumedby other elements of the NFV MANO.

2) VNF Manager: VNF Manager is responsible for thecreation and management of the needed virtualized resourcesfor the VNF, as well as the traditional Fault, Configuration, Ac-counting, Performance, and Security Management (FCAPS).VNF Manager’s functions make sure requirements are met atinstantiation time. Furthermore, they maintain the virtualizedresources that support the VNF functionality without inter-fering with its logical functions. Like NFVO, VNF Managerfunctions are exposed through APIs to other MANO functions.

3) VIM: NFVI defines two administrative domains: the In-frastructure and Tenant domains. The former contemplates thephysical infrastructure upon which virtualization is performed.The latter makes use of virtualized resources to spawn VNFsand create NSs. A VIM lies in the Infrastructure Domain. Ittakes care of abstracting the physical resources of the NFVIand making them available as virtual resources for VNFs. Italso enables communication with external SDN controllers inorder to provide virtual or physical network resources to NSs.

D. Field LayerField layer is responsible for hosting all types of IoT

devices such as sensors and actuators as well as IoT gatewaywhich provides common way for communication and ensuresenforcement of SPDI patterns in this layer. Generic gatewaycomponents are capable to work with any set of IoT deviceswhat ensures ability to deliver diverse use cases in varioussectors.

1) Semantic API & Protocol Binding: This componentexposes the brownfield devices in a common IoT accesslayer and will be based on W3C Web of Things (WoT)building blocks, i.e., the Thing Description, Binding Templatesand the WoT Scripting API. The Thing Description will beused to semantically describe field device resources, theirinterfaces, security meta-data, etc. Reuse and extention ofexisting semantics to provide a semantic integration into IoTsemantic models is planned. The WoT Scripting API exposesThings (field devices) that have been integrated over BindingTemplates and described with Thing Descriptions. It providesuniform standardized access to Things and their data.

2) Security Manager: In the gateway serves as local fron-tend for the Security Manager at the backend layer. Its twomain purposes are: (1) facilitating authentication of sensorsand actuators towards SEMIoTICS, and (2) enforcing securitypolicy decisions locally. Sensors and actuators in many caseswill be connected to the gateway using low-level protocols andtechnologies such as MQTT, Bluetooth, etc.; in these cases itsimplifies authentication if the gateway contains its own SM.

3) Gateway Semantic Mediator: Gateway Semantic Me-diator realizes a common semantic access layer betweenbrownfield devices and new IoT devices. It maps and inte-grates semantics from existing brownfield devices into IoTor IIoT application semantics. Thus, it enables the discoveryof Things representing the legacy applications, so to allowfor the definition of their interactions in the Recipe Cooker.To realize the semantic mediation of legacy devices, themediator must provide a mapping knowledge ( KnowledgePacks) to map particular brownfield semantic standard intoanother IIoT standard (e.g. W3C Thing Description formatserialized to JSON-LD [3]). SEMIoTICS IoT Gateway iscapable of installing and extending the current mappings withnew modular Knowledge Packs and thus enable integration ofarbitrary field devices into a harmonized IoT access layer. Thesemantically enriched models are then made accessible over alocal and backend semantic repository.

4) Gateway Monitoring: The SEMIoTICS monitoringmodule in the gateway provides: (1) generation of specificmessages in response to the reception of a set of messagesgenerated by IoT application components and matching somecondition specified by a client application (monitoring re-quirement); (2) guarantee that the messages needed to de-cide whether to generate a message can be produced by anIoT application and received by the monitoring component(observability property). Monitoring module will allow theexecution of some of the monitoring tasks close to the fielddevices and it’s aggregation of the low level events. Deliveryonly aggregated results to backend monitoring module reducesnumber of transmissions and saves resources (i.e. energy,bandwidth) which are scarce in edge nodes, e.g. a mobilephone.

5) Gateway Pattern Engine: Pattern Engine in the gatewayis able to host design patterns as per Pattern Orchestrationlocated in the backend layer. Due to gateway capabilitylimitations, Pattern Engine will host patterns in an executable

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form compared to the pattern rules as provided in the otherlayers. Hence it will guarantee SPDI properties locally basedon the data retrieved and processed by the Monitoring module,the Thing Directory in the IoT gateway and based on theinteraction with other components in the field layer. Finally,the Pattern Engine in gateway will store the executable patternslocally and will be updated by the pattern orchestrator onrequest.

6) Local Embedded Intelligence: Local Embedded Intelli-gence is component able to (i) execute a use case specificapplication logic (ii) rely on at least one of the servicesprovided by the SEMIoTICS platform and (iii) deployed on afield device. The Controller on board of the Robotic Rollatorpart of the SARA UC is an example of Local EmbeddedIntelligence since: (i) it addresses a requirements specific ofthe UC (i.e. to power the hub wheels in order to balance theuser’s weight) (ii) relies on the Semantic Mediator to discoverhow to address the hub wheels available on the specific rollator(iii) is deployed on the Single Board Computer (SBC) (i.e. aRaspberry Pi 3) of a Robotic Rollator.

7) Local Thing Directory: The local repository of knowl-edge containing necessary Thing models. The purpose is tostore semantic description of Things locally in the GenericIoT Gateway. Semantic Mediator will allow providing thesedescriptions in accordance to W3C WoT standard in order to verify if specific Thing shall beused for a new Edge application development. However, notonly humans but software components or machines may queryLocal Thing Directory too, e.g., when automatically generatinga user interface for a Thing or matching Recipe requirementswith capabilities of Things. The component keeps all semanticmeta-data up to date (device capabilities, configuration param-eters of devices, contextual information (e.g., location, featureof interest etc.) and will be synchronized with the ThingDirectory running in the Backend.

E. External IoT Platforms

SEMIoTICS will interface third party IoT platforms, mostnotably FIWARE. In FIWARE, the Orion Context Broker,which keeps track of the sensor and actuator Context Informa-tion, will be be federated with the SEMIoTICS architecture.FIWARE leverages the NGSIv2 Data Model and API, whichrelies on JSON representation to make data from multipleproviders accessible for data consumers. The interaction withboth data providers and data consumers is taking place viathe FIWARE NGSI 10 context data API. SEMIoTICS willleverage this API for context queries, context subscription andcontext updates to interact with the respective context elements(i.e., sensors and actuators) in the FIWARE domain and addthem at the local SEMIoTICS Thing Directory.


This section showcases the demonstration scenarios (usecases) to be presented within SEMIoTICS framework. Eachuse case is described from the perspective of the generic

Figure 3. Use Case 1 in SEMIoTICS architecture

SEMIoTICS architecture with special focus on showing speci-ficity of each use case and how dedicated components areleveraged in order to be follow generic architectural guidelines.

A. Use Case 1 - Wind Energy

State of the art wind turbine controllers in wind park controldomain are embedded, highly integrated control systems,requiring rigorous development and pre-qualification prior todeployment. Adding new sensors, actuators and associatedfeatures may require years of testing and integration beforeintroduction in field operations. Use Case 1 (3 portrays howSEMIoTICS IIoT integration can benefit the wind park controldomain. Currently, O& M personnel in a remote control centerneeds to monitor the inclination of the steel towers on anumber of specific wind farms to prevent the deformation andfatigue of the steel. SEMIoTICS will apply localized edgeanalytics: only the data container containing the algorithm andresult of the inclination calculation is transferred between thewind turbine and the remote control center; measurements canbe done more frequently than currently. Thus, unnecessarytraffic between turbines and remote control center is reducedand abnormalities are detected more quickly.

B. Use Case 2 - e-Health

This use case employs the SEMIoTICS technologies todevelop a solution aimed at sustained independence and pre-served quality of life for elders with Mild Cognitive Impair-ment or mild Alzheimer’s disease, with the overall goal ofdelaying institutionalization: supporting both ’aging in place’(individuals remain in the home of choice as long as possible)and ’community care’ (long-term care within the communityrather than in hospitals or institutions). The SARA UC design

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Figure 4. Use Case 2 in SEMIoTICS architecture

envisages two groups of modules: cloud modules and fieldmodules. In this design the SEMIoTICS Framework will offerthe services (e.g. networking, monitoring, security) facilitatingthe integration of the modules belonging to the two groups.Figure 4 shows the main software modules envisaged in thepreliminary design for the SARA UC.

C. Use Case 3 - Smart Sensing

In contrast to the local-based solutions, the major weak-ness of cloud-based solutions is that they are less scalable,centralized, responsive and rely on permanent connectivity.The Intelligent Heterogeneous Embedded Sensors (IHES) usecase aims to demonstrate the advantages of performing localembedded intelligence of data processing very close to sensorlevel, and that distributed data event detection and sensorclustering is a key aspect for massive system scalability. SinceUC3 is a horizontal use case, the main objective of this usecase is to show how the technology in development withinSEMIoTICS could possibly trigger alerts in advance, so tosend alarms to the population and prevent the occurrenceof tragedies like the ones mentioned above. Two differentscenarios have been identified of a relevance for demonstratingUC3 on SEMIoTICS i) Local vs Global anomalies and ii)Causal discovery and inference. These identified scenarioswill be demonstrated in a convenient laboratory deploying byemulating them in order to effectively demonstrate interactionwith components from SEMIoTICS ecosystem (Thus demon-strating the pattern driven flow from local intelligent nodes,to IoT gateway up to SEMIoTICS network and backend/cloudinfrastructure) Figure 5.

Figure 5. Use Case 3 in SEMIoTICS architecture


In this work, we described the SEMIoTICS architecturalframework, which addresses the complicated requirementsof IoT/IIoT applications such as security, privacy, depend-ability and interoperability. We clarify the core mechanismsof the SEMIoTICS framework and present their mappingto the architecture structure. The functional components ofthe proposed architecture are illustrated in detail. Finally,the representation of use case scenarios are described andpresented in the SEMIoTICS Framework.


This work has received funding from the European UnionsHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grantagreement No. 780315 (SEMIoTICS).


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Authorized licensed use limited to: Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH). Downloaded on September 07,2020 at 11:45:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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