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Page 1: Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns … OpioidBenzo Submission...Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Fall-Related Mortality, New Mexico, 2007-2012 .

Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Fall-Related Mortality, New

Mexico, 2007-2012

James W. Davis, M.A.1, Laura E. Tomedi, Ph.D., M.P.H.1, Luigi F. Garcia Saavedra, M.P.H.1,

Glenda Hubbard, M.P.H.1, Michael Landen, M.D. M.P.H.1

Author Affiliation:

1. Epidemiology and Response Division, New Mexico Department of Health, Santa Fe, New


Conflict of interest: None of the authors have relevant financial disclosures or conflicts of

interest. All five authors conducted this work while employees of the New Mexico Department

of Health.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to:

James W. Davis, M.A.

1190 St. Francis Dr. N1105

PO Box 26110

Santa Fe, NM 87502

Telephone: 505-827-5424

E-mail: [email protected]

Running title: prescribing patterns and fall deaths

Key words: falls, opioids, benzodiazepines,

Word Count = 2,906; Tables = 3;


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Importance: Falls are the leading cause of injury death among adults ≥ 65 years. Opioid and

sedative-hypnotic use increases risk of fall death.

Objective: To determine the association between opioid and sedative-hypnotic prescribing

patterns and risk of fall death.

Design: Population-based matched case-control study.

Setting: New Mexico (NM) resident population, 2007-2012.

Participants: Cases were all fall deaths in NM, 2007-2012, age ≥ 65 years, who filled a

controlled substance prescription drug (CSPD) in the year prior to the fatal injury date (n=869).

For each case, 4 controls, age ≥ 65 years, who filled a CSPD in the year prior to the matched

case’s date of injury were randomly selected from the NM Prescription Monitoring Program

(PMP), which registers all CSPD prescriptions (n=3,476).

Exposure: Dose of opioids (Morphine Milligram Equivalent [MME]); dose of sedative-

hypnotics (Valium Milligram Equivalents [VME]); concurrent opioid/sedative-hypnotic

prescriptions; obtaining CSPD from multiple prescribers and/or pharmacies; chronic (≥ 90%

coverage for time period) use of opioids; and chronic use of sedative-hypnotics. Duration of use

was assessed at 1, 2, 6, and 12 months before injury.

Main Outcome and Measure: Fall injury death.

Results: In logistic regression analysis controlling for age and sex, the following patterns were

associated with increased risk of fall death: opioid use in the month preceding injury (>120 vs. 0

MME/day, odds ratio [OR], 4.13 [95% CI, 1.88-6.27]; P < 0.001), sedative-hypnotic use in the

month preceding injury (>20 vs. 0 VME/day, OR, 3.05 [95% CI, 1.92-4.84]; P < 0.001), and

filling CSPD at >3 pharmacies (OR, 3.83 [95% CI, 2.15-6.85]; P < 0.001). Chronic use of


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opioids (OR, 0.44 [95% CI, 0.28-0.72]; P = 0.001) and sedative-hypnotics (OR, 0.58 [95% CI,

0.37-0.89]; P = 0.014) in the 6 months preceding injury was associated with a lower risk of fall

death. Concurrent prescriptions, multiple prescribers, and longer durations of use were no longer

associated after these terms were added to the model.

Conclusions and Relevance: Short duration use of opioids and sedative-hypnotics (especially at

high doses) and using >3 pharmacies are strongly associated with risk of fall death in older

patients. Judicious prescribing and increasing use of statewide PMPs for older patients may be



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Unintentional falls are the leading cause of injury death among people aged ≥ 65 years in the

United States and have increased by 38% from 2004 to 2013.1 Falls occur in 30-60% of older

adults each year and can result in fractures, lacerations, hospitalization, premature nursing home

placement, and death.2

Although falls among older adults are common, fall injuries and their sequelae are not a normal

part of aging. There are a number of best practices that providers can follow to prevent falls in

high risk patients, including minimization of medications.3 A number of medications, including

sedative-hypnotics (e.g. diazepam, alprazolam) and opioids (e.g. fentanyl, oxycodone) can

increase fracture risk in older adults.4-9 There is also limited evidence suggesting that concurrent

opioid and sedative-hypnotic use may be associated with risk of fracture among adults aged ≥

65.10 Opioids and sedative-hypnotics can cause sedation, dizziness, and impaired coordination,

increasing the risk of a fall.11,12 Chronic use of opioids may also interfere with bone and joint

health, increasing risk for osteoporosis and fracture in older adults.13

Healthcare providers have limited information with which to weigh the benefit of these

medications against the risk of serious harm resulting from drug side effects. Because

toxicological testing is seldom performed in cases of fall death, the extent to which prescription

drug use may have contributed to fall-related deaths cannot be derived from medical examiner

data alone.


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In response to the sharp increase in prescription drug overdose deaths nationwide, 49 of 50 states

established prescription drug monitoring programs (PMP), which allow providers to review

patients’ prescription history. While PMPs are largely used to prevent prescription drug

overdose, reviewing patients’ prescription history may also prove useful for understanding and

preventing other controlled substance prescription drugs (CSPD)-related conditions, such as fall


In 2009-2013, NM had one of the highest fall death rates among people aged ≥ 65 years (93.5

deaths per 100,000 people) in the nation, a rate approximately 70% higher than the national rate

of 53.8 deaths per 100,000 people. NM also has a centralized medical investigator system that

provides consistent data on injury death, and a mandatory PMP that includes all CSPD. The

combination of death data and prescription data provides a basis for investigating the association

between opioid and sedative-hypnotic usage patterns and fall-related death.

The objective of this study was to determine whether patterns of opioid and sedative-hypnotic

prescribing (long term use of opioids or sedative-hypnotics, high doses of opioids or sedative-

hypnotics, concurrent use of opioids and sedative-hypnotics, and obtaining CSPD from multiple

prescribers and/or pharmacies) were associated with fatal falls among older adults in NM. These

patterns among individuals with CSPD prescriptions who died from a fall (cases) were compared

to individuals with CSPD prescriptions who did not die of a fall (controls) using a population-

based case-control study among people aged ≥ 65 years.


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Study Population and aggregation of prescription history

Death certificate data for 2007-2012 from the New Mexico Department of Health, Bureau of

Vital Records and Health Statistics was used to identify deaths resulting from falls among people

aged ≥ 65 years. Fall deaths were defined using underlying cause of death codes W00-W19 from

the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health

Problems (ICD-10). Prescription history data was extracted from the New Mexico PMP for years

2006-2012. All controlled substance prescriptions (schedule II-IV) filled by outpatient

pharmacies are required to be reported to the PMP, which is a program of the New Mexico

Board of Pharmacy.

Death data were linked to PMP data using The Link King software14 using first name, last name,

middle initial, date of birth, gender, and zip code. Cases were defined as NM residents aged ≥ 65

years, who died of a fall injury, and who had at least one CSPD prescription in the 12 months

prior to the date of the fall injury. Four controls were randomly selected without replacement

from the PMP for each case. Each control was a NM resident, aged ≥ 65 years, with at least one

CSPD prescription in the 12 months prior to the date of injury of the matched case. No other

matching variables were used. Records with an age > 95 years were recoded to 95 years (n = 98).

The date of the fall injury that led to death, listed on the death certificate, was used as the index

date for analysis. Prescriptions filled before the date of fall injury listed on the death certificate

for cases were included, prescriptions filled after the date of injury on the death certificate were

excluded, and prescriptions that included the date of injury in their time span were prorated

based on the proportion of the span that was prior to the date of injury. Date of death was used as


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a proxy when date of injury was not recorded on the death certificate. The date of injury of the

matched case was used for controls. For both cases and controls, a prescription history was

created that aggregated prescriptions by drug type (opioids and sedative-hypnotics) in time

periods of one, two, six, and twelve months prior to the date of injury. Sedative-hypnotics

included benzodiazepine-like Z-drugs (e.g., zolpidem) and benzodiazepines. Morphine milligram

equivalents (MME) were computed for each opioid prescription. Because opioids vary in

strength, a total dose in MME can be used to generate consistent and comparable estimates of the

total dose15 across opioids of different strengths. Similarly, we computed valium milligram

equivalents (VME) for sedative-hypnotic CSPD16. The number of prescribers and the number of

pharmacies providing any CSPD to patients in the year before the date of injury was also


Statistical methods

Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the independent associations between

prescription patterns and fall death among patients receiving CSPD. The following prescription

patterns were assessed: opioid dose (MME per day covered by prescription [prescription day]);

sedative-hypnotic dose (VME/prescription day); concurrent opioid/sedative-hypnotic

prescription (% of days with an opioid prescription where patient also had a sedative-hypnotic

prescription); number of prescribers (number of health care providers who wrote a prescription

for CSPD that was filled); number of pharmacies (number of pharmacies where the patients has

filled prescriptions for CSPD); chronic use of opioids (patient had enough opioid prescriptions to

cover ≥ 90% of the time period); and chronic use of sedative-hypnotics (patient had enough

sedative-hypnotic prescriptions to cover ≥ 90% of the time period). Prescription patterns were


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assessed in the following time periods: 1 month, 2 months, 6 months and 1 year. Locally

weighted regression was used to assess linearity between prescription indicators and probability

of death due to fall injury. We hypothesized that age and gender modified the relationship

between specific prescription patterns and fall death. Therefore cases and controls were not

matched on age or gender and assessed interaction terms for: 1) age by dose of opioids and

sedative-hypnotics, 2) gender by dose of opioids and sedative-hypnotics, and age by sex by

number of pharmacies.

Regression models were constructed by adding independent variables of interest (prescription

patterns) to a base model containing age and gender. Akaike's information criterion (AIC) was

used to determine if a model was an improvement on the prior model. When the difference

between categories of an independent variable was slight, categories were collapsed. Sensitivity

analyses were performed when collapsing categories by adjusting the values that defined the

categories. Data management and analysis were done in SAS 9.3 ®.


In 2007-2012, there were a total of 1,513 fall deaths among NM residents aged ≥ 65 years, of

which 869 (57%) had controlled substance prescriptions filled in the year preceding their fall

injury. These 869 were selected as cases. Cases were more likely to be female than fall deaths

overall, but the age distribution of cases was not appreciably different from that of all fall deaths

(Table 1). A total of 3,476 controls were selected from 282,361 eligible people in the PMP.

Gender distributions for the cases and controls were identical, and controls were younger than

cases (Table 1).


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Prescription patterns among cases and controls were assessed at one, two, six, and twelve months

prior to the date of injury (Table 2). Cases were more likely than controls to have had opioid

prescriptions filled in the month before their injury, and tended to have had higher doses

prescribed. Cases were 1.6 times as likely as controls to have filled low dose (40 MME/day)

opioid prescriptions and four times as likely to have very high dose (>200 MME/day)

prescriptions. Prescribing patterns for sedative-hypnotics were similar. Cases were 1.3 times

more likely than controls to have doses up to 20 VME/day, and 2.6 times as likely to have doses

over 60 VME/day. Cases were also more likely to have been prescribed sedative-hypnotics in

combination with opioids, to have had multiple prescribers, and to have had their prescriptions

filled at multiple pharmacies.

The final model contained terms for age, gender, average MME/day of opioids in the month

prior to injury, average VME/day of sedative-hypnotics in the month prior to injury, chronic use

of opioids in the six months prior to injury, chronic use of sedative-hypnotics in the six months

prior to injury, and number of pharmacies in the year prior to injury. The maximum-adjusted R-

square for the model was 0.41. The three interaction terms tested were non-significant.

Doses of opioids up to 120 MME/day increased the odds of a fall death by roughly 1.6 times

(OR=1.6), and higher doses by more than four times (OR=4.2) (Table 3). Sensitivity analyses

were conducted by collapsing dosage categories and no improvement in model fit was found for

values lower or higher than 120 MME/day. Similar to opioids, doses of sedative-hypnotics up to

20 VME/day increased the odds of a fall death by about 50% (OR=1.5) and higher doses by three


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times (OR=3.1). Again, sensitivity analyses were conducted as categories were collapsed and a

cutoff of 20 VME/day provided the best model fit.

Chronic use of opioids in the six months prior to injury, defined as at least 90% of days having

prescription coverage (162/180 days), was approximately half as likely among cases as among

controls (OR=0.44) (Table 3). Similarly, chronic use of sedative-hypnotics in the six months

prior to injury was also about half as likely among cases as among controls (OR=0.58). In

contrast, new use, defined as use in the month prior to injury, but not in months 2-6 prior to

injury, did not have a strong effect. Also, chronic use for two months prior to injury did not have

a strong effect. Interaction terms between chronic use and other variables were tested but did not

contribute to the model.

Interaction terms between opioid doses and sedative-hypnotic doses were not statistically

significant. The effects of sedative-hypnotic doses on the risk of a fall-related death were similar

at all levels of opioid doses.

The odds of a fall death increased with the number of pharmacies used in the year prior to injury.

People who had filled controlled substance prescriptions at more than three pharmacies in the

past year had 3.8 times the odds of a fall death as those who had used only one pharmacy

(OR=3.8). The odds of a fall death did not increase with an increasing number of prescribers of

controlled substances.


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The burden of fall injuries among those aged ≥ 65 years is substantial and opportunities to

prevent these injuries, and subsequent deaths, may exist by changing prescribing practices. We

found that deaths from fall injuries among people aged ≥ 65 years were significantly associated

with high dose opioid prescriptions and high dose sedative-hypnotic prescriptions in the month

prior to the date of injury. For both, the association increased as the dose increased. Patients who

died of a fall injury were also significantly more likely to have filled prescriptions at multiple

pharmacies in the year prior to the date of injury than controls. These associations were assessed

using PMP data for a population receiving CSPDs and were independent of age and gender.

Other studies have found associations between fracture injuries and opioids11,17-19,

benzodiazepines12,20, and concomitant use of opioids and benzodiazepines.10 For example,

among adults aged ≥ 65 years, opioid doses ≥ 50 mg/day were associated with a twofold increase

in fracture risk19 and, among adults aged ≥ 65 years with arthritis, fracture risk was greater with

higher opioid dose17. We found a dose-response relationship between opioids and sedative-

hypnotics and fall death, a more severe health outcome than fall injury. The odds ratio increased

with dose, but was elevated even at lower, and relatively common, doses (>0-120 MME/day and

>0-20 VME/day). To place these estimates in the context of prescribing, a prescription for 10 mg

of oxycodone, 3 times per day, is equivalent to 45 MME/day and a prescription for 10 mg of

zolpidem, once per day, corresponds to 5 VME/day. Although people who died of fall injury had

significantly more average days with concurrent opioids and sedative-hypnotics prescriptions

than controls, the association was no longer significant after adjustment for total opioid and


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sedative-hypnotics dose. This suggests that although both sedative-hypnotics and opioids may

separately contribute to risk of fall death, the two drugs do not seem to have an interactive effect

in fall death, such as is observed in cases of drug overdose death.21

Two mechanisms have been suggested for how opioids and sedative-hypnotics, particularly

opioids, may increase a person’s risk of fracture. The first is that the increased risk is caused by

acute central nervous system effects such as sedation and dizziness. The second potential

mechanism is that the increased risk is caused by osteoporosis arising from chronic opioid-

induced hypogonadism22. Studies have also suggested that newly initiated use of opioids was

more strongly associated with fall injury than chronic use, particularly in younger

populations.11,22 A meta-analysis of benzodiazepine use and fracture risk also found that short-

acting benzodiazepines were strongly associated with fracture risk.12 The current use of opioids

or sedative-hypnotics, versus chronic use, appears to be a key risk factor. This increases the

evidence that sedation and dizziness may play a greater role in fall risk.

Two measures are typically used to assess multiple provider episodes: number of health care

providers who prescribed CSPD and number of pharmacies where the prescriptions were filled.

We assessed both measures, however, only the number of pharmacies was significant in the final

model. Although the prevalence of multiple provider episodes is increasing, older adults have

lower rates of multiple provider episodes than younger patients.23 We found a dose-response

relationship between number of pharmacies and death from fall injury, even after adjustment for

opioid and sedative-hypnotic dose. Although people who died of a fall injury were significantly

more likely to have received prescriptions from multiple providers than other CSPD patients, the


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relationship was not significant in the final model. Further study is needed to assess the nature of

this association. However, providers should be aware of prescriptions from other providers being

filled by their patients aged ≥ 65 years. Statewide PMPs can be an effective tool for providers to

ensure that a patient’s prescriptions are not being mismanaged.

There are several limitations that should be taken into consideration when reviewing the results

of this study. Although the PMP is a powerful database for tracking CSPD prescriptions, there is

no information on diagnosis or key demographic factors, such as race/ethnicity. Therefore, we

were neither able to control for underlying medical conditions, which may influence both fall

risk and controlled substance prescribing, nor for race/ethnicity. There are also no data on the

prior history of falls, nor is there information on functional status. The PMP contains only

controlled substance prescriptions, and there are a number of drugs that are not controlled

substances that have been implicated in falls.8,24,25 It was not possible to analyze the potential

interactions with those drugs. The PMP collects data on prescriptions filled; there is no

information about consumption or compliance with prescriber instructions. This was a

retrospective study, so causality cannot be inferred. Lastly, this study assessed deaths and CSPD

in New Mexico, and the results may not be generalizable to other states.

However, there are also a number of strengths that make this study an important contribution to

this field. PMPs have been used extensively in the study of drug overdose deaths, but this may be

the first time that PMP data have been used in the study of fall deaths. Both the PMP and the

state’s death records are large, population-based databases. This means that we were able to

assess every fall death that occurred in New Mexico during the time period, as opposed to a


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sample of deaths. The quality of data included in PMPs varies from state to state but in New

Mexico data entry is mandated, enforced, updated weekly, and regularly reviewed by both the

Board of Pharmacy and the Department of Health. The use of the PMP ensured that prescriptions

were filled before the date of injury and limited recall bias.

Death from fall injury is a major health issue. Prescribers should carefully consider the risks and

benefits of the use of opioids and sedative-hypnotics in patients aged ≥ 65 years, and use them

with great care. Lower doses entail less risk than higher doses, but any dose level carries some

risk of fall-related injury or death. Assessing prescription history using statewide PMPs in

patients who are at risk for fall may be warranted. Our findings highlight the importance of

judicious prescribing practices and their association with deaths from fall injuries.


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The authors thank the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy and the Bureau of Vital Records and

Health Statistics of the New Mexico Department of Health for providing the data for this study;

Toby Rosenblatt, MPA for reviewing the manuscript for content; and Mam Ibraheem, MD, PhD

for contributing to the initial design of the study.

Author contributions: Mr. Davis had full access to all the data in the study and takes full

responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Study concept and design: Landen, Davis, Tomedi

Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data: Davis, Tomedi, Garcia Saavedra

Drafting of the manuscript: Davis, Tomedi, Garcia Saavedra, Hubbard

Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All Authors

Statistical analysis: Davis

Study supervision: Tomedi, Landen

Conflict of interest disclosures: None of the authors have conflicts of interest.

Funding/Support: No external funding was involved in this study.


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Table 1. Age and gender distribution among people who had at least one controlled substance prescription filled in the year preceding a fatal fall injury (cases) and matched controls, New Mexico, 2007-2012

Characteristic Cases Controls

P Value (n = 869) (n = 3,476) Age Group, N (%) <0.001 65-69 41 (4.7%) 1,001 (28.8%) 70-74 67 (7.7%) 790 (22.7%) 75-79 108 (12.4%) 641 (18.4%) 80-84 172 (19.8%) 519 (14.9%) 85-89 229 (26.4%) 338 (9.7%) 90-94 172 (19.8%) 132 (3.8%) 95+ 80 (9.2%) 55 (1.6%) Gender, N (%) 1.000 Female 532 (61.2%) 2,128 (61.2%) Male 337 (38.8%) 1,348 (38.8%)


Page 20: Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns … OpioidBenzo Submission...Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Fall-Related Mortality, New Mexico, 2007-2012 .

Table 2. Prescription history distributions for fall deaths among people aged ≥ 65 years who had at least one controlled substance prescription filled in the year preceding a fatal fall injury (cases, n = 869) and matched controls (n = 3,476), New Mexico, 2007-2012

Opioid Dose (MME/Prescription Day)

1 Month b 2 Months b 6 Months b 1 Year a

Category Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls 0 528 (60.8%) 2770 (79.7%) 443 (51.0%) 2419 (69.6%) 280 (32.2%) 1570 (45.2%) 153 (17.6%) 787 (22.6%) >0-40 195 (22.4%) 471 (13.6%) 236 (27.2%) 686 (19.7%) 327 (37.6%) 1182 (34.0%) 419 (48.2%) 1659 (47.7%) >40-120 97 (11.2%) 195 (5.6%) 145 (16.7%) 307 (8.8%) 213 (24.5%) 604 (17.4%) 243 (28.0%) 851 (24.5%) >120-200 35 (4.0%) 25 (0.7%) 29 (3.3%) 36 (1.0%) 31 (3.6%) 71 (2.0%) 35 (4.0%) 114 (3.3%) >200 14 (1.6%) 15 (0.4%) 16 (1.8%) 28 (0.8%) 18 (2.1%) 49 (1.4%) 19 (2.2%) 65 (1.9%)

Sedative-hypnotic Dose (VME/Prescription Day)

1 Month b 2 Months b 6 Months b 1 Year b

Category Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls 0 569 (65.5%) 2665 (76.7%) 524 (60.3%) 2488 (71.6%) 453 (52.1%) 2117 (60.9%) 388 (44.7%) 1806 (52.0%) >0-20 233 (26.8%) 719 (20.7%) 254 (29.2%) 845 (24.3%) 306 (35.2%) 1117 (32.1%) 351 (40.4%) 1345 (38.7%) >20-60 56 (6.4%) 76 (2.2%) 80 (9.2%) 124 (3.6%) 97 (11.2%) 217 (6.2%) 120 (13.8%) 287 (8.3%) >60 11 (1.3%) 16 (0.5%) 11 (1.3%) 19 (0.6%) 13 (1.5%) 25 (0.7%) 10 (1.2%) 38 (1.1%)

Percent of Opioid Days with Concurrent Sedative-hypnotics

1 Month b 2 Months b 6 Months b 1 Year b

Category Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls None 753 (86.7%) 3249 (93.5%) 726 (83.5%) 3177 (91.4%) 663 (76.3%) 2987 (85.9%) 606 (69.7%) 2769 (79.7%) Up to 50% 39 (4.5%) 55 (1.6%) 55 (6.3%) 83 (2.4%) 87 (10.0%) 177 (5.1%) 128 (14.7%) 298 (8.6%) Over 50% 77 (8.9%) 172 (5.0%) 88 (10.1%) 216 (6.2%) 119 (13.7%) 312 (9.0%) 135 (15.5%) 409 (11.8%)

Number of Prescribers in Time Span

1 Month b 2 Months b 6 Months b 1 Year b

Number Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls 0 400 (46.0%) 2328 (67.0%) 286 (32.9%) 1851 (53.3%) 119 (13.7%) 829 (23.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 378 (43.5%) 1020 (29.3%) 421 (48.5%) 1353 (38.9%) 416 (47.9%) 1830 (52.7%) 408 (47.0%) 2039 (58.7%) 2 71 (8.2%) 112 (3.2%) 115 (13.2%) 217 (6.2%) 205 (23.6%) 567 (16.3%) 226 (26.0%) 874 (25.1%) 3 16 (1.8%) 15 (0.4%) 32 (3.7%) 40 (1.2%) 74 (8.5%) 166 (4.8%) 125 (14.4%) 315 (9.1%) >3 4 (0.5%) 1 (0.0%) 15 (1.7%) 15 (0.4%) 55 (6.3%) 84 (2.4%) 110 (12.7%) 248 (7.1%)

Number of Pharmacies in Time Span

1 Month b 2 Months b 6 Months b 1 Year b


Page 21: Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns … OpioidBenzo Submission...Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Fall-Related Mortality, New Mexico, 2007-2012 .

Category Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls 0 400 (46.0%) 2328 (67.0%) 286 (32.9%) 1851 (53.3%) 119 (13.7%) 829 (23.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 405 (46.6%) 1087 (31.3%) 467 (53.7%) 1492 (42.9%) 508 (58.5%) 2231 (64.2%) 538 (61.9%) 2711 (78.0%) 2 52 (6.0%) 59 (1.7%) 92 (10.6%) 124 (3.6%) 165 (19.0%) 345 (9.9%) 199 (22.9%) 578 (16.6%) 3 12 (1.4%) 2 (0.1%) 22 (2.5%) 8 (0.2%) 62 (7.1%) 64 (1.8%) 91 (10.5%) 152 (4.4%) >3 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.2%) 1 (0.0%) 15 (1.7%) 7 (0.2%) 41 (4.7%) 35 (1.0%)

Chronic Use of Opioids (At Least 90% of the Time Span)

1 Month a 2 Months a 6 Months 1 Year

Category Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls No 772 (88.8%) 3209 (92.3%) 803 (92.4%) 3281 (94.4%) 833 (95.9%) 3341 (96.1%) 837 (96.3%) 3368 (96.9%) Yes 97 (11.2%) 267 (7.7%) 66 (7.6%) 195 (5.6%) 36 (4.1%) 135 (3.9%) 32 (3.7%) 108 (3.1%)

Chronic Use of Sedative-hypnotics (At Least 90% of the Time Span)

1 Month 2 Months 6 Months 1 Year

Category Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls No 766 (88.2%) 3081 (88.6%) 794 (91.4%) 3165 (91.1%) 829 (95.4%) 3277 (94.3%) 836 (96.2%) 3311 (95.3%) Yes 103 (11.9%) 395 (11.4%) 75 (8.6%) 311 (9.0%) 40 (4.6%) 199 (5.7%) 33 (3.8%) 165 (4.8%) MME, Morphine Milligram Equivalent; VME, Valium Milligram Equivalent a P < .05 b P < .0001


Page 22: Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns … OpioidBenzo Submission...Sedative-hypnotic and Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Fall-Related Mortality, New Mexico, 2007-2012 .

Table 3. Adjusted odds ratios for fall deaths among people aged ≥ 65 years who had at least one controlled substance prescription filled in the year preceding their injury (cases) and matched controls, New Mexico, 2007-2012

Variable P-value Level Odds Ratio

Lower CI

Upper CI

Age in years <.0001 N/A 1.15 1.13 1.16

Sex 0.005 Male 1.31 1.08 1.58

Female ref Average MME/day, 1 month <.0001 >120 4.13 1.88 6.27

>0-120 1.61 1.25 2.07

0 ref Average VME/day, 1 month <.0001 >20 3.05 1.92 4.84

>0-20 1.54 1.22 1.95

0 ref Number of pharmacies, 1 year <.0001 >3 3.83 2.15 6.85

3 2.08 1.48 2.91

2 1.30 1.03 1.63

1 ref Chronic a use of opioids, 6 months 0.001 Yes 0.44 0.28 0.72

No ref

Chronic a use of sedative-hypnotics, 6 months 0.014 Yes 0.58 0.37 0.89

No ref

MME, Morphine Milligram Equivalent; VME, Valium Milligram Equivalent a Chronic use is defined as obtaining prescriptions that will cover ≥ 90% of time span


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