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Zion Shall Not Be Moved

Zion Shall Not Be MovedSections 103, 105July-December 1833Mobs demand that the Saints leave MissouriAttacks occurThe Saints begin to move north from Jackson County to Clay County, Missouri

When the Lord spoke to Joseph, instructing him to counsel the people to consecrate their possessions, and deed them over to the Church in a covenant that cannot be broken, would the people listen to it? No, but they began to find out they were mistaken, and had only acknowledged with their mouths that the things which they possessed were the LordsJournal of Discourses, 2:305-06


Section 103Why were the saints driven from Jackson County, Missouri?Partly to chasten them for covetousness and feigned words (103:4)Partly because the mob was composed of free agents who chose to persecute the saints, and the Lord suffered them thus far to make them accountable for their actions (103:3)

During the first week of November 1833, the Saints in Jackson County, Missouri, were driven from their homes and forced across the Missouri River into Clay County, where they were received with some degree of kindness. Elder ParleyP. Pratt gave the following account of subsequent events:After making our escape into the county of Claybeing reduced to the lowest povertyI made a living by day labor, jobbing, building, or wood cutting, till some time in the winter of 1834, when a general Conference was held at my house, in which it was decided that two of the Elders should be sent to Ohio, in order to counsel with President Smith and the Church at Kirtland, and take some measures for the relief or restoration of the people thus plundered and driven from their homes. The question was put to the Conference: Who would volunteer to perform so great a journey?The poverty of all, and the inclement season of the year made all hesitate. At length Lyman Wight and myself offered our services, which were readily accepted. I was at this time entirely destitute of proper clothing for the journey; and I had neither horse, saddle, bridle, money nor provisions to take with me; or to leave with my wife, who lay sick and helpless most of the time.Under these circumstances I knew not what to do. Nearly all had been robbed and plundered, and all were poor. As we had to start without delay, I almost trembled at the undertaking; it seemed to be all but an impossibility; but to him that believeth all things are possible.... We were soon ready, and on the first of February we mounted our horses, and started in good cheer to ride one thousand or fifteen hundred miles through a wilderness country. We had not one cent of money in our pockets on starting.We travelled every day, whether through storm or sunshine, mud, rain or snow; except when our public duties called us to tarry. We arrived in Kirtland early in the spring, all safe and sound; we had lacked for nothing on the road, and now had plenty of funds in hand. President Joseph Smith and the Church in Kirtland received us with a hospitality and joy unknown except among the Saints; and much interest was felt there, as well as elsewhere, on the subject of our persecution. (Autobiography of ParleyP. Pratt,pp.1079.)

5IFSaints hearken from this very hour unto the counsel which I, the Lord their God shall give unto them (5)THENThey shall prevail against enemies (6-7)IFThe saints hearken not to observe all my words (8)THENBabylon will prevail against them (9)Go Up to the Land of ZionBehold, I say unto you, the redemption of Zion must needs come by power D&C 103:15

A Moses-like manto lead an army of Israel

Let no man be afraid to lay down his life for my sake D&C 103:27

Gather the army of Israel to go up unto the land of Zion D&C 103:30

Behold this is my will; ask and ye shall receive; but men do not always do my will D&C 103:31Revelation to Zions CampSection 105 24 June 1834 Fishing River, Missouri

After Meeting with the High Council in Kirtland on February 24, 1834, the Prophet stated that he intended to go to Zion to assist in redeeming it. The Lord instructed him to have at least 100 men (D&C 103). By the time Joseph arrived in Fishing River, Missouri on 19 June 1834 he had 205 members of what became known as Zions Camp. They had marched 1,000 miles to Clay County, Missouri.A Journey of a 1,000 MilesThe 229 members of Zions camp averaged 35 miles per day throughout the summer of 1834 (men, women, children)Like Lehis trek through the wilderness, their trip was marked by many going and doing what the Lord commanded, while others murmuredAlong the way Gov. Dunklin of Missouri, who had promised militia, withdrew his supportJoseph warned that the Lord would not be inclined to help those who murmurZions CampIn Section 105 the Lord spoke of the importance of preparation to the establishment of Zion:

The Lord wanted ~1. His leaders to be prepared (see vv.910).2. The Saints to be taught more perfectly what He requires of them (see v.10).3. The Saints to gain experience (see v.10). No one can know the things of God without doing them (see John 7:17).4. The Saints to know their duty more perfectly (see D&C 105:10).5. The Saints to be endowed with power from on high (see v.11).6. The Saints to be faithful, enduring in humility to the end (see v.12).

Plagues to Try ThemCholera: Brother Joseph called the camp together, and told us that in consequence of the disobedience of some who had not been willing to listen to his words, but had been rebellious, God had decreed that sickness should come upon us, and we should die like sheep with the rot; and said he, "I am sorry, but I cannot help it." When he spoke these things it pierced me like a dart, having a testimony that so it would be. In the afternoon of this day, we began to receive the revelation known as the "Fishing River revelation.Journal of Heber C. Kimball

Heber C. KimballThe mob came to the river, two miles from us; and the river had risen to that height that they were obliged to stop without crossing over. The hail fell so heavy upon them that it beat holes in their hats, and in some instances even broke the stocks off their guns; their horses being frightened fled leaving the riders on the ground, their powder was wet and it was evident the Almighty fought in our defense. This night the river raised forty feet.

On the 21st, Colonel Searcy and two other leading men from Ray county, came to see us, desiring to know what our intentions were; for said he, "I see that there is an Almighty power that protects this people, for I started from Richmond, Ray county, with a company of armed men having a fixed determination to destroy you, but was kept back by the storm and was not able to reach you."

When he came into the camp he was seized with such a trembling, that he was obliged to sit down in order to compose himself. When he desired to know what our intentions were, Brother Joseph arose and began to speak and the power of God rested upon him. . . .

Fishing River RevelationOn the 23rd of June [1834], Brother Joseph received a revelation [D&C 105]. . . saying that the Lord had accepted our offering, even as he accepted that of Abraham therefore he had a great blessing laid up in store for us, and an endowment for all, and those who had families might return home, and those who had no families should tarry until the Lord said they should go.Journal of Heber C. Kimball

Called to SacrificeZions Camp was disbanded.

God did not want you to fight. He could not organize his kingdom with twelve men to open the gospel door to the nations of the earth . . . unless he took them from a body of men who had offered their lives, and who had made as great a sacrifice as did Abraham.Joseph Smith, HC 2:182

The Trial of FaithAlthough the avowed purpose of the camp (to reinstate the Saints to their lands in Zion) was not realized, it was not an exercise in futility, but rather served as the forge in which the Lord tempered the steel of many of his early leaders, including the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Zions Camp was disbanded on June24, 1834. It had furnished the know-how and experience which made possible the subsequent exodus of more than 20,000 men, women, and children from Nauvoo to the Rocky Mountains, and prepared leaders for the great exodus. It also provided a proving groundsome 1,000 miles of itfor the future Church leaders.

This is evidenced by the fact that when the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was searched out by the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon, [most of those] chosen had been members of Zions Camp. These men had demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice everything, even life itself, when commanded by the Lord. The First Quorum of the Seventy was likewise made up of the men who followed the Prophet to Missouri in Zions Camp. (Elder DelbertL. Stapley ) The Importance of Church History, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [Provo, 15Apr. 1970], p.3.)

A Proving Ground Elder DelbertL. Stapley said: Zions Camp was disbanded on June24, 1834.It had furnished the know-how and experience which made possible the subsequent exodus of more than 20,000 men, women, and children from Nauvoo to the Rocky Mountains, and prepared leaders for the great exodus. It also provided a proving groundsome 1,000 miles of itfor the future Church leaders. This is evidenced by the fact that when the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was searched out by the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon, [most of those] chosen had been members of Zions Camp. These men had demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice everything, even life itself, when commanded by the Lord. The First Quorum of the Seventy was likewise made up of the men who followed the Prophet to Missouri in Zions Camp. (The Importance of Church History,Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [Provo, 15Apr. 1970], p.3.)

The Quorum of the Twelve ApostlesSummaryThe Saints today await the Lords instructions concerning the redemption of the City of Zion. Until that time, our responsibility is to establish and build up stakes of Zion among every nation, kindred, tongue, and people so that the whole earth can receive the blessings of the Holy City.McConkie & Ostler, Revelations of the Restoration, 780

"He will lift up an ensign unto the nations. . . . He lifteth up an ensign on the mountains." (Isa 5:26; 18:3)."On 26 July 1847, just two days after Brigham Young arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, he and others ascended a dome-shaped hill north of the present Utah State Capitol building. He had seen this prominent peak in a vision. As President Young raised a flag, he also symbolically lifted the "ensign to all nations," inviting them to gather to Zion. ~Joseph F. Smith, Encyclopedia of LDS HistoryReturn to Zion in the Future

When arriving in Salt Lake Valley Brigham Young expressed his thoughts frankly with the church leaders:" I know that this is the spot, we were led by the Lord to it. We have come here according to the suggestion and direction of Joseph Smith. I knew this spot as soon as I saw it. Up there on that table groundwe shall erect the Standard of Freedom... Joseph Smith and myself had both seen this place years ago and that is why we are here.Thought Question: Are you ready to march for the cause of Zion?

These val;eys have safeguarded the little church and allowed it to grow. At some point when we are sanctified, we will most likely be led back to reclaim Zion by a prophet, a modern Moses. 22

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