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Page 1: Section 1 Guided Reading and Revie · 3 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review An Era of Exploration A. As You Read Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your

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3 Section 1 Guided Reading and ReviewAn Era of Exploration

A. As You Read

Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your textbook. Fill in themissing causes and effects.

Vikings left behind detailed recordsof their voyages.

Spain wanted a share of the Asianspice trade.

Columbus returned to Spain withexotic gifts such as parrots and pearls.

Europeans brought the first horsesto North America.

3. f,70f! iT 2-

Contact with the Europeans wipedout much of the Taino population ofthe West Indies.

Europeans learned the true size ofthe Earth.

6. P, 71 fl'~

B. Reviewing Key PeopleDirections: Identify each of the following people. Include the country or region forwhich each sailed and the areas each explored, claimed, and/or settled.

7. Leif Ericson

8. Christopher Columbus

9. VascoNufiezde Balboa

10. Ferdinand Magellan

Guided Reading and Review Chapter 3 25

Page 2: Section 1 Guided Reading and Revie · 3 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review An Era of Exploration A. As You Read Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your

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3 Section 1 Quiz 1lIIgi.-;;:-=.-

An Era of Exploration (pages 68-72) *Reviewing Key TermsFrom the box below, choose the term that best completes each sentence. Write the termin the space provided.

(j) colony<b)turning point

(])circumnavigate@Columbian Exchange

____.LThe first-voyage of Columbus marked a in the history of theTainos; within one hundred years of his arrival, they were virtually wiped out:

2. Cultures of the Westem and Eastern hemispheres were permanently affected by the

3. Columbus established the first Spanish on the island ofHispaniola.

4. Only one ship from Magellan's expedition returned to Spain in 1522, but it was the

first to the globe.

Understanding the Main IdeasAnswer the fa-llowingquestions in the space provided.

1. What was the lasting impact of Christopher Columbus's voyages to America?

2. How did Vasco NUiiez de Balboa and Ferdinand Magellan contribute to crossing thePacific Ocean?

3. What aspects of European life were influenced by encounters with Native Americancultures?

4. How was Native American life changed by the arrival of Europeans?

5. What peoples may have made early voyages to the Americas?

42 Unit 1 / Chapter 3 Section 1 Quiz

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Section 2 Guided Reading and ReviewSpain Builds an Empire

A. As You Read

Directions: As you read Section 2 in your textbook, answer each of the following questions.

1. What motivated the Spanish conquistadors to sail to the Americas? f. 74- 17 /

2. How were Cortes and Pizarro able to conquer the Aztecs and Incas? f: 7~ff7rf 8'/flt; /l.

3. What became of Nvar NUiiez Cabeza de Vaca? ~f~?'",-b---,-ff,-,,-s-_if-,b::;.....-. _

4. Why did Spaniards, such as De Soto and Coronado, fail to settle North America?

P 77113

5. How did the king of Spain arrange for his new lands to be settled? t:. 77/? 1r/-S-

6. vVhat were the four social classes in the Spanish colonies of North America?

f. 7fJl14;)b. 7/ /

7. Why did the Spaniards begin the Atlantic slave trade? f~ 77 ff£ / /.~O 17i if" 2­(

B. Reviewing Key TermsDirections: Define the following terms.

8. conquistador

9. pueblo

10. presidio

11. mission

12. creole

13. mestizo

14. encomienda

26 Chapter 3 Guided Reading and Review

Page 4: Section 1 Guided Reading and Revie · 3 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review An Era of Exploration A. As You Read Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your

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3"mSection 2 Quiz 11JI~~=-Spain Builds an Empire (pages 74-80)

Reviewing Key People and TermsFrom the box below, choose the term that best fits each description. Write the letter oftheanswer in the space provided.

a. presidiob. missionc. conquistador

d. pueblose. encomienda

Ii' peninsulare

__ 1. Spanish word for conqueror

__ 2. towns in New Spain that were centers of farming and trade

__ "-3.--personborn in Spain who held high government jobs in New Spain

__ 4. land grant

__ 5. religious settlement run by Catholic priests and friars

_"_"_ 6. fort with high adobe walls where Spanish soldiers lived

Understanding the Main IdeasRead the following statements. If a statement is incorrect, place an X on the line next toits number. On the line following the statement, replace the underlined word to make thestatement correct.

__ 1. A code called the Laws of the Indies permitted three types of settlements in

New Spain: pueblos, presidios, and peninsulares. _

__ 2. Cortes defeated the Aztecs with the support of Indians they had conquered.

__ 3. Native Americans in New Spain lived under harsh conditions and were forced--.--- ...

to work on farms. _

__ 4. Bernal Diaz del Castillo captured and executed the emperor Atahualpa in

order to take over the Incan empire. _

__ 5. Spanish conquistadores explored the Spanish borderlands, land stretching

across the present-day United States from Florida to California.

__ 6. The mestizos and creoles suffered poverty, while peninsulares held high gov-

ernment positions and owned large tracts of land. _

Unit 1/ Chapter 3 Section 2 Quiz 43

Page 5: Section 1 Guided Reading and Revie · 3 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review An Era of Exploration A. As You Read Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your

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I!II~---=-.,.,---- ----­,...- -Section 3 Guided Reading and ReviewColonizing North America

A. As You ReadDirections: As you read Section 3 in your textbook, mark each statement true or false.Correct each false statement.

__ 1. John Cabot and a crew of English sailors thought they had discovered the

Northwest Passage. f. ~J '1?4- <7 S-__ 2. Giovanni da Verrazano sailed up the St. Lawrence River on a voyage spon-

sored by France. jJ, IN 11'b__ 3. Henry Hudson explored the Hudson River for the Dutch and the Hudson Bay

for the English. f.~'2- 7? If- Z

__ 4. Supporters of Queen Elizabeth I are called Protestants.

f:Y3 ff'z.__ 5. French explorer Jacques Cartier founded Port Royal and Quebec in Canada.

;:;,631? 6'

__ 6. The French bought Manhattan Island from the local Indians.

------ j7,g-s-11 'C-

__ 7. French and Dutch settlers in North America became rivals over the fur trade.

________ ;? fj)"ff 7 rI-'8'/ f'.,$' (. 171

B. Reviewing Key TermsDirections: Use each term correctly in a sentence about the early French and Dutchsettlement of North America.

8. Northwest Passage _

9. coureur de bois

10. missionary

11. alliance

Guided Reading and Review Chapter 3 27

Page 6: Section 1 Guided Reading and Revie · 3 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review An Era of Exploration A. As You Read Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your

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3 Section 3 QuizColonizing North America (pages 81-86)

Reviewing Key TermsFrom the boxbelow,choosethe term that best fits each description. Write the letter oftheanswer in the space provided.

a. Northwest Passageb. Protestant Reformationc. coureur de bois

d. alliancee. rmssIOnary

__ 1. agreement between nations to aid and protect each another

__ 2. waterway through or around North America

__ 3. person who traveled to new lands to win converts

__ 4. religious movement that caused a split in the church

__ 5. French colonists who lived and worked in the woods

Understanding the Main IdeasAnswer the following questions in the space provided.

1. Which countries besides Spain established colonies in North America?

2. Why did Europeans want to find a passage through North America?

3. In what ways did the Protestant Reformation affect relationships among Europeans?

4. How did the fur trade affect relations between New Netherland and New France?

5. Why did the French have friendlier relations with Native Americans than theSpanish did?

44 Unit 1 / Chapter 3 Section 3 Quiz

Page 7: Section 1 Guided Reading and Revie · 3 Section 1 Guided Reading and Review An Era of Exploration A. As You Read Directions: Complete the chart below as you read Section 1 in your

Name _ Class~ _ Date _CHAPTER

3 -~~~-----­~ -Section 4 Guided Reading and ReviewBuilding the Jamestown Colony

A. As You Read

Directions: As you read Section 4 in your textbook, complete each of the followingsentences.

1. When Thomas Gates landed in Virginia in 1610, he found _f,_~_7~17~'2...- _

2. Walter Raleigh sent John White to Roanoke in order to __P-.,...;, ~~7~f?~b~ _

3. The Virginia Company charter authorized ~f,~/_fi~8'-,rr'+_-'-4-'-f--S-----------

4. Captain John Smith was an effective leader because he _fJ,_frl__ J7_5 _

5. Jamestown began to prosper when the colonists _f?_'_o_-9~f?~~8'_· _

6. The Virginia House of Burgesses was important because _P_;_5_o~ff_3 _

B. Reviewing Key TermsDirections: Define the followingterms.7. charter

8. burgess

9. Magna Carta

10. Parliament

28 Chapter 3 Guided Reading and Review

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3 Section 4 Quiz I/II~~Building the Jamestown Colony (pages 87-91) *"

Reviewing Key TermsFrom the box below, choose the term that matches the underlined phrase. Write the let­ter of the answer in the space provided.

a. charterb. House of Burgesses

c. Magna Cartad. representative government

__ 1. Elected representatives in Jamestown met in an assembly.

__ 2. The VlIginia Company received a legal document giving certain rights to a personor company from King James I.

__ .3. English nobles forced King John to sign the document that stated that the kingof England could not raise taxes without first consulting a Great Council.

__ 4. The House of Burgesses defined the beginning of a system in which voters electrepresentatives to make laws for them in the English colonies.

Understanding the Main IdeasFrom the box below, choose the main idea that best fits each paragraph. Write the letterof the answer in the space provided.

a. The First English Colonyb. Survival in Jamestown

c. Representative Governmentd. New Arrivals

__ 1. Harsh laws and a military structure kept new settlers from joining the colony.The Virginia Company changed the colony's government. Male settlers gainedthe right to elect burgesses who met in assembly and made laws for the colony.

__ 2. Sir Walter Raleigh transported colonists to North America to establish a set­tlement called Roanoke. The colonists' food supply dwindled, and they hadconflicts with Native Americans. John White brought additional settlers.

__ 3. The first colonists were mostly men. Gradually more women were sent to thecolony by the Virginia Company. They survived the hardships, but life wasvery difficult. Africans were brought to the colony in its early years.

__ 4. The Virginia Company established a colony along the James River. Colonistsdid not plant enough food crops because they wanted to search for gold.Colonists seized food from the Indians, which led to warfare. After several diffi­cult years, the colony's economy improved because of the export of its tobaccocrop to England.

Unit 11 Chapter 3 Section 4 Quiz 45

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